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Good Luck: Professor M.

Moness Page 1 of 3

Minia University Faculty of Engineering
CSE Department First Year
Programming Languages(2), CSE211 Time allowed: 3 Hours.
Final Exam. (May, 11 2014) Max. Degree: 90

Attempt the following questions and assume any missing data

Question (I): 20 points
Plot the following relation in the shown locations:
(1) Figure 1: () ()

(2) Figure 2: () ()

(3) Figure 3: () () ()

(4) Figure 4: ( )


(5) Figure 5:
( ) ()

() ()


I n each case illustrate titles, labels and any necessary information.

Good Luck: Professor M. Moness Page 2 of 3

Question (II): 20 points
(2.1) Given the following assignment statements:
ch1 = Samir ; ch2 = First Year ; ch3 = Programming Language ;
What are the outputs of the following statements:
a = char(ch1 , ch2 , ch3) b = a(1,:)
c = size(b) d = strcat(ch1 , ch2 , ch3)
e = strvcat(ch1 , ch2 , ch3) f = isstrprop(ch3, upper)
(2.2) Evaluate the following assignment statements:
(i) x = real(2 + 3j) (ii) y = conj(5*i 15)
(iii) z = [1 : 3 : 11].*[5 :-1:2] (iv) L = 5>= [ 7 -4 2 ; 0 8 5]
(v) M = ( 6 >=7 || 2 ~=3 && 5<=6) (vi) N = ceil(-4.99) + floor(2.6)
(vii) Q = 4\8*2^3/4 (viii) R = eye(3)*diag( [2 -5 7] )

Question (III) :15 points
Design a MATLAB, using the switch structure to display the name of the
month (January, February, .., December), corresponding to a given
positive integer n (n=1, 2, , and 12).You must check your inputs.

Question (IV): 16 points
Design a MATLAB function to compute the approximate value of using n-
terms of the following infinite series ( you must check your inputs):

Question (V): 12 points
(1) Write MATLAB statements to create the following nxn matrix


(2) Convert the matrix A to a sparse matrix As and find the following
matrices using sparse matrix function:
(a) ()

(b) () (c) ()

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Question (VI): 20 points
(1) How many times fprintf may be executed in the following MATLAB
(2)What are the outputs of executing this MATLAB segment (n , m, b, and
a = [ 1 0 3 ; -1 2 0]; m = 1;
b = m*a ;
for k = a
for n = 1:length(a)
if n = m
c = a.^n ;
fprintf(n = %6.3f m = %f6.3 and c = %f8.3\n ,n , m , c)
m = m+1 ;
fprintf(b = %f6.3 n = %f6.3 m = %f6.3\n b , m)

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