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Krivenko v.

Register of Deeds of Manila

FACTS: Alenxander A. Kriventor alien, bought a residential lot fro the Magdalena !state, "n#., in De#eber of $%&$,
the registration of 'hi#h 'as interru(ted b) the 'ar. "n Ma), $%&*, he sought to a##o(lish said registration but 'as
denied b) the register of deeds of Manila on the ground that, being an alien, he #annot a#+uire land in this ,urisdi#tion.
Krivenko then brought the #ase to the fourth bran#h of the Court of First "nstan#e of Manila b) eans of a #onsulta, and
that #ourt rendered ,udgent sustaining the refusal of the register of deeds, fro 'hi#h Krivenko a((ealed to this Court.
"SS-!: .hether or not an alien under our Constitution a) a#+uire residential land.
/!0D: Ratio: Se#. $, Art $1 of the Constitution talks about the #onservation and utili2ation of natural resour#es. The said
(rovision ebra#es all lands of an) kind of the (ubli# doain. "ts (ur(ose is to establish a (eranent and fundaental
(oli#) for the #onservation and utili2ation of all natural resour#es of the nation. Although it entions agri#ultural, tiber,
and ineral lands, the #ourt held that in deterining 'hether a (ar#el of land is agri#ultural, the test is not onl) 'hether it
is a#tuall) agri#ultural, but also its sus#e(tibilit) to #ultivation for agri#ultural (ur(oses. /en#e, 3(ubli# agri#ultural land4
'as #onstrued as referring to those lands that 'ere not tiber or ineral. Therefore, it in#ludes residential lands.
StatCon axi: "f the onl) issue is a #onstitutional +uestion 'hi#h is unavoidable, the #ourt should #onfront the +uestion
and de#ide the #ase on the erits.
/alili v. CA
FACTS: Sieon de 5u2an, an Aeri#an #iti2en, died soetie in $%67, leaving real (ro(erties in the 8hili((ines. /is
for#ed heirs 'ere his 'ido', defendant a((ellee 9herein (rivate res(ondent: /elen Me)ers 5u2an, and his son,
defendant a((ellee 9also herein (rivate res(ondent: David Re) 5u2an, both of 'ho are also Aeri#an #iti2ens. ;n
August %, $%7%, /elen exe#uted a deed of +uit#lai <Annex A=Co(laint>, assigning 9,: transferring and #onve)ing to
David Re) all her rights, titles and interests in and over six (ar#els of land 'hi#h the t'o of the inherited fro Sieon.
Aong the said (ar#els of land is that no' in litigation, . . . situated in ?agbaguin, Sta. Maria, ?ula#an, #ontaining an area
of 6,6%* s+uare eters, #overed b) Transfer Certifi#ate of Title @o. T=$AB*$& of the Registr) of Deeds of ?ula#an. The
+uit#lai having been registered, TCT @o. T=$AB*$& 'as #an#elled and TCT @o. T=$CBC*% 'as issued in the nae of
a((ellee David Re) 5u2an.
David Re) 5u2an sold said (ar#el of land to defendant=a((ellee 9also herein (rivate res(ondent: !iliano Cataniag,
u(on 'hi#h TCT @o. T=$CBC*% 'as #an#elled and TCT @o. T=$1BAC$<M> 'as issued in the latterDs nae.
8etitioners, 'ho are o'ners of the ad,oining lot, filed a #o(laint before the Regional Trial Court of Malolos, ?ula#an,
+uestioning the #onstitutionalit) and validit) of the t'o #onve)an#es E bet'een /elen 5u2an and David Re) 5u2an,
and bet'een the latter and !iliano Cataniag E and #laiing o'nershi( thereto based on their right of legal rede(tion
under Art. $6C$ * of the Civil Code.
"n its de#ision 6 dated Mar#h $B, $%%C, A the trial #ourt disissed the #o(laint. "t ruled that /elen 5u2anDs 'aiver of
her inheritan#e in favor of her son 'as not #ontrar) to the #onstitutional (rohibition against the sale of land to an alien,
sin#e the (ur(ose of the 'aiver 'as si(l) authori2e David Re) 5u2an to dis(ose of their (ro(erties in a##ordan#e 'ith
the Constitution and the la's of the 8hili((ines, and not to subvert the. ;n the se#ond issue, it held that the sub,e#t land
'as urbanF hen#e, (etitioners had no reason to invoke their right of rede(tion under Art. $6C$ of the Civil Code.
The /alilis sought a reversal fro the Court of A((eals 'hi#h, ho'ever, denied their a((eal. Res(ondent Court affired
the fa#tual finding of the trial #ourt that the sub,e#t land 'as urban. Citing Te,ido vs. Gaa#oa, 7 and Ha( vs. 5rageda, %
it further held that, although the transfer of the land to David Re) a) have been invalid for being #ontrar) to the
Constitution, there 'as no ore (oint in allo'ing herein (etitioners to re#over the (ro(ert), sin#e it has (assed on to and
'as thus alread) o'ned b) a +ualified (erson.
"SS-!: .hether or not the (rior invalid transfer #an be assailed.
/!0D: @o. "n fine, non=Fili(inos #annot a#+uire or hold title to (rivate lands or to lands of the (ubli# doain, ex#e(t onl)
b) 'a) of legal su##ession. C$
?ut 'hat is the effe#t of a subse+uent sale b) the dis+ualified alien vendee to a +ualified Fili(ino #iti2enI This is not a
novel +uestion. Juris(ruden#e is #onsistent that Kif land is invalidl) transferred to an alien 'ho subse+uentl) be#oes a
#iti2en or transfers it to a #iti2en, the fla' in the original transa#tion is #onsidered #ured and the title of the transferee is
rendered valid.K CC
A##ordingl), sin#e the dis(uted land is no' o'ned b) 8rivate Res(ondent Cataniag, a Fili(ino #iti2en, the (rior invalid
transfer #an no longer be assailed. The ob,e#tive of the #onstitutional (rovision E to kee( our land in Fili(ino hands E
has been served.
0lantino v. Co 0iong Chong
FACTS: 8laintiffs <(etitioners herein> aver that the) are the o'ners of a #oer#ial=residential land situated in the
uni#i(alit) of Lira#, Catanduanes, des#ribed in (aragra(h C of the #o(laint, 'hi#h soetie in $%*& the) leased to the
defendant <(rivate res(ondent> 'ho 'as then a Chinese national and 'ent b) the nae of Co 0iong Chong for a (eriod of
$1 )ears for the su of 86,$*B.BB for the 'hole (eriod. The defendant 'as (la#ed in (ossession of the (ro(ert) but
kno'ing that the (eriod of the least 'ould end 'ith the )ear $%6A, (etitioners re+uested (rivate res(ondent for a
#onferen#e but the latter did not honor the re+uest and instead he infored the (etitioners that he had alread) #onstru#ted
a #oer#ial building on the land 'orth 8*B,BBB.BBF that the lease #ontra#t 'as for a (eriod of sixt) <6B> )ears, #ounted
fro $%*&F and that he is alread) a Fili(ino #iti2en. The #lai of Chong #ae as a sur(rise to the 0lantinos be#ause the)
did not reeber having agreed to a sixt)=)ear lease agreeent as that 'ould virtuall) ake Chong the o'ner of the
realt) 'hi#h, as a Chinese national, he had no right to o'n and neither #ould he have a#+uired su#h o'nershi( after
naturali2ation subse+uent to $%*&. ;n De#eber $6, $%6A, in order to avoid a #ourt litigation the 0lantinos on#e ore
invited Chong to a #onferen#e about the atter but again Chong ignored the invitation.
"t 'as also aditted that Chong had in fa#t #onstru#ted a building of strong aterials on the land 'orth 8&B,BBB.BB
<Rollo, (. $CF Re#ord on A((eal, (. $*>F that Chong has be#oe a naturali2ed Fili(ino #iti2en in $%6$ and that his nae is
no longer Co 0iong Chong but Juan Molina <Rollo, (. $CF Re#ord on A((eal, (. $*>.
"SS-!: .hether or not the #ontra#t of lease entered into b) and bet'een the (etitioners in#luding Lirgilio 0lantino no'
de#eased and (rivate res(ondent on ;#tober *, $%*& for a (eriod of sixt) <6B> )ears is valid.
/!0D: Hes. A lease to an alien for a reasonable (eriod is valid. So is an o(tion giving an alien the right to bu) real
(ro(ert) on #ondition that he is granted 8hili((ine #iti2enshi(. Aliens are not #o(letel) ex#luded b) the Constitution
fro use of lands for residential (ur(oses. Sin#e their residen#e in the 8hili((ines is te(orar), the) a) be granted
te(orar) rights su#h as a lease #ontra#t 'hi#h is not forbidden b) the Constitution. Should the) desire to reain here
forever and share our fortune and isfortune, Fili(ino #iti2enshi( is not i(ossible to a#+uire <8hili((ine ?anking
Cor(oration vs. 0ui She, C$ SCRA *C 9$%6A:, #iting Krivenko vs. Register of Deeds, A% 8hil. &6$ 9$%&A:>.
Register of Deeds v. -ng Sui Si Te(le
FACTS: The Register of Deeds for the (rovin#e of Ri2al refused to a##e(t for re#ord a deed of donation exe#uted in due
for on Januar) CC, $%*1, b) Jesus D), a Fili(ino #iti2en, #onve)ing a (ar#el of residential land, in Caloo#an, Ri2al,
kno'n as lot @o. C, blo#k &7=D, 8SD=&C$C, 5.0.R.;. Re#ord @o. $$C6A, in favor of the unregistered religious
organi2ation K-ng Siu Si Te(leK, o(erating through three trustees all of Chinese nationalit). The donation 'as dul)
a##e(ted b) Hu Juan, of Chinese nationalit), founder and dea#oness of the Te(le, a#ting in re(resentation and in behalf
of the latter and its trustees.
The refusal of the Registrar 'as elevated en Consultato the "Lth ?ran#h of the Court of First "nstan#e of Manila. ;n
Mar#h $&, $%*1, the Court u(held the a#tion of the Ri2al Register of Deeds, sa)ing:
The +uestion raised b) the Register of Deeds in the above trans#ribed #onsulta is 'hether a deed of donation of a (ar#el of
land exe#uted in favor of a religious organi2ation 'hose founder, trustees and adinistrator are Chinese #iti2ens should be
registered or not.
"t a((earing fro the re#ord of the Consulta that -@5 S"- S" T!M80! is a religious organi2ation 'hose dea#oness,
founder, trustees and adinistrator are all Chinese #iti2ens, this Court is of the o(inion and so hold that in vie' of the
(rovisions of the se#tions $ and * of Arti#le M""" of the Constitution of the 8hili((ines liiting the a#+uisition of land in
the 8hili((ines to its #iti2ens, or to #or(orations or asso#iations at least sixt) (er #entu of the #a(ital sto#k of 'hi#h is
o'ned b) su#h #iti2ens ado(ted after the ena#tent of said A#t @o. CA$, and the de#ision of the Su(ree Court in the #ase
of Krivenko vs. the Register of Deeds of Manila, the deed of donation in +uestion should not be aditted for aditted for
registration. <8rinted Re#. A((. (( $A=$7>.
@ot satisfied 'ith the ruling of the Court of First "nstan#e, #ounsel for the donee -) Siu Si Te(le has a((ealed to this
Court, #laiing: <$> that the a#+uisition of the land in +uestion, for religious (ur(oses, is authori2ed and (eritted b) A#t
@o. CA$ of the old 8hili((ine Coission, (roviding as follo's:
S!CT";@ $. "t shall be la'ful for all religious asso#iations, of 'hatever sort or denoination, 'hether in#or(orated in the
8hili((ine "slands or in the nae of other #ountr), or not in#or(orated at all, to hold land in the 8hili((ine "slands u(on
'hi#h to build #hur#hes, (arsonages, or edu#ational or #haritable institutions.
S!C. C. Su#h religious institutions, if not in#or(orated, shall hold the land in the nae of three Trustees for the use of su#h
asso#iationsF . . .. <8rinted Re#. A((. (. *.> and <C> that the refusal of the Register of Deeds violates the freedo of religion
#lause of our Constitution 9Art. """, Se#. $<A>:.
"SS-!: .hether or not a deed of donation should be registered.
/!0D: .e are of the o(inion that the Court belo' has #orre#tl) held that in vie' of the absolute ters of se#tion *, Title
M""", of the Constitution, the (rovisions of A#t @o. CA$ of the old 8hili((ine Coission ust be deeed re(ealed sin#e
the Constitution 'as ena#ted, in so far as in#o(atible there'ith. "n (roviding that, E
Save in #ases of hereditar) su##ession, no (rivate agri#ultural land shall be transferred or assigned ex#e(t to individuals,
#or(orations or asso#iations +ualified to a#+uire or hold lands of the (ubli# doain in the 8hili((ines, the Constitution
akes no ex#e(tion in favor of religious asso#iations. @either is there an) su#h saving found in se#tions $ and C of Arti#le
M""", restri#ting the a#+uisition of (ubli# agri#ultural lands and other natural resour#es to K#or(orations or asso#iations at
least sixt) (er #entu of the #a(ital of 'hi#h is o'ned b) su#h #iti2ensK <of the 8hili((ines>.
The fa#t that the a((ellant religious organi2ation has no #a(ital sto#k does not suffi#e to es#a(e the Constitutional
inhibition, sin#e it is aditted that its ebers are of foreign nationalit). The (ur(ose of the sixt) (er #entu re+uireent
is obviousl) to ensure that #or(orations or asso#iations allo'ed to a#+uire agri#ultural land or to ex(loit natural resour#es
shall be #ontrolled b) Fili(inosF and the s(irit of the Constitution deands that in the absen#e of #a(ital sto#k, the
#ontrolling ebershi( should be #o(osed of Fili(ino #iti2ens.
To (erit religious asso#iations #ontrolled b) non=Fili(inos to a#+uire agri#ultural lands 'ould be to drive the o(ening
'edge to revive alien religious land holdings in this #ountr). .e #an not ignore the histori#al fa#t that #o(laints against
land holdings of that kind 'ere aong the fa#tors that s(arked the revolution of $7%6.
As to the #o(laint that the dis+ualifi#ation under Arti#le M""" is violative of the freedo of religion guaranteed b)
Arti#le """ of the Constitution, 'e are b) no eans #onvin#ed <nor has it been sho'n> that land tenure is indis(ensable to
the free exer#ise and en,o)ent of religious (rofession or 'orshi(F or that one a) not 'orshi( the Deit) a##ording to the
di#tates of his o'n #ons#ien#e unless u(on land held in fee si(le.

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