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FINAL Review Name: __________________________________________

(Part 1) Period: ___ Date: _________________________

1) Describe the condition of the South after the Civil War. towns, cities , railroads, farms destroyed
- plantations have no slaves to work land
2) Reconstruction was not only the rebuilding of the South butthe readmitting of southern states
into the Union
!) "incoln#s plan for Reconstruction was called$ Ten Percent Plan
%) Why did Radical Republicans disli&e "incoln#s plan' Repub. want to punish South, incoln is
being too easy and forgiving to the South
() What govt. organi)ation helps blac&s * whites in the South after the war' !reedmen"s #ureau
+) ,ohnson beco-es .resident because of this assassin$ $ohn %ilkes #ooth shots incoln
8) Citi)ens have e0ual protection under law * the state -ust follow dues process of law$ &'
1) What did the Reconstruction 2ct do the punish * control the South' rewrite state constitutions, )
military districts, ratify &'
(mend, blacks vote * e+-,onfederates cannot vote-hold office
13) Why does Congress try to i-peach ,ohnson' $ohnson is helping the South resist
11) 4hose that -ove South to ta&e advantage 5so-e to help)' carpetbaggers
12) .rocess where blac&s beco-e trapped into a new for- of slavery$ sharecropping
1!) 6ow did the election of 18/+ end Reconstruction' .ayes promises to remove military if
allowed to win election
1%) 4wo ways that blac&s were denied their voting rights$ Poll ta+es and iteracy tests
1() ,i- Crow laws were legal so long as 7separate but e0ual8 in this court case$ Plessy v. !erguson
1+) Push 9actor : conditions that drive people fro- their ho-e.
1/) Pull 9actor : conditions that attract people to a new country
18) 74he ;ew Colossus8 can be found at base of the Statue of iberty.
11) <--igrants settle in cities : in areas called ethnic neighborhoods for a sense of safety *
23) =nsafe> crowded apart-ents in the city$ tenements
21) 2 boo& that shows how the poor live$ .ow the /ther .alf ives
22) ,ane 2dda-s creates these 7ho-es8 to help the poor$ settlement house 0 .ull .ouse
Amendment: outlaws slavery 15
Amendment: cannot stop voting based on
race or skin color
2%) 2 law that is a good e?a-ple of nativis-$ ,hinese 1+clusion (ct
;ativists feared that i--igrants would ta&e their 2obs
INDUSTRY Chapter 23
2() 4his factor helped industry be -ore efficient * created new businesses$ inventions
2+) Consu-ers influence what business produces> private ownership of business @ capitalism
2/) <dea that govt. should have as little to do with the econo-y as possible$ laisse3-faire
28) 4he principle of scarcity-supply * demand i-pacts the price of goods. 4oo -uch of a good> the
cost will decrease and not enough of a good> it As cost will increase.
21) When a co-pany ta&es over other co-panies to create one large co-pany$ consolidation
!3) Why is co-petition so i-portant' keeps prices low and improves 4uality of goods
!2) When one business control all or -ost of an industry$ monopoly
!!) 4he -ost fa-ous 2-erican inventor : patents over 1333 ite-s5 Thomas 1dison
!%) 6 9ord#s creation that -a&es cars cheaper$ assembly line
!() 9irst large successful union$ (merican !ederation of abor 6(!7
!+) Why did wor&ers for- unions 5goals of unions)' better pay, less hours, safer conditions and
end child labor
!/) What caused so-e to believe that unions were bad' .aymarket Riot ends with workers *
police being killed 0 strikes turn violent
!8) 4his event shows that the wor& place is not safe * regulations are needed$ Triangle Shirtwaist

New Immigrant isfrom S/E Europe, Asia, S.
America, after Civil War, Catholic
Old Immigrant isfrom /W Europe, prior to
Civil War, !rotestant
"! #organ, was so powerful he bailed out the !
go"t# during a depression$ %is ban& 'onsolidates
steel( shipping and railroads#
Carnegie, a !'ottish immigrant( 'ontrolled
the steel industr)# %is fa'tories made more
steel than *ritain$
$ockefeller, owned !tandard Oil + 'ontrolling o"er ,-. of the industr)# /"entuall) his 'ompan) was
bro&en up into se"eral oil 'ompanies that are still around toda)$

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