Anda di halaman 1dari 7

Prepositions after verbs and adjectives

1. The headmaster accused the boy of stealing.

2. I must apologise for not replying sooner, but Im afraid Ive been rather busy lately.
3. My parents dont approve of smoking.
4. Do you believe in ghosts?
5. I look forward to seeing you again.
6. Now then, John, remember that Im relying on you to see that theres no trouble at the party on
7. The piece of paper burst into flames.
8. One person I always laugh at when I see him on television is Bossi.
9. Im very interested in history. I find it fascinating.
10. I think my girlfriend is getting tired of me.
11. Who is responsible for spilling ink over my book?
12. Can you think about a synonym for stubborn?
13. I have always thought for this problem.
14. My wife is always complaining about her boss.
15. Is she ok? I havent heard of her for two months!
16. It amazes me how some women can cope with both a job and a family.
17. There cant be many people in the world who have never heard of the Beatles.
18. I object to the way some people look down on you just because you happen to be a foreigner.
19. The man was arrested and charged with murder.
20. Although Ive tried many times, Ive never once succeeded to giving up smoking for more than
a few days.


Newspaper Misprints
In each of the following extracts from a newspaper there is a misprint. Underline the word which is
and also write down which word should have been used instead.
1. Lost: black and white kitchen, four months old, farm Road area. (kitten)
2. Police say the car was later found abandoned 500 years away in a car park off Bridge Road.
3. Three old men sat on the wench, eating sandwiches. (bench)
4. February 18th, at Grove Road, Bristol, to Mr and Mrs Andrew Burgess, a daughter (bath well).
5. The dog was seen swimming around unable to get out of the water. The police were old and they
asked the fire brigade for help. (Told)
6. He told police officers that he had met a man with a ginger bear in the pub who has offered him
7. Pedigree Alsatian pubs for sale. (puppies)
8. Infra-red ultra-violent lamp for sale. (violet)
9. Enjoy our large airy rooms for small families. Home-type food, diets catered for Scandinavian
pastries, home-made pies, country fresh eggs. Hospital is the aim here. (hospitality)
10. Evening course: Bras rubbing, starts March 17th for 6 weeks. (Brass)
11. Gardener required, part-time, 8 hours per weed. (week)
12. Fifty paperback boots, assorted, $4. (books)
13. Day and night security officers wanted. $80 per week whilst raining. (while)
14. Herring aid, behind the ear type. No wires, unused. (hearing)
15. Sin problems? Also acne. Telephone us for free consultation. (Skin)
16. We should all take care of our wildlife as, with the treat of a nuclear war hanging over us, we
should be happy while we can and try to protect all birds. (threat)
17. Gardens dug, widows washed, and chimneys swept, in Swansea area. (windows)
18. Modern, semi-detached resident for sale. $35,000. (residence)
19. Forecast: some bright intervals with shattered showers. (scattered )
20. New bride, complete with bit and reins. (bridle )

Contoh Capital Letter

1 Capital
letter digunakan
pada huruf
pertama pada
setiap kalimat.
The sun rises from the east and
sets in the west. (Matahari terbit
dari timur dan tenggelam di barat.)

2 Capital
letter digunakan
pada huruf
pertama dari
suatu kalimat
mengikuti colon
(titik dua)
The organization has a condition
for us to be accepted as a
member: Our age is over 13 years.
(Organisasi tersebut mempunyai
syarat untuk kita dapat bergabung
sebagai anggota: umur kita lebih
dari 13 tahun.)

3 Capital
letter digunakan
pada 1st person
pronoun: I
Atiek and I got the appreciation
for our recent research. (Atiek dan
saya mendapat penghargaan untuk
penelitian terbaru kami.)

4 Capital
letter digunakan
pada salutations
dan closing (pen
utup) pada surat
Dear friend, My dearest darling,

Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely,

5 Capital
letter digunakan
pada berbagai
macam judul
(title) seperti:
buku, artikel,
Namun article (
a, an, the),
short prepositio
n (at, in,
between, dll),
pada infinitive,
dan subordinat
conjunction (an
d, or, but, dll)
tidak ikut
kecuali jika
The Principles of Physics

merupakan kata
pertama dari
6 Capital
letter digunakan
pada title (gelar)
atau doctor,
hanya jika
merujuk pada
orang tertentu.
Jika merujuk
pekerjaan, cap
ital lettertidak
Everytime I see Professor
Ramdhan, I want to be a
great professor. (Setiap saat saya
melihat Profesor Ramdhan, Saya
ingin menjadi seorang profesor
yang hebat.)

7 Capital
letter digunakan
pada kata yang
menyatakan fam
relationship keti
ka atau
substitusi suatu
nama (tidak
ketika family
relationship dia
oleh modifier be
rupa possessive
adjective) atau
bagian dari
I has called Grandma. You should
call your grandmother too. [your=
possessive adjective] (Saya telah
menghubungi nenek. Kamu
seharusnya menghubungi
nenekmu juga.)

I like Aunt Anna. I like my Aunt
Anna. My aunt is very kind.

8 Capital
pada proper
spesific person (orang)
atau thing(benda, hal)
Dahlan Iskan, Ford MotorCompany

days of the week (nama hari dalam
satu minggu), months of the
year(nama bulan dalam satu
tahun),holidays (nama hari libur)
Sunday, December,Thanksgiving

historic events (peristiwa
the English Civil War, FirstCrusade, Machine Age

geographical locations (lokasi-
lokasi geografis)
Mount Everest, Pacific Ocean,Oak Street

countries (negara), languages (bah
asa),nationalities (kebangsaan)
Denmark, Danish, Danish;Turkey, Turkish, Turkish; Japa
n,Japanese, Japanese

planets (planet) Jupiter, Mars, Mercury

trademarks (merek dagang) Nokia, Ferrari, Bread Talk
As we drove to Memphis, we saw the Mississippi River to our left
Did judge Gershen speak at the rally on the fourth of July ?
Linda attended a school in Pennsylvania before entering Wildwood High School this year.
While searching for a Northeastern route around north America, Henry Hudson discovered Hudson
Until this year I had never read John Keatss poem Ode to a Grecian urn.
During Christmas vacation we travelled from Seattle to Portland on mountain railroad to visit my
To get to Victoria park, go south on route 74.
During my junior year, my favourite courses were American history and art.
We saw the play Two Gentlemen of Verona at the Shubert theatre on forty-fourth street.
Georgias family is moving to the southwest next month.

Penggunaan a/an secara lebih terperinci

Every night, I take a coffee for my father and we begin talk about business,
football, and many other things. (Dalam kalimat ini, tidak begitu spesifik jenis
kopi apa yang dihidangkan. Tidak ada kopi spesifik yang mereka sukai dan tentu
mereka bisa saja berganti-ganti jenis kopi.)

Call a policeman when you see the robber walk here. (Kalimat tersebut hanya
menunjukkan bahwa seseorang diharuskan untuk memanggil polisi, siapapun itu
apakah ia polisi gemuk, kurus, wanita, atau pria, tentu tidak masalah. Karena
yang terpenting adalah polisi.)

Ingat bahwa penggunaan a/an harus melihat pada kata huruf yang paling awal di
sebuah kata. Jika konsonan, maka gunakanlah a, dan jika vocal maka gunakanlah
an. Berikut aturan lengkap sistem penggunaan kedua hal tersebut.

- A + Sebuah kata benda yang mempunyai konsonan di awal kata. Contoh : a zoo,
a mountain, a chair, a bike, a fan, a book, dan a ruler.

- A + Sebuah kata benda yang dimulai dengan bunyi konsonan. Meskipun kata
benda ini dimulai dengan huruf vocal, tetapi jika bunyinya konsonan maka sudah
pasti tetap menggunakan A. Contoh : a university, a user, dan a unit. Ketiga kata
benda tersebut memang diawali dengan huruf vocal, namun kesemuanya dibaca
dengan awalan yoo (yoo-zer, yoo-nit).

- An + Sebuah kata benda yang diawali dengan huruf vokal baik penyebutannya
maupun kata-katanya itu sendiri. Contoh : an apple, an airplane, an axe, an ant,
an egg, dan an idiot.

Itulah hal-hal yang harus Anda ketahui dalam penggunaan a/an, kemudian pada
tahap selanjutnya Anda akan diberikan pemahaman khusus mengenai penggunaan

Penggunaan the secara lebih terperinci

I usually read the book in a bus when I go to school. (Kita disini sedang berbicara
sebuah buku yang sudah jelas maksudnya. Bisa jadi, seseorang di dalam kalimat
tersebut hanya membaca satu buah buku setiap ia berangkat sekolah.)

I am going give you thevideo game next week. (Video game yang akan diberikan
sudah jelas maksudnya, mungkin video game tersebut merupakan video game
favorit yang sangat diinginkan oleh lawan bicara seseorang dalam kalimat

Secara garis besar, penggunaan the dalam kalimat verbal dan tulisan mencakup
kepada hal tersebut. Kemudian, ada aturan penting mengenai penggunaan the
dalam sistem geografi yang akan dijelaskan dalam poin-poin berikut ini.

Jangan gunakan The pada sistem Geografi berikut ini:
1. Sebagian besar negara atau wilayah (Misalkan Canada, China, New Zealand)
2. Kota, ibu kota kota atau negara (Misalnya Ottawa, Paris, California, France)
3. Jalan (Misalnya Front Street, Lakeview Avenue, Dogwood Crescent)
4. Danau (Misalnya Lake Ontario, Lake Placid, Bear Lake, Lake Toba)
5. Teluk (Misalnya Fundy Bay)
6. Gunung (Misalnya Kilimanjaro, Krakatau, Mount Everest)
7. Benua (Misalnya America, Africa, Australia, Asia)
8. Pulau (Sumatra, Java, Madagaskar)
Gunakan The sebelum nama-nama berikut ini:
1. Sungai, samudra, laut (misalnya the Mississippi River, the Atlantic Ocean, the
2. Teluk yang menggunakan bay di awal (misalnya the Bay of Fundy, the Bay of
3. Semenanjung (misalnya the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula)
4. Pegunungan (misalnya the Rockies, the Dolomites, the Laurentians, the Bukit
5. Kutub (misalnya the North Pole)


On the night of January, 11, 1983, Nancy Cruzan, a healthy,
the ~ of ~
twenty-five-year-old woman, lost control of her car while driving

in Jasper County, Missouri. As the car overturned, Nancy was
, situational and mentioned
thrown into the ditch. When the ambulance reached the ditch,
situational mentioned
the paramedics found her with no _ detectable breathing or
situational +noncount
_ heartbeat. Today Nancy lies in the Missouri state hospital,
+noncount only one
in what is described all too neatly as a "persistent vegetative
state." In reality, she lies in a bed in the hospital, horribly
+singular mentioned
contorted with _ irreversible muscular and _ tendon damage.
+noncount +noncount
She is fed through a tube in her side.

Excercise IV

Neither the shortstop nor the second baseman was able to catch the grounder.
Dont those fresh strawberries look absolutely delicious ?
Only two birds of the lawn have been moved.
There are two letters on the table for you
The song currently at the top of the cart has been there for six weeks
One of my neighbour is a helicopter pilot
Werent you notified of the change ?
The hammer and nails is in the toolbox
A person riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is a hazard to pedestrians.
Both of my brother have weekend jobs

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