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1 Date : .
2 Time : Actual time according to school time talk
9:05 9:45 am
not 40 min / 1 hr
!orm / "tandard / #rou$ / %lass :
4 &nrollment : 'o o( registered student
'o attendance to assist in $lanning grou$ acti)ities*
handout and assigning tasks.

5 "u+,ect : &nglish -riting . listening
/ To$ic : To$ic 0ou -ill +e teaching that da0
"tate 0our :
#eneral o+,ecti)es
"$eci(ic o+,ecti)es
/ #eneral 1+,ecti)es :
A generic and com$rehensi)e statement a+out goals and intention o( the
su+,ect / to$ic
2o- to determine general o+,ect 3
Asking 0oursel( 0our teaching su+,ect
To $ro)ide direction and de)elo$ sensiti)e to-ards long term o+,ecti)es
4e(erences :
"0lla+us and $hiloso$h0 +ooks* documentation*
%ommunit0 $erce$tion.
5 "$eci(ic o+,ecti)es :
"omething that 0ou -ould like to achie)e in one / t-o 6teaching 7
"$eci(ic and accurate
"tated +eha)iorall0
8ust +e a+le to o+ser)e and measure
"tudent oriented
Attaina+le +0 students
9 :alues ;nculcation :
4e(er to )alues list
%an choose more that 1'&
8ust +e related to to$ic
8ust +e rele)ant to contents
"$eci(icall0 (or <ahasa 8ela0u* ;nculcation o( kno-ledge and )alues
9 "trategies (or ;nculcating :alues
Direct A$$roach 6res$ect $arents7
;ndirectl0 6listening to the stor0 7 e=am$le gi)en analog0
Dail0 routine
Teacher as model / e=am$le )alues must +e %1'T&>T?A@
10 @esson %ontent :
<rie( 6-rite onl0 reading* re(erence* te=t+ook* s0lla+us7
2eading onl0 6$oints7
4e(erences : "0lla+us* Te=t+ook* "0lla+us guideline
;t is not necessar0 to : -rite* an essa0* -asting time
eg: <entuk muka +umi dan $otensin0a.
Aeadaan muka +umi
Broses $em+entukan
Aesan terhada$ kehidu$an manusia

11 Bu$ilCs Bre)ious Ano-ledge.
State (clearly)
What had been tauht !
By the teacher
By "ther teacher
In #re$%"u& '"r(
What &tudent& had already )n"*
Re'erence t"
8ust +e related -it to$ic
8ust +e hel$(ul to learning
Dh0 3 0ou de)elo$ (rom the $re)ious kno-ledge +uild (rom -hat
12 4e(erence "ource 6s7
"TAT& (rom -hich source 6s7
Al Euran* sunah..)erse..
Al 2adith
De-an <ahasa
'e- "traits Times
also "TAT&
date* $age* 3
6i7 To im$ro)e the sensiti)it0 to-ards the o( reading materials
in $re$aring the lesson $lan.
6ii7 ;ncrease the accounta+ilit0
1 Teaching @earning 4esources
A ne- to re$lace FA:AG H ABD.
"tate an0 resource that -ill +e used :
Dhite roll +oard
Audio %assette
8a$ o( "outheast Asia
8ono$ol0 game* etc
%halk+oard* chalk* teacher* te=t+ooks* -ork+ooks.
Bre$are hard*are , (ed%a re&"urce& "nly %' nece&&ary. ;t uses must +e
meaning(ul and hel$(ul in achie)ing the o+,ecti)es.
'ot all lesson
4eminder : 8eaning(ul
Actual @esson
Teacher -ill +e e)aluated
"et ;nduction
1riginates (rom ;'D?%& to mean*
<rings or cause something to ha$$en / create
Bresent the lesson
"et ;nduction 6
A $rocess it +rings to students to a conscious le)el to learn.
8entall0* Bh0sicall0* &motionall0
Teacher doing something to attract studentCs attention
A teacher
"D;T%2 1'
"et ;nduction 6Bur$ose7.
Arouse students interest in to$ic.
&ngage learners in learning.
Delete contents to students e=$eriences.
Bre$are students (or ne- lesson.
Acti)e +ackground kno-ledge.
A teacher -ould ask a+out $re)ious kno-ledge.
<ut* the0 are other -a0s
"et ;nduction
@esson De)elo$ment
%losure / "ummar0
Set Induct%"n
'ot necessar0 has to ask Iuestion
'ot necessar0 ,ust one Iuestion
8ust not +e too long 6a)erage 5 minutes7
'ot restricted to the +eginning o( the lesson onl0
Set Induct%"n
8ust +e
i. ;nteresting
ii. Deli)erance to the to$ic
iii. "uita+le -ith the age in maternit0 le)el
Doing something sur$rising
%on)e0ing something that is Iuestiona+le
"tating a $ro+lem
?sing media
Deleting a stor0 / an interesting e)ent
Discussing a contro)ersial issue
Teachers actions and (acial e=$ression
I(#le(entat%"n :
<rie( 6+ut meaning(ul7
&ngaging and e=citing
"timulating / moti)ating
@esson ;ntroduction 6skills7
1 Dra-ing attention
- :er+al* nonK)er+al: e0e contact
- A:AJ resources
- "hi(ting interaction $attern
2 %reating 8oti)ation
- (riendliness J enthusiasm
- stimulation curiosit0
- elements o( sur$rise
- stor0
- acti)ities
"$eci(0ing task and e=$ectation
4 "ho-ing rele)ance / relationshi$
%om$are / contact something that is common
Delete -ith $re)ious kno-ledge
4elate -ith current e)ents / student interest
De)elo$ment : %ru= o( the lesson state in seIuence each ste$ in detail.
"tate clearl0 all methods* a$$roaches or techniIue manner o( in)ol)ement.
%om$uter : -hole de)elo$ment stage. 4e(lects care(ul and in(ormed
C"(("n Wea)ne&&e&
Teacher centered / teacher oriented
;nsu((icient $u$il in)ol)ement
;nsu((icient $u$il acti)it0
;nsu((icient $u$il $u$il interaction
<oring / unsuita+le instructional strategies
;nsu((icient Iuestioning o( $u$ils )er0 lo- le)el o( Iuestions
;m+alance in the distri+ution o( +et-een teacherCs de)elo$ment and
$u$ils acti)ities.
Dhat -ill +e e)aluated
i. the -hole $lan
ii. deli)er0
- )oice 6)aria+ilit0 in intonation7
- language 6standard in suita+le7
- tem$o 6reacting accordingl0 to the une=$ected7
- Iuestioning techniIues
- le)el o( Iuestioning
- teaching strategies
- assimilation o( )alues
- mannerism
- use o( resources
- use o( chalk+oard
- student in)ol)ement
- classroom organiLation
- teacher student
- condition routine
- disci$line
2o- to close* summariLe in
1 %ogniti)e %losure
4e)ising / a statement o( main $oints
2 "ocial %losure
Cl"&ure Techn%.ue
1 4e)ising / restatement o( $oints
- teacher centred
- students centred
- teacher student centred
2 &m$hasiLing on elements that can +e emulated
the main $oints lesson o+,ecti)es )alues* education* goals
4 #i)ing -ritten -ork* a IuiL* an acti)it0* a $ro+lemKsol)ing e=ercise etc.
E$aluat%"n , '"ll"*/u# act%$%t%e&
8easure the achie)ement o( learning o+,ecti)e 6s7 in the success o( the
- 1ral Iuestioning
- EuiL
- Ans-er -ritten Iuestions
- Ans-er and -rite on the +oard
- %om$lete a diagram
- Doing / assem+ling something
- 2ome-ork
F"ll"* u# Act%$%t%e&
&nrichment the rendition assignment $ro,ect
1$en +ook test
Additional reading
"el( e)aluation 6 com$ulsor0 (or teaching $ractice 7
- A com$ulsor0 acti)it0
- Drite A!T&4 each lesson 6reIuired7
- 4e(lect in -rite as o+,ecti)el0 / sincerel0 as $ossi+le
Ask :
As a -hole is teaching
- A com$ulsor0 acti)it0
- "atis(actor0
- Deak/(ail* o+,ecti)e accom$lished
D2M 3
2o- 3
Ask* 0oursel(* satis(ied 3 (rustrated 3 or
1+,ecti)e accom$lished 3
6 e)aluate each section o( @B 7
o+ser)e student (acial e=$ussion
lesson accom$lish or not 3
ask 0oursel(. Are 0ou satis(ied 3
S#ec%'%c Ob0ect%$e&
@earning o+,ect
@earning targets
<eha)ioral o+,ecti)es
Ber(ormance o+,ecting
F s$eci(ies -hat 0ou -ould like students to +e a+le to do* )alue or (eel
at the F at the com$letion o( an instructional

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