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July/August 2014
2 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
n our increasingly superfcial
culture, many moral decisions
are made based on surface
appearances, emotional reactions
to those appearances, and an
alarming lack of intellectual or
volitional activity to check those
emotional reactions. Tis has
serious ramifcations for all of us,
including integral Catholics who
want to evangelize the larger society of which we are a part.
Whereas many of the issues we might consider as specimens
of this would be on the left side of the cultural divide
abortion, contraception, divorce, etc. I will focus on only one
issue, and keep myself to censuring those on the right side of
that divide. (And the word right has a double meaning here.)
Te issue is homosexuality. I am taking issue with those
who are fundamentally correct in opposing the vice, but in-
adequately rooted in their principles and therefore unreliable in
their actions.
Te sin of Sodom is one of the the sins that cry to Heaven
for vengeance, as listed in numerous ofcial catechisms,
including the Douay Catholic Catechism of 1649, the Catechism
of Saint Pius X, and the more recent Catechism of the Catholic
Church (#1867). It is grave matter, which means that to commit
it is a mortal sin, i.e., something so heinous that one instance
of it alone is sufcient to merit its practitioner an eternity of
damnation in hell, unless he repents.
It is also physically disgusting. Te various acts associated
with homosexuality carry inherent health threats that shorten
peoples life spans almost twice as much as smoking does. Fur-
ther, homosexuality is associated with a variety of subcultures
that go from raunchy, to raunchier, to raunchiest.
Te childish interjection one might be tempted to utter when
hearing all this is Yuck!
It is, of course, natural for children as well as adults to reel
back in revulsion like this. But, whereas we hope children never
have to hear about these things or comment on them (we must
respect the veil of their innocence), adults must learn to get
beyond saying Yuck! Tey must transcend the Yuck Factor.
Why? Because merely being repulsed by something that is morally
ofensive is not sufcient.
Homosexual acts are physically repulsive, as we said. But the
same may be said for many other things: e.g., killing chickens,
slaughtering cattle, fertilizing felds with dung, and much else
that is associated with agriculture, horticulture, and animal
husbandry. Yet chicken soup, a good steak, and farm-fresh
fruits and vegetables are all wonderfully delicious and fortifying.
Te same person that might wince at seeing Bambi dressed or
Tumper skinned might really enjoy some delicious Venison
Carne Guisada, Bigos, or Hasenpfefer.
In these cases the physically grotesque aspect of the thing
must be gotten over so that we see the intended good that lies
beyond the yuck. Such things can serve as rites of passage
for boys whose fathers take them hunting. And this is good for
them; it teaches them to use their reason as human beings, and
to get beyond the merely visceral reaction even to viscera.
In the case of sodomy or other homosexual acts, there is
an enormous diference. Yes, we must still use our reason as
human beings. But when we do so when we use our reason
enlightened not only by the natural law but also by Faith and
grace we conclude that sodomy is wrong not merely because
it is disgusting, but because it is an ofense against the Eternal
Law of God, both the natural law written on our hearts, and the
supernaturally revealed Law of the Gospel found in Scripture
and Tradition, and infallibly taught to us by Gods holy Church.
Further, it is not wrong because it is disgusting; it is disgusting
because it is wrong.
What might start of well as a mere revulsion for something
morally outrageous must mature into Christian convictions
based upon sound principles of Faith and reason.
Te Catholic young man who tries to outdo his peer in
bombastic bluster about queers is not more devoted to the
Churchs teaching thereby. His imitation of the neanderthal
crudities and vulgar language of the radio shock-jock does not
make for a strong moral stance. Neither does unreasonable anger
over the moral perversion of another. Such reactions are more
knee-jerk emotional responses than the fruits of deep-seated
Christian convictions.
Te danger in this, besides its not being particularly helpful
for the conversion of the homosexual, is that merely emotional
reactions can give way over time as the young man grows older
(if not more mature) and becomes horrifed at his formerly
hateful ways. In this case he might, in reacting against his earlier
reactions, become more-or-less indiferent to the matter of
homosexuality or other grave moral issues. (Yes, this happens.)
A potential apostle and evangelist has just been successfully
Said another way, if his opposition to homosexuality
does not mature beyond the emotional level (the level of the
passions) into willed convictions following an informed Catholic
conscience, our would-be culture warrior might easily saunter
into the enemy camp. Te homosexual agitprop network and its
allies in the information management business are past masters
at emotional manipulation; it is their domain.
Te answer, of course, is to guide young men into thinking
and believing rightly about this and other moral matters. All
this must be integrated into a robust sacramental and devotional
life, for to use the common parlance their hearts must
be formed as well as their heads. No, I would never suggest we
give up the struggle against homosexual activists (far be it from
me), nor am I opposed to teaching the young to detest all that
Br. Andr Marie, M.I.C.M.,
3 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
is unnatural and otherwise evil. But what is more pressing for
parents is raising children that are morally upright because they
have been properly formed in the truth, beauty, and goodness of
both the natural and supernatural orders and that, by a loving
family that lives and breathes the Faith in and out of the home.
Teaching boys to grunt out anti-homo mantras is not
the answer. Young men should, rather, learn to be Catholic
Gentlemen Cross-bearers, not knuckle-draggers.
Moreover, they should be formed to be saints. Tis means
that they should have both fortitude and meekness, both zeal for
their neighbors salvation and zeal for the triumph of the Church
over false religion, both love of God that reaches out to Him and
holy fear that puts us in reverent awe before His Majesty. From
its deep foundation of humility to its lofty spires of charity, the
edifce of virtue must be strongly built if the Christian soul is to
withstand the onslaughts of the world all the more so if our
intention is to sally forth into that world to evangelize it.
Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good
(Romans 12:21).
(Editors note: the previous piece was published on-line and
evoked so many diverse reactions, a follow-up piece was appropriate.
Tat piece here follows.)
Te YUM Factor
Tere were many interesting reactions to my piece, Te Yuck
Factor, which was posted on our website. Some accused me of
Manicheaism, Islamic voluntarism, rantings and ravings against
gay and lesbian people, insanity, innate, inbred bigotry, and
being simultaneously a closet gay and a homophobe. Others
thought the piece had merit, like the editors of,
and that intrepid Scotsman, Tony Fraser (son of Hamish Fraser),
of Apropros Magazine. Both these seasoned culture warriors saw
ft to reprint my ofering.
Te main force of my argument was that the Yuck! reaction
is simply not enough. Being essentially emotional (which is
good as far as it goes), it does not go far enough. We should not
dissuade the natural negative reaction people have to unnatural
impurity, but we ought to give it a stronger foundation.
Let me come to the reason I wrote the piece: In our
apostolate, we deal with a lot of families large, counter-
cultural families and I have witnessed frst hand the truth
that there are serious problems where the intellect and will are
insufciently developed beyond emotional reactions to evil.
Some Catholic readers thought I was saying that the Yuck!
reaction should be dissuaded or downplayed. I did not say
that at all. I said that this reaction alone is not sufcient to
sustain a sound Catholic moral sense through adolescence and
into adulthood. Te proof is all around us. Years ago, people
considered the topic I treated of as too revolting even to discuss,
much less parade in public. When I was about eight years old, an
evil TV program introduced a homosexual character (played by
Billy Crystal) into Americas living rooms. He was sympathetic,
funny, etc. Eventually, the superfcial abhorrence that Americans
had for homosexual acts was overcome. Sure, it took more that
one stupid sitcom to do it, but Soap stands as an example of
the homosexualist modus operandi.
Te bottom line is that our insufciently rooted moral sense
was overcome by emotional manipulation. We need to preserve
our youth from such manipulation.
How do we do that? By forming them through proper
Catholic childrearing and education. Tats a tall order today,
but its an order we must strive to fll. We must also discipline
our own minds by Catholic reading and study if we are to
have anything to ofer the young as alternatives to the lies of
this world.
Let us also be aware of our surroundings.
Anglo-America is primarily Protestant religiously. Protestant-
ism is, by nature, revolutionary and evolutionary. Further,
Protestants do not have a place for philosophy in their belief
The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
continued on next page
4 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
system, as the Jewish intellectual, Mortimer Adler, asserted,
accusing Luther and his progeny of violent anti-intellectualism.
Protestants tend to fll that vacuum with heavy emotion, at
the expense of reason. I think this has something to do with
Americas cultural decline and the turning upside-down of public
morality. Emotions are a poor substitute for reason; they can
easily swing to contrary extremes. Our nation has birthed some
pretty weird religions thanks to this (and, yes, thanks to other
factors as well).
Ironically, at the same time, Protestants lack beautiful
Catholic liturgy and sacramentality, and therefore have
insufcient aesthetic and emotional outlets for what they call
religion. Tis, combined with their faith-reason divide, might
serve to explain whatever truth lies behind that acerbic quip of
certain European intellectuals: America is the only country that
went from barbarism to decadence without knowing civilization.
I do not say that the remark is just, but lacking authentic
Christian roots has had its cultural efects on our nation.
Protestantism tends to separate what God has joined
together: ruler and believer (per Luther), faith and good works,
Scripture and Tradition, grace and merit, divine assistance and
the sacramental economy, belief and reason, etc.
For the well-formed Catholic, all these things are
integrated as is the man himself (intellect, will, passions,
body), under grace.
Our hatred for sin ought to penetrate all our faculties. Tis
is true of all sins, not only those that are most palpably evil.
What goes for the sin of Sodom goes also for the other three
sins that cry to heaven for vengeance, all of which, by the way,
are enshrined in our national politics and economics with
many supposed conservatives not caring one whit about the
victims of abortion, unjust wages, or usury. Yes, usury greedy,
rotten usury which robs mens souls, is how many respectable
white-collar workers earn their livings so that they might become
afuent, spoil their 2.2 children, and have the latest model Lexus
parked in the garage. Ditto for unjust wages, unjust prices, and
other anachronistic bits of Catholic social teaching. Many
who do so call themselves conservative, and that, because they
conserve a revolutionary order of things that puts money over
men and men over God (to paraphrase Father Fahey). Some
people need to learn the truth that the political left does not
have a monopoly on sin.
In the Litany of the Holy Ghost, we pray that the Paraclete
will inspire us with horror of sin. Why should we pray that?
Because such horror must be the fruit of grace. Te senses and
emotions of fallen man are not sufcient of themselves to give us
an adequate horror of sin.
Te Yuck factor is indeed not enough. If we rely upon it, it
could be overcome by the Yum Factor.
And what, pray tell, is that?
Its the allure of sin. Saint James (1:13-15) tells us of it in
soberingly evocative language:
Let no man, when he is tempted, say that he is tempted
by God. For God is not a tempter of evils, and he tempteth
no man. But every man is tempted by his own concupiscence,
being drawn away and allured. Ten when concupiscence hath
conceived, it bringeth forth sin. But sin, when it is completed,
begetteth death.
Concupiscence is portrayed as an evil seductress, conceiving
sin and giving birth to death.
Concupiscence, as we know, is the collective name of our
disordered passions, (also called appetites and emotions). Tey
are disordered because of the Fall, so much so that Saint
Alphonsus can refer to all my wicked passions which have
caused me to despise thy friendship, in his Stations of the Cross.
Grace heals these disorders so that we can imitate Jesus, true
God and true Man, who had the passions perfectly subject to
His human intellect and will, which were full of grace. And of
his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace (John 1:16).
Many wicked things do not appear to our senses to be
revolting; neither do they repulse our emotions. Consider the
Original Sin: And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat,
and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of
the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband who did
eat. (Genesis 3:6)
A wicked act, and most horrifc, but that fruit looked good,
fair, and delightful.
It is a Christian commonplace that God hates sin. But
we ought to impress upon our minds the stark truth of this
statement, which sounds so trite to our pseudo-sophisticated
ears. God hates sin, so we ought to hate sin, too. Tis is why we
are encouraged to pray, in the act of contrition, I detest all my
sins. We can each ask ourselves, Do I really detest all my
sins? Even my favorite ones in which I actually rejoice because
they give me so much pleasure? Or do I detest only the sins of
others which I fnd particularly galling?
Its time to deal ascetically with the Yum Factor in our lives.
Email Brother Andr Marie at
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5 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
ear reader, recently
this country witnessed
something that it
has not seen in decades. Te
Sleeping Giant of Catholicism
in the United States woke
up, albeit briefy. But in that
moment of consciousness it
dealt a blow to the Enemy
which sent it slithering from
the proud pedestals of Harvard Universitys Memorial Hall
into undisclosed locations.
Yes, at this very university that had helped to silence Father
Feeney as he proclaimed the necessity of belonging to the
Church for salvation back in the 1940s, a student cultural
studies group proudly announced that it would be hosting a
Black Mass this past May.
In response, 60,000 people signed a petition to stop the
blasphemous ritual. Holy Hours and Rosaries of reparation
were held across the country and a glorious Eucharistic
procession regaled the streets of Cambridge. Catholics were
unashamed to proclaim their Faith.
After such a militant display, the group perpetrating
the blasphemy prudently decided to relocate. Te planned
secondary location did not work out. Finally, the media
reported that the Black Mass was, at last, held in an
undisclosed location.
Yes, the Black Mass that was to be held publicly at Harvard
Universitys Memorial Hall was cancelled. In its place were
glorious displays of Catholic Faith and devotion. Rosaries in
reparation were changed to Rosaries of thanksgiving. Victory!
Triumph! A public blasphemy was prevented. Deo gratias!
Are those who practice True Devotion to the Blessed
Virgin Mary and are part of her Crusade comfortable
with her enemies activity, as long as it is in undisclosed
locations? Perhaps you would sleep just fne if the cobra on
your bedspread slithered quickly behind your bureau as you
snapped on your light?
Whatever it takes, be it politically correct heresy, publicized
blasphemy, or bloody persecution, God will eventually wake
up His Church. If we wait, it will indeed get worse.
Te question for you, dear reader, is whether you can be
spurred on to fght for the Faith when the enemy is merely in
undisclosed locations. Perhaps, you are so weak and lethargic
that you cannot be stirred to action until something publicly
outrageous comes to light, such as this publicized Black Mass.
Are you, perhaps, too comfortable to make waves among
your friends, relatives, and acquaintances? Too weak to pray,
sacrifce, and study to make yourself a better crusader?
For now, you might be spurred to action by considering,
for a moment, exactly what happened later, on that
gloriously triumphant May day, in undisclosed locations. A
Consecrated Host was desecrated. Our Lord Jesus Christ
was horribly outraged in His Sacrament of Love. Does this
bother you?
Consider again, that this same diabolic blasphemy
occurs across our country on a regular basis. Yes, this is the
crowningresult of the indiferentism that we are steeped in.
In other words, until the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and their friends take their crusading vocation seriously
(to the point of exerting themselves in prayer, work, and study
for the Faith) things will only get worse in our country and in
the world.
What should you be doing, that you are not? What
could you be doing, that you are not? Prayer, work, and
study. Are you utilizing your current state in life to
become a saint? Do you know what SAI is? Make an
accounting and make a change.
But, back to the victory in May. Victory is possible.
No, dear reader! Victory is promised! In the end, My
Immaculate Heart will Triumph, said Our Blessed Mother
at Fatima. And now, the only question is, will you be part of
the victory?
Email Sister Marie Trse, at
Sr. Marie Thrse, M.I.C.M.,
The Three Children of Fatima
Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta
6 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
(Brother Francis: On St.
Matthews Gospel Ch. 11)
nd from the days of John
the Baptist until now,
the Kingdom of Heaven
suffereth violence, and the
violent bear it away.
(St. Matthew 11:12)
I love it that nothing of
the words of our Blessed Lord has the mark of mediocrity.
They are never just a truism something that Confucius
could have said. It is better to light a candle than to curse
the darkness. [Somebody once said, If all we had against the
darkness of the world was one candle, I would rather curse the
Violence? Was Our Lord for violence? Well, He wasnt
for the violence of Cain.
Who introduced violence into the human story? Cain!
That violence has stayed with us right to our own time
right tonight as I am talking, there are Cains, murdering
unjustly, hatefully, enviously, in hatred of holiness.
That is the quintessence of the crime of Cain. What he
hated in Abel was that his sacrifice was acceptable to God.
He didnt say, how can I make my sacrifice acceptable to God,
but how can I get rid of my brother who seems to be more
favorable in the eyes of God. Well, that is obviously not the
violence that Our Lord was talking about.
We think of another kind of violence, the violence of
Elias the Prophet. That was a holy kind of violence, zeal for
the glory of God. He was inspired by God to slaughter four
hundred of the prophets of Baal, false prophets of a fake
non-entity, worshiped in place of God. That was violence.
But that is not the violence Our Lord is talking about here.
Our Lord is talking about the violence that you can see
by looking at John the Baptist. He never killed anybody. The
one victim of his violence was himself; the violence of those
who discipline themselves by penance and by sacrifice and
who expose themselves to real danger. This is a topic that is
very, very sensitive to my heart these days.
We hear people saying, Well, Father Feeney did some wrong
things. Yes, he did some wrong things. He exposed himself
to being hurt. If Father Feeney had not been willing to do
and say the things that brought upon him the smears of
the world and the persecutions he would never have
made a dent on the age in which we live. And the heresy of
liberalism would have triumphed gloriously!
I dont see any other way it could have been challenged or
stopped. Until a person is willing to say the truth in such a
way as to be willing to take the punishment for saying it, he
might as well save his breath and keep quiet.
I am so excited I almost cant sleep!
You are amazing!
-Katherine Bednar
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Cain and Abel
7 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
here are eight feast days
of the Blessed Mother
in the month of August,
one of these is in honor of her
apparition at Knock in Ireland.
Among the many appearances
of our Blessed Mother, the
following eight, in my opinion,
are the greatest: Te Miraculous
Medal, La Salette, Lourdes,
Knock, Fatima, Beauraing, Banneux and Guadalupe.
Te Miraculous Medal (1830)
Our own website is fruitful with articles on the Miraculous
Medal. From the Saint of the Day entry, we fnd November
27 is the feast of the lovely medal designed by the Mother of
God herself and given to a beautiful nun, [Saint] Catherine
Laboura Sister of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. Our
Lady appeared three times to Saint Catherine[telling her]
just how the medals in her honor should be made and designed.
On one side of each medal is an image of Mary, with the words,
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse
to thee. On the other side is the frst letter of the name Mary,
placed in the center with twelve stars around it, a cross just
above it, and the hearts of Jesus and Mary engraved just below
it. Tese miraculous medals are now called, in simplicity,
Mary medals. Countless favors and miracles have been
worked everywhere by the power
of the intercession of the Mother
of God through her Miraculous
La Salette (1846)
September 19 is the feast day
of Our Lady of La Salette. In that
year, on Mount La Salette, in
the south of France, Our Lady
appeared to two young shepherds,
Melanie and Maximin. Her eyes
were full of tears. [She sadly told]
them that her Sons arm was
getting so heavy she could hardly
prevent it falling and crushing
the world for its sins, and she
announced that punishments
and evils would follow if men did
not repent. Te Blessed Virgin
named three sins as causing the
anger of Heaven: blasphemy,
the profanation of Sunday, and
disregard for the laws of fasting
and abstinence. (From the article,
Catholic Stories, Edifying and
Terrifying on our website.)
Lourdes (1858)
February 11 is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. Saint
Bernadette Soubirous, a poor fourteen year-old peasant,
experienced eighteen visitations from Mary over a six
month period, never knowing who the Lady was until the
last apparition. During the ninth apparition, Mary instructed
Bernadette to dig a hole in the ground with her hands. From
that hole a spring of water issued forth which Mary promised
would be a healing spring for all who came to use its waters.
Bernadette became one of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Nevers
and died there in 1879 after a long and painful illness. She took
with her in death three uncommunicated secrets that the holy
Virgin gave her, which were only meant for her personally. One
of the most spectacular of all the incorruptibles, Bernadettes
miraculously preserved body remained buried in a damp grave
for thirty years until the cause for beatifcation was taken up.
Her body is in the chapel of the Church of Saint Gildard in
Nevers and still remains in open view for pilgrims. She was
placed in a chapel in the Church of St. Gildard at the convent
in Nevers where she lived for thirteen years.
Knock (1879)
Te feast day of Our Lady of Knock (Ireland) is August 21.
On that day, in the little village of Knock and County Mayo, in
Ireland, Our Lady appeared, speaking no words, to a group of
ffteen simple Irish peasants, grownups and children. Our Lady
wanted to bring to the Irish people by this childlike approach a
full appreciation of the mystery of
her glorious Assumption and her
Crowning as Queen of Heaven.
She also wanted to renew in the
Irish a great love for Saint Joseph,
her virginal husband, and for
Saint John the Evangelist, her
virginal adopted son, both of
whom appeared with her. Tis
apparition at Knock was one of
a series of many apparitions of
Our Lady that occurred in the last
century so as to let us know that
the Age of Mary has arrived.
(Taken from our website at
Fatima (1917)
Te Feast of Our Lady of
Fatima is May 13. I have written
about the famous Fatima prayers
in a previous Mancipia. Te frst
of the great Fatima apparitions,
to three children in Portugal,
occurred on May 13, 1917.
Brother John Marie Vianney,
M.I.C.M., Tert., Prefect
Prefect Column continued on page 12 Our Lady of La Salette
8 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
ay 18, 2014, was a beautiful Sunday on
which Our Lady was honored here in
Richmond, New Hampshire. On this
special day, during the Holy Mass, seven children
received their First Holy Communion. Following
the Mass, we had our May Procession. Flower petals
were strewn by the children before the Blessed
Mothers four statues at the diferent stations on
our grounds. Traditional hymns to Mary were sung
by a long queue of Saint Benedict Center religious,
families, and friends as they paraded behind the life-
sized Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima.
At each of the four statues, Our Lady was crowned
by one of the students from our Immaculate Heart
of Mary School. After the procession there was
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Would that All the World Might See
by a Sister, M.I.C.M.
Would that all the world might see
No role 'mongst men can guarantee
The bliss of Holy Slavery
To Mary.
Her subjects all, are royalty
Disguised in paupers finery,
Where shackles, forged of charity,
Are worn with subtle ecstasy
For love alone can remedy
The strain 'tween law and liberty.
Oh, would that all the world might see
That Slaves are mongst all men most free,
Who, serving, reign eternally
With Mary!
9 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
10 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
Adelphotheos: Brother of God
his was a title by which
the Apostle is honored in
the eastern Church. True,
it was by divine inspiration
that Saint Paul referred to Saint
James the Less in Galatians as
the brother of the Lord, but in
the Gospels so are his brothers
Simon, Jude, and Joseph, called Jesus brethren. James,
being the eldest of this family of Apostles, one might say that
he received the title in the East by way of primogeniture. In
respect to his elder brother, Saint Jude identifes himself in his
epistle not as the brother of the Lord, but humbly as the
brother of James. Saint James refers to himself in his epistle
simply as the servant of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How Was Saint James Related to Jesus?
Tree times in the Gospel listing of the twelve Apostles,
and once in Acts, our James is called James of Alpheus. And,
unless we are going to place a fourth Mary beneath the
cross and treat the Mary of Cleophas in Saint Johns Passion
account as distinct from Mary, the mother of James in the
accounts of the three other Gospels, then Mary of Cleophas
(or Alpai in Hebrew) must be the same as Mary, the mother
of James. Te other two Marys named in the passion accounts
are, of course, Our Lady and Mary Magdalene. Terefore,
Alpheus and Cleophas are the same person, Cleophas being his
Greek name. Cleophas is one of the two disciples whom Jesus
appeared to on their way to Emmaus after His Resurrection.
Some fathers allege that this Cleophas was the brother of
Saint Joseph, hence his sons are called brethren of the Lord.
Cleophas had four sons from his wife, Mary, and one daughter,
Salome. Tis would make James the Less, Simon, Jude, Joseph
(not an apostle), and Salome, cousins to Our Lord. Since
Salome was the mother of James the Greater and John, these
two younger Apostles also were brethren of Our Lord.
The Less
In Saint Marks Gospel James is called the Less, micron,
which more literally means the Little, to distinguish him
from his nephew, James, whom tradition calls the Greater
probably on account of his larger size.
What Does Tradition Tell Us of Saint James the Less?
We know that our Apostles family lived somewhere in
northern Palestine, probably Galilee, because scripture has
it that only Judas was from Judaea (Kerioth). If the Apostle
Simon is James brother, and Simon is called the Cananean,
in the list of Apostles, then James family may have hailed from
Cana of Galilee, where Jesus turned water into wine.
In one of the apocryphal gospels, Zebedee, the father of
James the Greater and John, is presented as a very successful
fsherman who supplied fsh for the priests in Jerusalem.
If true, this would explain why Saint John states twice in his
Gospel account of the passion that he himself was known to
the high priest.
But, there is a tradition that James the Less was of the
levitical priesthood. Tis, in addition to the fact that his
sister was married to Zebedee, would explain why, after the
Ascension of Christ, as bishop of Jerusalem, tradition has it
that the temple priests allowed James to pray in the holy place,
the inner sanctuary of the temple, wherein only the priests
could enter to perform their ministerial rituals. We have this
also on the authority of the Jewish historian Hegesippus; and it
is noted in Eusebius Church History. Tey both say that this
privilege was his on account of his esteemed holiness, which
esteem was his among even the unconverted Jews; in fact, they
called him James the Just. But this privilege of entering the
holy place would, nevertheless, have been a violation of the
Law, if James were not a Levite. And, from what we read about
James in Pauls letter to the Galatians and Acts, James the Just
would commit no violation of the Law.
Saint Jerome asserts in his Commentary on Galatians
that the Jews esteemed James so much that the people
would strive to touch the hem of his garment to receive a
blessing or cure. Some fathers of the Church also afrm that he
usually prayed in the kneeling position and often prostrate, in
and out of the temple of Jerusalem, and that he did so so often
that his knees and forehead were as tough as a camels hoof.
Before Our Lord ascended into heaven He appointed James
to pastor the Church in Jerusalem, while the other Apostles
were commanded to go out to preach to all nations.
Saint James in the New Testament
The figure of James stands out more prominently in the
Acts of the Apostles and a couple of Saint Pauls epistles.
It is Saint Paul who tells us in his first epistle to the
Corinthians that Jesus appeared privately to James after His
Resurrection. Then, in Galatians chapter one, Paul speaks of
his own conversion, and how he went, after spending three
years doing prayer and penance in Arabia, to Jerusalem to
see Peter, and that he tarried there fourteen days, during
which time he also met James, whom he calls the brother of
the Lord.
In Galatians, chapter two, Paul speaks of his return to
Jerusalem by command of a revelation, after fourteen years
of preaching to the Gentiles. He was to speak to them who
seemed to be something of his ministry. Who were these?
Paul calls them pillars; they were Peter, James, and John.
The year was 50. James the Greater had been killed by
Herod eight years before; so this James is the Lesser.
Mr. Brian Kelly
He struggled to his knees and
began to pray as His Master:
Father forgive them
11 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
While Saint Paul was back in Jerusalem he revisited
Antioch, where Peter had established his frst chair. Saint Peter
was there also at that time and Paul noted that Peter did eat
with the Gentiles. He then witnessed that when Christian
Jews came to Antioch who were of James, (that is from
Jerusalem) that Peter removed himself
from the Gentile table in order not to give
ofense. But he ofended the Gentiles in
so doing. Te incident, which Saint Paul
relates in Galatians, as you know, led to his
withstanding Peter to his face. It must be
noted that James himself was not the one
who took ofense, but his disciples, who
were still scrupulous about the Law and
unclean meats. And, because they were still
temple-going Jewish Christians from the
holy city, their bishop obviously did not
deem it prudent to wean them from the Law
too precipitously.
Controversy and the First Council
On account of this controversy the
Apostles and the ancients all gathered
this same year in Jerusalem, to settle the
question as to whether the Gentiles were
to be bound to circumcision and the whole
Law of Moses. Peter opened the synod and gave his testimony
concerning the vision he had received on the rooftop in Joppe
when God commanded him to go and preach to the Gentile
family and friends of Cornelius, assuring him also that the
dietary law of Moses concerning unclean meats was no longer
of obligation (Acts 10). Peter added that since the Gentiles had
received the Holy Ghost no less than the Jewish believers, that
they were not to be burdened with strictly disciplinary laws,
including circumcision, which laws the Jews themselves found
impossible to keep perfectly. Paul and Barnabas also addressed
the council, giving testimony of the wonders of grace God had
given through their ministry to the Gentiles. James concluded
the session with the summary judgment, krino in Greek for (I
arbitrate or judge or reason) by reenforcing what the chief
Apostle said and adding a few prescriptions for the Gentiles
that were easily agreed to.
When Saint Paul escaped the hands of the Jews during his
third trip to Jerusalem, 57-59, the zealots of the Law, who
rejected Christ, decided to vent their anger on James.
The Martyrdom of Saint James
Our Apostle was summoned before the Sanhedrin and the
high-priest Ananus, who was the son of that Annas, father-
in-law of Caiaphas, before whom Our Lord was frst tried.
Josephus, the Jewish historian, relates the event.
At his trial he was accused of violating the Law of Moses
and sentenced to be stoned to death. Hegesippus, the Church
historian, adds that he was taken frst to the pinnacle of the
temple and commanded to renounce Christ publicly before all
the people and undeceive those whom he had deceived. It
was Passover time and the city was flled with pilgrims. Having
now an exalted pulpit and a huge audience, James pronounced
that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God. He is
seated at the right hand of the Father and
is to come again on the clouds to judge the
world. Te rulers were enraged and, taking
him, they threw him from the pinnacle
some sixty feet down. His body broken but
still living, he struggled to his knees and
began to pray as His Master: Father forgive
Ten, picking up stones the mob began
to pound him, despite protests from
another faction of shocked worshippers.
Finally, a cloth fuller in a frenzy took his
club and smashed the Apostles skull open.
Te year was 62, the tenth of April. His
disciples took his body and buried him
temporarily near the temple. When the
Romans destroyed the city with its million
or so inhabitants in the year 70, it was the
unbelieving Jews who did afrm that their
destruction was punishment for having
killed James the Just. However, as we read in the Gospel of
Luke, Our Lord had given the real reason on Palm Sunday
in His prophecy concerning the citys destruction and the
last days: and they shall not leave in thee a stone upon a
stone: because thou hast not known the time of thy visitation
(Luke 19:44).
Tis self-accusation concerning the citys guilt in James
murder is related also by the Jewish historian Josephus, who
was contemporary to the events, and whose testimony is cited
by Saint Jerome, Origen, and Eusebius. Later, this reference
and others pertaining to Christ, must have been expunged by
leading rabbis from the original History of the Jews by Josephus
because they are no longer found in these chronicles.
Saint James wrote one of the inspired epistles of the New
Testament. It is called a Catholic epistle (as are Saint Peters
two letters, that of Saint Jude, and the frst letter of Saint
John) because it was not written to any particular church.
Tis exhortation of our Apostle was written to the Jewish
converts who were scattered abroad. Luther not only called
the epistle of James an epistle of straw but also wrote that
it was unworthy of the apostolic spirit. In the end, however,
the heresiarch had to give in to objectors who would not
allow him to delete it from the New Testament canon. Tat is
another story.
Saint James the Less, Pray for us.
Email Brian Kelly at
Saint James the Less
12 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
Tere were fve more apparitions, one on June 13, one on July
13, one on August 19, one on September 13 and the last one
on October 13. At the last of these
apparitions, 70,000 people saw the
sun whirl round and round in the sky
for ten or more minutes and then in a
zig-zag pattern plummet to the earth.
Te crowd was terrifed until the sun
retreated assuming its usual position.
Te three children to whom Our Lady
appeared at Fatima were a little ten-
year-old girl named Lucia dos Santos,
and her two cousins, a boy and a girl,
nine and seven years old respectively,
whose names were Francisco and
Jacinta Marto. All three were shepherds,
in a little village north of Lisbon.
Before the Fatima apparitions an angel
had been sent by Our Lady with a
chalice containing the Precious Blood
of Jesus, to give to the two younger
children, and with a consecrated Host
for Lucia, the oldest child. In all the
apparitions to the Fatima children,
Our Lady held a rosary in her hand.
She was seen with Jesus as a Child and
with Saint Joseph. She was seen as Our
Lady of Sorrows, with Jesus. She was seen as Our Lady of Mount
Carmel, holding her Divine Child. Francisco and Jacinta died
shortly after these apparitions. Tey were beatifed on May 13,
2000. Lucia, who became, Sister Mary of the Immaculate Heart,
and lived in a Carmelite convent in Coimbra, in Portugal, died
on February 13, 2005, at the age of ninety-seven.
Beauraing (1932-1933)
The story of this apparition appeared in another
Mancipia article I wrote in 2013. Briefly, the thirty-three
apparitions of Our Lady of Beauraing were reported in
Belgium between November 1932 and January 1933 by five
local children ranging in age from nine to fifteen From
1933 to World War II, pilgrims flocked to the little village
of Beauraing. The final approbation for the apparition was
granted on July 2, 1949, under the authority of the Holy
Office by the decree of Andre-Marie Charue, Bishop of
Namur, Belgium. These apparitions are also known as the
Virgin of the Golden Heart.
Banneux (1933)
The feast of Our Lady of Banneux (Belgium) is January
15. Our Lady visited twelve year old Mariette Beco. She
called herself Virgin of the Poor and Our Lady of the
Poor. In one of these visions, the Lady asked her to
plunge her hands into a small spring, telling her the spring
was for healing and for all nations. Over time the site
drew pilgrims. Today, the small spring yields about 2,000
gallons of water a day with many reports of miraculous
healings. References: Our Sunday
Visitors Catholic Encyclopedia,
1998, Catholic Herald, 1957 and
Our Lady of Guadalupe (1531)
Te feast of Our Lady of
Guadalupe is December 12. On
December 9, 1531, Saint Juan Diego
was walking to daily Mass from his
village to the church in Mexico City.
He heard music and saw a glowing
cloud encircled by a rainbow. A
womans voice called him to the top of
a hill. Tere he saw a beautiful young
woman dressed like an Aztec princess.
She said she was the Virgin Mary and
asked Juan to tell the bishop to build a
church on that site. She said, I vividly
desire that a church be built on this
site, so that in it I can be present and
give my love, compassion, help, and
defense, for I am your most devoted
motherto hear your laments and to
remedy all your miseries, pains, and
suferings. Te bishop was kind but
skeptical. He asked Juan to bring proof of the Ladys identity.
Before Juan could go back to the Lady, he found out his uncle
was dying. Hurrying to get a priest, Juan missed his meeting
with the Lady. Te Lady, however, met him on his path and told
him that his uncle had been cured.
She then told Juan to climb to the top of the hill where
they frst met. Juan was shocked to fnd fowers growing in the
frozen soil. He gathered them in his pancho-type tilma and
took them at once to the bishop. Juan told the bishop what
had happened and opened his tilma. Te fowers that fell to the
ground were Castilian roses (which are not found in Mexico).
Te roses fulflled a secret request of the bishop for a sign that
the Aztec had, indeed, been visited by the Mother of God. But
the bishops eyes soon left the fowers to see a glowing image
of the Lady miraculously imprinted on Juans cloak. Soon after,
a church was built on the site where our Lady appeared, and
within ten years of the apparition nine million Aztec pagans
converted to Christianity. Our Lady of Guadalupe was declared
by the Church to be the Queen of Mexico, the Patroness
of the Americas, and the Empress of Te Americas. Te
miraculous tilma has survived without deterioration for nearly
fve hundred years.
Email Brother John Marie Vianney, at
Prefect Column continued
Our Lady of Guadalupe
13 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
He that overcame mankind by
a tree was overcome by a tree.
his portion of the liturgy
for Passiontide refers to
Satan and his victory
over Adam and Eve who
disobeyed Gods command not
to eat the fruit of a tree, then
to the wood of the Cross that
undid Satans earlier triumph.
Te Church sets aside May 3
to celebrate the fnding of
the True Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucifed. It took
close to three hundred years to locate what has henceforth
been considered one of the most sacred relics in all of history.
Soon after the frst Good Friday, Calvarys three crosses
were buried (one on which Christ died and two that held
the two thieves). Also buried with the three wooden crosses
were the nails that pierced Christs hands and feet, the crown
of thorns placed on His head, the spear that was thrust into
His side, and the plaque on which had been written Jesus of
Nazareth, the King of the Jews (INRI). Te pit into which
these items were thrown was then flled with dirt and trash.
Forty years after Christs crucifxion, the city of Jerusalem
was laid waste by the Roman army and the holy places where
Christ had died and been entombed were profaned. About
the year 125 AD, Roman emperor Hadrian, who knew the
location where Christ had died and sought to block Christians
from visiting the sacred places, commanded that a large
mound of earth be added to the very spot where the crosses
had been buried. He then ordered a small temple to Venus
built on Mount Calvary and another temple to Jupiter erected
over the tomb where Christs body had lain for three days.
Later, the locations of those temples would help those who
were looking for the sacred relics.
In 306, Constantine became the Emperor of Rome. He
issued the Edict of Milan in 313 enabling Christians to
worship freely. Prompted by a dream, his saintly mother
Helena began her crusade to fnd the True Cross. After her
son had ordered the demolition of the pagan temples, she
was able to hire hundreds of workers to dig at the precise
location where the three crosses were buried. Her prayers and
those of local Bishop Macarius were rewarded when those
crosses were found.
Both Helena and Bishop Macarius then wondered which
of the three crosses was the one on which Christ had died. Te
bishop got his answer when he had the crosses placed one
at a time next to a dying woman. At the placement of the
third cross, the woman was restored to perfect health. He and
Helena then knew which of the three crosses was the sacred
one they sought. Tis miracle was accompanied by another
when placement of the Holy Cross next to a boy with a
crippled arm resulted in an immediate cure. (Both Helena and
Bishop Macarius are numbered among the saints in heaven.)
A portion of the True Cross was then given to a small
church on Mount Calvary and later to a Basilica built over
Calvary and the sepulcher. Another portion was sent to
Constantinople, and another went to the Basilica of the Holy
Cross in Rome where pilgrims venerate it even to this day.
Later, while travelling aboard a ship, Helena threw one of the
nails into the sea to successfully calm a storm. Te remaining
nails are kept in churches in Europe. Te spear is in the
Vatican, while the plaque, one of the nails, and a thorn from
the Saviors crown, are kept with the aforementioned portion
of the True Cross in Romes Basilica of the Holy Cross of
Jerusalem. Small bits of the Cross have been distributed widely.
Te Holy Cross remains one of the most treasured of relics.
Its importance is recounted in the short prayer ofered at each
of the 14 Stations of the Cross:
We adore Tee O Christ and we bless Tee,
Because by Ty Holy Cross Tou hast redeemed the world.
John F. McManus
Saint Helena and Constantine with the True Cross
By Thy Holy Cross Thou hast
redeemed the world.
14 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
providential series of events in the early 1990s led
me to Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, NH. On
my frst visit, I met Brother Francis and liked him
immediately. He asked me to join the brothers and him
for lunch. He asked several questions about how I, a recent
convert, came into the Church, and then described his
journey, from Lebanon, to Ann Arbor, Michigan, into the
Church, then to Boston. He gave a quick sketch of how SBC
was formed, and how he became a part. His conversation
then, and always made me hope it would continue for hours.
He mentioned many similarities that we both shared
before our conversions. He taught math; I was a math major.
He was very active in politics and had a keen mind for
economics (He probably would have become a prominent
statesman in Lebanon, had he not left for the USA in 1939);
I was also interested in economics and politics (at the time,
a twelve-year-student of Austrian Economics and recent
member of the Libertarian Party both of which I soon
abandoned on discovery of the Churchs Social Teaching).
We both loved G.K. Chesterton and hated history! Tis
changed dramatically for Brother Francis when he met
Father Leonard Feeney, who told him history is the story of
error, the chronicle of the battles of the Church Militant,
and, importantly, the laboratory of wisdom. With Fathers
encouragement, and that of Sister Catherine Clarke, Brother
soon developed a great appreciation for history and its lessons,
especially Church history. My reaction was similar; when I
left the Center after my frst visit, I left with several history
books written by William Tomas Walsh. We both continued
to love Chesterton and the equally erudite and prolifc
historian Hilaire Belloc.
Another similarity was his fathers association with
Freemasonry; my father, too, had progressed in the craft,
also making his way to the 32
degree. Over time, Brother
taught me about the dangers and infuence of this powerful
organization. Tis naturally led to the discussion of Fatima,
the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center, and the importance of
devotion to the Immaculate Heart, which he practiced so well
until his last breath.
What I recall from my early visits to the Center,
was Brothers continual encouragement to learn about
the Faith, applying the same method SBC used since
its founding in 1942. I loved reading the books he
recommended and soon discovered the Saint Augustine
Institute for Catholic Studies which he was instrumental
in creating. The Saint Augustine Institute is a priceless
treasure, most necessary in our era of diabolical
disorientation. Its purpose is to provide a well-rounded
and conveniently simple course of instruction in Catholic
thought. The goal is the formation of an ever-growing
body of well instructed lay apostles united as a mighty
force in the warfare against modernism within the Church
and in the positive work of spreading the True Faith. I
started the course reading requirements, but was unable
to join a study circle, because of my monthly schedule
changes as an airline pilot. Brother suggested we meet for
discussion whenever I had finished a book report. With
such an offer, I couldnt read the assigned books fast
enough, so I could get back to hearing Brothers comments
and asking him more questions.
Very soon I discovered many of Brothers lectures were
recorded, including his series called Philosophia Perennis.
A gifted product of a family of teachers, Brother Francis
had the great ability to make complex ideas simple and
understandable. He was a man of few words, but when he
spoke, he was articulate and chose his words well.
Tough usually serious (as beftting one interested in the
most serious science of salvation) he occasionally surprised
listeners with humor. At dinner with the brothers one
evening, Brother was about to drink a glass of some thick,
green concoction, no doubt necessary for his health, carefully
prepared by the sisters. One of the brothers jokingly asked
him how he could drink such a dreadful looking mess.
Brother Francis answered simply: I imagine it is going down
your throat! His lectures have these same occasional, but
surprising little bursts of innocent humor. So, making a habit
of listening to his lectures as I went back and forth to Logan
Airport, I had to be careful about these surprises because they
would make me laugh so hard the tears would temporarily
impair my vision. Heres another gem. It is a true story from
One could not miss Brothers
devotion to Our Lady.
15 MANCIPIA the report of the crusade of saint benedict center July/August 2014
an encounter Brother had with a man while he was on a
bookselling apostolate in some city. Te man had boastfully
informed Brother that he was an atheist. Well, you look like
one, Brother replied with a soft tone in his voice. So, the guy
hufed: Wha da ya mean, I look like one? Ten, Brother
said in his own inimitable way: Well, if you dont want to
look like one, why do you want to be one?
Over the years one could not miss Brothers devotion to
Our Lady. Where Brother sat at Mass gave him a view of the
priest giving his homily, with a statue of Our Lady looking
over the priests shoulder. Tis was no doubt made doubly
delightful, for this great priest, Father Michael Jarecki (RIP)
who served the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in
Richmond for so long, ended almost every sermon with an
attribution to Our Lady.
Years after my first visit, on the 50th anniversary of
John Cardinal OConnors ordination, Cardinal Law,
returning to Boston from the celebration in NYC, took a
seat right in front of me as I also was returning to Boston
as a passenger. We had a conversation which lasted almost
an hour. Briefly, the Cardinal complimented me about
what I had just said to my co-pilot regarding the Rosary.
An exchange followed, during which Cardinal Law tried
(unsuccessfully) to get me to abandon the traditional
Church teaching on no salvation outside the Church and
accept the modern, novel understanding of the doctrine,
which amounts to the exact opposite.
On the Sunday following, I described what happened to
Brother Francis, who asked me if I would share this at brunch
after Mass. I was, and continue to be, sobered by his words of
introduction: He briefy told the audience about how Our Lady
uses her devoted children, even recent converts, to bring about
the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. May he rest in peace.
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A big thank you to all who participated in our questionnaire. We sincerely appreciate
your feedback. We have gone over your comments and are using them to determine future
content. You are part of Saint Benedict Center! We would not survive without you. So again,
thank you! If you have not sent in your questionaire, please do, or send us a note with your
opinions on our publications. We always love hearing from you. Send any correspondence to
the address on the right and Our Lady bless you!

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Post Ofce Box 627
Richmond, NH 03470
(603) 239-6485
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O Mary, Mother of mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee, be pleased to look with pitiful
eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics. Tou who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds
that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that
the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of
which neither holiness nor salvation can be found. Finish the work of their conversion by obtain-
ing for them the grace to accept all the truths of our Holy Faith, and to submit themselves to the
supreme Roman Pontif, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the
sweet chains of divine charity, there may soon be only one fold under the same one shepherd; and
may we all, O glorious Virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou only hast
destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen.
Hail Mary, three times (Pius IX, Raccolta No. 579).
Ex Cathedra: We declare, say, defne, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the
salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontif. (Pope Boniface VIII, the
Bull Unam Sanctam, 1302).
Te propagation and defense of Catholic dogma especially Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
and the conversion of America to the one, true Church.
Slaves of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary
Come join us this October
10 and 11 at Saint Benedict
Center in Richmond, New
Hampshire, for two days
of doing Catholic tradition:
Holy Mass, intellectual
formation, cultural activity,
and Catholic camaraderie.
Speakers include:
Fr. Sean Kopczynski
Br. Andr Marie, M.I.C.M.
Dr. Robert Hickson
Mr. Gary Potter
Mr. C. Joseph Doyle
Mr. Charles Coulombe
Other speakers to be announced.
Ca t h o l i c a n d Co u n t e r r e v o l u t i o n a r y.
Register before August 31
: $160 for both days, $80 for a single day.
Register after August 31
: $175 for both days, $85 for a single day.
All prices include meals.
Contact Russell LaPlume for reservations at: (603) 239-6485
Stay the whole weekend and make Sunday a family day at Saint Benedict Center!

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