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Reliable Messaging with MSMQ and .

MSMQ is ideal for use in a variety of systems as a means of transferring data, but if
you are going to use it as part of your system, it is critical that you understand how
to make it reliable. If you use MSMQ to send a customer's order from your front-end
Web application to your back-end order processing system, you want to make sure
the order does not get lost along the way. MSMQ can be configured and used so that
it becomes a very reliable system, but increasing reliability comes at the expense of
decreased performance, so you have to determine the best mix for your specific

Recoverable Messages
By default, MSMQ stores some messages in memory for increased performance, and
a message may be sent and received from a queue without ever having been written
to disk. This is not normally a problem, and it is completely transparent to you as the
developer, but if the MSMQ service were to unexpectedly terminate due to a
hardware or software failure, or due to some external circumstance such as a power
failure, messages stored only in memory will be lost forever. You can control this
behavior, forcing MSMQ to store a message to disk, by specifying that a message
should be recoverable. A message can be marked as recoverable by setting the
Recoverable property of a Message object before sending, or if you are not using
Message objects and are just sending objects directly the simple method of sending
messages) you can control this behavior by setting the DefaultPropertiesToSend
property on the MessageQueue object. In the code snippet to follow, a Message object
is created, marked as recoverable, and then sent to the local private queue named

Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET

Dim recoverableMessage As New Message()

recoverableMessage.Body = "Sample Recoverable Message"

recoverableMessage.Recoverable = True

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")


Visual C# .NET

Message recoverableMessage = new Message();

recoverableMessage.Body = "Sample Recoverable Message";

recoverableMessage.Recoverable = true;

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\$private\Orders");


The next code snippet shows how to configure the default properties information of
the MessageQueue so that all messages sent without using an actual Message object
will be marked as Recoverable.
Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Recoverable = True

msgQ.Send("This message will be marked as Recoverable")

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Recoverable = true;

msgQ.Send("This message will be marked as Recoverable");


The concept of transactions is part of a variety of different computing technologies,
but the general meaning is always the same: to execute a multiple-step process such
that either all or none of the steps will complete. In reality, transactions are handled
by rolling back any steps that have already occurred if the entire transaction is not
completed successfully. Regardless of the technology used to implement
transactions, they are described using several basic concepts:

• The beginning and end of the transaction must be indicated, so that it is

known which actions are contained within that transaction.
• If the transaction completes successfully, it is committed, which causes all the
actions to become permanent and the transaction to end.
• If the transaction fails, for whatever reason, it is aborted and a rollback
occurs, undoing any actions that have already been executed before the abort.

MSMQ supports transactions in two different ways: internally by allowing multiple

messages to be sent or received as part of a transaction and externally by
participating in Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transactions. The
difference between the two types of transactions will be discussed later in this
article, but to participate in either type of transaction, you must be using
transactional message queues.

Creating Transactional Queues

When a message queue is created, using the management interfaces in Microsoft

Windows NT®, Windows® 2000, Windows® XP or programmatically, it can be
specified as "transactional."
Figure 1. You can create a queue and make it support transactions

If you are creating a queue programmatically and you intend on using that queue in
transactions, you must specify this when you call the MessageQueue.Create method.
The code snippet to follow creates a new transactional queue by supplying an
additional parameter to the Create method.

Visual Basic .NET

MessageQueue.Create(".\private$\Orders", True)

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueue.Create(@".\private$\Orders", True);

You can determine if a queue supports transactions after it has been created by
viewing the queue properties through the MSMQ management interfaces, or by
checking the Transactional property of the MessageQueue object programmatically. The
next code snippet illustrates how to create a new instance of a MessageQueue object
and check if it supports transactions.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

If msgQ.Transactional Then

'do transactional work


'do non-transactional work

End If

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

if (msgQ.Transactional)

//do transactional work



//do non-transactional work

Attempting to use transactions with a non-transactional queue will fail and result in
an exception of type MessageQueueException. The reverse, sending or receiving
messages from a transactional queue without using transactions, will also fail. If you
are using a transactional queue, and you are just sending a single message, you
must use a special overload of the MessageQueue.Send method to indicate that each
individual send or receive should be wrapped in its own single transaction. This is
accomplished by passing the value MessageQueueTransactionType.Single as the second
parameter to the Send method.

Using Internal (MSMQ) Transactions

MSMQ provides built-in support for transactions, allowing you to execute multiple
actions against one or more queues (sending or receiving messages) all wrapped in a
transaction so that you can guarantee that either all or none of the actions will take
effect. The transaction support provided within MSMQ is limited to MSMQ actions,
however, and you will often be accessing other resources, such as a database, that
you also wish to include in the same transaction. To allow for this, MSMQ also
supports external transactions, where the Microsoft Distributed Transaction
Coordinator (MS DTC), used by COM+ and SQL Server, is used to allow a variety of
resources including databases and MSMQ to be included in a single transaction.

Sending and receiving within a transaction

To perform any MSMQ action(s) within an internal transaction, you need to create a
MessageQueueTransaction object, begin the transaction, and then supply that object
along with each of the actions you wish to include in the transaction.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgTx As New MessageQueueTransaction()


Visual C# .NET

MessageQueueTransaction msgTx = new MessageQueueTransaction();


Once you have this MessageQueueTransaction object, the Send and Receive methods of
the MessageQueue object both have an overloaded version that can accept a
transaction object along with the other required information. As noted earlier, before
you can send any messages as part of this new transaction, you must explicitly mark
the beginning of the transaction by using the MessageQueueTransaction.Begin method.
More details on controlling the transaction are provided in the next section, but note
that your actions (send and receive) won't permanently affect the queue unless you
commit the transaction, so a call to the MessageQueueTransaction.Commit method is
required after the send or else the receive may not find any messages to retrieve.
The two pieces of code to follow show how to both send and receive messages within
a transaction.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgTx As New MessageQueueTransaction()

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")


msgQ.Send("This is a transactional message!", msgTx)



Dim msg As Message

msg = msgQ.Receive(msgTx)


Visual C# .NET

MessageQueueTransaction msgTx = new MessageQueueTransaction();

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");


msgQ.Send("This is a transactional message!",msgTx);



Message msg;

msg = msgQ.Receive(msgTx);

Controlling the transaction

The MessageQueueTransaction object itself supplies a variety of methods and

properties that you can use to control the transaction and to examine its current
status. In addition to the Begin method, which starts a transaction, the two methods
that allow you to control how this transaction ends are Commit and Abort, which you
can use to mark the transaction as having completed successfully or as having failed
and needing to be rolled back. The simplest way to use the MessageQueueTransaction
object to ensure that your transaction executes correctly is to wrap your MSMQ code
in an error-handling block and to execute Abort if any error occurs and Commit if
everything executes successfully. The following code gives an example of this
method of transaction handling, sending two messages to a queue as part of
transaction and wrapped in a try/catch/finally block. The transaction is aborted in the
catch block, committed at the very end of the try block, and all of the objects are
disposed of correctly in the finally block, ensuring that this housekeeping step will
always occur.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgTx As New MessageQueueTransaction()

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")



msgQ.Send("First Message", msgTx)

msgQ.Send("Second Message", msgTx)






End Try

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueueTransaction msgTx = new MessageQueueTransaction();

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");



msgQ.Send("First Message",msgTx);

msgQ.Send("Second Message",msgTx);






In addition to the two control methods, the MessageQueueTransaction object also

provides access to the current status of the transaction through the Status property,
which will return one of four possible values:

• Initialized. The transaction object has been created, but no actions have
occurred yet, so the transaction itself has not been started.
• Pending. Actions have occurred, but the transaction is still in progress—it has
not committed or aborted.
• Committed. The transaction has completed successfully.
• Aborted. The transaction was aborted, and has been rolled back.

The Status property is an enumeration representing the four possible values. The
code to follow shows how you could use it in your program.

Visual Basic .NET

If msgTx.Status = MessageQueueTransactionStatus.Aborted Then

Console.WriteLine("Transaction Aborted!")

End If

Visual C# .NET

if (msgTx.Status = MessageQueueTransactionStatus.Aborted)

Console.WriteLine("Transaction Aborted!");

A real-world example

There are many different reasons to use transactions when you are working with
MSMQ, but here is a specific example to assist you in understanding this technology.
Consider a situation where orders are being sent into your back-end system via
MSMQ. Your system retrieves messages off of a queue, processes the message, and
then sends it on to another queue. At the same time you fire another message off
into a log queue that you use to audit the movement of orders within your system.
Without transactions, you could retrieve the order (removing it from the incoming
queue) but never send it on to another queue due to some serious error. At this
point, you have lost the order completely, and that is certainly not acceptable in
most systems. A slightly less serious problem is that you could retrieve and process
the order successfully but an error prevents you from sending an audit message to
your log queue, leaving you with a log that incorrectly states that this order is still
waiting to be processed. Either problem can be avoided by wrapping the entire
activity, including the read from the incoming queue, the write to the outgoing
queue, and the write to the audit queue in a transaction.

Participating in External (DTC) Transactions

MSMQ transactions are very useful, but they are limited to dealing with MSMQ
activities only, while most systems that use MSMQ will also be using other resources,
such as a database. Using only MSMQ transactions, you could end up with a
database that is out of sync with the state of your message queues. Consider the
real-world example just discussed, where an order is read off of a queue and then
sent to a new queue, followed by a log entry being sent to another queue for
auditing purposes. It is not unlikely that a database could be involved in a scenario
like that, perhaps as the destination for the order or serving as the location to log
audit information. If an error were to occur and MSMQ transactions were in use, the
MSMQ activities would be rolled back, but the database work would not. Such a
situation is little better than using no transaction processing at all, because the result
could still be unreliable data in your system. The solution is to use a form of
transaction processing that is capable of handling the database and MSMQ work as
part of a single transaction, and that technology is called MS DTC, or Microsoft
Distributed Transaction Coordinator. Using DTC allows you to initiate a transaction
and then proceed to use resources from multiple sources, such as an SQL Server
database and MSMQ, and then have those resources participate in that transaction,
committing or rolling back as appropriate when the transaction ends.

Note DTC only supports resources that have implemented compatible interfaces that
manage the transaction for that specific resource. These interfaces are referred to as
"Resource Managers" (see the .NET Framework Developer's Guide documentation on
Distributed Transactions for more information on this topic) and are provided by
several resources at this time, including MSMQ, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle,
Sybase, and others.

Creating a serviced component and setting transaction attributes

To use DTC transactions from your .NET system, you need to take advantage of the
services provided by MTS/COM+ by running your code within their environment.
Before .NET, this was accomplished by creating a COM component and registering
that component as part of a COM+ application (known as a package in MTS) and
setting the properties of that application so that COM+ would run it as part of a
transaction. Once your component was placed into COM+, and set up to require a
transaction, any access from that component to a DTC-compatible resource became
part of the same transaction and could be committed or rolled back as a group. In
.NET, you accomplish the same results by building a class that inherits from the
System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class and then setting this class up with
attributes indicating that it requires a transaction. Creating a class like this enables it
to run inside COM+. The process to create, register, and use serviced components is
covered in detail in the .NET Framework Developer's Guide documentation titled
"Writing Serviced Components." The code to follow shows a sample class configured
to run within COM+, with assembly attributes that set up the COM+ application
properties and a class attribute <Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)> that
indicates a transaction is required when this class is used.

Visual Basic .NET

Imports System.EnterpriseServices

<Assembly: ApplicationName("BDAdotNETAsync2")>

<Assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)>

<Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)> Public Class BDAdotNETAsync2

Inherits ServicedComponent

Public Sub Example9()

End Sub

End Class

Visual C# .NET

using System.EnterpriseServices;

[assembly: ApplicationName("BDAdotNETAsync2_csharp")]

[assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)]


public class BDAdotNETAsync2_example9_csharp:ServicedComponent

public static void Example9()


Using the System.EnterpriseServices.ContextUtil class, the code within your COM+

component can control the transaction in a very similar manner to the internal shown
earlier in this article. ContextUtil provides a variety of methods, including SetAbort and
SetComplete, which roll back and commit the transaction respectively.

Visual Basic .NET




Catch e As Exception


End Try

Visual C# .NET




catch(exception e)


There are many more features of serviced components in general and the ContextUtil
class specifically, but they are outside the scope of this article. Check out the link on
"Writing Serviced Components" in the .NET Framework for more information on
creating and using COM+ services with .NET.

Adding database and MSMQ operations

Within the COM+ component you would then execute whatever operations were
needed against the resources that will be participating in your transaction. This
might include sending and receiving MSMQ messages and/or accessing a database.
There is no special coding required to indicate that you are participating in a
transaction; just the fact that you are calling these resources from within a COM+
hosted component is sufficient to enlist them into the current transaction. You will
want to add code to control your transaction, however, wrapping your activities in a
try/catch/finally block and using the ContextUtil object to abort or commit the
transaction as required.

Visual Basic .NET

'Create the queue

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

Dim incomingOrder As Order

'Configure the formatter with the expected type(s)

Dim targetTypes(0) As Type

targetTypes(0) = GetType(Order)

msgQ.Formatter = New XmlMessageFormatter(targetTypes)

'DB Connection setup code removed

Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)

Dim insertLog As New SqlCommand(sqlString, sqlConn)

'Command setup code removed


'Receive new message, casting the result to the Order type

incomingOrder = _

CType(msgQ.Receive(New TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)).Body, Order)

'Use ID from message to setup parameters for database insert

orderIDParam.Value = incomingOrder.ID

receiveParam.Value = DateTime.Now




'Insert a new entry into the Log table


'Mark the transaction as completing successfully


Catch e As Exception

'If any error occurs, abort the transaction



'Always close the connection, regardless of success/failure


End Try

Visual C# .NET

//Create the queue

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

Order incomingOrder;

//Configure the formatter with the expected type(s)

Type[] targetTypes = new Type[1];

targetTypes[0] = typeof(Order);

msgQ.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(targetTypes);

//DB Connection setup code removed

SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

SqlCommand insertLog = new SqlCommand(sqlString), sqlConn);

//Command setup code removed


//Receive new message, casting the result to the Order type

incomingOrder = (Order)(msgQ.Receive(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)).Body);

//Use ID from message to setup parameters for database insert

orderIDParam.Value = incomingOrder.ID;

receiveParam.Value = DateTime.Now;



//Insert a new entry into the Log table


//Mark the transaction as completing successfully



//If any error occurs, abort the transaction



//Always close the connection, regardless of success/failure


Alternatively, instead of explicitly using the ContextUtil object to control your

transaction, you can also use an attribute to tell COM+ that it should automatically
commit or abort the transaction based on what happens inside your code. By placing
the attribute <AutoComplete()> on your procedure, the transaction will be
automatically committed—as is the case with ContextUtil.SetComplete()—if the
procedure ends without raising any exceptions, and automatically aborted—as is the
case with ContextUtil.SetAbort()—if an exception is raised and not handled within the
procedure itself. To make this work correctly, you will need to either remove the
error-handling block from your code or raise another exception from the catch block
to ensure that the transaction is automatically aborted. I recommend the latter
method, as it is better to explicitly catch exceptions in your code then to just remove
all error handling.

<AutoComplete()> Public Sub Example9()


End Sub
In the end, when you have built your component and installed it into COM+, clients
can create and call your component just like any other .NET class, and your
component will automatically run inside COM+ and act as part of a transaction.

Note The Microsoft .NET Framework Developer's Guide article on "Writing Serviced
Components" should assist you in building a serviced component, but remember that
your assembly must have a strong name and must be installed into the global
assembly cache (using the gacutil command-line tool) to work correctly as a COM+

Acknowledgements, Time Outs, and Journaling

Due to the asynchronous nature of using message queues, using either internal or
external transactions in MSMQ can be somewhat confusing if you are used to using
transactions only with databases. If you were to consider an order-processing
example, where a message is being placed into a queue at the front end of your
system, received by a process at the back end, processed and then saved into a
database, it would be possible in the database world to wrap a transaction around
this entire process. With MSMQ, this is not the case, because the send/receive
processes are loosely coupled. You can create transactions that wrap each individual
side of the process—creating one around the sending of the message to MSMQ and
another around the retrieval of the message and the saving of that message into a
database—but you cannot place a transaction around the entire system from
beginning to end. This limitation is just another aspect of an asynchronous system
and the result is that different methods must be used to determine if a message has
made it all the way through the system correctly. Some of those methods include the
use of acknowledgement messages, time outs, and journal queues. Each of these
aspects of MSMQ is covered in the sections to follow.

Using Acknowledgements

When you perform an action synchronously, like calling a method on an object, you
receive immediate feedback on the success of that action, but with asynchronous
processes, a mechanism needs to be provided that will give you the same level of
feedback. For this purpose, MSMQ provides acknowledgements, special MSMQ-generated
messages that are sent to inform the sending application that a message was
successfully delivered to and/or retrieved at the destination. In the examples
included in this article, messages are sent to a private queue that is located on the
local machine, so successful delivery doesn't require an acknowledgement message.
But this isn't always the case. In many situations, MSMQ is used in an offline
(disconnected) mode, where messages are destined for some remote server but
must be stored locally and then forwarded on to that remote server (or another
server along the way) when a connection is available. In such a situation, the
message has not been delivered when the call to MessageQueue.Send completes, so an
acknowledgement of delivery becomes useful.

Requesting acknowledgement messages

Setting up acknowledgements requires the creation of a queue to receive these

special messages, which can be any non-transactional queue, and setting certain
properties on your messages before you send them. The code shown next creates
the new queue and then sends a message after setting the two required properties—
AdministrationQueue, which is used to indicate where the acknowledgement messages
are sent, and AcknowledgeTypes, which indicates what particular events should cause
a message to be sent.

Visual Basic .NET

If Not MessageQueue.Exists(".\private$\Ack") Then

MessageQueue.Create(".\private$\Ack", False)

End If

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

Dim myMessage As New Message()

myMessage.Body = "Sample"

myMessage.AdministrationQueue = New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

myMessage.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue _

Or AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

Message myMessage = new Message();

myMessage.Body = "Sample";

myMessage.AdministrationQueue = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");

myMessage.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue


msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

The available settings for AcknowledgeTypes are:

• FullReachQueue (success and failure to be delivered to the queue)

• FullReceive (success and failure to be received)
• NegativeReceive (failure to be received)
• NotAcknowledgeReachQueue (failure to be delivered)
• NotAcknowledgeReceive (failure to be received)
• PositiveArrival (successful delivery)
• PositiveReceive (successful receive)

This property is a mask bit, allowing you to combine multiple types of

acknowledgment to produce the results you desire. You could, for instance, specify
PositiveArrival Or PositiveReceive to indicate that you want all success
acknowledgements. The preceding code snippet specified FullReachQueue Or
FullReceive to indicate that all positive and negative results should be acknowledged.
As with almost any Message property, you can also set these properties through the
DefaultPropertiesToSend property of the MessageQueue object, allowing you to use the
simple method of sending messages and still use the acknowledgement features.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

With msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend

.AdministrationQueue = New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue _

Or AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive

End With

msgQ.Send("Sample", MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

Visual C# .NET

if (!MessageQueue.Exists(@".\private$\Ack"))


MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.AdministrationQueue =

new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");

msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.AcknowledgeType =


| AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive;

msgQ.Send("Sample", MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

Processing acknowledgements
For acknowledgements to be of much use, your application has to do more than just
request them—it also needs to receive them. Acknowledgement messages are a little
different than regular MSMQ messages; they consist only of header information with
no body, but receiving them works in the same manner as a regular message.
Because there is no body, it is the other properties of the Message object that are
important when you are receiving an acknowledgement message, but not every
property is automatically received by the MessageQueue.Receive() method. There is
another property of the MessageQueue object: MessageReadPropertyFilter, which is used
to control exactly which message properties are received. If you look at the
documentation in the .NET Framework Class Library for the MessagePropertyFilter
class, you will find a list of which properties are retrieved by default, but the best bet
is to explicitly tell the queue to receive the properties you need. The code snippet to
follow does just that, informing the queue that the CorrelationID property should be

Dim adminQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

adminQ.MessageReadPropertyFilter.CorrelationId = True

The CorrelationID, a property that is empty on a regular message, is populated with

the ID of the message to which an acknowledgement refers. The code snippet shown
next sends a message, specifying that acknowledgements should be used, receives
that message, and then executes a loop to receive all the available messages from
the administration queue.

Visual Basic .NET

'Send Message

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

With msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend

.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue Or _


.AdministrationQueue = New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

End With

msgQ.Send("Sample", MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

'Receive Message

Dim msg As Message

msg = msgQ.Receive(New TimeSpan(0))

Console.WriteLine("Message Received {0}", msg.Id)

'Receive Acknowledgement Messages

Dim adminQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

adminQ.MessageReadPropertyFilter.CorrelationId = True



msg = adminQ.Receive(New TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))

If msg.MessageType = MessageType.Acknowledgment Then

Select Case msg.Acknowledgment

Case Acknowledgment.ReachQueue

Console.WriteLine("Message Reached Queue {0}", _


Case Acknowledgment.Receive

Console.WriteLine("Message Received {0}", _


End Select

End If

Catch e As Exception


msg = Nothing

End Try

Loop Until msg Is Nothing

Visual C# .NET

//Send Message

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.AcknowledgeType =

AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue |


msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.AdministrationQueue =
new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");


//Receive Message

Message msg;

msg = msgQ.Receive(new TimeSpan(0), MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

Console.WriteLine("Message Received {0}", msg.Id);

//Receive Acknowledgement Messages

MessageQueue adminQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");

adminQ.MessageReadPropertyFilter.CorrelationId = True;



msg = adminQ.Receive(new TimeSpan(0,0,5));

if (msg.MessageType = MessageType.Acknowledgment)


case Acknowledgment.ReachQueue:

Console.WriteLine("Message Reached Queue




case Acknowledgment.Receive:

Console.WriteLine("Message Received {0}",



catch(Exception e)


msg = null;

while (!msg = null);

In a disconnected scenario, the system sending messages could request

acknowledgements and then use those messages to update status within its own
database, or simply use the administration queue as an auditing mechanism.

Setting Time Outs

It is possible that an error could cause a message to not be received or delivered,
but what if a message is delivered successfully and it is never retrieved? Using only
acknowledgements is not enough to handle this situation, because no failure has
occurred, and therefore no message will be sent back to your system. What you
need is a way to tell MSMQ that your message must be delivered or received within a
certain amount of time, or else it is to be considered a failed transmission. This
functionality is provided in MSMQ through time outs, which allow you to independently
specify an amount of time allowed for the delivery of the message and for the receipt
of the message from the destination queue. Both of these time outs can be specified
when you send a message, and both have the same effect: If the message is not
delivered or received within the time specified, MSMQ treats it as an error, removes
the message from the queue it is currently in, and sends any acknowledgements that
were requested.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

Dim myMessage As New Message()

With myMessage

.Body = "This is a time sensitive message!"

'Must Reach Queue within 10 minutes

.TimeToReachQueue = New TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)

'Must be received within 1 hour

.TimeToBeReceived = New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)

'Request Acknowledgment, using .\private$\Ack

.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue Or _


.AdministrationQueue = New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

End With

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

Message myMessage = new Message();

myMessage.Body = "This is a time sensitive message!";

//Must Reach Queue within 10 minutes

myMessage.TimeToReachQueue = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);

//Must be received within 1 hour

myMessage.TimeToBeReceived = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

//Request Acknowledgment, using .\private$\Ack

myMessage.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue

| AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive;

myMessage.AdministrationQueue = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

The preceding code example will successfully send the message, but if the message
is not received off of the Orders queue within one hour (you may wish to change the
time span to a shorter value for easier testing, such as one minute) it will be
removed from the Orders queue and a new message will appear in the
Administration queue (Ack in this example). If you choose to use these time-out
features, you will need to have a process in place for dealing with the messages that
have timed out, such as resending at a higher priority or sending the message to a
person for direct intervention.

Using Journal Queues

Journal queues have a similar purpose to the acknowledgement mechanism that was
discussed earlier They exist as a way to track the movement of messages in an
MSMQ system. Journal queues are system-provided queues that are automatically
created, but are not automatically used. Whenever a message is sent or received, it
is possible for a copy of that message to be stored into a journal queue as a form of
auditing. Each application queue has its own associated journal queue, to hold copies
of messages as they are received from the application queue, and each MSMQ
machine has a single journal queue that can be used to keep copies of each message
that is sent from that machine.

For the first case, keeping copies of messages received from a queue, the
UseJournalQueue property of the MessageQueue object must be set to true before the
receive actions occur.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Orders")

Dim myMessage As Message

msgQ.UseJournalQueue = True

myMessage = msgQ.Receive(MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

Visual C# .NET

//receiving messages using the journal feature

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");

Message myMessage;

//send a little message so that

//we have something to receive

msgQ.Send("Sample", MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
msgQ.UseJournalQueue = true;

myMessage = msgQ.Receive(MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

For sending messages, the UseJournalQueue property of the Message object controls
this behavior—for those sends that use a Message object. You can also set the
DefaultPropertiesToSend.UseJournalQueue property to ensure that all sends that do not
use Message objects will place copies into the journal queue. Note that in the case of
sending messages, journaling only occurs if you are sending to a queue located on
another machine; for sends to local queues, journaling does not occur. For this
example to work, you will need to use two machines, one of which must be capable
of running public queues, meaning that it will need to be a Server OS (either
Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000). From the client machine, you can execute the
code shown next to send a message to a public queue on the server machine.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue("homemadesoap\Orders")

Dim myMessage As New Message()

myMessage.Body = String.Format("Sample Message {0}", DateTime.Now())""

myMessage.UseJournalQueue = True

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.UseJournalQueue = True

msgQ.Send("Simple Send", MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

Visual C# .NET

//sending messages using the journal feature

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@"homemadesoap\Orders");

Message myMessage = new Message();

myMessage.Body = string.Format("Sample Message {0}", DateTime.Now());

myMessage.UseJournalQueue = true;

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.UseJournalQueue = True;

msgQ.Send("Simple Send", MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

MSMQ on its own will not remove items from journal queues, but you can write code
to receive messages from these queues just like any other queue. One possible use
for this feature would be creating a handler for negative acknowledgements. If your
administration queue receives a message indicating that a message failed to be
delivered or was not received before it timed out, journal queues provide you a way
to find and resend that message. You can use the CorrelationID from the
acknowledgement message to find the original in the journal queue (matching to the
journal message's ID property) and then take that original message and send it
again. This is an example of how these two features, acknowledgements and
journaling, can be used together to make your messaging application more robust
and reliable. The code to follow watches an administration queue (.\private$\ack in
this example) for negative acknowledgements (delivery and receipt) and then looks
in the local machine's journal queue for that message. Using the ReceiveByID method
of the MessageQueue, this can be done without having to scan the entire journal
queue. Finally, having found the original message, a new message is created,
populated with the body from the original, and then resent.

Note Once the journal message is received from the journal queue, it is removed
from the queue, so the journal queue is not a permanent record of every message
sent or received.
Visual Basic .NET

'Processing Negative Acknowledgement Messages

Dim adminQ As New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

Dim journalQ As New MessageQueue(".\Journal$")

Dim msgQ As MessageQueue

Dim myMessage, resendMessage As Message

Dim originalMessage As Message

adminQ.MessageReadPropertyFilter.CorrelationId = True

'Retrieve all properties on journal message


'Infinite Loop, intended to keep running at all times

'to process messages. You could implement some mechanism

'to have it check a control queue for a "stop" message.


'This method will block until a message is received.

'Click "Stop Debugging" from the Debug menu

'to stop execution.

myMessage = adminQ.Receive()

Select Case myMessage.Acknowledgment

'Failed in some way

Case Acknowledgment.Purged, _

Acknowledgment.QueueExceedMaximumSize, _

Acknowledgment.QueuePurged, _

Acknowledgment.ReachQueueTimeout, _



originalMessage = _


msgQ = New MessageQueue("FormatName:" _

& originalMessage.DestinationQueue.FormatName())

originalMessage.TimeToBeReceived = _

New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)

Dim targetTypes(0) As Type

targetTypes(0) = GetType(String)

originalMessage.Formatter = _

New XmlMessageFormatter(targetTypes)
resendMessage = New Message()

With resendMessage

.Body = CStr(originalMessage.Body)

.UseJournalQueue = True

.TimeToBeReceived = New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)

.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue _



.AdministrationQueue = _



End With

msgQ.Send(resendMessage, _


Catch e As Exception



End Try

Case Else

'Other types of acknowledgment

'don't handle in this code.

End Select


Visual C# .NET

//Processing Negative Acknowledgement Messages

MessageQueue adminQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");

MessageQueue journalQ = new MessageQueue(@".\Journal$");

MessageQueue msgQ;

Message myMessage, resendMessage;

Message originalMessage;

adminQ.MessageReadPropertyFilter.CorrelationId = true;

//Retrieve all properties on journal message


/* Infinite Loop, intended to keep running at all times

* to process messages. You could implement some mechanism

* to have it check a control queue for a "stop" message.



/* this will block until a message is received.

* Click "Stop Debugging" from the Debug menu

* to stop execution. */

myMessage = adminQ.Receive();


case Acknowledgment.Purged:

case Acknowledgment.QueueExceedMaximumSize:

case Acknowledgment.QueuePurged:

case Acknowledgment.ReceiveTimeout:


originalMessage =


msgQ = new MessageQueue("FormatName:"

+ originalMessage.DestinationQueue.FormatName());

originalMessage.TimeToBeReceived = new

TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);

Type[] targetTypes = {typeof(string)};

originalMessage.Formatter =

new XmlMessageFormatter(targetTypes);

resendMessage = new Message();

resendMessage.Body =


resendMessage.UseJournalQueue = true;

resendMessage.TimeToBeReceived = new TimeSpan(1,

0, 0);

resendMessage.AcknowledgeType =

AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue |


resendMessage.AdministrationQueue =

new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Ack");



catch(Exception e)





//Other types of acknowledgment

//Don't handle in this code



For the preceding code to work, a message has to produce a negative

acknowledgement, and been using journaling when it was originally sent. To
facilitate your experimentation with these concepts, the code shown next will create
that exact condition, sending a message (specifying acknowledgement and
journaling) with a short time out that will therefore fail to be received. Run this code
before the previous example if you wish to see the handling code in action.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim msgQ As New MessageQueue("homemadesoap\Orders")

Dim myMessage As New Message()

Dim targetTypes(0) As Type

targetTypes(0) = GetType(String)


With myMessage

.Formatter = New XmlMessageFormatter(targetTypes)

.Body = "This should fail to be received!"

.UseJournalQueue = True
.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.NegativeReceive

.AdministrationQueue = New MessageQueue(".\private$\Ack")

.TimeToBeReceived = New TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) ' 5 minutes

End With

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)

Catch e As Exception


End Try

Visual C# .NET

MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@"homemadesoap\Orders");

Message myMessage = new Message();

Type[] targetTypes = {typeof(string)};


myMessage.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(targetTypes);

myMessage.Body = "This should fail to be received!";

myMessage.UseJournalQueue = true;

myMessage.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.NegativeReceive;

myMessage.AdministrationQueue = new


myMessage.TimeToBeReceived = new TimeSpan(0,0,5); //5 minutes

msgQ.Send(myMessage, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);

catch(Exception e)


Message Queuing (MSMQ) support for transactions allows you to execute multiple
actions against both MSMQ and other resources that are compatible with Microsoft
DTC and ensure that all of these actions are treated as a single unit. Combining
those transactional abilities with the various tracking features of MSMQ allows you all
the flexibility you need to build a robust system for asynchronous messaging

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