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Andrews 1

AP English Literature and Composition

Title The Tragedy Of Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark!!!!!!
Author !!!!!!William Sha"espeare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date o# Pu$li%ation !!!&'((!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
)enre !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Traged*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+iographi%al ,n#ormation a$out the Author
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), was an English
play writer and poet known for his maor s!""ess#
$e was %orn and raised in Stratford-!pon-A&on
and married Anne $athaway with whom he had '
Histori%al ,n#ormation a$out the period o# pu$li%ation
(he Eli)a%ethan era takes pla"e d!ring the height of the
*enaissan"e, also known as +ritain,s -.olden Age/#
0hara"teri)ed %y the re&i&al of .reek and *oman "!lt!re, the
emphasis of h!manism, indi&id!alism and se"!larism prod!"ed
great "!lt!ral and intelle"t!al works in the form of literat!re,
m!si", s"ien"e, and art# 1!ring the time o!t%reaks of 0hlamydia
were "ommon# (he height of e2ploration was taking pla"e as
well as the protestant reformation# All of this happening !nder
the r!le of a highly "entrali)ed monar"hy#
Chara%teristi%s o# the )enre
3ften parado2i"al and sad, prod!"ing the emotions of
sadness and fear within the a!dien"e# 4nlike a "omedy,
a tragedy !s!ally leads to an ine&ita%le and !nfort!nate
Plot Summar*
(he play starts as a mystery# (wo g!ards and a s"holar, $oratio, 5!estion the mo&ements of what seems to %e a
ghost in armor# (he former king of 1enmark,s ghost, finally re&eals himself to his son, $amlet# (he ghost
orders his son to a&enge his m!rder, re&ealing the "!lprit as the one who has taken his throne and wife6 the
g!ilty 0la!di!s# 7rin"e $amlet then makes it his goal to a&enge his father,s death, %!t hesitant and o&er
analyti"al, %e"omes hysteri"al in the pro"ess# $amlet,s mother, .ertr!de, and in"est!o!s, father-!n"le, worry
a%o!t $amlet,s state of mind and order his friends *osen"rant) and .!ildenstern to keep an eye on him#
7oloni!s s!ggests $amlet,s madness is lo&e-si"kness for his da!ghter 3phelia# 0onse5!ently, 0la!di!s and
7oloni!s order the girl to talk with the prin"e to find the "a!se of his distress# 3phelia agrees, !nwary of their
plan to spy on the "on&ersation# $amlet responds %y denying e&er ha&ing lo&e for her and o%s"enely sends her
to the n!nnery, whi"h 0la!di!s and 7oloni!s de"ipher as tr!e insanity# $amlet goes on and "rosses path with a
gro!p of a"tors# 8nspired %y their passion, he "omes !p with an ironi" plan to p!t on a play# $amlet !ses the play
as a tool to indi"ate if 0la!di!s, g!ilt, whi"h pro&es "orre"t# $amlet is stopped on his way to kill 0la!di!s,
"at"hing him in worship, "onsidering his re&enge might %a"k fire# $e de"ides to wait for a %etter opport!nity,
%!t 0la!di!s orders a hasty shipment of $amlet to England, fearing for his life# Enraged, $amlet goes to
"onfront his mother and mistakenly kills 7oloni!s for 0la!di!s, "a!sing his immediate e2p!lsion to England
along with *osen"rant) and .!ildenstern# (here, 0la!di!s plots $amlet,s death demanding that $amlet,s life %e
taken# 3phelia goes "ra)y and drowns after her father is killed# $er %rother, 9aertes, is easily "on&in"ed %y the
king of $amlet,s g!ilt# $amlet sends $oratio and 0la!di!s letters e2plaining his ret!rn to 1enmark# 0la!di!s
and irrational 9aertes plan to kill $amlet in a fen"ing mat"h, with a poisoned sword# (hey "reate a %a"k!p plan
to drop poison in a glass of wine, whi"h is to %e offered to $amlet in "ase he wins the mat"h# $amlet pops !p in
3phelia,s shortened f!neral, finally admitting his tr!e and !nmat"hed lo&e for her after 9aertes passionately
!mps into the gra&e for a last em%ra"e# 3n"e %a"k at the "astle, $amlet tells $oratio he is willing to ask 9aertes
for forgi&eness and ad&ises him that one sho!ld %e prepared for death: a "o!rtier then arri&es to tell $amlet of
the planned mat"h# 3n"e the game %egins, $amlet s"ores against 9aertes, %!t de"lines the "ongrat!latory wine
and "ontin!es to play# 8nstead $amlet,s mother, .ertr!de takes a sip, "l!eless of the poison# 0la!di!s re"ogni)es
her a"tions, %!t "annot do anything to stop what is already done# 1!ring the se"ond part of the fight $amlet is
str!"k# (he swords get mi2ed !p and $amlet manages to strike 9aertes on"e again, %!t this time with the
poisoned sword# 9aertes "onfesses to planning $amlet,s mother right %efore he dies# A moment later, .ertr!de
dies# $amlet for"es the king to drink the last of the poison knowing his death will "ome soon# $is tells $oratio
that his last re5!est is to name ;ortin%ras the new king of 1enmark and that his story is shared# ;ortin%ras then
Andrews <
honors $amlet,s death and $oratio f!lfills $amlet,s last wish#
Des%ri$e the author-s st*le An e.ample that demonstrates that st*le
Sha"espeare-s st*le is not /er* straight#or0ard1
Sha"espeare %reates am$iguit* $* lea/ing man*
ma2or themes o# the pla* unans0ered3Ophelia-s
death4 Hamlet-s madness4 lo/e4 and death in
general1 Hamlet is %learl* the #o%us o# the pla*1
The audien%e learns his thoughts and moti/es
through se/en solilo5uies1 The pla* %onsists
mainl* o# dialogue $et0een the %hara%ters 0ith
some s*m$olism4 su%h as the #lo0ers1 The
ma2orit* o# the pla* is 0ritten st*listi%all* li"e
poetr* 0ith some iam$i% pentameter and rh*me1
6nli"e modern English4 the pla* does not #ollo0
the su$2e%t3/er$ order1 Also Sha"espeare had
$oth Ophelia and the gra/edigger sing1
Ho0 should , *our true lo/e "no0 #rom another one9
First Clown
,s she to $e $uried in Christian $urial that 0il#ull* see"s her
o0n sal/ation9
:o4 not ,; , ne/er ga/e *ou aught
Ho0 strange or odd soe<er , $ear m*sel#4
As , per%han%e herea#ter shall thin" meet
To put an anti% disposition on4

Memora$le =uotes
=uotation Signi#i%an%e

Something is rotten in the state o# Denmar"
There is nothing either good or $ad $ut
thin"ing ma"es it so?1?1?>@
The pla* <s the thing 0herein ,<ll %at%h the
%ons%ien%e o# the "ing?1?
To $e4 or not to $e1 A1&
Rightl* to $e great is not to stir 0ithout great
argument4 $ut greatl* to #ind 5uarrel in a
stra0 0hen honour<s at the sta"e >1>1
O4 #rom this time #orth4 m* thoughts $e
$lood*4 or $e nothing 0orthB>1>
Wh* ma* not imagination tra%e the no$le
These 0ords spo"en $* Mar%ellus seem to predi%t the #uture
out%ome o# $oth the "ingdom o# Denmar" and the King o#
Denmar"1 The group sees the ghost o# old King Hamlet and sense
that something is not right1 The t0o4 the "ing and state4 are %losel*
tied; King Claudius- rotten $eha/ior 0ill %orrupt the state1
,t-s all a$out perspe%ti/e1 Hamlet #eels trapped in Denmar"1 He
%annot lea/e and his #ormer #riends sp* on him1 He /ie0s
Denmar" as a prison $e%ause the King %ommanded him to sta*
and he must %ontinue to 0itness his mother-s in%estuous marriage1
,t is his o0n negati/e thoughts that ma"e Denmar" C$adD1
Hamlet #inall* $egins to a%t1 He is no longer simpl* ranting4 $ut
$egins plotting o# a 0a* to get re/enge1 He still does not 0ant to
a%t rashl* and 0aits to $e %ertain o# the King-s deeds4 *et he has
de%ided to do something1
Hamlet %onsiders 0hether li#e is 0orth li/ing1 He %on%ludes that
li#e is 2ust #ull o# su##ering *et people do not %ommit sui%ide
$e%ause the* #ear death1 The* rather not a%t $e%ause o# #ear o# the
un"no0n4 the* pre#er li/e through the pain the* "no0 than to
ta"e a %han%e 0ith death 0hi%h the* %annot return #rom1
Hamlet de%ides that honor is 0orth ris"ing e/er*thing #or4 no
matter ho0 pett* the %ause1
,n Hamlet-s #inal solilo5u*4 he $e%omes determined to a/enge his
#ather-s murder1 He has lost all un%ertaint* that he had $e#ore
a$out his un%le and 0ill do an*thing ne%essar*1 He #eels he must
regain his honor #or $oth o# his parents and is #inall* 0illing to a%t
0ithout hesitation1
Hamlet %ontemplates mortalit*1 He realiEes li#e-s #leeting and
death-s eternal natures1 Death %reates e5uals o# e/er*one; despite
%lass or greatness4 e/er*one $e%omes dust4 e/en Ale.ander stops a
Andrews '
dust o# Ale.ander4 till he #ind it stopping a
:ame Role in the Stor* Signi#i%an%e Ad2e%ti/es
&1 Hamlet
?1 Polonius
A1 Claudius
>1 )ertrude
F1 Horatio
'1 Ophelia
@1 Laertes
G1 Hortin$ras
I1 The ghost
&(1 Rosen%rantE J
&&1 Koltimand J
&?1 Mar%ellus J
&A1 Osri%
&>1 Re*naldo
&F1 )ra/edigger
Prin%e o# Denmar"4 Protagonist4
lo/er to Ophelia4 #oil o# Laertes1
Hather o# Ophelia4 and Laertes4
assistant to King and =ueen1
King o# Denmar"4 6n%le to
Hamlet4 ?
Hus$and o#
)ertrude4 Antagonist4
Wi#e o# Claudius4 Mother o#
Hriend o# Hamlet
Hamlet-s lo/er4 Sister and
Ophelia-s $rother4 Polonius-s
Prin%e o# :or0a*
)host o# Hamlet-s #ather
E.3#riend o# Hamlet4 asst1 to
The #irst /ie0ers o# the )host1
Polonius-s ser/ant
To dig gra/es
To re/enge his #athers death
To ma"e Hamlet and Laertes
Kills Hamlets #ather4 and rule
Denmar"4 attempts to "ill
Marries Claudius ma"ing
Hamlet uneas*1
Aid Hamlet in his re/enge
To push Hamlet to his limits
Hoil o# HamletLre/enge #ather
death %aused $* HamletM
Hoil o# HamletLre/enge the
death o# his #ather $* Hamlets
To sho0 Hamlet the truth and
get him to re/enge him
To sol/e the true reason o#
Hamlets $eha/ior
Sent to ma"e Hortin$ras not
Tell Hamlet a$out the )host1
Summons Hamlet to the #ight
0ith #oil Laertes1
To sp* on Laertes
To sho0 that e/er*one dies and
gets $uried the same 0a* Lgi/e
:ose*4 pompous
am$itious4 e/il4
Shallow, weak,
9oyal, tr!sting
0ra)y, +ea!tif!l,
sweet, inno"ent
A"tion taker,
9eader, aggressi&e
=ag!e, >agging#
1!m%, easily
9oyal, easily
7rote"ti&e, strong
;oolish, o%edient
0areless, wise g!y
Andrews 4
Hamlet his $ust to his
Setting Signi#i%an%e o# opening s%ene
The setting o# the pla* Hamlet is the state o# Denmar"1 The
time period o# the pla* 0as the late Medie/al era 2udging
upon its diale%t 4 area4 and appearan%e1
The $eginning s%ene helps set the plot o# the stor*1
The sighting o# the ghost 0ill result in Hamlet-s
desire #or re/enge and gi/e him a moti/e that
%arries him through the pla*1 ,ts main purpose is to
allo0 Hamlet to re/enge his #ather-s death $* "illing
his un%le1
Signi#i%an%e o# endingN%losing s%ene
The end sho0s that e/er*thing must %ome to a end1
To "ill4 to lo/e4 to a/enge4 to tri%"4 and to de%ei/e all
lead to death #or death is ine/ita$le out%ome1 The
%on%ept o# death appeared as might* as the s0ord
*et the #ear o# the un"no0n and the ina$ilit* to
return #rightened Hamlet1 E/entuall* all %auses
%ame to death 2ust as he had %laimed it to $e1
Ophelia<s #lo0ers3 the #lo0ers she used represented death
and #ragilit*1 Her mind 0as #ragile and she li"e the #lo0ers
0ithered a0a* and died1
The pla*4 The mousetrap- Hamlet staged the pla* to dis%o/er
0hether King Claudius 0as guilt* so Hamlet %ould "no04
0ithout a dou$t4 to get re/enge1
The Oori%"-s s"ull3 sho0ed a %on%ept o# li#e and death1
Hamlet sees that li#e is onl* temporar*; e/er*one 0ill die
and $e%ome nothing more than the s"ull and dust1
King Hamlet-s ghost 0as more o# a spiritual %on%ept o#
death 0hile Oori%"-s s"ull #un%tioned as a ph*si%al %on%ept
o# death and $etter demonstrating the results o# death on a
Old AP =uestions
&II@ :o/els and pla*s o#ten in%lude s%enes o#
0eddings4 #unerals4 parties4 and otherso%ial
o%%asions1 Su%h s%enes ma* re/eal the /alues o# the
%hara%ters and theso%iet* in 0hi%h the* li/e1 Sele%t
a no/el or pla* that in%ludes su%h a s%ene and4 in a
#o%used essa*4 dis%uss the %ontri$ution the s%ene
ma"es to the meaning o# the 0or" as a 0hole1 Oou
ma* %hoose a 0or" #rom the list $elo0 or another
no/el or pla* o# literar* merit1 The Age o#
,nno%en%e4 The A0a"ening4 The +irthda* Part*4
+less Me4 6ltima4 Ceremon*4 The Color Purple4
Dais* Miller4The Dead4 Delta Wedding4 Dinner at
the Homesi%" Restaurant4 The )lass Menagerie4
Hamlet4 ,n/isi$le Man4 Jane E*re4 Julius Caesar4
The Jo* Lu%" Clu$4 The Mem$er o# the
Wedding4111Romeo and Juliet4 The Shipping
:e04111Wuthering Heights1
Possi$le Themes
:othing %an e/er $e o# %ertaint* L Murph*<s la0 0hate/er %an go 0rong 0ill go 0rongM
A%tions %an onl* $e made a promise 0ith the idea o# hesitation out o# the 5uestion1
Death is an un"no0n 0orld that is not to $e #eared o# $ut at the same time is $e%ause o# its non3return1
+etra*al is a plague that spread upon e/er*one and that %annot $e held $ut lead to death and destru%tion o# a

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