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Dreamweaver MX 2004 Test/Quiz Questions

1. Which button will disla! the html code "or the web a#e$
2. Which button can be used to insert an ima#e$
%. To ma&e te't wra to the le"t o" an ima#e( !ou should
a. select the image and change the alignment in the Property Inspector to left.
b. select the image and change the alignment in the Property Inspector to right.
c. select the text and change the alignment in the Property Inspector to right.
d. select the text and change the alignment in the Property Inspector to left.
4. )ma#es are best held in lace usin#
a. anchor links
b. tables
c. horizontal rules
d. alt messages
*. Web a#es should have the "ile e'tension
a. .htm
b. .png
c. .abc
d. web pages do not need a file extension
+. ,e"ore insertin# an ima#e into a web a#e( the ima#e must be
a. located on the world wide web.
b. placed in your local folder.
c. changed to an html file
d. none of the above
-. To chan#e the title o" a a#e .located in the blue bar at the to o" the a#e/ !ou should
a. type the title in the title blank at the top of the page.
b. choose Insert > Title.
c. click the button
d. choose Edit > Title
0. Which o" the "ollowin# shortcuts should be used to undo a mista&e$
a. trl !
b. trl ! "
c. trl ! #
d. trl ! $
1. What advanta#e does a button made usin# 2lash have over a button made usin# ima#es$
a. %uttons made in &lash blink and attract attention.
b. %uttons made in &lash are the only buttons that can change colors.
c. %uttons made in &lash can be resized without distortion.
d. 'll of the above.
10. What is an 34T messa#e$
a. a message that pops ups on the screen (usually asking for a password).
b. a message that is displayed when the cursor rests on a button or image.
c. a message that flashes or alternates.
d. a message that is made in *reamweaver.
11. Which button will show both the code and the desi#n view$
12. Which can be used to insert a rollover ima#e$
1%. To chan#e the bac&#round color o" the a#e
a. choose modify background color button.
b. choose +odify > Page Properties and change the background to the desired color.
c. choose modify background color button.
14. To sta! or#anized( ima#es should
a. not be placed in the local folder.
b. be placed on the desktop.
c. should be placed in their own folder inside the local folder.
d. be kept on a floppy disk.
1*. To ma&e a lin& that will brin# u the users email with the address "illed in( which button should be
1+. What should be done as a "inal chec& o" a website$
a. "iew the appearance of all of the pages in a browser.
b. heck that all the links function properly.
c. heck the spelling.
d. 'll of the above.
1-. To add a 2lash button to !our a#e( which button should !ou use$
10. ,e"ore ma&in# a web a#e usin# Dreamweaver( !ou should
a. define your site.
b. name your site.
c. choose a folder on your computer to hold your site.
d. 'll of the above
11. 5ow can !ou chan#e the lin& colors o" a web a#e$
a. hoose +odify > Page Properties and change the colors.
b. ,ighlight the link and change the link color in the Property Inspector.
c. hoose +odify > -ink olor and change the link color in the -ink olor .indow.
d. It is not possible to change the link color in *reamweaver.
#se the Property Inspector shown below to answer the next / 0uestions.
20. What is the "ont chosen$
a. 1
b. "erdana
c. 2334455
d. none
21. The number 60011++ reresents what$
a. the number of pixels on the page
b. the font color chosen
c. the font style chosen
d. a code in the html for the page6s location on the world wide web
22. The ali#nment o" te't t!ed with 7roert! )nsector above will be
a. left
b. center
c. right
d. none
8se the letters indicated in the ima#e above to answer the ne't % 9uestions.
2%. To add a messa#e that os u when the cursor rests on the ima#e( t!e !our te't here.
24. Which can be used to add a rectan#ular hotsot to an ima#e that will lin& to another a#e.
2*. Which can be used to lin& the entire ima#e to another a#e in !our site.
2+. Which button can be used to 7review !our a#e in a browser$
2-. Which button can be used to add a table to !our a#e$
20. Which button can be used to add a rollover ima#e$
21. What does the shortcut 212 do$
a. Prints the current page
b. 'dds page numbers to the bottom of all the pages
c. Publishes the current page
d. Previews the current page in a browser.
%0. )n order to ma&e the te't in a table move * i'els "rom the border o" the table( !ou should
a. set the cell padding to 7
b. set the cell spacing to 7
c. ad8ust the border to 7
d. none of the above
%1. Which button can be used to mer#e 2 cells o" a table into one cell$
%2. Which button can be used to slit one cell into 2 cells$
%%. T!in# !our name in the title blan& shown will have what e""ect$
a. 9our name will appear in the blue title bar at the top of the page.
b. The page will be saved as your name with the extension .htm.
c. The page will be saved as your name with the extension .gif
d. :one of these
%4. )n order to disla! !our site "older( !ou ma!
a. press shortcut &;<
b. click the button at the right of the page.
c. choose =ite > >pen =ite and choose your site from the list.
d. 'll of the above.
%*. Which will ma&e the borders o" the table invisible$
a. =et the border to 3 in the Property Inspector.
b. #se the eraser tool to erase the table lines.
c. hoose +odify > %orders > :one
d. :one of the above.
%+. To add a te't "ield that users can submit su##estions "or !our website( !ou would need to do which
o" the "ollowin#$
a. 'dd a form using the Insert &orm button.
b. 'dd a text field using the Insert Text &ield button.
c. 'dd a submit button using the Insert %utton button.
d. 'll of the above.
%-. )" !ou oen Dreamweaver and it oens to another student:s site( what should !ou do$
a. +ake your page in their site you can link it to your site.
b. =hut down *reamweaver and reopen it to your site.
c. =elect your site from the =ite dropdown menu.
d. :one of the above.
%0. 5ow can !ou ad;ust a table i" it becomes too lon# or wide "or the sace available$
a. *rag the table handle to the desired size.
b. =et the width and height to the desired size in the Property Inspector.
c. hoose +odify > 'd8ust Table =ize > =maller =ize Please.
d. %oth a and b.
%1. Which o" the "ollowin# buttons can be used to insert a <um Menu$
#se the image below to answer 0uestions 1;?1/.
40. Which o" the above should be used to rearran#e the order o" the items in the ;um menu$
41. )n which o" the above should !ou t!e the names that will aear in the ;um menu$
42. Which can be used to remove an item "rom !our ;um menu$
4%. To ma&e a a#e oen u in a new and smaller browser window( .li&e !our =ontact 7a#e in the
ro;ect lessons/( !ou should
a. choose +odify > >pen %rowser .indow
b. highlight the link and choose >pen %rowser .indow in the %ehaviors Panel.
c. highlight the link and choose the :ew %rowser .indow button.
d. none of the above.
44. Wh! are tables imortant when ma&in# web a#es$
a. Tables serve to hold text@ images and ob8ects in position.
b. Tables help organize data@ colors and images.
c. Tables make web pages easier to read.
d. 'll of the above.
4*. Which button can be used to insert a horizontal rule$
#se the image below for 0uestions 17 A 1B.
4+. Which can be used to browse to a a#e that in which to lin&$
4-. Which can be used to choose "rom a list o" a#es in which to lin&$
40. Which can be used to clic& and dra# to a a#e in the local "older$
41. To chec& that a lin& is "unctionin# roerl!( !ou should
a. click on the link in *reamweaver.
b. double click on the link in *reamweaver.
c. preview the page in the browser and click on the link.
d. choose .indow > heck -ink
*0. Which are common e'tensions "or ima#es used in ma&in# weba#es$
a. .8pg
b. .doc
c. .gif
d. both a and c
e. a@ b and c

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