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1.1 Background as much as 29% of the world population is made up of teenagers, and 80% of them
live in developing countries. Based on the sesnsus population in Indonesia in 2010, amounting
to 18.33% of the total population of Indonesia which is as much as 43.55% million people are
teenagers aged 0-19 years

Adolescence is a time of growing into adulthood or the development into adulthood, this
happened in a time of many changes, both biological changes, psychological and social change.
The changes phases often triggered conflicts with the surrounding environment.

Eighty percent of adolescents aged 11-15 years old is said to have high-risk behavior suggests at
least one time in that period, such as being bad at school, abuse of illicit substances, as well as
the behavior of antisosisal. A variety of factors that can increase or decrease the risk of
emotional, mental disorders, and behavior in teenagers, among others, the competence of
individuals, families, the environment, the quality of the school and community level in the

In each phase of development. Including the teenage phase. Individuals are required to meet
the developmental tasks they face. One of the demands and obligations that must be faced by
teenagers is the demands on the school environment. Currently, the desire of parents to
provide the best facilities for children in terms of higher education. Many parents like to get her
in the school and classroom favorites. And not least also the parents and the son who wants to
be part of the class referred to by or speed grade acceleration.

Acceleration is the acceleration of the class classes to the curriculum, and learning methods that
differ from the regular classes. For students gifted with intellectual capacity above the average,
this accelerated program provides several advantages, among others, satisfy the needs of
student cognition would be a more challenging lessons, improve the efficiency and activity of
students in learning. Accelerated classes are also equipped with a complete infrastructure, a
more competent educators with specific eligibility standards. But even if students have
accelerated classes of cognitive development is better, but they can be left behind in the
development of maturity both physical, emotional, social adaptation, discuss and talk.The
characteristics dimilikikelas acceleration provide a clear picture on the issue of emotions,
attitudes, and behavior of students

1.2 research issues based on the background of researchers formulated the following problem:
How depictions of emotional problems on grade acceleration?

1.3 research objectives
1.3.1 General purpose describes the mental and emotional problems on grade acceleration
1.3.2 the Special Purpose 1. Knowing the emotional symptom score on grade acceleration 2.
know the score on student behavior problems accelerated 3. knowing the score hyperactivity on
acceleration 4. students Learn the relationships between fellow problem score on grade
acceleration 5. knowing the score prososial behavior on grade acceleration 6. Knowing the
mental problems and prevelensi emoisonal on grade acceleration 7. Knowing the emotional
mental issues prevelensi based on gender on grade acceleration 1.4 Benefits research 1.
theoretical contributions on the issue As emotional on teens and early detection of the problem
2. providing input to the school to provide mentoring to the students who are having problems
mentally and emotionally 3. as a basis for further scientific studies

Chapter 2
2.1 DEFINITIONS TEENAGE adolescence is part of a dynamic growth phase in the life of an
individual.During the transition period from the time the dew asa percepatn is characterized by
the development of physical, mental, emotional, and social progress at the second time of the
second decade of life.The WHO defines adolescence when the child has reached 10 19 years
old. In the Act No. 4 of 1979 concerning the welfare of children, adolescents are individuals
who have not reached the age of 21 years of age and unmarried. According to The Labour Law,
teenagers is the child who has reached the age of 16 18 years old or have been married and
had her own place to live.The Ministry of culture and education considers teen 18 year old if it is
in accordance with the graduated from high school. According to Hurlock teens are children who
are in the age range of 12 18 years.Monks, dkk gives teen age limit is 12 21 years
old.According to Stanley Things teens are at a range of 12-25 years.Based on restrictions limits
given by the experts, it can be seen that the beginning of adolescence is relatively the same, but
the end of adolescence vary widely.

Adolescence lasted through 3 stages of early adolescence, teenager and adolescent secondary
1. early adolescence
occur when children aged 12-15 years. During this period of growth and physical
maturation occurs very rapidly and the intensive intellectual development. The child's
interest to the outside world is very large and would not be considered as child again,
although it has not been able to leave the pattern childist. Teen or child in this period often
felt hushed, hesitant, unstable, dissatisfied and disappointed.
2. Middle adolescence
Children aged 15-18 years are entering adolescence.This period was marked by almost
complete puberty growth, the incidence of skills the new thinking skills, increased
knowledge of the arrival of adulthood, and the desire to establish emotional and
psychological distance with the parents. Adolescents at this age have the self-confidence to
do the assessment of behaviour.At this time the teenagers will discover his true identity.
3. the end of adolescence
is occurring in teenagers aged 18-21 years of age. This period was marked by preparations
for the role as adults, including clarification of the purpose of the work and the
internalization of a personal value system. Teenagers begin to engage in life, work and
relationships outside the family.

1. growth and development of Adolescent Youth is a period of transition from child to
adult, so a lot of changes on an as a sign of adolescence. At the time this happened the
runway grows, arising out of the secondary sex characteristics, achieved fertilization
and changes changes in cognitive and psychological. An important event during the
period of adolescence is puberty, i.e. morphological and physiological changes rapidly
from the children into adulthood. Psychosocial changes that accompany puberty are
called adolesen
Growing flower is the persistiwa that occurred from the time of fertilization until
adulthood. The process of growing hibiscus flower growing up physically differentiated,
growing one's intellectual and emotional displays are tumbah. Physical changes include
flower growing large size and organ function, ranging from the molecular level through
a complex metabolic and physical demolition until puberty. Growing intellectual
pyrotechnics associated with the ability to communicate and handle various abstract
and symbolic issues, such as talking, playing games, counting or reading. The growing
swell of emotional relating to the ability to form inner bonding, compassionate
sweetheart, administer the stimulation from the outside as well as the ability to handle
anxiety due to a failure.
The conflict has often faced by teenagers increasingly complex along with the changes
they have experienced on the various dimensions of life in them i.e. the biological
dimension, the dimension of cognitive, moral dimension, and the psychological
dimension. The teenager's life dimensions can be described in the following:
2. Mental and emotional problems of Adolescents mental emotional Perkambangan is a
process of development of a person in an attempt to fit in with the surroundings and
experiences experiences. Mental emotional problems can arise if there is anything
that impedes a person in the process of adjusting ourselves to the environment and
experiences experiences. Mental emotional problems in children are divided into two
categories namely internalization and externalization. Internalization of emotional
problems including depression, symptoms, anxiety, behavior, and self interest are
classed as self menghuikum emotions such as grief, guilt, fear and perasaaan concerns.
Emotional symptoms have serious consequences, for example inhibit the academic
success and relationships with peers.

Description of the emotional mental issues, among others: externalization of difficult temperament,
the inability to solve problems, disorders of attention, hyperactivity, behavioral conflicts (don't like
the positive feedback given rebuked, unwilling to join the rules) and aggressive behavior. 2.3.2
factors affecting Teen behavior, emotional development there are many factors that affect the
emotional development and behavior of adolescents. There is a complex interaction of biological,
psychological physical changes or individual cognitive development, and the interaction of social
factors. Emotional and behavioral problems can arise due to the interaction of those factors, and
supported by an imbalance of risk factors and protective factors.
1. Physical Biological Growth there are five changes to the change in the physical or biological
changes in teenagers, namely high added body fast, secondary sex development, the
development of the reproductive organs, changes in body komposii, as well as changes of
respiration and circulation system berhuubungan with the stamina of the body. Hormonal
factors were developed in the process of growing flowers among others, growth hormone,
thyroid hormone, glukokotikoid, and sex hormones. Entering puberty is a stressful time for
teens. Hormonal changes affect teen behavior da mood.
2. psychological development, adolescence is synonymous with the opposition or rebellion, is
associated with a variety of changes that must be faced by teenagers in comparison with the
previous period. One of the developments that should teens face in the ability to think more
mature and rational as well as having a more mature consideration in resolving the problem.
This ability is called cognitive ability. Five other teenagers between cognitive development:
1. being able to think about possibly-possibly have happened, 2. Think with your hypothesis,
3. Think far ahead and plan a proper strategy, 4. being able to measure the capabilities of its
own, analyze alternatives to problem solving, and 5. Thinking without limits and abstract in
nature, for example about the religious, political, moral and human relationships. With these
capabilities often gives rise to conflicts between adolescents with parents, schools and the
3. change of Socio environmental Behaviour is very susceptible to environmental influences,
on the one hand have a strong desire for adolescence hold social interakssi in an attempt to
gain the trust of the neighborhood, on the other hand he began to think of life
independently, regardless of the supervision of parents and schools. One of the hardest teen
development is spenyesuaian against social environment, adolescents must conform with
the opposite sex in interpersonal relationships, and also should conform to an adult outside
the family and school environment. Teen berkmbang in the environment of family, school,
peers and community of a wider culture that is massyarakat. The social environment can be
a good environment for the development of mental, emotional and behavior of adolescents
and vice versa.
a. family environment Family is the first and main environment for child development.
Umuru 4-6 years is considered the starting point of the process of self-identification
according to gender, the role of the mother and father or parent substitute. Marya's
character formation is influenced by, among others, family, parenting, family conditions
and moral education in the family. The risk of a teenager suffered a personality disorder
antisocial personality became distorted and behave on teenagers who grew up in a
family environment is not good compared to children/adolescents who are raised in a
healthy family/harmony.
b. the influence of school environment are also quite strong in the development of
mental, emotional and behavior of teenagers is school environment. The school
environment is potentially the second environment affects the mental health of children
after the family environment.
1.) and the quality of the school Arrangement arrangement of the school include
discipline, learning habits, and the conditions that support the school in self-control,
among others: school facilities and infrastructure, inadequate quantity and quality
of teachers and non-power inadequate teachers, school curriculum which is often
changing, less precise, religious charge/less manners, as well as the location of the
school in the area is prone to.
2.) Guidance for teachers in school adolescents face weighs the demands of teachers,
parents and curriculum, so that it can give rise to mental burden. In this case the
role of homeroom teachers and tutors very meaningful. When a teacher supervising
a school counselor did not play a role, the students did not receive reasonable
guidance. To channel interest, talents and hobbies of the students, extracurricular
activities need to be developed with the guidance of a teacher
c. Peer Environment Enters adolescence, the child begins to melepasskan yourself from
the emotional bond with his parents and establish a relationship that is familiar with
friends her age. Peer group gave the world where teens can make socialization where
applicable value is not a value set by adults but rather by friends of her age. This is
where lies the dangerous for mental teenagers, perkembangna if the value of the peer
group are developed in a negative value, aadalah will be even more dangerous if the
peer group tend to which each Member covered cannot be detached from the Group
and must follow the value developed by the leader of the group, attitudes, thoughts,
behaviors, and her lifestyle is a lifestyle and behavior of the group.

2.4 the role of Schools in the emotional development of teenagers
2.4.1 Function the school as Penyelenggar school education as education providers task
to educate students who are currently in the development towards maturity to achieve
positive change-perubahn both with regard to the knowledge, attitudes, and skills. In
other words, the organizer of the school refers to the formation of a mature student
personal and able to stand on its own.
As a formal institution that carries out a systematic program secraa guidance,
instruction, and training in order to help students to be able to develop its potential,
both regarding aspects of the moral-spiritual, intellectual, social, or emosioanla.
Regarding the role of schools in developing the child's personality, expressed that the
school was the deciding factor for the development of the personality of the child, both
in thinking, behaving, and how to behave. The school acts as a substitution of the family
and the teacher acts as a substitution of the elderly.
School factors that influence the learning process and can have an impact on the
emotions and the perlaku students include: methods of teaching, curriculum, teacher's
relationship with students, school discipline, standards of learning, the State of the
building and home tasks.

2.4.3 Grade JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL student age of Acceleration can be categorized in
the early teens, i.e. mass of 12-15 years. At this time the adolescent is
experiencing one of the developmental tasks of adolescence is the most difficult,
that the relationship with the soailnya adjustment. Before children with high IQ
will have difficulty in social adjustment, because children with high IQ have
quicker understanding and a more advanced way of thinking so often not
commensurate with his peers. There is a presumption that a student with an IQ
above normal will be superior in the health, social, and emotional adjustments.
However, some reality on the ground indicates that the class is not as good as
the acceleration dihharapkan and the case brought negative impact on the social
life of students. Students become reduced his opportunities for bergaaul and
interact with friends because it's always claimed to be dealing with the subject
matter, even hours of extracurricular programs should be used which is also
allocated for teaching or evaluation of the subject matter.

methods of WRITING

THE PURPOSE OF: train the students ' emotional approach to peer through the
individualist flavor
to minimize the effect on students in the school's accelerated learning process

METHOD: The program gives emotional training in the classroom while lessons.
take place do tutoring to the students and the teachers concerned to implement
programs of emotional training

INDICATION : The implementation of the programme of training of emotional
each student is able to apply in everyday life as well as developments in

Design Program this Program is a great program for JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
students that applied acceleration which aims to train students through
emotional peer education could be applied by students, teachers, subjects
and teachers BK. Program provides benefits for students that are useful to
improve the dissemination and processing the emotions well with fixed
attention to targets learning in the classroom and also in accordance with
the competence of students and teachers.
This Program will be developed in each study in the classroom as well as in
the scope of the school, the teacher would help develop BK program is
assisted by teachers of other subjects. Students are given tasks that support
to interact with other people and also the students form learning groups are
useful for treating emotional and learning for adaptation. The evaluation
group will be performed each week while learning guidance counseling with
the method of mutual exchange of information and sharing of tasks within a

Data analysis
data processing undertaken include guidance to teachers of subjects to give
tasks that support the process by involving interaction with many people,
after that students will start getting used by a group. In the development of
his teacher and give guidance about the program BK emotional training that
begins by forming groups that developed through the processes of sharing
information, sharing of experience, approach each other and play-playing to
train compactness. Once the process runs it is not didsadari students will be
familiar with friends her age and make the learning process as well.
Education peers that provide a lot of good learning, intellectual, social and
environmental.If the program is already running with a good perkembngan,
such a program could be continued and did innovative-innovative new

Conclusions based on these results it can be concluded that the emotional training
through education of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL students apply to either peer accelerated,
because in the age of the early teens a lot happens problems afflicting students which
may affect the process of analytical study
The age of adolescence is the age of the labile so that the need for guidance-guidance
for supporting life on the future later, emotions also affects both whether the
development of the adolescent. Pengolhan emotion is also the right thing to keep the
emotion could well tersalurkan and not overwhelming so the overflow is experiencing
emotional turmoil that plagued many things

for accelerated schools program is expected to take place continuously even
experienced some improvement because the program is good for students. For students
are also expected to do well with this program and can live more for the learning

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