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Personal Data
Name: MSM Sex: Female
Age: 30 years old Address: San Jose, Guinoatan, Alay
!du"ational Attainment: #ig$ S"$ool Graduate
Admission Date: %"toer &, '0(3
Admitting Diagnosis: )or oser*ation o) Psy"$osis
Final Diagnosis: +i,olar A))e"ti*e Disorder
II. Des"ri,tion o) t$e -lient
.$e "lient /as dressed in a $os,ital go/n0 t$e ,atient $as no gross de)ormity and amulatory.
S$e $as moles on $er lo/er le)t eye and le)t "$ee1, $as )air s1in, "urly $air u, to $er s$oulders
and /it$ an a*erage ody uilt and $eig$t.
III. Des"ri,tion o) t$e !n*ironment
Pa*ilion 3& is a ( story uilding /$i"$ "onsist o) t/o units, t$e male and )emale /ard. It $as
an o,en area at t$e "enter, !*ery unit $as ,ro,er *entilation, t$e )emale /ard $as eds /$ile t$e
male /ard $as none. And t$ere is a guard at t$e )ront gate to ensure t$at t$e residents stay in t$e
I2. %3e"ti*es
(. .o gain more 1no/ledge aout mental $ealt$
'. .o learn $o/ to intera"t /it$ ,atients /$o are mentally ill
3. .o uild trust and ra,,ort
2. #istory ta1en )rom t$e "$art
A""ording to t$e "$art my "lient ex,erien"ed slee,lessness, )lig$t o) ideas,
looseness o) asso"iation, auditory $allu"inations, mania, ,aranoia, and de,ression e)ore
and u,on $er admission in National -enter )or Mental #ealt$. #er origin is )rom a 3ail in
Alay and /as es"orted y a 3ail guard /$en roug$t $ere0 $er "ase /as t/o "ounts o)
murder and /as roug$t in N-M# )or oser*ation o) ,sy"$osis. In $er "$art t$ere are
,i"tures t$at are atta"$ed, it is ,i"tures o) a "ada*er t$at is s$a"1ed in t$e ne"1 and 1nees,
it stated t$ere t$at it /as $er )at$er in la/ atta"1ed y $er. And t$en I "ontinue ro/sing
$er "$art t$en I sa/ a ,age /$ere $er o/n daug$ter /as inter*ie/ed to testi)y /$at really
$a,,ened t$at day. .$at means /$en t$at in"ident $a,,ened $er "$ildren are t$ere and
t$ey $a*e /itnessed against t$eir o/n mot$er, $er daug$ter stated 4tinaga ni mama si lolo
sa leeg5, and 4tuma1o 1ami ni lola ,alaas ,ero nada,a si lola 1aya ,inata1o na 1ami
ni lola, inautan naman sya ni mama at tinaga din sa leeg5. It is also stated in $er "$art
t$at it $a,,ened around )our PM last august '6, '0(3. +ut ,rior to t$e in"ident t$e "lient
/as seen tal1ing and laug$ing y $ersel) and $a*ing e,isodes o) lan1 stares. A""ording
also to t$e "$art t$e ,atient /ent to Manila )rom Alay to "ome to $er youngest sister
/it$ only t/enty ,esos in $er ,o"1et, and /$en $er sister as1ed $er i) s$e need anyt$ing
)rom $er s$e 3ust told $er 4/ala lang5. And /it$ t$is signs and sym,toms t$e "ourt o)
alay roug$t $er in N-M# and t$e do"tors diagnosed $er /it$ +i,olar A))e"ti*e
2I. #istory ta1en )rom t$e -lient
A""ording to t$e ,atient e)ore t$e /$ole in"ident $a,,ened s$e ex,erien"ed
auditory $allu"inations s$e stated 4,ag naulan ,a1iramdam 1o inaato yung uong
naming5 and 4yung tunog ng gri,o ,a1iramdam 1o sorang la,it sa tenga 1o5. S$e also
$eard *oi"es su"$ as 4ni ra,e nya yung ana1 mo5. S$e is also a/are t$at s$e is really
de,ressed e)ore t$e in"ident $a,,ened. And on t$e day t$at t$e terrile in"ident
$a,,ened /$ile s$e sa/ $er )at$er in la/ s$ar,ening $is olo, s$e said 4na1i,ag aga/an
a1o ng ita1, ta,os na aga/ 1o naman5 and 4tinaga 1o 1aagad sya sa leeg ta,os na1ita 1o
naman yung iyenan 1ong aae tinaga 1o din sa leeg5. S$e also stated t$at s$e nearly
1illed $er "$ildren also ut /$en s$e sa/ t$e s"attered lood, t$e ,atient *erali7ed,
4,arang igla a1ong natau$an5 and t$en s$e run as )ast as s$e "an ut at t$e end s$e told
me t$at, 4sumu1o na din a1o5. .$ere are some ,art o) t$e story t$at are "$anged
a""ording to ,atient, some story is not mat"$ed on /$at is /ritten in $er "$art ut most
are mat"$ed /it$ t$e "$art.
2II. Introdu"tion o) t$e Diagnosis
+i,olar disorder 8 sometimes "alled mani"9de,ressi*e disorder 8 is asso"iated /it$ mood
s/ings t$at range )rom t$e lo/s o) de,ression to t$e $ig$s o) mania. :$en you e"ome
de,ressed, you may )eel sad or $o,eless and lose interest or ,leasure in most a"ti*ities. :$en
your mood s$i)ts in t$e ot$er dire"tion, you may )eel eu,$ori" and )ull o) energy. Mood s$i)ts
may o""ur only a )e/ times a year, or as o)ten as se*eral times a day. In some "ases, i,olar
disorder "auses sym,toms o) de,ression and mania at t$e same time.
Alt$oug$ i,olar disorder is a disru,ti*e, long9term "ondition, you "an 1ee, your moods in
"$e"1 y )ollo/ing a treatment ,lan. In most "ases, i,olar disorder "an e "ontrolled /it$
medi"ations and ,sy"$ologi"al "ounseling ;,sy"$ot$era,y<.
2III. +e$a*ioral Sign and Sym,toms
Before During
Anergia +lunted A))e"t
Slee,lessness Slee,lessness
Flig$t o) ideas =iterally drooling
=ooseness o) Asso"iation #a*ing +lan1 stares
Auditoy $allu"inations #as di))i"ulty $a*ing eye "onta"t
De,ression -on)aulation
Paranoia -onsistently s$a1ing $er legs
Mania #a*ing e,isodes o) anergia
Flat a))e"t
2iolen"e to/ards ot$ers
I>. Drugs Study
ric Name
Indication Side Effects Nursing
Monot$era,y in
adults and
ents )or s$ort9
term treatment o)
a"ute mani" or
mixed e,isodes
asso"iated /it$
i,olar (
disorder, or in
/it$ lit$ium or
*al,roate in
asso"iated /it$
autisti" disorder
-ommon side
e))e"ts o)
ris,eridone in"lude
e))e"ts ;sudden o)ten
3er1y, in*oluntary
motions o) t$e $ead,
ne"1, arms, ody, or
CNS: Insomnia,
headache, somn
di77iness, tardi*e
CV: %rt$ostati"
$y,otension, arr
Dermatologic: ?a
s$, dry s1in,
GI: Nausea,
constipation, ad
dis"om)ort, dry
mout$, in"reased
Respirator: ?$i
nitis, "oug$ing,
sinusitis, ,$aryn
gitis, dys,nea
!ther: -$est
,ain, art$ralgia,
a"1 ,ain,
)e*er, neurolepti
c malignant
sndrome" diae
tes mellitus,
#istor: Allergy
to ris,eridone,
la"tation, -2
disease, ,regnan"y,
renal or $e,ati"
$hsical: ., /eig$t0
orientation0 P, +P,
ort$ostati" +P0 ?,
sounds0 o/el
sounds, normal
out,ut, li*er
e*aluation0 -+-,
urinalysis, li*er and
1idney )un"tion
%&RNING: Maint
ain sei7ure
es,e"ially /$en
initiating t$era,y
and in"reasing
%&RNING: Mix
oral solution /it$
3A6 o7 o) /ater,
"o))ee, orange 3ui"e,
or lo/9)at mil1. Do
not mi' (ith cola
or tea)
%,en lister units
o) orally
talets indi*idually0
do not ,us$ talet
t$roug$ t$e )oil.
Bse dry $ands to
remo*e talet8
immediately ,la"e
on tongue. Do not
allo/ ,atient to
"$e/ talet.
%&RNING: Monit
or ,atient regularly
)or signs and
sym,toms o)
diaetes mellitus.
Monitor .. I) )e*er
o""urs, rule out
in)e"tion, and
"onsult ,$ysi"ian
)or a,,ro,riate
"om)ort measures.
Ad*ise ,atient to
use "ontra"e,tion
during drug t$era,y.
%&RNING: Follo
/ guidelines )or
dis"ontinuation or
reinstitution o) t$e
drug "are)ully.
Indication Side Effects Nursing
Ad3un"t in t$e
t$era,y o)
and idio,at$i"
?elie) o)
sym,toms o)
disorders t$at
CNS: Some are
"$ara"teristi" o)
"entrally a"ting
drugs: disorientation,
confusion, memory
loss, $allu"inations,
agitation, nervousnes
s, delusions, delirium,
,aranoia, eu,$oria,
ex"itement, light-
dizziness, de,ression,
/ea1ness, giddiness,
,arest$esia, $ea*iness
o) t$e lims
CV: .a"$y"ardia,
Dermatologic: ?as$
, urti"aria, ot$er
EEN*: Blurred
mydriasis, di,lo,ia,
in"reased intrao"ular
tension, angle9"losure
GI: Dry mouth,
constipation, dilation
o) t$e "olon, ,aralyti"
ileus, a"ute
su,,urati*e ,arotitis,
nausea, *omiting,
e,igastri" distress
G+: Urinary
retention, urinary
hesitancy, dysuria,
di))i"ulty a"$ie*ing
or maintaining an
#istor: #y,ersensiti
*ity to en7tro,ine0
glau"oma0 ,ylori" or
duodenal ostru"tion,
stenosing ,e,ti"
ul"ers, a"$alasia0
,rostati" $y,ertro,$y
or ladder ne"1
myast$enia gra*is0
"ardia" arr$yt$mias,
$y,otension0 $e,ati"
or renal dys)un"tion0
al"o$olism, "$roni"
illness, /or1 in $ot
C $hsical: +ody
/eig$t0 .0 s1in "olor,
lesions0 orientation,
a))e"t, re)lexes,
ilateral gri, strengt$,
*isual exam,
in"luding tonometry0
P, +P, ort$ostati" +P0
ad*entitious sounds0
o/el sounds, normal
out,ut, li*er
e*aluation0 normal
urinary out,ut,
*oiding ,attern,
,rostate ,al,ation0
li*er and 1idney
)un"tion tests
!ther: Flushing,
sweating, ele*ated
mus"ular /ea1ness,
mus"ular "ram,ing
Day (: %rientation P$ase
Pro"ess ?e"ording D(
;A,ril E, '0(6<
It /as my )irst time to meet my "lient I )eel ex"ited ut ner*ous at t$e same time.
:$en I met $er s$e is /earing $er )lat a))e"t and really $a*ing a $ard time to $a*e an eye
"onta"t /it$ me. I "an see it in $er a"tions t$at s$e is really s$y to me. +ut as our
"on*ersation goes on I "an )eel t$at s$e is e"oming "om)ortale in our "on*ersation.
*echni,ue of
Client Interaction Inference
Magandang $a,on ,o,
a1o ,o si -armelli
.$ird year nursing
student ,o ng -anossa
a1o ang magiging
student nurse nyo ,o
)or ' /ee1s. P/ede
,o a 1ayong mag
,a1ilala sa a1inF
Naanggit nyo ,o na
may A asa/a na ,o
1ayo, ilang taon na ,o
1ayong 1asalF
!$ ilan naman ,o ang
ana1 nyoF
So 1amusta naman ,o
1ayo ditoF
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
an indi*idual, as a
Gi*ing in)ormation9
uilds u, trust as /ell
as gi*es t$e ,atient a
greater ody o)
1no/ledge )rom
/$i"$ to ma1e
de"isions or "ome to
realisti" "on"lusions
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
+road o,enings ma1e
ex,li"it t$at t$e "lient
A1o ,o si Melinda
Morato, 30 years old
taga9i"ol, may asa/a
na ,o a1o at may
dala/ang ana1.
Siguro mga ,itong
taon naG
Dala/a, yung
,anganay 1o aae E
years old na ngayon
ta,os yung ,angala/a
lala1i mga H years
!toG o1ay
na1a1atulog at
It /as my )irst time to
meet my "lient, I )eel
*ery ex"ited ut
ner*ous at t$e same
time. A)ter /e settled
do/n in our o/n sits,
I started to introdu"e
mysel) /it$ a smile
and eye "onta"t to my
.$oug$ I am smiling
My "lientIs )a"ial
ex,ression is neutral
and s$e is $a*ing a
$ard time to $a*e an
eye "onta"t /it$ me.
Im trying to "om,ose
mysel) $ere e"ause at
t$is ,oint Im $a*ing a
$ard time to t$in1 on
$o/ "an I o,en our
"on*ersation aout $er

A$ mauti naman
,ong ma1ing yan.
Ilang taon na, o a
1ayo ditoF
.aga i1ol din ,o
yung ,a,a 1o.
Marunong ,o 1ayo
mag i1olanoF
.aga laguna din ,o
a1o, San Palo ,o
a"tually 1ami ,ong
la$at taga San Palo
Mga isang sa1ay lang
,o ng 3ee, mula
!$ ano ,o ang
da$ilan at narito ,o
Ano ,o a ang 1aso
Ano naman ,o ang
da$ilan at naga/a nyo
,o iyonF
$as t$e lead in t$e
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
information- uilds
u, trust as /ell as
gi*es t$e ,atient a
greater ody o)
1no/ledge )rom
/$i"$ to ma1e
de"isions or "ome to
realisti" "on"lusions
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
des"ri,tion o)
,er"e,tion9 .o
understand t$e "lient,
na1a1a1ain, /ala
naming na1a1aa/ay.
H mont$s ,a lang a1o
dito noong %"toer &,
'0(3 inaya$e a1o ng
mga ,ulis galling
i1ol 1asi nga taga
doon a1o.
#indi e$ ,ero
na1a1aintindi naman
a1o, taga laguna
talaga 1asi a1o.
A$ taga Sta. ?osa
a1o, mala,it a yung
San Palo sa aeF
A$$ medyo mala,it
nga lang.
Na1a,atay 1asi a1o
Murder na,atay 1o
yung dala/a 1ong
Ga/a ng ulongG
I almost /ent lan1 at
t$is ,oint my $eart is
raising e"ause o) my
ner*ousness ut IIm
still trying to su,,ress
it to gain my "lientIs
At t$is ,oint I already
1no/ $o/ to lead our
It is ni"e to )eel t$at
my "lient is starting to
e "om)ortale tal1ing
to me e"ause s$e is
starting to smile and
t$atIs my "ue t$at my
"lient is already
A)ter $a*ing t$at to,i"
I graed t$e
o,,ortunity to as1 my
"lient dee,er.
At t$is moment I "an
)eel t$at my ,atientIs
mood "$anged into
A"tually I already
$a*e a little
in)ormation aout $er
e"ause Ms. ?uy
mentioned $er ealier.
:$en s$e said t$at
,$rase to me $er )a"ial
ex,ression "$anged
into /eird ex,ression
and e"ause o) t$at I
leaned )or/ard, 3ust a
Ano naman da/ ,ong
sai ng ulongF
Jailan nyo ,o
simulang na1inig ang
Maari nyo ,o ang i9
detalye sa a1in ang
nangyari noong ara/
nay unF
t$e nurse must see
t$ings )rom $is or $er
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
Pla"ing e*ents in time
seKuen"e9 Putting
e*ents in ,ro,er
seKuen"e $el,s ot$
t$e nurse and "lient to
see t$em in
Na ni A ra,e da/
nung iyenan 1o yung
aae 1ong ana1,
ta,os 1ung ano ano
,ang sinai sa1in.
Siguro mga simula
nung January (&, ,ero
ago ,a yun andami
1o ng na1i1inig,
1atulad nung ,ag
umuulan )eeling 1o
inaato yung uong
naming ta,os yung
tuig sa gri,o ,ag
na1i1inig 1o ang la1as
sora sa tenga 1o na
,arang sorang la,it
ta,os ,inag ,a,a/isan
a1o ng marami.
Jasi yung ara/ na
na1ita 1o yung
iyenan 1o na
nag$a$asa ng ita1,
ta,os sai sa1in nung
ulong e$, ,a,atayin
da/ a1o ng iyenan
1o e$ da,at da/
una$an 1o na da/ sya
da$il a1a da/ a1o
naman da/ ang
mauna$an. Jaya
gina/a 1o na1i,ag
aga/an a1o nung ita1
dun sa iyenan 1o
ta,,os naaga/ 1o
little to ma1e $er )eel
t$at I am interested on
/$at s$e is saying.
%ur "on*ersation is
starting to e serious
and more intimate and
my "lient is starting to
$a*e an eye "onta"t to
me and $er ex,ression
e"omes more serious.
.$ereIs so many
Kuestions t$at is
"oming u, on my
mind at t$is ,oint so
Im starting to sort it
e"ause I "an )eel t$at
my ,atient is starting
to e "om)ortale in
tal1ing to me.
:$en s$e is telling
me aout t$e /$ole
in"ident, s$e totally
didnIt loo1 at me in
t$e eye and I "an )eel
t$at $er mood "$anged
and t$e atmos,$ere
e"ame more intense
as s$e is telling me
aout /$at s$e
rememered on t$at
day /$en s$e 1illed
$er in la/s.
!$ ano ,o a ang sai
ng 1orte tung1ol sa
1aso nyo ,oF
Naanggit nyo ,o na
madami ,o 1ayong
,rolema ano ,o a
ang mga iyonF
Ano ,o a ang da$ilan
nung ,ag aa/ay nyo
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as

Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
agad 1o naman syang
tinaga sa leeg ta,os
na1ita 1o naman yung
isa 1ong iyenan na
aae, tinaga 1o din
sa leeg, da,at nga
yung dala/a 1ong
ana1 e$ ,a,atayin 1o
din e$ ,a,atayin 1o
din, e$ na1ita 1o na
ang daming dugo
ta,os igla a1ong
naalim,ungatan ta,os
igla nag tata1o na
a1o ta,os $inaol a1o
ng mga ,ulis ,ero sa
$ul sumu1o na rin a1o
ta,os 1inulong nila
a1o ta,os nag $earing
sai nung 3udge e$
ali/ nga da/ a1o
1aya dinala nila a1o
Ayun nga ali/ nga
da/ a1o 1asi ang
dami 1o da/ mga
,rolema 1aya 1ung
ano ano ang
,uma,aso1 sa isi, 1o.
Jasi yung mga
na1araang ara/ ago
mangyari yun ,arati
1ong na1a1aa/ay
yung mga iyenan 1o.
Nangengeelam 1asi
sila sa ,ag ,a,ala1i ng
mga ana1 1o e$ dun
1adalasan ang $indi
I as1ed more aout
/$at $a,,ened to $er
aout t$at in"ident.
+e"ause o) t$at I
as1ed $er t$is
Kuestion. +e"ause I
/ant to 1no/ /$at
really is t$e "ause o)
$er de,ression.
Im still t$in1ing o)
/$at /ill e t$e main
"ause o) $er atta"1.
And t$e )a"tors t$at is
"ontriuting to $er
*iolen"e against $er in
Ano naman ,ong
da$ilan nung ,ag1a1a
$indi intindi$an nyo
ng asa/a nyoF
Ano da/ ,ong gamot
Ilang u/an na ,o a
1ayong untis nung
,inalaglag nyo yung
Ano naman ,ong
naging rea1syon nung
asa/a nyo sa gina/a
Jalian nyo naman ,o
sya $uling na1ausa,F
Ano naman ,ong sai
nila sa inyoF
Ano naman ,o ang
sinai nyo sa 1anilaF
ex,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
ex,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
naming ta,os ,arati
,a 1aming nag9 aa/ay
nung asa/a 1o at
nung 1a,atid 1o.
Lung ,ag uuntis 1o,
nauntis 1asi a1o
noon ,angatlo n asana
naming ,ero nung
sinai 1o sa asa/a 1o
ayun ,arang aya/ na
nga nya da/ mag
ana1 $indi 1asi yun
ma$ilig sa ata e$.
Jaya ang gina/a 1o
,inalaglag 1o na lang
inigyan a1o nung
1a,atid 1o ng gamot
#indi 1o matandaan
Mga dal/ang u/an
na siguro
:ala, aya/ nya na din
naman 1asi mag1a9
ana1 ,a ulit.
Nung isang u/an ,a
ta,os dinala/ a1o ng
mga 1amag A ana1 1o
nung Friday
Da,at lang da/ na
,agsisi$an 1o yung
gina/a 1o da,at lang
da/n a ma1ulong a1o
Sai 1o ingatan nila
yung dala/a 1ong
In t$is Kuestion IIm
trying to dig dee,er
aout $er $istory
e)ore t$e in"ident
At t$is ,oint I /as
a/are t$at I $ad a
/rong mo*e I
s$ouldI*e as1 $er
aout /$at s$e really
)eels /$en s$e $ad to
aort $er "$ild.
:it$ t$is to,i" t$at
s$e o,ened u, to me, I
as1 $er more aout
/$at is t$e rea"tion o)
$er $usand and /$at
is t$e status o) t$eir
relations$i, a)ter t$at
in"ident $a,,ened.
I as1 $er also aout
/$at is t$e status o)
$er relations$i, /it$
$er )amily.
Follo/ u, Kuestion to
1no/ /$at my "lient
)eels to/ards $er
:it$ t$is Kuestion I
"an )eel t$at s$e really
missed $er "$ildren,
Jamusta naman da/
,o yung mga ana1
nyo ,oF
!$ na1ita nyo na ,o
a ulit yung mga ana1
nyo ,o ulitF
A$ oo nga da/ ,o. !$
alam nyo ,o a yung
gamot na iniinom nyo
,o ngaunF
!$ may 1a1aia ,o a
nararamdaman sa
1ata/an nyo ,oF May
sumasa1it ,o aF
A$$ sige ,o tinata/ag
na, o 1ami ni maam
ruy /ala ,o 1aming
,aso1 u1as 1aya ,o
sa .$ursday na ,o ang
ali1 naming 1u1unin
,o naming 1ayo ng
umaga at $a,on ta,os
mag uusa, ,o ulit
tayo salamat ,o
o,inion o) ot$ers.
+road o,ening
Gi*es t$e "lient t$e
lead in t$e
intera"tion , and it
may stimulate
$im to ta1e t$e
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
Gi*ing in)ormation9
uilds u, trust as /ell
as gi*es t$e ,atient a
greater ody o)
1no/ledge )rom
/$i"$ to ma1e
de"isions or "ome to
realisti" "on"lusions
Ayos naman da/
,uma,aso1 sa s"$ool
ta,os inigyan a1o ng
,era ago umalis.
#indi ,a a/al 1asi
ang ata dito.
-ara lang minsan
may multi*itamins
,ero ngayon "ara
lang ang iniigay
:ala namanng
sumasa1it, ,ero
,arang may
tinitingnan sila sa1in
% sige salamat.
maye t$atIs /$y s$e
"$anged t$e to,i".
+ut I 1e,t on as1ing
aout $er "$ildren ut
I "an see it /it$ $er
)a"ial ex,ression t$at
s$e is not t$at
"om)ortale /it$ t$is
to,i", t$atIs /$y I
de"ided to 3ust really
"$anged it.
.$en I as1ed $er
aout ,$ysi"al
as,e"ts, i) $er drugs
are "om,atile /it$
Bn)ortunately I run
out o) time.
Day ': :or1ing P$ase
Pro"ess ?e"ording D'
;A,ril (0, '0(6<
For t$e )irst day o) our t$era,y /e ,re,ared re"reational and ne/s,a,er t$era,ies )or our
"lients at )irst /e really $a*e many douts in $o/ /e /ill e ale to start a t$era,y, good t$ing
Miss ruy assisted us in starting our )irst t$era,y. And at t$e end /e "an see t$at our "lients at
least smiled or some o) t$em e*en laug$ed at our ,re,ared 3o1es, and it is really suiting to see
t$at t$ey are not ored and $as interest on /$at /e are doing.
*echni,ue of
Client Interaction Inference
Jamusta naman ,o
1ayo ateF
Doon nga din ,o
saamin mainit din,
summer na, o 1asi
1aya sorang initG
e$ nag en3oy naman
,o 1ayo 1aninaF
:alang anuman ,o
ano ,o a ang
,aorito nyong
+road o,ening
Gi*es t$e "lient t$e
lead in t$e
intera"tion , and it
may stimulate
$im to ta1e t$e
Gi*ing in)ormation9
uilds u, trust as /ell
as gi*es t$e ,atient a
greater ody o)
1no/ledge )rom
/$i"$ to ma1e
de"isions or "ome to
realisti" "on"lusions
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
an indi*idual, as a
?estating9 .$is
%1ay naman
na1atulog naman a1o
1agai, mainit nga
lang at malamo1 sa
%o, nag en3oy naman,
masaya naman 1ami
1anina nalaro naming
yun dati e$G salamat
dito sa is"uit a$.
Lung )udgee at, yun
yung iniili 1o sa
laas dati.
.$e ,atient /as ale
to *erali7e /$at s$e
S$e is stating t$at s$e
en3oyed ,ur a"ti*ity
ut $er a))e"t is
lunted, /$ile still
I "an see t$at s$e is
really en3oying $er
)ood /$ile /e are
"on*ersing t$atIs /$y
t$is time I o,ened our
"on*ersation y
as1ing aout $ersel).
.$en I tried to as1 $er
Lun ,o yung tina,ay
na "$o"olate diaF
Naanggit nyo ,o na
,uma,aso1 na, o
yung nga ana1 nyo,
1ayo ,o a ang nag
aalaga sa 1anilaF
Ano na ,ong grade ng
ana1 nyo ,oF
!$ sino na ,o nag
aalaga sa 1anila
!$ yung asa/a nyo
,oF Ano ,ong da$ilan
at nasa mga $i,ag nyo
,o yung mga ana1
nyo ,oF
#indi ,o sya umuu/i
ng i1olF
Ano naman ,ong
restatement lets t$e
"lient 1no/ t$at $e or
s$e "ommuni"ated t$e
idea e))e"ti*ely.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
%o, ,aorito rin yun
nung ana1 1o e$
inaaon nya sa
%o, $ina$atid 1o sila
sa s"$ool ta,os a1o
din yung sumusundo.
Jinder ,a lang yung
isa ta,os grade ( na
yung isa dun sila
na,aso1 sa may amin.
Nasa mga $i,ag 1o
sila ngayon sa i1ol
sya na ang nagaalaga
Jasi may traa$o
yung asa/a 1o dito sa
laguna nag tratri"y"le
dri*er sya dun sa sta
rosa, 1a$it noon ,a
nung nasa laas ,a
a1o sa laguna na
talaga sya .
Minsan, mga 3 u/an
ago sya umu/i sa
=a1i 1asi sya sa i1ol
again aout $er
Fortunately s$e is
already ready to tal1
aout t$em today.
I "an )eel t$at I am
already gaining $er
S$e mostly not
loo1ing at me in t$e
eyes s$e ,re)erred
loo1ing at my
a"1ground or to $er
$ands /$en tal1ing.
.$en I started
in*estigating again, on
/$at is t$e "ause o)
$er disease.
I "an see t$at s$e is
still not t$at
"om)ortale in tal1ing
to me I "an still )eel
t$at s$e is really s$y.
.$en to ma1e $er
"om)ortale in tal1ing
da$ilan at sa laguna
,a ,o sya nag
Naanggit nyo ,o sa
a1in 1a$a,on na taga
laguna ,o 1ayoG e$
,aano ,o 1ayo
nag1a1ilala ng asa/a
nyo ,oF
A$$ ,arang lo*e at
)irst sig$t ,oM
A$$$$, e$ naanggit
nyo ,o na nag
oarding $ouse ,o
1ayoF Ano ,ong
A$$$, e$ naanggit
nyo din ,o nag sama
,o 1ayo nung asa/a
nyo ,o, doon ,o as a
i1ol o sa laguna ,oF
A$$$, mga ilang taon
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
"lient to "ontinue, and
let t$e
"lient 1no/ t$at $e or
s$e "ommuni"ated t$e
"lient to "ontinue, and
let t$e
"lient 1no/ t$at $e or
s$e "ommuni"ated t$e
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
may ,alayan at
taniman sila doon sa
i1ol, e$ nag sa/a na
at aya/ nang u$ay sa
,roinsya 1aya
,umunta sa iang
ayan aya/ nya na
1asing mag tanim,
,arang gusto nya a
ng mas madali ,ara
1umita ng ,era.
%o, aya/ 1asi nya
yung ano 1a oarding
$ouse 1o ta,os isang
ara/ ,umunta sya dun
,arang may 1inu$a
ata ta,os ayun na1ita
nga a1o, ta,os ayun
niliga/an nya a1o ng
mga isang u/an
ta,os sinagot 1o din.
;ate Melinda smiled<
G oo, ta,os mga
,ag1a 3 u/an
naming e$ nag sama
na 1ami sa isang
Nag tratraa$o 1asi
a1o noon, )a"tory
/or1er ng mga ,yesa
Dito ,a rin sa laguna.
Mga a)ter ( year ,a,
to me I as1 $er aout
$o/ s$e met $er
$usand, I used my
girl instin"ts.
.$en at t$is ,oint I
)elt t$at s$e e"ame
more "om)ortale, itIs
li1e /e are $a*ing a
girl tal1.
.$en I go a"1 to my
main goal.
.$is time ate Melinda
)elt more "om)ortale
in ans/ering my
.$en I "ontinue
as1ing more aout $er
li)estyle e)ore t$e
in"ident $a,,ened.
At t$is ,oint t$ere are
so many Kuestions
,o ago ,o 1ayo
mag1aana1 ,oF
!$ ,aano naman ,o
1ayo na1a ,unta sa
i1ol 1ung ditto ,o
1ayo nanira$an sa
Naanggit nyo ,o na
nai/an ,o yung
asa/a nyo sa laguna,
,aano naman ,o 1ayo
"ommuni"ate sa
1anya ,oF
So malayo ,o 1ayo sa
isat isa, ano naman ,o
yung mga 1adalasang
$indi nyo
Naanggit nyo ,o na
madalas na $indi ,o
talaga sya na1a1au/i
sa inyo ,ong a$ay so
minsan lang ,o talaga
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
ta,os yung ,angala/a
a)ter ' years.
Nung na/alan a1o ng
traa$o, "ontra"tual
lang 1asi a1o H
mont$s lang, $ig$
s"$ool graduate lang
1asi a1o e$, 1aya yun
umu/i na lang 1ami
sa i1ol dun 1ami
tumira sa mga
iyenan 1o ,ero yung
asa/a 1o nai/an sa
laguna ga/a nung
traa$o nya.
.umata/ag sya sa
amin dati ara/ ara/
ta,os nagiing mga
isang eses na lang sa
isang lingo.
Ayun nga yung sa
traa$o nya atsa1a
yung ,ag $indi sya
tumata/ag sa amin.
%o, 1aya nga yun
yung $indi naming
"ame u, on my mind
and IIm trying to sort
it e"ause /e are
e"oming near to day
t$at t$e in"ident
.$en /it$ t$is ans/er
I "an see it in $er eyes
t$at s$e is trying to
,retend t$at t$eir la"1
o) "ommuni"ation
/it$ $er $usand is
not a ig deal to $er.
S$e is also ,retending
t$at t$e distan"e
doesnIt matter, I "an
see it in $er )a"ial
ex,ressions t$at s$e is
trying to su,,ress $er
sad emotions.
+ut s$e admitted t$at
it is one o) t$e )a"tors
o) t$eir Kuarrel.
Again I run out o)
time, in t$e middle
t$at I /as aout to
sya umuu/iF
A$$ ganun ,o aF...
ta/ag na ,o 1ami ni
miss ruy, mamaya ,o
may mga a"ti*ities ,a
,o tayo ne/s"asting
,o at story telling,
1u1unin ,o naming
ulit 1ayo mamaya
ta,os itututloy na lang
,o natin yung ating
,inag uusa,an ,o
salamat ,o.
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
an indi*idual, as a
Sige salamat.
Day 3: :or1ing P$ase
Pro"ess ?e"ording D3
;A,ril ((, '0(6<
In our se"ond day o) organi7ing t$era,ies )or our "lient;singing, edu"ational, and dan"e
t$era,y<, /e "an see t$at our ,atient really $ad )un and en3oyed on /$at /e $ad ,re,ared )or
t$em, I "an see also t$at our ond et/een are "lients e"ame more stronger and t$ey e"ame
more "om)ortale in "oo,erating /it$ us. And my oser*ation aout my "lient is I t$in1 s$e is
im,ro*ed, I "an see t$at $er anxiety is redu"ed e"ause s$e "an ale to $a*e "ourage to stand u,
to sing and dan"e ut I "an see also t$at s$e is still trying to su,,ress $er emotions.
*echni,ue of
Client Interaction Inference
Jamusta naman ,o
Nag en3oy ,o a 1ayo
sa a"ti*ity natin
ngayong ara/F
%o nga ,o na,ansin
1o nga ,o na nag
en3oy ,o 1ayo sa ,ag
1anta ,o natin 1anina
$ilig nyo ,o a talaga
Nag *i*ideo1e ,o
1ayoF #ilig 1o din ,o
1asi 1umanta me3o
su1i nga ,o a1o ng
Mauti naman ,ong
marinig na nag en3oy
,o talaga 1ayo sa
a"ti*ity natin ngayong
+road o,ening
Gi*es t$e "lient t$e
lead in t$e
intera"tion , and it
may stimulate
$im to ta1e t$e

Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.

Ma1ing oser*ations9
Sometimes "lients
"annot *erali7e or
ma1e t$emsel*es
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
%1ay naman
na1atulog naman a1o
%o masaya naman
nag en3oy a1o dun sa
,ag 1anta 1ania.
na1a1a,agod nga lang
%o $ilig 1o talaga ang
1umanta noon 1a$it
$indi talaga a1o
%o nag *i*ideo1e
1ami ,ag )iesta$an.
I greeted my "lient
/it$ a ig smile $ere
e"ause I "an see t$at
s$e really en3oyed our
t$era,y )or today.
.$is time I "an really
see it in $er eyes and
)a"ial ex,ression t$at
s$e really en3oyed it,
t$oug$ s$e is still a
little it s$y to s$o/
.$atIs /$y I started
our "on*ersation in
as1ing $er aout $er
:it$ $er res,onse I
"an see t$at s$e really
is interested on /$at
/e are tal1ing.
I ga*e $er a
re"ognition e"ause I
"an see t$at s$e really
did /ell )or t$is day.
Naanggit nyo ,o
sa1in nung mga
na1araang ara/ na
dinala/ ,o 1ayo nung
1a,atid nyo ,o nung
isang linggo. Ilan ,o
a 1ayong
=a$at ,o 1ayo may
mga ,amilya na ,oF
!$ saan ,o sya na1a
tira ngayonF
Sya ,o a yung
dumala/ sa inyo ,o
nung isang linggoF
Ano ,ong sai nya ,o
sa inyoF
.anong 1o lang ,o
"lose ,o a 1ayong
an indi*idual, as a
See1ing in)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
Pito 1ami a1o yung
=ima 1aming may
1anya 1anya ng asa/a
yung ,angala/a 1ong
1a,atid )oreigner
yung asa/ sya yung
tumutulong sa1in
Dito sila na1atira sa
,ili,inas dun din sa
i1ol may usiness
1asi sila dito 1aya dito
na lang sila nanira$an.
%o sya nga yun, sya
yung nag igay sa1in
ng ,era.
Ayun na ,ag sisi$an
1o nga da/ yung
gina/a 1o. .a,os mag
,agaling na nga da/
a1o ,ara ma1aali1 na
1o sa i1ol at mag
,ayagan da/ a1o
ma1a,ag ,yansa ,ara
ma1a laas na a1o.
Nung ata ,a 1ami
lagi 1aming
.$en I started digging
$er $istory again, ut
today I "an )eel t$at
$er anxiety lessen and
s$e are "om)ortale
tal1ing to me.
.oday IIll as1 $er
more aout $er )amily
and $er "$ild$ood.
I read it )rom t$e "$art
t$at one "ause o) $er
de,ression is siling
ri*alry t$atIs /$y I
1e,t on as1ing $er
aout $er silings.
+ut /it$ $er ans/ers
to me it seems t$at s$e
really adores $er
.$en I as1 $er again
t$e same Kuestion t$at
I as1ed yesterday ut
$er ans/er is still
.$en I as1 $er no/
aout t$eir "$ild$ood.
Naanggit nyo ,o
sa1in na $ig$ s"$ool
graduate ,o 1ayo. Ano
,o ang da$ilan at
$indi ,o 1ayo
A$$ o,o, e$ ngayon
,o a na may 1anya
1anya na ,o 1ayong
,amilya "lose ,a rin
,o a 1ayoF
Gaano lang ,o 1ayo
1adalas mag usa, ,oF
A$$ e$ meron ,o a
1ayong $indi ,inag
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
An a""e,ting res,onse
t$e nurse $as $eard
and )ollo/
t$e train o) t$oug$t. It
does not
indi"ate agreement
ut is
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
ex,ression: As1ing
t$e "lient to "onsider
,eo,le and e*ents in
lig$t o) $is
madalas 1asi 1ami
naii/an nun sa a$ay
1asi umaalis sila
mama ,ag nag
#indi 1asi 1aya ng
mga magulang 1o
,aaralin 1aming la$at
ng 1ole$iyo ,ero
na,ata,os yung
,anganay namin
*o"ational lang yung
,angala/a 1ong
1a,atid at unso
na1ata,os din naman.
#indi na masyado
1asi nga may 1anya
1anya na nga 1aming
Noon ago ,a a1o
ma,a,aso1 dito $indi
1ami masyado
na1a1a,ag usa, e$
may 1anya 1anya 1asi
1aming u$ay.
Meron naman $indi
naman 1asi ma/a/ala
yun e$.
At t$is ,oint IIm
$a*ing a $ard time to
t$in1 o) /$at e*ent in
$er "$ild$ood, /$i"$
"ould a))e"t aout $er
"ondition no/.
.$en /it$ t$is
Kuestion, $er ans/er
"an "ontriute to $er
en*y t$at ,ro*es on
/$at is /ritten on t$e
"$art aout siling
:it$ t$at t$oug$t I
as1 $er aout $er
relations$i, /it$ $er
silings e)ore t$e
in"ident $a,,ened.
Im t$in1ing t$at, t$e
,atient $as no
signi)i"an"e ,erson
/$o /ill listen to $er
/$en s$e really $ad
%o nga ,o 1a$it nga
,o 1aming mag
1a1a,atid, 6 ,o 1asi
1aming mag
1a1a,atid 3 aae at
isa ,ong lala1i e$
syem,re ,o sa $indi
nga ,o maii/asan ang
1adalasan ,o naming
,inag1a1auna/aan ay
"$annel ,o ng .2 na
,anonoorin namin
$e$e ,ero
naman ,o naming
gina/a ,o naming
may s"$eduling ang
,anonood ng .2.
Pangala/a ,o a1o
yung ,anganay 1o
,ong 1a,atid ta,os na
,o ng 1ole$iyo ta,os
yung ,angatlo "ollege
din ,o 1atulad 1o
ta,os yung unso
naman ,o e$ $ig$
s"$ool ,o. May
traa$o na ,o yung
ate 1o ,o 1aya ,ag
/ala ,o a1ong aon
sa 1anya ,o a1o
$umi$ingi ta,os ,ag
may mga ,rolema
din ,o a1o sa 1anya
din ,o a1o lumala,it
Ano ,ong 1urso ang
1u1u$anin nyo ,oF
o/n *alues , t$e nurse
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is
o/n a,,raisal o) t$e
An a""e,ting res,onse
t$e nurse $as $eard
and )ollo/
t$e train o) t$oug$t. It
does not indi"ate
agreement ut is
Gi*ing in)ormation:
In"reases t$e "lientIs
aout a to,i", let t$e
"lient 1no/ /$at to
ex,e"t, and uilds
trust /it$ t$e "lient.

!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
A$$ oo nga ,ang ilan
1a a nengF
A$$ oo nga e$ yung
ate 1o din ang nag
iigay sa1in ng ,era
sya nga din yung nag
aasi1aso nung 1aso 1o
sya yung nag aayad
sa attorney. +uti nga
tinutulungan a1o nung
ate 1o ngayon sai
nya nga sa1in ,ag
na1alaas a1o dito
,ag aaralin nya da/
Gusto 1o sanang mag
.$en I also s$ared a
little in)ormation
aout mysel) so s$e
/ill not )eel t$at im
in*estigating $er.
.$en I still "ontinue
on ans/ering $er
And /it$ t$at s$e
o,ened t$e to,i" on
Ang $ira, ,o nun a$
maraming mat$ at
,$ysi"s. !$ ano ,a
,ong sai ng ate nyo
Parang lood is
t$i"1er t$an /ater ,o
talagaF ;3ust trying
to t$ro/ a 3o1e<
Maganda naman ,ong
ma1inig yun ,o sa
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
An a""e,ting res,onse
t$e nurse $as $eard
and )ollo/
t$e train o) t$oug$t. It
does not indi"ate
agreement ut is
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
Lun nga mag ,agaling
na a1o ,ara ma1a
laas na a1o 1asi
tutulungan nya nga
da/ a1o. Natutu/a
nga a1o 1asi yung
,a1iramdam 1o 1asi
noon ta1ot na ta1ot
a1ong i/an ng mga
tao sa ,aligid 1o yung
1ailangan mo ng
maraming ,era ,ara
maging magin$a/a
sa u$ay ,ero $indi
,ala madali lang ,ala
ang u$ay ang tao
lang talaga ang
nag,a,a$ira, nito,
yung ,a1iramdam 1o
ngayon ayos na $indi
sya 1atulad ng dati na
ta1ot na ta1ot a1o.
%o nga tama ia na
nga yung ,a1iramdam
1o dati 1asi a1ala 1o
,ag ini/an a1o ng
asa/a 1o ,arang /ala
na a1ong saysay yung
,arang $indi 1o
1a1ayanin, yung
,a1iramdam 1o
,arang $indi na sya
natata1ot, 1asi yung
mga 1a,atid 1o $indi
a1o ,inaayaan.
%o salamat din.
/$at is t$e status o)
$er relations$i, /it$
$er sister at ,resent.
I "an see it to $er
)a"ial ex,ressions t$at
s$e is really $a,,y
aout $er relations$i,
status /it$ $er sister
and s$e is also
*erali7ing t$at s$e
really adores $er
.$en I 3ust go in t$e
)lo/ o) our
"on*ersation and
3o1ed $er.
:it$ t$is "on*ersation
I t$in1 I "an say t$at I
inyo, ngayon ,o
ta/ag na, o 1ami ni
maam ruy, sa
Monday na ,o ang
ali1 naming uu/i ,o
1asi 1ami ngayon sa
san Palo sa Monday
,o 1u1unin ,o ulit
naming 1ayo sa
umaga at sa $a,on
maraming salamat ,o.
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
an indi*idual, as a
am really )inis$ed not
li1e t$e ot$er days
4itin5 e"ause I
already got t$e
in)ormation t$at I
/ant to 1no/.
.$en /e ring our
"lients a"1 to t$eir
Day 6: .ermination P$ase
Pro"ess ?e"ording D6
;A,ril (6, '0(6<
In t$is day our "lients $ad a musi" and art t$era,y, /$ere /e let t$em dra/ /$at
is on t$eir mind, and t$en a)ter t$ey dra/ it /e as1ed t$em to ex,lain t$eir dra/ings. And
most o) t$em dra/ t$eir $ouse and )amily, es,e"ially my "lient s$e also /rote e$ind $er
,a,er t$at s$e /ants to $a*e a $a,,y )amily. And /it$ t$is t$era,y /e "an see $o/ our
,atient *alued t$eir o/n )amilies and $o/ t$ey miss t$em. And )or t$e $and"ra)t t$era,y
/e also see t$at t$ey en3oyed doing it, to t$e ,oint t$at t$ey as1ed i) t$ey "an do it again
so our t$era,ies )or today is a su""ess.
*echni,ue of
Client Interaction Inference
Jamusta naman ,o
1ayo ateF
.alaga ,oF Ano
naman ,ong da$ilan
at $indi ,o 1ayo
May mga iniisi, ,o a
1ayo ng mga
na1araang ara/F
Nasai nyo na ,o a
1ay do1toraF
Na,ansin 1o ,o
1anina natagalan ,o
+road o,ening
Gi*es t$e "lient t$e
lead in t$e
intera"tion , and it
may stimulate
$im to ta1e t$e
des"ri,tion o)
,er"e,tion9 .o
understand t$e "lient,
t$e nurse must see
t$ings )rom $is or $er
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
Ma1ing oser*ations9
Sometimes "lients
%1ay naman /ala
masama, $indi nga
lang a1o na1a1atulog
ng mga na1araang
#indi 1o nga rin alam
:ala naman,
,a1iramdam 1o side
e))e"t ito ng gamot at
nag 1a insomnia a1o.
#indi ,a nga e$
sasai$in 1o mamaya.
:ala, $indi 1o lang
talaga alam 1ung ano
.$is /ill e my last
day o) tal1ing to my
,atient so im t$in1ing
/$ere /ill I start to
)inis$ all my un as1
I /as /ondering is
s$e telling me t$at s$e
didnIt slee, /ell t$is
,ast )e/ days ut
/$en I as1ed $er last
/ee1 s$e told me t$at
s$eIs o1ay.
.$en I 3ust "ontinued
as1ing aout it I really
/onder /$y s$e
didnIt tell me t$e trut$
last /ee1.
Im not sure i) it is 3ust
a side e))e"t or s$e is
still lying to me again,
I guess s$e $as
somet$ing in $er mind
.$en I ,ro"eeded on
/$at i*ed een
1ayo mag isi, ago
mag dra/ing, ano
,ong da$ilanF Ano ,o
a yung una nyo ,ong
A$$ ganun ,o a ano
,o a ang unang
,umaso1 sa isi, nyo
,o nung ,inagdra/ing
,o naming 1ayoF
Jalian nyo ,o a
$uling na1ita yung
mga ana1 nyo ,oF
Ano ,ong da$ilan at
$indi nyo ,o sila
madala sa do"torF
A$$ ganun ,o aG
Matanong 1o lang ,o
naanggit nyo ,o
sa1in nung isang lingo
na minsan nyo lang ,o
ma1ausa, yung mga
1a,atid nyo ,oG e$
,ano ,o ,ag may mga
,rolema ,o 1ayo
sino ,o ang
sinasai$an nyo ,oF
"annot *erali7e or
ma1e t$emsel*es
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
See1ing In)ormation9
Doing so "an $el, t$e
nurse to a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en it $as
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
See1ing "lari)i"ation:
It $el,s t$e nurse to
a*oid ma1ing
assum,tions t$at
understanding $as
o""urred /$en
it $as not.
ang I dra dra/ing 1o
nung una, 1aya
natagalan talaga a1o
mag isi, ,ero.
Lung asa/a 1o at mga
ana1 1o namimiss 1o
na 1asi sila.
Na1ita 1o sila nung
nag $i$earing dun sa
i1ol $indi 1o ,a sila
na1a1ausa,, sai ng
asa/a 1o na,aso1
naman da/, 1aya lang
iniisi, 1o 1ailangan
din nila mag,atingin
sa do"tor 1asi
natrauma sila.
:ala ,a 1asi 1aming
Lung iyenan 1o din
sa 1anya talaga a1o
nag sasai ng mga
,rolema, 1aya nga
$indi 1o alam 1ung
a1it 1o naga/a yun,
1a$it yung tung1ol sa
asa/a 1o sinasai 1o
sa 1anila e$.
oser*ed to $er earlier
/$ile /e are doing
our t$era,y.
S$e is s$a1ing $er
legs /$ile s$e is
tal1ing to me.
#er a))e"t is lunted
I )elt t$at s$e is
e"oming anxious
again, /$en tal1ing to
Im t$in1ing t$at
maye s$e is not
"om)ortale /it$ our
Na,ansin 1o ,a na
s$ine s$a1e nyo ,o
yung legs nyo ano
,ong da$ilan at nag
gaganyan ,o 1ayoF
A$$$ ganun ,oG e$
Ano ,ong tung1ol sa
asa/a nyo ,oF
Paano nyo ,o
A$$$ e$ natanong
nyo na ,o a yung
asa/a nyo tung1ol ,o
dun sa $inala nyoF
!$ anon a ,o ang
,a1iramdam nyo ,o
A$ maganda naman
,ong ma1ing iyon.
Jayo naman ,oG
1amusta naman ,o
ang ,a1iramdam nyo
Ma1ing oser*ations9
Sometimes "lients
"annot *erali7e or
ma1e t$emsel*es
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,loring9 Any
,rolem or "on"ern
"an e etter
understood i) ex,lored
in de,t$.
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
A$ ito a matagal na
1o nag gaganito sai
nga ng 1a,atid 1o
,arang lala1i da/ a1o
Lun 1asi ,a1iramdam
1o may iang aae
na yung asa/a 1o,
lalo nat madalas 1ami
nun nag1a1aa/ay
ta,os minsan na lang
din tumata/ag sa
Pa1iramdam 1o lang.
#indi ,a 1asi nga
ga/a nung nangyari.
Pa1iramdam 1o /ala
naman talaga 1asi
dinadala/ nya ,a rin
a1o dito, $indi naman
sya galit sa1in
,a1iramdam 1o
na,ata/ad nya na a1o
dun sa gina/a 1o.
Ayun nga e$ $indi 1o
,a rin alam 1ong
na,ata/ad 1o na ang
sarili 1o, na$i$ira,an
din 1asi a1o mismo sa
sarili 1o na tangga,in.
.$en I *oi"ed it out
and as1 $er. Maye
s$e is really
un"ons"iously doing it
maye its $er
.$en I ,ro"eeded /it$
our to,i", ill as1 $er
aout /$at I didnIt
as1 last /ee1.
.$en sur,risingly t$is
time, s$e is already
*erali7ing /$at I
/anted to $ear )rom
$er sin"e last /ee1.
I "an )eel t$at s$e is
not su,,ressing any
t$oug$ts at t$is
I "an )eel t$at I really
gained $er trust at t$is
moment t$o I "an still
see t$at s$e is still s$y
to me ut itIs a good
t$ing t$at s$e )inally
*erali7ing /$at I
/anted to "on)irm to
.$en I as1 $er aout
/$at s$e )eels no/ its
sad t$at I "ant gi*e $er
o) ad*i"e e"ause I
donIt /ant to gi*e $er
,o na,ata/ad nyo din
,o a ang sarili nyoF
;nodding< silen"e
Ma$al ,a rin naman
,o 1ayo nila 1asi
1a,atid 1a ,a rin ,o
%,oG ate last day na
,o natin itong mag
uusa, ng ganito ,o,
matanong 1o lang ,o
1ung naging na en3oy
nyo naman ,o yung
mga t$era,y ,o
:alang anuman ,o
sana marami ,o
1ayong natutunan ,o
samin at na,asaya ,o
namin 1ayo 1a$it
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
Silen"e o)ten
en"ourages t$e "lient
to *erali7e ,ro*ided
t$at it is interested and
:$en em,at$eti", t$e
nurse is
sensiti*e, o,en, and
"a,ale o) imagining
anot$er ,ersonIs
!x,ression9 Doing so
en"ourages t$e "lient
to ma1e $is or $er
o/n a,,raisal rat$er
t$an a""e,ting t$e
o,inion o) ot$ers.
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
an indi*idual, as a
Ang $ira, din 1asi
a1o mismo $indi 1o
maintindi$an 1ung
a1it naga/a 1o yun,
uti na nga lang at
$indi a1o ini/an ng
mga 1a,atid 1o at
asa/a 1o. A1ala 1o
1asi ,aaayaan na
lang nila a1o e$,
ngayon ,a1iramdam
1o sorang na1a
de,ende na 1o sa
%o nga ang s/erte 1o
,a rin na 1a$it
sorang igat nung
naga/a 1o andyan ,a
rin sila.
%o neng salamat a$,
at least may ginaga/
1ami 1asi ara/ ara/
lagi na lang 1ami nasa
loo /alang maga/a
sa loo e$, salamat
din dun sa mga
,ag1ain na inigay
nyo samin.
%o neng salamat a$M
, anong ,angalan
mo sa )a"eoo1
"armelli tarala tama
)alse $o,es.
At t$is ,oint I am
totally s,ee"$less
e"ause I really donIt
1no/ /$at /ill I say
t$atIs /$y I 33ust nod
and let $er tal1 again.
.$en I 3ust restate
/$at s$e 3ust said.
!*en t$oug$ I still
$a*e Kuestions to as1
ut again I run out o)
time again so already
told my ,atient t$at
t$is /ill e t$e last
day, t$atIs /$y
already ga*e $er t$e
Im really glad aout
/$at is $er )eeda"1
aout /$at /e did its
really ni"e to $ear it
)rom t$em, to t$e )a"t
,a,aano ,o, t$a1 you
din ,o sa oo,en u,
sa1in ate alam 1ong
$indi madali na ,ag
usa,an ang mga
agay na1atulad ,o
nun 1aya t$an1 you
,o ate.
A$$ -amille tarala ,o
ang name 1o sa
%,o salamat din ,o sa
"oo,eration nyo ,o.
Gi*ing re"ognition:
S$o/s to t$e "lient
t$at t$e nurse /ants to
re"ogni7es $im as
an indi*idual, as a
A$$$ sige ,ag laas
1o, Salamat $a neng.
t$at s$e as1 me aout
my )a"eoo1 a""ount.
I ne*er t$oug$t t$at
s$e /ill as1 my
)a"eoo1 ,age, I 1no/
t$at its not good ut
im not sure i) s$e "an
really rememer me.
A)ter our "on*ersation
I )elt t$at I am

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