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Section 3

Part 1
SYMPTOMSThere is a "going to sleep" feeling in the toes, fingers, arms, or legs.
Aside from serious nerve diseases, this temporary condition usually results from pinching off
the nerve and blood supply to an extremity.
Avoid tight clothing and strained positions.
Be sure and get an adequate supply of the B complex vitamins, including B6.
A ater treatment useful for numb, tingling feet ould be a fomentation given to the spine,
along ith hot or alternate sponging of the limbs. This is repeated ! times each day.
ENCOURAGEMENT"o lovingly the angels of #od guard "is earthly children ho cry to
"im for help. $ou cannot no understand all the mysteries of %rovidence& but, by faith, you can
'no that all things or' together for your best good.
SYMPTOMS"ands and feet frequently, or alays, feeling cold.
Are you dressing armly enough( )ashionable clothing often dictates leaving the arms and legs
improperly clad. The blood supply is chilled bac' from the extremities and pooled in the trun'.
This brea'don in proper body circulation can produce diseased conditions in the chest, as ell
as the intestinal and abdominal organs.
Are your nerves being fed properly( #et adequate B complex vitamins, including niacin and B*.
Also ta'e +,A -ribonucleic acid..
$ou may have a sluggish thyroid -hypothyroidism..
/f sudden coldness comes to your hands and0or feet, and they blanch hite, you may have
+aynaud1s disease -hich see..
ENCOURAGEMENTThe heart in hich 2esus ma'es "is abode ill be quic'ened, purified,
guided, and ruled by the "oly 3pirit& and the soul ill be enabled to overcome those sins hich
he could never put aay by himself. Than' #od for "is enabling grace.
FROSTBITE (Hypotherm!" Ch#$#!%&'
SYMPTOMS)irst there is a tingling, then a redness, folloed by paleness and numbness in a
body part4generally the fingers, toes, chee's, nose, and ears. /f not immediately cared for,
tissue can die and gangrene sets in.
)rostnip is superficial frostbite, and leaves the area firm, hite, and cold. /t can result in peeling
and blistering, *567* hours later, and perhaps cold sensitivity in the area.
/n contrast, deep frostbite produces a cold, hard, hite condition, hich is painless hile it
remains fro8en. 9n rearming, it becomes blotchy red, sollen, and can be quite painful.
CAUSES)rostbite or free8ing of an exposed body part.
:o not rub ice on the area; This only extracts more heat. /nstead, get the person into a arm tub
).. as soon as possible. The area is numb, so he ill not feel the heat. /n the early
stages, you can rub the area ith a cloth dipped in cold ater or sno.
:o not apply more heat than mentioned above, for the s'in is numb and can be burned ithout
anyone reali8ing it. >nless it is all you have, do not use dry, radiant heat -such as a heat lamp or
campfire.. )rostbitten s'in can easily burn, for it does not feel the heat.
To arm the hands, place them under your armpits. +oll yourself into a ball to conserve heat.
3tay out of the ind. :o not get et. :o not drin' or smo'e& both bloc' circulation to the
extremities. /f outside, stay in your car or truc' until help comes.
?iving tissue is dying, so tha the area quic'ly. :o not allo it to refree8e. :o not ta'e off
your boots until it is safe to do so. The foot may be sollen and you might not get it bac' on. /f
considerable al'ing must be done to find a place of safety, leave the feet unthaed until you
arrive at your destination.
@ove the person to a armer place. Arap him in blan'ets. #ive him arm liquids, but no
alcohol. Alcohol gives an artificial feeling of armth, but actually removes it.
CHILBLAINSThis is a loering of the overall body temperature -not Bust in the extremities..
But because it so often centers in the extremities, e are including it in this section. The same
treatment should be applied.
The temperature is loered to subnormal levels for some length of time, resulting in near
frostbite. 3evere numbness and loss of function may occur if the problem is not dealt ith.
Colds, flu, and infection can result.
ENCOURAGEMENT"ide ithin your heart the precious promises of #od1s Aord, and you
ill be strengthened in time of need. Cling to Christ and trust "im to care for you to the end.
FELON ((ht#o)'
SYMPTOMSA selling on an abscess of a thumb or finger -sometimes a toe., hich includes
throbbing pain and extreme tenderness. /t may, at first, seem to be an infection or inflammation
of the s'in.
CAUSESThe germs causing the infection are usually carried under the s'in by a deep
pinpric', thorn, sliver, or some other sharp obBect. The inflammation and pus are deep among the
tendons, tendon sheaths, or even next to the bone.
/f the felon is not carefully, and thoroughly, lanced promptly, the tendons could slough or the
bone be damaged. This ould result in a permanently crippled body part.
@oreover, if the pus is not drained, there is danger that the infection may travel to the hand and
more extensive crippling occur, or the infection may infect the blood, and blood poisoning ill
result. (See Blood Poisoning.)
Call a physician and have the felon lanced. :eep lancing through very painful flesh must be
done, so it may be necessary for the patient to be anestheti8ed.
An alternate remedy, used by the old timers on the frontier is as follosD Aarm some 'erosene
and immerse the affected part into it for at least <=6<E minutes at a time, 56E times a day. This
ill eliminate the felon.
To relieve pain, put a piece of lemon on it. /f on the end of a finger, cut a small hole in the
lemon and place it over the finger. /f elsehere, bandage on a thic' slice. This may solve the
problem, if 'erosene is not available.
ENCOURAGEMENTThose ho ta'e the name of Christian should come to #od in
earnestness and humility, pleading for help. 2esus has told us to pray ithout ceasing. And so
many need our prayers.
SYMPTOMSA s'in neurosis, accompanied by burning and throbbing hich comes and goes,
and affects any of the extremities, but especially the feet.
CAUSESAlthough this is a nerve problem, it is listed here because it rather consistently
affects the extremities.
?et the patient rest. Flevate the affected part. %lace a cold compress on it, and change this every
*=6!= minutes. Apply graduated tonic frictions, such as the et hand rub, the cold mitten
friction, or the cold toel rub. 3ee the author1s boo', Water Therapy Manual (see book store), for
further information on ho to apply these treatments.
ENCOURAGEMENT?et your affections center upon #od. Thin' of "is goodness, and let
"is 3pirit guide you into deeper obedience to "is Ten Commandment la.
SYMPTOMSThe s'in dar'ens, and either remains soft and moist or becomes dry and
shrivels. Fventually it sloughs off. #as gangrene can occur in a ound here certain bacteria are
CAUSES:eath and decay of body tissue is caused hen the blood supply is cut off or as a
result of certain bacterial infections.
Consult a physician. /n addition to primary treatment for the condition causing the gangrene,
the folloing suggestions ill helpD
Fat nourishing food, and drop all Bun' food.
3top eating all meat, tobacco, alcohol, and nearly all salt. Fat a high fiber vegetarian diet ith
complex starches. /t should be a lo protein, lo fat diet. Fat 'elp, to strengthen the thyroid.
:rin' carrot Buice. Ta'e E=,=== units of vitamin A daily.
Ta'e an enema and podered psyllium seed in ater daily, to assure good boel movements.
/f the s'in is dry, lightly rub heat germ or olive oil on it. Ahen pus is oo8ing, dab arm
hydrogen peroxide on, and ipe off carefully.
Try to 'eep al'ing or massage the area -usually the legs., to improve circulation.
Apply cool leg baths or cool hole baths. Chaparral tea or apple cider vinegar can be added to
the ater, to help disinfect it -< tbsp. per quart.. Also helpful are alternate hot and cold foot baths
or fomentation pac's, to improve blood flo.
ENCOURAGEMENT/t is difficult to exercise living faith hen e are discouraged. $et this,
of all others, is the very time hen e should exercise faith. Ahen you have the greatest need,
that is the time to see' #od the most earnestly. "e ill hear, "e ill anser, "e ill help.
SYMPTOMSThe small arteries in the extremities constrict or tighten. The hands and feet are
extremely sensitive to the cold, and suddenly contract. ?ac' of oxygenated blood causes the
fingers or toes to become hitish or bluish in hue. As a result, the affected area may temporarily
shrin' in si8e;
>nless these attac's are reduced, ulcers may form, hich further damage the tissue and produce
chronic infection under, and near, the fingernails and toenails.
The hands are the areas most often affected. But it can occur in the fingers and possibly toes,
nose, tongue, chee's, ears, or chin. The blood spasm may initially blanch the area. Tingling, and
then selling, may occur and become painful. The appearance may change to a bright red, as the
blood vessels again distend and fresh blood is sent bac' into the area.
The attac's usually do not last long. But, in those instances in hich they do, gangrene can
CAUSESA cold attac' is generally brought on by exposure to cold or emotional upset. The
hands go into the refrigerator for a moment, a difficult ritten exam must be ta'en, or a verbal
conflict occurs. 3pasms of small arteries result.
The underlying cause may be less easy to identify. /t might be high blood pressure, drugs,
connective tissue disease, inflammation of the arteries, or equipment vibrations hich inBure the
blood vessels.
3ome individuals have lived in a cold, improperly heated environment for too many months or
years, and the problem developed. Try to avoid resting or sleeping in ice cold places.
)ood allergies, Bun' food, or a poor diet hich is high in starches and lo in greens, vitamins,
and minerals may cause it.
Apparently the cause is not a "thoracic inlet syndrome"& that is, squee8ing of nerves or arteries
issuing from the thorax by muscles or bones.
/nstead of +aynaud1s, you might have Buerger1s disease -a nerve disorder hich gradually cuts
off nerve supply to the extremities.. Buerger1s disease is primarily caused by using tobacco
products. -Buerger1s is a steady cutting off of nerve flo& hereas +aynaud1s is an intermittent
blood flo..
Antihypertensives, ergot drugs, channel bloc'ers, or alpha6and beta6adrenergic bloc'ers can be
the cause.
There are to forms of this conditionD
-<. Raynaud's phenomenon This may be due to various bodily disorders. /t occurs evenly in
both men and omen, and usually begins after the age of !=. 3ymptoms in the phenomenon may
affect only one side of the body.
-*. Raynaud's disease This is primary disease, and occurs mainly in omen. The disease
generally begins in the teens or early tenties. But it can occur at any time in the life. Attac's
normally affect both sides of the body equally.
)requency of the attac's are significantD They may be rare or occur as often as several times a
day. @ild occurrences only last a fe minutes& severe ones may continue for hours. Beteen
attac's the hands ill at first appear normal& later they may remain slightly bluish. #radually the
attac's ill be more frequent and last longer.
/n later years, the hands ill be slightly bluish all the time. The fingers become sollen. The s'in
turns pale, discolored, shiny, taut, and smooth. The nails become clubbed and deformed. /n
advanced stages, poor blood supply can ea'en the fingers and damage the sense of touch. The
sense of feel may decrease and delicate movements become more difficult to perform. /nfections
and gangrene may occur more frequently in the affected area.
Geep hands and feet arm. This is important. /t might be ell to select a armer climate in
hich to live. Alays ear gloves in cold eather -mittens ill 'eep you even armer.. Aear
shoes& do not al' ithout them hen it is cooler. Aear extra arm soc's in the inter. :ress
armly at all times. #loves, mittens, and shoes should be arm before putting them on, since it
is difficult for one ith this problem to arm them. Aear shoes hich breathe, so you do not end
up ith damp, cold feet. Aear a arm hat in cold eather.
Avoid contact ith cold obBects, even for brief moments. Ahile preparing meals, use tepid, not
cold, ater.
Ahen an attac' occurs, immerse the body part in arm -not hot. ater, no armer than H=
Ahy not armer ater( :uring an attac', ithout reali8ing it, one1s s'in can more easily burn.
@assaging the hands and fingers every evening helps reduce the severity of the attac's, by
stimulating blood circulation in that area.
3tressful situations produce a spasm of the blood vessels. As much as possible, avoid such
situations. Geep calm, cheerful, and relaxed. %lan ahead and avoid scheduling pressures. Trust in
#od and believe "e ill care for you. Iigorous outdoor exercise ill strengthen the entire body,
and also relax it. Fxercise tends to neutrali8e the attitude and effects of stress.
Avoid fatty and fried foods, all Bun' foods. At least E=J of your diet should be ra food. Avoid
food items hich tend to bother you -allergenic foods.. Avoid caffeine -caffeine, tea, soft drin's,
chocolate.. Caffeine restricts blood flo. >se a fat6free, sugar6free diet. 3ugar increases blood
viscosity as ell as triglycerides. Avoid food seasonings.
:o not ta'e any tobacco product or use alcohol. ,icotine causes constriction of the blood
vessels and it produces plaque in them, both of hich reduce blood flo. :o not be even in the
same room here someone is smo'ing.
@edicinal drugs for +aynaud1s do not seem to help. The side effects outeigh the benefits
-ergot, beta bloc'ing drugs, cytotoxic agents, etc... :o not ta'e birth control pills.
Avoid machinery hich vibrates the hands. /n one study, E=J of pneumatic drill or'ers had
+aynaud1s, compared ith E.6J for the average population. 3uch equipment includes chain
sas, metal grinders, stone cutters, lathes, and manual typeriters.
:rin' enough ater, but not soft drin's. Fat a high fiber diet hich includes some psyllium
seed, to help clean the colon. Fat slo6coo'ed grains and a lo protein diet.
Ta'e vitamin F -K=6<,*== unites per day., unsaturated fatty acids alone -heat germ oil, etc..,
Ta'e calcium -*,=== mg daily. and magnesium -<,=== mg daily.. #et enough iron in your diet.
-ebmaster1s ,oteD /t is reported that Linc is also very helpful in this condition. see
httpD00coldcure.com0html08inc6angina.pdf .
3prin'le a small amount of cayenne on your food, to increase circulation. 9ther helpful herbs
include garlic, gin'go, biloba extract, and pau d1arco.
3unbathing is also helpful, for it strengthens both the body and the blood.
9ne physician -:onald @c/ntyre. suggests occasionally singing the arms in circles, K= tirls
per minute, to thro blood into the hands. "e says to do it as a pitcher does itD singing the arm
up from the bac' and then hard donard in front. /t has been found that those ith bac'
problems can sing their arms entirely in front of the body ith the same beneficial effect on the
hands -upard in the trun' and donard to the side..
!"lso see #Buerger's $isease.#
ENCOURAGEMENTTal' ith 2esus as though "e ere right by your side. /f there is a
place you cannot go ith 2esus, then do not go there. /f there is anything you cannot atch or
listen to ith "im, then turn aay from it immediately.
BUERGER*S DISEASE (Throm$o!%+t& O$#ter!%&'
SYMPTOMSContinual coldness of the extremity is frequently the first symptom. But
numbness, tingling, and aching may also be noticed. Ahen loered for long periods of time, the
feet may turn blue. The problem generally begins in the feet& but it can, and ill, occur in the
hands and eventually the hole, body4if the cause is not stopped.
2es develop this problem more frequently than anyone else, and 7E men have it for every one
oman ho develops it. /t most frequently begins at the ages of *= to 5E. There are alternate
periods of orsening and inactivity of the disease.
CAUSESThis is an inflammation of the blood vessel alls, accompanied by blood clots and
thic'ening of the blood vessel alls. Fventually they close entirely.
The primary cause is the use of tobacco products. +arely does a non6nicotine user get it.
3top using nicotine in every form& it is 'illing you in more ays than one.
>se the treatment outlined for +aynaud1s disease. Aal'ing is one of the best exercises for
increasing blood flo in the legs.
?ie on the bed and elevate the legs for <6* minutes or until they blanch. Then sit on the side of
the bed and hold them don till they become pin'. :o this E times each, ! times a day.
:o not sit for long periods of time ithout getting up and al'ing. 3leep on a firm mattress.
,ever cross the legs at the 'nees.
!"lso see #Raynaud's $isease.#
ENCOURAGEMENTAhen e learn to al' by faith and not by feeling, e shall have help
from #od Bust hen e need it, and "is peace ill come into our hearts.
Part 2
SYMPTOMS AND CAUSES$our fingernails help reveal ho ell you are absorbing
nutrients, and hether you are getting enough. A deficiency of protein or other nutrients can
affect the nails. 3urprisingly enough, finger and toe nails are composed almost entirely of
protein. "ere are some of the symptoms, folloed by the deficient nutrientD
Poor nail gro%th 8inc.
$ry, brittle nails protein, vitamin A, calcium, iron.
&ragile and sho%ing hori'ontal or (erti)al ridges B vitamins.
*al+ moons absent protein deficiency.
Thin, +lat, and e(en moon,shaped ()on)a(e or spoon,shaped) nailsD iron deficiency.
Pale nail beds anemia.
Poor nail gro%thD 8inc deficiency.
-.)essi(e dryness, (ery rounded and )ur(ed nail ends, and darkened nails vitamin B<*
Splitting nails lac' of hydrochloric acid, sulfur amino acid deficiency.
Washboard ridges /ron, calcium, 8inc deficiency.
*angnailsD %rotein, folic acid, and vitamin C deficiencies.
White bands on the nailsD protein deficiency.
White nailsD liver disease, copper excess.
White spots 8inc deficiency, thyroid deficiency, and hydrochloric acid deficiency.
&ungus under nails lac' of lactobacillus in colon.
Bluish nails chronic lung conditions -not enough oxygen..
3upply the indicated deficiencies, listed above, hich apply to you.
Fat a high6protein diet, including Breer1s yeast, calcium, silica, and, if necessary, hydrochloric
Aater causes the nails to sell and they shrin' hen dry, resulting in loose, brittle nails.
Avoid immersing the hands in detergent ater.
,ever cut the cuticles. This damages the nail and invites infections. :o not push them bac'.
Brittle nails are common among teenagers, pregnant omen, and those ith food allergies. The
problem is malabsorption or nutritional deficiencies -unsaturated essential fatty acids, amino
acids, calcium, iron, or 8inc..
"angnails are caused by an essential fatty acid deficiency. %ut vitamin F oil or aloe vera
directly on it, to reduce further brea'ing and li'elihood of infection. They are particularly
common among omen ho have their hands in ater a lot or ho bite their nails. Geep nails
clipped short. +ub vegetable oil into the hands occasionally.
/f you tend to pic' at your nails, ear clothes ith poc'ets& and, hen you find yourself
starting to do it, put your hands in your poc'ets.
ENCOURAGEMENT/f e commit the 'eeping of our souls to #od by living faith, "is
promises ill not fail us. Ae are limited only through our lac' of faith, submission, and
SYMPTOMSThe nail -usually on the big toe. has pushed into the soft tissue alongside it.
3oon it results in sharp pain. /nfection can result.
CAUSESAear large enough shoes; This is the underlying problem for many cases of ingron
nails; /f you cannot solve the problem otherise, cut out the front of the shoe; %odiatrists 'no
that people ho ear shoes hich are large enough rarely have food problems.
,ever cut your nails too short; Cut them straight across, but not rounded. The outside edge of the
nail should be parallel to the s'in. :o not trim the nail deeper than the tip of the toe.
3oa' your foot in arm ater, to soften the nail. :ry carefully and then insert a tiny -tiny. isp
of sterile cotton under the burroing edge of the nail. This ill slightly lift the nail, so it can
gro past the tissue. Apply some peroxide as a safeguard against infection. Change the cotton
insert daily, until the nail has gron past the problem area.
:o not cut a "v"6shaped edge out of the center of your toenail; /t only orsens the problem.
,ails gro from bac' to front, not from inard to outard, or vice6versa.
/f you accidentally cut or brea' a nail too short, carefully smooth the edges ith an emery
,ever cut nails ith scissors& none are small enough to do the Bob right, and they often leave a
sharp edge.
ENCOURAGEMENT%rayer and faith can do hat no poer on earth could ever accomplish.
/n Christ, e can resist temptation and obey the Ten Commandments.
Part 3
HYDROThe folloing are summaries of discussions in the author1s boo', Water Therapy
Manual, +ound in the /e% /atural Remedies -n)y)lopedia
/umbness in +eet #ive a hot )omentation to the spine, accompanied by "ot or Alternate
3ponging of the limbs. +epeat this ! times a day (p. 012).
S%eating +eet Apply a +evulsive :ouche to the feet, ith extremes in temperature as great as
possible. #ive an Alternate hot and cold )oot Bath. :uring the night, apply a "eating Compress
to the feet& and give a Cold @itten )riction to the feet in the morning, on arising (p. 345).
Weak, pronated +eet %ut the feet and part of the legs in tubs for Contrast Baths. Begin ith a
temperature of <<=
)., and then after four minutes, change to tap ater for < minute. Change
bac' and forth 566 times, and end ith the hot ater. :uring the treatment, the temperature of the
hot ater should be gradually raised to <<E
)., and the tap ater gradually loered to the
temperature of ice ater. #ive the treatment tice a day (p. 006).
7n+e)tions in +eet #ive the same treatment as for pronated feet, above (p. 004).
ENCOURAGEMENT/t is 2esus that e need. "is presence and help must be ours
continually. #od ants every one of us perfect in Christ. Through "is strengthening grace, e
can overcome sin and the devil.
SYMPTOMS AND CAUSES%ressure and rubbing causes calluses on the bottoms and sides
of the feet. They can also form on the hands, and even on the elbos and 'nees.
Corns form beteen toes and remain soft from foot perspiration. They occur from the rubbing of
adBacent digit bones.
Corns are more painful than calluses.
Aear proper shoes; ,ever ear tight6fitting footear;
:o not use "corn plasters." These contain acids intended to eat aay at the corns. But they also
eat into nearby normal flesh.
:o not cut corns and calluses; This only ma'es the situation orse. This especially applies to
diabetics. As soon as a corn develops, apply oil to soften it.
3oa' your feet in very diluted chamomile tea. /t ill both soothe and soften the hard s'in. -The
stain the tea ma'es on the feet ill come off easily ith soap and ater.. 9r Bust soa' the feet in
comfortably hot ater for several minutes. Then apply a hand cream hich contains *=J urea.
This ill help dissolve the hard s'in. :o this daily.
Another formula is to soa' the area in a mixture of oil of intergreen, itch ha8el, and blac'
alnut tincture, daily. >se a pumice stone and emery board to trim don the corn or callus.
$et another formula is to crush E66 aspirin tablets and mix into a paste, by adding a half
teaspoon each of ater and lemon Buice. Apply this to the hard6s'in areas. %ut the foot in a
plastic bag, rap a arm toel around it, and sit for <= minutes. Then unrap the foot and scrub
the area ith a pumice stone. The dead, hardened flesh should come loose and fla'e off.
%ut a fe drops of citric acid on the area. The next morning, use an emery board or a pumice
stone and rub off the dead s'in.
A variant method is to soa' a piece of cotton in fresh lemon Buice or pineapple. Bandage the
cotton over the area. /t ill dissolve it. But you must be persistent.
Any seet oil rubbed on the area several times a day, plus the use of the emery board or pumice
stone, ill s'im off the dead flesh.
Try putting some lamb1s ool beteen the toes, to separate them -after buying larger shoes..
$ou can purchase 3tella1s 3tretch All -or another leather6stretching solution. from a shoe store.
Apply it to the shoes and then al' in them hile et. +epeat this frequently, and the leather
shoe ill iden out.
Aomen should never ear high6heel shoes. They ruin the feet, damage the spine, and thro the
pelvic organs out of place.
Aomen should not ear pumps& these are shoes hich cause the foot to slide forard, Bamming
everything into the front. /nstead, ear an oxford6style shoe, ith laces. This properly cradles the
Alays buy shoes hich breathe& leather is the best.
An undersi8ed shoe ill damage the toes and cause corns, etc. An oversi8ed shoe ill produce
friction and brea' the s'in. But, of the to, oversi8ed shoes are the less harmful.
3ome calluses are useful, never painful, and should not be disturbed.
ENCOURAGEMENTAe are seldom placed in the same position tice. There are continually
ne experiences to be encountered. But, if e ill trust in Christ, "e ill enable us to overcome
sin in spite of all that comes our ay.
SYMPTOMSTired, aching feet.
CAUSES/nadequate diet and rest, and being on the feet all day long.
/mprove the diet, get enough protein, calcium, and B vitamins. 3top eating Bun' food. /t isn1t
orth ta'ing the time to che and sallo.
?ose that excess eight. /t is hard on your feet.
Flevate your feet hen you come home at night. Then soa' them in a basin of arm ater,
containing <6* tbsp. of Fpsom salts. +inse ith clear, cool ater.
3it on the edge of the bathtub and alternately run comfortably hot ater over your feet, and
then cold ater, ending ith the cold. -/f you have diabetes, be careful about extremes in
Arap some ice cubes in a et ashcloth and rub it over your feet and an'les for a fe minutes.
:uring the day, lift one foot and give it a good sha'e. Then lift the other and do li'eise. Then
relax and flex your toes up and don.
Ahen standing in one place, 'eep changing your stance& try to 'eep moving about. /f possible,
stand on a carpet or a rubber mat. As' the boss if you can buy a rubber mat and lay it don on
the floor in your or' area.
+emove your shoes, sit in a chair, and stretch your feet out. Then, belo the an'le, move each
foot in ten circles. %oint your toes don and then up.
#ently roll your foot over a golf ball, tennis ball, or rolling pin for a couple minutes.
3catter a fe pencils on the floor and pic' them up ith your toes.
)or a terrific foot massage, toss a handful of beans in a moccasin6style shoe, and al' around
the room on them.
Alays ear lo shoes, and shoes hich fasten firmly.
/n the evening, sit don and put on a pair of soft slippers.
ENCOURAGEMENT/t is a part of #od1s plan to grant us, in anser to the prayer of faith,
that hich "e ould not besto did e not thus as'. 9h, please, my friend, believe and 'no
that #od is your best )riend;
SYMPTOMS)eet hich burn at night.
CAUSESA lac' of niacin -a B vitamin. is a specific deficiency factor.
Add niacin or niacinamide to your diet. -,iacin ill cause your face to flush& niacinamide ill
ENCOURAGEMENTTo have a ne heart is to have a ne mind, ne purposes, and ne
motives. Ahat is the sign of a ne heart( /t is a changed life. Through the merits of Christ1s
righteousness, e can overcome temptation to doubt and sin. Ae can live clean, godly lives.
SYMPTOMS)eet that do not smell very nice.
CAUSESBacteria on the feet, cheap shoes, or eating meat.
Aash your feet frequently. Geep them clean. 3crub gently ith a soft brush, including beteen
the toes. :ry them ell hen finished.
%ut cornstarch in your shoes to help 'eep them dry. -,ever use talcum poder for anything& it
is cancer forming if it gets into the body..
:o not use antiperspirants, for they contain aluminum -a cause of Al8heimer1s disease.. 3pray
deodorants are breathed into the lungs.
Change your soc's often, several times a day if necessary. This is one of the best things you can
3ome find help in earing to pairs of soc's at a time. This increases elimination of seat.
Buy leather shoes that breathe. This reduces the perspiration. Avoid rubber shoes& they cause
your feet to smell li'e rubber tires at the end of the day4yet the odor is not from the feet; Fven
expensive rubber shoes, endorsed by the athletes, can do this.
3oa' your feet -<E minutes, tice a ee'. in M cup vinegar added to < quart of ater.
3oa' them in alternate hot and cold ater pans or pails. But if you are diabetic or have
impaired circulation, you had better not do this.
3prin'le some dry, crumbled sage leaves into your shoes, to control odor.
Avoid stress& it increases seating, hich multiplies bacterial action.
Avoid spicy, pungent foods, for their odor ill be found in your feet later on.
ENCOURAGEMENTTo love as Christ loved means to reveal unselfishness at all times and
in all places, by 'ind ords and pleasant loo's. The ?ord ill help every one of us here e
need help the most in overcoming and conquering self.
SYMPTOMS)eet hich seem cold too much of the time.
CAUSESThis might be caused by some deeper problem, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism,
+aynaud1s disease, Buerger1s disease, etc. -hich see..
%ut the feet in cold ater for < minute, dry them, then Bump rope, run, or al' for <6* minutes.
:o this !65 times a day.
/f you have a lan by your house, al' barefoot for a fe minutes on the cool, et lan hen
you arise. Then quic'ly dry the feet, put on fresh soc's, then your shoes, and 'eep active until
the feet thoroughly arm. Ahen you do this, forget about the neighbors& you are having more
fun than they are. %erhaps they ill start doing it too. Better yet, move to the country.
ENCOURAGEMENTThe pure in heart ill see #od& and it is only #od that can, by grace,
enable us to choose to be pure. By faith, e al' and tal' ith our +edeemer, and live "is life.
SYMPTOMSThe concave arch supporting the bottom of the feet is flattening out, resulting in
more exhaustion during the day hen you are on your feet.
CAUSES/nadequate circulation, impoverished diet, and Bun' food is often involved. 9nce this
problem develops it generally is not solved, especially since it often occurs in childhood hen
parents are not aare of hat is happening until it is too late.
Try al'ing barefoot upstairs on your toes, and then bac' don the same ay. :o this <=
minutes each day, for a month& and eat a nourishing, moderate diet. The muscles in your feet may
strengthen. By helping your flat feet, your eyesight may also improve.
/f you cannot solve your flat foot problem -perhaps because it occurred hen you ere a child,
and you did not discover it till later., learn to adapt your step to it. Ahen you ta'e a step, land
very slightly on the outer rear portion of the foot& then, as the foot moves bac', 'eep the eight
slightly -very slightly. on the outer part of the foot. /n this ay, you ill ma'e an artificial arch
and your foot ill not tire as quic'ly throughout the day. /n addition, try to do part of your
everyday or' hile sitting don occasionally. This ill help rest the feet.
ENCOURAGEMENTAe may spea' ith 2esus herever e may be. There is no time or
place here prayer cannot be offered. %rayer rises above the noise of machinery and traffic. Ae
are spea'ing to #od, and "e hears us.
SYMPTOMS9n the s'in of the feet, especially beteen the toes, there are blisters or crac's,
or both. Also there is itching& burning& and, in extreme cases, pustules& and ulcers. As it develops,
the blisters and0or crac's soften, turn hite, and tend to peel off in fla'es. /n severe cases, there
may be pain. /t is orse in armer eather.
CAUSESAthlete1s foot is caused by one or more of the parasitic fungi. )ungus infections are
more difficult to eliminate. Any condition hich 'eeps the feet both arm and moist can lead to
this problem. By scratching the sores on the foot, the disease can be spread on the hands, under
the nails, and to other parts of the body.
The fungus, causing athlete1s foot, spreads rapidly hen beneficial bacteria are destroyed by
antibiotics, drugs, or radiation.
The organisms causing it are spread from contaminated floors surrounding pools, shoers, and
other public places.
Geep your feet dry. After bathing, dry carefully beteen the toes. Aear cotton soc's, and
change them daily -or more often, if possible.. %ut your shoes in the indo and let the sunlight
get into them somehat. Cut ra garlic into tiny pieces and put some into your shoes. :ust your
feet ith garlic poder. #arlic is better than antifungal drugs;
Try to 'eep your feet cool and dry. $ou may be able to thin' of ays to do this. Try to find
shoes that ill not ma'e your feet seat. Avoid rubber shoes, even the expensive ones.
)ungi hates sunlight. Ahen in the acute stage, try to leave your feet uncovered. %ut your feet in
the sunlight every so often.
:o not al' barefoot around the house, so others ill not become infected. Also, never al'
barefoot in public places -public shoers, loc'er rooms, pool dec's.& ear shoes or slippers.
Apply natural antifungicides, such as pau d1arco and tea tree oil.
:rin' ! cups of pau d1arco tea daily. Also put a strong mixture of it on your feet.
Apply lemon Buice <6* times a day to the area, and let it dry. Another method is to apply a
strong tea of crushed Buniper berries. @ash garlic ith some oil and apply to the area.
Add *= drops of tea tree oil to a small tub of ater, and soa' your feet in it for <E minutes, !
times a day. :ry ell afterard, and place some undiluted tea tree oil on the feet.
Apply a ba'ing soda paste to the area, and especially beteen the toes. @ix < tbsp. ba'ing soda
ith a little arm ater, apply, then dry ell, and dust feet ith cornstarch poder.
Applying overly strong applications to athlete1s foot can result in rashes brea'ing out on hands
and elsehere. /f you have un'noingly done thisD Treat the feet more gently and, as the foot
infection clears, the sympathetic rashes ill also.
Bathe the feet daily in E=6E= vinegar and ater. :ry ell, then apply a vegetable oil to the
affected area.
3oa' your foot in a mixture of * tsp. of salt per pint of arm ater, for E6<= minutes& dry ell
and repeat till the problem is solved.
Fat a nourishing diet, and s'ip the processed and Bun' foods. 9btain vitamins A, B complex,
and C.
/n case there is pain, place cold compresses on the area.
/f the problem orsens, and pus or a fever develops, see a professional.
To help 'eep your feet dry, change your soc's !65 times a day. After ashing them, rinse the
soc's ell, to get out the detergent -hich the fungus li'es..
%ut on clean soc's before dressing& in this ay you avoid infecting the groin area.
Boil soc's to 'ill the fungus.
:o not use plastic or aterproof shoes. They create a arm, moist place for fungus to breed.
,ever ear boots all day.
:o not ear the same shoes * days in a ro. This gives a pair of shoes * days to thoroughly dry
3pray ?ysol on a cloth and ipe the inside of the shoe.
%lace the shoes in the sunlight, angled toard the sun. >ltraviolet light 'ills fungus.
>seful herbs are blood root and goldenseal& use alone or together. Apply as a poder to the
Crush a green plant Buice, such as chic'eed, plantain, 3iss chard, etc., and apply the Buice to
the area. Then al' about barefooted in the sun.
!"lso see #Ring%orm,# %hi)h is a )losely related +ungal skin disease.
ENCOURAGEMENTAhen e receive Christ as an abiding guest in the soul, the peace of
#od, hich passeth all understanding, 'eeps our hearts and minds through faith in Christ.

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