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International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition
i-ENVEX 2014

Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Opuntia ficus-indica Battery BATUSCEN Innovation of Renewable
and Environmentally Electrical Energy

Riska Amalia Praptiwi
, Susilowati

Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia


The increasing demand for electricity will lead to the reduction in the amount of coal in Indonesia, but to renew it takes a long time, so
that new energy sources need to be empowered. Examples are the use of new energy centongs cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) as a source of
electrical energy. Centongs Cactus containing K
, Ca
, and Na
which is a cation which can form strong electrolytes, and containing
sodium salts containing chloride (Cl-), the reaction between potassium or potassium and sodium salts to form potassium chloride or KCl. KCl
is a strong electrolyte capable of ionized and conduct electricity. Centongs cactus also contains Magnesium and Zinc. Magnesium (Mg) can
react with the dichloride and be a strong electrolyte. Copper plate is used as the cathode (positive pole), while the zinc plate as the anode
(negative pole). Both this plate as a conductor electrolyte. By using a series and parallel electric circuits generated voltage is 9.4645 volts/
5.12 mA. The voltage meets the voltage required by the clock and LED lights.

Keywords : UB scen, centongs cactus, battery

1. Introduction

Enterprises of power generation in Indonesia are
generally using fossil fuel, either in the form of fuel is oil
and coal. The government estimates that domestic coal
requirements for 2014 amounted 95.550.000 tons with the
largest allocation is PT PLN (Persero) 57.400.000 tons and
then for IPP 19.910.000 tons, cement industry need of
9.800.000 tons (ESDM, 2013).
Demand for coal in PT PLN, i.e. as energy generators
electricity. Electrical energy is energy required to perform
daily activities. PT PLN (Persero) recorded a total
national electricity consumption in the first half of 2013
reached 90.48 tera watthour (TWh), increase 7.2% then
same period in 2012 is 84.43 TWh (Wicaksono, 2013).
The increasing demand for electricity lead to the reduction
in amount of coal in Indonesia, but to renew it takes a long
time, for the new energy sources need to be empowered.
The low utilization of renewable energy sources as a
power plant in Indonesia push some technology to be
applied in order to overcome these problems. One of the
new technologies is the use of Cactus. Cactus is plant
whose stem covered with small spines and their natural
habitat is in the desert, but now many species of Cactus
that can live in temperatures of the tropics with a variety of
shapes and colors and does not require treatment difficult,
because cactus included in sekulen plant, sekulen plant is
capable of storing up water in the trunk (Matsuhiro, 2005).
One of the cactus which can grow in the tropics area is
Opuntia ficus-indica or in Indonesia called Centong's cactus.
In Indonesia centong's cactus is not utilized optimally and
live as a wild plant. Here is a picture of a centong's cactus:

Fig.1. Opuntia ficus-indica

Table 1
Mineral composition of Opuntia ficus-indica (mg/100g, dry matter)
Mineral Composition
Mg 63.4
Na 18.7
K 108.8
Ca 316.5
Mn 37.8
Fe 25.9
Zn 12.6
Cu 0.01
P 0.05
Pb 0.0
Cd 0.0

The chemical content of Opuntia ficus-indica can be
seen that Opuntia ficus-indica have high magnesium (Mg
) and potassium (K
), K
and Mg 2
as a strong
electrolyte. Electrolyte is formed from electrolytic
substance. While electrolytic substance it self is a
substance that decomposes in water to form ions. Opuntia
ficus-indica also contains Ca2
, Mg 2+, and Na+ cations
that strong electrolyte. Moreover Opuntia ficus-indica also
contains salts containing sodium chloride (Cl
) in small
amounts. The reaction between potassium and sodium salts
is potassium chloride (KCl). KCl is a strong electrolyte
capable of ionized and conduct electricity.
Therefore, the authors take advantage of the content of
the electrolyte in the battery Opuntia ficus-indica or we
call it BATUSCEN. Innovation renewable energy and
environmentally friendly. BATUSCEN using the principle
of dynamic electricity. Electricity generated by a moving
electric charge in a conductor. Direction of the electric
current (I) which in the opposite direction to the direction
of conductor motion of electrons. Strong electric current is
the amount of electric charge flowing in a wire conductor
per unit time. If the time t flow of electric charge Q, the
strong electric current is I (Nurachmandani, 2009).

2. Experiments

2.1. Materials and tools

Materials and tools needed for the research are:
(1) Centong cactus; (2) Sheet of zinc; (3) Sheet of copper;
(4) Cable and alligator clamp; (5) Avo meter; (6) Knives,
scissors, and scarring; (7) 2 pieces secondhand motorcycle
accu; (8) Light Emitting Diode (LED).

2.2. Make the cactus juice

Cactus juice is made by grate. Previously selected
centong cactus that is not too old because that is not
difficult to grate. Tools needed are shredded, container,
and knives.

2.3. Put cactus juice into the secondhand motorcycle accu

After formed cactus juice and put in accu secondhand
motorcycle for design. Accu secondhand motorcycle
consists of 6 cells. Each cell in the accu cactus juice filled
with the same volume is 29 ml.

2.4. Preparing the plate

Plate on the circuit consists of two pairs of plates
Batuscen for each cell. This plate is used as the positive
pole (cathode) and the negative pole (anode) to the circuit
Batuscen. The positive pole wearing a copper (Cu), while
the negative pole wearing zinc (Zn). Additional tools are
used that are wrapped around the cable on each plate. It
aims to simplify inter connecting plate.
2.5. Assembling of Batuscen

After the cactus juice has been input in each cell of accu
and plates already prepared then performed circuit Batuscen
process. In the circuit Batuscen author uses parallel circuit
and series circuit. For each cell accu we use a parallel circuit
and a current between the cells use the series circuit. It aims
to increase the voltage of a series circuit and to increase the
flow of a parallel circuit.

2.6. Application of Batuscen

Then circuit Batuscen applied to variety of tools and
result of following:

Table 2
Result of BATUSCEN Application
Number Tool Voltage Result
1 Clock 1,5 on
2 Calculator 1,5 on
3 watch 1,5 on
4 LED 6 on

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Chemical reaction of BATUSCEN

Voltaic cell or galvanic cell is an electrochemical cell
consisting of two electrodes that can generate electrical
energy due to the occurrence of spontaneous redox reactions
at both electrodes. Here's a voltaic series: Li, K, Ba, Ca, Na,
Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Fe, Ni, Sn, Pb, (H), Cu, Hg, Ag, Pt, Au.
The more to the right: (1) The less reactive metal (the more
difficult removing electrons); (2) Metal is a stronger
oxidizing (more prone to reduction). The more to the left:
(1) Metal more reactive (more easily release electrons);
(2) Metal is an increasingly strong reductant (more prone to

Fig.2. Chemical Reaction of BATUSCEN

BATUSCEN working principle start from oxidation
reaction occurs at the anode and the cathode reduction
reaction occurs. Current of electrons flows from the cathode
to the anode. An electric current flows from the cathode to
the anode. The presence of a salt bridge to balance the ions
in solution. In this process occurs perubahanenergi chemical
into electrical energy. Components electrodes in
BATUSCEN circuit are: (1) Anode is a venue for the
oxidation reaction; (2) Cathode is a venue for the reduction
reaction; (3) Salt bridges is cactus juice containing KCl.

The process that occurs: (1) Zn metal plates immersed
in a solution containing ions Zn
Cu metal plates immersed in a solution containing ions
); (2) zinc metal is immersed in a solution of
will release electrons (more easily oxidized)
A: Zn

+ 2e; (3) Electrons flowing through a
salt bridge and be taken by Cu
ions so that Cu metal will
settle K: Cu
+ 2e Cu(s); (4) With the change of
to Cu, then there is excess CL
ions in CuCl

solution, so that the ions will flow into ZnCl
through a salt bridge, to compensate for Zn
2 +
. The reaction
continues until one of the reactants (Zn / Cu) depleted.

3.2. Result of BATUSCEN Circuit Experiment

Battery circuit cactus juice using dynamic electrical
principles and assembled in series-parallel. In this
experiment the authors use a zinc plate (Zn) acts as a
cathode and copper (Cu) acts as the anode. Cross-sectional
area of each plate is 40 cm
. Each cell contained two pairs
of anode and cathode.

Table 3
BATUSCENs voltage on each battery cell
Number of
Repetition Measurement Voltage
(Volt) I II III
1 1.9056 1.9276 1.8027 1.8786
2 1.6341 1.4984 1.3789 1.5038
3 1.7728 1.6032 1.4967 1.6242
4 1.5015 1.4923 1.2150 1.4029
5 1.7802 1.7345 1.6832 1.7326
6 1.4198 1.3267 1.2218 1.3227
Average Total Voltage (Volt) 9.4645

Fig.3. Average Voltage of Juice Centongs Kaktus

Based on the above descriptive statistical analysis it
can be said that the voltage of each cell is different. The
highest voltage in cell 1. Obtained from these experiments
BATUSCEN average total parallel series circuit voltage is
9.4645 volts.

Table 4
BATUSCEN electric current in each battery cell

Fig.4. Average Current of Juice Centongs Kaktus

Based on the above descriptive statistical analysis it can
be said that the electric current of each cell is different. The
highest flow in cell 1. From these experiments obtained an
average total electric current in series-parallel circuit is
5.1200 milli-Amperes (mA). So based on Tukey HSD

statistical test can be said that cell 1 has a significant
difference with other treatments as well as giving a great
influence on the voltage and amperage.

Fig.5. Total Average Voltage and Current Centongs Kaktus
of cell
Repetition Measurement
Electric Current (mA)
Average of
electric current
1 1.15 0.94 0.9 0.9966
2 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.8600
3 0.91 0.89 0.86 0.8866
4 0.74 0.79 0.77 0.7666
5 1 0.9 0.89 0.9300
6 0.72 0.7 0.62 0.6800
Average Total Electric Current (mA) 5.1200

3.3. Economic Analysis to Make BATUSCEN

Table 5
Total Cost to Make BATUSCEN

Cost to make BATUSCEN does not require the
expensive cost. The material to make BATUSCEN is
easily found.

4. Conclusion

Conclusions from this research are from centong
cactus juice shown turn on the LED. By stringing a series
using the negative electrode in the form of zinc (Zn) and a
positive electrode in the form of copper (Cu). Centong
Cactus can also cut into pieces and then in direct link with
the electrode or stringing cactus life are still planted in the
ground. Total pieces of cactus or cactus alive,
customizable power tool used. The price for one of the
networks Batuscen IDR 25,800.00 while the battery stone
circulating in the market, the average price of
IDR 2,000.00 - IDR 25,000.00 Compared to the price of 1
mile battery wall clocks available in the market, the price
of one network Batuscen are more expensive. However
Batuscen can last up to 3 months. After tensile Batuscen
out, then packs can be recharged with grated centong
cactus, and further Batuscen reuse. But for a charged
battery available in the market after direct application
thrown up the waste can pollute the environment.

5. Acknowledgment

This research was supported by Department
of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Faculty
of Engineering, Faculty of informatics University of
No Materials name Unit
1 Juice of Centongs
0,- 0,-
2 Secondhand
motorcycle accu
Peace 0,- 0,-
3 Copper plate with
length 4 cm and
width 10 cm
Plate 1700,- 20400,-
4 Zinc plate with
length 4 cm and
width 10 cm
Plate 150,- 1800,-
5 Cable with size
0.75, type 1000005,
length 6 cm
Peace 150,- 3600,-
Total Cost to Make BATUSCEN 25800,-
6. References

ESDM. 2013. Tahun 2014, Kebutuhan Batubara Domestik 95.550.000
Ton. Diakses pada 12 Januari
Matsuhiro, Betty, Luis E. Lillo, Carmen Saenz, Carlos C. Urzu a, dan
Oriette Zarate. 2005. Chemical Characterization Of The Mucilage
From Fruits Ofopuntia Ficus Indica.Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume
63, Issue 2, Pages 263-267.
Wicaksono, Pebrianto Eko. 2013. Konsumsi Listrik RI Tumbuh 7,2% di
Semester I 2013. Diakses pada 12 Januari
Nurachmandani, Setya.2009. Fisika 1. Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

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