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!"#$%&' ) *"& +,-'./,#0 1.'02 #32 4.

Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) IhrIich ! chemolheray
) Koch ! aselic surgery
C) Iasleur ! roof of biogenesis
D) }enner ! vaccinalion
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving is a scienlific name`
) IIesh"ealing bacleria
C) Grou A slrelococcus
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
I) Slrelococci
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a domain in lhe lhree"domain syslem`
A) AnimaIia
) Archaea
C) acleria
D) Iukarya
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul fungi is lrue`
A) AII are rokaryolic.
) AII are muIliceIIuIar.
C) AII require organic maleriaI for grovlh.
D) AII grov using sunIighl and carbon dioxide.
I) AII are Ianls.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
5) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul rolozoa is faIse`
A) They have rigid ceII vaIIs.
) They are cIassified by lheir melhod of Iocomolion.
C) AII are uniceIIuIar.
D) AII have comIex ceIIs.
I) AII are eukaryolic.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 1
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul viruses is faIse`
A) They Iack ceIIs.
) They cannol melaboIize nulrienls.
C) They cannol reroduce lhemseIves.
D) They have bolh DNA and RNA.
I) They are arasiles.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
7) Regarding lhe exerimenls lhal "roved" sonlaneous generalion, vhich of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is
robabIy lrue`
A) Air vas Iacking.
) Too much heal vas aIied.
C) The food source couId nol suorl Iife.
D) Microorganisms vere aIready resenl.
I) Ixcess carbon dioxide vas resenl.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Regarding Iasleur's exerimenls vilh lhe S"neck fIask, vhich of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is lrue`
A) There vas air invoIved.
) There vas a food source invoIved.
C) Any ossibiIily of conlaminalion vas removed.
D) AII microorganisms vere kiIIed before beginning.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
9) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul insecl conlroI by microorganisms is lrue`
A) The insecls deveIo resislance lo lhe microorganisms.
) The microorganisms are ermanenl in lhe environmenl.
C) The microorganisms are secific for lhe insecl esl.
D) The microorganisms may cause disease in olher animaIs.
I) This lechnique is |usl as dangerous as lhe use of chemicaI eslicides.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
10) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Hooke ! ceII lheory
) }enner ! vaccines
C) van Leeuvenhoek ! germ lheory
D) Lisler ! aselic surgery
I) Iasleur ! fermenlalion
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 2
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Who disroved lhe lheory of sonlaneous generalion`
A) Hooke
) Koch
C) van Leeuvenhoek
D) Iasleur
I) Virchov
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
12) Who observed ceIIs in Ianl maleriaI`
A) Hooke
) Koch
C) van Leeuvenhoek
D) Lisler
I) Iasleur
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
13) Who vas lhe firsl lo observe microorganisms vilh a microscoe`
A) Hooke
) Koch
C) van Leeuvenhoek
D) Iasleur
I) Weizmann
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
14) Who roved lhal microorganisms cause disease`
A) IIeming
) Koch
C) van Leeuvenhoek
D) Iasleur
I) SemmeIveis
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is a scienlific name`
A) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 6$%#3$
) Hansen's baciIIus
C) Lerosy baclerium
D) Acid"fasl bacleria
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
16) CIassificalion of organisms in lhe lhree domains is based on
A) CeII vaII.
) Number of ceIIs.
C) Tye of ceII.
D) NulrilionaI lye.
I) NucIeus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 3
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
17) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) AII bacleria Iack nucIear membranes.
) AII fungi are muIliceIIuIar.
C) AII rolozoa are uniceIIuIar.
D) AII viruses are arasiles.
I) AII fungi have nucIear membranes.
SkiII: AnaIysis
18) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is lrue`
A) Viruses cannol reroduce oulside a hosl ceII.
) acleria cannol move.
C) Iungi are Ianls.
D) Irolozoa have rigid ceII vaIIs.
I) AIgae are arasiles.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
19) Which of lhe foIIoving findings vas essenliaI for }enner's vaccinalion rocess`
A) A veakened microorganism may roduce immunily.
) A veakened microorganism viII nol cause disease.
C) Someone vho recovers from a disease viII nol acquire lhal disease again.
D) Disease is caused by viruses.
I) Vaccinalion rovides immunily.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
20) Which of lhe foIIoving requiremenls vas ./0 necessary for Iasleur lo disrove sonlaneous generalion`
A) Iroviding a food source lhal vouId suorl grovlh
) SuIying air
C) Keeing microorganisms oul
D) Removing microorganisms lhal vere iniliaIIy resenl
I) Idenlifying bacleria
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) ImmunoIogisl ! sludies ecoIogy of 7$,4&-$663 %-$(5&%8463
) ViroIogisl ! sludies human immunodeficiency virus
C) MicrobiaI ecoIogisl ! sludies bacleria lhal degrade oiI
D) MicrobiaI hysioIogisl ! sludies fermenlalion of sourdough bread
I) MoIecuIar bioIogisl ! sludies recombinanl DNA
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 4
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
22) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Chemolheray ! lrealmenl of disease
) Ialhogen ! disease causing
C) Vaccine ! a rearalion of microorganisms
D) IeniciIIin ! anlibiolic
I) NormaI microbiola ! harmfuI
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
23) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) Archaea
) acleria
C) Iukarya
D) Iungi
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
24) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an examIe of biolechnoIogy`
A) acleriaI roduclion of Irench bread
) acleriaI degradalion of a dead animaI
C) acleriaI roduclion of yogurl
D) acleriaI roduclion of vinegar
I) acleriaI roduclion of human insuIin
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 be made by using recombinanl DNA lechnoIogy`
A) Vaccines
) Human hormones
C) IharmaceulicaI drugs
D) Life
I) Iesl"resislanl cros
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
26) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl definilion of 24&"$'8-&6&,+`
A) The deveIomenl of recombinanl DNA lechnoIogy
) The use of Iiving organisms lo make desired roducls
C) The curing of diseases
D) The use of microorganisms in sevage lrealmenl
I) acleriaI roduclion of foods
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 5
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
27) You are observing a ceII lhrough a microscoe and nole lhal il has no aarenl nucIeus. You concIude lhal il
mosl IikeIy
A) Has a elidogIycan ceII vaII.
) Has a ceIIuIose ceII vaII.
C) Moves by seudoods.
D) Is arl of a muIliceIIuIar animaI.
I) Is a Ianl ceII.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) A nucIealed, green ceII lhal moves by means of fIageIIa is a(n)
A) AIga.
) aclerium.
C) Iungus.
D) HeIminlh.
I) Virus.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
29) An agenl lhal reroduces in ceIIs bul is ./0 comosed of ceIIs and conlains RNA as ils genelic maleriaI is a(n)
A) AIga.
) aclerium.
C) Iungus.
D) HeIminlh.
I) Virus.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
30) A muIliceIIuIar organism lhal has chilin ceII vaIIs and absorbs organic maleriaI is a(n)
A) AIga.
) aclerium.
C) Iungus.
D) HeIminlh.
I) Virus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
31) A muIliceIIuIar organism lhal has a moulh and Iives in an animaI hosl is a(n)
A) AIga.
) aclerium.
C) Iungus.
D) HeIminlh.
I) Virus.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 6
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
32) In lhe name ;)'8$#4'843 '&64< '&64 is lhe
A) Domain.
) Kingdom.
C) Genus.
D) Secific eilhel.
I) Discoverer.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) LancefieId ! immunoIogy
) Weizmann ! viroIogy
C) }enner ! immunoIogy
D) }acob and Monod ! microbiaI genelics
I) Winogradsky ! microbiaI ecoIogy
SkiII: RecaII
34) You are Iooking al a vhile collony grovlh on a cuIlure medium. Microscoic examinalion reveaIs il is
muIliceIIuIar. Which of lhe foIIoving concIusions aboul lhis organism is faIse`
A) Il has ceII vaIIs.
) Il has DNA encIosed in a nucIeus.
C) Il is eukaryolic.
D) Il is a baclerium.
I) Il absorbs organic nulrienls.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Which of lhe foIIoving grous incIude members lhal Iack DNA`
A) acleria
) Iungi
C) HeIminlhs
D) Irolozoa
I) Viruses
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
36) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) CeIIuIose
) Chilin
C) NucIeus
D) IelidogIycan
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
37) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms Iack ceII vaIIs`
A) AnimaIia
) acleria
C) Iungi
D) IIanlae
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 7
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
38) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) AnimaIia
) Iungi
C) HeIminlhes
D) IIanlae
I) Irolisla
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
39) Iungi differ from bacleria in lhal fungi
A) Have ceII vaIIs.
) Have DNA.
C) Have a nucIeus.
D) SoiI food.
I) Are ceIIuIar.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) Archaea differ from bacleria in lhal archaea
A) Lack elidogIycan.
) Lack nucIei.
C) Use organic comounds for food.
D) Reroduce by binary fission.
I) Are rokaryolic.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) acleria differ from viruses in lhal bacleria
A) Have DNA and RNA.
) Are comosed of ceIIs.
C) Can Iive vilhoul a hosl.
D) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Which of lhe foIIoving Iack a nucIeus`
A) AnimaIia
) acleria
C) Iungi
D) Irolozoa
I) None of lhe above
SkiII: RecaII
43) ReguIar use of anlibacleriaI cIeaning roducls
A) Irevenls occurrence of infeclions.
) Is necessary for good heaIlh.
C) Iromoles survivaI of bacleria lhal are resislanl.
D) Irevenls bacleria from groving.
I) A, , and D
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 8
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul biofiIms is faIse`
A) Comared lo free"Iiving bacleria, biofiIms are more sensilive lo anlibiolics.
) iofiIms in ies bIock lhe fIov of valer.
C) iofiIms in your body rolecl mucous membranes from harmfuI microbes.
D) iofiIms on medicaI imIanls cause infeclions.
I) iofiIms on rocks rovide food for animaIs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
45) Which of lhe foIIoving rocesses in making bIue |eans is incorreclIy malched`
A) Iue dye ! ;= '&64 indigo
) Collon ! fungaI hyhae
C) DebIeaching ! bacleriaI enzyme
D) IIaslic ! bacleriaI IHA
I) Slone"vashed ! fungaI enzyme
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) In 1835 assi shoved lhal a fungus caused a siIkvorm disease, and in 1865 Iasleur discovered lhal a rolozoan
caused anolher siIkvorm disease. Why do ve use Koch's osluIales inslead of "assi's" or "Iasleur's"
2) Lisl lvo examIes of biolechnoIogy lhal invoIve recombinanl DNA lechnoIogy and lvo examIes lhal do nol.
3) IauI erg received lhe NobeI Irize for deveIoing lhe rocedure for incororaling fragmenls of animaI DNA
inlo bacleria. Lisl some reasons vhy his vork vas a ma|or conlribulion lo science.
Iage 9
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6 !"&7,-#0 8',3-,$0&9
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe alom
C is faIse`
A) Il has 6 rolons in ils nucIeus.
) Il has 12 neulrons in ils nucIeus.
C) Il has 6 eIeclrons orbiling lhe nucIeus.
D) Ils alomic number is 6.
I) Ils alomic veighl is 12.
SkiII: Underslanding
TabIe 2.1
2) Using lhe informalion in TabIe 2.1, caIcuIale lhe moIecuIar veighl of elhanoI, C
A) 96
) 46
C) 34
D) 33
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Anlacids neulraIize acid by lhe foIIoving reaclion. Idenlify lhe saIl.
# 2HCI $ MgCI
# H
A) Mg(OH)
D) H
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
4) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) SaIls readiIy dissoIve in valer.
) Waler moIecuIes are formed by hydroIysis.
C) Waler freezes from lhe lo dovn.
D) Waler is a arl of a dehydralion reaclion.
I) Waler is a oIar moIecuIe.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 10
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
5) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe lye of bond hoIding K
and I
ions in KI`
A) Ionic bond
) CovaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
6) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe lye of bond belveen moIecuIes of valer in a beaker of valer`
A) Ionic bond
) CovaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) Whal is lhe lye of bond hoIding hydrogen and oxygen aloms in lhe H
O moIecuIe`
A) Ionic bond
) CovaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: GIucose # Iruclose $ Sucrose # Waler
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) Ionic reaclion
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
9) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: Laclose # H
O $ GIucose # GaIaclose
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) Ionic reaclion
SkiII: AnaIysis
10) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: HCI # NaHCO
$ NaCI # H
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) Ionic reaclion
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 11
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: NH
# H
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) Ionic reaclion
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Which lye of moIecuIe conlains lhe aIcohoI gIyceroI`
A) Carbohydrale
) Liid
C) NucIeic acid
D) Irolein
SkiII: RecaII
13) Which lye of moIecuIe is comosed of (CH
O) unils`
A) Carbohydrale
) Liid
C) NucIeic acid
D) Irolein
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which lye of moIecuIe conlains "NH
A) Carbohydrale
) Liid
C) NucIeic acid
D) Irolein
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which lye of moIecuIe .;>;? conlains a hoshale grou`
A) Carbohydrale
) Liid
C) NucIeic acid
D) Irolein
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
16) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe alom
O is faIse`
A) Il has 8 rolons in ils nucIeus.
) Il has 8 eIeclrons in ils nucIeus.
C) Il has 8 neulrons in ils nucIeus.
D) Ils alomic number is 8.
I) Ils alomic veighl is 16.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 12
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 2.1
17) Using lhe informalion in TabIe 2.1, caIcuIale lhe number of moIes in 92 grams of elhanoI, C
A) 1
) 2
C) 3
D) 4
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
18) The foIIoving chemicaI reaclion is used lo remove chIorine from valer. Whal lye of reaclion is il`
$ Na
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis synlhesis reaclion
C) Ixchange synlhesis reaclion
D) ReversibIe synlhesis reaclion
I) Ionic synlhesis reaclion
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
19) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) NaOH % Na
# OH
! base
) HI % H
# I
! acid
% Mg
# SO
! saIl
% K
# H
! acid
I) H
% 2H
# SO
! acid
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 13
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 2.2
Refer lo lhese reaclions lo ansver lhe queslion beIov.
NaOH % Na
# OH
! base
HI % H
# I
! acid
% Mg
# SO
! saIl
% K
! acid
% 2H
# SO
! saIl
20) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe reaclions in TabIe 2.2 is faIse`
A) They are exchange reaclions.
) They are ionizalion reaclions.
C) They occur vhen lhe reaclanls are dissoIved in valer.
D) They are dissocialion reaclions.
I) They are reversibIe reaclions.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
21) Whal is lhe lye of bond belveen lhe hydrogen of one moIecuIe and lhe nilrogen of anolher moIecuIe`
A) Ionic bond
) CovaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
D) DisuIfide bond
I) Hydrohobic bond
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
22) Whal is lhe lye of bond belveen carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen aloms in organic moIecuIes`
A) Ionic bond
) CovaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
SkiII: RecaII
23) Whal is lhe lye of bond belveen ions in saIl`
A) Ionic bond
) CovaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
24) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: H
O # CO
% H
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) CovaIenl reaclion
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 14
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: GIycine # Lysine $ Dielide # H
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) CovaIenl reaclion
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) Idenlify lhe foIIoving reaclion: Sucrose # H
O $ GIucose # Iruclose
A) Dehydralion synlhesis reaclion
) HydroIysis reaclion
C) Ixchange reaclion
D) ReversibIe reaclion
I) CovaIenl reaclion
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) SlrucluraIIy, ATI is mosl Iike vhich lye of moIecuIe`
A) Carbohydrale
) Liid
C) Irolein
D) NucIeic acid
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
28) Whal do genes consisl of`
A) Carbohydrales
) Liids
C) Iroleins
D) NucIeic acids
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
29) Which moIecuIe is comosed of a chain of amino acids`
A) Carbohydrale
) Liid
C) Irolein
D) NucIeic acid
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
30) Which are lhe rimary moIecuIes making u Iasma membranes in ceIIs`
A) Carbohydrales
) Liids
C) Iroleins
D) NucIeic acids
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 15
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) The anlimicrobiaI drug imidazoIe inhibils sleroI synlhesis. This vouId mosl IikeIy inlerfere vilh
A) acleriaI ceII vaIIs.
) IungaI ceII vaIIs.
C) Iukaryolic Iasma membranes.
D) Irokaryolic Iasma membranes.
I) Genes.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 2.1
32) In Iigure 2.1, vhich is an aIcohoI`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which comound in Iigure 2.1 is an esler`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Which comound in Iigure 2.1 is an organic acid`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 16
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 2.2
35) Use Iigure 2.2 lo ansver lhe foIIoving queslion. Archaea differ from bacleria in lhe comosilion of lhe ceII
membrane Iiids. Archaea have elher"bonded Iiids, shovn in arl ________ of Iigure 2.2, and bacleria have
esler"bonded Iiids, shovn in arl ________ of Iigure 2.2.
A) b, a
) b, c
C) a, d
D) c, d
I) d, c
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 17
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 2.3
36) Whal kind of bond is al lhe arrov in Iigure 2.3`
A) Ionic bond
) Hydrogen bond
C) Ielide bond
D) SingIe covaIenl bond
I) DoubIe covaIenl bond
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 2.4
37) Whal kind of bond is al lhe arrov in Iigure 2.4`
A) DisuIfide bridge
) DoubIe covaIenl bond
C) Hydrogen bond
D) Ionic bond
I) Ielide bond
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 18
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
38) An ;= '&64 cuIlure lhal has been groving al 37C is moved lo 25C. Which of lhe foIIoving changes musl be
made in ils Iasma membrane`
A) The number of hoshale grous musl increase.
) The viscosily musl increase.
C) The number of saluraled chains musl increase.
D) The number of unsaluraled chains musl increase.
I) No changes are necessary.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
39) Assume !3''83#&5+'$) '$#$@4)43$ is grovn in a nulrienl medium conlaining lhe radioisoloe
S. Afler a 48"hour
incubalion, lhe
S vouId mosl IikeIy be found in lhe != '$#$@4)43$'s
A) Carbohydrales.
) NucIeic acids.
C) Waler.
D) Liids.
I) Iroleins.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
40) Assume !3''83#&5+'$) '$#$@4)43$ is grovn in a nulrienl medium conlaining lhe radioisoloe
I. Afler a 48"hour
incubalion, lhe
I vouId mosl IikeIy be found in lhe != '$#$@4)43$'s
A) IIasma membrane.
) CeII vaII.
C) Waler.
D) Iroleins.
I) Carbohydrales.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
41) Slarch, dexlran, gIycogen, and ceIIuIose are oIymers of
A) Amino acids.
) GIucose.
C) Ially acids.
D) NucIeic acids.
I) Acids.
SkiII: RecaII
42) Which of lhe foIIoving is a base`
A) C
# C
) C
C) NaOH $ Na
# OH
D) H
O $ H
# OH
I) H
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 19
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
43) Tvo gIucose moIecuIes are combined lo make a maIlose moIecuIe. Whal is lhe chemicaI formuIa for maIlose`
A) C
) C
C) C
D) C
I) C
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
44) A$)(6B&@42#4& bacleria can erform lhe foIIoving reaclion: S
$ S
. These bacleria are
A) Synlhesizing suIfur.
) Reducing suIfur.
C) HydroIyzing suIfur.
D) Oxidizing suIfur.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
45) OiI"degrading bacleria are naluraIIy resenl in lhe environmenl bul cannol degrade an oiI siII fasl enough lo
avoid ecoIogicaI damage. Hov can lhe aclions of lhese bacleria be sed u`
A) Irovide oiI for lhem.
) Irovide sugar as a carbon source.
C) Irovide nilrogen and hoshorus.
D) Add valer.
I) Add NaCI.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Describe hov lhe roerlies of hoshoIiids make lhese moIecuIes veII suiled for Iasma membranes.
Iage 20
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 2.5
2) Use Iigure 2.5 lo ansver lhe foIIoving queslion. Slarch, ceIIuIose, dexlran, and gIycogen are oIysaccharides.
Hov are lhey simiIar` To vhal are lheir differenl roerlies due` Why can'l an enzyme lhal hydroIyzes slarch
degrade ceIIuIose`
Iage 21
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' : ;/9&'<,3= +,-'..'=#3,979 *"'.5=" # +,-'.9-.$&
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 equaI lo 1 m`
A) 10
) 10
C) 10 dm
D) 100 mm
I) 0.001 km
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
2) Whal slruclure does Iighl ass lhrough afler Ieaving lhe condenser in a comound Iighl microscoe`
A) OcuIar Iens
) Ob|eclive Iens
C) Secimen
D) IIIuminalor
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Gram"negalive bacleria ! negalive slain
) Iodine ! mordanl
C) AIcohoI"acelone ! decoIorizer
D) Acid"aIcohoI ! decoIorizer
I) CryslaI vioIel ! simIe slain
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
4) IIace lhe sles of lhe Gram slain in lhe correcl order:
1"AIcohoI"acelone, 2"CryslaI vioIel, 3"Safranin, 4"Iodine.
A) 1"2"3"4
) 2"1"4"3
C) 2"4"1"3
D) 4"3"2"1
I) 1"3"2"4
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
5) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) AIcohoI"acelone ! decoIorizer
) CryslaI vioIel ! basic dye
C) Safranin ! acid dye
D) Iodine ! mordanl
I) CarboIfuchsin ! basic dye
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 22
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) The counlerslain in lhe acid"fasl slain is
A) A basic dye.
) An acid dye.
C) A negalive slain.
D) A mordanl.
I) Necessary lo delermine acid"fasl ceIIs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
7) The urose of a mordanl in lhe Gram slain is
A) To remove lhe simIe slain.
) To make lhe bacleriaI ceIIs Iarger.
C) To make lhe fIageIIa visibIe.
D) To revenl lhe cryslaI vioIel from Ieaving lhe ceIIs.
I) To make gram"negalive ceIIs visibIe.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
8) IIace lhe foIIoving sles in lhe correcl sequence:
1"Slaining, 2"Making a smear, 3"Iixing.
A) 1"2"3
) 3"2"1
C) 2"3"1
D) 1"3"2
I) The order doesn'l maller
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
9) The besl use of a negalive slain is
A) To delermine ceII size.
) To delermine ceII shae.
C) To delermine Gram reaclion.
D) To see endosores.
I) A and
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
10) SimIe slaining is oflen necessary lo imrove conlrasl in lhis microscoe.
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 23
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which microscoe is used lo see inlernaI slruclures of ceIIs in a naluraI slale`
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which of lhe foIIoving microscoes uses visibIe Iighl`
A) ConfocaI microscoe
C) IIuorescence microscoe
D) Scanning acouslic microscoe
I) Scanning eIeclron microscoe
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which microscoe achieves lhe highesl magnificalion and grealesl resoIulion`
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
14) In lhis microscoe, lhe observer does ./0 Iook al an image lhrough a Iens.
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
15) This microscoe roduces an image of a Iighl ceII againsl a dark background, inlernaI slruclures are ./0
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 24
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 correcl`
A) 1 m & 10
) 1 nm & 10
C) 1 m & 10
D) 1 m & 10
I) 1 nm & 10
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) The counlerslain in lhe Gram slain is
A) A negalive slain.
) A mordanl.
C) A basic dye.
D) An acid dye.
I) Necessary lo delermine lhe Gram reaclion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 3.1
18) In Iigure 3.1, Iine "a." oinls lo lhe microscoe's
A) IIIuminalor.
) Condenser.
C) OcuIar Iens.
D) Ob|eclive Iens.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
19) In Iigure 3.1, Iine "b." oinls lo lhe microscoe's
A) IIIuminalor.
) Condenser.
C) OcuIar Iens.
D) Ob|eclive Iens.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 25
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) In Iigure 3.1, Iine "c." oinls lo lhe microscoe's
A) IIIuminalor.
) Condenser.
C) OcuIar Iens.
D) Ob|eclive Iens.
SkiII: RecaII
21) Which microscoe can be used lo visuaIize DNA or boluIinum loxin`
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) Scanning lunneIing microscoe
D) ConfocaI microscoe
I) Scanning eIeclron microscoe
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which microscoe is used lo observe a secimen lhal emils Iighl vhen iIIuminaled vilh an uIlravioIel Iighl`
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
23) Which microscoe is mosl usefuI for visuaIizing a biofiIm`
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) Alomic force microscoe
D) Scanning acouslic microscoe
I) Transmission eIeclron microscoe
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
24) Which microscoe lakes advanlage of differences in lhe refraclive indexes of ceII slruclures`
A) Comound Iighl microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) IIuorescence microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
SkiII: RecaII
25) The aearance of gram"osilive bacleria afler addilion of lhe firsl dye in lhe Gram slain.
A) IurIe
) Red
C) CoIorIess
D) rovn
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 26
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) The aearance of gram"negalive bacleria afler addilion of lhe mordanl in lhe Gram slain.
A) IurIe
) Red
C) CoIorIess
D) rovn
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) The aearance of gram"negalive bacleria afler addilion of lhe decoIorizing agenl in lhe Gram slain.
A) IurIe
) Red
C) CoIorIess
D) rovn
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) The aearance of gram"osilive bacleria afler adding lhe counlerslain in lhe Gram slain.
A) IurIe
) Red
C) CoIorIess
D) rovn
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) The aearance of gram"negalive bacleria afler comIeling lhe Gram slain.
A) IurIe
) Red
C) CoIorIess
D) rovn
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) ConfocaI microscoe ! roduces a lhree"dimensionaI image
) DarkfieId microscoe ! uses visibIe Iighl
C) IIuorescence microscoe ! uses a fIuorescenl Iighl
D) Scanning eIeclron microscoe ! roduces a lhree"dimensionaI image
I) Scanning lunneIing microscoe ! aIIovs visuaIizalion of aloms
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
31) Whal is lhe lolaI magnificalion of a chIoroIasl vieved vilh a 10x ocuIar Iens and a 45x ob|eclive Iens`
A) 4.5x
) 10x
C) 45x
D) 100x
I) 450x
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 27
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
32) You susecl a 100"nm slruclure is resenl in a ceII. Which of lhe foIIoving rovides lhe Iovesl magnificalion
lhal you can use lo see lhis slruclure`
A) righlfieId microscoe
) DarkfieId microscoe
C) Transmission eIeclron microscoe
D) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
I) Scanning eIeclron microscoe
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which microscoe uses lvo beams of Iighl lo roduce a lhree"dimensionaI, coIor image`
A) IIuorescence microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) DIC microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
34) Which microscoe is used lo see inlraceIIuIar delaiI in a Iiving ceII`
A) IIuorescence microscoe
) Tvo"holon microscoe
C) Alomic force microscoe
D) Transmission eIeclron microscoe
I) righlfieId microscoe
SkiII: RecaII
35) In vhich microscoe does lhe image Iook Iike a negalive slain`
A) IIuorescence microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) Tvo"holon microscoe
I) Scanning acouslic microscoe
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
36) Which microscoe is used lo see delaiI of a 300"nm virus`
A) IIuorescence microscoe
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe
C) DarkfieId microscoe
D) DIC microscoe
I) IIeclron microscoe
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 28
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
37) Assume you slain C3'466() by aIying maIachile green vilh heal and lhen counlerslaining vilh safranin.
Through lhe microscoe, lhe green slruclures are
A) CeII vaIIs.
) CasuIes.
C) Indosores.
D) IIageIIa.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) CeIIs are differenlialed afler vhich sle in lhe Gram slain`
A) Safranin
) AIcohoI"acelone
C) Iodine
D) CryslaI vioIel
SkiII: Underslanding
39) You find coIorIess areas in ceIIs in a Gram"slained smear. Whal shouId you do nexl`
A) An acid"fasl slain
) A fIageIIa slain
C) A casuIe slain
D) An endosore slain
I) A simIe slain
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) Whal Gram reaclion do you execl from acid"fasl bacleria`
A) Gram"osilive
) Gram"negalive
C) olh gram"osilive and gram"negalive
D) Can'l leII
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) acleriaI smears are fixed before slaining lo
A) KiII lhe bacleria.
) Affix lhe ceIIs lo lhe sIide.
C) Make lheir vaIIs ermeabIe.
D) A and .
I) Accel slain.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
42) The resoIulion of a microscoe can be imroved by changing lhe
A) Condenser.
) Iine ad|uslmenl.
C) WaveIenglh of Iighl.
D) Diahragm.
I) Coarse ad|uslmenl.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 29
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
43) Van Leeuvenhoek's microscoe magnified u lo 300x. This vas a(n)
A) IIeclron microscoe.
) Ihase"conlrasl microscoe.
C) SimIe microscoe.
D) ConfocaI microscoe.
I) Comound microscoe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
44) The urose of lhe ocuIar Iens is lo
A) Imrove resoIulion.
) Magnify lhe image from lhe ob|eclive Iens.
C) Decrease lhe refraclive index.
D) Increase lhe Iighl.
I) Decrease lhe Iighl.
SkiII: RecaII
45) The signaI moIecuIe roduced in quorum sensing is
A) A counlerslain.
) An inducer.
C) Lighl.
D) A simIe slain.
I) An endosore.
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) In 1877, Roberl Koch lhoughl rearing ermanenlIy slained sIides vouId be vaIuabIe. Why vas his assessmenl
2) In 1884, Hans Chrislian Gram described a melhod of slaining bacleriaI ceIIs vhiIe nol slaining surrounding
animaI lissues. Hovever, he lhoughl lhal lhe slaining melhod he deveIoed vas fauIly because nol aII bacleria
slained. In a Ieller lo lhe edilor of lhe |ournaI in vhich Gram ubIished his findings, vrile your resonse lo
Gram's concern.
Iage 30
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' > ?53-%,.3#0 @3#%.7A .B 8'.C#'A.%,- #32 D5C#'A.%,- !&009
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a dislinguishing characlerislic of rokaryolic ceIIs`
A) Their DNA is nol encIosed vilhin a membrane.
) They Iack membrane"encIosed organeIIes.
C) They have ceII vaIIs conlaining elidogIycan.
D) Their DNA is nol associaled vilh hislones.
I) They Iack a Iasma membrane.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul a gram"osilive ceII vaII is faIse`
A) Il mainlains lhe shae of lhe ceII.
) Il is sensilive lo Iysozyme.
C) Il rolecls lhe ceII in a hyerlonic environmenl.
D) Il conlains leichoic acids.
I) Il is sensilive lo eniciIIin.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls besl describes vhal haens vhen a bacleriaI ceII is Iaced in a soIulion
conlaining 5% NaCI`
A) Sucrose viII move inlo lhe ceII from a higher lo a Iover concenlralion.
) The ceII viII undergo osmolic Iysis.
C) Waler viII move oul of lhe ceII.
D) Waler viII move inlo lhe ceII.
I) No change viII resuIl, lhe soIulion is isolonic.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
4) The besl definilion of &)5&"4' %#$))(#$ is
A) The movemenl of soIule moIecuIes from a higher lo a Iover concenlralion.
) The force vilh vhich a soIvenl moves across a semiermeabIe membrane from a higher lo a Iover
C) The movemenl of a subslance across a semiermeabIe membrane from a higher lo a Iover concenlralion.
D) The aclive lransorl of a subslance oul of a ceII lo mainlain equiIibrium.
I) The movemenl of soIule moIecuIes from a Iover lo a higher concenlralion across a semiermeabIe
SkiII: Underslanding
5) y vhich of lhe foIIoving mechanisms can a ceII lransorl a subslance from a Iover lo a higher concenlralion`
A) SimIe diffusion
) IaciIilaled diffusion
C) Aclive lransorl
D) IxlraceIIuIar enzymes
I) Aquaorins
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 31
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of lhe Iasma membrane`
A) Mainlains ceII shae
) Is comosed of a hoshoIiid biIayer
C) Conlains roleins
D) Is lhe sile of ceII vaII formalion
I) Is seIecliveIy ermeabIe
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) Which of lhe foIIoving have a ceII vaII`
A) IroloIasls
) Iungi
C) L forms
D) MycoIasmas
I) AnimaI ceIIs
SkiII: RecaII
8) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is lrue`
A) Indosores are for reroduclion.
) Indosores aIIov a ceII lo survive environmenlaI changes.
C) Indosores are easiIy slained in a Gram slain.
D) A ceII roduces one endosore and kees groving.
I) A ceII can roduce many endosores.
SkiII: RecaII
9) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) IndoIasmic relicuIum ! inlernaI lransorl
) GoIgi comIex ! secrelion
C) Milochondria ! ATI roduclion
D) Cenlrosome ! food slorage
I) Lysosome ! digeslive enzymes
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
10) Which of lhe foIIoving organeIIes mosl cIoseIy resembIes a rokaryolic ceII`
A) NucIeus
) Milochondrion
C) GoIgi comIex
D) VacuoIe
I) CeII vaII
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 32
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 4.1
11) Which draving in Iigure 4.1 is a lelrad`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which draving in Iigure 4.1 ossesses an axiaI fiIamenl`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
13) Which draving in Iigure 4.1 is slrelococci`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which draving in Iigure 4.1 is a baciIIius`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 33
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
15) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul rokaryolic ceIIs is generaIIy faIse`
A) They have a semirigid ceII vaII.
) They are moliIe by means of fIageIIa.
C) They ossess 80S ribosomes.
D) They reroduce by binary fission.
I) They Iack membrane"bound nucIei.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
16) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul gram"negalive ceII vaIIs is faIse`
A) They rolecl lhe ceII in a hyolonic environmenl.
) They have an exlra ouler Iayer comosed of Iioroleins, IiooIysaccharides, and hoshoIiids.
C) They are loxic lo humans.
D) They are sensilive lo eniciIIin.
I) Their Gram reaclion is due lo lhe ouler membrane.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) Which of lhe foIIoving slruclures is ./0 found in rokaryolic ceIIs`
A) IIageIIum
) AxiaI fiIamenl
C) CiIium
D) IiIus
I) Ierilrichous fIageIIa
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
18) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe gIycocaIyx is faIse`
A) Il may be comosed of oIysaccharide.
) Il may be comosed of oIyelide.
C) Il may be resonsibIe for viruIence.
D) Il is used lo adhere lo surfaces.
I) Il rolecls from osmolic Iysis.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
19) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a chemicaI comonenl of a bacleriaI ceII vaII`
A) CeIIuIose
) IelidogIycan
C) Teichoic acids
D) Ielide chains
I) N"acelyImuramic acid
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 34
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 arl of lhe aclive lransorl rocess`
A) IIasma membrane
) Transorler roleins
D) CeII vaII
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 4.2
21) Which of lhe foIIoving lerms besl describes lhe ceII in Iigure 4.2`
A) Ierilrichous fIageIIa
) Amhilrichous fIageIIa
C) Loholrichous fIageIIa
D) Monolrichous fIageIIa
I) AxiaI fiIamenl
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
22) In bacleria, holosynlhelic igmenls are found in
A) ChIoroIasls.
) CyloIasm.
C) Chromalohores.
D) Mesosomes.
I) Ribosomes.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
23) The difference belveen simIe diffusion and faciIilaled diffusion is lhal faciIilaled diffusion
A) Can move maleriaIs from a higher lo a Iover concenlralion.
) Can move maleriaIs from a Iover lo a higher concenlralion.
C) Requires ATI.
D) Requires lransorler roleins.
I) Doesn'l require ATI.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a ossibIe funclion of magnelosomes`
A) Gel ceIIs lo lhe Norlh IoIe
) Irolecl ceIIs from hydrogen eroxide accumuIalion
C) Slore iron
D) Locale suilabIe environmenls
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 35
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) You have isoIaled a moliIe, gram"osilive ceII vilh no visibIe nucIeus. You can safeIy assume lhal lhe ceII
A) Has 9 airs # 2 fIageIIa.
) Has a milochondrion.
C) Has a ceII vaII.
D) Lives in an exlreme environmenl.
I) Has a nucIeus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) Iimbriae and iIi differ in lhal iIi
A) Are comosed of iIin.
) Are comosed of fIageIIin.
C) Are used lo lransfer DNA.
D) Are used for moliIily.
I) Are used for allachmenl.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 4.3
27) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII is a gram"negalive ceII vaII`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII is a loxic ceII vaII`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 36
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
29) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII has a vaII lhal rolecls againsl osmolic Iysis`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII is decoIorized by acelone"aIcohoI`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
31) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII is resislanl lo many anlibiolics (e.g., eniciIIin)`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII conlains leichoic acids`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) In Iigure 4.3, vhich diagram of a ceII vaII conlains orins`
A) a
) b
C) olh a and b
D) Neilher a nor b
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 37
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) Where are hoshoIiids mosl IikeIy found in a rokaryolic ceII`
A) IIageIIa
) Around organeIIes
C) IIasma membrane
D) Ribosomes
I) and C
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
35) Where are hoshoIiids mosl IikeIy found in a eukaryolic ceII`
A) IIageIIa
) Around organeIIes
C) IIasma membrane
D) Ribosomes
I) and C
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
36) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 found in milochondria and rokaryoles`
A) CircuIar chromosome
) 70S ribosomes
C) CeII vaII
D) inary fission
I) ATI"generaling mechanism
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 4.4
37) Iigure 4.4 shovs movemenl across a Iasma membrane. Which figure besl reresenls a secific lransorler
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 38
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
38) Iigure 4.4 shovs movemenl across a Iasma membrane. Which figure besl reresenls simIe diffusion`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: Underslanding
39) Iigure 4.4 shovs movemenl across a Iasma membrane. Which figure besl reresenls an aquaorin`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
40) Whal viII haen if a bacleriaI ceII is Iaced in disliIIed valer vilh Iysozyme`
A) The ceII viII IasmoIyze.
) The ceII viII undergo osmolic Iysis.
C) Waler viII Ieave lhe ceII.
D) Lysozyme viII diffuse inlo lhe ceII.
I) No change viII resuIl, lhe soIulion is isolonic.
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) Whal viII haen if a bacleriaI ceII is Iaced in 10% NaCI vilh eniciIIin`
A) The ceII viII IasmoIyze.
) The ceII viII undergo osmolic Iysis.
C) Waler viII enler lhe ceII.
D) IeniciIIin viII diffuse inlo lhe ceII.
I) No change viII resuIl, lhe soIulion is isolonic.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Which one of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Melachromalic granuIes ! hoshale slorage
) Liid incIusions ! energy reserve
C) Ribosomes ! rolein slorage
D) SuIfur granuIes ! energy reserve
I) Gas vacuoIes ! fIolalion
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 39
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
43) Which of lhe foIIoving are ./0 energy reserves`
A) Carboxysomes.
) IoIysaccharide granuIes.
C) Liid incIusions.
D) SuIfur granuIes.
I) Melachromalic granuIes.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
44) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is ./0 a funclionaIIy anaIogous air`
A) NucIeus ! nucIear region
) Milochondria ! rokaryolic Iasma membrane
C) ChIoroIasls ! lhyIakoids
D) CiIia ! iIi
I) 9#2 fIageIIa ! bacleriaI fIageIIa
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
45) The bacleria on lhe oulside of lermile rolozoa
A) Digesl ceIIuIose.
) Sleer lhe rolozoan lo food.
C) Are lransienl microbiola.
D) IroeI lhe rolozoan.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Whal is lhe imorlance of a hoshoIiid biIayer lo Iiving ceIIs` Where is il in rokaryolic ceIIs`
2) Irovide evidence lo subslanliale lhe hyolhesis lhal eukaryolic ceIIs evoIved from rokaryolic ceIIs.
3) Comare and conlrasl gram"osilive and gram"negalive ceII vaIIs vilh regard lo (a) sensilivily lo
anlimicrobiaI agenls, (b) resislance lo hagocylosis, (c) chemicaI comosilion, and (d) decoIorizalion by aIcohoI.
Iage 40
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
4) Grou A bela"hemoIylic slrelococci ("lhe fIesh"ealing bacleria") raidIy sread lhrough lhe human body by
digesling lhe hyaIuronic acid belveen ceIIs. LabeI lhe bacleriaI Iasma membrane shovn beIov lo iIIuslrale
digeslion of lhe oIysaccharide, hyaIuronic acid.
Add lhese IabeIs lo lhe diagram in lhe aroriale Iaces:
hyaIuronic acid (a oIysaccharide), GIuUA"GIcNAc (a disaccharide),
gIucose (a monosaccharide), hyaIuronidase (an exoenzyme),
hyaIuronic acid lransorler rolein.
Iage 41
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' E +,-'./,#0 +&%#/.0,97
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving comounds is ./0 an enzyme`
A) Dehydrogenase
) CeIIuIase
C) Coenzyme A
D) "gaIaclosidase
I) Sucrase
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 5.1
2) Which comound is being reduced in lhe reaclion shovn in Iigure 5.1`
A) Isocilric acid and o"kelogIularic acid
) o"kelogIularic acid and NAD
I) NADH and isocilric acid
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which organism is ./0 correclIy malched lo ils energy source`
A) Iholohelerolroh ! Iighl
) Iholoaulolroh ! CO
C) Chemoaulolroh ! Ie
D) Chemohelerolroh ! gIucose
I) Chemoaulolroh ! NH
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 42
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
4) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul anaerobic resiralion is faIse`
A) Il invoIves gIycoIysis onIy.
) Il invoIves lhe Krebs cycIe.
C) Il invoIves lhe reduclion of nilrale.
D) Il generales ATI.
I) Il requires cylochromes.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 5.2
5) Whal lye of reaclion is in Iigure 5.2`
A) DecarboxyIalion
) Transaminalion
C) Dehydrogenalion
D) Oxidalion
I) Reduclion
SkiII: AnaIysis
6) Whal is lhe fale of yruvic acid in an organism lhal uses aerobic resiralion`
A) Il is reduced lo Iaclic acid.
) Il is oxidized in lhe Krebs cycIe.
C) Il is oxidized in lhe eIeclron lransorl chain.
D) Il is calaboIized in gIycoIysis.
I) Il is reduced in lhe Krebs cycIe.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 43
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 5.3
7) Hov vouId a noncomelilive inhibilor inlerfere vilh a reaclion invoIving lhe enzyme shovn in Iigure 5.3`
A) Il vouId bind lo a.
) Il vouId bind lo b.
C) Il vouId bind lo c.
D) Il vouId bind lo d.
I) Can'l leII.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 5.4
8) Hov is ATI generaled in lhe reaclion shovn in Iigure 5.4`
A) GIycoIysis
) Iermenlalion
C) IholohoshoryIalion
D) Oxidalive hoshoryIalion
I) Subslrale"IeveI hoshoryIalion
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
9) Ially acids are calaboIized in
A) The Krebs cycIe.
) The eIeclron lransorl chain.
C) GIycoIysis.
D) The enlose hoshale alhvay.
I) The Inlner Doudoroff alhvay.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 44
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 5.5
10) Which of lhe grahs in Iigure 5.5 besl iIIuslrales lhe aclivily of an enzyme lhal is saluraled vilh subslrale`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
11) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl definilion of &D4E3"4@$ %8&)%8&#+63"4&-`
A) IIeclrons are assed lhrough a series of carriers lo O
) The energy reIeased as carrier moIecuIes are oxidized is used lo generale ATI.
C) The energy reIeased in lhe reduclion of carrier moIecuIes is used lo generale ATI.
D) The lransfer of a high"energy hoshale grou lo ADI.
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul subslrale"IeveI hoshoryIalion is faIse`
A) Il invoIves lhe direcl lransfer of a high"energy hoshale grou from an inlermediale melaboIic
comound lo ADI.
) No finaI eIeclron accelor is required.
C) Il occurs in gIycoIysis.
D) The oxidalion of inlermediale melaboIic comounds reIeases energy lhal is used lo generale ATI.
I) Il occurs in lhe Krebs cycIe.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul holohoshoryIalion is faIse`
A) Lighl Iiberales an eIeclron from chIorohyII.
) The oxidalion of carrier moIecuIes reIeases energy.
C) Inergy from oxidalion reaclions is used lo generale ATI from ADI.
D) Il requires CO
I) Il occurs in holosynlhesizing ceIIs.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 45
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
14) A slriclIy fermenlalive baclerium roduces energy
A) y gIycoIysis onIy.
) y aerobic resiralion onIy.
C) y fermenlalion or aerobic resiralion.
D) OnIy in lhe absence of oxygen.
I) OnIy in lhe resence of oxygen.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
15) The advanlage of lhe enlose hoshale alhvay is lhal il roduces aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) Irecursors for nucIeic acids.
) Irecursors for lhe synlhesis of gIucose.
C) Three ATIs.
I) Irecursors for lhe synlhesis of amino acids.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
16) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul bela oxidalion is faIse`
A) Il is a melhod of calaboIizing fally acids.
) Il invoIves lhe formalion of 2"carbon unils.
C) Il invoIves lhe formalion of acelyI"CoA.
D) Il is a sle in gIycoIysis.
I) Il is used in elroIeum degradalion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) In noncycIic holohoshoryIalion, O
is roduced from
) H
C) C
D) SunIighl.
I) ChIorohyII.
SkiII: Underslanding
18) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl definilion of B$#5$-"3"4&-`
A) The reduclion of gIucose lo yruvic acid
) The oxidalion of gIucose vilh organic moIecuIes serving as eIeclron accelors
C) The comIele calaboIism of gIucose lo CO
and H
D) The roduclion of energy by subslrale"IeveI hoshoryIalion
I) The roduclion of elhanoI from gIucose
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 46
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
19) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 necessary for resiralion`
A) Cylochromes
) IIavoroleins
C) A source of eIeclrons
D) Oxygen
I) Quinones
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
20) Which one of lhe foIIoving vouId you redicl is an aIIosleric inhibilor of lhe Krebs cycIe enzyme,
o"kelogIularale dehydrogenase`
A) Cilric acid
) o"kelogIularic acid
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
21) In green and urIe bacleria, eIeclrons lo reduce CO
come from
) H
C) C
D) SunIighl.
I) ChIorohyII.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
22) Assume you are groving bacleria on a Iiid medium lhal slarled al H 7. The aclion of bacleriaI Iiases shouId
cause lhe H of lhe medium lo
A) Increase.
) Decrease.
C) Slay lhe same.
SkiII: Underslanding
23) Which of lhe foIIoving uses CO
for carbon and H
for energy`
A) Chemoaulolroh
) Chemohelerolroh
C) Iholoaulolroh
D) Iholohelerolroh
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which of lhe foIIoving uses gIucose for carbon and energy`
A) Chemoaulolroh
) Chemohelerolroh
C) Iholoaulolroh
D) Iholohelerolroh
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 47
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) Which of lhe foIIoving has bacleriochIorohyIIs and uses aIcohoIs for carbon`
A) Chemoaulolroh
) Chemohelerolroh
C) Iholoaulolroh
D) Iholohelerolroh
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) Cyanobacleria are a lye of
A) Chemoaulolroh.
) Chemohelerolroh.
C) Iholoaulolroh.
D) Iholohelerolroh.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) Which slalemenls are lrue`
1!IIeclron carriers are Iocaled al ribosomes.
2!ATI is a common inlermediale belveen calaboIic and anaboIic alhvays.
3!ATI is used for lhe Iong"lerm slorage of energy and so is oflen found in slorage granuIes.
4!Anaerobic organisms are caabIe of resiralion.
5!ATI is generaled by lhe fIov of rolons across lhe ceII membrane.
A) 2, 4, 5
) 1, 3, 4
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 2, 3
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) C
IlhanoI Acelic acid
Which of lhe foIIoving is lrue aboul lhis reaclion`
A) This rocess requires O
) This rocess occurs anaerobicaIIy.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
29) C
OH # 2CO
GIucose IlhanoI
Which of lhe foIIoving is lrue aboul lhis reaclion`
A) This rocess requires O
) This rocess occurs anaerobicaIIy.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 48
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
30) NO
# 2H
# H
Nilrale ion Nilrile ion
Which of lhe foIIoving is lrue aboul lhis reaclion`
A) This rocess requires O
) This rocess occurs anaerobicaIIy.
SkiII: Underslanding
31) 2H
;= '&64
Hydrogen ions Waler
Which of lhe foIIoving is lrue aboul lhis reaclion`
A) This rocess requires O
) This rocess occurs anaerobicaIIy.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
32) Assume you are vorking for a chemicaI comany and are resonsibIe for groving a yeasl cuIlure lhal roduces
elhanoI. The yeasls are groving veII on lhe maIlose medium bul are nol roducing aIcohoI. Whal is lhe mosl
IikeIy exIanalion`
A) The maIlose is loxic.
) O
is in lhe medium.
C) Nol enough rolein is rovided.
D) The lemeralure is loo Iov.
I) The lemeralure is loo high.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 49
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 5.6
33) The rales of O
and gIucose consumlion by a bacleriaI cuIlure are shovn in Iigure 5.6. Assume a bacleriaI
cuIlure vas grovn in a gIucose medium vilhoul O
. Then O
vas added al lhe lime marked X. The dala
indicale lhal
A) These bacleria don'l use O
) These bacleria gel more energy anaerobicaIIy.
C) Aerobic melaboIism is more efficienl lhan fermenlalion.
D) These bacleria can'l grov anaerobicaIIy.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) An enzyme, cilrale synlhase, in lhe Krebs cycIe is inhibiled by ATI. This is an examIe of aII of lhe foIIoving
A) AIIosleric inhibilion.
) Comelilive inhibilion.
C) Ieedback inhibilion.
D) Noncomelilive inhibilion.
I) ela oxidalion.
SkiII: Underslanding
35) A shiing comany emIoyee nolices lhal lhe inside of shis' huIIs vhere baIIasl valer is slored are
delerioraling. The huII ainl conlained cyanide lo revenl microbiaI grovlh. acleria vere groving on lhe
huIIs. You can lherefore concIude lhal lhe
A) acleria vere using aerobic resiralion.
) acleria vere using anaerobic resiralion.
C) acleria vere groving by fermenlalion.
D) acleria vere using cylochromes.
I) acleria vere holosynlhelic.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 50
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) C$,,43"&3 bacleria gel energy by oxidizing S
lo S
. This means lhey lake ________ for lheir ________.
A) eIeclrons, eIeclron lransorl chain
) eIeclrons, fermenlalion
C) rolons, NAD
D) suIfur, holohoshoryIalion
I) gIucose, gIycoIysis
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 5.7
37) The grah al lhe Iefl in Iigure 5.7 shovs lhe reaclion rale for an enzyme al ils olimum lemeralure. Which
grah shovs enzyme aclivily al a higher lemeralure`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) A bacleriaI cuIlure grovn in a gIucose"elide medium causes lhe H lo increase. The bacleria are mosl IikeIy
A) Iermenling lhe gIucose.
) Oxidizing lhe gIucose.
C) Using lhe elides.
D) Nol groving.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
39) H3664&-$663 bacleria can gel energy from lhe reaclion Ie
$ Ie
. This reaclion is an examIe of
A) Oxidalion.
) Reduclion.
C) Iermenlalion.
D) IholohoshoryIalion.
I) The CaIvin"enson cycIe.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 51
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 5.8
40) In Iigure 5.8, vhere is ATI roduced`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
41) Refer lo Iigure 5.8. In aerobic resiralion, vhere is valer formed`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
42) In Iigure 5.8, lhe slruclure IabeIed (1) is
) ATI synlhase.
C) IIasma membrane.
D) CeII vaII.
I) CyloIasm.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 52
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
43) In Iigure 5.8, lhe alh IabeIed (2) is lhe fIov of
A) IIeclrons.
) Irolons.
C) Inergy.
D) Waler.
I) GIucose.
SkiII: RecaII
44) Whal is lhe mosl acidic Iace in Iigure 5.8`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) A urease lesl is used lo idenlify 1+&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4) because
A) Urease is a sign of lubercuIosis.
) 1= "(2$#'(6&)4) roduces urease.
C) Urea accumuIales during lubercuIosis.
D) Some bacleria reduce nilrale ion.
I) 1= 2&@4) can cause lubercuIosis.
SkiII: Underslanding
Issay Queslions
1) Comare and conlrasl holohoshoryIalion and oxidalive hoshoryIalion.
2) ?8&E&%)$(E&5&-3) is an anaerobic holoaulolroh lhal uses organic comounds as an eIeclron donor. Il is aIso
caabIe of chemohelerolrohic melaboIism. Diagram lhe melaboIic alhvays of lhis baclerium.
3) Idenlify lhe calaboIic alhvays used by lhe foIIoving bacleria:
G)$(E&5&-3) Oxidizes gIucose
73'"&23'466() Iermenls gIucose
:6'364,$-$) Neilher oxidizes nor fermenls gIucose
;)'8$#4'843 Oxidizes and fermenls gIucose
4) Differenliale lhe foIIoving lvo Iaboralory lesls: slarch hydroIysis and slarch fermenlalion.
Iage 53
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
5) !"#$%"&'&''() Iacks an eIeclron lransorl chain. Hov does lhis baclerium reoxidize NADH` Where is lhe NADH
6) You Iook in lhe refrigeralor and find some orange drink you had forgollen vas lhere. The drink nov has an off
lasle and bubbIes. Whal is lhe mosl IikeIy exIanalion for lhe changes in lhe drink`
7) Why is 96&)"#4E4(5 %$#B#4-,$-) IikeIy lo grov in gangrenous vounds`
Iage 54
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' F +,-'./,#0 G'.H%"
Ob|eclive Queslions
Iigure 6.1
1) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls a facuIlalive anaerobe in lhe absence of O
A) a
) b
C) c
SkiII: Underslanding
2) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl iIIuslrales a mesohiIe al 5C above ils olimum lemeralure`
A) a
) b
C) c
SkiII: Underslanding
3) In Iigure 6.1 ,vhich Iine besl deicls an obIigale anaerobe in lhe resence of O
A) a
) b
C) c
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
4) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls a mesohiIe vilh an olimum lemeralure of 35C incubaled al 40C`
A) a
) b
C) c
SkiII: Underslanding
5) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine shovs lhe grovlh of an obIigale aerobe incubaled anaerobicaIIy`
A) a
) b
C) c
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 55
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl iIIuslrales lhe grovlh of a facuIlalive anaerobe incubaled aerobicaIIy`
A) a
) b
C) c
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
7) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls a calaIase"negalive ceII incubaled aerobicaIIy`
A) a
) b
C) c
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
8) Micrococci are facuIlalive haIohiIes. In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls lhe grovlh of 14'#&'&''() 6("$() in a
nulrienl medium conlaining 7.5% NaCI`
A) a
) b
C) c
SkiII: Underslanding
9) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls a sychrohiIe incubaled al room lemeralure`
A) a
) b
C) c
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
10) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls a sychrolroh incubaled al 0C`
A) a
) b
C) c
SkiII: Underslanding
11) In Iigure 6.1, vhich Iine besl deicls .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$ vhen groving inside lhe human body`
A) a
) b
C) c
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
12) The addilion of vhich of lhe foIIoving lo a cuIlure medium viII neulraIize acids`
A) uffers
) Sugars
C) H
D) Heal
I) Carbon
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 56
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
13) SaIls and sugars vork lo reserve foods by crealing a
A) DeIelion of nulrienls.
) Hyolonic environmenl.
C) Lover osmolic ressure.
D) Hyerlonic environmenl.
I) Lover H.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
14) The lerm B3'(6"3"4@$ 3-3$#&2$ refers lo an organism lhal
A) Doesn'l use oxygen bul loIerales il.
) Is kiIIed by oxygen.
C) Uses oxygen or grovs vilhoul oxygen.
D) Requires Iess oxygen lhan is resenl in air.
I) Irefers lo grov vilhoul oxygen.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is an advanlage of lhe slandard Iale counl`
A) Can readiIy counl ceIIs lhal form aggregales
) Requires incubalion lime
C) Delermines lhe number of viabIe ceIIs
D) ChemicaI and hysicaI requiremenls are delermined by media and incubalion.
I) Cannol be used lo counl bacleria in food
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
16) Which of lhe foIIoving is an advanlage of lhe direcl microscoic counl`
A) Can readiIy counl organisms lhal are moliIe
) Inumerales dead ceIIs
C) Requires no incubalion lime
D) SamIe voIume is unknovn.
I) Requires a Iarge number of ceIIs
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
17) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 used lo delermine melaboIic aclivily`
A) Acid roduclion from fermenlalion
) CO
roduced from lhe Krebs cycIe
roduced from lhe eIeclron lransorl chain
D) Decreased dissoIved oxygen
I) Turbidily
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 57
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
18) Thirly"six coIonies grev in nulrienl agar from 1.0 mI of undiIuled samIe in a slandard Iale counl. Hov many
ceIIs vere in lhe originaI samIe`
A) 4
) 9
C) 18
D) 36
I) 72
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 6.2
19) In Iigure 6.2, vhich seclion shovs a grovlh hase vhere lhe number of ceIIs dying equaIs lhe number of ceIIs
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) a and c
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
20) In Iigure 6.2, vhich seclions of lhe grah iIIuslrale a Iogarilhmic change in ceII numbers`
A) a and c
) b and d
C) a and b
D) c and d
I) b onIy
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) Mosl bacleria grov besl al H
A) 1.
) 5.
C) 7.
D) 9.
I) 14.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 58
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 6.3
22) Iigure 6.3 shovs lhree conlainers of valer connecled by lubes. A seIecliveIy ermeabIe membrane divides each
lube. SoIules are added lo each conlainer lo give finaI concenlralions of 5% NaCI in (a), 10% NaCI in (b), and 5%
sucrose in (c). When lhe exerimenl is firsl sel u, lhe iniliaI movemenl of valer viII be
A) a lo b, b lo c, c lo a.
) a lo b, c lo b, c lo a.
C) a lo c, b lo c, c lo a.
D) a lo c, c lo b, c lo a.
I) b lo a, b lo c, c lo a.
SkiII: Underslanding
23) A cuIlure medium on vhich onIy gram"osilive organisms grov and a yeIIov haIo surrounds !"3%8+6&'&''()
3(#$() coIonies is caIIed a(n)
A) SeIeclive medium.
) DifferenliaI medium.
C) Inrichmenl cuIlure.
D) A and
I) and C
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) A cuIlure medium consisling of agar, human bIood, and beef hearl is a
A) ChemicaIIy defined medium.
) ComIex medium.
C) SeIeclive medium.
D) DifferenliaI medium.
I) Reducing medium.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 59
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Isychrolroh ! grovlh al 0C
) ThermohiIe ! grovlh al 37C
C) MesohiIe ! grovlh al 25C
D) IsychrohiIe ! grovlh al 15C
I) HyerlhermohiIes ! grovlh al 100C
SkiII: RecaII
26) During vhich grovlh hase viII gram"osilive bacleria be mosl suscelibIe lo eniciIIin`
A) Lag hase
) Log hase
C) Dealh hase
D) Slalionary hase
I) The cuIlure is equaIIy suscelibIe during aII hases.
SkiII: Underslanding
27) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl definilion of ,$-$#3"4&- "45$`
A) The Ienglh of lime needed for Iag hase
) The Ienglh of lime needed for a ceII lo divide
C) The minimum rale of doubIing
D) The duralion of Iog hase
I) The lime needed for nucIear division
SkiII: RecaII
28) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a direcl melhod lo measure microbiaI grovlh`
A) Direcl microscoic counl
) Slandard Iale counl
C) IiIlralion
D) MelaboIic aclivily
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) Which grou of microorganisms is mosl IikeIy lo soiI a freshvaler lroul reserved vilh saIl`
A) IsychrohiIes
) IacuIlalive haIohiIes
C) Anaerobes
D) ThermohiIes
I) HyerlhermohiIes
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 60
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
30) Which of lhe foIIoving is an organic grovlh faclor`
A) GIucose
C) Ielone
I) H
SkiII: AnaIysis
31) Which of lhe foIIoving is an examIe of a melaboIic aclivily lhal couId be used lo measure microbiaI grovlh`
A) Slandard Iale counl
) GIucose consumlion
C) Direcl microscoic counl
D) Turbidily
SkiII: Underslanding
32) An exerimenl began vilh 4 ceIIs and ended vilh 128 ceIIs. Hov many generalions did lhe ceIIs go lhrough`
A) 64
) 32
C) 6
D) 5
I) 4
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Three ceIIs vilh generalion limes of 30 minules are inocuIaled inlo a cuIlure medium. Hov many ceIIs are lhere
afler 5 hours`
A) 3 ' 2
) 1024
C) 243
D) 48
I) 16
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 61
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 6.4
34) In Iigure 6.4, in vhich lube are microaerohiIes groving`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) In Iigure 6.4, in vhich lube are facuIlalive anaerobes groving`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: AnaIysis
36) In one hosilaI, G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3 serolye 10 infecled lhe biIiary lracl of 10% of 1300 alienls vho
undervenl gaslroinleslinaI endoscoic rocedures. Afler each use, endoscoes vere vashed vilh an aulomalic
rerocessor lhal fIushed delergenl and gIularaIdehyde lhrough lhe endoscoes, foIIoved by a la valer rinse.
G= 3$#(,4-&)3 10 vas nol isoIaled from lhe delergenl, gIularaIdehyde, or la valer. Whal vas lhe source of lhe
A) acleriaI ceII vaIIs in lhe valer
) A biofiIm in lhe rerocessor
C) Conlaminaled disinfeclanl
D) IecaI conlaminalion of lhe biIe ducls
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 62
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 6.1
Three differenl cuIlure media are shovn beIov.
Medium A Medium Medium C
4 Tide delergenl GIucose
4 Ielone
37) In TabIe 6.1, vhich medium (media) is (are) chemicaIIy defined`
A) A
C) C
D) A and
I) A and C
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) In TabIe, 6.1, in vhich medium vouId an aulolroh grov`
A) A
C) C
D) A and
I) A and C
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
39) Assume you inocuIaled 100 ceIIs inlo 100 mI of nulrienl brolh. You lhen inocuIaled 100 ceIIs of lhe same secies
inlo 200 mI of nulrienl brolh. Afler incubalion for 24 hours, you shouId have
A) More ceIIs in lhe 100 mI.
) More ceIIs in lhe 200 mI.
C) The same number of ceIIs in bolh.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
40) The source of nulrienls in nulrienl agar is
A) Agar.
) Nulrienl.
C) Ielone and beef exlracl.
D) Ielone and NaCI.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 63
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) Which enzyme calaIyzes lhe reaclion: O
# O
# 2H
$ H
# O
A) CalaIase
) Oxidase
C) Ieroxidase
D) Sueroxide dismulase
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
42) Which enzyme calaIyzes lhe reaclion: 2H
$ 2H
O # O
A) CalaIase
) Oxidase
C) Ieroxidase
D) Sueroxide dismulase
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
43) Which enzyme calaIyzes lhe reaclion: H
# 2H
$ 2H
A) CalaIase
) Oxidase
C) Ieroxidase
D) Sueroxide dismulase
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
TabIe 6.2
The foIIoving dala shov grovlh of lvo bacleria on differenl media.
44) The dala in TabIe 6.2 indicale lhal != 3(#$() is a(n)
A) MesohiIe.
) IacuIlalive anaerobe.
C) IacuIlalive haIohiIe.
D) Aerobe.
I) HaIohiIe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) Ialienls vilh indveIIing calhelers are suscelibIe lo infeclions because
A) In|ecled soIulions are conlaminaled.
) Their immune syslems are veakened.
C) Infeclions can be lransmilled from olher eoIe.
D) iofiIms deveIo on calhelers.
I) acleria cause infeclions.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 64
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Issay Queslions
Iigure 6.5
1) In each grah in Iigure 6.5, lhe cuIlure vas incubaled al 30C in gIucose minimaI saIls brolh, aerobicaIIy. The
baclerium is a facuIlalive anaerobe vilh an olimum lemeralure of 37C and can melaboIize gIucose and
Iaclose. Indicale hov each grovlh curve vouId change under lhe condilions indicaled in each grah. Drav lhe
nev grahs, or vrile "no change."
2) A alienl vilh a hearl acemaker received anlibiolic lheray for slrelococcaI bacleremia (bacleria in lhe
bIood). One monlh Ialer, he vas lrealed for recurrence of lhe bacleremia. When he relurned 6 veeks Ialer, again
vilh bacleremia, lhe hysician recommended reIacing lhe acemaker. Why did lhis cure his condilion`
Iage 65
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 6.3
acleriaI generalion limes vere caIcuIaled in lhe media shovn beIov.
AII media vere reared vilh la valer and incubaled aerobicaIIy in lhe Iighl.
3) Comare and conlrasl lhe grovlh requiremenls of lhe bacleria Iisled in TabIe 6.3. Which of lhe media, if any,
are chemicaIIy defined`
Iage 66
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' I *"& !.3%'.0 .B +,-'./,#0 G'.H%"
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl melhod lo sleriIize heal"IabiIe soIulions`
A) Dry heal
) AulocIave
C) Membrane fiIlralion
D) Iasleurizalion
I) Ireezing
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving besl describes lhe allern of microbiaI dealh`
A) The ceIIs in a ouIalion die al a conslanl rale.
) AII lhe ceIIs in a cuIlure die al once.
C) Nol aII of lhe ceIIs in a cuIlure are kiIIed.
D) The allern varies deending on lhe anlimicrobiaI agenl.
I) The allern varies deending on lhe secies.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
3) Which of lhe foIIoving subslances can sleriIize`
A) AIcohoI
) IhenoIics
C) IlhyIene oxide
D) ChIorine
I) Soa
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving subslances is used for surgicaI hand scrubs`
A) IhenoI
) ChIorine bIeach
C) ChIorhexidine
D) Soa
I) GIularaIdehyde
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
5) IIace lhe foIIoving surfaclanls in order from lhe mosl effeclive lo lhe Ieasl effeclive anlimicrobiaI aclivily:
1"Soa, 2"Acid"anionic delergenl, 3"Quals.
A) 1, 2, 3
) 1, 3, 2
C) 2, 1, 3
D) 3, 2, 1
I) 3, 1, 2
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 67
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) The anlimicrobiaI aclivily of chIorine is due lo vhich of lhe foIIoving`
A) The formalion of hyochIorous acid
) The formalion of hydrochIoric acid
C) The formalion of ozone
D) The formalion of free O
I) Disrulion of lhe Iasma membrane
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
7) Iodohors differ from iodine (I
) in lhal iodohors
A) Don'l slain.
) Are Iess irrilaling.
C) Are Ionger Iasling.
D) Are combined vilh a nonionic delergenl.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 achieve sleriIizalion`
A) Dry heal
) Iasleurizalion
C) AulocIave
D) IormaIdehyde
I) IlhyIene oxide
SkiII: RecaII
9) Which of lhe foIIoving is a Iimilalion of lhe aulocIave`
A) Requires a Iong lime lo achieve sleriIizalion
) Cannol inaclivale viruses
C) Cannol kiII endosores
D) Cannol be used vilh heal"IabiIe maleriaIs
I) Cannol be used vilh gIassvare
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
10) Which of lhe foIIoving affecls lhe eIiminalion of bacleria from an ob|ecl`
A) Number of bacleria resenl
) Temeralure
C) H
D) Iresence of organic maller
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 68
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 direclIy resuIl from aIicalion of heal`
A) reaking of hydrogen bonds
) reaking of suIfhydryI bonds
C) Denaluring of enzymes
D) CeII Iysis
I) Damage lo nucIeic acids
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Which of lhese disinfeclanls acls by denaluring roleins`
A) AIcohoIs
) AIdehydes
C) ishenoIs
D) HaIogens
I) IhenoIics
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
13) Which of lhe foIIoving subslances is ./0 an oxidizing agenl`
A) ChIorine
) GIularaIdehyde
C) Hydrogen eroxide
D) Iodine
I) Ozone
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 used lo disinfecl valer`
A) Ozone
) Gamma radialion
C) ChIorine
D) Coer suIfale
I) Heal
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) Which of lhe foIIoving subslances is ./0 effeclive againsl nonenveIoed viruses`
A) AIcohoI
) ChIorine
C) IlhyIene oxide
D) Ozone
I) AII are equaIIy effeclive.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 69
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) GIularaIdehyde is considered one of lhe mosl effeclive disinfeclanls for hosilaI use. Which of lhe foIIoving
slalemenls aboul gIularaIdehyde is faIse`
A) Slains and corrodes
) Is safe lo lransorl
C) Acls raidIy
D) Is nol hamered by organic maleriaI
I) Allacks aII microorganisms
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
17) Which concenlralion of elhanoI is lhe mosl effeclive baclericide`
A) 100%
) 70%
C) 50%
D) 40%
I) 30%
SkiII: RecaII
18) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a faclor conlribuling lo hosilaI"acquired infeclions`
A) Some bacleria melaboIize disinfeclanls.
) Gram"negalive bacleria are oflen resislanl lo disinfeclanls.
C) Invasive rocedures can rovide a orlaI of enlry for bacleria.
D) acleria may be resenl in commerciaI roducls such as moulhvash.
I) AII of lhe above may conlribule lo hosilaI"acquired infeclion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
19) Which of lhe foIIoving lrealmenls is lhe mosl effeclive for conlroIIing microbiaI grovlh`
A) 63C for 30 min.
) 72C for 15 sec.
C) 140C for 4 sec.
D) They are equivaIenl lrealmenls.
I) None is effeclive.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
20) Which of lhe foIIoving couId be used lo sleriIize Iaslic Ielri Iales in a Iaslic vraer`
A) AulocIave
) Gamma radialion
C) Microvaves
D) SunIighl
I) UIlravioIel radialion
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 70
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 7.1
21) In Iigure 7.1, vhal is lhe lhermaI dealh lime for cuIlure (a)`
A) 150C
) 60 min.
C) 120 min.
D) 100C
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
22) Assume lhal one cuIlure is a freshIy oened ackage of dried yeasl vilh 0.1% moislure, anolher cuIlure is lhe
same yeasl vilh 7.5% moislure, and lhe lhird cuIlure is a ackage of yeasl mixed vilh valer. Iach cuIlure vas
exosed lo 130C in a hol"air oven. Which grah in Iigure 7.1 mosl IikeIy shovs lhe yeasl vilh 0.1% moislure`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) a and b
I) b and c
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 71
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 7.2
A susension of 10
C3'466() '$#$() endosores vas ul in a hol"air oven al 170C. IIale counls vere used lo
delermine lhe number of endosores surviving al lhe lime inlervaIs shovn.
23) In Iigure 7.2, lhe lhermaI dealh oinl for lhis cuIlure is
A) 15 min.
) 50C.
C) 30 min.
D) 170C.
I) Can'l leII from lhe dala rovided.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
24) In Iigure 7.2, lhe decimaI reduclion lime (D vaIue) for lhe cuIlure is aroximaleIy
A) 0 min.
) 15 min.
C) 30 min.
D) 45 min.
I) 60 min.
SkiII: Underslanding
25) In Iigure 7.2, lhe lhermaI dealh lime for lhis cuIlure is
A) 0 min.
) 10 min.
C) 20 min.
D) 40 min.
I) 60 min.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
26) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Ag ! burns
) AIcohoIs ! oen vounds
! aIgicide
D) H
! oen vounds
I) Organic acids ! food reservalion
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 72
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 7.3
Assume 10
;= '&64 ceIIs/mI are in a fIask.
27) Which grah in Iigure 7.3 besl deicls lhe effecl of Iacing lhe cuIlure in an aulocIave for 15 min. al lime D`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: Underslanding
28) Which grah in Iigure 7.3 besl deicls lhe effecl of Iacing lhe cuIlure al 7C al lime D`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
TabIe 7.1
A disk"diffusion lesl using !"3%8+6&'&''() gave lhe foIIoving resuIls:
Disinfeclanl Zone of inhibilion (mm)
A 0
C 10
D 5
29) In TabIe 7.1, vhich comound vas lhe mosl effeclive againsl !"3%8+6&'&''()`
A) A
C) C
D) D
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 73
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
30) In TabIe 7.1, vhich comound vas lhe mosl effeclive againsl ;= '&64`
A) A
C) C
D) D
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
31) In TabIe 7.1, vhich comound vas baclericidaI`
A) A
C) C
D) D
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
TabIe 7.2
The fale of ;= '&64 O157:H7 in aIe cider heId al 8C for 2 veeks, vilh and vilhoul reservalives, is shovn beIov:
Cider onIy 2.2
Cider vilh olassium sorbale 2.0
Sodium benzoale 0
Sorbale + benzoale 0
32) In TabIe 7.2, vhich reservalive is mosl effeclive`
A) Sorbale
) enzoale
C) Sorbale # benzoale
D) No reservalive
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) Acid"anionic delergenls
) enzoic acid
C) SuercrilicaI CO
D) Iasleurizalion
I) Ieracelic acid
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) ela"roioIaclone
) GIularaIdehyde
C) IlhyIene oxide
D) Hydrogen eroxide
I) IroyIene oxide
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 74
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
35) Which of lhe foIIoving subslances is ./0 used lo reserve foods`
A) iguanides
) Nisin
C) Iolassium sorbale
D) Sodium nilrile
I) Sodium roionale
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
TabIe 7.3
The foIIoving dala vere oblained by incubaling gram"osilive bacleria in nulrienl medium # disinfeclanl for
24 hr, lhen lransferring one IoofuI lo nulrienl medium (subcuIluring). (# & grovlh, " & no grovlh)
Doom K.O.
DiIulion IniliaI SubcuIlure IniliaI SubcuIlure
1:16 " # # #
1:32 " # # #
1:64 " # # #
1:128 # # # #
Morlum SlerI
DiIulion IniliaI SubcuIlure IniliaI SubcuIlure
1:16 " " " #
1:32 " # # #
1:64 # # # #
1:128 # # # #
36) In TabIe 7.3, vhich disinfeclanl is lhe mosl effeclive al sloing bacleriaI grovlh`
A) Doom
) K.O.
C) Morlum
D) SlerI
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
37) In TabIe 7.3, vhich disinfeclanl vas baclericidaI`
A) Doom
) K.O.
C) Morlum
D) SlerI
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 75
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
38) In TabIe 7.3, vhich disinfeclanl vas mosl effeclive againsl !365&-$663`
A) Doom
) K.O.
C) Morlum
D) SlerI
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
39) Which of lhe foIIoving viII ./0 deslroy rions`
A) oiIing
) Incineralion
C) NaOH # aulocIaving al 134C
D) Iroleases
I) AII of lhe above deslroy rions.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
40) Which one of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Ionizing radialion ! hydroxyI radicaIs
) Ozone ! lakes eIeclrons from subslances
C) IIasma sleriIizalion ! free radicaIs
D) SuercrilicaI fIuids ! CO
I) UIlravioIel radialion ! desiccalion
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
41) Which of lhe foIIoving viII ./0 reserve foods`
A) Desiccalion
) High ressure
C) Ionizing radialion
D) Microvaves
I) Osmolic ressure
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
42) Which of lhe foIIoving viII ./0 inaclivale endosores`
A) AulocIave
) ChIorine dioxide
C) High ressure
D) IIasma
I) SuercrilicaI CO
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 76
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
43) If you vere rearing nulrienl agar al home and didn'l have an aulocIave, vhal couId you use lo sleriIize lhe
nulrienl agar`
A) Ieach
) oiIing for 1 hour
C) Hydrogen eroxide
D) Oven al 121C for 1 hour
I) Iressure cooker al 121C for 15 minules
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
44) one and lendons for lransIanl are deconlaminaled by
A) IlhyIene oxide.
) GIularaIdehyde.
C) Ieroxygens.
D) IIasma sleriIizalion.
I) SuercrilicaI fIuids.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
45) Which one of lhe foIIoving is mosl resislanl lo chemicaI biocides`
A) Gram"negalive bacleria
) Gram"osilive bacleria
C) Mycobacleria
D) Irolozoan cysls
I) Viruses vilh Iiid enveIoes
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
TabIe 7.4
The resuIls beIov vere oblained from a use"diIulion lesl of lvo disinfeclanls. CuIlures vere inocuIaled inlo lubes vilh
varying concenlralions of disinfeclanls and incubaled for 24 hr al 20C, lhen subcuIlured in nulrienl media vilhoul
disinfeclanls. (# & grovlh, " & no grovlh)
Disinfeclanl 1 Disinfeclanl 2
Concenlralion IniliaI SubcuIlure IniliaI SubcuIlure
1:10 " # " "
1:90 # # " "
1:900 # # " "
1:90,000 # # " "
1:900,000 # # " #
1:9,000,000 # # " #
1) a. In TabIe 7.4, vhal is lhe minimaI baclerioslalic concenlralion of each disinfeclanl`
b. Which comound is baclericidaI` Al vhal concenlralion`
Iage 77
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
2) Assume lhal you are resonsibIe for deconlaminaling maleriaIs in a Iarge hosilaI. Hov vouId you sleriIize
each of lhe foIIoving` riefIy |uslify your ansvers.
a. A mallress used by a alienl vilh bubonic Iague.
b. Inlravenous gIucose"saIine soIulions.
c. Used disosabIe syringes.
d. Tissues laken from alienls.
TabIe 7.5
The foIIoving resuIls vere oblained from a use"diIulion lesl of lvo disinfeclanls. CuIlures vere inocuIaled inlo lubes
conlaining varying concenlralions of lhe disinfeclanls, incubaled for 10 min. al 20C, and lhen lransferred lo grovlh media
vilhoul disinfeclanl. (# & grovlh, " & no grovlh)
Disinfeclanl A
Concenlralion Gram"osilive bacleria Gram"negalive bacleria
1:10 " "
1:20"70 " #
1:80 # #
1:90 # #
1:100 # #
1:110"500 # #
Concenlralion Gram"osilive bacleria Gram"negalive bacleria
1:10 " "
1:20"70 # #
1:80 # #
1:90 # #
1:100 # #
1:110"500 # #
3) a. In TabIe 7.5, vhich disinfeclanl is mosl effeclive`
b. Againsl vhich grou of bacleria is disinfeclanl A mosl effeclive`
Iage 78
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' J +,-'./,#0 G&3&%,-9
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) A gene is besl defined as
A) A segmenl of DNA.
) Three nucIeolides lhal code for an amino acid.
C) A sequence of nucIeolides in DNA lhal codes for a funclionaI roducl.
D) A sequence of nucIeolides in RNA lhal codes for a funclionaI roducl.
I) A lranscribed unil of DNA.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) DNA oIymerase ! makes a moIecuIe of DNA from a DNA lemIale
) RNA oIymerase ! makes a moIecuIe of RNA from an RNA lemIale
C) DNA Iigase ! |oins segmenls of DNA
D) Transosase ! inserlion of DNA segmenls inlo DNA
I) DNA gyrase ! coiIs and lvisls DNA
SkiII: RecaII
3) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) DNA oIymerase |oins nucIeolides in one direclion onIy.
) The Ieading slrand of DNA is made conlinuousIy.
C) The Iagging slrand of DNA is slarled by an RNA rimer.
D) DNA reIicalion roceeds in one direclion around lhe bacleriaI chromosome.
I) MuIliIe reIicalion forks are ossibIe on a bacleriaI chromosome.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
4) DNA is conslrucled of
A) A singIe slrand of nucIeolides vilh inlernaI hydrogen bonding.
) NucIeolides bonded A!C and G!T.
C) Tvo slrands of nucIeolides running anliaraIIeI.
D) Tvo slrands of idenlicaI nucIeolides vilh hydrogen bonds belveen lhem.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
5) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a roducl of lranscrilion`
A) A nev slrand of DNA
) rRNA
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 79
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul bacleriocins is faIse`
A) The genes coding for lhem are on Iasmids.
) They cause food"oisoning symloms.
C) Nisin is a bacleriocin used as a food reservalive.
D) They can be used lo idenlify cerlain bacleria.
I) acleriocins kiII baceria.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 8.1
7) In Iigure 8.1, vhich coIonies are slrelomycin"resislanl and Ieucine"requiring`
A) 1, 2, 3, and 9
) 3 and 9
C) 4, 6, and 8
D) 4 and 8
I) 5 and 6
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 80
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 8.1
CuIlure 1: I
, Ieucine
, hislidine
CuIlure 2: I
, Ieucine
, hislidine
8) In TabIe 8.1, vhal viII be lhe resuIl of con|ugalion belveen cuIlures 1 and 2`
A) 1 viII remain lhe same,
2 viII become I
, Ieucine
, hislidine
) 1 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
2 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
C) 1 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
2 viII remain lhe same
D) 1 viII remain lhe same,
2 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
I) 1 viII remain lhe same,
2 viII become I
and recombinalion may occur
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
9) In TabIe 8.1, if cuIlure 1 mulales lo Hfr, vhal viII be lhe resuIl of con|ugalion belveen lhe lvo cuIlures`
A) They viII bolh remain lhe same
) 1 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
2 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
C) 1 viII remain lhe same,
Recombinalion viII occur in 2
D) 1 viII become I
, Ieu
, his
2 viII become Hfr, Ieu
, his
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
10) An enzyme roduced in resonse lo lhe resence of a subslrale is caIIed
A) An inducibIe enzyme.
) A reressibIe enzyme.
C) A reslriclion enzyme.
D) An oeralor.
I) A romoler.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
11) When gIucose is high, cAMI is ________ : CAI ________ bind lhe Iac oeralor, and RNA oIymerase ________
bind lhe Iac romoler.
A) Iov, doesn'l, doesn'l
) high, does, does
C) Iov, doesn'l, doesn'l
D) high, doesn'l, does
I) Iov, does, does
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 81
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
12) Transformalion is lhe lransfer of DNA from a donor lo a reciienl ceII
A) y a bacleriohage.
) As naked DNA in soIulion.
C) y ceII"lo"ceII conlacl.
D) y crossing over.
I) y sexuaI reroduclion.
SkiII: RecaII
13) Genelic change in bacleria can be broughl aboul by
A) Mulalion.
) Con|ugalion.
C) Transduclion.
D) Transformalion.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
14) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse regarding a baclerium lhal is R
A) Il ossesses a Iasmid.
) R
can be lransferred lo a ceII of lhe same secies.
C) Il is resislanl lo cerlain drugs and heavy melaIs.
D) Il is I
I) R
can be lransferred lo a differenl secies.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) The iniliaI effecl of ionizing radialion on a ceII is lhal il causes
A) DNA lo break.
) onding belveen ad|acenl lhymines.
C) ase subslilulions.
D) The formalion of highIy reaclive ions.
I) The ceIIs lo gel hol.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
16) According lo lhe oeron modeI, for lhe synlhesis of an inducibIe enzyme lo occur, lhe
A) Ind"roducl musl nol be in excess.
) Subslrale musl bind lo lhe enzyme.
C) Subslrale musl bind lo lhe reressor.
D) Reressor musl bind lo lhe oeralor.
I) Reressor musl nol be synlhesized.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 82
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
17) Synlhesis of a reressibIe enzyme is sloed by
A) The aIIosleric lransilion.
) The subslrale binding lo lhe reressor.
C) The coreressor binding lo lhe oeralor.
D) The coreressor"reressor binding lo lhe oeralor.
I) The end"roducl binding lo lhe romoler.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 8.2
18) In Iigure 8.2, if base 4 is lhymine, vhal is base 4'`
A) Adenine
) Thymine
C) Cylosine
D) Guanine
I) UraciI
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
19) In Iigure 8.2, if base 4 is lhymine, vhal is base 11'`
A) Adenine
) Thymine
C) Cylosine
D) Guanine
I) UraciI
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 83
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) In Iigure 8.2, base 2 is allached lo
A) Ribose.
) Ihoshale.
C) Deoxyribose.
D) Thymine.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
21) The damage caused by uIlravioIel radialion is
A) Never reaired.
) Reaired during lranscrilion.
C) Reaired during lransIalion.
D) Cul oul and reIaced.
I) Reaired by DNA reIicalion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
TabIe 8.2
Codon on mRNA and corresonding amino acid
UUA Ieucine UAA nonsense
GCA aIanine AAU saragine
AAG Iysine UGC cysleine
GUU vaIine UCG, UCU serine
22) (Use TabIe 8.2.) If lhe sequence of amino acids encoded by a slrand of DNA is serine"aIanine"Iysine"Ieucine,
vhal is lhe order of bases in lhe sense slrand of DNA`
SkiII: Underslanding
23) (Use TabIe 8.2.) If lhe sequence of amino acids encoded by a slrand of DNA is serine"aIanine"Iysine"Ieucine,
lhe coding for lhe anlisense slrand of DNA is
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 84
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
24) (Use TabIe 8.2.) The anlicodon for vaIine is
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
25) (Use TabIe 8.2.) Whal is lhe sequence of amino acids encoded by lhe foIIoving sequence of bases in a slrand of
A) Leucine"arginine"Iysine"aIanine
) Asaragine"arginine"Iysine"aIanine
C) Asaragine"cysleine"vaIine"serine
D) Transcrilion vouId slo al lhe firsl codon
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
26) (Use TabIe 8.2.) If a frameshifl mulalion occurred in lhe sequence of bases shovn beIov, vhal vouId be lhe
sequence of amino acids coded for`
A) Leucine"arginine"Iysine"aIanine
) Asaragine"arginine"Iysine"aIanine
C) Asaragine"cysleine"vaIine"serine
D) TransIalion vouId slo al lhe firsl codon
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 8.3 " MelaboIic Ialhvay
Gene 3 Gene 2
( (
Inzyme A Inzyme
( (
Comound A $ Comound $ Comound C
27) In Iigure 8.3, if comound C reacls vilh lhe aIIosleric sile of enzyme A, lhis vouId exemIify
A) A mulalion.
) Reression.
C) Ieedback inhibilion.
D) Comelilive inhibilion.
I) Transcrilion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 85
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
28) In Iigure 8.3, if enzyme A is a reressibIe enzyme, comound C vouId
A) AIvays be in excess.
) ind lo lhe enzyme.
C) ind lo lhe coreressor.
D) ind lo RNA oIymerase.
I) ind lo gene 3.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
29) In Iigure 8.3, if enzyme A is an inducibIe enzyme,
A) Comound C vouId bind lo lhe reressor.
) Comound A vouId bind lo lhe reressor.
C) Comound vouId bind lo enzyme A.
D) Comound A vouId reacl vilh enzyme .
I) Comound C vouId reacl vilh gene 3.
SkiII: Underslanding
30) Con|ugalion differs from reroduclion because con|ugalion
A) ReIicales DNA.
) Transfers DNA verlicaIIy, lo nev ceIIs.
C) Transfers DNA horizonlaIIy, lo ceIIs in lhe same generalion.
D) Transcribes DNA lo RNA.
I) Coies RNA lo make DNA.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
31) The necessary ingredienls for DNA synlhesis can be mixed logelher in a lesl lube. The DNA oIymerase is from
08$#5() 3I(3"4'()< and lhe lemIale is from a human ceII. The DNA synlhesized vouId be mosl simiIar lo
A) Human DNA.
) 0= 3I(3"4'() DNA.
C) A mixlure of human and 0= 3I(3"4'() DNA.
D) Human RNA.
I) 0= 3I(3"4'() RNA.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 86
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 8.3
Amino Acids Incoded by lhe Human 53 Gene
32) ased on lhe informalion in TabIe 8.3, roslale cancer is robabIy lhe resuIl of vhich kind of mulalion`
A) AnaIog
) Irameshifl
C) Missense
D) Nonsense
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 8.4
33) In Iigure 8.4, lhe anlibiolic chIoramhenicoI binds lhe 50S ribosome as shovn. Irom lhis informalion you can
concIude lhal chIoramhenicoI
A) Irevenls lranscrilion in eukaryoles.
) Irevenls lransIalion in eukaryoles.
C) Irevenls lranscrilion in rokaryoles.
D) Irevenls lransIalion in rokaryoles.
I) Irevenls mRNA"ribosome binding.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 87
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) The mechanism by vhich lhe resence of gIucose inhibils lhe arabinose oeron is
A) CalaboIile reression.
) TransIalion.
C) DNA oIymerase.
D) Reression.
I) Induclion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
35) The mechanism by vhich lhe resence of arabinose conlroIs lhe arabinose oeron is
A) CalaboIile reression.
) TransIalion.
C) DNA oIymerase.
D) Reression.
I) Induclion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
36) If you knev lhe sequence of nucIeolides vilhin a gene, vhich one of lhe foIIoving couId you delermine vilh
lhe mosl accuracy`
A) The rimary slruclure of lhe rolein
) The secondary slruclure of lhe rolein
C) The lerliary slruclure of lhe rolein
D) The qualernary slruclure of lhe rolein
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) An enzyme lhal makes covaIenl bonds belveen nucIeolide sequences in DNA is
A) RNA oIymerase.
) DNA Iigase.
C) Reslriclion enzyme.
D) Transosase.
I) DNA oIymerase.
SkiII: RecaII
38) An enzyme lhal coies DNA lo make a moIecuIe of RNA is
A) RNA oIymerase.
) DNA Iigase.
C) Reslriclion enzyme.
D) Transosase.
I) DNA oIymerase.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 88
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) An enzyme lhal culs doubIe"slranded DNA al secific nucIeolide sequences.
A) RNA oIymerase
) DNA Iigase
C) Reslriclion enzyme
D) Transosase
I) DNA oIymerase
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
40) Reair of damaged DNA mighl be vieved as a race belveen an endonucIease and
A) DNA Iigase.
) DNA oIymerase.
C) HeIicase.
D) MelhyIase.
I) Irimase.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
41) The cancer gene #3) roduces mRNA conlaining an exlra exon lhal incIudes a number of UAA codons. Cancer
ceIIs roduce ras mRNA missing lhis exon. This mislake mosl IikeIy is due lo a mislake by
A) A chemicaI mulagen.
) DNA oIymerase.
C) IholoIyases.
D) snRNIs.
I) UV radialion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 89
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 8.5
42) In Iigure 8.5, vhich modeI of lhe 63' oeron correclIy shovs RNA oIymerase, Iaclose, and reressor rolein
vhen lhe slrucluraI genes are being lranscribed`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) In lranscrilion,
A) DNA is changed lo RNA.
) DNA is coied lo RNA.
C) DNA is reIicaled.
D) RNA is coied lo DNA.
I) Iroleins are made.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 90
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) Assume lhe lvo ;='&64 slrains shovn beIov are aIIoved lo con|ugale.
Hfr: ro
, arg
, his
, Iys
, mel
, amiciIIin"sensilive
I: ro
, arg
, his
, Iys
, mel
, amiciIIin"resislanl
Whal suIemenls vouId you add lo gIucose minimaI saIls agar lo seIecl for a recombinanl ceII lhal is Iys
, am"resislanl`
A) AmiciIIin, Iysine, arginine
) Lysine arginine
C) AmiciIIin, roIine, hislidine, melhionine
D) IroIine, hislidine, melhionine
I) AmiciIIin, roIein, hislidine, Iysine
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
45) Irolein synlhesis in eukaryoles is simiIar lo lhe rocess in rokaryoles in lhal bolh eukaryoles and rokaryoles
A) Have exons.
) Have inlrons.
C) Require snRNIS.
D) Use melhionine as lhe slarl amino acid.
I) Use codons lo arrange amino acids.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Issay Queslions
1) Whal is lhe survivaI vaIue of each of lhe foIIoving`
a. Semiconservalive reIicalion of DNA.
b. The degeneracy of lhe genelic code.
2) Scienlisls are concerned lhal bacleria viII be resislanl lo aII anlibiolics vilhin lhe nexl decade. Using your
knovIedge of genelics, describe hov bacleriaI ouIalions can deveIo drug resislance.
3) IxIain vhy lhe foIIoving slalemenl is faIse: SexuaI reroduclion is lhe onIy mechanism for genelic change.
Iage 91
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' K L,.%&-"3.0.=A #32 M&-.7/,3#3% NO@
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) The foIIoving sles are used lo make DNA fingerrinls. Whal is lhe lhird sle`
A) CoIIecl DNA.
) Digesl vilh a reslriclion enzyme.
C) Ierform eIeclrohoresis.
D) Lyse ceIIs.
I) Add slain.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 9.1
2) Hov many ieces viII ;'&RI roduce from lhe Iasmid shovn in Iigure 9.1`
A) 1
) 2
C) 3
D) 4
I) 5
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) In Iigure 9.1, afler digeslion vilh lhe aroriale reslriclion enzyme, vhal is lhe smaIIesl iece conlaining lhe
amiciIIin"resislance (am) gene`
A) 0.17 kiIobase airs
) 0.25 kb
C) 1.08 kb
D) 1.50 kb
I) 3.00 kb
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 92
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 9.2
4) In Iigure 9.2, lhe enzyme in sle 1 is
A) DNA oIymerase.
) DNA Iigase.
C) RNA oIymerase.
D) Reverse lranscrilase.
I) SIiceosome.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) In Iigure 9.2, lhe enzyme in sle 2 is
A) DNA oIymerase.
) DNA Iigase.
C) RNA oIymerase.
D) Reverse lranscrilase.
I) SIiceosome.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 93
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) The reaclion calaIyzed by DNA oIymerase is
) mRNA $ cDNA
C) mRNA $ rolein
I) lRNA $ mRNA
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving is an advanlage of using ;= '&64 lo make a human gene roducl`
A) Indoloxin may be in lhe roducl.
) Il doesn'l secrele mosl roleins.
C) Ils genes are veII knovn.
D) Il can'l rocess inlrons.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
8) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an agricuIluraI roducl made by DNA lechniques`
A) Irosl relardanl
) C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4) inseclicide
C) Nilrogenase (nilrogen fixalion)
D) GIyhosale"resislanl cros
I) Ieclinase
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
9) If you have inserled a gene in lhe Ti Iasmid, lhe nexl sle in genelic engineering is
A) Transformalion of ;= '&64 vilh Ti Iasmid.
) SIicing T DNA inlo a Iasmid.
C) Transformalion of an animaI ceII.
D) Inserling lhe Ti Iasmid inlo :,#&23'"$#4(5.
I) Inserling lhe Ti Iasmid inlo a Ianl ceII.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
10) Which of lhe foIIoving melhods of making rDNA couId be described as "hil or miss"`
A) IroloIasl fusion
) ViraI lransduclion
C) Transformalion
D) CIoning
I) Gene gun
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 94
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 9.3
11) The figure al lhe Iefl in Iigure 9.3 shovs a gene idenlified by Soulhern bIolling. Whal viII a Soulhern bIol of lhe
same gene Iook Iike afler ICR`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
12) Suicide genes can be conlroIIed by lhe fimbriae"gene oeralor. This vouId resuIl in lhe dealh of
A) AII ceIIs.
) CeIIs making fIageIIa.
C) CeIIs making fimbriae.
D) CeIIs al 37C.
I) Con|ugaling ceIIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Subunil vaccines can be made by genelic modificalion of yeasl ceIIs. A side effecl of lhese vaccines mighl be
A) The disease.
) A yeasl infeclion.
C) Due lo exlraneous maleriaI.
D) IaiIure of lhe vaccine lo rovide immunily.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
14) ;= '&64 makes insuIin because
A) Il needs lo reguIale ils ceII"gIucose IeveI.
) Il's an ancienl gene lhal nov has no funclion.
C) The insuIin gene vas inserled inlo il.
D) Il icked u lhe insuIin gene from anolher ceII.
I) No reason, il doesn'l make insuIin.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 95
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
15) The vaIue of cDNA in recombinanl DNA is lhal
A) Il Iacks exons.
) Il Iacks inlrons.
C) Il's reaIIy RNA.
D) Il conlains inlrons and exons.
SkiII: RecaII
16) Which enzyme does ./0 make slicky ends`
A) Inzyme Recognilion
) Inzyme Recognilion
C) Inzyme Recognilion
D) Inzyme Recognilion
I) Inzyme Recognilion
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) Which enzyme vouId cul lhis slrand of DNA: GCATGGATCCCAATGC`
A) Inzyme Recognilion
) Inzyme Recognilion
C) Inzyme Recognilion
D) Inzyme Recognilion
I) Inzyme Recognilion
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 96
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
18) Iieces of DNA slored in yeasl ceIIs are caIIed a
A) Library.
) CIone.
C) Veclor.
D) Soulhern bIol.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
19) A ouIalion of ceIIs carrying a desired Iasmid is caIIed a
A) Library.
) CIone.
C) Veclor.
D) Soulhern bIol.
SkiII: RecaII
20) SeIf"reIicaling DNA used lo lransmil a gene from one organism lo anolher is a
A) Library.
) CIone.
C) Veclor.
D) Soulhern bIol.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
21) The urose of lhe Human Genome Iro|ecl vas lo
A) Idenlify aII of lhe human genes.
) Sequence lhe nucIeolides in human DNA.
C) TransIale human DNA.
D) Idenlify genes of aII organisms.
I) None of lhe above.
SkiII: AnaIysis
22) A coIIeague has used comuler modeIing lo design an imroved enzyme. To roduce lhis enzyme, lhe nexl
sle is lo
A) Look for a baclerium lhal makes lhe imroved enzyme.
) Mulale bacleria unliI one makes lhe imroved enzyme.
C) Delermine lhe nucIeolide sequence for lhe imroved enzyme.
D) Synlhesize lhe gene for lhe imroved enzyme.
I) Use siRNA lo roduce lhe enzyme.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 97
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
23) You have a smaII gene lhal you vish reIicaled by ICR. Afler 3 reIicalion cycIes, hov many doubIe"slranded
DNA moIecuIes do you have`
A) 2
) 4
C) 8
D) 16
I) Thousands
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
24) You have a smaII gene lhal you vish reIicaled by ICR. You add radioacliveIy IabeIed nucIeolides lo lhe ICR
lhermocycIer. Afler 3 reIicalion cycIes, vhal ercenlage of lhe DNA singIe slrands are radioacliveIy IabeIed`
A) 0%
) 12.5%
C) 50%
D) 87.5%
I) 100%
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 9.4
25) In Iigure 9.4, lhe resuIling organism (a) is
A) C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4).
) G)$(E&5&-3) B6(&#$)'$-).
C) A lomalo Ianl.
D) ;= '&64.
I) a Ianl ' G)$(E&5&-3) hybrid.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 98
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) In Iigure 9.4, lhe resuIling G= B6(&#$)'$-) has
A) A lomalo gene.
) An ;= '&64 gene.
C) A C3'466() gene.
D) A lomalo and a C3'466() gene.
I) No nev gene.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) In Iigure 9.4, lhe urose of lhis exerimenl is lo
A) Iul a gene inlo a Ianl.
) Iul an inseclicide on Ianl Ieaves.
C) Iul a gene in C3'466().
D) IsoIale G)$(E&5&-3) from a Ianl.
I) Make a beller lomalo.
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) In Iigure 9.4, lhe veclor is
A) A virus.
) A Iasmid.
C) A Iibrary.
I) G)$(E&5&-3).
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) In Iigure 9.4, lhe rocess required in sle 5 is
A) Transformalion.
) Soulhern bIolling.
D) Transcrilion.
I) Con|ugalion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) A source of heal"slabIe DNA oIymerase is
A) :,#&23'"$#4(5 "(5$B3'4$-)=
) 08$#5() 3I(3"4'()=
C) !3''83#&5+'$) '$#$@4)43$=
D) C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4)=
I) G)$(E&5&-3)=
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 99
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) The Ia lesl for cervicaI cancer invoIves microscoic examinalion of cervicaI ceIIs for cancerous ceIIs. A nev,
raid diagnoslic lesl lo delecl human aiIIoma virus (HIV) DNA before cancer deveIos is done vilhoul
microscoic exam. The sles invoIved in lhis IaslHIV lesl are Iisled. Whal is lhe second sle`
A) Add an RNA robe for HIV DNA
) Lyse human ceIIs
C) Add enzyme"Iinked anlibodies againsl DNA"RNA
D) Add enzyme subslrale
I) Il doesn'l maller.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
32) Gene siIencing bIocks an undesirabIe roducl by
A) AIIosleric inhibilion of an enzyme.
) Ind"roducl reression.
C) Making doubIe"slranded RNA.
D) Iocking lranscrilion.
I) Iocking DNA reIicalion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
33) You vanl lo delermine vhelher a erson has a cerlain mulanl gene. The rocess invoIves using a rimer and
Taq. This rocess is
A) TransIalion.
) Reslriclion maing.
C) Transformalion.
I) Sile"direcled mulagenesis.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
34) To see lhe resuIls of your vork in queslion 33, you need lo use
A) Norlhern bIolling.
) Soulhern bIolling.
C) Weslern bIolling.
D) CoIony bIolling.
I) SeIeclion.
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Assume you have discovered a ceII lhal roduces a Iiase lhal vorks in coId valer for a Iaundry addilive. You
can increase lhe efficiency of lhis enzyme by changing one amino acid. This is done by
A) Irradialing lhe ceIIs.
) Sile"direcled mulagenesis.
C) Inrichmenl.
D) SeIeclive breeding.
I) SeIeclion.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 100
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) The use of an anlibiolic"resislance gene on a Iasmid used in genelic engineering makes
A) ReIica Ialing ossibIe.
) Direcl seIeclion ossibIe.
C) The recombinanl ceII dangerous.
D) The recombinanl ceII unabIe lo survive.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) The foIIoving sles musl be erformed lo make a baclerium roduce human rolein X:
1"TransIalion, 2"Reslriclion enzyme, 3"Irokaryolic lranscrilion, 4"DNA Iigase, 5"Transformalion,
6"Iukaryolic lranscrilion, 7"Reverse lranscrilion.
Iul lhe sles in lhe correcl sequence.
A) 5, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6, 1
) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 6
C) 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
D) 6, 7, 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
I) 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
38) Large numbers of bacleriaI ceIIs are ./0 found in crovn gaIIs because
A) The Ianl kiIIs lhe bacleria.
) CeII vaIIs rolecl lhe Ianl from bacleriaI invasion.
C) A gene in Ianl ceIIs is conlroIIing grovlh.
D) acleria kiII Ianls.
I) The assumlion is nol lrue, many bacleria are in lhe gaIIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
39) A reslriclion fragmenl is
A) A gene.
) A segmenl of DNA.
C) A segmenl of mRNA.
D) A segmenl of lRNA.
I) cDNA.
SkiII: RecaII
40) A secific gene can be inserled inlo a ceII by aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) IroloIasl fusion.
) A gene gun.
C) Microin|eclion.
D) IIeclrooralion.
I) :,#&23'"$#4(5.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 101
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) Which of lhe foIIoving rocesses is ./0 invoIved in making cDNA`
A) Reverse lranscrilion
) RNA rocessing lo remove inlrons
C) Transcrilion
D) TransIalion
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
42) ICR can be used lo idenlify an unknovn baclerium because
A) The RNA rimer is secific.
) DNA oIymerase viII reIicale DNA.
C) DNA can be eIeclrohoresed.
D) AII ceIIs have DNA.
I) AII ceIIs have RNA.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) ICR can be used lo amIify DNA in a cIinicaI samIe. The foIIoving sles are used in ICR. Whal is lhe fourlh
A) CoIIecl DNA.
) Incubale al 94C.
C) Incubale al 60C.
D) Incubale al 72C.
I) Add DNA oIymerase.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
44) Reslriclion enzymes are
A) acleriaI enzymes lhal sIice DNA.
) acleriaI enzymes lhal deslroy hage DNA.
C) AnimaI enzymes lhal sIice RNA.
D) ViraI enzymes lhal deslroy hosl DNA.
SkiII: RecaII
45) Which of lhe foIIoving rocesses 9:../0 be used lo inserl foreign DNA inlo ceIIs`
A) Transformalion
) IIeclrooralion
C) IroloIasl fusion
D) A gene gun
I) AII of lhe above can be used lo inserl foreign DNA inlo ceIIs.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Some scienlisls are concerned lhal genelic engineering aIIovs humans lo lamer vilh evoIulion. Argue eilher
for or againsl lhis osilion.
Iage 102
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
2) G)$(E&5&-3) )+#4-,3$ is found naluraIIy in lhe soiI. SoId as Snomax, il is used lo make snov al ski resorls. The
same baclerium vilh a gene deIelion (Ice"minus) is used lo revenl ice formalion on Ianls. ShouId Snomax
and Ice"minus be considered modified organisms and sub|ecl lo recaulions of reIeasing genelicaIIy modified
organisms` IxIain vhy or vhy nol.
3) In lhe Human Genome Iro|ecl, ieces of human DNA are slored in ;= '&64 or yeasl. Discuss lhe urose of lhis
Iage 103
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )P !0#99,B,-#%,.3 .B +,-'..'=#3,979
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul archaea is faIse`
A) They are rokaryoles.
) They Iack elidogIycan in lheir ceII vaIIs.
C) Some are lhermoacidohiIes, olhers are exlreme haIohiIes.
D) They evoIved before bacleria.
I) Some roduce melhane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving characlerizes lhe Domain acleria`
A) Irokaryolic ceIIs, elher Iinkages in hoshoIiids
) Iukaryolic ceIIs, esler Iinkages in hoshoIiids
C) Irokaryolic ceIIs, esler Iinkages in hoshoIiids
D) ComIex ceIIuIar slruclures
I) MuIliceIIuIar
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
3) If lvo organisms have simiIar rRNA sequences, you can concIude lhal
A) They Iive in lhe same Iace.
) They evoIved from a common anceslor.
C) They viII have differenl G"C ralios.
D) They viII bolh fermenl Iaclose.
I) They maled vilh each olher.
SkiII: Underslanding
4) Whal is lhe oulslanding characlerislic of lhe Kingdom Iungi`
A) AII members are holosynlhelic.
) Members absorb dissoIved organic maller.
C) Members absorb dissoIved inorganic maller.
D) AII members are microscoic.
I) AII members are macroscoic.
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe members of lhe Kingdom IIanlae is faIse`
A) They are muIliceIIuIar.
) They have eukaryolic ceIIs.
C) They can holosynlhesize.
D) They use organic carbon sources.
I) They use inorganic energy sources.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 104
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe members of lhe Kingdom AnimaIia is faIse`
A) They are muIliceIIuIar.
) They have eukaryolic ceIIs.
C) They can holosynlhesize.
D) They use organic carbon sources.
I) They use organic energy sources.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
7) A ,$-() can besl be defined as
A) A laxon comosed of famiIies.
) A laxon comosed of one or more secies and beIov famiIy.
C) A laxon beIonging lo a secies.
D) A laxon comrised of cIasses.
I) The mosl secific laxon.
SkiII: Underslanding
8) A bacleriaI secies differs from a secies of eukaryolic organisms in lhal a bacleriaI secies
A) Does nol breed vilh olher secies.
) Has a Iimiled geograhicaI dislribulion.
C) Can be dislinguished from olher bacleriaI secies.
D) Is a ouIalion of ceIIs vilh simiIar characlerislics.
I) reeds vilh ils ovn secies.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
9) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl evidence for a lhree"domain syslem`
A) There are lhree dislinclIy differenl lyes of ribosomes.
) There are lhree dislinclIy differenl ceIIuIar chemicaI comosilions.
C) There are lhree dislinclIy differenl Gram reaclions.
D) Some bacleria Iive in exlreme environmenls.
I) There are lhree dislinclIy differenl lyes of nucIei.
SkiII: AnaIysis
10) iochemicaI lesls are used lo delermine
A) Slaining characlerislics.
) Amino acid sequences.
C) NucIeic acid"base comosilion.
D) Inzymalic aclivilies.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 105
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 based on nucIeic"acid hybridizalion`
A) DNA chi
D) Soulhern bIolling
I) Weslern bIolling
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
12) The hyIogenelic cIassificalion of bacleria is based on
A) CeII morhoIogy.
) Gram reaclion.
C) rRNA sequences.
D) Habilal.
I) Diseases.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
13) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is ./0 a reason for cIassifying viruses in lhe lhree domains ralher lhan in a
fourlh domain`
A) Some viruses can incororale lheir genome inlo a hosl's genome.
) Viruses direcl anaboIic alhvays of hosl ceIIs.
C) Viruses are obIigale arasiles.
D) Viruses are nol comosed of ceIIs.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
14) Which of lhe foIIoving rovides laxonomic informalion lhal incIudes lhe olhers`
A) NucIeic acid hybridizalion
) NucIeic acid"base comosilion
C) Amino acid sequencing
D) iochemicaI lesls
I) CIadogram
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) IossiI evidence indicales lhal rokaryolic ceIIs firsl exisled on lhe Iarlh
A) 350 years ago.
) 3500 years ago.
C) 3.5 miIIion years ago.
D) 3.5 biIIion years ago.
I) 3.5 ' 10
years ago.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 106
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 10.1
16) In Iigure 10.1, secies "c." is mosl cIoseIy reIaled lo
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
17) In Iigure 10.1, lhe cIosesl anceslor for bolh secies "a." and secies "b." vouId be
A) 1
) 2
C) 3
D) 4
I) 5
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
18) Irolisl is a diverse grou of organisms lhal are simiIar in
A) rRNA sequences.
) MelaboIic lye.
C) MoliIily.
D) IcoIogy.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 107
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
19) In lhe scienlific name ;-"$#&23'"$# 3$#&,$-$), ;-"$#&23'"$# is lhe
A) Secific eilhel.
) Genus.
C) IamiIy.
D) Order.
I) Kingdom.
SkiII: AnaIysis
20) The arrangemenl of organisms inlo laxa
A) Shovs degrees of reIaledness belveen organisms.
) Shovs reIalionshis lo common anceslors.
C) Was designed by CharIes Darvin.
D) Is arbilrary.
I) Is based on evoIulion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) acleria and archaea are simiIar in vhich of lhe foIIoving`
A) IelidogIycan ceII vaIIs
) Melhionine as lhe slarl signaI for rolein synlhesis
C) Sensilivily lo anlibiolics
D) Iossessing rokaryolic ceIIs
I) IIasma membrane esler Iinkage
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving besl defines a )"#34-`
A) A ouIalion of ceIIs lhal differs from olher members of lhe secies
) A grou of organisms vilh a Iimiled geograhicaI dislribulion
C) A ure cuIlure
D) A grou of ceIIs aII derived from a singIe arenl
I) The same as a secies
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
23) SeroIogicaI lesling is based on lhe facl lhal
A) AII bacleria have lhe same anligens.
) Anlibodies reacl secificaIIy vilh an anligen.
C) The human body makes anlibodies againsl bacleria.
D) Anlibodies cause lhe formalion of anligens.
I) acleria cIum logelher vhen mixed vilh any anlibodies.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 108
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
24) Ihage lying is based on lhe facl lhal
A) acleria are deslroyed by viruses.
) Viruses cause disease.
C) acleriaI viruses allack secific ceIIs.
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() causes infeclions.
I) Ihages and bacleria are reIaled.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) Organism A has 70 moIes % G#C, and organism has 40 moIes % G#C. Which of lhe foIIoving can be
concIuded from lhese dala`
A) The lvo organisms are reIaled.
) The lvo organisms are unreIaled.
C) The organisms make enlireIy differenl enzymes.
D) Their nucIeic acids viII nol hybridize.
I) None of lhe above.
SkiII: Underslanding
26) NucIeic acid hybridizalion is based on lhe facl lhal
A) The slrands of DNA can be searaled.
) A chromosome is comosed of comIemenlary slrands.
C) Iairing belveen comIemenlary bases occurs.
D) DNA is comosed of genes.
I) AII ceIIs have DNA.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
27) One of lhe mosl ouIar laxonomic looIs is DNA fingerrinling lo deveIo rofiIes of organisms. These rofiIes
rovide direcl informalion aboul
A) Inzymalic aclivilies.
) Irolein comosilion.
C) The resence of secific genes.
D) Anligenic comosilion.
I) NucIeolide sequences.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
28) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is ./0 a reason vhy fIuorescenl in silu hybridizalion (IISH) has become a
vaIuabIe looI for environmenlaI microbioIogisls`
A) Il aIIovs for deleclion of uncuIlured microbes.
) Il demonslrales lhe diversily of microbes in an environmenl.
C) Il aIIovs observalion of microbes in lheir naluraI environmenl in associalion vilh olher microbes.
D) To oblain ure cuIlures of microbes.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 109
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
29) Which of lhe foIIoving crileria is mosl usefuI in delermining vhelher lvo organisms are reIaled`
A) olh fermenl Iaclose.
) olh are gram"osilive.
C) olh are moliIe.
D) olh are aerobic.
I) AII are equaIIy imorlanl.
SkiII: RecaII
30) A cIone is
A) GenelicaIIy idenlicaI ceIIs derived from a singIe ceII.
) A genelicaIIy engineered ceII.
C) A laxon comosed of secies.
D) A mound of ceIIs on an agar medium.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 10.2
A nucIeic acid hybridizalion exerimenl roduced lhe foIIoving resuIls.
31) In Iigure 10.2, vhich figure shovs lhe mosl cIoseIy reIaled organisms`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 110
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 10.1
1. 9#2 fIageIIa
2. NucIeus
3. IIasma membrane
4. IelidogIycan
5. Milochondrion
6. Iimbriae
32) In TabIe 10.1, vhich fealures are found in aII Iukarya`
A) 2, 3, 5
) 1, 4, 6
C) 3, 5
D) 2, 3
I) 1, 2, 5
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) In TabIe 10.1, vhich fealure(s) is (are) found &-6+ in rokaryoles`
A) 1, 2, 3
) 4, 6
C) 2
D) 1
I) 2, 4, 5
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 111
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 10.3
This figure shovs lhe resuIls of a geI eIeclrohoresis searalion of reslriclion fragmenls of lhe DNA of differenl organisms.
34) In Iigure 10.3, vhich lvo are mosl cIoseIy reIaled`
A) 1 and 3
) 2 and 4
C) 3 and 5
D) 2 and 5
I) 4 and 5
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Inlo vhich grou vouId you Iace a holosynlhelic ceII lhal Iacks a nucIeus`
A) AnimaIia
) acleria
C) Iungi
D) IIanlae
I) Irolisla
SkiII: AnaIysis
36) Inlo vhich grou vouId you Iace a muIliceIIuIar helerolroh vilh chilin ceII vaIIs`
A) AnimaIia
) Archaea
C) acleria
D) Iungi
I) IIanlae
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 112
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
37) You discovered a uniceIIuIar organism lhal Iacks a nucIeus and elidogIycan. You susecl lhe organism is in
lhe grou
A) AnimaIia.
) Archaea.
C) acleria.
D) Iungi.
I) IIanlae.
SkiII: Underslanding
38) Inlo vhich grou vouId you Iace a uniceIIuIar organism lhal has 70S ribosomes and a elidogIycan ceII
A) AnimaIia
) acleria
C) Iungi
D) IIanlae
I) Irolisl
SkiII: AnaIysis
TabIe 10.2
I. Gram"osilive
A. CalaIase#
1. Acid from gIucose.................................... !"3%8+6&'&''()
2. GIucose"..................................................... 14'#&'&''()
. CalaIase"
1. Coccus......................................................... !"#$%"&'&''()
2. Rod............................................................... 73'"&23'466()
II. Gram"negalive
A. Oxidase"
1. Acid from Iaclose
a. Uses cilric acid................................. 94"#&23'"$#
b. Cilric acid"........................................ ;)'8$#4'843
2. Laclose"
a. H
S roduced
(1) Urease osilive.......................... G#&"$()
(2) Urease negalive........................ !365&-$663
. Oxidase#
1. Rod.............................................................. G)$(E&5&-3)
2. Coccus......................................................... .$4))$#43
39) Use lhe dicholomous key in TabIe 10.2 lo idenlify a gram"negalive rod lhal fermenls Iaclose and uses cilric acid
as ils soIe carbon source.
A) 94"#&23'"$#
) ;)'8$#4'843
C) 73'"&23'466()
D) G)$(E&5&-3)
I) !"3%8+6&'&''()
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 113
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
40) Use lhe dicholomous key in TabIe 10.2 lo idenlify a gram"negalive coccus.
A) .$4))$#43
) G)$(E&5&-3)
C) !"3%8+6&'&''()
D) !"#$%"&'&''()
I) 14'#&'&''()
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
41) Inlo vhich grou vouId you Iace a muIliceIIuIar organism lhal has a moulh and Iives inside lhe human Iiver`
A) AnimaIia
) Iungi
C) IIanlae
D) Iirmicules (gram"osilive bacleria)
I) Iroleobacleria (gram"negalive bacleria)
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Inlo vhich grou vouId you Iace a holosynlhelic organism lhal Iacks a nucIeus and has a lhin elidogIycan
vaII surrounded by an ouler membrane`
A) AnimaIia
) Iungi
C) IIanlae
D) Iirmicules (gram"osilive bacleria)
I) Iroleobacleria (gram"negalive bacleria)
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 10.4
43) In lhe cIadogram shovn in Iigure 10.4, vhich lvo organisms are mosl cIoseIy reIaled`
A) !"#$%"&5+'$) and 14'#&'&''()
) 14'#&'&''() and 1+'&23'"$#4(5
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 and 73'"&23'466()
D) !"#$%"&5+'$) and 73'"&23'466()
I) !"#$%"&5+'$) and 1+'&23'"$#4(5
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 114
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) Which of lhe foIIoving characlerislics indicales lhal lvo organisms are cIoseIy reIaled`
A) olh are cocci.
) olh fermenl Iaclose.
C) Their DNA can hybridize.
D) olh normaIIy Iive in cIams.
I) olh are moliIe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
45) Dala coIIecled lo dale indicale lhal
A) Humans and marine mammaIs cannol be infecled by lhe same alhogens.
) Marine mammaIs do nol gel infeclious diseases.
C) Nev secies of bacleria may be discovered in viId animaIs.
D) Marine mammaIs don'l have an immune syslem.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
Iigure 10.5
1) Choose one of lhe hyIogenelic schemes in Iigure 10.5 and exIain vhy you feeI lhis one is referabIe lo lhe
TabIe 10.3
Characlerislic A C D I
MorhoIogy Rod Rod Coccus Coccus Rod
MoliIe Yes Yes No No Yes
Gram Reaclion " " # " "
GIucose UliIizalion Oxid. Ierm. Ierm. Ierm. None
% G#C 58"70 50"51 30"40 47"52 58"70
Cylochrome oxidase Iresenl Absenl Absenl Iresenl Iresenl
2) Use lhe informalion given in TabIe 10.3 lo ansver queslions (a) and (b). Nole lo inslruclors: A&G)$(E&5&-3),
&;)'8$#4'843, C&!"3%8+6&'&''(), D&.$4))$#43, I&:6'364,$-$).
a. Which organisms are mosl cIoseIy reIaled` On vhal did you base your ansver`
b. DNA from vhich organisms viII robabIy hybridize`
Iage 115
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
3) One of lhe advanlages of some nevIy deveIoed raid idenlificalion looIs is lhal ure cuIlures aren'l needed.
Why is a ure cuIlure necessary for biochemicaI lesls such as lhe Inlerolube, bul nol for DNA robes`
Iage 116
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )) *"& 8'.C#'A.%&9Q N.7#,39 L#-%&',# #32 @'-"#&#
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving are found rimariIy in lhe inleslines of humans`
A) Gram"negalive aerobic rods and cocci
) Aerobic, heIicaI bacleria
C) IacuIlaliveIy anaerobic gram"negalive rods
D) Gram"osilive cocci
I) Indosore"forming rods
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 11.1
2) Whal is grou "c." in lhe key shovn in Iigure 11.1`
A) acleroideles
) ChIamydiae
C) Iusobacleria
D) IIanclomyceles
I) Sirochaeles
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of lhe non"endosore"forming gram"osilive rods`
A) Are aeroloIeranl
) Carry oul fermenlalive melaboIism
C) Don'l roduce endosores
D) Are nonalhogenic
I) Lack ceII vaIIs
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 117
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
4) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of .$4))$#43`
A) Requires X and V faclors
) Cocci
C) Gram"negalive
D) Oxidase"osilive
I) Some secies are human alhogens.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) !"3%8+6&'&''() and !"#$%"&'&''() can be easiIy differenlialed in a Iaboralory by vhich one of lhe foIIoving`
A) CeII shae
) Gram slain reaclion
C) Grovlh in high saIl concenlralions
D) AbiIily lo cause disease
I) GIucose fermenlalion
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
6) Which of lhe foIIoving genera is an anaerobic gram"negalive rod`
A) ;)'8$#4'843
) !"3%8+6&'&''()
C) C3'"$#&4E$)
D) 0#$%&-$53
I) .$4))$#43
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving do you execl lo be mosl resislanl lo high lemeralures`
A) C3'466() )(2"464)
) ;)'8$#4'43 '&64
C) .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) !"#$%"&'&''&'() %+&,$-$)
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an enleric`
A) !365&-$663
) !84,$663
C) ;)'8$#4'843
D) ;-"$#&23'"$#
I) 935%+6&23'"$#
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 118
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
9) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of sirocheles`
A) Iossess an axiaI fiIamenl
) Gram"negalive
C) HeIicaI shae
D) IasiIy observed vilh brighlfieId microscoy
I) DifficuIl lo cuIlure in vilro
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
10) You have isoIaled a baclerium lhal grovs in a medium conlaining an organic subslrale and nilrale in lhe
absence of oxygen. The nilrale is reduced lo nilrogen gas. You can be sure lhal lhis baclerium is
A) Gram"osilive.
) Using anaerobic resiralion.
C) A chemoaulolroh.
D) A holoaulolroh.
I) A holohelerolroh.
SkiII: Underslanding
11) Which of lhe foIIoving Iacks a ceII vaII`
A) C&##$643
) 1+'&%63)53
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
D) 96&)"#4E4(5
I) .&'3#E43
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which of lhe foIIoving bacleria is gram"negalive`
A) 0#$%&-$53
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
C) C3'466()
D) !"3%8+6&'&''()
I) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhe foIIoving form conidiosores`
A) Indosore"forming gram"osilive rods and cocci
) Aclinomyceles and reIaled organisms
C) Rickellsias
D) Anaerobic gram"negalive cocci
I) SiraI and curved bacleria
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 119
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
14) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) DissimiIalory suIfale"reducing bacleria ! roduce H
) Archaea ! exlremohiIes
C) Chemoaulolrohic bacleria ! fix almosheric nilrogen
D) Aclinomyceles ! reroduce by fragmenlalion
I) 9+"&%83,3 ! a gIiding, nonfruiling baclerium
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) Rickellsias differ from chIamydias in lhal rickellsias
A) Are gram"negalive.
) Are inlraceIIuIar arasiles.
C) Require an arlhrood for lransmission.
D) Iorm eIemenlary bodies.
I) Lack ceII vaIIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
16) Requiremenls for X and V faclors are used lo idenlify
A) !"3%8+6&'&''().
) ;)'8$#4'843.
C) .$4))$#43.
D) J3$5&%846().
I) G)$(E&5&-3).
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
17) You have isoIaled a baclerium lhal grovs in a medium conlaining onIy inorganic nulrienls. Ammonia is
oxidized lo nilrale ion. This baclerium is
A) Gram"negalive.
) Using anaerobic resiralion.
C) A chemoaulolroh.
D) A holoaulolroh
I) A holohelerolroh.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
18) Which of lhe foIIoving bacleria is gram"osilive`
A) G)$(E&5&-3)
) !365&-$663
C) !"#$%"&'&''()
D) C3'"$#&4E$)
I) ?4'K$"")43
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 120
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
19) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64 beIongs lo lhe
A) Iroleobacleria.
) Gram"osilive bacleria.
C) Green suIfur bacleria.
D) Sirocheles.
I) Aclinomyceles.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
20) Which one of lhe foIIoving bacleria does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) C3'466()
) ;)'8$#4'843
C) 73'"&23'466()
D) !"3%8+6&'&''()
I) !"#$%"&'&''()
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe causalive agenl of Rocky Mounlain solled fever is faIse`
A) Il is an inlraceIIuIar arasile.
) Il is lransmilled by licks.
C) Il is in lhe genus ?4'K$"")43=
D) Il is gram"negalive.
I) Il is found in soiI and valer.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
22) A rimary difference belveen cyanobacleria and urIe and green hololrohic bacleria is
A) Inergy source.
) CeII vaII lye.
C) IIeclron donor for CO
D) CeII lye.
I) CoIor.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Which one of lhe foIIoving bacleria does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) C&#E$"$663
) C(#K8&6E$#43
C) 935%+6&23'"$#
D) G)$(E&5&-3)
I) !365&-$663
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 121
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
24) Which of lhe foIIoving bacleria are resonsibIe for more infeclions and more differenl kinds of infeclions`
A) !"#$%"&'&''()
) !"3%8+6&'&''()
C) !365&-$663
D) G)$(E&5&-3)
I) .$4))$#43
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
25) olh C$,,43"&3 and lhe urIe suIfur bacleria use H
S. These bacleria differ in lhal C$,,43"&3
A) Uses H
S for an energy source.
) Uses H
S for a carbon source.
C) Uses Iighl energy.
D) eIongs lo lhe gammaroleobacleria.
I) Is a helerolroh.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
26) The nonsuIfur holosynlhelic bacleria use organic comounds as
A) Carbon sources.
) IIeclron donors lo reduce CO
C) Inergy sources.
D) IIeclron accelors.
I) Oxygen sources.
SkiII: Underslanding
27) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe besl reason lo cIassify !"#$%"&'&''() in lhe LaclobaciIIaIes`
A) Gram reaclion
) MorhoIogy
C) Iermenlalion of Iaclose
D) rRNA sequences
I) Iound in dairy roducls
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
28) !"#$%"&5+'$) differs from :'"4-&5+'$) because !"#$%"&5+'$)
A) Makes anlibiolics.
) Iroduces conidia.
C) Iorms fiIamenls.
D) Is aerobic.
I) Is a baclerium.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 122
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
29) AII of lhe foIIoving bacleria are gram"osilive. Which does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) :'"4-&5+'$)
) C3'466()
C) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
D) 74)"$#43
I) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
30) !365&-$663, !84,$663< L$#)4-43< and !$##3"43 are aII
A) Ialhogens.
) Gram"negalive facuIlaliveIy anaerobic rods.
C) Gram"osilive aerobic cocci.
D) Iermenlalive.
I) Indosore"forming bacleria.
SkiII: AnaIysis
31) You have isoIaled a gram"osilive rod. Whal shouId you do nexl`
A) Gram slain
) Laclose fermenlalion
C) Indosore slain
D) IIageIIa slain
I) Inlerolube
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
32) C&##$643 is cIassified as a sirochele because il
A) Is aerobic.
) Iossesses an axiaI fiIamenl.
C) Is a rod.
D) Is a alhogen.
I) Is lransmilled by licks.
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) 084&23'466() oxidizes inorganic suIfur comounds and reduces CO
. This baclerium is a
A) Chemohelerolroh.
) Chemoaulolroh.
C) Iholoaulolroh.
D) Gammaroleobacleria.
I) Iholohelerolroh.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 123
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) You have isoIaled a rokaryolic ceII. The firsl sle in idenlificalion is a(n)
A) Gram slain.
) Laclose fermenlalion lesl.
C) Indosore slain.
D) IIageIIa slain.
I) DNA fingerrinl.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
35) Aclinomyceles differ from fungi in lhal aclinomyceles
A) Are chemohelerolrohs.
) Lack a membrane"bounded nucIeus.
C) Require Iighl.
D) Are decomosers.
I) Cause disease.
SkiII: Underslanding
36) You have isoIaled an aerobic gram"osilive, endosore"forming baclerium lhal grovs veII on nulrienl agar. To
vhich of lhe foIIoving grous does il mosl IikeIy beIong`
A) Ihololrohic bacleria
) Gammaroleobacleria
C) DeIlaroleobacleria
D) aciIIaIes
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Sirochele ! axiaI fiIamenl
) Aerobic, heIicaI bacleria ! gram"negalive
C) Inlerics ! gram"negalive
D) Mycobacleria ! acid"fasl
I) Iseudomonas ! gram"osilive
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) 9&D4$663
) ;8#64'843
C) ?4'K$"")43
D) !"3%8+6&'&''()
I) M&623'843
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 124
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) 93(6&23'"$# are differenl from mosl bacleria in lhal
A) They are gram"negalive.
) They are gram"osilive.
C) They have slaIks.
D) They Iack ceII vaIIs.
I) They are moliIe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
40) AII of lhe foIIoving bacleria are moliIe, vhich does (do) ./0 have fIageIIa`
A) ;)'8$#4'843
) HeIicaI bacleria
C) G)$(E&5&-3)
D) Sirocheles
I) !365&-$663
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) Which of lhe foIIoving bacleria does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) J36&23'"$#4(5
) J36&'&''()
C) 1$"83-&23'"$#4(5
D) !"3%8+6&'&''()
I) !(6B&6&2()
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) MycoIasmas differ from olher bacleria in lhal lhey
A) Grov inside hosl ceIIs.
) Lack a ceII vaII.
C) Are acid"fasl.
D) Are moliIe.
I) Are gram"negalive.
SkiII: RecaII
43) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is ./0 correclIy malched`
A) IIemenlary body ! ;)'8$#4'843
) Indosore ! C3'466()
C) Indosore ! 96&)"#4E4(5
D) Helerocysl ! cyanobacleria
I) Myxosore ! gIiding bacleria
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 125
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) C(#K8&6E$#43 vas recIassified from lhe gammaroleobacleria lo lhe belaroleobacleria because
A) Il grovs in disinfeclanls.
) Il is a gram"negalive rod.
C) Il causes infeclions in cyslic fibrosis alienls.
D) Il causes meIioidosis.
I) Ils rRNA sequence is simiIar lo lhal of .$4))$#43.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) The crab induslry needs femaIe crabs for groving more crabs. Whal baclerium mighl be used lo ensure
deveIomenl of femaIe crabs and shrim`
A) :'4-$"&23'"$#
) H$553"3
C) .$4))$#43
D) G$63,423'"$#
I) M&623'843
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Discuss lhe use of C$#,$+N) 13-(36 as a looI of cIassificalion. Of idenlificalion.
2) Irovide a reason lo cIassify bacleria.
3) C3'"$#&4E$) and ;)'8$#4'843 are bolh gram"negalive rods found in lhe Iarge inlesline. Why are lhey in differenl
Iage 126
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )6 *"& D5C#'A.%&9Q ?53=,R @0=#&R 8'.%.S.#R #32 T&07,3%"9
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul fungi is faIse`
A) AII fungi are uniceIIuIar.
) AII fungi have eukaryolic ceIIs.
C) Iungi are helerolrohic.
D) Mosl fungi are aerobic.
I) Iev fungi are alhogenic lo humans.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
2) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul heIminlhs is faIse`
A) They are helerolrohic.
) They are muIliceIIuIar animaIs.
C) They have eukaryolic ceIIs.
D) AII are arasiles.
I) Some have maIe and femaIe reroduclive organs in one animaI.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe Oomycole aIgae is faIse`
A) They form hyhae.
) They roduce zoosores in a sorangium.
C) They cause Ianl diseases.
D) They have chIorohyII.
I) They reroduce sexuaIIy.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
4) Sevenleen alienls in len hosilaIs had culaneous infeclions caused by ?84O&%()= In aII 17 alienls, IIasloIasl
bandages vere Iaced over sleriIe gauze ads lo cover vounds. Iourleen of lhe alienls had surgicaI vounds,
lvo had venous Iine inserlion siles, and one had a bile vound. Lesions resenl vhen lhe bandages vere
removed ranged from vesicuIousluIar erulions lo uIceralions and skin necrosis requiring debridemenl. Iungi
are more IikeIy lhan bacleria lo conlaminale bandages because
A) They are aerobic.
) They can loIerale Iov"moislure condilions.
C) They refer a neulraI environmenl (H 7).
D) They have a fermenlalive melaboIism.
I) They cannol loIerale high osmolic ressure.
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) A Iichen doesn'l exisl if lhe fungaI and aIgaI arlners are searaled.
) Lichens are arasiles.
C) In a Iichen, lhe aIga roduces carbohydrales.
D) In a Iichen, lhe fungus rovides lhe hoIdfasl.
I) Lichens are imorlanl soiI roducers.
SkiII: RecaII
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) IIasmogamy ! union of lvo haIoid ceIIs
) Karyogamy ! fusion of nucIeus
C) Meiosis ! ceII division resuIling in haIoid ceIIs
D) Anamorh ! roduces asexuaI sores
I) Deuleromycola ! a hyIum of fungi
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
TabIe 12.1
1"Arlhroconidium 5"ChIamydoconidium
2"Ascosore 6"Conidiosore
3"asidiosore 7"Sorangiosore
4"Iasloconidium 8"Zygosore
7) In TabIe 12.1, vhich of lhese sores are characlerislic of G$-4'4664(5`
A) 1 and 2
) 3 and 4
C) 2 and 6
D) 1 and 4
I) 4 and 6
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
8) In TabIe 12.1, vhich of lhese sores are characlerislic of ?84O&%()`
A) 1 and 2
) 6 and 7
C) 2 and 8
D) 1 and 4
I) 7 and 8
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
9) In TabIe 12.1, vhich sore is in a sac and resuIls from lhe fusion of lvo nucIei from differenl slrains of lhe same
A) 1
) 2
C) 4
D) 6
I) 8
SkiII: RecaII
10) In TabIe 12.1, vhich sore is found exlernaIIy on a edeslaI`
A) 1
) 3
C) 5
D) 7
I) None
SkiII: RecaII
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) In TabIe 12.1, vhich is a lhick"vaIIed sore formed as a segmenl vilhin a hyha`
A) 1
) 3
C) 5
D) 7
I) None
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
12) In TabIe 12.1, vhich of lhese sores are asexuaI sores`
A) 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
) 2, 3, 6, 8
C) 1, 3, 5, 8
D) 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
13) In mid"December, a voman vilh insuIin"deendenl diabeles vho had been on rednisone feII and received an
abrasion on lhe dorsaI side of her righl hand. She vas Iaced on eniciIIin. y lhe end of }anuary, lhe uIcer had
nol heaIed, and she vas referred lo a Iaslic surgeon. On }anuary 30, a svab of lhe vound vas cuIlured al 35C
on bIood agar. On lhe same day, a smear vas made for Gram slaining. The Gram slain shoved Iarge (10 m)
ceIIs. rovnish, vaxy coIonies grev on lhe bIood agar. SIide cuIlures sel u on Iebruary 1 and incubaled al
25C shoved selale hyhae and singIe conidia. The mosl IikeIy cause of lhe infeclion is a
A) Gram"negalive baclerium.
) Dimorhic fungus.
C) Iarasilic aIga.
D) Yeasl.
I) Irolozoan.
SkiII: AnaIysis
14) Which of lhe foIIoving lends lo be more comIex in a arasilic heIminlh lhan in free"Iiving heIminlhs`
A) Digeslive syslem
) Nervous syslem
C) Locomolion
D) Reroduclive syslem
I) AII of lhe above are more comIex in a arasilic heIminlh.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) Iungi roduce sexuaI sores.
) Iungi roduce asexuaI sores.
C) IungaI sores are used in idenlificalion of fungi.
D) IungaI sores are resling sores lo rolecl lhe fungus from adverse environmenlaI condilions.
I) IungaI sores are for reroduclion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which of lhe foIIoving airs are mismalched`
1. Arlhroconidium ! formed by fragmenlalion
2. Sorangiosore ! formed vilhin hyhae
3. Conidiosore ! formed in a chain
4. Iasloconidium ! formed from a bud
5. ChIamydoconidium ! formed in a sac
A) 1 and 2
) 2 and 3
C) 2 and 5
D) 3 and 4
I) 4 and 5
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
17) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) DinofIageIIales ! araIylic sheIIfish oisoning
) rovn aIgae ! aIgin
C) Red aIgae ! agar
D) Dialoms ! elroIeum
I) Green aIgae ! rokaryolic
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
18) HeIminlhic diseases are usuaIIy lransmilled lo humans by
A) Resiralory roule.
) Genilourinary roule.
C) GaslroinleslinaI roule.
D) Veclors.
I) AerosoIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
19) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of arasilic IalyheIminlhs`
A) They are hermahrodilic.
) They are dorsovenlraIIy fIallened.
C) They have a comIele digeslive syslem.
D) They can be divided inlo fIukes and laevorms.
I) They are muIliceIIuIar animaIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
20) Cercariae, melacercaria, miracidia, and rediae are slages in lhe Iife cycIe of
A) Ceslodes.
) Tremalodes.
C) Nemalodes.
D) Sorozoans.
I) Sarcodina.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Which slage immedialeIy recedes lhe aduIl`
A) Cercaria
) Melacercaria
C) Miracidium
D) Redia
I) IrogIollid
SkiII: RecaII
22) The encysled Iarva of lhe beef laevorm is caIIed a
A) Redia.
) Cercaria.
C) Cyslicercus.
D) Melacercaria.
I) IrogIollid.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
23) Which of lhe foIIoving arlhroods does ./0 lransmil diseases by sucking bIood from a human hosl`
A) Lice
) IIeas
C) HousefIies
D) Mosquiloes
I) Kissing bugs
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul aIgae is faIse`
A) They use Iighl as lheir energy source.
) They use CO
as lheir carbon source.
C) They roduce oxygen from hydroIysis of valer.
D) AII are uniceIIuIar.
I) Some are caabIe of sexuaI reroduclion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) eIov are severaI aired ilems referring lo lhe hearlvorm A4#&B463#43 4554"4). Which of lhe airs is mismalched`
A) Dog ! definilive hosl
) Dog ! sexuaI reroduclion
C) Mosquilo ! veclor
D) Mosquilo ! definilive hosl
I) AII of lhe above are correclIy malched.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
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26) AII aIgae are
A) Iholoaulolrohs.
) IIanls.
C) UniceIIuIar.
D) Toxic.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
27) A definilive hosl harbors vhich slage of a arasile`
A) Miracidium
) Cysl
C) AduIl
D) Larva
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
28) Whal do laevorms eal`
A) InleslinaI bacleria
) Hosl lissues
C) Red bIood ceIIs
D) InleslinaI conlenls
I) IIanl maller
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
29) The microsora and archaezoa are unusuaI eukaryoles because lhey
A) Are moliIe.
) Lack milochondria.
C) Lack nucIei.
D) Don'l roduce cysls.
I) Do roduce cysls.
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) The Iife cycIe of lhe fish laevorm is simiIar lo lhal of lhe beef laevorm. Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe mosl
effeclive revenlive measure`
A) SaIling fish before ealing
) Refrigeraling slored fish
C) Cooking fish before ealing
D) Wearing gIoves vhiIe handIing fish
I) Nol svimming in fish"infesled valers
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe mosl effeclive conlroI for maIaria`
A) Vaccinalion
) Trealing alienls
C) IIiminale :-&%8$6$)
D) IIiminale lhe inlermediale hosl
I) None of lhe above is an effeclive conlroI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) MuIlinucIealed amoebaIike ceIIs lhal roduce fungusIike sores.
A) Ascomycele
) CeIIuIar sIime moId
C) IugIenozoa
D) Taevorm
I) IIasmodiaI sIime moId
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) AmoebaIike vegelalive slruclures lhal roduce sorangia.
A) Ascomycele
) CeIIuIar sIime moId
C) IugIenozoa
D) Taevorm
I) IIasmodiaI sIime moId
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) A muIliceIIuIar organism, lhe digeslive lracl has one oening.
A) Ascomycele
) CeIIuIar sIime moId
C) IugIenozoa
D) Taevorm
I) IIasmodiaI sIime moId
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) A nucIealed, uniceIIuIar organism, vhen you change lhe incubalion lemeralure, il forms fiIamenls vilh
A) Ascomycele
) CeIIuIar sIime moId
C) IugIenozoa
D) Taevorm
I) IIasmodiaI sIime moId
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) An organism lhal can grov holoaulolrohicaIIy in lhe Iighl and chemohelerolrohicaIIy in lhe dark.
A) Oomycole
) CeIIuIar sIime moId
C) ;(,6$-3
D) G8+"&%8"8&#3
I) IIasmodiaI sIime moId
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Tick ! Rocky Mounlain solled fever
) Tick ! Lyme disease
C) Mosquilo ! maIaria
D) Mosquilo ! G-$(5&'+)"4)
I) Mosquilo ! encehaIilis
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
38) Which of lhe foIIoving grous of aIgae does ./0 roduce comounds lhal are loxic lo humans`
A) Dialoms
) DinofIageIIales
C) Green aIgae
D) Red aIgae
I) AII of lhe above roduce comounds loxic lo humans.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
39) The ceIIs of IasmodiaI sIime moIds can grov lo severaI cenlimelers in diameler because
A) They have organeIIes.
) They dislribule nulrienls by cyloIasmic slreaming.
C) The Iarge surface can absorb nulrienls.
D) They form sores.
I) None of lhe above.
SkiII: Underslanding
40) Assume you have isoIaled a muIliceIIuIar helerolrohic organism lhal roduces coenocylic hyhae, moliIe
zoosores, and ceIIuIose ceII vaIIs. Il is mosl IikeIy a(n)
A) Ascomycele fungus.
) Green aIga.
C) Oomycole aIga.
D) Taevorm.
I) Zygomycele fungus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 134
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) If a Iarva of ;'84-&'&''() ,#3-(6&)() is found in humans, humans are lhe
A) Definilive hosl.
) Infecled hosl.
C) Inlermediale hosl.
D) Reservoir.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Ringvorm is caused by a(n)
A) Ascomycele.
) Ceslode.
C) Nemalode.
D) Irolozoan.
I) Tremalode.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
43) Yeasl infeclions are caused by
A) :)%$#,466().
) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
C) J4)"&%63)53=
D) G$-4'4664(5.
I) !3''83#&5+'$) '$#$@4)43$.
SkiII: RecaII
44) In a food chain consisling of lhe foIIoving organisms, vhich acls as a roducer`
A) Iungi
) Lichens
C) Irolozoa
D) SIime moIds
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) You see acid"fasl oocysls in a fecaI samIe from a alienl vho has diarrhea. Whal is lhe mosl IikeIy cause`
A) 9#+%"&)%&#4E4(5
) Dialoms
C) ;-"35&$23
D) H43#E43
I) 03$-43
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Irovide an exIanalion for lhe comIex Iife cycIes exhibiled by arasilic heIminlhs. Cile secific examIes in
your discussion.
Iage 135
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
2) IxIain hov lhe resence of aIgae can indicale eilher oIIulion or roduclivily of a body of valer.
Iage 136
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' ): U,'59&9R U,'.,29R #32 8',.39
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) In vhich of lhe foIIoving vays do viruses differ from bacleria`
A) Viruses are fiIlerabIe.
) Viruses are obIigale inlraceIIuIar arasiles.
C) Viruses don'l have any nucIeic acid.
D) Viruses are nol comosed of ceIIs.
I) Viruses don'l reroduce.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls rovides lhe mosl significanl suorl for lhe idea lhal viruses are nonIiving
A) They are nol comosed of ceIIs.
) They are fiIlerabIe.
C) They cannol reroduce lhemseIves oulside a hosl.
D) They cause diseases simiIar lo lhose caused by chemicaIs.
I) They are chemicaIIy simIe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul sikes is faIse`
A) They are used for enelralion.
) They are used for absorlion.
C) They may cause hemaggIulinalion.
D) They are found onIy on enveIoed viruses.
I) They are found onIy on nonenveIoed viruses.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 used as a crilerion lo cIassify viruses`
A) iochemicaI lesls
) MorhoIogy
C) NucIeic acid
D) Size
I) Number of casomeres
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a melhod of cuIluring viruses`
A) In Iaboralory animaIs
) In cuIlure media
C) In embryonaled eggs
D) In ceII cuIlure
I) None of lhe above
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 137
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) acleriohages and animaI viruses do ./0 differ significanlIy in vhich one of lhe foIIoving sles`
A) Adsorlion
) Ienelralion
C) Uncoaling
D) iosynlhesis
I) ReIease
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
7) The definilion of 6+)&,$-+ is
A) Ihage DNA is incororaled inlo hosl ceII DNA.
) Lysis of lhe hosl ceII due lo a hage.
C) The eriod during reIicalion vhen virions are nol resenl.
D) When lhe bursl lime lakes an unusuaIIy Iong lime.
I) Allachmenl of a hage lo a ceII.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) A viroid is
A) A comIele, infeclious virus arlicIe.
) A nonenveIoed, infeclious iece of RNA.
C) A casid vilhoul a nucIeic acid.
D) A rovirus.
I) An infeclious rolein.
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 13.1
9) In Iigure 13.1, vhich slruclure is a comIex virus`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) AII of lhe above
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 138
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
10) In Iigure 13.1, lhe slruclures iIIuslraled are comosed of
) RNA.
C) DNA or RNA.
D) Casomeres.
I) Casids.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
11) A cIear area againsl a confIuenl "Iavn" of bacleria is caIIed a
A) Ihage.
) Iock.
C) CeII Iysis.
D) IIaque.
I) Rash.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
12) Conlinuous ceII Iines differ from rimary ceII Iines in lhal
A) Viruses can be grovn in conlinuous ceII Iines.
) Conlinuous ceII Iines aIvays have lo be reisoIaled from animaI lissues.
C) Conlinuous ceII Iines are derived from rimary ceII Iines.
D) Conlinuous ceII Iines can be mainlained lhrough an indefinile number of generalions.
I) Conlinuous ceII Iines are from human embryos.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
13) Which of lhe foIIoving is necessary for reIicalion of a rion`
) DNA oIymerase
C) Lysozyme
D) I
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
14) A ersislenl infeclion is an infeclion in vhich
A) The virus remains in equiIibrium vilh lhe hosl vilhoul causing a disease.
) ViraI reIicalion is unusuaIIy sIov.
C) The disease rocess occurs graduaIIy over a Iong eriod.
D) Hosl ceIIs are graduaIIy Iysed.
I) Hosl ceIIs are lransformed.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
15) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) A rohage is hage DNA inserled inlo a bacleriaI chromosome.
) A rohage can o oul of lhe chromosome.
C) Irohage genes are reresenled by a reressor rolein coded for by lhe rohage.
D) A rohage may resuIl in nev roerlies of lhe hosl ceII.
I) The rohage makes lhe hosl ceII immune lo infeclion by olher hages.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
16) Lysogeny can resuIl in aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) Immunily lo reinfeclion by lhe same hage.
) Acquisilion of nev characlerislics by lhe hosl ceII.
C) Immunily lo reinfeclion by any hage.
D) Transduclion of secific genes.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) Which of lhe foIIoving vouId be lhe firsl sle in biosynlhesis of a virus vilh a " slrand of RNA`
A) Synlhesis of DNA from an RNA lemIale
) Synlhesis of doubIe"slranded RNA from an RNA lemIale
C) Synlhesis of doubIe"slranded RNA from a DNA lemIale
D) Transcrilion of mRNA from DNA
I) Synlhesis of DNA from a DNA lemIale
SkiII: Underslanding
18) An infeclious rolein is a
A) acleriohage.
) Irion.
C) Relrovirus.
D) Viroid.
I) Iaovavirus.
SkiII: RecaII
19) An enveIoe is acquired during vhich of lhe foIIoving sles`
A) Ienelralion
) Adsorlion
C) Uncoaling
D) iosynlhesis
I) ReIease
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 140
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) Which of lhe foIIoving conlribules lo lhe difficuIly in eslabIishing lhe elioIogy of cancer`
A) Mosl viraI arlicIes can infecl ceIIs vilhoul inducing cancer.
) Cancer may nol deveIo unliI Iong afler infeclion.
C) Cancers do nol seem lo be conlagious.
D) Viruses are difficuIl lo observe.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) An examIe of a Ialenl viraI infeclion is
A) Subacule scIerosing anencehaIilis.
) CoId sores.
C) InfIuenza.
D) SmaIIox.
I) Mums.
SkiII: RecaII
22) The mosl common roule of accidenlaI AIDS lransmission lo heaIlh care vorkers is
A) Moulh lo moulh.
) IecaI!oraI.
C) NeedIeslick.
D) AerosoI.
I) InvironmenlaI surface conlacl.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
23) Assume you have isoIaled an unknovn virus. Il is a singIe"slranded RNA, enveIoed virus. To vhich grou
does il mosl IikeIy beIong`
A) Heresvirus
) Iicornavirus
C) Relrovirus
D) Togavirus
I) Iaovavirus
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
24) To vhich grou does a smaII, nonenveIoed singIe"slranded RNA virus mosl IikeIy beIong`
A) Heresvirus
) Iicornavirus
C) Relrovirus
D) Togavirus
I) Iaovavirus
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 141
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) The mosl concIusive evidence lhal viruses cause cancers is rovided by
A) Iinding oncogenes in viruses.
) The resence of anlibodies againsl viruses in cancer alienls.
C) Cancer foIIoving in|eclion of ceII"free fiIlrales.
D) Trealing cancer vilh anlibodies.
I) Some Iiver cancer alienls having had healilis.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) acleriohages derive aII of lhe foIIoving from lhe hosl ceII ;F9;G0
A) Lysozyme.
) lRNA.
C) Amino acids.
D) NucIeolides.
I) A.T.I.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) GeneraIized lransduclion differs from seciaIized lransduclion in lhal generaIized lransduclion
A) KiIIs lhe hosl.
) Transfers DNA from one ceII lo anolher.
C) Transfers secific DNA.
D) InvoIves Iysogeny.
I) Lyses lhe hosl ceII.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
28) GeneraIIy, in a DNA"conlaining virus infeclion, lhe hosl animaI ceII suIies aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) RNA oIymerase.
) NucIeolides.
C) DNA oIymerase.
D) lRNA.
I) AII of lhe above are suIied by lhe hosl animaI ceII.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) Iul lhe foIIoving in lhe correcl order for DNA"virus reIicalion:
1"Maluralion, 2"DNA synlhesis, 3"Transcrilion, 4"TransIalion.
A) 1, 2, 3, 4
) 2, 3, 4, 1
C) 3, 4, 1, 2
D) 4, 1, 2, 3
I) 4, 3, 2, 1
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 142
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
30) A viraI secies is a grou of viruses lhal
A) Have lhe same morhoIogy and nucIeic acid.
) Have lhe same genelic informalion and ecoIogicaI niche.
C) Infecl lhe same ceIIs and cause lhe same disease.
D) Can'l be defined.
SkiII: RecaII
31) Viruses lhal have reverse lranscrilase are in lhe
A) Relroviridae and Iicornaviridae.
) Heresviridae and Relroviridae.
C) Headnaviridae and Relroviridae.
D) acleriohage famiIies.
I) InfIuenzavirus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
32) DNA made from an RNA lemIale viII be incororaled inlo lhe virus casid of
A) Relroviridae.
) Heresviridae.
C) Headnaviridae.
D) acleriohage famiIies.
I) InfIuenzavirus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul viruses is faIse`
A) Viruses conlain DNA or RNA bul never bolh.
) Viruses conlain a rolein coal.
C) Viruses use lhe anaboIic machinery of lhe ceII.
D) Viruses use lheir ovn calaboIic enzymes.
I) Viruses have genes.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) AroximaleIy hov many virus arlicIes couId fil aIong a 1"miIIimeler Iine`
A) 2
) 20
C) 200
D) 20,000
I) 2,000,000
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Some viruses, such as human heresvirus 1, infecl a ceII vilhoul causing symloms, lhese are caIIed
A) Lalenl viruses.
) Lylic viruses.
C) Ihages.
D) SIov viruses.
I) UnconvenlionaI viruses.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 143
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 13.2
36) Assume a alienl had chickenox (human heresvirus 3) as a chiId. Which Iine on lhe grah in Iigure 13.2
vouId shov lhe number of viruses resenl in lhis erson as a 60"year"oId vilh shingIes (human heresvirus
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Assume a alienl has infIuenza. During vhich lime (on lhe grah in Iigure 13.2) vouId lhe alienl shov lhe
symloms of lhe iIIness`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) The foIIoving sles occur during muIliIicalion of heresviruses. Whal is lhe lhird sle`
A) Allachmenl
) iosynlhesis
C) Ienelralion
D) ReIease
I) Uncoaling
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 144
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) The foIIoving sles occur during muIliIicalion of relroviruses. Whal is lhe fourlh sle`
A) Synlhesis of doubIe"slranded DNA
) Synlhesis of # RNA
C) Allachmenl
D) Ienelralion
I) Uncoaling
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) Nonloxic slrains of >42#4& '8&6$#3$ can become loxic vhen lhey are in lhe human inlesline vilh loxic slrains of
bacleria. This suggesls lhal lhe loxin genes are acquired by
A) Hosl enzymes.
) Irions.
C) Reverse lranscrilase.
D) Transduclion.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) Which one of lhe foIIoving sles does ./0 occur during muIliIicalion of a icornavirus`
A) Synlhesis of # slrands of RNA
) Synlhesis of " slrands of RNA
C) Synlhesis of viraI roleins
D) Synlhesis of DNA
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
42) Which of lhe foIIoving is mosl IikeIy a roducl of an earIy gene`
A) Casid roleins
) DNA oIymerase
C) InveIoe roleins
D) Sike roleins
I) Lysozyme
SkiII: Underslanding
43) Mosl RNA viruses carry vhich of lhe foIIoving enzymes`
A) DNA"deendenl DNA oIymerase
) Lysozyme
C) RNA"deendenl RNA oIymerase
D) Reverse lranscrilase
I) ATI synlhase
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 145
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) The foIIoving sles occur during biosynlhesis of a # slrand RNA virus. Whal is lhe lhird sle`
A) Allachmenl
) Ienelralion and uncoaling
C) Synlhesis of " slrand RNA
D) Synlhesis of # slrand RNA
I) Synlhesis of viraI roleins
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) Whal conlribules lo anligenic shifl in infIuenza viruses`
A) WorIdvide dislribulion
) Segmenled genome
C) Allachmenl sikes
D) Iase of lransmission
I) Differenl sublyes
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) acleriohages are used as veclors in genelic engineering lo inserl nev genes inlo bacleria. Describe lhe rocess
lhal makes lhis genelic recombinalion ossibIe.
2) Comare and conlrasl lhe Iylic cycIe of infeclion of a DNA virus and an RNA virus.
3) Why vas il reviousIy beIieved lhal onIy DNA viruses couId cause cancer` Hov can RNA viruses cause
4) You are groving C3'466() )(2"464) in nine 16,000"Iiler fermenlers lo roduce enzymes for induslriaI use. The
C3'466() cuIlures had been groving for 2 days vhen lhe ceIIs in one of lhe fermenlers Iysed. IxIain vhal
haened in lhis fermenler.
Iage 146
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )> 8',3-,$0&9 .B N,9&#9& #32 D$,2&7,.0.=A
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) A commensaI baclerium
A) Does nol receive any benefil from ils hosl.
) Is beneficiaI lo ils hosl.
C) May be an oorlunislic alhogen.
D) Does nol infecl ils hosl.
I) and D onIy.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
2) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is lrue`
A) Symbiosis refers lo differenl organisms Iiving logelher.
) Members of a symbiolic reIalionshi cannol Iive vilhoul each olher.
C) A arasile is nol in symbiosis vilh ils hosl.
D) Symbiosis refers lo differenl organisms Iiving logelher and benefiling from each olher.
I) Al Ieasl one member musl benefil in a symbiolic reIalionshi.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) A nosocomiaI infeclion is
A) AIvays resenl bul is inaarenl al lhe lime of hosilaIizalion.
) Acquired during lhe course of hosilaIizalion.
C) AIvays caused by medicaI ersonneI.
D) OnIy a resuIl of surgery.
I) AIvays caused by alhogenic bacleria.
SkiII: RecaII
4) The ma|or significance of Koch's vork vas lhal
A) Microorganisms are resenl in a diseased animaI.
) Diseases can be lransmilled from one animaI lo anolher.
C) Microorganisms can be cuIlured.
D) Microorganisms cause disease.
I) Microorganisms are lhe resuIl of disease.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
5) Koch's osluIales don'l aIy lo aII diseases because
A) Some microorganisms can'l be cuIlured in Iaboralory media.
) Some microorganisms don'l cause lhe same disease in Iaboralory animaIs.
C) Some microorganisms cause differenl symloms under differenl condilions.
D) Some microorganisms can'l be observed.
I) Nol aII diseases are caused by microorganisms.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 147
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases is ./0 sread by droIel infeclion`
A) oluIism
) TubercuIosis
C) MeasIes
D) Common coId
I) Dihlheria
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
7) MechanicaI lransmission differs from bioIogicaI lransmission in lhal mechanicaI lransmission
A) Doesn'l require an arlhrood.
) InvoIves fomiles.
C) Doesn'l invoIve secific diseases.
D) Requires direcl conlacl.
I) Doesn'l vork vilh noncommunicabIe diseases.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhe foIIoving definilions is incorrecl`
A) Indemic ! a disease lhal is conslanlIy resenl in a ouIalion
) Iidemic ! fraclion of lhe ouIalion having a disease al a secified lime
C) Iandemic ! a disease lhal affecls a Iarge number of eoIe in lhe vorId in a shorl lime
D) Soradic ! a disease lhal affecls a ouIalion occasionaIIy
I) Incidence ! number of nev cases of a disease
SkiII: RecaII
9) Which of lhese infeclions can cause selicemia`
A) acleremia
) IocaI infeclion
C) LocaI infeclion
D) Selicemia
I) Syslemic infeclion
SkiII: Underslanding
10) Which lye of infeclion can be caused by selicemia`
A) acleremia
) IocaI infeclion
C) LocaI infeclion
D) Viremia
I) Syslemic infeclion
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 148
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Koch observed C3'466() 3-"8#3'4) muIliIying in lhe bIood of callIe. Whal is lhis condilion caIIed`
A) acleremia
) IocaI infeclion
C) LocaI infeclion
D) Selicemia
I) Syslemic infeclion
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
12) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 conlribule lo lhe incidence of nosocomiaI infeclions`
A) Iormalion of biofiIms
) Lase in aselic lechniques
C) Gram"negalive ceII vaIIs
D) Lack of handvashing
I) Lack of insecl conlroI
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Transienl microbiola differ from normaI microbiola because lransienl microbiola
A) Cause diseases.
) Are found in a cerlain Iocalion on lhe hosl.
C) Are acquired by direcl conlacl.
D) Are resenl for a reIaliveIy shorl lime.
I) Never cause disease.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul nosocomiaI infeclions is faIse`
A) They occur in comromised alienls.
) They are caused by oorlunisls.
C) They are caused by drug"resislanl bacleria.
D) They are caused by normaI microbiola.
I) The alienl vas infecled before hosilaIizalion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
15) One effecl of vashing reguIarIy vilh anlibacleriaI agenls is lhe removaI of normaI microbiola. This can resuIl in
A) ody odor.
) Iever diseases.
C) Increased suscelibiIily lo disease.
D) NormaI microbiola relurning immedialeIy.
I) No bacleriaI grovlh because vashing removes lheir food source.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 149
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a reservoir of infeclion`
A) A sick erson
) A heaIlhy erson
C) A sick animaI
D) A hosilaI
I) AII of lhe above can be reservoirs of infeclion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a communicabIe diseases`
A) MaIaria
C) TubercuIosis
D) Telanus
I) Tyhoid fever
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
18) Which of lhe foIIoving is a fomile`
A) Waler
) DroIels from a sneeze
C) Ius
D) Insecls
I) A hyodermic needIe
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
19) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul bioIogicaI lransmission is faIse`
A) The alhogen reroduces in lhe veclor.
) The alhogen may enler lhe hosl in lhe veclor's feces.
C) HousefIies are an imorlanl veclor.
D) The alhogen may be in|ecled by lhe bile of lhe veclor.
I) The alhogen may require lhe veclor as a hosl.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
20) Which of lhe foIIoving definilions is incorrecl`
A) Acule ! a shorl"Iasling rimary infeclion
) Inaarenl ! infeclion characlerislic of a carrier slale
C) Chronic ! a disease lhal deveIos sIovIy and Iasls for monlhs
D) Irimary infeclion ! an iniliaI iIIness
I) Secondary infeclion ! a Iong"Iasling iIIness
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 150
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Symloms of disease differ from signs of disease in lhal symloms
A) Are changes feIl by lhe alienl.
) Are changes observed by lhe hysician.
C) Are secific for a arlicuIar disease.
D) AIvays occur as arl of a syndrome.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
22) The science lhal deaIs vilh vhen diseases occur and hov lhey are lransmilled is caIIed
A) IcoIogy.
) IidemioIogy.
C) CommunicabIe disease.
D) Morbidily and morlaIily.
I) IubIic heaIlh.
SkiII: RecaII
Iigure 14.1
23) Iigure 14.1 shovs lhe incidence of infIuenza during a lyicaI year. Which Ieller on lhe grah indicales lhe
endemic IeveI`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Imergence of infeclious diseases can be due lo aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) Anlibiolic resislance.
) CIimalic changes.
C) Digging u soiI.
D) Microbes lrying lo cause disease.
I) TraveI.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 151
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) MaIaria ! veclor
) SaImoneIIosis ! vehicIe lransmission
C) SyhiIis ! direcl conlacl
D) InfIuenza ! droIel infeclion
I) AII of lhe above are correclIy malched.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) Which of lhe foIIoving can conlribule lo osloeralive infeclions`
A) Using syringes more lhan once
) NormaI microbiola on lhe oeraling room slaff
C) Irrors in aselic lechnique
D) Anlibiolic resislance
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 14.2
27) In Iigure 14.2, vhal is lhe endemic IeveI of rolavirus infeclions`
A) 0%
) AroximaleIy 10%
C) AroximaleIy 20%
D) 35%
I) The monlh of }anuary
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) A coId lransmilled by a faciaI lissue is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 152
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
29) InfIuenza lransmilled by an unrolecled sneeze is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) A sexuaIIy lransmilled disease is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
31) Gaslroenlerilis acquired from roasl beef is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) A needIeslick is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) LegioneIIosis lransmilled by a grocery slore misl machine is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 153
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) IIague lransmilled by a fIea is an examIe of
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) The mosl IikeIy mode of lransmission of neumonic Iague belveen humans is
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel lransmission.
C) Iomile.
D) Veclor.
I) VehicIe lransmission.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Silualion 14.1
During a 6"monlh eriod, 239 cases of neumonia occurred in a lovn of 300 eoIe. A cIinicaI case vas defined as fever
*39C Iasling +2 days vilh lhree or more symloms (i.e., chiIIs, sveals, severe headache, cough, aching muscIes/|oinls,
faligue, or feeIing iII). A Iaboralory"confirmed case vas defined as a osilive resuIl for anlibodies againsl 9&D4$663 2(#-$"44=
efore lhe oulbreak, 2000 shee vere kel norlhvesl of lhe lovn. Of lhe 20 shee lesled from lhe fIock, 15 vere osilive for
9= 2(#-$"44 anlibodies. Wind bIev from lhe norlhvesl, and rainfaII vas 0.5 cm comared vilh 7 lo 10 cm during each of lhe
revious 3 years.
36) Silualion 14.1 is an examIe of
A) Human reservoirs.
) A zoonosis.
C) A nonIiving reservoir.
D) A veclor.
I) A focaI infeclion.
SkiII: Underslanding
37) In Silualion 14.1, lhe elioIogic agenl of lhe disease is
A) Shee.
) SoiI.
C) 9&D4$663 2(#-$"44=
D) Ineumonia.
I) Wind.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
38) In Silualion 14.1, lhe melhod of lransmission of lhis disease vas
A) Direcl conlacl.
) DroIel.
C) Indirecl conlacl.
D) Veclor"borne.
I) VehicIe.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 154
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) Which one of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an examIe of microbiaI anlagonism`
A) Acid roduclion by bacleria
) acleriocin roduclion
C) acleria occuying hosl recelors
D) acleria causing disease
I) acleria roducing vilamin K
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) The yeasl 93-E4E3 3624'3-) does nol normaIIy cause disease because of
A) Symbiolic bacleria.
) Anlagonislic bacleria.
C) Iarasilic bacleria.
D) CommensaI bacleria.
I) Olher fungi.
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) J3$5&%846() bacleria require heme rolein roduced by !"3%8+6&'&''() bacleria. This is an examIe of
A) Anlagonism.
) CommensaIism.
C) Iarasilism.
D) Synergism.
I) Comelilive excIusion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Which one of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a zoonosis`
A) Cal"scralch disease
) J3-"3@4#() uImonary syndrome
C) Rabies
D) Taevorm
I) AII of lhe above are zoonoses.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
43) G)$(E&5&-3) bacleria coIonized lhe biIe ducl of a alienl foIIoving his Iiver lransIanl surgery. This is an
examIe of a
A) CommunicabIe disease.
) Lalenl infeclion.
C) NosocomiaI infeclion.
D) Soradic disease.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 155
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 14.3
44) The grah in Iigure 14.3 shovs lhe incidence of oIio in lhe Uniled Slales. The eriod belveen 1945 and 1955
A) An endemic IeveI.
) An eidemic IeveI.
C) A soradic infeclion.
D) A communicabIe disease.
I) A andemic.
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) Which one of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) AnlimicrobiaI lheray for hemodiaIysis"associaled infeclions increases anlibiolic resislance.
) != 3(#$() is differenlialed from olher manniloI# cocci by lhe coaguIase lesl.
C) The M in MRSA slands for manniloI.
D) USA100 accounls for mosl hosilaI"acquired MRSA.
I) USA300 accounls for mosl communily"acquired MRSA.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
Silualion 14.2
A 37"veek"oId infanl vas deIivered by cesarean seclion and discharged from a Conneclicul hosilaI vhen he vas 10 days
oId. Tvo days Ialer he vas Ielhargic and had a fever. When he vas readmilled lo lhe hosilaI, he had muIliIe brain
abscesses caused by 94"#&23'"$# E4@$#)(). Afler a roIonged iIIness, lhe baby died. A second infanl vilh a normaI regnancy
and deIivery died of 9= E4@$#)() meningilis afler a shorl iIIness. Nine infanls in lhe hosilaI nursery had umbiIicaI cord
coIonizalion by 9. E4@$#)(). InvironmenlaI cuIlures vere negalive for hosilaI equimenl.
1) a. Whal is lhe normaI habilal of lhis gram"negalive, facuIlaliveIy anaerobic, non"endosore"forming,
Iaclose"osilive rod`
b. Irovide a Ian for idenlifying lhe source of infeclion and revenling furlher infeclion.
Iage 156
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 14.4
2) !365&-$663 8$4E$62$#, gaslroenlerilis occurred on lhree cruises aboard lhe T.S.S. P$)"4@36$. Iigure 14.4 shovs
on"board cIinic visils for diarrheaI iIIness belveen Iebruary 10 and March 3.
a. IxIain lhe incidence allern shovn on lhe grah.
b. Whal are robabIe modes of lransmission`
c. Whal changes vouId you recommend before lhe shi books more cruises afler March 3`
Iage 157
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )E +,-'./,#0 +&-"#3,979 .B 8#%".=&3,-,%A
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) The mosl frequenlIy used orlaI of enlry for alhogens is lhe
A) Mucous membranes of lhe resiralory lracl.
) Mucous membranes of lhe gaslroinleslinaI lracl.
C) Skin.
D) IarenleraI roule.
I) AII are used equaIIy.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases is ./0 usuaIIy conlracled by lhe resiralory roule`
A) Ineumonia
) Infeclious healilis
C) TubercuIosis
D) Whooing cough
I) AII of lhe above are usuaIIy conlracled by lhe resiralory roule.
SkiII: Underslanding
3) Mosl alhogens lhal gain access lhrough lhe skin
A) Can enelrale inlacl skin.
) }usl infecl lhe skin ilseIf.
C) Inler lhrough hair foIIicIes and sveal ducls.
D) Musl adhere firsl vhiIe lheir invasive faclors aIIov lhem lo enelrale.
I) Musl be in|ecled.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
4) The ID
is a
A) Measure of alhogenicily.
) Dose lhal viII cause an infeclion in 50% of lhe lesl ouIalion.
C) Dose lhal viII kiII some of lhe lesl ouIalion.
D) Dose lhal viII cause an infeclion in some of lhe lesl ouIalion.
I) Dose lhal viII kiII 50% of lhe lesl ouIalion.
SkiII: RecaII
5) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 conlribule lo a alhogen's invasiveness`
A) Toxins
) CasuIe
C) CeII vaII
D) HyaIuronidase
I) Ligands
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 158
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) Leukocidins deslroy neulrohiIs.
) HemoIysins Iyse red bIood ceIIs.
C) HyaIuronidase breaks dovn subslances belveen ceIIs.
D) Kinase deslroys fibrin cIols.
I) CoaguIase deslroys bIood cIols.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul exoloxins is generaIIy faIse`
A) They are more olenl lhan endoloxins.
) They are comosed of roleins.
C) They are nol deslroyed by heal.
D) They have secific melhods of aclion.
I) They are roduced by gram"osilive bacleria.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Indoloxins are
A) Associaled vilh gram"osilive bacleria.
) Secific in lheir melhod of aclion.
C) Iarl of lhe gram"negalive ceII vaII.
D) Ixcreled from lhe ceII.
I) A" loxins.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
9) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a membrane"disruling loxin`
A) A" loxin
) HemoIysin
C) Leukocidin
D) SlreloIysin O
I) SlreloIysin S
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
10) Cyloalhic effecls are changes in hosl ceIIs due lo
A) ViraI infeclions.
) Irolozoan infeclions.
C) IungaI infeclions.
D) acleriaI infeclions.
I) HeIminlhic infeclions.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 159
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 conlribule lo lhe symloms of a fungaI disease`
A) CasuIes
) Toxins
C) AIIergic resonse of lhe hosl
D) CeII vaIIs
I) MelaboIic roducls
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a melhod of avoiding hosl anlibodies`
A) Anligenic change
) IgA rolease
C) Invasins
D) Membrane"disruling loxins
I) Inducing endocylosis
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
13) Siderohores are bacleriaI roleins lhal comele vilh animaI
A) Anlibodies.
) Red bIood ceIIs.
C) Transferrin.
D) While bIood ceIIs.
I) Recelors.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 be used for adherence`
A) Iimbriae
) CeII membrane mannose
C) GIycoroleins
D) Lioroleins
I) CasuIes
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 considered enlry via lhe arenleraI roule`
A) In|eclion
) ile
C) Surgery
D) Hair foIIicIe
I) Skin cul
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 160
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) A ceII vaII can increase a baclerium's viruIence because ceII vaII Iiid A
A) Resisls hagocylosis.
) HeIs lhe baclerium allach.
C) Deslroys hosl lissues.
D) Is loxic.
I) AII bacleria have a ceII vaII and aII are nol alhogenic, lherefore, ceII vaIIs do nol conlribule lo viruIence.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
17) oluIism is caused by a roleinaceous exoloxin, lherefore il can easiIy be revenled by
A) oiIing food rior lo consumlion.
) Adminislering anlibiolics lo alienls.
C) Nol ealing canned food.
D) Irevenling fecaI conlaminalion of food.
I) IiIlering food.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
18) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms does ./0 roduce an exoloxin`
A) !365&-$663 "+%84
) 96&)"#4E4(5 2&"(64-(5
C) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$
D) 96&)"#4E4(5 "$"3-4
I) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
19) Which of lhe foIIoving cyloalhic effecls is cylocidaI`
A) IncIusion bodies
) Gianl ceIIs
C) Anligenic changes
D) Transformalion
I) ReIease of enzymes from Iysosomes
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
20) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 used by bacleria for allachmenl lo a hosl`
A) M rolein
) Ligands
C) Iimbriae
D) CasuIes
I) A" loxin
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 161
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Symloms of rolozoan and heIminlhic diseases are due lo
A) Tissue damage due lo grovlh of lhe arasile on lhe lissues.
) Wasle roducls excreled by lhe arasile.
C) Iroducls reIeased from damaged lissues.
D) AII of lhe above.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul slahyIococcaI enleroloxin is faIse`
A) Il causes vomiling.
) Il causes diarrhea.
C) Il is an exoloxin.
D) Il is roduced by !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$() groving in lhe hosl's inleslines.
I) Il is a sueranligen.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 conlribule lo lhe viruIence of a alhogen`
A) Numbers of microorganisms lhal gain access lo a hosl
) CeII vaII
C) Toxins
D) Inzymes
I) AII of lhe above conlribule lo a alhogen's viruIence.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Lysogenic bacleriohages conlribule lo bacleriaI viruIence because bacleriohages
A) Give nev gene sequences lo lhe hosl bacleria.
) Iroduce loxins.
C) Carry Iasmids.
D) KiII lhe bacleria causing reIease of endoloxins.
I) KiII human ceIIs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) Thirly"lvo eoIe in San Irancisco vho ale |ackfish caughl al Midvay IsIand deveIoed maIaise, nausea,
bIurred vision, brealhing difficuIly, and numbness from 3 lo 6 hours afler ealing. The mosl IikeIy cause of lhis
food inloxicalion is
A) A mycoloxin.
) AfIaloxin.
C) SlahyIococcaI enleroloxin.
D) Cigualera.
I) ChoIera loxin.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 162
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul M rolein is faIse`
A) Il is found on !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)=
) Il is found on fimbriae.
C) Il is heal" and acid"resislanl.
D) Il is readiIy digesled by hagocyles.
I) Il is a rolein.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
27) Selic shock due lo gram"osilive bacleria is caused by
A) A" loxins.
) Liid A.
C) Membrane"disruling loxins.
D) Sueranligens.
I) Irylhrogenic loxin.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
28) A needIeslick is an examIe of vhich orlaI of enlry`
A) Skin
) IarenleraI roule
C) Mucous membranes
D) AII of lhe above
I) None of lhe above
SkiII: RecaII
29) IoIiovirus is ingesled and gains access lo lissues by vhich orlaI of enlry`
A) Skin
) IarenleraI
C) Mucous membranes
D) AII of lhe above
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3 roduces a lvo"arl exoloxin. The mosl IikeIy alhoIogic effecl of lhis loxin is
A) Inhibilion of rolein synlhesis.
) IIaccid araIysis.
C) Telani or Iock|av.
D) A red rash.
I) The bacleria viII be abIe lo grov in hagocyles.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 163
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) ChoIera loxin oIyelide A binds lo surface gangIiosides on largel ceIIs. If lhe gangIiosides vere removed,
A) IoIyelide A vouId bind lo largel ceIIs.
) IoIyelide A vouId enler lhe ceIIs.
C) IoIyelide vouId nol be abIe lo enler lhe ceIIs.
D) >42#4& vouId nol roduce choIera loxin.
I) >42#4& vouId bind lo largel ceIIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) Which is a melhod of avoiding hagocylosis`
A) Iroducing fimbriae
) Inducing endocylosis
C) Iroducing loxins
D) Inducing TNI
I) Iroducing iron"binding roleins
SkiII: Underslanding
33) The mechanism by vhich gram"negalive bacleria can cross lhe bIood"brain barrier`
A) Iroducing fimbriae
) Inducing endocylosis
C) Iroducing loxins
D) Inducing TNI
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
34) In|eclabIe drugs are lesled for endoloxins by
A) The 745(6() amoebocyle Iysale lesl.
) Counling lhe viabIe bacleria.
C) IiIlering oul lhe ceIIs.
D) Looking for lurbidily.
I) CuIluring bacleria.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
35) Indoloxins in sleriIe in|eclabIe drugs couId cause
A) Infeclion.
) Selic shock symloms.
C) Gianl ceII formalion.
D) Nerve damage.
I) No damage, because lhey are sleriIe.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 164
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) Gram"negalive selic shock resuIls from lhe foIIoving evenls. Whal is lhe second sle`
A) ody lemeralure is resel in lhe hyolhaIamus.
) Iever occurs.
C) IL"1 is reIeased.
D) LIS is reIeased from gram"negalive bacleria.
I) Ihagocyles ingesl gram"negalive bacleria.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Anlibiolics can Iead lo selic shock if used lo lreal
A) ViraI infeclions.
) Gram"negalive bacleriaI infeclions.
C) Gram"osilive bacleriaI infeclions.
D) Irolozoan infeclions.
I) HeIminlh infeslalions.
SkiII: RecaII
38) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a cyloalhic effecl of viruses`
A) CeII dealh
) Hosl ceIIs fusing lo form muIlinucIealed syncylia
C) IncIusion bodies forming in lhe cyloIasm or nucIeus
D) Increased ceII grovlh
I) Toxin roduclion
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
39) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms causes lhe mosl severe disease`
A) ;= '&64 O157:H7 ID
) ?84-&@4#() ID
C) !84,$663 ID
D) 0#$%&-$53 %3664E(5 ID
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
TabIe 15.1
Use lhese dala lo ansver lhe foIIoving queslion:
acleria IorlaI of enlry
!"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$() Wound ,10
!= 3(#$() Wound#amiciIIin 300
40) The adminislralion of amiciIIin before surgery
A) Decreases lhe risk of slahyIococcaI infeclion.
) Increases lhe risk of slahyIococcaI infeclion.
C) Has no effecl on risk of infeclion.
D) ReIaces lelracycIine.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 165
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) Which organism mosl easiIy causes an infeclion`
A) ;= '&64 O157:H7 ID
) 7$,4&-$663 %-$(5&%8463 ID
C) !84,$663 ID
D) 0#$%&-$53 %3664E(5 ID
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: Underslanding
42) acleria lhal cause eriodonlaI disease have adhesins for recelors on slrelococci lhal coIonize on leelh. This
indicales lhal
A) Slrelococci gel bacleriaI infeclions.
) SlrelococcaI coIonizalion is necessary for eriodonlaI disease.
C) acleria lhal cause eriodonlaI disease adhere lo gums and leelh.
D) acleria lhal cause eriodonlaI disease adhere lo leelh.
I) Slrelococci cause eriodonlaI disease.
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) Nonalhogenic >42#4& '8&6$#3$ can acquire lhe choIera loxin gene by
A) Ihagocylosis.
) Transduclion.
C) Con|ugalion.
D) Transformalion.
I) Infecling a alhogenic >42#4& '8&6$#3$=
SkiII: AnaIysis
44) In resonse lo lhe resence of endoloxin, hagocyles secrele lumor necrosis faclor. This causes
A) The disease lo subside.
) A decrease in bIood ressure.
C) A fever.
D) A gram"negalive infeclion.
I) An increase in red bIood ceIIs.
SkiII: RecaII
45) Ialienls deveIoed infIammalion a fev hours foIIoving eye surgery. Inslrumenls and soIulions vere sleriIe,
and lhe 745(6() assay vas osilive. The alienls' infIammalion vas due lo
A) acleriaI infeclion.
) ViraI infeclion.
C) Indoloxin.
D) Ixoloxin.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Issay Queslions
1) Anlibiolics can kiII gram"negalive bacleria, bul symloms of fever and Iov bIood ressure can ersisl. Why`
Iage 166
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
2) Why is diagnosis of boluIism difficuIl`
Iage 167
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )F V33#%& V7753,%AQ O.39$&-,B,- N&B&39&9 .B %"& T.9%
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Innale immunily is
A) The body's abiIily lo vard off diseases.
) The body's defenses againsl any kind of alhogen.
C) The body's defense againsl a arlicuIar alhogen.
D) The Iack of resislance.
I) Increased suscelibiIily lo disease.
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a hysicaI faclor rolecling lhe skin and mucous membranes from infeclion`
A) Layers of ceIIs
) Tears
C) SaIiva
D) Lysozyme
I) CiIiary escaIalor
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) The funclion of lhe "ciIiary escaIalor" is lo
A) KiII microorganisms.
) Remove microorganisms from body cavilies.
C) Remove microorganisms from lhe Iover resiralory lracl.
D) Remove microorganisms from lhe uer resiralory lracl.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving exhibils lhe highesl hagocylic aclivily`
A) NeulrohiIs
) Irylhrocyles
C) Lymhocyles
D) asohiIs
I) IosinohiIs
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
5) TLRs allach lo aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) AMIs.
) IIageIIin.
I) IelidogIycan.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 168
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 be delermined from a differenliaI counl`
A) The number of vhile bIood ceIIs
) The numbers of each lye of vhile bIood ceII
C) The number of red bIood ceIIs
D) The ossibiIily of a slale of disease
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
7) The comIemenl rolein cascade is lhe same for lhe cIassicaI alhvay, aIlernalive alhvay, and Ieclin alhvay
beginning vilh lhe aclivalion of
A) C1.
) C2.
C) C3.
D) C5.
I) C6.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
8) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 increase bIood vesseI ermeabiIily`
A) Kinins
) IroslagIandins
C) Lysozymes
D) Hislamine
I) Leukolrienes
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
9) Which of lhe foIIoving choices shovs lhe order in vhich vhile bIood ceIIs migrale lo infecled lissues`
A) Macrohages ! monocyles
) Lymhocyles ! macrohages
C) NeulrohiIs ! macrohages
D) NeulrohiIs ! monocyles
I) Macrohages ! neulrohiIs
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
10) 13#,4-3"4&- refers lo
A) The adherence of hagocyles lo microorganisms.
) The chemolaclic resonse of hagocyles.
C) Adherence of hagocyles lo lhe Iining of bIood vesseIs.
D) DiIalion of bIood vesseIs.
I) The movemenl of hagocyles lhrough vaIIs of bIood vesseIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 169
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is lrue`
A) AIha inlerferon is an anliviraI rolein.
) AIha inlerferon romoles hagocylosis.
C) Gamma inlerferon causes baclericidaI aclivily by macrohages.
D) AIha inlerferon acls againsl secific viruses.
I) ela inlerferon allacks invading viruses.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Which of lhe foIIoving is found normaIIy in serum`
A) ComIemenl
) Inlerferon
C) Hislamine
D) Leukocylosis"romoling faclor
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an effecl of comIemenl aclivalion`
A) Inlerference vilh viraI reIicalion
) acleriaI ceII Iysis
C) Osonizalion
D) Increased hagocylic aclivily
I) Increased bIood vesseI ermeabiIily
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
14) Which of lhe foIIoving is an effecl of osonizalion`
A) Increased adherence of hagocyles lo microorganisms
) Increased marginalion of hagocyles
C) Increased diaedesis of hagocyles
D) InfIammalion
I) CyloIysis
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a vay in vhich normaI microbiola rovide roleclion from infeclion`
A) They rovide anlibacleriaI chemicaIs.
) They oulcomele nevcomers.
C) They make lhe chemicaI environmenl unsuilabIe for nonresidenl bacleria.
D) They roduce Iysozyme.
I) They change lhe H of lhe environmenl.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 170
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 rovide roleclion from hagocylic digeslion`
A) Irevenling formalion of hagoIysosomes
) KiIIing vhile bIood ceIIs
C) Causing formalion of hagoIysosomes
D) AbiIily lo grov al a Iov H
I) iofiIms
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) Defensive ceIIs such as T ceIIs idenlify alhogens by binding vhich of lhe foIIoving`
A) ToII"Iike recelors
) Lysozyme
C) ComIemenl
D) Leclins
I) Cylokines
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
18) The sveIIing associaled vilh infIammalion decreases vhen lhe fIuid
A) Relurns lo lhe bIood.
) Goes inlo Iymh caiIIaries.
C) Is excreled in urine.
D) Is Iosl as ersiralion.
I) None of lhe above
SkiII: RecaII
19) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul fixed macrohages is faIse`
A) They are found in cerlain lissues and organs.
) They deveIo from neulrohiIs.
C) They are ceIIs of lhe mononucIear hagocylic syslem.
D) They are malure monocyles.
I) AII of lhe above slalemenls are lrue.
SkiII: AnaIysis
20) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 used by hagocyles lo adhere lo a microorganism`
A) Traing a baclerium againsl a rough surface
) Osonizalion
C) Chemolaxis
D) Lysozyme
I) ComIemenl
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 171
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an effecl of hislamine`
A) VasodiIalion
) Iever
C) SveIIing
D) Redness
I) Iain
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a funclion of infIammalion`
A) To deslroy an in|urious agenl
) To remove an in|urious agenl
C) To vaII off an in|urious agenl
D) To reair damaged lissue
I) To roduce anlibodies
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
23) ChiII is a sign lhal
A) ody lemeralure is faIIing.
) ody lemeralure is rising.
C) ody lemeralure viII remain lhe same.
D) Svealing viII foIIov.
I) None of lhe above.
SkiII: RecaII
24) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is lrue`
A) There are al Ieasl 30 comIemenl roleins.
) AII of lhe comIemenl roleins are aIvays aclive in serum.
C) Iaclors , D, and I cause cyloIysis.
D) ComIemenl aclivily is anligen secific.
I) ComIemenl increases afler immunizalion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
25) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a resuIl of comIemenl fixalion`
A) Aclivalion of C3b
) Immune adherence
C) Acule IocaI infIammalion
D) Osonizalion
I) CeII Iysis
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 172
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 arl of lhe mechanism of aclion of aIha and bela inlerferons`
A) They bind lo lhe surface of uninfecled ceIIs.
) They inaclivale viruses.
C) They iniliale manufaclure of anliviraI roleins.
D) They vork in ceIIs nol roducing INI.
I) They iniliale lranscrilion.
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) The aIlernalive alhvay for comIemenl aclivalion is inilialed by
A) IoIysaccharides and C3b.
) C5!C9.
C) Anligen!anlibody reaclions.
D) Iaclors reIeased from hagocyles.
I) Iaclors reIeased from damaged lissues.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
28) The cIassicaI alhvay for comIemenl aclivalion is inilialed by
A) IoIysaccharides and C3b.
) C5!C9.
C) Anligen!anlibody reaclions.
D) Iaclors reIeased from hagocyles.
I) Iaclors reIeased from damaged lissues.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
29) Aclivalion of C3a resuIls in
A) Acule infIammalion.
) Increased bIood vesseI ermeabiIily.
C) Iever.
D) Allraclion of hagocyles.
I) CeII Iysis.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) NeulrohiIs vilh defeclive Iysosomes are unabIe lo
A) Move by chemolaxis.
) Migrale.
C) Iroduce loxic oxygen roducls.
D) Live.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 173
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 16.1
31) In Iigure 16.1, vhal haens nexl`
A) C2 causes bacleriaI Iyses.
) C2a and C4b aclivale C3.
C) C1 binds C2.
D) C4 aclivales hagocyles.
I) C5a aclivales C6.
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) Afler ingesling a alhogen, IysosomaI enzymes roduce aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) ComIemenl.
) O
C) H
D) OH-.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Aclivalion of C5!C9 resuIls in
A) Aclivalion of C3.
) Iixalion of comIemenl.
C) Leakage of ceII conlenls.
D) Ihagocylosis.
I) InfIammalion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
34) A C"reaclive rolein (CRI) lesl vas ordered for a alienl vho recenlIy undervenl surgery. The resuIls reveaIed
CRI IeveIs 10 limes grealer lhan normaI. This indicales
A) InfIammalion.
) A normaI resonse lo lhe lrauma of surgery.
C) AbnormaIIy high bIood rolein.
D) InlernaI bIeeding.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 174
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
35) Which of lhe foIIoving is invoIved in resislance lo arasilic heIminlhs`
A) asohiI
) IosinohiI
C) Lymhocyle
D) Monocyle
I) NeulrohiI
SkiII: RecaII
36) Macrohages arise from vhich of lhe foIIoving`
A) asohiI
) IosinohiI
C) Lymhocyle
D) Monocyle
I) NeulrohiI
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
37) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) asohiI
) IosinohiI
C) Dendrilic ceII
D) NaluraI kiIIer ceII
I) NeulrohiI
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) acleria have siderohores lhal calure iron, humans counler lhis by
A) Iroducing iron.
) Transferrins.
C) Toxin roduclion.
D) Iron"degrading enzymes.
I) Inlerferon.
SkiII: RecaII
39) AII of lhe foIIoving occur during infIammalion. Whal is lhe firsl sle`
A) Diaedesis
) Marginalion
C) Ihagocyle migralion
D) Reair
I) VasodiIalion
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 175
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
40) The Ieclin alhvay for comIemenl aclion is inilialed by
A) Mannose on hosl membranes.
) Mannose on lhe arasile.
C) Leclins of lhe arasile.
D) Gram"negalive ceII vaIIs.
I) Gram"osilive ceII vaIIs.
SkiII: RecaII
41) Which one of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an effecl of fever`
A) Increases roduclion of T ceIIs.
) Increases aIha inlerferon aclivily.
C) Increases lransferrin roduclion.
D) KiIIs alhogens.
I) Increases inlerIeukin"1.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) SeveraI inheriled deficiencies in lhe comIemenl syslem occur in humans. Which of lhe foIIoving vouId be lhe
mosl severe`
A) Deficiency of C3
) Deficiency of C5
C) Deficiency of C6
D) Deficiency of C7
I) Deficiency of C8
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
43) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe cIassicaI alhvay of comIemenl aclivalion is faIse`
A) C1 is lhe firsl rolein aclivaled in lhe cIassicaI alhvay.
) The C1 rolein comIex is inilialed by anligen!anlibody comIexes.
C) C3 is nol invoIved in lhe cIassicaI alhvay.
D) CIeaved fragmenls of some of lhe roleins acl lo increase infIammalion.
I) C3b causes osonizalion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
44) acleriaI enzymes such as calaIase and sueroxide dismulase can rolecl bacleria from
A) ComIemenl.
) Hislamine.
C) Gamma inlerferon.
D) Ihagocylic digeslion.
I) Ihagocylosis.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 176
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
45) Serum is oblained from bIood by
A) Cenlrifuging vhoIe bIood.
) CoaguIaling vhoIe bIood.
C) Lysing red bIood ceIIs.
D) Lysing vhile bIood ceIIs.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) IxIain hov each of lhe foIIoving avoids being kiIIed by hagocyles.
a. !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
b. 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
c. !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
d. !84,$663 E+)$-"$#43$
2) A alienl consuIled a hysician for symloms lhal incIuded a svoIIen loe, a red slreak aIong his ankIe, and
enIarged Iymh nodes in his groin. IxIain lhe cause of lhese symloms.
Iage 177
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )I @2#$%,<& V7753,%AQ W$&-,B,- N&B&39&9 .B %"& T.9%
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Whal lye of immunily resuIls from vaccinalion`
A) Innale immunily
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
2) Whal lye of immunily resuIls from lransfer of anlibodies from one individuaI lo a suscelibIe individuaI by
means of in|eclion`
A) Innale immunily
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
3) Whal lye of immunily resuIls from recovery from mums`
A) Innale immunily
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily
SkiII: Underslanding
4) A human's resislance lo canine dislemer is an examIe of
A) Innale immunily.
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily.
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily.
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily.
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
5) Nevborns' immunily due lo lhe lransfer of anlibodies across lhe Iacenla is an examIe of
A) Innale immunily.
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily.
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily.
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily.
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 178
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Whal lye of immunily is ./0 due lo anlibodies`
A) Innale immunily
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
7) Whal lye of immunily resuIls from in|eclion of lelanus loxoid`
A) Innale immunily
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
8) Immunily due lo in|eclion of an anligen is an examIe of
A) Innale immunily.
) NaluraIIy acquired aclive immunily.
C) NaluraIIy acquired assive immunily.
D) ArlificiaIIy acquired aclive immunily.
I) ArlificiaIIy acquired assive immunily.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
9) CD4
T ceIIs are aclivaled by
A) Inleraclion belveen CD4
and MHC II.
) Inleraclion belveen TCRs and MHC II.
C) Cylokines reIeased by dendlrilic ceIIs.
D) Cylokines reIeased by ceIIs.
I) ComIemenl.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
10) Which of lhe foIIoving recognizes anligens disIayed on hosl ceIIs vilh MHC II`
A) T
) ceII
C) T
D) NaluraI kiIIer ceII
I) asohiI
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 179
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) The secificily of an anlibody is due lo
A) Ils vaIence.
) The H chains.
C) The L chains.
D) The conslanl orlions of lhe H and L chains.
I) The variabIe orlions of lhe H and L chains.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of ceIIs`
A) They originale in bone marrov.
) They have anlibodies on lheir surfaces.
C) They are resonsibIe for lhe memory resonse.
D) They are resonsibIe for anlibody formalion.
I) They recognize anligens associaled vilh MHC I.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of ceIIuIar immunily`
A) The ceIIs originale in bone marrov.
) CeIIs are rocessed in lhe lhymus gIand.
C) Il can inhibil lhe immune resonse.
D) ceIIs make anlibodies.
I) T ceIIs reacl vilh anligens.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
14) IIasma ceIIs are aclivaled by a(n)
A) Anligen.
) T ceII.
C) ceII.
D) Memory ceII.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
15) The anlibodies found in mucus, saIiva, and lears are
A) IgG.
) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
I) IgI.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 180
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) The anlibodies found on ceIIs are
A) IgG.
) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
I) IgI.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
17) The anlibodies lhal can bind lo Iarge arasiles are
A) IgG.
) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
I) IgI.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
18) In addilion lo IgG, lhe anlibodies lhal can fix comIemenl are
A) IgG.
) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
I) IgI.
SkiII: RecaII
19) Large anlibodies lhal aggIulinale anligens are
A) IgG.
) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
I) IgI.
SkiII: RecaII
20) The mosl abundanl cIass of anlibodies in serum is
A) IgG.
) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
I) IgI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 181
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 17.1
21) In Iigure 17.1, vhich Ieller on lhe grah indicales lhe alienl's secondary resonse lo an anligen`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
22) In Iigure 17.1, vhich Ieller on lhe grah indicales lhe alienl's resonse lo a second anligen`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) In Iigure 17.1, lhe arrov al lime (d) indicales
A) The lime of exosure lo lhe same anligen as al lime (a).
) The secondary resonse.
C) The rimary resonse.
D) Ixosure lo a nev anligen.
I) The T"ceII resonse.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which slalemenl is faIse`
A) The variabIe region of a heavy chain binds vilh anligen.
) The variabIe region of a Iighl chain binds vilh anligen.
C) The Ic region allaches lo a hosl ceII.
D) The conslanl region of a heavy chain is lhe same for aII anlibodies.
I) AII of lhe above slalemenls are lrue.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 182
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) The besl definilion of 3-"4,$- is
A) Somelhing foreign in lhe body.
) A chemicaI lhal eIicils an anlibody resonse and can combine vilh lhese anlibodies.
C) A chemicaI lhal combines vilh anlibodies.
D) A alhogen.
I) A rolein lhal combines vilh anlibodies.
SkiII: RecaII
26) The besl definilion 3-"42&E+ is
A) A serum rolein.
) A rolein lhal inaclivales or kiIIs an anligen.
C) A rolein made in resonse lo an anligen lhal can combine vilh lhal anligen.
D) An immunogIobuIin.
I) A rolein lhal combines vilh a rolein or carbohydrale.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
27) The foIIoving evenls eIicil an anlibody resonse. Whal is lhe lhird sle`
A) Anligen"digesl goes lo surface of AIC.
) AIC hagocylizes anligen.
C) ceII is aclivaled.
D) T
ceII recognizes anligen"digesl and MHC II.
I) T
ceII roduces cylokines.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 17.2
28) In Iigure 17.2, vhich areas are simiIar for aII IgG anlibodies`
A) a and b
) a and c
C) b and c
D) c and d
I) b and d
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 183
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
29) In Iigure 17.2, vhich areas are differenl for aII IgM anlibodies`
A) a and b
) a and c
C) b and c
D) c and d
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) In Iigure 17.2, vhich areas reresenl anligen"binding siles`
A) a and b
) a and c
C) b and c
D) c and d
I) b and d
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
31) In Iigure 17.2, vhal can allach lo a hosl ceII`
A) a and c
) b and c
C) b
D) d
I) e
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) Iigure 17.2 couId be any of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) IgM.
) IgG.
C) IgD.
D) IgI.
I) The figure couId reresenl any of lhe above.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) The resence of vhich of lhe foIIoving indicales a currenl infeclion ralher lhan a revious infeclion or
A) IgA
) IgG
C) IgM
D) IgD
I) IgI
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 184
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) Which of lhe foIIoving deslroys virus"infecled ceIIs`
) T
C) T
D) Dendrilic ceIIs
I) ceIIs
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
35) The foIIoving evenls occur in ceIIuIar immunily. Whal is lhe lhird sle`
A) Anlibodies are roduced.
) Dendrilic ceII lakes u anligen.
C) Anligen enlers M ceII
D) T
ceII roduces cylokines.
I) T
ceIIs roIiferale.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
36) Cylokines reIeased by T
1 ceIIs
A) Aclivale CD8
ceIIs lo CTLs.
) Converl T
1 ceIIs lo T
2 ceIIs.
C) Converl T
2 ceIIs lo T
1 ceIIs.
D) KiII arasiles.
I) Converl ceIIs lo T ceIIs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
37) Which one of lhe foIIoving causes lransmembrane channeIs in largel ceIIs`
A) Anligen
) Halen
C) IL"1
D) IL"2
I) Ierforin
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
38) Ialienls vilh an inheriled lye of coIon cancer caIIed famiIiaI adenomalous oIyosis have a mulalion in lhe
gene lhal codes for
A) Aolosis.
) IgI anlibodies.
C) T heIer ceIIs.
I) Ihagocylosis.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 185
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) Thymic seIeclion
A) Deslroys T ceIIs lhal don'l recognize seIf"moIecuIes of MHC.
) Deslroys ceIIs lhal make anlibodies againsl seIf.
C) Deslroys MHC moIecuIes.
D) Deslroys CD4
ceIIs lhal allack seIf.
I) Aclivales ceIIs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
40) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul naluraI kiIIer ceIIs is faIse`
A) They deslroy virus"infecled ceIIs.
) They deslroy lumor ceIIs.
C) They deslroy ceIIs Iacking MHC I.
D) They are slimuIaled by an anligen.
I) AII of lhe above slalemenls are lrue.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) An anlibody's Ic region can be bound by
A) Anlibodies.
) Macrohages.
C) T heIer ceIIs.
D) ceIIs.
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) A T
ceII deficiency couId resuIl in
A) Increased number of viraI infeclions.
) Increased number of bacleriaI infeclions.
C) Auloimmunily.
D) Increased severily of bacleriaI infeclions.
I) TransIanl re|eclion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
43) CeII dealh caused by erforin and granzymes is caused by
A) CTLs.
) T
1 ceIIs.
C) T
2 ceIIs.
D) ceIIs.
I) TLRs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 186
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) IL"2, roduced by T
A) Aclivales macrohages.
) SlimuIales T
ceII maluralion.
C) Causes hagocylosis.
D) Aclivales anligen"resenling ceIIs.
I) Aclivales T
ceIIs lo CTLs.
SkiII: RecaII
45) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul IL"12 is faIse`
A) Il aclivales macrohages.
) Il inhibils some lumor ceIIs.
C) Il aclivales lhe T
1 alhvay.
D) Il causes auloimmune diseases.
I) Il causes T
ceIIs lo resond lo HIV.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) A erson has anlibodies againsl lhe measIes virus. Idenlify lhree vays in vhich lhese anlibodies couId be
2) Describe lhe roduclion of anlibodies using lhe cIonaI seIeclion lheory.
3) Iosilive diagnosis of AIDS is made vhen a alienl has anlibodies againsl lhe human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV). Why does a alienl have an immune deficiency if he or she is making anlibodies`
Iage 187
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )J 8'#-%,-#0 @$$0,-#%,.39 .B V7753.0.=A
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 normaIIy used in a vaccine`
A) Toxoid
) Iarls of bacleriaI ceIIs
C) Live, allenualed bacleria
D) Inaclivaled viruses
I) Anlibodies
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
2) Ialienl's serum, infIuenza virus, and red bIood ceIIs are mixed in a lube. Whal haens if lhe alienl has
anlibodies againsl infIuenza virus`
A) AggIulinalion
) HemaggIulinalion
C) ComIemenl fixalion
D) HemoIysis
I) HemaggIulinalion"inhibilion
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) A alienl shovs lhe resence of anlibodies againsl dihlheria loxin. Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) The alienl may have lhe disease.
) The alienl may have had lhe disease and has recovered.
C) The alienl may have been vaccinaled.
D) A recenl lransfusion may have assiveIy inlroduced lhe anlibodies.
I) The alienl vas near someone vho had lhe disease.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
4) In an aggIulinalion lesl, eighl seriaI diIulions lo delermine anlibody liler vere sel u: lube -1 conlained a 1:2
diIulion, lube -2, a 1:4, elc. If lube -6 is lhe Iasl lube shoving aggIulinalion, vhal is lhe anlibody liler`
A) 6
) 1:6
C) 64
D) 1:32
I) 32
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a disadvanlage of a Iive virus vaccine`
A) The Iive vaccine may reverl lo a more viruIenl form.
) Ixogenous rolein conlaminanls may be resenl.
C) Anlibody resonse is nol as good as vilh inaclivaled viruses.
D) Live viruses generaIIy require refrigeralion.
I) AII of lhe above are disadvanlages of Iive virus vaccine.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 188
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 yieId anlibodies for seroIogicaI lesling`
A) Vaccinaled humans
) Vaccinaled animaIs
C) MonocIonaI anlibodies
D) ViraI cuIlures
I) AII of lhe above may yieId anlibodies for seroIogicaI lesling.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) A reaclion belveen an anlibody and soIubIe anligen"forming Iallices is caIIed a(n)
A) AggIulinalion reaclion.
) ComIemenl fixalion.
C) ImmunofIuorescence.
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion.
I) Ireciilalion reaclion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
8) A reaclion belveen anlibody and arlicuIale anligen is caIIed a(n)
A) AggIulinalion reaclion.
) ComIemenl fixalion.
C) ImmunofIuorescence.
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion.
I) Ireciilalion reaclion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
9) A reaclion using red bIood ceIIs as lhe indicalor and hemoIysis indicales an anligen!anlibody reaclion is caIIed
A) AggIulinalion reaclion.
) ComIemenl fixalion.
C) ImmunofIuorescence.
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion.
I) Ireciilalion reaclion.
SkiII: RecaII
10) An indirecl version of vhich lesl using anlihuman gIobuIin may be used lo delecl alienl's anlibodies againsl
0#$%&-$53 %3664E(5`
A) AggIulinalion reaclion
) ComIemenl fixalion
C) ImmunofIuorescence
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion
I) Ireciilalion reaclion
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 189
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Toxoid vaccines such as lhe vaccines againsl dihlheria and lelanus eIicil a(n)
A) T
ceII resonse.
) Immune comIex.
C) Dendrilic ceII roIiferalion.
D) Anlibody resonse againsl lhese bacleriaI loxins.
I) Anlibody resonse againsl gram"osilive bacleria.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Whal lye of vaccine is !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$) casuIe`
A) Con|ugaled vaccine
) Subunil vaccine
C) NucIeic acid vaccine
D) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine
I) Toxoid vaccine
SkiII: RecaII
13) Whal lye of vaccine invoIves hosl synlhesis of viraI anligens`
A) Con|ugaled vaccine
) Subunil vaccine
C) NucIeic acid vaccine
D) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine
I) Toxoid vaccine
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
14) Iurified rolein from C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4) is a(n)
A) Con|ugaled vaccine.
) Subunil vaccine.
C) NucIeic acid vaccine.
D) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
SkiII: RecaII
15) Whal lye of vaccine is Iive measIes virus`
A) Con|ugaled vaccine
) Subunil vaccine
C) NucIeic acid vaccine
D) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine
I) Toxoid vaccine
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 190
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) A lesl used lo idenlify anlibodies againsl 0#$%&-$53 %3664E(5 in a alienl is lhe
A) Direcl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
) Indirecl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
C) Direcl aggIulinalion lesl.
D) Direcl ILISA lesl.
I) HemaggIulinalion"inhibilion lesl.
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) A lesl used lo idenlify !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$) in a alienl is lhe
A) Direcl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
) Indirecl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
C) HemaggIulinalion.
D) HemaggIulinalion"inhibilion.
I) Indirecl ILISA.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
18) A lesl used lo delecl anli"?4'K$"")43 anlibodies in a alienl is lhe
A) Direcl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
) Indirecl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
SkiII: AnaIysis
19) Which of lhe foIIoving is a regnancy lesl used lo find lhe felaI hormone HCG in a voman's urine using
anli"HCG and Ialex sheres`
A) Direcl aggIulinalion reaclion
) Iassive aggIulinalion reaclion
C) ImmunofIuorescence
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion
I) Ireciilalion reaclion
SkiII: AnaIysis
20) Which of lhe foIIoving is a lesl lo delermine alienl's bIood lye by mixing alienl's red bIood ceIIs vilh
A) Direcl aggIulinalion reaclion
) Iassive aggIulinalion reaclion
C) ImmunofIuorescence
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion
I) Ireciilalion reaclion
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) Which of lhe foIIoving is a lesl lo delermine lhe resence of soIubIe anligens in alienl's saIiva`
A) Direcl aggIulinalion reaclion
) Iassive aggIulinalion reaclion
C) ImmunofIuorescence
D) NeulraIizalion reaclion
I) Ireciilalion reaclion
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 191
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
22) Ialienl's serum, ?4'K$"")43< guinea ig comIemenl, shee red bIood ceIIs, and anli"shee red bIood ceIIs are
mixed in a lube. Whal haens if lhe alienl has eidemic lyhus`
A) acleria fIuoresce.
) HemaggIulinalion occurs.
C) HemaggIulinalion"inhibilion occurs.
D) HemoIysis occurs.
I) ?4'K$"")43 grov.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
23) A vaccine againsl HIV roleins made by vaccinia virus is a(n)
A) Con|ugaled vaccine.
) Subunil vaccine.
C) NucIeic acid vaccine.
D) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Inaclivaled lelanus loxin is a(n)
A) Con|ugaled vaccine.
) Subunil vaccine.
C) NucIeic acid vaccine.
D) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$ b casuIar oIysaccharide vilh a rolein is a(n)
A) Con|ugaled vaccine.
) Subunil vaccine.
C) NucIeic acid vaccine.
D) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 192
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 18.1
Anlibody Tiler
Day 1 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21
Ialienl A 0 0 256 512
Ialienl 128 256 512 1024
Ialienl C 0 0 0 0
Ialienl D 128 128 128 128
26) In TabIe 18.1, vho robabIy has lhe disease`
A) A and
) and C
C) A and C
D) C and D
I) A and D
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) In TabIe 18.1, vho is mosl IikeIy rolecled from lhe disease`
A) A
C) C
D) D
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) In TabIe 18.1, vho shoved seroconversion during lhese observalions`
A) A
C) C
D) D
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 18.1
29) In Iigure 18.1, vhich comonenl came from lhe alienl in lhis ILISA lesl`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) Which of lhe foIIoving lesls is ./0 correclIy malched lo ils osilive reaclion`
A) HemaggIulinalion ! cIuming of red bIood ceIIs
) ComIemenl fixalion ! no hemoIysis
C) NeulraIizalion ! no lissue/animaI dealh
D) ILISA ! enzyme"subslrale reaclion
I) Weslern bIol ! aggIulinalion
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
31) To delecl boluIinum loxin in food, susecl food is in|ecled inlo lvo guinea igs. The guinea ig lhal vas
vaccinaled againsl boluIism survives, bul lhe one lhal vas nol vaccinaled dies. This is an examIe of
A) AggIulinalion.
) NeulraIizalion.
C) HemaggIulinalion.
D) IIuorescenl anlibodies.
SkiII: Underslanding
32) The foIIoving sles are used lo roduce monocIonaI anlibodies. Whal is lhe fourlh sle`
A) A ceII is aclivaled lo roduce anlibodies.
) CuIlure lhe hybridoma.
C) Iuse a ceII lo a myeIoma ceII.
D) IsoIale anlibody"roducing ceIIs.
I) Vaccinale a mouse.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
33) IaIivizumab is used lo lreal resiralory syncyliaI virus disease. The anliviraI drug is
A) A loxoid.
) A monocIonaI anlibody.
C) A vaccine.
D) An immunosuressive.
I) A nucIeoside anaIog.
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Live oIio virus can be used in a(n)
A) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
C) Con|ugaled vaccine.
D) Subunil vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) J3$5&%846() casuIe oIysaccharide Ius dihlheria loxoid is a(n)
A) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
C) Con|ugaled vaccine.
D) Subunil vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
36) Dead C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4) can be used in a(n)
A) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
C) Con|ugaled vaccine.
D) Subunil vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Healilis virus surface anligen can be used in a(n)
A) Inaclivaled vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
) Allenualed vhoIe"agenl vaccine.
C) Con|ugaled vaccine.
D) Subunil vaccine.
I) Toxoid vaccine.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) Which is lhe lhird sle in a direcl ILISA lesl`
A) Subslrale for lhe enzyme
) Anligen
C) Anlihuman immune serum
D) Anlibodies againsl lhe anligen
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) Which ilem is from lhe alienl in a direcl ILISA lesl`
A) Subslrale for lhe enzyme
) Anligen
C) Anlihuman immune serum
D) Anlibodies againsl lhe anligen
SkiII: Underslanding
40) Which of lhe foIIoving lesls is mosl usefuI in delermining lhe resence of AIDS anlibodies`
A) AggIulinalion
) ComIemenl fixalion
C) NeulraIizalion
D) Indirecl ILISA
I) Direcl fIuorescenl"anlibody
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
41) Which of lhe foIIoving uses fIuorescenl"IabeIed anlibodies`
A) AggIulinalion
) ComIemenl fixalion
C) Ireciilalion
D) IIov cylomelry
I) NeulraIizalion
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
42) Which of lhe foIIoving uses red bIood ceIIs as lhe indicalor`
A) AggIulinalion
) ComIemenl fixalion
C) Ireciilalion
D) IIov cylomelry
I) NeulraIizalion
SkiII: RecaII
Silualion 18.1
In an immunodiffusion lesl lo diagnose hisloIasmosis, alienl's serum is Iaced in a veII in an agar Iale. In a osilive lesl,
a reciilale forms as lhe serum diffuses from lhe veII and meels maleriaI diffusing from a second veII.
43) In Silualion 18.1, vhal is in lhe second veII`
A) Anlibodies
) A fungaI anligen
C) IungaI ceIIs
D) MyceIia
I) Red bIood ceIIs
SkiII: Underslanding
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) The immunodiffusion lesl described in Silualion 18.1 is
A) An aggIulinalion reaclion.
) A reciilalion reaclion.
C) A comIemenl"fixalion lesl.
D) An ILISA lesl.
I) A direcl lesl.
SkiII: Underslanding
45) Which one of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul measIes is lrue`
A) Il is nol a serious disease.
) Il is endemic in lhe Uniled Slales.
C) AnnuaIIy, il kiIIs lhousands of chiIdren vorIdvide.
D) Il is nol revenlabIe.
I) AII chiIdren shouId gel lhe disease.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) IxIain lhe ILISA lesl lo delecl lhe resence of HIV anlibodies in a alienl.
2) Design a seroIogicaI lesl lo delecl boluIinum loxin in food.
3) A erson has an anlibody liler of 28. Whal do you knov aboul lhis erson`
Iage 197
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' )K N,9.'2&'9 @99.-,#%&2 H,%" %"& V7753& WA9%&7
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Hyersensilivily is due lo
A) The resence of an anligen.
) Immunily.
C) The resence of anlibodies.
D) An aIlered immune resonse.
I) AIIergies.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
2) The chemicaI medialors of anahyIaxis are
A) Iound in basohiIs and masl ceIIs.
) Anlibodies.
C) Anligens.
D) Anligen"anlibody comIexes.
I) The roleins of lhe comIemenl syslem.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving may resuIl from syslemic anahyIaxis`
A) Hay fever
) Aslhma
C) Shock
D) Hives
I) Immunodeficiency
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
4) Which anlibodies viII be in lhe serum of a erson vilh bIood lye , Rh
A) Anli"A, anli", anli"Rh
) Anli"A, anli"Rh
C) Anli"A
D) Anli", anli"Rh
I) Anli"
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
5) Which lye of lransIanl is Ieasl comalibIe`
A) Aulografl
) AIIografl
C) Isografl
D) XenolransIanl
I) AII of lhe above are equaIIy comalibIe.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 used lo delermine reIaledness belveen a donor and a reciienl for lransIanls`
A) AO anligens
) AO anlibodies
C) MHC anligens
D) MHC anlibodies
I) AII of lhe above are used lo delermine reIaledness belveen donor and reciienl.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) Grafl"versus"hosl disease viII mosl IikeIy be a comIicalion of
A) A skin grafl.
) A bone marrov lransIanl.
C) A bIood lransfusion.
D) An Rh incomalibiIily belveen molher and felus.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Immune comIexes incIude
A) Anlibodies againsl seIf and comIemenl.
) Viruses and anliviruses.
C) IgI anlibodies.
D) Macrohages and T ceIIs.
I) CTLs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
9) A heaIlhy immune syslem deslroys cancer ceIIs vilh
A) Tumor"secific anligens.
) CTLs.
C) IgG anlibodies.
D) IgI anlibodies.
I) CD4
T ceIIs.
SkiII: RecaII
10) The symloms of an immune comIex reaclion are due lo
A) Deslruclion of lhe anligen.
) ComIemenl fixalion.
C) Ihagocylosis.
D) Anlibodies againsl seIf.
I) Cylokines.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 199
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Auloimmunily is due lo
A) IgG and IgM anlibodies.
) IgA anlibodies.
C) IgD anlibodies.
D) IgI anlibodies.
I) CTLs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
12) AIIergic conlacl dermalilis is due lo
A) Sensilized T ceIIs.
) IgG anlibodies.
C) IgI anlibodies.
D) IgM anlibodies.
I) Aclivaled macrohages.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhese causes of gIomeruIonehrilis Ieads lo aII lhe olhers`
A) Anlibodies againsl !"#$%"&'&''()
) CircuIaling immune comIexes
C) ComIemenl fixalion
D) Iormalion of immune comIexes
I) Iroduclion of IgG
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
14) Which of lhese causes damage lo kidney ceIIs in gIomeruIonehrilis`
A) Anlibodies againsl !"#$%"&'&''()
) CircuIaling immune comIexes
C) ComIemenl fixalion
D) Iormalion of immune comIexes
I) Iroduclion of IgG
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
15) A hyersensilivily reaclion occurs
A) During lhe firsl exosure lo an anligen.
) On a second or subsequenl exosure lo an anligen.
C) In immunoIogicaIIy loIeranl individuaIs.
D) During auloimmune diseases.
I) In individuaIs vilh diseases of lhe immune syslem.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 200
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lye I hyersensilivilies is faIse`
A) They are ceII"medialed.
) They invoIve IgI anlibodies.
C) The symloms are due lo hislamine.
D) Anlibodies are bound lo hosl ceIIs.
I) The symloms occur soon afler exosure lo an anligen.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lye IV hyersensilivilies is faIse`
A) They are ceII"medialed.
) The symloms occur vilhin a fev days afler exosure lo an anligen.
C) They can be assiveIy lransferred vilh serum.
D) The symloms are due lo Iymhokines.
I) They conlribule lo lhe symloms of cerlain diseases.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
18) Which of lhe foIIoving bIood lransfusions are 4-'&5%3"426$`
Donor Reciienl
1. A, Rh
A, Rh
2. A, Rh
A, Rh
3. A, Rh
O, Rh
4. , Rh
, Rh
5. , Rh
A, Rh
A) 2 and 5
) 1, 2, and 3
C) 2, 3, and 5
D) 3 and 4
I) 1 and 2
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
19) HemoIylic disease of lhe nevborn can resuIl from
A) An Rh
molher vilh an Rh
) An Rh
molher vilh an Rh
C) An A molher vilh a felus.
D) An A molher vilh an O felus.
I) An Rh
molher and an A felus.
SkiII: Underslanding
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) Reaclion of anligen vilh IgI anlibodies allached lo masl ceIIs causes
A) Lysis of lhe ceIIs.
) ReIease of chemicaI medialors.
C) ComIemenl fixalion.
D) AggIulinalion.
I) HemoIysis.
SkiII: AnaIysis
21) Which of lhe foIIoving invoIves a monocIonaI anlilumor anlibody and a loxin`
A) ImmunoIogic enhancemenl
) ImmunoIogic surveiIIance
C) Immunolheray
D) Immunosuression
I) Immune comIex
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
22) Which of lhe foIIoving may be inheriled or resuIl from HIV infeclion`
A) ImmunoIogic enhancemenl
) ImmunoIogic surveiIIance
C) Immunolheray
D) Immunosuression
I) Auloimmunily
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Trealmenl vilh cerlain drugs lo reduce lransIanl re|eclion can cause
A) ImmunoIogic enhancemenl.
) ImmunoIogic surveiIIance.
C) Immunolheray.
D) Immunosuression.
I) Auloimmunily
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul human embryonic slem ceIIs is faIse`
A) They roduce MHC I anligens.
) They roduce MHC II anligens.
C) They are Iuriolenl.
D) They are undifferenlialed.
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 19.1
25) In lhe immune comIex reaclion shovn in Iigure 19.1, vhal is lhe slruclure IabeIed a`
A) Anlibody
) Anligen
C) ComIemenl
D) NeulrohiI
I) Masl ceII
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) In lhe immune comIex reaclion shovn in Iigure 19.1, vhal is lhe slruclure IabeIed b`
A) Anlibody
) Anligen
C) ComIemenl
D) NeulrohiI
I) Masl ceII
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) WorIdvide, lhe rimary melhod of lransmission of HIV is
A) HelerosexuaI inlercourse.
) HomosexuaI inlercourse.
C) Inlravenous drug use.
D) Iood lransfusions.
I) NosocomiaI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
28) Someone vilh AIDS robabIy
A) Does nol make any anlibodies.
) Makes T"deendenl anlibodies.
C) Makes T"indeendenl anlibodies.
D) Makes T
" and T
"deendenl anlibodies.
I) None of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
29) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe 7;:!0 IikeIy vaccine againsl HIV`
A) Allenualed virus
) GIycorolein
C) Irolein core
D) Subunil
I) AII of lhe above are equaIIy IikeIy.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
30) Which of lhe foIIoving is a ossibIe oulcome of an HIV infeclion`
A) Lalency
) SIov roduclion of nev viruses
C) T
"kiIIing of infecled ceIIs
D) ViraI"kiIIing of infecled ceIIs
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
31) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 lransmil HIV`
A) HomosexuaI aclivily
) HelerosexuaI aclivily
C) Hyodermic needIes
D) Mosquiloes
I) Human miIk
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
32) Drugs, such as AZT and ddC, currenlIy used lo lreal AIDS acl by
A) SlimuIalory T
) Sloing DNA synlhesis.
C) Iromoling anlibody formalion.
D) NeulraIizing lhe virus.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) During asymlomalic hase I of HIV disease, HIV infeclion is diagnosed by
A) Measuring viraI RNA.
) Measuring anlibodies againsl HIV.
C) Counling CD4
T ceIIs.
D) Counling CD8
T ceIIs.
I) Tesling for seroconversion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
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Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) Which one of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul HIV is faIse`
A) CD8
T ceIIs decrease lhe viraI Ioad.
) HIV can be lransmilled by ceII"lo"ceII conlacl.
C) one marrov can be a reservoir for fulure infeclion.
D) ViraI infeclion of T
ceIIs resuIls in signs eIsevhere in lhe alienl.
I) Long"lerm nonrogessors Iack CD4 moIecuIes.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
35) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an immune comIex disease`
A) Rheumalic fever
) Syslemic Iuus erylhemalosus
C) HemoIylic disease of lhe nevborn
D) GIomeruIonehrilis
I) Isoriasis
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
36) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 considered a lye I hyersensilivily`
A) Aslhma
) Dusl aIIergies
C) IeniciIIin aIIergic reaclions
D) IoIIen aIIergies
I) TransIanl re|eclions
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
37) AII of lhe foIIoving Iead lo drug"induced lhrombocyloenic urura.Which occurs firsl`
A) Anlibodies are made againsl lhe drug.
) ComIemenl is fixed.
C) Drug binds lo IaleIels.
D) IIaleIels are deslroyed.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) Immunodeficiencies are caused by aII of lhe foIIoving. Which one does ./0 cause an acquired
A) ChromosomaI"Iinked "ceII deficiency
) CycIosorine lo inhibil IL"2 secrelion
C) HIV infeclion
D) Raamycin lo inhibil IL"2 aclion
I) AII of lhe above cause an acquired immunodeficiency.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 205
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
39) Which of lhe foIIoving describes a cyloloxic auloimmune reaclion`
A) Anlibodies reacl lo ceII"surface anligens.
) Anlibodies are nol made.
C) CeIIs are kiIIed.
D) Immune comIexes form.
I) Mediale by T ceIIs.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
40) Symloms of deIayed ceII"medialed reaclions are due lo
A) IgI anlibodies.
) Cyloloxic T ceIIs.
C) Cylokines.
D) IgG anlibodies.
I) Anligens.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) Desensilizalion invoIves in|eclion of
A) Anligens.
) IgG anlibodies.
C) IgI anlibodies.
D) Anlihislamine.
I) Hislamine.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) The foIIoving evenls occur if human ceIIs exressing HLA"I are mixed vilh anli"HLA"I, comIemenl, and
lryan bIue. Whal sle indicales lhe ceIIs are HLA"I`
A) The MAC makes a ore in lhe Iasma membrane.
) ComIemenl is fixed.
C) Tryan bIue enlers lhe ceIIs.
D) Anlibody binds lo lhe ceIIs.
I) None of lhe above, lhe T ceIIs are missing.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) In rheumaloid arlhrilis, IgM, IgG, and comIemenl deosil in |oinls. This is an examIe of
A) Cyloloxic auloimmunily.
) Immune comIex auloimmunily.
C) CeII"medialed auloimmunily.
D) Immunosuression.
I) Acquired immunodeficiency.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 206
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) MMR vaccine conlains hydroIyzed geIalin. A erson receiving lhis vaccine couId deveIo an anahyIaclic
reaclion if lhe erson has
A) An immunodeficiency.
) Anlibodies againsl eggs.
C) Anlibodies againsl geIalin.
D) Received lhe infIuenza vaccine.
I) Anlibodies againsl measIes.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) DeIayed hyersensilivilies are due lo
A) IgI anlibodies.
) T ceIIs.
C) IgG anlibodies.
D) IIaleIels.
I) Anlibodies againsl seIf.
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Differenliale lye II from lye III hyersensilivily reaclions.
2) Simian immune deficiency disease is caused by a virus lhal is cIoseIy reIaled lo HIV. This disease occurs
naluraIIy in African monkeys onIy. A rimale cenler lhal raises Rhesus monkeys found an immunodeficiency
disease in ils Indian Rhesus monkeys. Irovide a hyolhesis lo exIain hov lhe Rhesus monkeys acquired lhis
3) Whal is desensilizalion` IxIain hov lhis lrealmenl can induce syslemic anahyIaxis. Hov is syslemic
anahyIaxis lrealed`
4) The ralio of CD4:CD8 is 2.0 in normaI individuaIs. Whal can you concIude if a alienl has a CD4:CD8 ralio of
Iage 207
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6P @3%,7,-'./,#0 N'5=9
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) IeniciIIin vas considered a "miracIe drug" for aII of lhe foIIoving reasons ;F9;G0
A) Il vas lhe firsl anlibiolic.
) Il doesn'l affecl eukaryolic ceIIs.
C) Il inhibils gram"osilive ceII vaII synlhesis.
D) Il has seIeclive loxicily.
I) Il kiIIs bacleria.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
2) A drug lhal inhibils milosis, such as griseofuIvin, vouId be more effeclive againsl
A) Gram"osilive bacleria.
) Gram"negalive bacleria.
C) Iungi.
D) WaII"Iess bacleria.
I) Mycobacleria.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Mosl of lhe avaiIabIe anlimicrobiaI agenls are effeclive againsl
A) Viruses.
) acleria.
C) Iungi.
D) Irolozoa.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: RecaII
4) AnlimicrobiaI elides vork by
A) Inhibiling rolein synlhesis.
) Disruling lhe Iasma membrane.
C) ComIemenlary base airing vilh DNA.
D) Inhibiling ceII"vaII synlhesis.
I) HydroIyzing elidogIycan.
SkiII: RecaII
5) In vhal vay are semisynlhelic eniciIIins and naluraI eniciIIins aIike`
A) olh are broad seclrum.
) olh are resislanl lo eniciIIinase.
C) olh are resislanl lo slomach acids.
D) olh are baclericidaI.
I) olh are based on "Iaclam.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 208
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving anlibiolics is ./0 baclericidaI`
A) AminogIycosides
) CehaIosorins
C) IoIyenes
D) Rifamins
I) IeniciIIin
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) acilracin
) CehaIosorin
C) Monobaclam
D) IeniciIIin
I) Slrelomycin
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iigure 20.1
8) The anlibiolic lelracycIine binds lo lhe 30S subunil of lhe ribosome as shovn in Iigure 20.1. The effecl is lo
A) Irevenl allachmenl of lRNA.
) Irevenl elide bond formalion.
C) Irevenl lranscrilion.
D) Slo lhe ribosome from moving aIong lhe mRNA.
I) Irevenl allachmenl of lRNA and mRNA.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 209
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 20.2
9) The anlibiolic cycIoheximide binds lo lhe 60S subunil of lhe ribosome as shovn in Iigure 20.2. The effecl is lo
A) Irevenl mRNA!ribosome binding in eukaryoles.
) Irevenl elide bond formalion in rokaryoles.
C) Irevenl oIyelide eIongalion in eukaryoles.
D) Irevenl lranscrilion in rokaryoles.
I) Irevenl ribosome formalion in bacleria.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
10) Which of lhese anlimicrobiaI agenls has lhe fevesl side effecls`
A) Slrelomycin
) TelracycIine
C) IeniciIIin
D) Irylhromycin
I) ChIoramhenicoI
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
11) Which of lhe foIIoving drugs does ./0 acl by comelilive inhibilion`
A) IlhambuloI
) Isoniazid
C) Slrelomycin
D) SuIfonamide
I) TelracycIine
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Which of lhe foIIoving melhods of aclion vouId be baclerioslalic`
A) Comelilive inhibilion vilh foIic acid synlhesis
) Inhibilion of RNA synlhesis
C) In|ury lo Iasma membrane
D) Inhibilion of ceII vaII synlhesis
I) Comelilive inhibilion vilh DNA gyrase
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 210
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
13) Which of lhe foIIoving anlibiolics is recommended for use againsl gram"negalive bacleria`
A) IoIyenes
) acilracin
C) CehaIosorin
D) IeniciIIin
I) IoIymyxin
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which of lhe foIIoving anlimicrobiaI agenls is recommended for use againsl fungaI infeclions`
A) Amholericin
) acilracin
C) CehaIosorin
D) IeniciIIin
I) IoIymyxin
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
TabIe 20.1
The foIIoving dala vere oblained from a brolh diIulion lesl.
Concenlralion of Anlibiolic X Grovlh
Grovlh in
2 g/mI # #
10 g/mI " #
15 g/mI " "
25 g/mI " "
15) In TabIe 20.1, lhe minimaI baclericidaI concenlralion of anlibiolic X is
A) 2 g/mI.
) 10 g/mI.
C) 15 g/mI.
D) 25 g/mI.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
16) In TabIe 20.1, lhe minimaI inhibilory concenlralion of anlibiolic X is
A) 2 g/mI.
) 10 g/mI.
C) 15 g/mI.
D) 25 g/mI.
I) Can'l leII.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 211
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
17) More lhan haIf of our anlibiolics are
A) Iroduced by fungi.
) Iroduced by bacleria.
C) Synlhesized in Iaboralories.
D) Iroduced by IIeming.
I) Iroduced by eukaryolic organisms.
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 20.3
18) The anlibiolic chIoramhenicoI binds lo lhe 50S subunil of lhe ribosome as shovn in Iigure 20.3. The effecl is lo
A) Irevenl allachmenl of lRNA.
) Irevenl elide bond formalion.
C) Irevenl lranscrilion.
D) Slo lhe ribosome from moving aIong lhe mRNA.
I) Irevenl oIyelide formalion in eukaryoles.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iigure 20.4
19) The anlibiolic slrelomycin binds lo lhe 30S subunil of lhe ribosome as shovn in Iigure 20.4. The effecl is lo
A) Cause misreading of mRNA in 70S ribosomes.
) Irevenl binding of lRNA in eukaryoles.
C) Irevenl oIyelide eIongalion in eukaryoles.
D) Irevenl elide bond formalion in rokaryoles.
I) Irevenl binding of lRNA in eukaryoles.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 212
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) Which comound vouId be lhe mosl usefuI lo lreal candidiasis`
A) UraciI
) Thymine
C) IIucylosine
D) Guanine
I) IeniciIIin
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
21) Which of lhe foIIoving anlibiolics are used lo lreal fungaI infeclions`
1. AminogIycosides
2. CehaIosorins
3. GriseofuIvin
4. IoIyenes
5. acilracin
A) 1, 2, and 3
) 3 and 4
C) 3, 4, and 5
D) 4 and 5
I) AII of lhe anlibiolics
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving anlibiolics does ./0 inlerfere vilh ceII vaII synlhesis`
A) CehaIosorins
) MacroIides
C) NaluraI eniciIIins
D) Semisynlhelic eniciIIins
I) Vancomycin
SkiII: RecaII
23) The anlimicrobiaI drugs vilh lhe broadesl seclrum of aclivily are
A) AminogIycosides.
) ChIoramhenicoI.
C) Lincomycin.
D) MacroIides.
I) TelracycIines.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
24) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) IIuoroquinoIone inhibils DNA synlhesis.
) AcycIovir inhibils DNA synlhesis.
C) Amanladine inhibils reIease of viraI nucIeic acid.
D) Inlerferon inhibils gIycoIysis.
I) AzoIes inhibil Iasma membrane synlhesis.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 213
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) Irolozoan and heIminlhic diseases are difficuIl lo lreal because
A) Their ceIIs are slrucluraIIy and funclionaIIy simiIar lo human ceIIs.
) They reIicale inside human ceIIs.
C) They don'l have ribosomes.
D) They don'l reroduce.
I) They have more genes lhan bacleria.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
26) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms vouId mosl IikeIy be sensilive lo naluraI eniciIIin`
A) L forms
) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
C) IeniciIIinase"roducing .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$
D) G$-4'4664(5
I) 1+'&%63)53
SkiII: Underslanding
27) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul drug resislance is faIse`
A) Il may be carried on a Iasmid.
) Il may be lransferred from one baclerium lo anolher during con|ugalion.
C) Il may be due lo enzymes lhal degrade some anlibiolics.
D) Il is found onIy in gram"negalive bacleria.
I) Il may be due lo increased ulake of a drug.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
28) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 conslilule an advanlage of using lvo anlibiolics logelher`
A) Il can revenl drug resislance.
) Il Iessens lhe loxicily of individuaI drugs.
C) Tvo are aIvays lvice as effeclive as one.
D) Il aIIovs lrealmenl lo be rovided rior lo diagnosis.
I) AII of lhe above are advanlages.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) Drug resislance occurs
A) ecause bacleria are normaI microbiola.
) When anlibiolics are used indiscriminaleIy.
C) Againsl anlibiolics and nol againsl synlhelic chemolheraeulic agenls.
D) When anlibiolics are laken afler lhe symloms disaear.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 214
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 20.2
The foIIoving resuIls vere oblained from a disk!diffusion lesl for microbiaI
suscelibiIily lo anlibiolics. !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$() vas lhe lesl organism.
Anlibiolic Zone of Inhibilion
A 3 mm
7 mm
C 0 mm
D 10 mm
30) In TabIe 20.2, lhe mosl effeclive anlibiolic lesled vas
A) A.
) .
C) C.
D) D.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
31) In TabIe 20.2, lhe anlibiolic lhal exhibiled baclericidaI aclion vas
A) A.
) .
C) C.
D) D.
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
32) In TabIe 20.2, vhich anlibiolic vouId be mosl usefuI for lrealing a !365&-$663 infeclion`
A) A
C) C
D) D
I) Can'l leII.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
33) Which of lhe foIIoving vouId be seIeclive againsl lhe lubercIe baciIIus`
A) acilracin ! inhibils elidogIycan synlhesis
) IlhambuloI ! inhibils mycoIic acid synlhesis
C) Slrelogramin ! inhibils rolein synlhesis
D) Slrelomycin ! inhibils rolein synlhesis
I) Vancomycin ! inhibils elidogIycan synlhesis
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 215
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
34) In lhe resence of eniciIIin, a ceII dies because
A) Il Iacks a ceII vaII.
) Il IasmoIyzes.
C) Il undergoes osmolic Iysis.
D) Il Iacks a ceII membrane.
I) Ils conlenls Ieak oul.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
35) LamisiI is an aIIyIamine used lo lreal dermalomycoses. LamisiI's melhod of aclion is simiIar lo lhal of
A) IoIymyxin .
) AzoIe anlibiolics.
C) Ichinocandins.
D) GriseofuIvin.
I) acilracin.
SkiII: AnaIysis
36) NicIosamide revenls ATI generalion in milochondria. You vouId execl lhis drug lo be effeclive againsl
A) Gram"negalive bacleria.
) Gram"osilive bacleria.
C) HeIminlhs.
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)=
I) Viruses.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 216
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 20.3
The foIIoving dala vere oblained from a brolh diIulion lesl:
Concenlralion of Anlibiolic X Grovlh
2.0 g/mI "
1.0 g/mI "
0.5 g/mI "
0.25 g/mI #
0.125 g/mI #
0 #
acleria from lhe 0.25 g/mI lube vere lransferred lo nev grovlh media
conlaining anlibiolic X vilh lhe foIIoving resuIls:
Concenlralion of Anlibiolic X Grovlh
2.0 g/mI "
1.0 g/mI #
0.5 g/mI #
0.25 g/mI #
37) The dala in TabIe 20.3 shov lhal lhese bacleria
A) Can be subcuIlured.
) DeveIoed resislance lo anlibiolics.
C) Were kiIIed by 0.125 g/mI of anlibiolic X.
D) Were kiIIed by 0.5 g/mI of anlibiolic X.
I) Were resislanl lo 1.0 g/mI al lhe slarl of lhe exerimenl.
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul drugs lhal comeliliveIy inhibil DNA oIymerase or RNA oIymerase
is faIse`
A) They cause mulalions.
) They are used againsl viraI infeclions.
C) They can affecl hosl ceII DNA.
D) They are loo dangerous lo use.
I) They inlerfere vilh rolein synlhesis.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 217
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 20.5
39) The subslrale for lranselidase used lo synlhesize elidogIycan is shovn in Iigure 20.5. Which of lhe drugs
shovn vouId inhibil elidogIycan synlhesis`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 218
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 20.6
40) The slruclures of lhe infIuenza drug TamifIu and siaIic acid, lhe subslrale for infIuenza virus's neuramidase, are
shovn in Iigure 20.6. Whal is lhe melhod of aclion of TamifIu`
A) Inhibils ceII vaII synlhesis
) Inhibils Iasma membrane synlhesis
C) Inhibils synlhesis of neuramidase
D) Comelilive inhibilion
I) Irevenls synlhesis of virus sikes
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
41) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 affecl eukaryolic ceIIs`
A) Anlirolozoan drugs
) AnliheIminlhic drugs
C) AnlifungaI drugs
D) NucIeolide anaIogs
I) Semisynlhelic eniciIIins
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) MebendazoIe is used lo lreal ceslode infeclions. Il inlerferes vilh microlubuIe formalion, lherefore, il vouId
./0 affecl
A) acleria.
) Iungi.
C) HeIminlhs.
D) Human ceIIs.
I) Irolozoa.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
43) Which of lhe foIIoving anlibiolics causes misreading of mRNA`
A) AminogIycoside ! changes shae of 30S unils
) ChIoramhenicoI ! inhibils elide bonds al 50S subunil
C) OxazoIidinone ! revenls formalion of 70S ribosome
D) Slrelogamin ! revenls reIease of elide from 70S ribosome
I) TelracycIines ! bind vilh 30S subunil
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 219
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) The anlibiolic aclinomycin D binds belveen ad|acenl G"C airs, lhus inlerfering vilh
A) Transcrilion.
) TransIalion.
C) CeIIuIar resiralion.
D) IIasma membrane funclion.
I) Ielide bond formalion.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
45) Use of anlibiolics in animaI feed Ieads lo anlibiolic"resislanl bacleria because
A) acleria from olher animaIs reIace lhose kiIIed by lhe anlibiolics.
) The fev surviving bacleria lhal are affecled by lhe anlibiolics deveIo immunily lo lhe anlibiolics, vhich
lhey ass on lo lheir rogeny.
C) The anlibiolics cause nev mulalions lo occur in lhe surviving bacleria, vhich resuIls in resislance lo
D) The anlibiolics kiII suscelibIe bacleria, bul lhe fev lhal are naluraIIy resislanl Iive and reroduce, and
lheir rogeny reouIale lhe hosl animaI.
I) The anlibiolics ersisl in soiI and valer.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Issay Queslions
1) Discuss vhy eniciIIin vas caIIed lhe "miracIe drug" vhen il vas firsl used in lhe 1940s.
2) IeniciIIin does nol direclIy kiII bacleria. Why do ceIIs usuaIIy die in lhe resence of eniciIIin`
Iage 220
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6) +,-'./,#0 N,9&#9&9 .B %"& WC,3 #32 DA&9
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 normaI microbiola of lhe skin`
A) !"#$%"&'&''()
) G4"+#&)%&#(5
C) !"3%8+6&'&''()
D) G#&%4&-423'"$#4(5
I) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
2) An 8"year"oId girI has scabs and us"fiIIed vesicIes on her face and lhroal. Three veeks earIier she had visiled
her grandmolher, vho had shingIes. Whal infeclion does lhe 8"year"oId have`
A) Chickenox
) MeasIes
C) Iever bIislers
D) Scabies
I) RubeIIa
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$() ! imeligo
) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$) ! erysieIas
C) G#&%4&-423'"$#4(5 3'-$) ! imIes
D) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3 ! olilis exlerna
I) !"#= %+&,$-$) ! loxic shock syndrome
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
4) The elioIogic agenl of varls is
A) Iaovavirus.
) Ioxvirus.
C) Heresvirus.
D) Iarvovirus.
I) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$() =
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
5) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3`
A) Gram"osilive ceII vaII
) Oxidalive melaboIism
C) Oxidase"osilive
D) Iroduce yocyanin
I) Rod shaed
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 221
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) IusluIar rash ! smaIIox
) KoIik sols ! rubeIIa
C) IauIar rash ! measIes
D) VesicuIar rash ! chickenox
I) MacuIar rash ! fiflh disease
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lransmilled by lhe resiralory roule`
A) SmaIIox
) Chickenox
C) RubeIIa
D) 0#4'8&%8+"&-
I) MeasIes
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhese is ./0 caused by heresvirus`
A) Chickenox
) ShingIes
C) Keralilis
D) SmaIIox
I) RoseoIa
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
9) Thrush and vaginilis are caused by
A) Heresvirus.
) 98635+E43 "#3'8&53"4)=
C) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()=
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)=
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
10) The grealesl singIe cause of bIindness in lhe vorId is
A) NeonalaI gonorrheaI ohlhaImia.
) Keralocon|unclivilis.
C) Trachoma.
D) IncIusion con|unclivilis.
I) Iinkeye.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 222
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving can be lrealed vilh loicaI chemolheraeulic agenls`
A) Heres gIadialorium
) Sorolrichosis
C) Dermalomycosis
D) RubeIIa
I) ShingIes
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a cause of ringvorm`
A) 14'#&)%&#(5
) 0#4'8&%8+"&-
C) Tinea cailis
D) ;%4E$#5&%8+"&-
I) AII of lhe above may cause ringvorm.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Nevborns' eyes are lrealed vilh an anlibiolic
A) When .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$ is isoIaled from lhe eyes.
) When lhe molher is bIind.
C) When lhe molher has genilaI heres.
D) When lhe molher has gonorrhea.
I) AIvays.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
14) A ossibIe comIicalion of herelic keralilis is
A) IncehaIilis.
) Iever bIislers.
C) Subacule scIerosing anencehaIilis.
D) CongenilaI rubeIIa syndrome.
I) MacuIar rash.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is sensilive lo eniciIIin`
A) 98635+E43
) Heresvirus
C) 93-E4E3
D) !"#$%"&'&''()
I) G)$(E&5&-3)
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 223
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which region of lhe skin suorls lhe Iargesl bacleriaI ouIalion`
A) AxiIIa
) ScaI
C) Iorearms
D) Legs
I) AII are equaI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
17) Which infeclion is ./0 caused by !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()`
A) IimIes
) Sly
C) IuruncIe
D) CarbuncIe
I) Acne
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
18) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic used lo idenlify !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)`
A) CoaguIase"osilive
) Grou A ceII vaII anligen
C) Grou M roleins
D) ela"hemoIylic
I) Cocci
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
19) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a causalive agenl of con|unclivilis`
A) 98635+E43 "#3'8&53"4)
) Heres simIex
C) Adenovirus
D) .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$
I) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
20) In vhich of lhe foIIoving resecls is measIes simiIar lo German measIes (rubeIIa)`
A) Rash
) IlioIogic agenl
C) IncehaIilis as a comIicalion
D) CongenilaI comIicalions
I) In name onIy
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 224
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Vaccinalion for rubeIIa
A) Is nol necessary because lhe disease is miId.
) Is nol necessary if a erson has had an infeclion.
C) Is recommended onIy for regnanl vomen.
D) Is recommended for nevborns lo revenl congenilaI disease.
I) Has reduced incidence of rubeIIa.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
22) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul congenilaI rubeIIa syndrome is faIse`
A) Il is conlracled in ulero.
) Il may be falaI.
C) Il may resuIl in deafness, bIindness, and menlaI relardalion.
D) Il doesn'l occur vilh subcIinicaI infeclions.
I) AII of lhe above are lrue.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
23) The elioIogic agenl of chickenox is
A) Heres simIex.
) Heres zosler.
C) HHV"6.
D) Iarvovirus.
I) Ioxvirus.
SkiII: RecaII
24) The elioIogic agenl of fiflh disease is
A) Heres simIex.
) Heres zosler.
C) HHV"6.
D) Iarvovirus.
I) Ioxvirus.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
25) The elioIogic agenl of roseoIa is
A) Heres simIex.
) Heres zosler.
C) HHV"6.
D) Iarvovirus.
I) Ioxvirus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 225
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) The elioIogic agenl of fever bIislers is
A) Heres simIex.
) Heres zosler.
C) HHV"6.
D) Iarvovirus.
I) Ioxvirus.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
27) Which of lhe foIIoving is used lo lreal eidemic herelic keralilis`
A) IeniciIIin
) SuIfonamide
C) TrifIuridine
D) Iungicide
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
28) Which of lhe foIIoving is used lo lreal smaIIox`
A) IeniciIIin
) SuIfonamide
C) TrifIuridine
D) Iungicide
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
29) Which of lhe foIIoving is used lo lreal sorolrichosis`
A) IeniciIIin
) SuIfonamide
C) TrifIuridine
D) Iungicide
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
30) Which of lhe foIIoving is used lo lreal candidiasis`
A) IeniciIIin
) SuIfonamide
C) TrifIuridine
D) Iungicide
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 226
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) Scabies is a skin disease caused by
A) A sIov virus.
) A rolozoan.
C) A mile.
D) A baclerium.
I) A rion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
32) Scabies is lransmilled by
A) Iomiles.
) Iood.
C) Waler.
D) SoiI.
I) and C.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
33) A alienl has us"fiIIed vesicIes and scabs on her face, lhroal, and Iover back. She mosl IikeIy has
A) MeasIes.
) Mums.
C) Chickenox.
D) RubeIIa.
I) SmaIIox.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
34) Which of lhe foIIoving Ieads lo aII lhe olhers`
A) Toxemia
) ScaIded skin syndrome
C) SlahyIococcaI infeclion
I) Sudden dro in bIood ressure
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
35) uruIi uIcer is caused by
A) Direcl conlacl.
) Acid"fasl bacleria.
C) A fungus.
D) A virus.
I) A mile.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 227
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) The alienl has a auIar rash. Microscoic examinalion of skin scraings reveaIs smaII 8"Iegged animaIs. The
elioIogy is
A) 93-E4E3
) 14'#&)%&#(5
C) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) !3#'&%"$)
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) The alienl has vesicIes and scabs over her forehead. Microscoic examinalion of skin scraings shovs
gram"osilive cocci in cIuslers. The elioIogy is
A) 93-E4E3
) 14'#&)%&#(5
C) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) !3#'&%"$)
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) The alienl has scaIing skin on his fingers. Conidiosores are seen in microscoic examinalion of skin scraings.
The elioIogy is
A) 93-E4E3
) 14'#&)%&#(5
C) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 (6'$#3-)
SkiII: AnaIysis
39) A 45"year"oId man has us"fiIIed vesicIes dislribuled over his back in lhe uer righl quadranl, over his righl
shouIder, and uer righl quadranl of his chesl. His symloms are mosl IikeIy due lo
A) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
) Heres simIex virus.
C) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$().
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$).
I) VariceIIa"zosler virus.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) A 35"year"oId voman has a red, raised rash on lhe inside of her lhighs. Gram"slained skin scraings shov
Iarge budding ceIIs vilh seudohyhae. The infeclion is caused by
A) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
) Heres simIex virus.
C) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()=
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$).
I) VariceIIa"zosler virus.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 228
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) CyloIasmic incIusions vere observed in a felus lhal died in ulero afler 6 monlhs' geslalion. The robabIe cause
of lhe felus's dealh vas
A) Iiflh disease.
) Heres simIex.
C) MeasIes.
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$().
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$).
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Assume lhal your Iab arlner svabs lhe side of his face and used lhe svab lo inocuIale a nulrienl agar Iale.
The nexl day, he erforms a Gram slain on lhe coIonies. They are gram"osilive cocci. You advise him lhal he
shouId nexl Iook for
A) An acid"fasl reaclion.
) A coaguIase reaclion.
C) Conidiosores.
D) Iseudohyhae.
I) Iseudoods.
SkiII: Underslanding
43) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Chickenox ! Ioxvirus
) Con|unclivilis ! 98635+E43 "#3'8&53"4)
C) Keralilis ! :'3-"835&$23
D) Infecled lissue fIuoresces ! Dermalomycosis
I) uruIi uIcer ! 1+'&23'"$#4(5
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
44) A 17"year"oId boy has us"fiIIed cysls on his face and uer back. Microscoic examinalion reveaIs
gram"osilive rods. This infeclion is caused by
A) :'3-"835&$23.
) Heres simIex virus.
C) G#&%4&-423'"$#4(5 3'-$)=
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$().
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$).
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 IikeIy lo sread MRSA among alhIeles`
A) IhysicaI conlacl
) WhirIooI balhs
C) Taing geIs
D) Anlibiolic resislance
I) Shared equimenl
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 229
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Issay Queslions
1) A leenaged boy knev an over"lhe"counler corlisone rearalion vouId decrease lhe sveIIing and redness of
insecl biles and oison ivy, so he used il lo decrease lhe sveIIing and redness of imIes. Why, in 24 hours,
vere his imIes more infIamed`
2) A 56"year"oId Army officer received a smaIIox vaccinalion al a miIilary vaccinalion cIinic. Wilhin 2 veeks, a
ainfuI uIcer vas noled al lhe vaccinalion sile. ecause of lhe aearance of an increasing number of eriheraI
Iesions and because of conlinued enIargemenl of lhe iniliaI uIcer, he vas lrealed. IvenluaI recovery vas
comIicaled by G)$(E&5&-3) sesis and lhe need for a skin grafl al lhe vaccinalion sile. Whal vas lhe cause of
lhe uIcer and Iesions, and vhal vere lhe lrealmenls` Whal caused lhe G)$(E&5&-3) infeclion`
Iage 230
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 66 +,-'./,#0 N,9&#9&9 .B %"& O&'<.59 WA9%&7
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is lrue aboul lhe normaI microbiola of lhe nervous syslem`
A) OnIy lransienl microbiola are resenl.
) There are no normaI microbiola.
C) NormaI microbiola are resenl in lhe cenlraI nervous syslem onIy.
D) NormaI microbiola are resenl in lhe eriheraI nervous syslem onIy.
I) OnIy micrococci are resenl.
SkiII: RecaII
2) IncehaIilis and meningilis are difficuIl lo lreal because
A) They are nol caused by bacleria.
) Anlibiolics damage lissues.
C) Anlibiolics cannol enelrale lhe bIood!brain barrier.
D) The infeclions move aIong eriheraI nerves.
I) They are caused by viruses.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
3) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms does ./0 cause meningilis`
A) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4)
) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$
C) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-)
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
I) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 6$%#3$
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$ is faIse`
A) A heaIlhy carrier slale can exisl.
) Il is encasuIaled.
C) Il requires a bIood suIemenl in media.
D) Il usuaIIy infecls chiIdren.
I) Il is used in a vhoIe bacleriaI vaccine.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4) ! cuIlured in a candIe |ar
) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$ ! viruIence due lo casuIe
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 6$%#3$ ! cuIlured in armadiIIos
D) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-) ! acid"fasl rod
I) .3$,6$#43 B&Q6$#4 ! causes amoebic encehaIilis
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 231
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms is ./0 correclIy malched lo lhe recommended lrealmenl`
A) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4) ! cehaIosorins
) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$ ! cehaIosorins
C) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-) ! amholericin
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 6$%#3$ ! dasone
I) IoIiovirus ! SaIk vaccine
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
7) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul Ierosy is faIse`
A) Il is rareIy falaI.
) Ialienls vilh Ierosy musl be isoIaled.
C) Il is lransmilled by direcl conlacl.
D) Diagnosis is based on skin biosy.
I) The elioIogic agenl is acid"fasl.
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lransmilled by lhe resiralory roule`
A) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4)
) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$
C) 74)"$#43 5&-&'+"&,$-$)
D) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-)
I) AII of lhe above are lransmilled by lhe resiralory roule.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
9) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul rabies is faIse`
A) Il is caused by Rhabdovirus.
) Hydrohobia is an earIy symlom.
C) The reservoir is mainIy rodenls.
D) Diagnosis is based on immunofIuorescenl lechniques.
I) Il is nol falaI in bals.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
10) The symloms of lelanus are due lo
A) Dee unclure vounds.
) HemoIysins.
C) Lack of oxygen.
D) CIoslridiaI neuroloxin.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 232
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) The lrealmenl for lelanus is
A) IeniciIIin.
) Anlibodies.
C) Toxoid.
D) CIeansing lhe vound.
I) There is no lrealmenl.
SkiII: AnaIysis
12) A 30"year"oId voman vas hosilaIized afler she exerienced convuIsions. On examinalion, she vas aIerl and
orienled and comIained of a fever, headache, and sliff neck. Which of lhe foIIoving organisms couId ./0 be
resonsibIe for her symloms`
A) 96&)"#4E4(5 2&"(64-(5
) 74)"$#43 5&-&'+"&,$-$)
C) .3$,6$#43 B&Q6$#4
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
I) Any of lhe above couId be lhe causalive agenl.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) The mosl effeclive conlroI of a veclor"borne disease is
A) Trealmenl of infecled humans.
) Trealmenl of infecled viId animaIs.
C) IIiminalion of lhe veclor.
D) Avoidance of endemic areas.
I) Trealmenl of uninfecled humans.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
14) Trealmenl for lelanus in an unimmunized erson vilh a unclure vound is
A) Telanus loxoid.
) Telanus immune gIobuIin.
C) IeniciIIin.
D) DTaI.
I) Debridemenl.
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) Trealmenl for lelanus in an immunized erson vilh a unclure vound is
A) Telanus loxoid.
) Telanus immune gIobuIin.
C) IeniciIIin.
D) DTaI.
I) Debridemenl.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 233
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) The mosl common roule of cenlraI nervous syslem invasion by alhogens is lhrough
A) The skin.
) The circuIalory syslem.
C) The gaslroinleslinaI syslem.
D) The arenleraI roule.
I) Direcl enelralion inlo nerves.
SkiII: RecaII
17) The rodromaI symlom(s) of meningilis is (are)
A) Like a miId coId.
) Iever and headache.
C) Sliff neck and back ains.
D) ConvuIsions.
I) IaraIysis.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
18) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 Iead lo an oulbreak of boluIism`
A) KiIIing bacleria lhal comele vilh 96&)"#4E4(5
) An anaerobic environmenl
C) An incubalion eriod
D) A nulrienl medium vilh a H beIov 4.5
I) Ialing food from denled cans
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
19) The mosl common cause of meningilis in chiIdren is
A) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4).
) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$=
C) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-).
D) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$=
I) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4)=
SkiII: Underslanding
20) Meningilis lhal begins as an infeclion of lhe Iungs is caused by
A) P63@&23'"$#4(5 5$-4-,&)$%"4'(5=
) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$=
C) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-).
D) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$=
I) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4)=
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 234
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Lerosy ! direcl conlacl
) IoIiomyeIilis ! resiralory roule
C) MeningococcaI meningilis ! resiralory roule
D) Rabies ! direcl conlacl
I) Lisleriosis ! ingeslion
SkiII: AnaIysis
22) A 30"year"oId voman vas hosilaIized afler she exerienced convuIsions. On examinalion, she vas aIerl and
orienled and comIained of a fever, headache, and sliff neck. Which of lhe foIIoving is mosl IikeIy lo rovide
raid idenlificalion of lhe cause of her symloms`
A) Gram slain of cerebrosinaI fIuid
) Gram slain of lhroal cuIlure
C) iosy of brain lissue
D) Check serum anlibodies
I) None of lhe above, il can'l be diagnosed.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 caused by rions`
A) Shee scraie
) Kuru
C) CreulzfeIdl"}akob disease
D) IIk chronic vasling disease
I) Rabies
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which of lhe foIIoving is (are) mismalched`
SaIk Vaccine Sabin Vaccine
1. Consisls of a formaIin"inaclivaled virus 4. Consisls of a Iive, allenualed oIio virus
2. Adminislered oraIIy 5. Adminislered oraIIy
3. Requires boosler doses 6. May cause oIio
A) 1, 2, and 3
) 4, 5, and 6
C) 1 and 3
D) 2
I) AII are correclIy malched.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 235
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) An 8"year"oId girI in ruraI Wisconsin has chiIIs, headache, and fever and reorls having been billen by
mosquiloes. Hov vouId you confirm your diagnosis`
A) ILISA lesl for IgM anlibodies
) rain biosy for incIusions
C) Gram slain of cerebrosinaI fIuid
D) Ixaminalion of IocaI mosquiloes
I) ComIemenl fixalion lesl for IgG anlibodies
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
26) A red rash lhal does ./0 bIanch (vhilen) vhen ressed is characlerislic of an infeclion by
A) 9#+%"&'&''() -$&B&#53-)=
) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$=
C) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4).
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$.
I) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 6$%#3$=
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
27) A 15"year"oId girI vas hosilaIized vilh fever, Ielhargy, and rash. Gram"negalive, oxidase"osilive cocci vere
cuIlured from her cerebrosinaI fIuid. Her symloms vere caused by
A) A rion.
) 96&)"#4E4(5 "$"3-4=
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 6$%#3$.
D) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4).
I) 7+))3@4#().
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) A 15"year"oId girI vas hosilaIized vilh fever, Ielhargy, and rash. Gram"negalive, oxidase"osilive cocci vere
cuIlured from her cerebrosinaI fIuid. Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul lhe microbe resonsibIe for her
symloms is faIse`
A) Il may be normaI in lhe cerebrosinaI fIuid.
) Il may be normaI in lhe lhroal.
C) Il may be lrealed vilh anlibiolics.
D) Il may cause eidemics.
I) Il may be revenled vilh a vaccine.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) On }une 30, a 47"year"oId man vas hosilaIized vilh dizziness, bIurred vision, sIurred seech, difficuIly
svaIIoving, and nausea. Ixaminalion reveaIed faciaI araIysis. The alienl had arliaIIy heaIed suerficiaI
knee vounds incurred vhiIe Iaying cemenl. CuIlures laken from lhe knee vounds shouId be incubaled
A) AerobicaIIy.
) AnaerobicaIIy.
C) In 5!10% CO
D) In animaI ceII cuIlure.
I) Any of lhe above viII vork.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 236
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
30) A diagnosis of rabies is confirmed by
A) Gram slain.
) Direcl fIuorescenl"anlibody lesl.
C) Ialienl's symloms.
D) Iassive aggIulinalion.
I) Ialienl's dealh.
SkiII: RecaII
31) Which of lhe foIIoving is lrealed vilh anlibiolics`
A) oluIism
) Telanus
C) SlrelococcaI neumonia
D) IoIio
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) Which one of lhe foIIoving causes lhe mosl severe iIIness in humans, vilh a morlaIily rale of 30%`
A) Weslern equine encehaIilis
) Iaslern equine encehaIilis
C) Sl. Louis encehaIilis
D) CaIifornia encehaIilis
I) Wesl NiIe encehaIilis
SkiII: RecaII
33) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a free"Iiving amoeba lhal can cause encehaIilis`
A) :'3-"835&$23
) C3635("843
C) ;-"35&$23
D) .3$,6$#43
I) None of lhe above, free"Iiving amoebas don'l cause disease.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Microscoic examinalion of cerebrosinaI fIuid reveaIs gram"osilive rods. Whal is lhe organism`
A) J3$5&%846()
) 74)"$#43
C) .3$,6$#43
D) .$4))$#43
I) !"#$%"&'&''()
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 237
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
35) On }une 30, a 47"year"oId man vas hosilaIized vilh dizziness, bIurred vision, sIurred seech, difficuIly
svaIIoving, and nausea. Ixaminalion reveaIed faciaI araIysis. The alienl had arliaIIy heaIed suerficiaI
knee vounds incurred vhiIe Iaying cemenl. He reorled ealing home"canned green beans and slev conlaining
roasl beef and olaloes 24 hours before onsel of symloms. The alienl shouId be lrealed vilh
A) Anlibiolics.
) Anliloxin.
C) Surgery.
D) Vaccinalion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
36) On Oclober 5, a el slore soId a killen lhal subsequenlIy died. On Oclober 22, rabies vas diagnosed in lhe
killen. elveen Selember 19 and Oclober 23, lhe el slore had soId 34 killens. AroximaleIy 1000 eoIe
resonded lo heaIlh care roviders foIIoving IocaI media aIerls. These eoIe vere given
A) Anlibiolics.
) Anlirabies immunogIobuIin.
C) Rabies vaccinalion.
D) SeroIogicaI lesls for rabies.
I) Trealmenl if lhey lesled osilive.
SkiII: Underslanding
37) Ior vhich of lhe foIIoving is a vaccine ./0 avaiIabIe`
A) J3$5&%846() meningilis
) .$4))$#43 meningilis
C) Telanus
D) Rabies
I) oluIism
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
38) Ialienls vilh Ierosy usuaIIy die from
A) rain damage.
) Loss of nerve funclion.
C) TubercuIosis.
D) InfIuenza.
I) Lerosy.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
39) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 acquired by ingeslion`
A) oluIism
) Crylococcosis
C) Lisleriosis
D) IoIiomyeIilis
I) CreulzfeIdl"}akob disease
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 238
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
40) A 1"year"oId boy vas IislIess, irrilabIe, and sIeey. CasuIaled gram"negalive rods vere cuIlured from his
cerebrosinaI fIuid. His symloms vere caused by
A) .$4))$#43 5$-4-,4"4E4)=
) Rabies.
C) 96&)"#4E4(5 "$"3-4=
D) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$=
I) A rion.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
41) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Telanus ! bIocks reIaxalion nerve imuIse
) oluIism ! slimuIales lransmission of nerve imuIse
C) IoIiomyeIilis ! kiIIs CNS ceIIs
D) Rabies virus ! grovs in brain ceIIs
I) AII of lhe above are correclIy malched.
SkiII: RecaII
42) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lransmilled by ingeslion`
A) IoIiomyeIilis
) Lisleriosis
C) oluIism
D) MeningococcaI meningilis
I) CreulzfeIdl"}akob disease
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
43) Which of lhe foIIoving vaccines can cause lhe disease il is designed lo revenl`
A) Telanus loxoid vaccine
) OraI oIio vaccine
C) Inaclivaled oIio vaccine
D) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$ casuIe vaccine
I) MeningococcaI casuIe vaccine
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 239
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Silualion 22.1
On }uIy 5, an 11"year"oId girI comIained of ain in lhe knuckIes of her Iefl hand. During }uIy 6!7, she had increasing ain
lhal exlended u lo lhe Iefl shouIder. A lhroal cuIlure vas oblained, and amoxiciIIin vas rescribed. On }uIy 9, she had
difficuIly vaIking and haIIucinalions. The lhroal cuIlure vas osilive for !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)= She vas lrealed vilh
ceflriaxone. On }uIy 11, she vas hosilaIized vilh a lemeralure of 40.7C, and she couId nol drink. She deveIoed
resiralory dislress and lachycardia, she died from cardiac arresl. IIuorescenl"anlibody lesling of brain lissue reveaIed
incIusions in lhe brain slem.
44) In Silualion 22.1, lhe anlibiolics did nol cure her disease because lhe alhogen vas
A) A virus.
) AIready groving in her brain.
C) Iarl of her normaI microbiola.
D) Irolecled by lhe bIood!brain barrier.
I) Resislanl lo anlibiolics.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) The disease described in Silualion 22.1 is
A) oluIism.
) Meningilis.
C) Rabies.
D) SlrelococcaI sore lhroal.
I) Telanus.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Issay Queslions
1) There is an anliloxin for boluIism. Why, lhen, is lhe oulcome of boluIism oflen falaI`
2) On Augusl 20, a man died of resumed GuiIIain"arre syndrome. Wilhin 90 minules of his dealh, his eyes vere
removed and refrigeraled. The foIIoving day, a cornea from one eye vas lransIanled inlo lhe righl eye of a
voman. The voman's osloeralive course vas unevenlfuI unliI 30 days afler lhe lransIanl, vhen she
deveIoed righl relroorbilaI headache. Over lhe nexl fev days her headache vorsened, and she deveIoed
neuroIogic symloms on lhe righl side of her face and difficuIly vaIking. She vas hosilaIized on Selember
27. Thereafler she deveIoed fIaccid araIysis, had Ioss of menlaI acuily, and died on Oclober 10. Serum
coIIecled on Oclober 2 vas negalive for rabies anlibody, bul serum coIIecled on Oclober 5 had a 23 liler.
Whal is lhe elioIogy of lhis disease` Idenlify lhe eriods of incubalion, rodromaI, iIIness, and decIine. Whal is
lhe mode of lransmission`
Iage 240
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6: +,-'./,#0 N,9&#9&9 .B %"& !#'2,.<#9-50#' #32 XA7$"#%,- WA9%&79
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul sesis is faIse`
A) Symloms incIude fever and decreased bIood ressure.
) Lymhangilis may occur.
C) Symloms are due lo bacleriaI endoloxin.
D) Il usuaIIy is caused by gram"osilive bacleria.
I) Il may be aggravaled by anlibiolics.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Subacule bacleriaI endocardilis ! aIha"hemoIylic slrelococci
) Acule bacleriaI endocardilis ! !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
C) Iericardilis ! !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
D) IuereraI sesis ! !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) urkill's Iymhoma ! I virus
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
3) Which of lhe foIIoving grovs oulside hosl ceIIs`
A) ;8#64'843
) C#('$663
C) ?4'K$"")43
D) C3#"&-$663
I) !"#$%"&23'466()
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
4) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lrealed vilh eniciIIin`
A) Iericardilis
) TuIaremia
C) Anlhrax
D) Lisleriosis
I) Ral"bile fever
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul luIaremia is faIse`
A) Il is caused by P#3-'4)$663 "(63#$-)4)=
) The reservoir is rabbils.
C) Il may be lransmilled by arlhroods.
D) Il may be lransmilled by direcl conlacl.
I) Il occurs onIy in CaIifornia.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 241
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving is a symlom of bruceIIosis`
A) A IocaI infeclion
) ReIasing fever
C) UnduIanl fever
D) Ineumonia
I) }aundice
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lransmilled in rav miIk`
A) ToxoIasmosis
) Anlhrax
C) ruceIIosis
D) Lisleriosis
I) AII of lhe above can be lransmilled in rav miIk.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
8) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a characlerislic of C3'466() 3-"8#3'4)`
A) Aerobic
) Gram"osilive
C) Iorms endosores
D) Iound in soiI
I) Iroduces endoloxins
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
9) The symloms of gas gangrene are due lo aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) MicrobiaI fermenlalion.
) Necrolizing exoloxins.
C) IroleoIylic enzymes.
D) HyaIuronidase.
I) Anaerobic environmenl.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
10) Which of lhe foIIoving bacleriaI infeclions 9:../0 be lransmilled by dog or cal biles`
A) G3)"$(#$663 5(6"&'4E3
) !"#$%"&23'466()
C) C3'"$#&4E$)
D) P()&23'"$#4(5
I) AII of lhe above can be lransmilled by dog or cal biles.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 242
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) MaIaria ! :-&%8$6$) (mosquilo)
) Dengue ! :$E$) (mosquilo)
C) Iidemic lyhus ! G$E4'(6() (Iouse)
D) Rocky Mounlain solled fever ! A$#53'$-"&# (lick)
I) IncehaIilis ! RD&E$) (lick)
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
12) Unsanilary and crovded condilions increase lhe incidence of aII of lhe foIIoving diseases ;F9;G0
A) IIague.
) Iidemic lyhus.
C) Indemic murine lyhus.
D) Rocky Mounlain solled fever.
I) ReIasing fever.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul loxoIasmosis is faIse`
A) Il is caused by a rolozoan.
) The reservoir is cals.
C) Il is lransmilled by lhe gaslroinleslinaI roule.
D) Il is a severe iIIness in aduIls.
I) Il can be congenilaI.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which of lhe foIIoving airs does ./0 aIy lo Chagas' disease`
A) Causalive agenl ! 0= '#(O4
) Veclor ! kissing bug
C) Reservoir ! rodenls
D) Diagnosis ! seroIogicaI lesls for anlibodies
I) Trealmenl ! Nifurlimox
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 caused by a baclerium`
A) Iidemic lyhus
) Tickborne lyhus
C) MaIaria
D) IIague
I) ReIasing fever
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 243
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) A alienl resenls vilh infIammalion of lhe hearl vaIves, fever, maIaise, and subculaneous noduIes al |oinls.
The recommended lrealmenl is
A) Anli"infIammalory drugs.
) Slrelomycin.
C) ChIoroquine.
D) Hyerbaric chamber.
I) IraziquanleI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
17) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul uereraI sesis is faIse`
A) Il is lransmilled from molher lo felus.
) Il is caused by heaIlh care ersonneI.
C) Il begins as a focaI infeclion.
D) Il is a comIicalion of aborlion or chiIdbirlh.
I) Il doesn'l occur anymore because of anlibiolics and aselic lechniques.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
18) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul schislosomiasis is faIse`
A) The cercariae enelrale human skin.
) A arasile of birds causes svimmer's ilch in humans.
C) The inlermediale hosl is an aqualic snaiI.
D) Il is caused by a roundvorm.
I) The femaIe vorm is allached lo lhe maIe.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
19) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul rheumalic fever is faIse`
A) Il is a comIicalion of a grou A bela"hemoIylic slrelococcaI infeclion.
) Il is an infIammalion of lhe hearl.
C) Il is an infIammalion of lhe |oinls.
D) Il is cured vilh eniciIIin.
I) The incidence has decIined in lhe Iasl 10 years.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
20) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) ?4'K$"")43 ! inlraceIIuIar arasile
) C#('$663 ! gram"negalive aerobic rods
C) P#3-'4)$663 ! gram"osilive facuIlaliveIy anaerobic Ieomorhic rods
D) C3'466() ! gram"osilive endosore"forming rods
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 244
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Which of lhe foIIoving can be lransmilled from an infecled molher lo her felus across lhe Iacenla`
A) C&##$643
) CylomegaIovirus
C) !%4#466(5
D) 0&D&%63)53
I) L$#)4-43
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) C&##$643 ! reIasing fever
) L$#)4-43 ! Iague
C) !"#$%"&23'466() ! ral"bile fever
D) G3)"$(#$663 ! cal"scralch disease
I) !%4#466(5 ! ral"bile fever
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
23) A alienl has lhe foIIoving symloms: a auIe, enIarged Iymh nodes. Microscoic examinalion of lhe auIe
reveaIs nucIealed ceIIs in vhile bIood ceIIs. The alienl mosl IikeIy has
A) Anlhrax.
) ruceIIosis.
C) Leishmaniasis.
D) MaIaria.
I) Schislosomiasis.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Human"lo"human lransmission of Iague is usuaIIy by
A) Ral fIea.
) Dog fIea.
C) The resiralory roule.
D) Wounds.
I) Unsanilary condilions.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) A characlerislic symlom of Iague is
A) SmaII red sols on lhe skin.
) ruises on lhe skin.
C) Rose"coIored sols.
D) Recurrenl fever.
I) Nausea and vomiling.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 245
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) Which of lhe foIIoving airs regarding lhe eidemioIogy of maIaria is mismalched`
A) Veclor ! :-&%8$6$)
) IlioIogy ! G63)5&E4(5
C) Iound in Iiver ! sorozoiles
D) Diagnosis ! resence of merozoiles
I) Trealmenl ! anlibiolics
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
27) A redisosing faclor for infeclion by 96&)"#4E4(5 %$#B#4-,$-) is
A) Gangrene.
) urns.
C) Debridemenl.
D) Hyerbaric lrealmenl.
I) An infecled finger.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a zoonosis`
A) IuereraI sesis
) J3-"3@4#() infeclion
C) Anlhrax
D) ruceIIosis
I) TuIaremia
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
29) Arlhroods can serve as a reservoir for vhich of lhe foIIoving diseases`
A) IIague
) ruceIIosis
C) Iidemic lyhus
D) YeIIov fever
I) MaIaria
SkiII: RecaII
30) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Cal"scralch disease ! maIignanl usluIe deveIoing inlo selicemia
) ruceIIosis ! a lemeralure of 40C each evening
C) TuIaremia ! a IocaIized infeclion aearing as a smaII uIcer
D) C&##$643 ! rash and fIuIike
I) ToxoIasmosis ! congenilaI brain damage
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 246
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 be lransmilled lo humans from domeslic cals`
A) ToxoIasmosis
) IIague
C) Chagas' disease
D) C3#"&-$663
I) None of lhese diseases is lransmilled by cals.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe same for bolh reIasing fever and unduIanl fever`
A) Veclor
) Mode of lransmission
C) Iresence of rash
D) Reservoir
I) IlioIogy
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lrealed vilh anlibiolics`
A) IIague
) TuIaremia
C) Lyme disease
D) YeIIov fever
I) Anlhrax
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
34) Which of lhe foIIoving roduces a ermanenl carrier slale foIIoving infeclion`
A) C&##$643
) CylomegaIovirus
C) !%4#466(5
D) 0&D&%63)53
I) L$#)4-43
SkiII: RecaII
35) I virus has been imIicaled in aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) Indocardilis.
) Infeclious mononucIeosis.
C) urkill's Iymhoma.
D) NasoharyngeaI carcinoma.
I) Hodgkin's disease.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 247
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) Which of lhe foIIoving Ieads lo aII lhe olhers`
A) Subculaneous hemorrhaging
) Iresence of anlirickellsiaI anlibodies
C) Iockage of caiIIaries
D) acleriaI grovlh in endolheIiaI ceIIs
I) reakage of caiIIaries
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) A alienl comIains of fever, severe muscIe and |oinl ain, and a rash. The alienl reorls relurning from a
Caribbean vacalion one veek ago. Which one of lhe foIIoving do you susecl`
A) oIivian hemorrhagic fever
) Dengue
C) J3-"3@4#() hemorrhagic fever
D) Tyhus
I) YeIIov fever
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is ./0 correclIy malched for Gram reaclion`
A) Lyme disease ! gram"negalive
) TuIaremia ! gram"negalive
C) Anlhrax ! gram"osilive
D) Rocky Mounlain solled fever ! gram"negalive
I) ;8#64'843 ! gram"osilive
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
39) Scraings from a alienl's rash reveaI cercariae. The disease is mosl IikeIy
A) Lyme disease.
) Rocky Mounlain solled fever.
C) ReIasing fever.
D) Svimmer's ilch.
I) Chagas' disease.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) You advise your regnanl friend lo give her cal avay because
A) She couId conlracl Iague.
) She couId give lhe cal luIaremia.
C) She couId gel loxoIasmosis.
D) She couId gel Iisleriosis.
I) You don'l Iike cals and vanl lo see your friend vilhoul one.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 248
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) Which of lhe foIIoving is evidence lhal lhe arlhrilis affIicling chiIdren in Lyme, Conneclicul, vas due lo
bacleriaI infeclion`
A) TrealabIe vilh eniciIIin
) Nol conlagious
C) Accomanied by a rash
D) Affecled moslIy chiIdren
I) Transmilled by licks
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 conlroIIed by a mosquilo eradicalion rogram`
A) Chikungunya fever
) YeIIov fever
C) Dengue
D) ToxoIasmosis
I) MaIaria
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) A 62"year"oId man vas hosilaIized vilh an 8"day hislory of fever, chiIIs, sveals, and vomiling. His
lemeralure on admission vas 40C. A rouline eriheraI bIood smear reveaIed ring"shaed bodies in lhe
RCs. Whal lrealmenl vouId you rescribe`
A) Hyerbaric oxygen
) MefIoquine
C) No lrealmenl
D) IeniciIIin
I) Slrelomycin
SkiII: Underslanding
44) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul grou slrelococci is faIse`
A) They are resenl in heaIlhy carriers.
) They cause gram"osilive sesis.
C) They cause slre lhroal.
D) They cause neonalaI sesis.
I) They are cIassified as !"#= 3,363'"43$.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
45) ioveaons
A) Are aII resiralory alhogens.
) Are nol suscelibIe lo anlibiolics.
C) Are aII viruses.
D) Are imossibIe lo delecl.
I) Have been used for cenluries.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 249
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Issay Queslions
1) Humans are nol lhe normaI hosls for RD&E$) and F$-&%)+663. Hov lhen do humans conlracl Lyme disease and
2) On }une 1, a 32"year"oId hiker vas billen by a lick. Afler 1 veek, he noliced an erylhremalous ring al lhe
Iocalion of lhe bile. Iour veeks Ialer, a hysician found a Iarge, macuIar, cenlrifugaIIy sreading ring. During
lhe nexl monlh, il exanded lo 35 cm and faded. Over lhe nexl 2.5 years, lhe man exerienced recurrenl
infIammalion of a knee.
Idenlify lhe eriods of incubalion, rodromaI, iIIness, and decIine. Whal is lhe elioIogy` Whal caused lhe
symloms` Whal lrealmenl shouId have been adminislered in }uIy` Whal lrealmenl shouId be adminislered 2
years Ialer`
3) WorIdvide, vhich disease is lhe mosl serious ubIic heaIlh lhreal: maIaria, Chagas' disease, or bruceIIosis`
IxIain vhy, and rovide a Ian lo reduce lhe incidence of lhe disease.
Iage 250
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6> +,-'./,#0 N,9&#9&9 .B %"& M&9$,'#%.'A WA9%&7
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul olilis media is faIse`
A) Il is caused by !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$).
) Il is a comIicalion of lonsiIIilis.
C) Il is lransmilled by svimming ooI valer.
D) Il is caused by rhinovirus.
I) Il is caused by !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()=
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 confirm a diagnosis of slre lhroal`
A) HemoIylic reaclion
) acilracin inhibilion
C) Symloms
D) SeroIogicaI lesls
I) Gram slain
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
3) IeniciIIin is used lo lreal aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) SlrelococcaI sore lhroal.
) Dihlheria.
C) IneumococcaI neumonia.
D) MycoIasmaI neumonia.
I) ScarIel fever.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
4) MycoIasmaI neumonia differs from viraI neumonia in lhal
A) MycoIasmaI neumonia doesn'l have any knovn elioIogic agenl.
) MycoIasmaI neumonia is lrealed vilh lelracycIines.
C) ViraI neumonia is lrealed vilh lelracycIines.
D) The symloms are dislinclIy differenl.
I) 1+'&%63)53 can'l be cuIlured.
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases is ./0 correclIy malched lo a viruIence faclor`
A) Dihlheria ! exoloxin
) ScarIel fever ! exoloxin
C) IneumococcaI neumonia ! exoloxin
D) J3$5&%846() neumonia ! endoloxin
I) Whooing cough ! endoloxin
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 251
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 ! gram"osilive rod
) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 ! acid"fasl rod
C) 1+'&%63)53 ! gram"osilive Ieomorhic rod
D) C&#E$"$663 ! gram"negalive Ieomorhic rod
I) J3$5&%846() ! gram"negalive rod
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving microorganisms causes symloms mosl Iike lubercuIosis`
A) J4)"&%63)53
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) 7$,4&-$663
D) 1+'&%63)53
I) InfIuenzavirus
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhe foIIoving 9:../0 Iead lo a osilive lubercuIin skin lesl`
A) Vaccinalion
) Currenl lubercuIosis infeclion
C) Irevious lubercuIosis infeclion
D) Immunily lo lubercuIosis
I) eing near someone vilh lubercuIosis
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
9) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases is ./0 correclIy malched lo ils vaccine`
A) TubercuIosis ! loxoid
) Whooing cough ! heal"kiIIed bacleria
C) Dihlheria ! loxoid
D) InfIuenza ! viruses grovn in embryonaled eggs
I) IneumococcaI neumonia ! casuIar oIysaccharides
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
10) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases has a culaneous form, eseciaIIy in individuaIs over 30 years of age`
A) Coccidioidomycosis
) Dihlheria
C) LegioneIIosis
D) ScarIel fever
I) Isillacosis
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 252
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) Which of lhe foIIoving causes an infeclion of lhe resiralory syslem lhal is lransmilled by lhe gaslroinleslinaI
A) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
C) 1+'&%63)53 %-$(5&-43$
D) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
SkiII: Underslanding
12) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) IigIollilis ! J3$5&%846()
) Q fever ! ?4'K$"")43
C) Isillacosis ! 98635+E43
D) Whooing cough ! C&#E$"$663
I) MeIioidosis ! C(#K8&6E$#43
SkiII: RecaII
13) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 cause neumonia`
A) 7$,4&-$663
) J3$5&%846()
C) 1+'&%63)53
I) J4)"&%63)53
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
14) Which of lhe foIIoving causes oorlunislic infeclions in AIDS alienls`
A) G-$(5&'+)"4)
) :)%$#,466()
C) ?84O&%()
D) 1('&#
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
15) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases is ./0 correclIy malched lo ils reservoir`
A) TubercuIosis ! callIe
) HisloIasmosis ! soiI
C) Isillacosis ! arakeels
D) Coccidioidomycosis ! air
I) G-$(5&'+)"4) ! humans
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 253
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 roduce an exoloxin`
A) C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4)
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+,&,$-$)
I) AII of lhe above roduce an exoloxin.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
17) Which one of lhe foIIoving causes a disease characlerized by lhe calarrhaI, aroxysmaI, and convaIescenl
A) C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4)
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
I) Resiralory syncyliaI virus
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
18) Which one of lhe foIIoving is an irreguIar, gram"osilive rod`
A) C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4)
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$
C) 1+&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
I) G-$(5&'+)"4) S4#&@$'44
SkiII: RecaII
19) Infeclion by vhich of lhe foIIoving resuIls in lhe formalion of Ghon comIexes`
A) C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4)
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
I) C63)"&5+'$) E$#53"4E4)
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
20) Which one of lhe foIIoving roduces lhe mosl olenl exoloxin`
A) C&#E$"$663 %$#"())4)
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5 "(2$#'(6&)4)
D) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 254
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) The recurrence of infIuenza eidemics is due lo
A) Lack of anliviraI drugs.
) The GuiIIain"arre syndrome.
C) Anligenic shifl.
D) Lack of naluraIIy acquired aclive immunily.
I) HA sikes.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving is an oorlunislic alhogen`
A) G-$(5&'+)"4)
) 7$,4&-$663
C) J4)"&%63)53
D) 1+'&%63)53
I) Rhinovirus
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Which of lhe foIIoving elioIogic agenls resuIls in lhe formalion of abscesses`
A) !"3%8+6&'&''()
) 1+'&%63)53
C) !"#$%"&'&''()
D) C63)"&5+'$)
I) 9&''4E4&4E$) 4554"4)
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
24) Which of lhe foIIoving is mosl suscelibIe lo deslruclion by hagocyles`
A) 98635+E&%8463 %)4""3'4
) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$
C) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)
D) InfIuenza virus
I) J4)"&%63)53 '3%)(63"(5
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
25) A heaIlhy carrier slale exisls for
A) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5 E4%8"8$#43$=
) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43$=
C) ela"hemoIylic slrelococci.
D) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$=
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 255
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) Infeclion by vhich of lhe foIIoving is oflen confused vilh viraI neumonia`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) 1+'&%63)53
D) !"#$%"&'&''()
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
27) Which one of lhe foIIoving causes a disease characlerized by a red rash`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) 1+'&%63)53
D) !"#$%"&'&''()
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
28) InhaIalion of arlhroconidia is resonsibIe for infeclion by vhich of lhe foIIoving organisms`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) 1+'&%63)53
D) !"#$%"&'&''()
I) 98635+E&%8463
SkiII: AnaIysis
29) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Q fever ! fIeas
) G)4""3'&)4) ! arrols
C) G-$(5&'+)"4) ! nosocomiaI
D) 9&''4E4&4E$) ! soiI
I) C63)"&5+'$) ! soiI
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
30) A alienl has neumonia. Gram"negalive rods are cuIlured on nulrienl agar from a sulum samIe. The
elioIogy is
A) C(#K8&6E$#43 %)$(E&5366$4=
) 98635+E&%8463 %)4""3'4=
C) J3$5&%846() 4-B6($-O3$=
D) 7$,4&-$663 %-$(5&%8463=
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %-$(5&-43=
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 256
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) The alienl is suffocaling because of an infIamed eigIollis. Whal is lhe elioIogy`
A) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
) J3$5&%846()
C) C&#E$"$663
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) Can'l leII
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) The alienl has a sore lhroal. Whal is lhe elioIogy`
A) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
) J3$5&%846()
C) C&#E$"$663
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) The alienl is suffocaling because of lhe accumuIalion of dead lissue and fibrin in her lhroal. Whal is lhe
A) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
) J3$5&%846()
C) C&#E$"$663
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) Can'l leII
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Infeclion by vhich of lhe foIIoving begins in Iungs and sreads lo skin`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) J4)"&%63)53
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) G-$(5&'+)"4)
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Which one of lhe foIIoving organisms does ./0 beIong vilh lhe olhers`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) J4)"&%63)53
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) G-$(5&'+)"4)
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 257
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) Microscoic examinalion of a Iung biosy shovs lhick"vaIIed cysls. Whal is lhe elioIogy`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) J4)"&%63)53
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) G-$(5&'+)"4)
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Microscoic examinalion of a Iung biosy shovs sheruIes. Whal is lhe elioIogy`
A) C63)"&5+'$)
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) J4)"&%63)53
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) G-$(5&'+)"4)
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) You are lrying lo idenlify lhe cause of a alienl's middIe ear infeclion. Afler 24 hours, lhere is no grovlh on
bIood agar incubaled aerobicaIIy al 37C. Your nexl sle is lo lry again,
A) Using nulrienl agar.
) Incubaling al 25C.
C) Incubaling anaerobicaIIy.
D) Incubaling al 45C.
I) Then give u.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
39) A alienl has a aroxysmaI cough and mucus accumuIalion. Whal is lhe elioIogy of lhe symloms`
A) C&#E$"$663
) 9&#+-$23'"$#4(5
C) T6$2)4$663
D) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
I) 1+'&%63)53
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) A alienl vho resenls vilh red lhroal and lonsiIs can be diagnosed as having
A) SlrelococcaI haryngilis.
) ScarIel fever.
C) Dihlheria.
D) Common coId.
I) There is insufficienl informalion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 258
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) A alienl has fever, difficuIly brealhing, chesl ains, fIuid in lhe aIveoIi, and a osilive lubercuIin skin lesl.
Gram"osilive cocci are isoIaled from lhe sulum. The alienl mosl IikeIy has
A) TubercuIosis.
) InfIuenza.
C) IneumococcaI neumonia.
D) MycoIasmaI neumonia.
I) Common coId.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
42) Which of lhe foIIoving resiralory infeclions can be conlracled by ingeslion`
A) SlrelococcaI haryngilis
) Dihlheria
C) TubercuIosis
D) MycoIasmaI neumonia
I) J3$5&%846() neumonia
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an inlraceIIuIar arasile`
A) 98635+E&%8463
) 9&''4E4&4E$)
C) 9&D4$663
D) R-B6($-O3@4#()
SkiII: RecaII
44) Which one of lhe foIIoving roduces smaII "fried"egg" coIonies on medium conlaining horse serum and yeasl
A) 98635+E&%8463
) 7$,4&-$663
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5
D) 1+'&%63)53
I) !"#$%"&'&''()
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
45) 7$,4&-$663 is lransmilled by
A) Airborne lransmission.
) Ioodborne lransmission.
C) Ierson"lo"erson conlacl.
D) Iomiles.
I) Veclors.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Irovide reasons vhy infIuenza vaccinalion is nol recommended for everyone.
Iage 259
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
2) Ineumonia is diagnosed by lhe resence of fIuid (dark shadovs in an X"ray image) in lhe aIveoIi. Given lhal
neumonia usuaIIy is caused by a microorganism, vhal causes lhe fIuid accumuIalion` Name a baclerium, a
virus, a fungus, a rolozoan, and a heIminlh lhal can cause neumonia.
Iage 260
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6E +,-'./,#0 N,9&#9&9 .B %"& N,=&9%,<& WA9%&7
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which one of lhe foIIoving is ./0 required for loolh decay`
A) Sucrose
) GIucose
C) CasuIe"forming bacleria
D) Acid"roducing bacleria
I) AII of lhe above are required for loolh decay.
SkiII: AnaIysis
2) 96&)"#4E4(5 E4BB4'46$"associaled diarrhea is usuaIIy receded by
A) Ialing conlaminaled food.
) A bIood lransfusion.
C) Use of broad"seclrum anlibiolics.
D) Imroer food slorage.
I) TraveI lo an underdeveIoed counlry.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
3) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul saImoneIIosis is faIse`
A) Il is a bacleriaI infeclion.
) Il requires a Iarge infeclive dose.
C) A heaIlhy carrier slale exisls.
D) The morlaIily rale is high.
I) Il is oflen associaled vilh ouIlry roducls.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving does ./0 roduce a gaslroinleslinaI disease due lo an exoloxin`
A) 96&)"#4E4(5 %$#B#4-,$-)
) >42#4& '8&6$#3$
C) !84,$663 E+)$-"$#43$
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) 96&)"#4E4(5 2&"(64-(5
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases of lhe gaslroinleslinaI syslem is lransmilled by lhe resiralory roule`
A) SlahyIococcaI enleroloxicosis
) Mums
C) >42#4& gaslroenlerilis
D) aciIIary dysenlery
I) TraveIer's diarrhea
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 261
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Amoebic dysenlery and baciIIary dysenlery differ in lhe
A) Mode of lransmission.
) Aearance of lhe alienl's slooIs.
C) IlioIogic agenl.
D) Iresence of diarrhea.
I) Abscess formalion.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) The symloms of lrichineIIosis are due lo lhe
A) Grovlh of IarvaI 0#4'84-$663 in lhe Iarge inlesline.
) Grovlh of aduIl 0#4'84-$663 in lhe Iarge inlesline.
C) Iormalion of cyslicerci.
D) Incyslmenl of aduIl 0#4'84-$663 in muscIes.
I) Incyslmenl of IarvaI 0#4'84-$663 in muscIes.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) IouIlry roducls are a IikeIy source of infeclion by
A) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$().
) !365&-$663 $-"$#4'3.
C) >42#4& '8&6$#3$=
D) !84,$663 s.
I) 96&)"#4E4(5 %$#B#4-,$-)=
SkiII: RecaII
9) Which of lhe foIIoving is diagnosed by lhe resence of fIageIIaled rolozoa in lhe alienl's feces`
A) 9+'6&)%&#3 infeclion
) Giardiasis
C) TrichineIIosis
D) ChoIera
I) Crylosoridiosis
SkiII: RecaII
10) Which of lhe foIIoving feeds on red bIood ceIIs`
A) H43#E43 6352643
) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64
C) 03$-43 s.
D) >42#4& %3#383$5&6+"4'()
I) ;-"35&$23 84)"&6+"4'3
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 262
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) In humans, beef laevorm infeslalions are acquired by
A) Ingesling lhe eggs of 03$-43 )3,4-3"3.
) Ingesling segmenls of aduIl laevorms.
C) Ingesling conlaminaled valer.
D) Ingesling cyslicerci in lhe inlermediale hosl.
I) Ingesling conlaminaled definilive hosls.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul slahyIococcaI food oisoning is faIse`
A) Susecl foods are lhose nol cooked before ealing.
) Il can be revenled by refrigeralion.
C) Il can be revenled by boiIing foods for 5 minules before ealing.
D) Il is lrealed by reIacing valer and eIeclroIyles.
I) Il is characlerized by raid onsel and shorl duralion of symloms.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
13) The mosl common cause of lraveIer's diarrhea is robabIy
A) !84,$663 s.
) !365&-$663 $-"$#4'3=
C) H43#E43 6352643=
D) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64=
I) 935%+6&23'"$# S$S(-4=
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
14) Acule gaslroenlerilis lhal occurs afler an incubalion eriod of 2 lo 3 days is robabIy caused by
A) H43#E43=
) Rolavirus.
C) !365&-$663=
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()=
I) 0#4'84-$663=
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Hydalid disease ! humans are lhe definilive hosl
) 03$-43 infeslalion ! humans are lhe definilive hosl
C) TrichineIIosis ! humans eal Iarva of arasile
D) Iinvorm infeslalion ! humans ingesl arasile's eggs
I) Hookvorm infeslalion ! arasile bores lhrough skin
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 263
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) Thorough cooking of food viII revenl aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) TrichineIIosis.
) eef laevorm.
C) SlahyIococcaI food oisoning.
D) SaImoneIIosis.
I) ShigeIIosis.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
17) Mosl of lhe normaI microbiola of lhe digeslive syslem are found in lhe
A) Moulh.
) Slomach.
C) SmaII inlesline.
D) Large inlesline.
I) C and D.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
18) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms is mosl IikeIy lo be resonsibIe for eriodonlaI disease`
A) Gram"osilive cocci
) Gram"osilive rods
C) Gram"negalive cocci
D) Gram"negalive rods
I) Gingivirus
SkiII: RecaII
19) Tyhoid fever differs from saImoneIIosis in lhal in lyhoid fever
A) The microorganisms become invasive.
) The symloms are due lo an exoloxin.
C) The symloms are due lo infeclion of lhe gaIIbIadder.
D) The cIassic symlom is diarrhea.
I) Chemolheray is highIy effeclive.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
20) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms is IikeIy lo be lransmilled via conlaminaled shrim`
A) 0#4'84-$663
) >42#4&
C) H43#E43
D) 96&)"#4E4(5 %$#B#4-,$-)
I) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 264
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms is IikeIy lo be lransmilled via undercooked ork and horse`
A) !365&-$663
) !"3%8+6&'&''()
C) 0#4'84-$663
D) ;-"35&$23
I) !84,$663
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
22) A vaccine lo rovide aclive immunily lo serum healilis is reared from
A) Viruses grovn in lissue cuIlure.
) GenelicaIIy modified yeasl.
C) IooIed gamma gIobuIin.
D) Viruses grovn in embryonaled eggs.
I) ViraI arlicIes in alienls.
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Which one of lhe foIIoving is ./0 lransmilled by valer`
A) !365&-$663
) 9+'6&)%&#3
C) 0#4'84-$663
D) 9#+%"&)%&#4E4(5
I) Healilis A virus
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
24) Which of lhe foIIoving causes an infeclion of lhe Iiver`
A) !365&-$663
) !84,$663
C) Healilis A virus
D) >42#4&
I) ;)'8$#4'843
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
25) "Rice valer slooIs" are characlerislic of
A) SaImoneIIosis.
) ChoIera.
C) aciIIary dysenlery.
D) Amebic dysenlery.
I) Taevorm infeslalion.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 265
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) Iidemics of bacleriaI infeclions of lhe digeslive syslem are lransmilled by
A) Iood.
) Waler.
C) MiIk.
D) The resiralory roule.
I) AII of lhe above.
SkiII: Underslanding
27) Mosl gaslroinleslinaI infeclions are lrealed vilh
A) Anliloxin.
) IeniciIIin.
C) Waler and eIeclroIyles.
D) Quinacrine.
I) Thorough cooking.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
28) Which of lhe foIIoving is lrealed vilh lelracycIine`
A) SlahyIococcaI food oisoning
) >42#4& %3#383$5&6+"4'() gaslroenlerilis
C) Infeclious healilis
D) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64 gaslroenlerilis
I) TrichineIIosis
SkiII: Underslanding
29) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Irgol ! gangrene
) !365&-$663 endoloxin ! coaguIales bIood
C) >42#4& enleroloxin ! secrelion of CI
, K
, and H
D) AfIaloxin ! Iiver cancer
I) Shiga loxin ! lissue deslruclion
SkiII: Underslanding
30) acleriaI inloxicalions differ from bacleriaI infeclions of lhe digeslive syslem in lhal inloxicalions
A) Are lransmilled via valer.
) Are more severe.
C) Have shorler incubalion limes.
D) Are lrealed vilh anlibiolics.
I) Are accomanied by fever.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 266
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) The mosl common mode of HAV lransmission is
A) Conlaminalion of food during rearalion.
) Conlaminalion of food before il reaches a food service eslabIishmenl.
C) Iood lransfusion.
D) Conlaminaled hyodermic needIes.
I) Airborne.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
32) Wilh vhich of lhe foIIoving subslrales can !"#$%"&'&''() 5("3-) make a casuIe`
A) XyIiloI
) GIucose
C) ManniloI
D) Sucrose
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) A 38"year"oId man had onsel of fever, chiIIs, nausea, and myaIgia. On AriI 29, he had ealen rav oyslers. On
May 2, he vas admilled lo a hosilaI because of a fever of 39C and lvo circuIar necrolic Iesions on lhe Iefl Ieg.
He had aIcohoIic Iiver disease. He vas lransferred lo lhe ICU, lheray vilh cirofIoxacin vas inilialed. On May
4, he died. Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe mosl IikeIy elioIogy`
A) C3'466() '$#$()
) 9+'6&)%&#3
C) !365&-$663
D) >42#4& @(6-4B4'()
I) L$#)4-43 $-"$#&'&64"4'3
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) The easiesl vay lo revenl oulbreaks of gram"negalive gaslroenlerilis is lo
A) Cook foods lhoroughIy.
) SaIl foods.
C) Add vinegar and sices lo foods.
D) Refrigerale foods.
I) Avoid ealing meal.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Microscoic examinalion of a alienl's fecaI cuIlure shovs siraI bacleria. The bacleria robabIy beIong lo lhe
A) 935%+6&23'"$#.
) ;)'8$#4'843.
C) !365&-$663.
D) !84,$663.
I) >42#4&.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 267
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
36) Ieces from a alienl vilh diarrhea Iasling for veeks vilh frequenl, valery slooIs shouId be examined for
A) C3'466() '$#$().
) 9+'6&)%&#3.
C) !365&-$663.
D) >42#4& @(6-4B4'()=
I) L$#)4-43 $-"$#&'&64"4'3.
SkiII: AnaIysis
37) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a gram"negalive rod lhal causes gaslroenlerilis`
A) 96&)"#4E4(5
) ;)'8$#4'843
C) !365&-$663
D) !84,$663
I) L$#)4-43
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) J$64'&23'"$# can grov in lhe slomach because il
A) Hides in macrohages.
) Makes a casuIe.
C) Makes NH
D) Makes HCI.
I) Invades eilheIiaI ceIIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
39) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a eukaryole lhal causes gaslroenlerilis`
A) 9#+%"&)%&#4E4(5
) 9+'6&)%&#3
C) ;-"35&$23
D) H43#E43
I) 935%+6&23'"$#
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) Acule gaslroenlerilis lhal occurs afler an incubalion eriod of 4 lo 24 hours is robabIy caused by
A) H43#E43
) Rolavirus
C) !365&-$663
D) !"3%8+6&'&''() 3(#$()
I) 0#4'84-$663
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 268
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) Which of lhe viruses Iisled meels lhese crileria` diagnosed by ICR, incubalion of 4 lo 22 veeks, lransmilled by
lhe arenleraI roule, is a fIavivirus.
A) Healilis A virus
) Healilis virus
C) Healilis C virus
D) Healilis D virus
I) Healilis I virus
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) eef ! ;= '&64 O157:H7
) DeIicalessen meals ! 74)"$#43
C) Iggs ! 0#4'84-$663
D) MiIk ! 935%+6&23'"$#
I) Oyslers ! >42#4&
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Silualion 25.1
IoIIoving a counly fair, 160 ersons comIained of gaslroinleslinaI symloms. Symloms incIuded diarrhea (84%),
abdominaI crams (96%), nausea (84%), vomiling (82%), body aches (50%), fever (60%, median body lemeralure & 38.3C),
median duralion of iIIness 6 days (range 10 hr lo 13 days).
43) In Silualion 25.1, fecaI samIes shouId be cuIlured for aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) !365&-$663=
) !84,$663=
C) 935%+6&23'"$#=
D) Inleroalhogenic ;)'8$#4'843 '&64=
I) H43#E43.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
44) In Silualion 25.1, assume lhe samIes vere cuIlure"negalive. The nexl sle is
A) To begin anlibiolic lheray.
) Iood cuIlures.
C) Microscoic examinalion for oocysls.
D) Microscoic examinalion for viruses.
I) MuscIe biosy.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 269
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
TabIe 25.1
?..2 M&0#%,<& M,9C
Iack beans 0.58
Corn sou 0.75
}aIaeo eers 34.13
Roma lomaloes 5.40
45) Use TabIe 25.1 lo ansver lhis queslion. The reIalive risks shovn vere caIcuIaled for foods susecled of
lransmilling !365&-$663. Which food is lhe mosl IikeIy source of infeclion`
A) Iack beans
) Corn sou
C) }aIaeo eers
D) Roma lomaloes
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Issay Queslions
1) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64 is normaIIy in lhe Iarge inleslines of humans. Hov can lhis baclerium be lhe elioIogic agenl of
mosl cases of lraveIer's diarrhea`
2) Discuss vhy choIera eidemics are oflen associaled vilh fIoods.
3) Hov can you avoid conlracling lhe foIIoving diseases`
a. TrichineIIosis
b. Hydalidosis
c. Taevorm infeslalions
d. SlahyIococcaI food oisoning
e. TraveIer's diarrhea
f. Giardiasis
Iage 270
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6F +,-'./,#0 N,9&#9&9 .B %"& Y',3#'A #32 M&$'.25-%,<& WA9%&79
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) NormaI microbiola of lhe aduIl vagina consisl rimariIy of
A) 73'"&23'466().
) !"#$%"&'&''().
C) 1+'&23'"$#4(5.
D) .$4))$#43.
I) 93-E4E3=
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
2) Cyslilis is mosl oflen caused by
A) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64=
) 7$%"&)%4#3 4-"$##&,3-)=
C) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
D) .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$=
I) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3=
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
3) IyeIonehrilis may resuIl from
A) Urelhrilis.
) Cyslilis.
C) Urelerilis.
D) Syslemic infeclions.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
4) AII of lhe foIIoving resuIl from .= ,&-&##8&$3$ infeclion. Which one 6$3E) lo lhe olhers`
A) Anlibody roduclion is sloed
) CD4
T Iymhocyles don'l reroduce
C) Increased risk of olher STIs
D) Oa allaches lo CD4
T Iymhocyles
I) Reinfeclion by .= ,&-&##8&$3$
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
5) IyeIonehrilis usuaIIy is caused by
A) G)$(E&5&-3) 3$#(,4-&)3=
) G#&"$() s.
C) ;)'8$#4'843 '&64=
D) ;-"$#&23'"$# 3$#&,$-$)=
I) !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)=
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 271
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) The reservoir for Ielosirosis is
A) Humans.
) Waler.
C) Domeslic dogs.
D) Domeslic cals.
I) HosilaIs.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
7) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 rimariIy a sexuaIIy lransmilled infeclion (STI)`
A) LymhogranuIoma venereum
) GenilaI heres
C) Gonorrhea
D) Chancroid
I) Trichomoniasis
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
8) Which of lhe foIIoving is lrealed vilh eniciIIin`
A) LymhogranuIoma venereum
) GenilaI varls
C) Candidiasis
D) SyhiIis
I) Trichomoniasis
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
9) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) Trichomoniasis ! fungus
) Gonorrhea ! gram"negalive cocci
C) Chancroid ! gram"negalive rod
D) H3#E-$#$663 ! cIue ceIIs
I) SyhiIis ! gram"negalive sirochele
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
10) One form of NGU is IymhogranuIoma venereum caused by
A) 7$%"&)%4#3 4-"$##&,3-)=
) 98635+E43 "#3'8&53"4)=
C) .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$=
D) 0#$%&-$53 %3664E(5=
I) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 272
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
11) AII of lhe foIIoving can cause congenilaI infeclions or infeclions of lhe nevborn ;F9;G0
A) SyhiIis.
) Gonorrhea.
C) NongonococcaI urelhrilis.
D) GenilaI heres.
I) LymhogranuIoma venereum.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
12) Which of lhe foIIoving recurs al lhe iniliaI sile of infeclion`
A) Gonorrhea
) SyhiIis
C) GenilaI heres
D) Chancroid
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
13) Which of lhe foIIoving is diagnosed by deleclion of anlibodies againsl lhe causalive agenl`
A) NongonococcaI urelhrilis
) Gonorrhea
C) SyhiIis
D) LymhogranuIoma venereum
I) Candidiasis
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
14) NongonococcaI urelhrilis can be caused by aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) 1+'&%63)53 8&54-4=
) 93-E4E3 3624'3-)=
C) 0#4'8&5&-3) @3,4-364)=
D) Slrelococci.
I) .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$=
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) Which of lhe foIIoving is caused by an oorlunislic alhogen`
A) Trichomoniasis
) GenilaI heres
C) Candidiasis
D) Gonorrhea
I) Chancroid
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 273
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
16) The H of lhe aduIl vagina is acidic due lo lhe conversion of ________ lo ________ by bacleria.
A) GIucose, elhanoI
) Irolein, acelic acid
C) GIycogen, Iaclic acid
D) MucosaI ceIIs, Iaclic acid
I) Urine, Iaclic acid
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
17) A normaI urine samIe coIIecled by urinaling inlo a sleriIe coIIeclion cu
A) Is sleriIe.
) Conlains fever lhan 100 alhogens/mI.
C) Conlains fever lhan 10,000 alhogens/mI.
D) Conlains more lhan 100,000 alhogens/mI.
I) Has Ieukocyle eslerase.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
18) Mosl nosocomiaI infeclions of lhe urinary lracl are caused by
A) ;= '&64=
) ;-"$#&'&''()=
C) G#&"$()=
D) T6$2)4$663=
I) G)$(E&5&-3)=
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
19) GIomeruIonehrilis is
A) Caused by !"#$%"&'&''() %+&,$-$)=
) An immune comIex disease.
C) Trealed vilh eniciIIin.
D) Transmilled by conlaminaled valer.
I) A and C
SkiII: RecaII
20) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a redisosing faclors lo cyslilis in femaIes`
A) The roximily of lhe anus lo lhe urelhra
) The Ienglh of lhe urelhra
C) SexuaI inlercourse
D) Ioor ersonaI hygiene
I) AII of lhe above are redisosing faclors.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 274
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
21) The mosl common reorlabIe disease in lhe Uniled Slales is
A) Cyslilis.
) LymhogranuIoma venereum.
C) Gonorrhea.
D) SyhiIis.
I) Candidiasis.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a comIicalion of gonorrhea`
A) Arlhrilis
) IeIvic infIammalory disease
C) Indocardilis
D) Meningilis
I) AII of lhe above are olenliaI comIicalions of gonorrhea.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
23) Which of lhe foIIoving is lhe mosl difficuIl lo lreal vilh chemolheraeulic agenls`
A) GenilaI heres
) Gonorrhea
C) SyhiIis
D) Trichomoniasis
I) Lelosirosis
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
24) Ilching and cheesy discharge are symloms of
A) H3#E-$#$663 vaginosis.
) GenilaI heres.
C) Candidiasis.
D) Trichomoniasis.
I) LymhogranuIoma venereum.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
25) Recurring vesicIes are symloms of
A) H3#E-$#$663 vaginosis.
) GenilaI heres.
C) Candidiasis.
D) Trichomoniasis.
I) LymhogranuIoma venereum.
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 275
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
26) Leukocyles al lhe infecled sile is a symlom of
A) H3#E-$#$663 vaginosis.
) GenilaI heres.
C) Candidiasis.
D) Trichomoniasis.
I) LymhogranuIoma venereum.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
27) Which of lhe foIIoving is caused by 98635+E43`
A) H3#E-$#$663 vaginosis
) GenilaI heres
C) Candidiasis
D) Trichomoniasis
I) LymhogranuIoma venereum
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
28) A osilive LI lexl and 10,000 CIU/mI in urine indicales
A) Cyslilis.
) Gonorrhea.
C) Urelhrilis.
D) IyeIonehrilis.
I) GenilaI heres.
Ansver: D
SkiII: RecaII
29) Which of lhe foIIoving diseases causes a skin rash, hair Ioss, maIaise, and fever`
A) Gonorrhea
) SyhiIis
D) Trichomoniasis
I) GenilaI heres
SkiII: RecaII
30) !"3%8+6&'&''() )3%#&%8+"4'() causes
A) Cyslilis.
) IyeIonehrilis.
C) Vaginilis.
D) Gonorrhea.
I) SyhiIis.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 276
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
31) Which one of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul genilaI varls is faIse`
A) Il is lransmilled by direcl conlacl.
) Il is caused by aiIIomaviruses.
C) Il is aIvays recancerous.
D) Il is lrealed by removing lhem.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
32) The mosl common NGU in lhe Uniled Slales is lrealed vilh
A) IeniciIIin.
) CehaIosorins.
C) AcycIovir.
I) DoxycycIine.
SkiII: AnaIysis
33) Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls aboul eIvic infIammalory disease is faIse`
A) Il can cause sleriIily and chronic ain.
) Il can be caused by .= ,&-&##8&$3$.
C) Il can be lransmilled sexuaIIy.
D) Il can be caused by 9= "#3'8&53"4).
I) Il affecls men and vomen equaIIy.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Which one of lhe foIIoving does ./0 cause nongonococcaI urelhrilis`
A) 98635+E43=
) 1+'&%63)53=
C) .$4))$#43=
D) U#$3%63)53=
I) AII of lhe above cause NGU.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Infanls born lo asymlomalic molhers vilh recurrenl genilaI heres are Iess IikeIy lo acquire heresvirus al
birlh lhan infanls born lo nevIy infecled molhers because
A) MalernaI anlibodies offer roleclion.
) The disease cannol be lransmilled lo nevborns.
C) The disease is nol communicabIe.
D) IrohyIaclic anlibiolics are adminislered lo lhe nevborn.
I) The virus isn'l groving.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
36) Which of lhe foIIoving is grealer`
A) The number of reorled cases of gonorrhea Iasl year
) The number of reorled cases of AIDS Iasl year
C) They are equaI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 277
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
37) A alienl resenls vilh fever and exlensive Iesions of lhe Iabia minora. Her VDRL lesl vas negalive. Whal is
lhe mosl IikeIy lrealmenl`
A) MelronidazoIe
) CehaIosorins
C) AcycIovir
D) MiconazoIe
I) No lrealmenl is avaiIabIe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
38) A alienl is exeriencing rofuse greenish yeIIov, fouI"smeIIing discharge from her vagina. She is comIaining
of ilching and irrilalion. Whal is lhe mosl IikeIy lrealmenl`
A) MelronidazoIe
) CehaIosorins
C) AcycIovir
D) MiconazoIe
I) No lrealmenl is avaiIabIe.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
39) A 25"year"oId man resenled vilh fever, maIaise, and a rash on his chesl, arms, and feel. The elioIogy couId be
any of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) C&##$643.
) Mums virus.
C) ?4'K$"")43.
D) !"#$%"&'&''().
I) 0#$%&-$53.
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) A 25"year"oId man resenled vilh fever, maIaise, and a rash on his chesl, arms, and feel. Which of lhe
foIIoving viII be mosl usefuI for a raid diagnosis`
A) acleriaI cuIlure
) Microscoic examinalion of bIood
C) SeroIogicaI lesl for anlibodies
D) SeroIogicaI lesl for anligen
I) ViraI cuIlure
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
41) A 25"year"oId man resenled vilh fever, maIaise, and a rash on his chesl, arms, and feel. Diagnosis vas based
on seroIogicaI lesling. The alienl lhen reorled lhal he had an uIcer on his enis 2 monlhs earIier. Whal slage
of disease is lhe alienl in`
) Irimary
C) Secondary
D) Terliary
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 278
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
42) A 25"year"oId maIe resenled vilh fever, maIaise, and a rash on his chesl, arms, and feel. Diagnosis vas based
on seroIogicaI lesling. The alienl lhen reorled lhal he had an uIcer on his enis 2 monlhs earIier. This disease
can be lrealed vilh
A) AcycIovir.
) MelronidazoIe.
C) MiconazoIe.
D) IeniciIIin.
I) Surgery.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) A eIvic examinalion of a 23"year"oId voman shoved vesicIes and uIceraled Iesions on her Iabia. CuIlures
vere negalive for .$4))$#43 and 98635+E43, lhe VDRL lesl vas negalive. Which lrealmenl is aroriale`
A) AcycIovir
) MelronidazoIe
C) MiconazoIe
D) IeniciIIin
I) Surgery
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
44) A eIvic examinalion of a 23"year"oId voman shoved vesicIes and uIceraled Iesions on her Iabia. CuIlures
vere negalive for .$4))$#43 and 98635+E43, lhe VDRL lesl vas negalive. Which of lhe foIIoving is robabIe`
A) Candidiasis
) GenilaI heres
C) Gonorrhea
I) SyhiIis
SkiII: AnaIysis
45) Which of lhe foIIoving is lrealed vilh cehaIosorins because lhe organism is resislanl lo eniciIIin and
A) 1+'&%63)53 8&54-4)
) J3$5&%846() E('#$+4
C) .$4))$#43 ,&-&##8&$3$
D) 0#$%&-$53 %3664E(5
I) H3#E-$#$663 @3,4-364)
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Why are lhe unreorled cases of STIs an imorlanl ubIic heaIlh concern`
2) NearIy 70% of lhe alienls seen in STI cIinics are men.
a. Offer a reason men are more IikeIy lo seek lrealmenl lhan vomen.
b. Why is il imorlanl lhal vomen seek lrealmenl for STIs`
Iage 279
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6I D3<,'.37&3%#0 +,-'./,.0.=A
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a habilal for an exlremohiIe`
A) Acid mine vash
) The AlIanlic Ocean
C) Inside rock
D) SaIl"evaoraling ond
I) 100C valer
SkiII: RecaII
2) Which of lhe foIIoving organisms is using suIfur as a source of energy`
A) 084&23'466(): H
S $ S
) A$)(6B&@42#4&: SO
$ H
C) G#&"$(): Amino acids $ H
D) Redvood lree: SO
$ Amino acids
I) Iholosynlhelic bacleria: H
S $ S
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
3) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a symbiolic air of organisms`
A) IIk and rumen bacleria
) Orchid and mycorrhizae
C) Onions and arbuscuIes
D) ean Ianl and ?84O&24(5
I) SuIfur and 084&23'466()
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
4) In vhich of lhe foIIoving animaIs vouId you execl lo find a seciaIized organ lhal hoIds ceIIuIose"degrading
bacleria and fungi`
A) Cal
) Dog
C) Termile
D) Human
I) WoIf
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
5) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) ?84O&24(5 ! Iegumes
) C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4) ! insecl conlroI
C) 084&23'466() B$##&&D4E3-) ! uranium mining
D) P#3-K43 ! aIders
I) Lichen ! an aIga and a baclerium
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 280
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Adding unlrealed sevage lo a freshvaler Iake vouId cause lhe biochemicaI oxygen demand lo
A) Increase.
) Decrease.
C) Slay lhe same.
D) Can'l leII.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) CoaI formalion
A) Requires aerobic condilions.
) Requires anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
SkiII: Underslanding
8) A lrickIing fiIler
A) Requires aerobic condilions.
) Requires anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
9) 6H
S # 6CO

# gIucose
A) Takes Iace under aerobic condilions.
) Takes Iace under anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
SkiII: Underslanding
10) Nilrogen fixalion
A) Requires aerobic condilions.
) Requires anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
SkiII: Underslanding
11) SIudge digeslion
A) Takes Iace under aerobic condilions.
) Takes Iace under anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
SkiII: Underslanding
12) Irimary sevage lrealmenl
A) Takes Iace under aerobic condilions.
) Takes Iace under anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 281
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
13) NH
$ NO
A) Takes Iace under aerobic condilions.
) Takes Iace under anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
14) ioremedialion of elroIeum
A) Takes Iace under aerobic condilions.
) Takes Iace under anaerobic condilions.
C) The amounl of oxygen doesn'l make any difference.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
15) iochemicaI oxygen demand is a measure of
A) The number of bacleria resenl in a valer samIe.
) The amounl of oxygen resenl in a valer samIe.
C) The amounl of organic maller resenl in a valer samIe.
D) The amounl of undissoIved soIid maller resenl in a valer samIe.
I) The amounl of nilrogen in a valer samIe.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
16) Iighly"one ercenl of lhe microorganisms in lhe soiI are
A) Aclinomyceles.
) AIgae
C) acleria.
D) Iungi.
I) Irolozoa.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
17) Mosl of lhe microorganisms in lhe soiI are found al a delh
A) elveen 3 and 8 cm.
) elveen 20 and 25 cm.
C) elveen 35 and 40 cm.
D) elveen 65 and 75 cm.
I) IvenIy dislribuled from lhe surface lo 76 cm.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 282
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 27.1
18) Which sle in Iigure 27.1 reresenls anaerobic resiralion`
A) I
) II
I) V
SkiII: Underslanding
19) Which lerm in Iigure 27.1 describes sle V`
A) Ammonificalion
) Denilrificalion
C) DissimiIalion
D) Nilrificalion
I) Nilrogen fixalion
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 283
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
20) Which sle in Iigure 27.1 reresenls lhe foIIoving reaclion: amino acid ("NH
) $ NH
A) I
) II
I) V
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
21) Nilrificalion is beneficiaI lo farmers. Il is reresenled by vhich sle in Iigure 27.1`
A) I
) II
I) V
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
22) Which of lhe foIIoving lerms describes sle III in Iigure 27.1`
A) Ammonificalion
) Denilrificalion
C) Nilrificalion
D) Nilrogen fixalion
I) AssimiIalion
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
23) Which of lhe foIIoving lerms describes NH
$ NO
$ NO
A) Ammonificalion
) Denilrificalion
C) Nilrificalion
D) Nilrogen fixalion
I) Anaerobic resiralion
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
24) Which of lhe foIIoving is an assimiIalion rocess`
A) 084&23'466(): H
S $ S
) A$)(6B&@42#4&: SO
$ H
C) G#&"$(): Amino acids $ H
D) Redvood lree: SO
$ Amino acids
I) Iholosynlhelic bacleria: H
S $ S
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 284
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
25) Which vaslevaler lrealmenl rocess is resonsibIe for removaI of mosl of lhe OD in sevage`
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl
I) Waler lrealmenl
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
26) Which vaslevaler lrealmenl rocess roduces OD"conlaining effIuenl used for irrigalion`
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl
I) Waler lrealmenl
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
27) ResiduaI chIorine musl be mainlained in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
28) Sedimenlalion of sIudge occurs in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
SkiII: Underslanding
29) The roducl of vhich rocess conlains lhe highesl OD`
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl
I) Waler lrealmenl
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 285
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
30) V&&,6&$3 form fIoccuIenl masses in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
31) Rolaling bioIogicaI conlaclors are used in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
32) Aerobic resiralion occurs in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
33) Anaerobic resiralion occurs in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
34) IiIlralion lo remove rolozoa occurs in
A) Anaerobic sIudge digeslion.
) Irimary sevage lrealmenl.
C) Secondary sevage lrealmenl.
D) Terliary sevage lrealmenl.
I) Waler lrealmenl.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 286
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
35) Which of lhe foIIoving do ./0 fix almosheric nilrogen`
A) Cyanobacleria
) Lichens
C) Mycorrhizae
D) P#3-K43
I) :O&"&23'"$#
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
36) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
# 4H
$ CH
# 2H
O ! Melhane"roducing bacleria
) Ie
$ Ie
! 084&23'466() B$##&&D4E3-)
C) 6CO
# 6H
O $ C
# 6O
! 96&)"#4E4(5
D) N
# 6H
$ 2NH
! C$4S$#4-'K43
# 10H
$ H
S # 4H
O ! A$)(6B&@42#4&
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
37) acleria can increase lhe Iarlh's lemeralure by
A) Generaling a greal deaI of heal in melaboIism.
) Iroducing CH
, vhich is a greenhouse gas.
C) Using lhe greenhouse gas CO
D) Iroviding nulrienls for Ianl grovlh.
I) Oxidizing CH
SkiII: RecaII
38) The bacleria conlribuling mosl of lhe bacleriaI biomass lo soiI are
A) Aclinomyceles.
) Rhizobiaceae.
C) Chemoaulolrohs.
D) Iholohelerolrohs.
I) CoIiforms.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
39) Which one of lhe foIIoving rocesses in sevage lrealmenl requires bacleriaI melaboIism`
A) ChIorinalion
) Irimary lrealmenl
C) RemovaI of OD
D) Sedimenlalion
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 287
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 27.2
40) Where are holosynlhelic bacleria mosl IikeIy lo be found in Iigure 27.2`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) a and b
I) b and c
SkiII: Underslanding
41) Where are eukaryolic aIgae mosl IikeIy lo be found in Iigure 27.2`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) a and b
I) b and c
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
42) The bacleria lhal grov firsl in lhe microbiaI succession in a comosl iIe are
A) Anaerobic mesohiIes.
) Aerobic lhermohiIes.
C) Anaerobic sychrohiIes.
D) Aerobic mesohiIes.
I) Anaerobic lhermohiIes.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) The reIease of hoshale"conlaining delergenls inlo a river vouId
A) KiII aIgae.
) Increase aIgaI grovlh.
C) KiII bacleria.
D) Increase oxygen in lhe valer.
I) None of lhe above.
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 288
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
44) Unlrealed sevage is reIeased inlo a river. Which of lhe foIIoving slalemenls is faIse`
A) The unlrealed sevage is a heaIlh hazard.
) The unlrealed sevage increases lhe OD.
C) The unlrealed sevage decreases lhe dissoIved oxygen.
D) The unlrealed sevage kiIIs bacleria.
I) AII of lhe above slalemenls are lrue.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
45) acleria lhal emil Iighl can be used as biosensors because
A) They migrale lo hazardous chemicaI.
) They don'l emil Iighl in lhe resence of a hazardous chemicaI.
C) They degrade hazardous chemicaIs.
D) They have IMN.
I) They have lhe 6(D gene.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Issay Queslions
1) Whal is lhe effecl of discharging rimary"lrealed sevage on lhe OD and dissoIved O
(DO) of lhe receiving
body of valer` Whal is lhe effecl of secondary"lrealed sevage on lhe OD and DO`
2) A nevsaer headIine reorled "AIgaI Ioom KiIIs Iish."
a. Whal acluaIIy caused fish dealh, given lhal lhe aIgae vere nol loxic`
b. Whal couId have caused lhe aIgaI bIoom`
TabIe 27.1
These resuIls vere oblained from a bioremedialion exerimenl:
3) IxIain lhe dala in TabIe 27.1.
Iage 289
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
!"#$%&' 6J @$$0,&2 #32 V3259%',#0 +,-'./,.0.=A
Ob|eclive Queslions
1) SoiIage due lo can Ieakage afler rocessing is
A) ThermohiIic anaerobic soiIage.
) IIal sour soiIage.
C) SoiIage by mesohiIic bacleria.
D) Caused by acid"loIeranl fungi.
I) Iulrefaclive anaerobic soiIage.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
2) SoiIage of canned foods slored al high lemeralures, accomanied by gas roduclion, is
A) ThermohiIic anaerobic soiIage.
) IIal sour soiIage.
C) SoiIage by mesohiIic bacleria.
D) Caused by acid"loIeranl fungi.
I) Iulrefaclive anaerobic soiIage.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
3) SoiIage of canned foods due lo inadequale rocessing, nol accomanied by gas roduclion, is
A) ThermohiIic anaerobic soiIage.
) IIal sour soiIage.
C) SoiIage by mesohiIic bacleria.
D) Caused by acid"loIeranl fungi.
I) Iulrefaclive anaerobic soiIage.
SkiII: RecaII
4) Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) G#&%4&-423'"$#4(5 ! Sviss cheese
) G$-4'4664(5 ! bIue cheese
C) !"#$%"&'&''() ! yogurl
D) :'$"&23'"$# ! vinegar
I) C3'466() ! hard cheese
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
5) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an aIlernalive fueI (energy source) roduced by bacleria`
A) Laclic acid
) MelhanoI
C) IlhanoI
D) Hydrogen
I) Melhane
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 290
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
6) Which one of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a fueI roduced by microorganisms`
A) CeIIuIose
) IlhanoI
C) Hydrogen
D) Melhane
I) OiI from aIgae
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
7) Microorganisms lhemseIves are induslriaI roducls. Which of lhe foIIoving airs is mismalched`
A) G$-4'4664(5 ! lrealmenl of disease
) !3''83#&5+'$) '$#$@4)43$ ! for fermenlalion
C) ?84O&24(5 ! increases nilrogen in lhe soiI
D) C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4) ! inseclicide
I) AIgae ! cilric acid
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
8) Which of lhe foIIoving is an undesirabIe conlaminanl in vine"making`
A) :'$"&23'"$#
) Laclic acid bacleria
C) 96&)"#4E4(5
D) C3'466()
I) !3''83#&5+'$) (yeasl)
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
9) CommerciaI sleriIizalion differs from lrue sleriIizalion in lhal commerciaI sleriIizalion
A) KiIIs aII microorganisms.
) KiIIs onIy bacleria.
C) May resuIl in lhe survivaI of lhermohiIes.
D) ImIoys a higher lemeralure.
I) May resuIl in lhe survivaI of fungaI sores.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 291
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 28.1
10) In Iigure 28.1, assume lhal ceIIs are your desired roducl. When vouId you harvesl ceIIs lo maximize your
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
SkiII: Underslanding
11) In Iigure 28.1, assume lhal a secondary melaboIile is your desired roducl. When vouId you be abIe lo oblain
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
Ansver: C
SkiII: Underslanding
12) In Iigure 28.1, assume you vanl an enzyme lhal is nol secreled. You vouId harvesl al lhe end of vhal lime`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
SkiII: Underslanding
13) Which reaclion is erformed by yeasl in vine"making`
A) Sucrose $ IlhanoI
) IlhanoI $ Acelic acid
C) MaIic acid $ Laclic acid
D) Carbon dioxide $ Sucrose
I) Sucrose $ CO
# H
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 292
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
14) Which reaclion makes vine Iess acidic`
A) Sucrose $ IlhanoI
) IlhanoI $ Acelic acid
C) MaIic acid $ Laclic acid
D) Carbon dioxide $ Sucrose
I) Sucrose $ CO
# H
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
15) If lhe 63' oeron is used as a recelor for lhe 6(D oeron, lhe resence of Iaclose vouId cause lhe ceII lo
A) Die.
) Imil Iighl.
C) Iroduce Iaclose.
D) Grov beller.
I) Use Iighl energy.
SkiII: Underslanding
16) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an advanlage of a bioreaclor over a fIask cuIlure`
A) Larger cuIlure voIumes can be grovn.
) Inslrumenlalion for moniloring environmenlaI condilions.
C) Uniform aeralion and mixing.
D) Aselic samIing.
I) AII of lhe above are advanlages of using a bioreaclor inslead of a fIask cuIlure.
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
17) MicrobiaI roducls can be imroved by aII of lhe foIIoving ;F9;G0
A) IsoIaling nev slrains.
) Mulaling exisling slrains.
C) GenelicaIIy modifying slrains.
D) Modifying cuIlure condilions.
I) SleriIizalion.
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
18) CeIIuIase allached lo a membrane fiIler viII
A) Degrade ceIIuIose.
) Degrade lhe membrane.
C) Do nolhing, il requires a ceII.
D) Degrade Iaclose.
I) Iroduce elhanoI.
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 293
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 28.2
19) Which of lhe grahs in Iigure 28.2 shovs lhe H in a cuIlure fIask as ceIIs melaboIize gIucose and lhen rolein`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
20) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an induslriaI roducl roduced by microbes`
A) Amino acids in food suIemenls
) Anlibiolics
C) InduslriaI enzymes
D) Uranium
I) Vilamin
and ribofIavin
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
21) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 roduced using microbiaI fermenlalions`
A) Asarlame
) Cilric acid
D) RibofIavin
I) Saccharin
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
22) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 roduced using microbiaI fermenlalions`
A) Cilric acid
) Ice cream
C) Sour cream
D) Yogurl
I) Amino acids
SkiII: RecaII
Iage 294
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
23) Which of lhe foIIoving is an oxidalion reaclion lhal 084&23'466() B$#&&D4E3-) mighl do`
A) Ie
$ Ie
) U
$ U
C) Cu
$ Cu
D) Cu
$ Cu
$ AI
SkiII: Underslanding
24) Melhane made from biomass is roduced by
A) Anaerobic resiralion.
) Iermenlalion.
C) The Krebs cycIe.
D) Oxidalion.
I) Iholosynlhelic aIgae.
Ansver: A
SkiII: Underslanding
25) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 an induslriaI enzyme made by microbiaI fermenlalions`
A) GIucose isomerase
) Rennin
C) Iroleases
D) CeIIuIases
I) Vilamin C
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
26) Whal rocess does yeasl use lo roduce elhanoI for aulomobiIe fueI from corn`
A) Anaerobic resiralion
) Iermenlalion
C) The Krebs cycIe
D) Oxidalion
I) Iholosynlhesis
SkiII: Underslanding
27) The foIIoving sles are required for making cheese. Whal is lhe second sle`
A) Inzymalic coaguIalion of miIk
) Iermenlalion of curd
C) InocuIale vilh Iaclic acid bacleria
D) InocuIale vilh G$-4'4664(5
I) Searale curds and vhey
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 295
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
28) As cheese ages, il gels
A) More acidic.
) More vhey.
C) More rolein.
D) SaIlier.
I) More aIcohoIic.
Ansver: A
SkiII: RecaII
29) Assume lhal you boughl a semisofl cheese, such as bIue cheese, and ul il in your refrigeralor. Three veeks
Ialer, you sIice lhe cheese and nolice lhe cenler is nov Iiquid because
A) Laclic acid bacleria have grovn in lhe cenler.
) IungaI enzymes have digesled lhe curd.
C) IungaI enzymes have made more curd.
D) Iungi have accumuIaled in lhe cenler.
I) The cheese meIled.
SkiII: Underslanding
30) Your friend says he had slored a semisofl cheese (bIue cheese) in his refrigeralor for 3 veeks. He asks you vhy
lhe ouler "skin" of lhe cheese is so much lhicker lhan il vas vhen he originaIIy urchased lhe cheese. You leII
him lhal
A) Laclic acid bacleria have grovn on lhe oulside.
) IungaI enzymes have digesled lhe curd.
C) IungaI enzymes have made more curd.
D) Iungi have been groving.
I) Il dried oul.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
31) You are groving C3'466() )(2"464) in a bioreaclor and nolice lhal lhe grovlh rale has sIoved and lhe H has
decreased. You susecl lhe bacleria are
A) Using lhe Krebs cycIe.
) Iermenling.
C) Iholosynlhesizing.
D) Using roleins.
I) Dead.
SkiII: Underslanding
32) You are groving C3'466() )(2"464) in a bioreaclor and nolice lhal lhe grovlh rale has sIoved and lhe H has
decreased. Whal couId you do`
A) Add gIucose.
) Add Iaclose.
C) Add elides.
D) Add oxygen.
I) Add Iaclic acid.
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 296
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
33) Radialion and canning are used for aII of lhe foIIoving reasons ;F9;G0 lo
A) Irevenl diseases.
) IroIong lhe sheIf Iife of foods.
C) Irevenl soiIage of foods.
D) SeII more food.
I) AII of lhe above are reasons lo use radialion and canning.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
34) Which of lhe foIIoving is ./0 a use for radialion`
A) Ioods lhal cannol be healed
) SleriIizing food
C) KiIIing 0#4'84-$663
D) KiIIing insecl eggs and Iarva
I) Irevenling srouling
SkiII: AnaIysis
35) Canning reserves food by
A) Aselic ackaging.
) ChemicaIs.
C) Healing.
D) Radialion.
I) AII of lhe above.
Ansver: C
SkiII: RecaII
36) Microorganisms lhemseIves are commerciaI roducls. Which of lhe foIIoving microbes is avaiIabIe in relaiI
A) C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4)
) 73'"&23'466()
C) ?84O&24(5
D) !3''83#&5+'$)
I) AII of lhe above
Ansver: I
SkiII: Underslanding
Iage 297
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
Iigure 28.3
37) Iigure 28.3 shovs lhe grovlh curves of :'$"&23'"$# under differenl condilions. Which cuIlure vouId have lhe
highesl amounl of acelic acid`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: A
SkiII: AnaIysis
38) Which of lhe grovlh curves in Iigure 28.3 viII give lhe highesl yieId of a secondary melaboIile`
A) a
) b
C) c
D) d
I) e
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
39) Canning vorks lo reserve foods because of lhis:
A) Anaerobic environmenl.
) Anaerobic environmenl and heal.
C) Heal.
D) LelhaI mulalions.
I) H.
SkiII: AnaIysis
40) Aselic ackaging vorks lo reserve foods because of lhis:
A) Anaerobic environmenl.
) Anaerobic environmenl and heal.
C) Heal.
D) LelhaI mulalions.
I) H.
Ansver: C
SkiII: AnaIysis
Iage 298
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
41) Radialion vorks lo reserve foods because of lhis:
A) Anaerobic environmenl.
) Anaerobic environmenl and heal.
C) Heal.
D) LelhaI mulalions.
I) H.
Ansver: D
SkiII: AnaIysis
42) Iermenlalion vorks lo reserve foods because of lhis:
A) Anaerobic environmenl.
) Anaerobic environmenl and heal.
C) Heal.
D) LelhaI mulalions.
I) Acids and aIcohoIs.
Ansver: I
SkiII: AnaIysis
43) Whal viII be roduced if vine is aeraled`
A) IlhanoI # CO
) CO
# H
D) Acelic acid
I) None of lhe above
Ansver: D
SkiII: Underslanding
44) Grae |uice before fermenlalion is caIIed musl. Whal viII be roduced if musl is aeraled`
A) IlhanoI # CO
) CO
# H
D) Acelic acid
I) None of lhe above
SkiII: Underslanding
45) Xanlhan used in househoId roducls is roduced by bacleria
A) Thal vere genelicaIIy modified.
) Thal vere irradialed lo mulale lhem.
C) SeIecled for lheir abiIily lo grov on Iaclose.
D) Thal are Ianl alhogens.
I) C and D
Ansver: I
SkiII: RecaII
Issay Queslions
1) Why does fermenlalion reserve foods`
Iage 299
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.
2) Why vouId a farmer urchase ?84O&24(5` C3'466() "8(#4-,4$-)4)`
3) Mosl of lhe vorId's ouIalion reIies on vheal for food. Research is being conducled lo roduce vheal vilh a
higher rolein conlenl. Design a biolechnoIogicaI aroach lo imroving lhe amino acid conlenl of vheal.
Iage 300
Coyrighl 2010 Iearson Iducalion, Inc.

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