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EDI Makes Businesses More Quickly, Accurately

Electronic data interchange (EDI) technology and infrastructure is adapting to help

businesses more quickly and accurately share information within the corporation and
across the supply chain. The presence of PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia has become
one of the solutions to create efficiencies in business transactions through the virtual world as
well as providing security in the transaction.
In todays supply chain, change is a constant. Businesses have to gather and
communicate information in real time to manage variability and efficiently match supply to
demand. Flexibility and scalability are important. But with new sets of transactional
requirements and data elements emerging, integrating and mapping this information to existing
business systems and rules is a recurring challenge.
Electronic data interchange (EDI) technology and infrastructure is adapting to help businesses
more quickly and accurately share information within the corporation and across the supply
For many companies EDI is a critical enabler, not a competitive differentiator. But with the rapid
growth of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery platforms, businesses are reconsidering how
they electronically integrate with external trading partners. Combining existing EDI connectivity
with SaaS functionality and pay-as-you-go convenience shifts the pressure of how technology is
delivered and the risk and return of investment from the end user to the service provider.
The new EDI model is scalable and accommodates diverse needs. For a small or medium-sized
business with no EDI functionality, a cloud-based solution is preferable to investing money in a
hard system install. Its also advantageous for companies with existing and aged EDI hardware
that are looking to upgrade with new peripherals.
As companies strive to stay lean and reduce costs, SaaS EDI solutions are proving their worth.
Technology buyers gain operational latitude and economy by plugging new customers, service
providers, and vendors into an adaptable solution with flexibility to grow.
While many companies leverage EDI (electronic data interchange) to comply with trading
partner requirements, few take advantage of EDI to drive operational excellence. Limiting EDI
use to fundamental transactions, such as purchase orders and invoices, leaves money on the table
and misses an opportunity to strengthen customer service and overall competitiveness.
Companies achieve the greatest operational excellence gains by expanding EDI across a broad
spectrum of transactions and integrating it with a warehouse management system to create
visibility through the supply chain. Supply chain benefits of EDI usage include:
1. Enhanced visibility. EDI can enable a sharper understanding of your supply chain to
reduce inventory carrying costs. You can stock only what you need.
2. Reduced labor costs. Companies using EDI for advanced shipping notices (ASNs) can
save up to 40 percent of labor costs associated with inbound processing.
3. Minimized freight costs. Using EDI in concert with a transportation management system
can minimize transport expenses while maintaining high service levels through load
consolidation and mode selection.
4. Improved customer service. Customers, suppliers, and regulators benefit from the
seamless flow of critical business information among partners.
Increasing Shipment Visibility
Import regulations change often and continually require more data to be captured and reported.
For example, Customs and Border Protection's Importer Security Filing initiative, commonly
known as 10+2, requires importers and vessel operating carriers to provide additional advance
trade data. Companies can leverage this data to increase inbound supply chain visibility.
The 10+2 rules require importers to provide Carrier Status Messages, which are used to track the
physical movement of cargo containers as they travel through the supply chain. This information
is also useful to importers and end customers, because it helps them forecast delivery dates and
make better shipping decisions if a delay occurs in the import process.
Given the benefits, why don't more companies fully leverage EDI for ASNs? The main reason is
that ASNs are complex, highly customized transactions that can be difficult to implement
because the EDI system must keep track of all trading partner specifications.
Another reason is geography. Although many companies source products from Asia, many
suppliers in the region have limited EDI infrastructure.
Promoting EDI Adoption
What can be done to increase EDI adoption? First, retailers can keep specifications as simple as
possible. If they limit ASNs to capture only the most critical information, their trading partners
will have an easier time complying, and EDI adoption will increase.
In addition, it is helpful to deploy a supplier management portal as part of your EDI system. This
tool will help you share electronic documents with lower-volume suppliers who do not have EDI
capabilities. To drive the most value for all parties, EDI should be a two-way street.
Whether you are looking to plan your labor more effectively, identify cross-docking
opportunities, or simply make better use of your space, EDI can help accomplish these goals. It
is a valuable tool that is often overlooked or misunderstood.
Pertukaran informasi bisnis pada saat ini di dunia sudah beralih dari cara yang konvensional
menuju penggunaan it system. Dengan cara konvensional peningkatan transaksi bisnis suatu
perusahaan akan meningkat pula penggunaan kertas, bahkan dapat menimbulkan banyak
masalah, antara lain keterlambatan dalam pertukaran informasi atau kebutuhan bertambahnya
jumlah personel yang sekaligus juga berarti menambah beban keuangan dalam perusahaan juga
menimbulkan pula tambahan birokasi berkaitan dengan prosedur prosedur yang harus dilalui.
Exchange of business information in the world today have switched from conventional manner toward
system use it. By conventional means an increase in a company's business transactions will also increase
the use of paper, and even can cause many problems, including delays in the exchange of information or
increase the number of personnel needs at the same time is also a significant financial burden on the
company also creates additional bureaucracy is also associated with the procedure - the procedure that
must be passed.
Fakta fakta tersebut menyebabkan ketidak efisienan dalam kegiatan bisnis. Persoalan tersebut
membuat pelaku bisnis mencari jalan keluar agar efisiensi dalam pengelolaan namun transaksi
bisnis dapat tetap ditingkatkan. Kehadiran Teknologi Informasi ( IT ) menjadi sebuah jawaban
untuk mengatasi berbagai problema di atas. Peralihan dari pola bisnis konvensional ke pola
menggunakan IT sering juga menimbulkan kekhawatiran tersendiri untuk bertransaksi terhadap
jaminan keamanan dalam transaksi melalui IT, sebagai missal legalitas, keabsahan dan keakurat
Facts - the facts lead to inefficiencies in business activities. These issues make the business
person looking for a way out that efficiency in the management of business transactions, but can
still be improved. The presence of Information Technology (IT) into an answer to overcome the
above problems. The transition from conventional business patterns to the pattern of use of IT
often also raises its own concerns for the security of the transaction in the transaction through IT,
as eg the legality, validity and accuracy of the data.

Kehadiran PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia telah menjadi salah satu solusi untuk
membuat efisiensi dalam transaksi bisnis melalui dunia maya sekaligus memberikan jaminan
keamanan dalam bertransa
The presence of PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia has become one of the solutions to create
efficiencies in business transactions through the virtual world as well as providing security in the

PT EDI Indonesia ( EDII ) adalah pelopor dalam pengembangan Jasa Pertukaran Data Elektronik
( PDE ) di indonesia yang berdiri pada 1 Juni 1995, merupakan anak perusahaan pertama dari PT
Pelabuhan Indonesia II ( Persero ) yang saat ini dikenal dengan sebutan IPC, memiliki produk
dan jasa antara lain konsultasi bidang IT, implementasi dan integrasi sistem, pengembangan
software, IT managed service, penyelenggaraan layanan PDE berbasis teknologi value added
network ( VAN ), web services/SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ), EDI over internet, hingga
layanan berbasis cloud services serta training.
PT EDI Indonesia (EDII) is a pioneer in the development of services Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in
Indonesia which stands on June 1, 1995, is the first subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)
which is currently known as IPC, has products and services among other areas of IT consulting,
implementation and systems integration, software development, IT managed services, technology-
based service delivery PDE value added network (VAN), web Services / SOA (service Oriented
Architecture), EDI over the Internet, to cloud-based services as well as services training.
Bahwa EDII merupakan sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa solusi e-Business yang bergerak dalam
pertukaran dokumen bisnis melalui aplikasi komputer antar perusahaan atau instansi secra
lektronik dengan menggunakan format standar yang telah disepakati. Pihak pihak pelaku bisnis
yang memiliki sistem serta aplikasi sejenis ataupun berbeda dapat dihubungkan dengan teknologi
EDII (Electronic Data Interchange ) melalui jaringan VAN ( value added network ) maupun
melalui secure public internet.
That EDII is an enterprise solutions provider of e-business which is engaged in the exchange of
business documents between the computer application through a company or agency perpetually
lektronik using an agreed standard format. Parties businesses and systems that have similar or
different applications can be attributed to technology EDII (Electronic Data Interchange) through
a network of VAN (value added network) or through a secure public Internet.

Pada awalnya tujuan didirikan EDII adalah untuk percepatan arus dokumen di Pelabuhan,
dehingga membantu para pelaku bisnis dalam mengkomunikasikan dokumennya dengan pihak
lain agar lebih cepat, akurat, dan lebih efisien. Namun dalam perkembangannya layanan EDII
banyak digunakan pula oleh instansi pemerintah, BUMN dan perusahaan perusahaan swasta.

At first the goal was set EDII is to accelerate the flow of documents in the Port, dehingga help
business people communicate with others in order to document more quickly, accurately, and
more efficiently. But in its development EDII service is also used by many government agencies,
state enterprises and companies - private companies.
Saat ini pengguna jasa EDII meliputi instansi pemerintah antara lain Kementerian Keuangan (
PDE Kepabeanan, e-tax online ), Kementerian Perdagangan ( INATRADE, e-SKA, SIUP-TDP,
Sertifikasi Mandiri dan lain lain ), Kementerian Kesehatan ( e- Licencing, Regalkes dan lain-
lain ), Kementerian Perhubungan ( Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships ),
kementerian Perindustrian (e-Licencing ), Kementerian Kehutanan ( SILK ), BPOM dan
Karantina , baik Karantina Ikan, Karantina Hewan dan Karantina Tumbuhan. Di sektor swasta,
beberapa pengguna jasa EDII antara lain Unilever, Nestle, Matahari, Giant, Lotte, Philips, Coca
Cola, Toshiba, Indomaret, Toyota, AHM dan Bakrie Group. Sementar di sektor perbankan
beberapa pengguna jasa EDII antara lain Bank Mandiri, JP Morgan, CIMB Niaga, BNI 46, BRI,
Bank Mega, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Bank ANZ, Bank Panin, BCA, Standard Chartered, Bank
Mizuho, Mitsui Bank, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ dan Bank Danamon.

Currently EDII service users include government agencies, among others, the Ministry of
Finance (Customs EDI, e-tax online), Ministry of Commerce (INATRADE, e-SKA-TDP
Business License, Certification Self and others - others), the Ministry of Health (e-Licensing,
Regalkes and others), the Ministry of Transportation (Long Range Identification and Tracking of
Ships), the Ministry of Industry (e-Licensing), the Ministry of Forestry (SILK), BPOM and
Quarantine, Quarantine good Fish, Animal and Plant Quarantine. In the private sector, some
service users EDII include Unilever, Nestle, the Sun, Giant, Lotte, Philips, Coca Cola, Toshiba,
Indomaret, Toyota, AHM and the Bakrie Group. Temporal banking sector EDII some service
users include Bank, JP Morgan, CIMB Niaga, BNI 46, BRI, Bank Mega, Deutsche Bank,
Citibank, ANZ Bank, Bank Panin Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Mizuho Bank, Mitsui Bank,
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ and Bank Danamon.

EDII berkomitmen untuk memberikan jaminan pelayanan yang aman dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan telah diperolehnya sertifikasi keamanan
informasi yaitu ISO 27001 : 2005 ( Information Security Management System ).
EDII is committed to provide service guarantees safe and reliable. This is evidenced by the presentation
of the information security certifications such as ISO 27001: 2005 (Information Security Management
Beberapa produk yang dimiliki EDII telah mendapat Hak Patent antara lain CargoLink untuk
Cargo Release dari Pelabuhan sampai perusahaan yang terintegrasi dengan sistem pembayaran
dan pengangkutan, e-Inkaber untuk inventory perusahaan di Kawasan Berikat dan Extreme serta
X2 ( eXperteXchange ) sebagai enabler untuk komunikasi data yang kesemuanya merupakan
hasil karya pegawai EDII yang dipersembahkan untuk bangsa Indonesia.
Some products are owned EDII has got Patent Rights, among others CargoLink for Cargo
Release from Port to enterprise integrated with payment systems and transportation, e-Inkaber
for inventory companies in bonded zones, and Extreme and X2 (eXperteXchange) as an enabler
for all of the data communication EDII is the work of employees dedicated to the nation of

Teknologi Informasi atau IT merupakan salah satu teknologi yang paling pesat
perkembangannya. Dengan semakin berkembangnya IT, berbagai fasilitas atau alat dari
eknologi informasi menjadi semakin berkembang, diantaranya yang paling popular untuk saat ini
adalah cloud computing. EDII memiliki produk-produk yang berbasis teknologi tersebut antara
e-inkaber, GB inventory dan lain-lain yang digunakan di perusahaan-perusahaan pada Kawasan
Berikat dan Gudang Berikat.
Information Technology or IT is one of the fastest growing technology. With the development of
IT, the various facilities or tools from information becoming increasingly growing eknologi,
among the most popular for today is cloud computing. EDII have products based on these
technologies among e-inkaber, GB and other inventory used in the companies in bonded zones
and bonded warehouses.

Bahwa kegiatan bisnis menggunakan EDI bersifat borderless, sehingga pelayanan yang diberikan
harus memiliki pola pokok piker end to end process dari produsen sampai dengan konsumen
bahkan dari bahan baku hingga menjadi barang siap pakai. Konsep tersebut sesuai dengan visi
EDII yaitu Menjadi Penyedia Jasa Dan Mitra Utama Dalam Pelayanan e-Business Global
untuk terjun di pelayanan SCM ( Supply Chain Management) dan mengawinkan konsep
pemerintah melalui Certificate of Origin di seluruh wilayah Indonesia serta memiliki hubungan (
international connectivity) di Jepang dengan NACCS, di China dengan CIECC, di Taiwan
dengan TradeVan, di Hongkong dengan Trade Link, di Macau dengan TeMev, di Korea dengan
KTNet, di Philipina dengan InterCommerce, di Malaysia dengan DagangNet, di Tahiland dengan
CAT Telecom dan Trade Siap, serta di Uni Eropa dengan KGH Swedia.
That business activities using EDI are borderless, so the service provided must have a basic pattern think
the "end to end process" from producers to consumers even of raw materials into finished goods to. The
concept is in line with the vision EDII is "Becoming Key Partners and Service Providers in the Global e-
Business Services" to engage in ministry SCM (Supply Chain Management) and marries the concept of
government through the Certificate of Origin in the entire territory of Indonesia and has a relationship
(international connectivity) in Japan with NACCS, in China with CIECC, in Taiwan with TradeVan, in Hong
Kong with Trade Link, in Macau with TeMev, in Korea with KTNet, in the Philippines with
Intercommerce, in Malaysia with DagangNet, in Tahiland with CAT Telecom and Trade Ready, as well as
in the EU by Swedish KGH.
Implementasi penggunaan EDI dapat membantu usaha seluruh sektor baik para pelaku usaha
maupun pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kelancaran kegiatan perdagangan internasional. Sistem
EDI ini juga dapat mengurangi praktik KKN (korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme) khususnya yang
berkaitan dengan pengurusan impor dan ekspor barang karena dengan sistem in antara pengguna
jasa system EDI dan petugas di lapangan tidak perlu bertatap langsung.
Implementation of EDI can help businesses across all sectors both business people and
government to enhance the smooth operation of international trade. The EDI system also can
reduce the practice of KKN (corruption, collusion, and nepotism), especially with regard to the
processing of imports and exports of goods due to the system in the EDI system between service
users and workers in the field do not have to face directly.

Kita harus bangga karena implementasi jasa solusi EDII yang diterapkan oleh Bea dan Cukai
Indonesia yang terintegrasi dengan sistem di Kementerian/Lembaga lain melalui portal Indonesia
National Single Window (NSW) menjadi percontohan dari kepabeanan di ASEAN dan
International antara lain Mongolia, Nepal bahkan Amerika Latin, bahkan mendapat pengakuan
sebagai World Best Implementor NSW di dunia oleh World Customs Organization (WCO). .

"We should be proud because EDII solution implementation services are implemented by
Indonesian Customs and Excise integrated with the system in the Ministry / Other institutions
through the portal Indonesia National Single Window (NSW) became pilot of customs in
ASEAN and International, among others, Mongolia, Nepal and even Latin America , and even
gained recognition as the world's Best Implementor NSW in the world by the World Customs
Organization (WCO). ".

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