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Faculty of Business Studies

Course Outline
Course Title:- Microeconomics
Course Code: BUS 503
Program: Ev MBA
Credit Hours: 03 (Three)
Semester offered: 2
Trimester, May-August, 2014
Office location: Mirpur Cantonment !"a#a-$%$&
Cell: - '$($&%(()$* Office p"one:
+-mail address: s"arif,-(*.ya"oo/com Office "ours: 0/'' am to %/-' pm
Course Description
This course introduces usiness students to economic mode!s o" human ehavior# $e
consider %ersona! decision ma&ing y consumers as 'e!! as usiness decisions that
com%anies ma&e# $e e(amine the "actors that a""ect these decisions and ho' consumers and
usinesses ma&e their decisions# Managers 'ho understand ho' %eo%!e ehave and ho' their
com%etitors ehave ma&e etter usiness decisions than those 'ho do not#
The economic decisions that consumers and usinesses ma&e genera!!y de%end u%on mar&et
%rices and a!so a""ect them# According!y, 'e ana!y)e ho' mar&ets o%erate and ho' they
%roduce in"ormation that ene"its us a!!#
*overnments o"ten intervene in mar&ets to so!ve economic %ro!ems or to "avor one grou%
over another# Ta(es, susidies, +uotas, and other restrictions a""ect usiness and their
decisions# These interventions sometimes have unintended conse+uences that can decrease
'e!"are# $e there"ore consider ho' governmenta! %o!icies a""ect decision ma&ing and
societa! 'ea!th#
Every usiness disci%!ine uses these economic mode!s to etter understand the issues that
they address# ,tudents 'ho &no' these mode!s 'e!! 'i!! etter %re%ared to e(ce! in 'hatever
usiness disci%!ine they u!timate!y choose to s%ecia!i)e#
Course O12ecti3es
,%eci"ica!!y the course o-ectives are
The !earners 'i!! get the asic conce%ts aout economics and
The !earners 'i!! a%%!y %rinci%!es o" su%%!y and demand#
The !earners 'i!! &no' various mar&et structures#
The !earners 'i!! understand the di""erences et'een the various
mar&et structures#
The .earners, 'hen %artici%ating in a simu!ation, 'i!! a%%!y the
method used to various to%ics discussed under course descri%tion#
The !earners 'i!! &no' ho' to a%%!y economic ana!ysis in rea! !i"e
usiness %ro!em#
1# /# *regory Man&i', 0rinci%!es o" Microeconomics, 1
2# 0au! A# ,amue!son, Economics, 12
Teaching Method
The "ormat "or this course 'i!! invo!ve c!ass !ectures, %ro!em so!ving assignments, c!ass
discussions, c!ass tests, case studies, individua! %resentation, discussion and research on current
microeconomic issues on Bang!adesh and internationa! usiness and economic issues#
Course !etails
S/ 5/ C"apter 6ame 4emar#s
$ Fundamentals of +conomics
% T"e Mar#et Forces of Supply and !emand
- +lasticity and 7ts 8pplication
* Supply !emand and 9o3ernment Policies
) T"e T"eory of Consumer C"oice
& Production and t"e Costs of Production
, Firms in Competiti3e Mar#ets
0 Monopoly
( Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
$' Mar#ets for Factors of Production
Course Policies
8ttendance: Attendance in c!ass is mandatory un!ess other'ise s%eci"ied
Course Content: 3nstructor reserves the right to ma&e necessary changes in the course
content de%ending on the %rogress o" the c!ass#
Class Ma#eup: 3n case o" unavoida!e circumstances i" a course meeting, !ecture or
e(am, need to e cance!!ed4 students 'i!! e o""ered a ma&e u% c!ass# A!! ma&eu% c!asses
'i!! e he!d as %er the reschedu!ing suggested y the course teacher#
+:am Ma#eup: There 'i!! e no ma&eu% o" any e(am#
8cademic Honesty: Any academic misconduct 'i!! e dea!t according to the %rovisions o"
the students5 code o" conduct#
Consultation Hour: ,tudents are most 'e!come to visit course teacher either during the
consu!tation hour or y a%%ointment#
9rading System
.etter grades are used to eva!uate the %er"ormance o" a student in a course# The "o!!o'ing grading
system is current!y "o!!o'ed "or %er"ormance eva!uation o" the students6
6umerical 9rade Letter Grade 9rade Point
207 and aove A8 (A 0!us) 4#00
9:7 to ; 207 A (A <egu!ar) 3#9:
907 to ; 9:7 A- (A Minus) 3#:0
1:7 to ; 907 B8 (B 0!us) 3#2:
107 to ; 1:7 B (B <egu!ar) 3#00
::7 to ; 107 B- (B Minus) 2#9:
:07 to ; ::7 =8 (= 0!us) 2#:0
4:7 to ; :07 = (= <egu!ar) 2#2:
407 to ; 4:7 > 2#00
; 407 ? 0#00
--------------------- 3 3ncom%!ete
--------------------- $ $ithdra'n
The B@0 authority reserves the right to revie'Arevise the aove grading system#
!istri1ution of Mar#s for +3aluation
The grade in a course 'i!! e ased on an overa!! eva!uation o" a student5s %er"ormance in
assignments, e(aminations, +ui))es, term %a%ers, %ro-ect 'or&s, c!ass attendance, c!ass
%artici%ation etc# The distriution o" mar&s "or assessment in a course 'i!! e as under6
1) 2 ( Mid-term e(aminations o" a%%ro(imate!y 1 hour duration each 6 207
2) =om%rehensive ,emester ?ina! E(amination 6 :07
3) Bui))es andAor 'ee&!y tests 6 107
4) Term %a%er andAor %ro-ect 'or& inc! %resentation 6 :7
Assignments, case studies, c!ass %artici%ation
3ndividua! %resentations
=!ass attendance and %artici%ation, etc
Total : $'';
Cell Phone Policy
=e!! %hones and any other 'ire!ess communication devices inc!uding i-%od and m%3 %!ayers are
not a!!o'ed in the c!assroom# They shou!d e &e%t c!osed and out o" sight, sound and mind#
.a%to%s are not needed inside the c!assroom# Any student "ound using their !a%to% "or any
%ur%ose other than educationa! %ur%oses 'i!! e summari!y dismissed "rom the c!assroom# <ather,
you shou!d a!'ays ring your %oc&et ca!cu!ators and a !oc& o" +uad %a%er "or notes and gra%hs#

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