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T hese Per uv ian Indian maidens, descendants of the once power f ul and pr oud Incas, are bedecked in finery
reminiscent of their forebears. T heir inverted llama wool hats are br illiant red; the ponchos ov er their shoulders
and their v oluminous skirts are of equally intense blues and y ellows, colors made f r om earth dyes of their na
tive soil. On their fingers and g arments they wear lav is h ornaments made of pure silver, depicting the skill of
their silversmithsanother heritage f r om their Inca pr ogenitor s.
(Courtesy of AM ORC Camera Expedition.)
Have You Had These
HO has not experienced that inex plicable phenomenon
of sensing an unseen presence? Who has not suddenly
realized that he has been listening to a conversation within
himself - an eloquent appeal to self from some intangible in
telligence? Who has not had that tenseness, that sensation of a
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centuries of superstition have caused them to fear it.
Learn what the worlds greatest thinkers, artists, poets and
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Y o u cannot bet t e r y our place in lif e l>v t hi nk i ng onl y in ter ms of what
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f aculties w ill y ou r eceive t ha t needed v is ion a nd impe t us to car r y y ou
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power s . . . t he i r f eats were not mir acles, but the r esults of the same
f aculties w hich y ou possess.
T he Ros ier ucians . a time- honor ed f r a t e r nit y (not a r elig ious or g ani
z a t i on) dev oted to a s t udy o f these Cos mic pr inciples a nd forces, i/i-
vife you to shar e this knowledg e which they hav e pr eser v ed. W i t h it
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Scr ibe, S. P. C.
T he Ros icr ucians , A MORC,
S on l os e, Cal i f or nia.
I cm s incer ely inter es ted in k now i ng mor e about this uns een, v ital power
w hich c a n be us ed in acqui r i ng the f ullnes s a nd happine s s of lif e. Please
s end me, without cost, the book, 'THE MA ST ERY OF L IF E , " w hi ch tells
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NA ME........
<315e' R O S I C R U C I A INS i * > o R c } s a n j o s e , Ca l i f o r n i a
Z I N E O F T H E W O R L D - W I D E R O S I C R U C I A N O R D E R
JUNE, 1942
Recaptured Splendor (Frontispiece)
Thought of the Month: W h a t of Tomorrow?
Polarity and Its Field of Force: Part II
The Modern Artist as Mystic
Cathedral Contacts: Strength for the Present
The Practical Application of Mysticism
Sacred Cities of the Andes: Where Death Rei
The Evolution of Mind
Man In Our Image
Sanctum Musings: Will Power ....
A Portal of the Past (Illustration)
Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, Three Dollars per year. Single
copies twenty-five cents.
Entered as Second C l a s s M a t t e r at the Post O ff ice at San Jose. C a l i
fornia, under Section 1103 of the U . S . Postal A c t o f O ct . 3, 1917.
C h a n g e s of address must reach us by the tenth o f the month preceding
date o f issue.
Statements made in this publication are not the official expressions of
the organization o r its officers unless stated to be official communications.
Published Mo nt hl y by the Supreme Co u nc i l of
R O S I C R U C I A N P A R K S A N J O S E , C A L I F O R N I A
T he f ol l ow i ng beg ins a br ie f ser ies of ar ticles by R a l ph M. L ewis , K. R. C.. on the chang es
t oday 's Int e r na t iona l inv olv ement w i l l pr oduce in the wor ld i n t he ne a r f ut ur e . He w il l
pr oj ect an out l i ne of the eff ects cur r ent events w il l hav e on nations and on the minds . Iiv e3.
and cus toms of the people w ho liv e in them. In pr es ag ing these events, he is us ing not hing
mor e my s ter ious as an ai d t ha n a pencil, a w or l d map. t he immane nt f acul ties o f obs er v a
tion and abs t r action, and an anal y s is of w hat he per ceives to be the pr es ent t r ends .Edit or .
T he
Ros icr ucian
Dig est
J une
HA T will come out
of the maelstrom
of the present con
flict of na t i ons ?
How will you be
affected, as one of
the t e e ming mil
lions of huma ns
w ho ar e be i ng
constantly drawn
closer as time and
space ar e be i ng
Let us not resort to traditional sys
tems of prognostication or to long- range
predictions. W e are not now concerned
with the world as it may exist, political
ly or socially, in 2400 A . D., nor even
one century hence. W ha t may evolve
or devolve in the next ten years, from
out of today s circumstances, is our
present interest. Y ou have to make no
preparations nor begin practicing self-
abnegation for the conditions of the
world 500 years from now. However,
the nex t ten years are contiguous to the
lives of most of us. T he point of r adi
cal departure from the world we have
known to the one it will become, begins
at the peace conference table at the con
clusion of the present war.
A t the outstart we have one conf ident
presumption. T he United Nations will
be victorious. T his should be qualif ied
by the statement that they will be as
victorious as any nation can be after a
gruelling and ex hausting war. In theory,
each of the conferee nations will be mo
tivated by the same idealism which they
now represent in the prosecution of the
war. T he conferees, in their delibera
tions, will be influenced to move in one
of two directions. One direction will be
to consider the former status of the vic
tory nations, especially the principal
powers, a f oundation upon which to re
build the world. Patently, this would
mean restoring the pre- war balance of
economic and political power as nearly
as possible to its original strength. V er y
little rhetorical sparring will be required
to disclose to all present that this is not
the direction in which the conference
will move. Some of the nations, previous
inferior or secondary powers, will have
been equally influential in bringing about
the United Nations victory. T hey will
not now consent to a position of inf er
ior status, at least in the sphere of eco
nomic influence. Such nations will de
mand that they be evaluated on the
basis of their military contributions and
importance in having brought the war
to a victorious conclusion.
T he second direction, and the one in
which the conference will move, will be
to grant concessions to the former 'in
signif icant and lesser powers, now
partners in a victory. T his will give
them a degree of equality without seem
ing to lessen the status of the pre- war
big powers. T his will not be a stroke
of diplomacy for the great powers, for
in fact it will be the beginning of the
end f or some of them, at least insofar
as their tremendous sphere of influence
is concerned. T his is apodictical. A ny
addition of influence or power to a
previous lesser nation constitutes a sub
traction f rom the efficacy of the former
mighty nations. T hese concessions will
take the form of a redistribution of the
spheres of influence. W ha t will be the
nature of this allottment? W ho will
par tially benefit, at least f or the mom
ent, and who will be required to make
the greatest sacrifices?
Russia will be one of the first to raise
her voiceand it will be the loudest.
She will have come into a consciousness
of a strength that surprised even her.
She will be like a husky y outh who,
when he first enters into competitive
sports, is amazed at his previously un
realized prowess. T his awareness of
her own ability, and f ormerly doubted
national unity, will give her a confi
dence that will lend emphasis to her
demands. Other conferee nations will
be all too aware of their recent depend
ence upon her. Moreover, they will be
aware of her potentialities, for she will
have displayed, besides an unex pected,
colossal, military might, an industrial
ingenuity and organization which were
Russias demands will take the form
of insistence upon having voice and
vote in any f uture decisions which will
affect the new balance and order of
things, which the victorious conferees
may decide upon. She will place em
phasis upon not tolerating pacts con
cerning the relations of any of the con
feree nations in which she does not
participate or have knowledge. She will
arrogate and receive a slice of Eastern
Rumania and Bulgar ia. These portions
will constitute the eastern end of the
Black Sea. If she is accused of seeking
spoils, she will consent to a mandate
of those territories which will amount
to the same thing. T his will assure Rus
sian domination of the Black Sea on
three sides. It is necessary to her for an
easy access to the Dardanelles, im
portant gateway to the Mediterranean,
and the Suez waterway to the Indian
Ocean. In light of her precarious posi
tion in the Black Sea dur ing the war,
the victorious conferees will be at a dis
advantage in offering any objection.
She will also demand and receive a
voice in the f uture actual international
control of the Suez Canal.
A f urther concession which she will
relegate to herself will be a mandate in
Manchukuo. T his will permit the Sovi
ets to come further south, behind J apan.
T his will give protection to Russias Si
berian port of V ladivostok, and prevent
possible f uture invasion through her
Siberian back door by any power. Nex t,
what she once attempted through con
quest, she will now have transmitted to
her by agreement. She will demand and
receive the occupation of such territory
as will be equivalent to a corridor south
war d through the little Baltic States of
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and that part
of Ger many which now projects into
the Baltic. T his will give her unques
tioned domination of the Baltic Sea.
It will also provide an all- year ice-
free course to the Nor th Sea and the
A tlantic.
By f ortif y ing her position in the Bal
tic States and in that part of Ger many
which juts into the Baltic Sea, she will
put a r ing of steel around three sides of
Poland. She cannot occupy or in any
way oppose the sovereignty of Poland,
who will also be one of the Allies of the
United Nations, without reflecting upon
the motives by which the conferees
will be said to be actuated. T his move,
however, will accomplish the desired ef
fects- and over the protests of Poland.
It will make it possible to throttle the
free por t of Danzig through which
Poland has access to the sea for her ex
ports and imports to and from distant
Russia will f urther demand and even
tually receive a corridor across the
northernmost tip of Finland, which ad
joins her Kola Peninsula. T his will have
the desired effect of pushing the Rus
sian f rontier to Nor way . It will leave
but a comparative strip of territory, the
width of Nor way at that point, between
the Nor th Sea and her own frontier. It
will accomplish preventing a wedge be
ing driven between herSoviet Russia
and Nor way . It will be further bene
ficial to her, in that it will likewise sur
r ound Finland on nearly three sides.
Chinas voice, for the first time in
modern history, will carry weight at a
conference of wor ld powers. T here will
be an ever- growing national spirit a-
mong the millions of Chinese people
capable of being influenced by signs of
progress. T he great major ity of the
teeming millions of the Chinese popu
lace will not be concerned with the gov
ernment their own or others. These
millions of humble human beings have
one constant daily master to whom they
must pay homage sustenance. T heir
sole task and forced interest is in secur
ing the very bare necessities of life.
Until a system or individual will not
just promise but actually pr ovide some
means of securing their lives against
starvation and pestilence, they will not
be interested in political systems or
theories. W ho rules the country, so
long as their miserable living is not im
proved, cannot possibly interest them.
T hey have nothing to fear by indif f er
ence to the waves of political systems
that sweep over China, for they have
but one thing lef t to sacrificelife itself.
T he basic demands of life give them no
time to indulge in idealism or ideologies.
However, the Chinese national ele
ment will insist at the conference on
complete sovereignty f or China. No
voice of protestation will be raised
against this demand. A ny attempt to
oppose it might f an the dangerous spark
of racial rivalry between the Asiatic and
Wes ter n powers into a flame. T his rec
ognition of China's sovereignty will
abolish the deplorable f oreign settle
ments of Hong Kong and Shanghai, for
ex ample. Foreign powers will be per
mitted to have their nationals reside in
China and to have f inancial and land
interests there. However, they will not
be allowed areas in China wherein they
may set up their own governments, as,
f or ex ample, did Eng land, United States
J apan, and France. China will rule
China. China will make plain that a
mandate over T hailand is of value to
her national sovereignty. She will pro
pose and eventually receive a corridor
through Burma or French Indo- China,
to have better supervision over her back
door. She will likewise oppose, but fail
. . i n preventing Russia from establishing
Rostcructan a Sphere 0 f influence deep in Manchukuo.
Di Sest India will again demand absolute,
J une unconditional, n a t i o n a l independence
1942 through her national party. China will
support India in this, for she will fore
see the inter- dependence between the
two great A siatic powers. W i t h the
concurrence of China, India in return
f or such sovereignty will concede Eng
land certain advantageous militar y bases
on Cey lon, the A ndaman Islands, and
islands of f the west coast of India.
China will urge India to agree to this,
to assure the sovereignty of India. China
will do this because she will realize that
the internal weakness of the Indian
Government will be even more than her
own, because of great religious disunity.
A ustr alia and New Zealand in a
br oad sense will become commonwealths
of Britain. Politically they will insist
upon becoming absolutely independent
of Eng land. T his will be inspired by
the realization that they can no longer
place their f uture security in the hands
of Eng land. T hey will desire to be free
in every respect in making the alliances
they consider essential to their welfare.
T r ade relations with the former mother
country will become no more favorable
or binding than with any other power
with which they have similar covenants.
T hey will shif t dependency from Eng
land to United States, f ully realizing
that their f uture will be more bound up
with that power. Both A ustr alia and
New Zealand will look most warily
upon the new A siatic alliance of China
and India to their north and west. T heir
relations with those nations will be most
favorable, but the cheap labor and
modernization of the latter will augur
f uture economic pr obl e ms of trade
Holland will gain the restoration of
her sovereignty which was lost during
the war. She will also r e g a i n her
wealthy East Indies possessions upon
which she depends as a power, the
Eas t Indies being f ar more important in
wor ld trade than the mother country
herself, and being nearly the whole sub
sistence of Holland. Holland will dis
pute with China the latters r ight of
mandate over T ha i l a n d , the former
Siam. She, Holland, will represent that
she should exercise a mandate over
Siam because its capitulation dur ing the
war was a greater menace to her than
to China. China will assume the man
date, however.
T he Philippines will gain a negative
sovereignty. T hat is, they will concede
United States naval and air bases on
the islands amounting to a United States
protectorate which even the most ex
treme Filipino nationals will not protest
for several decades.
A s for the United States of America,
she will make no large territorial de
mands, but insist upon receiving man
dates over nearly all of the most stra
tegic islands in the South Pacific
islands now occupied by or which were
mandated to J apan after Wor l d W a r I.
Eng land will weakly protest this plan,
but will be def initely overruled by all
the other United Nations. T he coun
tries of the Archipelago, principally
A ustr alia and New Zealand, will sup
port the claims of the United States.
T his will mark the end of Eng l ands
being first power in the South Pacific.
Likewise, the then newly organized
French Government will concede the
United States permanent naval and air
bases, and extensive fortifications in
French Guiana and on Mar tinique,
Guadeloupe, and other French posses
sions adjacent to the approaches of the
Panama Canal. T here are other stra
tegic points equally near the Canal
which are the territory of other powers.
However, for the United States to in
sist upon establishing bases upon them
might cause certain Centr al and South
American nations to point a finger at
her and cry imperialism. T he United
States, f or reasons of trade and har
mony in the Wes ter n Hemisphere, will
wish to avoid such an accusation which
might disrupt a har d attained, at least,
partial, Pan- American f riendship.
T he position of France, however, will
be different. She will f inally agree to
the United States demands for bases
as a kind of retribution for the acts of
the V ichy Government dur ing the war.
T hus United States will have accom
plished what she has long wanted to
securean absolute sphere of influence
in the Caribbean and in the immediate
region of the Panama Canal.
W ha t will be meted out to the losers
the conquered nations? On the dis
position of this matter, the f uture of the
wor ld will very much depend. In the
light of Italy s striking lack of spir it in
her militar y campaigns, it will be as
sumed to have been a reluctance on the
par t of the Italian populace to partici
pate in the war. In other words, it will
aff irm that the Italian people were not
sympathetic to the war, into which their
government precipitated them. A t least,
this reasoning will have a tendency at
the conference table to mitigate the
otherwise harsh discipline several of the
conferee nations will be disposed to im
pose on Italy .
T he boundaries of Italy proper will
remain intact. She will be obliged to
sacrifice her A f r ican possessions, and
will f orf eit her empire. Br itain will de
mand and establish a protectorate over
Libia. T he prox imity of Libia to Eg y pt
and to the Suez Canal and the ability
of a power holding the former to men
ace the latter will motivate Eng land. It
will also make the defense of Eg y pt
f rom the west more easily accomplished.
T he Italian East A f r ican empire will
completely disappear. Ethiopia will as
sume a self- ruleand pseudo sovereign
ty under a British sphere of influence
for Br itain will no longer risk the seizure
of those headwaters which feed the
Nile, life- blood of Eg y pt.
Italian Somaliland will also become a
British mandated territory, its prox imity
to the Gul f of A den and the Red Sea
causing Br itain to insist upon this dom
ination, which will be approved by the
victorious conferees. Eng land, France,
and Russia will require the demobilizing
of the militar y strength of Sicily, that
stepping- stone between Italy and the
Nor th A f r ican coast. T his demobiliza
tion will mitigate, according to these
conferees, the possibility of the island
being used by Italy in the f uture as an
air base to strike at Gibr altar and to
obstruct passage through the Mediter
ranean. W i t h concurrence to this plan
by the United States, Italy will be kept
an ineffectual sea and air power in the
Mediterr anean, which, however, will
not affect her commerce in the region.
W ha t of Ger many , toward whom the
principal invectives will be directed?
T he V ersailles T reaty will appear in
nocuous by comparison to the new pro
tocol which will be dr awn concerning
this nation. T he preponderance of pro
posals will be not to make her future
position a puerile one, but to completely
abolish her ex istence as a state. In
J une
other words, a spir it of attrition toward
her will prevail. T his attitude will not
only be manif est by several of the vic
torious conferees, but also by her former
allies. Several of these allies will as
sume an air of contriteness, hoping to
minimize their own penalties.
T he first act will consist of the res
toration of the sovereign and territorial
r ights of those nations invaded by Ger
many . T his will include the liberation
and independence of Czecho- Slovakia,
f or ex ample, even with the realization
that Czecho- Slovakia has a tremendous
Ger man population who are, as a whole,
bound in spirit to their mother country,
and whose lands were once part of it.
T he same will apply to Austr ia. Ger
many's A f r ican empire, lost to her after
W or l d W a r I, will remain lost to her
remaining in the hands of British and
other powers. T o allow Ger many to
remain intact as a sovereign state, as
after Wor l d W a r I, and to be policed
by armies of occupation, it will be
argued, will be a repetition of what will
be called "a f atal mistake. T he vic
torious conferees will ex pound that
Ger many must be immunized to the
germs of aggression.
In the heat of the conference, it will
be made to appear as though only one
nation or people was subject to this con
tagion. Cer tain conferees at the table
will propose the absorption of parts of
her territory by themselves. T hey will
attempt to justif y this inconsistent pol
icy by an illogical tracing into the past,
the origin of their own nations, and
showing that such areas as they would
acquire are r ig htf ully theirs. It will ap
pear that such an action would be too
much of a travesty on the whole effort
put f orth by the United Nations during
the war, and thus it will be discarded
with great reluctance by some of the
influential powers. T remendous indem
nities will not be ex acted from Ger
many, as occurred after W or l d W a r I.
Such a method, it will be reasoned,
unites a people by their common plig ht
and makes them bitter and vengeful.
T he f ollowing will eventually be pro
posed and acted upon:
Ger many will be decentralized. Each
of the states which compose the German
Reich, such as Bavaria, Sax ony, and
Silesia, will be politically severed, util
izing its own name ex clusively as when
it was a separate kingdom. Prussia will
be the ex ception. T o the world, Pr us
sia will seem to symbolize Ger man mili
tary mig ht and spirit. It will, therefore,
be subject to a division of its territory
between the other states, such as Ba
varia and Sax ony. In this manner, its
name and existence will be abolished.
Each of these states, then, will have
provincial governments. In other words,
each will be organized as a separate
province governing itself under the su
pervision of a United Nations Commis
sion. Eng land will desire to exercise
the greatest control in this commission
but this will be renounced.
T o f urther de c e nt r a l i z e Germany ,
these provinces will have border and
immigr ation restrictions as if each were
tr uly a sovereign nation. Each of these
provinces or former states of Germany
will be set up in competition with each
other. T hus one province which was
formerly pr incipally agricultural, will
likewise now need to manuf acture many
of its own commodities and compete
with its f ormer sisters, who have always
manuf actured the same articles. Fur th
er, in shipping raw materials and f inish
ed products to one another, they will be
obliged to levy duty on each others
commodities. T hese ex port and import
restrictions will constitute a great eco
nomic disadvantage to the provinces.
Mills , f or ex ample, which f ormerly se
cured raw materials from what once
was a region in the same nation, will
have to pay import levies, making it ex
tremely dif ficult to compete in outside
A l l of this will be said to be done to
prevent Ger many again rising to a point
of military might and menacing the
world. It will, however, also very great
ly gladden the avaricious spirit of cer
tain Eur opean powers, f or it will dissect
Ger many industr ially and commercially,
and remove her as a great competitor in
the wor ld trade.
Eng land will receive a f urther con
cession to f or tif y and occupy certain
zones on the coast of f ormer Nor ther n
Ger many . Eng land will see in this the
need and opportunity to push Central
Europe f urther from her shores and to
ameliorate Russias sphere of influence
on the Baltic.
(T o be continued)
Polarity and I ts Fi el d of Force
By Erwi n W ater meyer , F. R. C.
P a r t I I
N T H E article of
last months Rosi
crucian Dig est I
s umma r i z e d the
f undamental laws
of polarity. It was
stated in that ar
ticle that any ob
ject in a polarized
condition is a bl e
to aff ect a no t he r
obj e c t , l i k e w i s e
polarized, without
the ne c e s s i t y of
an intermediate substance, and that the
nature of the manif estation of this ef
fect depends upon the polarity (positive
or negative) of both objects under con
sideration. In the same article the f un
damental principles governing the be
havior of polarized objects were sum
marized in seven laws. It will be of ad
vantage to the student of this article to
review these seven laws bef ore com
mencing to read the present discussion.
T he fact that apparently no material
substance is necessary through which
an electric or magnetic force may act
has been a great puzzle to mundane sci
ence. For many years science postu
lated the existence of a hypothetical
substance, called the ether, which
was assumed to be the carrier of the
electric and magnetic forces. J ust as in
the case of sound it is the air or any
other elastic substance which is carry
ing the sound waves, so it was assumed
that it was the ether' which served as
the carrier of the electric and magnetic
waves. But when mundane science in
vestigated the properties which such an
ether would have to possess if it actu
ally ex isted, it was f ound that in such
an event this ether would by neces
sity be required to possess a number of
contradictory properties. For instance
it would have to be inf initely r igid and
infinitely elastic at the same time. In
addition to such mutually ex clusive
properties all material ex periments de
signed to detect the presence of this
ether have completely f ailed. For
reasons such as these mundane science
has abandoned the postulation of the
ex istence of an ether and has substi
tuted in its place the postulate that any
free, empty space itself is the carrier of
electric and magnetic forces. But this
new postulate introduced an entirely
new mental picture of the objective con
ception of space. Heretof ore men had
been taug ht to conceive of an empty
space as being an entirely negative con
dition. Space was the condition in the
objective wor ld which y ou obtained
when every piece of matter and sub
stance was removed f rom it. Space had
been defined as being the absence of
matter. T hus its existence had been
visualized as being entirely negative.
Now, suddenly, space was no longer
a negative condition. It was suddenly
assumed to possess a positive property;
namely, it served as the carrier of elec
tric and magnetic forces. Science g r ad
ually began to realize that the negative
conception of space, previously adopt
ed, was due to the limitations of mans
objective senses. Our objective senses
can perceive only two properties of
space: ex tension and separation. A ny
other property of space our objective
senses are not capable of perceiving. In
other words mundane science tacitly
began to admit that there exist certain
phenomena in nature which are not ma
terial and which cannot be perceived by
the objective senses. It dimly began to
sense that there ex ist other phenomena
outside the domain of time and space,
of which the material events are just
It is the reflections of the laws of
nature upon the material plane of time
and of space which are the domain of
investigation of material science. T he
question which science asks of nature is
the question, How? ", and not the ques
tion, W hy ? . For instance, science is
only interested in discovering what elec
tricity does." It is not interested, ex
cept in a minor way , in discovering what
electricity is." Science desires to dis
cover the precise relationships between
phenomena which can be observed in
time and space. Once such relation
ships have been accurately determined
and their results have been systematized
the scientific investigation of a particu
lar phenomenon has ended.
T he progress and advance of science
until the beginning of the present cen
tur y was greatly influenced by the suc
cess of the science of mechanics. It
attempted to ex plain all physical events
in terms of mechanical pushes and pulls
between objects and substances. In fact
such material and mechanical pushes
and pulls were the only types of forces
with which the objective mind of man
was f amiliar. A ny other type of force,
such as the force of gravitation or the
forces of electricity and magnetism,
either provided an inscrutable mystery
XA e to man, or man attempted to devise
some artifice by means of which he
. would be able to use his mechanical
Dig es t concepts of pushes and pulls. From this
J une attitude of mind arose the mechanistic
1 942 picture of the universe, which has domi
nated human consciousness for so many
Perhaps the greatest progress in sci
entific thought of our time has been the
realization that a mechanical model of
the universe is insuff icient to account
for observable phenomena, and that
there ex ist forces in nature which are
beyond the objective conceptions of
time and space. It is being gradually
realized that the origin of many forces
the effects of which we observe in na
ture mig ht possibly be of an immaterial
nature, beyond the limitations of the
straight- jacket of our objective senses,
being situated beyond and at the same
time within space and time. A bandon
ing the concept of a material ether
and substituting in its place the concept
that an immaterial empty space serves
as the carrier of electric and magnetic
forces is a striking ex ample of such
evolution of scientific thought.
Retur ning now to the di s c us s i on
commenced in the previous article, we
realize that a field of f orce is an im
material condition, which is able to pro
duce certain manif estations in the ma
terial wor ld which can be interpreted in
terms of mechanical forces. A polarized
object, polarized by material methods
such as f riction in the case of electro
staticsis able to serve as the originator
of this immaterial condition.
W e must keep in mind that we have
the analogous situation in our Rosicru-
cian ex periments. By certain exercises
and definite procedures we are creating
certain polarized conditions within our
selves. These polarized conditions are
able to create an immaterial field of
force or an aur a which, pervading
all space, is able to affect others, similar
ly polarized. T here are two processes
of polarization which we use in our ex
periments, namely the process neces
sary to t r a ns mi t certain immaterial
structures and also the process of polar
ization required to perceive the exist
ence of such immaterial structures. If
both processes are ex amined very close
ly it will be f ound that they are related.
A detailed discussion of this matter,
however, cannot be the subject of a
public article.
T he laws of polarity, illustrated by
means of the special case of electricity,
which were enumerated in the previous
article in the Rosicrucian Dig est, ap
plied to polarized objects in a state of
rest. A n electrically polarized object,
at rest, was able to exert a force upon
another electrically polarized obj e ct ,
which was likewise at rest.
T he question arises whether the na
ture of this force changes in any man
ner if the polarized object is suddenly
made to move. Natur ally , if an electri
cally charged object is suddenly set into
motion, then the electric field (aur a)
which it creates moves along with it.
But there is one additional effect pro
duced which is of importance, and
which casts lig ht upon certain principles
in our Rosicrucian studies. In order to
discuss these new, additional laws we
shall nex t discuss the Laws of Electr o
T he f undamental ex periment in Elec
trodynamics is Oer steds ex periment.
T he scientist Oersted, in the year 1819,
discovered that whenever an electric
current was allowed to f low through a
wire, then such a current was able to
affect a magnetic compass needle placed
nearby. T his ex periment may be read
ily performed by connecting an ordinary
dry- cell, an electric switch, and a wire
into a closed series circuit. If a com
pass needle is placed above or below
the wire and the switch is suddenly
closed so that an electric current can
flow, then the compass needle will be
forced to move. T he importance of this
simple ex periment cannot be overesti
mated, if we analy ze it carefully. A n
electric current through a wire consists
of moving electrical charges. Each in
dividual charge is sur rounded by an
electric field (aur a). Hence, surround
ing the wire which carries a current, is
located a changing electric field, an
aura in motion, so to speak. T his mov
ing electric field is able to produce an
effect upon a magnet placed within the
region of its action. But a magnetic ob
ject can only be affected by other mag
netized objects. A non- magnetized ob
ject has no effect upon a magnet. Hence
it follows from Oer steds Ex periment
that an electrically polar ized object,
which has been set into motion produces
an entirely new type of field: a mag
netic field. In other words, when an
aura is set into motion then it creates a
new aura, of a higher order. In this
particular case, a moving electric field
produces a magnetic field, which is at
Oer steds e x pe r i me nt demonstrates
that the phenomena of electricity and
magnetism are interlinked and related.
It shows that Mag netism is caused by
moving electrical charges. T o us, as
Rosicrucian students, it points out that
the aura created by a stationary pol
arized object differs from the aura cre
ated by a ' moving polarized object,
and that it is possible to create new
types of auras by changing the state of
ex isting auras.
T here also exists a converse of Oer
steds ex periment. T his ex periment was
first perf ormed by the scientist Far aday
and is also known as Far aday s Law of
Electr omagnetic Current induction. T his
ex periment is as follows: I f a magnet is
r apidly moved across a conductor so
that its magnetic field cuts the con
ductor then an electrical current will be
produced within the conductor. Inas
much as an electrical current consists of
moving electrical charges this law as
serts that a moving magnetic field is
able to create a moving electric field.
A g ain we note that the change in the
condition of one type of field creates a
new, diff erent type of field. T hus the
two laws of electromagnetism are as
(1) A moving electric field is able to
create a stationary magnetic field.
(2) A moving magnetic field is able
to create a moving electric field.
W e note that these two laws are not
quite symmetrical. In the first law the
field which is created is stationary (at
rest). In the second law the new field
which is created is in motion. T his as-
symmetry is an indication that the mag
netic field is of higher order than the
electric field.
T here is, however, a third law of
electromagnetism which we must dis
cuss in order to make our discussion of
the laws of polar ity complete. Our
previous two laws have dealt with elec
tric currents. T he simplest type of an
electric current is a direct current,
also abbreviated by the symbols D. C .
In such a current the electrical charges
are f lowing in a steady stream at an ab
solutely unif orm speed. T hey neither
slow up nor speed up, but flow along at
J une
the same rate. It is such a steady elec
tric current which produces the steady
magnetic field.
However, if an electric charge is sud
denly accelerated, that is, when it is
suddenly speeded up or slowed down,
then another effect takes place. A ny
accelerated polar ized object produces a
wave. A wave is a r hy thmic distur b
ance, travelling out into space with a
def inite velocity or speed. One might
visualize this condition by assuming
that when a moving polarized object is
suddenly stopped, then the moving aura
is thrown of f " by the object and on
account of its inertia continues to move
out into space. In a similar manner if
a moving polarized object is suddenly
speeded up then its field is momentar
ily lef t behind. In both events the fields
(electric and magnetic) of the moving
polarized object are suddenly detached
f rom the polarized object itself and
travel out into the surrounding space,
thus being able to produce a manif esta
tion. T he wave produced by an ac
celerated electric charge is of a dual
nature. It consists of a wave of electric
nature accompanied by a wave of a
magnetic nature. For this reason the
wave generated by an accelerated elec
tric charge is also called an electro
magnetic wave. Radio waves are com
mon ex amples of such waves. T he stu
dent will recall that in the early lectures
of the T emple Degrees he is provided
with a chart which clearly indicates the
properties of the various waves created
by accelerated electric polarities.
W e thus have a third law of electro
(3) Whenev er an electrically polar
ized object is accelerated, then it cre
ates an electro- magnetic wave.
Electromagnetic waves travel through
space with a definite speed; namely, the
velocity of light, which is approx imate
ly 186,000 miles dur ing one second. A ll
electromagnetic waves travel with the
same speed, whether they are Radio.
Heat, Light, X- Ray , Gamma, or other
types of waves. A l l these waves obey
the same f undamental laws. These laws
are discussed in detail in the course in
Physical Science at our Rose- Croix
T he electrical laws discussed in this
and also in the previous article in the
Rosicrucian Dig est are a summary of
all the f undamental laws of polarized
objects. A ny discussion and research
into the nature of polar ity must com
mence with these laws as a f oundation.
Natur ally it is impossible to present
the various ramif ications of the laws of
polar ity within the short space of this
article. It is also not ex pected that upon
reading these two articles the student
will have an immediate grasp of all the
laws which have been discussed. T he
acquisition of any law progresses in
various steps. First the meaning of a
par ticular l aw must be memorized and
clearly understood. T he f ollowing step
is that the law must be visualized so that
it forms a mental picture. Finally the
law must be applied to every possible
case within the range of the experience
so that its full ex tent will impress itself
upon the student's consciousness.
T he development of many students
and their efforts stop at the first step.
T hey believe that by memorizing the
words in which a law is expressed is
sufficient for its complete acquisition.
But this is really only the preliminary
step. It simply fixes the law within the
structure of the objective consciousness.
T he processes of visualization and ex
tension. which project the law within
the realm of the psychic consciousness
are even more important. But these
steps are difficult, and many students
feel ex hausted even after the prelimi
nar y steps. But it is these later steps
which are most important. A s has been
pointed out in these articles time and
time again: the laws of the material
universe are simply the building blocks
and guides for the student to use in aid
ing his own development. In these ar
ticles some of the more important laws
and principles have been selected for
discussion to help and aid the student
who has patiently learned to open the
eyes of his inner sight and to see.
W e are rich in wor ldly attainments and poor in inner comprehension and self-
discipline. T his kind of economy makes for moral bankruptcy. V alidivar .
[ 172 1
The Modern Artist As Mystic
By Sor or El oi se M yr up O l sen
E H A V E come a
long way from the
philosophy of the
materialistic scien
tist of the l a t t e r
pa r t of t he cen
tur y j us t passed.
It is most gr atif y
i ng to see the
breaking down of
t he ba r r i e r s of
dogma, prejudice,
and w or l dl ine s s ,
which, in the past,
have discredited spiritual values. It is
always thr illing to learn that science has
accepted some L aw long recognized in
mystical teachings; or that a renowned
scientist or philosopher has admitted
the existence of the noumenal wor ld
lying beyond the phenomenal wor ld of
objective sense reality. But there is
another kind of evidence f or mystical
truth which is too of ten overlooked:
that of artistic expression, which, be
cause it speaks through the emotions,
can be a more potent influence than in
tellectual discourse.
Ouspensky, the eminent writer and
occultist, declares, in his book, Tertium
Or g anum, that in ar t we must study oc
cultism, the hidden side of life; that the
artist is clairvoyant, seeing what others
do not; and that he is a magician, mak
ing others see what they do not see;
A r t sees f urther than we. . . A r t is the
beginning of V is ion. T oday we f ind
artists openly declaring themselves as
mystics and striving for an intuitional
method of creation rather than intel
lectual. A s Picasso told his biographer:
Whi l s t I work, I take no stock of what
I am painting . Ever y time I begin a pic
ture I feel as though I were throwing
myself into a void. In fact, whenever
great art has been created in any age it
has been as a result of the artists at-
tunement, whether purposef ul or acci
dental, with the source of all Creation.
A s students of mysticism, we are ac
customed to the f act that objective
reality does not constitute ultimate
T r uth. Y et when we observe a work
of ar t we of ten miss its true meaning
because, like most people, we are look
ing too earnestly for objective subject-
matter. If we do not f ind it we are con
fused, perhaps even displeased. A pic
ture is not good because of a realistic
imitation of nature, or a clever or senti
mental depiction of some incident from
life. These things have nothing to do
with ar t and do not make it either good
or bad. Neither do they have any thing
to do with mysticism; they are objective
realities gained from the minds store
of ex perience in an objective world. If
they are what we really want we can
f ind them just as well, if not better, in a
sentimental calendar or humorous mag
azine cover; it is plainly something more
than this that makes art great.
Perhaps we see a picture which has
been termed mystical. It may depict
some scene or event having to do with
mysticism, but it is not mystical, in the
truest sense, unless it also produces in
the observer the mystical experience,
however noble and thought- provoking
its subject- matter may be. For the mys
tical experience, like the esthetic exper
ience, cannot be given in objective, in-
J une
tellectual terms, but must be lived and
felt subjectively.
It is said that God put a piece of
clay in His hand and created all that
you know. T he artist, in his turn, if he
wishes to create a really divine work
must not imitate nature but must use
the elements of nature to create a new
element. Paul Gaug in, artist. But if
we are not to look f or an imitation of
nature in art, if we do not get true
meaning or mystical or esthetic ex peri
ence through the obj e c t i v e subject-
matter in a picture, to what then shall
we turn our attention? First we can be
come more aware of those abstract
elements out of which an artist fashions
his paintings: lines, planes and volumes,
and tex tures and colors; apar t from
any thing that they may represent. T hen
we w ill become more sensitive to that
still more abstract element, the some
thing plus in art, which cannot be de
fined in words but must be f elt to be
understood. Ralph Pearson, in his book
How To See Moder n Pictures, calls it
the felt- nature." which he says is born
of the artists attempt to express the
force underly ing all things the push of
the sap upwar d in spring, the heave and
give of muscles, the urge of love to the
f usion that means birth of new life, the
pull of the love that protects age and
inf ancy . Sheldon Cheney, in his E x
pressionism In A r t , uses the terms soul
of an object," deeper reality, hidden
values, or essence. He ex plains that
what the camera sees can be imitated,
depicted: the illusion of it given. T he
essence can be expressed in other terms.
Here, in these words, is the clue to
much of the abstraction and distortion
in modern art. T he artist is beginning
to feel that the ignoring of realism is
actually an aid to the communication of
the inner truth, or essence. It is as if
he says, If y ou are to appreciate my
picture at all it will have to be for its
abstract qualities rather than its real
ism. A nd he creates pictures resem
bling nothir g we have ever seen before,
or in which f amiliar objects are har dly
recognizable; bewildered, we ask, W ha t
does it represent? W ha t is the mean
ing ? Our mistake is in ex pecting art
to speak to the objective mind through
images, concepts or sentiments. Not
that abstract painting is meaningless;
its meaning is a thing of feeling, not of
the intellect. Abstr act, or abstraction,
is defined as the essence of a thing;
essence, in turn, is that in which the
true character of a thing exists. Because
this true character is immaterial it can
only be sensed by an inner perception
or emotion.
T otal abstraction is not usual, how
ever, even in modern painting. Mor e
of ten there is still some suggestion of
the natur al object or event by which the
ar tists creative f aculty has been stimu
lated. A nd here is where we get distor
tion: that greatest source of all the pro
tests and criticism directed toward mod
ern art. O f course, if we want photo
graphic ex actness, distortion is abomin
able; but remembering that outer ap
pearance is not inner truth, distortion is
not impor tant and mat/ even be neces
sary to a more artistic creation in an
abstract sense, or to a more vivid ex
pression of hidden essences. How can
we ex pect to comprehend either true art
qualities or this mystical thing, the es
sence, in a picture, if we fret because
we do not see the realities of the ma
terial plane, or because, in the words of
an old f riend of the writer, T aint
Once rid of this obsession f or ob-
jective- reality we will discover surpris
ing beauty and meaning in even totally
abstract paintings. A s a matter of fact,
in some cases, the artist seems actually
to have become clairvoyant, so well do
his creations suggest the visions of
very early childhood bef ore the f aculty
of inner sight has been discouraged by
materialistic standards. T he distinguish
ing thing about these perceptions into
the noumenal, or immaterial world, is
that they are so f ar removed from any
thing seen on the material plane that it
is impossible to describe them; it is thus
a double thrill to discover in an abstract
painting some quality, not of the color
ing or the form but of something more
subtle and quite inex pressible, which
is strongly reminiscent of these child
hood visions." For ex ample, Georgia
O Keeffes two lovely abstractions of
the Whi t e Iris contain this quality,
whether or not the artist so intended.
(It is of interest to note here that very
young children, f ar from being dismay
ed by distortion in art, accept it as a
delightf ul flight, f ancif ul or humorous,
away from the realities of the objective
world. In the wor k of some artists this
whimsical attitude seems to be plainly
indicated; perhaps the artist has simply
affected a gratef ul return to the simple
unworldliness of the little child.)
T wo other artists should be mention
ed here because of their clearly stated
intention to approach mysticism through
abstract art, as well as f or the quality
of their work. J oseph Sher idan speaks
the language of the mystic when he
says: Man the microcosm is endowed
with the attributes of that, all that,
which lives; the pulsing of the macro
cosm, the oneness with the universe,
that which makes man the part of the
whole; and so sensing that there is a
whole and so endowed, he has no
choice, would he move upwar d, but to
seek to create, for creation is the activ
ity of the macrocosm. A nd another
artist, V as ily Kandinsky , who is a The-
osophist, as well as a mystic, states em
phatically that creative painting comes
direct from the soul, and he strives to
throw light upon the unseen realm by
his art, which is indeed strangely sug
gestive of f ourth- dimensional qualities,
and seems to have come closer to pure
Cr eation than the work of any other
living artist.
But now to come to the negative side
of the matter: abstraction and distortion
do not necessarily always infer mystical
meaning any more than they always
produce great art. Whe n the artist
merely imitates these more obvious,
easily copied, characteristics the result
is neither great nor mystical. Y et this
is the case with much modern art; only
through ex perience and a receptive at
titude can we learn to distinguish the
good from the bad, and recognize the
presence of mystical meaning in art.
A nother kind of ar t which is not
mystical, and which must be mentioned
because it is so of ten taken as such, is
that known as Impressionism. (Not
Expressionism: it is among the Ex
pressionists that we f ind our best ex
amples of mystic- art.) Impressionism
was the first attempt to break away
from ex act imitation of nature by art,
but it still deals almost entirely with
objective nature, though depicting it
through a haze of suggestion, or a
poetic mistiness. T hus veiling objective
tr uth is not mysticism, as we already
know; and though some Impressionistic
ar t is great art it is not mystical in the
sense of which we speak here.
One wor d of caution against any
possible inference f rom all this that art
in which the meaning is objectively or
humanly stirring is inferior to that
which is pr edominantly abstract or mys
tical. W e all know that some of the
greatest ar t of the past was created in
the service of religion and that as a re
sult subject matter entered largely into
its creation. T his is not the place for a
discussion as to what is the true pur
pose of art. T hat it should be made to
serve religious and social causes is in
evitable because of its emotional driv
ing power, but let us remember that it
takes more than an ideal, moral or senti
ment to make a great painting and that
art which carries a social or idealistic
message may yet free itself f rom slavish
imitation of nature and incorporate the
abstract esthetic elements, in a truly
creative way.
A ccor ding to Ouspensky , the inter
pretation of emotional feeling and un
der standing is a problem f or art, be
cause it can not be wholly, ex actly, ex
pressed in wor ds. Consider ing the nat
ural tendency of the emotions to bring
us into attunement with the Cosmic, it
seems that here is evidence that mysti
cism is a proper concern of art. A g ain,
Ouspensky speaks of the hidden differ
ences, which do not appear as material;
a poet knows the cross, the ship, the
church altar, are all of diff erent wood.
He hears the voice of the silence and
knows that one silence differs from an
other ; it is only by this poetic under
standing of the wor ld that we come in
contact with true reality. A r t is the
perception and representation of these
differences. . . . Onl y by that fine ap
paratus known as the soul of an artist
can the noumenal be known f rom the
phenomenal. A dd to this the fact that
the esthetic experience, which accom
panies true appreciation of art, is essen
tially mystical, by its very nature, and
it seems that mysticism shall come to be
recognized as the highest aim and ac
complishment for the artist. So f ar only
one way in which ar t can be mystical
(Concluded on Pag e 181)
J une
T IS an acknowl
edged f a c t t ha t
s t r e ng t h r es is t s
any a t t a c k from
t h e o u t s i d e .
S t r e ng t h of the
p h y s i c a l body
makes it possible
to use that body
when ne ce s s ar y
to avoid or to di
rect ot he r w i s e a
force that mi g ht
harm us. Strength
of resistance within the body equally
protects the organism, as it makes pos
sible the throwing off of the invasions
of disease and poor health. Str ength of
mind makes it possible to see all things
in broad perspective. It enables us to
certainty and grief with an attitude that
fortifies the individual to literally ac
cept the law of compensation. Strength
of character gives us the ability to at all
times uphold the ideals to which we
subscribe. It makes it possible f or us to
proceed on a path directed toward an
ultimate purpose which we have select
ed without being misdirected or without
swerving f rom this selected path be
cause of those incidents which may
come to our attention that hold tempo
rary appeal. Considered as a whole,
strength is that attribute of the indiv id
ual which makes it possible for the in
dividual to be a bulwar k against all that
would bring him physical harm or in
any way cause him to lose his ideals.
It is true that we all cannot share
equally in strength of body, mind and
character, and it is also true that re
gardless of the development of strength
in each of these categories, from time to
time there will be tests, trials, tempta
tions and indispositions that will consti
tute a real test of our strength. How
ever, any thing which is built or provid
ed f or the purpose of upholding some
thing else must be subject to test. T he
steel girders which carry a bridge across
the stream, the important parts of an
automobile or an airplane have wor k to
do, and should their strength not be
equal to the support which they must
provide, the whole mechanism or con
struction would f ail to serve its purpose
or its usefulness. T heref ore, each item
must be tested; it must be tested by be
ing put under considerably more strain
and stress than it will have to bear in
the or dinar y f ulf illment of its purpose.
Steel girders are f requently subjected
to many times the weight they will have
to carry in order that it will be absolute
ly assured that what is essential for
them to do can be done easily. T here
is no ex ception to the strength of mind
and character in the human being. W e
are placed in the universe to f ulfill a
purpose, a purpose which requires the
f ull use of all our abilities. It requires
all the strength that can possibly be
rallied to be able to continue through
life until a point of perf ection is reached.
A ll strength that man has also meets
a test a test which is f requently f ar
beyond what appar ently are the ulti
mate forces with which he must con
tend. In other words, just as the phy si
cal structure must be tested f or strength
which will exceed the pressure that will
be placed upon it, so man in his mental
and character makeup must pass thr ough
those experiences which will place a
strain upon the strength of these abili
ties which will exceed that with which
he will or dinar ily have to cope in the
usual situations of life. Ever y test adds
to our strength. It makes it possible for
us to face the nex t with less fear, less
uncertainty and more assurance of the
ability of our strength to meet the
These are times when many points of
mind and character are meeting the f ull
est demands of our ability to cope
with them. W e are forced to make per
sonal sacrifices f or the ideals to which
we subscribe. These sacrifices go as far
as aff ecting our very lives and those of
our loved ones. Wher ein will we f ind
strength to meet these tests? Can we
f ind it in the accumulation of wealth, by
sur rounding ourselves with the property
which we have, or should we turn to
pleasure in the form of entertainment
or even to the point of tr y ing to sub
ordinate our difficulties, subordinate the
demands of the present time by dulling
them through the use of drugs? Such
would be the path of a weak man or
woman. He who is tr uly strong and has
the abilities for added strength will face
the situations of the present regardless
of what that present may be. W e
should take heart in the fact that those
things which are the most valuable are
not to be f ound in the material world,
or in possessions and property, but in
the immaterial. Regardless of what may
be the trend of circumstances in our im
mediate envir onment and in our person
al lives, they will always remain as val
uable and as complete as we choose to
have them. It is in the immaterial that
we will f ind support and assets of which
we cannot be deprived.
In the contemplation of the philoso
phy of lif e as evidenced in the great
who have lived before, we will gain
strength of mind and character. W e
will build our own understanding of
lif es principles f rom which we will not
waver, because the present moment will
be to us but a segment of the whole of
life. Our realization will be that we
also can f ind in our own mind power the
abilities to face whatever demands are
placed upon us. T he cooperation of
others who will also place ultimate value
upon the intangible things of life will
be f ound to lend sympathetic support,
and so they can turn to the Cathedr al
of the Soul in which all are invited to
participate when f aced by those de
cisions that require the greatest of
strength. A copy of the book, "Liber
777, which ex plains the activities and
purposes of the Cathedr al of the Soul,
will be pr o v i de d without obligation
upon request.
The Practical Application of Mysticism
By D r . H. Spencer L ewi s, F. R. C.
(The Mystic Triangle, November, 1926)
Many of the articles wr itten by our late Imper ator . Dr . H. Spencer Lewis, are as
deathless as time. T hat is. they are concerned w i t h those laws and pr inciples of lif e and
l iv ing which are eternal, and thus never lose their efficacy or their impor t, and are as
helpf ul and as ins pir ing when read today as they were when they were wr itten five, ten,
fif teen, twenty or more years ago, and likewise w ill continue to be as helpf ul and as
Instructive In the f utur e. For this reason, and f or the reason that thousands of readers of
the "Ros icr ucian Dig est have not read many of the earlier articles of our late Imper ator ,
we are g oing to adopt the editor ial policy of publis hing in the "Ros icr ucian Dig es t each
month one of his outs tanding articles so that his thoug hts w il l continue to reside within
the pages of this publication.
It is not uncommon f or us to hear
through our correspondence with those
who have gone into the higher grades
of the work, that we should almost eli
minate the wor d "My s tical from our
literature, i f not from our Ritualistic
and lesson papers. These persons claim
that while the mystical development
within them has been encouraged and
strengthened, the practical side of our
wor k f ar overshadows the mystical. W e
contend, however, that the sole purpose
of all our lessons and instructions is to
develop and perfect the mystical quali
ties, or the consciousness known as
mystical, in each human being. T hr oug h
this men and women become attuned to
higher impressions, to a broader under
standing and to a more correct inter
pretation of the emotions and sensa
tions to which they become more and
more sensitive by such development.
Natur ally we who know, claim that the
mystical side of man, or that which
eventually delights in the Mysticism of
the universe, is the higher side of man
and makes the successful man or woman
a more dominant f igure in the world.
[ 1 7 8 ]
the laws and rules.
U R members, and
students of mod
ern applied My s
ticism generally in
t he new w o r l d,
can ha r d l y a p
preciate t he r e al
v a l ue of My s ti
cism as it is being
t a u g h t by t he
A M O R C un t i l
they ha v e made
ma ny pr a c t i c a l
a ppl i c a t i o ns of
Not so many years have passed since
Mysticism was little known in this coun
try other than as a form of mystery or
magic dealing with Arcane subjects de
lighting the intellectual side of man
more than af f ording him any real help
in the material world. T here are many
today in all walks of life, and we regret
T he to say in those stations in life where we
Ros icr ucian wou^ least ex pect it, who still have
the same view in r e g a r d t o things
Utg est mystical or that knowledge which we
J une claim lies within the field of mystical
1942 comprehension.
Religion has alway s had f or its end
the development of the higher side of
man. Whe n religion, in any of its ex
treme forms, tends to develop mans
comprehension solely along the lines of
the spiritual ex pression in nature, and
ignores the practical matters of life, we
find that it fails in its real purpose; and
the success of the churches of today lies
along the path that demonstrates the
truth of our contention, namely: that
man must be guided and directed so
that his higher development and his
understanding of all things divine and
material assist him in living a better life,
in having health, happiness and success.
One need only leave this new wor ld
of the We s t and go to the older coun
tries of Eur ope and of the East to
discover what modern Mysticism, and
especially t ha t e x e mpl i f i e d by the
A MO R C , has done in contributing to
the great advancement of the Wes ter n
Hemisphere. In these older countries,
bound by traditions, limited by conven
tions, lacking in some way in the spirit
of progressiveness, hampered by legis
lation, laws, principles and doctrines
unknown to us. My sticism and Occult
ism are classified by a great many as
delightf ul subjects for investigation and
sincere study, but not as practical helps
in the daily affairs of the people. T his
may seem strange to those who know
that in these older countries Occultism,
Mysticism and the Rosicrucian move
ment, to be specific, had their greatest
development and permanent f oundation.
But it is because of this fact and be
cause of the great reverence they have
f or traditions and early f oundations that
the subject of Mysticism, and the Rosi
crucian studies especially, have made
little progress.
Speaking of our wor k in f or e i g n
countries, one finds in every land and
in every city the thoug ht expressed that
America and its people have some secret
method, some unusual knowledge or
possibly some mysterious key to success
and prosperity. W he n one ventures to
ex plain that in the Rosicrucian teach
ings, as presented in the new world, the
allegorical, veiled and symbolic princi
ples are applied to the practical needs
of our daily lives, they are astounded to
think that we can so adjust our daily
affairs as to meet the principles and
laws contained in the teachings or, what
seems like a more impossible thing, to
so adjust, translate and interpret the
Rosicrucian teachings that they will fit
and apply to our very advanced and
material interests in this new world.
A t once the inquirer asks: What ,
do y ou even actually use the alchemical
principles and transmute metals into
gold? T hat would seem to be one an
swer ex plaining the prosperity of Amer
ica. A nother asks: Do you mean to
say that y ou take the Div ine Principles
contained in the teachings and apply
them in some strange way to y our busi
ness affairs and in y our homes and for
y our health and happiness? T his would
appear to the tradition- bound mind to
be adventuresome and a daring journey
into an unknown field.
Whe n it is ex plained to those of
India, Eg y pt, and even of Spain, Italy
and Ger many that a modern Rosicru
cian in the new wor ld looks behind all
of the allegories, the Metaphy sical sym
bols and the alchemical processes, and
sees in them laws and principles that he
can use daily and almost hour ly in all
the affairs of his life, at once the ques
tion is asked as to how this has been
done and in what manner the American
mind or the mind of the new world
makes such interesting and important
translations of principles.
T he Occult and mystical books most
common in the private or secret libraries
of the mystical and Rosicrucian move
ments of Eur ope are those which were
popular hundreds of years ago and they
are read today from the same viewpoint
and with the same interpretation as
when they were offered by the authors
in their veiled ex pressions. T here are
thousands to be f ound in every country
of the old wor ld who still believe that
the oft- repeated reference in the Rosi
crucian writings to the transmutation of
baser metals into the purest gold" re
fers ex clusively to a chemical process to
be perf ormed in a laboratory with cruci
bles, vials and instruments f amiliar to
the chemists and alchemists. In devot
ing themselves to a study and test of
the f ormulas thus symbolically present
ed, and wasting years in an attempt to
prove to their own satisf action that
baser metals can be transmuted into
higher and purer forms, they pass from
J une
y outh and vigor into old age without
having accomplished any thing new for
mankind or f or themselves. It does not
seem to dawn upon the minds of most
of them, even unto this day, that the
ancient writers used the chemical ex
pressions to indicate that through the
fire of test and trial and through the
pur if y ing process of time, suff ering, de
votion and study, the baser elements of
mans nature might be transmuted into
pure gold, into a higher expression.
T his is what the My stics of the new
wor ld have done and this accounts for
their great advancement, their success,
their prosperity and happiness, while
those in the old countries still hoped
and prayed f or the discovery of the
great Elix ir, the Philosopher s Stone,
the secret of transmutation and the sud
den revelation of the key of life.
It is no reflection upon their intelli
gence and there can be no denial of the
great good that has come to the world
through the devotion to the allegorical
and symbolic teachings of the ancient
mystics. But centuries have passed,
years have marched by in rapid pr og
ress, and the consciousness of man to
day and his entire environment, his
necessities, his vision and his creative
powers have taken him beyond the point
in the advancement of civilization exist
ing when these ancient writings typified
the problems, desires and needs of the
Whe n disease was little understood,
when perf ect health was considered an
unusual prize, possessed only by the
f ortunate or starry- blessed, it was nat
ural f or man to think that there must be
one specific mineral, one combination of
elements, one drink of life fluid which,
if discovered or evolved, might become
the key to health and a protector from
disease. T oday man knows that health
is not a special gif t, that it is not a rare
attainment, not a mysterious blessing,
but a natur al birthright, and that dis
ease results from the violation of laws.
T he modern mind in the new world
knows that by living properly health
will result in a natural way and that
there is no one remedy, no one specific,
no one secret f ormula which will guar
antee health in the face of the violation
of natur al laws. J ust this change in one
viewpoint is, to a great ex tent, responsi
ble for the higher understanding of the
mystical or seemingly mysterious laws
of nature. Everywhere in Europe and
the Or ient the A M O R C of Nor th
America, with its revised and modern
ized presentation of the ancient teach
ings, is hig hly praised. T he lectures and
lessons of A MO R C have been read
and translated in the Forums of most
of the Eur opean branches of the Rosi
crucian Or der and commendation, as
well as surprise, is universal. Requests
are received constantly f rom European
points for copies of our lectures, and re
ports are sent showing that when the
minds of the people permit them to test
the principles and laws in a modern way
without prejudice or bias, very unusual
results have been f ound by them as
they have been f ound by our members
in Nor th America.
A nother comment made most fre
quently and with enthusiastic emphasis
is that of all the so- called Rosicrucian
literature issued in the wor ld today
(most of which emanates from America
or through Amer ican c ha nne l s ) the
A MO R C Rosicrucian teachings offer
the most practical benefits and contain
the only practical ex periments and ap
plications of value to men and women
who wish to succeed in lif e and become
living ex amples of their natural bir th
rights. Members of the A MO R C who
have gone abroad and who have visited
some of the f oreign Lodges and demon
strated some of the laws and principles
in a modern way have appeared to be
miracle workers to the minds of those
who have never ventured to apply the
principles in this way .
Amer ica today represents the most
powerf ul, successful, advanced civiliza
tion in the wor ld. T his is conceded in
a political way, and by the Mystics and
Occultists it is conceded in the way of
lig ht and knowledge. Y et we have
thousands millions in this country
who believe that self - appointed teach
ers and avatars coming here f rom some
Oriental country may possess that rare
knowledge or those secret methods by
which health and happiness and pros
perity may be attained in a few days
or a f ew hours.
A nd there are millions in the new
wor ld today who believe that there can
be f ound in some popular book, or in a
book with some bombastic and alluring
title, those secrets, those rules and pr in
ciples which have been preserved for
the sincere and the studious and which
may be r apidly converted into a modern
Philosophers Stone or a new dr aught
of the Elix ir of Lif e.
Our duty as Rosicrucians lies in per
sonal development first, personal mas
tership secondly, and conscientious lead
ership thirdly . Let us be broad and tol-
erant, never jealous of the knowledge
we possess, but always guar ding it
caref ully f or those who are sincere in
their seeking and honest in their desire
to study and attain wisdom. But also
let us always be mindf ul of the f act that
we must lead those who are in darkness
into the lig ht and make it possible for
the seekers to f ind that which will prove
to be the goal of their search.
T H E M O D E R N A R T I S T A S M Y S T I C (Continued f r om Page 175)
has been discussed; that is, by express
ing the inner truth or essence of a thing.
In a coming article we shall see how the
artist may go even further; how he may
create a little world, complete in itself,
while echoing the rhy thm and architec
ture of the universe, and proceeding as
a direct manif estation f rom the great
well of truth ly ing beyond all things.
In conclusion: let us not become so
absorbed in the pressing problems of
the day that we lose perspective and
perhaps question the place of art in a
world at war; rather let us look to art
f or the much needed assurance that all
is not what it seems, that bey ond the
mundane wor ld of defense, inflation
and war there is another wor ld more
lasting and more Real. T he present
world- wide conflict is the inevitable cul
mination of destructive forces of the
past, while art, as Oupens ky says, is
the first ex periment in the language of
the f uture, anticipating a psychic evo
lution of Humanity and divining its
f uture forms. Moreover, ar t can and
should be made an active agent in
br inging about this evolution by in
creasing Ma ns inner perception and
br inging him into greater attunement
with the Cosmic.
No one is f ul l y aliv e whose natur al f unctions are restricted by illness. T he f ar ther y ou
slip below nor malcy , the more enjoy ments of liv ing are lost to y ou. Aches, pains, and
disorders utilize ener g y that could and should be used f or accomplishment, f or doing ,
and f or g etting the utmost f r om lif e.
W he n y our consciousness and mind are cont inual l y chained to y our self-concern, y our
physical distress, those activities which make f or real l iv ing are denied y ou. Mak e up
y our mindthere is no compr omise w ith ill health. Plan an out- and- out assault upon
y our condition. Cons ult the r eputable staf f of the Rose- Croix Institute and Sanitar ium.
Wr i t e f or f ull par ticulars.
Spend some time under their competent dir ection, and y ou w i l l ultimately save many
hours, possibly weeks of f utur e concern or discomf or t. T he ex cellent facilities of the
Rose- Croix Institute and S anitar ium f or diag nosis combined w ith a sincere desire of the
staff to assist y ou to recover assures y ou f r ank f acts about y our case. I f y ou can be
helped, they w i l l tell y ou soif not, they w i l l also so advise y ou.
T he Rose- Croix Institute and S anitar ium is not a commercial institution. Its rates and
fees are most economical. Health doesn't wait, so wr ite t oday f or f ull ex planator y liter a
ture. A ddr ess y our letter: Rose- Croix Research Institute and S anitar ium, Bascom and
Forr est A v enues, S an J ose. Calif or nia.
W e cannot deny the demands upon our time and attention that cur rent events make
the oblig ation of ever y upr ig ht citizen. No less s hould we r emember that those w ho serve
best are those w ho are best pr epared. Ideals and as pir ations stand behind the successf ul
accomplishment of ev er y wor thwhile cause. Y ou w ill hav e a better perspective if y ou
devote some time to the cultiv ating of those ideals and pr inciples which endure r eg ar d
less of phy s ical chang e. A most interesting book, which has helped many to g ain a
better insig ht into lif e, is Cosmic Consciousness, by Dr . Bucke. T his subject is pr e
sented by many illustr ations of the lives of those of the past w ho hav e attained this state.
T his large book may be obtained f r om the Rosicr ucian S uppl y Bur eau f or five dollars
($5.00) postpaid.
Sacred Cities of the Ancles
By T h e I mperator
T he f ollowing is the eig hth episode of a nar r ation by the Imper ator concerning his recent
jour ney by air . tr ain, and pack into the inter ior of the Andes to study and f ilm the ancient
capital, temples, and cultur al remains of the once lost Incan Empir e.Editor .
H E S e p t e mb e r
m o r n i n g w a s
pl e a s a nt l y cool.
T he a i r was re
freshing with that
d e l i g ht f ul f r ag
rance of growing
t h i n g s w h i c h
makes one so con
scious of the great
motivating f or ce
o f l i f e i n t he
______ s pr i ng . Here in
the Andes, in the
Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are
reversed a condition to which we
f ound it difficult to adjust ourselves,
since but a f ew weeks before we had
lef t Nor th America in mid- summer. A t
this hour we had little time to contem
plate upon these things, for we had to
hasten to gather our paraphernalia for
an ex tended stay in the hinterlands.
W e were to depart for Machu Picchu.
For some enigmatic reason it seemed
like the Mecca of our journey. T he very
utterance of the wor d stimulated our
imagination and aroused an ex citing
spirit of adventure.
Conditions there would be much more
T he primitive. T he journey, we knew, would
Ros icr ucian * * f r au9h with health dangers i f one
became at all negligent in his choice of
diet and drink. W e had been compelled
to submit to inoculations for small pox-
1942 before entering the country, and it had
been advised that we receive as well
inoculation f or ty phoid. T o the latter
we did not agree, and it was not a com
pulsory requirement. Wat e r was a pr in
cipal menace, as it is in most primitive
sections of the wor ld or in those areas
where there is a paucity of sanitation,
and particularly is this so in the tropics.
No matter ones craving, with thirst ag
gravated by great heat, it may prove
disastrous to drink f rom a stream. T he
fact that water is cold, clear, and fast-
f lowing is no assurance that it is not
Likewise, even in eating establish
ments where a spar kling glass of cold
water is an extreme temptation, one
must ref rain or possibly contract a seri
ous malady. T he reservoirs adjacent to
the cities and the aqueducts through
which the water is br ought to them are
often filthy. T he same precautions to
keep them free of refuse does not exist
as in the United States of America, for
ex ample. T his does not connote that
the authorities are ignorant of the need
of healthf ul water, but rather that the
great masses of the peoples of Peru, for
ex ample, are ig norant of bacteriology.
A s with most primitive or illiterate peo
ples. clear, pleasant, tasteless water is
to them an assurance that it is innocu
ous. Further, it must be realized that of
the some seven million people of Peru,
at least half of them are Indians, des
cendants of the Incas and the pre-
Incaic aborigines. Further, the more
one dwells in the tropics or subtropics
adjacent to the jungles, the more one is
inclined to malaria and other fevers un
less ideal conditions prevail in that
region. W e were to contend with such
T he distance in miles from Cuzco to
Machu Picchu was about one hundred
and twenty- five. T he means of trans
portation were to require at least eight
hours before we f inally reached our
destination. T he major portion of the
distance would be covered by the /erro-
carril. T his railroad consists of a nar
row gauge track on which, at this time,
there was operated a motor bus to
which there had been attached standard
railroad iron wheels. On the top of this
bus, rather precariously perched, was
strapped our equipment, which gave us
some concern.
Cuzco has to its north, as we have
described, a range of hills upon the
near summit of which is located the old
fortress of Sacsahuaman. These hills
must be traversed bef ore the floor of
the plateau is again reached. T o avoid
extensive tunneling and a prohibitive
grade there is a series of switchbacks,
one paralleling the other, but each
slightly higher . T hus, for nearly an
hour this single car travels several miles
back and forth, each time attaining a
slightly higher elevation. T he method
is most crude, but where time is not a
f actor of importance, it does not distract
the passengers.
Finally we are away. A t no time do
we travel in excess of thir ty miles an
hour. T his is partly due to the many
sharp curves and comparatively short
straightaways. For many miles across
the plateau north and east of Cuzco the
immediate terrain and s ur r o undi ng
country is not unlike our approach to
the sacred city.
Spring planting is underway; ox en
slowly trudge along animals so pa
tient that they seem completely devoid
of spirit. T he rustic plow, its shear and
beam both of unf ashioned timber, turn
up a small f urrow. T he Indian brings
the oxen to a halt, stops and rests
against their side, gazing after us as
long as we are visible, perhaps an ex
cuse for the temporary stay of his
labors. T he passing of our vehicle is a
daily event, and most certainly could
not invoke such great interest. Here and
there an obese Indian woman with a
colorf ul, wide- brimmed hat, and with
voluminous, coarse llama wool skirt
would ex citedly drive off the rails ahead
of us several llamas. These llamas were
being herded along the track, for it was
the only road of any kind in the vicinity.
T here was a bond of amity between
these indigenous Indians and the crew
men of this railroad, f or the latter never
remonstrated with the former.
T he transf ormation of the terrain
was quite sudden. W e had been r apid
ly descending for some time, the gaso
line train- car swaying from side to side
as it negotiated the turns. T he little
villages with their adobe huts or
hovelsand patches of cultivated land
had disappeared. W e now entered a
series of small canyon- like gorges, and
traveled pr e c a r i o us l y along roaring
mountain streams to clatter over nar
row trestles. A t times the walls of the
gorge were so close or tortuous as to
shut out lig ht except that which pene
trated f rom directly overhead.
A t one point we thrilled to see sus
pended f rom a rocky ledge upon which
we traveled, and crossing a roaring
stream, one of the or iginal Inca suspen
sion bridges about wide enough for a
man to cross. It was ex tremely dilapi
dated, and we hoped in disuse. T he
Inca engineering skill in suspending
these bridges across gorges and can
yons at great height is a matter of mar
vel. Even though or iginally they were
quite saf e, they would test the courage
of an inex perienced t r a v e l e r . T hey
swayed and bobbed up and down with
each step as the traveler walked across,
causing a most insecure feeling. How
ever, without such a means this country,
of canyons and gorges, could not have
been linked into an empire as it was by
the Incas.
W e had now emerged f rom the series
of gorges and were making a gradual
yet rapid descent. T he change in alti
tude was again noticeable. Wi t hi n a
space of a comparatively short time we
had dr opped from 11,500 feet to 6,000
feet. T he air was now pressing in upon
us. T he sensations were about the same
as that of high altitude difficulty in
breathing. It amused us that we had
become so accustomed to hig h altitude
that 6,000 feet was now considered low
and discomf orting.
T he transition in vegetation was also
quite apparent; there was no more the
bleakness of the plateau. Instead there
was a tangle of verdurepalms, great
ferns, trees whose leaves were br illiant
in coloring, all entwining to f orm a
matr ix . Hig h grasses, many with color
f ul plumes, reached up to block our
vision below the vir tual roof formed by
the trees themselves. Here on either
side was a wall of f oliage so dense it
seemed that no man could penetrate it.
T he f ragrance was really intox icating.
One s nostrils were assailed by the
pleasing scents.
A s suddenly as it began, another
change took place. T he jungle growth
receded on either side of the narrow
road- bed upon which we coursed. T o
our left, like a gigantic serpent freed
from the undergrowth, there broke into
a view a wide stream, best described as
a shallow but s w i f t l y - f l o w i ng river.
A br uptly from its opposite bank arose
the steep sides of the foot- hills of one
of the lesser ranges. Its sides from the
waters edge to a great height were
steppedterraced. These terraces con
sisted of stone walls laid in regular
courses of small rocks in sizes var ying
from the human fist to the head, and
rising to a height of about f our feet.
T he width of the top of each terrace
was also about f our feet.
These terraces had been built by the
Incas centuries ago. On them they had
cultivated their vegetables and herbs.
Mil e after mile we traveled by these
terraces which were interrupted only
for short distances. T he major ity were,
insof ar as their structure was concern
ed, as ex cellent as the day they were
constructed. Nar r ow valleys here in the
A ndes compelled the Incas to utilize the
steep sides of the mountains f or their
planting; thus the terraces. A ctually
throughout the former Inca empire hun
dreds of miles of such stone walls were
erected. T he task of building them must
The have been tremendous; the patience
Rosicrucian ^ rl c?,u, r e d i ne x ha us t i bl e Even
n . though the country may be said to be
Lfigest literally a great quarry, the wor k of
J une gathering these stones must have been
1 942 herculean.
W e were entering a small valley, and
ar ound us were t ow e r i ng mountain
peaks. T he verdure crept up their sides
toward the snow line making them more
appealing. These great masses of mat
ter were literally crowding in on us. T he
temperature was quite war m for we
were entering the downstream section
of the mysterious Ur ubamba V alley .
Hundr eds of years ago Inca Pacha-
cutec f ound it necessary to make im
portant conquests in this region. T he
frontiers of his empire at that time were
at Ollantay tampu, which is now under
archeological ex cavation, and which we
had passed but an hour ago. T he in
cursions of savage tribes of aborigines
from the near Montanas compelled Inca
Pachacutec to set f orth against them.
T he Montanas are the great forests
which slope from the Andes eastward
down into the A mazon region. A t their
highest altitude they c o ns t i t ut e the
wor lds greatest stand of hardwood.
Fur ther down they merge into dense,
almost impenetrable jungles in the re
gion of the headwaters of the A mazon.
T he Montanas were entered only for
a short distance by the Incas, and even
today only a minute portion of them has
been traversed by a white man. In their
tropical area, they are infested with
snakes, poisonous insects, wild animals,
and tribes of savage head- hunters and
pigmies. Sometime in the distant future
it may be wor th the tremendous cost to
construct a railr oad into them and to
haul their timber the several hundred
miles over the A ndes through hig h alti
tude passes to the Pacific.
A t this point, also, the water was
f lowing eastward, away from the Paci
fic, down to the A mazon basin because
we had now crossed the great conti
nental divide.
It was from out of these dismal dark
forests that the savages emerged to at
tack viciously the civilization of the In
cas, so we are told by Spanish chron
iclers. These aborigines bur nt their
captives. T hey kept bits of the burnt
skin as trophies. Furthermore, they
made drumheads out of the hides of
their slain enemies. T hey had a strange
cult of dog - w or s hi p. T hat wor thy
friend of man was, on the one hand,
apothesized, and yet, on the other hand,
paradox ically , they esteemed eating its
flesh as a delicacy as well. T hey also
had a revolting custom of making a
trumpet out of a dog s skull. These
trumpets were used alike f or their own
music and to terrify their enemies.
It was against these aborigines that
Inca Pachacutec set f orth with an army
of thir ty to f orty thousand. He suc
ceeded in pushing them back into the
Montanas. T hen he established Machu
Picchu as a great citadel on the edge
of the Montanas which was to com
pose his new eastern frontier. Machu
Picchu rises in the heart of this region
and commands a nar r ow canyon of the
Ur ubamba River. It clings to the side
of a precipitous mountain f orming a
natur al fortress.
W e f inally had reached the end of
the nar row gauge line. From here there
was no f urther means of transportation
except ones own feet, or by horse, or
burro. T he surroundings were specta
cular. A r ound us was the tremendous
mass of the mountains, the peaks of
which seemed to scrape the azure blue
of the skies. T he Ur ubamba River
rushed past, and soon lost itself in a
W e discovered that we would have
to carry our equipment f or a mile to
where the saddle and pack horses could
be obtained. W e secured the services
of two Indian boys, and together with
them we carried the heavy camera
equipment, which under the hot sun
seemed to increase in weight. On reach
ing the horses we f ound that only one
pack animal was available. T he other
two were to carry us. T his lef t for dis
position two small cases which, how
ever, were too much f or one boy to
carry. W e engaged the two boys to
pack them on f oot to the summit. T hey
were gratef ul for the oppor tunity of
earning the two soles each.
T he journey was straight up. From
where we stood our trail was not even
visible a f ew feet distant, lost in a
tangle of brush. Machu Picchu the
lost city was up there on topsome-
where. Back and f orth we zigzagged as
we ascended. T he horses had no dif
f iculty with the continuous ascent, be
ing used to the altitude. Soon the Ur u
bamba V alley River lay like a silver
thread f ar below us yet no sign of
Machu Picchu. A l l about us was the
most magnif icent mountain grandeur
possible the A ndes at their rugged
best. T he sun was beginning to dip be
hind one of the peaks, and we knew
from the purple coloring creeping up
the cany on walls, that nig ht would come
A sharp tur n in the trail, and we
f ound that we were nearly at the sum
mit'and there was Machu Picchu! It
clung, it seemed, to the peak of this
mountain. Erected on the near summit,
by the Per uvian government, was a
small stone building, maintained by an
Indian attendant who lived there in iso
lation. He prepared coarse but whole
some meals for us and provided army
cots and bedding.
A f ter dinner we stood looking out on
the mystery of it all. T he air was grow
ing cold at this higher altitude. Like
steam, clouds of vapor rose f rom the
tropical vegetation below and slowly
settled down upon the ruins covering
them like a protective blanket. Above
it all, however, remained just the tip of
Huano Picchu like a sentinel guar ding
a lost wor ld.
T he form of Huano Picchu is like
that of a gigantic, recumbent, prehis
toric beast, giving the entire mountain
an eerie appearance. T o the Incas it
was almost animated, and they related
many strange tales about it which have
come down as legends. T he mists, the
sun, the shadows would actually confer
upon it many moods that would have an
effect upon the mind. Y ou had that in
ex plicable feeling that y ou were con
stantly being observed. A s you looked
upon Huano Picchu, y ou were com
pelled to f ight the imaginative impres
sion that the animal- like head of the
f ormation of the mountain did not actu
ally move and f ollow y our very foot
steps with unseen eyes. It was with
suppressed ex citement that we f inally
slept that night.
W e were up early, anx ious to put in
a f ull day photographing. W e had,
however, not reckoned with the moun
tain mists. T he sun was obscured by a
deep f og which penetrated and covered
all. T he river f ar below could not be
seen. J ust a portion of the centuries- old
city was visible at a hundr ed yards. T he
sun, so Alonosus, br ight Indian lad of
twelve inf ormed us, would not disperse
J une
1 942
the mist until about ten o'clock at least.
W e set out to get our bearings.
Machu Picchu was not a tumble of
stones as were most of the ruined cities.
It was in an ex cellent state of preserva
tion even when first f ound. It was truly
a lost city until 1912 when it was dis
covered by an ex pedition from Y ale
University. In comparison to other
sites, not a great deal of restoration had
to be done. T here were the usual great
stone terraces with short stairways lead
ing from one to another, and along
which we walked on a cushion of early
spring grass. T he Indian lad, Alonosus,
f r equently stopped to pick luscious wild
strawerries and to point out native wild
flowers. Here, also, were stone streets
on either side of which were the houses
of the former residents who disappeared
so mysteriously. Here, too, was a mag
nificent carved stone tower (See photo
graph A pr il, 1942, Rosicrucian Dig es t")
used by Inca sentinels to command a
view of the approaches to the city.
Here, also, were the elaborate homes of
the once great noblemen. Here, too,
were the stone baths, cold spring water
still r unning in them.
T he edifices were of a variety of
stone masonry, some very crudeand
all without roofs. T he original roofs,
the weakest point in Inca architecture,
were thatched. Machu Picchu had no
regular plan f or its construction as a
city. It just grew f rom a citadel to a
thriving city housing several thousands
of inhabitants. Consequently , as in our
cities today, side by side were repre
sentations of the various styles of archi
tecture which developed in it thr oug h
out the years. T he oldest structures
were of uncut stones; the later, excel
lently executed works of masonry. T he
latter were pr incipally occupied by the
nobles and wealthy class.
T he poorer types of residences, of
course, or iginally had thatched roof s as
did the most expensive ones. Dur ing
the time of the Incas, these thatched
roof s teemed with vermin which bred
in them. Cuy - Cuna, or guinea pigs, ran
in and about their earthen floors during
the time of the occupancy of the Incas.
Cooking at that time was done out- of-
doors ex cept in bad weather; when in
doors the smoke added to the many
other smells, and the preparation of
f ood f urther cluttered the small area.
A t nig ht the f amily of those Inca
peasant- like subjects and their domestic
animals, the dog, f or ex ample, and un
invited rodents all slept together.
T he larger dwellings f or the more
prosperous class of ten accommodated
two families. T he doorways were about
six feet in height. T he sides were not
ex actly perpendicular, but oblique
that is, the distance between the sides
at the base or threshold was wider than
at the top. A large capital stone or
head- piece was fitted across the top to
support the wall above. T he stairways
approaching the entrances were some
times hewn out of one large rock (See
photograph in back of this issue). T he
walls were composed of large blocks of
stone perf ectly fitted and laid in regu
lar courses. T he windows were fairly
large and unif or mly placed, each win
dow looking out upon a scene that ap
peared like a magnif icent pa i n t i n g .
(See pho t o g r a ph in J anuary, 1942
Let us step inside one of these homes.
It all seems so bleak and uninviting
within, cold monochrome stone. Or ig
inally these edifices were equally as
colorf ul as the stone baronial manors
and castles of medieval Europe. T he
walls of these Inca abodes were once
covered with beautif u llama skins. T he
flooring was covered with brilliantly
dyed, woven patterns of llama wool
with their plant, fish, and animal de
signs arranged in geometrical order.
Beautif ul painted pottery once was situ
ated in the diff erent corners or suspend
ed from the wall by cords.
Later, and f or several days, we
photographed the many streets, towers,
homes, baths, terraces, and other points
of interest concerning the lives of those
peoples who had lef t the city centuries
before. Our greatest fascination was
experienced at the highest point in the
city, the absolute summit of the moun
tain the great sun altar. T he summit
was a sheer rock f orming a circle about
thirty feet in diameter. It had been
leveled except for a cone that projected
from the center like a shaf t. It was
fashioned out of the same rock, and at
the base of the shaf t were two ledge
like steps to kneel upon when the an
cient supplicants came to offer their
prayers (See photograph, J anuary , 1942
issue). Legend relates that the adher
ents would kneel bef ore this altar just
before the sun, whom the Incas called
Y nti, would pass into the west, and they
would seek to tie it fast to the shaf t
while they offered it their prayers.
T he vista from here was soul stirring.
From the thir ty f oot arena we could
look straight down thousands of feet to
the Ur ubamba River. A head of us,
possibly five miles, was a north- eastern
approach to the cany on between two
great mountain walls. T o the southeast,
about the same distance, we could see
the other small entrance into this valley
from one point of vantage. Both en
trances we could see in our minds eye
easily fortified by short rows of stal
wart Inca warriors. If they had been
forced back, they could have retreated
to this mountains sheer walls and to
this city of Machu Picchu, the citadel
and here stand a siege indefinitely. Inca
Pachacutec had chosen well a site for
his fortress. T he river below flowed
from this point into the great dismal
forests and the headwaters of the
A mazona region in which no white
man has ever deeply set f oot and
T his altar shaf t bef ore us and the
others throughout the empire were also
used for time determining purposes.
T he Inca year was called Huato. Span
ish chroniclers, such as Garcilasso, say
the Incas reckoned the length of the
solar year and period of the solstice by
noting the shadow cast by such speci
ally constructed towers and by taking
observations from them. T his reminded
us of the great megolithic structure at
Stonehenge, Eng land, on the Salisbury
Plains with its massive slaughter stone
facing the east used for a similar as
well as ritualistic purpose. Such struc
tures as these in Peru were called Int i-
huantana. which is equivalent to the
place where the sun was tied up.
T ime after time we climbed to the
summit to this sun altar, and there sat,
disinclined to speak, looking out upon
this cathedral of nature. W e would feel
the grooves in the stone about the altar
formed by the muf f led shuf f ling feet of
the thousands who had come there in
past centuries when it was a thriving
city to offer prayers. W e thoug ht of the
priests who performed their liturgies
and offered libations to the Sun God
himself. However, of ten as we visited
it, something was absent; we sensed a
lack of some kind. I was not quite sat
isfied. I was like one who sips cool
water when he has a craving thirst.
One nig ht there came the experience
that quenched this thirst within. T his
was not a prosaic nig htnot just an
other time for early retirement. T he
heavens were clear; for some inex plic
able reason the usual nig ht mist was
absent. A f ull moon shone down with
unbelievable luminosity. Suddenly I de
cided to go into the ruins. W e set forth.
Night- time in this city of old is hazar d
ous; darkness obscures the way . Loose
stones which could be avoided dur ing
the day but not seen at nig ht might
thr ow one off a terrace or tumble one
against a wall, causing a serious injury.
Slowly we wended our way over the
terraces and began our approach down
one of the stone thoroughf ares.
Fantastic patterns of light and shad
ows lay before us. T hey were gro
tesque, ex citing. Quietly we passed edi
fices once occupied by Inca families;
courtyards in which children and their
pets tumbled and cried centuries ago.
T he inky black shadows of the win
dows and open portals allowed our
imaginations to frame images within
On we walked in this city of the
dead. W e hesitated a moment before
the great sentry tower and looked up at
its truncated top. Our hearts bounded.
Some sort of bond ex isted between it
and ourselves. W e felt as though eyes
which we could not perceive were scru
tinizing us, as though we were desecra-
tors disturbing the peace of the nig ht
and of the centuries. Cer tainly during
the reign of the Incas we would not
have dared to so stealthily invade
Machu Picchu or to walk about un
challenged. For the moment our mem
or y of the past and our consciousness
of the oppressive silence made us feel
contrite, and then the wave of hesi
tancy disappeared. W e were here for
no purpose of ridicule, no derision of
the Incas and their ways of life, rather
to honor them and f urther reveal their
contributions to the progress which hu
manity had made. By this reasoning a
burden was lif ted from us, and we
walked freely along, the only sound our
own heavy breathing and our footsteps.
Finally we came to the sacred way
and began our ascent, for the sun altar
was our destination. W e climbed the
time- worn stone steps that led to it. As
though it symbolized the inner lig ht of
a people, it was bathed in white, so
luminous was the moonlight. Its details,
its wor n parts, it crevices, and depres
sions were lost in the unif or mity of the
light. W e stood in revential silence and
looked towar d the ominous shadows
cast by Huano Picchu, neighboring
mountain sentinel.
W e were but a f ew days f rom the
f all equinox , a time of great occasion to
the Incas. In the month of Mar ch, cen
turies ago, when they reaped their maize
or Indian wheat, they celebrated the oc
casion, the harvest, with joy and festivi
ties, as many Or iental peoples celebrate
the equinox in Mar ch, and as do we
Rosicrucians. However, the September
equinox was also one of the f our pr in
cipal feasts to the sun held by the Incas.
It was called Citua Raijmar .
T o denote the precise day of the
equinox they would erect pillars of
marble in an open area, adjacent to a
temple of the sun, or an altar to the sun
such as this one before which we stood.
Whe n the sun came near the line, the
priests daily watched and attempted to
observe what shadow the pillars cast.
T o make it more exact, we are told that
they fix ed a gnomon to a pillar, like
the pin on a sun dial, so that the sun at
its rising would dart a direct shadow by
it! Whe n at its height, or midday , the
sun caused the pillar to cast no shade
and to be enlightened on all sides, the
Inca priests considered that the sun had
entered the equinoctial line.
T his day in the past would have been
one of great preparation f or the Incas.
Even at night, at this hour, the priests
would have been getting the altar in
readiness, and Machu Picchu would
have been festooned f or the coming
T hese thoughts placed us in attune-
ment with the past. W e felt imbued
with the hopes and beliefs of the lost
peoples in whose city we were now the
sole occupants at this late hour at
night. T his altar bef ore us was a sym
bol of the soul of a past people. It was
at this altar they gave expression to the
higher sentiments of self. T ime may
have changed what they once believed.
Man has moved on in thought, but he
has not altered that immanent force
which motivated the Incas, and which
has likewise caused the plane of human
consciousness to rise century by cen
tury. T hat which caused the Incas to
believe as they believed and to leave
behind monuments to their spiritual con
ceptions still exists deep within man.
I felt, as I sat bef ore this altar, not
as one at worship, but as one in humil
ity, reflecting upon the course of man
kind. T o me the occasion was one of
initiation; I had crossed another thresh
old, a threshold of understanding, of a
greater communion with my f ellow man.
Cer tainly I had been raised at the altar
of my consciousness by this experience.
T his experience was also the climax of
my journey to the sacred cities of the
A ndes and another mile- stone in my
J une
Indications are that w e w i l l greet members f r om thr oug hout the United States when
the annual Rosicr ucian Conv ent ion convenes J ul y 12- 18. T o r epeat a pr evious announce
ment, we wish to state that there ar e no existing restrictions on the Pacif ic Coas t that wi)J
in any w ay interfere with Conv ention attendance, or par ticipation in all of its activities.
W r i t e t oday to the Ex tension Depar tment requesting a special bulletin of inf or mation
concer ning tr avel to the Conv ention and f ur ther details r eg ar ding the Conv ent ion itself .
T his bulletin is now being pr epar ed and w i l l be mailed immediately upon request.
A l l members w ho liv e within tr av eling distance of an A . M. O. R. C. Chapter or Lodge
should ask t o be put on their mailing list f or special announcements and bulletins. Mem
bers of Chapter s and Lodges in recent months hav e had the special pr iv ileg es of v iewing
interesting motion pictur e films pr epared by , or under the super vision of the Or der , and
also of par ticipating in inter esting ex periments by the use of special equipment sent to
v ar ious Chapter s. T o g ain additional benefit f r om v our af f iliation w ith this or g anization,
s uppor t the Chapter nearest y ou.
The Evolution of Mi nd
By R. F. G af f o r d
H O can doubt the
evolution of man
in this age of his
meteoric progress,
a f t e r g l a nc i ng
back through the
pages of the past?
W ho can doubt
his rise from the
ruck and muck of
screaming beastli
ness to our pres
ent stage of civili
zation w i t h such
convincing evidence as that which glares
at us from out of the musty pages of
history? It is unquestionable. Its evi
dence is plainly seen in the last century.
More! Developments are so r apid that
it is cognizable even in the last half cen
tury. Our senses of f eeling are more
varied, and finer; our physical beauty
of form and features more perfect; our
brain capacity greater than ever before.
For ex ample: A child's mind at the
age of ten, a generation ago, was more
sluggish and undevelopednot so keen
and active, not so receptive to knowl
edge, as that of the modern child of to
day, of the same age. T he modern child
is f ar more intellectual at the age of ten
than a child of a generation ago was at
fifteen! T his is an indisputable fact that
must be recognized by everyone who
will only pause to think. A nd why is
this? I t is t he s e l f - a dj us t me nt of
Natur e.
Natur e always makes provisions for
the conditions that exist. A nd the con
ditions f if ty years ago did not require
the br ain capacity that is needed today.
T here was not half so much to learn!
New inventions and scientific discover
ies have added much to our language,
additional branches of studies to our
schools. Science has broadened out so
much in the last half century that in
stead of having two or three branches
of studies of its f undamental principles,
it has been di v i de d i nt o countless
branches of studies, prepared thus by
the master minds in order to simplif y
the things alr eady learned so that stu
dents can make greater speed over the
things known, and have more time to
spend in discovering things unknown.
W i t h all the accumulated knowledge of
the agesvast libraries, countless thou
sands of new discoveries and inventions
it does not take a student any longer
to graduate today than it did half a
century ago. Does not this fact alone
go a long way in proving the theory I
am trying to propound?
A nd yet, with all of our knowledge
and the seemingly top- most pinnacles of
civilization we have attained, we have
barely scratched the surface with our
brief endeavor; barely touched the hem
of knowledges garment. W e are just
beginning to glimpse f aint f ar vistas,
the vastness of the br oad fields ahead
that our endeavor of a f ew million years
has scarcely touched.
Look back at the distance we have
traveled in the last few years, and the
acceleration of speed we have made. It
is astounding, come to think of it. T hen
just try to imagine, if you canat the
same rate of acceleration where we
J une
will be a hundr ed years hence. It is in
conceivable. Our minds are too f rail to
grasp it.
Suppose the people of a generation
ago had been told that the people of
today would be r iding in airplanes at
the rate of 350 miles per hour, automo
biles at the rate of 75 and 80 miles per
hour, t a l k i n g i nt o i ns t r ume nt s that
would convey the sound of y our voice
through the air at the rate of 165,000
miles per second to any par t of the
world, would be t a k i ng pictures of
scenes thousands of miles from the
camera? Do y ou think it would have
been possible to make them believe it?
Cer tainly not. No more than we would
believe that people f if ty years hence will
be using chunks of fire from the sun to
heat their furnaces.
If we have made such great advances
as f rom the ox- cart to the air plane in
the last f if ty years, to what heights will
we attain in another century? T he f ar
ther we go, the greater acceleration of
speed we gain. Our stride will be so
rapid in another century that it is in
conceivable; an impossibility, to try to
imagine where we will be and at what
rate we will be traveling. Man's mind,
at this stage, is too undeveloped to grasp
very much; to reach out very f ar in the
future. It is just in its inf ancy like a
new born babegroping for something
it is vaguely conscious of beyond the
slats of its cradle.
T he br ain is a machine stimulated by
thought, each thought producing an
other thought. W i t h each successive
thought produced, the machine becomes
more active, stronger, more capable of
producing a greater number of thoughts.
T houg hts exercise and strengthen the
brain, just as action strengthens the
muscles. A lthoug h it takes a thought
to produce an action, it does not require
an action to produce a thought. For
each action is the result of a thought,
but each thought is not the result of an
J ust what c ons t i t ut e s a t ho ug ht is
par t of the unknowable, as electricity is,
f or instance: W e can produce it, har
ness it, and control it, yet we do not
know what it is. However, electricity
differs f rom thought in this way : W e
do know what it is the result of , and
can control it. But we do not know
what thoughts are the result of. and we
cannot control them. T hey come with
out pre- knowledge of them, and there
fore we cannot prevent them. T hey are
latent in our brains bef ore they become
thoughts, and before we are con
scious of them, so how are we going to
prevent them? T hey are just as f ar be
y ond our individual will as birth and
One may say, Oh I could have done
this, or I could have done that. T he
only answer is: How do you know you
could have done it? Y ou have no proof.
T he mere f act that you didn't, is suffi
cient evidence that y ou couldn't.
T o prove this, let us ex amine our
thoughts a little farther. A s I have
stated already, we cannot prevent a
thoug ht from entering our mind, be
cause it is there, alr eady formed, before
we are aware of it; and how are we
going to prevent it before we are aware
of its existence? W e cannot. So, if a
certain thoug ht enters the mind, prompt
ing our bodies to do a certain act, a sec
ond thought will accompany it. a nega
tive thought, not to do. For they
come in pairs, and are as inseparable as
the smallest atoms of matter. But they
are not of a balancing strength. One
must invar iably be stronger than the
other or the body would never react to
either of them. T herefore, the stronger
must prevail. But, they are subject to
change. T hat is, a condition may arise
that will cause two other thoughts to
replace these with a preponderance of
strength on the reverse side, and natur
ally, we will f ollow the stronger.
One may say, Oh I will overcome
the strong, and make the weaker the
strong in time. It may be that they
will. But if they do, that third thought
prompting them to make this change,
must be stronger than the opposing
thought that will accompany it and
urges, not to make the change. So,
still the matter rests with the strongest
of these two, in which we have no
choice. J ust in such a way an alterna
tive current of thoughts is constantly
f lowing through our brain, and we, in
dividually , have no control over them.
T hey are f uel to the body just as gaso
line is to an automobile, and our body
would be just as lifeless with out them
as an automobile would be without
gasoline. A nd the same thoug ht can
not be used twice, no more than gaso
line can. However, it can be duplicated
to one ten millionth of a f raction the
same, but not identical. For the brain
and body are never ag ain the same.
T hey are constantly undergoing changes
and are never, any two minutes, alike.
T hey are just a f raction of a second
older; just a f raction of a second nearer
the grave. W e have been dy ing since
we were born.
A s one writer has said: W e are
just a flow of passing thoughts. Each
thought of self, another self. My r iad
thoughts, my r iad selves. A continual
becoming but never being. Our T is
both subject and predicate. It predicates
things of itself, and is the things predi
cated. T he thinker is the thought. T he
knower, is the thing known. In other
words, this old body of ours is just a
mechanical invention, and we are the
thoughts utilized by it to produce the
results for which it was created. Like a
radio, it picks up these thoughts from
out of somewhere and transmutes them
into action, controlled and directed by
the inventor.
In other words, the br ain is a receiv
ing set for thoughts. A t each bir th, a
new receiving set is br oug ht into the
world, but, generally speaking, with an
improvement over the old. Each gen
eration brings new receiving sets with
stronger capacity; sets capable of reach
ing f arther out into the unknown, and
ex ploring more of the unex plored.
Since our dim and distant ancestors
the ape man the first crude inven
tion of this machine, picked up the first
sound- wave and transmuted it into ac
tion of self- preservation, our upwar d
climb has been constant. W i t h each
generation, our acceleration of speed
gaining, ever broadening and ex pand
ing, like the receding waves from a
pebble thrown into a pond.
T houg h Dar win's theory of our up
war d climblogical and plausible as it
isfalls f ar short of a beginning. It
leaves our feeble minds as much at sea,
as trying to foresee the future. It reach
es back to the smallest particle of matter
that is conceivable to our f r ail mind,
yet, it does not satisf y this subtle feel
ing of restlessness to know morean
Absolute a beginning of all. T he
question always remains: Wha t lies
One Scientist in ex pounding this the
ory states that certain chemical process
es brought about the first state of co
hesion that caused these smallest par
ticles of matter to cleave together with
such r apidity , that it took only a few
billion years or so for them to grow
into the size of the earth. But, he failed
to give a theory as to the origin of this
atomic matter, or the cause of this
chemical reaction that br ought about
this state of cohesion.
But, of course, this would all be in
conceivable to our minds at this stage
of their development. T hat is part of
the unknowable. Nevertheless, it does
not satisf y the desire to know what is
behind it all: a beginning of the atom,
and a beginning of that which created
the atom. T here must have been a be
ginning somewhere.
Some deny an Absolute. But as Spen
cer has said: T he mere f act of our
deny ing an Absolute, is, in a way , ad
mitting it. For we cannot think of
something that isnt, that does not exist
in some form, or some way . It must
exist, or how else could it be thought
of , formed in our minds? Every thing
must have an opposite, in order to des
ignate an opposite from its opposite.
For ex ample: If there were no good,
there would be no bad also. T here
would be nothing f rom which to derive
a bad. If there were no infinite, there
would be no finite. In order to designate
the boundaries of finite, there must be
something beyond which has no boun
daries. W e cannot think of one with
out the other. W e have no individual
choice in the matter.
T o prove this farther: Can an un
thinking person think? Is he an un
thinking person by choice? A t this
stage of our development the answers
to such questions, such things are be
y ond our conception. W e cannot pene
trate to such depths of reasoning. A s I
have stated before, the mind is just in
its inf ancy , just beginning to see things
beyond the slats of its cradle, and un
derstands very little of what it sees.
But have patience. Giv e it time. When
we pause to think, only a f ew million
(Concluded on Page 193)
Man I n Our I mage
By Sor or El oi se L avr i sch eff
T he
Ros icr ucian
Dig es t
J une
F Y O U should ask
a group of people,
W ha t is Man? ,
some mi g ht say,
" W e l l , Ma n is
what was lef t over
after the monkeys
a nd e v e r y t hi ng
els e g ot made .
O t h e r s w o u l d
then s ay reprov
ingly , How can
y o u s a y t h a t !
Dont y ou k now
that Man is the image of God! T hen
the materialists would step in and say,
How do y ou mean, Man is the image
of God? Hav ent we proved that Man
is nothing but the dust of the earth?
W e know that all there is in that pre
cious lump of clay he calls his body is
a quarter of a pound of sugar, enough
lime to whitewash a small dog- house,
half a t e a s po o nf ul of soda, e noug h
phosphorous for two thousand match
heads, a heaping teaspoonf ul of sul
phur, f at enough to make seven bars of
soap, enough carbon to manuf acture
nine thousand lead pencils, thirty- five
teaspoonsf ul of salt, and enough iron to
make a medium sized nail all mix ed
up with about ten gallons of water.
T hat is Ma n!
A f ter that the scientists would join
in, In other words, y ou mean that Man
is made of the same elements as the
earth. But havent y ou heard the latest?
W e all know that elements are com
posed of atoms. Now in those atoms
we have f ound there are still smaller
particles called electrons. T here is a
diff erent number of electrons in one
kind of atom than there is an another.
But the electrons are all the same. A nd
electrons are nothing but vibrating en
ergy. T hen y ou can see that the only
difference between one element and an
other is the rate of its vibrations. So,
af ter all, there is nothing in the earth
but vibr ating energy. Now, where does
that leave y our wonder f ul Man?
T hen the Rosicrucian would rise and
say, T hat is true that Creation is
composed of vibrating energy, which
we call Spir it. A nd because this Spirit
energy is in constant motion, passing
through the processes that we know as
the laws of nature, it is easy to see that
the forms which we associate with the
wor ld about us, then, actually do not
ex ist.
T o this the group would respond de
fiantly, W ha t e v e r ar e y ou t a l k i ng
about? Do you mean to say that these
chairs we are sitting on, these objects
we see ar ound the room actually aren't
T he Rosicrucian would answer, I
didnt say there was no t hi ng there.
T here is plenty theremuch more than
you even suspect. T hose chairs, while
responding to the laws of cohesion and
adhesion, ma g ne t i s m a nd repulsion,
which keep the energy of the atoms
from bounding wildly about, at the same
time give off vibrations. These vibr a
tions contact the sense organs in your
body . Nerve impulses travelling to the
brain produce in your consciousness a
pattern which y ou have learned to call
a chair. I say, have learned. W e never
stop to think how much habit has come
to influence our thinking. For instance,
if y ou br ought a newborn inf ant here,
would he know that that was a chair?
W e know he wouldnt. But gradually
as he grew and was able to sit on the
chair and to pronounce a f ew words, he
would have established the habit of
looking at the chair and knowing that
to the wor ld of people about him that
particular object was a chair and that it
was to sit on.
"Now look at other things ar ound the
room. I did not say that there are no
pictures on the wall, but how do y ou
know that they are there? Y ou say you
see them. W ha t you mean is that light
reflecting from the pictures enters the
eye where its vibrations stimulate the
rods and cones on the retina to send
impulses over the optic nerve to the sec
tion of the brain which has learned that
that particular pattern of consciousness
is called a picture. It wouldn't be a pic
ture to a baby . In other words, every
thing we have learned to recognize in
the wor ld about us is the result of habit
patterns in our mind.
A t this point a conscientious listener
might interrupt, "T hat is all very well,
and very interesting; but I dont see
how it can answer the question what
is Man? "
T he Rosicrucian would assure him
that he is approaching that answer. He
would sum up his statements, "Cr eation
is composed of the vibrating energy we
call Spir it. T he vibrations reflected to
our senses from this energy, as it re
sponds to the laws of nature, create
patterns in our consciousness which we,
through habit, have come to recognize
as form. But the form is only in our
realization of the reflection. A nd be
cause it is the Mind of God which con
trols the laws of nature and thus causes
the reflection, our patterns of conscious-
years have elapsed since its birth, and
it is to be commended f or progress.
From out of the atom, it developed into
the jelly- fish, from the jelly- fish to the
ape- man, then up from the absymal
ness are but reflections of this Inf inite
Mind: A s above so below.
"L et us go back now to the story of
Cr eation, where God said, Let us make
Man in our image. For too long we
have been tr y ing unsuccessf ully to fit
this description into the common con
ception of the wor d "imag e, the first
that Webs ter gives in his dictionary:
image an imitation of a person or
thing in the solid form. A nd because,
when the more we penetrate the mys
tery of the Universe, the less solid we
f ind things to be, the more conf using
this idea of Man in the image of a solid
form ex actly like that of his Cr eator be
comes. But there is another meaning of
the wor d. It is called archaic now, but
it may be taken as our key. In the first
days of its use an image also meant a
picture formed by reflection.
"A l l the objects in nature which we
say have form are but reflections in our
consciousness of the Spirit Ener g y as it
responds to laws c o nt r o l l e d by the
Mind of God. Man in his conscious
ness also gives to himself f orm, wonder
f ully and f earf ully made. T his means
that the processes of Spir it in this body
are the more wondr ously controlled by
Div ine Mind. Into Ma ns mind is cast
the reflection he has come to know as
his body.
"B ut there is more. T here is a pat
tern of consciousness which separates
him from the rest of the wor ld. T here
is a consciousness which he calls Self.
A nd, as his body is the reflection of In
finite Intelligence wor king through Spir
it, which we call matter, Man himself is
the reflection of the Soul or Mind of
So the group would come to the real
ization that Man is truly the reflection
or image of God. T hey would under
stand how Man who has learned this
T r uth and has come to know Self will
humbly say with the Chr ist Wit hin:
I am that I am.
(Continued f rom Page 191)
depths of screaming beastliness it has
constantly climbed. Let us be patient
for a f ew more million years, and per
haps we will understand, and know
what it is all about.
V. W i l l P ower
By T h or K i i mal ehto, Sovereign Grand Master
J une
HE common mis
c onc e pt i on is to
regard will power
as a d o mi n a n t
force pos s es s ed
by a few f ortu
nat e individuals.
T hi s is a g r e at
mi s t a k e . \ Vill
pow e r is be t t e r
u n d e r s t o o d in
terms of concrete
a c t i on. W e ar e
constantly e x e r t
ing will power. W e could not do any
thing, we could not hold a job, we could
not complete a course of instruction
without the use of will power. W i l l
power is the ability to concentrate our
energy on a conscious aim or object.
Everyone possesses this power. It is a
positive, active consciousness of desire.
Many parents take great pains in
breaking the will of a child as a horse
trainer breaks the animal to harness
by brute force. W i t h the human being,
this method is destructive and invar i
ably has life- long mental consequences.
W e should study the proclivities of our
children and instead of breaking their
wills by chastisement, we should lead
their thoughts and reason into the chan
nels we wish them to acquire. Many a
child has a tendency to inflict pain and
to hurt an animal or pet. Such a child
should be taught kindness and love by
an appeal to his emotion and reason. It
will not take long to change the inclina
tion of br utality to one of kindness. It
is also well to study the actions of the
average boy who has a lesson to pre
pare. In the first place, he has to be
reminded several times that he has some
homework to do. In the second place,
he has to be watched until the lesson is
completed. Since he is not interested in
his lesson or since he is more interested
in a game of ball or his supper, he can
not without great diff iculty or without
compulsion concentrate on his simple
duty . He lacks will power as f ar as his
homework is concerned. He may ex
emplif y astonishing strength of will
power when it comes to play ing a game
of ball f or several hours on an af ter
noon or participating in a weekend hike
or a swimming meet. Y oung folks drop
out of school before completing their
tr aining because their will power is con
centrated on other aims than studies.
Some people change constantly from
one position to another because they
have not attained stability.
T he average human being is guided
solely by his immediate reactions a
sort of reflex action. I f the subject
proves a little difficult, he drops it. If
the immediate benefits of a relationship
are not apparent, he wants to terminate
it. A correspondence school executive
said once that the income that paid the
hig h salaries of their officers came from
those students who dropped out in the
early stages of the studies.
T he average human being finds it dif
ficult to think in terms of ultimate bene
fit. If disadvantages are connected with
a job, he wants to change it. For ex
ample, some people pref er to undergo
an operation and spend a month or two
in a hospital rather than to spend a year
in overcoming an ailment through some
natural methoda planned routine of
living and eating. T hat the latter course
is definitely better in the end makes no
appeal. T hey think it is too difficult to
f ollow a plan f or any length of time.
T he exercise of will power, therefore,
like attention, f ollows the line of strong
est conscious interest. Psychology tells
us that when imagination and will come
into conflict, imagination usually wins.
T he remedy, then, is to pursue our
course with all the emotional interest
possible. Lif e trains us by compelling
us to f ollow certain courses of action.
If we do not wor k and produce, we
starve, or, what to most of us is far
worse, our families starve. W e may not
like our job but necessity forces us to
stick to it. Mos t people are chained by
necessity to jobs in which they have
very little or no interest. I have known
men who have spent their lifetime in a
trade doing one certain specialty from
day to day without having a vestige of
interest in, or thinking about, the finish
ed product they are contributing to pro
duce. It is true that a certain strength
of character is gained by completing a
task under great difficulties. T o be
f aithf ul to a task, to complete a project
are exercises of will power. T o do only
what we like, is to f ollow the path of
least resistance. T he point is to be in
terested in and to like whatever we do
or have to do. T o plan a long- term
course of action is a sign of maturity .
T o f ollow a definite program over a
number of years means that many sac
rifices must be made. One quality of
character is linked with another. If you
wish to go to evening school, for ex
ample, to complete an interrupted edu
cation, you must give up many things.
Y ou must give up social engagements
and change y our plan of life. Y ou must
travel on stormy nights, you must go to
the librar y or do themes on y our holi
days. If an education means everything
to you, the sacrifices will be no deter
rent. If y ou enjoy y our studies, your
contact with teachers and y our fellow
students will more than repay y ou for
y our efforts.
T hat firmness of will is necessary in
life is ax iomatic. A pitiable object is
the man who is like a driven leaf, who
fails to make an independent decision
in even the smallest matter in life, and
who is constantly dependent upon the
judg ment of others. T here is a stage in
our spiritual development when tr adi
tion or moral convenience having lost
its hold upon us, we become seekers.
W e ex periment with one set of ideas
and then with another. Eventually we
come to rest within some f old. Here
again some paradox appears. Whi l e we
should be firm in adhering to principle
and firm in being guided by our intui
tion, at the same time we must ever
be open to new revelations, of new
Irresoluteness is a f ailing just as
much as stubbornness. Bullheadedness,
prejudice, narrowmindedness, egotism,
ignorance and refusal to think and rea
son logically should never be regarded
as ex pressions of great will power.
Whi l e consistency, as Emerson main
tains, may be "the hobgoblin of little
minds," at the same time consistency
with the highest of which one is capable
is necessary. T he nearer we approach
the divine, the more absolute and, there
fore, more predictable and more con
trollable law becomes. W i t h the Divine,
wor d and action are one. W o r d goes
f orth and creation proceeds. "In the be
ginning was the W o r d, " states the Gos
pel. Goethe has Faust interpret it, "In
the beginning was the deed.
A l l teachers of metaphysics and oc
cult knowledge agree that steadfastness
in carrying out a resolutionthe ex
pression of a strong w ill is a necessity.
Nothing should induce the student to
deviate from a resolution once taken
save only the admission that he was in
error. Every resolution is a force, and
if this force does not produce an im
mediate effect at the point to which it
was applied, it still works on in its own
ineffective way . Success is only deci
sive when an action arises from a bur n
ing desire and an inner urge that must
find expression. W e should never be
come dismayed by failure or grow
weary of endeavoring repeatedly to
translate some resolution into action.
Y ou wi l l of ten find when you have de
cided upon a certain course of activity
that forces seem to distract y our atten
tion and to tear y ou away f rom your
planned decision. T his is a natur al re
action, and y our will and determination
must be sufficiently strong to keep you
steadf ast to y our purpose.
Y ou may map out for yourself a pro
gram of infinite riches. Y ou may spend
y our leisure time, as much of it as you
have, in music, in gardening, in scien
tific research, and in invention. Y ou
may dedicate y our spare time, your life,
and your powers to your Rosicrucian
studies and the R o s i c r uc i a n Or der .
T here is no subject that can rival in in
terest and fascination the A ncient W i s
dom. In fact, the A ncient Wis dom
includes all interests. It is as br oad and
as comprehensive as life itself. It in
cludes all interests. T here is no field of
study and research that does not have
its nook in the A ncient Wis dom. A p
plied psychology is linked with philoso
phy on the one hand, and comparative
religion on the other. It includes the
art of healing, medicine, diet, and even
cooking. Natur ally everything links up
with literature, poetry, drama, music,
art, sculpture, architecture and design.
So many flower- covered fields still
beckon, so many mountain heights still
call, that the mind is bewildered with
the dazzling beauty. W ha t a tremen
dous field of research is that of occult
chemistry, for ex ample! W ha t wonders
clair voyant research has yet to reveal!
Esoteric astronomy alone can prove the
wor k of a lif etime. W ha t can be more
practical and important than to trace
the occult forces at work in the world
today, to interpret current events in the
lig ht of the A ncient Wis dom, and to
plan remedies f or man's innumerable ills
in accordance with occult principles.
No philosophy impresses on one so em
phatically the basic fact of the unity of
all that lives, and the unity of all knowl
edge, as the A ncient Wis dom which is
a tree of many branches.
One of the purposes of life is the de
velopment of a firm will so that what
love and wisdom dictate we have the
strength to do. Our souls evolve, our
inner strength and beauty unf old that
we may fill our preordained place in the
orchestra of mankind. Our real task lies
within the divine Plan, the Plan for
evolution. T he real wisdom is only the
A ncient Wis dom. Therefore, to love
the A ncient Wis dom, to pursue it, to
dedicate oneself to it is to gain not only
wisdom but firmness of will. In this
stage of the evolution of the race, to
make every effort to apply this wisdom
to one's daily affairs, to live the life that
the A ncient Wis dom implies, in fact,
dictates, is to acquire firmness of will.
T he Ancient Wis dom can be the
central fact of ones life. Ever y detail,
every event can in some way link this
study that embraces the worlds of both
men and gods. Imag ination and will
need not come in conflict. T he imagina
tion is taken by storm. T o pursue ones
studies is to f ollow the line of least re
sistance, to do what one supremely
wants to do. It is the interest of not
only a lifetime but many lifetimes. It is
an interest not only for lif e on earth,
but f or life between incarnations. It is
an interest that links us not only to hu
manity, but to the kingdom of nature
and the spir itual forces. How beautif ul
and simple when one adopts the divine
Plan with all one's heart and soul, when
one longs only to be a force working
for evolution, when one longs to know
only the A ncient Wis dom, when one
enrolls under the banner of Light, Life,
and Love.
T he
Ros icr ucian
Dig es t
J une
T o those members w ho hav e copies of "T he Secret Sy mbols of the Rosicr ucians, this
announcement is par ticular ly dir ected. A lar g e and interesting discourse ex plaining f r om
the s tandpoint of the moder n Rosicr ucian the f ul l sig nif icance and meaning of these sy m
bols together with a his tor y of the compilation of this book has been pr epar ed by the
Rosicr ucian Research L ibr ar ian. T his lar g e discourse in two par ts can be secured f r om
the Ros icr ucian S uppl y Bur eau by members of A. M. O . R. C. f or one dollar . W hi l e all
members w i l l find this discourse inter esting, it is suggested that the most benefit w il l be
f ound by those w ho hav e access to the book. T his discourse is av ailable onl y to members
of A . M. O . R. C.
One of the pr incipal entrances to Machu Picchua city of the vanquished Incan Empir e. T he steps are hewn from
liv ing rock and are wor n by the shuf f ling of the thousands of bare and sandaled feet who made this a sacred way to
the Sun A ltar atop the mountain. T he oblique por tal with its lar g e capital or headstone, and the wall to the right, with
its r eg ular courses of masonr y , are ex cellent ex amples of ear ly architecturethe renowned accomplishment of the Incas.
(Courtesy of AM ORC Camera Expedition.)
F a i t h H e a l i n g

O E S the pouring lortli of the soul

" in silent prayer or angui shed wail
elicit the divine curative powers? Wi l l
the act of throwi ng oneself in I mmhle
faith upon the mercy of the Omnipotent
effect a cure or relieve an ai l ment/ Is
faith the means of placi ng man in attune
ment with the higher forces, and is it all
that is necessary to insure health, vitality,
anti longevity. Do you know how far
man may go in exposi ng his body and
mind to disease without suffering disaster
by merely havi ng FA I T H in the good
ness o( Divinity.'' Is faith in divine heal
ing a delusion, a state of self-deception
that blinds the mind to the dangers of
neglect? Mi l l i ons today are followers of
faith healing. Are they misinformed or is
it a subtle method of right living little
fya o U u j, t f-a cb l
H I S subject is daringly and forcefully presented in the book, Ros i c r uc i a n Essays, by the
celebrated author. H. Spencer Lewi s, Ph. I ). Each aspect of this matter is dealt with as
a separate and complete article rounding out the thought. Devoi d of technical terms, the
articles will hold your interest, and yet present you with useful facts discovered in the varied
experiences of this noted writer. Look at the lilies of these articles:
Ge r ms T he Cous e of Dis eas e
W h a t / Di s cov er e d In E ur ope Re mov i ng I he Caus e
Na t ur a l Healer s
Thi s book will be a real addition to your library. Useful for v
r U l \ L l J per Copy
continuous reterence.
The Rosicrucian Supply Bureau
San J ose, Cal if or nia, U . S. A .
Member of
(Feder ation Uni-
ver selle des
Or dr es et
Init ia t ique s )
T he Ros icr ucian Or der , e x is ting in al l civ il ized l ands , is a non- sectar ian
f r at e r nal body of men and women devoted to the inv es tig ation, s tudy and
pr actical appl icat ion of na t ur a l and s pi r it ual l aws . T he pur pos e of t he or
g anizat ion is to enable al l to live in har mony w i t h the cr eativ e, cons tr uctiv e
Cos mic f orces f or the at t ainme nt of heal t h, happines s and peace. T he Or der
is i nt e r nat iona l l y k nown as "A MO R C " (an abbr e v iat ion), and the A MORC
in A mer ica and al l other lands cons t it utes the onl y f or m of Ros icr ucian
act iv it ies unit ed in one body f or a r epr es entation in the int e r nat ional f ed
er at ion. T he A MORC does not s ell i t s teaching s . I t g iv es them f r eely to
af f il iat e d member s , t og ether w i t h many ot her benef its. For complete i n
f or mat ion about the benef its and adv antag es of Ros icr ucian as s ociation,
w r it e a letter to t he addr es s below, and as k f or t he f r ee book T he Secret
He r it ag e . A ddr ess Scr ibe S. P. C., in car e of
R o s i c r uc i a n P a r k , S a n J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a , IT. S . A .
(Ca bl e A ddr e s s : "A M O R C O ")
S upr e me E x e c ut i v e f or t he No r t h a nd S out h A me r i c a n J ur i s d i c t i o n
R A L P H M. L E W I S , F . R . C. Impe r a t o r
P R I N C I P A L A M E R I C A N B R A N C H E S O F T H E A . M. O. R . C.
T he f ol l ow i ng ar e the pr incipal char ter ed Ros icr ucian L odg es and Chapter s in the United States , its
t er r itor ies and possessions. T he names and addr es ses of other A mer ican Br anches w i l l be g iv en upon w r i t
ten r equest.
L os A ng e l e s :
Her mes L odg e. A MORC T emple. Mr . Gil be r t N.
Holl ow ay , Sr ., Mas ter . Re a ding r oom and i n
qui r y of f ice open dai l y ex cept S unday s : 11 a. m.
to 5 p. m. and 6 to 8 p. m . ; S atur day s , 12 noon
to 4 p. m., 148 No. Gr amer cy Place.
O a k l a n d :
Oak l and Chapter ,* Pacif ic B ui l di ng . 16th and J e f
f er son Str eets : Mr . A l f r ed W . Gr oes beck, Mas ter :
Mrs. Ber nar d D. Sil s by . Secr etar y . Conv ocations
1st and 3r d S unday s . 3 p . m . in Wig w a m Ha l l :
L i br a r y . Room 406, open af ter noons . 2 to 4:30.
ex cept S atur day s : T ues day and T hur s day eve
ning s . 7: 30 to 9: 30 p. m. Phone Hig at e 5996.
S a c r a me nt o :
Clement B. L e B r un Chapter .* Mr . W i l l i a m P o p
per . Master . Meeting s 1st and 3r d F r ida y s at
8 p. in.. F r ie nds hip Ha l l , Odd Fel l ow 's B uil di ng ,
9th and K Str eets.
L o ng B e a c h:
L ong Beach Chapter . Mr . Wm, J . F l ur y , Secre
t ar y , 2750 Cher r y A v enue. Meeting s ever y T ues
day at 8 p. m., Col onial Hal l , 951 L ocus t A venue.
S a n Di e g o:
San Dieg o Chapter . Mr s . J . C. S hul t s , Secr etar y .
1261 L aw Str eet, Pacif ic Beach. Meeting s 1st and
3rd S unday s at 4 p. in.. Har d of He ar i ng L eag ue's
Ha l l , 3843 Her ber t Str eet.
De nv e r :
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr . A. T . S t r eat er : Secr etar y ,
Mrs. L oui s F. Br anch. 12 E. B ay aud. Meeting s
ever y T hur s day . 8 p. m.. Fr at e r nal B uil di ng , 14th
and Gl enar m Str eets.
B o s t o n:
J ohannes K e l pius L odg e. W i l l i a m A. Cor ey . Sec
r etar y . T empl e and r e adi ng r oom. S uit e 237.
739 Boy ls ton Str eet. Conv ocations f or member s
T hur s day ev ening and S unday af ter noon. Special
Conv ocations f or al l member s and f or al l degr ees
the second Monday of each mont h at 8 p. m. f r om
September to J une . Special sessions f or the pub
lic S unday ev ening s at 7: 45 p. m.
C hi c a g o :
T he Ne f e r t l t i Minor L odg e.* Mr . S. L . L ev ell.
Mas ter : Mr s . V er onica Nichols , Secr etar y . Re a d
i ng r oom open dai l y , 12 to 5 p . m . , and 7: 30 to
10 p. m . : S unday s 2 to 5: 30 p. m. onl y . L ak ev iew
B l dg ., 116 So. Michig an A v enue, Rooms 408- 9- 10.
L ectur e sessions f or A L L member s ever y T ues
day ni g ht , 8 p. m.
Chicag o (Color ed) Chapter , No. 10. Mr . Rog er
T homas . Mas ter . 2920 El l i s A v enue. Meeting s 1st
and 3r d Fr iday s at 8 p. m.. 12 W. Gar f iel d B l v d.,
Hal l B.
T homas J ef f er s on Chapter . Mr . F r a nk S. S mith.
Master , 1334 F t . Stevens Dr .. N. W. , T elephone
T A y l or 5166: Mr s . M. Elois e L av r is chef f , Secre
t ar y , 1318 11th St.. N. W. Meeting s Conf eder ate
Memor ial Ha l l , 1322 V er mont Ave., N. W. , every
F r i da y ev ening , 8 p. m.
B a l t i mo r e :
Dr . Ear l K . My er s. Master . 1917 Edmonds on A ve.:
Geor g e M. Fr ank o, J r . . Secr etar y , 1536 Me K ean
A v enue. Meeting s 1st and 3r d S unday s of each
mont h at 8 p. m., It a l i a n Gar den Hal l B uil ding .
806- 8 St. Paul Str eet.
Mi a mi :
Mr . Char les F. Mer r ick . Master . 411 Suns et Dr ..
P . O. Box 164. So. Miami. T el. 4- 5816: Mr s . R. E.
T hor nt on, Secr etar y . P. O. Box 724. So. Miami.
Meeting s ever y S unday . 3: 30 p. m. at Ber ni Hot el ,
Bis cay ne Blv d. and N. E. 2nd Str eet.
S t . L o ui s :
Chapt er Mas ter , Mr . L . J . S mar t, 1731 N. 48th
St.. E. St. L ouis . Il l i nois , T elephone B r idg e 4336:
Mrs. J . B. Reicher t . Secr etar y . 2934 Mil t on B l v d..
St. L ouis . Mis s our i. Meeting s 1st and 3r d T ues
day of each month, 8 p. in., Roos ev elt Hot el , 4903
De l ma r Blv d.
B uf f a l o :
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr . W i l l i a m A . Gel onek; Mrs.
S y l v ia Roma n, Secr etar y . 36 Sy camor e St. Meet
ing s 1st and 3r d S unday s , 7: 30 p. m., L af ay ette
Ne w Y o r k C i t y :
New Y or k Chapter .* 250 W. 57th St. Mr . Wal t e r
G. K l i ng ne r . Mas ter : Miss Beatr ice Cass. Secre
tar y . My s tical conv ocations each Wednes day eve
ni ng at 8 p. m., and S unday at 3 p. m., f or all
g r ades . Inqui r y and r eading r ooms open week
day s and S unday s . 1 to 8 p. m.
Booker T. Was hing t on Chapter . Mr . Eug ene T.
Hol der , Mas ter , 435 Hancock Str eet. B r ook l y n;
Mr . P hi l i p D. Nels on. Secr etar y , 20 Spencer Place.
B r ook l y n. Meeting s ev er y S unday at 8: 00 p. m.,
Y . M. C. A . Chapel . 180 W. 135th St.
S e a t t l e :
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr . T homas W . H . L ee; Secre
t ar y . Mr . W . F. L ar imor e . Re a ding room at 409
Ol d T imes B l dg ., open week day s 12 to 4 p. m.
V is it or s welcome. Chapt er meeting s 2nd and 4th
Monday s , 8 p. m. at Hot el May f lower , Ros e Room.
4th and Oliv e Way .
T a c o ma :
Chapt er Master . Mr . Mi l t on A . Reiner t s on, P. O.
Box 1019. Chapt er meeting s 1st and 3r d T ues
day s , 7:45 p. m. in A f i f i Room, Mas onic T emple,
47 St. Hel ens A venue.
(Dir ector y Cont inue d on Nex t Pag e)
D e t r o i t :
T hebes Chapter No. 336. Mr . W i l l i a m H. Hitch-
man. Mas ter . 18133 Cr us e A venue, T el. V Er mont
5- 0956: Miss Dor ot hy E. Col l ins , Secr etar y . T el.
DA v is on 3176. Meeting s at the De t r oit Feder a
t ion of Wome n's Cl ubs B l dg .. 4811 2nd Ave.. ever y
T ues day , 8 p. m.
N e w a r k :
H. Spencer L ewis Chapter . Mr . Edw ar d Dudden,
Master . Meeting s every Monday . 8: 30 p. m.. 37
Was hing t on Str eet.
M i l w a uk e e :
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr s . Fr ed C. B ond: Mr s . Edw in
A. Fal k ow s k i, Secr etar y . Meeting s ever y Monday
at 8 p. m.. 3431 W. L is bon A venue.
P hi l a d e l ph i a :
B e nj ami n F r a nk l in Chapter . Mr . Camp Ezel l ,
Master . 400 K e nmor e Road.. B r ook l ine. Upper
Dar by P a . : Miss V ie nna K achel r ies , Secr etar y .
1736 Baltimor e A v enue. P hil a de l phia . Meeting s
t or al l member s ever y S unday , 7: 30 p. m. at 811
N. Br oad Str eet.
Fir s t Penn. L odg e. Mr . Danie l Hol ecy , Mas ter ,
R. D. 4, Box 804, Ros el and A v enue.
P o r t l a n d :
Por t l and Ros e Chapter . Mr s . Fl or ence But.son,
Master . T el. Osweg o 22711: Mr . H. T . He r r i ng
ton. Secr etar y . T el. TR- 0428.. Meeting s . 714 S. W.
11th Ave., ever y T hur s day , 8 p. in.
S a l t L a k e C i t y :
Mr. Her man R. B ang er t er , Mas ter . 3288 S. 2nd
West Str eet. Meeting s in the Iv or y Room. New-
house Hotel , 1st Wednes day of each Month at
8: 15 p. m.
Ok l a ho ma C i t y :
Chapt er Mas ter , Mr s . Newman E. J ohns t one : Mr.
F e r dina nd W. A r nol d. Secr etar y , Phone 3- 5875.
Meeting s ev er y S unday . 7: 30 p. m.. Room 318,
Y . W. C. A . B l dg .
C l e v e l a nd:
Mr . Ha r r y A. Doher ty . Muster . 4864 E. 90th St..
Gar f ield Heig ht s : Miss A nne Ros e nj ar k , Secre
t ar y . 12504 Rex f or d A v enue. Clev eland. Meeting s
ever y F r i da y at 8 p. m.. Hot e l Statler .
C i n c i n n a t i :
Mr s . Car l A . Har ts ock. Mas ter , T el. Woodbur n
8749: Miss Helen V. Poplis . Secr etar y . Meeting s
ever y Wednes day at 7: 30 p. m.. 2432 Ing l es ide
A venue.
Dr . J . H. Gibs on. Mas ter ; Mr s . G. C. Hy nes .
Secr etar y . Phone Ma. 3933. Meeting s every Wed
nes day . 7: 30 p. m., 56 E. 4th St., Ra uh Hul l .
Da l l a s :
L i l l i a n M. Wes t. Master . Mrs. Rog er Q Mill s .
Secr etar y , 4300 L i v i ng s t on A venue. Meeting s 1st
and 3r d Monday s . 8 p. in., J ef f er s on Hotel .
F o r t W o r t h :
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr s . Rut h Pag e. 142(1 W a s hi ng
ton A ve.. T elephone 9- 2702: Secr etar y . Mr s . Mack
D. S mit h, Cl ebur ne. T ex as. T elephone No. 7.
Meeting s ever y F r ida y . 7: 30 p. m.. at El k s Club,
P a r l or B, 512 W . 4th St.. For t Wor t h. T ex as.
I n d i a n a po l i s :
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr . Robe r t E. S chmi dl ap: Sec
r etar y . Mr s . Nor ma Str ubbe- Beall. 902 N. P e nn
s y l v ania. Meeting s 2nd and 4t)i T ues day * . 8:00
p. m., A nt l er s Hot el. Blue Room.
S out h B e nd:
Chapt er Mas ter . Mr . W i l bur L . K l ine , 1156 Fox
St.. S. E. Meet ing s every S unday . 7: 30 p . m . , 207
S. Main Str eet.
Pr incipal Canadian Br anches and For eig n J ur is dictions
T he addr es ses of other f or eig n Gr and L odg es , or t he names and addr es ses of t he ir r epr esentativ es , wil
be g iv en upon r equest.
S y dne y , N. S. W . :
Sy dney Chapter . Mr s . Dor a Eng l i s h. Secr etar y ,
650 Pacif ic Hig hw ay , Chats wood.
T or ont o, O n t a r i o :
Mr . C. M. P l at t e n. Mas ter . Sessions 1st and 3r d
S unday s , 7: 30 p. m 10 L ans dow ne A venue.
V a nc ouv e r , B r i t i s h C o l umb i a :
Canadian Gr and L odg e. A MORC. Mr . Char l es A.
Car r ico, Mas ter , 1057 W . 7th A v e.: Mr s . D. L .
BoJ sover. Secr etar y . 876 13th A v enue. W.. Phone
Fair mont 1440- Y. A MORC T emple. 878 Hor nby
Str eet.
V i c t o r i a , B r i t i s h C o l umb i a :
V ictor ia L odg e. Mr . Er nes t MacGinnis . Mas ter :
Secr etar y . Mr s . V . Bur r ows , Phone E- 7716. I n
qui r y of f ice and r e ading r oom. 725 Cour tney St.
W i n n i pe g , Ma ni t o ba :
Char l es Dana Dean Chapter . 122a Phoenix Block.
Mr. Wm. Monr o Gl a nv i l l , Mas ter . 630 Mar y l and
Str eet. Sessions f or al l member s on Wednes day .
7: 45 p. m. t hr oug hout the y ear .
C o pe nha g e n:
T he A MORC Gr and L odg e of Denmar k . Mr.
A r ut hur S unds t r up, Gr and Mas ter : Car l i A nder
sen, S. R. C.. Gr and Secr etar y . Manog ade 13th
S tr and.
T he A MORC Gr a nd L odg e of Gr eat B r i t a i n. Mr.
Ra y mund A ndr ea. F . R. C.. Gr a nd Mas ter . 34
B ay s w ater A ve,, We s t bur y P a r k , B r is t ol 6.
C a i r o :
Cair o Inf or ma t i on B ur e au de l a Ros e Cr oix . J .
S appor ta, Secr etar y . 27 Rue Sal imon Pacha.
H e l i o po l i s :
T he Gr and Or ie nt of A MORC, Hous e of t he T em
ple, M. A . Ramay v e l im. F . R . C.. Gr and Secr e
t ar y , % Mr . L ev y . 50 Rue Stef ano.
Quetzal coati L odg e. Donceies 92. Des p. 12. Mex
ico, D. F . Sr a. Mar ia L opez de Guzman, Mas ter ;
Sr . Maur icio L eon. Secr etar y .
Pol is h Gr and L odg e of A MORC. War s aw , Pol and.
Gr and L odg e Ros enk or s et.-' A nt on Sv anlund.
F. R. C., Gr and Master , V as ter g atan 55. Mal mo;
Inez A kes son. Gr and L odg e Secr etar y . Sl otts g atan
18. Mal mo.
A MORC Gr and L odg e. 21 Ave. Dappl es , L a u
s anne: Dr . Ed. Ber thol et. F. R. C., Gr and Master .
6 B l v d. Chambl andes , Pul l y - L aus anne : Pier r e
Ge nil l ar d. Gr and Secr etar y . S ur lac B, Mont
Chois i, L aus anne.
Dr . W. T h. van S t ok k um, Gr and Mas ter ; W. J .
V isser , Secr etar y - Gener al. Gombel 33. Semar ang .
Spanis h- A mer ican Div is ion
A r ma ndo F o nt De L a J a r a , F . R . C De put y G r a nd Ma s t e r
Dir ect inquir ie s r e g ar ding t hi s div is ion to the Spanis h- A mer ican Div is ion, Ros icr ucian Par k , San J os e,
Calif or nia, U, S. A.
A chi l dr e n's or g anizat ion s pons or ed by t he A MORC.
For complete inf or mat i on as to its aims and benef its , addr es s Secr etar y Gener al, J uni o r Or der , Ros icr u
cian P ar k , San J os e, Calif or nia.
o f f e v i i a t i o n
I ndi as Secret Control of Natures Forces
It all seemed so uncanny. The tense atmosphere, the throbbing pulsations, as
though an electrical current were passi ng through your body. Then, suddenly, before
your eyes, the body of the subject to whom you had spoken but a few moments
before, rises rigidly, horizontally, from the stone floor upon whi ch it rested. Your
senses reel, as you realize that this body, this wei ght is rising without any physical
support. You involuntarily shake yourself, as if to awake from a dream. Thi s cannot
be possible, you think, this control of natural l aw. It must be illusionary. To con-
firm your suspicions you thrust your hand into the cold vapor-like substance whi ch
surrounds the rising form. Your hand passes freely about it. you encounter nothing.
It is true, you gasp, the body is levitated suspended in space. So J ames D. War d,
physician, worl d traveler, and metaphysician, described an experience in one of
I ndias mystery monasteries.
He was one of the few occidentals ever to be permitted to witness such feats
includi ng that of suspended animation. Scientists have scoffed at actual suspended
animation, but have never been able to explain the phenomenon satisfactorily. The
secret principle is used in the Orient, not for theatrical effects, but for mystical
purposes. Dr. W ar d s remarkable discourse on the use of this strange power, en
titled, S us pe nde d A n i ma t i o n, is avai l abl e as a s pecial g i f t at this time.
Dr. War d, on numerous occasions, was honored by the mystics of the Orient
because of his keen insight into their ways and customs, and the integrity of the
author is therefore unquestioned.
FREE This Manuscript
Every new subscriber to The Rosi crucian Di gest will re
ceive this exceptional premium no ex tra cost whatev er . J ust
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lor only $1.50 and ask for your FR E E copy of the highly inter
esting manuscript. Suspended Ani mati on, by Dr. J ames D.
War d. Address:
S a n J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a , U. S. A.
R o s i c r u c i a n Li b r a r y
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