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Installing PHP on Windows 7
Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
monday, january 12. 2009
Installing PHP on Windows 7
Microsoft have released the first public beta for their upcoming Windows 7 operating system. To me it looks
surprisingly similar to Vista (which is a good thing and a bad thing ), so I thought that installing PHP on it
should be easy, as well. Actually, it was really easy, but since yesterday two people indenpendently from each other asked me how to do it, I
thought I'd write down the required steps.
First of all, you need PHP (obviously). Go to the PHP download page and grab the latest non-thread-safe ZIP archive for Windows. As of writing
this, the package is called "PHP 5.2.8 Non-thread-safe zip package". Unzip the archive to a folder on your hard disk (I use C:\php5) and create a
copy of php.ini-recommended (or php.ini-production in recent PHP versions) called php.ini. There, add the following configuration setting:
cgi.force_redirect = 0
This is the minimum setting you need to change to make PHP work with IIS. You may also want to use cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1,
fastcgi.impersonate = 1, and set extension_dir appropriately.
Then it's time to install IIS. You need at least the "Business" version of Windows 7, but the currently available beta 1 is Windows 7 Ultimate
anyway. Go to Start/Control Panel/Programs/Turn Windows Features on or off and check on the Internet Information Services entry. Activate the
World Wide Web Services/Application Development Features/CGI node and also Web Management Tools/IIS Management Console (the latter
not shown in the figure).
Now, start the IIS Management Console; just open up the start menu, enter inetmgr and hit Enter. There, navigate to the Sites/Default Web
Site/Handler Mappings node and double-click on the "Handler Mappings" entry.
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Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
1 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.
As a result of this, the Actions panel on the right hand side changes. You now see an option called Add Module Mapping. Clicking on it opens up
a dialog which you fill out as you can see in the following figure (you may need to adapt the path used to your local system).
If you do not see the FastCgiModule entry, you probably forgot to check the CGI node when installing IIS. Otherwise, close the Add Module
Mapping dialog by clicking on OK. You need to confirm that you want to create a FastCGI application; click Yes.
Finally, create a .php script and put it in the root folder of the IIS site (by default C:\Inetpub\wwwroot; note that you may need additional rights to
write into that directory), e.g. phpinfo.php with a simple phpinfo() call in it. Call this script using http://localhost/phpinfo.php, and
you are done!
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
2 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.

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well, it really looks easy i think i am going to check it, well i wanna check the IIS stuff anyway, didnt work with it since Windows 2000 Beta, so
maybe i gonna try it out just for intrest.
#1 Johny (Homepage) on 2009-01-13 10:16 (Reply)
#1.1 rr (Homepage) on 2011-04-13 21:36 (Reply)
nice one.. tnx
#2 shovelrobert (Homepage) on 2009-01-13 13:23 (Reply)
Will this tutorial work with the 64bit Version as well?
Guess this is vor x86?
#3 Ansari (Homepage) on 2009-01-14 18:46 (Reply)
Just got it going on Win7 Build 7000 X86, yeah.
#3.1 Tommy! on 2009-01-15 12:49 (Reply)
Yes, we can! it works on system windows7 Build 7000. Thanks
#4 Pet on 2009-01-20 21:39 (Reply)
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
3 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.
Thanks, that works just fine. I'd been messing with this for a couple of hours and had lost interest. RTFM is I guess the message for me. all the
changes you suggested for the PHP.INI are actually documented in the sample one - DOH!
All I've got to do now is try to get ZenPhoto working on this config - anyone?
#5 Stuart on 2009-01-23 11:49 (Reply)
Hi man you great !!!! helped me so much...
#6 Nimrod on 2009-05-08 08:41 (Reply)
Thank you so much for this! It works! For those that are scared to edit the .ini file, it seems adding the "cgi.force_redirect = 0" in any line under ;
Error handling and logging ; will do fine
#7 JC (Homepage) on 2009-05-08 10:13 (Reply)
actually, anywhere in php.ini should do.
#7.1 Christian (Homepage) on 2009-05-08 14:03 (Reply)
Is there any version of PHP for Windows 7 Home as I do not have the Business version?
#7.1.1 Javier on 2009-11-06 17:27 (Reply)
see -- you can install IIS on these versions, as well.
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2009-11-08 15:40 (Reply)
In the download of 5.3.6, all you have to do is change the '1' to '0'...and the comments above that line tell you it is necessary if using IIS.
#7.2 TJ on 2011-04-25 23:57 (Reply)
thanks, it helps me a lot.
#8 racolas on 2009-05-08 22:42 (Reply)
This was very helpful and quick, one problem though. I can't get captcha's to display properly when looking at them under localhost. I just get
the broken image icon. Is there something extra that needs to be done to support captcha being able to display?
#9 Jimmy on 2009-05-10 23:24 (Reply)
I guess your CAPTCHA implementation is the issue, not the operating system. Any error message the CAPTCHA script is generating?
#9.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2009-05-11 00:01 (Reply)
I am not too sure though. For instance, when I upload the code one of my web servers I get the following :
Works fine. I have uploaded this to another webserver and it also works.
The code looks like the following:
Any suggestions?
#9.1.1 Jimmy on 2009-05-11 23:41 (Reply)
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreate() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\legalsummer\captcha.php on line 5
Hmmm I seem to recall having this same problem at first on my old XP comp as well, but can't remember what i did before to fix it.
#9.1.2 Jimmy on 2009-05-12 23:25 (Reply)
you need to enable the GD extension for PHP (extension=php_gd2.dll in php.ini)
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2009-05-13 08:33 (Reply)
Ah yes that got rid of that error, now I have a new one -__-.
PHP Fatal error: session_start() [function.session-start]: Failed to initialize storage module: user (path: ) on line 2
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
4 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.
line 2 is simply:
session_start(); so not sure why it's freaking out >
# Jimmy on 2009-05-14 21:38 (Reply)
what is php.ini's session.save_path set to? The value needs to be set, the directory needs to exist, and it must be writable.
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2009-05-15 08:05 (Reply)
It wasn't set previously, so I tried setting it to session.save_path = C:/php/tmp with and without quotes around C:/php/tmp
and restarting IIS after each time.
The directory is created and has 'Full Control' permissions for every user on the list, and still get same error =/.
# Jimmy on 2009-05-21 16:21 (Reply)
add the user IIS is using (IIRC it's IUSR_, but I am not sure)
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2009-05-21 16:39 (Reply)
Thanks a Lot!!! Really Helpful
#10 Oz on 2009-05-17 12:08 (Reply)
Thanks so much, it's so simply and it works!
#11 Dunkel on 2009-05-22 17:58 (Reply)
Super cool xD!! it worked fine and i tested it on W7 RC
#12 Mike on 2009-06-30 01:54 (Reply)
Dude -- you are ALL THAT -- thanks,
-- Deck
#13 Deck Hazen on 2009-07-05 08:16 (Reply)
Tanxxx For ur Help
#14 Daniel on 2009-08-09 11:22 (Reply)
Hi, good tutorial, it makes much more fun to have a tutorial on my side, when installing something like php
#15 Klaus (Homepage) on 2009-08-24 16:22 (Reply)
Thanks, that works just fine
#16 beby on 2009-09-27 09:43 (Reply)
Thank you so freakin' much! I tried for hours yesterday, lol.. Being the first time and all!
#17 Jim (Homepage) on 2009-09-27 18:22 (Reply)
Thank you very much for this instruction!
#18 1111 on 2009-10-18 18:12 (Reply)
Thank you !!!
#19 Fa__Fai on 2009-10-19 11:44 (Reply)
I did like the tutorial is shown. The IIS works and the localhost. But when i try to type the http://localhost/phpinfo.php it doesn't show anything.
It's like it can't find the file... Someone had the same problem?
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#20 Kay on 2009-10-20 08:32 (Reply)
In my case .NET Framwork wasn't installed.
After the installation the problem was fixed.
#20.1 Daniel on 2010-01-03 01:04 (Reply)
yah me have the same problem, still looking for the solution
#20.2 baru on 2010-10-19 10:07 (Reply)
Thanks for this - PHP newbie experimenting with WordPress on Windows 7. Worked like a charm.
#21 Joe Field (Homepage) on 2009-10-21 14:08 (Reply)
Thnks, workg on Win7
#22 michel on 2009-10-26 19:52 (Reply)
Very clear and direct instructions. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
#23 JBL (Homepage) on 2009-11-03 00:02 (Reply)
Wow! Really a great guide, no misshaps what so ever! Thanks alot guys (or girls)!
#24 Patrick on 2009-11-12 09:36 (Reply)
I'm having problems with MySql on Windows 7. The service won't start. Any ideas???
#25 dragoenix on 2009-11-16 21:27 (Reply)
I can't get this to work. Think I'll just reside myself to the fact that I am old and stupid!!
#25.1 Rhothgar (Homepage) on 2009-12-04 00:12 (Reply)
This is nice and straight-forward. Works like magic. Thanks!!
#26 Keketso on 2009-12-09 18:04 (Reply)
i donno how can i say "thank you"
#27 Abtin (Homepage) on 2009-12-15 13:12 (Reply)
install xampp
#28 kamote on 2009-12-17 19:37 (Reply)
An excellent and most helpful post - thanks very much. I tried this once before using Windows 7 (Build 7100) without success - anyone having
difficulty with this post should insure they have the full release. Additionally I found that I also had to turn on a number of IIS components in
order to get to the handler mapppings section. Now - on to MySQL ...
#29 Deck Hazen on 2009-12-22 03:56 (Reply)
I did not have CGI installed in IIS. When I typed in FastCgiModule, I got an error message that it was not an option, so I could not proceed. I
found a page on MSDN that provided steps for setting up CGI, but they did not work. I have Win7 Ultimate.
#30 jsweeney on 2010-01-20 17:04 (Reply)
Here's how to add CGI:
To use the UI on Windows Vista or Windows 7
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, click Programs, and then click Turn Windows features on or off.
3. In the Windows Features dialog box, expand the Internet Information Services node.
4. Expand the World Wide Web Services node
5. Expand the Application Development Features node.
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
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6. Check mark CGI.
7. Click OK.
8. Restart your computer.
#30.1 jsweeney on 2010-01-20 17:39 (Reply)
I did exacly tutorial is shown. The IIS works and the localhost. But when i try to type the http://localhost/phpinfo.php it says
Not Found
The requested URL /phpinfo.php was not found on this server.
I install PHP 5.2.12 Non-thread-safe zip package on system window 7 unimate.
Can you help.
#30.1.1 John on 2010-01-25 13:39 (Reply)
When I clicked on HandlerMappings, it indicated CGI was disabled. In the right panel, there was an Edit Permissions link. Click on that and
change to enable.
#30.2 matt (Homepage) on 2010-07-31 20:06 (Reply)
Does this work on Windows 7 x64 system?
Thanks ahead.
#31 B on 2010-02-03 22:32 (Reply)
Download Microsoft Web Plataform Installer.
Follow the steps to install PHP.
Be happy!
Works with me. I have Windows 7 Professional x64.
#31.1 Rafael on 2010-02-08 12:07 (Reply)
dude...i downloaded the php 5.3.1 n extracted it ...but i found no "php.ini-recommended" file in had only production and development..wat
do i do??
#32 sudhir on 2010-02-12 07:50 (Reply)
use the "production" one, it replaces the "recommended" file. "development" replaces php.ini-dist.
#32.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2010-02-12 07:53 (Reply)
Nup, followed all the steps to the letter, localhost works fine for normal html pages, but still fails to render PHP.
It finds the pages, just doesnt execute them properly, ie there is no error page appearing.
Iv set the handler, and used Microsoft Web Plataform Installer. Which installs to program files x86.
ANy help would be appreciated?
#33 Simon on 2010-02-12 08:10 (Reply)
Hey thanks dude, been trying to install php in some other ways and it didn't work until i came across this forum... Thanks man, php works like a
charm in windows 7 32 bit
#34 RaV on 2010-03-06 09:17 (Reply)
Thanks a lot for your interest to help the community.
I am very happy to see the big page generated with the
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
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on Win7 64
#35 theAPPrentice on 2010-03-11 08:17 (Reply)
Thanks for the tutorial but I cant find the file named
so I stop at the third step of the tutorial
By the way the version I use is the last one which is 5.2.13
and my system is 64 bit
is there is any other .exe file that I should use instead of this one ??
Thanks in advance
#36 Muhammad on 2010-03-11 18:39 (Reply)
which EXE files do you get in your distribution? Do you use the official ZIP package?
#36.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2010-03-12 19:20 (Reply)
I downloaded PHP 5.3.6 tar file from the PHP website but even then i couldn't find this php-cgi.exe and so i stopped with the installation
at the third step......i would be thankful if someone help me with this. Thanks in advance.
#36.1.1 Aravind on 2011-05-30 15:34 (Reply)
the TAR file is the source code of PHP. Windows binaries can be found at (there is also a link on
the mail PHP downloda page).
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-05-30 15:40 (Reply)
m also facing the same problem.....wat to do now
# kritika (Homepage) on 2011-07-18 12:19 (Reply)
use the binary distribution
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-07-25 18:33 (Reply)
This worked great! And on windows 7 too!
Note For those having an issue with the phpinfo() call:
Copy this and paste it into the document
Then execute it in the browser
#37 Anj on 2010-03-17 23:25 (Reply)
hi your page really helped me a lot. the problem i got is the same with john. i downloaded the 5.2.13 zip package with my windows 7 ultimate
64bit. i started creating the script and http://localhost/phpinfo.php cant be located. its says page is broken. please help. thanks
#38 michelle on 2010-04-28 07:05 (Reply)
hey thr is no php.ini-recommended file instead there is a php.ini-development and php.ini-production..which 1 do i save as php.ini???
#39 minz on 2010-05-02 14:47 (Reply)
php.ini-production is used for production systems; for development systems I'd use php.ini-development.
#39.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2010-05-02 15:01 (Reply)
There is some problem to install browser five error 404
#40 Chuvindra Singh on 2010-05-25 17:44 (Reply)
god bless you
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
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#41 alicia on 2010-06-05 05:43 (Reply)
u r good man
#42 Mezealot on 2010-06-07 08:06 (Reply)
I installed this on windows 7 home edition, but when I try to browse, it is blank. any help will be greatly appreciated.
#43 rex on 2010-06-08 06:00 (Reply)
I am getting the same problem with the blank page. I have installed the .NET package(rebooted) but I still get the blank page.
#43.1 Anonymous on 2010-10-08 19:48 (Reply)
anything interesting in the error log?
#43.1.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2010-10-08 21:13 (Reply)
All who have a blank page with the given instructions:
You can choose one of these:
1. In php.ini set short_open_tag = off
2. put php in front of the command phpinfo()
#43.2 nynke on 2011-09-14 14:37 (Reply)
Thanks so much. It worked.
#44 Paul A. on 2010-06-10 08:22 (Reply)
Thanks a LOT! What a great post! I have been struggling with this for 2 days and the solution is so easy.
I think I hate windows 7 already
#45 Frustrated on 2010-07-04 22:52 (Reply)
I'm not sure where my problem is: I'm using Windows 7 and downloaded Apache, PHP, and MySql but keep getting an HTTP 500 Internal
Server error. I have the php file in the htdocs folder however the error keeps appearing. Can you help? Thank you.
#46 Totally Frustrated on 2010-07-22 21:03 (Reply)
What do you put in the phpinfo.php ?
I've put "phpinfo()" in there then went to the localhost site and it just shows "phpinfo()" ...
#47 Anton on 2010-07-23 03:44 (Reply)
did you use
[opening angle bracket]?php phpinfo(); ?[closing angle bracket]
? [the commenting system here seems to strip angle brackets]
#47.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2010-07-23 09:15 (Reply)
thank you very much
for Installing PHP on Windows 7
#48 cemal (Homepage) on 2010-08-21 12:01 (Reply)
ojala que sirva ^o)..
quien sabe porque algunos programas en 64 bits no corren con mi windows 7 ultimate
#49 ulises on 2010-08-26 02:45 (Reply)
I did exacly tutorial is shown. The IIS works and the localhost. But when i try to type the http://localhost/phpinfo.php it says
Not Found
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
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The requested URL /phpinfo.php was not found on this server.
I install PHP 5.2.12 Non-thread-safe zip package on system window 7 unimate.
Can you help.
#50 sony on 2010-09-07 18:28 (Reply)
hey it works very easily.. tanq so much..
#51 andy on 2010-09-15 16:11 (Reply)
Thanks a LOT! What a great post! so easy
#52 ramin on 2010-10-22 06:36 (Reply)
Will it work with Windows 7 Home Premium x64?
#53 Kyle on 2010-10-30 16:44 (Reply)
Doesn't work for me on 64bit W7, just missing several steps in IIS instalation ...
#54 kokos on 2010-11-12 10:58 (Reply)
Thanks a lot
#55 Anand on 2010-11-14 07:00 (Reply)
Excellent Post! Just what I needed.
I found an auto install on
Updated the Handler Map and good to go.
#56 Jon on 2010-11-30 06:43 (Reply)
Thanks a lot from Italy - Turin
#57 Anonymous on 2011-01-04 15:04 (Reply)
Guys am having a problem following this tutorial,,,, where am suppose to create a copy of php.ini-recommended called php.ini. I don't have that
file in my php file. Its php 5.3.5
#58 Onnie on 2011-01-11 13:09 (Reply)
in recent PHP versions, php.ini-recommended is now called php.ini-production and php.ini-dist is now called php.ini-development.
#58.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-01-17 15:12 (Reply)
It works great with Windows 7 Home Premium. My only issue was "inetmgr" didn't open it. I just typed Internet Information Services, and it
popped right up!
#59 Shane on 2011-01-22 14:11 (Reply)
Yep, it works like a charm.
Thanks for this crystal clear post!
#60 Sylvia James on 2011-01-26 08:57 (Reply)
I've tried twice before in the last 2 years without success. This guide really did make it easy. I was soooo tired of uploading a million times to test
& fix tiny errors.
#61 joe (Homepage) on 2011-02-06 22:06 (Reply)
I'm unable to know how to enable IIS in windows 7. Pls someone help me out.
#62 Jayateerth (Homepage) on 2011-02-09 17:11 (Reply)
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
10 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.
I follow the step but when I call phpmyinfo.php, there is the error
This webpage is not available
The webpage at http://localhost/phpinfo.php might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.
How do I solve this problem?
#63 Pam on 2011-02-21 07:34 (Reply)
Hello, I tried putting the script into the wwwroot file, but it will not let me. How Do i get around this?
#64 Chandler on 2011-02-22 16:20 (Reply)
Thanks!! Great work!
#65 Stina on 2011-03-09 13:52 (Reply)
works fine until i try to use following in my php script : mysql, odbc, 3rd party odbc driver - then php crashes whenever i call round() with data
retrieved from a mysql query. if i try disable the opening of my odbc connection, the mysql queries and calls to round work fine. if try replace the
retrieved numbers with hardcoded numbers, my php calls to round work fine. anyone know how to install isapi php 5.2.17 on win 7 x64 ?
#66 barny on 2011-03-11 02:54 (Reply)
if ISS worked then PHP must work;i guess you forgot to put the code in phpinfo file the code is
i guess this will help
#67 bipin on 2011-03-17 03:58 (Reply)
cool! it works! thanks!
#68 cactusSweet on 2011-03-23 16:59 (Reply)
thank you !! works great.
#69 pascali on 2011-04-02 21:27 (Reply)
You have the best instructions. It took forever but once I found your site, it finally works!
#70 Madeline on 2011-04-03 21:34 (Reply)
I'm a begginer at this so can anyone explain how to script file and exactly what to put in it and how to call it? Thanks!
#71 razvan on 2011-05-05 11:24 (Reply)
This is a simple php script.
1. Create a welcome.php file.
2. Put it to the root folder of the IIS.
3. Open a web browser and type your ip address.
4. The end.
#71.1 sunduk on 2011-06-01 04:05 (Reply)
Thank you. very detailed. extremely easy to follow. very much appreciate.
#72 hills on 2011-06-16 01:40 (Reply)
Didn't work....... that file php-cgi.exe doesn't exist
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
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#73 Param on 2011-06-21 14:02 (Reply)
which version/distribution are you using? Binary version or TAR archive?
#73.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-06-21 17:49 (Reply)
I want to thank you for the instructions on how to install php on windows 7. I've been trying to make php work with apache server because
everyone tells me that the two are very compatable. Well after 3 days of troubleshooting I decided to use IIS server instead. With your
instructions it took me all of 5 minutes and it works great. Thanks a million!
#74 Ron D on 2011-06-23 21:19 (Reply)
tnx ! really helpfull.
#75 natalie on 2011-07-04 15:51 (Reply)
Hi there. Please help me out. I tried following this instruction several times but it seems like there is something wrong. I downloaded PHP 5.3.6
(tar.gz) and PHP 5.3.6 (tar.bz2), tried each one of them but still I'm getting "C:\php5\php-cgi.exe cannot be found" error. I did follow the
instruction 1 and but this one is not working. And one more thing, "set ext_dir" what does that mean? Do i need to include than in php.ini? How
do I do that?
#76 tey on 2011-07-12 18:07 (Reply)
use the Windows binary distribution (.zip), see "Windows Binaries" link on down the PHP download page.
extension_dir (not ext_dir) is a setting in php.ini, I fixed the text, thanks!
#76.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-07-25 18:35 (Reply)
Such a great post really work on win 7 64 bit
#77 ALI on 2011-08-13 11:33 (Reply)
I did everything but I am getting 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' when trying to launch the page. Anything I am missing?
#78 OSK on 2011-08-16 20:17 (Reply)
try using a different browser without "smart" error messages to provide more diagnostic information.
#78.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-08-17 14:54 (Reply)
thank you Sensei !!!
#79 chetan bhatia on 2011-08-25 21:47 (Reply)
I think its working fine but it is giving a message while calling phpinfo() function in firefox,
the message looks like "PHP Warning: phpinfo(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are required to use the
date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning,
you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Asia/Kolkata' for '5.5/no DST' instead in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\phpinfo.php on line
Also the url http://localhost/phpinfo.php returning an "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" while opening on IE9
#80 Rajesh on 2011-08-27 19:09 (Reply)
actually, the error message is quite helpful. Edit php.inin and add something like this:
date.timezone = "Asia/Kolkata"
The warning should vanish then.
#80.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-08-28 20:39 (Reply)
I'm having the same problems...but when I went to my .ini file and changed the date.timezone settings, it still didn't work.
Here's my code for that section:
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone = "America/Chicago"
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
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;date.default_latitude = 31.7667
I tried placing American/Chicago without the quotes didn't work.
#80.1.1 Soccrlvr on 2011-11-27 05:53 (Reply)
remove the semicolon in front of the date.timezone line.
# Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-11-27 08:23 (Reply)
#81 Vineet on 2011-09-02 21:15 (Reply)
I followed the instructions, but the phpinfo doesnt work
#82 Henrik on 2011-09-07 21:58 (Reply)
i successfully did all this but my php script is not being processed.
gives output:
what should i do ??
Please reply
#83 vikash on 2011-09-20 21:44 (Reply)
I did like the tutorial is shown. The IIS works and the localhost. But when i try to type the http://localhost/phpinfo.php it doesn't show anything.
It's like it can't find the file... Someone had the same problem?
#84 rithish on 2011-09-21 21:02 (Reply)
what does "view source" show?
#84.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2011-09-22 09:35 (Reply)
Thanx Brother.
#85 Anonymous on 2011-09-24 23:30 (Reply)
Thanks! Very nice article!
#86 inf3rno on 2011-11-17 11:54 (Reply)
Thank u sooooooooooo much!
u make me survive with this!kiss kiss!
#87 mohadesi on 2011-11-27 13:56 (Reply)
thanks to bro
#88 ELla (Homepage) on 2011-12-01 15:59 (Reply)
thank u very mch....aftr R&D for almost 4 hrs, succesfuly installed php using ur site....thnx a lot
#89 Anonymous on 2011-12-08 13:04 (Reply)
Installing PHP on Windows 7 - Hauser & Wenz :: Blog
13 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.
#90 hello jone on 2011-12-15 16:00 (Reply)
Very useful post.
#91 Akshae Samson on 2011-12-21 21:24 (Reply)
thank you
#92 sma (Homepage) on 2011-12-23 11:18 (Reply)
thanx ....nice post
#93 hotcop on 2012-01-01 09:24 (Reply)
its working.....
Thanks a lot...............
#94 Shoaib Adeem on 2012-01-12 17:57 (Reply)
I am running Windows 7. When I run inetmgr I get an error message.."Cant find....." Anyone has this problem?
#95 Jim on 2012-01-14 22:08 (Reply)
I guess IIS is not installed. The paragraph above the first screenshot briefly explains how this can be done.
#95.1 Christian Wenz (Homepage) on 2012-01-16 10:05 (Reply)
thank you very much, a most helpfull guide for a newb like me ^__^
#96 Mira on 2012-01-16 14:21 (Reply)
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14 de 14 19/01/2012 12:46 p.m.

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