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Person of Happiness

a state of well-being and contentment
a pleasurable or satisfying experience

Levels of Happiness
Happiness Level 1:
The first and most basic level of happiness comes from things outside ourselves and involve
one or more of the five senses.
o Ex. Buying a brand new car.
Happiness Level 2:
The second level of happiness involves the ego.
o Ex. Whenever I win, gain power, am admired, or gain popularity I feel happy and
pleased with myself.
Happiness Level 3:
The second level of happiness is not totally satisfying. There is something missing. Humans
also desire love, truth, goodness/justice, beauty, and being.
o Ex. Being concerned with ones neighbor.
Happiness Level 4:
Humans are pulled by their desire for the sublime, something beyond their imagination, beyond
their complete understanding.
o Ex. Those of faith recognize this as their desire for God.

Three Parts of Human Personality
Id- the most basic part of the personality, and wants instant gratification for our wants and
o Ex. Michael saw a $5 bill fall out of Nicks backpack as he pulled his books out of his
locker. As Nick walked away, Michael bent over, picked up the money, and slipped it
into his pocket, glancing around to make sure no one was looking
Ego- deals with reality, trying to meet the desires of the id in a way that is socially acceptable
in the world.
o Ex. Even though Michael needed money, he decided not to steal the money from the
cash register because he didnt want to get in trouble.
Superego- develops last, and is based on morals and judgments about right and wrong.
o Ex. When Michael saw the $5 bill lying on the floor with no one around it, he turned it
into the school office in case anyone came looking for it. He wouldnt want to lose $5,
and hoped that whoever had lost it would ask about it in the office.

Errors Concerning Happiness
1. Money or wealth can buy happiness for some people.
Ex. If someone has money, he is happy.
2. Health is happiness according to some people.
Ex. If you someone is not sick, he is happy.
3. Earthly pleasures give happiness for sensual people.
Ex. Some people drink liquor or use drug to feel happy.
4. Certain people cling to their public image.
Ex. Some people just want to have be popular to feel happy.
5. Some dedicate their lives to science and art.
Ex. Some people undergo plastic surgery or sex change to feel happy.
6. Some propose that the final purpose of man is the promotion of State or Government.
Ex. Other people do their best in the government to help other people because it
makes them happy.

Types of Happiness
Natural happiness-is that which is attainable by man through the use of his natural powers.
o Ex. The belief that the satisfaction of the desire will lead to happiness. Mario wants to
have a new cell phone, he will feel happy until he gets that new cell phone.
Supernatural happiness- is that which is attainable by man through the use of his natural
powers as these are informed and aided by Gods infusion of grace. It is a study belonging
properly to Moral Theology.
o Ex. Those of faith recognize this as their desire for God.

Ultimate Purpose of Life
The ultimate purpose of life is HAPPINESS and we can attain it through GOD.

Philo 2
Pursuit of Happiness

Pinmiliw, Joyce
Dalasic, Junalyn
Clauna, Clarence
Bacani, Michael Jordan

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