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Fuzzy Geography/GIS
Agrawal, A., Kumar, N., and Radhakrishna, M., 2007. Multispectral image classification: a
superised neural computation approach !ased on rough"fu##$ mem!ership function and
weak fu##$ similarit$ relation. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2% &20', ()*7"
Ahl,ist, -., 200). .sing uncertain conceptual spaces to translate !etween land coer
categories. International Journal of Geographical Information Science /% &7': %0/"%)7
Altman, 1., /**(. 2u##$ set theoretic approaches for handling imprecision in spatial anal$sis.
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems %: 27/"2%*
Anile, M., and 3pinella, 3., 200%. 4nterpolation with data containing interal, fu##$, and
possi!ilistic uncertaint$. 4n 5odwick, 6. &editor', Fuzzy Surfaces in GIS and
Geographical Analysis: Theory, Analytical Methods, Algorithms, and Applications.
7R7 8ress, 9oca Raton, pp (7")0.
Arnot, 7., 2isher, 8.2., 6adsworth, R., and 6ellens, :., 200(. 5andscape Metrics with
;cotones: pattern under uncertaint$. andscape !cology /*: /%/"/*)
Arnot, 7., and 2isher, 8., 2007. Mapping the ecotone with fu##$ sets. 4n A. Morris and
3.Kokhan &editors', Geographic "ncertainty in !n#ironmental Security, 3pringer,
1ordrecht, pp /*"02.
9a<a, 3., 7hapman, 1.M. and 1ragoich, 1., 2002. A conceptual model for defining and
assessing land management units using a fu##$ modeling approach in =43 enironment.
!n#ironmental Management 2* &)': +(7"++/.
9anai, R., /**0. 2u##iness in =eographical 4nformation 3$stems: 7ontri!utions from the
anal$tic hierarch$ process. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems
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9anai"Kashani, R., /*%*. A new method for site suita!ilit$ anal$sis: >he anal$tic hierarch$
process. !n#ironmental Management /0 &+': +%)"+*0.
9ardoss$, A., 9ogardi, 4., and Kell$, 6.;., /**0. Kriging with imprecise &fu##$' ariograms 4:
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9ardoss$, A., 9ogardi, 4., and Kell$, 6.;., /**0. Kriging with imprecise &fu##$' ariograms 44:
Application. Mathematical Geology 22 &/': %/"*(.
9astin, 5., /**7. 7omparison of fu##$ c"mean classification, linear mi?ture modelling and M57
pro!a!ilities as tools for unmi?ing coarse pi?els. International Journal of Remote
Sensing /% &/7': 0+2*"0+(%.
9astin, 5., 2isher, 8.2., 9acon, M.7., Arnot 7.N.6, and @ughes, M.:., 2007. Relia!ilit$ of
egetation communit$ information deried using 1ecorana ordination and fu##$ c"
means clustering. 4n A. Morris and 3.Kokhan &editors', Geographic "ncertainty in
!n#ironmental Security, 3pringer, 1ordrecht, pp)0"7(.
9enedikt, :., Rein!erg, 3., and Riedl, 5., 2002. A =43 application to enhance cell"!ased
information modeling. Information Sciences /(2, /)/"/+0.
9en#, ..7., @ofmann, 8., 6illhauck, =., 5ingenfelder, 4., and @e$nen, M., 200(. Multi"
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information. IS$RS Journal of $hotogrammetry and Remote Sensing )%, 20*"2)%.
9e#dek, :.7., ;hrlich, R., and 2ull, 6., /*%(. 27M: >he fu##$ c"means clustering algorithm.
%omputers & Geosciences, /0: /*/"200
9ittner, >., and 3mith, 9., 2000. Aague reference and appro?imating <udgments. Spatial
%ognition and %omputation, 0: /07"/)+
9ordogna, =., 8agani, M., and 8asi, =., 2007. A fle?i!le decision support approach to model ill"
defined knowledge in =43. 4n A. Morris and 3.Kokhan &editors', Geographic
"ncertainty in !n#ironmental Security, 3pringer, 1ordrecht, pp /00"/)2.
9urrough, 8.A., /*%*. 2u##$ mathematical methods for soil sure$ and land ealuation:
Journal of Soil Science (0 &0': (77"(*2.
9urrough, 8.A., /**+. Natural o!<ects with indeterminate !oundareies. 4n 8.A.9urrough and A.
2rank &editors', =eographic '()ects *ith Indeterminate +oundaries, >a$lor B 2rancis,
5ondon, .K. pp 0"2%
9urrough, 8.A., MacMillan, R.A., and an 1eursen, 6., /**2. 2u##$ classification methods for
determining land suita!ilit$ from soil profile o!serations and topograph$. Journal of
Soil Science (0, /*0"2/0.
9urrough, 8.A., =aans, 8.2.M., an, and @ootsmans, R., /**7. 7ontinuous classification in soil
sure$: spatial correlation, confusion and !oundaries. Geoderma 77 &2"(': //)"/0%
7aluwe,, de >re, =., and 9ordogna =., 200(. 9asic notions and rationale of the handling of
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3pringer, 9erlin, pp /"%
7annon, R.5., 1ae, :.A., and 9e#dek, :.7., /*%+. ;fficient implementation of the fu##$ c"
means clustering algorithms. I!!! Transactions on $attern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 8AM4 % &2': 2(%"2)).
7heng, >., 2002. 2u##$ o!<ects: their changes and uncertainties. $hotogrammetric
!ngineering and Remote Sensing +% &/': (/"(*
7heng, >., and Molenaar, M., /***. 1iachronic anal$sis of fu##$ o!<ects. GeoInformatica 0
&(': 007"0))
7heng, >., and Molenaar, M., /***. -!<ects with fu##$ spatial e?tent. $hotogrammetric
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7heng, >., Molenaar, M., and 5in, @. 200/. 2ormali#ing fu##$ o!<ects from uncertain
classification results. International Journal of Geographical Information Science /)
&/': 27"(2.
7heng, >., 2isher 8., and 5i, C., 200(. 1ou!le agueness: uncertaint$ in multi"scale fu##$
assignment of duneness. =eo"3patial 4nformation 3cience 7: )%"++.
7lementini, ;., 200(. Modeling spatial o!<ects affected !$ uncertaint$. 4n 7aluwe, =. de
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Reasoning. 3pringer, 9erlin, pp 2//"20+
7lementini, ;., and 2elice, 8. di, /**+. An alge!raic model for spatial o!<ects with indeterminate
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Indeterminate +oundaries, >a$lor B 2rancis, 5ondon, .K. pp /))"/+*
7ohn, A.=., and =otts, N.M., /**+. >he Degg"$olkE representation of regions with indeterminate
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Indeterminate +oundaries, >a$lor B 2rancis, 5ondon, .K. pp /7/"/+7
7ouclelis, @., /**+. >owards an operational t$polog$ of geographic entities with ill defined
!oundaries. 4n 8.A.9urrough and A. 2rank &editors', =eographic '()ects *ith
Indeterminate +oundaries, >a$lor B 2rancis, 5ondon, .K. pp ()"))
1ale, M.9.,/*%%. 3ome fu##$ approaches to ph$tosociolog$: 4deals and instances Folia
Geo(otanica et $hytota.onomica 20: 20*"27(
1aidson, 1.A., >heocharopoulos, 3.8., and 9loksma, R.:., /**(. A land ealuation pro<ect in
=reece using =43 and !ased on 9oolean fu##$ set methodologies. International Journal
of Geographical Information Systems, %: 0+*"0%(
1ilo, A., 9$, R.A. de, and 3tein, A., 2007. A s$stem of t$pes and operators for handling ague
spatial o!<ects. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 2/: 0*7"
1i?on, 9., 200). =roundwater ulnera!ilit$ mapping: A =43 and fu##$ rule !ased integrated
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1i?on, 9., 200). Applica!ilit$ of neuro"fu##$ techni,ues in predicting ground"water
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1o!ermann, A., and -!erthFr, >., /**7. 2u##$ mapping of soil fertilit$: a case stud$ on
irrigated Riceland in the 8hilippines. Geoderma 77 &2"(': 0/7"00*
1ragiceic, 3., Marceau, 1.:., and Marois, 7., 200/. 3pace, time, and d$namics modeling in
historical =43 data!ases: a fu##$ logic approach. !n#ironment and $lanning +:
$lanning and -esign 2%: )()")+2.
1ragiceic, 3., 200(. 2u##$ sets for representing the spatial and temporal dimensions in =43
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-ata(ases: Fle.i(le /uerying and Reasoning. 3pringer, 9erlin, pp //"27.
1ragiceic, 3., 200). Multi"dimensional interpolations with fu##$ sets. 4n 2.;.8etr$,
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Geographic $ro(lems, 3pringer, 9erlin, pp /(0"/)%
1ragiceic, 3. and Marceau, 1.:., 2000. A fu##$ set approach for modeling time in =43.
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, /(: 22)"2()
;dwards, =., and 5owell, K.;., /**+. Modeling uncertaint$ in photointerpreted !oundaries.
$hotogrammetric !ngineering and Remote Sensing +2: 007"0*/
;rwig, M., and 3chneider, M., /**7. Aague Regions. 4n M.3choll and A.Aoisard &editors'
$roceedings of the 1th International Symposium on Ad#ances in Spatial -ata(ases
2SS-3, 5N73 /2+2, 3pringer, 9erlin, 2*%"020
2isher, 8.2., /**(. 8ro!a!le and 2u##$ concepts of the uncertain iewshed. 4n Inno#ations in
GIS 4, ;dited !$ M.6or!o$s, >a$lor B 2rancis, 5ondon, /+/"/7).
2isher, 8., /**+. 9oolean and fu##$ regions. 4n 8.A.9urrough and A. 2rank &editors',
=eographic '()ects *ith Indeterminate +oundaries, >a$lor B 2rancis, 5ondon, .K. pp
2isher, 8.2., /**7. >he pi?el: a snare and a delusion. International Journal of Remote Sensing
/% &0': +7*"+%).
2isher, 8.2., 2000. 3orites 8arado? and Aague =eographies. Fuzzy Sets and Systems //0 &/':
2isher, 8.2., .Arnot, 7., 6adsworth, R., and 6ellens, :., 200+. 1etecting 7hange in Aague
4nterpretations of 5andscapes. !cological Informatics / &2': /+0"/7%.
2isher, 8., and Arnot, 7., 2007. Mapping t$pe 2 change in fu##$ land coer. 4n A. Morris and
3.Kokhan &editors', Geographic "ncertainty in !n#ironmental Security, 3pringer,
1ordrecht, pp /+7"/%+
2isher, 8.2., 7heng, >., and 6ood, :., 2007. @igher order agueness in geographical
information: ;mpirical geographical population of >$pe n fu##$ sets.
GeoInformatica // &0': 0//"000.
2isher, 8.2., and 8athirana, 3., /**0. >he ealuation of fu##$ mem!ership of land coer classes
in the su!ur!an #one Remote Sensing of !n#ironment 0(: /2/"/02
2isher, 8.2., and 8athirana, 3., /**0. >he ordering of multitemporal fu##$ land"coer information
deried from 5andsat M33 data Geo%arto International %: )"/(
2isher, 8.2., and 6ood, :., /**%. 6hat is a MountainG or >he ;nglishman who went up a
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2isher, 8, 6ood, :., and 7heng, >., 200). 2u##iness and am!iguit$ in multi"scale anal$sis of
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Modeling *ith Spatial Information for Geographic $ro(lems, 3pringer, 9erlin, pp 20*"
2isher, 8.2., 6ood, :., and 7heng, >., 2007. @igher order agueness in a d$namic landscape:
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!n#ironmental Informatics * &/': )+"70.
2onte, 7., 200%. =eographical entities as surfaces. 4n 5odwick, 6. &editor', Fuzzy Surfaces in
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Applications. 7R7 8ress, 9oca Raton, pp +0"%0.
2onte, 7.7., and 5odwick, 6.A., 200(. Areas of fu##$ geographical entities. International
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2onte, 7.7., and 5odwick, 6.A., 200). Modelling the fu##$ spatial e?tent of geographical
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Spatial Information for Geographic $ro(lems, 3pringer, 9erlin, pp //"/(2.
2onte, 7., 3antos, :., =oncales, =., 3pinella, 3., and Anile, M. 200%. Applications. 4n 5odwick,
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Methods, Algorithms, and Applications. 7R7 8ress, 9oca Raton, pp ///"/2%.
2ood$, =.M., /**2. A fu##$ sets approach to the representation of egetation continua from
remotel$ sensed data: An e?ample from lowland heath $hotogrammetric !ngineering
and Remote Sensing )%: 22/"22)
2ood$, =. M., /**). 7ross"entrop$ for the ealuation of the accurac$ of a fu##$ land coer
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2ood$, =.M., /**+. Approaches to the production and ealuation of fu##$ land coer
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2ood$, =.M., /**+. Relating the land"coer composition of mi?ed pi?els to artificial neural
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2ood$, =. M., /**7, 2ull$ fu##$ superised classification of land coer from remotel$ sensed
imager$ with an arti.cial neural network. 5eural %omputing and Applications, 5, 20%H
2ood$, =. M., /***, >he continuum of classification fu##iness in thematic mapping.
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2ood$, =. M., and Arora, M. K., /**+, 4ncorporation of mi?ed pi?els in the training,
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2ood$, =.M., and 7o?, 1.8., /**(. 3u!"pi?el land coer composition estimation using a linear
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2ood$, =.M.., 7amp!ell, N.A., >rodd, N.M., and 6ood, >.2., /**2. 1eriation and applications
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2rank, A., /**+. >he prealence of o!<ects with sharp !oundaries in =43. 4n 8.A.9urrough and
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2rank, A., 2007. 4ncompleteness, error, appro?imation and uncertaint$: An ontological
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=alton, A., 2000. =ranularit$"sensitie spatial attri!utes6 Spatial %ognition and %omputation,
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=edeon, >.1., 6ong, K.6., 6ong, 8.M., and @uang, I., 2000. 3patial interpolation using fu##$
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=opal, 3. and 6oodcock, 7.;., /**(. >heor$ and methods for accurac$ assessment of thematic
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=raniero, 8.A., and Ro!inson, A.9., 2000. A real"time adaptie sampling method for field
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=roenemans, R., Ranst, ;. an, and Kerre, ;., /**7. Ru##$ relational calculus in land
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=raniero, 8.A., and Ro!inson, A.9., 200+. A pro!e mechanism to couple spatiall$ e?plicit
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=ru!esic, >.@., 200+. -n the application of fu##$ clustering for crime hot spot detection.
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=rui<ter, :.:. de, 6aloort, 1.:.:., and =aans, 8.2.M. an, /**7. 7ontinuous soil maps: a fu##$
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=uesgen, @.6., 200). 2u##$ reasoning a!out geographic regions. 4n 2.;.8etr$, A.9.Ro!inson,
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=uesgen, @.6., @ert#!erg, :., 5o!!, R., and Mantler, A., 2000. 9uffering fu##$ maps in =43.
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@ad#ilacos, >., /**+. -n la$er"!ased s$stems for undetermined !oundaries. 4n 8.A.9urrough
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@all, -., and Arn!erg, 6., 2002. A method for landscape regionali#ation !ased on fu##$
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