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In the name of All°h, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Questions asked by the people and Answers given by
Im°m Ja`far ibn Mu¶ammad as- as-Æ°diq (prayers be upon him)
[ Installment 10 ]
Compiled by Øujjatul Isl°m wal Muslim¢n A¶mad Q°§h¢ Z°hid¢
Published by Sayyidah Ma`•£mah Publications [Qum, Iran]
Translated by Saleem Bhimji – –

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Topic: Why Did No Son of (Prophet) Muhammad Remain Alive?

It has been narrated in a Øad¢th found in Bi¶°r al-Anw°r1 that the following question was asked to Im°m Ja`far
ibn Mu¶ammad as-Æ°diq (prayers be upon him) from `Abdull°h ibn San¡n:

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It has been narrated from `Abdull°h ibn San¡n that he asked Ab¢ `Abdill°h (prayers be upon him): “For what
reason did there not remain any son for the Messenger of All°h (blessings of All°h be upon him and his family)?”

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He (Im°m Ja`far ibn Mu¶ammad as-Æ°diq, prayers be upon him) replied, “Since surely All°h, the Grand and
Noble, had created Mu¶ammad (blessings of All°h be upon him and his family) as the Prophet and (He created)
`Al¢ as the Successor. So then if the Messenger of All°h (blessings of All°h be upon him and his family) had left a
son after him then this (boy) would have been superior over Am¢r al-Mo’min¢n `Al¢ ibn Ab¢ B°lib (prayers be upon
him) in relation to the Messenger of All°h (blessings of All°h be upon him and his family) and thus, there would
have been no place for Am¢r al-Mo’min¢n (prayers be upon him) to be the successor (of the Messenger of All°h).”

…and all praise belongs to All°h, Lord of the Worlds, only the mistakes are mine. (Tr.)

1 Bi¶°r al-Anw°r, Volume 16, Page 141, Øad¢th 3


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