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Design of the research
This research is a quantitative approach. Design of the research is descriptive quantitative. It
means the writer will describe the correlation between variable X (English teachers teaching style)
and variable Y (students English achievement) at seventh grade of SMP N 9 Baubau.

Place and Time of the Study

This research will be conducted at Seventh Grade of SMP N 9 Baubau academic year 2013/2014.
This reseach will be held on juni,2014. After getting an agreement of the school principal and then
consult to an English teacher who is teach at the seventh Grade of SMP N 9 Baubau

Variable of the research
There are two variables on this research, namely :
Independent variable is the English teachers teaching style at seventh grade of SMPN 9 Baubau
symbolized by X
Dependent variable is the students English achievement at the seventh grade of SMPN 9
Baubau symbolized by X
Population and Sample
The population in this research was all the students at seventh grade of SMP N 9 Baubau academic
2013/2014. The total number of the population was 122 student from 6 classes of seveth grade at
SMPN 9 Baubau.
The taking of the sample used the simple random sampling; as Kountur (2003: 138-139) that simple
random sampling adalah cara pemilihan sampel dimana anggota dari populasi dipilh satu per satu
secara random (semua mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk dipilih) dimana jika sudah dipilih
tak dapat di pilih kembali. Furthermore, the taking of the sample used lottery and based on Arikuntos
opinion (1997:107) that apabila populasinya kurang dari 100 orang, maka dapat di ambil semua
sehingga penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi, dan apabila populasinya lebih dari 100 orang,
maka dapat diambil sebagian antara 10 15 % dan antara 20-25%). Because the total number of
population was 122 people, so the sample taken in 25% from the population. So the total sample are
30 students.
The instrument used in this reseach were :
Questionnaire use to find out students perception about English teachers teaching styles at seventh
grade of SMPN 9 Baubau . It was consist of 28 items of close questions and the respondents only
choosen one from five option given. Before quetionnare shared, first the essence instrument should
be made, and afterwardss, the try out will be held to obtained a valid instrument. A tested instrument
can be shared to the student to obtained the primery data.
Test use to find out students English achievement. Test that given consist of 20 items. Test will
be taken based on the material in the curriculum and syllabus for seventh grade students of junior
high school that they had learned and the test will be made by the writer.
The validity and the reliability test will be conducted through the following procedurs :
Uji Validitas adalah suatu ukuran yang menunjukkan tingkat-tingkat kevalidan atau kesahihan
suatu instrumen. Suatu instrumen yang valid atau sahih mempunyai validitas tinggi. Sebaliknya,
instrumen yang kurang valid berarti memiliki validitas rendah (Arikunto, 2006: 168). The instrument
validity test can be calculated using SPSS Version 18.
Instrument reliability test according to Priyatno (2010:97) untuk mengetahui konsistensi alat
ukur, apakah alat pengukur yang digunakan diandalkan dan tetap konsisten jika pengukuran tersebut
diulang. It means, If the data used many times will be obtained the same data. The way to measure
the level of reliability of the data collection tool was using Cronbach's Alpha. Alpha coefficient is a
measure of the level of reliability. Reliability test will be calculated using SPSS version 18. According
to sekaran (in Priyatno 2010:32) stated untuk pengujiannya biasanya menggunakan batasan-
batasan tertentu. The Test criteria as follows : 0,6 = kurang baik, 0,7 = dapat di terima,
0,8 = baik

Technique of Data Collection
The data collecting techinique of this research described are as follows :
This research will be used are questionnaires to collect data about students perception about
teachers' teaching styles. It will be consisting of 28 numbers. Each question will be contained
components of the teacher's teaching style. The compositions of the questionnaire are shown in the
Table 1. The point that will be given from option is different. The score from alternative answers are
shown in the Table 2.

Table 1. the compositions of Questionnaire
No Indicator Number Total
1 Teachers Voice Tone 2,4,6,8, 4
2 Teacherfocusing 1,3,7,9 4
3 Pausing 5,11,12,14 4
4 Eye contact to students 16,17,18,19, 4
5 Teachers expression 21,22,23,24 4
6 Teachers gesture 25,26,10,15 4
7 Teachers positions 20,27,28,13 4
Total 28

Table 2. Questionnaire Scores
Score Of Postive Statement Options Score of Negative Statement
4 A 1
3 B 2
2 C 3
1 D 4

The test use to find out the students score of the English lesson. The test that will be given
consist of 20 items. All of the items were taken from the English books for the seventh grade students
of Junior High School based on the present curriculum. Before tests shared to the samples, the try out
will be conducted to obtained a valid instrument. The try out of the tests were addressed to the other
students who do not involve as sample of the research. determined the students scores in their
English learning, the writer formula :

mark = (number of correct answer )/(number of the test) x 10

Technique of Data Analysis
Pre Requirements Analysis
Homogeneity Test
The aims of homogeneity of variance test is to determined whether each sample group have the
same data or not. The variance of the data must be homogeneous. So we have to do Homogeneity
test. Homogeneity test in this research using SPPS version 18. According to Priyatno (2010:115)
hypotheses testing criteria are: jika signifikansi > 0,05 maka data yang di uji adalah homogen. Jika
signifikansi < 0,05 maka data yang di uji adalah tidak homogen
Data Normality Testing
The aims of normality test is to determine technique of data analysis appropriate. The normal
distribution test in this research using SPSS version 18. According to Priyatno (2010:40) hypotheses
testing criteria are: yaitu jika signifikansi > 0,05 maka data yang di uji adalah berdistribusi normal.
Jika signifikansi < 0,05 maka data yang di uji berdistribusi normal

Hypotheses Testing
Hypotheses testing about the correlation between English teachers teaching style and students
English achievement will be analyzed by using simple regression and The pearson product moment
analysis. The pearson product moment analysis will used to measure the correlation between two
variable (independent and dependent) by applying the following formula :
r_(xy=) (n xy-(x)(y))/(({(n x^2- ) (x )^2 }{(ny^2-(y)^2 )})
Where :
r_xy = index score of correlation
n = number of respondents
xy = the number of mulitplication result between the scores of X and Y variables.
x = the score total number of X variable
y = the score total number of Y variable.
Furthermore, to test the hypotheses in this research, the writer will use t-test as written below :
t=(r (n-2))/(1- r^2 )
The correlation between two variable (independent adn dependent) or between x to y was a
cause and effect, the writer will use a simple linear regression analysis with the function of estimation
: y = a + bx. The simple linear regression analysis technically used spss with the testing criteria :
If probability > 0.05 , H0 is accepted
If probability < 0.05 , H0 is rejected.
The statical hypotheses as follows :
H0 : = 0 (it means there is not correlation)
H1 : 0 (it means there is a correlation)
The criteria that use to determine the English teachers teaching style were as follows :
80 < X 100 : Very Interesting
75 < X 80 : Interesting
65 < X 75 : less interesting
< X 65 : no intersting
The last, the criteria that use to determine the students English achievement were as
follows :
80 - 100 : very high
70 79 :high
60 69 : middle
45 59 : low
< 45 : very low

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