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A recent survey of the UK population has given us accurate information about the

countrys health. The information has important implications for the NHS.
There was a baby boom in the 1!"s an# 1$"s in the UK an# since then the birth
rate has stea#ily #ecline#. This means that the UK population is getting ol#er. %n fact it
has the worl#s fifth highest population of ol#er people. %n &urope as a whole' the number
of people over the age of (! is pro)ecte# to #ouble over the ne*t five years. The number
of people over " years ol# will increase five+fol#.
Now' for the first time ever' there are more people in the UK who are over $" than
un#er 1$. The over+$"s ma,e up one+fifth of the population. The number of centenarians
is also set to increase. %n 1!" there were -"" an# by the year ."-" there are e*pecte# to
be -!""". The number of over+/!s has increase# by !""0 since 1!1 an# is now 1.1
million. The average life+e*pectancy has risen. Now it is (/ years for woman an# (1
years for men.
2are of the el#erly ta,es up 1"0 of the NHS bu#get an# it is a growing in#ustry
which employs over a million+an#+a half people.
The census has also provi#e# the following information about the UK population3
1!$ people in every 1""" suffer from a neurotic #isor#er.
-!""" people #ie each year as a result of a brain relate# #isease.
1"0 of the population suffers from migraine.
4yalgic encephalomyelitis 54&6 affects about .0 of the population' which
means .1""" chil#ren in the UK have 4& symptoms.
Stro,e is a lea#ing cause of #eath an# affects 1 in !"" people every year.
. out of every 1""" babies born in the UK are affecte# by cerebral palsy. 5there
has been no change in this figure for the last -" years.6
7owns syn#rome affects 1 in 1""" babies.
1 in 1""" babies in the UK is born with spina bifi#a.
1 in 1 people suffers from mental illness.
11!""" families are affecte# by autism. 5Autism has a ren#ency to run in
1"0 of autism people e*cel as artists' mathematicians of musicians.
1 in 1"" people suffer suffers from #ysle*ia. Three times as many boys are
#ysle*ic girls.
%n the UK' 1. million people visiting their 89 over one year will have symptoms
of mental illness an# " million wor,ing #ays are lost each year as a result mental
health problems.
a. The birth rate :: #uring the 1!"s an# 1$"s 5;erb from <boom6
b. Since then' the birth rate has been stea#ily ::: 54eaning3 falling in numbers6
c. The pro)ection is that the number of &uropeans over the age of (! :::: over
the ne*t five years. 54eaning3 will increase by two times6
#. There has been a ::: increase in the number of people over $! years ol# since
1!1. 54eaning3 times five or !""06
e. The average =ritish woman can :.. to live for (/ years. 54eaning3 is able to
f. 1"0 of the population are migraine. 54eaning3 people who are affecte# by an
g. &very year there are -!""" :: through brain relate# #iseases. 54eaning3
h. There is ::.. of " million wor,ing #ays each year because of mental illness.
5Noun from ?lose@6
i. There are :: people in 1!""" families in the UK 5A#)ective from ?autism@6
). Soon the country will be ::.. by a ma)ority of ol#er people. 5;erb from
1!$ people in every 1"""
Two out of every 1"""
5they6 ma,e up one+fifth of the 5population6
A five+fol# increase
The number has increase# by !""0
An increase in numbers
Ane in 1
Three times as many
a. There will be :: two ::.. increase :::: the number of people over the
age of (! years within five years.
b. There ::: be twice :::. 4any ol# people in the UK in five ::: time.
c. The population of the UK is ::.. up :::. 4ore ol# people than young
#. :::. Af :::. 1""" babies' . are born with cerebral palsy.
e. The number ::: ol# people in the UK :::. %ncrease ::: .""0 in the
ne*t five years.
f. Ane in ::.. ten people suffers from migraines.
g. There has been :::.. !""0 increase ::: the number of over+/!s.

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