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This document has been prepared by Devformula Nigeria Limited and
contains the proposal for the deployment of a Biometric Enrolment and
Verifcation Solution that can also handle Time and Attendance to
edeemer!s "niversity# $gun State% Essentially# the solution &ill enable the
"niversity authority to electronically manage regular sta' attendance to
&or( and inter departmental movements using Sta' biometric or
fngerprint identity% Additionally# the system &ill also enable the "niversity
authority to trac( the students! access and usage of some facilities li(e the
library# school hostels etc% )or the students the system &ould utili*e both
biometric identity and facial image%
+resently# the "niversity maintains in most arears a manual attendance
register for the various units,departments and inter departmental
movements% This typically involves persons -including members of sta'.
registering their names and the time of arrival and departure on a sheet of
paper or in an attendance register in the form of an e/ercise boo(% This
method# li(e every manual system# is prone to a lot of errors# delays and
could be manipulated intentionally or unintentionally%
0t is in the interest of edeemer!s "niversity to deploy a secure solution
that &ill enable them to trac( sta' and students! attendance and
movement using biometrics or fngerprints identity and facial photographic
Based on our e/pertise and e/perience on previous implementations of
similar solutions# the scope of the pro1ect &ould include the follo&ing2
+rovision of the biometric system -hard&are terminals and application
Sta' and Students fnger print capture and enrollment
0mplementation of the biometric system
Sta' training
3aintenance and support service%
The basic features of the system are as follo&s2
i% Daily,&ee(ly,monthly,yearly attendance reporting%
ii% Automated report delivery via email to specifc users -e%g% 4uman
esources "nit# Vice 5hancellor.%
iii% Data synchroni*ation from multiple biometric readers -utili*ing
net&or( access or post data capture merging &ithout duplicates.%
iv% Sta' and students! entry and e/it data capture
v% Student!s verifcation during e/amination to prevent machinery
vi% Student!s verifcation at library# hostel# e/ams and records# bursary
and other sensitive areas%
vii%Departmental -categori*ation. for reporting purposes in the case of
viii% Biometric data encrypted at 678 bits%
i/% 0nterface &ith central database to house data captured from all
biometric stations and data &ill be sent to central database &hen
changes are identifed%
/% "tili*e sta' account numbers provided by 4 to lin( attendance data
&ith payroll and other report re9uirements%
/i% 0ntegration &ith E+ system -if and &hen available.%
:e have proposed the installation of our Biometric Time and Attendance
solution% The system comprises of the biometric reader,terminal and the
0ntelligent Attendance 3anagement soft&are%
The biometric terminal is capable to &or( both on net&or( and o;ine
environment% Each terminal can verify fngerprint of both students and
lectures at any location and the record is stored at the central server%
The Biometric device can be installed at the locations listed belo& and all
these locations,o<ces &ill be connected to a central Server via a net&or(
= 6% 4ostel
6 7% Library
7 >% E/ams and ecords
> ?% egistrar!s o<ce
? @% 5anteen
@ A% 5omputer oom
A B% Lecture oom
B 8% V5!s o<ce
8 C% 4$D,Dean!s o<ce
Why do you need Biometri !eri"#tion$Time #nd
Attend#ne So%ution&
$ne of the most compelling reasons to implement a biometric time D
attendance system is because it pays for itself over time% Studies indicate
that most companies overpay total &ages by 6E8F annually due to human
error alone% 5ompanies also overpay each of their employees by an
average 6= minutes per day due to early departures and Gbuddy punchingG
-employees cloc(ing in or out for one another.% These factors can lead to
gross overpayment of &ages%
By moving to a biometric attendance,verifcation system# your organi*ation
&ill greatly reduce its administrative burden &hile also eliminating human
error and time fraud% Biometric systems are easy to use# reliable# and the
investment is typically recovered in 1ust a fe& months# and &ill save you
money for years to come%
$ther reasons are but not limited toH
6% etrieval of students record,fle can be very fast therefore dramatically
reduces administrative time and cost spent &hile processing students
7% Both $ld and Ne& Student record can be retrieved from the School
database as 9uic(ly as possible%
>% :hen implemented as Attendance egister for Lecturers# a report can be
generated daily as attendance monitoring%
?% E/amination 3alpractices can also be reduced as only verifed students
can sit for an e/am%
@% "niformity of student!s record in all branches of the school is maintained%
A% 3ore productive time &ill no& be spent on other issues rather than
spending more time on student Verifcation
$ur pro1ect implementation plan involves the follo&ing identifed activities%
+re site evaluation
Agreement on scope of pro1ect,Signing of 3$",$rder confrmation
and mobili*ation
Detailed Site 0nspection and analysis
Delivery of E9uipment to site
Data,fnger print capture and enrollment
E9uipment,System set up and confguration
Test un
5ommissioning and 4andover of System
The tentative pro1ect schedule is outlined belo&2
Item Pro)et Ati*ity Dur#tion
6% Signing of Agreement# $rder, 3obili*ation 6 day
7% Site 0nspection,Assessment 6 day
>% E9uipment procurement,Delivery to site 6= days
?% Data ,)inger print capture and Enrollment 8 days
@% E9uipment and system set up and
7 &ee(s
A% Training ,Test un @ days
B% 5ommissioning,4andover 6 day
8% 3aintenance and support 67 months
Thi+ i+ # tent#ti*e +hedu%e, The #tu#% dur#tion -or e#h #ti*ity
.i%% /e de0endent on the -#t+ on 1round #nd the +o0e #nd +i2e o-
the de0%oyment #+ de+ired /y the uni*er+ity% 4o&ever# &e &ill ensure
that time is not &asted and that some activities run simultaneously% :e &ill
also ensure clearly set targets are attained%
:e believe that providing a total comprehensive maintenance and support
for to customers ensures the availability of their e9uipment for at least CCF
of the time% $ur total comprehensive maintenance has the preventive
maintenance as the frst level# and the corrective maintenance# as the
second level% A support 3$" &ill be signed at an agreed price%
Pre*enti*e M#inten#ne
The preventive maintenance is designed to trac( do&n degraded or &orn
out parts &hich re9uire replacement% This &ill be based on an agreed
schedule -monthly or 9uarterly.% The primary ob1ective of preventive
maintenance is to eliminate the need for remedial or corrective service
bet&een scheduled maintenance periods% This service involves the
follo&ing activities2
)unctional 5hec(s
Correti*e M#inten#ne
The corrective maintenance policy &e o'er covers all aspects relating to
ma(ing the e9uipment functioning at least CCF of the time% "nder this
corrective maintenance# &e respond to a call &hen the e9uipment brea(s
do&n or &hen any part is not functioning properly% :e &ill respond to a call
&ithin 7? hours%
)ounded in 7==8# &e are an emerging leader in enterprise and &ebEenabled
solutions that allo& corporations to operate more e<ciently# 9uic(ly bring
products to mar(et# and rapidly achieve their business ob1ectives% Iuided
by a philosophy of attracting and retaining professionals &ho possess &ellE
rounded domain and technical e/pertise# DNL builds teams of focused
professionals &ho capitali*e on their combined e/periences to deliver
innovative# practical and customi*ed solutions%
$ur proven soft&are development methodology includes a focus on (ey
business drivers# an emphasis on analysis# and reusable design elements%
$ur domain (no&ledge# technical e/pertise and creative minds o'er
adaptive solutions that evolve &ith the changing re9uirements of global
business% $ver this period# &e have assisted various corporate institutions
&ith customi*ed solutions in diverse areas such as 2
3anufacturing and Distribution
)inancial Services
$ur highly s(illed sta's are able to &or( closely &ith our customers#
provide 9uic( response# eliminating do&n time and perform high 9uality
services to their complete satisfaction% Some of our references are2
Technical Team on Design and implementation of Biometric Time and
Attendance at Babcoc( "niversity# 0lishan# $gun State%
01e&ere D 5ompany -Auditors,Ta/ 5onsultants.# Lagos%
+edabo Ta/ Auditors
Daily 0ndependent Ne&spapers
3onaple/ 0ndustries Nigeria Limited
5S5S Nigeria +L5
La(s&orth 0nvestments And Securities Limited
3olten Trust Nigeria Limited
:e shall be grateful for an invitation to discuss the benefts that you can
derive in implementing the solution in your establishment%
Chinedu Egeolu

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