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Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

2 | a g e

1. Cwnersh|p Cert|f|cate]Lxtract
! 1lme requlred- 13 uays

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: 8s. 30 per C1S no. / roperLy 8eglsLraLlon Card

! CranL of ermlsslon by 8evenue ueparLmenL

2. 8u||d|ng Layout Approva|
! 1lme requlred - 1 monLh

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: AppllcaLlon fee of 8s 28 per square meLer of ploL/bullL up area
whlchever ls larger for resldenLlal pro[ecLs or 8s 36 per square meLer for commerclal pro[ecLs)

! CranL of ermlsslon by uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy/MunlclpallLy

1he bulldlng company submlLs an appllcaLlon form wlLh plans and all requlred documenLs, as
prescrlbed by SecLlon 373 of Lhe 8MC AcL, aL Lhe Andherl 8ulldlng roposal Cfflce of Lhe 8MC. lf all
documenLs are ln order and Lhe flle ls compleLe, Lhe bulldlng company can proceed Lo paymenL of
Lhe scruLlny fees. Cnce Lhe fees have been pald, Lhe appllcaLlon flle ls forwarded Lo Lhe concerned
offlcer ln Lhe 8ulldlng roposal ueparLmenL. 1hen Lhe flle ls forwarded Lo Lhe Survey Cfflce, whlch
make lLs remarks on Lhe appllcaLlon flle and check Lhe remarks from Lhe uevelopmenL lan offlce
(obLalned durlng Lhe deslgn sLage of Lhe pro[ecL). lf Lhe Survey Cfflce ls saLlsfled wlLh lLs revlew, lL
wlll send Lhe appllcaLlon flle back Lo Lhe 8ulldlng roposal ueparLmenL wlLhln one week.

kece|ve s|te |nspect|on from the 8u||d|ng roposa| Cff|ce of the 8MC (Mun|c|pa|)

A sub-englneer from Lhe 8ulldlng roposal Cfflce wlll conducL a slLe lnspecLlon wlLhln 3 Lo 4 days of
recelvlng Lhe flle from Lhe survey offlce. 1he daLe and Llme of Lhe slLe lnspecLlon are arranged by Lhe
company's archlLecL. 1he bulldlng company musL be on-slLe when Lhe lnspecLlon Lakes place. 1he
sub-englneer scruLlnlzes Lhe poLenLlal of Lhe ploL lncludlng Lhe provlslon of clvlc lnfrasLrucLure.

3. Cbta|n "|nt|mat|on of d|sapprova|" (bu||d|ng perm|t) from the 8u||d|ng roposa| Cff|ce

! 1lme Lo compleLe - 30 - 43days

Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

3 | a g e

! CosL for lCu: ScruLlny fee of 8s 33 per sqmL for resldenLlal and 8s 66 per sqmL for commerclal
and uevelopmenL charges of 8s 330 per sqmL for resldenLlal and 8s 700 for commerclal.

AfLer Lhe slLe lnspecLlon, Lhe appllcaLlon flle reLurns Lo Lhe 8ulldlng roposal Cfflce Lo recelve an
lnLlmaLlon of dlsapproval (auLhorlzaLlon). 1he concerned sub englneer scruLlnlzes Lhe proposal and
forwards Lhe reporL Lo Lhe asslsLanL englneer and execuLlve englneers. 1he proposal ls approved aL
Lhe execuLlve englneer's level lf no concesslons are lnvolved. 1he lnLlmaLlon of dlsapproval ls lssued
wlLh a llsL of "no-ob[ecLlon cerLlflcaLes" (nCCs) whlch Lhe appllcanL musL obLaln separaLely from
varlous deparLmenLs and governmenL auLhorlLles. llnal clearance Lo bulld (CommencemenL
CerLlflcaLe) wlll only be glven once Lhe company obLalns all nCCs and meeL all lCu condlLlons. 1here
are abouL 40 lCu condlLlons Lo be meL by Lhe bullder Lo be ellglble for applylng for commencemenL
cerLlflcaLe (CC). Ma[or nCCs/lCu condlLlons are llsLed below:

a) Non-Agr|cu|ture (NA) perm|ss|on
b) 1ree Author|ty
c) Storm Water and Dra|n Department
d) Sewerage Department
e) nydrau||c Department
f) Lnv|ronmenta| Department (concerned w|th debr|s management)
g) Consent to Lstab||sh & Cperate
h) Anc|ent Monument Approva|
|) A|rports Author|ty of Ind|a
[) 1raff|c and Coord|nat|on Department
k) CIC (f|re c|earance)
|) Structura| |an Approva|

4. Subm|t structura| p|ans approved by a structura| eng|neer to the 8MC (Mun|c|pa|)
1he lnLlmaLlon of ulsapproval (lCu) ls only an approval of Lhe clvll plans. 8evlew of Lhe sLrucLural
plans ls done ln parallel wlLh Lhe nCC process. no approval Lo Lhls plan ls requlred from Lhe
Munlclpal CorporaLlon buL coples are requlred Lo be submlLLed.

S. Non-Agr|cu|ture erm|ss|on
! 1lme requlred- Mlnlmum of 3 monLhs. lL depends on compllance of oLher condlLlons

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: lL depends on Lhe locaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL and ranges beLween 8s 2-8
per sqfL.
Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

4 | a g e

! CranL of ermlsslon by 8evenue ueparLmenL

! rocedure ls Llme Laklng and cumbersome.

6. Cbta|n "no-ob[ect|on cert|f|cate" NCC from the 1ree Author|ty (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme requlred 30-60 days

! CosL for obLalnlng approval - ln8 4,000 (per Lree)

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 1ree AuLhorlLy CommlLLee of Munlclpal CorporaLlon

uue Lo sLrlngenL envlronmenLal regulaLlons, Lhe bulldlng company musL recelve clearance from Lhe
1ree AuLhorlLy seL up under Lhe MaharashLra (urban areas) reservaLlon of 1rees AcL (1973). 1he
1ree AuLhorlLy Commlsslon only meeLs once a monLh. 1he 1ree AuLhorlLy musL ascerLaln whaL Lrees
(lf any) wlll be cuL down as a resulL of consLrucLlon. lf Lrees are Lo be cuL down, Lhe bulldlng
company wlll have Lo planL Lrees Lo replace Lhem.

7. Cbta|n NCC from the Storm Water and Dra|n Department (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme 8equlred: 13-30 uays

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: ScruLlny lees ln8 2/smL (8MC llmlL)

! no cosL for Lhls nCC buL 8MC ls conslderlng lmposlng some fee.

8. Cbta|n NCC from the Sewerage Department (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme 8equlred: 13-30 uays

Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

S | a g e

9. Cbta|n NCC from the L|ectr|c Department (Mun|c|pa|)
1he elecLrlc consulLanL hlred by Lhe developer works ouL Lhe load requlremenL, Lransformer capaclLy
eLc. Load ls sancLloned by Lhe power dlsLrlbuLlon company. 1he bulldlng company wlll lnform 8LS1
of Lhe pro[ecL's power requlremenLs along wlLh a copy of appllcaLlon submlLLed for bulldlng plan
approval. 8LS1 wlll assess wheLher an elecLrlcal sub-sLaLlon up-grade ls requlred aL Lhls sLage.

! 1lme 8equlred: 13-30 days

10. Cbta|n a "no-ob[ect|on cert|f|cate" NCC from the 1raff|c and Coord|nat|on Department

! 1lme 8equlred: 30 days

11. Cbta|n a "no-ob[ect|on cert|f|cate" NCC from the Ch|ef I|re Cff|cer (Mun|c|pa|)

ln Mumbal, bulldlngs above 24 meLers ln helghL requlre Chlef llre Cfflcer (ClC) clearance.

! 1lme 8equlred: 30 days

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: Cfflclal cosL ls 8s. 30 per square meLer. CosL varles beLween 8s.
30,000 Lo 8s 1,00,000.

12. Lnv|ronment C|earance:

1he envlronmenL consulLanL hlred by Lhe company prepares Lhe LnvlronmenL lmpacL AssessmenL
8eporL whlch ls submlLLed Lo Lhe SLaLe level experL Appralsal CommlLLee whlch refers lL Lo Lhe SLaLe
LnvlronmenL lmpacL AssessmenL AuLhorlLy (SLlAA). CosLal 8egulaLory Zone (C8Z) clearance ls also
obLalned wherever requlred.

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL/SLaLe LnvlronmenL lmpacL AssessmenL AuLhorlLy
(SLlAA)/ SLaLe level experL Appralsal CommlLLee
Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

6 | a g e

! 1lme 8equlred: 3 monLhs Lo 1 year

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: Charges depend on Lhe slze of pro[ecL

13. Anc|ent Monument Approva|:

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla

! 1lme 8equlred: 6 monLhs

14. Consent to Lstab||shment & Cperate

MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL has auLhorlzed olluLlon ConLrol 8oard (C8) Lo monlLor Lhe envlronmenL
relaLed compllance by Lhe developer whlch lncludes seLLlng up of Sewage 1reaLmenL lanL (S1) eLc.

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: olluLlon ConLrol 8oard

! 1lme 8equlred: 2 monLhs

1S. NCC from A|rport Author|ty of Ind|a

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Clvll AvlaLlon ueparLmenL

! 1lme 8equlred: 3-4 monLhs

16. Cbta|n commencement cert|f|cate from the 8u||d|ng roposa| Cff|ce and pay deve|opment
charges (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme requlred: 13-30 days

Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

7 | a g e

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: 200 ln8 per square meLer (land componenL) + 300 ln8 per square
meLer (bulldlng componenL))

Cn submlsslon of all requlred nCCs and on compllance of Lhe lCu condlLlons, Lhe appllcanL may
submlL requesL for Lhe commencemenL cerLlflcaLe (CC). 1he documenLs and nCCs submlLLed by Lhe
appllcanLs are verlfled by Lhe sLaff and Lhe necessary commencemenL cerLlflcaLe ls approved.

CommencemenL CerLlflcaLe (CC) ls glven ln Lwo sLages:

1. CC upLo pllnLh level
2. CC beyond pllnLh level

17. 8ore we|| keg|strat|on Cert|f|cate: (Cuts|de Mun|c|pa| L|m|t)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CenLral Cround WaLer AuLhorlLy

! 1lme 8equlred: 60 days

! Cround waLer exLracLlon ls noL allowed ln C8Z areas.

18. NCC |f near coasta| Area

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CoasLal Zone ManagemenL AuLhorlLy

! 1lme 8equlred: 6 monLhs - 1 year (+)

! ConsLrucLlon ls noL allowed upLo 300 meLers from Lhe coasL llne.

19. erm|ss|on for Lxcavat|on ] koya|ty payment

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CollecLor & LxecuLlve Lnglneer ln Lhe Ward Cfflce (under Lhe Mlnes &
Mlnerals AcL 1937)

! 1lme 8equlred: 13 - 30 days

Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

8 | a g e

20. Cther Common Iac|||t|es Approva|: (Interna| Infrastructure serv|ces)

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 1he concerned servlce provlder for waLer, elecLrlclLy & Lelecom

! 1lme 8equlred: 30 days

21. koad Access n|ghway ] Lxpressway:

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: nPAl/Wu

! 1lme 8equlred: 60 days

22. L|ft Lsca|ator Insta||at|on Approva| (WD ] CWD)

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ubllc Works uepLL

! 1lme 8equlred: 30-43 days

23. L|ectr|c substat|on NCC Ior a|| substat|on 1ransformers |n bu||d|ng (L|ectr|c Serv|ce rov|der)

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: LlecLrlclLy ulsLrlbuLlon AuLhorlLy

! 1lme 8equlred: 13 days
24. Cbta|n occupancy cert|f|cate from the 8MC (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme 8equlred: 60 days

Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

9 | a g e

1he occupancy cerLlflcaLe allows Lhe bulldlng company Lo occupy Lhe bulldlng buL ls noL consldered
a flnal documenL because Lhe bulldlng company sLlll requlres Lhe cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon. 1he
company's archlLecL musL submlL a formal leLLer sLaLlng LhaL consLrucLlon has been compleLed
accordlng Lo Lhe sLandards seL forLh ln Lhe lCu and CC.

2S. Cbta|n 8u||d|ng comp|et|on cert|f|cate from the 8MC (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme 8equlred- 30 days

1he compleLlon cerLlflcaLe ls consldered Lo be Lhe ulLlmaLe documenL LhaL Lhe bulldlng company
requlres Lo fully occupy Lhe bulldlng and connecL lL Lo uLlllLles.

26. App|y for permanent power connect|on and pay fees at 8r|hanmumba| L|ectr|c Supp|y and
1ransport (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme 8equlred: 30 days

1he bulldlng company submlLs Lhe appllcaLlon form along wlLh a reglsLraLlon fee of ln8 30. Cn
submlsslon, a recelpL of Lhe same ls glven along wlLh a requlslLlon number. WlLhln one week
(sLaLuLory Llme llmlL), an lnspecLlon Lakes place Lo verlfy lf Lhe sLrucLure ls permanenL and Lo
accounL for Lhe number of connecLlons requlred, eLc. WlLhln a week, a requlremenL leLLer from 8LS1
auLhorlLles ls malled Lo Lhe appllcanL. 1hls leLLer llsLs Lhe documenLs and paymenL Lo obLaln a power

27. Cbta|n permanent water connect|on (w|th |nspect|on) (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme Lo compleLe - 43 days

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: ln8 1,200 (connecLlon fee)
28. Cbta|n permanent sewerage connect|on (Mun|c|pa|)

! 1lme Lo compleLe - 30 days
Approval Process for Real Estate
Projects in Maharashtra

10 | a g e

! CosL for obLalnlng approval: ln8 30,000
Comments & Suggest|ons:

" Approvlng AuLhorlLles should malnLaln Llme llmlL as prescrlbed ln Lhe rule book. lf Llme llmlL ls
noL prescrlbed, lL should be for every approval procedure.

" lf due Lo some reasons, approval cannoL be glven wlLhln prescrlbed Llme llmlL, lL should be
lnLlmaLed Lo Lhe appllcanL wlLhln flrsL 10-13 days of submlsslon of appllcaLlon.

" uocumenLaLlon requlred aL each sLage of approval should be clearly lald down and adhered Lo.
uevelopers should submlL proper documenLs as requlred by Lhe auLhorlLles Lo make Lhe process
less cumbersome.

" Cfflclal fees for approvals may be enhanced Lo lncrease Lhe capaclLy of sLaff ln munlclpallLles.

" lnfrasLrucLure ls noL provlded by Lhe CovernmenL. 1hough provlslon of clvlc lnfrasLrucLure by Lhe
developer ln clLles llke Mumbal ls manageable however, ln Lhe suburbs, provlslon of
lnfrasLrucLure solely by Lhe developer ls an arduous Lask leadlng Lo delays and oLher dlfflculLles
ln lLs execuLlon. Pere Lhe CovernmenL musL lay down Lhe lnfrasLrucLure on prlorlLy.

Stream||n|ng of procedures:

Zonal uevelopmenL lan should be AlrporL AuLhorlLy Cleared

8ulldlng lan could be passed and sancLloned by cerLlfled archlLecLs, monlLorlng of Lhe pro[ecL
by munlclpallLy.

non-agrlculLure permlsslon noL requlred for land wlLhln Munlclpal LlmlLs.

Lnv|ronment C|earance:

MCLl should clear Lhe Zonal uevelopmenL lan, no approvals for lndlvldual pro[ecLs or,

Local uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy be enLrusLed Lhe Lask of envlronmenL clearance or,

ro[ecLs above 30,000 sq mLs bullL up area be ellglble for envlronmenL clearance.

1he sLaLe musL seL up a separaLe commlLLee for accordlng envlronmenL clearance Lo Lhe
consLrucLlon secLor due Lo Lhe large number of pro[ecLs happenlng ln Lhe sLaLe. resenLly Lhere
ls only one sLaLe envlronmenL appralsal commlLLee whlch Lakes care of all resldenLlal,
commerclal and lndusLrlal pro[ecLs ln Lhe sLaLe. Pavlng a speclallzed envlronmenL appralsal
commlLLee for consLrucLlon secLor wlll brlng ln hlgher efflclency and speed up Lhe approval

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12 | a g e

1. Land urchase
Land ls purchased for developmenL as per Lhe uevelopmenL lan and Lhe 1own lannlng
Schemes (1S) lald down by Lhe Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) /
Ahmedabad Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC). 1he developers are permlLLed Lo develop on 60 of
Lhe land avallable Lo Lhem as Lhey have Lo glve away 40 of Lhe land Lo Lhe developmenL
auLhorlLy for developlng urban lnfrasLrucLure. 1he developers have Lo pay beLLermenL and
developmenL charges for Lhe 40 surrendered land. 1he auLhorlLy uLlllzes 20 of Lhe
surrendered land for road developmenL and oLher common amenlLles, 8-10 for LWS houslng
and Lhe resL 10 ls commerclally sold ln Lhe markeL.

2. Land Convers|on ] Non Agr|cu|ture erm|ss|on
1he developer has Lo obLaln non AgrlculLure permlsslon for changlng Lhe use of land purchased
for developmenL
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Cu[araL 1own lannlng and urban
uevelopmenL AcL (C1uuA), 1976

! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 60 uays
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 300/- per sqm

3. Cwnersh|p Cert|f|cate (atta Copy] atta Sheet)- Irom 1ehs||dar
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Cu[araL 1own lannlng and urban
uevelopmenL AcL (C1uuA), 1976
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 60 uays
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13 | a g e

! CosLs lnvolved: Approx. 8s. 30/- per LransacLlon
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, aL leasL 2 vlslLs
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced. rocedures have been
sLreamllned ln lasL 4-3 years

4. Non Lncumbrance
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 13 days
! CosLs lnvolved: no offlclal cosL
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

S. Demarcat|on ] 2on|ng |an approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 7 uays
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 300 per cerLlflcaLe
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

6. Deve|opment L|cence
A developer has Lo make an appllcaLlon Lo Lhe Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy
(AuuA) / Ahmedabad Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC) ln Lhe prescrlbed appllcaLlon form along
wlLh Lhe recelpL of Lhe paymenL of Lhe scruLlny fee, developmenL charges, beLLermenL charges
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14 | a g e

and any oLher charges levlable under Lhe Cu[araL 1own lannlng and urban uevelopmenL AcL
(C1uuA), 1976 and Lhe Ceneral uevelopmenL ConLrol 8egulaLlons (CuC8) of AuuA.
SlLe plan and Lhe cerLlflcaLe from Lhe llcensed sLrucLural englneer for Lhe proposed bulldlng are
Lo be submlLLed Lo AuuA/ AMC. 1he ueveloper recelves slLe lnspecLlon from Lhe Ahmedabad
urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! 1lme 1aken: 1 monLh
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 11000 per llcence
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

7. Io||ow|ng approva|s are app||ed s|mu|taneous|y at th|s stage:
a) 1ree cutt|ng approva| - C|earance of Iorest Department (|f the pro[ect |s on forest |and)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: loresL uepL.
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1 monLh
! CosLs lnvolved: Approx 8s. 1000 per Lree
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

b) 1emporary M|n|ng Approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 20 uays
! CosLs lnvolved: Approx 8s. 100
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1S | a g e

! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

c) Anc|ent Monument approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla (ASl)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla (ASl)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: Cver 1 year
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?LS
! ulfflculLles faced: very slow process of approval. AlmosL all old bulldlngs ln clLy fall under
Lhe ASl AcL whlch makes developmenL of land dlfflculL ln varlous parLs of Lhe clLy.

d) Lnv|ronment C|earance & Consent to Lstab||sh
lf bullL up area ls more Lhan 20000 square meLres Lhen LnvlronmenL Clearance ls requlred.
1he olluLlon ConLrol 8oard ln Lhe sLaLe recommends Lo Lhe MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL &
loresLs aL Lhe CenLre for LlA clearance. 1he pro[ecL has Lo have a provlslon for 13 green
area ln Lhe plan.
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL & olluLlon ConLrol 8oard
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned by Lhe CovL. buL lL ls obLalned before
submlsslon of bulldlng plan for approval
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1 year
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 30 per sqm
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

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16 | a g e

e) AAI ne|ght NCC
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: AlrporLs AuLhorlLy of lndla (AAl), new uelhl
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 10 per sqmL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

8. Subm|ss|on of App||cat|on for 8u||d|ng |an Approva| a|ong w|th other NCCs
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Cu[araL 1own lannlng and urban
uevelopmenL AcL (C1uuA), 1976
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 3000 per sqm
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred:
All lans, nCCs, nA permlsslon, orlglnal documenLs, LnvlronmenL Clearance, AAl
nCC, Servlce lans for lnLernal lnfrasLrucLure

Io||ow|ng NCCs are a|so subm|tted to the Author|ty a|ong w|th the 8u||d|ng |an for approva|
1) Common fac|||t|es Approva| |nc|ud|ng I|re Safety and L|ft
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: AuuA/AMC
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! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 200 per sqm
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

2) 8ore We|| keg|strat|on Cert|f|cate
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CenLral Cround WaLer AuLhorlLy
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned by Lhe CovL. buL lL ls obLalned before
submlsslon of bulldlng plan for approval
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1 monLh
! CosLs lnvolved: nomlnal charges

3) L|ectr|c substat|on NCC (for a|| substat|on] transformers |n the bu||d|ng)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: LlecLrlclLy ulsLrlbuLlon AuLhorlLy
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 13 per sqm

4) DG Sets |nsta||at|on approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: olluLlon ConLrol 8oard
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: nomlnal fees

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S) noard|ng approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Land ownlng Agency
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 3000 per monLh

6) NCC for ka|n narvest|ng
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MunlclpallLy
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1 monLh

7) L|ft esca|ator operat|on ||cense
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: AuuA
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MCn1PS
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?LS
! ulfflculLles faced: lL Lakes 2 monLhs for lnspecLlon and Lhere ls only one offlcer for
lnspecLlon ln Cu[araL

8) L|ectr|c|ty Scheme Approva|
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MCn1PS

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9. Deve|opment erm|ss|on ] Commencement Cert|f|cate
1he developer has Lo obLaln a "no-ob[ecLlon cerLlflcaLe" nCC from Lhe Chlef llre Cfflcer
(Munlclpal) for bulldlngs of 16.3 meLers and above and Lhen apply for commencemenL
cerLlflcaLe. uevelopmenL ermlsslon / commencemenL cerLlflcaLe ls lssued for a perlod of 1 year
wlLhln whlch Lhe developmenL has Lo commence oLherwlse Lhe developmenL permlsslon
granLed shall be deemed Lo lapse.
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! 1lme 1aken: 2-3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 200 per sqm
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

10. keg|strat|on of r|nc|pa| emp|oyer under Contract Labor Act
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Labour ueparLmenL
! 1lme 1aken: 2 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 1 of consLrucLlon cosL

11. 8u||d|ng Comp|et|on & Cccupancy Cert|f|cate - (8u||d|ng Use erm|ss|on) 8U Cert|f|cate
AfLer lnspecLlon ls done by Lhe uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles, an appllcaLlon has Lo be made Lo Lhe
auLhorlLy for obLalnlng Lhe compleLlon and occupancy cerLlflcaLe l.e 8ulldlng use ermlsslon/8u

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) / Ahmedabad
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
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! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3-4 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 300 per sqm
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

12. App||cat|on for permanent Sewer Connect|on
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 3000 per unlL

13. App||cat|on for permanent Water Connect|on
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Ahmedabad Munlclpal CorporaLlon (AMC)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 7000 per unlL

14. App||cat|on for permanent ower Connect|on
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ALC
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved:

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Comments and Suggest|ons:

As per Lhe Cu[araL 1own lannlng and urban uevelopmenL AcL (C1uuA), 1976, urban plannlng ls a Lwo
sLage process. 1he flrsL sLage ls Lo prepare a uevelopmenL lan" (u) for Lhe enLlre clLy or
developmenL area. 1he second sLage ls Lo prepare 1own lannlng Schemes" (1Ss) for Lhe area for
whlch Lhe uevelopmenL lan ls prepared.

1here are 12 urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles, 2 Area uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles and 116 MunlclpallLles
for planned urban developmenL ln Lhe sLaLe. ulsLrlcL urban uevelopmenL Agencles (uuuA) have also
been seL up aL dlsLrlcL level ln Lhe sLaLe.

1he urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy e.g. Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) prepares Lhe
uevelopmenL lan" (u) for Lhe clLy. 1he u deflnes Lhe land use zonlng, developmenL conLrol
regulaLlons, road neLwork and LransporLaLlon, waLer supply sewerage, dralnage, open spaces,
envlronmenL and polluLlon conLrol eLc.

1he uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy flrsL prepares Lhe prellmlnary u, whlch ls Lhen puL up for publlc
consulLaLlon. SuggesLlons recelved are sulLably lncorporaLed and Lhe drafL u ls senL Lo Lhe SLaLe CovL.
for approval. Cnce Lhe sLaLe approves Lhe u wlLh modlflcaLlons, lf any, flnal u ls made. 1hls ls
followed by preparaLlon of 1own lannlng Schemes" (1Ss).

1he developer has Lo surrender 40 of Lhe orlglnal ploL area Lo Lhe uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy for
provldlng road neLwork and for provldlng soclal lnfrasLrucLure such as schools, hosplLals, dlspensarles,
cllnlcs, open spaces, houslng for Lhe poor, eLc along wlLh Lhe roads. 1he developer geLs only 60 of Lhe
orlglnal ploL as llnal loL for developmenL. Also Lhe AuLhorlLy collecLs lnfrasLrucLure and beLLermenL
charges from Lhe developer. WlLh decreased land slze avallable Lo Lhe developer, he ls able Lo consLrucL
only hlgh end properLles for Lhe end user.

kea| Lstate Approva|s scenar|o:

Iactors for the de|ays |n the kea| Lstate Approva| rocedures

Deve|opment |an and 1own |ann|ng Schemes

1he uevelopmenL lan (u) ls prepared and submlLLed by Lhe uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy Lo Lhe SLaLe
CovernmenL for approval. 1he flnallzaLlon of developmenL plan for non-munlclpal areas and
subsequenLly Lhe 1own lannlng Schemes (1Ss) Lakes around 8-10 years due Lo delayed
approval of Lhe same by Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL. 1he delay ln approval of Lhe u & 1S by Lhe
SLaLe CovernmenL ls a ma[or cause for slow real esLaLe developmenL ln Lhe sLaLe.
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! 1he SLaLe CovernmenL should be more proacLlve ln approvlng Lhe uevelopmenL lan (u) &
1own lannlng Scheme (1S). 1he average Llme for Lhe flnallzaLlon of Lhe uevelopmenL lan
(u) & Lhe 1own lannlng Scheme (1S) should be broughL down Lo abouL 2-3 years.

! lL ls also suggesLed LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy preparlng and lmplemenLlng Lhe uevelopmenL lan
and 1own lannlng Scheme ln Lhe sLaLe should have adequaLe Lralned sLaff Lo carry ouL Lhe
responslblllLles ln an efflclenL manner.

Lnv|ronment C|earance

LnvlronmenL clearance ls mandaLory for pro[ecLs of/above slze 20,000 square meLres.
LnvlronmenL clearance ls a pre-requlslLe for 8ulldlng lan approval. CeLLlng Lhe envlronmenL
clearance ls a lengLhy process whlch ofLen Lakes 8 monLhs Lo 1 year presenLly. 1hls delays Lhe
approval of bulldlng plan and Lherefore furLher approvals and nCCs.

! 1he envlronmenL clearance should be obLalned by Lhe local auLhorlLy (e.g. AuuA) for Lhe
enLlre u (uevelopmenL lan) and Lhe 1own lannlng Scheme (1S) should be sLrlcLly based
on Lhls plan. uevelopers need noL obLaln separaLe envlronmenL clearances for lndlvldual
pro[ecLs lf Lhe pro[ecL ls planned accordlng Lo Lhe u & 1S. 1hls wlll hugely save Llme and
cosLs of pro[ecLs.

Cnly, ln Lhe case of lnLegraLed Lownshlps, Lhe envlronmenL clearance be requlred Lo be
obLalned by Lhe developer.

! AlLernaLlvely, lncrease Lhe slze of pro[ecLs from Lhe exlsLlng 20,000 square meLres Lo 30,000
square meLres or

! Lmpower Ahmedabad urban uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (AuuA) Lo lssue envlronmenL
clearances upLo a deflned pro[ecL slze.

NCC from A|rports Author|ty of Ind|a (AAI)

1he nCC from AlrporLs AuLhorlLy of lndla Lakes abouL 6 monLhs and could be relaxed selecLlvely.

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! lL ls suggesLed LhaL Lhe need Lo geL nCC from AAl should be llnked Lo Lhe uevelopmenL lan
(u). ln oLher words u should clearly earmark areas whlch would requlre AAl clearance for
pro[ecLs, area ouLslde Lhls need noL requlre AAl nCC and be free Lo develop as per Lhe u
and 1 scheme.

! An offlcer of AAl could be depuLed ln Lhe uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy for lssulng nCCs

NCC from Archaeo|og|ca| Survey of Ind|a (ASI) for Anc|ent Monuments

1he nCC from ASl ls a slow process. lL has been observed LhaL all Lhe bulldlngs under Lhe purvlew
of ASl are LreaLed wlLh equal lmporLance and Lhe condlLlons lald down for developmenL of real
esLaLe pro[ecLs near Lhem are also same for all monumenLs. 1he approval from ASl nearly Lakes
abouL a year whlch ls a very long Llme and llLerally slows down Lhe whole developmenL process.


! lL ls suggesLed LhaL a re-survey of Lhe anclenL monumenLs ln Lhe sLaLe should be carrled ouL
Lo dlfferenLlaLe Lhe degree of lmporLance of Lhese monumenLs. 8ased on Lhls, Lhe
condlLlons for developmenL of real esLaLe around Lhese monumenLs could be selecLlvely

Cther comments and suggest|ons:
lollowlng suggesLlons are made for Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe relevanL auLhorlLles:

1) 1he percenLage of land surrendered Lo Lhe auLhorlLy, currenLly 40, from Lhe orlglnal ploL
area for developmenL of roads and oLher soclal lnfrasLrucLure musL be broughL down Lo

2) 1he developmenL and beLLermenL charges pald by Lhe developers for soclal lnfrasLrucLure
are very hlgh. lL ls suggesLed LhaL only Lhe cosL of developmenL of publlc lnfrasLrucLure musL
be charged from Lhe developers.

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3) lL ls observed LhaL Lhe auLhorlLles hold on Lo Lhe surrendered land for long perlod of Llme
leadlng Lo speculaLlon and rlse ln land prlces. 10 of Lhls land ls sold for commerclal
purposes aL hlgher prlces. lL ls suggesLed LhaL Lhls should be dlsconLlnued as lL ls ofLen used
for speculaLlve purposes and proflL maklng by Lhe auLhorlLles.

4) ueemed clearances musL be glven wherever Lhere ls an lnordlnaLe delay ln glvlng approvals

3) 1he requlremenL of nA permlsslon for real esLaLe pro[ecLs could be done away wlLh lf Lhe
pro[ecL ls planned as per Lhe u slnce lL ls already zoned for Lhe concerned acLlvlLy.

6) Ahmedabad ls one Lhe fasLesL growlng clLles ln lndla and Lhe land cosL ls already very hlgh.
1he maxlmum permlsslble lSl ln Ahmedabad ls 1.8. 1hls needs Lo be enhanced so LhaL Lhere
ls more verLlcal developmenL LhaL could house more populaLlon ln Lhls growlng clLy.

7) AparL from Lhe beLLermenL charges collecLed by Lhe agencles ln Ahmedabad for real esLaLe
pro[ecLs, developers have Lo bear Lhe burden of un-offlclal cosLs ln Lhe range of 10-20 of
Lhe cosL of consLrucLlon of Lhe pro[ecL for obLalnlng varlous approvals from auLhorlLles.


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1. Land Use (2one Convers|on)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles AcL,
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 60 uays
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: usually 6 monLhs (buL depends on Lhe slze of Lhe pro[ecL)
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Land aLLa (8ecord of 8lghLs), ClLy uevelopmenL lan (Cu)
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no guldellnes avallable, Zone Change ls noL allowed
afLer Cu ls flnallzed

2. Land Convers|on
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa Land 8eforms AcL 1960
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 60 uays
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 - 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 3-3 Lakhs per acre
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no. 8rokers do lL on behalf of Lhe bullder
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Land aLLa (8ecord of 8lghLs)
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

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3. 8u||d|ng |an subm|tted to 8hubaneswar Deve|opment Author|ty (8DA) for approva|
1h|s step requ|res the fo||ow|ng |tems to be |n p|ace:
a) Cwnersh|p Cert|f|cate from 1ehs||dar
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa Land 8eforms AcL 1960
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 90 uays (3 monLhs)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6-12 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: offlclally no cosL lnvolved
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Land aLLa (8ecord of 8lghLs)
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

b) Non Lncumbrance
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa Land 8eforms AcL 1960
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3-7 days
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 2000 - 8s 3000 (dependlng upon Lhe number of LransacLlons
(khaLa no.)
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

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c) Demarcat|on |an
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa Land 8eforms AcL 1960
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 12 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: Mlnlmum 8s 10,000 (dependlng upon Lhe slze of Lhe area)
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: 8evenue map of Lhe currenL seLLlemenL
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: 1oo much dlfflculLles faced

d) Deve|opment ||cense
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa uevelopmenL
AuLhorlLles AcL, 1982
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 30-60 days
! CosLs lnvolved: Mlnlmum 8s 10,000 up Lo 8s 1 lakh
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Land aLLa (8ecord of 8lghLs) & Lxperlence cerLlflcaLe,
company proflle
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

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4. I||e |s subm|tted to 8u||d|ng |an Approva| comm|ttee (Deve|opment |an and 8u||d|ng
erm|ss|on (D and 8) Comm|ttee)
1h|s step requ|res the fo||ow|ng set of approva|s to be |n p|ace:
a) 8u||d|ng Layout Approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Sub-secLlon (3) of SecLlon 16 of
Lhe Crlssa uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles AcL, 1982
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 60 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6-12 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s 13-18 per sqfL (lncluslve of 8s. 10 8ank CuaranLee)
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: urawlngs, 8evenue Map
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: ueadllnes are noL meL causlng exLenslve delays

b) Infrastructure Layout & Cther Common fac|||t|es Approva|s
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MunlclpallLy (8hubaneswar Munlclpal CorporaLlon)
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs Lo 24 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 1 of LoLal pro[ecL cosL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: urawlng plans of sewerage, dralnage, waLer supply eLc.
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! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: LxLenslve delays as Lhe flles are handled by
offlclals aL Lhe munlclpallLy level.

c) I|re f|ght|ng scheme approva| (I|re NCC before the start of bu||d|ng construct|on)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: llre ueparLmenL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 uays
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs Lo 36 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 20,000/- (offlclal) buL unofflclal cosLs range from 8s. 2-3 Lakhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: ParassmenL by LlecLrlclLy ueparLmenL offlclals
e.g. CenLral LlecLrlclLy Supply uLlllLy of Crlssa (CLSu) and lLs deparLmenLs, leadlng Lo
exLenslve delays.
lor all bulldlngs wlLh a helghL of 13.0 meLers and above, nCC from llre Servlce has Lo be

d) ub||c nea|th Approva|
ubllc PealLh Lnglneerlng ueparLmenL approval ls also soughL

e) Structura| des|gn safety approva|
SLrucLural safeLy deslgns prepared by sLrucLural englneers / consulLanLs are Lo be veLLed by
CovernmenL deparLmenLs and CovernmenL colleges llke lndlan lnsLlLuLe of
1echnology/naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology / 8epuLed CovernmenL Lnglneerlng College

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S. Cond|t|ona| Approva|
1he bulldlng plan ls approved by Lhe uevelopmenL lan and 8ulldlng ermlsslon (u and 8)
CommlLLee based on Lhe above approvals and speclflcaLlons seL by Lhe 8uA. 8uA Lhen lssues a
condlLlonal approval Lo Lhe bullder Lo consLrucL Lhe bulldlng wlLh Lhe dlrecLlon Lo geL Lhe
followlng addlLlonal approvals.
Io||ow|ng approva|s are app||ed s|mu|taneous|y at th|s stage:
a) koad Access:
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ueparLmenL of 8oad & 8ulldlng / nPAl
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Wu AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 24 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no
! ulfflculLles faced - Some delay ls caused aL some places due Lo lack of coordlnaLlon,
procedures and lgnorance of laws by Lhe concerned deparLmenL. lL ls suggesLed LhaL
Lhls approval should be auLomaLlcally glven as lL ls Lhe rlghL of Lhe ploL owner Lo geL a
road/ servlce lane access.

b) Anc|ent Monument approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla (ASl)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla
(ASl) AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3monLhs Lo 24 monLhs
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! CosLs lnvolved: 0.3 of Lhe pro[ecL cosL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no

c) Lnv|ronment C|earance
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 30 days Lo 12 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

d) 8ore We|| keg|strat|on Cert|f|cate
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CenLral Cround WaLer AuLhorlLy
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs Lo 12 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no

e) L|ectr|c substat|on NCC (for a|| substat|on] transformers |n the bu||d|ng
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: LlecLrlclLy ulsLrlbuLlon AuLhorlLy llke CLSu
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs Lo 24 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 2 per sqfL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: 8uA approved drawlng plans, LlecLrlcal drawlngs and 8ecord
of 8lghLs
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

33 | a g e

f) CLIG C|earance - Cert|f|cate of c|earance of a|| e|ectr|ca| |nsta||at|ons |n the bu||d|ng
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: LlecLrlclLy ulsLrlbuLlon AuLhorlLy llke CLSu
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs Lo 12 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 3000 as deposlL and 8e 1 per sqfL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no

g) AAI ne|ght NCC
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: AlrporLs AuLhorlLy of lndla (AAl), new uelhl
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 - 12 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no
lf Lhe bulldlng has 24 floors and above, Lhen lL ls mandaLory for Lhe bullder Lo geL Lhe AAl
PelghL nCC

h) Approva| from 8hubaneswar Mun|c|pa| Corporat|on for on-s|te phys|ca| |nfrastructure
1hls lncludes approval from 8hubaneswar Munlclpal CorporaLlon (8MC) regardlng Lhe
developmenL of on-slLe physlcal clvlc lnfrasLrucLure llke waLer supply, sewerage and dralnage
by Lhe developer. lL ls only afLer Lhe above lnfrasLrucLure ls creaLed LhaL 8hubaneswar
Munlclpal CorporaLlon (8MC) lssues Lhe nCC.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

34 | a g e

6. Commencement and Lxcavat|on cert|f|cate
AfLer Lhe above approvals are obLalned by Lhe developer, an appllcaLlon ls made Lo Lhe
8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA) for granL of CommencemenL and LxcavaLlon
cerLlflcaLe. 1hls ls followed by a [olnL lnspecLlon by 8uA and 8MC afLer whlch 8uA lssues Lhe
CommencemenL and LxcavaLlon cerLlflcaLe glvlng permlsslon Lo Lhe bullder Lo sLarL consLrucLlon
ln sLages.
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA)
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no Llme llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: wlLhln 6 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: All drawlng plans approved by 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL
AuLhorlLy (8uA) & Lhe 8hubaneswar Munlclpal CorporaLlon (8MC)
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: ulfflculLy ln geLLlng Llmely approvals

Stages of erm|ss|on

ermlsslon for consLrucLlon of mulLl-sLorled bulldlngs & Croup Pouslng Schemes are glven by
Lhe AuLhorlLy and ln Lhe followlng sLages:-

A. ln Lhe flrsL sLage, permlsslon ls accorded condlLlonally Lo develop Lhe lnfrasLrucLure as per
speclflcaLlon of Local AuLhorlLy and ubllc PealLh Lnglneerlng ueparLmenL.

8. AfLer [olnL lnspecLlon, up Lo 73 of Lhe proposed bulldlng helghL ls allowed Lo be

C. AfLer compleLlon of consLrucLlon up Lo 73 of Lhe proposed bulldlng as per Lhe approved
plan and planLaLlon of 20 of Lhe ploL area Lhe remalnlng 23 consLrucLlon ls allowed.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

3S | a g e

7. keg|strat|on of r|nc|pa| emp|oyer under Contract Labor Act
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Labour ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa Labour AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no
under Lhe 8ulldlng and CLher consLrucLlon Workers' Welfare Cess 8ules, 1998 (CenLral 8ules) of
Lhe Crlssa Labour AcL, a labour cess ln Lhe range of abouL 1 of pro[ecL cosL ls submlLLed by Lhe

8. 8u||d|ng Comp|et|on Cert|f|cate
AfLer Lhe bulldlng consLrucLlon work ls compleLed, all above nCCs obLalned from auLhorlLles and
local bodles and all legal formallLles fulfllled, a noLlce ln Lhe prescrlbed form ls submlLLed Lo Lhe
8uA for lssue of compleLlon cerLlflcaLe.

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Crlssa uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles AcL,
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 60 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6-12 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: llxed fee of 8s. 3000
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: no
! uocumenLs 8equlred: 8ecord of 8lghLs (8C8) relaLlng Lo ownershlp, 3-coples of plan of Lhe
compleLed bulldlng, evldence Lo Lhe effecL of all publlc uLlllLy servlces, and ln parLlcular,
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

36 | a g e

sewerage, dralnage, waLer supply, and elecLrlclLy have been llnked Lo Lhe maln publlc
uLlllLy sysLem and no ob[ecLlon cerLlflcaLe from llre revenLlon Cfflcer.

9. keg|strat|on of condom|n|um assoc|at|on (wherever app||cab|e)
1he bullder has Lo reglsLer an AssoclaLlon of aparLmenL owners as requlred under Lhe Crlssa
AparLmenL Cwnershlp AcL, 1982, before occupancy cerLlflcaLe for 30 or more of Lhe floor area
ls glven.

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: SocleLles AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 30 days
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs Lo 6 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

10. Cccupancy Cert|f|cate
! AfLer granLlng compleLlon cerLlflcaLe, a provlslonal occupancy cerLlflcaLe ls lssued by Lhe
8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA) Lo enable Lhe bullder/land owner Lo obLaln
servlce connecLlons. 1he auLhorlLles enLrusLed wlLh Lhe [ob of provldlng servlces llke
elecLrlclLy, waLer supply and sewerage do noL provlde Lhese servlces wlLhouL provlslonal
occupancy cerLlflcaLe by Lhe 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA).
! 1he 8ullder also submlLs a copy of Lhe agreemenL LhaL he has enLered lnLo wlLh Lhe
aparLmenL owners' socleLy Lo Lhe 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA). 1hls
agreemenL conLalns Lhe Lerms of malnLenance of publlc uLlllLles.

! Cn saLlsfacLory compllance of above condlLlons & provlslon of Lhe servlces, Lhe flnal
occupancy cerLlflcaLe ls lssued by Lhe 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA).

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

37 | a g e

Comments and Suggest|ons:

lL has been observed LhaL Lhe sLaLe of Crlssa doesn'L have any speclflc ollcy or AcL for developmenL
of real esLaLe buL only bulldlng guldellnes ln lLs clLles.

lrom 2001 Lo 2008, Lhe bulldlng laws ln 8hubaneswar were noL favourable for Lhe real esLaLe
secLor. ln 2008, Lhe 8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA) lald down Lhe 8hubaneswar
uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (lannlng and 8ulldlng SLandards) 8egulaLlons - 2008 as requlred by sub-
secLlon (2) of SecLlon 123 of Lhe Crlssa uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles AcL, 1982 Lo regulaLe Lhe
consLrucLlon secLor ln Lhe clLy.

WlLh Lhe announcemenL of Lhe new bulldlng regulaLlons ln 2008, real esLaLe buslness ln Lhe clLy
grew. Cne ma[or hlghllghL of Lhe new bulldlng regulaLlons was hlgher lSl of 2.73 for resldenLlal
/commerclal and l1/l1LS pro[ecLs ln Lhe clLy.

kea| Lstate Approva|s scenar|o:

8ullders ln Lhe clLy of 8hubaneswar & url have Lo Lake on average 23-23 approvals for real esLaLe
pro[ecLs and Lhe Llme span for geLLlng all relevanL approvals for pro[ecLs Llll obLalnlng of occupancy
cerLlflcaLe ranges from 2.3-4.3 years.

Iactors for the de|ays |n the Approva| rocedures

1he ma[or delays ln Lhe real esLaLe approval procedures ln Crlssa parLlcularly 8hubaneswar and url
are Lhe followlng:

Lnv|ronment C|earance espec|a||y the LIA norms

LnvlronmenL clearance ls mandaLory for pro[ecLs of slze 2,00,000 sqfL and above. 8efore
commencemenL of consLrucLlon, bullders have Lo geL Lhe envlronmenL clearance whlch ls a
lengLhy process and ofLen leads Lo harassmenL by varlous deparLmenLs. WlLh Llmellnes noL belng
followed by Lhe deparLmenLs, lL has become a ma[or facLor delaylng Lhe progress of pro[ecLs
leadlng Lo cosL overruns.

1he envlronmenL commlLLee aL Lhe sLaLe level comprlses a Leam of local people, mosLly
academlclans, who have very llmlLed knowledge abouL pracLlcal lssues of Lhe bulldlng
consLrucLlon lndusLry. Pence, Lhe process of approvals ls very slow.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

38 | a g e

1here ls no clear guldance from Lhe envlronmenL deparLmenL Lo Lhe real esLaLe developers
whlch Lhey can comply wlLh ln order Lo geL Lhe clearances on Llme.

! 1he envlronmenL clearance should be obLalned by local auLhorlLles for Lhe enLlre Cu (ClLy
uevelopmenL lan) and MasLer plan. lndlvldual developers developlng small and medlum
resldenLlal pro[ecLs should noL be requlred Lo obLaln separaLe clearances for each of Lhelr
pro[ecLs, lf Lhe pro[ecL ls planned keeplng Lhe Cu ln mlnd. 1hls wlll help Lhe real esLaLe
players ln Lhelr plannlng and wlll help Lhem save Llme and cosL before lnvesLlng ln a land.

! ln Lhe case of lnLegraLed Lownshlps, Lhe approval could be made mandaLory.

! AlLernaLlvely, lncrease Lhe slze of pro[ecLs from Lhe exlsLlng 20,000 square meLres Lo 30,000
square meLres or

L|ectr|c|ty Department approva|s

lL has been observed LhaL geLLlng clearances from Lhe LlecLrlclLy ueparLmenL for elecLrlclLy
connecLlon and elecLrlcal flLLlngs ln Lhe bulldlng are very dlfflculL. 1here are un-necessary delays
caused due Lo slow approach of deparLmenLs llke CenLral LlecLrlclLy Supply uLlllLy of Crlssa
(CLSu) eLc.
! SLrlcL deadllnes should be seL for varlous clearances by Lhe relevanL deparLmenLs. ln case Lhe
flle ls noL cleared ln a sLlpulaLed Llme deemed approval be consldered.

Mun|c|pa||ty approva|s re|at|ng to C|v|c Infrastructure

8hubaneswar uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (8uA) lssues commencemenL cerLlflcaLe only afLer geLLlng
Lhe nCC from Lhe 8hubaneswar Munlclpal CorporaLlon (8MC) whlch ls sub[ecL Lo developmenL
of Lhe clvlc servlces lnfrasLrucLure vlz. sewerage, dralnage and waLer supply. uevelopers face loL
of dlfflculLles whlle developlng clvlc lnfrasLrucLure as demanded by Lhe 8MC leadlng Lo exLenslve
delays. 1he lssue arlses when Lhey have Lo bulld Lhe lnfrasLrucLure ln Lhe publlc area whlch
exposes Lhem Lo Lhe hazards of developlng clvlc lnfrasLrucLure llke ob[ecLlons from publlc, clvlc
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4$2,,'

39 | a g e

agencles, lack of cooperaLlon from pollce eLc. ln Lhe absence of sLaLuLory power, lL ls hlghly
dlfflculL for Lhe prlvaLe developer Lo underLake Lhls Lask.

! MunlclpallLy should Lake up Lhe [ob of provldlng publlc uLlllLy servlces llke dralnage,
sewerage and waLer supply. uevelopers could be levled a fee for developmenL of
lnfrasLrucLure. 8MC would be ln a beLLer poslLlon Lo carry ouL Lhls work more efflclenLly as
Lhey have Lhe experLlse, auLhorlLy and flnance avallable for Lhls work.

! Cnce Lhe fee for lnfrasLrucLure developmenL ls pald by Lhe developer Lo 8MC, Lhe nCC for
Lhe pro[ecL should be glven Lo enable Lhe developer Lo sLarL consLrucLlon.

Cther comments and suggest|ons:

! Slngle wlndow clearance sysLem should be explored for some of Lhe approvals wlLh Llme
llmlLs. ueemed clearances should be glven ln all approvals so LhaL Llmellne ls malnLalned by
auLhorlLles. 1hls wlll also conLaln Lhe unofflclal cosLs lncurred by Lhe bullders aL varlous
sLages of approval process. 1he unofflclal cosL varles ln Lhe range of abouL 3-10 of pro[ecL

! CompuLerlzaLlon for accepLlng appllcaLlon forms onllne, up gradaLlon of skllls of sLaff ln
munlclpallLles would brlng ln efflclency ln Lhe approval sysLems. 8uA has already launched
Lhe auLomaLed bulldlng plan approval process buL lLs lmplemenLaLlon and efflclency needs Lo
be monlLored so LhaL lL beneflLs Lhe secLor.

!""#$%&' )#$*+,, -$# .+&'
/,0&0+ )#$1+*0, 23 4&52'
6&78 9:;+33&2<
>8??+,02$3, 0$ >0#+&5'23+
0;+ >@,0+5

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"# $ a g e

#% &'() *+, -./(, 0/(1,2+3/(4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Chennal MeLropollLan uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (CMuA)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: 1amll nadu 1own and CounLry
lannlng AcL, 1971

5% &'() 0/(1,2+3/(
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Chennal MeLropollLan uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (CMuA)
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: 1amll nadu 1own and CounLry
lannlng AcL, 1971
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 9 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: ScruLlny lees
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, Lo AsslsLanL lanner & uepuLy lanner
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: CMuA LayouL AppllcaLlon, aLLa, ChlLLa, Adangal, urawlngs, Sale
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

6% 78(,2+93: 0,2;3<3=';,
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Chennal MeLropollLan uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (CMuA)/ 1aluk Cfflce
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: 1amll nadu 1own and CounLry
lannlng AcL, 1971
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"5 $ a g e

! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 12 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: varles wlLh Lhe offlce
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es Lo 1ehslldar
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Sale ueed, Cld aLLa, ChlLLa
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced

"% >/( ?(=@AB2'(=,
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8eglsLraLlon ueparLmenL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed for clearance by Lhe CovL. : 1 Week
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1 Week
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 121 (for 20 ?ears)
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Sale ueed

C% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A 09,(('3 G,;2/:/H3;'( I';,2 J@::HK L J,8,2'M, N/'2)
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 30 days.
! An appllcaLlon ls made Lo Lhe Senlor Lnglneer (SL) of CMWSS8 wlLh Sewage LreaLmenL planL
(S1) ueslgn and urawlngs. Cn recelpL of appllcaLlon, englneer from CMWSS8 vlslL Lhe slLe
and Lake Lhe waLer survey reporL from Lhe bulldlng company. 1he bulldlng company ls
requlred Lo glve deLalled Sewerage 1reaLmenL lanL (S1) reporL, raln waLer harvesLlng and
oLher parameLers.
! CosL of AppllcaLlon: rocesslng fee of 8s. 20,000/- per Sewage LreaLmenL planL (S1)
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"6 $ a g e

O% P2,, =@;;3(M '::2/1'H -0H,'2'(=, /< Q/2,+; R,:'2;A,(;S 3< ;9, :2/E,=; 3+ /( </2,+; H'()4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: loresL uepL.
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 weeks
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es Lo Lhe loresL 8anger
! uocumenLs 8equlred: vAC LeLLer, no. of 1rees menLloned ln coverlng leLLer

T% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A G3(3+;2K /< ?(132/(A,(; L Q/2,+;+ -G/?Q4 L P'A3H >')@
U/HH@;3/( 0/(;2/H N/'2) -P>U0N4%
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 4-8 monLhs
! CosL Lo compleLe: ApproxlmaLe 8s.1 lakh., as scruLlny fee
! An AppllcaLlon ls submlLLed Lo Lhe SLaLe Level CommlLLee for LnvlronmenL Clearance. Cn
recelpL of appllcaLlon, Lhe bulldlng company ls requlred Lo send a presenLaLlon Lo MCLl,
wlLh deLalls of waLer, power, sewerage and landscaplng faclllLles Lo be provlded ln Lhe
pro[ecL. Cn saLlsfacLory compleLlon of presenLaLlon, SLaLe Level CommlLLee wlll glve lLs
consenL and recommend Lo 1amll nadu olluLlon ConLrol 8oard (1nC8) for lLs consenL.
ubllc noLlce Lo be glven by Lhe pro[ecL proponenL ln ually newspapers (Lngllsh & 1amll).
1he 8ullder obLalns Lhe LnvlronmenLal Clearance from MoLl ueparLmenL.

! 1he bullder also submlLs an AppllcaLlon Lo Lhe 1amll nadu olluLlon ConLrol 8oard (1nC8)
for ConsenL Lo LsLabllsh. A SlLe lnspecLlon ls carrled ouL by 1nC8 offlclal. AfLer LhaL Lhe
8oard lssues Lhe clearance and ConsenL Lo LsLabllsh.

V% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A P2'<<3= R,:'2;A,(;%
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 30 days.
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"" $ a g e

! nCC from 1rafflc ueparLmenL ls requlred only lf Lhe bulldlng sLrucLure ls MulLlsLorled
8ulldlng (MS8). Cn recelpL of appllcaLlon by Lhe concerned SuperlnLend of ollce (1rafflc),
slLe lnspecLlon wlll be underLaken by Lhem and nCC wlll be lssued.

W% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A P'A3H >')@ Q32, L X,+=@, J,213=,+ R,:'2;A,(; -RQXJ4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: llre uepL.

! 1lme 1aken for Clearance: 2 - 3 MonLhs

! ersonal vlslL: ?es

! nCC from llre & 8escue Servlces ueparLmenL ls requlred only lf Lhe bulldlng ls MulLlsLorled
(MS8). Cn recelpL of appllcaLlon by Lhe concerned ulrecLor of 1amll nadu llre & 8escue
Servlces ueparLmenL, slLe lnspecLlon ls underLaken by Lhem and nCC ls lssued.

#Y% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A Z32:/2; Z@;9/23;K /< [()3' -ZZ[4%
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 1-2 monLhs
! nCC from AlrporL AuLhorlLy of lndla (AAl) ls requlred only lf Lhe bulldlng ls MulLlsLorled
(MS8). 1he bullder makes an appllcaLlon along wlLh urawlngs, LocaLlon Map, LlevaLlon
CerLlflcaLe & Zonlng map Lo AAl, Chennal.

! Cn recelpL of appllcaLlon by Lhe concerned ulrecLor of AlrporL AuLhorlLy of lndla (AAl), slLe
lnspecLlon ls underLaken by Lhem and nCC lssued.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"C $ a g e

##% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A [()3'( Z32 Q/2=, -[ZQ4
! 8ullder submlLs Lhe AppllcaLlon, urawlngs, LocaLlon Map, LlevaLlon CerLlflcaLe & Zonlng map
Lo lAl SLaLlon, Chennal
! SlLe lnspecLlon ls made by lAl sLaLlon offlclal from Chennal Alr 8ase.
! Cne seL of appllcaLlon drawlngs & reporLs forwarded Lo 8engaluru & uelhl lAl SLaLlon for
lssue of nCC
! nCC from Lhe lndlan Alr lorce uelhl & Chennal ls lssued

#5% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A >';3/('H \3M98'K+ Z@;9/23;K /< [()3' ->\Z[4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: nPAl/Wu

! 1lme 1aken for Clearance: 3 MonLhs

! ersonal vlslL: ?es

! uocumenLs 8equlred: Sale ueed, urawlngs, lM8 Marked

! CommenLs: 8ullder submlLs Lhe AppllcaLlon, urawlngs, lleld MeasuremenL 8ook (lM8)
skeLches Lo nPAl. SlLe lnspecLlon ls done by Lhe ro[ecL ulrecLor. AfLer lnspecLlon, an nCC ls
lssued by Lhe nPAl Lo Lhe bullder

#6% D>/ 7BE,=;3/( 0,2;3<3=';,F <2/A ;9, 0,(;2'H ]2/@() I';,2 Z@;9/23;K /< [()3' -0]IZ[4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CenLral Cround WaLer AuLhorlLy of lndla (CCWAl)

! 1lme 1aken for Clearance: 6 monLhs

! 8ullder submlLs Lhe AppllcaLlon, urawlngs, lMu 8alnfall deLalls Lo CCWAl for ground waLer

! SlLe lnspecLlon ls made by Lhe offlclals of CCWAl

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"O $ a g e

! CCWAl ueparLmenL lssues Lhe no Cb[ecLlon CerLlflcaLe Lo Lhe company

#"% J@BA3; N@3H)3(M U2/:/+'H Z::H3=';3/(S N@3H)3(M UH'(+ '() >70+ 83;9 09,(('3 G,;2/:/H3;'(
R,1,H/:A,(; Z@;9/23;K -0GRZ4 </2 UH'((3(M U,2A3;
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Chennal MeLropollLan uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (CMuA)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: ApproxlmaLe ScruLlny fee aL Lhe raLe of 8s.1.30/- per sq.mLr, on Lhe LoLal
bullL-up area.
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Sale ueed, urawlngs, lans, roperLy 1ax 8ecelpL, archlLecL
cerLlflcaLe, nCCs relaLlng Lo ul8S, CMWSS8, lAl, AAl, CCWAl eLc. underLaklng relaLlng Lo
LnvlronmenL nCC ls glven by Lhe company as lL Lakes Llme for geLLlng Lhe clearance.
! CommenLs: 1he bulldlng company submlLs Lhe appllcaLlon form wlLh bulldlng plans, nCCs
and all requlred documenLs as prescrlbed by CMuA. lf all documenLs are ln order, CMuA
accepL Lhe flle along wlLh scruLlny fee. 1he flle ls Lhen forward Lo Area lannlng unlL aL

#C% X,=,31, +3;, 3(+:,=;3/( <2/A 0GRZ
! AsslsLanL lanner from CMuA conducL a slLe lnspecLlon wlLhln a forLnlghL's Llme from Lhe
daLe of recelpL of accepLance of appllcaLlon. 1he daLe and Llme of slLe lnspecLlon are
arranged Lhrough company's consulLanL. Company slLe englneer ls requlred Lo be aL slLe
durlng slLe lnspecLlon. AsslsLanL lanner makes hls remarks ln Lhe flle.
! 1he lannlng AsslsLanL sLarL Lhe scruLlny afLer recelvlng Lhe flle from Lhe AsslsLanL lanner.
AfLer compleLlon of scruLlny Lhe flle ls senL back Lo AsslsLanL lanner. AsslsLanL lanner
scruLlnlzes Lhe flle documenLs, plans, deslgns makes hls remarks and sends Lhe flle Lo uepuLy
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"T $ a g e

! uepuLy lanner also scruLlnlzes Lhe flle and makes hls remarks. lf any parLlculars are requlred
Lhen he requesLs Lhe AsslsLanL lanner Lo send a leLLer wlLh requlremenL Lo Lhe bulldlng
company for submlsslon of requlred documenLs. AfLer Lhe scruLlnlzaLlon by Lhe uepuLy
lanner lL ls forwarded Lo Senlor lanner.

#O% D[(;3A';3/( /< R3+'::2/1'HF <2/A 0GRZ
! 1he lnLlmaLlon of dlsapproval wlll be lnLlmaLed Lo Lhe bulldlng company wlLhln 43 days from
Lhe daLe of recelpL of appllcaLlon.
! 1he dlsapproval may be elLher due Lo unvlable slLe condlLlon/land use zone/legal
dlscrepancles and/or vlolaLlon of developmenL regulaLlon (uC8) ln Lhe submlLLed bulldlng
#T% J;2@=;@2'H J;'B3H3;K 0,2;3<3=';,%
! 1he sLrucLural sLablllLy cerLlflcaLe, lf requlred by CMuA has Lo be furnlshed by Lhe bulldlng
company on requesL.

#V% P9, J,(3/2 UH'((,2 +=2@;3(3^,+ ;9, <3H, 2,=,31,) <2/A R,:@;K UH'((,2 '() =/A,+ </2 +3;,
3(+:,=;3/(% \, </28'2)+ ;9, <3H, ;/ G,AB,2 J,=2,;'2K 83;9 93+ 2,=/AA,()';3/(+%

#W% Z<;,2 ;9, :2/:/+'H 3+ '::2/1,) BK ;9, G,AB,2 J,=2,;'2K ;9, <3H, =/A,+ B'=_ ;/ 0GRZ%

5Y% 0GRZ </28'2)+ ;9, <3H, ;/ \/@+3(M L *2B'( R,1,H/:A,(; G3(3+;2K 3( ;9, J;';, ]/1;% J;';,
]/1,2(A,(; 3++@,+ ]/1,2(A,(; 72),2 -]74 83;9 #Y` </2 7:,( J:'=, X,+,21';3/( -7JX4%

5#% UH'((3(M Z++3+;'(; 3( 0GRZ :2,:'2,+ ;9, ')13=, </2 ;9, :'KA,(; /< <,, 83;9 =/()3;3/(+
2,a@32,) ;/ B, <@H<3HH,) BK ;9, '::H3='(; B@3H)3(M =/A:'(K% Z<;,2 2,=,313(M ;9, (,=,++'2K <,,S
;9, <3H, =/(;'3(3(M ;9, UH'((3(M U,2A3++3/( L '::2/1,) )2'83(M+ 3+ </28'2),) BK 0GRZ ;/ ;9,
&/='H N/)K -0/2:/2';3/( /< 09,(('34 </2 3++@, /< N@3H)3(M U,2A3;%
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"V $ a g e

1lme requlred for clearance: 30 uays
CosLs lnvolved:
1. 8s.230/- per sq.mL ln case of Speclal bulldlng and 8s.300/- per sq.mL. ln case of MulLl-sLorled
2. SecurlLy ueposlL 8s.30/- per sq.mL.
3. ulsplay 8oard 8s.10000/-

55% 7B;'3( N@3H)3(M U,2A3; <2/A &/='H N/)K '() :'K ),1,H/:A,(; =9'2M,+%
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 30 - 120 days from Lhe daLe of recelpL of appllcaLlon.
! CosL Lo compleLe: ApproxlmaLe aL Lhe raLe of 8s.30/- per sq.fL., on Lhe LoLal bullL-up area.
! CommenL: Cn recelpL of appllcaLlon, Lhe SLaLuLory AuLhorlLy wlll ralse querles on Lhe
bulldlng plans submlLLed by Lhe bulldlng company. A slLe lnspecLlon ls done by Lhe Local
body. 1he bulldlng ls requlred Lo fulflll all requlred documenLs/parLlculars as prescrlbed by
CMuA, as per developmenL regulaLlon (uC8). Cn recelpL of saLlsfacLory reply from Lhe
bulldlng company, Lhe sLaLuLory auLhorlLy advlce for paymenL and on lLs recelpL, releases Lhe
approved bulldlng plan/bulldlng permlL Lo commence consLrucLlon work.

56% Q/HH/83(M '::2/1'H+ '2, '::H3,) +3A@H;'(,/@+HK '; ;93+ +;'M,b
'4 P,A:/2'2K G3(3(M Z::2/1'H
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1 MonLh
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es Lo 8uC, u8C & Sub CollecLor

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

"W $ a g e

B4 ?c:H/+31, J@B+;'(=,+ d ]'+ U,;2/H,@A Z::2/1'H
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MlnlsLry of Commerce & lndusLry, LSC
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 MonLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 3000
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLs: SlLe lan AppllcaLlon

=4 &3<; ?+='H';/2 [(+;'HH';3/( Z::2/1'H -89,2,1,2 '::H3='BH,4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CLA
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MonLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 3000
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, LlecLrlcal lnspecLor
! uocumenLs: SlLe lan, AppllcaLlon, SpeclflcaLlon drawlngs.

)4 ?H,=;23= +@B+;';3/( >70 -</2 'HH +@B+;';3/(e ;2'(+</2A,2+ 3( ;9, B@3H)3(M4
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CLA
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MonLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, LlecLrlcal lnspecLor
! uocumenLs: SlLe lan, AppllcaLlon, Slngle Llne ulagram, ConnecLed Load, LqulpmenL LlsL.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

CY $ a g e

,4 R] J,;+ 3(+;'HH';3/( '::2/1'H
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CLA
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MonLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, LlecLrlcal lnspecLor
! uocumenLs: SlLe lan, AppllcaLlon, Slngle Llne ulagram, ConnecLed Load, LqulpmenL LlsL.

<4 &3<; ,+='H';/2 /:,2';3/( H3=,(+,
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CLA
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MonLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, LlecLrlcal lnspecLor
! uocumenLs: SlLe lan, AppllcaLlon, SpeclflcaLlon drawlngs.
5"% J,()3(M ;9, f@'2;,2HK :2/M2,++ 2,:/2; ;/ 0GRZ
! 1lme: Lvery 3 monLhs, afLer lssulng of approved bulldlng plan.
! CommenL: 1he bulldlng company, on commencemenL of consLrucLlon work recelves leLLer
from sLaLuLory auLhorlLy every 3 monLhs. 1he bulldlng company ls requlred Lo send Lhe
progress reporL based on lLs consLrucLlon Lo concerned auLhorlLles.

5C% X,a@,+; '() /B;'3( =/A:H,;3/( =,2;3<3=';, <2/A 0GRZ
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 3-6 monLhs.
! CosL Lo compleLe: A lump sum fee ls lald by sLaLuLory auLhorlLy based on Lhe bullL-up area.
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

C# $ a g e

! CommenL: 1he bulldlng company, on compleLlon of lLs consLrucLlon work, flles appllcaLlon
wlLh CMuA along wlLh approved drawlngs, ueclaraLlon from Class-1 Llcensed surveyor /
ArchlLecL, Copy of 8ank guaranLee, Copy of Local body 8ulldlng permlL, SLrucLural sLablllLy
cerLlflcaLe, ueLalls for deslgn calculaLlon and drawlngs, underLaklng Lo provlde Solar waLer
heaLlng sysLem., eLc., and requesL for lssue of compleLlon cerLlflcaLe for Lhe bulldlng. SlLe
lnspecLlon ls done by AsslsLanL lanner, uy. lanner and Senlor lanner Lo check wheLher Lhe
bulldlng ls consLrucLed as per Lhe approved bulldlng plan lssued by Lhem wlLhouL any
devlaLlon. lf no devlaLlon ls found, Lhen Lhe lannlng AuLhorlLy lssues compleLlon
cerLlflcaLlon afLer recelpL of full paymenL Lowards lnfrasLrucLure & AmenlLles (l&A) from Lhe
bullder. 8ased on Lhls CompleLlon CerLlflcaLe, Lhe bulldlng company wlll apply for servlce
connecLlons (waLer, sewerage and power).

5O% Z::HK '() /B;'3( :,2A'(,(; 8';,2 L +,8,2'M, =/((,=;3/( <2/A 0GIJJN%
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 60 days from Lhe daLe of appllcaLlon along wlLh Lhe compleLlon cerLlflcaLe
recelved from CMuA.
! CosL Lo compleLe: ApproxlmaLe aL Lhe raLe of 8s.18,000/- per dwelllng unlL (upLo 200 sqm).
! CommenL: 1he bulldlng company ls requlred Lo submlL Lhe appllcaLlon wlLh CMWSS8 along
wlLh bulldlng approved plan and compleLlon cerLlflcaLe recelved from lannlng AuLhorlLy.
CMWSS8 offlclals lnspecL Lhe slLe and Lhe number of dwelllng unlLs and 8aln WaLer
ParvesLlng (8WP) sysLem aL slLe. AfLer saLlsfacLory slLe lnspecLlon, Lhey release Lhe waLer
and sewerage connecLlon Lo Lhe slLe.

5T% Z::HK '() /B;'3( :,2A'(,(; :/8,2 +@::HK <2/A P'A3H >')@ ?H,=;23=3;K N/'2) -P>?N4%
! 1lme Lo compleLe: 60 - 90 days from Lhe daLe of appllcaLlon along wlLh Lhe compleLlon
cerLlflcaLe recelved from lannlng AuLhorlLy.
! CosL Lo compleLe: 8ased on Lhe kllo WaLLs (kvA) ls requlred for Lhe slLe.
! CommenL: 1he bulldlng company ls requlred Lo submlL Lhe appllcaLlon wlLh concerned 1nL8
deparLmenL along wlLh bulldlng approved plan and compleLlon cerLlflcaLe recelved from
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

C5 $ a g e

lannlng AuLhorlLy. 1nL8 offlclals wlll lnspecL Lhe slLe. Cn saLlsfacLory slLe lnspecLlon, Lhey
release Lhe permanenL power supply Lo Lhe slLe. lf Lhe bullL-up area exceeds 900 sq.mLrs.,
Lhe bulldlng company ls requlred Lo lnsLall 1ransformer aL slLe.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

C6 $ a g e

0/AA,(;+ '() J@MM,+;3/(+b

8eal esLaLe developmenL ln Chennal ls regulaLed by Lwo AcLs vlz. Lhe 1amll nadu 1own and CounLry
lannlng AcL, 1971 and Lhe ClLy Munlclpal CorporaLlon (CCMC) AcL 1919. 1hese Lwo acLs necesslLaLe
geLLlng approvals for all Lhe real esLaLe developmenLs ln Lhe clLy. 1he above Lwo acLs are enforced
by Lhe followlng Lwo deparLmenLs:
(l) Chennal MeLropollLan uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (CMuA)
(ll) CorporaLlon of Chennal (CoC)
CMuA enforces Lhe 1&C AcL by-rules called uevelopmenL ConLrol 8ules and Lhe Chennal
CorporaLlon enforces CCMC AcL governed by bulldlng 8ules revlsed upLo 1972. AfLer Lhe plannlng
permlLs are lssued by CMuA, Lhe Chennal CorporaLlon lssues Lhe bulldlng permlLs Lo all Lhe bulldlngs
lncludlng CMuA`s speclal bulldlngs, mulLl-sLorey bulldlngs and layouLs afLer Laklng over Lhe land lefL
over for road porLlon and Lhe land reserved for open space reservaLlon.

X,'H ?+;';, Z::2/1'H+ +=,('23/b

lL has been observed LhaL a real esLaLe developer ln Chennal has Lo obLaln abouL 23-30 approvals
from varlous auLhorlLles under Lhe 1amll nadu 1own and CounLry lannlng AcL, 1971. 1he Llme span
for geLLlng all relevanL approvals for pro[ecLs Llll Lhe award of compleLlon cerLlflcaLe and permanenL
clvlc servlces connecLlon ranges from 3-4 years.

Q'=;/2+ </2 ;9, ),H'K+ 3( ;9, X,'H ?+;';, Z::2/1'H U2/=,)@2,+

P// A'(K >70+ e Z@;9/23;3,+ 3( ;9, N@3H)3(M Z::2/1'H JK+;,A

uevelopers ln Chennal requlre Loo may nCCs from varlous auLhorlLles, each of whlch are
regulaLed by dlfferenL AcLs. 1he delays ln geLLlng Lhese approvals slow down Lhe developmenL
process. 8esldes Lhls, for each approval, ln person vlslL/follow-up ls necessary for Lhlngs Lo move

lL has also been felL LhaL Lhe number of channels LhaL a flle goes Lhrough ls also very long.
8ulldlng proposal ls processed by Loo many persons (lannlng AsslsLanL, AsslsLanL lanner,
uepuLy lanner, Senlor lanner eLc) who prolong Lhe whole approval process.

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

C" $ a g e

! J3(MH, I3()/8 0H,'2'(=,

A Slngle Wlndow Clearance for obLalnlng local/sLaLe and cenLral approvals should be seL up
so LhaL Lhe bullder does noL have Lo follow up wlLh dlfferenL auLhorlLles separaLely. 1he
slngle wlndow syaLem should co-ordlnaLe wlLh Lhe governmenL agencles and obLaln Lhe
requlred clearances. 1he flle should move auLomaLlcally from one deparLmenL Lo anoLher ln
a pre-deflned way. ln case Lhere are any dlscrepancles or gaps, Lhe concerned
deparLmenL/agency can lnLlmaLe Lhe developer. 1he developer could be charged a fee for
Lhls faclllLaLlon cenLre servlces. 1hls sysLem would reduce Lhe Llmellne and Lhe cosLs

lurLher an /(H3(, +K+;,A +9/@H) B, ),1,H/:,) ;/ ;2'=_ ;9, '::2/1'H :2/=,++ ln Lhe slngle
wlndow sysLem. 1hls would be effecLlve boLh for Lhe auLhorlLles as well as Lhe bullders who
could geL compleLe sLaLus of Lhelr appllcaLlon aL one place.

! R/3(M '8'K 83;9 @((,=,++'2K >70+ /2 '::2/1'H+

[% Z32:/2; '@;9/23;K =H,'2'(=,:

uue Lo Lhe absence of a Zonlng procedure Llme and agaln developmenLs ln a parLlcular
locallLy have Lo repllcaLe Lhe enLlre process of maklng an appllcaLlon, llalsonlng ,co-
ordlnaLlon eLc resulLlng ln unnecessary delays and cosLs. 1he co-ordlnaLes wlll noL change
wlLh respecL Lo Lhe flylng zone resLrlcLlon, Alr-funnel eLc for developmenLs nexL Lo each
oLher. 1he need of Lhe hour ls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe no-flylng zones, alr funnel and fllghL paLhs and
Lhese have Lo be demarcaLed ln Lhe clLy masLer plan by Lhe AlrporL auLhorlLy ln consulLaLlon
wlLh Lhe local planners and approvlng auLhorlLles. Cnce Lhls ls done Lhe need for obLalnlng
lndlvldual nCC's for pro[ecLs wlLhln such deslgnaLed locaLlons could be done away wlLh.

[[% ?(132/(A,(;'H [A:'=; Z++,++A,(; =H,'2'(=,b-?[Z4

Clearance ls glven afLer conslderable lapse of Llme. no lmpeLus ls pald on Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL, lLs effecL on Lhe nelgbourhood and overall envlronmenL. 1he
nodal agency ls noL equlpped Lo monlLor Lhe lmplemenLaLlon across Lhe counLry as Lhey
lack Lhe compeLenL resources for such monlLorlng.

lL ls suggesLed LhaL Lhe parameLers for clearances need Lo be revlewed and zonlng be made
essenLlal. SLrong parLnershlps wlLh Lhe respecLlve sLaLe governmenLs for lmplemenLaLlon,
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'52( 6'78

CC $ a g e

monlLorlng and effecLlve malnLenance of Lhe bulldlngs ls requlred wlLhouL whlch Lhe lmpacL
on envlronmenL can never be mlnlmlsed and Lhe ob[ecLlve of LlA wlll never be meL.

! Z2=93;,=; 0,2;3<K3(M N@3H)3(M '+ :,2 R,1,H/:A,(; 0/(;2/H X@H,+ -R0X4

lndusLry feels LhaL [usL llke Lhe CovernmenL accepLs Lhe cerLlflcaLlon of a CharLered AccounLanL
for balance sheeLs and l18's, Lhe pracLlclng CharLered ArchlLecLs - who are members of Lhe
Councll should be puL Lhrough a quallfylng process and LhereafLer be enabled Lo cerLlfy Lhe
compllance of Lhe proposal ln llne wlLh Lhe prevalenL uevelopmenL ConLrol 8ules (uC8) for
developmenLs upLo a cerLaln magnlLude. 1he approval sysLem for real esLaLe pro[ecLs ln Chennal
could be sLreamllned Lo a large exLenL lf lL ls allowed ln Lhe sLaLe.

lL ls suggesLed LhaL for large lnLegraLed developmenL Lhe approvlng auLhorlLles could seL up a
commlLLee comprlslng an ArchlLecL, ueveloper and nomlnee from Lhe approvlng auLhorlLy Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe approval process of such large developmenLs.

J9/2;'M, /< +_3HH,) /<<3=3'H+ 3( '@;9/23;3,+

lL has been observed LhaL legal perusal of Lhe appllcaLlon ls done by Lhe lannlng AsslsLanLs and
AsslsLanL lanners who do noL have sufflclenL legal knowledge.

! 1he auLhorlLles musL have sufflclenL skllled sLaff ln Lhelr respecLlve areas of funcLlon.


!""#$%&' )#$*+,, -$# .+&'
/,0&0+ )#$1+*0, 23 4&#5&3&
7899+,02$3, 0$ 70#+&:'23+
0;+ 75,0+:

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

S7 | a g e

1. Land urchase and Land apers Lxam|nat|on & Ieas|b|||ty for L|cence
Land ls purchased Lhrough sale deed or Lhrough collaboraLlons. 1he auLhenLlclLy of land papers
ls checked and errors lf any are recLlfled. leaslblllLy check wlLh respecL Lo developmenL plan /
secLor plan ls also done for applylng for llcence for developmenL.

2. Land Convers|on
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ueparLmenL of 1own & CounLry lannlng (u1C), Paryana
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: SecLlon 8 of un[ab Scheduled 8oads
and ConLrolled Areas 8esLrlcLlon of unregulaLed uevelopmenL AcL 1963
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 MonLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: ALleasL 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved:
ScruLlny lee [ 8s. 10/- per Square MeLer
CLu charges vary accordlng Lo Zone/ abuLLlng roads per Square MeLer whlch are :
8esldenLlal from 8s. 13/- Lo 8s. 210/- & Commerclal from 8s. 100/- Lo 8s. 1470/-
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred:
8evenue Map duly slgned by aLwarl
roof of Land Cwnershlp
roof of flnanclal capablllLy llke 8alance SheeL
lncome 1ax Clearance CerLlflcaLe
Survey Map
SlLe lan
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

S8 | a g e

! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: lf Lhe land ls [olnLly owned, lL geLs dlfflculL Lo muLaLe
Lhe same and geL Lhe clearance from 1ehslldar

3. Cwnersh|p Cert|f|cate (atta Copy] atta Sheet)- Irom 1ehs||dar
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8evenue ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: un[ab Land reservaLlon AcL 1900
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 days
! CosLs lnvolved: Approx. 8s. 100/- per documenL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: roof of Cwnershlp
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced lf land papers are ln order

4. Non Lncumbrance
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: 8eglsLraLlon ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: lndlan 8eglsLraLlon AcL 1908
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 days
! CosLs lnvolved: no cosL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: roof of ownershlp
! ulfflculLles faced ln Lhe documenLaLlon: no ma[or dlfflculLles faced
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

S9 | a g e

S. Subm|ss|on of L|cence App||cat|on to Department of 1own & Country |ann|ng (D1C)

1) Llcence appllcaLlon for developmenL ls applled Lo u1C (P8).
2) u1C marks lL down Lo ulsLrlcL 1own lanner (u1) of local area for SlLe 8eporL.
3) u1C marks lL down Lo 1he ulrecLor urban LsLaLe for Land 8eporL.
4) ulsLrlcL 1own lanner (u1) sends SlLe 8eporL Lo Senlor 1own lanner (S1) of LhaL clrcle.
3) Senlor 1own lanner (S1) verlfles LhaL 8eporL & forward lL Lo u1C(P8)
6) 1he ulrecLor urban LsLaLe sends Land 8eporL Lo u1C(P8)
7) 1he u1C (P8) forwards Lhe flle Lo 1he llnanclal Commlssloner & SecreLary Lo CovL. of
Paryana for approval.
8) 1he llnanclal Commlssloner & SecreLary Lo CovL. of Paryana approves Lhe flle & reLurn Lo
9) u1C lssue Lhe LeLLer of lnLenL (LCl) Lo Lhe Colonlser.
10) 1he Colonlser pays Lhe CLu charges, glves 8ank CuaranLees, slgn AgreemenLs eLc and
complles wlLh LeLLer of lnLenL (LCl) condlLlons
11) u1C lssues Lhe Llcence Lo Lhe Colonlser.


! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ulrecLoraLe of 1own & CounLry lannlng
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: SecLlon 8 of un[ab Scheduled 8oads
and ConLrolled Areas 8esLrlcLlon of unregulaLed uevelopmenL AcL 1963
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6-9 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved:
ScruLlny lee [ 8s. 10/- per Sq.MLr.
Llcence lee varles accordlng Lo Zone (l.e Plgh, Low, Medlum oLenLlal) per acre
8esldenLlal - 0.31 Lacs Lo 8s. 6.7 Lacs per acre
Commerclal - 8s. 10/- Lacs Lo 8s. 420 Lacs per acre
CLu Charges as above
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)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

60 | a g e

LuC & luC (passed on Lo Lhe end users)
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred:
8evenue Map duly slgned by aLwarl
Cwnershlp roof
Memorandum of ArLlcles of AssoclaLlon
roof of flnanclal capablllLy llke 8alance SheeL
lncome 1ax Clearance CerLlflcaLe
Survey Map
SlLe/LayouL lan

Approx|mate t|me taken from the date of |and purchase t||| grant of L|cence |s 14-1S months

6. Demarcat|on ] 2on|ng |an approva| by D1C
1.) Submlsslon of uemarcaLlon/Zonlng plan Lo u1C for approval
2.) u1C marks lL down Lo u1 of local area for SlLe 8eporL
3.) u1 send SlLe 8eporL Lo S1 of LhaL clrcle
4.) S1 verlfles Lhe 8eporL & forwards lL Lo u1C(P8)
3.) u1C lssues Lhe Approval of uemarcaLlon/Zonlng lan Lo Lhe Colonlser only lf Lhe llcences of
LhaL area are valld.


! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ulrecLoraLe of 1own & CounLry lannlng
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: SecLlon 8 of un[ab Scheduled 8oads
and ConLrolled Areas 8esLrlcLlon of unregulaLed uevelopmenL AcL 1963
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)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

61 | a g e

! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: no ma[or cosLs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: uemarcaLlon plan / Zonlng lan

7. Approva| of Serv|ces Scheme & Lst|mates |nc|ud|ng p|an for pub||c hea|th serv|ces

1) Submlsslon of Servlces Scheme & esLlmaLes lncludlng publlc healLh servlces Lo u1C.
2) u1C marks lL Lo Chlef AdmlnlsLraLor (PuuA), whlch ls Lhen forwarded Lo SuperlnLendlng
Lnglneer (SL) and furLher Lo LxecuLlve Lnglneer (PuuA) of local area for SlLe 8eporL
3) 1he LxecuLlve Lnglneer (PuuA) forwards Lhe slLe reporL afLer verlflcaLlon Lo SuperlnLendlng
Lnglneer, PuuA.
4) 1he SuperlnLendlng Lnglneer, PuuA Local Area forwards lL Lo 1he Chlef Lnglneer-PC
3) 1he Chlef Lnglneer (PC) forward lL Lo u1C(P8)
6) u1C (P8) demand Addl. 8ank CuaranLees for lnLernal uevelopmenL based on LsLlmaLes.
7) u1C lssues Lhe Approval of Servlces Scheme & LsLlmaLes Lo Lhe Colonlser.

8. Approva| of e|ectr|f|cat|on p|an (L|ectr|c|ty Scheme Approva|)
LlecLrlclLy scheme and esLlmaLes are submlLLed Lo Haryana Electricity Board (UHBVN/DHBVN) for


! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: SLaLe LlecLrlclLy ueparLmenL/uP8vnL/uP8vnL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: SecLlon 8 of un[ab Scheduled 8oads
and ConLrolled Areas 8esLrlcLlon of unregulaLed uevelopmenL AcL 1963
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

62 | a g e

! CosLs lnvolved: no ma[or cosLs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: ueslgn & LsLlmaLes along wlLh plans, LlecLrlcal Scheme wlLh
drawlngs, Cwnershlp documenL, Llcence Copy eLc.

9. Approva| Cf 8u||d|ng |an
1) Submlsslon of 8ulldlng lan Lo u1C.
2) u1C marks lL down Lo S1 of local area for ScruLlny.
3) u1C marks lL down Lo SL (PC) PuuA for Approval of ubllc PealLh Servlces.
4) S1 marks lL down Lo u1 for SlLe 8eporL.
3) u1 send Lhe SlLe 8eporL Lo S1.
6) S1 sends hls CbservaLlon Lo u1C.
7) S L (PC) PuuA sends Lhe Approval of ubllc PealLh Servlces Lo u1C.
8) 1he Colonlser submlLs Lhe nCC for helghL from AAl/lAl & sLrucLural sLablllLy cerLlflcaLe Lo
9) u1C approves Lhe 8ulldlng lan lf Lhe llcences are valld and all condlLlons meL.


! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ueparLmenL of 1own & CounLry lannlng
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: SecLlon 6 of un[ab Scheduled 8oads
and ConLrolled Areas 8esLrlcLlon of unregulaLed uevelopmenL AcL 1963
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 10/- per Sq.M
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: 8ulldlng lans, SLrucLural SLablllLy CerLlflcaLe, nCC for Plgh rlse
8ulldlng (lor more Lhan 30 meLres hlgh)

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63 | a g e

10. Io||ow|ng approva|s are app||ed s|mu|taneous|y at th|s stage:
a) 1ree cutt|ng approva| - C|earance of Iorest Department (|f the pro[ect |s on forest |and)

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: loresL uepL.
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 1 monLh
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2-3 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: SlLe lan showlng Lhe no. of Lrees

b) koad Access:
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: nPAl/Wu, naLlonal Plghway AuLhorlLy of lndla / MlnlsLry of
Surface 1ransporL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Wu AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: no llmlL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 12 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Llcence copy, approved LayouL, Access plan, dralnage plan,
MCAA, , Ceologlcal Survey Map of lndla, Land survey of nP & Wu road 1.3 km from
each slde
! ulfflculLles faced - 1o geL Lhe CovL. agree Lo Lhe plan ln respecL of nP/Wu road from
where Lhe access has Lo be provlded

c) Anc|ent Monument approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla (ASl)
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)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

64 | a g e

! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: Archaeologlcal Survey of lndla (ASl)
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 1 MCn1P
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 MCn1PS
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?LS
! uocumenLs 8equlred - Approved 8ulldlng lan, roof of Cwnershlp

d) Lnv|ronment C|earance
lf land area ls more Lhan 123 acres and bullL up area ls more Lhan 20000 square meLres, Lhen
LnvlronmenL Clearance has Lo be obLalned. SLaLe LnvlronmenL lmpacL AssessmenL AuLhorlLy
lssues Lhe LnvlronmenLal Clearance afLer Lhe Lechnlcal recommendaLlon of SLaLe LxperL
Appralsal CommlLLee
1.) reparaLlon of AppllcaLlon and submlsslon Lo SLAC (SLaLe LxperL Appralsal CommlLLee)
for LnvlronmenLal Clearance.
2.) resenLaLlon Lo SLAC (SLaLe LxperL Appralsal CommlLLee)
3.) 8eply Lo observaLlons of SLAC
4.) 8epresenLaLlon Lo SLAC
3.) resenLaLlon Lo SLlAA (SLaLe LnvlronmenL lmpacL AssessmenL AuLhorlLy)
6.) llnal granL of LnvlronmenL Clearance cerLlflcaLe whlch conLalns approx. 30 furLher
condlLlons. 1he maln condlLlons are:-
a. nCC from loresL uepLL.
b. nCC from CCW8
c. nCC from AAl
d. nCC from llre uepLL.
e. nCC from exploslve depLL.
f. nCC from LsLabllshmenL / CperaLlon from SC8.


! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL
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)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

6S | a g e

! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: LnvlronmenL (roLecLlon ) AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned by Lhe CovL. buL lL ls obLalned before
sLarL of consLrucLlon Llll commencemenL of Lhe pro[ecL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 1-2 years
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

e) Consent to Lstab||sh (C1L) & Consent to Cperate
lf land area ls less Lhan 123 acres and lf Lhe developer ls esLabllshlng sewerage LreaLmenL
planL (S1) and uC SeLs, Lhen under WaLer AcL 1974 and Alr AcL 1981, developer has Lo
obLaln nCC for LsLabllshmenL & nCC for CperaLlon

NCC for Lstab||shment
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Paryana SLaLe olluLlon ConLrol 8oard
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: WaLer & Alr ( olluLlon
prevenLlon & ConLrol) AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned by Lhe CovL. buL lL ls obLalned before
sLarL of consLrucLlon Llll commencemenL of Lhe pro[ecL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 12 MCn1PS
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?LS
! uocumenLs 8equlred -8ank CuaranLee, 8evenue papers, affldavlL, consenL fee

NCC for Cperat|on
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Paryana SLaLe olluLlon ConLrol 8oard
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

66 | a g e

! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: WaLer & Alr ( olluLlon
prevenLlon & ConLrol) AcL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned by Lhe CovL. buL lL ls obLalned
before sLarL of consLrucLlon Llll commencemenL of Lhe pro[ecL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6-8 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?LS
! uocumenLs 8equlred - AppllcaLlon form, consenL fee, fee for sample analysls

f) 8ore We|| keg|strat|on Cert|f|cate
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: CenLral Cround WaLer AuLhorlLy
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned by Lhe CovL. buL lL ls obLalned elLher
before or afLer Lhe sLarL of consLrucLlon Llll commencemenL of Lhe pro[ecL
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: vary accordlng Lo Lhe naLure of pro[ecL
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

g) S|te Cff|ce Approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: u1C/uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. 10/- per Sq.M
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLs 8equlred - LocaLlon marked on SancLloned LayouL, 8ulldlng lan, AffldavlL
Lo dlsmanLle afLer compleLlon of ro[ecL

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

67 | a g e

h) I|re f|ght|ng scheme Approva|

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: llre uepL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 1 monLh
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLs 8equlred - llre llghLlng Scheme along wlLh urawlngs & approved plan

|) L|ft Lsca|ator Insta||at|on Approva| (wherever app||cab|e)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: Chlef lnspecLor LlfLs & LscalaLor
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: noL ueflned (8efore use & 8efore LlecLrlc
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 30 uays
! CosLs lnvolved: lnspecLlon lee
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, 3 Lo 3 vlslLs
! uocumenLs 8equlred - AMC Copy, 1esL 8eporL

[) L|ectr|c substat|on NCC (for a|| substat|on] transformers |n the bu||d|ng)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: LlecLrlclLy ulsLrlbuLlon AuLhorlLy
! 1lme prescrlbed for clearance: noL ueflned (8efore LlecLrlc ConnecLlon)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 60 uays
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. lnspecLlon lee
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, 3-10 vlslLs
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)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

68 | a g e

! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: urawlng, 1esL 8eporL of 18,P1, Copy of 8lll

k) DG Sets |nsta||at|on approva|
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: olluLlon ConLrol 8oard
! 1lme prescrlbed for clearance: noL ueflned (8efore use)
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 30 uays
! CosLs lnvolved: 8s. lnspecLlon lee
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es, 3-3 vlslLs
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Copy of 8lll & 1esL 8eporL

|) Damp roof Cert|f|cate (DC)
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: u1C
! 1lme prescrlbed for clearance: 1 week
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2 weeks
! CosLs lnvolved: no cosLs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: SancLloned plan (Cl) & approval leLLer

m) Sw|mm|ng poo| operat|on ||cense (wherever app||cab|e)

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ulsLrlcL MaglsLraLe afLer approval from abouL 4-3 deparLmenLs llke
ollce, PuuA, llre, ulsLrlcL uy. Commlssloner, MunlclpallLy
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3-6 MonLhs
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

69 | a g e

! CosLs lnvolved: no cosLs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: AppolnLmenL of Llfe Cuard

n) noard|ng approva|

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: nPAl/Wu/Land ownlng Agency
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 2-3 monLhs

o) AAI ne|ght NCC
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: AlrporLs AuLhorlLy of lndla (AAl), new uelhl
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 1 monLh
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 3 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: no cosLs
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLaLlons 8equlred: Llcence Copy/ ownershlp documenL, MSL cerLlfled from
auLhorlLy, LocaLlon of SlLe on survey of lndla Map
! ulfflculLles faced - noL geLLlng Lhe Crlglnal Survey of lndla Map, AuLhenLlcaLlon from

11. S|x-month mon|tor|ng report of LC
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: Lvery year before 13
uecember & 13
! CosLs lnvolved: vary accordlng Lo naLure of pro[ecL.
"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

70 | a g e

! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es

12. keg|strat|on of r|nc|pa| emp|oyer under Contract Labor Act
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: uepuLy Commlssloner Labour offlce, Labour ueparLmenL
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: 1he 8ulldlng ConsLrucLlon and oLher
consLrucLlon workers ( emp. & servlce condlLlons ..) AcL 1996
13. keg|strat|on w|th 8u||d|ng Construct|on Workers We|fare 8oard
! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ulsLL. Labour offlcer
! Law / 8egulaLlon under whlch Lhe approval ls soughL: 1he conLracL Labour (8 & A) AcL 1970

14. 8u||d|ng Comp|et|on Cert|f|cate

! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ueparLmenL of 1own & CounLry lannlng (u1C), Paryana
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: no lee
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLs 8equlred: LayouL lan duly marklng Lhe compleLed servlces

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

71 | a g e

1S. Cccupancy Cert|f|cate
1) Submlsslon of CccupaLlon ermlsslon AppllcaLlon Lo u1C.
2) Submlsslon of AppllcaLlon for nCC for CccupaLlon Lo llre SLaLlon Cfflcer.
3) u1C marks lL down Lo S1 of local area for compleLlon 8eporL.
4) u1C marks lL down Lo S L (PC) PuuA for CompleLlon of lnLernal Servlces.
3) u1C marks lL down Lo Chlef Lnglneer PuuA for CompleLlon of LxLernal Servlces.
6) S1 marks lL down Lo u1 Lor CompleLlon 8eporL.
7) u1 sends Lhe CompleLlon 8eporL Lo S1.
8) S1 sends CompleLlon 8eporL Lo u1C.
9) S L (PC) PuuA sends Lhe CompleLlon 8eporL of lnLernal Servlces Lo u1C.
10) Chlef Lnglneer PuuA sends Lhe compleLlon 8eporL of LxLernal Servlces Lo u1C.
11) llre SLaLlon Cfflcer lssues Lhe nCC for CccupaLlon.
12) Colonlser submlLs Lhe llre nCC for CccupaLlon & SLrucLural CerLlflcaLe Lo u1C.
13) u1C lssues Lhe occupancy cerLlflcaLe afLer belng fully saLlsfled wlLh compleLlon reporLs and
llre nCC.


! Approvlng AuLhorlLy: ueparLmenL of 1own & CounLry lannlng (u1C), Paryana
! 1lme LlmlL prescrlbed by Lhe CovL.: 3 monLhs
! 1lme 1aken for Lhe Clearance: 6 monLhs
! CosLs lnvolved: Compoundlng fee for vlolaLlon
! ersonal vlslL 8eqd.: ?es
! uocumenLs 8equlred: SancLloned plan duly superlmposed wlLh worklng drawlngs

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

72 | a g e

Comments and Suggest|ons:

kea| Lstate Approva|s scenar|o:

Paryana has seen developmenL of real esLaLe aL scorchlng pace. lL has been observed LhaL for
developmenL of real esLaLe ln Paryana, bullders have Lo obLaln aL leasL 33 ma[or approvals from
varlous deparLmenLs and agencles and Lhe Llme span for geLLlng all relevanL approvals for
pro[ecLs Llll Lhe award of occupancy cerLlflcaLe ranges beLween 4-3 years (48-60 monLhs).

" 1ota| t|me requ|red from |and purchase t||| Grant of L|cence for Deve|opment range
between 14-1S months
" 1ota| t|me requ|red for approva| of Demarcat|on]2on|ng |an |s about S months
" 1|me requ|red for 8u||d|ng |an Approva| ranges between 2-S months
" 1ota| t|me requ|red for Serv|ce Lst|mates Approva| |s about 6 months
" 1|me requ|red for s|te deve|opment works |nc|ud|ng |ay|ng of pub||c hea|th serv|ces and
construct|on of bu||d|ngs |s 20-24 months
" 1|me requ|red for grant of comp|et|on cert|f|cate of bu||d|ng and occupat|on perm|ss|on by
D1C |nc|ud|ng grant of no occupat|on perm|ss|on |s 6 months

Iactors for the de|ays |n the Approva| rocedures

1he ma[or delays ln Lhe real esLaLe approval procedures ln Paryana are seen aL Lhe followlng
levels of approvals:

Lnv|ronment C|earance ] NCC process

lf land area ls more Lhan 123 acres and bullL up area ls more Lhan 20000 square meLres,
LnvlronmenL Clearance has Lo be necessarlly obLalned by Lhe developer. Powever,lf Lhe
land area ls less Lhan 123 acres buL Lhe developer wanLs Lo seL up a sewerage LreaLmenL
planL (S1) and lnsLall uC SeLs, Lhen under WaLer AcL 1974 and Alr AcL 1981, developer
has Lo obLaln nCC for LsLabllshmenL & nCC for CperaLlon. CeLLlng Lhe envlronmenL
clearance and such nCCs has been observed as a lengLhy and Llme consumlng process ln
Lhe sLaLe. Slnce Llmellnes are noL followed by Lhe varlous deparLmenLs, lL has become a
ma[or facLor delaylng Lhe progress of pro[ecLs leadlng Lo cosL overruns. 1he tota| t|me
requ|red for gett|ng a|| approva|s regard|ng the env|ronment |s between 2.S-3 years |n

"##$%&'( )$%*+,, -%$ .+'( /,0'0+
)$%1+*0, 23 4'$5'3'

73 | a g e

Suggest|ons to stream||ne:

! lL ls suggesLed LhaL envlronmenL clearance should be done away wlLh sub[ecL Lo
followlng Lhe norms lssued by Lhe envlronmenL MlnlsLry. Powever, ln Lhe case of
lnLegraLed Lownshlps, Lhe approval could be made mandaLory. lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
envlronmenL norms be monlLored.

8u||d|ng |an Approva|

1he presenL sysLem of bulldlng plan approval lnvolves nCC`s from dlfferenL nodal agencles
llke PuuA, AAl/lAl, ASl, llre llghLlng ueparLmenL, 8evenue ueparLmenL eLc. 1he Llme
requlred for obLalnlng varlous nCCs could be curLalled Lo make Lhe process fasLer.
! SLrlcL deadllnes should be seL for varlous clearances by Lhe relevanL deparLmenLs. ln case
Lhe flle ls noL cleared wlLhln sLlpulaLed Llme perlod, deemed approval be consldered.

! A cerLlfled archlLecL could be allowed Lo sancLlon bulldlng plan up Lo a cerLaln slze of
area. 1hls wlll slgnlflcanLly cuL down Lhe processlng Llme of plan approval by

! Slngle Wlndow SysLem of approvals could be looked aL as a soluLlon

ne|ght NCC from AAI]IAI

SLrucLure/ 8ulldlng PelghL Clearance Lake longer Lhan Lhe sLlpulaLed Llme. AAl/lAl should
lssue Lhe nCC wlLhln one monLh of submlsslon of appllcaLlon.


! lL ls suggesLed LhaL Lhe Coogle arameLer on LlevaLlon, LonglLude& LaLlLude should be
accepLed by Lhe CovL.

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"3#--1-$ T'6%7% +#(%. #,):-8 U?SQ 0%#,. @61'6 ,%.+,1'+. 8%2%3)/7%-+ 1- .:'6 #,%#. +133
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%-21,)-7%-+ '3%#,#-'% +#(%. #9):+ U 7)-+6. +) S 0%#,4 D61. 8%3#0. +6% #//,)2#3 )*
9:1381-$ /3#- #-8 *:,+6%, #//,)2#3 /,)'%..4

YF ;I< *,)7 51,/),+. 5:+6),1+0 )* C-81# +#(%. #9):+ Z 7)-+6.4

[F D6% ;I< *,)7 5,'6#%)3)$1'#3 T:,2%0 )* C-81# E5TCF 1. # 2%,0 .3)@ /,)'%.. #-8 +#(%. -%#,30
# 0%#,4 533 +6% 7)-:7%-+.=6%,1+#$% 9:1381-$. :-8%, +6% /:,21%@ )* 5TC #,% $12%- %>:#3
@%1$6+#$% @1+6 ,%$#,8 +) ')-81+1)-. #//31'#93% *), 8%2%3)/7%-+ #,):-8 +6%.% .+,:'+:,%.4

SF D6% T+#+% V)2%,-7%-+ .6):38 9% 7),% /,)#'+12% 1- #//,)21-$ +6% G%2%3)/7%-+ "3#-4 D6%
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G%2%3)/7%-+ "3#-4 D6% 5:+6),1+0 '):38 #3.) 9% %7/)@%,%8 +) 1..:% %-21,)-7%-+
'3%#,#-'%. :/+) # 8%*1-%8 /,)N%'+ .1A%4

YF ;I< *,)7 55C .6):38 9% 31-(%8 +) +6% G%2%3)/7%-+ "3#-4 D6% "3#- .6):38 '3%#,30 %#,7#,(
#,%#. +6#+ @):38 ,%>:1,% 55C '3%#,#-'% )* /,)N%'+.4 5- )**1'%, )* 55C '):38 9% 8%/:+%8 1-
+6% G%2%3)/7%-+ 5:+6),1+0 *), 1..:1-$ ;I<.

[F 5 ,%?.:,2%0 )* +6% 7)-:7%-+.=6%,1+#$% 9:1381-$. 1- +6% .+#+% .6):38 9% '#,,1%8 ):+ +)
81**%,%-+1#+% +6% 3%2%3 )* 17/),+#-'% )* +6%.% .+,:'+:,%.4 R#.%8 )- +6% .:,2%0J +6%
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PF G%%7%8 #//,)2#3 9% ')-.18%,%8 1- '#.% )* 8%3#04
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3%-$+60 /,)'%.. #. +17%31-%. #,% -%2%, 7%+4 D6% %-21,)-7%-+ ')771++%% #+ +6% .+#+% 3%2%3
')-.1.+. )* .)7% /%)/3% @6) 6#2% 2%,0 3171+%8 (-)@3%8$% #9):+ /,#'+1'#3 1..:%. )* +6%
9:1381-$ ')-.+,:'+1)- 1-8:.+,04

WF G1**1':3+1%. *#'%8 1- $%++1-$ '3%#,#-'%. *,)7 +6% L3%'+,1'1+0 G%/#,+7%-+ *), %3%'+,1'
')--%'+1)- #-8 %3%'+,1'#3 *1++1-$. 1- # 9:1381-$4 D6% 8%3#0. #,% '#:.%8 8:% +) .3)@
/,)'%..1-$ )* #//31'#+1)-. 90 <%-+,#3 L3%'+,1'1+0 T://30 H+131+0 )* I,1..# E<LTHF4

YF D6% 8%2%3)/%, 1. ,%>:1,%8 +) 9:138 '121' 1-*,#.+,:'+:,% #,):-8 1+. /,)N%'+ #,%# ), #@#0 *,)7
+6% /,)N%'+ #,%# #. # .%,21'% +) +6% 3)'#3 #:+6),1+04 D6% 5:+6),1+0 1..:%. ')77%-'%7%-+
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'121' 1-*,#.+,:'+:,%4 G%2%3)/%,. *#'% 3)+ )* 81**1':3+1%. @613% 8%2%3)/1-$ +61. 1-*,#.+,:'+:,%
.:'6 #.J )9N%'+1)-. *,)7 /:931'J 3#'( )* '))/%,#+1)- *,)7 /)31'% #-8 '121' #$%-'1%. %+'4 C-
+6% #9.%-'% )* .+#+:+),0 /)@%,J 1+ 1. 2%,0 81**1':3+ *), +6% /,12#+% 8%2%3)/%, +) :-8%,+#(%
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SF D6% %-21,)-7%-+ '3%#,#-'% .6):38 9% )9+#1-%8 90 3)'#3 #:+6),1+1%. *), +6% %-+1,% <G"
E<1+0 G%2%3)/7%-+ "3#-F #-8 B#.+%, /3#-4 53+%,-#+12%30J +6% .1A% )* /,)N%'+. '):38 9%
1-',%#.%8 *,)7 %O1.+1-$ WQJQQQ .>:#,% 7%+,%. +) PQJQQQ .>:#,% 7%+,%.4 C- +6% '#.% )*
1-+%$,#+%8 +)@-.61/.J +6% #//,)2#3 '):38 9% 7#8% 7#-8#+),04

WF T+,1'+ 8%#831-%. .6):38 9% .%+ *), 2#,1):. '3%#,#-'%. 90 +6% ,%3%2#-+ 8%/#,+7%-+.4
G%%7%8 #//,)2#3 9% ')-.18%,%8 1- '#.% )* 8%3#04

YF B:-1'1/#31+0 .6):38 +#(% :/ +6% N)9 )* /,)2181-$ '121' 1-*,#.+,:'+:,% )* #-0 #,%# #. +6%0
6#2% +6% #:+6),1+0 #-8 %O/%,+1.% +) 8) +61. +#.(4 G%2%3)/%,. '):38 9% '6#,$%8 # *%% *),
1-*,#.+,:'+:,% 8%2%3)/7%-+4 D61. @):38 $%-%,#+% *1-#-'% *), +6% 7:-1'1/#31+0 *),
%O%':+1-$ +61. @),(4 I-'% .:'6 *%% 1. /#18 90 +6% 8%2%3)/%, +) +6% 7:-1'1/#31+0J +6%
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[F T1-$3% @1-8)@ '3%#,#-'% .0.+%7 .6):38 9% %O/3),%8 *), .)7% )* +6% #//,)2#3. @1+6 .+,1'+
+17% 3171+.4

PF <)7/:+%,1A#+1)- *), .:971..1)- )* #//31'#+1)- *),7. #-8 .(133 :/ $,#8#+1)- )* .+#** 1- 3)'#3
#//,)21-$ #:+6),1+1%. 1. 7:'6 -%%8%84
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G%2%3)/7%-+ 5:+6),1+0 E<BG5FJ <6%--#1 B%+,)/)31+#- \#+%, T://30 ] T%@%,#$% R)#,8
E<B\TTRFJ G1,%'+), I* M1,% ] ^%.':% T%,21'%. EGM^TFJ D#713 ;#8: ")33:+1)- <)-+,)3 R)#,8
ED;"<RFJ D,#**1' ")31'%J <%-+,#3 V,):-8 \#+%, 5:+6),1+0 )* C-81# E<V\5CFJ ;X5C %+'_ %#'6 )*
@61'6 1. ,%$:3#+%8 90 81**%,%-+ 5'+.4 D6% -:79%, )* .+#$%. +6#+ # *13% $)%. +6,):$6 1- %#'6
#//,)2#3 /,)'%.. 1. 2%,0 3)-$ +6:. .3)@1-$ 8)@- +6% #//,)2#3 /,)'%..4

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L-21,)-7%-+K. L-21,)-7%-+#3 C7/#'+ 5..%..7%-+ ELC5F '3%#,#-'%4

YF 5..1.+#-+ "3#--%,. 8) 3%$#3 /%,:.#3 )* #//31'#+1)-. @1+6):+ 6#21-$ +6% ,%>:1.1+% (-)@3%8$%

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'%-+,% *), +6% 9:138%,. *), )9+#1-1-$ 3)'#3=.+#+% #//,)2#3.4

WF 5- )-31-% .0.+%7 +) +,#'( +6% #//,)2#3 /,)'%.. 1- +6% .1-$3% @1-8)@ .0.+%7 .6):38 9%

YF 51,/),+ 5:+6),1+0 1- ')-.:3+#+1)- @1+6 +6% 3)'#3 /3#--%,. #-8 #//,)21-$ #:+6),1+1%. .6):38
18%-+1*0 +6% -)?*301-$ A)-%.J #1, *:--%3 #-8 *31$6+ /#+6. #-8 8%7#,'#+% +6%7 1- +6% '1+0
7#.+%, /3#-4

[F "#,+-%,.61/. 9%+@%%- +6% B1-1.+,0 )* L-21,)-7%-+ #-8 +6% ,%./%'+12% .+#+% $)2%,-7%-+.
9% ',%#+%8 *), 17/3%7%-+#+1)-J 7)-1+),1-$ #-8 %**%'+12% 7#1-+%-#-'% )* 9:1381-$
.+,:'+:,%. #. /%, -),7. )* %-21,)-7%-+4

PF R:1381-$ "3#- :/ +) # '%,+#1- .1A% '):38 9% .#-'+1)-%8 90 '%,+1*1%8 5,'61+%'+.4 C- '#.% )*
71.:.% )* +61. ')-81+1)-J +6%,% .6):38 9% .+,)-$ /%-#3+0 9)+6 )- +6% #,'61+%'+ #-8 +6%
/,)/%,+0 )@-%,4 B:-1'1/#31+0 .6):38 7)-1+), +6% ')-.+,:'+1)- )* +6% /,)N%'+ #-8 %-.:,% 1+
')-*),7. +) +6% /3#- .#-'+1)-%84

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.+#+% .1-'% +17%31-%. #,% -)+ *)33)@%8 90 +6% 2#,1):. 8%/#,+7%-+.4

WF D6% /,%.%-+ .0.+%7 )* 9:1381-$ /3#- #//,)2#3 1-2)32%. ;I<`. *,)7 81**%,%-+ -)8#3 #$%-'1%.
31(% XHG5J 55C=C5MJ 5TCJ M1,% M1$6+1-$ G%/#,+7%-+J ^%2%-:% G%/#,+7%-+ %+'4

YF T+,:'+:,%= R:1381-$ X%1$6+ <3%#,#-'% *,)7 55C=C5M +#(%. 3)-$%, +6#- +6% .+1/:3#+%8 +17%4

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