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Hardecker Headlines

Independent Fundamental Baptst Missionaries on deputaton to the Philippines

updat e
Sending Church:
Mt. Zion Baptst Church
48 Muddy Creek Forks Road
Brogue, PA 17309
(717) 927-9227
Mission Funds:
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, TX 77218
(800) 262-7729
Contact Informaton:
The Hardeckers
111 S. Pine St.
Red Lion, PA 17356
(717) 880-5011
Relevant Dates:
Bill (01/10) & Marcia (09/30)
Anniv. (06/15/2004)
W.T. (09/14/10)
Joe (12/28/12)
Praise Reports:
1. God has blessed our summer ministries with souls
saved. We saw six young people make professions of
faith during VBS in Hunt Valley, Maryland. One of them
is a teen girl who atended our Friday night class. While
making visits back at our home church, I was also able
to share the good news with a 21-year-old man, and he
too trusted in Christ as his personal Saviour. Praise
2. God provides - We were the featured missionary of
two Vacaton Bible Schools this summer. As a result, we
are the recipients of two generous love-gifs from chil-
dren and parents who gave to help us get to the Philip-
pines. We are humbled and thankful to the givers and
also to our Heavenly Father who contnues to bless us.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for wisdom and strength as we contnue on
deputaton, renovaton & sale of our house, and work-
ing on visas and passports.
2. Please pray for souls to be saved, and genuine revival in
the hearts of many Christans and churches that we
minister in.
Support level: 75% - Thank you to four new supportng churches: Community Baptst Church, Curwensville, PA (Pastor
Todd Hogue), Hannahstown Road Baptst Church, Cabot, PA (Pastor Mark Wagner), Friendship Baptst Church, Newville,
PA (Pastor Richard Black), & Great Hope Baptst Church, Carlisle, PA (Pastor Dale Barrick). PRAISE BE TO GOD!
Personal Update:
Since we were scheduled to be at another church on
the 4th of July weekend (Heritage Baptst Church in Manheim,
PA), we were able to share a special power point presentaton
on the topic of how the Baptst movement contributed to
religious liberty in America. We featured the Baptst Evange-
list John Leland and how he infuenced the honorable James
Madison in securing religious liberty with the Bill of Rights.
We are thankful to God for His grace and mercy upon our lives
and our desire is to use that liberty to win lost souls to Christ,
disciple new converts, edify other believers, plant Independ-
ent Baptst churches (in the Philippines), and pray for a God-
sent revival in the hearts of Christan homes and churches.
Philippians 1:3
I Thank my God upon every remembrance
of you,
(from the apostle Pauls thank you leter to the Philippians:
the church that will always be remembered for giving when no
other church did). Thank you for giving & praying!
Pastor Steve Boots was our Jr.
Camp speaker this year.
Pastor Clarence Marlon Mosley was
our Teen Camp speaker.
Marcia and I were able to teach
the lively teen class for VBS.
Pastor Caleb and the people of Hunt
Valley Baptst Church did an excel-
lent ministry for VBS.
What a blessing to be a part of this years teen class at
Hunt Valley Baptst Church in Hunt Valley, MD. Will you
pray for them to be strengthened in the LORD?
For current informaton & news visit us online at
or follow on Twiter: @hardecker

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