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Acta Agronomica Hungarica

An International Multidisciplinary Journal in Agricultural

ACTA AGRONOMICA HUNGARICA publishes papers, short communications,
review articles and boo reviews o! international interest in the "eld o! basic
and applied research in agronomy, chie#$ on the ph$siolo%$, %enetics,
breedin% and production o! cultivated crops& Onl$ ori%inal papers will be
published& A cop$ o! the 'ublishin% A%reement will be sent to the authors o!
papers accepted !or publication( manuscripts will be processed onl$ a!ter
receivin% a si%ned cop$ o! the a%reement&
1. Manuscripts must be written in standard %rammatical )n%lish in three
copies with one set o! the ori%inal illustrations and should be submitted to
'ro!& *+,se! -uta, )ditor, ACTA AGRONOMICA, H./01/, MARTON23-3R, '&O&
4o5 67, Hun%ar$& Manuscripts should be t$ped double.spaced with wide
mar%ins 89. 0 cm:, on one side o! A0 paper& Authors are encoura%ed to submit
their manuscripts t$ped on an I4M.compatible computer, pre!erabl$ usin%
Microso!t ;ord& Alwa$s suppl$ us with both the hard.cop$ 8print out: version
o! $our "nal te5t, illustrations and the #opp$ disette& The ori%inal paper
should not e5ceed < printed pa%es 8appro5imatel$ 61 t$ped pa%es includin%
"%ures and tables:& 4e!ore acceptance !or publication the papers will be
evaluated b$ reviewers&
2. )ver$ ori%inal standard paper should be divided into the
!ollowin% sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results,
=iscussion, Acnowled%ements, Re!erences& Manuscripts should be headed
with the title o! the paper, initial8s: o! "rst name8s: and surname8s: o!
author8s:, and the institute where the research was carried out& A running
title not to e5ceed >? letter spaces should be included on a separate sheet&
3. Abstracts are re@uired !or all the manuscripts& The$ should be limited to
ma5& /?? words& Up to Akey words should be added at the end o! the
4. Genus and species names, gene symbols and atin words are printed
in italics. A sin%le strai%ht line should be drawn under such names i! no italic
script is available&
!. "nits should con!orm to the International -$stem o! Units 8-I:&
#. $igures and %ables should be limited to the necessar$ minimum( tables,
"%ures and "%ure captions should be submitted to%ether with the manuscript
on separate sheets& On the reverse side o! these "%ures the names o! the
authors and the "%ure number should be written& Bi%ures should be submitted
in camera&ready !orm& Onl$ ori%inal prints o! photo%raphic material can be
printed& Coloured illustrations cannot be accepted&
'. The list o! re(erences should onl$ include publications cited in the te5t&
The$ should be cited in alphabetical order b$ authorsC names, $ear o!
publication, title o! the paper, abbreviated title o! the Dournal, volume number,
"rst and last pa%e& Russian and Hun%arian titles should be translated&
Fa,ar, M& =&, -chaeGer, G& ;&, 4aen,i%er, '& -& 867A0:E Cultivar and cultivar H
environment eGects on the development o! callus and pol$haploid plants !rom
anther cultures o! wheat& Theor. Appl. Genet., #',/<9. /<<&
Iiss, G&, 'app, I&, 4aondi.JKmori, )&, Gartner.4Kn!alvi, 3& 867<<:E A s,+Da
!un%icides ma%csKvK,KsKna Ls rhi,+bium oltKsKna e%$Mttes
tanulmKn$o,Ksa& 8*oint stud$ o! !un%icide dressin% and rhi,obium inoculation
in so$bean&: Nvnytermels, 2#, 60<. 6>9&
Ou$an%, *& 867A1:E Induction o! pollen plants in Triticum aestivum. InE Hu, M&,
Nan%, M& 8eds&:, aploids o! higher plants in vitro. Academic 'ress, 4eiDin%,
/1. 06&
). The !ull name and mailing address o! the correspondin% author should
be %iven a!ter the re!erence list& $a* and +&mail addresses are also
re@uested, i! available&
,. One set o! proo(s will be provided, which should be returned to the )ditor
within 9 da$s o! receipt& Alterations in the te5t and especiall$ in the
illustrations should be avoided&
Authors can use the --penArt .optional open article/ publication model
!or a speci"c publishin% !ee& Bull.te5t o! an OOpenArt paper is !reel$
accessible throu%h the oOcial website o! the Dournal& These papers are
published in the printed Dournals also as well as all the traditional ones& 'eer.
review process and @ualit$ re@uirements are the same in case o! both
traditional and OOpenArt manuscripts& All accepted new manuscripts and
papers published earlier can be OOpenArt&
'rice o! an OOpenArt article is ,00 +"1 .112! "23/ 4 5A%, where
applicable, but can be even less& AadLmiai Iiad+ oGers !06 discount !or
correspondin% authors o! a/ subscribin% institutions b/ Hun%arian
institutions c/ institution o!low. and middle.income countries& =iscounts ma$
not be combined, all these authors should pa$ 4!0 +"1 .!#2 "23/& The
above OOpenArt !ee does not include an$ normal 8e5cess: pa%e !ees and
colour char%es&
4$ si%nin% the OOpenArt A%reement the author as the holder o! the
cop$ri%hts related to the Articles ensure the wide accessibilit$ o! the Article in
the written an electronic media controlled b$ AadLmia Iiad+ Jrt& b$ %rantin%
license to the publishin% o! the Article and a%ainst pa$in% the !ee while
retainin% the ownership and !urther ri%hts related to the Article&
-hould $ou have an$ @uestion, please contact editors o! the Dournals&
Acta Agronomica Hungarica
An International Multidisciplinary Journal in Agricultural
ACTA AGRONOMICA HUNGARICA publishes papers, short communications,
review articles and boo reviews o! international interest in the "eld o! basic
and applied research in agronomy, chie#$ on the ph$siolo%$, %enetics,
breedin% and production o! cultivated crops& Onl$ ori%inal papers will be
published& A cop$ o! the 'ublishin% A%reement will be sent to the authors o!
papers accepted !or publication( manuscripts will be processed onl$ a!ter
receivin% a si%ned cop$ o! the a%reement&
1. Manuscripts must be written in standard %rammatical )n%lish in three
copies with one set o! the ori%inal illustrations and should be submitted to
'ro!& *+,se! -uta, )ditor, ACTA AGRONOMICA, H./01/, MARTON23-3R, '&O&
4o5 67, Hun%ar$& Manuscripts should be t$ped double.spaced with wide
mar%ins 89. 0 cm:, on one side o! A0 paper& Authors are encoura%ed to submit
their manuscripts t$ped on an I4M.compatible computer, pre!erabl$ usin%
Microso!t ;ord& Alwa$s suppl$ us with both the hard.cop$ 8print out: version
o! $our "nal te5t, illustrations and the #opp$ disette& The ori%inal paper
should not e5ceed < printed pa%es 8appro5imatel$ 61 t$ped pa%es includin%
"%ures and tables:& 4e!ore acceptance !or publication the papers will be
evaluated b$ reviewers&
2. )ver$ ori%inal standard paper should be divided into the
!ollowin% sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results,
=iscussion, Acnowled%ements, Re!erences& Manuscripts should be headed
with the title o! the paper, initial8s: o! "rst name8s: and surname8s: o!
author8s:, and the institute where the research was carried out& A running
title not to e5ceed >? letter spaces should be included on a separate sheet&
3. Abstracts are re@uired !or all the manuscripts& The$ should be limited to
ma5& /?? words& Up to Akey words should be added at the end o! the
4. Genus and species names, gene symbols and atin words are printed
in italics. A sin%le strai%ht line should be drawn under such names i! no italic
script is available&
!. "nits should con!orm to the International -$stem o! Units 8-I:&
#. $igures and %ables should be limited to the necessar$ minimum( tables,
"%ures and "%ure captions should be submitted to%ether with the manuscript
on separate sheets& On the reverse side o! these "%ures the names o! the
authors and the "%ure number should be written& Bi%ures should be submitted
in camera&ready !orm& Onl$ ori%inal prints o! photo%raphic material can be
printed& Coloured illustrations cannot be accepted&
'. The list o! re(erences should onl$ include publications cited in the te5t&
The$ should be cited in alphabetical order b$ authorsC names, $ear o!
publication, title o! the paper, abbreviated title o! the Dournal, volume number,
"rst and last pa%e& Russian and Hun%arian titles should be translated&
Fa,ar, M& =&, -chaeGer, G& ;&, 4aen,i%er, '& -& 867A0:E Cultivar and cultivar H
environment eGects on the development o! callus and pol$haploid plants !rom
anther cultures o! wheat& Theor. Appl. Genet., #',/<9. /<<&
Iiss, G&, 'app, I&, 4aondi.JKmori, )&, Gartner.4Kn!alvi, 3& 867<<:E A s,+Da
!un%icides ma%csKvK,KsKna Ls rhi,+bium oltKsKna e%$Mttes
tanulmKn$o,Ksa& 8*oint stud$ o! !un%icide dressin% and rhi,obium inoculation
in so$bean&: Nvnytermels, 2#, 60<. 6>9&
Ou$an%, *& 867A1:E Induction o! pollen plants in Triticum aestivum. InE Hu, M&,
Nan%, M& 8eds&:, aploids o! higher plants in vitro. Academic 'ress, 4eiDin%,
/1. 06&
). The !ull name and mailing address o! the correspondin% author should
be %iven a!ter the re!erence list& $a* and +&mail addresses are also
re@uested, i! available&
,. One set o! proo(s will be provided, which should be returned to the )ditor
within 9 da$s o! receipt& Alterations in the te5t and especiall$ in the
illustrations should be avoided&
Authors can use the --penArt .optional open article/ publication model
!or a speci"c publishin% !ee& Bull.te5t o! an OOpenArt paper is !reel$
accessible throu%h the oOcial website o! the Dournal& These papers are
published in the printed Dournals also as well as all the traditional ones& 'eer.
review process and @ualit$ re@uirements are the same in case o! both
traditional and OOpenArt manuscripts& All accepted new manuscripts and
papers published earlier can be OOpenArt&
'rice o! an OOpenArt article is ,00 +"1 .112! "23/ 4 5A%, where
applicable, but can be even less& AadLmiai Iiad+ oGers !06 discount !or
correspondin% authors o! a/ subscribin% institutions b/ Hun%arian
institutions c/ institution o!low. and middle.income countries& =iscounts ma$
not be combined, all these authors should pa$ 4!0 +"1 .!#2 "23/& The
above OOpenArt !ee does not include an$ normal 8e5cess: pa%e !ees and
colour char%es&
4$ si%nin% the OOpenArt A%reement the author as the holder o! the
cop$ri%hts related to the Articles ensure the wide accessibilit$ o! the Article in
the written an electronic media controlled b$ AadLmia Iiad+ Jrt& b$ %rantin%
license to the publishin% o! the Article and a%ainst pa$in% the !ee while
retainin% the ownership and !urther ri%hts related to the Article&
-hould $ou have an$ @uestion, please contact editors o! the Dournals&

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