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The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)

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Section 1. Institution of Criminal Actions ....... 1
Section 2. The Complaint or Information . 1
Section 3. Complaint Defined 1
Section 4. Information Defined. 1
Section 5. Who must Prosecute Criminal Actions.. 1
Section 6. Sufficiency of Complaint or Information 3
Section 7. Name of the Accused. 3
Section . Designation of the ffense. 3
Section !. Cause of the Accusation""""""""""""""" 3
Section 10. Place of Commission of the ffense"""""""""" 3
Section 11. Date of Commission of the ffense"""""""""". #
Section 12. Name of the ffended Party""""""""""""". #
Section 13. Duplicity of the ffense""""""""""""""". #
Section 14. Amendment or Su$stitution"""""""""""""... #
Section 15. Place %here Action is to $e Instituted""""""""". &
Section 16. Inter'ention of the ffended Party in Criminal Action"".. &
Section 1. Institution of Criminal and Ci'il Actions """""""". &
Section 2. When Separate Ci'il Action is Suspended""""""". 7
Section 3. When Ci'il Action may Proceed Independently 7
Section 4. (ffect of Death on Ci'il Actions""""""""""".. )
Section 5. *udgment in Ci'il Action not a $ar """""""""". +
Section 6. Suspension $y ,eason of Pre-udicial .uestion""""" +
Section 7. (lements of Pre-udicial .uestion"""""""""".. +
Rule 112 - PRE"I$IN#R% IN!ESTI&#TION
Section 1. Preliminary In'estigation Defined/ When ,e0uired". +
Section 2. fficers Authori1ed to Conduct Preliminary In'estigations... !
Section 3. Procedure !
Section 4. ,esolution of In'estigating Prosecutor and its ,e'ie%.. 11
Section 5. ,esolution of In'estigating *udge and its ,e'ie% 12
Section 6. When Warrant of Arrest may Issue"""""""""".. 12
Section 7. When Accused 3a%fully Arrested Without Warrant..""". 13
Section . ,ecords 1#
Section '. Cases not ,e0uiring a Preliminary In'estigation nor
co'ered $y the ,ule on Summary Procedure.. 1#
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
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Rule 113 ( #RREST
Section 1. Definition of Arrest"""... ....... 1&
Section 2. Arrest5 6o% 7ade"""" . 1&
Section 3. Duty of Arresting fficer" 1&
Section 4. (8ecution of Warrant. 1&
Section 5. Arrest Without Warrant5 When 3a%ful ... 1&
Section 6. Time of 7a9ing Arrest 1:
Section 7. 7ethod of Arrest $y fficer $y ;irtue of Warrant.. 1:
Section . 7ethod of Arrest $y fficer $y ;irtue of Warrant .. 1:
Section '. 7ethod of Arrest $y Pri'ate Person.. 1:
Section 10. fficer 7ay Summon Assistance".. 1:
Section 11. ,ight of fficer to <rea9 Into <uilding or (nclosure.. 1:
Section 12. ,ight of fficer to <rea9 ut =rom <uilding or (nclosure ... 1)
Section 13. Arrest After (scape or ,escue..... 1)
Section 14. ,ight of Attorney or ,elati'e to ;isit Person Arrested... 1)
Rule 114 ( )#I"
Section 1. <ail Defined""""""... ....... 1)
Section 2. Conditions of the <ail/ ,e0uirements. 1)
Section 3. No ,elease or Transfer (8cept on Court rder or <ail 1+
Section 4. <ail5 a 7atter of ,ight/ (8ception. 1+
Section 5. <ail5 When Discretionary """"""... 1+
Section 6. Capital ffense Defined.. 1!
Section 7. Capital ffense or an ffense Punisha$le $y ,eclusion
Perpetua or 3ife Imprisonment5 Not <aila$le""... 1!
Section . <urden of Proof in <ail Application"""""" .. 1!
Section '. Amount of <ail/ >uidelines"""".. 2?
Section 10. Corporate Surety""""""".".. 2?
Section 11. Property <ond5 6o% Posted""""""""""... 2?
Section 12. .ualifications of Sureties in Property <ond.......................... 2?
Section 13. *ustification of Sureties"""...... 21
Section 14. Deposit of Cash as <ail""""""""""""..... 21
Section 15. ,ecogni1ance""""""""""""........................... 21
Section 16. <ail5 When ,e0uired5 ,educed <ail or ,ecogni1ance"".. 21
Section 17. <ail5 Where =iled""..""""""""""""...... 22
Section 1. Notice of Application to Prosecutor"""........................... 22
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
Section 1'. ,elease on <ail"""""""""""""""".."".. 22
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Rule 114 ( )#I" @cont"A
Section 20. Increase or ,eduction of <ail.."""""""""...... 23
Section 21. =orfeiture of <ail..""""""""""""""".."".. 23
Section 22. Cancellation of <ail""""..."""""""""...... 23
Section 23. Arrest pf Accused ut on <ail""""""""""""... 23
Section 24. No <ail After =inal *udgment5 (8ception"""""""... 2#
Section 25. Court Super'ision of Detainees"""... 2#
Section 26. <ail Not a <ar to $-ections on Illegal Arrest5 3ac9 of or
Irregular Preliminary In'estigation 2#
Rule 115 - RI&*TS OF #CCUSE+
Section 1. ,ights of Accused at Trial.... ...... 25
Rule 116 ( #RR#I&N$ENT #N+ P"E#
Section 1. Arraignment and Plea5 6o% 7ade......... 2:
Section 2. Plea of >uilty to a 3esser ffense".. 2)
Section 3. Plea of >uilty to Capital ffense5 ,eception of ('idence 2)
Section 4. Plea of >uilty to Non4Capital ffense5
,eception of ('idence5 Discretionary.. 27
Section 5. Withdra%al of Impro'ident Plea of >uilty".... 2)
Section 6. Duty of Court to Inform Accused of 6is ,ight to Counsel" 2)
Section 7. Appointment of Counsel de fficio"""""..""... 2+
Section . Time for Counsel de fficio to Prepare for Arraignment.. 2+
Section '. <ill of Particulars"""""""".. 2+
Section 10. Production or Inspection of 7aterial ('idence in
Possession of Prosecution".".. 2+
Section 11. Suspension of Arraignment"."""""""""... 2+
Rule 117 ( $OTION TO ,U#S*
Section 1. Time to 7o'e to .uash"""""......... 2!
Section 2. =orms and Contents"""""".".. 2!
ection !. "rounds#####################.# 2$
Section 4. Amendments of Complaint or Information... 3?
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
Section 5. (ffect of Sustaining the 7otion to .uash".... 3?
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Rule 117 ( $OTION TO ,U#S* @cont"A
Section 6. rder Sustaining the 7otion to .uash Not a <ar
to Another Possession5 (8ception""""""""" 3?
Section 7. =ormer Con'iction or Ac0uittal5 Dou$le *eopardy.."... 3?
Section . Pro'isional Dismissal"""""""""""""".... 31
Section '. =ailure to 7o'e to .uash or to Allege Any >round
Therefor""""""..""".. 31
Rule 11 ( PRE-TRI#"
Section 1. Pre4Trial/ 7andatory in Criminal Cases""... 31
Section 2. Pre4Trial Agreement"""""".".. 32
Section 3. Non4Appearance at Pre4Trial Agreement""""""". 32
Section 4. Pre4Trial rder"""""""""""".. 32

Rule 11' ( TRI#"
Section 1. Time to Prepare for Trial"""""......... 32
Section 2. Continuous Trial Bntil Terminated/ Postponements... 32
Section 3. (8clusions".""""""""""""""""""". 33
Section 4. =actors for >ranting Continuance"""..... 3#
Section 5. Time 3imit =ollo%ing An rder =or a Ne% Trial... 3&
Section 6. (8tended Time 3imit"""""""".""""""""" 3&
Section 7. Pu$lic AttorneyCs Duties Where Accused Is Imprisoned.... 3&
Section . Santions""""""."""""""""""""".... 3:
Section '. ,emedy Where Accused Is Not <rought To Trial
Within The Time 3imit"..""".. 3:
Section 10. 3a% n Speedy Trial Not A <ar To Pro'ision n
Speedy Trial In The Constitution"..""... 3)
Section 11. rder of Trial""""".."""".".. 3)
Section 12. Application for (8amination of Witness for Accused
<efore Trial""""""". 3)
Section 13. (8amination of Defense Witness/ 6o% 7ade""""".. 3)
Section 14. <ail to Secure Appearance of 7aterial Witness .. 3+
Section 15. (8amination of Witness for the Prosecution..""""".. 3+
Section 16. Trial of Se'eral Accused"""""""""".. 3+
Section 17. Discharge of Accused to $e State Witness...""""".. 3+
Section 1. Discharge of Accused perates as Ac0uittal"."""".. 3!
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
Section 1'. When 7ista9e 6as <een 7ade in Charging the
Proper ffense Accused"""""""".. 3!
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Rule 11' ( TRI#" @cont"A
Section 20. Appointment of Acting Prosecutor""""...""""".. 3!
Section 21. (8clusion of the Pu$lic"""""""""..""""".. 3!
Section 22. Consolidation of Trials of ,elated ffenses"".. #?
Section 23. Demurrer to ('idence"""""""""....""""".. #?
Section 24. ,eopening""""""""""""""....""""".. #?
Rule 120 ( -U+&$ENT
Section 1. *udgment/ Definition and =orm.""""""""".."".. #1
Section 2. Contents of the *udgment..""""""..""""..... #1
Section 3. *udgment for t%o or 7ore ffenses"""".""".."".. #1
Section 4. *udgment in Case of ;ariance <et%een
Allegation and Proof""..."""""""""...... #1
Section 5. When an ffense Includes or is Included in Another..""... #1
Section 6. Promulgation of *udgment.""""""."""""""... #2
Section 7. 7odification of *udgment"""""""... #2
Section . (ntry of *udgment""."""""".. #2
Section '. (8isting Pro'isions >o'erning Suspension of Sentence5
Pro$ation and Parole not Affected $y this ,ule.. #2
Section 1. Ne% Trial or ,econsideration"""""""""".."".. #3
Section 2. >rounds for a Ne% Trial""""""""""""..... #3
Section 3. >rounds for ,econsideration""""""...""".."".. #3
Section 4. =orm of 7otion and Notice to the Prosecutor.""...... ##
Section 5. 6earing on 7otion".""""""""".......................... ##
Section 6. (ffects of >ranting a Ne% Trial or ,econsideration..""... ##
Rule 122 ( #PPE#"
Section 1. Who 7ay Appeal""""""""""""""".."".. ##
Section 2. Where to Appeal"""....""""""..""""..... ##
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
Section 3. 6o% Appeal Ta9en"""""".."""".""".."".. #&
Section 4. Ser'ice of Notice of Appeal.."""""""""...... #&
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Rule 122 ( #PPE#" @cont"A
Section 5. Wai'er of Notice""""""""""""""....""... #&
ection %. &hen '((eal to )e Ta*en..#####.#######... +%
Section 7. Transcri$ing and =iling Notes of Stenographic ,eporter
Bpon Appeal""""."""""""..... #:
Section . Transmission of Papers to Appellate Court Bpon Appeal... #:
Section '. Appeal to the ,egional Trial Courts""""""... #:
Section 10. Transmission of ,ecords in Case of Death Penalty. #)
Section 11. (ffect of Appeal $y Any of Se'eral Accused"""".."".. #)
Section 12. Withdra%al of Appeal"""...."""""""""...... #)
Section 13. Appointment of Counsel de fficio for Accused on Appeal... #+
Section 1. Bniform Procedure"""""""""""""".."".. #+
Section 1. Title of the Case"""....""""""..""""..... #+
Section 2. Appointment of Counsel de fficio for the Accused."".. #+
Section 3. When <rief for Appellant to $e =iled""""""...... #+
Section 4. When <rief for Appellee to $e =iled/ ,eply <rief of the
Appellant"".."""""""""""""...."".. #!.
Section 5. (8tension of Time for =iling <riefs ""."""""""... #!
Section 6. =orm of <riefs"..""""."""""""..... #!
Section 7. Contents of <rief"""""""""""""""""... #!
Section . Dismissal of Appeal for A$andonment or =ailure to
Prosecute"""""""""".."""""... #!
Section '. Prompt Disposition of Appeals""""""""".. #!
Section 10. *udgment Not to $e ,e'ersed or 7odified (8cept for
Su$stantial (rror"""""""""".""".."".. &?
Section 11. Scope of *udgment".""...."""""""""...... &?
Section 12. Po%er to ,ecei'e ('idence""""""""""""..... &?
Section 13. .uorum of the Court/ Certification or Appeal of Cases
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
to Supreme Court"""..""""""""".. &?
Section 14. 7otion for Ne% Trial."""""""""".""".."".. &?
Section 15. Where Ne% Trial Conducted".""""""""...... &1
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Rule 124( PROCE+URE IN T*E COURT OF #PPE#"S @cont"A
Section 16. ,econsideration"""""""""""""""""..... &1
Section 17. *udgment Transmitted and =iled in Trial Court."".."".. &1
Section 1. Application of Certain ,ules in Ci'il Procedure
to Criminal Cases"""".""""""""...... &1
Section 1. Bniform Procedure""....""""""..""""..... &1
Section 2. ,e'ie% of Decisions of the Court of Appeals""".."".. &1
Section 3. Decision if pinion is (0ually Di'ided."""""...... &1
Rule 126( SE#RC* #N+ SEI/URE
Section 1. Search Warrant Defined..""""""..""""..... &2
Section 2. Court Where Application for Search Warrant
Shall $e =iled""""""""""""""..."".. &2
Section 3. Personal Property to $e Sei1ed"..""""""...... &2
Section 4. ,e0uisites for Issuing Search Warrant...""""..... &2
Section 5. (8amination of Complainant/ ,ecord.."""""..."".. &2
Section 6. Issuance and =orm of Search Warrant..""""...... &3
Section 7. ,ight to <rea9 Door or Windo% to (ffect Search ...... &3
Section . Search of 6ouse5 ,oom5 or Premises to $e 7ade
in Presence of T%o @2A Witnesses """""..."".. &3
Section '. Time of 7a9ing Search"""""..""""""...... &3
Section 10. ;alidity of Search Warrant""""".....""""..... &3
Section 11. ,eceipt of the Property Sei1ed""".."""""..."".. &3
Section 12. Deli'ery of Property and In'entory Thereof to Court5
,eturn and Proceedings Thereon....""""...... &3
Section 13. Search Incident to 3a%ful Arrest."""..""""..... &#
Section 14. 7otion to .uash a Search Warrant or to Suppress
('idence/ Where to =ile.."""""""""..."".. &#
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127, Rules of Court, Effective December 1, 2000)
Section 1. A'aila$ility of Pro'isional ,emedies.."..""""..... &#
Section 2. Attachment""..""""""""""""""..."".. &#
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