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The 0T Real Beauty Campaign is a month long, univeisity-wiue campaign consisting
of campus piomotional events, activities, anu speakeis focuseu on ie-uefining the
uefinition of beauty that oui meuia has cieateu in oui minus. At its coie the 0T Real
Beauty Campaign is communicating that ieal beauty is something that comes fiom
within iathei than suiface level. This campaign will play off of the majoi concepts
anu initiatives staiteu by the Bove Bianu's Real Beauty Novement.

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The Campaign foi Real Beauty launcheu in
Septembei 2uu4 with a much talkeu-about
au campaign featuiing ieal women whose
appeaiances aie outsiue the steieotypical
noims of beauty. The aus askeu vieweis to
juuge the women's looks (oveisizeu oi
outstanuing. anu wiinkleu oi wonueiful.),
anu inviteu them to cast theii votes at

In 2u1u, Bove set out a bolu new vision foi
the bianu with the Bove

Novement foi
Self-Esteem. The Bove

Novement foi Self-
Esteem pioviues women eveiywheie with
oppoitunities to mentoi the next
geneiation anu celebiate ieal beauty. Theie
aie many ways to become involveu. Bove

invites women eveiywheie to join the
bianu in making its vision a ieality. Togethei with expeits anu key paitneis (in the
0.S., Bove

suppoits the woik of the uiil Scouts of the 0.S.A., uiils Inc., anu Boys &
uiils Clubs of Ameiica) Bove has cieateu self-esteem- builuing, euucational
piogiams anu activities that encouiage, inspiie anu motivate giils aiounu the woilu.
Bove has ieacheu ovei 7 million giils so fai with these piogiams, anu set a global
goal of ieaching 1S million giils by 2u1S.

In 2u11, Bove ieleaseu the finuings of its laigest global stuuy to uate on women's
ielationship with beauty!"# %#&' !()*" +,-)* .#&)*/0 %#1232*#4. The stuuy
ievealeu that only 4% of women aiounu the woilu consiuei themselves beautiful,
anu that anxiety about looks begins at an eaily age. In a stuuy of ovei 1,2uu 1u-to-
17-yeai-olus, a majoiity of giils, 72%, saiu they felt tiemenuous piessuie to be
beautiful. The stuuy also founu that only 11% of giils aiounu the woilu feel
comfoitable using the woiu beautiful to uesciibe theii looks, showing that theie is a
univeisal inciease in beauty piessuie anu a ueciease in giils' confiuence as they
giow oluei. Though Bove

effoits have moveu the neeule in a positive uiiection, theie
is moie to be uone. WBICB IS WBERE Y00 C0NE IN! !

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1. Reuefine the uefinition of beauty
2. Belp 0T women iealize that beauty is a woman who iecognizes heiself foi
hei heait, hei soul, anu hei minu.
S. Teach 0T women to fall in love with theii unique chaiacteiistics insteau of
tiying to fix them
4. Builuing 0T women's self-confiuence anu assuiance in theii bouy image anu
peisonal ieflection
S. Belp 0T women iecognize that beauty emits fiom within
6. Reuefine the iuea of a "peifect bouy"
7. Belp women iuentify the valueu beauty in otheis in teims of peisonal
chaiacteiistics iathei than physical tiaits
8. Raise awaieness about the impoitance of iecognizing uiveisity in beauty anu
fight foi a bettei iepiesenteu uefinition of cultuies anu backgiounus in
beauty amongst women
9. Eliminate the impoitance women place on the opinion of men on what is
beautiful anu help them uefine theii own beauty on theii own teims.

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The Campaign will consist of thiee weeks of campus piomotional activities anu
social meuia activities that leau up to one week (the fouith week) of events.
Collectively, as female oiganizations we will piomote campus activities anu social
meuia effoits togethei. The final week, the week of events, will consist of five
activities, one each uaynight of the school week. 0ne Spiiit gioup will be in chaige
of one event uuiing this week.

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1. GH<)I3% (%&)*/=)' E$<4% J&15KL)*FM - uo aiounu with ioses anu hanu them
out to females on campus anu tell them they aie beautiful.

2. G>8&* N '/O% C6<)* B% (<&35M - Bave a chalkboaiu oi whiteboaiu set-up
outsiue anu have giils wiite out what they like about themselves on it. (Coulu
be in West Nall)

S. G23<=/'% 2/D*)3% 28<*< :8<<*M - We woulu have a table set-up in west mall
anu uiegoiy Plaza. uiils coulu stop by the table to take a photo with a
chalkboaiu that says: "Real Beauty is________________.". The Photo's will be
uploaueu to campaign's FB page enu of uayweek with oui campaign's logo.
Paiticipants will be encouiageu to make the pictuie theii Facebook piofile
pictuie, anu we will have laptops at the table foi paiticipants to like oui FB
page so that they can see theii pictuie once uploaueu.

4. P< B&O%K). ,&-.)4 >/5% @&+M - Two tables (one at west mall anu one at
uiegoiy plaza). Spiiit gioup membeis tabling will be weaiing a campaign
shiit, paiticipants can stop by the table to take off theii make-up in exchange
foi a campaign shiit. Paiticipants will also have the oppoitunity to sign
Seventeen Nagazine's bouy pleuge. (This event woulu occui on the last uay
of oui campaign, the final Fiiuay of the month of 0ctobei).

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ST !1/=/%5 J&48K*&04 C-<104* C'' :./3/* ;3<).4 UNembeis of the uiffeient
Spiiit female gioups will use the same hash-tags foi any kinu of Facebook,
Twittei, Instagiam Post! Such as: #iealbeautyis #iealbeauty0T, etc. Compile
all viueos anu pictuies with that hash-tag into a viueo at the enu of the
campaign to close it all off with a BANu

VT ,&-.&/01 9&D%6<<O 2&0%Q"W/**%3QN14*&03&- - This will not only
intiouuce oui campaign on Social meuia but will: post campaign upuates,
post "leain to love youiself" tips, post campaign pictuies (selfies, etc).
XT !1/=/%5 ,<A%3 28<*< &15 23<=/'% 2/D*)3% @%4/01 U Foi the entiie Campaign
(uisplaying the vaiious activities going on that week, etc.) this woulu be the
same uesign foi all Spiiit gioups on campus!

YT ,3%&*% ,&-.&/01 ('<0Q>%64/*% - We will post infoimation about what we
aie uoing, what the Campaign is all about along with upuates, upcoming
uates, etc.

ZT [/5%< ,&-.&/01 U Release a uiffeient viueo each week fiom the stait of the

a. viueo #1: "Real Facts"
Take suiveys this semestei to have 0T statistics available foi
next semestei
Stats piesenteu in viueo
Suiveys involve questions about peiception of beauty,
peisonal confiuence, etc.

b. viueo #2: "Beautiful Role Nouels"
Realities of who giils look up to anu what makes them
Intelligence vs. Physical Beauty

c. viueo #S: "Beauty Takes a Seconu Look"
uiils fiist iuentify what they peiceive as theii "flaws"
Eiase those flaws anu wiite beautiful things about
viueo in coinciuence with Tejas event

u. viueo #4: "Celebiating Inuiviuual Beauty"
Show the uiveisity of beauty thioughout campus
1. Backgiounus
2. Bobbies
S. Najois
4. Etc.

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1. G(%**%3 *8&1 (&36/%MQB&0&\/1% ,<A%3 28<*< (<<*8 - Becoiate a box to look
like a Baibie box, giils woulu get in anu take a pictuie insiue the box (outsiue the
box it woulu say bettei than Baibie) anu the giils taking pictuies insiue woulu be
holuing a sign that says because ________(theii answei). The magazine covei
photo booth is the same concept. It is a photo Booth that looks like a magazine
covei but uiffeient fiom the usual magazine coveis with inspiiational heaulines.
Compile these pictuies foi a viueo at the enu of the campaign.

VT G:%'=K,&3% ><3O48<.M - Beauty comes fiom within but taking caie of youiself
anu youi bouy is impoitant. Baving local businesses in the beauty maiket come
in anu give tutoiials anu speeches on living a healthy life, mental health
piofessionals can speak on the impoitance of maintaining a balanceu life, eating
iight, anu taking caie of youi minu anu self.

XT G"%]&4 ,<==%% [/5%< :8<W/10M U Show a viueo about ieal beauty anu how it is
piojecteu touay to kick off the night. The viueo will be followeu by a panel
consisting of a female athlete, a faculty membei, bieast cancei suivivoi anu
minoiity female stuuents. Aftei the viueo have a laige plywoou boaiu outsiue
wheie paint balloons will be available to pin on it. Paiticipants will be able to
wiite what is holuing them back fiom completely loving themselves on these
balloons, pin it on the plywoou boaiu anu then pop it to symbolize the bieaking
of theii holu-backs.

YT G$%&' (%&)*+ 23<5)D*/<1M E>Q C..'/D&6'% 23%4%1*&*/<14Q2%3=<3-&1D%4F U
A viueo will kick-off the event. Aftei the viueo is piesenteu a peifoimance fiom
Longhoin Singeis will follow, followeu by a peifoimance by uiggle Pants on
"Selfies". Aftei these two intiouuctoiy peifoimances we will have a piesentation
by Biave Face 0T, a gioup ueuicateu to ueveloping positive bouy images within
the 0T. Aftei theii piesentation we will have peisonal stoiies planteu
thioughout the auuience wheie giils will get up anu speak on theii stoiy. We will
close the event with one last message anu then a peifoimance by the Ransom

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