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The concept of Nutrition

Ans: the science of food, the nutrients and the substances therein, their action, interaction, and balance in
to health and disease, and the process by which the organism ingests, absorbs, transport, utilizes, and excretes
food substances”----The Council on Food and Nutrition of the American Medical Association
The word 'Nutrition" comes from a Latin word which means to 'nourish" or to "to feed".

2.kinds of nutrients

3. Functions of calcium, zinc,vitamin A and their deficiency

Ans. Functions examples
• Structure role bone and teeth
• calcium is present as calcium
• phosphate (hydroxyapatite)crystals
• Muscle contraction calcium binds to troponin C
• Nerve impulse transmission calcium is realsed in response
• to hormones and neurotransmitters
• Blood clotting co-enzyme for coagulation
• Ion transport and cell signalling intracellular second messenger
Deficiency and excess of calcium
• Deficiency Eexcess
• 1.In children leads to hypercalcaemia
• rickets Ca2+ is deposited in many
• 2.In adults leads to organs, particularly arteries,
• osteomalacia,that is defective liver,heart, and kidney,
• mineralization of bone leading to tissue calcification

• 3.In postmenopausal women this may interferee with organ
• it may contribute to osteoporosis, function and in the kidney,
• i.e.loss of bone mass results in the formation of renal
• stone
Role of zinc in the body
• Functions deficiency
• Co-factors of over 100 Causes growth retardation,
• Enzymes,e.g. Hypogonadism, and delayed
• Dehydrogenase,e.g.LDH wound healing
• Peptidases
• Carbonic anhydrase
• Enzymes of DNA and protein synthesis these effects are
• Superoxide dismutase mainly a result of
• Transcription factors are thought to contain ‘ decreased activity of
zinc finger’ that enable them to bind DNA the enzymes of
DNA synthesis
Functions of vitamin A
 The best defined function of vitamin A is in vision.The pathway for the delivery of vitamin A to the eye
involves the following steps:
l) interaction of plasma holo-RBP with specific cell-surface receptors on retinal pigment epithelial cells,
2) uptake of retinol by retinal pigment epithelial cells and its enzymatic isomerization to 11-cis retinol,
3) transport by IRBP to the rod outer segment,
4) enzymatic oxidation of the l l-cis retinol to 11-cis retinal, and 5) nonenzymatic association of the latter with a
specific lysine group in the membrane-bound protein opsin
Deficiency if vit. A
2.Generalized xerophthalmia
4.defficiency of young children are bitot’s spot

4. Prevention of hypertension and diabetes mellitus :

Prevention of hypertension:
=extra rest
=prolonged vacation
=moderate weight reduction
=diatery Na+reduction
=dietary restriction
=smocking should be discouraged.
Prevention of diabetes mellitus:
=fat intake should be:>7%of total energy
=prevention /treatment of overweight and obesity,particularly in high risk group

5. Concept of nutrition support

Fluid and electrolyte requirements.
Calculate enteral and parenteral nutrition formulations.
Patient can’t meet nutritional needs by normal oral ingestion of food for greater than 5 - 7 days.

6. Concept of food borne diseases

Ans: Foodborne disease is any illness resulting from the consumption of food contaminated with one or more
disease-producing agents. These include bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi and their products as well as toxic
substances not of microbial origin.
• Infection
• Intoxication
• Metabolic food disorder
• Allergy
• Idiopathic illness
Classification of Foodborne Illness
1. Bacterial foodborne infection
• Disease-causing organism is carried by food or water into the host
• While infection occurs inside the body, there is lag-time:
 onset time = time from infection to appearance of symptoms
• Fever usually appears
• Possibly nausea, headaches, vomiting and chills

1. Bacterial foodborne intoxication (poisoning)

 Organisms multiply to great numbers within the food product and then produce toxin in the process.
 If enough quantities of the toxin are ingested, it’ll override the body’s immune system and cause illness.
 Faster acting than food infections
 NO fever usually (toxin acts immediately on the body)
 Vomiting may result

Concept of of DRIs:
• Ans: DRIs are reference values that are quantitative estimates of nutrients intakes to be used for planning and
assessing diets for healthy people. They include RDAs as goals for intake by individuals, but also present three new
types of reference values. These include the Adequate Intake(AI ),the Estimated Average Requirements(EAR), and
the Tolerable Upper Intake Level(UL)
• Recommended Dietary Allowance(RDA)
• RDA is the dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all(97 to 98 percent)
healthy individuals in particular life stage(life stage considers age and when applicable, pregnancy or lactation) and
gender group
• The Recommended Dietary Allowances
• “Recommended intakes of nutrients that meet the needs of almost all healthy people of similar age and
gender”---- the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences
• Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)

DRIs are reference values that are quantitative estimates of nutrients intakes to be used for planning and assessing
diets for healthy people. They include RDAs as goals for intake by individuals, but also present three new types of
reference values. These include the Adequate Intake(AI ),the Estimated Average Requirements(EAR), and the
Tolerable Upper Intake Level(UL)

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