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Its origins are in the root adaba which means to be cultured, refined or well-mannered disciplined
and trained in mind and soul(Ibn Manzur, 2000, Vol. 1). Taadib suggests the social dimensions
of a persons development, being a process by which the most desirable attributes of mind and
soul in terms of proper behavior and ethical conduct are acquired(Bin Omar, 1993). This is the
rationale of Islamic education that emereged historically in the teaching systems developed
through mosques and madaris.
Al-Attas (1985) describes as education that focuses at the highest level on the
development of the whole human being. It involves discipline of the mind and spirit in order to
attain recognition and acknowledgement of each individuals proper place, appropriate to their
physical intellectual and spiritual capacity and potential.

Based on Maahad Ehya Al-Shariffs point of view toward the concept of Taadib is for
making the students become a better person according to Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. It will be
able to relate everything that is taught in the context of being a Muslim. This is what should be
emphasized in the process of forming a culture of manners among the students as when they
graduated from the school, they will be a man who is able to benefit society through knowledge
and character they possess. Taadib also is a physical and spiritual upbringing with a beautiful
words as a motivation to the students. It occurs directly and indirectly.
Maahad Ehya Al-Shariff had applied the concept of taadib in their school. First, when the
teachers asked the students to answer questions in front of the class, it will train the students to
be brave to come forward and train the students to have self-confidence. Then, when the students

are able to answer questions correctly, then praise be given to them. Therefore, it will give a
motivation to the students in order to continue learning and gain knowledge.
Second, taadib also had been applied in the classroom as when a teacher comes into the
class, she will give the salam to the students. So, the students will answer the salam. Indirectly, it
teaches the students to answer the greeting as taught by Islam.
Third, taadib also had been applied outside the classroom such as at the canteen. The
students are asked to line up when purchasing the food. The purpose is to apply patience among
the students. Besides, Students are asked to come early in the morning, at 7.30 am. The purpose
is to make the students always in discipline.
All in all, Maahad Ehya Al-Shariff success in applying the concept of Taadib in their
school. Whether inside and outside classroom. This concept can help students to improve their
attitude and moral behavior based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. A student who excels in
academics but not in good manners, not yet arguably successful because the main goal of
education is to develop the character and personality, not only providing students with
knowledge solely. Maahad Ehya Al- Shariff will try to do the best in order to educate their
students based on what our Prophet S.A.W. had tought the ummah.

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