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Parametric Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plant using Steam Jet

Inlet Cooling
Kumar Sourav
, Dhaneshwar ahto
!"! Student, De#t! of echanical "ngg!, $irla Institute of %echnology,esra,&anchi, India
Asst! Professor, De#t! of echanical "ngg!, $irla Institute of %echnology,esra,&anchi, India
Combined cycle #ower #lant integrates two cycles ' $rayton cycle ()as %urbine* and &an+ine
cycle (Steam %urbine* with the ob,ective of increasing overall efficiency! A demonstration #lant
using this cooling technology does not e-ist so far, therefore the o#erational behavior has not
been investigates so far! %he combined cycle #ower #lant em#loyed in this #ro,ect uses Steam ,et
cooling in order to cool the inlet.air entering the com#ressor! %he cooling is done in order to
increase the efficiency of the overall combined cycle #ower #lant as well as to reduce the losses
due to the high tem#erature occurring inside the com#ressor! Also, the #ower consumed by the
com#ressor increases in #ro#ortion to the inta+e air tem#erature without there being a
corres#onding increase in the out#ut from the turbine! %he theory involved in the ,et cooling is
that an eva#oration of / +g of water leads to cooling of about 01C! %he #arametric analysis is
done using A%2A$3!
Keywords4 5&S), Steam %urbine, Steam Jet &efrigeration, %urbine Inlet %em#erature
1. Introduction
"lectrical energy is a basic re6uirement for
the sustenance and develo#ment of the
modern society! India is marching towards
achieving a desirable status of a develo#ed
country with ra#id strides! "nsuring
uninterru#ted su##ly of energy to su##ort
economic and commercial activities is
essential for sustainable economic growth!
In true sense, sustainable develo#ment
should be widely s#read in all three
dimensions . social, economic, and
environmental! 7or all these areas, energy is
#erha#s the most im#ortant as#ect! %he
#roduction and the consum#tion #atterns at
the local and the global scale, determine not
only all the activities in society, but also
some ma,or environmental issues li+e
#ollution, green house effect, and
desertification! ost of the generation today
is met by #lants utili8ing fossil fuels li+e
coal, natural gas and uranium! 9ith the
increase in the demand of electric #ower
more generation is re6uired! %his #roblem
can be solved by increasing the generation
by either increasing the number of
generating stations or by increasing the
efficiency of the e-isting #lants! As
increasing the number of generating stations
would be uneconomical and would cause
#roblems related to installation, the
generation has to be increased by the later
method! %he #lants using fossil fuels as their
source of energy have low efficiency as they
are not able to fully utili8e the calorific
value of the fuel! Combined cycle #ower
#lant integrates two cycles ' $rayton cycle
Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31
()as %urbine* and &an+ine cycle (Steam
2. Model Construction
%he system com#rises of a 5eat recovery
steam generator (5&S)*, steam turbine,
boiler feed #um#, a condensate #um# and a
deaerator! %he 5&S) used is a single
#ressure system without su##lementary
firing! %he 5&S) consists of an eva#orator,
an economi8er and a su#erheater! $y
su#er#osing a high tem#erature #ower #lant
as a to##ing unit to the steam #lant , a higher
energy conversion efficiency from fuel to
electricity can be achieved, since the
combined #lant o#erates through a higher
tem#erature range! In the basic form of
Combined cycle #ower #lant, a gas turbine
e-hausting into a heat recovery steam
generator that su##lies steam to a steam
turbine cycle is the most efficient system of
generating electricity today!
3. Working
Combined cycle #ower #lant as in name
suggests, it combines e-isting gas and steam
technologies into one unit, yielding
significant im#rovements in thermal
efficiency over conventional steam #lant!
%he air which is #urified then com#ressed
and mi-ed with natural gas and ignited,
which causes it to e-#and! %he #ressure
created from the e-#ansion s#ins the turbine
blades, which are attached to a shaft and a
generator, creating electricity! In second ste#
the heat of the gas turbine:s e-haust is used
to generate steam by #assing it through a
heat recovery steam generator (5&S)* with
a live steam tem#erature between ;<= and
0>= ?C!
7ig /! $asic Combined Cycle
In 5eat &ecovery Steam )enerator highly
#urified water flows in tubes and the hot
gases #asses a around that and thus
#roducing steam !%he steam then rotates the
steam turbine and cou#led generator to
#roduce "lectricity! %he hot gases leave the
5&S) at around /;= degrees centigrade and
are discharged into the atmos#here! %he
5&S) is basically a heat e-changer, or
rather a series of heat e-changers! %he
5&S) can rely on natural circulation or
utili8e forced circulation using #um#s! As
Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31
the hot e-haust gases flow #ast the heat
e-changer tubes in which hot water
circulates, heat is absorbed causing the
creation of steam in the tubes! %he tubes are
arranged in sections, or modules, each
serving a different function in the #roduction
of dry su#erheated steam! %hese modules
are referred to as economi8ers, eva#orators,
su#erheaters@reheaters and #reheaters!
CC Combustion Chamber
)% )as %urbine
S5 Su#erheater
"B "va#orator
"C "conomi8er
PD Pressure Drum
S% Steam %urbine
ma ass flow rate of air
%/ Com#ressor Inlet %em#erature
%C %urbine Inlet %em#erature
Stwor+ Steam %urbine 9or+
%g; Stac+ tem#erature
%I% %urbine Inlet %em#erature
CDP Coefficient of Performance
Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31
Proposed Model:

7ig!< Combined Cycle em#loying Steam Jet &efrigeration
%he model #ro#osed here is consists of a
steam ,et refrigration system where steam
bleeding ta+es #lace at a certain #ressure!
Esing the e,ector com#ression a low
#ressure system is created inside and
entrainment ta+es #lace! 9ater gets cooled
due to eva#oration and is su##lied to the
heat e-changer where ambient air at higher
tem#erature gets cooled and is finally
transferred to the inlet of com#ressor! Since
the mass flow rate of air increases as a result
of increase in the density of air , more steam
gets generated in the 5&S)! 7inally, the
overall #lant efficiency increases!
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Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31

7ig!C %em#erature."ntro#y Diagram
7ig!;! %/ vs! Com#ressor 9or+ 7ig!0! %C vs! )as %urbine "fficiency

7ig!F! %C vs! stwor+ 7ig!G! %C vs! efficiency
Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31
7ig!F! %C vs! %g;

%g; ms Hms/ Hms< Steam
I overall
/C== 0/J!=// =!/<J< =!/= =!==00 /=<!=G ;G!;
/;== 0/=!G<F =!/0>> =!/= =!==FG /C=!F/;= 0=!=J
/0== 0=<!;;C =!/>>G =!/= =!==>= /0J!;/F= 0<!/>
/F== ;J;!/0> =!</>G =!/= =!==JC />>!C/ 0C!>F
/G== ;>0!>G =!<;>> =!/= =!=/ </G!0=0; 00!<=
%able /4 %I% vs! De#endent Bariables
%he overall #lant efficiency a##roaches
00!<I when the turbine inlet tem#erature is
/G== K! %he efficiency can be increased
much more if the tem#erature difference
between the ambient air.conditions and the
actual inlet air tem#erature in com#ressor
increases! It should be also noted that the
eva#oration of /+g of water leads to a dro#
of 0 degree Celsius , therefore in order to
have to difference of <= degree Celsius,
eva#oration of ;+g of water should ta+e
#lace theoretically! Although, the CDP of the
steam ,et refrigeration is low, the system is
still beneficial since it does not use ammonia
which is environmentally detrimental and
also the steam ,et refrigeration is a very
efficient system!

Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31
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Corresponding Author Contact :, Ph: 8238!2!31

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