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Morning Consult

National Healthcare Tracking Poll:

June 2014
Topline Results
This poll was conducted from June 19-21, 2014, among a national sample of 1,240 likely 2014 voters. The
interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of likely
voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income,
home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus
or minus three percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to vote
Very likely About 50-50 N
Likely Voters 69 20 10 1854
Male 72 20 7 865
Female 67 20 13 990
Suburban White Female 68 20 13 404
Single White Female 67 22 11 109
Married White Female 68 20 13 448
Age: 18-29 59 22 19 301
Age: 30-44 65 24 12 457
Age: 45-64 71 20 9 700
Age: 65+ 80 15 4 396
Ethnicity - White 70 20 10 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 22 18 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 74 19 8 238
Ethnicity - Other 52 33 15 68
Urban 67 22 11 458
Suburban 70 19 11 923
Rural 70 22 8 474
Democrats (no lean) 71 22 7 710
Independents (no lean) 62 23 15 538
Republicans (no lean) 75 16 10 606
Democrats (lean) 70 23 7 844
Independents (lean) 55 23 22 274
Republicans (lean) 75 16 9 729
Liberal (1-3) 71 23 6 507
Moderate (4) 63 23 15 561
Conservative (5-7) 76 17 7 719
Liberal (1-2) 73 22 5 341
Moderate (3-5) 63 24 13 937
Conservative (6-7) 82 12 6 510
Tea Party - Supporter 76 18 6 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 67 21 12 1318
Sample A 71 20 9 900
Sample B 68 21 11 954
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to vote
Very likely About 50-50 N
Likely Voters 69 20 10 1854
Protestant 76 17 8 513
Roman Catholic 74 18 8 439
Ath./Agn./None 64 22 14 392
Something Else 63 24 12 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 74 17 9 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 67 22 11 1112
Income: Under 50k 64 23 13 804
Income: 50k-100k 73 20 7 610
Income: 100k+ 75 15 9 440
Educ: < College 66 21 13 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 74 20 6 412
Educ: Post-grad 78 18 4 224
White Collar 74 18 8 816
Blue Collar 71 20 9 761
Military HH 72 21 7 341
Not Military HH 69 20 11 1513
Public Sector Union 71 23 5 94
Private Sector Union 69 28 2 69
Not in Labor Union 69 20 11 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 69 19 12 767
Dual Use 70 23 7 655
LL Only/Mostly 72 16 12 400
Competitive Senate States 70 20 10 373
All Senate States 70 20 10 986
Dem Incumbent States 71 20 9 483
GOP Incumbent States 68 22 10 323
New England 66 25 10 96
Mid-Atlantic 64 20 15 242
East North Central 67 24 9 299
West North Central 78 11 11 138
South Atlantic 71 19 10 371
East South Central 71 23 6 119
West South Central 69 22 10 199
Mountain 67 24 8 125
Pacic 73 17 10 264
Blue States 71 19 10 1208
Red States 68 22 10 676
2: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?
Know /
Likely Voters 17 25 16 39 3 1240
Male 19 22 15 42 3 586
Female 16 28 16 37 3 654
Suburban White Female 11 25 15 47 2 263
Single White Female 16 31 14 35 4 75
Married White Female 14 19 20 44 3 307
Age: 18-29 20 30 15 30 4 209
Age: 30-44 19 27 19 32 4 325
Age: 45-64 16 22 13 45 3 450
Age: 65+ 14 23 17 45 1 256
Ethnicity - White 14 23 16 45 3 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 23 23 13 39 2 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 39 15 7 5 172
Ethnicity - Other 19 36 13 27 5 41
Urban 27 27 16 26 4 305
Suburban 17 23 14 43 3 611
Rural 9 26 18 45 2 324
Democrats (no lean) 34 41 15 8 3 453
Independents (no lean) 13 23 16 44 4 376
Republicans (no lean) 2 10 16 69 3 411
Democrats (lean) 33 41 13 9 3 548
Independents (lean) 8 21 19 47 4 185
Republicans (lean) 3 9 16 69 2 505
Liberal (1-3) 41 35 10 13 1 312
Moderate (4) 14 32 21 28 5 389
Conservative (5-7) 5 13 13 67 2 489
Liberal (1-2) 49 32 9 9 1 200
Moderate (3-5) 14 33 19 31 3 645
Conservative (6-7) 5 8 10 75 2 344
Tea Party - Supporter 10 14 10 63 3 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 30 18 29 3 865
Sample A 16 24 16 40 3 614
Sample B 18 26 15 38 3 627
2: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?
Know /
Likely Voters 17 25 16 39 3 1240
Protestant 15 21 15 47 2 337
Roman Catholic 13 27 16 41 3 301
Ath./Agn./None 19 31 12 34 4 258
Something Else 21 23 18 34 4 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 19 16 46 2 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 29 15 35 4 749
Income: Under 50k 17 29 16 34 4 519
Income: 50k-100k 17 26 15 40 2 384
Income: 100k+ 17 19 15 45 3 337
Educ: < College 14 25 17 41 3 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 23 15 39 3 290
Educ: Post-grad 29 31 10 29 1 149
White Collar 18 24 13 42 3 578
Blue Collar 18 21 19 40 2 487
Military HH 16 21 15 45 2 234
Not Military HH 17 26 16 38 3 1007
Public Sector Union 25 34 13 26 1 59
Private Sector Union 17 19 37 27 0 50
Not in Labor Union 17 25 15 40 3 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 18 22 14 41 5 511
Dual Use 16 27 16 40 2 446
LL Only/Mostly 18 25 18 37 2 263
Competitive Senate States 16 22 21 41 1 254
All Senate States 14 26 15 43 2 672
Dem Incumbent States 10 30 16 43 2 341
GOP Incumbent States 18 21 13 44 3 225
New England 20 25 6 46 3 69
Mid-Atlantic 15 36 21 27 2 166
East North Central 11 29 21 37 2 202
West North Central 18 20 8 48 6 77
South Atlantic 18 24 15 39 4 245
East South Central 19 35 13 32 1 90
West South Central 15 10 22 49 4 122
Mountain 10 21 11 53 6 97
Pacic 28 23 11 36 2 172
Blue States 18 28 14 38 3 818
Red States 16 22 16 42 4 456
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Likely Voters 42 55 3 1240
Male 41 57 3 586
Female 44 53 3 654
Suburban White Female 36 62 2 263
Single White Female 47 49 4 75
Married White Female 33 64 3 307
Age: 18-29 51 45 4 209
Age: 30-44 46 50 4 325
Age: 45-64 39 58 3 450
Age: 65+ 37 61 1 256
Ethnicity - White 37 61 3 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 46 52 2 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 73 22 5 172
Ethnicity - Other 55 40 5 41
Urban 54 42 4 305
Suburban 40 57 3 611
Rural 35 63 2 324
Democrats (no lean) 75 22 3 453
Independents (no lean) 36 60 4 376
Republicans (no lean) 12 85 3 411
Democrats (lean) 74 23 3 548
Independents (lean) 30 66 4 185
Republicans (lean) 12 85 2 505
Liberal (1-3) 76 22 1 312
Moderate (4) 46 49 5 389
Conservative (5-7) 18 80 2 489
Liberal (1-2) 81 18 1 200
Moderate (3-5) 47 50 3 645
Conservative (6-7) 13 85 2 344
Tea Party - Supporter 24 73 3 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 47 3 865
Sample A 40 56 3 614
Sample B 44 53 3 627
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Likely Voters 42 55 3 1240
Protestant 36 62 2 337
Roman Catholic 40 57 3 301
Ath./Agn./None 50 46 4 258
Something Else 44 52 4 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 62 2 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 50 4 749
Income: Under 50k 46 50 4 519
Income: 50k-100k 43 55 2 384
Income: 100k+ 36 60 3 337
Educ: < College 39 58 3 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 43 54 3 290
Educ: Post-grad 60 39 1 149
White Collar 43 54 3 578
Blue Collar 39 59 2 487
Military HH 38 60 2 234
Not Military HH 43 53 3 1007
Public Sector Union 59 40 1 59
Private Sector Union 36 64 0 50
Not in Labor Union 42 55 3 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 40 55 5 511
Dual Use 43 56 2 446
LL Only/Mostly 44 55 2 263
Competitive Senate States 38 62 1 254
All Senate States 40 58 2 672
Dem Incumbent States 40 58 2 341
GOP Incumbent States 40 57 3 225
New England 45 52 3 69
Mid-Atlantic 50 48 2 166
East North Central 40 58 2 202
West North Central 38 56 6 77
South Atlantic 42 54 4 245
East South Central 54 45 1 90
West South Central 25 71 4 122
Mountain 30 64 6 97
Pacic 51 47 2 172
Blue States 45 52 3 818
Red States 38 59 4 456
4: When it comes to handling healthcare, which political party do you trust more?
Democratic Party Republican Party N
Likely Voters 50 50 1240
Male 49 51 586
Female 51 49 654
Suburban White Female 43 57 263
Single White Female 55 45 75
Married White Female 38 62 307
Age: 18-29 61 39 209
Age: 30-44 54 46 325
Age: 45-64 48 52 450
Age: 65+ 40 60 256
Ethnicity - White 44 56 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 55 45 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 86 14 172
Ethnicity - Other 61 39 41
Urban 66 34 305
Suburban 48 52 611
Rural 40 60 324
Democrats (no lean) 93 7 453
Independents (no lean) 47 53 376
Republicans (no lean) 5 95 411
Democrats (lean) 93 7 548
Independents (lean) 43 57 185
Republicans (lean) 7 93 505
Liberal (1-3) 86 14 312
Moderate (4) 62 38 389
Conservative (5-7) 18 82 489
Liberal (1-2) 89 11 200
Moderate (3-5) 57 43 645
Conservative (6-7) 15 85 344
Tea Party - Supporter 22 78 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 38 865
Sample A 50 50 614
Sample B 50 50 627
4: When it comes to handling healthcare, which political party do you trust more?
Democratic Party Republican Party N
Likely Voters 50 50 1240
Protestant 43 57 337
Roman Catholic 42 58 301
Ath./Agn./None 59 41 258
Something Else 58 42 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 58 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 56 44 749
Income: Under 50k 57 43 519
Income: 50k-100k 46 54 384
Income: 100k+ 45 55 337
Educ: < College 48 52 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 50 290
Educ: Post-grad 62 38 149
White Collar 48 52 578
Blue Collar 50 50 487
Military HH 41 59 234
Not Military HH 52 48 1007
Public Sector Union 65 35 59
Private Sector Union 45 55 50
Not in Labor Union 50 50 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 48 52 511
Dual Use 53 47 446
LL Only/Mostly 47 53 263
Competitive Senate States 48 52 254
All Senate States 51 49 672
Dem Incumbent States 50 50 341
GOP Incumbent States 54 46 225
New England 61 39 69
Mid-Atlantic 51 49 166
East North Central 51 49 202
West North Central 39 61 77
South Atlantic 50 50 245
East South Central 60 40 90
West South Central 47 53 122
Mountain 40 60 97
Pacic 52 48 172
Blue States 50 50 818
Red States 50 50 456
5: What would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law?
the law
should let
the law
take eect
changes to
the law
delay and
defund the
repeal the
Likely Voters 11 18 37 5 28 1240
Male 12 17 35 5 32 586
Female 11 19 40 5 25 654
Suburban White Female 8 14 40 7 31 263
Single White Female 12 20 45 1 22 75
Married White Female 11 15 35 7 33 307
Age: 18-29 18 22 35 2 22 209
Age: 30-44 15 21 31 5 27 325
Age: 45-64 9 16 38 6 32 450
Age: 65+ 6 14 46 5 30 256
Ethnicity - White 9 16 37 6 33 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 16 19 34 8 22 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 30 41 1 3 172
Ethnicity - Other 10 23 51 3 13 41
Urban 20 25 35 3 18 305
Suburban 9 17 37 5 31 611
Rural 8 13 40 7 33 324
Democrats (no lean) 23 30 41 2 5 453
Independents (no lean) 8 16 39 5 32 376
Republicans (no lean) 2 7 31 8 51 411
Democrats (lean) 22 30 41 2 5 548
Independents (lean) 6 10 42 5 37 185
Republicans (lean) 2 8 32 8 50 505
Liberal (1-3) 25 29 37 2 7 312
Moderate (4) 10 22 45 4 19 389
Conservative (5-7) 4 8 29 7 52 489
Liberal (1-2) 33 30 30 3 4 200
Moderate (3-5) 9 22 44 4 21 645
Conservative (6-7) 4 4 24 7 60 344
Tea Party - Supporter 9 11 25 6 49 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 13 21 42 4 19 865
Sample A 13 16 38 4 30 614
Sample B 10 20 37 5 27 627
5: What would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law?
the law
should let
the law
take eect
changes to
the law
delay and
defund the
repeal the
Likely Voters 11 18 37 5 28 1240
Protestant 10 16 36 7 32 337
Roman Catholic 7 18 37 6 32 301
Ath./Agn./None 14 20 36 3 26 258
Something Else 15 17 40 4 24 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 19 32 7 31 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 17 41 3 27 749
Income: Under 50k 11 16 44 4 26 519
Income: 50k-100k 10 21 37 4 28 384
Income: 100k+ 13 18 28 8 33 337
Educ: < College 11 16 39 5 30 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 21 33 6 29 290
Educ: Post-grad 18 22 36 5 19 149
White Collar 11 21 33 5 31 578
Blue Collar 14 17 34 6 30 487
Military HH 12 15 33 4 36 234
Not Military HH 11 19 38 5 27 1007
Public Sector Union 21 25 31 3 20 59
Private Sector Union 7 20 45 6 21 50
Not in Labor Union 11 18 37 5 29 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 15 16 34 6 30 511
Dual Use 7 20 40 5 29 446
LL Only/Mostly 14 19 37 5 26 263
Competitive Senate States 13 15 37 6 30 254
All Senate States 12 15 39 6 29 672
Dem Incumbent States 11 14 36 6 34 341
GOP Incumbent States 14 12 46 4 24 225
New England 2 25 39 10 24 69
Mid-Atlantic 12 24 39 6 19 166
East North Central 8 17 40 6 29 202
West North Central 12 19 29 6 34 77
South Atlantic 11 17 38 3 30 245
East South Central 16 14 50 4 16 90
West South Central 14 11 37 3 35 122
Mountain 10 9 36 7 38 97
Pacic 15 24 28 4 29 172
Blue States 10 21 34 6 28 818
Red States 13 12 42 3 30 456
6: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think these
campaigns are talking about the issue of health care
Too much About the
right amount
Not enough Dont Know
/ No
Likely Voters 12 35 33 19 614
Male 13 40 33 14 299
Female 12 31 33 24 315
Suburban White Female 8 36 29 26 131
Single White Female 19 47 19 15 40
Married White Female 7 34 32 27 141
Age: 18-29 17 43 17 22 117
Age: 30-44 14 42 27 17 154
Age: 45-64 11 27 41 22 209
Age: 65+ 8 34 43 15 134
Ethnicity - White 9 37 34 19 495
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 39 37 6 47
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 29 26 20 92
Urban 9 37 30 24 158
Suburban 10 41 30 19 299
Rural 19 24 43 14 157
Democrats (no lean) 19 41 23 17 232
Independents (no lean) 9 32 40 19 192
Republicans (no lean) 7 32 39 23 191
Democrats (lean) 18 41 25 16 271
Independents (lean) 7 38 39 16 98
Republicans (lean) 7 29 41 23 243
Liberal (1-3) 16 38 33 14 160
Moderate (4) 8 42 29 21 176
Conservative (5-7) 13 31 38 19 263
Liberal (1-2) 12 46 36 7 103
Moderate (3-5) 10 34 33 23 306
Conservative (6-7) 16 33 35 16 189
Tea Party - Supporter 9 37 38 16 184
Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 35 31 20 428
Sample A 12 35 33 19 614
6: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think these
campaigns are talking about the issue of health care
Too much About the
right amount
Not enough Dont Know
/ No
Likely Voters 12 35 33 19 614
Protestant 10 31 35 24 159
Roman Catholic 11 33 41 15 143
Ath./Agn./None 12 37 29 21 138
Something Else 15 40 28 17 174
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 34 31 20 234
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 36 34 19 380
Income: Under 50k 16 29 36 19 252
Income: 50k-100k 8 32 39 21 198
Income: 100k+ 11 50 22 17 163
Educ: < College 12 31 36 21 394
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 44 27 18 151
Educ: Post-grad 15 39 33 13 69
White Collar 12 38 34 16 278
Blue Collar 12 33 37 18 250
Military HH 12 29 42 17 118
Not Military HH 12 37 31 20 495
Public Sector Union 18 25 47 9 33
Private Sector Union 8 48 33 10 36
Not in Labor Union 12 35 32 20 545
Cell Only/Mostly 13 34 31 23 263
Dual Use 14 38 34 14 205
LL Only/Mostly 8 35 37 20 140
Competitive Senate States 13 35 27 25 124
All Senate States 12 33 36 19 342
Dem Incumbent States 6 35 39 20 187
GOP Incumbent States 22 28 34 16 106
New England 8 58 19 15 32
Mid-Atlantic 13 33 32 21 67
East North Central 5 35 41 19 101
West North Central 4 45 36 15 39
South Atlantic 12 40 31 17 139
East South Central 38 18 31 13 36
West South Central 15 27 33 25 63
Mountain 8 27 39 27 50
Pacic 16 36 30 18 86
Blue States 9 37 36 18 408
Red States 16 33 28 22 233
7: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think these
campaigns are talking about the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010
Too much About the
right amount
Not enough Dont Know
/ No
Likely Voters 19 32 34 16 627
Male 24 30 34 11 287
Female 14 33 33 20 339
Suburban White Female 17 26 39 18 133
Single White Female 8 25 35 32 34
Married White Female 13 26 37 24 165
Age: 18-29 20 35 24 21 93
Age: 30-44 19 42 27 12 171
Age: 45-64 15 31 39 15 240
Age: 65+ 25 17 39 19 122
Ethnicity - White 18 29 36 17 505
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 37 23 7 70
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 50 25 8 80
Urban 14 37 33 17 147
Suburban 22 28 36 14 312
Rural 17 35 31 18 168
Democrats (no lean) 23 37 27 13 222
Independents (no lean) 23 32 28 18 184
Republicans (no lean) 12 26 45 17 221
Democrats (lean) 26 35 26 12 277
Independents (lean) 20 26 27 28 87
Republicans (lean) 10 30 44 16 262
Liberal (1-3) 24 33 30 12 152
Moderate (4) 20 37 27 17 213
Conservative (5-7) 17 29 44 11 226
Liberal (1-2) 23 39 26 12 97
Moderate (3-5) 20 34 30 15 338
Conservative (6-7) 17 26 48 10 155
Tea Party - Supporter 11 30 50 10 190
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 33 27 18 436
Sample B 19 32 34 16 627
7: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think these
campaigns are talking about the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010
Too much About the
right amount
Not enough Dont Know
/ No
Likely Voters 19 32 34 16 627
Protestant 19 25 39 17 178
Roman Catholic 16 36 36 13 158
Ath./Agn./None 15 29 36 21 120
Something Else 25 35 25 15 168
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 37 29 13 258
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 28 37 18 369
Income: Under 50k 16 28 33 23 267
Income: 50k-100k 22 37 28 14 185
Income: 100k+ 21 31 41 8 174
Educ: < College 19 29 33 19 407
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 36 38 9 139
Educ: Post-grad 22 37 31 10 81
White Collar 20 38 32 11 299
Blue Collar 18 25 40 17 237
Military HH 16 28 36 21 115
Not Military HH 20 33 33 15 511
Public Sector Union 29 33 31 7 26
Not in Labor Union 18 32 34 17 586
Cell Only/Mostly 17 34 31 18 248
Dual Use 13 33 39 14 241
LL Only/Mostly 27 28 29 16 123
Competitive Senate States 21 35 33 12 131
All Senate States 20 29 37 13 330
Dem Incumbent States 16 35 40 9 155
GOP Incumbent States 24 27 34 16 119
New England 16 19 58 7 37
Mid-Atlantic 7 37 31 25 99
East North Central 15 28 35 22 101
West North Central 35 26 28 12 38
South Atlantic 24 27 33 17 106
East South Central 29 29 24 17 54
West South Central 13 27 48 13 59
Mountain 15 57 26 2 46
Pacic 24 35 29 11 86
Blue States 18 32 34 16 411
Red States 19 34 32 15 223
8: Over the course of the next year, do you think the 2010 healthcare law will get better, stay about the same, or get worse?
Get better Stay about the
Get worse N
Likely Voters 28 28 44 1240
Male 28 28 45 586
Female 29 28 43 654
Suburban White Female 19 32 49 263
Single White Female 28 27 46 75
Married White Female 21 28 51 307
Age: 18-29 34 33 33 209
Age: 30-44 32 33 35 325
Age: 45-64 27 24 49 450
Age: 65+ 23 24 52 256
Ethnicity - White 23 28 49 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 25 38 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 60 27 14 172
Ethnicity - Other 22 44 35 41
Urban 39 31 30 305
Suburban 25 30 44 611
Rural 25 21 54 324
Democrats (no lean) 52 32 16 453
Independents (no lean) 22 32 47 376
Republicans (no lean) 9 20 71 411
Democrats (lean) 50 34 16 548
Independents (lean) 18 29 52 185
Republicans (lean) 9 21 71 505
Liberal (1-3) 50 35 16 312
Moderate (4) 30 34 36 389
Conservative (5-7) 14 19 67 489
Liberal (1-2) 58 33 9 200
Moderate (3-5) 29 33 38 645
Conservative (6-7) 11 16 74 344
Tea Party - Supporter 16 18 66 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 34 32 34 865
Sample A 29 29 42 614
Sample B 28 27 45 627
8: Over the course of the next year, do you think the 2010 healthcare law will get better, stay about the same, or get worse?
Get better Stay about the
Get worse N
Likely Voters 28 28 44 1240
Protestant 24 25 52 337
Roman Catholic 26 30 44 301
Ath./Agn./None 33 27 40 258
Something Else 32 30 38 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 23 50 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 29 31 39 749
Income: Under 50k 30 27 43 519
Income: 50k-100k 29 30 41 384
Income: 100k+ 25 27 48 337
Educ: < College 27 28 46 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 28 44 290
Educ: Post-grad 39 30 31 149
White Collar 29 26 44 578
Blue Collar 25 31 44 487
Military HH 29 21 51 234
Not Military HH 28 30 42 1007
Public Sector Union 42 28 29 59
Private Sector Union 25 42 33 50
Not in Labor Union 28 27 45 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 28 28 44 511
Dual Use 27 32 41 446
LL Only/Mostly 32 22 46 263
Competitive Senate States 30 23 48 254
All Senate States 27 27 46 672
Dem Incumbent States 24 31 44 341
GOP Incumbent States 32 19 49 225
New England 26 28 46 69
Mid-Atlantic 29 33 38 166
East North Central 25 36 39 202
West North Central 28 24 47 77
South Atlantic 25 34 42 245
East South Central 42 12 46 90
West South Central 23 19 58 122
Mountain 30 18 52 97
Pacic 35 28 37 172
Blue States 29 31 41 818
Red States 27 24 48 456
9: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will aect you and your family? Will it make things
A lot
A little
Have no
A little
A lot
Likely Voters 11 16 27 22 25 1240
Male 12 16 24 21 28 586
Female 9 16 29 22 23 654
Suburban White Female 7 12 31 27 23 263
Single White Female 7 24 21 30 17 75
Married White Female 7 9 30 24 29 307
Age: 18-29 14 24 28 18 17 209
Age: 30-44 14 21 24 19 22 325
Age: 45-64 10 13 25 21 31 450
Age: 65+ 4 10 32 29 25 256
Ethnicity - White 7 13 27 24 29 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 18 17 19 26 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 32 29 9 3 172
Ethnicity - Other 12 16 29 17 26 41
Urban 16 21 28 16 19 305
Suburban 9 16 26 24 25 611
Rural 9 12 25 21 32 324
Democrats (no lean) 21 26 36 13 4 453
Independents (no lean) 5 16 28 24 28 376
Republicans (no lean) 4 5 15 29 46 411
Democrats (lean) 19 27 36 13 5 548
Independents (lean) 4 12 31 25 29 185
Republicans (lean) 3 6 15 30 46 505
Liberal (1-3) 22 28 30 15 5 312
Moderate (4) 10 14 38 20 18 389
Conservative (5-7) 5 10 15 29 42 489
Liberal (1-2) 30 29 25 15 2 200
Moderate (3-5) 9 16 35 21 19 645
Conservative (6-7) 3 9 11 29 49 344
Tea Party - Supporter 8 11 13 27 41 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 12 18 32 19 18 865
Sample A 10 19 25 22 24 614
Sample B 11 13 28 21 27 627
9: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will aect you and your family? Will it make things
A lot
A little
Have no
A little
A lot
Likely Voters 11 16 27 22 25 1240
Protestant 12 10 22 28 28 337
Roman Catholic 10 13 32 20 26 301
Ath./Agn./None 9 20 28 21 23 258
Something Else 11 22 25 18 24 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 15 17 24 30 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 17 33 20 22 749
Income: Under 50k 11 18 24 21 25 519
Income: 50k-100k 12 16 25 25 22 384
Income: 100k+ 8 12 32 19 29 337
Educ: < College 10 16 26 22 27 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 15 26 23 24 290
Educ: Post-grad 14 21 30 18 18 149
White Collar 11 16 26 20 26 578
Blue Collar 11 14 26 23 26 487
Military HH 11 13 25 21 31 234
Not Military HH 10 17 27 22 24 1007
Public Sector Union 18 22 34 14 13 59
Private Sector Union 14 20 32 21 14 50
Not in Labor Union 10 16 26 22 26 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 11 17 23 22 27 511
Dual Use 9 17 28 22 24 446
LL Only/Mostly 13 13 27 21 26 263
Competitive Senate States 10 13 29 17 31 254
All Senate States 9 16 27 22 26 672
Dem Incumbent States 5 15 31 23 26 341
GOP Incumbent States 15 17 23 22 24 225
New England 11 17 21 16 35 69
Mid-Atlantic 12 18 31 22 18 166
East North Central 8 12 31 22 27 202
West North Central 4 22 12 26 36 77
South Atlantic 12 15 25 25 23 245
East South Central 16 24 25 16 18 90
West South Central 11 12 25 24 29 122
Mountain 4 7 33 23 33 97
Pacic 14 21 26 17 22 172
Blue States 10 17 27 22 24 818
Red States 10 15 27 21 27 456
10: In the long run, how do you think the health care law will aect how much you pay in total healthcare costs, such as
appointment co-payments, monthly premiums, deductibles and drug co-payments? Will it make health care
About the
Much less
Likely Voters 34 28 27 8 3 1240
Male 36 31 24 7 3 586
Female 32 26 31 9 2 654
Suburban White Female 33 29 31 5 2 263
Single White Female 21 37 28 9 4 75
Married White Female 44 23 24 7 1 307
Age: 18-29 27 27 33 12 2 209
Age: 30-44 34 27 26 9 4 325
Age: 45-64 35 28 27 7 3 450
Age: 65+ 37 32 24 5 0 256
Ethnicity - White 37 29 24 7 2 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 38 28 22 9 4 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 22 46 16 4 172
Ethnicity - Other 31 35 29 4 1 41
Urban 29 27 33 7 4 305
Suburban 33 30 28 7 3 611
Rural 41 27 22 9 1 324
Democrats (no lean) 11 29 41 13 5 453
Independents (no lean) 36 27 28 7 2 376
Republicans (no lean) 57 28 11 3 1 411
Democrats (lean) 11 28 42 13 5 548
Independents (lean) 40 30 24 6 0 185
Republicans (lean) 56 28 13 2 0 505
Liberal (1-3) 17 30 33 15 6 312
Moderate (4) 21 29 41 8 2 389
Conservative (5-7) 55 27 13 4 1 489
Liberal (1-2) 16 31 27 17 8 200
Moderate (3-5) 24 30 35 9 2 645
Conservative (6-7) 62 23 13 1 1 344
Tea Party - Supporter 57 26 12 4 2 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 29 34 10 3 865
Sample A 33 30 27 7 3 614
Sample B 35 27 28 9 2 627
10: In the long run, how do you think the health care law will aect how much you pay in total healthcare costs, such as
appointment co-payments, monthly premiums, deductibles and drug co-payments? Will it make health care
About the
Much less
Likely Voters 34 28 27 8 3 1240
Protestant 40 23 27 8 3 337
Roman Catholic 31 34 26 8 2 301
Ath./Agn./None 31 29 28 10 3 258
Something Else 33 29 29 5 3 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 28 21 8 2 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 29 29 32 8 3 749
Income: Under 50k 33 28 28 7 4 519
Income: 50k-100k 32 31 23 11 4 384
Income: 100k+ 38 26 30 5 0 337
Educ: < College 35 27 27 7 3 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 30 25 10 2 290
Educ: Post-grad 29 30 31 8 2 149
White Collar 34 29 25 10 2 578
Blue Collar 36 26 30 6 3 487
Military HH 44 25 20 7 4 234
Not Military HH 32 29 29 8 2 1007
Public Sector Union 29 33 34 2 2 59
Private Sector Union 36 34 14 11 4 50
Not in Labor Union 34 28 28 8 3 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 36 28 25 8 3 511
Dual Use 32 29 29 6 3 446
LL Only/Mostly 35 25 28 10 2 263
Competitive Senate States 34 29 25 9 3 254
All Senate States 32 30 27 8 3 672
Dem Incumbent States 28 34 29 7 2 341
GOP Incumbent States 38 21 29 7 5 225
New England 39 17 32 11 1 69
Mid-Atlantic 23 37 26 12 1 166
East North Central 34 32 26 7 1 202
West North Central 36 28 22 12 1 77
South Atlantic 37 28 26 5 4 245
East South Central 32 20 27 13 8 90
West South Central 40 27 28 3 2 122
Mountain 33 27 34 2 4 97
Pacic 33 27 28 10 2 172
Blue States 33 29 27 8 2 818
Red States 34 28 28 7 4 456
11: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will aect the availability of medical benets you receive from your
health insurance, such as doctors appointments, medical treatments and prescription drugs? Will it make health care
About the
Much less
Likely Voters 10 15 33 22 21 1240
Male 11 16 30 22 21 586
Female 8 14 36 21 21 654
Suburban White Female 5 9 38 27 21 263
Single White Female 7 24 33 25 11 75
Married White Female 6 8 33 23 30 307
Age: 18-29 19 20 31 16 13 209
Age: 30-44 14 15 34 19 18 325
Age: 45-64 6 16 33 21 24 450
Age: 65+ 3 7 34 30 26 256
Ethnicity - White 7 13 31 25 24 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 15 27 18 20 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 24 43 6 2 172
Ethnicity - Other 7 11 46 11 25 41
Urban 14 17 37 18 14 305
Suburban 8 12 36 23 21 611
Rural 9 17 25 21 28 324
Democrats (no lean) 19 22 45 10 4 453
Independents (no lean) 5 12 32 26 25 376
Republicans (no lean) 3 9 21 30 37 411
Democrats (lean) 18 22 44 12 4 548
Independents (lean) 3 10 35 27 26 185
Republicans (lean) 3 9 20 30 38 505
Liberal (1-3) 20 24 38 15 3 312
Moderate (4) 6 14 48 18 15 389
Conservative (5-7) 7 9 19 30 36 489
Liberal (1-2) 27 24 36 12 2 200
Moderate (3-5) 5 18 42 20 14 645
Conservative (6-7) 9 4 15 31 42 344
Tea Party - Supporter 12 11 18 23 37 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 16 40 21 14 865
Sample A 10 11 36 23 20 614
Sample B 9 18 31 20 22 627
11: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will aect the availability of medical benets you receive from your
health insurance, such as doctors appointments, medical treatments and prescription drugs? Will it make health care
About the
Much less
Likely Voters 10 15 33 22 21 1240
Protestant 9 10 33 24 25 337
Roman Catholic 5 17 29 24 24 301
Ath./Agn./None 8 18 37 20 17 258
Something Else 15 14 34 19 18 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 14 26 22 27 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 15 38 21 17 749
Income: Under 50k 12 17 34 19 18 519
Income: 50k-100k 9 17 32 25 18 384
Income: 100k+ 7 8 34 23 29 337
Educ: < College 10 15 33 21 21 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 12 35 23 21 290
Educ: Post-grad 11 18 32 19 20 149
White Collar 11 14 28 23 25 578
Blue Collar 7 14 37 24 18 487
Military HH 9 12 25 22 31 234
Not Military HH 10 15 35 21 19 1007
Public Sector Union 15 14 35 23 13 59
Private Sector Union 15 10 37 23 15 50
Not in Labor Union 9 15 33 21 22 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 11 16 33 22 18 511
Dual Use 9 13 33 23 22 446
LL Only/Mostly 7 13 34 21 25 263
Competitive Senate States 9 15 27 27 22 254
All Senate States 10 13 31 24 22 672
Dem Incumbent States 5 10 36 27 21 341
GOP Incumbent States 17 13 26 19 25 225
New England 10 19 27 13 31 69
Mid-Atlantic 9 15 38 19 19 166
East North Central 7 12 41 21 19 202
West North Central 7 26 21 22 24 77
South Atlantic 8 14 37 22 19 245
East South Central 25 22 10 22 21 90
West South Central 8 8 33 28 23 122
Mountain 7 5 40 20 28 97
Pacic 11 17 31 23 18 172
Blue States 8 16 34 21 21 818
Red States 11 12 34 21 22 456
12: In the long run, how do you think healthcare law will aect the quality of the medical care you receive? Will it make
health care
About the
Likely Voters 7 13 39 19 23 1240
Male 7 16 34 20 23 586
Female 8 10 42 17 22 654
Suburban White Female 3 8 46 21 22 263
Single White Female 4 13 43 20 19 75
Married White Female 3 7 40 21 29 307
Age: 18-29 18 15 35 13 19 209
Age: 30-44 11 17 37 17 18 325
Age: 45-64 3 11 41 19 25 450
Age: 65+ 3 9 38 24 27 256
Ethnicity - White 4 11 38 21 25 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 17 32 15 24 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 22 45 6 3 172
Ethnicity - Other 7 11 51 9 23 41
Urban 9 15 44 14 17 305
Suburban 5 13 42 19 22 611
Rural 10 10 28 22 29 324
Democrats (no lean) 13 24 52 7 4 453
Independents (no lean) 2 10 39 22 27 376
Republicans (no lean) 5 3 24 28 39 411
Democrats (lean) 12 22 52 8 6 548
Independents (lean) 1 8 38 23 29 185
Republicans (lean) 5 4 24 28 39 505
Liberal (1-3) 14 24 45 13 5 312
Moderate (4) 2 14 54 16 13 389
Conservative (5-7) 8 5 23 25 39 489
Liberal (1-2) 20 28 39 11 3 200
Moderate (3-5) 4 13 51 17 16 645
Conservative (6-7) 8 5 15 28 44 344
Tea Party - Supporter 8 10 19 22 41 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 14 47 17 15 865
Sample A 7 13 39 20 21 614
Sample B 8 13 38 17 24 627
12: In the long run, how do you think healthcare law will aect the quality of the medical care you receive? Will it make
health care
About the
Likely Voters 7 13 39 19 23 1240
Protestant 5 12 37 20 27 337
Roman Catholic 8 8 42 19 23 301
Ath./Agn./None 4 15 41 18 22 258
Something Else 12 16 35 18 20 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 12 30 19 29 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 13 44 18 19 749
Income: Under 50k 9 14 38 17 21 519
Income: 50k-100k 7 15 39 19 19 384
Income: 100k+ 4 9 39 20 28 337
Educ: < College 7 13 38 18 25 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 14 37 22 20 290
Educ: Post-grad 8 12 47 16 16 149
White Collar 8 12 37 19 24 578
Blue Collar 6 13 37 21 23 487
Military HH 6 14 29 20 32 234
Not Military HH 8 13 41 18 20 1007
Public Sector Union 12 11 45 18 14 59
Private Sector Union 13 10 38 17 21 50
Not in Labor Union 7 13 38 19 23 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 7 14 37 19 22 511
Dual Use 7 11 39 20 24 446
LL Only/Mostly 9 13 38 17 24 263
Competitive Senate States 7 14 36 21 23 254
All Senate States 8 12 37 20 23 672
Dem Incumbent States 3 10 42 22 23 341
GOP Incumbent States 15 14 30 19 23 225
New England 2 21 30 17 30 69
Mid-Atlantic 11 10 46 13 20 166
East North Central 3 13 43 19 21 202
West North Central 5 7 41 29 18 77
South Atlantic 7 16 37 16 24 245
East South Central 24 15 25 16 20 90
West South Central 7 10 34 25 25 122
Mountain 1 9 41 21 27 97
Pacic 8 13 41 18 21 172
Blue States 6 13 40 18 23 818
Red States 10 13 36 19 22 456
13: Now thinking about Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, do you think Medicare will require
major changes or minor changes? If you think Medicare is ne the way it is and does not require any changes at all, please
say so.
Major changes Minor changes No changes N
Likely Voters 36 43 21 1240
Male 39 43 18 586
Female 34 42 23 654
Suburban White Female 32 40 28 263
Single White Female 34 40 26 75
Married White Female 35 48 17 307
Age: 18-29 43 41 16 209
Age: 30-44 43 40 17 325
Age: 45-64 35 44 21 450
Age: 65+ 24 45 30 256
Ethnicity - White 35 43 22 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 59 23 18 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 46 19 172
Ethnicity - Other 53 27 20 41
Urban 34 41 25 305
Suburban 37 42 21 611
Rural 37 45 18 324
Democrats (no lean) 26 51 23 453
Independents (no lean) 42 37 21 376
Republicans (no lean) 43 39 18 411
Democrats (lean) 28 49 24 548
Independents (lean) 48 32 20 185
Republicans (lean) 41 41 18 505
Liberal (1-3) 31 47 22 312
Moderate (4) 32 43 25 389
Conservative (5-7) 43 40 17 489
Liberal (1-2) 35 48 17 200
Moderate (3-5) 32 44 25 645
Conservative (6-7) 46 38 17 344
Tea Party - Supporter 48 36 16 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 31 46 23 865
Sample A 36 44 20 614
Sample B 37 41 22 627
13: Now thinking about Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, do you think Medicare will require
major changes or minor changes? If you think Medicare is ne the way it is and does not require any changes at all, please
say so.
Major changes Minor changes No changes N
Likely Voters 36 43 21 1240
Protestant 33 48 19 337
Roman Catholic 39 40 21 301
Ath./Agn./None 38 41 21 258
Something Else 36 41 22 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 41 17 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 44 23 749
Income: Under 50k 35 40 25 519
Income: 50k-100k 34 46 20 384
Income: 100k+ 40 44 16 337
Educ: < College 38 40 22 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 39 40 20 290
Educ: Post-grad 22 62 16 149
White Collar 39 42 19 578
Blue Collar 35 43 22 487
Military HH 36 47 17 234
Not Military HH 36 42 22 1007
Public Sector Union 30 49 21 59
Private Sector Union 53 37 10 50
Not in Labor Union 36 43 21 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 41 40 19 511
Dual Use 33 46 21 446
LL Only/Mostly 33 41 26 263
Competitive Senate States 39 37 24 254
All Senate States 38 41 20 672
Dem Incumbent States 36 40 24 341
GOP Incumbent States 40 45 16 225
New England 29 48 23 69
Mid-Atlantic 35 43 22 166
East North Central 36 41 23 202
West North Central 45 45 10 77
South Atlantic 37 44 18 245
East South Central 36 53 12 90
West South Central 30 42 28 122
Mountain 41 30 29 97
Pacic 37 42 20 172
Blue States 37 42 21 818
Red States 36 44 20 456
14: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively aect your access or future access to private plans,
also known as Medicare Advantage plans?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 26 25 22 20 7 479
Male 28 23 21 19 8 238
Female 24 27 22 20 6 241
Suburban White Female 23 29 14 25 8 116
Married White Female 27 30 15 23 5 133
Age: 45-64 27 23 27 17 7 222
Age: 65+ 26 27 17 22 8 256
Ethnicity - White 27 26 22 19 7 444
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 10 21 35 16 26
Urban 23 30 24 15 9 94
Suburban 24 24 19 26 9 233
Rural 33 24 25 14 4 151
Democrats (no lean) 13 15 32 31 8 155
Independents (no lean) 18 26 21 24 11 146
Republicans (no lean) 44 33 13 7 3 178
Democrats (lean) 12 18 29 30 11 196
Independents (lean) 23 24 22 27 4 59
Republicans (lean) 40 32 15 9 4 221
Liberal (1-3) 17 15 17 37 14 102
Moderate (4) 13 24 33 22 7 137
Conservative (5-7) 36 30 18 12 5 215
Liberal (1-2) 12 14 16 48 9 62
Moderate (3-5) 19 21 30 21 9 246
Conservative (6-7) 39 37 11 9 4 145
Tea Party - Supporter 46 33 11 8 3 125
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 22 25 24 9 352
Sample A 26 25 20 22 6 234
Sample B 26 25 23 18 8 245
14: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively aect your access or future access to private plans,
also known as Medicare Advantage plans?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 26 25 22 20 7 479
Protestant 29 28 20 16 6 189
Roman Catholic 32 23 23 16 6 143
Ath./Agn./None 21 25 18 27 9 67
Something Else 15 22 25 28 10 78
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 28 17 16 5 192
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 23 25 23 9 287
Income: Under 50k 29 25 28 11 8 224
Income: 50k-100k 22 30 15 30 3 142
Income: 100k+ 28 18 17 26 11 113
Educ: < College 28 28 24 15 5 304
Educ: Bachelors degree 22 24 13 30 10 99
Educ: Post-grad 25 14 23 27 11 76
White Collar 26 21 22 22 9 229
Blue Collar 25 32 17 19 7 183
Military HH 33 19 17 21 11 123
Not Military HH 24 27 23 20 6 356
Not in Labor Union 26 26 23 18 7 435
Cell Only/Mostly 25 23 24 18 10 101
Dual Use 27 28 16 23 6 214
LL Only/Mostly 28 24 23 17 7 154
Competitive Senate States 28 22 28 13 10 100
All Senate States 26 24 28 17 5 266
Dem Incumbent States 23 25 29 16 7 133
GOP Incumbent States 28 21 31 16 3 84
New England 25 38 9 16 12 29
Mid-Atlantic 29 23 22 19 7 66
East North Central 23 34 16 21 6 87
West North Central 23 28 15 32 1 33
South Atlantic 32 20 19 22 7 88
East South Central 27 17 38 12 6 36
West South Central 31 24 27 13 6 46
Mountain 22 22 36 16 4 41
Pacic 22 21 16 24 16 54
Blue States 26 27 17 22 8 323
Red States 26 22 32 14 6 167
15: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively aect your access or future access to Medicare
prescription drug plans, also known as Medicare Part D?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 26 33 17 16 8 479
Male 26 30 19 18 9 238
Female 26 37 16 15 6 241
Suburban White Female 28 31 16 17 8 116
Married White Female 26 36 15 19 5 133
Age: 45-64 27 35 17 14 7 222
Age: 65+ 24 31 18 19 8 256
Ethnicity - White 26 34 17 15 7 444
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 16 17 23 33 11 26
Urban 27 30 20 17 7 94
Suburban 25 27 19 19 10 233
Rural 26 45 12 13 4 151
Democrats (no lean) 13 31 16 29 10 155
Independents (no lean) 24 23 24 19 10 146
Republicans (no lean) 38 43 12 4 3 178
Democrats (lean) 14 28 17 28 13 196
Independents (lean) 28 24 26 19 3 59
Republicans (lean) 35 40 15 6 4 221
Liberal (1-3) 18 14 19 32 17 102
Moderate (4) 11 41 22 19 7 137
Conservative (5-7) 39 35 14 8 4 215
Liberal (1-2) 14 9 21 39 17 62
Moderate (3-5) 17 37 20 18 8 246
Conservative (6-7) 45 33 13 5 3 145
Tea Party - Supporter 47 30 14 8 2 125
Tea Party - Not Supporter 18 35 18 19 10 352
Sample A 27 31 21 15 6 234
Sample B 24 35 14 18 9 245
15: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively aect your access or future access to Medicare
prescription drug plans, also known as Medicare Part D?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 26 33 17 16 8 479
Protestant 26 35 16 17 6 189
Roman Catholic 32 32 21 7 7 143
Ath./Agn./None 20 26 19 26 10 67
Something Else 18 39 11 23 10 78
Religiosity: Monthly+ 31 34 14 14 5 192
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 32 19 18 9 287
Income: Under 50k 26 37 20 9 8 224
Income: 50k-100k 25 33 17 21 5 142
Income: 100k+ 25 27 12 27 10 113
Educ: < College 27 39 19 10 5 304
Educ: Bachelors degree 24 29 13 21 12 99
Educ: Post-grad 21 16 17 35 12 76
White Collar 26 25 17 21 10 229
Blue Collar 29 32 21 12 7 183
Military HH 25 34 9 21 12 123
Not Military HH 26 33 20 15 6 356
Not in Labor Union 26 35 17 15 8 435
Cell Only/Mostly 28 27 24 12 9 101
Dual Use 27 37 12 18 6 214
LL Only/Mostly 24 29 20 18 9 154
Competitive Senate States 23 40 14 13 10 100
All Senate States 25 36 19 13 7 266
Dem Incumbent States 22 38 21 12 8 133
GOP Incumbent States 29 34 20 12 5 84
New England 27 35 17 10 12 29
Mid-Atlantic 19 51 13 15 3 66
East North Central 25 33 27 10 6 87
West North Central 25 32 9 31 4 33
South Atlantic 37 20 11 24 8 88
East South Central 27 39 16 12 6 36
West South Central 31 31 25 5 8 46
Mountain 22 41 16 14 6 41
Pacic 13 27 17 26 16 54
Blue States 26 32 16 19 7 323
Red States 25 34 20 13 8 167
16: How concerned are you that your employer will shift your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 19 21 23 14 24 1240
Male 18 23 24 14 21 586
Female 19 18 21 14 27 654
Suburban White Female 15 15 19 18 33 263
Single White Female 18 16 24 11 31 75
Married White Female 18 20 19 15 28 307
Age: 18-29 29 20 25 9 18 209
Age: 30-44 21 21 23 19 16 325
Age: 45-64 15 23 23 13 26 450
Age: 65+ 13 17 20 14 35 256
Ethnicity - White 17 21 21 14 26 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 27 19 11 11 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 18 32 14 15 172
Ethnicity - Other 31 17 19 18 15 41
Urban 19 20 25 12 23 305
Suburban 17 17 24 17 26 611
Rural 22 27 18 11 22 324
Democrats (no lean) 11 15 27 18 28 453
Independents (no lean) 16 22 22 12 27 376
Republicans (no lean) 29 25 18 12 16 411
Democrats (lean) 11 16 26 18 30 548
Independents (lean) 18 21 28 9 24 185
Republicans (lean) 27 26 17 12 18 505
Liberal (1-3) 9 17 20 19 35 312
Moderate (4) 12 22 27 15 23 389
Conservative (5-7) 30 20 21 11 19 489
Liberal (1-2) 12 16 20 17 35 200
Moderate (3-5) 13 20 26 16 26 645
Conservative (6-7) 33 22 18 10 16 344
Tea Party - Supporter 28 29 18 10 14 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 17 25 16 28 865
Sample A 17 19 25 14 26 614
Sample B 20 23 21 14 22 627
16: How concerned are you that your employer will shift your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 19 21 23 14 24 1240
Protestant 15 25 20 14 26 337
Roman Catholic 21 17 23 14 24 301
Ath./Agn./None 15 17 23 20 24 258
Something Else 22 22 24 11 21 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 25 20 12 17 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 18 24 16 29 749
Income: Under 50k 18 21 22 11 28 519
Income: 50k-100k 18 19 26 18 19 384
Income: 100k+ 20 23 20 15 22 337
Educ: < College 20 22 24 11 23 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 19 24 18 23 290
Educ: Post-grad 14 19 12 25 29 149
White Collar 21 18 17 17 26 578
Blue Collar 16 24 24 13 23 487
Military HH 18 22 21 12 26 234
Not Military HH 19 20 23 15 23 1007
Public Sector Union 13 23 21 22 21 59
Private Sector Union 26 35 28 3 9 50
Not in Labor Union 19 20 22 14 25 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 18 21 24 15 22 511
Dual Use 17 22 22 17 22 446
LL Only/Mostly 21 18 19 9 32 263
Competitive Senate States 17 19 24 14 26 254
All Senate States 18 22 22 13 26 672
Dem Incumbent States 15 20 23 12 30 341
GOP Incumbent States 21 25 20 12 21 225
New England 22 34 15 5 23 69
Mid-Atlantic 19 22 20 14 25 166
East North Central 11 26 24 13 26 202
West North Central 20 20 17 23 21 77
South Atlantic 21 16 23 17 24 245
East South Central 24 28 20 11 17 90
West South Central 15 27 22 12 24 122
Mountain 20 10 29 13 28 97
Pacic 22 13 26 15 23 172
Blue States 18 20 23 15 24 818
Red States 19 23 21 13 25 456
17: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, what impact would that have on the
quality of your health coverage?
No eect
at all
Likely Voters 7 9 34 27 24 1240
Male 7 11 32 26 25 586
Female 7 8 36 27 22 654
Suburban White Female 4 4 34 31 28 263
Single White Female 6 12 40 28 15 75
Married White Female 5 4 30 32 28 307
Age: 18-29 13 16 38 16 17 209
Age: 30-44 10 13 28 25 23 325
Age: 45-64 4 5 34 29 27 450
Age: 65+ 2 5 38 32 23 256
Ethnicity - White 5 7 34 28 26 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 13 27 23 23 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 17 40 18 6 172
Ethnicity - Other 7 24 16 33 19 41
Urban 11 12 41 20 17 305
Suburban 5 7 33 29 26 611
Rural 7 11 29 29 25 324
Democrats (no lean) 14 13 43 24 6 453
Independents (no lean) 2 5 39 28 26 376
Republicans (no lean) 3 8 19 29 41 411
Democrats (lean) 12 13 45 23 7 548
Independents (lean) 3 5 38 30 25 185
Republicans (lean) 3 7 20 29 41 505
Liberal (1-3) 10 14 46 24 6 312
Moderate (4) 5 7 44 26 18 389
Conservative (5-7) 6 7 19 27 41 489
Liberal (1-2) 15 16 40 24 5 200
Moderate (3-5) 3 10 42 29 16 645
Conservative (6-7) 8 3 16 21 51 344
Tea Party - Supporter 11 10 20 20 40 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 9 40 29 17 865
Sample A 7 10 35 24 23 614
Sample B 6 9 32 29 24 627
17: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, what impact would that have on the
quality of your health coverage?
No eect
at all
Likely Voters 7 9 34 27 24 1240
Protestant 6 7 32 28 27 337
Roman Catholic 5 10 32 27 25 301
Ath./Agn./None 5 10 38 26 21 258
Something Else 10 9 33 25 21 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 10 26 26 28 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 8 39 27 21 749
Income: Under 50k 9 8 38 28 17 519
Income: 50k-100k 7 11 32 29 21 384
Income: 100k+ 4 7 29 23 37 337
Educ: < College 7 9 33 27 23 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 8 33 25 26 290
Educ: Post-grad 4 11 38 27 20 149
White Collar 7 8 33 23 28 578
Blue Collar 5 9 35 27 23 487
Military HH 6 8 29 30 27 234
Not Military HH 7 9 35 26 23 1007
Public Sector Union 8 20 30 17 26 59
Private Sector Union 13 27 25 17 20 50
Not in Labor Union 6 8 35 28 24 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 7 8 31 26 28 511
Dual Use 7 10 36 28 19 446
LL Only/Mostly 6 11 37 21 26 263
Competitive Senate States 5 6 38 25 25 254
All Senate States 7 6 34 30 23 672
Dem Incumbent States 3 5 37 32 24 341
GOP Incumbent States 14 9 30 27 21 225
New England 11 6 35 22 26 69
Mid-Atlantic 6 16 32 27 20 166
East North Central 3 10 35 31 21 202
West North Central 6 5 39 14 36 77
South Atlantic 5 6 36 31 22 245
East South Central 19 8 15 41 16 90
West South Central 6 10 36 24 24 122
Mountain 5 2 42 20 31 97
Pacic 9 12 33 19 26 172
Blue States 6 10 34 27 23 818
Red States 8 8 33 26 24 456
18: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, how seriously would you consider looking
for another job?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 12 17 23 19 29 1240
Male 12 18 23 19 28 586
Female 13 16 22 20 29 654
Suburban White Female 8 11 23 24 34 263
Single White Female 13 18 25 22 22 75
Married White Female 9 16 24 23 27 307
Age: 18-29 19 23 25 19 13 209
Age: 30-44 18 21 25 19 18 325
Age: 45-64 8 14 24 22 32 450
Age: 65+ 7 13 16 15 50 256
Ethnicity - White 12 16 22 18 31 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 16 20 20 26 17 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 22 27 19 20 172
Ethnicity - Other 19 25 18 22 15 41
Urban 14 15 24 22 26 305
Suburban 11 16 22 22 29 611
Rural 14 21 23 12 30 324
Democrats (no lean) 10 13 19 21 37 453
Independents (no lean) 12 16 24 21 26 376
Republicans (no lean) 14 23 25 16 22 411
Democrats (lean) 10 12 18 22 37 548
Independents (lean) 12 17 28 20 23 185
Republicans (lean) 14 23 26 15 22 505
Liberal (1-3) 8 13 17 20 42 312
Moderate (4) 6 19 24 22 29 389
Conservative (5-7) 19 18 24 17 22 489
Liberal (1-2) 10 12 16 18 44 200
Moderate (3-5) 7 18 24 22 30 645
Conservative (6-7) 23 18 24 16 19 344
Tea Party - Supporter 20 26 24 11 19 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 14 22 23 33 865
Sample A 12 15 23 21 30 614
Sample B 13 19 23 18 28 627
18: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, how seriously would you consider looking
for another job?
Not too
Not at all
Likely Voters 12 17 23 19 29 1240
Protestant 11 15 21 20 32 337
Roman Catholic 12 17 24 19 28 301
Ath./Agn./None 11 20 19 23 27 258
Something Else 15 17 25 16 27 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 22 22 20 21 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 14 23 19 34 749
Income: Under 50k 15 16 23 17 30 519
Income: 50k-100k 10 19 21 23 28 384
Income: 100k+ 11 17 25 19 27 337
Educ: < College 13 19 23 17 28 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 14 25 22 25 290
Educ: Post-grad 6 16 15 24 39 149
White Collar 12 17 20 20 31 578
Blue Collar 11 16 27 20 25 487
Military HH 14 16 21 16 33 234
Not Military HH 12 18 23 20 28 1007
Public Sector Union 6 24 13 30 27 59
Private Sector Union 27 22 21 17 14 50
Not in Labor Union 12 17 23 19 29 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 15 17 27 18 24 511
Dual Use 12 16 20 24 29 446
LL Only/Mostly 8 21 17 15 39 263
Competitive Senate States 14 15 20 19 32 254
All Senate States 13 17 22 17 31 672
Dem Incumbent States 11 15 23 15 37 341
GOP Incumbent States 17 19 22 16 25 225
New England 11 31 20 7 31 69
Mid-Atlantic 12 21 18 18 31 166
East North Central 5 20 26 18 32 202
West North Central 18 13 23 23 22 77
South Atlantic 13 14 21 22 30 245
East South Central 22 15 27 18 18 90
West South Central 12 19 25 17 27 122
Mountain 15 15 22 14 35 97
Pacic 11 14 23 26 26 172
Blue States 11 18 23 21 28 818
Red States 14 17 22 16 31 456
19: In thinking about purchasing a health care plan, which is more important for you?
Higher premiums
with lower
out-of-pocket costs
Lower premiums with
higher out-of-pocket
Likely Voters 58 42 1240
Male 58 42 586
Female 58 42 654
Suburban White Female 56 44 263
Single White Female 81 19 75
Married White Female 54 46 307
Age: 18-29 68 32 209
Age: 30-44 63 37 325
Age: 45-64 52 48 450
Age: 65+ 54 46 256
Ethnicity - White 57 43 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 75 25 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 60 40 172
Ethnicity - Other 59 41 41
Urban 62 38 305
Suburban 56 44 611
Rural 58 42 324
Democrats (no lean) 61 39 453
Independents (no lean) 57 43 376
Republicans (no lean) 57 43 411
Democrats (lean) 60 40 548
Independents (lean) 60 40 185
Republicans (lean) 55 45 505
Liberal (1-3) 65 35 312
Moderate (4) 55 45 389
Conservative (5-7) 55 45 489
Liberal (1-2) 67 33 200
Moderate (3-5) 55 45 645
Conservative (6-7) 57 43 344
Tea Party - Supporter 58 42 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 58 42 865
Sample A 57 43 614
Sample B 59 41 627
19: In thinking about purchasing a health care plan, which is more important for you?
Higher premiums
with lower
out-of-pocket costs
Lower premiums with
higher out-of-pocket
Likely Voters 58 42 1240
Protestant 57 43 337
Roman Catholic 57 43 301
Ath./Agn./None 52 48 258
Something Else 65 35 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 40 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 57 43 749
Income: Under 50k 60 40 519
Income: 50k-100k 52 48 384
Income: 100k+ 62 38 337
Educ: < College 60 40 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 53 47 290
Educ: Post-grad 57 43 149
White Collar 59 41 578
Blue Collar 56 44 487
Military HH 55 45 234
Not Military HH 59 41 1007
Public Sector Union 54 46 59
Private Sector Union 60 40 50
Not in Labor Union 58 42 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 64 36 511
Dual Use 51 49 446
LL Only/Mostly 58 42 263
Competitive Senate States 56 44 254
All Senate States 57 43 672
Dem Incumbent States 54 46 341
GOP Incumbent States 58 42 225
New England 50 50 69
Mid-Atlantic 57 43 166
East North Central 52 48 202
West North Central 66 34 77
South Atlantic 60 40 245
East South Central 60 40 90
West South Central 53 47 122
Mountain 58 42 97
Pacic 66 34 172
Blue States 58 42 818
Red States 58 42 456
20: Private insurance plans typically pay for care received through specied networks of doctors and hospitals you can choose
but generally do not pay for care received outside of the insurance companys networks. Generally speaking, do you prefer
Less expensive plans
with a limited
network of doctors
and hospitals
More expensive plans
with a broader
network of doctors
and hospitals
Likely Voters 53 47 1240
Male 58 42 586
Female 48 52 654
Suburban White Female 46 54 263
Single White Female 48 52 75
Married White Female 42 58 307
Age: 18-29 61 39 209
Age: 30-44 53 47 325
Age: 45-64 52 48 450
Age: 65+ 46 54 256
Ethnicity - White 51 49 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 63 37 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 41 172
Ethnicity - Other 50 50 41
Urban 56 44 305
Suburban 51 49 611
Rural 52 48 324
Democrats (no lean) 59 41 453
Independents (no lean) 50 50 376
Republicans (no lean) 48 52 411
Democrats (lean) 57 43 548
Independents (lean) 53 47 185
Republicans (lean) 48 52 505
Liberal (1-3) 54 46 312
Moderate (4) 58 42 389
Conservative (5-7) 46 54 489
Liberal (1-2) 55 45 200
Moderate (3-5) 57 43 645
Conservative (6-7) 40 60 344
Tea Party - Supporter 51 49 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 53 47 865
Sample A 50 50 614
Sample B 55 45 627
20: Private insurance plans typically pay for care received through specied networks of doctors and hospitals you can choose
but generally do not pay for care received outside of the insurance companys networks. Generally speaking, do you prefer
Less expensive plans
with a limited
network of doctors
and hospitals
More expensive plans
with a broader
network of doctors
and hospitals
Likely Voters 53 47 1240
Protestant 52 48 337
Roman Catholic 50 50 301
Ath./Agn./None 55 45 258
Something Else 54 46 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 45 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 49 749
Income: Under 50k 61 39 519
Income: 50k-100k 56 44 384
Income: 100k+ 36 64 337
Educ: < College 58 42 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 43 57 290
Educ: Post-grad 43 57 149
White Collar 45 55 578
Blue Collar 59 41 487
Military HH 54 46 234
Not Military HH 52 48 1007
Public Sector Union 54 46 59
Private Sector Union 36 64 50
Not in Labor Union 53 47 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 54 46 511
Dual Use 49 51 446
LL Only/Mostly 53 47 263
Competitive Senate States 49 51 254
All Senate States 51 49 672
Dem Incumbent States 48 52 341
GOP Incumbent States 58 42 225
New England 35 65 69
Mid-Atlantic 63 37 166
East North Central 59 41 202
West North Central 49 51 77
South Atlantic 47 53 245
East South Central 50 50 90
West South Central 63 37 122
Mountain 48 52 97
Pacic 49 51 172
Blue States 52 48 818
Red States 54 46 456
21: How would you describe your own health?
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor N
Likely Voters 18 36 32 11 3 1240
Male 15 34 34 12 4 586
Female 21 37 30 10 1 654
Suburban White Female 22 36 29 11 2 263
Single White Female 26 39 25 9 2 75
Married White Female 21 35 33 10 1 307
Age: 18-29 34 31 28 6 1 209
Age: 30-44 25 35 30 9 2 325
Age: 45-64 12 38 33 13 4 450
Age: 65+ 9 35 36 16 3 256
Ethnicity - White 17 35 32 12 3 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 15 38 31 13 3 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 34 32 7 0 172
Ethnicity - Other 14 47 32 6 2 41
Urban 17 32 35 14 2 305
Suburban 16 38 34 10 2 611
Rural 24 35 27 10 4 324
Democrats (no lean) 18 40 27 11 3 453
Independents (no lean) 18 30 36 13 3 376
Republicans (no lean) 19 35 33 10 2 411
Democrats (lean) 18 39 28 12 3 548
Independents (lean) 18 25 38 14 4 185
Republicans (lean) 19 35 34 9 3 505
Liberal (1-3) 20 40 25 12 4 312
Moderate (4) 13 34 42 7 3 389
Conservative (5-7) 22 35 28 13 2 489
Liberal (1-2) 22 43 19 13 4 200
Moderate (3-5) 16 33 38 10 3 645
Conservative (6-7) 23 37 27 12 2 344
Tea Party - Supporter 20 38 27 11 4 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 18 34 34 12 2 865
Sample A 19 35 33 10 3 614
Sample B 18 36 31 13 3 627
21: How would you describe your own health?
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor N
Likely Voters 18 36 32 11 3 1240
Protestant 17 34 34 12 2 337
Roman Catholic 19 38 29 11 2 301
Ath./Agn./None 17 36 31 12 4 258
Something Else 20 34 33 10 4 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 37 30 9 3 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 35 33 13 3 749
Income: Under 50k 13 31 33 18 5 519
Income: 50k-100k 24 39 29 6 2 384
Income: 100k+ 20 39 34 7 0 337
Educ: < College 18 31 34 13 4 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 45 28 7 1 290
Educ: Post-grad 21 41 27 9 2 149
White Collar 21 39 29 10 2 578
Blue Collar 16 34 35 11 3 487
Military HH 17 27 40 12 3 234
Not Military HH 19 37 30 11 3 1007
Public Sector Union 27 42 26 4 1 59
Private Sector Union 32 25 35 8 0 50
Not in Labor Union 17 36 32 12 3 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 22 34 31 10 3 511
Dual Use 17 37 32 11 3 446
LL Only/Mostly 15 35 36 12 3 263
Competitive Senate States 19 35 32 9 5 254
All Senate States 19 34 31 12 3 672
Dem Incumbent States 19 37 29 12 3 341
GOP Incumbent States 21 29 33 14 3 225
New England 10 36 40 13 1 69
Mid-Atlantic 28 25 39 8 1 166
East North Central 16 36 36 8 4 202
West North Central 16 49 17 13 5 77
South Atlantic 15 37 32 12 5 245
East South Central 34 19 29 14 3 90
West South Central 13 36 38 9 3 122
Mountain 16 50 18 15 2 97
Pacic 19 37 30 14 1 172
Blue States 18 36 32 12 3 818
Red States 19 36 31 11 3 456
22: Have you, or another person in your family, ever been denied health insurance based on a pre-existing condition?
Yes, I have Yes, another
person in my
No N
Likely Voters 10 5 85 1240
Male 12 6 82 586
Female 8 4 88 654
Suburban White Female 5 4 91 263
Single White Female 5 3 92 75
Married White Female 5 4 90 307
Age: 18-29 16 7 77 209
Age: 30-44 14 7 79 325
Age: 45-64 6 3 91 450
Age: 65+ 5 5 89 256
Ethnicity - White 8 5 87 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 8 57 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 11 7 82 172
Ethnicity - Other 10 6 84 41
Urban 15 5 79 305
Suburban 8 5 86 611
Rural 7 5 88 324
Democrats (no lean) 11 6 83 453
Independents (no lean) 11 7 82 376
Republicans (no lean) 7 3 90 411
Democrats (lean) 12 6 82 548
Independents (lean) 10 7 83 185
Republicans (lean) 7 4 89 505
Liberal (1-3) 11 6 83 312
Moderate (4) 11 6 83 389
Conservative (5-7) 8 4 88 489
Liberal (1-2) 15 6 79 200
Moderate (3-5) 9 6 85 645
Conservative (6-7) 9 4 87 344
Tea Party - Supporter 12 7 81 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 5 87 865
Sample A 8 5 87 614
Sample B 12 6 83 627
22: Have you, or another person in your family, ever been denied health insurance based on a pre-existing condition?
Yes, I have Yes, another
person in my
No N
Likely Voters 10 5 85 1240
Protestant 12 5 84 337
Roman Catholic 6 7 86 301
Ath./Agn./None 8 5 87 258
Something Else 12 5 84 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 7 79 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 4 89 749
Income: Under 50k 11 6 83 519
Income: 50k-100k 9 6 85 384
Income: 100k+ 8 4 88 337
Educ: < College 9 4 87 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 7 80 290
Educ: Post-grad 6 7 87 149
White Collar 11 5 84 578
Blue Collar 9 6 85 487
Military HH 10 7 83 234
Not Military HH 9 5 86 1007
Public Sector Union 19 5 76 59
Private Sector Union 16 8 76 50
Not in Labor Union 9 5 86 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 10 6 84 511
Dual Use 7 4 89 446
LL Only/Mostly 14 6 80 263
Competitive Senate States 10 6 85 254
All Senate States 9 7 85 672
Dem Incumbent States 4 6 90 341
GOP Incumbent States 12 9 79 225
New England 15 1 84 69
Mid-Atlantic 9 4 87 166
East North Central 5 4 91 202
West North Central 9 9 82 77
South Atlantic 12 6 82 245
East South Central 7 9 84 90
West South Central 7 6 87 122
Mountain 9 5 86 97
Pacic 14 4 82 172
Blue States 10 5 86 818
Red States 9 7 84 456
23: Are you, yourself, now covered by any form of health insurance or health plan or do you not have health coverage at this
time? A health plan would include any private insurance plan through your employer or a plan that you purchased yourself,
as well as a government program like Medicare, Medicaid, or the military.
Covered by health
Not covered by health
Likely Voters 93 7 1240
Male 91 9 586
Female 94 6 654
Suburban White Female 96 4 263
Single White Female 95 5 75
Married White Female 97 3 307
Age: 18-29 87 13 209
Age: 30-44 92 8 325
Age: 45-64 92 8 450
Age: 65+ 100 0 256
Ethnicity - White 93 7 1001
Ethnicity - Hispanic 90 10 117
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 89 11 172
Ethnicity - Other 93 7 41
Urban 91 9 305
Suburban 92 8 611
Rural 95 5 324
Democrats (no lean) 94 6 453
Independents (no lean) 88 12 376
Republicans (no lean) 96 4 411
Democrats (lean) 93 7 548
Independents (lean) 90 10 185
Republicans (lean) 94 6 505
Liberal (1-3) 93 7 312
Moderate (4) 91 9 389
Conservative (5-7) 94 6 489
Liberal (1-2) 91 9 200
Moderate (3-5) 93 7 645
Conservative (6-7) 94 6 344
Tea Party - Supporter 91 9 374
Tea Party - Not Supporter 93 7 865
Sample A 92 8 614
Sample B 93 7 627
23: Are you, yourself, now covered by any form of health insurance or health plan or do you not have health coverage at this
time? A health plan would include any private insurance plan through your employer or a plan that you purchased yourself,
as well as a government program like Medicare, Medicaid, or the military.
Covered by health
Not covered by health
Likely Voters 93 7 1240
Protestant 94 6 337
Roman Catholic 96 4 301
Ath./Agn./None 85 15 258
Something Else 93 7 342
Religiosity: Monthly+ 94 6 492
Religiosity: LT Monthly 92 8 749
Income: Under 50k 86 14 519
Income: 50k-100k 96 4 384
Income: 100k+ 99 1 337
Educ: < College 90 10 801
Educ: Bachelors degree 97 3 290
Educ: Post-grad 98 2 149
White Collar 95 5 578
Blue Collar 92 8 487
Military HH 95 5 234
Not Military HH 92 8 1007
Public Sector Union 96 4 59
Private Sector Union 97 3 50
Not in Labor Union 92 8 1131
Cell Only/Mostly 91 9 511
Dual Use 94 6 446
LL Only/Mostly 95 5 263
Competitive Senate States 94 6 254
All Senate States 91 9 672
Dem Incumbent States 91 9 341
GOP Incumbent States 87 13 225
New England 93 7 69
Mid-Atlantic 94 6 166
East North Central 97 3 202
West North Central 95 5 77
South Atlantic 89 11 245
East South Central 87 13 90
West South Central 91 9 122
Mountain 93 7 97
Pacic 95 5 172
Blue States 93 7 818
Red States 91 9 456
24: For your healthcare are you covered by a...
or vet-
Likely Voters 43 3 6 12 21 11 3 1150
Male 43 3 3 12 23 11 6 533
Female 44 4 8 12 20 11 2 617
Suburban White Female 46 3 5 12 24 8 2 254
Single White Female 22 1 33 15 6 23 1 71
Married White Female 56 7 2 12 18 3 2 296
Age: 18-29 30 2 34 15 0 17 1 181
Age: 30-44 62 5 1 12 2 16 3 301
Age: 45-64 53 4 0 14 13 11 5 412
Age: 65+ 14 2 0 7 72 1 4 256
Ethnicity - White 43 3 4 12 25 10 3 935
Ethnicity - Hispanic 55 9 7 10 8 10 1 105
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 4 12 12 6 20 9 153
Ethnicity - Other 55 3 15 16 4 8 0 38
Urban 35 6 7 10 20 20 2 278
Suburban 46 3 5 13 20 8 5 565
Rural 45 3 5 11 24 9 3 307
Democrats (no lean) 39 3 5 11 22 16 4 425
Independents (no lean) 46 4 6 13 20 9 2 330
Republicans (no lean) 46 4 7 12 21 7 4 395
Democrats (lean) 39 3 6 12 23 15 3 508
Independents (lean) 46 5 5 15 16 12 1 167
Republicans (lean) 47 3 6 11 22 7 4 473
Liberal (1-3) 40 2 9 14 19 13 3 289
Moderate (4) 47 3 2 13 18 12 4 355
Conservative (5-7) 44 4 6 8 26 9 3 459
Liberal (1-2) 40 3 9 14 18 14 2 182
Moderate (3-5) 41 4 6 12 22 13 4 599
Conservative (6-7) 52 3 4 9 23 6 3 323
Tea Party - Supporter 44 6 6 9 19 12 4 340
Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 2 6 13 22 11 3 808
Sample A 45 3 6 10 21 11 4 565
Sample B 42 3 6 13 22 11 2 585
24: For your healthcare are you covered by a...
or vet-
Likely Voters 43 3 6 12 21 11 3 1150
Protestant 39 2 2 16 28 9 4 318
Roman Catholic 49 5 6 5 26 5 4 290
Ath./Agn./None 48 2 11 16 11 11 2 220
Something Else 39 5 5 11 18 19 3 319
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 4 7 12 21 10 4 463
Religiosity: LT Monthly 44 3 5 12 22 12 3 687
Income: Under 50k 22 1 5 14 32 23 3 445
Income: 50k-100k 49 4 8 13 17 5 4 370
Income: 100k+ 65 5 5 8 11 3 3 335
Educ: < College 38 3 8 11 21 16 3 724
Educ: Bachelors degree 54 5 4 14 17 3 3 280
Educ: Post-grad 46 4 0 10 32 4 3 146
White Collar 50 2 8 11 22 4 3 549
Blue Collar 41 5 3 11 19 16 5 446
Military HH 34 4 4 11 22 8 16 222
Not Military HH 45 3 6 12 21 12 0 928
Public Sector Union 57 9 2 14 14 3 2 56
Private Sector Union 52 24 2 6 8 3 4 49
Not in Labor Union 42 2 6 12 22 12 3 1045
Cell Only/Mostly 51 2 7 11 10 15 4 465
Dual Use 45 4 5 12 24 7 3 418
LL Only/Mostly 26 4 5 14 37 10 4 250
Competitive Senate States 41 2 5 12 22 14 5 238
All Senate States 43 2 4 12 23 12 4 610
Dem Incumbent States 43 2 5 13 22 12 3 312
GOP Incumbent States 45 2 3 12 22 11 5 197
New England 36 5 1 18 29 9 3 64
Mid-Atlantic 46 4 9 12 17 9 2 157
East North Central 45 5 4 11 19 13 2 196
West North Central 48 1 9 7 18 15 2 73
South Atlantic 40 3 6 16 22 6 7 218
East South Central 50 2 1 13 22 8 4 78
West South Central 40 2 3 14 22 17 3 111
Mountain 48 0 2 6 32 10 2 90
Pacic 38 6 10 9 18 14 3 163
Blue States 43 4 7 13 20 10 3 765
Red States 43 1 3 12 24 12 4 414
25: Did you purchase health insurance on a health insurance exchange?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 10 90 1150
Male 12 88 533
Female 8 92 617
Suburban White Female 7 93 254
Single White Female 5 95 71
Married White Female 9 91 296
Age: 18-29 13 87 181
Age: 30-44 16 84 301
Age: 45-64 9 91 412
Age: 65+ 4 96 256
Ethnicity - White 8 92 935
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 75 105
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 82 153
Ethnicity - Other 16 84 38
Urban 15 85 278
Suburban 9 91 565
Rural 8 92 307
Democrats (no lean) 14 86 425
Independents (no lean) 8 92 330
Republicans (no lean) 8 92 395
Democrats (lean) 13 87 508
Independents (lean) 10 90 167
Republicans (lean) 7 93 473
Liberal (1-3) 16 84 289
Moderate (4) 10 90 355
Conservative (5-7) 7 93 459
Liberal (1-2) 18 82 182
Moderate (3-5) 9 91 599
Conservative (6-7) 7 93 323
Tea Party - Supporter 17 83 340
Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 93 808
Sample A 10 90 565
Sample B 10 90 585
25: Did you purchase health insurance on a health insurance exchange?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 10 90 1150
Protestant 10 90 318
Roman Catholic 9 91 290
Ath./Agn./None 12 88 220
Something Else 9 91 319
Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 88 463
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 91 687
Income: Under 50k 14 86 445
Income: 50k-100k 10 90 370
Income: 100k+ 6 94 335
Educ: < College 9 91 724
Educ: Bachelors degree 14 86 280
Educ: Post-grad 6 94 146
White Collar 10 90 549
Blue Collar 11 89 446
Military HH 9 91 222
Not Military HH 10 90 928
Public Sector Union 18 82 56
Private Sector Union 22 78 49
Not in Labor Union 9 91 1045
Cell Only/Mostly 11 89 465
Dual Use 9 91 418
LL Only/Mostly 11 89 250
Competitive Senate States 10 90 238
All Senate States 8 92 610
Dem Incumbent States 5 95 312
GOP Incumbent States 11 89 197
New England 4 96 64
Mid-Atlantic 12 88 157
East North Central 9 91 196
West North Central 5 95 73
South Atlantic 12 88 218
East South Central 7 93 78
West South Central 10 90 111
Mountain 6 94 90
Pacic 14 86 163
Blue States 10 90 765
Red States 9 91 414
26: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Likely Voters 16 25 38 21 1854
Male 14 27 37 22 865
Female 18 22 38 21 990
Suburban White Female 12 17 45 26 404
Single White Female 60 21 15 5 109
Married White Female 7 25 45 22 448
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 301
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 457
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 700
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 396
Ethnicity - White 13 23 39 25 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 37 30 1 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 29 33 8 238
Ethnicity - Other 24 46 24 6 68
Urban 20 29 32 19 458
Suburban 15 23 40 22 923
Rural 15 23 39 23 474
Democrats (no lean) 19 25 39 17 710
Independents (no lean) 19 25 35 21 538
Republicans (no lean) 11 25 39 26 606
Democrats (lean) 19 25 38 18 844
Independents (lean) 23 29 31 17 274
Republicans (lean) 11 22 40 26 729
Liberal (1-3) 22 27 32 19 507
Moderate (4) 17 26 39 18 561
Conservative (5-7) 11 22 42 25 719
Liberal (1-2) 23 27 31 20 341
Moderate (3-5) 17 24 39 19 937
Conservative (6-7) 10 23 42 25 510
Tea Party - Supporter 15 30 35 20 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 17 23 39 22 1318
Sample A 18 23 37 22 900
Sample B 15 26 39 21 954
26: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Likely Voters 16 25 38 21 1854
Protestant 8 17 41 35 513
Roman Catholic 10 23 41 26 439
Ath./Agn./None 28 29 33 10 392
Something Else 21 31 35 13 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 27 31 26 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 23 42 18 1112
Income: Under 50k 19 20 36 25 804
Income: 50k-100k 16 28 38 18 610
Income: 100k+ 12 29 40 19 440
Educ: < College 20 20 39 20 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 37 35 16 412
Educ: Post-grad 4 26 34 36 224
White Collar 14 26 36 24 816
Blue Collar 14 26 40 20 761
Military HH 8 22 35 34 341
Not Military HH 18 25 38 18 1513
Public Sector Union 9 29 50 12 94
Private Sector Union 14 33 42 12 69
Not in Labor Union 17 24 37 22 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 21 35 36 8 767
Dual Use 14 19 44 24 655
LL Only/Mostly 12 15 30 44 400
Competitive Senate States 15 25 40 20 373
All Senate States 15 24 41 21 986
Dem Incumbent States 14 23 39 24 483
GOP Incumbent States 17 26 41 16 323
New England 15 18 42 25 96
Mid-Atlantic 16 23 36 25 242
East North Central 10 26 44 20 299
West North Central 11 27 37 25 138
South Atlantic 16 29 32 23 371
East South Central 19 22 48 12 119
West South Central 18 26 36 20 199
Mountain 12 22 46 20 125
Pacic 26 22 32 20 264
Blue States 17 23 36 23 1208
Red States 15 26 40 18 676
27: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Likely Voters 47 53 1854
Male 100 0 865
Female 0 100 990
Suburban White Female 0 100 404
Single White Female 0 100 109
Married White Female 0 100 448
Age: 18-29 41 59 301
Age: 30-44 51 49 457
Age: 45-64 46 54 700
Age: 65+ 47 53 396
Ethnicity - White 47 53 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 57 43 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 58 238
Ethnicity - Other 44 56 68
Urban 45 55 458
Suburban 48 52 923
Rural 44 56 474
Democrats (no lean) 43 57 710
Independents (no lean) 52 48 538
Republicans (no lean) 46 54 606
Democrats (lean) 45 55 844
Independents (lean) 49 51 274
Republicans (lean) 48 52 729
Liberal (1-3) 44 56 507
Moderate (4) 48 52 561
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 719
Liberal (1-2) 44 56 341
Moderate (3-5) 47 53 937
Conservative (6-7) 52 48 510
Tea Party - Supporter 55 45 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 57 1318
Sample A 47 53 900
Sample B 46 54 954
27: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Likely Voters 47 53 1854
Protestant 45 55 513
Roman Catholic 49 51 439
Ath./Agn./None 52 48 392
Something Else 42 58 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 57 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 51 1112
Income: Under 50k 44 56 804
Income: 50k-100k 49 51 610
Income: 100k+ 49 51 440
Educ: < College 46 54 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 47 53 412
Educ: Post-grad 51 49 224
White Collar 49 51 816
Blue Collar 50 50 761
Military HH 58 42 341
Not Military HH 44 56 1513
Public Sector Union 56 44 94
Private Sector Union 64 36 69
Not in Labor Union 45 55 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 48 52 767
Dual Use 49 51 655
LL Only/Mostly 40 60 400
Competitive Senate States 45 55 373
All Senate States 47 53 986
Dem Incumbent States 47 53 483
GOP Incumbent States 46 54 323
New England 47 53 96
Mid-Atlantic 46 54 242
East North Central 48 52 299
West North Central 52 48 138
South Atlantic 48 52 371
East South Central 49 51 119
West South Central 48 52 199
Mountain 40 60 125
Pacic 43 57 264
Blue States 46 54 1208
Red States 47 53 676
28: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Likely Voters 0 7 27 4 20 8 22 3 9 1854
Male 0 5 30 4 19 6 22 3 10 865
Female 0 8 24 3 21 9 22 3 9 990
Suburban White Female 1 3 26 3 21 10 23 3 10 404
Single White Female 0 7 23 0 27 9 23 1 9 109
Married White Female 0 3 25 2 23 10 23 3 11 448
Age: 18-29 0 14 30 2 27 7 17 1 2 301
Age: 30-44 0 5 20 3 18 9 33 3 10 457
Age: 45-64 1 7 27 4 21 8 20 3 8 700
Age: 65+ 0 4 34 5 15 5 17 5 15 396
Ethnicity - White 0 5 30 4 20 7 21 3 9 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 15 19 2 16 11 30 2 6 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 14 17 5 18 10 26 2 7 238
Ethnicity - Other 0 3 13 2 24 5 28 9 15 68
Urban 0 6 30 4 22 6 19 4 9 458
Suburban 1 4 24 3 20 9 26 3 10 923
Rural 0 12 31 4 19 7 18 2 7 474
Democrats (no lean) 0 8 28 4 18 7 23 3 10 710
Independents (no lean) 0 9 26 4 22 6 21 3 9 538
Republicans (no lean) 1 4 28 4 21 9 22 3 8 606
Democrats (lean) 0 8 28 4 18 7 22 3 11 844
Independents (lean) 0 12 24 4 22 6 21 2 8 274
Republicans (lean) 1 4 28 4 22 8 23 3 8 729
Liberal (1-3) 0 3 26 2 23 6 22 3 14 507
Moderate (4) 0 9 31 4 15 9 22 2 7 561
Conservative (5-7) 1 7 25 4 22 8 23 3 8 719
Liberal (1-2) 0 3 26 2 23 6 23 3 14 341
Moderate (3-5) 1 10 28 4 18 7 21 3 9 937
Conservative (6-7) 0 3 25 5 22 9 24 3 8 510
Tea Party - Supporter 0 4 31 4 21 7 23 3 7 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 8 26 4 20 8 22 3 10 1318
Sample A 1 5 26 4 22 8 23 3 9 900
Sample B 0 9 28 3 19 7 22 3 10 954
28: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Likely Voters 0 7 27 4 20 8 22 3 9 1854
Protestant 0 3 26 5 18 8 24 3 12 513
Roman Catholic 0 5 28 3 22 8 23 3 7 439
Ath./Agn./None 0 6 31 3 21 5 24 2 9 392
Something Else 1 14 25 3 19 8 18 3 9 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 6 22 4 18 9 27 3 11 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 7 31 4 21 7 19 3 8 1112
Income: Under 50k 1 13 39 5 20 7 11 1 3 804
Income: 50k-100k 0 2 24 4 21 8 29 3 9 610
Income: 100k+ 0 2 10 0 18 7 34 6 21 440
Educ: < College 0 10 41 6 31 12 0 0 0 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 412
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 76 224
White Collar 0 3 13 2 18 9 33 5 17 816
Blue Collar 0 4 41 6 23 7 15 1 3 761
Military HH 0 6 25 5 21 8 20 3 12 341
Not Military HH 0 7 28 3 20 8 23 3 9 1513
Public Sector Union 0 0 27 3 17 6 21 9 16 94
Private Sector Union 0 0 42 3 14 10 25 2 4 69
Not in Labor Union 0 8 27 4 20 8 22 3 9 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 1 4 27 4 23 8 22 2 9 767
Dual Use 0 7 25 3 19 7 25 4 9 655
LL Only/Mostly 0 12 32 4 15 7 18 2 9 400
Competitive Senate States 1 7 28 3 17 5 27 2 9 373
All Senate States 0 7 27 4 20 7 24 2 8 986
Dem Incumbent States 1 5 27 2 19 8 24 3 10 483
GOP Incumbent States 0 10 26 6 20 7 22 1 7 323
New England 0 5 29 1 15 10 27 4 10 96
Mid-Atlantic 0 12 31 4 14 11 19 2 8 242
East North Central 0 7 29 5 21 9 18 2 9 299
West North Central 0 0 27 5 35 3 21 3 4 138
South Atlantic 0 7 29 3 18 6 23 3 11 371
East South Central 0 20 33 4 14 7 16 1 4 119
West South Central 0 0 29 5 19 7 27 1 12 199
Mountain 4 7 20 1 21 12 21 3 10 125
Pacic 0 5 17 3 25 6 27 6 10 264
Blue States 0 6 27 3 20 8 23 3 10 1208
Red States 1 7 28 4 21 7 21 2 9 676
29: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Likely Voters 33 38 26 3 1854
Male 32 35 29 3 865
Female 33 41 23 3 990
Suburban White Female 39 34 25 2 404
Single White Female 28 48 19 5 109
Married White Female 44 31 23 3 448
Age: 18-29 21 44 28 6 301
Age: 30-44 33 38 26 3 457
Age: 45-64 33 40 24 3 700
Age: 65+ 40 31 27 2 396
Ethnicity - White 37 32 28 3 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 30 40 25 5 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 79 9 2 238
Ethnicity - Other 17 47 30 6 68
Urban 21 52 23 4 458
Suburban 34 34 29 3 923
Rural 42 33 22 3 474
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 710
Independents (no lean) 0 0 89 11 538
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 606
Democrats (lean) 0 84 15 1 844
Independents (lean) 0 0 85 15 274
Republicans (lean) 83 0 16 1 729
Liberal (1-3) 8 69 20 2 507
Moderate (4) 19 40 37 4 561
Conservative (5-7) 60 16 21 3 719
Liberal (1-2) 8 77 13 2 341
Moderate (3-5) 22 38 36 4 937
Conservative (6-7) 68 14 16 3 510
Tea Party - Supporter 58 16 23 3 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 47 27 3 1318
Sample A 31 40 25 4 900
Sample B 34 37 26 3 954
29: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Likely Voters 33 38 26 3 1854
Protestant 42 31 26 1 513
Roman Catholic 39 37 20 3 439
Ath./Agn./None 20 38 36 6 392
Something Else 27 46 23 3 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 34 19 2 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 41 30 4 1112
Income: Under 50k 27 41 28 4 804
Income: 50k-100k 35 38 23 3 610
Income: 100k+ 39 33 26 2 440
Educ: < College 33 37 25 4 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 39 27 1 412
Educ: Post-grad 29 41 27 3 224
White Collar 35 36 26 3 816
Blue Collar 31 40 26 3 761
Military HH 36 32 28 3 341
Not Military HH 32 40 25 3 1513
Public Sector Union 30 49 21 1 94
Private Sector Union 25 44 24 8 69
Not in Labor Union 33 38 26 3 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 34 36 26 4 767
Dual Use 30 40 27 3 655
LL Only/Mostly 35 39 24 2 400
Competitive Senate States 31 39 27 2 373
All Senate States 32 39 26 3 986
Dem Incumbent States 33 37 28 2 483
GOP Incumbent States 29 42 24 5 323
New England 26 40 25 9 96
Mid-Atlantic 37 39 23 2 242
East North Central 27 40 30 3 299
West North Central 50 30 18 2 138
South Atlantic 30 39 28 2 371
East South Central 27 49 22 2 119
West South Central 30 37 28 4 199
Mountain 45 31 22 2 125
Pacic 31 37 27 4 264
Blue States 32 37 27 3 1208
Red States 34 41 22 3 676
30: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Likely Voters 29 71 1851
Male 34 66 865
Female 24 76 986
Suburban White Female 24 76 402
Single White Female 30 70 108
Married White Female 28 72 445
Age: 18-29 27 73 301
Age: 30-44 35 65 457
Age: 45-64 27 73 698
Age: 65+ 27 73 396
Ethnicity - White 31 69 1507
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 64 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 82 238
Ethnicity - Other 24 76 68
Urban 26 74 457
Suburban 30 70 921
Rural 29 71 473
Democrats (no lean) 12 88 709
Independents (no lean) 25 75 537
Republicans (no lean) 52 48 605
Democrats (lean) 12 88 843
Independents (lean) 22 78 273
Republicans (lean) 51 49 729
Liberal (1-3) 17 83 506
Moderate (4) 16 84 560
Conservative (5-7) 49 51 719
Liberal (1-2) 14 86 341
Moderate (3-5) 18 82 935
Conservative (6-7) 60 40 510
Tea Party - Supporter 100 0 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 100 1318
Sample A 28 72 898
Sample B 29 71 953
30: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Likely Voters 29 71 1851
Protestant 30 70 512
Roman Catholic 34 66 438
Ath./Agn./None 24 76 392
Something Else 27 73 506
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 64 740
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 76 1111
Income: Under 50k 31 69 803
Income: 50k-100k 28 72 608
Income: 100k+ 26 74 440
Educ: < College 29 71 1217
Educ: Bachelors degree 30 70 411
Educ: Post-grad 24 76 223
White Collar 30 70 814
Blue Collar 30 70 759
Military HH 38 62 340
Not Military HH 27 73 1511
Public Sector Union 34 66 94
Private Sector Union 41 59 69
Not in Labor Union 28 72 1688
Cell Only/Mostly 32 68 766
Dual Use 28 72 654
LL Only/Mostly 25 75 399
Competitive Senate States 26 74 372
All Senate States 29 71 985
Dem Incumbent States 29 71 483
GOP Incumbent States 30 70 322
New England 31 69 96
Mid-Atlantic 27 73 242
East North Central 33 67 298
West North Central 36 64 138
South Atlantic 26 74 371
East South Central 25 75 119
West South Central 34 66 199
Mountain 31 69 125
Pacic 22 78 263
Blue States 28 72 1205
Red States 30 70 675
31: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Likely Voters 5 13 9 30 11 16 12 4 1853
Male 6 11 9 31 11 18 13 1 865
Female 5 14 9 30 11 15 10 6 988
Suburban White Female 4 15 11 30 10 15 11 5 403
Single White Female 13 24 18 23 3 11 3 4 109
Married White Female 5 10 9 26 10 18 15 7 447
Age: 18-29 11 14 12 32 10 13 3 4 301
Age: 30-44 7 13 10 32 8 15 11 4 457
Age: 45-64 3 12 8 31 12 17 13 3 699
Age: 65+ 3 13 7 25 14 18 15 5 396
Ethnicity - White 5 12 9 28 12 17 13 3 1509
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 17 9 43 5 8 10 1 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 14 8 41 10 12 5 6 238
Ethnicity - Other 9 21 10 39 7 9 6 1 68
Urban 8 14 9 33 11 13 8 4 457
Suburban 5 13 9 34 9 16 12 3 923
Rural 5 11 9 21 16 20 14 5 474
Democrats (no lean) 11 26 12 32 6 7 3 3 710
Independents (no lean) 4 6 12 43 14 13 5 4 538
Republicans (no lean) 1 4 2 18 15 30 27 4 606
Democrats (lean) 10 24 14 34 6 6 3 3 844
Independents (lean) 3 2 11 49 14 11 2 7 274
Republicans (lean) 1 3 3 19 16 30 24 3 729
Liberal (1-3) 20 47 33 0 0 0 0 0 507
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 561
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 29 41 30 0 719
Liberal (1-2) 30 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 341
Moderate (3-5) 0 0 18 60 22 0 0 0 937
Conservative (6-7) 0 0 0 0 0 58 42 0 510
Tea Party - Supporter 4 5 7 16 8 28 29 2 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 16 10 36 13 11 4 4 1318
Sample A 5 14 8 30 11 19 10 2 899
Sample B 6 12 10 31 11 13 13 5 954
31: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Likely Voters 5 13 9 30 11 16 12 4 1853
Protestant 3 11 6 27 12 21 15 4 513
Roman Catholic 4 10 10 30 14 16 14 3 439
Ath./Agn./None 9 17 15 31 9 10 6 3 392
Something Else 6 15 6 33 10 16 11 4 506
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 10 5 27 11 18 18 5 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 15 11 32 11 15 7 3 1111
Income: Under 50k 6 12 7 32 13 13 11 6 803
Income: 50k-100k 5 14 12 28 11 16 12 2 609
Income: 100k+ 6 13 9 30 8 21 12 1 440
Educ: < College 5 12 8 31 12 16 12 4 1218
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 13 9 30 10 18 12 3 412
Educ: Post-grad 7 19 13 25 10 15 11 0 223
White Collar 7 13 10 28 10 17 14 1 816
Blue Collar 5 14 10 30 12 16 11 2 759
Military HH 4 13 9 24 13 17 15 4 341
Not Military HH 6 13 9 32 11 16 11 3 1512
Public Sector Union 7 22 9 29 8 17 6 2 94
Private Sector Union 20 7 2 30 13 3 25 0 69
Not in Labor Union 5 13 9 30 11 17 11 4 1690
Cell Only/Mostly 7 13 11 28 10 16 12 4 767
Dual Use 5 12 9 31 12 19 9 3 654
LL Only/Mostly 4 15 6 33 12 12 14 4 400
Competitive Senate States 4 11 9 28 15 16 12 5 373
All Senate States 5 13 9 28 11 19 12 3 986
Dem Incumbent States 4 14 10 30 9 17 12 3 483
GOP Incumbent States 8 10 9 27 9 23 12 2 323
New England 8 17 13 35 4 7 15 1 96
Mid-Atlantic 3 11 11 36 12 11 9 6 242
East North Central 5 10 12 36 9 14 10 5 299
West North Central 2 17 7 19 7 23 23 3 138
South Atlantic 4 14 7 28 16 16 11 4 371
East South Central 9 12 6 26 10 22 13 2 119
West South Central 6 8 11 28 9 27 9 3 199
Mountain 6 12 8 30 14 13 13 4 125
Pacic 8 18 8 29 12 13 10 1 263
Blue States 5 14 10 32 10 13 11 4 1207
Red States 6 11 8 27 11 22 13 3 676
32: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Likely Voters 28 31 40 1787
Male 26 31 43 854
Female 30 31 38 933
Suburban White Female 31 31 38 385
Single White Female 58 24 18 104
Married White Female 26 28 46 415
Age: 18-29 39 33 28 289
Age: 30-44 31 33 36 441
Age: 45-64 24 32 44 681
Age: 65+ 25 26 49 376
Ethnicity - White 28 28 44 1458
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 43 23 164
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 44 28 225
Ethnicity - Other 40 39 21 68
Urban 32 34 33 438
Suburban 28 35 38 897
Rural 26 22 52 452
Democrats (no lean) 50 33 17 690
Independents (no lean) 23 44 33 515
Republicans (no lean) 7 18 75 582
Democrats (lean) 49 35 16 823
Independents (lean) 18 53 29 255
Republicans (lean) 7 20 73 704
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 507
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 561
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 719
Liberal (1-2) 100 0 0 341
Moderate (3-5) 18 60 22 937
Conservative (6-7) 0 0 100 510
Tea Party - Supporter 16 17 67 522
Tea Party - Not Supporter 33 37 29 1263
Sample A 28 30 42 881
Sample B 29 32 39 907
32: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Likely Voters 28 31 40 1787
Protestant 21 29 50 490
Roman Catholic 25 31 44 426
Ath./Agn./None 42 32 27 381
Something Else 28 34 38 488
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 29 50 706
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 33 34 1082
Income: Under 50k 26 34 40 755
Income: 50k-100k 31 29 40 597
Income: 100k+ 29 30 41 435
Educ: < College 26 33 41 1166
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 31 41 399
Educ: Post-grad 40 25 35 222
White Collar 30 28 42 804
Blue Collar 30 30 39 742
Military HH 28 25 47 328
Not Military HH 28 33 39 1459
Public Sector Union 39 30 31 92
Private Sector Union 29 30 41 69
Not in Labor Union 28 32 41 1626
Cell Only/Mostly 31 30 39 738
Dual Use 27 32 41 633
LL Only/Mostly 25 34 40 385
Competitive Senate States 26 29 45 354
All Senate States 27 29 43 953
Dem Incumbent States 29 31 40 468
GOP Incumbent States 27 28 45 316
New England 38 35 26 95
Mid-Atlantic 27 38 35 226
East North Central 28 38 35 285
West North Central 26 20 54 134
South Atlantic 26 30 45 356
East South Central 27 26 46 117
West South Central 25 29 46 193
Mountain 27 31 42 120
Pacic 35 30 36 260
Blue States 30 34 36 1158
Red States 26 28 46 658
33: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Likely Voters 19 52 29 1787
Male 18 51 31 854
Female 20 53 26 933
Suburban White Female 19 54 27 385
Single White Female 39 46 15 104
Married White Female 17 48 35 415
Age: 18-29 27 56 17 289
Age: 30-44 21 52 27 441
Age: 45-64 15 54 31 681
Age: 65+ 18 48 34 376
Ethnicity - White 18 50 31 1458
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 56 18 164
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 20 63 17 225
Ethnicity - Other 30 56 14 68
Urban 23 54 22 438
Suburban 18 53 28 897
Rural 16 49 35 452
Democrats (no lean) 38 52 10 690
Independents (no lean) 10 72 18 515
Republicans (no lean) 5 36 59 582
Democrats (lean) 35 55 10 823
Independents (lean) 6 80 14 255
Republicans (lean) 5 39 56 704
Liberal (1-3) 67 33 0 507
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 561
Conservative (5-7) 0 29 71 719
Liberal (1-2) 100 0 0 341
Moderate (3-5) 0 100 0 937
Conservative (6-7) 0 0 100 510
Tea Party - Supporter 9 32 59 522
Tea Party - Not Supporter 23 61 16 1263
Sample A 19 51 30 881
Sample B 19 54 27 907
33: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Likely Voters 19 52 29 1787
Protestant 15 48 38 490
Roman Catholic 14 56 30 426
Ath./Agn./None 26 57 17 381
Something Else 22 50 28 488
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 46 38 706
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 57 22 1082
Income: Under 50k 18 56 26 755
Income: 50k-100k 19 52 29 597
Income: 100k+ 20 47 33 435
Educ: < College 18 54 28 1166
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 50 31 399
Educ: Post-grad 27 48 26 222
White Collar 20 48 32 804
Blue Collar 20 53 27 742
Military HH 18 49 33 328
Not Military HH 19 53 27 1459
Public Sector Union 29 48 23 92
Private Sector Union 27 45 28 69
Not in Labor Union 18 53 29 1626
Cell Only/Mostly 20 51 29 738
Dual Use 18 53 29 633
LL Only/Mostly 19 53 27 385
Competitive Senate States 16 55 29 354
All Senate States 18 50 32 953
Dem Incumbent States 18 51 30 468
GOP Incumbent States 18 47 35 316
New England 26 52 22 95
Mid-Atlantic 16 63 21 226
East North Central 15 60 25 285
West North Central 20 34 46 134
South Atlantic 19 53 29 356
East South Central 22 43 36 117
West South Central 14 49 36 193
Mountain 19 54 27 120
Pacic 27 50 23 260
Blue States 20 54 25 1158
Red States 18 47 35 658
34: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Likely Voters 9 91 1854
Male 11 89 865
Female 7 93 990
Suburban White Female 3 97 404
Single White Female 12 88 109
Married White Female 6 94 448
Age: 18-29 17 83 301
Age: 30-44 13 87 457
Age: 45-64 7 93 700
Age: 65+ 1 99 396
Ethnicity - White 8 92 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 94 238
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 68
Urban 13 87 458
Suburban 9 91 923
Rural 6 94 474
Democrats (no lean) 9 91 710
Independents (no lean) 9 91 538
Republicans (no lean) 8 92 606
Democrats (lean) 9 91 844
Independents (lean) 11 89 274
Republicans (lean) 8 92 729
Liberal (1-3) 11 89 507
Moderate (4) 13 87 561
Conservative (5-7) 5 95 719
Liberal (1-2) 12 88 341
Moderate (3-5) 10 90 937
Conservative (6-7) 6 94 510
Tea Party - Supporter 11 89 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 92 1318
Sample A 7 93 900
Sample B 10 90 954
34: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Likely Voters 9 91 1854
Protestant 3 97 513
Roman Catholic 15 85 439
Ath./Agn./None 10 90 392
Something Else 9 91 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 89 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 93 1112
Income: Under 50k 8 92 804
Income: 50k-100k 9 91 610
Income: 100k+ 11 89 440
Educ: < College 8 92 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 88 412
Educ: Post-grad 6 94 224
White Collar 10 90 816
Blue Collar 8 92 761
Military HH 10 90 341
Not Military HH 9 91 1513
Public Sector Union 16 84 94
Private Sector Union 16 84 69
Not in Labor Union 8 92 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 11 89 767
Dual Use 6 94 655
LL Only/Mostly 9 91 400
Competitive Senate States 4 96 373
All Senate States 7 93 986
Dem Incumbent States 6 94 483
GOP Incumbent States 10 90 323
New England 9 91 96
Mid-Atlantic 7 93 242
East North Central 4 96 299
West North Central 3 97 138
South Atlantic 7 93 371
East South Central 4 96 119
West South Central 11 89 199
Mountain 17 83 125
Pacic 19 81 264
Blue States 11 89 1208
Red States 6 94 676
35: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1854
Male 1 3 12 82 2 865
Female 1 3 14 81 1 990
Suburban White Female 0 0 0 100 0 404
Single White Female 0 0 0 100 0 109
Married White Female 0 0 0 100 0 448
Age: 18-29 1 5 24 64 6 301
Age: 30-44 1 6 15 76 1 457
Age: 45-64 1 2 11 85 1 700
Age: 65+ 0 1 5 94 0 396
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 4 9 69 13 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 238
Ethnicity - Other 9 80 0 0 10 68
Urban 2 6 21 70 2 458
Suburban 0 4 11 84 2 923
Rural 1 0 10 88 1 474
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 27 67 1 710
Independents (no lean) 1 4 5 87 3 538
Republicans (no lean) 1 2 4 93 1 606
Democrats (lean) 1 3 23 71 1 844
Independents (lean) 2 6 7 81 5 274
Republicans (lean) 1 2 3 93 1 729
Liberal (1-3) 2 5 12 80 1 507
Moderate (4) 1 4 18 74 3 561
Conservative (5-7) 0 2 9 88 1 719
Liberal (1-2) 2 5 13 79 1 341
Moderate (3-5) 1 4 15 78 2 937
Conservative (6-7) 0 2 8 90 0 510
Tea Party - Supporter 1 3 8 86 1 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 3 15 79 2 1318
Sample A 1 3 14 81 1 900
Sample B 1 3 12 82 2 954
35: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1854
Protestant 0 1 12 86 0 513
Roman Catholic 0 3 7 88 2 439
Ath./Agn./None 1 6 10 82 1 392
Something Else 1 4 21 71 3 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 4 17 75 3 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 10 86 1 1112
Income: Under 50k 1 1 13 83 1 804
Income: 50k-100k 1 3 15 80 1 610
Income: 100k+ 0 7 9 81 3 440
Educ: < College 1 2 13 82 2 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 5 15 79 1 412
Educ: Post-grad 0 7 10 82 1 224
White Collar 1 5 10 81 2 816
Blue Collar 0 1 13 85 1 761
Military HH 1 1 11 85 1 341
Not Military HH 1 4 13 81 2 1513
Public Sector Union 4 6 21 67 2 94
Private Sector Union 0 3 11 86 1 69
Not in Labor Union 1 3 12 82 2 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 0 4 13 82 2 767
Dual Use 1 3 14 80 1 655
LL Only/Mostly 1 2 11 83 3 400
Competitive Senate States 1 1 12 86 0 373
All Senate States 1 2 14 83 1 986
Dem Incumbent States 0 3 12 84 0 483
GOP Incumbent States 2 1 19 78 1 323
New England 0 2 1 97 0 96
Mid-Atlantic 0 2 13 83 1 242
East North Central 0 2 13 84 1 299
West North Central 0 1 4 95 0 138
South Atlantic 1 2 21 75 1 371
East South Central 3 0 19 78 0 119
West South Central 1 2 17 79 1 199
Mountain 1 0 6 92 1 125
Pacic 2 14 7 71 6 264
Blue States 1 5 10 82 2 1208
Red States 1 1 17 80 1 676
36: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Likely Voters 5 4 91 1854
Male 6 5 89 865
Female 4 3 93 990
Suburban White Female 4 1 96 404
Single White Female 3 5 92 109
Married White Female 4 3 93 448
Age: 18-29 3 3 94 301
Age: 30-44 6 5 89 457
Age: 45-64 7 4 89 700
Age: 65+ 3 2 95 396
Ethnicity - White 4 4 92 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 7 84 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 3 89 238
Ethnicity - Other 7 3 90 68
Urban 6 4 90 458
Suburban 4 2 93 923
Rural 5 6 89 474
Democrats (no lean) 6 4 89 710
Independents (no lean) 4 4 92 538
Republicans (no lean) 5 3 93 606
Democrats (lean) 6 4 90 844
Independents (lean) 5 5 90 274
Republicans (lean) 4 3 93 729
Liberal (1-3) 7 4 89 507
Moderate (4) 5 4 91 561
Conservative (5-7) 4 4 92 719
Liberal (1-2) 8 5 87 341
Moderate (3-5) 5 3 92 937
Conservative (6-7) 4 4 92 510
Tea Party - Supporter 6 5 89 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 3 92 1318
Sample A 6 5 90 900
Sample B 5 3 93 954
36: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Likely Voters 5 4 91 1854
Protestant 4 2 94 513
Roman Catholic 7 7 86 439
Ath./Agn./None 5 1 95 392
Something Else 4 5 91 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 4 90 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 4 92 1112
Income: Under 50k 3 2 95 804
Income: 50k-100k 8 3 89 610
Income: 100k+ 5 8 87 440
Educ: < College 4 4 92 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 4 91 412
Educ: Post-grad 11 2 88 224
White Collar 5 3 93 816
Blue Collar 7 5 88 761
Military HH 9 5 86 341
Not Military HH 4 3 92 1513
Public Sector Union 100 0 0 94
Private Sector Union 0 100 0 69
Not in Labor Union 0 0 100 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 4 3 92 767
Dual Use 6 4 90 655
LL Only/Mostly 4 4 92 400
Competitive Senate States 1 2 97 373
All Senate States 4 3 94 986
Dem Incumbent States 5 2 93 483
GOP Incumbent States 2 3 95 323
New England 5 13 82 96
Mid-Atlantic 6 6 88 242
East North Central 6 6 88 299
West North Central 6 1 93 138
South Atlantic 4 2 94 371
East South Central 1 3 96 119
West South Central 2 2 96 199
Mountain 3 0 97 125
Pacic 10 3 87 264
Blue States 6 4 89 1208
Red States 3 2 95 676
37: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Likely Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1854
Male 20 62 2 9 4 4 865
Female 18 54 2 12 9 5 990
Suburban White Female 13 60 2 11 9 5 404
Single White Female 100 0 0 0 0 0 109
Married White Female 0 100 0 0 0 0 448
Age: 18-29 61 31 1 1 0 6 301
Age: 30-44 17 68 1 8 0 5 457
Age: 45-64 11 59 3 17 5 5 700
Age: 65+ 2 63 1 10 22 1 396
Ethnicity - White 16 59 2 11 7 4 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 24 57 3 11 1 5 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 48 3 10 3 4 238
Ethnicity - Other 30 56 3 4 2 4 68
Urban 23 49 2 14 7 5 458
Suburban 19 60 2 8 6 4 923
Rural 14 61 2 12 8 3 474
Democrats (no lean) 21 54 2 12 6 5 710
Independents (no lean) 23 54 2 10 7 3 538
Republicans (no lean) 13 66 2 10 7 4 606
Democrats (lean) 23 52 2 11 7 5 844
Independents (lean) 22 57 2 13 4 2 274
Republicans (lean) 14 64 2 10 7 4 729
Liberal (1-3) 28 50 2 11 4 6 507
Moderate (4) 19 58 2 9 8 4 561
Conservative (5-7) 13 62 2 12 8 4 719
Liberal (1-2) 28 49 1 10 5 6 341
Moderate (3-5) 20 56 2 11 7 4 937
Conservative (6-7) 10 68 1 10 8 3 510
Tea Party - Supporter 19 61 3 8 5 4 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 19 56 2 12 7 4 1318
Sample A 21 57 1 8 7 5 900
Sample B 17 58 2 13 6 4 954
37: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Likely Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1854
Protestant 11 61 3 10 12 3 513
Roman Catholic 14 64 2 9 8 3 439
Ath./Agn./None 34 46 2 9 2 6 392
Something Else 18 58 2 14 4 4 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 67 1 9 8 1 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 52 2 12 5 6 1112
Income: Under 50k 24 39 4 17 12 5 804
Income: 50k-100k 16 67 1 7 4 4 610
Income: 100k+ 13 80 0 5 0 3 440
Educ: < College 21 52 2 12 8 4 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 66 1 8 5 5 412
Educ: Post-grad 12 73 0 8 4 4 224
White Collar 19 64 2 8 4 3 816
Blue Collar 16 56 2 13 8 5 761
Military HH 11 71 2 9 3 4 341
Not Military HH 21 55 2 11 7 4 1513
Public Sector Union 11 68 0 11 6 4 94
Private Sector Union 13 80 0 0 0 7 69
Not in Labor Union 20 56 2 11 7 4 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 23 52 2 13 4 6 767
Dual Use 16 63 2 9 7 3 655
LL Only/Mostly 16 61 2 9 11 2 400
Competitive Senate States 17 57 1 11 7 6 373
All Senate States 18 57 2 12 7 4 986
Dem Incumbent States 20 55 2 10 8 6 483
GOP Incumbent States 16 59 2 14 6 3 323
New England 20 63 2 5 6 5 96
Mid-Atlantic 22 60 2 6 5 4 242
East North Central 17 62 2 9 8 3 299
West North Central 17 64 0 10 6 3 138
South Atlantic 20 53 2 13 7 5 371
East South Central 8 63 2 20 4 5 119
West South Central 22 56 2 11 7 2 199
Mountain 10 56 2 10 12 10 125
Pacic 23 53 3 11 5 5 264
Blue States 20 58 2 9 7 4 1208
Red States 17 58 2 13 7 4 676
38: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Likely Voters 28 24 21 27 1851
Male 27 25 24 25 863
Female 29 23 19 30 989
Suburban White Female 29 28 18 25 404
Single White Female 18 24 31 28 109
Married White Female 31 27 18 24 447
Age: 18-29 13 15 36 36 301
Age: 30-44 19 22 25 35 457
Age: 45-64 30 26 19 25 698
Age: 65+ 45 29 10 16 395
Ethnicity - White 29 26 21 24 1509
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 40 24 27 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 14 17 44 237
Ethnicity - Other 11 15 33 40 68
Urban 21 22 26 31 458
Suburban 27 27 20 26 922
Rural 34 20 18 28 472
Democrats (no lean) 22 23 21 33 707
Independents (no lean) 26 19 30 25 538
Republicans (no lean) 36 29 13 23 606
Democrats (lean) 23 23 23 31 841
Independents (lean) 17 18 33 32 274
Republicans (lean) 37 27 14 22 729
Liberal (1-3) 21 21 31 27 506
Moderate (4) 25 24 22 30 559
Conservative (5-7) 34 26 14 26 719
Liberal (1-2) 21 18 29 32 341
Moderate (3-5) 25 25 23 26 934
Conservative (6-7) 36 25 13 26 510
Tea Party - Supporter 29 28 17 26 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 27 22 23 28 1315
Sample A 27 23 22 28 900
Sample B 28 24 20 27 951
38: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Likely Voters 28 24 21 27 1851
Protestant 100 0 0 0 513
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 439
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 392
Something Else 0 0 0 100 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 30 2 31 739
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 20 34 25 1112
Income: Under 50k 27 21 21 31 804
Income: 50k-100k 31 26 24 20 607
Income: 100k+ 24 27 18 31 440
Educ: < College 26 24 21 29 1217
Educ: Bachelors degree 30 25 22 22 411
Educ: Post-grad 35 20 19 26 224
White Collar 30 26 23 22 814
Blue Collar 29 23 20 28 759
Military HH 39 24 15 22 338
Not Military HH 25 24 23 29 1513
Public Sector Union 24 33 19 24 94
Private Sector Union 14 45 5 36 67
Not in Labor Union 28 22 22 27 1690
Cell Only/Mostly 26 18 27 29 765
Dual Use 29 24 18 28 655
LL Only/Mostly 31 32 15 23 399
Competitive Senate States 30 20 19 31 373
All Senate States 30 24 19 27 986
Dem Incumbent States 23 31 21 25 483
GOP Incumbent States 41 16 16 27 323
New England 17 44 20 19 96
Mid-Atlantic 23 39 22 16 240
East North Central 24 27 21 28 299
West North Central 31 27 22 19 138
South Atlantic 34 15 21 30 369
East South Central 39 21 8 32 119
West South Central 37 16 16 31 199
Mountain 18 20 26 37 125
Pacic 21 18 29 33 264
Blue States 23 28 23 25 1205
Red States 36 17 17 30 676
39: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Likely Voters 50 50 508
Male 49 51 228
Female 51 49 281
Suburban White Female 36 64 115
Married White Female 51 49 137
Age: 18-29 38 62 40
Age: 30-44 56 44 83
Age: 45-64 52 48 209
Age: 65+ 49 51 177
Ethnicity - White 50 50 440
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 50 50 59
Urban 34 66 97
Suburban 46 54 249
Rural 66 34 162
Democrats (no lean) 38 62 157
Independents (no lean) 41 59 137
Republicans (no lean) 66 34 214
Democrats (lean) 37 63 192
Independents (lean) 54 46 45
Republicans (lean) 59 41 269
Liberal (1-3) 36 64 104
Moderate (4) 33 67 137
Conservative (5-7) 64 36 244
Liberal (1-2) 34 66 72
Moderate (3-5) 36 64 230
Conservative (6-7) 72 28 184
Tea Party - Supporter 65 35 154
Tea Party - Not Supporter 44 56 353
Sample A 54 46 245
Sample B 47 53 263
39: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Likely Voters 50 50 508
Protestant 50 50 508
Religiosity: Monthly+ 68 32 270
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 70 238
Income: Under 50k 54 46 219
Income: 50k-100k 52 48 184
Income: 100k+ 41 59 105
Educ: < College 54 46 309
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 50 123
Educ: Post-grad 39 61 76
White Collar 44 56 240
Blue Collar 54 46 221
Military HH 49 51 131
Not Military HH 51 49 377
Not in Labor Union 50 50 476
Cell Only/Mostly 53 47 195
Dual Use 47 53 191
LL Only/Mostly 51 49 121
Competitive Senate States 57 43 108
All Senate States 56 44 297
Dem Incumbent States 53 47 110
GOP Incumbent States 59 41 132
Mid-Atlantic 52 48 56
East North Central 53 47 72
West North Central 57 43 42
South Atlantic 44 56 124
East South Central 62 38 47
West South Central 64 36 75
Pacic 42 58 55
Blue States 47 53 279
Red States 55 45 239
40: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Likely Voters 8 22 9 15 23 22 1854
Male 7 20 10 18 22 23 865
Female 9 24 9 12 23 22 990
Suburban White Female 6 23 9 13 25 25 404
Single White Female 5 18 4 11 27 34 109
Married White Female 10 26 9 11 22 22 448
Age: 18-29 8 17 12 13 23 27 301
Age: 30-44 9 25 10 13 18 25 457
Age: 45-64 6 18 9 16 27 24 700
Age: 65+ 13 30 6 17 22 12 396
Ethnicity - White 7 22 8 15 24 24 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 8 24 19 12 17 21 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 27 13 21 15 11 238
Ethnicity - Other 16 21 11 7 19 26 68
Urban 10 19 8 14 25 23 458
Suburban 7 23 11 15 21 23 923
Rural 11 24 7 16 23 20 474
Democrats (no lean) 8 18 10 17 24 23 710
Independents (no lean) 5 15 10 14 25 31 538
Republicans (no lean) 12 33 9 13 19 14 606
Democrats (lean) 7 18 9 17 24 26 844
Independents (lean) 4 13 13 11 25 34 274
Republicans (lean) 11 31 8 15 21 14 729
Liberal (1-3) 6 16 7 12 30 29 507
Moderate (4) 6 19 11 16 21 27 561
Conservative (5-7) 11 29 10 17 19 15 719
Liberal (1-2) 8 17 7 9 29 30 341
Moderate (3-5) 5 19 10 17 23 25 937
Conservative (6-7) 13 31 9 16 18 13 510
Tea Party - Supporter 10 32 8 15 22 14 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 18 10 15 23 26 1318
Sample A 9 22 8 15 23 23 900
Sample B 8 23 11 14 23 22 954
40: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Likely Voters 8 22 9 15 23 22 1854
Protestant 13 29 12 17 20 10 513
Roman Catholic 7 34 9 17 21 13 439
Ath./Agn./None 0 2 3 6 32 58 392
Something Else 12 21 12 18 21 16 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 56 23 0 0 0 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 25 38 37 1112
Income: Under 50k 8 21 6 17 25 23 804
Income: 50k-100k 10 24 10 14 21 22 610
Income: 100k+ 7 22 14 13 22 21 440
Educ: < College 8 21 8 15 25 23 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 26 12 14 17 21 412
Educ: Post-grad 10 24 11 14 21 19 224
White Collar 8 25 11 13 21 21 816
Blue Collar 8 21 8 15 24 24 761
Military HH 11 25 8 17 23 16 341
Not Military HH 8 22 10 14 23 24 1513
Public Sector Union 15 24 9 7 24 21 94
Private Sector Union 6 31 5 12 18 29 69
Not in Labor Union 8 22 10 16 23 22 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 6 19 8 14 25 27 767
Dual Use 8 23 11 17 21 19 655
LL Only/Mostly 13 26 9 11 21 20 400
Competitive Senate States 8 22 12 16 17 25 373
All Senate States 9 21 10 16 20 23 986
Dem Incumbent States 8 22 9 14 21 25 483
GOP Incumbent States 11 21 10 19 19 20 323
New England 5 18 9 13 27 29 96
Mid-Atlantic 7 27 8 15 22 21 242
East North Central 7 23 7 15 27 20 299
West North Central 10 27 6 15 22 22 138
South Atlantic 10 21 12 16 18 23 371
East South Central 9 20 6 32 19 13 119
West South Central 16 23 12 12 18 20 199
Mountain 1 24 7 10 28 30 125
Pacic 7 17 12 11 27 25 264
Blue States 7 21 9 15 23 24 1208
Red States 10 24 9 15 22 20 676
41: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 30 70 1854
Male 29 71 865
Female 31 69 990
Suburban White Female 24 76 404
Single White Female 13 87 109
Married White Female 35 65 448
Age: 18-29 34 66 301
Age: 30-44 66 34 457
Age: 45-64 20 80 700
Age: 65+ 3 97 396
Ethnicity - White 26 74 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 58 42 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 45 55 238
Ethnicity - Other 38 62 68
Urban 32 68 458
Suburban 28 72 923
Rural 32 68 474
Democrats (no lean) 32 68 710
Independents (no lean) 26 74 538
Republicans (no lean) 31 69 606
Democrats (lean) 30 70 844
Independents (lean) 32 68 274
Republicans (lean) 29 71 729
Liberal (1-3) 26 74 507
Moderate (4) 36 64 561
Conservative (5-7) 27 73 719
Liberal (1-2) 25 75 341
Moderate (3-5) 31 69 937
Conservative (6-7) 30 70 510
Tea Party - Supporter 34 66 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 28 72 1318
Sample A 29 71 900
Sample B 30 70 954
41: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 30 70 1854
Protestant 20 80 513
Roman Catholic 30 70 439
Ath./Agn./None 30 70 392
Something Else 39 61 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 63 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 75 1112
Income: Under 50k 23 77 804
Income: 50k-100k 32 68 610
Income: 100k+ 38 62 440
Educ: < College 27 73 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 40 60 412
Educ: Post-grad 25 75 224
White Collar 29 71 816
Blue Collar 31 69 761
Military HH 24 76 341
Not Military HH 31 69 1513
Public Sector Union 35 65 94
Private Sector Union 37 63 69
Not in Labor Union 29 71 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 36 64 767
Dual Use 29 71 655
LL Only/Mostly 20 80 400
Competitive Senate States 31 69 373
All Senate States 29 71 986
Dem Incumbent States 28 72 483
GOP Incumbent States 32 68 323
New England 28 72 96
Mid-Atlantic 30 70 242
East North Central 30 70 299
West North Central 31 69 138
South Atlantic 27 73 371
East South Central 33 67 119
West South Central 32 68 199
Mountain 37 63 125
Pacic 28 72 264
Blue States 28 72 1208
Red States 33 67 676
42: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Likely Voters 25 50 26 1854
Male 24 52 24 865
Female 25 48 27 990
Suburban White Female 0 100 0 404
Single White Female 32 47 21 109
Married White Female 18 54 28 448
Age: 18-29 30 46 24 301
Age: 30-44 29 47 24 457
Age: 45-64 21 53 27 700
Age: 65+ 22 50 27 396
Ethnicity - White 21 51 28 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 48 16 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 40 41 19 238
Ethnicity - Other 41 47 12 68
Urban 100 0 0 458
Suburban 0 100 0 923
Rural 0 0 100 474
Democrats (no lean) 34 44 22 710
Independents (no lean) 23 55 22 538
Republicans (no lean) 16 52 33 606
Democrats (lean) 33 45 21 844
Independents (lean) 22 55 23 274
Republicans (lean) 16 53 32 729
Liberal (1-3) 28 49 23 507
Moderate (4) 27 56 18 561
Conservative (5-7) 20 47 33 719
Liberal (1-2) 30 49 21 341
Moderate (3-5) 25 51 24 937
Conservative (6-7) 19 50 31 510
Tea Party - Supporter 22 52 26 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 49 25 1318
Sample A 25 51 25 900
Sample B 25 49 26 954
42: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Likely Voters 25 50 26 1854
Protestant 19 49 32 513
Roman Catholic 23 56 21 439
Ath./Agn./None 30 48 22 392
Something Else 28 47 26 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 50 27 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 49 25 1112
Income: Under 50k 30 40 29 804
Income: 50k-100k 21 54 26 610
Income: 100k+ 20 62 19 440
Educ: < College 25 46 28 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 22 58 21 412
Educ: Post-grad 26 54 20 224
White Collar 21 60 19 816
Blue Collar 28 42 30 761
Military HH 20 51 29 341
Not Military HH 26 50 25 1513
Public Sector Union 32 44 25 94
Private Sector Union 25 33 42 69
Not in Labor Union 24 51 25 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 28 49 23 767
Dual Use 22 53 24 655
LL Only/Mostly 23 45 32 400
Competitive Senate States 22 44 34 373
All Senate States 21 48 31 986
Dem Incumbent States 18 54 28 483
GOP Incumbent States 24 40 36 323
New England 25 52 23 96
Mid-Atlantic 23 49 27 242
East North Central 23 52 25 299
West North Central 24 44 32 138
South Atlantic 25 55 20 371
East South Central 16 37 47 119
West South Central 27 45 28 199
Mountain 20 47 33 125
Pacic 33 52 15 264
Blue States 26 53 21 1208
Red States 21 45 34 676
43: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Likely Voters 32 6 8 12 5 25 8 5 1854
Male 41 7 9 2 3 26 8 3 865
Female 23 5 7 21 6 24 7 6 990
Suburban White Female 22 4 5 24 4 28 7 6 404
Single White Female 23 6 7 3 26 6 17 13 109
Married White Female 22 6 6 33 1 24 4 4 448
Age: 18-29 29 8 4 15 26 0 10 8 301
Age: 30-44 49 9 11 18 2 1 7 2 457
Age: 45-64 35 7 9 12 0 21 11 6 700
Age: 65+ 7 1 6 4 0 79 1 1 396
Ethnicity - White 31 6 8 12 4 28 7 4 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 50 9 5 9 7 10 4 6 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 10 8 13 11 12 10 5 238
Ethnicity - Other 46 8 6 12 9 9 6 4 68
Urban 30 8 9 10 6 24 8 6 458
Suburban 33 6 7 13 5 24 7 4 923
Rural 30 6 8 14 4 27 8 5 474
Democrats (no lean) 31 7 5 11 5 26 9 6 710
Independents (no lean) 32 5 10 11 5 24 9 4 538
Republicans (no lean) 31 6 9 14 5 25 5 3 606
Democrats (lean) 30 7 7 10 5 26 8 6 844
Independents (lean) 36 6 10 14 3 19 7 4 274
Republicans (lean) 31 6 8 14 5 26 7 3 729
Liberal (1-3) 35 5 8 8 8 23 8 4 507
Moderate (4) 34 7 6 13 3 24 6 6 561
Conservative (5-7) 29 7 9 14 4 27 8 3 719
Liberal (1-2) 34 5 9 8 7 23 8 6 341
Moderate (3-5) 32 6 8 12 5 25 7 5 937
Conservative (6-7) 31 8 8 14 3 25 8 2 510
Tea Party - Supporter 33 9 10 10 5 20 9 3 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 31 5 7 13 5 27 7 5 1318
Sample A 31 7 9 13 5 22 8 4 900
Sample B 32 5 7 12 5 28 7 5 954
43: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Likely Voters 32 6 8 12 5 25 8 5 1854
Protestant 27 5 8 11 2 38 6 3 513
Roman Catholic 32 9 7 10 5 29 5 4 439
Ath./Agn./None 37 7 6 13 9 13 9 5 392
Something Else 32 6 10 14 5 18 10 6 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 32 6 9 12 5 26 5 4 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 32 6 7 12 5 24 9 5 1112
Income: Under 50k 19 4 8 13 4 31 14 8 804
Income: 50k-100k 36 9 9 11 6 21 3 3 610
Income: 100k+ 48 8 5 13 4 19 2 0 440
Educ: < College 26 4 8 14 6 26 9 6 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 8 7 10 3 19 5 2 412
Educ: Post-grad 35 13 7 5 1 33 4 2 224
White Collar 37 7 8 11 6 24 5 3 816
Blue Collar 32 7 9 11 3 25 8 5 761
Military HH 20 7 6 10 4 42 7 5 341
Not Military HH 34 6 8 13 5 21 8 4 1513
Public Sector Union 21 46 7 1 0 17 2 6 94
Private Sector Union 62 6 3 0 2 18 2 7 69
Not in Labor Union 31 4 8 13 5 26 8 4 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 39 8 8 11 7 12 10 5 767
Dual Use 31 6 9 13 4 28 5 4 655
LL Only/Mostly 20 4 4 13 3 44 7 5 400
Competitive Senate States 29 4 9 13 4 27 11 4 373
All Senate States 28 6 8 14 4 25 9 5 986
Dem Incumbent States 28 6 6 15 4 26 10 4 483
GOP Incumbent States 27 6 9 17 4 23 6 8 323
New England 31 2 13 15 2 25 4 9 96
Mid-Atlantic 35 4 4 14 10 25 5 2 242
East North Central 34 6 8 10 2 23 11 6 299
West North Central 30 6 14 11 6 24 5 4 138
South Atlantic 30 7 9 7 4 26 12 3 371
East South Central 28 3 5 25 2 24 7 5 119
West South Central 30 7 9 11 6 24 5 7 199
Mountain 29 7 7 17 1 26 6 5 125
Pacic 32 10 4 11 7 27 5 3 264
Blue States 33 7 7 11 6 25 8 4 1208
Red States 29 6 9 14 4 24 9 5 676
44: Thinking about yourself and the immediate family members in your household, would you say you belong to a white-collar
family, or a blue-collar family?
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 44 41 15 1854
Male 46 44 10 865
Female 42 38 19 990
Suburban White Female 49 35 15 404
Single White Female 46 29 25 109
Married White Female 48 40 13 448
Age: 18-29 38 35 27 301
Age: 30-44 47 43 10 457
Age: 45-64 42 44 14 700
Age: 65+ 48 38 13 396
Ethnicity - White 44 43 13 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 50 36 14 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 42 23 238
Ethnicity - Other 64 18 18 68
Urban 38 47 15 458
Suburban 53 35 13 923
Rural 33 48 19 474
Democrats (no lean) 41 43 16 710
Independents (no lean) 44 41 15 538
Republicans (no lean) 48 39 14 606
Democrats (lean) 42 42 16 844
Independents (lean) 39 42 19 274
Republicans (lean) 48 40 12 729
Liberal (1-3) 48 44 8 507
Moderate (4) 41 40 19 561
Conservative (5-7) 47 41 13 719
Liberal (1-2) 48 43 9 341
Moderate (3-5) 41 42 17 937
Conservative (6-7) 50 40 10 510
Tea Party - Supporter 46 42 12 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 40 16 1318
Sample A 43 42 16 900
Sample B 45 40 14 954
44: Thinking about yourself and the immediate family members in your household, would you say you belong to a white-collar
family, or a blue-collar family?
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 44 41 15 1854
Protestant 48 43 9 513
Roman Catholic 48 40 12 439
Ath./Agn./None 47 39 14 392
Something Else 35 41 24 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 49 38 13 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 41 43 16 1112
Income: Under 50k 23 50 26 804
Income: 50k-100k 50 42 9 610
Income: 100k+ 74 23 3 440
Educ: < College 30 51 19 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 65 28 7 412
Educ: Post-grad 80 14 7 224
White Collar 100 0 0 816
Blue Collar 0 100 0 761
Military HH 40 46 13 341
Not Military HH 45 40 15 1513
Public Sector Union 40 55 5 94
Private Sector Union 33 58 9 69
Not in Labor Union 45 40 16 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 41 45 14 767
Dual Use 47 39 14 655
LL Only/Mostly 46 38 17 400
Competitive Senate States 44 42 14 373
All Senate States 42 42 16 986
Dem Incumbent States 45 38 16 483
GOP Incumbent States 37 45 18 323
New England 46 47 7 96
Mid-Atlantic 48 36 16 242
East North Central 37 49 14 299
West North Central 40 48 12 138
South Atlantic 44 39 17 371
East South Central 32 41 26 119
West South Central 40 51 8 199
Mountain 45 30 25 125
Pacic 57 31 13 264
Blue States 47 38 14 1208
Red States 39 43 18 676
45: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Likely Voters 93 7 1854
Male 93 7 865
Female 92 8 990
Suburban White Female 94 6 404
Single White Female 84 16 109
Married White Female 95 5 448
Age: 18-29 81 19 301
Age: 30-44 91 9 457
Age: 45-64 95 5 700
Age: 65+ 99 1 396
Ethnicity - White 93 7 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 86 14 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 94 6 238
Ethnicity - Other 83 17 68
Urban 92 8 458
Suburban 93 7 923
Rural 93 7 474
Democrats (no lean) 96 4 710
Independents (no lean) 87 13 538
Republicans (no lean) 94 6 606
Democrats (lean) 95 5 844
Independents (lean) 84 16 274
Republicans (lean) 94 6 729
Liberal (1-3) 94 6 507
Moderate (4) 90 10 561
Conservative (5-7) 95 5 719
Liberal (1-2) 94 6 341
Moderate (3-5) 91 9 937
Conservative (6-7) 96 4 510
Tea Party - Supporter 93 7 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 93 7 1318
Sample A 93 7 900
Sample B 92 8 954
45: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Likely Voters 93 7 1854
Protestant 95 5 513
Roman Catholic 95 5 439
Ath./Agn./None 87 13 392
Something Else 93 7 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 95 5 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 91 9 1112
Income: Under 50k 90 10 804
Income: 50k-100k 94 6 610
Income: 100k+ 96 4 440
Educ: < College 90 10 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 97 3 412
Educ: Post-grad 98 2 224
White Collar 96 4 816
Blue Collar 93 7 761
Military HH 95 5 341
Not Military HH 92 8 1513
Public Sector Union 96 4 94
Private Sector Union 94 6 69
Not in Labor Union 92 8 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 90 10 767
Dual Use 94 6 655
LL Only/Mostly 95 5 400
Competitive Senate States 93 7 373
All Senate States 93 7 986
Dem Incumbent States 93 7 483
GOP Incumbent States 92 8 323
New England 98 2 96
Mid-Atlantic 92 8 242
East North Central 91 9 299
West North Central 93 7 138
South Atlantic 94 6 371
East South Central 91 9 119
West South Central 90 10 199
Mountain 97 3 125
Pacic 92 8 264
Blue States 93 7 1208
Red States 91 9 676
46: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Likely Voters 54 41 4 1712
Male 53 42 5 806
Female 55 41 4 906
Suburban White Female 48 48 4 378
Single White Female 64 28 7 91
Married White Female 42 52 5 419
Age: 18-29 68 25 8 244
Age: 30-44 58 38 5 418
Age: 45-64 53 42 5 660
Age: 65+ 45 54 2 390
Ethnicity - White 47 48 5 1400
Ethnicity - Hispanic 67 29 4 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 9 0 225
Ethnicity - Other 71 25 4 56
Urban 71 27 3 416
Suburban 53 43 4 856
Rural 42 51 6 440
Democrats (no lean) 96 3 1 676
Independents (no lean) 49 38 13 471
Republicans (no lean) 9 89 1 566
Democrats (lean) 95 3 1 797
Independents (lean) 43 35 23 229
Republicans (lean) 10 88 2 682
Liberal (1-3) 87 9 4 469
Moderate (4) 69 25 6 505
Conservative (5-7) 21 75 4 682
Liberal (1-2) 89 9 2 318
Moderate (3-5) 63 31 6 849
Conservative (6-7) 18 79 3 490
Tea Party - Supporter 25 71 4 494
Tea Party - Not Supporter 66 29 5 1216
Sample A 55 41 4 835
Sample B 54 42 5 877
46: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Likely Voters 54 41 4 1712
Protestant 46 52 2 486
Roman Catholic 50 47 4 413
Ath./Agn./None 64 26 10 340
Something Else 60 36 3 470
Religiosity: Monthly+ 46 52 2 701
Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 34 6 1011
Income: Under 50k 58 38 5 721
Income: 50k-100k 54 42 4 570
Income: 100k+ 49 47 4 421
Educ: < College 53 42 5 1092
Educ: Bachelors degree 54 42 4 401
Educ: Post-grad 60 37 3 219
White Collar 53 43 4 782
Blue Collar 53 41 6 701
Military HH 47 49 4 322
Not Military HH 56 39 5 1390
Public Sector Union 64 29 7 89
Private Sector Union 58 36 6 64
Not in Labor Union 54 42 4 1559
Cell Only/Mostly 53 42 5 690
Dual Use 55 41 4 618
LL Only/Mostly 54 42 4 380
Competitive Senate States 50 47 3 345
All Senate States 52 43 4 907
Dem Incumbent States 51 44 5 445
GOP Incumbent States 55 40 6 296
New England 55 38 7 92
Mid-Atlantic 56 40 4 222
East North Central 62 35 4 272
West North Central 43 56 2 127
South Atlantic 56 41 3 347
East South Central 62 32 6 109
West South Central 46 49 5 180
Mountain 41 53 6 121
Pacic 58 36 6 244
Blue States 57 38 5 1119
Red States 51 45 4 617
47: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Likely Voters 78 22 1854
Male 85 15 865
Female 72 28 990
Suburban White Female 73 27 404
Single White Female 45 55 109
Married White Female 77 23 448
Age: 18-29 46 54 301
Age: 30-44 81 19 457
Age: 45-64 84 16 700
Age: 65+ 88 12 396
Ethnicity - White 79 21 1510
Ethnicity - Hispanic 77 23 165
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 75 25 238
Ethnicity - Other 61 39 68
Urban 76 24 458
Suburban 78 22 923
Rural 79 21 474
Democrats (no lean) 80 20 710
Independents (no lean) 75 25 538
Republicans (no lean) 78 22 606
Democrats (lean) 80 20 844
Independents (lean) 70 30 274
Republicans (lean) 78 22 729
Liberal (1-3) 74 26 507
Moderate (4) 78 22 561
Conservative (5-7) 84 16 719
Liberal (1-2) 74 26 341
Moderate (3-5) 76 24 937
Conservative (6-7) 87 13 510
Tea Party - Supporter 82 18 533
Tea Party - Not Supporter 76 24 1318
Sample A 78 22 900
Sample B 77 23 954
47: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Likely Voters 78 22 1854
Protestant 81 19 513
Roman Catholic 82 18 439
Ath./Agn./None 67 33 392
Something Else 78 22 507
Religiosity: Monthly+ 83 17 742
Religiosity: LT Monthly 75 25 1112
Income: Under 50k 74 26 804
Income: 50k-100k 78 22 610
Income: 100k+ 84 16 440
Educ: < College 74 26 1219
Educ: Bachelors degree 83 17 412
Educ: Post-grad 90 10 224
White Collar 82 18 816
Blue Collar 79 21 761
Military HH 78 22 341
Not Military HH 78 22 1513
Public Sector Union 88 12 94
Private Sector Union 83 17 69
Not in Labor Union 77 23 1692
Cell Only/Mostly 70 30 767
Dual Use 84 16 655
LL Only/Mostly 82 18 400
Competitive Senate States 75 25 373
All Senate States 77 23 986
Dem Incumbent States 76 24 483
GOP Incumbent States 78 22 323
New England 78 22 96
Mid-Atlantic 73 27 242
East North Central 82 18 299
West North Central 79 21 138
South Atlantic 79 21 371
East South Central 80 20 119
West South Central 74 26 199
Mountain 74 26 125
Pacic 78 22 264
Blue States 79 21 1208
Red States 75 25 676
48: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Likely Voters 52 41 7 1435
Male 50 44 6 732
Female 54 39 7 703
Suburban White Female 46 47 6 292
Single White Female 57 36 7 48
Married White Female 40 54 6 338
Age: 18-29 69 21 9 138
Age: 30-44 51 39 10 367
Age: 45-64 51 44 5 580
Age: 65+ 48 48 5 350
Ethnicity - White 45 47 7 1186
Ethnicity - Hispanic 63 32 5 127
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 93 6 1 180
Ethnicity - Other 52 32 15 42
Urban 64 29 7 347
Suburban 50 43 7 717
Rural 45 49 5 370
Democrats (no lean) 96 4 1 564
Independents (no lean) 45 34 21 401
Republicans (no lean) 5 93 2 470
Democrats (lean) 93 4 3 669
Independents (lean) 43 28 29 192
Republicans (lean) 7 89 4 569
Liberal (1-3) 83 12 5 369
Moderate (4) 64 28 8 434
Conservative (5-7) 24 70 7 601
Liberal (1-2) 88 10 2 251
Moderate (3-5) 59 31 10 712
Conservative (6-7) 20 76 3 442
Tea Party - Supporter 23 72 5 435
Tea Party - Not Supporter 64 28 7 998
Sample A 52 41 7 704
Sample B 52 42 7 731
48: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Likely Voters 52 41 7 1435
Protestant 44 52 4 417
Roman Catholic 47 48 5 357
Ath./Agn./None 60 29 11 262
Something Else 58 32 9 396
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 51 5 614
Religiosity: LT Monthly 58 34 8 821
Income: Under 50k 57 35 8 596
Income: 50k-100k 50 45 5 476
Income: 100k+ 46 47 7 363
Educ: < College 52 40 7 893
Educ: Bachelors degree 52 43 5 341
Educ: Post-grad 51 43 5 201
White Collar 47 47 5 668
Blue Collar 56 37 7 593
Military HH 43 50 7 265
Not Military HH 54 39 7 1170
Public Sector Union 59 34 6 83
Private Sector Union 57 34 9 57
Not in Labor Union 51 42 7 1295
Cell Only/Mostly 50 43 8 535
Dual Use 52 41 7 548
LL Only/Mostly 55 41 4 329
Competitive Senate States 48 43 9 277
All Senate States 52 42 6 756
Dem Incumbent States 50 45 5 362
GOP Incumbent States 58 39 3 253
New England 59 38 3 73
Mid-Atlantic 50 42 9 178
East North Central 56 35 9 245
West North Central 42 54 4 108
South Atlantic 53 40 7 292
East South Central 64 36 1 96
West South Central 49 46 4 147
Mountain 37 58 5 90
Pacic 54 36 10 206
Blue States 53 40 7 944
Red States 51 45 3 508
49: Cell / LL household
Dual Use LL Only/Mostly N
Likely Voters 42 36 22 1822
Male 43 38 19 847
Female 41 34 25 975
Suburban White Female 40 37 23 398
Single White Female 53 27 19 109
Married White Female 38 34 28 439
Age: 18-29 54 30 16 294
Age: 30-44 60 27 13 453
Age: 45-64 40 42 17 681
Age: 65+ 16 40 44 394
Ethnicity - White 42 35 22 1485
Ethnicity - Hispanic 53 24 23 161
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 40 19 235
Ethnicity - Other 44 44 12 66
Urban 47 32 21 452
Suburban 42 38 20 909
Rural 38 35 27 462
Democrats (no lean) 40 38 23 690
Independents (no lean) 44 37 19 533
Republicans (no lean) 44 33 23 600
Democrats (lean) 39 39 22 824
Independents (lean) 43 35 22 270
Republicans (lean) 45 33 22 723
Liberal (1-3) 46 34 19 498
Moderate (4) 39 36 24 552
Conservative (5-7) 41 37 22 706
Liberal (1-2) 44 33 22 336
Moderate (3-5) 41 37 22 915
Conservative (6-7) 42 37 21 505
Tea Party - Supporter 47 34 19 526
Tea Party - Not Supporter 40 37 23 1293
Sample A 43 33 24 893
Sample B 41 39 20 930
49: Cell / LL household
Dual Use LL Only/Mostly N
Likely Voters 42 36 22 1822
Protestant 38 38 24 511
Roman Catholic 32 38 30 423
Ath./Agn./None 54 31 15 387
Something Else 45 37 18 499
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 39 26 729
Religiosity: LT Monthly 47 34 19 1093
Income: Under 50k 42 32 26 785
Income: 50k-100k 44 37 19 599
Income: 100k+ 40 41 19 438
Educ: < College 43 34 24 1192
Educ: Bachelors degree 42 40 18 408
Educ: Post-grad 40 39 21 222
White Collar 39 39 23 807
Blue Collar 46 34 20 750
Military HH 36 37 27 338
Not Military HH 44 36 21 1485
Public Sector Union 38 44 18 91
Private Sector Union 39 35 25 69
Not in Labor Union 42 36 22 1663
Cell Only/Mostly 100 0 0 767
Dual Use 0 100 0 655
LL Only/Mostly 0 0 100 400
Competitive Senate States 42 37 21 368
All Senate States 43 38 19 962
Dem Incumbent States 38 38 24 473
GOP Incumbent States 51 35 14 313
New England 22 42 36 93
Mid-Atlantic 33 37 30 240
East North Central 38 43 19 294
West North Central 44 35 21 135
South Atlantic 44 35 21 365
East South Central 44 40 16 112
West South Central 57 27 16 199
Mountain 48 29 23 123
Pacic 44 35 21 263
Blue States 38 37 26 1188
Red States 50 33 16 660

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