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Courtney Takahashi

Anatomy – Superficial Neck

29 August 2006
Name Innervation Function Attachments
Hyoid Bone
- Greater horn
- Lesser horn
- Body
Deep cervical fascia Investing – Trapezius
- Investing and SCM
- Pretracheal Pretracheal – Muscular
- Carotid part around infrahyoid,
neck viscera
Prevertebral – Carotid
Platysma CN VII Tenses skin, muscle of Mandible and cutaneous
facial expression tissue of the breast
Sternocleidomastroid Motor – CN XI Extends head Sternal head, clavicular
Sensory – C1, C2 (bilaterally), rotates head
head (unilaterally)
Posterior triangle SCM, trapezius, clavicle
External Jugular Vein Begins posterior the
angle of the mandible
and crosses the SCM
Omohyoid muscle
Posterior Triangle
- Subclavian artery
- Vertebral artery
- Thyrocervical trunk
- Costocervical trunk
Subclavian Vein
Posterior Triangle
- Roots of the brachial
- Cervical Plexus and ansa
- Phrenic Nerve
Cervical Plexus
Sensory Fibers
- Lesser occipital
- Greater auricular
- Transverse Cervical
- Supraclavicular
Motor Fibers
- Ansa cervicalis
- C1, C2 (traveling with

- Phrenic nerve
Anterior Triangle, Carotid Boundaries are median
Triangle plane, SCM, mandible,
- Common carotid artery. platysma, pharyx, larynx,
Note the internal and and throid
external branches
- Vague nerve
- Jugular vein
Muscular triangle, including SCM, Omohyoid,
the infrahyoids, strap median line
Omohyoid C1-C3 through Depress, retract, Superior border of
branch of ansa steadies hyoid scapula to inferior border
cervicalis of hyoid
Sternohyoid C1-C3 through Depresses hyoid after Manubrium and medial
branch of ansa elevation during end of clavicle to body
cervicalis swallowing of hyoid
Sternothyroid C2 and C3 Depresses hyoid and Posterior surface of
larynx manubrium and oblique
line of thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid C1 via hypoglossal Depresses hyoid and Oblique line of thyroid
nerve (CN XII) elevates larynx cartilage and inferior
border of body and
greater horn of hyoid
Laryngeal prominence
Cricothyroid ligament
Cricoid cartilage
1st tracheal ring
Isthmus of the thyroid
Digastric muscle Ant – Nerve to Depresses mandible Ant – digastric fossa of
- Anterior myelohyoid against resistance, mandible
- Posterior Post – CN VII elevates and steadies Post – Mastoid notch of
hyoid temporal bone
Stylohyoid CNVII Elevates and retracts Styloid process of
hyoid, elongates floor temporal bone, body of
of mouth hyoid
Myelohyoid Nerve to Elevates hyoid, floor of Mylohyoid bone of
myelohyoid, mouth and tongue mandible, myeloid raphe
branch of alveolar during swallowing and and body of hyoid
nerve (CNV) speaking
Branches of the External Carotid Artery (listed in order from inferior to superior)
 Superior thyroid artery
 Ascending pharyngeal artery (located more posterior)
 Lingual artery
 Occipital artery (loops around CNXII)
 Facial artery
 Post auricular artery
 Maxillary artery

 Common jugular
 Internal jugular
o Common facial vein
o Superior thyroid vein
o Middle thyroid vein
 External jugular
o Retromanibular vein (superior of external jugular)
o Posterior auricular vein
Hypoglossal Nerve
Thyrohyoid membrane
Laryngeal nerve
Cricothyroid muscle

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