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Balinese architecture is a vernacular architecture tradition of Balinese people that inhabits volcanic island
of Bali, Indonesia. The Balinese architecture is a centuries-old architectural tradition influenced
by Balinese culture developed from Hindu influences through ancient Javanese intermediary, as well as
pre-Hindu elements of native Balinese architecture.
Traditional Balinese Architecture is defined as the spatial structure of the container Balinese life that has
evolved from generation to generation with all the rules handed down from ancient times, to
thedevelopment of one form of the physical characteristics revealed in palm; Asta Kosala-
Kosali, Asta Pataliand others, to the adjustments by the undagi which is consistent with cues intended.
Today, contemporary Balinese style is known as one of the most popular Asian tropical architecture,
much owed to the growth of tourism industry in Bali that create demands on Balinese-style houses,
cottages, villas and hotels. Contemporary Balinese architecture combines traditional aesthetic principles,
island's abundance of natural materials, famous artistry and craftmanship of its people, as well as
international architecture influences, new techniques and trends.

Balinese buildings are in complete harmony with the environment and uses natural materials. thatch
roofing, bamboo poles, woven bamboo, coconut wood, teak wood, brick and stone. The thatched roof
usually uses ijuk (black aren fibers), dried coconut orrumbia leafs, or sirap (hard wood shingles arranged
like tiles) roof. Stones and red bricks are usually used as foundation and walls,
while sandstone and andesite stone are usually carved as ornamentation.
Balinese people are known for their artistry, they has developed a sophisticated sculpting tradition that
manifest in architecture rich ornamentation and interior decoration. Balinese temples and palaces are
exquisitely decorated with rich ornamentations both wooden and stone sculpting usually depicts
floral patterns. Balinese sculpture often served as gate guardians as twin dvarapalasflanking entrances.
The gates itself are richly decorated with kala's head, floral ornaments, and vajra or ratna pinnacles.
Other types of sculpture are often served as ornamentation, such as goddess or dragon waterspouts in
bathing places.

Balinese architecture is developed from Balinese ways of life, their spatial organization, their communal-
based social relationships, as well as philosophy and spirituality influenced its design; much owed
to Balinese Hinduism. The philosophical and conceptual basis underlining development of Balinese
traditional architecture includes several concepts such as:
Tri Hita Karana: the concept of harmony and balance consists of three
elements; atma(human), angga (nature), and khaya (gods). Tri Hita Karana prescribe three ways that a
human beings must strive to nurture harmonious relationship with; fellow human beings, nature, and God.
Tri Mandala: the rules of space division and zoning. Tri Mandala is spatial concept describing three parts
of realms, from Nista Mandala the outer and lower mundane less-sacred realm, Madya Mandala
the intermediate middle realm, to Utama Mandala the inner and higher most important sacred realm.
Sanga Mandala: also the rules of space division and zoning. The Sanga Mandala is the spatial concept
concerning with directions that divide an area into nine parts according to eight main cardinal directions
and central (zenith). These nine cardinal directions is connected to Hindu concept of Guardians of the
directions, Dewata Nawa Sanga or nine guardian gods of directions that appear
inMajapahit emblem Surya Majapahit. They are; Center: Shiva, East: Isvara, West: Mahadeva,
North: Vishnu, South: Brahma, Northeast: Sambhu, Northwest: Sangkara, Southeast: Mahesora, and
Southwest: Rudra.
Tri Angga: the conception of hierarchy from microcosm, middle realm, and macrocosm. It is also
connected to the next concept tri loka.
Tri Loka: also the conception of hierarchy between three realms bhur (Sanskrit:bhurloka) lower realm of
animals and demons,bhuwah (Sanskrit:bhuvarloka) middle realm of human, and swah (Sanskrit:svarloka)
upper realms of gods and deities.
Asta Kosala Kosali: the eight guidelines for architectural designs, which includes the shapes
of niyasa (symbols) in pelinggih(shrine), pepalih (stages), its measurement units, shapes and size, also
dictate appropriate decorations.
Arga Segara or Kaja Kelod: the sacred axis between. arga or kaja (mountain)
and segara or kelod (sea). Mountain region are considered as parahyangan, the abode of hyang or gods,
middle plain in between are the realm of human, and the sea as the realm of sea monster and demons.

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