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Here is an IELTS model answer and essay plan for writing task 2 on the topic of

education. For agreeing/disagreeing questions you will either be asked, 'To what extent
do you agree or disagree?' or 'Do you agree or disagree?'. The format of your answer
can be the same regardless of how the question is phrased.

The plan and example given
here is not the only way to
answer this type of question.
However, this plan is
straightforward, effective and
emphasises your own opinion
which is essential to obtaining a
good score for IELTS writing
test task 2. You can find more
model answers via the links at
the bottom of this page.

IELTS Agreeing and Disagreeing
Writing Task 2 Essay Plan

Introduction: Have 3-4 sentences (1) a general statement about the topic (2) a
sentence or two leading into your thesis statement (3) your thesis statement.
Paragraph 2: First reason why you agree/disagree (supporting point 1).
Paragraph 3: Second reason why you agree/disagree (supporting point 2).
Paragraph 4: Third reason why you agree/disagree (supporting point 3).
Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement and supporting points.

Model Answer IELTS Agreeing Disagreeing Question on the Topic of Education

Education should be free for everyone regardless of their economic status. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Intro: Education is important to everyone regardless of age, gender or culture. In some
countries education is provided for free. The benefits of providing a free education for
all are evident at the individual, national and global levels.
P2, 1st Supporting Point: First, for individuals to develop on a personal level they need
to have access to quality education. Education is necessary if an individual is to grow,
cognitively and socially. In order to attain this it is essential that free education is
provided for those at the economic base of any given country.
P3, 2nd Supporting Point: It follows that providing free education for all is beneficial at
the national level. Any country that fails to provide free education for the economically
underprivileged is likely to produce feelings of discrimination and marginalisation and in
consequence enhance the prospects for social unrest.
P4, 3rd Supporting Point: Finally and possibly most importantly, many people who have
made significant contributions at the global level, in the arts or sciences for example,
have come from underprivileged backgrounds. Indeed, we can safely assume that the
provision of free education would increase the number of globally significant
contributions made by the economically disadvantaged.
Conclusion: Providing a free education for all would be a positive development, not just
for individuals who are underprivileged economically but also for national and
international reasons. The provision of free education is likely to enhance social stability
at the national level and lead to an increase in artistic and practical innovations globally.

Here is an IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay plan and model answer for
writing task 2 on the topic of employment. In this kind of question you will be asked to:
'Discuss the advantages and disadvantages,' or 'Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages and give your own opinion,' or 'Do the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages?' Sometimes this question appears in the form, 'What are the
benefits and drawbacks?'

The plan and model answer given here is not the only way to address this type of
question. This plan and answer however provides a simple, straightforward and
effective way to respond to the task, addressing the question and providing your own
opinion, which is essential for obtaining a good score for IELTS writing test task 2.

IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Question
Writing Task 2 Essay Plan

Introduction: Have 3-4 sentences (1) general statement(s) about the topic (2) a
sentence or two leading into your 'thesis statement' (3) your final sentence of the
introduction - 'thesis statement'.
Paragraph 2: The advantages (supporting points).
Paragraph 3: The disadvantages (supporting points).
Paragraph 4: 'Your opinion' (supporting points).
Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement and supporting points.

Model Answer IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Question on the Topic of

Many young people today leave their own countries to work abroad. Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad and give your own

Intro: More opportunities and ease of travel have resulted in a significant number of
young people choosing to work outwith their own countries. There are clearly positive
and negative aspects to this development. Essentially, both the individuals concerned
and the countries involved can benefit from this situation provided that it is regulated
and coordinated constructively.
P2, Advantages: Work experience and the cultural knowledge acquired are two main
benefits that can be attained from working abroad. Individuals can enrich both their
expertise in work and cultural awareness. Chinese IT programmers for example who
work in the US or UK can improve their knowledge of computers and their level of
P3, Disadvantages: In contrast, the disadvantages of working in a foreign country
include the potential for a brain drain if the employee chooses not to return to their
homeland. Additionally, an influx of foreign workers into a country could cause strain,
even social unrest within the country receiving foreign workers if, for example there is a
corresponding decrease in the availability of work for local citizens.
P4, Own Opinion: To alleviate these potential problems it is necessary to have a clear
set of policies in place to ensure that individuals can benefit without there being a
corresponding risk at the societal level. One solution is that the number of people
entering a country to work is limited and that they are legally required to return to their
own country after an agreed period of time.
Conclusion: Positives and negatives are evident when in comes to the issue of young
people working abroad. In order for the individuals and the countries involved to benefit
from this experience there needs to be some form of regulation. Providing this can be
applied constructively the results of working abroad shouldbe beneficial to all involved.

Here is an IELTS task 2 model answer causes and solutions essay on the topic of crime.
In this kind of question you will be asked to explain the causes and suggest some
solutions to a problem. You are giving your opinion throughout the essay. In this model
answer I have used paragraphs 2 and 3 to discuss the causes and paragraph 4 to
consider solutions.

As an alternative, you could use
paragraph 2 to consider the
causes and paragraphs 3 and 4
to focus on solutions. You could
also use paragraph 2 for
causes, paragraph 3 for
solutions and paragraph 4 to
elaborate your opinion. These
models can also be used for a
causes and effects answer
regardless of the actual topic of
the question.

The plan and model answer given here however is a straightforward and effective way
to answer the question.

IELTS Task 2 Model Answer Causes and Solutions Essay Plan

Introduction: Have 3-4 sentences (1) general statement(s) about the topic (2) a
sentence or two leading into your 'thesis statement' (3) your final sentence of the
introduction - 'thesis statement'.
Paragraph 2: Causes (supporting points).
Paragraph 3: Causes (supporting points).
Paragraph 4: Solutions (supporting points).
Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement and supporting points.

IELTS Task 2 Model Answer Causes and Solutions Essay on the Topic of Crime

Youth crime is increasing in most countries around the world. What are the
causes of this and what are the solutions.

Intro: Most people would agree that youth crime is increasing at a global level. How are
we to comprehend and alleviate this problem? In order to understand the causes it is
necessary to consider national and international factors, similarly solutions need to be
sought at the national and international levels.
P1, Causes: In terms of individual countries, in order to understand the rise in crime
rates among young people we need to consider local sociological factors. Is there a
high rate of divorce? What are the laws concerning drug and alcohol use? How do
schools, the media and parents nurture a sense of social responsibility in young people?
All these factors will influence crime rates to varying degrees and there will be
significant cultural variation.
P2, Causes: Global factors also need to be considered. A prime example here concerns
the media, especially the internet. Most young people these days will have access to a
computer and with that access to games, TV series and films that condone or glorify
anti-social behavior. Adolescents are vulnerable and easily influenced to the point of
obsession, even addiction, increasing the likelihood of criminal behavior.
P3, Solutions: To alleviate youth crime national and international solutions need to be
considered and coordinated. Parents need to take a morally responsible attitude toward
the upbringing of their children. Individual countries need to ensure that the media and
educational authorities encourage and reward socially constructive behavior. There also
needs to be some kind of international cooperation with respect to these issues.
Additionally, it is necessary for young people themselves to take responsibility for their
actions and cultivate a socially responsible attitude.
Conclusion: Youth crime is surely increasing internationally. Causes vary between
countries, however there are global factors that are also relevant regardless of cultural
differences. Families, governments, educational establishments and the media all need
to collaborate to provide a solution or alleviate the problem, as do young people

Here is a model answer for IELTS positive and negative essays on the topic of society
and culture. In this kind of question you will be presented with a statement and asked if
this is a positive or negative thing. You can find more information about IELTS writing
task 2 and the diferent question types by following the links at the bottom of the page.

There are two main ways to answer this kind of question. (1) Simply take a stand and
say that you think ? is a positive or negative development and have three main
paragraphs to support your claim. (2) Have one paragraph to outline the positives, one
for the negatives and one giving your own opinion. It is essential that you express and
develop your OWN opinion in IELTS positive and negative essays. If you choose the
second model don't just say, ' I will discuss the positive and negative developments
before reaching my own conclusion.'

Make sure you say clearly (in the thesis statement of your introduction) if you think the
development is essentially negative or positive. It is vital that you understand what is
required by the question. In the model answer below I use the second model and my
thesis statement is as follows, " Here, the positive and negative consequence will be
identified and the claim made that ultimately the use of English as a global language is

IELTS Positives and Negatives Essay Plan

Introduction: Have 3-4 sentences (1) general statement(s) about the topic (2) a
sentence or two leading into your 'thesis statement' (3) your final sentence of the
introduction - 'thesis statement'.
Paragraph 2: Positives (supporting points).
Paragraph 3: Negatives (supporting points).
Paragraph 4: Own opinion (supporting points).
Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement and supporting points.

IELTS Positive and Negative Essay Model Answer on The Topic of Society and Culture

Some languages are declining while English is increasingly spoken across the
world. Is this a positive or a negative development?

The English language spread primarily as a result of the British Empire and is today
practically universal. Is this a good thing? Here, the positive and negative consequence
will be identified and the claim made that ultimately the use of English as a global
language is beneficial.
On the positive side the increase in the use of English enhances cross-cultural
communication. This manifests at the individual level but also in the spheres of work,
education and the media. Indeed the widespread use of English increases individual
prospects for social mobility and stimulates cross-cultural understanding.
Alternatively, the negative aspects of the global use of English include a likely decrease
in the use of indigenous languages. This could result in feelings of marginalisation and
the erosion of local culture. As such, measures should be taken to ensure that local
languages are protected and continue to be cultivated.
Despite the detrimental aspects that the international use of English entails, this
situation is potentially beneficial to all. Provided that measures are taken to protect local
languages and dialects and ensure that all have access to the learning and useing
English, individuals and nations in general can benefit. Increased education and
employment prospects for people and a growth in cross-cultural communication are just
three positive consequences of the global use of English.
There are positive and negative aspects resulting from the use of English as a global
language. Despite the drawbacks however, individuals and countries in general can
benefit from this situation primarily in terms of economic, educational and
communicative factors.

Here is a model answer and plan for an IELTS discuss both views and give your own
opinion question in writing task 2. This kind of question is straightforward and can be
answered with a standard five paragraph essay format and plan. There are other ways
to address this kind of question, the example given here however is straightforward and
The following is given as an example that that covers all the requirements needed to
obtain a high band score for IELTS writing test task 2. Occasionally you might be asked
to just, 'give your own opinion', in which case the following plan and model still apply.

IELTS Discuss Both Views and Give Your Own Opinion Writing Task 2 Essay

Introduction: Have 3-4 sentences (1) general statement(s) about the topic (2) one or
two sentences that lead into your 'thesis statement' (3) your 'thesis statement'.
Paragraph 2: First point of view.
Paragraph 3: Second point of view.
Paragraph 4: 'Your opinion' (with supporting details).
Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement and supporting points.

Model Answer: IELTS Discuss Both Views and Give Your Own Opinion (social
issue topic)

Some people think that the family is the most important influence on a
childs development. Others, however believe that other influences (such as
TV, friends and music) have a bigger effect on a child today. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

Intro: Child development is an important issue regardless of the culture we live in and
familial and social influences clearly impact on a child as they mature. In general each
aspect can be considered equally significant. The important point however when
considering child development is not to prioritize social or familial influences in general
but to consider each case individually.
P1, View 1: The family is undoubtedly important as an influence on child development.
During the first five years in particular, most children will spend the majority of their
time with their parents and siblings. During this period basic behavioral characteristics
are formed through modeling, imitation and direct tuition. These influences will affect a
child psychologically, sociologically and physically.
P2, View 2: As a child matures, influences external to the family become increasingly
significant. Televison, friends and music are typical examples. Children often try to
imitate behavior they have seen on the TV or internet, can be easily manipulated by
peer group pressure or influenced by the lyrics of the songs they listen to as they
P3, Own Opinion: Familial and sociological factors are equally important in terms of the
effects they have on child development, with the latter increasing in significance after a
child starts school. To prioritise one or the other however is somewhat artificial as cases
will vary between individuals and cultures. Some children do not mature in a typical
family context for example, while others may develop in a family context that is
excessively restrictive in terms of social contact.
Conclusion: In general both factors, familial and sociological are equally significant in
terms of affecting the development of children. Each case however needs to be
considered individually as individual circumstance will vary and as such the importance
of social and family influences will vary too.

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