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Operating System Concepts

The Kernel
Process Management
Memory Management
System Calls
Virtual FileSystem
Virtual Machines
X! "rchitecture
an x86 CPU with registers, execution unit, and memory
!ther "esources
#$!% "!M
Cock, etc&
'pp( 'pp) 'pp*
" program that acts as an intermediary #etween a user
o$ a computer and the computer hardware%
Operating system goals
+xecute user programs
Contros execution o, programs to prevent errors and improper use
o, the computer
Make the computer system convenient to use
Use the computer hardware optimay
Manages a resources
Decides -etween con,icting re.uests ,or e,,icient and ,air resource
/erne 0 %ystem programs
The Kernel
Process Management
1undamenta a-straction in Unix
' program in execution
Program counter
Data and text section
'ddress space
!ne or more execution threads
Process in Memory
Process &esctriptor
Process Management
Process Creation
C!4 pages
Process descriptor 2dup5task5struct233
%et 6'%/5U7$76+""UP6$#8+
Process Creation
Process States
Divides the ,inite resource o, CPU time -etween runna-e
#asis o, mutitasking operating systems
Utii:e processor time optimay
Decide what process to run next -ased on a poicy
$;! -ound
CPU -ound
Process priority 29)< to 0(=3
CP' scheduling decisions may ta(e place when a
%witches ,rom running to waiting state
%witches ,rom running to ready state
%witches ,rom waiting to ready
Process Management
Prioriti:ed credit9-ased > process with most credits is schedued next
Credit su-tracted when timer interrupt occurs
4hen credit ? <, another process chosen
4hen a processes have credit ? <, recrediting occurs
#ased on ,actors incuding priority and history
%o,t rea9time
Posix&(- compiant > two casses
1C1% and ""
@ighest priority process aways runs ,irst
Memory Management
Program must -e -rought 2,rom disk3 into memory and paced
within a process ,or it to -e run
Main memory and registers are ony storage CPU can access
"egister access in one CPU cock 2or ess3
Main memory can take many cyces
Cache sits -etween main memory and CPU registers
Protection o, memory re.uired to ensure correct operation
Memory Management
Memory Management
'ddress -inding o, instructions and data to memory addresses
can happen at three di,,erent stages
Compile timeA $, memory ocation known a priori, a#solute code can
-e generatedB must recompie code i, starting ocation changes
+oad timeA Must generate relocata#le code i, memory ocation is not
known at compie time
,-ecution timeA #inding deayed unti run time i, the process can -e
moved during its execution ,rom one memory segment to another&
7eed hardware support ,or address maps 2e&g&, -ase and imit
Memory Management
'ddress -inding o, instructions and data to memory addresses
can happen at three di,,erent stages
Compile timeA $, memory ocation known a priori, a#solute code can
-e generatedB must recompie code i, starting ocation changes
+oad timeA Must generate relocata#le code i, memory ocation is not
known at compie time
,-ecution timeA #inding deayed unti run time i, the process can -e
moved during its execution ,rom one memory segment to another&
7eed hardware support ,or address maps 2e&g&, -ase and imit
Memory Management
Memory Management
6he concept o, a ogica address space that is -ound to a
separate physical address space is centra to proper memory
+ogical address > generated -y the CPUB aso re,erred to as virtual
Physical address > address seen -y the memory unit
8ogica and physica addresses are the same in compie9time and
oad9time address9-inding schemes
ogica 2virtua3 and physica addresses di,,er in execution9time
address9-inding scheme
Memory Management 'nit
.ardware device that maps virtual to physical
In MM' scheme/ the value in the relocation register
is added to every address generated #y a user
process at the time it is sent to memory
The user program deals with logical addresses0 it
never sees the real physical addresses
Memory Management
" process can #e swapped temporarily out o$ memory to a #ac(ing store/
and then #rought #ac( into memory $or continued e-ecution
1ac(ing store 2 $ast dis( large enough to accommodate copies o$ all
memory images $or all users0 must provide direct access to these memory
*oll out/ roll in 2 swapping variant used $or priority)#ased scheduling
algorithms0 lower)priority process is swapped out so higher)priority process
can #e loaded and e-ecuted
Ma3or part o$ swap time is trans$er time0 total trans$er time is directly
proportional to the amount o$ memory swapped
Modi$ied versions o$ swapping are $ound on many systems 4i%e%/ '5IX/ +inu-/
and 6indows
System maintains a ready 7ueue o$ ready)to)run processes which have
memory images on dis(
Memory Management
Main memory usuay into two partitionsA
"esident operating system, usuay hed in ow memory with interrupt
User processes then hed in high memory
"eocation registers used to protect user processes ,rom each
other, and ,rom changing operating9system code and data
#ase register contains vaue o, smaest physica address
8imit register contains range o, ogica addresses > each ogica
address must -e ess than the imit register
MMU maps ogica address dynamically
Contiguous "llocation
Mutipe9partition aocation
@oe > -ock o, avaia-e memoryB hoes o, various si:e are
scattered throughout memory
4hen a process arrives, it is aocated memory ,rom a hoe arge
enough to accommodate it
!perating system maintains in,ormation a-outA

aocated partitions

,ree partitions 2hoe3

process C
process 8
process )
process C
process )
process C
process )
process C
process =
process )
process =
&ynamic Storage "llocation
First)$itA 'ocate the first hoe that is -ig enough
1est)$itA 'ocate the smallest hoe that is -ig enoughB
must search entire ist, uness ordered -y si:e
Produces the smaest e,tover hoe
6orst)$itA 'ocate the largest hoeB must aso search
entire ist
Produces the argest e,tover hoe
8ogica address space o, a process can -e
noncontiguousB process is aocated physica memory
whenever the atter is avaia-e
Divide physica memory into ,ixed9si:ed -ocks caed
$rames 2si:e is power o, ), -etween C() -ytes and
8,(=) -ytes3
Divide ogica memory into -ocks o, same si:e caed
/eep track o, a ,ree ,rames
6o run a program o, si:e n pages, need to ,ind n ,ree
,rames and oad program
%et up a page ta-e to transate ogica to physica
System Calls
Programming inter,ace to the services provided -y the !%
6ypicay written in a high9eve anguage 2C or C003
Mosty accessed -y programs via a high9eve "pplication
Program Inter$ace 4"PI8 rather than direct system ca use
6hree most common 'P$s are 4in*) 'P$ ,or 4indows,
P!%$D 'P$ ,or P!%$D9-ased systems 2incuding virtuay a
versions o, U7$D, 8inux, and Mac !% D3, and Eava 'P$ ,or
the Eava virtua machine 2EFM3
4hy use 'P$s rather than system casG
System Calls
System Calls
6ypicay, a num-er associated with each system ca
%ystem9ca inter,ace maintains a ta-e indexed according to
these num-ers
6he system ca inter,ace invokes intended system ca in !%
kerne and returns status o, the system ca and any return
6he caer need know nothing a-out how the system ca is
Eust needs to o-ey 'P$ and understand what !% wi do as a
resut ca
Most detais o, !% inter,ace hidden ,rom programmer -y 'P$

Managed -y run9time support i-rary 2set o, ,unctions -uit into

i-raries incuded with compier3
"PI 2 System Call 2 OS
System Call ,-ample
Types o$ Syscalls
Process contro
1ie management
Device management
$n,ormation maintenance
Virtual File System
Firtua 1ie %ystems 2F1%3 provide an o-ject9oriented way o,
impementing ,ie systems&
F1% aows the same system ca inter,ace 2the 'P$3 to -e
used ,or di,,erent types o, ,ie systems&
6he 'P$ is to the F1% inter,ace, rather than any speci,ic type
o, ,ie system&
Virtual File System
VFS O#3ects
"epresents speci,ic mounted ,ie system
read5inode23, sync5,s23
$node o-ject
%peci,ic ,ie
create23, ink23
dentry o-ject
%peci,ic directory entry
d5compare23, d5deete23
,ie o-ject
!pen ,ie as associated with a process
read23 and write23
$nterrupt trans,ers contro to the interrupt service routine
generay, through the interrupt vector, which contains the
addresses o, a the service routines&
$nterrupt architecture must save the address o, the
interrupted instruction&
$ncoming interrupts are disabled whie another interrupt is
-eing processed to prevent a lost interrupt&
' trap is a so,tware9generated interrupt caused either -y an
error or a user re.uest&
'n operating system is interrupt driven&
Interrupt .andling
6he operating system preserves the state o, the CPU -y
storing registers and the program counter&
Determines which type o, interrupt has occurredA
vectored interrupt system
%eparate segments o, code determine what action shoud -e
taken ,or each type o, interrupt
Interrupt Timeline
(ernel9s interrupt handling data structures are set up #y
the device drivers
System 1IOS sets up the Interrupt topology
PCI set up code writes the pin num#er o$ the interrupt
controller into the PCI con$iguration header $or each
PCI devices may share interrupts
Interrupt .andling
Interrupt Controllers
6wo 89-it controers
Fery ,ew avaia-e ,ree ines
'dvanced programma-e $nterrupt Controer


Provides ))H usa-e $"I vectors ,rom an $;! 'P$C
8'P$Cs manage a externa interrupts ,or the processor that it is part
$;! 'P$Cs contain a redirection ta-e to route $nterrupts to 8'P$Cs
Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines
Product &iagrams 2 VMware Server
Product &iagrams 2 VMware Server
+%D %erver
Product Diagrams > FMware $n,rastructure *
+%D %erver
Product Diagrams > FMware $n,rastructure *

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