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July 24th


Shine Vacation Bible School
needs your old CDs! they will be
using them to make a disco ball
wall! !So please be aware that you
wont be getting them back." Trust
me it will be worth it!
We will be collecting them in a bin
in the back of the sanctuary.
Thank for helping make VBS
Bruce and Valarie have been hard
at work on the 2014 Community
Free Church Directory. Dont
forget to grab your new updated
copy this weekend.
It is a great way to stay connected
to your church family.
Thursday 7/24 Open Prayer 6:00"7:00pm
Worship Practice 7:00pm
Saturday 7/26 Mens Breakfast 7:00am
Sunday 7/27 Christian Education 9:30am
EFCA Statement of Faith
Womens Study Group
Worship Gathering 10:45am
Pastor Jacob Barrett
Monday 7/28 VBS Workday
Prayer for Dean Ekberg
Tuesday 7/29 VBS Workday
Wednesday 7/30 VBS begins! Time to SHINE!

Living Alternatives
Pregnancy Resource
We are planning to have a workday
helping to prep the construction site of
the Mercies Refuge, a womens care
center facility being built by Living
Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center.
Praise God for the many 2014 adoption
stories, miracle conversions, and sure
signs God is at work in Champaign! Pray
for Greta Henry and her team today!
The Suchys
Tom and Lynn are working on plans for a
trip to the Midwest and want to visit
Community Free Church of Mahomet
sometime between August 18th through
August 25th. Since they are already
booked to speak at EFCA of Champaign
on the 24th the missions team will be
looking at a night to have a dinner for
them! Stay Tuned!
Dean Ekberg
of Jonah Water Ministries
July 29th through August 12th our own
Dean Ekberg will be traveling to Kenya
with Healing Hand to repair and drill
new long#term sustainable water wells.
In addition Dean will be meeting with
local Kenyan leaders, and by the grace of
God have many opportunities to share
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for safety as this is always a
dangerous area both physically and
spiritually. Pray that God would churn
the water beneath the ground, and at the
same time churn hearts of the Kenyan
people for Jesus. Also please pray for
peace and comfort for Ronda, Josh, and
Isaac while Dean is gone.

Join the VBS team and watch kids meet
God in new ways!
Email Julie at:
VBS Work Days July 28th 2:30#7:00pm and 29th 9#3:00pm!
We will have sit#at#table jobs like wrapping white paper
around all those ice cream buckets, artsy jobs like
decorating our "Funky Beats" drums, constructiony jobs
like changing out light bulbs top black lights and securing
lots of black plastic and hanging spot lights, we could even
use a babysitter to watch the kiddos that comes with the
helpers. If you can show up, we will nd you a job!
There are still items on the bulletin board that are needed.
Please check and see how you can help. Keep bringing in
your empty oatmeal tubs and ice cream pails! !What a great
excuse to have ice cream daily!"
There are some positions that we need people to serve in:
1. Tech person: They will run the lights, sound and
projector during our VBS program.
2. Games leader for Saturday morning only: all materials
the will be ready.
3. Crew leaders:
We still need 8 people that will be responsible for a
"band" of kids. Each "band will have a maximum of
10 kids. As a leader you will receive a daily schedule
telling you what area to lead your kiddos to. Once
there, you will follow the lead of that area's leader
and encourage your kids to participate !and
behave". Your most important job is to pray for
your group!
Begin praying now for your group, even before you
know their names! Pray that this VBS experience
will be more than just some fun activities and good
snacks, pray that they will experience God as a
real#time super#hero Father that cares deeply for
each one of them and that they will nd true joy in
living in His Glory and reecting it back towards

Pastors Page
We certainly tend to be our
own worst critics. Historically, we
hold onto whatever happened
yesterday, today, and tomorrow in
a way that it was not intended to
be held. How do we know?
Because the Bible tells us.
Who sha! separate us "om th#
love of Christ? Sha! tribulation, or
distress, or persecution, or famine, or
nakedness, or danger, or sword?
$Romans 8:35"
The Holy Spirit, speaking to
and thru Paul, poses the
questions we all be asking if we
are honest. Will it be the things
listed, or the inevitable overow
of those things? Will distress
cause me to worry and disrupt
unity? Will persecution cause me
to doubt or deny my Savior? Will
famine, nakedness, danger, and
the sword bring out the real me
hiding behind a thin veil of
These are the real questions
that real believers are asking
everyday. How do we know that?
Because, in what is often called
the Christian Declaration of
Freedom, Romans 8, the Bible
addresses it. The Bible wouldnt
even tread this ground if it
werent true for us.
As quickly as the question
comes, God resolves it.
For I am sure that neither death
nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor
things present nor things to come, nor
powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor
anything else in a! creation, wi! b#
able to separate us "om the love of
God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
$Romans 8:37#39"
We would do well to be
reminded that Gods Word is
God talking to us through the
writer of the Bible. What He is
telling us is that that He is sure
of what He is about to say, and
that His sure is His assurance
to us that what He says is entirely
Knowing that, lets look at
Romans 8:37#39.
That neither death nor life
!Or anything that happens
in between; your life."
nor angels nor rulers
!Those in power in the dark
place, or those in power in
this fallen place."
nor things present nor things to
!These are the things that
happened yesterday, today or
may happen tomorrow."
nor powers
!Those things with supposed
or perceived power. This is
the reminder that people and
places only have a temporary
power over your life."
nor height nor depth
!The haughtiness of your
heights, and the despair of
your depths."
or anything else in a! creation
!Just in case we missed
something in the rst 5
encouragements, God covers
the whole of creation"
And what is the point of God
revealing this to us? So that we
might have complete assurance
that NOTHING # will be able
to separate us from the love of
God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The God who created all
things says that nothing can
separate you from His love.
Nothing at all # and that is
the good news; the #truth that
Jesus loves you.

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