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Associate Professor of Law
Provincial Prosecutor II
Copyright 2012, Mangontawar M. Guat
Smashwords Ed!o"
Smashwords Ed!o" L#$"s$ No!$s
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!han" you for respecting the har# wor" of this author.
!A)L* +, C+-!*-!(
Preface to the !hir# *#ition
Preface to the (econ# *#ition
Preface to the ,irst *#ition
Intro#uctory Chapter
General Consi#erations
!he courts
!he (hari'a Courts
(hari'a Appellate Court
(hari'a 0istrict Courts
(hari'a Circuit Courts
Co%%ents on the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure
PA1! I & G*-*1AL P1+C*021*(
(ec. 1. Co%%ence%ent of Actions.
(ec. 2. Co%plaint.
(ec. 3. (ervice of (u%%ons.
(ec. 4. Answer.
(ec. 5. ,ailure to Answer.
(ec. 6. Pre&!rial.
(ec. 6, (usection 2.
(ec. 6, (usection 3
(ec. 7. 8earing or !rial .
(ec. 7, (usection 2.
(ec. 7, (usection 3
(ec. 9. .u#g%ent.
(ec. 9, (usection 2
(ec. :. Appeal.
(ec. 10. Appeal to the (hari'a 0istrict Court.
(ec. 11. Appeal to the (upre%e Court.
(ec. 12. Legal +pinion ; Fatwa < .
(ec. 13. Plea#ings an# Motions 0isallowe#.
PA1! II & +A!8 ; YAMIN <
(ec. 14. A#%inistration of +ath.
(ec. 14, (usection 2
(ec. 14, (usection 3.
(ec. 15. Mutual +ath ;!ahaluf<.
(ec. 16. Mutual I%precation ; Li'an < .
PA1! III & (2PPL*M*-!AL P1+C**0I-G(.
(ec. 17. (upple%ental 1ule in Civil Cases.
Musli% Law +n *vi#ence
(ec. 19. (uppletory 1ule in (pecial +ffenses.
PA1! I/&A1)I!1A!I+- P1+C**0I-G(.
(ec. 1:. Arga%a Aritration, 8ow Con#ucte#.
(ec. 20. *ffectivity.
Appen#i= A.&& Co#e +f Musli% Personal Laws of the
Appen#i= ).&& +rganic Act ,or !he Autono%ous 1egion
In Musli% Min#anao
Appen#i= C.&& (hari'a )ar >uestions in Proce#ure an#
Aout the Author
+ther )oo"s y the Author at (%ashwor#s
In the na%e of Allah, the Most )eneficent, the Most
Co%passionate. Praise e to 8i%, the Lor# of the 2niverse
an# ?ho "eeps on e=pan#ing it, in ?hose 8an#s %y life
an# soul. I than" 8i% once again for giving %e the courage
an# strength to co%e up with this this e#ition.
!his oo", which is now on its thir# e#ition, was originally
entitle# @!he (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure Governing the
(hariAa Courts (Ijra-at Al Mahakim Al Shariah)
Annotate#.B !he original title %ay suggest that the (pecial
1ules, as it is calle# throughout the te=t for revity, is
universal in its application to Isla%ic courts. +n the
contrary, although it has the asic feature of Isla%ic
proce#ure, the (pecial 1ules is Philippine a#$ective law
e=clusively applicale to the (hariAa courts in the
Philippines, which were create# y local legislation for the
enforce%ent of the legal syste% of the ,ilipino Musli%s.
,or fear that the wor" %ay e entirely ascrie# to, an#
ren#er #isservice to the Isla%ic faith, the wor" is rena%e#
to un#erscore its li%ite# territorial applicaility. !hus, it is
now calle# @(pecial 1ules of Proce#ure Governing
Philippine (hariAa Courts Annotate#.B
!his e#ition is up#ate# with recent #ecisions of the
Philippine (upre%e Court involving or affecting the
(hariAa courts as well as pertinent a%en#%ents to the 1ules
of Court of the Philippines.
!he author ta"es this opportunity to fully ac"nowle#ge
A#ul 1ahi% ;%ay Allah less hi%< whose treatise on the
general features of Musli% law on evi#ence has een
e=tensively Cuote# in this hu%le wor". May he e
infinitely rewar#e# y Allah ;s.w.t.< for his efforts.
It is %y sacrosanct prayer that this e#ition will e useful to
e&rea#ers who are intereste# in this special an# uniCue fiel#
of Philippine proce#ural law.
Mangontawar M. Guat
,eruary 29, 2012
;)ac" to top<
In the na%e of Allah, the Most )eneficent, the Most
Merciful. Praise e to 8i%, the Lor# of the 2niverse, 8e
who has control an# #o%inion of the heavens an# the earth.
!han"s e to 8i% for giving %e 8is favours for writing
this oo" an# now for co%ing out with a revise# e#ition.
!he principle that laws constantly change is generally
repulsive to Isla%ic law. It has een sai# that the ele%ents
constituting the #octrines, principles, tenets an# articles of
faith as well as the i#eology shaping the Isla%ic syste% an#
%a"ing it Cuite #istinctive are not su$ect to change. '!hat
was the ?ay of Allah in the case of those who passe# away
of ol#D an# you will not fin# any change in the ?ay of
Allah.' ;8oly >ur'an, 33E62<
!he shari'a courts in the Philippines are creations of the
Philippine legislature. !he (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure
Governing the (hari'a Courts, though it has Isla%ic
features, is Philippine a#$ective law. !he asic Isla%ic
proce#ural principles un#er which it was pro%ulgate# stan#
stillD ut civil proce#ure that applies in a suppletory
character "eeps on changing.
!hus, the a#vent of the 1::7 1ules of Civil Proce#ure
rought aout changes that necessitate a revision of this
hu%le wor". !he annotations are up#ate# to reflect not
only the a%en#%ents to the 1ules of Court ut also the
innovations yet to e trie# an# teste# in the arena of the
Philippine $u#icial syste%.
As an a##e# feature of this e#ition, 1epulic Act -o. :054
otherwise "nown as the FAct !o (trengthen an# *=pan# the
+rganic Act of the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli%
Min#anaoF is appen#e# hereto in tan#e% with the Pres.
0ecree -o. 1093 else "nown as the FCo#e of Musli%
Personal LawsF. !hese are the asic laws governing the
Musli%s of the Philippines.
Li"e the first e#ition, %uch of the annotations on the
special rules are of civil law e=cept when otherwise
in#icate# either specifically or when the rule is peculiar to
Isla%ic a#$ective law.
,inally, I wish to ac"nowle#ge %y pulisher Atty. Agaton
1. (ial who was the first to open to %e the privilege#, if
not e=clusive, fiel# of pulicationD an# to the courteous
%en an# wo%en of the Central Professional )oo"s un#er
his ale stewar#ship, %y heartfelt than"s.
May this wor" re%ain helpful to shari'a stu#ents, ar
can#i#ates an# practitioners ali"e.
Mangontawar M. Guat
April 3, 2003
;)ac" to top<
Laws nee# courts to apply an# interpret the%. Courts, in
turn, %ust e gui#e# y rules in the application an#
interpretation of the laws. ?ithout rules, the courts are ut
useless instru%ents that only e%ellish an# i%press.
!he recognition of the Musli% legal syste% as part of the
laws of the Philippines an# the creation of the (hari'a
courts as part of its $u#icial syste% necessitate the
pro%ulgation of rules that woul# govern the procee#ings of
these courts. +n 20 (epte%er 1:93, the (upre%e Court
pro%ulgate# the F(pecial 1ules of Proce#ure Governing
the (hari'a Courts (Ijra-at al-Mahakim al-Shari'a)F
hereinafter referre# to, for revity, as (pecial 1ules. !he
(pecial 1ules which is al%ost su%%ary in nature provi#es
for an e=pe#itious an# ine=pensive #eter%ination of the
cases rought efore the (hari'a courts.
!he revity of the (pecial 1ules creates the first i%pression
that it nee#s no co%%entary at all. Get, the suppletory
application of the 1ules of Court an# the reCuire%ent that
these courts shoul# a#here to the sources of Musli% law
relating to the nu%er, Cuality an# cre#iility of witnesses
co%ine# #etract fro% such an i%pression.
In#ee#, such suppletory application necessitates an
e=a%ination of the pertinent provisions of the 1ules of
Court as well as $urispru#ence not to %ention the few
#ecisions of the (upre%e Court #irectly involving the
(pecial 1ules. !heir integration into the (pecial 1ules y
way of a single co%%entary is well nigh in#ispensale.
It is in this wise that the author ta"es the painsta"ing efforts
to write this hu%le wor" with the hope that it will cater to
the nee# of shari'a stu#ents an# prospective can#i#ates to
the (pecial (hari'a )ar e=a%inations ali"e. If this hu%le
wor" proves useful in the s%allest #egree, then so%ehow
the author's efforts in its preparation are not in vain.
,or the proale future i%prove%ent of this wor", the
author welco%es criticis%s, suggestions, an#
!hese prefatory oservations woul# e ren#ere# inco%plete
without ac"nowle#ging those whose wor"s have greatly
contriute# in the preparation of this si%ple co%%entary,
na%elyE 0r. A#ul 1ahi%, Manuel /. Moran, ,lorenH
1egala#o, an# .ainal 1asul. (pecial ac"nowle#g%ent goes
to Mr. )oniero .. Lu%asag, (r. for his painsta"ing efforts in
retyping the original %anuscript.
Mangontawar M. Guat
.anuary 1, 1::5
;)ac" to top<
The Courts
Co&r!' d$("$d.
A court is an organ of the govern%ent, elonging to the
$u#icial #epart%ent, whose function is the application of
the laws to controversies rought efore it an# the pulic
a#%inistration of $ustice ;)lac"'s Law 0ictionary<.
!he wor#s 'courts' an# '$u#ges' are use# synony%ously an#
interchangealy, generally spea"ing.
In or#inary parlance, '$u#ges' are spo"en of as 'courts' an#
'courts' are referre# to when the person %eans the '$u#ge'
only. It is co%%on for lay%en, lawyers an# $u#ges, as well
as the law, to use these ter%s interchangealy. )ut there is
an i%portant #istinction etween the court as an entity, an#
the person who occupies the position of $u#ge. Courts %ay
e=ist without a $u#ge. !here %ay e a $u#ge without a court
;Pa%intuan vs. Lorente, 2: Phil 346<.
In Isla%ic law, the person who perfor%s the onerous tas"
of #eci#ing the #isputes an# awar#ing or sentencing a
in#ing or#er is calle# 'qadi'. 8e is also calle# hakam or
hakim, ut the latter two wor#s are sel#o% use# for this
purpose in the wor"s of fiqh since hakam is generally use#
for an ariter an# hakim for a ruler or an e=ecutive
authority ;AHa#, M., .u#icial (yste% of Isla%, Isla%ic
1esearch Institute, Pa"istan, 1:97, p. 7<.
C)ass(#a!o" o( #o&r!s.
!he classification of courts in the Philippines areE
A. According to thir nat!r and "tnt of j!ri#diction$
;1< %o!rt of gnral j!ri#diction, one which has the power
to a#$u#icate all controversies which %ay e rought efore
it within the legal oun#s of rights an# re%e#ies e=cept
those e=pressly withhel# fro% its plenary powers. *=a%pleE
1egional !rial Courts.
;2< %o!rt of limitd or #&cial j!ri#diction, one whose
power to a#$u#icate is confine# to particular causes or can
only e e=ercise# un#er the li%itations an# circu%stances
prescrie# y statute. *=a%pleE (hari'a Circuit Courts.
;3< %o!rt of original j!ri#diction, one which has the power
to ta"e $u#icial cogniHance of a case institute# for $u#icial
action for the first ti%e un#er con#itions provi#e# y law.
*=a%pleE (hari'a 0istrict Courts.
;4< %o!rt of a&&llat j!ri#diction, one which has the
authority to review the final or#er or $u#g%ent of a lower
court with the power to %o#ify, reverse, sustain or re%an#,
or affir% the sa%e. *=a%pleE (hari'a Appellate Court.
'. According to th &rinci&l# on which th( admini#tr
;1< %i)il co!rt, one which #eter%ines controversies
etween private persons.
;2< %riminal co!rt, one which is charge# with the
a#%inistration of cri%inal laws, an# the punish%ent of
wrongs to the pulic ;)lac"'s Law 0ictionary<.
;3< %o!rt-martial, a %ilitary court pertaining to the
e=ecutive #epart%ent of the govern%ent for trying an#
punishing offenses co%%itte# y %e%ers of the ar%e#
;4< Admiralt( co!rt, one which has $uris#iction over
a#%iralty an# %ariti%e %atters.
;5< *!)nil co!rt, one which has special $uris#iction, of a
paternal nature, over #elinCuent an# neglecte# chil#ren.
;6< %o!rt of q!it(, one which has $uris#iction in eCuity,
which a#%inisters $ustice an# #eci#es controversies in
accor#ance with the rules, principles, an# prece#ents of
eCuity, an# which follows the for%s an# proce#ures of
chanceryD as #istinguishe# fro% a court having the
$uris#iction, rules, principles, an# practice of the co%%on
law ;I+id.<. (i%ply state#, it is one which follows a %ore
fle=ile an# #iscretionary rules.
;7< %o!rt of law, in a wi#e sense, any #uly constitute#
triunal a#%inistering the laws of the state or nationD in a
narrower sense, a court procee#ing accor#ing to the course
of co%%on law an# governe# y its rules an# principles, as
contraste# with a 'court of eCuity' ;I+id<. It is one governe#
y highly for%al set of rules.
;9< ,ccl#ia#tical co!rt, one which has $uris#iction over
%atters pertaining to the religion an# ritual of the
estalishe# church, an# the rights, #uties, an# #iscipline of
ecclesiastical persons as such ;I+id.<.
;:< Shari'a co!rt, one which is charge# with the
a#%inistration of shari'ah laws over Musli%s.
%. According to th law crating thm$
;1< %on#tit!tional co!rt, one which owes its creation an#
e=istence fro% the Constitution. *=a%pleE (upre%e Court
;2< %on#tit!tionall(-mandatd co!rt, one whose e=istence
is provi#e# for in the Constitution ut its creation y
statutory enact%ent. *=a%pleE (an#iganayan
;3< Stat!tor( co!rt, one which is create# an# organiHe# an#
with $uris#iction #eter%ine# y law. All courts in the
Philippines e=cept the (upre%e Court an# (an#iganayan
are statutory courts.
-. According to thir rlation with othr co!rt#$
;1< S!&rior co!rt, one which has the power to review,
reverse, %o#ify or affir% the or#er or $u#g%ent of a lower
;2< Infrior co!rt, one whose or#er or $u#g%ent %ay e
reviewe# y a higher court.
,. According to whthr th( k& a rcord of thir
;1< %o!rt of rcord, one which is oun# to "eep a recor# of
its procee#ings for a perpetual %e%orial an# testi%ony
thereof ;Melgar v. 0elga#o, 53 Phil. 225<.
;2< %o!rt of not rcord, one which is not reCuire# y law to
"eep a recor# of its procee#ings.
;)ac" to top<
*&rsd#!o"' d$("$d.
.uris#iction is the power an# authority of a court to hear,
try an# #eci#e a case ;8errera vs. )arretto, 25 Phil. 245<. It
is the power an# authority to hear an# #eter%ine a cause or
the right to act in a case ;(ogo# vs. 1osal, G.1. 39204&&5,
(ept. 21, 1::1<.
C)ass(#a!o" o( +&rsd#!o".
.uris#iction is classifie# as followsE
;1< .riginal j!ri#diction, the power of the court to ta"e
$u#icial cogniHance of a case institute# for $u#icial action
for the first ti%e un#er con#itions provi#e# y law ;Garcia
vs. 0e .esus, 206 (C1A 77:, 796 I1::2J<. It %eans
$uris#iction to ta"e cogniHance of a cause at its inception,
try it an# pass $u#g%ent upon the law an# facts ;+ng, (r.
vs. Parel, 156 (C1A 769, 776 I1:97J<.
;2< A&&llat j!ri#diction, the power of a court higher in
ran" to review the final or#er or $u#g%ent of a lower court
an# %o#ify, reverse, sustain or re%an# the sa%e ;Garcia vs.
0e .esus, #!&ra<.
;3< /nral j!ri#diction, the power to a#$u#icate all
controversies which %ay e rought efore a court within
the legal oun#s of rights an# re%e#ies e=cept those
e=pressly withhel# fro% its plenary powers.
;4< Limitd j!ri#diction, the power confine# to particular
causes, or which can only e e=ercise# un#er the
li%itations an# circu%stances prescrie# y statute. !his is
also "nown as #&cial j!ri#diction.
;5< ,"cl!#i) j!ri#diction, the power to a#$u#icate a
controversy to the e=clusion of all other courts at that stage
an# preclu#es the i#ea of co&e=istence ;+ng, (r. vs. Parel,
#!&ra, pp. 776&777 citing )lac"'s Law 0ictionary, p. 1251<.
;6< %onc!rrnt j!ri#diction, the power conferre# upon
#ifferent courts, whether of the sa%e or #ifferent ran"s, to
ta"e $u#icial cogniHance at the sa%e stage of the sa%e case
in the sa%e or #ifferent $u#icial territories. )ut once the
court assu%e# $uris#iction of a case, its $uris#iction shall
continue until the case is finishe# ;1ulonah Al&Awa#hi vs.
Astih, G.1. 91:6:, (ept. 26, 1:99D People vs. Layno, 111
(C1A 20 I1:92JD 0enila vs. )ellosillo, 64 (C1A 63
I1:75JD Lat vs. PL0!, 67 (C1A 425 I1:75J<.
;7< -lgatd j!ri#diction, the power conferre# upon a
court to hear an# #eter%ine certain cases such as ca#astral
an# lan# registration un#er certain con#itions ;see I
1egala#o, 1e%e#ial Law Co%pen#iu%, 1::7 e#., pp. 3&4<.
Ds!",&sh$d (rom -$"&$.
.uris#iction is #istinguishe# fro% venue as followsE
;1< .uris#iction is the authority of a court to hear, try an#
#eci#e a case ;8errera vs. )arreto, #!&ra<D venue is the
place where the action %ust e institute# an# trie# ;Manila
1ailroa# Co. vs. Attorney&General, 20 Phil. 523, 559<.
;2< .uris#iction is a %atter of sustantive lawD venue is a
proce#ural or a#$ective law ;0acoycoy vs. IAC, G.1.
74954, Apr. 2, 1::1 citing Manila 1ailroa# Co. vs.
Attorney General, 20 Phil. 523D Consoli#ate# )an" an#
!rust Corp. vs. IAC, 1:9 (C1A 34, 42 I1::1J<.
;3< .uris#iction is conferre# y law or the Constitution
;An#aya vs. Aa#ia, 229 (C1A 705, 717 I1::3JD Garcia
vs. 0e .esus, #!&raD +rosa, .r. vs. CA, G.1. -os. 76929&32,
29 .anuary 1::1D )acalso vs. 1a%olete, 21 (C1A 51:
I1:67J< an# cannot e conferre# y the consent of the
parties or y their failure to o$ect to the lac" of it ;Lee vs.
Presi#ing .u#ge, G.1. 6079:, -ov. 10, 1:96D (antos III vs.
-orthwest +rient Airlines, G.1. 101539, .une 22, 1::2<D
venue %ay e conferre# y the act or agree%ent of the
parties ;(ec. 3, 1ule 4, 1ules of Court<.
;4< .uris#iction creates a relation etween the court an# the
su$ect %atterD venue creates a relation etween the parties
to the action ;0acoycoy vs. IAC, #!&raD Consoli#ate# )an"
an# !rust Corp. vs. IAC, #!&ra<.
Ds!",&sh$d (rom .ro#$d&r$.
Proce#ure, as #istinguishe# fro% $uris#iction, is the %eans
y which the power or authority of a court to hear an#
#eci#e a class of cases is put to action ;Garcia vs. 0e .esus,
#!&ra, p. 799D Manila 1ailroa# Co. vs. Attorney&General,
20 Phil. 523<. 1ules of proce#ure are re%e#ial in nature an#
not sustantive. !hey cover only rules on plea#ing an#
practice ;Garcia vs. 0e .esus, I+id.<.
*&rsd#!o"' how a#/&r$d.
.uris#iction over the following which are necessary for the
e=ercise of $uris#iction are acCuire# as followsE
;1< .)r th &laintiff or &titionr. && .uris#iction over the
person of the plaintiff or petitioner is acCuire# y the filing
of the co%plaint or other appropriate plea#ing efore the
court ;0avao Light K Power Co., Inc. vs. CA., 204 (C1A
343, 349 I1::1J citing ,eria, Civil Proce#ure, 1:6: e#., p.
1: in turn citing Manila 1ailroa# Co. vs. Attorney&General,
20 Phil. 523, Ling Mau ?u vs. (ycip, :4 Phil. 794 an# 21
C.( 122 an# other cases<.
;2< .)r th dfndant or r#&ondnt. && .uris#iction over
the person of the #efen#ant or respon#ent is otaine# y the
service of su%%ons or other coercive process upon hi% or
y his voluntary appearance or su%ission to the authority
of the court ;I+id. citing ,eria, op cit. p. 20 in turn citing 21
C.( 123D Pennoyer vs. -eff, :5 2.(. 714 an# other casesD
see also (ec. 4, 1ule 47, 1ules of CourtD Para%ount
InS!rance Corp. vs. Luna, G.1. 61404, Mar. 16, 1:97<.
;3< .)r th #!+jct mattr of th claim. && .uris#iction over
the su$ect %atter of the clai% is conferre# y law ;La
-aval 0rug Corp vs. CA, G.1. 103200, Aug. 31, 1::4<. )y
the filing of the co%plaint or other initiatory plea#ing, the
$uris#iction of the court thereof is invo"e# or calle# into
activity, an# it is this that the court acCuires $uris#iction
over sai# su$ect %atter or nature of the action ;0avao
Light K Power, Co. Inc. vs. CA, #!&ra, pp. 347&349<.
;4< .)r th i##!# of th ca#. && .uris#iction over the
issues of the case is #eter%ine# an# conferre# y the
plea#ings file# in the case y the parties, or y their
agree%ent in a pre&trial or#er or stipulation, or, at ti%es, y
their i%plie# consent, as the failure of a party to o$ect to
evi#ence on an issue not covere# y the plea#ings, as
provi#e# in (ection 5, 1ule 10 of the 1ules of Court ;I
1egala#o, ;1:99 e#.<, p. 7<.
;5< .)r th res (or th &ro&rt( or thing which i# th
#!+jct of th litigation). && !his is acCuire# y the actual or
constructive seiHure y the court of the thing in Cuestion,
thus putting it in c!#todia lgi#, as in attach%ent or
garnish%ent, or y provision of law which recogniHes in
the court the power to #eal with the property or su$ect
%atter within its territorial $uris#iction, as in lan#
registration procee#ings or suits involving civil status or
real property in the Philippines of a non&resi#ent #efen#ant
;I 1egala#o, p. 7D see (ec. 15, 1ule 14, (ec. : ;c<, 1ule 3:D
(ec. 1, 1ule 57, 1ules of Court<.
*&rsd#!o"' how d$!$rm"$d.
It is a=io%atic that what #eter%ines the nature of the action
an# the $uris#iction of the court are the allegations of the
co%plaint an# the character of the relief sought
;Allge%eine&)au&Che%ie Phils., Inc., vs. Metropolitan
)an" K !rust Co., G.1. 15:2:6, ,e. 10, 2006D 0el Mar
vs. Philippine A%use%ent an# Ga%ing Corporation, 346
(C1A 495, 500 I2000JD -otre 0a%e #e Lour#es 8ospital
vs. Mallare&Phillipps, 1:7 (C1A 197, 1:0 I1::1JD Ching
vs. Malaya, 153 (C1A 412 I1:97JD /arona vs. CA, G.1.
124149, May 20, 2004<. !o resolve the issue of
$uris#iction, the court %ust interpret an# apply the law on
$uris#iction )i#-a-)i# the aver%ents of the co%plaint. !he
#efenses asserte# in the answer or %otion to #is%iss are not
to e consi#ere# in resolving the issue of $uris#iction,
otherwise the Cuestion of $uris#iction coul# #epen# entirely
upon the #efen#ant ;)PI Cre#it Corp. vs. CA, G.1. :6755,
0ec. 4, 1::1D Magay vs. *stian#an, 6: (C1A 456, 459
I1:76JD (errano vs. MuMoH ;8i< Motors, Inc., 27 (C1A
1095 I1:6:JD Arin vs. Ca%pos, 203 (C1A 420, 423
In Montanr )#. Shari0a -i#trict %o!rt1 /.2. 3456471 *an.
891 8996, where the co%plaint, which was treate# as a
petition for the issuance of letters of a#%inistration,
settle%ent, an# #istriution of the estate of the #ece#ent,
allege# that the #ece#ent was a Musli% while #efen#ant
allege# in his answer with %otion to #is%iss that the
#ece#ent is not a Musli%, the (upre%e Court hel# that the
(hariAa 0istrict Court has $uris#iction over the case.
E(($#! o( )a#0 o( +&rsd#!o".
It is a fun#a%ental proce#ural #octrine that the $uris#iction
of a court %ay e challenge# at anyti%e at any stage of the
action ;1ulona Al&Awa#hi vs. Astih, #!&raD !i$a% vs.
(ionghanoy, 23 (C1A 2:, 35&36 I1:69JD Crisosto%o vs.
CA, 32 (C1A 54 I1:70JD Nulueta vs. Pan A%erican ?orl#
Airways, Inc., 4: (C1A 1, 6 I11:73JD -ueva :i;caya
Cha%er of Co%%erce vs. CA, :7 (C1A 956 I1:90JD
MartineH vs. 0e la Merce#, 174 (C1A 192, 19: I1:9:JD
!a$onera vs. La%oroHa, 110 (C1A 439 I1:91JD -ieta vs.
Manila )an"ing Corp., 124 (C1A 455 I1:93J<. ?hen the
court procee#e# in the action without $uris#iction, all the
procee#ings thereon are futile an# invali# e=ercise ;1ulona
Al&Awa#hi vs. Astih, #!&ra<.
*&rsd#!o" 12 $s!o..$).
!he #octrine of estoppel enunciates that Fafter voluntarily
su%itting a cause an# encountering an a#verse #ecision on
the %erits, it is too late for the loser to Cuestion the
$uris#iction or power of the court ;People vs. Munar, 53
(C1A 279, 292 I1:73J citing *sperat vs. Avila, 20 (C1A
5:6 I1:67J<.
?hile the $uris#iction of a triunal %ay e challenge# at
any ti%e, soun# pulic policy ars the litigants fro% so
#oing after having procure# that $uris#iction the%selves,
speculating on the fortunes of litigation ;People vs. Munar,
I+id. citing Cal#eron vs. Pulic (ervice Co%%ission, 39
(C1A 624, 633 I1:71J in turn citing !i$a% vs.
(ionghanoy, 33 (C1A 2: I1:69JD Crisosto%o vs. 1eyes,
32 (C1A 54 I1:70J<. A party cannot invo"e the
$uris#iction of a court to secure affir%ative relief against
his opponent an#, after otaining or failing to otain such
relief, repu#iate or Cuestion that sa%e $uris#iction ;,ilipinas
(hell Petroleu% Corp. vs. 0u%lao, G.1. 44999, ,e. 7,
1::2D !i$a% vs. (ionghanoy, 23 (C1A 2: citing 0ean vs.
0ean, 136 +r. 6:4, 96, A.L.1. 7:D 1oyales vs. IAC, 127
(C1A 470, 474 I1:94J<. A party's active participation in
the procee#ings efore a court without $uris#iction will
estop such party fro% assailing such lac" of $uris#iction
;MartineH vs. 0e la Merce#, 174 (C1A 192, 19: I1:9:JD
!a$onera vs. La%oroHa, 110 (C1A 439 I1:91JD -ieta vs.
Manila )an"ing Corp., 124 (C1A 455 I1:93JD Garcia vs.
CA, 202 (C1A 229, 240 I1::1JD *chaus vs. )lanco, 17:
(C1A 704, 705 I1:9:J<.
!hus, where the a#verse party faile# at several stages of the
procee#ings to raise lac" of $uris#iction ase# on sai# fact
an# it was only after an a#verse #ecision was ren#ere# y
the Court of Appeals that the party finally wo"e up to raise
the Cuestion of $uris#iction, such con#uct woul# cause
in$ustice if the procee#ings ha# were to e set asi#e ;/era
vs. People, 31 (C1A 711 I1:70J<.
Error o( +&rsd#!o" a"d $rror
o( +&d,m$"!' ds!",&sh$d.
A line %ust e #rawn etween errors of $u#g%ent an#
errors of $uris#iction. An error of $u#g%ent is one which
the court %ay co%%it in the e=ercise of its $uris#iction. An
error of $uris#iction ren#ers an or#er or $u#g%ent voi# or
voi#ale. *rrors of $uris#iction are reviewale on certiorariD
errors of $u#g%ent, only y appeal ;Cochingyan, .r. vs.
Cloriel, 76 (C1A 361, 396 I1:77J citing ,ernan#o vs.
/asCueH, 31 (C1A 299 I1:70J<.
;)ac" to top<
A c t i o n
A#!o"' d$("$d.
An action %eans an or#inary suit in a court of $ustice, y
which one party prosecutes another for the enforce%ent or
protection of a right or the prosecution or re#ress of a
wrong ;0e GuH%an, .r. vs. CA, G.1. :202:&30, 0ec. 20,
C)ass(#a!o" o( a#!o"s.
Actions are classifie# as followsE
A. According to ca!# or fo!ndation$
;1< <r#onal action, one which is rought for the recovery
of personal property, for the enforce%ent of so%e contract
or recovery of #a%ages for the co%%ission of an in$ury to
the person or property ;0ial Corp. vs. .u#ge (oriano, G.1.
92330, May 31, 1:99<. *=a%pleE Action for #a%ages.
;2< 2al action, one which is affecting title to real property
or for the recovery of its possession, or for partition or
con#e%nation of, or foreclosure of %ortgage on real
property ;8ernan#eH vs. 1ural )an" of Lucena, 91 (C1A
94 I1:79J< or one foun#e# on privity of real estate only
;Paper In#ustries Corp. vs. (a%son, L&30l73, -ov. 29,
l:75<. *=a%pleE Accion intrdictal ;or e$ect%ent<
;3< Mi"d action, one rought for protection or recovery of
real property an# also for an awar# for #a%ages sustaine#
;I 1egala#o, p. 21<. *=a%pleE Accion &!+liciana ;recovery
of possession of real property< with #a%ages.
'. According to th &lac whr in#tit!td$
;1< =ran#itor( action, one in which the facts in issue
etween the parties have no necessary connection with a
particular locality ;Manila 1ailroa# Co. vs. Attorney&
General, 20 Phil. 553<. It is one which %ay e rought in
the place of resi#ence of the plaintiff or any of the
plaintiffs, or the place of resi#ence of the #efen#ant or any
of the #efen#ants. *=a%pleE )reach of contract.
;2< Local action, one which has to e institute# in a
particular place in#epen#ently of the places of resi#ence of
the parties ;Moran, Co%%ents on the 1ules of Court, /ol.
1, ;1:91 e#.<, p. 123 citing C.( :46&:4:<. *=a%pleE Accion
&!+liciana ;or recovery of possession of real property<.
%. According to it# o+jct$
;1< Action in rm, one #irecte# against the thing or property
or status of a person an# see" $u#g%ent with respect thereto
as against the whole worl# ;Ching vs. CA, G.1. 5:73l, .an.
11, l:9:<.
An action in rm reCuires pulication of the notice of the
petition to ring in the whole worl# as party to the case an#
to vest the court with $uris#iction to hear an# #eci#e it
;Calalang vs. 1egister of 0ee#s, G.1. 76265D 0e Leon vs.
CA, G.1. 93290, Mar. 11, 1::4<.
;2< Action in &r#onam, one rought against a specific
person on the asis of his personal liaility ;0ial Corp. vs.
.u#ge (oriano, #!&ra<.
An action in &r#onam reCuires personal service of
su%%ons within the foru% to acCuire $uris#iction over the
person of the #efen#ant, who #oes not voluntarily su%it
hi%self to the authority of the court ;Consoli#ate# Plywoo#
In#., Inc. vs. )reva, 166 (C1A 59:, 5:4 I1:99J citing
Pantaleon vs. Asuncion, 105 Phil. 765<.
;3< Action q!a#i in rm, one inten#e# to e=clu#e a non&
resi#ent #efen#ant fro% any right or interest in property
locate# in the Philippines ;I Moran, p. 123 citing Per"ins
vs. 0iHon, 6: Phil 196<.
A real action shoul# not e confuse# with an action in rm.
An action to recover a parcel of lan# is a real action ut it is
an action in &r#onam, for it in#s a particular in#ivi#ual
only although it concerns the right to a tangile thing
;Ching vs. CA, #!&ra<.
-. According to it# &!r&o#$
;1< %i)il action, one which is rought for protection or
enforce%ent of a private right violate# ;see (ec. 3;a<, 1ule
1, 1ules of Court<. A civil action %ay either e or#inary or
;2< %riminal action, one rought y the (tate to prosecute a
person for an act or o%ission punishale y law ;(ec. 3;<,
Wha! d$!$rm"$s "a!&r$ o( a#!o"3
!he nature of the action file# in court is #eter%ine# y the
facts allege# in the co%plaint as constituting the cause of
action an# the character of the relief sought. !he
#esignation or caption is not controlling, %ore than the
allegations in the co%plaint the%selves are, for it is not
even an in#ispensale part of the co%plaint ;I Moran 126D
1epulic vs. *stenHo, G.1. 35512, ,e, 2:, 1:99D
(u%ulong vs. CA, 232 (C1A 372 I1::4J<. Moreover, the
purpose of an action or suit an# the law to govern it,
inclu#ing the perio# of prescription, is not to e #eter%ine#
y the clai% of the party filing the action, %a#e in his
argu%ent or rief, ut rather y the co%plaint itself, its
allegations an# the prayer thereof ;/#a. #e /ega vs. CA,
1:: (C1A 169, 176 I1::1JD 1one vs. Claro, :1 Phil. 250<.
Ca&s$ o( a#!o"' d$("$d.
A cause of action is an act or o%ission of one party in
violation of the legal right or rights of the other ;(ec. 2,
1ule 3, 1ules of CourtD 1eoli#o vs. CA, G.1. 91123, ,e.
29, 1:9:<. It is the fact or co%ination of facts which
affor#s a party a right to $u#icial interference in his ehalf
;0e GuH%an vs CA, G.1. :202:, 0ec. 20, 1::0<.
E)$m$"!s o( #a&s$ o( a#!o".
!he essential ele%ents of a cause of action areE ;1< the legal
right of the plaintiffD ;2< the correlative oligation of the
#efen#ant to respect that rightD an# ;3< an act or o%ission of
the #efen#ant in violation of sai# legal right ;0)P vs.
Pun#ogar, 219 (C1A 119, 143 I1::3JD !antuico, .r. vs.
1epulic, 204 (C1A 429 I1::1JD ,ar *ast Marle ;Phils.<,
Inc. vs. CA, 225 (C1A 24: I1::3JD Ma#rona vs. 1osal,
G.1. 3:120, -ov. 21, 1::1D /irata vs. (an#iganayan,
G.1. 96:26D Mapa vs. (an#iganayan, G.1. 96:4:, +ct. l5,
l::lD 1eoli#o vs. CA, #!&raD 0e GuH%an vs. CA, #!&raD
Casenas vs. 1osales, l: (C1A 462 I1:67JD 1e%itere vs.
/#a #e Gulo, l6 (C1A 25l I1:66J<.
R,h! o( a#!o"' d$("$d.
A right of action is the re%e#ial right or right to relief
grante# y law to a party to institute an action against a
person who has co%%itte# a #elict or wrong against hi% ;I
1egala#o, p. 1:<.
R,h! o( a#!o"' ds!",&sh$d
(rom #a&s$ o( a#!o".
!he ter% 'right of action' is the right to co%%ence an#
%aintain an action. In the law on plea#ings, right of action
is #istinguishe# fro% cause of action in that the for%er is a
re%e#ial right elonging to so%e persons to presently
enforce a cause of action, while the latter is a for%al
state%ent of the operative facts that give rise to such
re%e#ial right. !he for%er is a %atter of right an# #epen#s
on sustantive law, while the latter is a %atter of state%ent
an# is governe# y the law of proce#ure ;0e GuH%an vs.
CA, #!&raD Phil&A% Gen. Ins. Co., Inc. (weet Lines, 212
(C1A 1:4 I1::2J<.
;)ac" to top<
V e n u e
V$"&$' d$("$d.
/enue has een #efine# as the place of trial or geographical
location on which an action or procee#ing shoul# e
rought an# not to the $uris#iction of the court ;Manila
1ailroa# Co. vs. Attorney&General, 20 Phil. 523, 559<. It is
the territorial li%its within which $u#icial power is
e=ercise# over an action or special procee#ings.
V$"&$ o( r$a) a#!o"s.
Actions affecting title to or possession of real property, or
interest therein, shall e co%%ence# an# trie# in the proper
court which has $uris#iction over the area wherein the real
property involve#, or a portion thereof, is situate# ;(ec. 1,
1ule 4, 1ules of Court<.
V$"&$ o( .$rso"a) a#!o"s.
All other actions %ay e co%%ence# an# trie# where the
plaintiff or any of the principal plaintiffs resi#es, or where
the #efen#ant or any of the principal #efen#ants resi#es, or
in the case of a non&resi#ent #efen#ant where he %ay e
foun#, at the election of the plaintiff ;(ec. 2, I+id<.
Cho#$ o( -$"&$.
!he choice of venue for personal actions is given to the
plaintiff ut not to the plaintiff's caprice ecause the %atter
is regulate# y the 1ules of Court ;Clavecilla 1a#io (yste%
vs. Antillon, 1: (C1A 37: I1:67JD (ulo ng )ayan vs.
Gregorio Araneta, Inc., 72 (C1A 349 I1:76J<. !he choice
shoul# e that place of resi#ence of a principal party, not a
%ere no%inal party.
V$"&$ o( a#!o"s a,a"s!
If any of the #efen#ants #oes not resi#e an# is not foun# in
the Philippines, an# the action affects the personal status of
the plaintiff, or any property of sai# #efen#ant locate# in
the Philippines, the action %ay e co%%ence# an# trie# in
the court of the place where the plaintiff resi#es, or where
the property or any portion thereof is situate# or foun#
;(ec. 3, 1ule 4, 1ules of Court<.
Wh$" R&)$ "o! a..)#a1)$.
!he 1ules on venue shall not apply ;a< in those cases where
a specific rule or law provi#es otherwiseD or ;< where the
parties have vali#ly agree# in writing efore the filing of
the action on the e=clusive venue thereof ;(ec. 4, I+id<.
;)ac" to top<
Or," o( !h$ Shar'a Co&r!s
" !h$ Ph).."$s.
!he estalish%ent of the (hari'a courts in the Philippines
has een originally conceive# in the 1:76 !ripoli
Agree%ent entere# into y an# etween the Philippine
Govern%ent an# the Moro -ational Lieration ,ront un#er
the auspices of the +rganiHation of Isla%ic Conference. It
has een agree#, a%ong other things, that F;I<n the areas of
autono%y, the Musli%s shall have the right to set up their
own Courts which i%ple%ent the Isla%ic shari'ah laws = =
=F ;par. 3, 3r# Agree%ent, !ripoli Agree%ent<.
!he !ripoli Agree%ent was not i%ple%ente#. -evertheless,
then Presi#ent Marcos, in the e=ercise of legislative power,
pro%ulgate# in l:77 P0 1093 otherwise "nown as the
FCo#e of Musli% Personal LawsF which provi#e#, intr
alia, for the creation of courts of li%ite# $uris#iction "nown
as the (hari'a 0istrict Courts an# the (hari'a Circuit Courts
un#er the a#%inistrative supervision of the (upre%e Court
of the Philippines.
!he 1:97 Constitution %an#ate# the creation of an
autono%ous region in Musli% Min#anao an# calle# for the
enact%ent of an organic act for the autono%ous region
which shall Fprovi#e for special courts with personal,
fa%ily an# property law $uris#iction consistent with the
provisions of this Constitution an# national lawsF. ;(ec. l5
K l6, Art. O<.
Pursuant to this constitutional %an#ate, 1epuic Act -o.
6734 otherwise "nown as the F+rganic Act for the
Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao ;A1MM<F was
enacte# into law. 2n#er this Act, the (hari'a 0istrict Courts
an# (hari'a Circuit Courts create# un#er P0 1093 are
%an#ate# to continue to function as provi#e# therein ;(ec.
13, Art. IO, 1A 6734<. In a##ition, a (hari'a Appellate
Court with li%ite# $uris#iction was create# y the Act.
;(ec. 2, I+id.<.
+n ,eruary 7, 2001, the Congress of the Philippines
passe# 1epulic Act -o. :054 e=pan#ing the +rganic Act
of the A1MM, an# purporte#ly increasing the $uris#iction
of the (hari'a courts. !he Act lapse# into law on March 31,
2001 without the signature of Presi#ent Gloria Macapagal&
Arroyo in accor#ance with Article /I, (ection 27;1< of the
Bas# +&rsd#!o" o( !h$ Shar'a Co&r!s.
!he gui#ing principles an# policies of 1A :054 provi#eE
F!he (hari'ah courts shall have $uris#iction over
cases involving personal, fa%ily an# property
relations, an# co%%ercial transactions, in a##ition
to their $uris#iction over cri%inal cases involving
F!he 1egional Asse%ly ;of the A1MM< shall, in
consultation with the (upre%e Court, #eter%ine the
nu%er an# specify the #etails of the $uris#iction of
these courts.F ;(ec. 5, Art. III, 1A :054<
Pror!2 " +&rsd#!o" o( r$,&)ar #o&r!s.
*=cept in cases of successional rights to property, the
regular courts shall acCuire $uris#iction over controversies
involving real property locate# outsi#e the area of
autono%y. Musli%s who sue other Musli%s or %e%ers of
in#igenous cultural co%%unities who sue other %e%ers of
cultural co%%unities over %atters covere# respectively y
(hari'ah or y trial laws %ay agree to litigate their
grievances efore the proper (hari'ah or trial court in the
autono%ous region. !he proce#ure for this recourse to the
(hari'ah or trial court shall e prescrie# y the (upre%e
Court ;(ec. 22, Art. /III, I+id.<.
Na!&r$ o( !h$ Shar'a Co&r!s.
(trictly spea"ing, (hari'a 0istrict Courts #o not for% part
of the integrate# $u#icial syste% of the Philippines. (ection
2 of the .u#iciary 1eorganiHation Act of 1:90 ;).P. )lg.
12:< enu%erates the courts covere# y the Act, co%prising
the integrate# $u#icial syste%. (hari'a Courts are not
inclu#e# in the enu%eration notwithstan#ing that, when
sai# ).P. )lg. 12: too" effect on August 14, 1:91, P.0. -o.
1093 ;otherwise "nown as FCo#e of Musli% Personal Laws
of the PhilippinesF< was alrea#y in force. !he (hari'a
Courts are %entione# in (ection 45 of the Act only for the
purpose of inclu#ing the% Fin the fun#ing appropriationsF
;)ar Matter -o. 702, In the Matter of the Petition to
AuthoriHe (hari'a 0istrict .u#ges to Appoint (hari'a
Lawyers as -otaries Pulic, ,n 'anc, 12 May 1::4<.
!he fact that $u#ges thereof are reCuire# y law to possess
the sa%e Cualifications as those of 1egional !rial Courts
#oes not signify that the (hari'a Court is a regular court li"e
the 1egional !rial Court. !he latter is a court of general
$uris#iction, i.., co%petent to #eci#e all cases, civil an#
cri%inal, within its $uris#iction. A (hari'a 0istrict Court,
create# pursuant to Article 137 of Presi#ential 0ecree -o.
1093, is a court of li%ite# $uris#iction, e=ercising original
$uris#iction only over cases specifically enu%erate# in
Article 143 thereof. In other wor#s, a (hari'a 0istrict Court
is not a regular court e=ercising general $uris#iction within
the %eaning of (ection 232 of the -otarial Law ;I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
Shari'a Appeate Court
(ection 7, Article /III of 1A :054 create# the (hari'a
Appellate Court which shall e=ercise $uris#iction over cases
enu%erate# in (ection : of the sa%e Article.
!he (hari'a Appellate Court shall e co%pose# of one ;1<
Presi#ing .ustice an# two ;2< Associate .ustices. Any
vacancy shall e fille# within ninety ;:0< #ays fro% the
occurence thereof ;(ec. 9, Art. /III, 1A :054<.
O((#a) S$a!.
!he official seat of the (hari'ah Appellate Court shall,
unless the (upre%e Court #eci#es otherwise, e in the
province or city where the seat of the 1egional Govern%ent
is locate# ;(ec. 1, I+id.<.
5&a)(#a!o" o( M$m1$rs.
!he .ustices of the (hari'a Appellate Court shall possess the
sa%e Cualifications as those of the .ustices of the Court of
Appeals an#, in a##ition, shall also e learne# in Isla%ic
law an# $urispru#ence ;(ec. 11, I+id.<.
2n#er the .u#iciary 1eorganiHation Act of 1:90 ;).P. )lg.
12:<, the Presi#ing .ustices an# Associate .ustices of the
Court of Appeals have the sa%e Cualifications as those
provi#e# in the Constitution for .ustices of the (upre%e
Court ;(ection 7, ).P. 12:<. (ection 7, Article /III of the
1:97 Constitution provi#es thatE
F-o person shall e appointe# %e%er of the
(upre%e Court or any lower collegiate court unless
he is a natural&orn citiHen of the Philippines. A
%e%er of the (upre%e Court %ust e at least forty
years of age, an# %ust have for fifteen years or
%ore a $u#ge of a lower court or engage# in the
practice of law in the Philippines.
FA Me%er of the .u#iciary %ust e a person of
proven co%petence, integrity, proity an#
In su%, the Cualifications of a (hari'a Appellate .ustice areE
;1< 8e %ust e a natural&orn citiHen of the PhilippinesD
;2< 8e %ust have een for fifteen years or %ore a $u#ge of
a lower court or engage# in the practice of law in the
;3< 8e %ust e at least forty years of ageD
;4< 8e %ust e learne# in Isla%ic law an# $urispru#enceD
;5< 8e %ust e a person of proven co%petence, integrity,
proity an# in#epen#ence.
!he Me%ers of the (hari'a Appellate Court shall e
appointe# y the Presi#ent fro% a list of at least three ;3<
no%inees prepare# y the .u#icial an# )ar Council. !he
no%inees shall e chosen fro% a list of reco%%en#ees
su%itte# y the 1egional Asse%ly of the Autono%ous
1egion in Musli% Min#anao. (uch appoint%ents nee# no
confir%ation ;(ec. 11, Art. /III, 1A :054<.
!he Presi#ing an# Associate .ustices of the (hari'a
Appellate Court shall serve until they reach the age of
seventy ;70< years, unless sooner re%ove# for cause in the
sa%e %anner as .ustice of the Court of Appeals or eco%e
incapacitate# to #ischarge the #uties of their office ;(ec.
12, I+id.<.
!he Presi#ing .ustice an# Associate .ustices of the (hari'a
Appellate Court shall receive the sa%e co%pensation an#
en$oy the sa%e privileges as the Presi#ing .ustice an#
Associate .ustices of the Court of Appeals, respectively
;(ec. 13, I+id.<.
R&)$s o( .ro#$$d",s.
Procee#ings in the (hari'a Appellate Court an# in the
(hari'a lower courts in the Autono%ous 1egion shall e
governe# y such special rules as the (upre%e Court %ay
pro%ulgate ;(ec. 17, I+id.<.
!he (hari'ah Appellate Court shall have the following
;1< *=ercise original $uris#iction over petitions for
certiorari, prohiition, %an#a%us, ha+a# cor&!#, an# other
au=iliary writs an# processes only in ai# of its appellate
$uris#ictionD an#
;2< *=ercise e=clusive appellate $uris#iction over all cases
trie# in the (hari'a 0istrict Courts as estalishe# y law
;(ec. :, I+id.<.
In the case of Macawiag )#. 'alindong1 /.2. 3768391 S&t.
891 899>, the (upre%e Court sai#E
@?hile the (upre%e Court ,n 'anc authoriHe# the
creation of the (hariAa Appellate Court, it has not
yet een organiHe#. ConseCuently, aggrieve# parties
can co%e up only to the (upre%e Court in view of
the rule set forth in Article 145 of Presi#ential
0ecree -o. 1093, )i;E
Article 145. Finalit( of dci#ion#. P !he #ecisions
of the (hariAa 0istrict Courts whether on appeal
fro% the (hariAa Circuit Court or not shall e final.
-othing herein containe# shall affect the original
an# appellate $uris#iction of the (upre%e Court as
provi#e# in the Constitution.
@!he original an# appellate $uris#iction of the
(upre%e Court as provi#e# in the Constitution is
not altere#. (pecifically, this refers to the original
$uris#iction of the (upre%e Court over petitions for
certiorari, prohiition, %an#a%us, q!o warranto,
an# ha+a# cor&!#. It li"ewise refers to the power
of the (upre%e Court to review, revise, reverse,
%o#ify, or affir% on appeal or certiorari, as the law
or the 1ules of Court %ay provi#e, final $u#g%ents
an# or#ers of lower courts in all cases in which the
$uris#iction of any lower court is in issue an# all
cases in which only an error or Cuestion of law is
involve# .B
In fine, the #ecisions of the (hariAa 0istrict Courts %ay
reach the (upre%e Court y way of special civil action
un#er 1ule 65 of the 1ules of Court if there is a Cuestion of
$uris#iction, or petition for review on certiorari as a %o#e
of appeal un#er 1ule 45 ;Macawiag vs. )alin#ong, I+id.<.
8owever, in the case of =omawi# )#. 'alindong1 /.2. No.
3?85@51 Mar. 71 8939, the (upre%e Court ac"nowle#ge#
the non&organiHation of the (hariAa Appellate Court an#
#eclare# that until such ti%e that the (hariAa Appellate
Court shall have een organiHe#, appeals or petitions fro%
final or#ers or #ecisions of the (hariAa 0istrict Court file#
with the Court of Appeals ;CA< shall e referre# to a
(pecial 0ivision to e organiHe# in any of the CA stations
preferaly co%pose# of Musli% CA $ustices. )ut for cases
where only errors or Cuestions of law are raise# or
involve#, the appeal shall e to the (upre%e Court y a
petition for review on certiorari un#er 1ule 45 of the 1ules
of Court.
Na!&r$ o( d$#so"s.
!he #ecisions of the (hari'ah Appellate Court shall e final
an# e=ecutory. -othing herein containe# shall, however,
affect the original an# appellate $uris#iction of the (upre%e
Court, as provi#e# in the Constitution ;(ec. 10, I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
Shari'a District Courts
Article 137 of P0 1093 provi#es for the creation of the
(hari'a 0istrict Courts an# (hari'a Circuit Courts as
F!here are herey create#, as part of the $u#icial
syste%, courts of li%ite# $uris#iction, to e "nown
respectively as (hari'a 0istrict Courts an# (hari'a
Circuit Courts, which shall e=ercise powers an#
functions in accor#ance with this !itle.F
Shar'a +&d#a) ds!r#!s.
,ive special $u#icial #istricts, each to have one (hari'a
0istrict Court presi#e# over y one $u#ge, are constitute#
as followsE
;a< !he ,irst (hari'a 0istrict co%prises the Province of
;< !he (econ# (hari'a 0istrict, the Province of !awi&!awiD
;c< !he !hir# (hari'a 0istrict, the Provinces of )asilan,
Na%oanga #el -orte an# Na%oanga #el (ur, an# the
Cities of 0ipolog, Paga#ian an# Na%oangaD
;#< !he ,ourth (hari'a 0istrict, the Provinces of Lanao #el
-orte an# Lanao #el (ur, an# the Cities of Iligan an#
MarawiD an#
;e< !he ,ifth (hari'a 0istrict, the Provinces of
Maguin#anao, -orth Cotaato an# (ultan Lu#arat, an# the
City of Cotaato. ;Art. 139, P0 1093<.
5&a)(#a!o"s o( +&d,$s.
Article 140 of P0 1093 provi#es thatE
F-o person shall e appointe# (hari'a 0istrict $u#ge
unless, in a##ition to the Cualifications for $u#ges of
Courts of ,irst Instance fi=e# in the .u#iciary Law,
he is learne# in Isla%ic law an# $urispru#ence.F
(ection 15 of the .u#iciary 1eorganiHation Act of 1:90
provi#es thatE
F-o person shall e appointe# 1egional !rial .u#ge
unless he is a natural&orn citiHen of the Philippines,
at least thirty&five years of age, an# for at least ten
years, has een engage# in the practice of law in the
Philippines or has hel# pulic office in the
Philippines reCuiring a#%ission to the practice of
law as an in#ispensale reCuisite.F
In a nutshell, a $u#ge of the (hari'a 0istrict Court %ust eE
;1< a natural&orn citiHen of the PhilippinesD ;2< at least
thirty&five years of ageD ;3< for at least ten years, has een
engage# in the practice of law in the Philippines or has hel#
a pulic office reCuiring a#%ission to the practice of law as
an in#ispensale reCuisiteD ;4< learne# in Isla%ic law an#
$urispru#enceD an# ;5< of proven co%petence, integrity,
proity an# in#epen#ence.
.u#ges of the (hari'a 0istrict Courts shall e appointe# y
the Presi#ent of the Philippines fro% a list of at least three
;3< no%inees prepare# y the .u#icial an# )ar Council for
every vacancy. (uch appoint%ents nee# no confir%ation y
the Co%%ission on Appoint%ents ;(ec. :, Art. /III,
Const.<. 2nli"e those of the (hari'a Appellate Court, the
no%inees nee# not e reco%%en#e# y the 1egional
Asse%ly of the Autono%ous Govern%ent.
Li"e the other lower courts, the Presi#ent shall issue the
appoint%ents within ninety #ays fro% the su%ission of the
list ;I+id.<.
(hari'a 0istrict $u#ges shall e appointe# to serve #uring
goo# ehavior until they reach the age of si=ty&five years,
or eco%e incapacitate# to #ischarge the #uties of their
office, unless sooner re%ove# for the sa%e causes an# in
the sa%e %anner provi#e# y law for $u#ges of Courts of
,irst Instance ;now 1!C< ;Art. 141, P0 1093<.
!he retire%ent age of $u#ges, however, inclu#ing $u#ges of
(hari'a courts has een raise# to seventy years y the -ew
Constitution ;(ec. 11, Art. /III, Const.<.
(hari'a 0istrict $u#ges shall receive the sa%e co%pensation
an# en$oy the sa%e privileges as the $u#ges of Courts of
,irst Instance ;now 1egional !rial Courts< ;Art. 142, P0
R&)$s o( .ro#$$d",s.
Accor#ing to Article 149 of the Co#e of Musli% Personal
Laws, the (hari'a 0istrict Courts shall e governe# y such
special rules of proce#ure as the (upre%e Court %ay
Pursuant to this an# the provision of Article 159 of the
sa%e Co#e, the (upre%e Court pro%ulgate# on (epte%er
20, 1:93 the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure Governing the
(hari'a Courts (Ijra-at al-Mahakim al-Shari-ah) which also
applies to the (hari'a Circuit Courts.
!he (hari'a 0istrict Courts have three ;3< classes of
$uris#iction, i.., e=clusive original, concurrent original, an#
appellate $uris#iction.
Exclusive original jurisdiction. && !he (hari'a 0istrict
Court shall have e=clusive original $uris#iction overE
;a< All cases involving custo#y, guar#ianship, legiti%acy,
paternity an# filiation arising un#er the Co#e of Musli%
Personal Laws ;P0 1093<D
;< All cases involving #isposition, #istriution an#
settle%ent of estate of #ecease# Musli%s, proate of wills,
issuance of letters of a#%inistration or appoint%ent of
a#%inistrators or e=ecutors regar#less of the nature or the
aggregate value of the propertyD
;c< Petitions for the #eclaration of asence an# #eath an#
for the cancellation or correction of entries in the Musli%
1egistries %entione# in !itle /I of )oo" !wo of the Co#eD
;#< All actions arising fro% custo%ary contracts in which
the parties are Musli%s, if they have not specifie# which
law shall govern their relationsD an#
;e< All petitions for %an#a%us, prohiition, in$unction,
certiorari, ha+a# cor&!#, an# all other au=iliary writs an#
processes in ai# of its appellate $uris#iction ;Art. 143, P0
1093<. In ai# of its appellate $uris#iction is %eant only in
those cases where the parties have a right to appeal to that
court ;..M. !uaHon K Co., Inc. vs. #e la CruH, : (C1A 19:
In Montanr )#. Shari0a -i#trict %o!rt1 /.2. 3456471 *an.
891 8996, where the action which was #esignate# as a
Qco%plaint for $u#icial partition of propertiesA contains
sufficient $uris#ictional facts reCuire# for the settle%ent of
the estate of a #ecease# Musli%, the (upre%e Court treate#
it as a petition for the issuance of letters of a#%inistration,
settle%ent, an# #istriution of the estate of the #ece#ent.
Concurrent original jurisdiction. && Concurrently with
e=isting civil courts, the (hari'a 0istrict Court shall have
original $uris#iction overE
;a< Petitions y Musli%s for the constitution of a fa%ily
ho%e, change of na%e an# co%%it%ent of an insane
person to an asylu%D
;< All other personal an# real actions not %entione# in
paragraph 1;#< of Article 143 of the Co#e wherein the
parties involve# are Musli%s e=cept those of forcile entry
an# unlawful #etainer, which shall fall un#er the e=clusive
original $uris#iction of the Municipal Circuit !rial Courts,
Municipal !rial Courts, or Metropolitan !rial CourtsD an#
;c< All special civil actions for interplea#er or #eclaratory
relief wherein the parties are Musli%s or the property
involve# elongs e=clusively to Musli%s ;I+id.<.
In the recent case of =omawi# )#. 'alindong1 /.2. No.
3?85@51 Mar. 71 8939, petitioner conten#e# that Art. 143 of
P0 1093, insofar as it grante# the (hariAa 0istrict Court
concurrent $uris#iction over certain real actions, was
repeale# y (ec. 1:;2<, in relation to (ec. 33;3< of )P 12:,
as a%en#e#Ry vesting original e=clusive $uris#iction to
the 1!Cs an# M!Cs, as the case %ay e, over civil actions
that involve the title to, or possession of, real property. !he
(upre%e Court hel#E
@A rea#ing of the pertinent provisions of )P 12:
an# P0 1093 shows that the for%er, a law of
general application to civil courts, has no
application to, an# #oes not repeal, the provisions
foun# in P0 1093, a special law, which only refers
to (hariAa Courts.B
Appellate jurisdiction. && !he (hari'a 0istrict Courts shall
have appellate $uris#iction over all cases trie# in the (hari'a
Circuit Courts within their territorial $uris#iction. !hey
shall #eci#e every case appeale# to the% on the asis of the
evi#ence an# recor#s trans%itte# as well as such
%e%oran#a, riefs or oral argu%ents as the parties %ay
su%it ;Art. 144, I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
Shari'a Circuit Courts
!he (hari'a Circuit Courts are estalishe# y Article 137 of
the Co#e of Musli% Personal Laws. !hey are estalishe# as
;a< (i= courts in the Province of (uluD
;< *ight in the province of !awi&!awiD
;c< !en in an# for the provinces of )asilan, Na%oanga #el
-orte, Na%oanga #el (ur, an# the Cities of 0ipolog,
Paga#ian an# Na%oangaD
;#< !welve in an# for the Provinces of Lanao #el -orte an#
Lanao #el (ur an# the Cities of Iligan an# MarawiD
;e< ,ifteen in an# for the Provinces of Maguin#anao, -orth
Cotaato, an# (ultan Lu#arat an# the City of Cotaato
;Art. 150, I+id.<.
!he territorial $uris#iction of each of the (hari'a Circuit
Court shall e fi=e# y the (upre%e Court on the asis of
geographical contiguity of the %unicipalities an# cities
concerne# an# their Musli% population ;I+id.<.
5&a)(#a!o" o( +&d,$s.
Article 152 of P0 1093 provi#es thatE
F-o person shall e appointe# $u#ge of the (hari'a
Circuit Court unless he is a natural&orn citiHen of
the Philippines, at least twenty&five years of age,
an# has passe# an e=a%ination in the (hari'a an#
Isla%ic $urispru#ence ;fiqh< to e given y the
(upre%e Court for a#%ission to special
%e%ership in the Philippine )ar to practice in the
(hari'a courts.B
(ection 19 of Article IO of 1A :054 provi#esE
F!he (hari'a 0istrict Courts an# the (hari'a Circuit
Courts create# un#er e=isting laws shall continue to
function as provi#e# therein. !he $u#ges of the
(hari'a courts shall have the sa%e Cualifications as
the $u#ges of the 1egional !rial Courts, the
Metropolitan !rial Courts or the Municipal Circuit
!rial Courts as the case %ay e. In a##ition, they
%ust e learne# in Isla%ic law an# $urispru#ence.F
an# (ection 26 of the .u#iciary 1eorganiHation Act
prescries the Cualifications of $u#ges of the Metropolitan
!rial Courts, Municipal !rial Courts an# Municipal Circuit
!rial Courts as followsE
F-o person shall e appointe# $u#ge of a
Metropolitan !rial Court, Municipal !rial Court or
Municipal Circuit !rial Court unless he is a natural&
orn citiHen of the Philippines, at least 30 years of
age, an# for at least five years, has een engage# in
the practice of law in the Philippines or has hel#
pulic office in the Philippines reCuiring a#%ission
to the practice of law as an in#ispensale reCuisite.F
)eing of later legislation, 1A :054 has i%plie#ly %o#ifie#
the Co#e of Musli% Personal Laws. ConseCuently, the
Cualifications of a $u#ge of the (hari'a Circuit Court %ay e
su%%e# up as followsE ;1< he %ust e a natural&orn
citiHen of the PhilippinesD ;2< at least 30 years of ageD ;3<
for at least five years, has een engage# in the practice of
law in the Philippines or has hel# pulic office in the
Philippines reCuiring a#%ission to the practice of law as an
in#ispensale reCuisiteD ;4< has passe# an e=a%ination in
the (hari'a an# Isla%ic $urispru#ence given y the (upre%e
CourtD an# ;5< %ust e of proven co%petence, integrity,
proity an# in#epen#ence.
A..o"!m$"! a"d !$"&r$.
.u#ges of the (hari'a Circuit Courts shall e appointe# in
the sa%e %anner as, an# shall serve for a ter% as those of,
$u#ges of the (hari'a 0istrict Courts ;Arts. 152 an# 153, P0
(hari'a Circuit $u#ges shall receive the sa%e co%pensation
an# en$oy the sa%e privileges as $u#ges of the Municipal
Circuit Courts ;now Metropolitan !rial Court, Municipal
!rial Court or Municipal Circuit !rial Court< ;Art. 154,
R&)$s o( .ro#$$d",s.
!he (hari'a Circuit Courts shall e governe# y such
special rules of proce#ure as the (upre%e Court %ay
pro%ulgate ;Art. 159, I+id.<.
!he (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure Governing the (hari'a
Courts pro%ulgate# y the (upre%e Court apply in the
(hari'a Circuit Courts.
!he (hari'a Circuit Courts shall have e=clusive original
$uris#iction overE
;1< All cases involving offenses #efine# an# punishe#
un#er the Co#e of Musli% Personal LawsD
!he offenses cogniHale y the court are Cuite few,
;1< Illegal sole%niHation of %arriage ;Art. l9l, P0
;2< Marriage efore e=piration of 'idda ;Art.l92,
;3< +ffenses relative to suseCuent %arriage,
#ivorce, an# revocation of #ivorce ;Art. l93, I+id.<D
;4< ,ailure to report for registration ;Art. l94, I+id<D
;5< -eglect of #uty y registrars ;Art. l95, I+id.<.
;2< All civil actions an# procee#ings etween parties who
are Musli%s or have een %arrie# in accor#ance with
Article 13 of the Co#e involving #isputes relating toE ;a<
%arriageD ;< #ivorce recogniHe# un#er the Co#eD ;c<
etrothal or reach of contract to %arryD ;#< custo%ary
#ower ;mahr<D ;e< #isposition an# #istriution of property
upon #ivorceD ;f< %aintenance an# support, an# consolatory
gifts ;%ut'a<D an# ;g< restitution of %arital rights.
;3< All cases involving #isputes relative to co%%unal
properties ;Art. 155, I+id.<.
In a case, it was hel# that the shari'a courts are not veste#
with original an# e=clusive $uris#iction when it co%es to
%arriages celerate# un#er oth civil an# Musli% laws
;!a%ano vs. +rtiH, G.1. 126603, .une 2:, 1::9<.
5&a)(#a!o"s o( a *&d,$ 6Qadi7
&"d$r Is)am# Law.
Accor#ing to so%e f!qaha ;scholars of fiqh<, there are as
%any as aout thirty con#itions of eligiility for the office
of qadi, whereas so%e f!qaha have re#uce# the% to three.
!he reCuisite Cualifications of a qadi are not specifie# in a
single >ur'anic verse or hadith ut are #erive# fro%
inferences an# #e#uctions fro% such sources ;AHa#,
Ghula%, .u#icial (yste% of Isla%, ;Pa"istan<, 1:97, p. :<.
!he con#itions for the office of the qadi %ay e su%%e#
up into the followingE
;1< !he qadi %ust e eligile for perfor%ing general
religious #uties ;kamal al-ahkam< such that he %ust e
a#ult, sane an# freeD
;2< 8e %ust not e suffering fro% any physical #eficiency
;kamal al-khilqah<, that is, the appointee shoul# e of
soun# organs of speech, hearing an# sightD
;3< 8e %ust possess proity ;adalah<, hence a fa#iq
;profligate< is not co%petent for the office of qadiD an#
;4< 8e %ust e fully conversant with the >ur'an, the S!nna,
Ijma, the #ifferent opinions of $urists, qi(a# ;$uristic
analogy< an# the Araic language. ;AHa#, I+id., pp. 10&11
citing In >u#a%ah. ,or a #etaile# #iscussion of the
su$ect see AHa#, I+id., pp. :&26<. 8e who possesses this
"nowle#ge is consi#ere# learne# in Isla%ic law an#
;)ac" to top<
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Philippines an# Article
149 an# 159 of Presi#ential 0ecree -o. 1093, otherwise
"nown as the Co#e of Musli% Personal Laws of the
Philippines, an# to achieve an e=pe#itious an# ine=pensive
#eter%ination of the cases referre# to herein, the Court
resolve# to pro%ulgate the following 1ules of Proce#ure on
the (hari'a CourtsE
R&)$4ma0", .ow$r o(
!h$ S&.r$m$ Co&r!.
!he 1:97 Constitution of the Philippines provi#es, a%ong
other things, that the (upre%e Court shall have the power
to pro%ulgate rules concerning the protection an#
enforce%ent of constitutional rights, plea#ing, practice, an#
proce#ure in all courts, the a#%ission to the practice of law,
the Integrate# )ar, an# legal assistance to the
un#erprivilege#. (uch rules shall provi#e a si%plifie# an#
ine=pensive proce#ure for spee#y #isposition of cases, shall
e unifor% for all courts of the sa%e gra#e, an# shall not
#i%inish, increase, or %o#ify sustantive rights. 1ules of
proce#ure of special courts an# Cuasi&$u#icial o#ies shall
re%ain effective unless #isapprove# y the (upre%e Court
;(ec. 5, Art. /III, Const.<.
Lm!a!o"s o( !h$
r&)$4ma0", .ow$r.
!he rules that the (upre%e Court %ay pro%ulgate pursuant
to such constitutional provision are su$ect to the following
constitutional li%itationsE ;1< that sai# rules %ust concern
the protection an# enforce%ent of constitutional rights,
plea#ing, practice, an# proce#ure in all courts, the
a#%ission to the practice of law, the Integrate# )ar, an#
legal assistance to the un#erprivilege#D ;2< that sai# rules
%ust e unifor% for all courts of the sa%e gra#eD an# ;3<
that they %ust not #i%inish, increase, or %o#ify sustantive
It is worthy to note that a fourth li%itation appearing in
oth the 1:35 an# 1:73 Constitutions, i.., the power of the
legislature to repeal, alter, or supple%ent the rules
pro%ulgate# y the (upre%e Court, has een #elete# in the
new Constitution.
S!a!&!or2 1ass o( !h$ s.$#a) r&)$s.
Articles 149 an# 159 of the Co#e of Musli% Personal Laws
provi#es that the (hari'a #istrict courts an# (hari'a circuit
courts Fshall e governe# y such special rules of
proce#ure as the (upre%e Court %ay pro%ulgate.F
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8. Commencement of Actions 6Da'wa7. 44 A))
a#!o"s a"d .ro#$$d",s " !h$ Shar'a Co&r! sha)) 1$
#omm$"#$d 12 #om.)a"! wh#h sha)) 1$ .r$.ar$d a!
)$as! " !r.)#a!$ 12 !h$ .)a"!(( 6mudda'i7 or hs
#o&"s$) 6wakil7 or 12 !h$ #)$r0 o( #o&r!.
Co"#$.! o( #-) a#!o".
A civil action is one y which one party sues another for
the enforce%ent or protection of a right, or the prevention
or re#ress of a wrong ;(ec. 3;a<, 1ule 1, 1ules of Court<. It
is #istinguishe# fro% a special procee#ing which refers to a
re%e#y y which a party see"s to estalish a status, a right,
or a particular fact ;(ec. 3 ;c<, I+id.<.
Par!$s !o a" a#!o".
!he parties to a civil action are the plaintiff an# the
#efen#ant. !he ter% FplaintiffF %ay refer to the clai%ing
party, the counterclai%ant, the cross&clai%ant, or the thir#
;fourth, etc.< &party plaintiff. !he ter% F#efen#antF %ay
refer to the original #efen#ing party, the #efen#ant in a
counterclai%, the cross&#efen#ant, or the thir# ;fourth, etc.<
&party #efen#ant ;(ec. 1, 1ule 3, 1ules of Court<.
In the (hari'a courts, the parties to an action are the
m!dda'i an# the m!dda'alai which the (pecial 1ules
translates to plaintiff an# #efen#ant, respectively. In
Isla%ic proce#ural law, the ter%s FplaintiffF an#
F#efen#antF y which m!dda'i an# m!dda'alai have een
translate# are %islea#ing ecause the real m!dda'i is not
necessarily the party who first rings the action efore the
court ;Alauya, (aa#u##in, Isla%ic Proce#ure an# *vi#ence,
Min#anao Law .ournal, /ol. 1, -o. 1 ;1:96<, pp. 3:&40<.
!he m!dda'i or plaintiff, is a person, who if he shoul#
voluntarily relinCuish his clai%, cannot e co%pelle# to
prosecute itD an# the m!dda'alai or #efen#ant, is a person
who, if he shoul# wish to avoi# the litigation is co%pelle#
to sustain it ;I+id, citing 8e#aya<.
Par!$s " "!$r$s!.
2nless otherwise authoriHe# y law or the 1ules of Court,
an action %ust e prosecute# an# #efen#e# in the na%e of
the real party in interest ;(ec. 2, 1ule 3, 1ules of Court<. A
real party in interest is the party who stan#s to e enefite#
or in$ure# y the $u#g%ent in the suit, or the party entitle#
to the avails of the suit ;I+id.D 1eolli#o vs. CA, G.1.
91123, ,e. 29, 1:9:D !anpingco vs. IAC, G.1. 76225,
March 31, 1::2<. FInterestF within the %eaning of the rule
%eans %aterial interest, an interest in issue to e affecte#
y the #ecree, as #istinguishe# fro% %ere interest in the
Cuestion involve#, or a %ere inci#ental interest ;1eolli#o
vs. CA, I+id.<.
C)ass(#a!o" o( .ar!$s.
Parties in interest are classifie# an# #efine# as followsE
a. Indi#&n#a+l &arti# && are those without who% no final
#eter%ination can e ha# of an action ;(ec. 7, 1ule 3, 1ules
of CourtD )acar vs. 0el 1osario, G.1. 51209, March 2:,
. Nc##ar( &arti# && also "nown as Fproper partiesF are
those who are not in#ispensale ut who ought to e $oine#
as parties if co%plete relief is to e accor#e# as to those
alrea#y parties, or for a co%plete #eter%ination or
settle%ent of the clai% su$ect of the action ;(ec. 9, I+id.D
see also >uio%ing vs. CA, G.1. :3010, Aug. 30, 1::0<.
c. 2&r#ntati) &arti# && are those acting in a fi#uciary
capacity, or allowe# to sue or e sue# in ehalf of other
persons such as the trustee of an e=press trust, a guar#ian,
e=ecutor, or a#%inistrator, or a party authoriHe# y statute
;(ec. 3, 1ule 3, 1ules of Court<.
#. <ro forma &arti# && are those reCuire# to e $oine# as
co&parties in suits y or against another party as %ay e
provi#e# y the applicale sustantive law or proce#ural
rule ;I 1egala#o, ;1::7 e#.<, p. 79 citing (ec. 4, 1ule 3,
1ules of Court<.
e. A!a#i &arti# && are those who are alrea#y represente# in
the suit, or who co%es within the co%pass of the
procee#ings &ndnt lit ;MenHi an# Co. vs. )asti#a, 63
Phil 30< or those in whose ehalf a class or representative
suit is rought ;(ec. 12, 1ule 3, 1ules of Court<.
Who ma2 1$ .ar!$s3
+nly natural or $uri#ical persons or entities authoriHe# y
law %ay e parties to a civil action ;(ec. 1, I+id.<. It is
elieve#, however, that $uri#ical persons %ay not e parties
to an or#inary civil action efore the (hari'a courts ecause
their $uris#iction is li%ite# to Musli%s in the Philippines. A
$uri#ical person create# un#er the laws of the Philippines
cannot e classifie# as a Musli% within the conte=t of P0
1093 even if the %e%ers thereof are all Musli%s.
Th$ w($ as a .ar!2.
!he wife %ay, in#epen#ently of the husan#, sue or e
sue# in the following casesE ;a< when the litigation is
etween husan# an# wifeD ;< if the suit concerns her
e=clusive propertyD ;c< if the litigation is inci#ental to her
profession, occupation or usinessD ;#< if the litigation
concerns the e=clusive property of the husan#, the
a#%inistration of which has een transferre# to herD or ;e<
such other appropriate cases as %ay e allowe# y the
general principles of Isla%ic law an# other laws ;Art. 44,
P0 1093<.
M"ors a"d "#om.$!$"!s
as .ar!$s.
A %inor or a person allege# to e inco%petent, %ay sue or
e sue#, with the assistance of his father, %other, guar#ian,
or if he has none, a guar#ian ad litm ;(ec. 5, 1ule 3, 1ules
of Court<.
C)ass s&!.
?hen the su$ect %atter of the controversy is one of
co%%on or general interest to %any persons so nu%erous
that it is i%practicale to $oin all as parties, a nu%er of
the% which the court fin#s to e sufficiently nu%erous an#
representative as to fully protect the interests of all
concerne# %ay sue or #efen# for the enefit of all. Any
party in interest shall have the right to intervene to protect
his in#ivi#ual interest ;(ec. 12, I+id.<.
U"0"ow" d$($"da"!.
?henever the i#entity or na%e of a #efen#ant is un"nown,
he %ay e sue# as the un"nown owner, heir, #evisee, or y
such other #esignation as the case %ay reCuireD when his
i#entity or true na%e is #iscovere#, the plea#ing %ust e
a%en#e# accor#ingly ;(ec. 14, I+id.< in or#er to reflect his
true na%e or i#entity.
I"d,$"! .ar!2.
A party %ay e authoriHe# to litigate his action, clai% or
#efense as an in#igent if the court, upon an " &art
application an# hearing, is satisfie# that the party is one
who has no %oney or property sufficient an# availale for
foo#, shelter an# asic necessities for hi%self an# his
fa%ily ;(ec. 21, 1ule 3, 1ules of Court<.
(uch authority shall inclu#e an e=e%ption fro% pay%ent of
#oc"et an# other lawful fees, an# of transcripts of
stenographic notes which the court %ay or#er to e
furnishe# hi%. !he a%ount of the #oc"et an# other lawful
fees which the in#igent was e=e%pte# fro% paying shall e
a lien on any $u#g%ent ren#ere# in the case favorale to the
in#igent, unless the court otherwise provi#es ;I+id.<.
Asso#a!o" as .ar!2 d$($"da"!s.
?hen two or %ore persons not organiHe# as an entity with
$uri#ical personality enter into a transaction, they %ay e
sue# un#er the na%e y which they are generally or
co%%only "nown.
In the answer of such #efen#ant, the na%es an# a##resses
of the persons co%posing sai# entity %ust all e reveale#
;(ec. 15, I+id.<.
!his rule applies when the plaintiff has no %eans of
ascertaining the na%es an# a##resses of the in#ivi#uals
co%posing the entity without $uri#ical personality. If the
plaintiff "nows the na%es an# a##resses of such persons,
he %ay sue the% in their in#ivi#ual na%es.
U"w))", #o4.)a"!((.
If the consent of any party who shoul# e $oine# as plaintiff
can not e otaine#, he %ay e %a#e a #efen#ant an# the
reason thereof shall e state# in the co%plaint ;(ec. 10,
1ule 3, 1ules of Court<.
P$rmss-$ +o"d$r o( .ar!$s.
All persons in who% or against who% any right to relief in
respect to or arising out of the sa%e transaction or series of
transactions is allege# to e=ist, whether $ointly, severally,
or in the alternative, %ay, e=cept as otherwise provi#e# in
the 1ules of Court, $oin as plaintiffs or e $oine# as
#efen#ants in one co%plaint, where any Cuestion of law or
fact co%%on to all such plaintiffs or to all such #efen#ants
%ay arise in the actionD ut the court %ay %a"e such or#ers
as %ay e $ust to prevent any plaintiff or #efen#ant fro%
eing e%arrasse# or put to e=pense in connection with any
procee#ings in which he %ay have no interest ;(ec. 6,
Com.&)sor2 +o"d$r o(
"ds.$"sa1)$ .ar!$s.
Parties in interest without who% no final #eter%ination can
e ha# of an action shall e $oine# either as plaintiffs or
#efen#ants ;(ec. 7, I+id.<. In other wor#s, in#ispensale
parties %ust perforce e $oine# as partiesD otherwise the
court cannot procee# with the action.
No"4+o"d$r o( "$#$ssar2 .ar!$s.
?henever in any plea#ing in which a clai% is asserte# a
necessary party is not $oine#, the plea#er shall set forth his
na%e, if "nown, an# shall state why he is o%itte#. (houl#
the court fin# the reason for the o%ission un%eritorious, it
%ay or#er the inclusion of the o%itte# necessary party if
$uris#iction over his person %ay e otaine#. !he failure to
co%ply with the or#er for his inclusion, without $ustifiale
cause, shall e #ee%e# a waiver of the clai% against such
party. !he non&inclusion of a necessary party #oes not
prevent the court fro% procee#ing in the action, an# the
$u#g%ent ren#ere# therein shall e without pre$u#ice to the
rights of such necessary party ;(ec. :, I+id.<.
E(($#! o( ms+o"d$r a"d
"o"4+o"d$r o( .ar!$s.
-either %is$oin#er nor non&$oin#er of parties is groun# for
#is%issal of an action. Parties %ay e #roppe# or a##e# y
or#er of the court on %otion of any party or on its own
initiative at any stage of the action an# on such ter%s as are
$ust. Any clai% against a %is$oine# party %ay e severe#
an# procee#e# with separately ;(ec. 11, I+id.<.
A)!$r"a!-$ d$($"da"!s.
?here the plaintiff is uncertain against who of several
persons he is entitle# to relief, he %ay $oin any or all of
the% as #efen#ants in the alternative, although a right to
relief against one %ay e inconsistent with a right to relief
against the other ;(ec. 13, I+id.<. !hus, it has een hel# that
three corporations %ay e $oine# alternatively as
#efen#ants in an action for wrongfully occupying plaintiff's
waterfront of the property, where plaintiff is uncertain
which #efen#ant corporation owne# the vessels "ept in the
pre%ises ;I Moran p. 20: citing Nenith )athini Pavillion vs.
,air +a"s (.(. Corp, 211 App. 0iv. 4:2, 207, -.G.(. 306<.
Co.$s o( !h$ #om.)a"!.
!he rules reCuire that the co%plaint e prepare# in at least
three ;3< copies. !he original is inten#e# for the recor#s of
the court, the secon# copy for the #efen#ant, an# the thir#
for the file of the plaintiff. ?here there is %ore than one
#efen#ant, the co%plaint shoul# e prepare# in as %any
copies as there are #efen#ants plus two ;2< copies.
Comm$"#$m$"! o( a" a#!o".
A civil action is co%%ence# y the filing of the original
co%plaint in court. If an a##itional #efen#ant is i%plea#e#
in a later plea#ing, the action is co%%ence# with regar# to
hi% on the #ate of the filing of such later plea#ing,
irrespective of whether the %otion for its a#%ission, if
necessary, is #enie# y the court ;(ec. 5, 1ule 1, 1ules of
Court<. It is the #elivery of the co%plaint to an officer of
the court authoriHe# to receive it which constitutes filing of
the co%plaint. ?here the co%plaint is file# y registere#
%ail, it is the actual #ate of %ailing that is consi#ere# as the
#ate of filing. 8owever, where the #oc"et fee is
suseCuently pai#, the #ate of such pay%ent or the %ailing
of sai# a%ount thereof shall e consi#ere# as the #ate of
filing of the co%plaint ;Ago !i%er Corp. vs. 1uiH, L&
23997, 0ec. 26, l:97<.
In S!n InS!ranc offic1 Ltd. )#. A#!ncion1 349 S%2A 8451
846 (36?6), the (upre%e Court lai# #own the following
rules, to witE
1. It is not si%ply the filing of the co%plaint or
appropriate initiatory plea#ing, ut the pay%ent of
the prescrie# #oc"et fee that vests a trial court with
$uris#iction over the su$ect %atter or nature of the
action. ?here the initiatory plea#ing is not
acco%panie# y pay%ent of the #oc"et fee, the
court %ay allow pay%ent of the fee within a
reasonale ti%e ut in no case eyon# the
applicale prescriptive or regle%entary perio#D
2. !he sa%e rule applies to per%issive counter&
clai%s, thir#&party clai%s an# si%ilar plea#ings,
which shall not e consi#ere# file# until an# unless
the filing fee prescrie# therefor is pai#. !he court
%ay also allow pay%ent of sai# fee within a
reasonale ti%e ut also in no case eyon# its
applicale prescriptive or regle%entary perio#D
3. ?here the trial court acCuires $uris#iction over a
clai% y the filing of the appropriate plea#ing an#
pay%ent of the prescrie# filing fee ut,
suseCuently, the $u#g%ent awar#s a clai% not
specifie# in the plea#ing, or if specifie# the sa%e
has een left for #eter%ination y the court, the
a##itional filing fee therefor shall constitute a lien
on the $u#g%ent. It shall e the responsiility of the
Cler" of Court or his #uly authoriHe# #eputy to
enforce sai# lien an# assess an# collect the
a##itional fee ;%f. Manchester 0ev't Corp. vs. CA,
14: (C1A 562 I1:97J<.
In Montanr )#. Shari0a -i#trict %o!rt1 /.2. 3456471 *an.
891 8996, the (upre%e Court clarifie# thatE
@= = = If the party filing the case pai# less than the
correct a%ount for the #oc"et fees ecause that was
the a%ount assesse# y the cler" of court, the
responsiility of %a"ing a #eficiency assess%ent
lies with the sa%e cler" of court. In such a case, the
lower court concerne# will not auto%atically lose
$uris#iction, ecause of a partyAs reliance on the
cler" of courtAs insufficient assess%ent of the
#oc"et fees. As Qevery citiHen has the right to
assu%e an# trust that a pulic officer charge# y
law with certain #uties "nows his #uties an#
perfor%s the% in accor#ance with law,A the party
filing the case cannot e penaliHe# with the cler" of
courtAs insufficient assess%ent. 8owever, the party
concerne# will e reCuire# to pay the #eficiency.B
Com.)a"!' 12 whom .r$.ar$d.
!he co%plaint shall e prepare# y the plaintiff ;m!dda'i<
or his counsel ;wakil< or y the cler" of court ;(ec. 1,
(pecial 1ules<. ?hen the plaintiff is represente# y an
attorney of recor#, the co%plaint shall e signe# y such
attorney in his in#ivi#ual na%e, whose a##ress shall e
state#. +therwise, the plaintiff shall sign his co%plaint even
if the sa%e has een prepare# for hi% y the cler" of court.
!he latter can not sign the co%plaint ecause if he #oes so,
he will then e acting as counsel ;wakil< which the law
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" :. Complaint. 44 Th$ #om.)a"! sha)) #o"!a"9
8. Th$ !!)$ o( !h$ #as$' !h$ #as$ "&m1$r ass,"$d !o !'
a"d !h$ da!$ o( ()",;
:. Th$ "am$ a"d addr$ss o( !h$ .)a"!(( a"d<or hs
#o&"s$)' a"d !h$ "am$ a"d addr$ss o( !h$ d$($"da"!
6mudda'alai7; a"d
=. A #o"#s$ s!a!$m$"! o( !h$ #a&s$ o( a#!o" a"d !h$
r$)$( .ra2$d (or.
Com.)a"!' d$("$d.
!he co%plaint is a plea#ing alleging the plaintiff's cause or
causes of action. !he na%es an# resi#ences of the plaintiff
an# #efen#ant %ust e state# in the co%plaint ;(ec. 3, 1ule
6, 1ules of Court<. It is a "in# of plea#ing which contains a
written state%ent of the clai%s of the plaintiff su%itte# to
the court for trial an# $u#g%ent ;see (ec. 1, I+id.<.
R$/&s!$s o( Com.)a"!
&"d$r Is)am# Law.
A co%plaint shoul# contain all particulars an# full
#escription of the su$ect of the suit along with the cause of
action an# relief praye# for ;AHa#, o&. cit., p. 76<.
A Musli% $urist lai# #own five con#itions of a co%plaint
na%elyE ;1< !he thing sue# for e "nownD ;2< If the
#efen#ant ac"nowle#ges the truthfulness of the plaint, a
relief %ay e grante#D ;3< !he plaint shoul# not e
ve=atiousD ;4< !he plaint %ust e rought with certainty of
cause of actionD an# ;5< !he plaint shoul# e such sort that
goo# reason #oes not #eny its truthfulness ;In ,arhun, i&
126&130 cite# in AHa#, I+id., p. 77<.
U)!ma!$ (a#!s a"d $-d$"!ar2
(a#!s' ds!",&sh$d.
!he ter% Fulti%ate factsF are the i%portant an# sustantial
facts which either #irectly for% the asis of the plaintiff's
pri%ary right an# #uty or #irectly %a"e up the wrongful
acts or o%issions of the #efen#ant ;AlHua vs. .ohnson, 21
Phil 30:D *. GanHon, Inc. vs. CA, G.1. :36:6, .une 17,
1::2 I%inute res.J<. It %eans the essential facts constituting
the plaintiff's cause of action. A fact is essential if it cannot
e stric"en out without leaving the state%ent of the cause
of action insufficient ;I Moran p. 259<.
+n the other han#, evi#entiary facts are those which go to
prove the case. !hey %ay e essential at the trial, ut not in
the plea#ing of a cause of action ;I+id. citing Corp. #e PP.
Augustinos 1ecoletos vs. Crisosto%o, 32 Phil 427D AlHua
vs. .ohnson, 21 Phil 309<.
Ca&s$ o( a#!o"' d$("$d.
A cause of action is the act or o%ission y which a party
violates a right of another ;(ec. 2, 1ule 2, 1ules of Court<.
Its essential ele%ents are legal right of the plaintiff,
correlative oligation of the #efen#ant, an# an act or
o%ission of the #efen#ant in violation of sai# legal rights ;I
Moran p. 125 citing Ma&ao (ugar Central Corp vs. )arrios,
7: Phil 666 an# other cases. Mapa vs. (an#iganayan, G.1.
96:4:, +ct. 15, 1::1D 1eoli#o vs. CA, #!&ra<.
No"4s.)!!", o( a s",)$
#a&s$ o( a#!o".
A party %ay not institute %ore than one suit for a single
cause of action ;(ec. 3, 1ule 2, 1ules of Court<. If two or
%ore suits are rought for #ifferent parts of a single cause
of action, the filing of the first %ay e plea#e# in aate%ent
of the other or others, in accor#ance with section 1;e< of
1ule 16 of the 1ules of Court, an# a $u#g%ent upon the
%erits in any one is availale as a ar in the others ;(ec. 4,
I+id.<. Consi#ering that a %otion to #is%iss is #isallowe#
un#er the (pecial 1ules, the splitting of a single cause of
action %ay e raise# in the answer as an affir%ative
!hus, if A otaine# a loan fro% ) secure# y a %ortgage
on the for%er's uil#ing, the non&pay%ent y A of the loan
constitutes single cause of action, an# ) cannot split it up
into two separate co%plaints, one for the pay%ent of the
loan an# another for the foreclosure of the %ortgage. If )
#oes so, the filing of the first co%plaint for pay%ent of the
loan will ar the suseCuent co%plaint for foreclosure
;)achrach Motor Corp. vs. Icarangal, 69 Phil. 297<.
*o"d$r o( #a&s$s o( a#!o".
In the regular courts, the rule is that a party %ay, in one
plea#ing assert, in the alternative or otherwise, as %any
cause of action as he %ay have against an opposing party
su$ect to the following con#itionsE
;a< !he party $oining the causes of action shall co%ply with
the rules on $oin#er of partiesD
;< !he $oin#er shall not inclu#e special civil actions or
actions governe# y special rulesD
;c< ?here the causes of action are etween the sa%e parties
ut pertain to #ifferent venues or $uris#ictions, the $oin#er
%ay e allowe# in the 1egional !rial Court provi#e# one of
the causes of action falls within the $uris#iction of sai#
court an# the venue lies thereinD an#
;#< ?here the clai%s in all the causes of action are
principally for recovery of %oney, the aggregate a%ount
clai%e# shall e the test of $uris#iction ;(ec. 5, 1ule 2,
1ules of Court<.
!he foregoing rules %ay, to a certain e=tent, e applie# in
the (hari'a courts. ,or this purpose, the ter% 1egional !rial
Court shoul# e un#erstoo# as the (hari'a 0istrict Court.
!hus, if ?, a #ivorce# wo%an, has clai%s for support
efore the e=piration of the prescrie# 'idda an# unpai#
custo%ary #ower ;mahr< against her #ivorce# husan#, she
%ay, in one co%plaint, plea# oth clai%s for support an#
unpai# #ower against the husan#. )ut if the causes of
action are for support an# custo#y over a %inor chil#, the
action shoul# e file# with the (hari'a 0istrict Court which
has $uris#iction over an action for custo#y arising un#er the
Musli% Co#e ;Art. 143;a<, P0 l093<.
Par!s o( a #om.)a"!.
!he parts of a co%plaint file# in the (hari'a courts, are lai#
#own un#er 1ule 7 of the 1ules of Court. Accor#ingly, it
%ust contain a caption, o#y, signature an# a##ress,
verification, an# certification.
A. %a&tion. && !he caption sets forth the na%e of the court,
the title of the action, an# the #oc"et nu%er if assigne#
;(ec. 1, 1ule 7, 1ules of Court<. !he #ate of filing as
reCuire# y (ection 2 of the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure is
shown y the #ate as appearing in the co%plaint when
receive# y the court officer authoriHe# to receive it for
!he title of the action in#icates the na%es of the parties.
!hey shall all e na%e# in the original co%plaint or
petitionD ut in suseCuent plea#ings, it shall e sufficient if
the na%e of the first party on each si#e e state# with an
appropriate in#ication when there are other parties. !he
respective participation of the parties in the case shall e
in#icate# ;(ec. 1, I+id.<.
). =h +od(. && !he o#y of the co%plaint or plea#ing sets
forth its #esignation, the allegations of the party's clai%s or
#efenses, the relief praye# for, an# the #ate of the plea#ing
;(ec. 2, I+id.<.
;1< <aragra&h#. !he allegations in the o#y of a
plea#ing shall e #ivi#e# into paragraphs so
nu%ere# as to e rea#ily i#entifie#, each of which
shall contain a state%ent of a single set of
circu%stances so far as that can e #one with
convenience. A paragraph %ay e referre# to y its
nu%er in all succee#ing plea#ings.
;2< Bading#. ?hen two or %ore causes of action
are $oine#, the state%ent of the first shall e
preface# y the wor#s Ffirst cause of actionF, of the
secon# y Fsecon# cause of actionF, an# so on for
the others ;(ec. 2, I+id.<.
;3< 2lif. !he plea#ing shall specify the relief
sought, ut it %ay a## a general prayer for such
further or other relief as %ay e #ee%e# $ust or
eCuitale ;I+id.<.
;4< -at. *very plea#ing shall e #ate# ;I+id.<
C. Signat!r and addr##.&& *very plea#ing inclu#ing a
co%plaint %ust e signe# y the party or counsel
representing hi%, stating in either case his a##ress which
shoul# not e a post office o= ;(ec. 3, I+id.<.
!he signature of counsel constitutes a certificate y hi%
that he has rea# the plea#ingD that to the est of his
"nowle#ge, infor%ation an# elief there is goo# groun# to
support itD an# that it is not interpose# for #elay ;I+id.<.
An unsigne# plea#ing pro#uces no legal effect. 8owever,
the court %ay, in its #iscretion, allow such #eficiency to e
re%e#ie# if it shall appear that the sa%e was #ue to %ere
ina#vertence an# not inten#e# for #elay. Counsel who
#elierately files an unsigne# plea#ing in violation of this
1ule, or alleges scan#alous or in#ecent %atter therein, or
fails to pro%ptly report to the court a change of his a##ress,
shall e su$ect to appropriate #iscipli%ary action ;I+id.<.
0. :rification. && A plea#ing is verifie# y an affi#avit that
the affiants has rea# the plea#ing an# that the allegations
therein are true an# correct of his personal "nowle#ge or
ase# on authentic recor#s ;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
*=cept when otherwise specifically reCuire# y law or
rule, plea#ings nee# not e un#er oath, verifie# or
acco%panie# y affi#avit ;I+id.<.
A plea#ing reCuire# to e verifie# which contains a
verification ase# on Finfor%ation an# eliefF, or Fupon
"nowle#ge, infor%ation an# eliefF, or lac"s a proper
verification, shall e treate# as an unsigne# plea#ing
*. %rtification. && !he plaintiff or principal party shall
certify un#er oath in the co%plaint or other initiatory
plea#ing asserting a clai% for relief, or in a sworn
certification anne=e# thereto an# si%ultaneously file#
therewithE ;a< that he has not theretofore co%%ence# any
action or file# any clai% involving the sa%e issues in any
court, triunal or Cuasi&$u#icial agency an#, to the est of
his "nowle#ge, no such other action or clai% is pen#ing
thereinD ;< if there is such other pen#ing action or clai%, a
co%plete state%ent of the present status thereofD an# ;c< if
he shoul# thereafter learn that the sa%e or si%ilar action or
clai% has een file# or is pen#ing, he shall report that fact
within five ;5< #ays therefro% to the court wherein his
aforesai# co%plaint or initiatory plea#ing has een file#
;(ec. 5, I+id.<.
Wh$" -$r(#a!o" r$/&r$d.
As a rule, plea#ings nee# not e verifie# unless so reCuire#
y law or rule. *=a%ples of plea#ings that nee# verification
areE ;1< petition for certiorariD ;2< petition for %an#a%usD
;3< petition for prohiitionD ;4< petition for ha+a# cor&!#D
;5< petition for change of na%eD an# ;6< petition for
cancellation or correction of entries in the civil registry.
A))$,a!o"s " .)$ad",s.
Generally, every plea#ing ;inclu#ing a co%plaint< %ust
contain in a %etho#ical an# logical for%, a plain, concise
an# #irect state%ent of the ulti%ate facts on which the party
plea#ing relies for his clai% or #efense, as the case %ay e,
o%itting the state%ent of %ere evi#entiary facts ;(ec. 1,
1ule 9, 1ules of Court<.
If a #efense relie# on is ase# on law, the pertinent
provisions thereof an# their applicaility to hi% shall e
clearly an# concisely state# ;I+id.<.
A))$,a!o"s o( a)!$r"a!-$
#a&s$s o( a#!o" or d$($"s$s.
A party %ay set forth two or %ore state%ents of a clai% or
#efense alternatively or hypothetically, either in one cause
of action or #efense or in separate causes of action or
#efenses. ?hen two or %ore state%ents are %a#e in the
alternative an# one of the% if %a#e in#epen#ently woul#
e sufficient, the plea#ing is not %a#e insufficient y the
insufficiency of one or %ore of the alternative state%ents
;(ec. 2, I+id.<.
A))$,a!o" o( #o"d!o"s .r$#$d$"!.
In any plea#ing, a general aver%ent of the perfor%ance or
occurrence of all con#itions prece#ent shall e sufficient
;(ec. 3, I+id.<.
A))$,a!o" o( #a.a#!2
!o s&$ or 1$ s&$d.
A party's legal capacity %ust e averre# y facts showing
the capacity of a party to sue or e sue# or the authority of
a party to sue or e sue# in a representative capacity or the
legal e=istence of an organiHe# association of persons that
is %a#e a party. A party #esiring to raise an issue as to the
legal e=istence of any party or the capacity of any party to
sue or e sue# in a representative capacity shall #o so y
specific #enial, which shall inclu#e such supporting
particulars as are peculiarly within the plea#er's "nowle#ge
;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
A))$,a!o" o( (ra&d' ms!a0$'
#o"d!o" o( !h$ m"d.
In all aver%ents of frau# or %ista"e, the circu%stances
constituting frau# or %ista"e %ust e state# with
particularity. Malice, intent, "nowle#ge or other con#ition
of the %in# of a person %ay e averre# generally ;(ec. 5,
A))$,a!o" o( +&d,m$"!.
In plea#ing a $u#g%ent or #ecision of a #o%estic or foreign
court, $u#icial or Cuasi&$u#icial triunal, or of a oar# or
officer, it is sufficient to aver the $u#g%ent or #ecision
without setting forth %atter showing $uris#iction to ren#er
it ;(ec. 6, I+id.<.
A))$,a!o" wh$" a#!o" or
d$($"s$ 1as$d o" do#&m$"!.
?henever an action or #efense is ase# upon a written
instru%ent or #ocu%ent, the sustance of such instru%ent
or #ocu%ent shall e set forth in the plea#ing, an# the
original or a copy thereof shall e attache# to the plea#ing
as an e=hiit which shall e #ee%e# to e a part of the
plea#ing, or sai# copy %ay with li"e effect e set forth in
the plea#ing ;(ec. 7, I+id.<.
A#!o"a1)$ do#&m$"!' d$("$d.
An actionale #ocu%ent is a written instru%ent or
#ocu%ent upon which a party or plea#er relies for his clai%
or #efense.
A))$,a!o" o( o((#a)
do#&m$"! or a#!.
In plea#ing an official #ocu%ent or official act, it is
sufficient to aver that the #ocu%ent was issue# or the act
#one in co%pliance with law ;(ec. :, I+id.<.
Am$"dm$"! o( !h$ #om.)a"! a"d
o!h$r .)$ad",s.
A%en#%ent of plea#ings, inclu#ing a co%plaint, is
regulate# y 1ule 10 of the 1ules of Court. As a general
rule, plea#ings %ay e a%en#e# y a##ing or stri"ing out
an allegation or the na%e of any party, or y correcting a
%ista"e in the na%e of a party or a %ista"en or ina#eCuate
allegation or #escription in any other respect, so that the
actual %erits of the controversy %ay spee#ily e
#eter%ine#, without regar# to technicalities, an# in the
%ost e=pe#itious an# ine=pensive %anner ;(ec. 1, 1ule 10,
Wh$" am$"dm$"!s a))ow$d as
a ma!!$r o( r,h!.
A party %ay a%en# his plea#ing once as a %atter of right at
any ti%e efore a responsive plea#ing is serve# or, in the
case of a reply, at any ti%e within ten ;10< #ays after it is
serve# ;(ec. 2, I+id.<. 8ence, the plaintiff %ay a%en# his
co%plaint as a %atter of right any ti%e efore the #efen#ant
files his answer to the co%plaint.
Am$"dm$"!s 12 )$a-$ o( #o&r!.
*=cept as provi#e# in the prece#ing paragraph, sustantial
a%en#%ents %ay e %a#e only upon leave of court. )ut
such leave %ay e refuse# if it appears to the court that the
%otion was %a#e with intent to #elay. +r#ers of the court
upon the %atters herein provi#e# shall e %a#e upon
%otion file# in court, an# after notice to the a#verse party,
an# an opportunity to e hear# ;(ec. 3, I+id.<.
A%en#%ents shoul# e lierally allowe#, ut this lierality
at the outset of the action #ecreases as the case %oves to its
ter%ination. )esi#es, an application for leave to a%en# is
or#inarily a##resse# to the soun# #iscretion of the trial
court an# as a rule this #iscretion will not e #isture# on
appeal e=cept in case of an evi#ent ause thereof ;Peneyra
vs. IAC, G.1. 69:35, .an. 22, l::0<.
Forma) am$"dm$"!s.
A #efect in the #esignation of the parties an# other clearly
clerical or typographical errors %ay e su%%arily
correcte# y the court at any stage of the action, at its
initiative or on %otion, provi#e# no pre$u#ice is cause#
therey to the a#verse party ;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
F)", o( !h$ am$"d$d .)$ad",s.
?hen any plea#ing is a%en#e#, a new copy of the entire
plea#ing, incorporating the a%en#%ents, which shall e
in#icate# y appropriate %ar"s, shall e file# ;(ec. 7,
A%en#%ents to a plea#ing shoul# e in#icate# in the
a%en#e# plea#ing, as y un#erscoring or un#erlining,
enclosing the% in Cuotation %ar"s, italiciHation, putting
the% in capital letters, or in any other %anner as woul#
clearly e=hiit such a%en#%ents.
E(($#! o( am$"d$d .)$ad",.
An a%en#e# plea#ing superse#es the plea#ing that it
a%en#s. 8owever, a#%issions in superse#e# plea#ings %ay
e receive# in evi#ence against the plea#er, an# clai%s or
#efenses allege# therein not incorporate# in the a%en#e#
plea#ing shall e #ee%e# waive# ;(ec. 9, I+id.<.
?hen a plea#ing is a%en#e#, the original one is #ee%e#
aan#one#. 8ence, the a%en#e# plea#ing replaces the
original one which no longer for%s part of the recor# an#
the trial of the case is %a#e on the asis of the a%en#e#
plea#ing only ;Para#ise (auna Massage Corp. vs. -g, G.1.
663:4, ,e. 5, l::0<.
8owever, the filing of the a%en#e# plea#ing #oes not
retroact to the #ate of the filing of the original, hence, the
statute of li%itations runs until the filing of the a%en#%ent
;1uy%ann vs. 0ir. of Lan#s, 34 Phil 42:<.
Ma!!$rs s&1+$#! o(
s&..)$m$"!a) .)$ad",.
2pon %otion of a party the court %ay, upon reasonale
notice an# upon such ter%s as are $ust, per%it hi% to serve
a supple%ental plea#ing setting forth transactions,
occurrences or events which have happene# since the #ate
of the plea#ing sought to e supple%ente#. !he a#verse
party %ay plea# thereto within ten ;10< #ays fro% notice of
the or#er a#%itting the supple%ental plea#ing ;(ec. 6, 1ule
10, 1ules of Court<.
!he filing of the supple%ental plea#ing #oes not replace
the original one. (upple%ental plea#ings are %eant to
supply #eficiencies in ai# of the original plea#ing, an# not
to #ispense with the latter ;(hoe%art, Inc. vs. CA, G.1.
96:56, +ct. 1, 1::0<.
S&..)$m$"!a) .)$ad", a"d am$"d$d
.)$ad",' ds!",&sh$d.
(upple%ental plea#ing is #istinguishe# fro% a%en#e#
plea#ing as followsE
a. (upple%ental plea#ing refers to facts arising after the
filing of the original plea#ingD a%en#e# plea#ing refers to
facts alrea#y e=isting at the ti%e of the co%%ence%ent of
the action.
. (upple%ental plea#ing is %erely an a##ition to, ut #oes
not result in the with#rawal of, the original plea#ingD an
a%en#e# plea#ing results in the with#rawal of the original
c. A supple%ental plea#ing can only e %a#e with leave of
courtD an a%en#e# plea#ing can e %a#e as of right, as
when no responsive plea#ing has yet een file# ;see I
1egala#o p. 117<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" =. Service of Summons. 44 S&mmo"s !o,$!h$r
w!h !h$ #o.2 o( !h$ #om.)a"! sha)) 1$ s$r-$d &.o" !h$
S&mmo"s' d$("$d.
(u%%ons is a writ y which the #efen#ant is notifie# of the
action rought against hi% ;0ultra vs. C,I, 70 (C1A 46:<.
S&mmo"s &"d$r Is)am# Law.
!he issuance of su%%ons an# sen#ing for the #efen#ant is
ter%e# y al-Cha##af as al'-adwa wal i'ada ;toiling in
search of the #efen#ant< an#, relying upon the ruling of
Au Gusuf, he has opine# that after the suit is institute# in
the court of a qadi an# the #efen#ant is %entione# as
resi#ing in the sa%e city, the qadi shall su%%on hi% an#
sen# with the plaintiff a ailiff who shall ring the
#efen#ant along with hi%self or cause hi% to appear in the
court ;AHa#, .u#icial (yste% of Isla%, p. 71<.
P&r.os$ o( s&mmo"s.
(ervice of su%%ons is essential to the $uris#iction of the
court. .uris#iction over the person of the #efen#ant in civil
cases is acCuire# either y his voluntary appearance or y
service of su%%ons. !he purpose of su%%ons is to give
notice to the #efen#ant or respon#ent that an action has
een co%%ence# against hi%. !he #efen#ant or respon#ent
is thus put on guar# as to the #e%an#s of the plaintiff or
petitioner ;Para%ount Ins. Corp. vs. Luna, G.1. 62404,
Mar. l6, l:97<.
Co"!$"!s o( s&mmo"s.
!he su%%ons shall e #irecte# to the #efen#ant, signe# y
the cler" of court un#er seal, an# containE ;a< the na%e of
the court an# the na%es of the parties to the actionD ;< a
#irection that the #efen#ant answer within the ti%e fi=e# y
the 1ulesD ;c< a notice that unless the #efen#ant so answers,
plaintiff will ta"e $u#g%ent y #efault an# %ay e grante#
the relief applie# for.
A copy of the co%plaint an# or#er for appoint%ent of
guar#ian ad litm, if any, shall e attache# to the original
an# each copy of the su%%ons ;(ec. 2, 1ule 14, 1ules of
No mo!o" !o d$#)ar$ d$($"da"!
" d$(a&)! " !h$ Shar'a #o&r!s.
In the (hari'a courts, a %otion to #eclare #efen#ant in
#efault is #isallowe# ;(ec. 13, (pecial 1ules<. (houl# the
#efen#ant fail to answer the co%plaint within ten ;l0< #ays
fro% service, the court shall procee# to receive the
evi#ence " &art upon which $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere#
;(ec. 5, I+id.<. 8ence, the su%%ons to e issue# y the
(hari'a courts shoul# e %o#ifie# accor#ingly.
S&mmo"s' 12 whom s$r-$d.
!he su%%ons %ay e serve# y the sheriff, his #eputy, or
other proper court officer, or for $ustifiale reasons y any
suitale person authoriHe# y the court issuing the
su%%ons ;(ec. 3, 1ule l4, 1ules of Court<. ?hen the
#efen#ant is a prisoner confine# in a $ail or institution,
service shall e effecte# upon hi% y the officer having the
%anage%ent of such $ail or institution who is #ee%e#
#eputiHe# as a special sheriff for sai# purpose ;(ec. :,
Iss&a"#$ o( a)as s&mmo"s.
If a su%%ons is returne# without eing serve# on any or all
of the #efen#ants, the server shall also serve a copy of the
return on the plaintiff's counsel, stating the reasons for the
failure of service, within five ;5< #ays therefro%. In such a
case, or if the su%%ons has een lost, the cler", on #e%an#
of the plaintiff, %ay issue an alias su%%ons ;(ec. 5, I+id.<.
Mod$s o( s$r-#$ o( s&mmo"s.
!he %o#es of service of su%%ons are as followsE
a. '( #r)ic in &r#on. && ?henever practicale, the
su%%ons shall e serve# y han#ing a copy thereof to the
#efen#ant in person, or, if he refuses to receive an# sign for
it, y ten#ering it to hi% ;(ec. 6, I+id.<.
. '( #!+#tit!td #r)ic. && If, for $ustifiale causes, the
#efen#ant cannot e serve# in person within a reasonale
ti%e, service %ay e effecte# ;a< y leaving copies of the
su%%ons at the #efen#ant's resi#ence with so%e person of
suitale age an# #iscretion then resi#ing therein, or ;< y
leaving the copies at #efen#ant's office or regular place of
usiness with so%e co%petent person in charge thereof
;(ec. 7, I+id.<.
c. '( &!+lication. && In any action where the #efen#ant is
#esignate# as an un"nown owner, or the li"e, or whenever
his whereaouts are un"nown an# cannot e ascertaine# y
#iligent inCuiry, service %ay, y leave of court, e effecte#
upon hi% y pulication in a newspaper of general
circulation an# in such places an# for such ti%e as the court
%ay or#er ;(ec. 14, I+id.<.
#. '( "tratrritorial #r)ic. && ?hen the #efen#ant #oes
not resi#e an# is not foun# in the Philippines, an# the action
affects the personal status of the plaintiff or relates to, or
the su$ect of which is, property within the Philippines, in
which the #efen#ant has or clai%s a lien or interest, actual
or contingent, or in which the relief #e%an#e# consists,
wholly or in part, in e=clu#ing the #efen#ant fro% any
interest therein, or the property of the #efen#ant has een
attache# within the Philippines, service %ay, y leave of
court, e effecte# out of the Philippines y personal service
as un#er section 6 of 1ule 14 of the 1ules of CourtD or y
pulication in a newspaper of general circulation in such
places an# for such ti%e as the court %ay or#er, in which
case a copy of the su%%ons an# or#er of the court shall e
sent y registere# %ail to the last "nown a##ress of the
#efen#ant, or in any other %anner the court %ay #ee%
sufficient. Any or#er granting such leave shall specify a
reasonale ti%e, which shall not e less than si=ty ;60<
#ays after notice, within which the #efen#ant %ust answer
;(ec. 15, I+id.<.
?hen any action is co%%ence# against a #efen#ant who
or#inarily resi#es within the Philippines, ut who is
te%porarily out of it, service %ay, y leave of court, e also
effecte# out of the Philippines y e=traterritorial service
;(ec. 16, I+id.<.
N$ws.a.$r o( ,$"$ra)
#r#&)a!o"' d$("$d.
It is one which is pulishe# for the #isse%ination of local
news an# general infor%ation, has a +ona fid suscription
list of suscriers, is pulishe# at regular intervals an# is
not pulishe# for or #evote# to the interest of a particular
group of persons ;)asa vs. Merca#o, 6l Phil 632<.
R$!&r" o( s&mmo"s.
?hen the service has een co%plete#, the server shall,
within five ;5< #ays therefro%, serve a copy of the return,
personally or y registere# %ail, to the plaintiff's counsel,
an# shall return the su%%ons to the cler" who issue# it,
acco%panie# y proof of service ;(ec. 4, 1ule 14, 1ules of
S&mmo"s' how s$r-$d &.o"
#$r!a" d$($"da"!s.
(u%%ons is serve# uponE
a. ,ntit( witho!t j!ridical &r#onalit(. && y serving any of
the persons associate# in the entity without $uri#ical
personality, or upon the person in charge of the office or
place of usiness %aintaine# in the na%e of such entity,
an# such service shall have the effect of service upon all
such persons ;see (ec 9, 1ule 14, 1ules of Court<. )ut such
service shall not in# in#ivi#ually any person whose
connection with the entity has, upon #ue notice, een
severe# efore the action was rought ;I+id.<.
. Minor or incom&tnt. && y serving the %inor or
inco%petent personally an# on his legal guar#ian if he has
one, or if none, upon his guar#ian ad litm whose
appoint%ent shall e applie# for y the plaintiff. In the case
of a %inor, service %ay also e %a#e on his father or
%other ;(ec. 10, I+id.<.
c. <ri#onr#. && y serving upon hi% y the officer having
the %anage%ent of such $ail or institution who is #ee%e#
#eputiHe# as a special sheriff for sai# purpose ;(ec. :,
#. -om#tic &ri)at j!ridical ntit(. && y serving on the
presi#ent, %anaging partner, general %anager, corporate
secretary, treasurer, or in&house counsel ;(ec. 11, I+id.<.
e. Forign &ri)at j!ridical ntit(. && y serving on its
resi#ent agent #esignate# in accor#ance with law for that
purpose, or, if there e no such agent, on the govern%ent
official #esignate# y law to that effect, or on any of its
officers or agents within the Philippines ;(ec. 12, I+id.<. If
the foreign private $uri#ical entity is not registere# in the
Philippines or has no resi#ent agent, service %ay, with
leave of court, e effecte# out of the Philippines through
any of the following %eansE ;1< )y personal service
course# through the appropriate court in the foreign country
with the assistance of the 0epart%ent of ,oreign AffairsD
;2< )y pulication once in a newspaper of general
circulation in the country where the #efen#ant %ay e
foun# an# y serving a copy of the su%%ons an# the court
or#er y registere# %ail at the last "nown a##ress of the
#efen#antD ;3< )y facsi%ile or any recogniHe# electronic
%eans that coul# generate proof of serviceD ;4< )y such
other %eans as the court %ay in its #iscretion #irect ;(ec.
12, I+id. as a%en#e# y A.M. -o. 11&3&6&(C, March 15,
f. <!+lic cor&oration. && y serving on the (olicitor
GeneralD in case of a province, city or %unicipality, or li"e
pulic corporations, service %ay e effecte# on its
e=ecutive hea#, or on such other officer or officers as the
law or the court %ay #irect ;(ec. 13, I+id.<.
Proo( o( s$r-#$ o( s&mmo"s.
!he proof of service of su%%ons shall e %a#e in writing
y the server an# shall set forth the %anner, place, an# #ate
of serviceD shall specify any papers which have een serve#
with the process an# the na%e of the person who receive#
the sa%eD an# shall e sworn to when %a#e y a person
other than a sheriff or his #eputy ;(ec. 19, I+id.<.
If the service has een %a#e y pulication, service %ay e
prove# y the affi#avit of the printer, his fore%an or
principal cler", or of the e#itor, usiness or a#vertising
%anager, to which affi#avit a copy of the pulication shall
e attache#, an# y an affi#avit showing the #eposit of a
copy of the su%%ons an# or#er for pulication in the post
office, postage prepai#, #irecte# to the #efen#ant y
registere# %ail to his last "nown a##ress ;(ec. 1:, I+id.<.
Vo)&"!ar2 a..$ara"#$.
!he #efen#ant's voluntary appearance in the action shall e
eCuivalent to service of su%%ons. !he inclusion in a
%otion to #is%iss of other groun#s asi#e fro% lac" of
$uris#iction over the person of the #efen#ant shall not e
#ee%e# a voluntary appearance ;(ec. 20, I+id.<.
!he filing of a %otion to #is%iss without assailing the
$uris#iction of the court constitutes voluntary appearance.
(o, too, the filing of an answer ;Para%ount Ins. Corp vs.
Luna, G.1. 62404, Mar. 16, 1:97< or of a %otion for
e=tension of ti%e to file answer constitutes voluntary
appearance ;)usuego vs. CA, 151 (C1A 376 I1:97J<.
E(($#! o( -o)&"!ar2 a..$ara"#$.
A voluntary appearance is a waiver of the necessity of
for%al notice, that is, service of su%%ons. An apperance in
whatever for% without e=plicitly o$ecting to the
$uris#iction of the court over the person is a su%ission to
the $uris#iction of the court over the person ;)usuego vs.
CA, I+id.<. It cures the #efects of the su%%ons, if any
;1epulic vs. Ler K Co. Lt#., 19 (C1A 207, 213 I1:6J<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" >. Answer. 44 Th$ d$($"da"! sha)) ()$ a" a"sw$r
w!h" !$" 6)?7 da2s (rom r$#$.! o( !h$ s&mmo"s $!h$r
.$rso"a))2 or 12 #o&"s$)' or w!h !h$ asss!a"#$ o( !h$
#)$r0 o( #o&r!.
A"sw$r' d$("$d.
An answer is a plea#ing in which a #efen#ing party sets
forth his #efenses ;(ec. 4, 1ule 6, 1ules of Court< which
%ay e negative an#Sor affir%ative #efenses.
@"ds o( d$($"s$s.
!he two ;2< "in#s of #efenses areE
;a< Ngati) dfn# && is the specific #enial of the %aterial
fact or facts allege# in the plea#ing of the clai%ant essential
to his cause or causes of action ;(ec. 5, I+id.<.
;< Affirmati) dfn# && is an allegation of a new %atter
which, while hypothetically a#%itting the %aterial
allegations in the plea#ing of the clai%ant, woul#
nevertheless prevent or ar recovery y hi%. !he
affir%ative #efenses inclu#e frau#, statute of li%itations,
release, pay%ent, illegality, statute of frau#s, estoppel,
for%er recovery, #ischarge in an"ruptcy, an# any other
%atter y way of confession an# avoi#ance ;I+id.<.
@"ds o( d$"a).
!he three "in#s of #enial areE
a. A+#ol!t dnial && is a specific #enial of a %aterial
allegation of fact an# setting forth the sustance of the
%atters relie# upon to support the #enial.
. A!alifid dnial && is a #enial of only a part of the
aver%ent an# a#%itting the re%ain#er.
c. <lain dnial && is a #enial where the plea#er states that he
has no "nowle#ge or infor%ation sufficient to for% a elief
as to the truth of a %aterial aver%ent.
How !o a))$,$ s.$#(# d$"a).
A #efen#ant %ust specify each %aterial allegation of fact
the truth of which he #oes not a#%it an#, whenever
practicale, shall set forth the sustance of the %atters upon
which he relies to support his #enial. ?here a #efen#ant
#esires to #eny only a part of an aver%ent, he shall specify
so %uch of it as is true an# %aterial an# shall #eny only the
re%ain#er. ?here a #efen#ant is without "nowle#ge or
infor%ation sufficient to for% a elief as to the truth of a
%aterial aver%ent %a#e in the co%plaint he shall so state,
an# this shall have the effect of a #enial ;(ec. 10, I+id.<.
How !o #o"!$s! ,$"&"$"$ss
o( a#!o"a1)$ do#&m$"!.
?hen an action or #efense is foun#e# upon a written
instru%ent, copie# in or attache# to the correspon#ing
plea#ing, the genuineness an# #ue e=ecution of the
instru%ent shall e #ee%e# a#%itte# unless the a#verse
party, un#er oath, specifically #enies the%, an# sets forth
what he clai%s to e the factsD ut this rule #oes not apply
when the a#verse party #oes not appear to e a party to the
instru%ent or when co%pliance with an or#er for an
inspection of the original instru%ent is refuse# ;(ec. 9,
I+id.D Gao La (in !ra#ing vs. CA, G.1. 53920, .une 15,
P$rod !o ()$ a"d
s$r-$ a"sw$r.
!he #efen#ant's answer shall e file# with the court an#
serve# upon the plaintiff within ten ;l0< #ays fro% receipt
of the su%%ons ;(ec. 4, (pecial 1ules<. A %otion for
e=tension of ti%e to file answer is not allowe# ;(ec. l3,
I+id.<. As #efen#ant cannot e #eclare# in #efault, it is
elieve# that an answer file# eyon# the regle%entary
perio# %ay still e a#%itte# y the court.
A"sw$r' 12 whom .r$.ar$d.
!he #efen#ant's answer %ay e prepare# y the #efen#ant
personally or y his counsel, or with the assistance of the
cler" of court ;(ec. 4, I+id.<. 8owever, where the plaintiff's
co%plaint has een prepare# y the cler" of court, it is
elieve# that the latter shoul# inhiit hi%self fro% assisting
the #efen#ant in preparing the answer.
Co&"!$r4#)am a"d #ross4#)am
" !h$ a"sw$r.
A co%pulsory counterclai% or a cross&clai% that a
#efen#ing party has at the ti%e he files his answer shall e
containe# in the answer ;(ec. 9, 1ule 11, 1ules of Court<.
?hen a counterclai% or a cross&clai% either %ature# or
was acCuire# y the #efen#ing party after serving his
answer, he %ay, with the per%ission of the court, present
the sa%e as a counterclai% or cross&clai% y supple%ental
plea#ing efore $u#g%ent ;see (ec. :, I+id.<. ?hen he fails
to set up a counterclai% or cross&clai% through oversight,
ina#vertence, or e=cusale neglect, or when $ustice
reCuires, he %ay, y leave of court, set up the counterclai%
or cross&clai% y a%en#%ent efore $u#g%ent ;(ec. 10,
Co&"!$r4#)am' d$("$d.
A counterclai% is any clai% which a #efen#ing party %ay
have against an opposing party ;(ec. 6, 1ule 6, I+id.<.
Cross4#)am' d$("$d.
A cross&clai% is any clai% y one party against a co&party
arising out of the transaction or occurrence that is the
su$ect %atter either of the original action or of a
counterclai% therein. (uch cross&clai% %ay inclu#e a clai%
that a party against who% it is asserte# is, or %ay e liale
to the cross&clai%ant for all or part of a clai% asserte# in
the action against the cross&clai%ant ;(ec. 9, I+id.<.
@"ds o( #o&"!$r#)am.
Counterclai%s are classifie# an# #istinguishe# as followsE
a. %om&!l#or( co!ntrclaim && is one which arises out of
an# is necessarily connecte# with the transaction or
occurrence that is the su$ect %atter of the opposing party's
clai% ;2nite# Coconut Planter's )an" vs. IAC, G.1.
72664&65, March 20, l::0<. !his also "nown as
Frco!&mntF ;LopeH vs. Gloria, 40 Phil 26<.
. <rmi##i) co!ntr-claim && is one which #oes not arise
out of, nor is it necessarily connecte# with the su$ect
%atter of the opposing party's clai% ;Int'l Container
!er%inal (ervices, Inc. vs. CA, 214 (C1A 456, 463
I1::2J<. !his is also "nown as F#t offF ;LopeH v. Gloria, 40
Phil. 26<.
Co&"!$r#)am' 1r",",
"$w .ar!$s.
!he general rule that, 'a #efen#ant cannot y counterclai%
ring into the action any clai% against persons other than
the plaintiff' a#%its of an e=ception un#er (ec. l2, 1ule 6 of
the 1ules of Court which provi#es that Fwhen the presence
of parties other than those to the original action is reCuire#
for the granting of co%plete relief in the #eter%ination of a
counterclai% or cross&clai%, the court shall or#er the% to
e rought in as #efen#ants, if $uris#iction over the% can
e otaine# ;(apugay vs. CA, G.1. 967:2, Mar. 21, 1::0<.
Cross4#)am s #om.&)sor2.
A cross&clai% is always co%pulsory as it %ust arise out of
the transaction or occurrence that is the su$ect %atter of
either of the original action or of a counterclai% therein.
?hen the cross&clai% is not connecte# with such
transaction or occurrence, it can not e raise# in the
plea#ing. 8ence, the cross&clai% %ust perforce e raise# in
the answerD otherwise it shall e arre#.
A"sw$r !o !h$ #o&"!$r4#)am
or #ross4#)am.
?hen a plea#ing raises a counterclai% or cross&clai%, it
%ust e answere# within ten ;l0< #ays fro% the service of
the plea#ing raising the counterclai% or cross&clai% ;(ec.
4, 1ule 11, 1ules of Court<. )ut a counterclai% or cross&
clai% nee# not e answere# if it is ase# on an# inseparale
fro% the very #efense raise# y the opposing party as it
will %erely result in sai# opposing party plea#ing the sa%e
facts alrea#y raise# in his for%er plea#ing ;I 1egala#o,
;1:99 e#.<, p. :2 citing -avarro vs. )ello, 54 +.G. 6499<.
R$.)2 !o !h$ a"sw$r.
?hen the #efen#ant raises an affir%ative #efense or
#efenses, the plaintiff nee# not file a reply ecause it is
#isallowe# y (ection 13 of the (pecial 1ules an# all the
new %atters allege# in the answer constituting the
affir%ative #efenses are #ee%e# controverte# ;(ec. 11,
1ule 11, 1ules of Court<.
R$.)2' d$("$d.
A reply is a plea#ing, the office or function of which is to
#eny, or allege facts in #enial or avoi#ance of new %atters
allege# y way of #efense in the answer an# therey $oin or
%a"e issue as to such new %atters ;(ec. :, 1ule 6, I+id.<.
A))$,a!o"s "o! s.$#(#a))2
d$"$d d$$m$d adm!!$d.
Material aver%ent in the co%plaint, other than those as to
the a%ount of unliCui#ate# #a%ages, shall e #ee%e#
a#%itte# when not specifically #enie#. Allegations of usury
to recover usurious interest are #ee%e# a#%itte# if not
#enie# un#er oath ;(ec. 11, 1ule 9, I+id.<.
D$($"s$s a"d o1+$#!o"s "o!
.)$ad$d d$$m$d wa-$d.
0efenses an# o$ections not plea#e# either in a %otion to
#is%iss or in the answer are #ee%e# waive#. 8owever,
when it appears fro% the plea#ings or the evi#ence on
recor# that the court has no $uris#iction over the su$ect
%atter, that there is another action pen#ing etween the
sa%e parties for the sa%e cause, or that the action is arre#
y a prior $u#g%ent or y statute of li%itations, the court
shall #is%iss the clai% ;(ec. 1, 1ule :, I+id.<. ?henever it
appears that the court has no $uris#iction over the su$ect
%atter, it shall #is%iss the action ;Al&Awa#hi vs. Astih,
G.1. 9l:6:, (ept. 26, l:99<.
In the (hari'a courts, consi#ering that a %otion to #is%iss is
#isallowe#, #efenses an# o$ections which constitute
groun#s for a %otion to #is%iss shoul# e plea#e# as
affir%ative #efenses ;(ec. 5, 1ule l6, I+id.<, or else they are
#ee%e# waive# ;(ec. 2, 1ule :, I+id.<.
F)",' d$("$d.
,iling is the act of presenting the plea#ing or other paper to
the cler" of court ;(ec. 2, 1ule 13, I+id.<.
S$r-#$' d$("$d.
(ervice is the act of provi#ing a party with a copy of the
plea#ing or paper concerne#. If any party has appeare# y
counsel, service upon hi% shall e %a#e upon his counsel
or one of the%, unless service upon the party hi%self is
or#ere# y the court. ?here one counsel appears for
several parties, he shall only e entitle# to one copy of any
paper serve# upon hi% y the opposite si#e ;I+id.<.
Ma""$r o( ()", a"sw$r.
!he filing of the answer with the court shall e %a#e y
filing it personally with the cler" of the court or y sen#ing
it y registere# %ail. In the first case, the cler" shall
en#orse on the plea#ing the #ate an# hour of filing. In the
secon# case, the #ate of the %ailing of the answer, as
shown y the post office sta%p on the envelope or the
registry receipt, shall e consi#ere# as the #ate of its filing
in court. !he envelope shall e attache# to the recor# of the
case ;(ec. 1, 1ule 13, I+id.<. A copy of the answer shoul#
e serve# upon the a#verse party efore the answer is file#
with the court.
Parenthetically, the rules on filing an# service of the answer
apply to all other plea#ings, appearances, %otions, notices,
or#ers, $u#g%ents, an# other papers ;I+id.<.
Pa.$rs r$/&r$d !o 1$
()$d a"d s$r-$d.
*very $u#g%ent, resolution, or#er, plea#ing suseCuent to
the co%plaint, written %otion, notice, appearance, #e%an#,
offer or $u#g%ent or si%ilar papers shall e file# with the
court, an# serve# upon the parties affecte# ;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
-otaly, the co%plaint an# other initiatory plea#ings nee#
not e serve# y the plea#er to the a#verse party unless the
1ules specifically reCuire.
Mod$s o( s$r-#$.
(ervice of plea#ings, %otions, notices, or#ers, $u#g%ents
an# other papers shall e %a#e either personally or y %ail
;(ec. 3, I+id.<. (ervice of plea#ing %ay also e effecte# y
sustitute# service ;(ec. 6, I+id.<.
a. <r#onal #r)ic. && (ervice of the papers %ay e %a#e
y #elivering personally a copy to the party or his attorney,
or y leaving it in his office with his cler" or with a person
having charge thereof. If no person is foun# in his office, or
his office is not "nown, then y leaving the copy, etween
the hours of eight in the %orning an# si= in the evening, at
the party's or attorney's resi#ence, if "nown, with a person
of sufficient #iscretion to receive the sa%e ;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
. Sr)ic +( mail.&& If service is not %a#e personally,
service y registere# %ail shall e reCuire# if registry
service e=ists in the localityD otherwise, service %ay e
%a#e y #epositing the copy in the post office, in a seale#
envelope, plainly a##resse# to the party or his attorney at
his office, if "nown, otherwise at his resi#ence, if "nown,
with postage fully prepai#, an# with instructions to the
post%aster to return the %ail to the sen#er after ten ;10<
#ays if un#elivere# ;(ec. 5, I+id.<
c. S!+#tit!td #r)ic. && If service cannot e %a#e either
personally or y %ail, the office an# place of resi#ence of
the party or his attorney eing un"nown, service %ay e
%a#e y #elivering the copy to the cler" of court, with
proof of failure of oth personal service an# service y
%ail. !he service is co%plete at the ti%e of such #elivery
;(ec. 6, I+id.<.
Pror!$s " mod$s o(
?henever practicale, the service an# filing of plea#ings
an# other papers shall e #one personally. *=cept with
respect to papers e%anating fro% the court, a resort to other
%o#es of service %ust e acco%panie# y a written
e=planation why the service or filing was not #one
personally. A violation of this 1ule %ay e a cause to
consi#er the paper as not file# ;(ec. 11, I+id.<.
Com.)$!$"$ss o( s$r-#$.
Personal service is co%plete upon #elivery. (ervice y
or#inary %ail is co%plete upon the e=piration of five ;5<
#ays after %ailing, unless the court otherwise provi#es.
(ervice y registere# %ail is co%plete upon actual receipt
y the a##resseeD ut if he fails to clai% his %ail fro% the
post office within five ;5< #ays fro% the #ate of first notice
of the post%aster, service shall ta"e effect at the e=piration
of such ti%e ;(ec. 9, I+id.<.
Proo( o( s$r-#$.
Proof of personal service shall consist of a written
a#%ission of the party serve#, or the affi#avit of the party
serving, containing a full state%ent of the #ate, place an#
%anner of service. If the service is y or#inary %ail, proof
thereof shall consist of an affi#avit of the person %ailing of
facts showing co%pliance with (ection 5 of 1ule 13 of the
1ules of Court of the Philippines. If service is %a#e y
registere# %ail, proof shall e %a#e y such affi#avit an#
the receipt issue# y the %ailing office. !he registry return
car# shall e file# i%%e#iately upon receipt thereof y the
sen#er, or in lieu thereof the letter unclai%e# together with
the certifie# or sworn copy of the notice given y the
post%aster to the a##ressee ;(ec. 10, I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" A. Failure to Answer. 44 Sho&)d !h$ d$($"da"!
(a) !o a"sw$r !h$ #om.)a"! w!h" !$" 6)?7 da2s (rom
s$r-#$' !h$ #o&r! sha)) .ro#$$d !o r$#$-$ !h$ $-d$"#$
ex parte &.o" wh#h +&d,m$"! sha)) 1$ r$"d$r$d2.
Ex parte +&d,m$"! "
Is)am# )aw.
Isla%ic a#$ective law reCuires that, whenever a party
appears efore a qadi ;$u#ge< praying for $u#g%ent, he
ought su%%on the #efen#ant ;AHa#, Ghula%, .u#icial
(yste% in Isla%, p.71<. If #espite su%%ons, the #efen#ant
#oes not appear, the qadi shall recor# the evi#ence
pro#uce# y the plaintiff an# after apprecition of the
evi#ence pass an " &art $u#g%ent ;AHa#, I+id., p. 75
citing 8usa% al&0in, L. (harh A#a al&Aadi, II, 303&342<.
D$#)ara!o" o( d$(a&)!
s dsa))ow$d.
In the regular courts, the #efen#ant who #i# not file an
answer %ay, on %otion of the plaintiff with notice to the
#efen#ant, e #eclare# in #efault upon proof of such failure
to answer. (uch #eclaration #eprives the #efen#ant of his
right to ta"e part in the trial though he shall e entitle# to
notice of suseCuent procee#ings ;(ec. 3, 1ule :, 1ules of
In the (hari'a courts, when the #efen#ant fails to file an#
serve an answer within the regle%entary perio#, he can not
e #eclare# in #efault either mot! &ro&rio, or on %otion of
the plaintiff. !he (pecial 1ules #isallow the filing of a
%otion to #eclare #efen#ant in #efault. In a##ition, in the
(hari'a courts, the #efen#ant #oes not lose his personality in
the action for failure to file an answer. 8e %ay, at any ti%e,
appear efore $u#g%ent to protect his rights.
!his is one feature of Isla%ic proce#ure that "eeps open the
#oor for the #efen#ant to participate in the procee#ings
efore $u#g%ent is ren#ere# against hi% ;1asul, ..,
Co%%entaries on (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure in (hari'a
Courts, CL)PI, ;l:94<, >ueHon City, p. 50<. As such,
consistent with the proce#ural rule in the regular courts, the
non&answering #efen#ant shall e entitle# to notice of
suseCuent procee#ings.
Ma""$r o( r$#$.!o"
o( $-d$"#$.
A prole% arises regar#ing the %anner of receiving "
&art the plaintiff's testi%onial evi#ence. Are the witnesses
reCuire# to appear personally in court to testifyT +r %ay
their testi%ony e re#uce# in affi#avit for% an# su%itte#
to the CourtT
It is elieve# that the %anner of receiving such evi#ence
rests with the soun# #iscretion of the court. )ut as a %atter
of precaution, if such evi#ence is receive# in the for% of
affi#avit, the witnesses shoul# e reCuire# to affir%
personally their state%ents in open court.
R$m$d$s o( a "o"4a"sw$r",
!he re%e#ies of a non&answering #efen#ant areE
;1< Motion for la) to fil an#wr. && )efore the ren#ition
of $u#g%ent, he %ay as" the court y %otion to file an
answer to the co%plaint attaching in sai# %otion the
answer he inten#s to fileD or
;2< Motion for nw trial. && he %ay, if $u#g%ent has alrea#y
een ren#ere# ut efore it eco%es final an# e=ecutory,
file a %otion for new trial un#er 1ule 37 of the 1ules of
Court ;Leyte vs. Cusi, .r., 152 (C1A 4:6, 4:9 I1:97J<
attaching therein the affi#avits of %erits ;see PCI) vs.
+rtiH, 150 (C1A 390, 3:0 I1:97J<D Gap vs. !aMa#a, G.1.
32:17, .uly 19, 1:99<D or
;3< A&&al. && he %ay, if $u#g%ent has alrea#y een
ren#ere# ut efore it eco%es final an# e=ecutory, appeal
fro% such $u#g%ent as contrary to the evi#ence or to the
law ;(ec. :, (pecial 1ules<D or
;4< <tition for rlif. && he %ay, if he fails to avail hi%self
of the re%e#y of appeal an# the $u#g%ent has eco%e final
an# e=ecutory, file a petition for relief in the court that
ren#ere# the $u#g%ent ;(ec. 1, 1ule 39, 1ules of CourtD
LCC Corp. vs. ,aroles, 129 (C1A 650 I1:94JD ,lora vs.
Pa$arillaga, :5 (C1A 100 I1:90J<D or
;5< <tition for ann!lmnt of j!dgmnt. && if he fails to avail
of the petition for relief, he %ay file in the appropriate
court, if warrante#, a petition for annul%ent of $u#g%ent on
the groun# of lac" of $uris#iction ;see Art. 1144, par. 3,
Civil Co#eD Cali%li% vs. 1a%ireH, 119 (C1A 3:: I1:92J<
or e=trinsic frau# ;(ec. 2, 1ule 47D (u%aoang vs. .u#ge,
1!C, )r. OOOI, Gui%a, -ueva *ci$a, 215 (C1A 136,
143 I1::2JD Montinola vs. GonHales, 179 (C1A 677
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" B. re!"rial. 44 687 No! )a!$r !ha" !hr!2 6=?7 da2s
a(!$r !h$ a"sw$r s ()$d' !h$ #as$ sha)) 1$ #a)$"dar$d (or
.r$4!ra). Sho&)d !h$ .ar!$s (a) !o arr-$ a! a" am#a1)$
s$!!)$m$"! 6sulk#7' !h$ #o&r! sha)) #)ar(2 a"d d$("$ !h$
ss&$s o( !h$ #as$ wh#h sha)) 1$ s$! (or!h " a .r$4!ra)
Pr$4!ra)' d$("$d.
Pre&trial conference is a proce#ural #evice use# prior to
trial to narrow issues to e trie#, to secure stipulations as to
%atters an# evi#ence to e hear#, an# to ta"e all other steps
necessary to ai# in the #isposition of the case ;)lac"As Law
0ictionary, 6th e#., p. 1197<.
P&r.os$ o( .r$4!ra) #o"($r$"#$.
!he purpose of the pre&trial conference, accor#ing to the
aove section, is two&fol#E fir#tl(, to wor" out for an
a%icale settle%ent of the actionD an# #condl(, if a%icale
settle%ent can not e arrive# at, to #efine an# clarify the
issues in the case.
!his notwithstan#ing, it is elieve# that (ection 2, 1ule 19
of the 1ules of Court still applies. 8ence, the following
%ay also e consi#ere# #uring the pre&trial conference in
or#er to e=pe#ite the #isposition of the action, to witE
;a< !he possiility of an a%icale settle%ent or of a
su%ission to alternative %o#es of #ispute resolutionD
;< !he si%plification of the issuesD
;c< !he necessity or #esiraility of a%en#%ents to the
;#< !he possiility of otaining stipulations or a#%issions
of facts an# of #ocu%ents to avoi# unnecessary proofD
;e< !he li%itation of the nu%er of witnessesD
;f< !he a#visaility of a preli%inary reference of issues to a
;g< !he propriety of ren#ering $u#g%ent on the plea#ings,
or of #is%issing the action shoul# a vali# groun# therefor
e foun# to e=istD
;h< !he a#visaility or necessity of suspen#ing the
procee#ingsD an#
;i< (uch other %atters as %ay ai# in the pro%pt #isposition
of the action.
No!#$ o( .r$4!ra).
!he notice of pre&trial shall e serve# on counsel, or on the
party who has no counsel. !he counsel serve# with such
notice is charge# with the #uty of notifying the party
represente# y hi% ;(ec. 3, 1ule 19, 1ules of CourtD see
!aro%a vs. (ayo, 67 (C1A 509 I1:75J (ervice (pecialists,
Inc. vs. (heriff of Manila, 145 (C1A 13: I1:96J<.
A..$ara"#$ o( .ar!$s.
It shall e the #uty of the parties an# their counsel to appear
at the pre&trial. !he non&appearance of a party %ay e
e=cuse# only if vali# cause is shown therefor or if a
representative shall appear in his ehalf fully authoriHe# in
writing to enter into an a%icale settle%ent, to su%it to
alternative %o#es of #ispute resolution, an# to enter into
stipulations or a#%issions of facts an# of #ocu%ents ;(ec.
4, I+id.<.
E(($#! o( .)a"!(('s
(a)&r$ !o a..$ar.
!he failure of the plaintiff to appear in the pre&trial
conference shall e cause for #is%issal of his action. !he
#is%issal shall e with pre$u#ice, unless otherwise or#ere#
y the court. ;(ec. 5, I+id.<.
E(($#! o( d$($"da"!'s
(a)&r$ !o a..$ar.
A si%ilar failure on the part of the #efen#ant shall e cause
to allow the plaintiff to present his evi#ence " &art an#
the court to ren#er $u#g%ent on the asis thereof ;(ec. 5,
In a case involving a si%ilar rule un#er the 1ule on
(u%%ary Proce#ure, it was hel# that since the #efen#ant
#i# file an answer to the co%plaint, the trial court coul# not
#eclare hi% in #efault #espite his asence in the pre&trial
conference ecause a %otion to #eclare #efen#ant in #efault
is a prohiite# plea#ing. !he proce#ure un#er such
situation is for the court to issue a 'preli%inary conference
or#er' #efining the issues in the case an# thereafter the
parties shoul# su%it their position papers, the sworn
state%ents of their witnesses an# other evi#ence ;Lesaca
vs. CA, 215 (C1A 17, 20 I1::2J<.
It is elieve# that the foregoing ruling of the high court
%ay e applie# to the shari'a courts.
R$#ord o( .r$4!ra) r$s&)!s.
!he procee#ings in the pre&trial shall e recor#e#. 2pon the
ter%ination thereof, the court shall issue an or#er which
shall recite in #etail the %atters ta"en up in the conference,
the action ta"en thereon, the a%en#%ents allowe# to the
plea#ings, an# the agree%ents or a#%issions %a#e y the
parties as to any of the %atters consi#ere#. (houl# the
action procee# to trial, the or#er shall e=plicitly #efine an#
li%it the issues to e trie#. !he contents of the or#er shall
control the suseCuent course of the action, unless %o#ifie#
efore trial to prevent %anifest in$ustice ;(ec. 7, 1ule 19,
1ules of Court<.
!he #eli%itation of issues at a pre&trial conference as
containe# in the or#er of the court ars the consi#eration of
other Cuestions on appeal. (uch an or#er controls the
suseCuent course of the action, unless %o#ifie# efore
trial to prevent %anifest in$ustice. +ne of the o$ectives of
pre&trial proce#ure is to ta"e trial of cases out of the real%
of surprise an# %aneuvering ;I Moran p. 549<.
;)ac" to top<
6:7 W!h" !$" 68?7 da2s (rom r$#$.! o( s&#h ord$r' !h$
.ar!$s or #o&"s$)s sha)) (or!hw!h s&1m! !o !h$ #o&r!
!h$ s!a!$m$"! o( w!"$ss$s 6s#u#ud7 a"d o!h$r $-d$"#$
6$a%%ina7 .$r!"$"! !o !h$ ss&$s so #)ar($d a"d d$("$d'
!o,$!h$r w!h !h$ m$mora"da s$!!", (or!h !h$ )aw a"d
!h$ (a#!s r$)$d &.o" 12 !h$m.
N$#$ss!2 o( #)ar(2", a"d
d$("", !h$ ss&$s.
0uring the pre&trial conference, the court %ust perforce
clarify an# #efine the issues if the parties fail to arrive at an
a%icale settle%ent, which shall e set forth in a pre&trial
or#er. It is on the ases of such issues so clarifie# an#
#efine# that the state%ents of witnesses an# other evi#ence
shall e su%itte# to the court. !he %e%oran#a of the
parties shall, in turn, e ase# on such issues an# evi#ence
relie# upon.
S&1msso" o( $-d$"#$
a"d m$mora"da.
!he parties or counsels are reCuire# to su%it to the court,
within ten #ays fro% receipt of the pre&trial or#er, the
state%ent of witnesses ;#h!h!d< an# other evi#ence
;+a((ina< pertinent to the issues so clarifie# an# #efine#,
together with the %e%oran#a setting forth the law an# the
facts relie# upon y the% ;(ec. 6;2<, (pecial 1ules<.
S!a!$m$"!s o( w!"$ss$s.
*ven as the provision #oes not so provi#e, the state%ents of
witnesses shoul# e in written for% an# un#er oath. !he
state%ents of witnesses serve as their testi%onies upon
which $u#g%ent %ay e ase#, a%ong other things, y the
court when it fin#s that a for%al hearing is not necessary
;(ec. 6;3<, (pecial 1ules<. If hearing is necessary, such
state%ent su%itte# y the parties at the pre&trial shall
constitute the #irect testi%ony of the witnesses as asis for
cross&e=a%ination ;(ec. 7;3<, I+id.<.
O!h$r $-d$"#$' #o"#$.! o(.
2n#er the aove section, it woul# see% that there are two
;2< classes of evi#ence un#er Isla%ic law, i.., state%ents
of witnesses an# other evi#ence. +n this asis, it follows
that all other evi#ences not classifie# a%ong the first are
classifie# as other evi#ence ;+a((ina< an# it inclu#es
#ocu%entary an# o$ect evi#ences.
Get, this is not at all the case. 2n#er Isla%ic Proce#ural
law, there are four ways of proving a cause of action or
estalishing facts as followsE ;a< a#%ission or confession
;al-iqrar<D ;2< testi%onial evi#ence ;#h!h!d<D ;3< oath
;(amin<D an# ;4< other evi#ence ;+a((ina< ;Alauya, o&. cit.
p. 44<. In fact, so%e $urists consi#er circu%stantial
evi#ence (qara'in) as an acceptale %eans of proof in the
asence of others ;*l&Awa Moha%%a# (., Punish%ent in
Isla%ic Law, A%erican !rust Pulications ;In#ianapolis<,
l:92, p. l30<. )ut circu%stantial evi#ence will only e acte#
upon if it is of a conclusive nature (qatia't!n) ;1ahi%,
A#ul, Principles of Muha%%a#an .urispru#ence, In#us
Pulishers, ;Lahore<, l:11, p. 39l<.
;)ac" to top<
6=7 Sho&)d !h$ #o&r! ("d' &.o" #o"sd$ra!o" o( !h$
.)$ad",s' $-d$"#$ a"d m$mora"da' !ha! a +&d,m$"!
ma2 1$ r$"d$r$d w!ho&! "$$d o( a (orma) h$ar",' !h$
#o&r! ma2 do so w!h" ((!$$" 6)A7 da2s (rom !h$
s&1msso" o( !h$ #as$ (or d$#so".
P$rod (or r$"d!o" o( +&d,m$"!.
2n#er this paragraph, $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere# y the
(hari'a court within fifteen ;l5< #ays fro% the su%ission of
the case for #ecision. !he Cuestion is when shall the case e
#ee%e# su%itte# for #ecisionT
2n#er the Constitution, a case or %atter shall e #ee%e#
su%itte# for #ecision or resolution upon the filing of the
last plea#ing, rief, or %e%oran#u% reCuire# y the 1ules
of Court or y the court itself ;(ec. l5;2<, Art. /III<. 8ence,
it is elieve# that $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere# within fifteen
;l5< #ays fro% the filing of the %e%oran#a of the parties
together with the state%ents of witnesses an# other
S$#!o" C. &earing or "rial. 44 687 Th$ .)a"!(( 6mudda'i7
has !h$ 1&rd$" o( .roo(' a"d !h$ !a0", o( a" oa!h
6%amin7 r$s!s &.o" !h$ d$($"da"! 6mudda'alai7. I( !h$
.)a"!(( has "o $-d$"#$ !o .ro-$ hs #)am' !h$
d$($"da"! sha)) !a0$ a" oa!h a"d +&d,m$"! sha)) 1$
r$"d$r$d " hs (a-or 12 !h$ #o&r!. Sho&)d !h$
d$($"da"! r$(&s$ !o !a0$ a" oa!h' !h$ .)a"!(( sha))
a((rm hs #)am &"d$r oa!h " wh#h #as$ +&d,m$"!
sha)) 1$ r$"d$r$d " hs (a-or. Sho&)d !h$ .)a"!((
r$(&s$ !o a((rm hs #)am &"d$r oa!h' !h$ #as$ sha)) 1$
Bass o( !h$ r&)$.
!his proce#ure is new in Philippine proce#ural law. It is
ase# on the prophetic tra#ition which states that
FI*Jvi#ence is incu%ent on the part of the clai%ant
;m!dda'i< an# an oath ;(amin< is on the part of one who
#eniesF ;(unan al&)ayhaCi, viii 177 cite# in Anwarullah,
Isla%ic Law on *vi#ence,p. 5<.
B&rd$" o( .roo(
&"d$r !hs r&)$.
!he plaintiff ;m!dda'i< has the ur#en of proof, an# the
ta"ing of an oath ;(amin< rests upon the #efen#ant
;m!dda'alai< ;In Ma$ah, Al&(unan ;2r#u translation, ii,
43, cite# in Anwarullah, I+id., p. 74<. !hus, if the plaintiff
is unale to pro#uce any proof, oath will e a#%inistere#
on the #efen#ant an# if he ta"es the oath, #ecree will e
given in his favour, an# if he refuses to ta"e the oath, then
the plaintiff will e as"e# to ta"e the oath, an# if he ;the
plaintiff< ta"es the oath, the clai% against the #efen#ant
will stan# prove# e=cept in hadd an# qi#a# ;Al&-awawi,
Minha$ al !aliin, 142 cite# in Anwarullah, I+id.<.
Oa!h 6%amin7' d$("$d.
An oath is an invocation of the na%e of Go# or of so%e
person or o$ect hel# sacre# y the person using the
invocation, to witness the truth of a sole%n affir%ation an#
to e%phasiHe that affir%ation ;Ali, Gusuf, !he 8oly
>ur'anE !e=t, !ranslation an# Co%%entary, A%ana Corp.
;Marylan#<, l:93, p. l794<.
Co"#$.! o( oa!h 6%amin7.
+ath or the refusal of the oath is one of the groun#s of
$u#g%ent ;Art. l742, !he Me$elle as translate# y C.1.
!yser, et al., a co%plete co#e on Isla%ic Civil Law<. +ath,
as un#erstoo# in this section, refers to one of the %etho#s
of proving an allegation an# shoul# not e confuse# with
the so&calle# proce#ural oath which is reCuire# of a witness
efore ta"ing the witness stan# Fto tell the truth an# nothing
ut the whole truthF.
-either #oes it refer to the suppletory oath a#%inistere# to
the witness y the $u#ge saying FI will accept your
evi#ence, if you swear to its truth, if not, I will not accept
itF upon #e%an# of the person against who% the
testi%onial evi#ence is given ;Art. l727, I+id.<.
Form o( oa!h 6%amin7
?hen the oath is aout to e a#%inistere# to one of the two
litigants the oath is ta"en in the na%e of Go# the highest,
saying Fwa 'llahF or F+i llahiF ;Art. l743, I+id.<.
!here is no har# fast rule in the for% of the #ecisive oath
that a party %ay ta"e. In =am&ar )#. D#man1 /.2. ?8944.
A!g!#t l>1 l66l, the #efen#ant who was challenge# y the
plaintiff who lac"s evi#ence to ta"e the oath ;(amin< too"
the oath in the following for%E
FI, *s%ael 2s%an, swear in the na%e of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful an# upon the 8oly
>ur'an, that I ought the lan# in Cuestion fro% the
plaintiffsD that I have not forge# or falsifie# the
signatures of the plaintiffsD an# that Go# will curse
%e if I a% not telling the truthF.
It %ust e note# that the invocation of the na%e of Go# is
essential for the vali#ity of the oath.
B2 whom oa!h s adm"s!$r$d.
An oath %ay e a#%inistere# upon any of the parties who
are Musli%s y or#er of the court ;(ec. l3 ;a<, (pecial
1ules<. !he court %ay or#er any co%petent Musli%,
preferaly an Imam ;the person who lea#s in salaat or
prayer< to a#%inister the oath upon the parties. In any case,
the oath shoul# e a#%inistere# in the presence of the $u#ge
or his representative ;!he Me$elle, op, cit., p. 307<. !he
refusal of the oath in the presence of another person is not
consi#ere#. If upon the #e%an# of his opponent
i%%e#iately, without the oath eing offere# y the $u#ge,
the #efen#ant ta"es the oath, it is not consi#ere# goo#. !he
oath %ust e a#%inistere# y the $u#ge again ;Arts. l744 K
l747, I+id.<.
O"$ oa!h (or s$-$ra) #)ams.
?hen #ifferent clai%s are rought together in one
co%plaint, one oath is enough for all the #ifferent clai%sD it
is not necessary that an oath shoul# e ta"en in each one
separately ;Art. l750, I+id.<
Oa!h 6%amin7' wh$" "$#$ssar2.
!he plaintiff, having the ur#en of proof, %ay prove his
allegations y the intro#uction of evi#ence. If he has no
evi#ence, the #efen#ant, upon who% the ta"ing of the oath
rests, shall ta"e an oath ;(amin< an# $u#g%ent shall e
ren#ere# in his ;#efen#ant< favor. !he #efen#ant, however,
%ay refuse to ta"e an oath an# challenge the plaintiff to
ta"e the oath, in which case the ur#en of proof is shifte#
ac" to the plaintiff. It thus eco%es incu%ent upon the
plaintiff to prove his allegations, not y the intro#uction of
evi#ence, ut y the process of ta"ing the oath ;(amin<. It is
in this sense that oath is a %eans of proving an allegation.
If the plaintiff refuses to ta"e the oath in affir%ation of his
clai%, the case shall e #is%isse#.
R&)$'$d w!h
#-) .ro#$d&r$.
In Isla%ic proce#ure, the asence of evi#ence in favor of
the plaintiff #oes not result to the #is%issal of the case.
.u#g%ent %ay still e ren#ere# in favor of the plaintiff if
the #efen#ant refuses to ta"e the oath an# the plaintiff
affir%s his clai% un#er oath. In civil proce#ure, when
plaintiff has no sufficient evi#ence to prove his clai%, his
co%plaint shall e #is%isse#.
A prole% arises when the plaintiff has no evi#ence to
prove his clai%, ut the #efen#ant offers evi#ence to prove
his #enial of the clai% instea# of ta"ing the oath. May such
#efen#ant e allowe# to intro#uce evi#enceT
It is the hu%le su%ission of the author that the #efen#ant
shoul# not e allowe# to intro#uce evi#ence in lieu of the
prescrie# oath. !he rule is e=plicit that 'if the plaintiff has
no evi#ence to prove his clai%, the #efen#ant shall ta"e an
oath an# $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere# in his favor y the
court' ;(ec. 7, (pecial 1ules<.
;)ac" to top<
6:7 I( !h$ d$($"da"! adm!s !h$ #)am o( !h$ .)a"!(('
+&d,m$"! sha)) 1$ r$"d$r$d " hs (a-or 12 !h$ #o&r!
w!ho&! (&r!h$r r$#$-", $-d$"#$.
Co"#$.! o( admsso" 6i'rar7.
!he ter% iqrar %eans a#%ission or confession ;Alauya,
.&. cit., p. 44D *l&Awa, .&. cit., p. l2l7<, or
ac"nowle#ge%ent ;1ahi%, #!&ra, p. 405<. A#%ission
%eans a state%ent %a#e y a person ac"nowle#ging the
right of another person upon hi%self ;0r. Anwarullah
citing In Ai#in, 1a## al&Mun#ar, iv 4:9<.
Iqrar is for so%eone to a#%it the right of another against
hi%self ;!he Me$elle, o&. cit., Art. l572, p. 263<. In civil
cases, it is the strongest evi#ence to prove a cause of action
;Alauya, p. 44< an# in cri%inal cases, it is an alternative
proof for the estalish%ent of guilt ;*l&Awa, o&. cit.<.
Admsso" " #-) )aw.
A#%ission, in the law of evi#ence, has een #efine# as a
voluntary ac"nowle#ge%ent, confession, or assent of the
e=istence of the truth of certain facts y a party to the
action ;5 Martin p. 209, citing the Cha%erlayne !rial
*vi#ence, p. 440<. It is a state%ent y a party or so%eone
i#entifie# with hi% in legal interest of the e=istence of fact
which is relevant to the cause of his a#versary ;I+id. citing
3l C...(. l022<.
Admsso" " Is)am# )aw
?hen a %an testifies against hi%self in support of a clai%
%a#e against hi%, it is calle# a#%ission. ;1ahi%, #!&ra, p.
376<. !he Court generally accepts an a#%ission without
reCuiring any further proof fro% the clai%ant. An
a#%ission %ust, however, e uncon#itional, an# it %ust e
voluntary, so that if otaine# y coercion it is not in#ing
nor if %a#e in $est. (i%ilarly, if the fact a#%itte# is
contra#icte# y apparent an# ovious circu%stances of the
person %a"ing the a#%ission, it will not e accepte#
;1ahi%, I+id., p. 392<.
C)ass(#a!o" o( admsso".
In civil law, a#%issions are generally #ivi#e# into two
;a< *!dicial, or those %a#e on the recor#, or in connection
with the $u#icial procee#ings in which it is offere#D
;< ,"traj!dicial, or those %a#e elsewhere, irrespective of
ti%e, place, or to who% %a#e ;!he Cha%erlayne !rial
*vi#ence, p. 442 cite# in 5 Martin p. 209 an# Apostol,
*ssentials of *vi#ence, p. l47<.
Admsso" as .roo(.
Any state%ent %a#e y a party to an action which is
against his own interest an# which, in its nature, ten#s to
estalish or #isprove any %aterial fact, or allege# %aterial
fact, is a#%issile in the case or action ;Caswell vs.
Mapplewoo# Garage, -.8. 24l, l4: A. 746, 73 AL1 433<.
In Isla%ic law an a#%ission %a#e in court, or even out of
court if two co%petent witnesses testify thereto, is final an#
irrevocale in all cases in which hu%an rights pre#o%inate
;h!q!q adami(a<, an# $u#g%ent %ay i%%e#iately e given
accor#ingly, even in ho%ici#e cases ;An#erson, Isla%ic
Law in Africa, p. 365<.
Admsso" #o"!$m.)a!$d
" !h$ r&)$.
!he "in# of a#%ission conte%plate# in (ection 7 ;2< of the
(pecial 1ules that woul# enale the court to ren#er
$u#g%ent without further receiving evi#ence is '$u#icial
a#%ission'. A $u#icial a#%ission y a party forecloses the
%atter a#%itte# fro% further #eate, an# conclu#es it
against the party as though there has een a pere%ptory
$u#icial ruling to that effect. It is in this wise that %a"es
a#%ission or confession the strongest evi#ence to prove a
An e=tra$u#icial a#%ission, whether e=press or i%plie#,
%a#e y a party #oes not conclu#e the %atter as against
such party, ut is %erely evi#ence which in civil law has to
e intro#uce# in the trial y testi%ony. In Isla%ic law, an
out of court a#%ission %ust e proven y the testi%ony of
two co%petent witnesses ;see An#erson, Isla%ic Law in
Africa, p. 365<.
Co"d!o"s (or admsso"
&"d$r Is)am# Law.
!he following are the con#itions for the vali#ity of
a#%ission or confessionE
;1< !he person who a#%its or confesses %ust e a#ult an#
;2< !he confession or a#%ission %ust e e=plicit as to the
co%%ission of the cri%e or violation of a rightD
;3< !he person who a#%its or confesses %ust e capale of
self&e=pressionD an#
;4< !he confession or a#%ission %ust e with free consent
without any pressure or co%pulsion ;0r. Anwarullah, o&.
cit., pp. 43&44<.
E(($#! o( +&d#a) admsso".
If the #efen#ant a#%its the clai% of the plaintiff, $u#g%ent
shall e ren#ere# in favor of the latter without further
receiving evi#ence ;(ec. 7;2<, (pecial 1ules<.
P$rod (or r$"d!o" o( +&d,m$"!.
!he $u#g%ent un#er this susection shoul# e ren#ere#
within fifteen ;l5< #ays fro% the #isposition of the case. As
to the %eaning of the ter% F#isposition of the caseF, the
(pecial 1ules is silent. Consi#ering that the a#%ission is
%a#e #uring the hearing or trial, it is elieve# that the
fifteen&#ay perio# shall e rec"one# fro% the #ay the
a#%ission is %a#e.
;)ac" to top<
6=7 I( !h$ d$($"da"! d$sr$s !o o(($r d$($"s$' !h$ .ar!2
a,a"s! whom +&d,m$"! wo&)d 1$ ,-$" o" !h$
.)$ad",s a"d admsso" mad$' ( "o $-d$"#$ was
s&1m!!$d' sha)) ha-$ !h$ 1&rd$" !o .ro-$ hs #as$. Th$
s!a!$m$"!s s&1m!!$d 12 !h$ .ar!$s a! !h$ .r$4!ra) sha))
#o"s!!&!$ !h$ dr$#! !$s!mo"2 o( !h$ w!"$ss$s as 1ass
(or #ross4$Dam"a!o".
B&rd$" o( .roo(' d$("$d.
)ur#en of proof or on!# &ro+andi is %eant the oligation
i%pose# upon a party who alleges the e=istence of a fact or
thing necessary in the prosecution or #efense of an action,
to estalish its proof ;5 Martin 435 citing .ones on
*vi#ence, 2n# e#., 955<. It is the oligation i%pose# y law
on a party to the litigation to persua#e the court that he is
entitle# to relief. If no evi#ence is presente# on a particular
issue, the party having the ur#en of proof as to that issue
will lose the litigation ;Martin, I+id. citing Gilert Law
(u%%aries on *vi#ence, p. 73<.
B&rd$" o( .roo(.
If the #efen#ant #esires to offer #efense, or when the
plaintiff has evi#ence to prove his clai%, the party against
who% $u#g%ent woul# e given on the plea#ings an#
a#%ission %a#e, if no evi#ence was su%itte#, shall have
the ur#en of proof. In other wor#s, the plaintiff, or the
party suing, is not necessarily the person who has the
ur#en of proof or on!# &ro+andi. It is a %atter for the
$u#ge on the asis of the plea#ings an# a#%ission %a#e to
#eter%ine who has the ur#en of proof ;Alauya, o&. cit.<.
?hen the #efen#ant raises in the answer a counterclai% or
cross&clai%, the ur#en of proof lies on hi% only with
respect to such counterclai% or cross&clai%.
Tra) o" !h$ m$r!s.
?hen the plaintiff has evi#ence to prove his clai%, an# the
#efen#ant #esires to offer #efense, trial on the %erits
eco%es necessary. !he parties then will prove their
respective clai%s an# #efenses y the intro#uction of
testi%onial ;#h!h!d< an# other evi#ence ;+a((ina<. !he
state%ents of witnesses su%itte# at the pre&trial y the
parties shall constitute the #irect testi%ony as the asis for
No"4.r$s$"!a!o" o( w!"$ss.
?here a witness whose state%ent was su%itte# at the pre&
trial can not e presente# in court for cross&e=a%ination,
his state%ent shall e ina#%issile. A sworn state%ent is
not a#%issile in evi#ence where affiant was not presente#
in court an# there was asence of opportunity y the
a#verse party to cross&e=a%ine affiant ;People vs.
Pansuelo, 105 (C1A 226<.
)y way of parenthesis, it is %ar"worthy that un#er Isla%ic
law a person cannot e oth plaintiff an# witness ;!he
Me$elle, Art. l703, o&. cit., p. 2:9<. !herefore, the evi#ence
of the guar#ian for the infant an# of the agent for his
principal is not goo# ;I+id.<.
Ord$r o( !ra).
Fir#t, the plaintiff ;m!dda'i< %ust pro#uce evi#ence on his
partD if he has no evi#ence, the ur#en of proof is shifte# to
the #efen#ant who %ay ta"e the oath an# $u#g%ent shall e
ren#ere# in his favor. (houl# the #efen#ant refuse to ta"e
the oath, the plaintiff %ust affir% his clai% un#er oath in
which case $u#g%ent shall e in favor of the plaintiff.
(houl# the plaintiff refuse to affir% his clai% un#er oath,
the case shall e #is%isse# ;(ec. 7;l<, (pecial 1ules<.
Scond, if after the intro#uction of plaintiff's evi#ence, or
even efore it, the #efen#ant a#%its the clai% in open court
$u#g%ent shall e ren#ere# in favor of the plaintiff without
receiving further evi#ence ;(ec. 7;2<, I+id.<.
=hird, if the #efen#ant #oes not a#%it the clai% an# #esires
to offer #efense, the party against who% $u#g%ent woul#
e given on the plea#ings an# a#%ission %a#e, if no
evi#ence was su%itte#, shall have the ur#en to prove his
case ;(ec. 7;3<, I+id.<. !he plaintiff, who has or#inarily the
ur#en of proof, having a##uce# evi#ence on his part, the
#efen#ant %ay also intro#uce evi#ence in support of his
#efense, counterclai% an# cross&clai%.
!he parties against who% any counterclai% or cross&clai%
ha# een plea#e#, shall intro#uce evi#ence in support of
their #efense, in the or#er to e prescrie# y the court
;(ec. 5;e<, 1ule 30, 1ules of Court< unless they a#%it the
clai% of the counterclai%ant or cross&clai%ant.
!he parties %ay then respectively a##uce reutting
evi#ence only, unless the court, for goo# reasons an# in the
furtherance of $ustice, per%its the% to a##uce evi#ence
upon their original case ;(ec. 5;f<, I+id.<.
Ord$r o( $Dam"a!o".
?hen the action is put on trial on the %erits ecause the
party litigants offer to prove their respective clai%s an#
#efenses, the or#er of e=a%ination co%es in. *ach witness
of the parties shall e e=a%ine# in the following or#erE
a. 0irect e=a%ination y the proponent ;the state%ent of
the witness su%itte# at the pre&trial shall serve as his
#irect testi%ony<D
. Cross&e=a%ination y the opponentD
c. 1e&#irect e=a%ination y the proponentD
#. 1e&cross e=a%ination y the opponent.
Ord$r o( $Dam"a!o" a"d ord$r
o( !ra)' ds!",&sh$d.
+r#er of e=a%ination is the seCuence an in#ivi#ual witness
is e=a%ine# y the conten#ing partiesD whereas, or#er of
trial is the seCuence parties intro#uce their respective
A,r$$d s!a!$m$"! o( (a#!s.
!he parties to any action %ay agree, in writing, upon the
facts involve# in the litigation, an# su%it the case for
$u#g%ent on the facts agree# upon, without the intro#uction
of evi#ence. If the parties agree only on so%e of the facts in
issue, the trial shall e hel# as to the #ispute# facts in such
or#er as the court shall prescrie ;(ec. 6, 1ule 30, 1ules of
S!a!$m$"!s o( !h$ +&d,$.
0uring the hearing or trial of a case, any state%ent %a#e y
the $u#ge with reference to the case, or to any of the parties
thereto, witnesses or counsel, shall e %a#e of recor# in the
stenographic notes ;(ec. 3, I+id.<.
Co"so)da!o" or s$-$ra"#$.
?hen actions involving a co%%on Cuestion of law or fact
are pen#ing efore the court, it %ay or#er a $oint hearing or
trial of any or all the %atters in issue in the actionsD it %ay
or#er all the actions consoli#ate#D an# it %ay %a"e such
or#ers concerning procee#ings therein as %ay ten# to avoi#
unnecessary costs or #elay ;(ec. l, 1ule 3l, I+id.<.
!he court, in furtherance of convenience or to avoi#
pre$u#ice, %ay or#er a separate trial of any clai%, cross&
clai%, counterclai%, or of any separate issue or of any
nu%er of clai%s, cross&clai%s, counterclai%s, or issues
;(ec. 2, I+id.<.
Th$ #as$ o( -s. Usma".
!he case of Mid#a&ak =am&ar1 t. al.1 )#. ,#mal D#man1
t. al.1 /.2. ?8944. A!g!#t l>1 l66l, threatens to era#icate
Isla%ic proce#ure fro% the Philippine laws. In this case, an
F*=tra$u#icial (ettle%ent of *state with (i%ultaneous
(ale', purporte#ly entere# an# e=ecute# on .une ll, l:47
etween petitioners an# respon#ent 2s%an wherey
ownership of the lan# was conveye# to the latter for the
su% of Pl,000.00, was sought to e annulle# on the groun#
that petitioners have never entere# into such agree%ent an#
that their signatures in the #ocu%ent of sale were forge#.
1espon#ent, on the other han#, #enie# having forge# the
signatures of the petitioners, an# controverte# all the other
clai%s %a#e y the petitioners. !he pre&trial conference
having faile# to reach an a%icale settle%ent, the (hari'a
0istrict Court thereafter #irecte# the parties to su%it the
state%ents of at least two witnesses to prove their clai%s.
!he sole witness of petitioners with#rew, pro%pting the%
to %anifest to the Court that they have no witnesses.
ConseCuently, petitioners challenge# 2s%an to ta"e an oath
;(amin< #eclaring that there is no truth to the clai% of
forgery rought against hi%.
!he challenge which was groun#e# on (ection 7 of the
(pecial 1ules was oppose# y respon#ent 2s%an. !he
Court overrule# the opposition an# #irecte# respon#ent
2s%an to ta"e the oath, which he co%plie# after his %otion
for reconsi#eration was #enie#. 8aving thus ta"en the oath,
$u#g%ent was ren#ere# in favor of respon#ents an# the
co%plaint against the% was #is%isse#.
Petitioners assaile# the #ecision of the (hari'a court as
having een ren#ere# with grave ause of #iscretion
conten#ing that the cogniHance y the court of the F(aminF
of respon#ent 2s%an is not only Funproce#uralF, ut
li"ewise a%ounts to a #eprivation of their constitutional
right to e hear#.
!he (upre%e Court hel#E
F2n#er (ection 1, 1ule 131 of the 1ules of Court of
the Philippines, which %ay apply in a suppletory
%anner in this case, each party %ust prove his own
affir%ative allegations. ?hen the plaintiffs
;petitioners herein< faile# to a##uce any evi#ence to
support the co%plaint, then the co%plaint %ust e
#is%isse#. +n this asis the #is%issal of the
co%plaint y the (hari'a court in this case shoul# e
uphel#, ut not ecause of the F(aminF ta"en y
respon#ent 2s%an.
F!he Court shares the concern of petitioners in the
use of the F(aminF in this procee#ing, an# for that
%atter, efore Philippine (hari'a courts. (ection 7 of
the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure prescrie# for
(hari'a courts aforecite# provi#es that if the plaintiff
has no evi#ence to prove his clai%, the #efen#ant
shall ta"e an oath an# $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere# in
his favor y the Court. +n the other han#, shoul#
#efen#ant refuse to ta"e an oath, plaintiff %ay
affir% his clai% un#er oath, in which case $u#g%ent
shall e ren#ere# in his favor.
F(ai# provision effectively #eprives a litigant of his
constitutional right to #ue process. It #enies a party
his right to confront the witness against hi% an# to
cross&e=a%ine the% ;(ec. 6, 1ule l32, 1ules of
Court<. It shoul# have no place even in the (pecial
1ules of Proce#ure of the (hari'a Courts of the
F!he possile #eletion of this provision fro% the
sai# rules shoul# e consi#ere#. ,or this purpose, a
co%%ittee shoul# e constitute# y the Court to
review the sai# special rules, inclu#ing the aove
#iscusse# provision so that appropriate a%en#%ents
thereof %ay e un#erta"en y the Court thereafter.F
2nless the (upre%e Court reconsi#ers its #ecision in the
foregoing case, the ele%entary Isla%ic nature of the (pecial
1ules is at sta"e an# the (pecial 1ules ceases to serve the
purpose for which it is inten#e#.
!he author sees no logical asis to give prece#ence to a
suppletory law ;the 1ules of Court of the Philippines< over
one it see"s to supple%ent ;the (pecial 1ules of
Proce#ure<. !he rule is that in case of conflict etween a
general law an# a special law, the latter shall prevail.
-either #oes the oath F(aminF violate the constitutional
right to #ue process. In every stage of the procee#ings
un#er (ection 7 of the (pecial 1ules, each party is given an
opportunity to e hear#. If the #efen#ant who is challenge#
to ta"e the oath has a rightful clai% over the su$ect %atter
of the action, there is no reason why he shoul# refuse to
affir% un#er oath his clai%. +n the other han#, if he refuses
to ta"e the oath for one reason or another, he %ay return the
challenge to the plaintiff who %ust re&affir% his clai% in
which case the #efen#ant is in estoppel for refusing to
affir% un#er oath his clai% an# for allowing the plaintiff to
ta"e the oath instea#.
It %ust e oserve# that, un#er the (pecial 1ules, he who
ta"es the oath ;(amin< as a %o#e of proof otains favorale
$u#g%ent. !his %o#e is resorte# to only when the parties
have no evi#ence to estalish their cause. )y ta"ing the
oath ;(amin<, the party virtually ta"es the stan# an# affir%s
un#er oath his clai% or #efense. (uch an oath, in effect,
parta"es of a testi%ony given in the stan# y the party who
ta"es the oath which can, un#er civil proce#ure, e vali#ly
the asis of a favorale $u#g%ent. !o the author's %in#, the
oath ;(amin< is recogniHe# as a %o#e of proof in view of
the Isla%ic proce#ural proscription against a party giving
testi%ony in support of his own cause ;see 1ahi%, op, cit.,
p. 376<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" E. (udgment. 44 687 Th$ +&d,m$"! sha)) 1$
r$"d$r$d w!h" ((!$$" 6)A7 da2s (rom !h$ !$rm"a!o"
o( !h$ !ra)' or ds.os!o" o( !h$ #as$' sho&)d !h$r$ 1$ "o
(orma) !ra) or h$ar",.
*&d,m$"!' d$("$d.
A $u#g%ent is the final consi#eration an# #eter%ination of
a court of co%petent $uris#iction upon the %atters
su%itte# to it in an action or procee#ing ;Gota%co vs.
(han (eng, 46 Phil. 550<. It is the entire #ocu%ent prepare#
an# pro%ulgate# y the court a#$u#icating an# #eter%ining
the rights of the parties to the case. It contains the fin#ings
of fact an# law, the reasons an# evi#ence to support such
fin#ings as well as the #iscussion of issues lea#ing up to its
#eter%ination ;I 1egala#o p. 234<.
R$"d!o" o( +&d,m$"!.
!he $u#g%ent #eter%ining the %erits of the case shall e in
writing personally an# #irectly prepare# y the $u#ge,
stating clearly an# #istinctly the facts an# the law on which
it is ase#, signe# y hi%, an# file# with the cler" of court
;(ec. l, 1ule 36, 1ules of Court<. -o #ecision shall e
ren#ere# y any court without e=pressing therein clearly
an# #istinctly the facts an# the law on which it is ase#
;(ec. l4, Art. /III, Constitution.<.
P$rod (or d$#so"' dr$#!or2.
!he $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere# within fifteen ;l5< #ays
fro% the ter%ination of the trial, or #isposition of the case,
shoul# there e no for%al trial or hearing ;(ec. 9, (pecial
In a case, the cri%inal action efore the (hariAa Circuit
Court of .olo, (ulu, was su%itte# for resolution in
+ctoer 1::9 an# the respon#ent $u#ge a#%itte# that he
ca%e up with a 0ecision on the case on .anuary 25, 2000,
an# the sa%e was pro%ulgate# on March 1, 2000. It was
hel# that there was un#ue #elay in ren#ering the #ecision
y respon#ent $u#ge ;Arap vs. Mustafa, A.M. -o. (CC&01&
7. March 12, 2002<.
In the case of Alonto-Fra(na )#. *!dg A#tih1 A.M. No.
S-%-6?-@. -c. 3>1 366?, the (upre%e Court #is%isse#
respon#ent $u#ge for his failure to ren#er #ecision within
the :0&#ay perio# provi#e# for un#er the 1:97 Constitution
of the Philippines an# not on the asis of the 15&#ay perio#
provi#e# for un#er the foregoing rule. !he court sai#E
@1espon#ent $u#ge, as well as all other $u#ges %ust
e re%in#e# that a case shoul# e #eci#e# within :0
#ays fro% its su%ission, otherwise, the $u#ge
woul# e guilty of gross inefficiency an# neglect of
#uty. ,ailure to ren#er a #ecision eyon# the ninety
;:0<&#ay perio# fro% its su%ission constitutes
serious %iscon#uct to the #etri%ent of the honor
an# integrity of his office an# in #erogation of a
spee#y a#%inistration of $ustice. !he #ecision was
long over#ue an# the perio# to #eci#e the case
un#er the sole%n %an#ate of (ec. 15 ;1<, Article
/III of the 1:97 Constitution ha# long e=pire#.B
S$r-#$ o( ("a) ord$rs
or +&d,m$"!s.
,inal or#ers or $u#g%ents shall e serve# to the parties
either personally or y registere# %ail. ?hen a party
su%%one# y pulication has faile# to appear in the action,
final or#ers or $u#g%ents against hi% shall e serve# upon
hi% also y pulication at the e=pense of the prevailing
party ;(ec. 7, 1ule 13, 1ules of Court<.
Personal service is effecte# y #elivering personally a copy
to the party or his attorney, or y leaving it in his office
with his cler" or with a person having charge thereof. If no
person is foun# in his office, or his office is not "nown,
then y leaving the copy, etween the hours of eight in the
%orning an# si= in the evening, at the party's or attorney's
resi#ence, if "nown, with a person of sufficient #iscretion
to receive the sa%e ;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
If service is not %a#e personally, service y registere# %ail
shall e reCuire# if registry service e=ists in the localityD
otherwise, service %ay e %a#e y #epositing the copy in
the post office, in a seale# envelope, plainly a##resse# to
the party or his attorney at his office, if "nown, otherwise at
his resi#ence, if "nown, with postage fully prepai#, an#
with instructions to the post%aster to return the %ail to the
sen#er after ten ;10< #ays if un#elivere# ;(ec. 5, I+id.<.
S.$#a) (orms o( +&d,m$"!.
2n#er the 1ules of Court an# $urispru#ence, the special
for%s of $u#g%ent are as followsE
a. *!dgmnt +( dfa!lt && is a $u#g%ent ren#ere# against the
#efen#ant for his failure to appear at the pre&trial
conference, or to answer to the co%plaint within the ti%e
fi=e# y the rules. ;see /eluH vs. .ustice of the Peace, 42
Phil. 560D Mapua vs. %en#oHa, 45 Phil 424<. In the (hari'a
courts, a $u#g%ent y #efault can not e ren#ere# in view
of the prohiition against filing of %otion to #eclare
#efen#ant in #efault. -onetheless, it is elieve# that any
$u#g%ent %a#e y the (hari'a court " &art pursuant to
(ection 5 of the (pecial 1ules parta"es of a #efault
. *!dgmnt on th &lading && is a $u#g%ent ren#ere# in
favor of a party to an action, on %otion therefor, where an
answer fails to ten#er an issue, or otherwise a#%its the
%aterial allegations of the a#verse party's plea#ings ;(ec. l,
1ule l:, 1ules of Court<.
c. S!mmar( j!dgmnt && is %eant that which a court %ay
ren#er efore trial, ut after oth parties have plea#e#,
upon application y one party supporte# y affi#avits,
#epositions or other #ocu%ents, with notice upon the
a#verse party who %ay file opposition supporte# also y
affi#avits, #epositions, or other #ocu%ents, shoul# the
court, after hearing su%%arily oth parties with their
respective proofs, fin# that there is no genuine issue
etween the% ;1ule 34, 1ules of CourtD !anteo vs. !anteo,
39:43&1, -ov. 20, l:72<.
#. S)ral j!dgmnt && is a $u#g%ent which a court %ay
ren#er, in an action against several #efen#ants, against one
or %ore of the%, leaving the action to procee# against the
others ;(ec. 4, 1ule 36, 1ules of Court<.
e. S&arat j!dgmnt && is a $u#g%ent which a court %ay
ren#er, in an action where %ore than one clai% for relief is
presente#, #isposing of a particular clai% upon a
#eter%ination of the issues %aterial to such clai% an# all
counterclai%s arising out of the transaction or occurrence
which is the su$ect %atter of the clai% ;(ec. 5, I+id.<.
f. S&cial j!dgmnt && is a $u#g%ent which reCuires the
perfor%ance of any other act than the pay%ent of %oney,
or the sale or #elivery of real or personal property ;(ec. :,
1ule 3:, I+id.D Mosle% vs. (oriano, l24 (C1A l:4<.
g. *!dgmnt for #&cific act# && is a $u#g%ent which #irects
a party to e=ecute a conveyance of lan#, or to #eliver #ee#s
or other #ocu%ents, or to perfor% any other specific act
;(ec. l0, I+id.<.
h. Mmorand!m j!dgmnt && is a $u#g%ent or final
resolution of a court in an appeale# case a#opting y
reference the fin#ings of fact an# conclusions of law
containe# in the #ecision or final or#er appeale# fro% ;(ec.
24, Interi% 1ulesD ,rancisco vs. Per%s"ul, 173 (C1A 324
i. *!dgmnt on con#nt && is one the provisions an# ter%s of
which are settle# an# agree# upon y the parties to the
action an# which is entere# in the recor# y the consent an#
sanction of the court ;1epulic vs. )isaya Lan# !rans. Co.,
L&3l4:0, .an. 6, l:79D 9l (C1A l: I1:79J<.
$. *!dgmnt n!nc &ro t!nc && is ren#ere# to enter or recor#
such $u#g%ent as ha# een for%erly ren#ere# ut has not
een entere# as thus ren#ere# ;Car#oHa vs. (ingson, 191
(C1A 45, 51 I1::0JD 8en#erson vs. !an, L&3233, +ct. l0,
l:50D Lichauco vs. !an Pho, 5l Phil. 962<.
". *!dgmnt !&on conf##ion && is a $u#g%ent ren#ere# y a
court ase# on the affir%ative an# voluntary act of the
#efen#ant a#%itting the clai% against hi%, or confessing to
his guilt.
l. *!dgmnt !&on com&romi# && is one ren#ere# y a court
ase# on the agree%ent of the parties, y %a"ing reciprocal
concessions, to avoi# a litigation or put an en# to one
alrea#y co%%ence# ;2nite# 8ousing Corp. vs. 0ayrit, 191
(C1A 295, 2:3 I1::0J<.
%. %larificator( j!dgmnt && is one which clarifies a vague
or a%iguous $u#g%ent.
;)ac" to top<
6:7 Th$ +&d,m$"! sha)) 1$#om$ ("a) a"d $D$#&!or2
&.o" !h$ $D.ra!o" o( !h$ .$rod !o a..$a). O"#$ !h$
+&d,m$"! 1$#om$s ("a) a"d $D$#&!or2' !h$ #o&r! motu
proprio sha)) mm$da!$)2 ss&$ !h$ wr! o( $D$#&!o" (or
!h$ sa!s(a#!o" o( !h$ +&d,m$"!.
P$rod o( a..$a).
An appeal on the $u#g%ent of the (hari'a court %ay e
ta"en within fifteen ;l5< #ays fro% the receipt of the
$u#g%ent. As either party %ay appeal fro% such $u#g%ent,
only upon the e=piration of the perio# of appeal for oth
parties %ay the court mot! &ro&rio issue the writ of
F"a)!2 o( d$#so".
!he $u#g%ent shall eco%e final an# e=ecutory upon the
e=piration of the fifteen&#ay perio# for appealD such perio#
shall e counte# fro% the #ate of receipt of the $u#g%ent.
?hen the $u#g%ent eco%es final an# e=ecutory, the court
mot! &ro&rio shall i%%e#iately issue the writ of e=ecution
for the satisfaction of the $u#g%ent ;(ec. 9;2<, (pecial
1ules<. !he $u#g%ent oligee nee# not file a %otion for
e=ecution of $u#g%ent though he %ay so file if the court
faile# to issue the writ in #ue ti%e. 2n#er the 1ules of
Court, a $u#g%ent %ay e e=ecute# on %otion within five
years fro% the #ate of its entry or fro% the #ate it eco%es
final an# e=ecutory ;(ec. 6, 1ule 3:, 1ules of Court<.
Wr! o( $D$#&!o"' d$("$d.
It is a $u#icial process to enforce pay%ent, satisfaction or
perfor%ance of a final $u#g%ent against the #efeate# party
in a case ;1evelations Mfg. Corp. vs. Magsino, (p&03979,
.an. 24, l:95<.
ED$#&!o" o( +&d,m$"!.
*=ecution shall issue only upon a $u#g%ent or or#er that
finally #isposes of the action or procee#ing. (uch e=ecution
shall issue as a %atter of right upon the e=piration of the
perio# to appeal therefro% if no appeal has een #uly
perfecte# ;(ec. 1, 1ule 3:, 1ules of Court<. +nce the
$u#g%ent eco%es final an# e=ecutory, the (hari'a court
shall i%%e#iately issue, mot! &ro&rio, a writ of e=ecution
for the satisfaction of the $u#g%ent ;(ec. 9, (pecial rules<.
2nli"e in the regular courts, no %otion y the prevailing
party is necessary for the issuance of the writ.
O!h$r a..)#a1)$ r&)$s.
!he provisions of 1ule 36 on $u#g%ents, final or#ers an#
entry thereof as well as 1ule 3: of the 1ules of Court on
e=ecution, satisfaction an# effects of $u#g%ents insofar as
they are not inconsistent with the (pecial 1ules of
Proce#ure are also applicale in the (hari'a courts.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" F. Appeal. 44 A" a..$a) sha)) 1$ mad$ 12 ()", a
"o!#$ o( a..$a) addr$ss$d !o !h$ #o&r! a"d 12 .a2",
!h$ do#0$! ($$ w!h" ((!$$" 6)A7 da2s (rom r$#$.! o( !h$
A..$a)' d$("$d.
Appeal is a resort to a superior court to review the #ecision
of an inferior court or a#%inistrative agency ;)lac"'s Law
0ictionary, p. 4:<. An appeal rings up for review errors of
$u#g%ent co%%itte# y a court of co%petent $uris#iction
over the su$ect of the suit or the persons of the parties or
any such error co%%itte# y the court in the e=ercise of its
$uris#iction a%ounting to nothing %ore than error of
$u#g%ent ;1epulic vs. (an#iganayan, G.1. 95294, ,e.
29, 1::0D (ilverio vs. CA, G.1. 3:961, Mar. 17, 1:96<.
How a..$a) !a0$".
An appeal fro% the #ecision of the (hari'a court %ay e
ta"en y filing a written notice of appeal to the court which
ren#ere# the #ecision within fifteen ;l5< #ays fro% receipt
thereof ;(ec. :, (pecial 1ules<.
Wh$r$ a..$a) !a0$".
A #ecision or $u#g%ent of the (hari'a Circuit Court %ay e
appeale# to the (hari'a 0istrict Court that has $uris#iction
over the area where the circuit court is sitting ;Art. l44, P0
l093<. In the case of the (hari'a 0istrict Court, its #ecision
or final or#er %ay e appeale# to the (hari'a Appellate
Court which has e=clusive appellate $uris#iction over all
cases trie# in the (hari'a 0istrict Courts ;(ec. :, Art. /III,
1A :054<.
In the case of Macawiag )#. 'alindong1 /.2. 3768391 S&t.
891 899>, the (upre%e Court sai#E
@?hile the (upre%e Court ,n 'anc authoriHe# the
creation of the (hariAa Appellate Court, it has not
yet een organiHe#. ConseCuently, aggrieve# parties
can co%e up only to the (upre%e Court in view of
the rule set forth in Article 145 of Presi#ential
0ecree -o. 1093, )i;E
Article 145. Finalit( of dci#ion#. P !he #ecisions
of the (hariAa 0istrict Courts whether on appeal
fro% the (hariAa Circuit Court or not shall e final.
-othing herein containe# shall affect the original
an# appellate $uris#iction of the (upre%e Court as
provi#e# in the Constitution.
@!he original an# appellate $uris#iction of the
(upre%e Court as provi#e# in the Constitution is
not altere#. (pecifically, this refers to the original
$uris#iction of the (upre%e Court over petitions for
certiorari, prohiition, %an#a%us, q!o warranto,
an# ha+a# cor&!#. It li"ewise refers to the power
of the (upre%e Court to review, revise, reverse,
%o#ify, or affir% on appeal or certiorari, as the law
or the 1ules of Court %ay provi#e, final $u#g%ents
an# or#ers of lower courts in all cases in which the
$uris#iction of any lower court is in issue an# all
cases in which only an error or Cuestion of law is
In fine, the #ecisions of the (hariAa 0istrict Courts %ay
reach the (upre%e Court y way of special civil action
un#er 1ule 65 of the 1ules of Court if there is a Cuestion of
$uris#iction, or petition for review on certiorari as a %o#e
of appeal un#er 1ule 45 ;Macawiag vs. )alin#ong, I+id.<.
8owever, in the case of =omawi# )#. 'alindong1 /.2. No.
3?85@51 Mar. 71 8939, the (upre%e Court ac"nowle#ge#
the non&organiHation of the (hariAa Appellate Court an#
#eclare# that until such ti%e that the (hariAa Appellate
Court shall have een organiHe#, appeals or petitions fro%
final or#ers or #ecisions of the (hariAa 0istrict Court file#
with the Court of Appeals ;CA< shall e referre# to a
(pecial 0ivision to e organiHe# in any of the CA stations
preferaly co%pose# of Musli% CA $ustices. )ut for cases
where only errors or Cuestions of law are raise# or
involve#, the appeal shall e to the (upre%e Court y a
petition for review on certiorari un#er 1ule 45 of the 1ules
of Court.
Bass o( !h$ a..$))a!$ +&d,m$"!.
!he (hari'a 0istrict Court shall #eci#e every case appeale#
to it on the asis of the evi#ence an# recor#s trans%itte# as
well as such %e%oran#a, riefs or oral argu%ents as the
parties %ay su%it ;Art. l44;2<, P0 l093<.
No!#$ o( a..$a).
!he notice of appeal shall in#icate the parties to the appeal,
specify the $u#g%ent or final or#er or part thereof appeale#
fro%, specify the court to which the appeal is eing ta"en,
an# state the %aterial #ates showing the ti%eliness of the
appeal ;(ec. 5, 1ule 41, 1ules of Court<.
P$r($#!o" o( a..$a).
A party's appeal y notice of appeal is #ee%e# perfecte# as
to hi% upon the filing of the notice of appeal in #ue ti%e.
!he court loses $uris#iction over the case upon the
perfection of the appeal file# in #ue ti%e an# the e=piration
of the ti%e to appeal of the other parties. Prior to the
trans%ittal of the original recor# or the recor# on appeal,
the court %ay issue or#ers for the protection an#
preservation of the rights of the parties which #o not
involve any %atter litigate# y the appeal, approve
co%pro%ises, per%it appeals of in#igent litigants, or#er
e=ecution pen#ing appeal in accor#ance with section 2,
1ule 3: of the 1ules of Court, an# allow with#rawal of the
appeal ;(ec. :, I+id.<.
Pa2m$"! o( !h$ do#0$! ($$.
?ithin the perio# for ta"ing an appeal, the appellant shall
pay to the cler" of the court, which ren#ere# the $u#g%ent
or final or#er appeale# fro%, the full a%ount of the
appellate court #oc"et an# other lawful fees. Proof of
pay%ent of sai# fees shall e trans%itte# to the appellate
court together with the original recor# ;(ec. 4, I+id.<.
,ailure to pay the #oc"et fee is a groun# for the #is%issal
of the appeal ;Pe#rosa vs. (pouses 8ill, G.r. 120904, .une
14, 1::6D 0e GuH%an vs. IAC, G.1. 66350, .an. 20, l:9:D
Guevarra vs. CA, 157 (C1A 32, 37 I1:99JD %f. (antos vs.
CA, G.1. 114726, ,e. 14, 1::6<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8?. Appeal to t#e S#ari'a District Court.44 W!h"
(-$ 6A7 da2s (rom !h$ .$r($#!o" o( !h$ a..$a)' !h$ #)$r0
o( #o&r! sha)) !ra"sm! !h$ or,"a) r$#ord !o !h$!$ a..$))a!$ #o&r!.
Tra"sm!!a) o( !h$ r$#ord.
!he cler" of the court whose $u#g%ent is appeale# shall
trans%it the original recor#, transcripts an# e=hiits, as well
as the appellate court #oc"et fee to the appropriate
appellate court within five ;5< #ays fro% the perfection of
the appeal.
It shall e the #uty of the cler" of court of the lower courtE
;a< !o verify the correctness of the original recor# or the
recor# on appeal an# to %a"e a certification of its
correctnessD ;< !o verify the co%pleteness of the recor#s
that will e trans%itte# to the appellate courtD ;c< If foun#
to e inco%plete, to ta"e such %easures as %ay e reCuire#
to co%plete the recor#s, availing of the authority that he or
the court %ay e=ercise for this purposeD an# ;#< !o trans%it
the recor#s to the appellate court. If the efforts to co%plete
the recor#s fail, he shall in#icate in his letter of trans%ittal
the e=hiits or transcripts not inclu#e# in the recor#s eing
trans%itte# to the appellate court, the reasons for their non&
trans%ittal, an# the steps ta"en or that coul# e ta"en to
have the% availale. !he cler" of court shall furnish the
parties with copies of his letter of trans%ittal of the recor#s
to the appellate court ;(ec. 10, 1ule 41, 1ules of Court<.
2pon the perfection of the appeal, the cler" shall
i%%e#iately #irect the stenographers concerne# to attach to
the recor# of the case five ;5< copies of the transcripts of
the testi%onial evi#ence referre# to in the recor#. !he
stenographers concerne# shall transcrie such testi%onial
evi#ence an# shall prepare an# affi= to their transcripts an
in#e= containing the na%es of the witnesses an# the pages
wherein their testi%onies are foun#, an# a list of the
e=hiits an# the pages wherein each of the% appears to
have een offere# an# a#%itte# or re$ecte# y the trial
court. !he transcripts shall e trans%itte# to the cler" of the
trial court who shall thereupon arrange the sa%e in the
or#er in which the witnesses testifie# at the trial, an# shall
cause the pages to e nu%ere# consecutively ;(ec. 11,
I+id.D see A#vincula vs. IAC, 147 (C1A 262, 267 I1:97J<.
D&!2 o( !h$ #)$r0 o( !h$
a..$))a!$ #o&r!.
2pon receipt of the original recor#s, transcripts an#
e=hiits fro% the lower court, the cler" of the (hari'a
0istrict Court shall notify the parties of such fact ;(ec. ll,
(pecial 1ules<. !he notice will enale the parties to su%it
%e%oran#a, riefs or oral argu%ents as the court %ay or#er
or as the parties %ay su%it ;Art. 144;2<, P0 1093<.
S&1msso" o( 1r$(s or m$mora"da.
2n#er (ection 7 of 1ule 40, 1ules of Court provi#ing for
the proce#ure in the 1egional !rial Court in appeale# cases,
it is therein provi#e# thatE
;a< = = = =
;< ?ithin fifteen ;15< #ays fro% such notice, it
shall e the #uty of the appellant to su%it a
%e%oran#u% which shall riefly #iscuss the errors
i%pute# to the lower court, a copy of which shall e
furnishe# y hi% to the a#verse party. ?ithin
fifteen ;15< #ays fro% receipt of the appellantAs
%e%oran#u%, the appellee %ay file his
%e%oran#u%. ,ailure of the appellant to file a
%e%oran#u% shall e a groun# for #is%issal of the
;c< 2pon the filing of the %e%oran#u% of the
appellee, or the e=piration of the perio# to #o so, the
case shall e consi#ere# su%itte# for #ecision. !he
1egional !rial Court shall #eci#e the case on the
asis of the entire recor# of the procee#ings ha# in
the court of origin an# such %e%oran#a as are file#.
It is elieve# that this rule %ay e applie# in appeale# cases
fro% the (hari'a Circuit Court to the (hari'a 0istrict Court
pursuant to the provisions of Article l4:, P0 l093.
I" !h$ Shar'a A..$))a!$ Co&r!.
1egar#ing appeals to the (hari'a Appellate Court fro% the
(hari'a 0istrict Court, the (upre%e Court has yet to
pro%ulgate the applicale rules pursuant to the provisions
of (ection l7, Article /III of 1A :054.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 88. Appeal to t#e Supreme Court. 44 U.o" r$#$.!
o( !h$ or,"a) r$#ords' !ra"s#r.!s a"d $Dh1!s' !h$
#)$r0 o( #o&r! o( !h$ Shar'a Ds!r#! Co&r! sha)) "o!(2
!h$ .ar!$s o( s&#h (a#!.
D&!2 o( !h$ #)$r0 o( !h$
Shar'a Ds!r#! Co&r!.
2pon receipt of the original recor#s, transcripts an#
e=hiits, the cler" of court of the (hari'a 0istrict is #uty
oun# to notify the parties of such fact ;(ec. 11, (pecial
!he aove provision evi#ently applies to a case appeale# to
the (hari'a 0istrict Court an# not to the (upre%e Court.
A..$a) !o !h$ S&.r$m$ Co&r!.
?hile the (upre%e Court ,n 'anc authoriHe# the creation
of the (hariAa Appellate Court, it has not yet een
organiHe#. ConseCuently, aggrieve# parties can co%e up
only to the (upre%e Court in view of the rule set forth in
Article 145 of Presi#ential 0ecree -o. 1093. ;Macawiag
vs. )alin#ong, G.1. 15:210, (ept. 20, 2006<.
!he #ecisions of the (hariAa 0istrict Courts %ay reach the
(upre%e Court y way of special civil action un#er 1ule 65
of the 1ules of Court if there is a Cuestion of $uris#iction,
or petition for review on certiorari as a %o#e of appeal
un#er 1ule 45 ;Macawiag vs. )alin#ong, I+id.D !o%awis
vs. )alin#ong, G.1. -o. 192434, Mar. 5, 2010<.
!hus, in the earlier case of S&o!## <awaki )#. /aringan1
/.2. 3559671 A&ril 381 8997, the (upre%e Court
entertaine# un#er 1ule 45 of the 1::7 1ules of Civil
Proce#ure a petition for review on certiorari to reverse the
#ecision of the (hariAa 0istrict Court of Na%oanga City.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8:. )egal *pinion +Fatwa,.44 B$(or$ +&d,m$"! s
r$"d$r$d' a"2 #o&r! ma2 s$$0 !h$ o."o" 6fatwa7 o( !h$
*&rs#o"s&)! o( Is)am# Law #r$a!$d &"d$r !h$ Cod$ o(
M&s)m P$rso"a) )aws " ma!!$rs #o"#$r"", d((#&)!
/&$s!o"s o( M&s)m Law a"d *&rs.r&d$"#$ 6fi'#7.
Cr$a!o" o( *&rs#o"s&)!.
!here shall e a .urisconsult in Isla%ic Law, who shall e
appointe# y the Presi#ent of the Philippines an# hol#
office for a ter% of seven years, without pre$u#ice to
reappoint%ent, unless sooner re%ove# for cause or
incapacitate# to #ischarge the #uties of his office ;Art. l64,
P0 l093<.
!he 1egional Asse%ly of the A1MM shall give priority
consi#eration to the organiHation of the office of the
$urisconsult in Isla%ic law as estalishe# un#er e=isting law
an# provision for its facilities to enale the proper
functioning of the office ;(ec. 20, Art. /III, 1A :054<.
*&rs#o"s&)!' d$("$d.
2n#er P0 -o. 1093, a .urisconsult in Isla%ic Law or M!fti
is an officer who ren#ers legal opinions on any Cuestion
relating to Musli% law. 8e assists the Aadi or .u#ge, y
giving hi% fatwas or legal opinions ;1eE (a%ano#in L.
A%paso, 256 (C1A 67:, 691 I1::6J<.
5&a)(#a!o"s o( a *&rs#o"s&)!.
-o person shall e appointe# .urisconsult in Isla%ic Law
unless he is a citiHen of the Philippines, at least forty years
of age, of goo# %oral character an# proven integrity, an#
an e%inent scholar in the >ur'an an# Badith an# in Isla%ic
$urispru#ence as well as proficient in Araic ;Art. l65,
F&"#!o"s o( !h$ *&rs#o"s&)!.
!he functions of the .urisconsult areE
1. !he .urisconsult shall, on the written reCuest of any
intereste# party, have the authority to ren#er legal opinions,
ase# on recogniHe# authorities, regar#ing any Cuestion
relating to Musli% Law. ,or this purpose, he %ay, if he
#ee%s it necessary, consult or as" for a consensus of the
2. !he .urisconsult shall consi#er an# act on every such
reCuest unless, in his opinion an# for goo# reason, the
Cuestion nee# not e answere#.
3. !he +ffice of the .urisconsult shall "eep a co%pilation
an# cause the pulication of all his legal opinions ;Art. l66,
O."o" o( !h$ *&rs#o"s&)!'
!he legal opinions ren#ere# y the .urisconsult shall
%erely serve to enlighten the court or the parties concerne#,
who, however are not necessarily oun# to follow the sa%e
;1eE (a%ano#in L. A%paso, #!&ra<. (uch opinion is not
in#ing upon the court. It is %erely a#visory or persuasive.
-either it is incu%ent upon the court to see" the opinion
of the .urisconsult.
In fine, the court, efore ren#ering $u#g%ent, %ay or %ay
not consult the .urisconsult an# once opinion is ren#ere# y
the .urisconsult, it %ay not follow such opinion ;1asul, .&.
cit., p. 62<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8=. leadings and -otions Disallowed.44 Th$
#o&r! sha)) "o! a))ow !h$ ()", o( !h$ (o))ow",
.)$ad",s' .$!!o"s or mo!o"s' !o w!9
6a7 Mo!o" !o dsmss or !o /&ash;
617 Mo!o" (or a 1)) o( .ar!#&)ars;
6#7 Mo!o" (or $D!$"so" o( !m$ !o ()$ .)$ad",s or
o!h$r .a.$rs;
6d7 Mo!o" !o d$#)ar$ d$($"da"! " d$(a&)!;
6$7 R$.)2' !!2 #om.)a"!s' or "!$r-$"!o";
6(7 P$!!o" (or #$r!orar' ma"dam&s' or .roh1!o"
a,a"s! a"2 "!$r)o#&!or2 ord$r ss&$d 12 !h$ #o&r!;
6,7 P$!!o" (or r$)$( (rom +&d,m$"!;
6h7 Mo!o" (or "$w !ra) or r$o.$"", o( !ra);
67 A"2 d)a!or2 mo!o" (or .os!.o"$m$"!.
P&r.os$ o( !h$ r&)$.
!he aove rule see"s to forestall the parties fro% resorting
to plea#ings, %otions an# petitions, which are in actual
practice oftenti%es use# to #elay the procee#ings in the
case. !hose plea#ings, %otions an# petitions are prohiite#
in or#er to provi#e an e=pe#itious an# ine=pensive
#eter%ination of the cases rought efore the (hari'a courts
;Ma%a#sual vs. Moson, G.1. :2557, (ept. 27, 1::0<.
Mo!o" !o dsmss' d$("$d.
Motion to #is%iss is one which is generally interpose#
efore trial to attac" the action on the asis of insufficiency
of the plea#ing, of process, venue, $oin#er, etc. ;)lac"'s
Law 0ictionary, Ari#ge# 5th e#., p. 526<.
Gro&"ds (or mo!o" !o dsmss.
2n#er 1ule l6 of the 1ules of Court, the groun#s for a
%otion to #is%iss areE
;a< !hat the court has no $uris#iction over the person of the
#efen#ing partyD
;< !hat the court has no $uris#iction over the su$ect
%atter of the clai%D
;c< !hat venue is i%properly lai#D
;#< !hat the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sueD
;e< !hat there is another action pen#ing etween the sa%e
parties for the sa%e causeD
;f< !hat the cause of action is arre# y a prior $u#g%ent or
y the statute of li%itationsD
;g< !hat the plea#ing asserting the clai% states no cause of
;h< !hat the clai% or #e%an# set forth in the plaintiff's
plea#ing has een pai#, waive#, aan#one#, or otherwise
;i< !hat the clai% on which the action is foun#e# is
unenforceale un#er the provisions of the statute of frau#sD
;$< !hat a con#ition prece#ent for filing the clai% has not
een co%plie# with.
!his provision of the 1ules of Court applies to civil cases.
Gro&"ds (or mo!o" !o /&ash.
In cri%inal cases, the groun#s for a %otion to Cuash un#er
(ection 3, 1ule 117 of the 1ules of Court areE
;a< !hat the facts charge# #o not constitute an offenseD
;< !hat the court trying the case has no $uris#iction over
the offense charge#D
;c< !hat the court trying the case has no $uris#iction over
the person of the accuse#D
;#< !hat the officer who file# the infor%ation ha# no
authority to #o soD
;e< !hat it #oes not confor% sustantially to the prescrie#
;f< !hat %ore than one offense is charge# e=cept when a
single punish%ent for various offenses is prescrie# y
;g< !hat the cri%inal action or liaility has een
;h< !hat it contains aver%ents which, if true, woul#
constitute a legal e=cuse or $ustificationD an#
;i< !hat the accuse# has een previously convicte# or
acCuitte# of the offense charge#, or the case against hi%
was #is%isse# or otherwise ter%inate# without his e=press
P)$ad", ,ro&"ds as
a((rma!-$ d$($"s$s.
Any of the groun#s for #is%issal provi#e# for un#er 1ule
16 of the 1ules of Court %ay e plea#e# as an affir%ative
#efense in the answer an#, in the #iscretion of the court, a
preli%inary hearing %ay e ha# thereon as if a %otion to
#is%iss ha# een file# ;(ec. 6, 1ule 16, 1ules of Court<.
?hat the (pecial 1ules (Ijra-At Al Mahakim Al Shari'a)
proscries is the filing of a %otion to #is%iss in lieu of an
answer, which woul# stop the running of the perio# to file
an answer an# cause un#ue #elay. !he prohiition is
inten#e# to put a stop to the filing of #ilatory plea#ings
with the en# view of e=pe#iting procee#ings efore the
(hari'a Courts ;8a#$i Ali Ma%a#sual vs. .u#ge Moson,
G.1. :2557, (ept. 27, l::0<.
!he #is%issal of the co%plaint un#er this rule shall e
without pre$u#ice to the prosecution in the sa%e or separate
action of a counterclai% plea#e# in the answer ;(ec. 6,
1ule 16, 1ules of Court<.
Mo!o" !o dsmss .roh1!$d;
!his section prohiits the filing of a %otion to #is%iss or to
Cuash. 8owever, this rule a#%its an e=ception. A su%%ary
rule prohiiting the filing of a %otion to #is%iss shoul# not
e a ar to the #is%issal of the action for lac" of
$uris#iction when the $uris#ictional infir%ity is patent on
the face of the co%plaint itself, in view of the fun#a%ental
proce#ural #octrine that the $uris#iction of a court %ay e
challenge# at anyti%e at any stage of the action ;1ulona
Al&Awa#i, vs. Astih, G.1. 9l:6:, (ept. 26, l:99, !i$a% vs.
(ionghanoy, 23 (C1A 2:, 35&36D Crisosto%o vs. CA, 32
(C1A 54D Nulueta vs. Pan A%erican ?orl# Airways, Inc.
4: (C1A l, 6D -ueva :i;caya Cha%er of Co%%erce vs.
CA, :7 (C1A 956<.
Also, where an answer has alrea#y een file#, a %otion to
#is%iss the co%plaint %ay e file# y the #efen#ant. !hus,
the case of the Bir# of 2icardo .li)a# )#. Flor1 /.2. No.
4?@5@1 Ma( 81 36??, involves the application of the 1ules
of (u%%ary Proce#ure in special cases efore the
Metropolitan an# Municipal Circuit !rial Courts, which
#isallow the filing of %otions to #is%iss. !he (upre%e
Court hel#E
@In the guise of a position paper, private
respon#ents file# a Motion to 0is%iss. ?hile this
is, in#ee#, a prohiite# plea#ing ;(ection 15;1<,
1ule on (u%%ary Procee#ing< it shoul# e note#
that the %otion was file# after an Answer ha#
alrea#y een su%itte# within the regle%entary
perio#. In essence, therefore, it is not the plea#ing
prohiite# y the 1ules on (u%%ary Proce#ure.
?hat the rule proscries is a Motion to 0is%iss,
which woul# stop the running of the perio# to file
an Answer an# cause un#ue #elay.B ;8a#$i Ali
Ma%a#sual vs. .u#ge Moson, G.1. :2557, (ept. 27,
Moreover, when it appears fro% the plea#ings or the
evi#ence on recor# that the court has no $uris#iction over
the su$ect %atter, that there is another action pen#ing
etween the sa%e parties for the sa%e cause, or that the
action is arre# y a prior $u#g%ent or y statute of
li%itations, the court shall #is%iss the clai% ;(ec. 1, 1ule
:, 1ules of Court<.
In the recent case of =omawi# )#. 'alindong1 /.2. No.
3?85@51 Mar. 71 8939, where two ;2< %otions to #is%iss,
each pre#icate# on the sole issue of $uris#iction, were file#
y petitioner efore the (hariAa 0istrict Court, the secon#
%otion having een file# two years after the appellate court
#enie# his petition for certiorari, the (upre%e Court
e=presse# its #isapproval of the cunning effort of petitioner
an# his counsel for using proce#ural rules to the hilt to
prolong the final #isposition of the case, an# a#%onishe#
the% to refrain fro% engaging in activities ten#ing to
frustrate the or#erly an# spee#y a#%inistration of $ustice.
Mo!o" (or 1)) o(
.ar!#&)ars' #o"#$.!.
A %otion for ill of particulars un#er (ection 1, 1ule l2 of
the 1ules of Court is one that %oves for a #efinite
state%ent or for a ill of particulars of any %atter, which is
not averre# with sufficient #efiniteness or particularity to
enale the %oving party properly to prepare his responsive
plea#ing or to prepare for trial.
Mo!o" !o d$#)ar$ d$($"da"!
" d$(a&)!' #o"#$.!.
It is one which %oves for the #eclaration of the #efen#ant
in #efault for his failure to answer the co%plaint within the
ti%e provi#e# for y the rules.
R$.)2' d$("$d.
A reply is a plea#ing, the office or function of which is to
#eny, or allege facts in #enial or avoi#ance of new %atters
allege# y way of #efense in the answer an# therey $oin or
%a"e issue as to such new %atters ;(ec. l0, 1ule 6, 1ules
of Court<.
!he filing of the reply in a case efore the (hari'a courts is
not allowe#. !he filing of such reply is generally
unnecessary as all the new %atters allege# in the answer are
#ee%e# controverte# ;I+id.<. )ut un#er the 1ules of Court
the filing of a reply un#er oath is co%pulsory where the
#efense allege# in the answer is ase# on an actionale
#ocu%ent, otherwise the genuineness an# #ue e=ecution of
such #ocu%ent shall e #ee%e# a#%itte# ;(ec. 9, 1ule 9,
I+id.<.!2 #om.)a"!' d$("$d.
A thir#&party co%plaint is a clai% that a #efen#ing party
%ay, with the leave of court, file against a person not a
party to the action, calle# the thir#&party #efen#ant, for
contriution, in#e%nity, surogation or any other relief, in
respect of the opponent's clai% ;(ec. l1, I+id.<.!2 #om.)a"!'
how ras$d.
(ince a thir#&party co%plaint is #isallowe# y the (pecial
1ules, the #efen#ant %ay file a separate action against the
person with who% he clai%s for contriution, in#e%nity,
surogation or any other relief. At any rate, a thir#&party
co%plaint is an action Factually in#epen#ent of, separate
an# #istinct fro% the plaintiff's co%plaintF such that, were
it not for the 1ules of Court, it woul# e necessary to file
the action separately fro% the original co%plaint y the
#efen#ant against the thir# party ;Associate# )an" vs. CA,
233 (C1A 137, 145 I1::4J<.
I"!$r-$"!o"' d$("$d.
Intervention is a re%e#y y which a thir# party, not
originally i%plea#e# in a procee#ing, eco%es a litigant
therein to enale hi% to protect or preserve a right or
interest which %ay e affecte# y such procee#ing ;,irst
Phil. 8ol#ing Corp. vs. (an#iganayan, 253 (C1A 30, 39
P$!!o" (or #$r!orar' d$("$d.
?hen any triunal, oar# or officer, e=ercising $u#icial
functions, has acte# without or in e=cess of its or his
$uris#iction, or with grave ause of #iscretion an# there is
no appeal, nor any plain, spee#y, an# a#eCuate re%e#y in
the or#inary course of law, a person aggrieve# therey %ay
file a verifie# petition calle# certiorari in the proper court
alleging the facts with certainty an# praying that $u#g%ent
e ren#ere# annulling or %o#ifying the procee#ings, as the
law reCuires, of such triunal, oar# or officer ;(ec. l, 1ule
65, 1ules of CourtD Garcia vs. #e .esus, 206 (C1A 77:
I1::2J citing Pi%entel vs. Co%elec, 101 (C1A 76:
P$!!o" (or .roh1!o"' d$("$d.
?hen the procee#ings of any triunal, corporation, oar#
or person, whether e=ercising functions $u#icial or
%inisterial, are without or in e=cess of its or his
$uris#iction, or with grave ause of #iscretion, an# there is
no appeal or any other plain, spee#y an# a#eCuate re%e#y
in the or#inary course of law, a person aggrieve# therey
%ay file a verifie# petition calle# prohiition in the proper
court alleging the facts with certainty an# praying that
$u#g%ent e ren#ere# co%%an#ing the #efen#ant to #esist
fro% further procee#ings in the action or %atter specifie#
therein ;(ec. 2, 1ule 65, 1ules of Court<.
P$!!o" (or ma"dam&s' d$("$d.
?hen any triunal, corporation, oar#, or person
unlawfully neglects the perfor%ance of an act which the
law specifically en$oins as a #uty resulting fro% office,
trust, or station, or unlawfully e=clu#es another fro% the
use an# en$oy%ent of a right or office to which such other
is entitle#, an# there is no other plain, spee#y an# a#eCuate
re%e#y in the or#inary course of law, the person aggrieve#
therey %ay file a verifie# petition calle# %an#a%us in the
proper court alleging the facts with certainty an# praying
that $u#g%ent e ren#ere# co%%an#ing the #efen#ant,
i%%e#iately or so%e other specifie# ti%e, to #o the act
reCuire# to e #one to protect the rights of the petitioner,
an# to pay the #a%ages sustaine# y the petitioner y
reason of the wrongful acts of the #efen#ant ;(ec. 3, I+id.<.
Ord$rs &"/&$s!o"a1)$ 12
#$r!orar' $!#.
+nly interlocutory or#ers %ay not e Cuestione# y
petitions for certiorari, prohiition or %an#a%us. ,inal
or#ers, or one that puts an en# to the particular %atter
resolve#, leaving thereafter no sustantial procee#ing to e
ha# in connection therewith, e=cept its e=ecution, %ay e
the su$ect of such petitions.
I"!$r)o#&!or2 ord$r' d$("$d.
An interlocutory or#er is one that #oes not finally #ispose
of the case, an# #oes not en# the court's tas" of
a#$u#icating the parties' contentions an# #eter%ining their
rights an# liailities as regar#s each other, ut oviously
in#icates that other things re%ain to e #one y the court
;AtienHa vs. CA, 232 (C1A 737, 744 I1::4JD People vs.
8ewal#, l05 Phil l2:7<.
P$!!o" (or r$)$( (rom
+&d,m$"!' d$("$d.
Petition for relief fro% $u#g%ent is one file# in the sa%e
case, when a $u#g%ent or final or#er is entere#, or any
other procee#ing is thereafter ta"en against a party in any
court through frau#, acci#ent, %ista"e, or e=cusale
negligence, praying that such $u#g%ent, or#er or
procee#ing e set asi#e ;(ec. 1, 1ule 39, 1ules of Court<.
Mo!o" (or "$w !ra)' d$("$d.
It is a %otion file# with the trial court to set asi#e the
$u#g%ent an# grant a new trial for one or %ore of the
following causes %aterially affecting the sustantial rights
of sai# partyD
;a< ,rau#, acci#ent, %ista"e or e=cusale negligence which
or#inary pru#ence coul# not have guar#e# against an# y
reason of which such aggrieve# party has proaly een
i%paire# in his rightsD or
;< -ewly #iscovere# evi#ence, which he coul# not, with
reasonale #iligence, have #iscovere# an# pro#uce# at the
trial, an# which if presente# woul# proaly alter the result
;(ec. 1, 1ule 37, I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8>. Administration of *at#. 44 6)7 A" oa!h 6%amin7
)$,a))2 1"d", " a ma""$r a"d (orm o1s$r-$d &"d$r
M&s)m Law ma2' 12 ord$r o( !h$ #o&r!' 1$
adm"s!$r$d &.o" a"2 o( !h$ .ar!$s who ar$ M&s)ms
!o $s!a1)sh a (a#!' or !o a((rm a"2 $-d$"#$ .r$s$"!$d.
S&#h oa!h ma2 #o"s!!&!$ as .roo( " !h$ a1s$"#$ o( a"2
o!h$r $-d$"#$.
Oa!h' d$("$d.
An oath is an invocation of the na%e of Go# or of so%e
person or o$ect hel# sacre# y the person using the
invocation, to witness the truth of a sole%n affir%ation an#
to e%phasiHe that affir%ation ;Ali, o&. cit.<.
Form o( oa!h.
?hen the oath is aout to e a#%inistere# to one of the two
litigants the oath is ta"en in the na%e of Go# the highest,
saying Fwa 'llahF or F+i llahiF. ;Art. l743, !he Me$elle<.
!hus, when so%eone is going to ta"e an oath aout his own
act, the oath is %a#e categorically, i.., the oath is cause# to
e ta"en finally, saying, F!his thing is so,F or Fit is notF.
;Art. l749, I+id.<.
In ?est Africa, in %atters of proce#ure the Muha%%a#an
courts a#opt a co%pro%ise etween Isla%ic an# *nglish
principles. ?hile the or#inary oath which all witnesses ta"e
is an oath on the >ur'an in the *nglish for%, the Fperishale
oathF is use# when a #efen#ant is challenge# y a plaintiff
who lac"s a#eCuate evi#ence or when the #efen#ant
FreturnsF such oath to the plaintiffD an# this is sworn y the
party concerne#, after perfor%ance of the cere%onial
alutions, putting his finger on the first ra#ical S!ra in the
>ur'an entitle# al-=!r an# repeating three ti%es after the
Aadi the first eight verses of that S!ra ;An#erson, ..-.0.,
Isla%ic Law in Africa, ,ran" Cass K Co., Lt#., ;Lon#on<,
l:70., p. 230<.
In the case of !am&ar )#. D#man1 /.2. ?8944. A!g!#t l>1
l66l, the #efen#ant, who was challenge# y the plaintiff
who lac"s evi#ence to ta"e the oath, too" the oath ;(amin<
in the following for%E
FI, *s%ael us%an, swear in the na%e of Allah, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful an# upon the 8oly >uran,
that I ought the lan# in Cuestion fro% the
plaintiffsD that I have not forge# or falsifie# the
signature of the plaintiffsD an# that Go# will curse
%e if I a% not telling the truthF.
B2 whom adm"s!$r$d.
An oath %ay e a#%inistere# upon any of the parties y
or#er of the court. !he court %ay or#er any co%petent
Musli%, preferaly an Imam or religious lea#er of the local
co%%unity to a#%inister the oath. In any case, the oath
shoul# e a#%inistere# in the presence of the $u#ge ;Art.
l744, I+id.<.
@"ds o( oa!h.
+ath %ay e classifie# intoE ;A< Proce#ural oath, an# ;)<
(ustantive oath. Proce#ural oath is of three "in#s, na%elyE
;l< pre&reCuisite oath con#ucte# or a#%inistere# upon a
witness efore the reception of his testi%ony to tell the
truth an# nothing ut the whole truthD ;2< #ecisive oath, as
when one party challenges the other to ta"e the oath an#
thereafter, su%its to the #ecision of the courtD an# ;3<
suppletory or supple%entary oath, as when the court nee#s
the oath of a witness if the court is not satisfie# with his
oral testi%ony.
(ustantive oath %ay e of three "in#s, na%elyE ;1<
(amin!l gamoo#, as when an accuse# was convicte# on the
asis of the false testi%ony of a witnessD ;2< lagwool
(amin, which is an oath over a thing, past or present ut is
prove# to e a %ista"eD an# ;3< moon aqdah, which is an
intentional oath to #o or not to #o a thing, in the future
;1asul, o&. cit., pp. 44&45<.
O!h$r 0"ds o( oa!h.
!he other "in#s of oath accor#ing to authorities areE
a. (amin al-i#ti;har && Literally, the oath of revealing. !his
oath %ust e ta"en y, .g., the wife of an asent husan#
who is clai%ing %aintenance, or in so%e cases #ivorce, to
the effect that the husan# #i# not leave her, an# has not
sent her, any %aintenanceD that she is not na#hi;a
;#isoe#ient wife< an# so #isentitle# theretoD an# that she is
not, to her "nowle#ge, #ivorce#, etc. +nly after proof of
%arriage an# the ta"ing of this oath will the court give
$u#g%ent in such case " &art ;An#erson, #!&ra, p. 37:<.
. (amin al-qada && Literally, the oath of $u#g%ent. !his is
another na%e for the (amin al-i#ti;har ;or i#ti+ra<. It is
regar#e# as incu%ent in %any #ifferent circu%stancesE
.g., where a %an pro#uces two witnesses that so%e article
in another's possession is his, he %ust ta"e this oath that he
#i# not sell it nor give it, etc., to its present possessor. It is
also use# in al%ost all clai%s against a #ecease# %an's
estate, or " &art ;I+id.<.
c. (amin al-t!hma && !he oath of suspicion. !his is the oath
which one accuse# of so%e offense without a#eCuate
evi#ence %ust ta"e to clear hi%self. (o%e $urists insist that
he %ust first e shown to e the sort of person on who%
such suspicion %ight reasonaly fall. !his oath %ay not e
returne# y the accuse# to the accuser, since the latter #oes
not clai% certain "nowle#ge ;I+id.<.
Oa!h' wh$" adm"s!$r$d.
!he oath is only a#%inistere# on the application of a party.
)ut in four instances the oath is a#%inistere# y the $u#ge
without an application, na%elyE
;1< ?hen so%eone has clai%e# an# prove# a right against
the estate of a #ecease# person, the $u#ge a#%inisters an
oath to the plaintiff, that he has not ha# this right satisfie#
in any way y the #ea# %an, or got anyone else to have it
satisfie#, an# that he has not given a release of it, an# that
he has not %a#e a hawal ;transfer of a #et< i%posing it
on so%eone else, an# that he has not een pai# y any other
person, an# that he has not ta"en a ple#ge fro% the #ea#
%an as security for this right. !his oath is calle# FI#ti;harF.
;2< ?hen a person turns up having a right to property, an#
has %a#e his clai% an# prove# it, an oath is a#%inistere#
y the $u#ge that he has not sol#, or given that property, or,
finally that it has not passe# fro% his ownership in any
;3< ?hen a purchaser has een going to return a thing
which he has ought on the groun# of #efect, an oath is
a#%inistere# to hi% y the $u#ge that after he #iscovere#
the #efect, he #i# not y wor#, or, i%plie#ly, y any
#isposition of it as if it were his own property, assent to the
#efect in the thing.
;4< ?hen a $u#g%ent is going to e given y a $u#ge, for a
right of pre&e%ption, an oath is a#%inistere# to the person
clai%ing it that he has not %a#e voi# his clai%, i.., that he
has not #estroye# his right of pre&e%ption ;Art. l746, !he
Oa!h as .roo( o( (a#!.
?hen an oath is a#%inistere# upon a party y or#er of the
court, such oath constitutes as proof of fact in the asence
of any other evi#ence ;(ec. l4, (pecial 1ules<.
;)ac" to top<
6:7 No .$rso" sha)) 1$ a))ow$d !o !a0$ a" oa!h &")$ss h$
s /&a)($d &"d$r M&s)m )aw a"d s (&))2 awar$ o( !h$
so)$m"!2 o( !h$ oa!h or !h$ m.or! o( !h$ so)$m"
a((rma!o". A"2 .$rso" who s !o !a0$ a" oa!h or
so)$m" a((rma!o" " a##orda"#$ w!h M&s)m Law
sha)) 1$ ,-$" r$aso"a1)$ !m$ !o !h"0 ! o-$r.
B$)$( o" !h$ oa!h.
In Isla%, the ta"ing of the oath to practice #eception is
pro%ise# with a #oule penalty, that is, Fevil
conseCuencesF which, accor#ing to Gusuf Ali, refer to this
worl#, an# F?rathF which refer to the 8ereafter ;8oly
>ur'an, 2E:4D Gusuf Ali, o&. cit., p. 692<.
8ence, any person who is to ta"e an oath is given
reasonale ti%e to reflect on an# consi#er it carefully
ecause of the #oule penalty that Allah, the Most 8igh,
has pro%ise#. Any one who #oes not elieve in the
sole%nity of the oath an# its conseCuences shoul# not e
allowe# to ta"e the oath.
5&a)(#a!o" o( !h$ .$rso"
!o !a0$ !h$ oa!h.
2n#er the (pecial 1ules, it woul# see% that only Musli%s
are allowe# to ta"e the oath an# this is pre#icate# on the
fact that the $uris#iction of the (hari'a courts is, as a general
rule, li%ite# to Musli%s.
)e that as it %ay, not all persons who clai% to e Musli%s
are allowe# to ta"e the oath. ,or instance, a #run"ar#, a
"nown liar, an i%pious person, or an apostate are not
Cualifie# to ta"e the oath ecause y their con#uct they
coul# not e e=pecte# to hol# sacre# the 8oly >ur'an.
In ?est Africa, particularly in the Gol# Coast an#
elsewhere, pagans are allowe# to ta"e an oath on their
fetish, the Musli%s on the 8oly >ur'an, an# the Christians
on the )ile ;An#erson, o&. cit., p. 262<.
;)ac" to top<
6=7 Th$ #o&r! sha)) s$! a"!$ !m$' da!$ a"d
.)a#$ o( oa!h4!a0", or o( so)$m" a((rma!o" 12 s&#h
.$rso". I(' a! a"2 !m$ 1$(or$ s&#h a..o"!$d da!$' !h$
.ar!2 who s r$/&r$d !o !a0$ a" oa!h or a so)$m"
a((rma!o" r$(&s$s !o do so 6nukul7' !h$ #o&r!' ma2 "
!s ds#r$!o" dr$#! !h$ .$rso"' ( h$ s !h$ .)a"!((' !o
w!hdraw hs #)am' or " #as$ o( !h$ d$($"da"!' !o
adm! !h$ #)am o( !h$ .)a"!((.
Ths s&1s$#!o" a"d
S$#!o" C 687$d.
!here see%s to e a conflict etween this susection an#
(ection 7, Paragraph l of the (pecial 1ules. 2n#er the
present rule, if the #efen#ant refuses to ta"e the oath
;n!k!l<, he %ay, at the #iscretion of the court, e #irecte# to
a#%it the clai% of the plaintiff upon which $u#g%ent shall
e ase#. ?hereas, un#er (ection 7, par. l, when the
#efen#ant is challenge#, y the plaintiff who lac"s
evi#ence, to ta"e the oath an# he refuses, the ur#en of
proof is shifte# to the latter who %ay reaffir% his clai% y
ta"ing the oath, in which case $u#g%ent shall e ren#ere#
in his ;plaintiff< favor.
It is elieve# that (ection l4, par. 3, otains in two
instances as followsE
;l< !he #efen#ant has accepte# the challenge y the
plaintiff to ta"e the oath ut, after the court has set the #ate,
ti%e an# place of the oath&ta"ing, refuses to #o so efore
such #ate, in which case the court %ay, in its #iscretion,
#irect the #efen#ant to a#%it the clai%D an#
;2< !he #efen#ant, when challenge# y the plaintiff, returns
the challenge to the plaintiff to ta"e the oath who then
accepte# the challenge to reaffir% un#er oath his clai% ut,
after the court has set the #ate, ti%e an# place of the oath&
ta"ing, refuses to #o so, in which case the court %ay, in its
#iscretion, #irect the plaintiff to with#raw his clai%.
E(($#! o( r$(&sa) !o !a0$ oa!h.
In civil actions, when the oath is propose# to a person who
is oun# to ta"e the oath, an# he refuses the oath, either
e=pressly, saying FI #o not swearF, or i%plie#ly y "eeping
silence without e=cuse, the $u#ge gives $u#g%ent ase# on
his refusal. An# if after the $u#g%ent he is going to ta"e the
oath, no attention is pai# to hi%. !he $u#g%ent of the $u#ge
re%ains as it is. ;Art. l75l, !he Me$elle<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" )A. -utual *at# +"a#aluf,. 44 I" #as$ o( #)ams
a"d #o&"!$r4#)ams wh$r$ "$!h$r o( !h$ .ar!$s wo&)d
,-$ wa2 a! !h$ .r$4!ra)' !h$ #o&r! ma2' " !s ds#r$!o"'
r$/&r$ 1o!h .ar!$s m&!&a) oa!h 6ta#aluf7 o" a"2
.ar!#&)ar (a#! or (a#!s &.o" wh#h !h$ #o&r! ma2
r$"d$r +&d,m$"!.
M&!&a) oa!h' wh$" a..)#a1)$.
?hen clai%s an# counter&clai%s are of eCual weight, either
y the asence of evi#ence on oth or y the weight of the
evi#ence of each, the court %ay, in its #iscretion, reCuire
oth parties to the action to ta"e oath on a particular issue
an# ren#er $u#g%ent thereon ;(ec. 15, (pecial 1ules<.
Oa!h !o 1o!h .ar!$s' wh$"
adm"s!$r$d9 I"s!a"#$s.
?hen there is a #ifference etween the seller an# the uyer
as to the a%ount, or #escription or "in# of the price, or the
thing sol#, or of oth, whichever pro#uces evi#ence,
$u#g%ent is given for hi%, an# if oth of the% pro#uce
evi#ence, $u#g%ent is given for hi% who proves the %ore.
)ut if oth of the% are unale to give proof, it is sai# to
the% Feither one consents to the clai% of the other or we
%a"e the sale voi#F. An# if upon this, one of the% #oes not
agree to the clai% of the other, the $u#ge a#%inisters an
oath to each of the% aout the clai% of the other. An# first,
he egins with the purchaser. An# if either of the% refuse
the oath, the clai% of the other is prove#, an# if oth ta"e
the oath, the $u#ge #eclares the sale voi# ;Art. l779, !he
?hen the person who hires a thing has a #ispute with the
letter, efore ta"ing possession of a thing eing recently let,
.g., when the hirer %a"es a clai% in Court, saying, Fthe
rent is ten gol# pieces,F an# the letter says, Fit is fifteen
gol# pieces,F whichever of the% pro#uces evi#ence, it is
accepte#. An# if the two pro#uce evi#ence together,
$u#g%ent is given y the evi#ence of the letter. An# if oth
are unale to prove their clai%, the oath is a#%inistere# to
oth, an# they egin y a#%inistering the oath to the hirer,
an# whichever of the% refuses, it is $u#ge# y his refusal.
An# if they two ta"e the oath, the $u#ge #eclares the
contract of hire voi# ;Art. l77:, I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" )B. -utual .mprecation +)i'an,. 44 I( a M&s)m
h&s1a"d a##&s$s hs w($ o( ad&)!$r2 a"d (a)s !o .ro-$
!h$ sam$ " a##orda"#$ w!h M&s)m Law' !h$ #o&r!
ma2 r$/&r$ !h$ h&s1a"d a"d !h$ w($' ( sh$ s a
M&s)m' !o .$r(orm !h$ .r$s#r1$d a#!s o( m.r$#a!o"
6li'an7 a"d' !h$r$a(!$r' !h$ #o&r! sha)) dsso)-$ !h$
marra,$ 12 ss&", !h$!$ d-or#$ d$#r$$ "
a##orda"#$ w!h !h$ .ro-so"s o( !h$ Cod$ o( M&s)m
P$rso"a) Laws.
D-or#$ 12 li'an.
0ivorce y li'an is a for% of #ivorce which ta"es place
when the husan# accuses the wife of a#ultery ut he has
no witnesses to prove the accusation, an# the wife #enies it
;Maulana ,aHlul Lira%, Al&8a#is Mish"at 2l&Masaih,
!he )oo" 8ouse ;Lahore<, l:3:, /ol. 2, p. 70:<. It is the
ter% use# for a proce#ure y which a husan# who has
accuse# his wife of unchastity %ay avoi# the punish%ent
for slan#er to which he woul# otherwise e liale, in
#efault of a#eCuate proof, y swearing a five&fol# oath in
support of his accusationD while the wife on her part %ay
avoi# the punish%ent for a#ultery y ta"ing a si%ilar oath
to her innocence. !his proce#ure has the effect of
#issolving the %arriage an# astar#ising any chil#
concerne# ;An#erson, Isla%ic Law in Africa, p. 369<. In
such a case, the court after #ue hearing shall reCuire the
husan# an# wife to perfor% acts of i%precation.
E-d$"#$ r$/&r$d " ad&)!$r2.
!he evi#ence reCuire# in accusation of ;ina which inclu#es
a#ultery is the oral testi%ony of four a#ult %ale Musli%
witnesses who have seen the actual act of se=ual
intercourse ;8oly >ur'an, 4El5<. ?o%en's testi%ony is not
accepte# in cases of a#ultery or in any hadd offense. ;*l&
Awa, o&. cit., p. l26 citing Mughni, vol. IO, pp. 6:&70<. !he
witnesses %ust e ale to state where an# when the offense
too" place, an# %ust e ale to i#entify the parties to the
act. !esti%ony, %oreover, %ust e #elivere# efore the
court in one sitting (fi-majli#in wahid) ;I+id. citing Mughni,
I+id., p. 7lD Lasani, )a#ai, vol. /II, p. 49D In&,arhun,
!asirah, /ol. I, p. 2l2. !his last con#ition is not necessary,
accor#ing to the (hafii (chool<.
!he offense %ay, however, e prove# y a sustaine#
confession y the guilty party ;An#erson, o&. cit., p. 390<.
M&!&a) m.r$#a!o"' how mad$.
Acts of i%precation %eans %utual cursing. It is perfor%e#
y the husan#'s accusation of the wife of a#ultery four
successive ti%es an# the wife's #enial of the sa%e each
ti%e it is uttere#. At the fifth ti%e, the husan# sole%nly
invo"es the curse of Go# upon hi%self if he tells a lie, an#
the wife upon her if her accuser is telling the truth ;8oly
>ur'an, S!rah -ur, verses 6&:<D 1asul an# GhaHali, Musli%
Co#e of the Philippines Annotate#, CL)PI ;Manila<, p.<.
M&!&a) m.r$#a!o"' wh$" mad$.
Mutual i%precation shall e %a#e y the husan# an# wife
if the husan# accuses the wife of a#ultery an# he has no
evi#ence to prove the accusation.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8C. Suppletor% /ule in Civil Cases. 44 Th$ #o&r!
sha)) adh$r$ !o !h$ so&r#$s o( M&s)m Laws r$)a!", !o
!h$ "&m1$r' s!a!&s' or /&a)!2 o( w!"$ss$s 6adala7 a"d
$-d$"#$ r$/&r$d !o .ro-$ a"2 (a#!. ED#$.! as h$r$"
.ro-d$d' !h$ R&)$s o( Co&r! sha)) a..)2 " a s&..)$!or2
A..)#a!o" o( !h$
R&)$s o( Co&r!.
!he 1ules of Court of the Philippines, in all %atters not
provi#e# for y the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure e=cept on
evi#ence, is applicale in the (hari'a courts. Proce#ural
$urispru#ence as well as pertinent resolutions of the
(upre%e Court li"ewise apply in the (hari'a courts.
!he case of =am&ar )#. D#man1 /.2. ?89441 A!g. 31 3663,
contravenes (ection 17 of the (pecial 1ules when the
(upre%e Court gave prece#ence to (ection 1, 1ule 131 of
the 1ules of Court, in the guise of applying it in a
suppletory %anner, over (ection 7 ;1< of the (pecial 1ules.
!he high court is, perhaps, un%in#ful of the feature of
Isla%ic proce#ural laws that oath ;(amin< is a %o#e of
proving an affir%ative allegation. ;(ec. 14, (pecial 1ules<.
In Eahida M!#a )#. Mo#on1 899 S%2A 4371 483 F3663G,
the petitioners asserte# that since the #ecease# .a%iri
Musa's resi#ence at the ti%e of his #eath was in 0avao
City, not Maguin#anao, the procee#ing is eyon# the
$uris#iction of the (hari'a 0istrict Court, ,ifth (hari'a
0istrict, with station at Cotaato City an# e%races
Maguin#anao, an# that venue is %ore properly lai# in
0avao City efore the 1egional !rial Court, since there are
no (hari'a 0istrict Courts in 0avao. !he (upre%e Court
applie# the 1ules of Court in a suppletory %anner not to
the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure ut to the Co#e of Musli%
Personal Laws, thusE
@!he 1ules of Court li"ewise provi#e that the Court
first ta"ing cogniHance of the settle%ent of the
estate of a #ece#ent, shall e=ercise $uris#iction to
the e=clusion of all other Courts ;1ule 73, (ec. 1<.
!here shoul# e no i%pe#i%ent to the application of
sai# 1ules as they apply suppletorily to the Co#e of
Musli% Personal Laws, there eing nothing
inconsistent with the provisions of the latter statute
;Article 197 of sai# Co#e<.
In Mamad#!al )#. Mo#on1 /.2. No. 687741 S&tm+r 841
3669, after the #efen#ant has file# his answer, he file# a
plea#ing #esignate# as FA%plification of Affir%ative or
(pecial 0efenses with Prayer for 0is%issal of Co%plaint
+n the Groun# of Lac" of .uris#iction.F +n this asis, the
(hari'a 0istrict Court issue# an or#er #is%issing the
co%plaint. Plaintiff allege# that the court shoul# not have
consi#ere# #efen#ant's plea#ing which was in effect, a
%otion to #is%iss, as it is a plea#ing #isallowe# un#er
(ection 13 of the I$ra&At Al Mahakim Al (hari'a. !he
(upre%e Court hel#E
F2n#er (ection 16 of the Ijra-at Al Mahakim Al
Shari'a, it is specifically provi#e# that the F1ules of
Court shall apply in a suppletory %annerF in civil
cases. (ection 5, 1ule 16 of the 1ules of Court
provi#es as followsE
'(*C!I+- 5. <lading gro!nd# a# affirmati)
dfn##.&&Any of the groun#s for #is%issal
provi#e# for in this rule, e=cept i%proper venue,
%ay e plea#e# as an affir%ative #efense, an# a
preli%inary hearing %ay e ha# thereon as if a
%otion to #is%iss ha# een file#.'
@,ro% the foregoing, it is clear the trial court
properly set the case for hearing on the affir%ative
#efenses see"ing #is%issal of the co%plaint raise#
y the private respon#ents in their answer. ?hat the
Ijra-at Al Mahakim Al Shari'a proscries is the
filing of a %otion to #is%iss in lieu of an answer
which woul# stop the running of the perio# to file
an answer an# cause un#ue #elay. !he prohiition is
inten#e# to put a stop to the filing of #ilatory
plea#ings with the en# in view of e=pe#iting
procee#ings efore (hari'a courts.F
In 'ondagj( )#. 'ondagj(1 /.2. No. 359?341 -c. 41 8993,
the (upre%e Court applie# civil law in the est interest of
the chil#ren in an action for custo#y of %inor chil#ren
etween petitioner, a Christian who converte# to Isla%
efore her %arriage an# converte# ac" to Catholicis%
upon their separation, an# respon#ent, a Musli%. !he facts
show that, four ;4< %onths efore her %arriage, petitioner
(arina eca%e a Musli% y conversion. (he was %arrie#
to respon#ent ,ouHi on ,eruary 3, 1:99, at the Manila
8otel, *r%ita, Manila un#er Isla%ic rites. 2pon their
separation, respon#ent institute# an action for custo#y of
their two ;2< %inor chil#ren efore the (hariAa 0istrict
Court against petitioner who converte# ac" to
Catholicis%. !he court, applying Musli% law, ren#ere#
$u#g%ent awar#ing such custo#y to the respon#ent. !he
high court reverse# the $u#g%ent statingE
@!he ur#en is upon respon#ent to prove that
petitioner is not worthy to have custo#y of her
chil#ren. ?e fin# that the evi#ence presente# y the
respon#ent was not sufficient to estalish her
unfitness accor#ing to Musli% law or the ,a%ily
@!he stan#ar# in the #eter%ination of sufficiency of
proof, however, is not restricte# to Musli% laws.
!he ,a%ily Co#e shall e ta"en into consi#eration
in #eci#ing whether a non&Musli% wo%an is
inco%petent. ?hat #eter%ines her capacity is the
stan#ar# lai# #own y the ,a%ily Co#e now that
she is not a Musli%.B
A..)#a!o" a"d I"!$r.r$!a!o" o( Laws.
!he provisions of the Musli% co#e an# the trial co#e shall
e applicale only to Musli%s an# other %e%ers of the
in#igenous cultural co%%unities respectively an# nothing
in the +rganic Act shall e construe# to operate to the
pre$u#ice of the non&Musli%s an# non&%e%ers of
in#igenous cultural co%%unities ;(ec. 22, Art. /III, 1A
In case of conflict etween the Musli% co#e an# the trial
co#e, the national law shall apply ;I+id.<
In case of conflict etween the Musli% Co#e or the trial
co#e on the one han#, an# the national law on the other, the
latter shall prevail ;I+id.<
Bas$s a"d I"!$r.r$!a!o"
o( Is)am# Law.
(u$ect to the provisions of the Constitution of the
Philippines, the (hari'ah courts shall interpret Isla%ic law
ase# on sources such as ;a< the 8oly >ur'anD ;< Al&S!nna
;Prophetic tra#itions<D ;c< Al&Ai(a# ;Analogy<D an# ;#< Al&
Ijma ;Consensus<. ;(ec. 23, Art. /III, I+id.<
A..)#a1)!2 o( !h$ M&s)m
)aw o" $-d$"#$.
?hile on %atters of proce#ure the 1ules of Court of the
Philippines are applie# in a suppletory character, the (hari'a
courts are reCuire# to a#here to the sources of Musli% Law
relating to the nu%er, status, an# Cuality of witnesses an#
evi#ence to prove any fact in issue ;(ec. 17, (pecial 1ules<.
8ence, the author Cuotes in whole the general features of
Musli% law of evi#ence an# the theory on which it is
foun#e# fro% A#ul 1ahi%'s treatise on Muha%%a#an
.urispru#ence with a##itions where he elieves necessary
an# proper.
;)ac" to top<
$usi% La& on E'idence
Im.or!a"#$ o( E-d$"#$.
Isla%ic law places great i%portance to evi#ence. !he 8oly
>ur'an statesE
'+ ye who elieve, e stea#fast witnessess for Allah
in eCuity an# let not hatre# of any people se#uce
you that ye #eal not $ustly' ;5E9<.
'+ ye who elieve, e ye staunch in $ustice,
witnesses for Allah, even though it e against
yourselves or your parents or your "in#re#' ;4E135<.
'An# call to witnesses fro% a%ong your %en, two
witnesses. An# if two %en are not availale, then
one %an an# two wo%en who% you approve as
witnesses, so that if the one %a"es error the other
will re%in# her. An# have witnesses when you sell
one to another.' ;2E292<
'An# call to witness two $ust %en a%ong you, an#
"eep your testi%ony upright for Allah.' ;65E2<
'0on't conceal testi%ony. 8e who conceals it, his
heart is sinful.' ;2E292<
E-d$"#$' d$("$d.
*vi#ence is the %eans, sanctione# y the rules, of
ascertaining in a $u#icial procee#ing the trut respecting a
%atter of fact ;(ec. 1, 1ule 129, 1ules of Court<.
E-d$"#$ ds!",&sh$d (rom .roo(.
*vi#ence #iffers fro% proof as cause fro% effect. Proof is
that which convincesD evi#ence is that which ten#s to
convinceD proof is the perfection of evi#ence, for without
evi#ence there is no proof, though there %ay e evi#ence
which #oes not a%ount to proof ;.ones on *vi#ence, 12
cite# in Apostol's *ssentials of *vi#ence, p. 3 an# Martin
(tate# #ifferently, proof is the result of evi#enceD evi#ence
is the %eans which lea#s to it. Proof is the effect of
evi#ence && the estalish%ent of a fact y evi#ence ;I+id
citing !he Cha%erlayne !rial *vi#ence, p. 2<.
M$!hods o( .ro-", a (a#!.
2n#er Isla%ic proce#ural law, there are four ways of
proving an allegation or estalishing a fact na%elyE
;a< testi%ony of witnesses ;#h!h!d< ;(ec. 6;2<, I+id.D *l&
Awa, o&. cit., p. 125<D
;< a#%ission or confession ;iqrar< ;(ection 7;2<, I+idD *l&
Awa, o&. cit., p. 127<D
;c< oath ;(amin< ;(ections 7 ;1< an# 14;1<, I+idD Art. 1742,
!he Me$elle<D an#
;#< other evi#ence ;+a((ina< ;(ection 6;2<, I+idD Arts. 1736
to 173:, !he Me$elleD An#erson, o&. cit., p. 6:<.
*&rs!# !h$or2 r$)a!",
!o !$s!mo"2.
!esti%ony of a witness (#ha'dat) is a $uristic act of the
category of infor%ation (akha+arat). ?hen a right is
originate# or translate# either y an event of nature or act
of %an, it is the (tate as representative of the co%%unity
that gives effect to such a fact when it occurs. ?hen a fact
has given rise to a right of an in#ivi#ual, the (tate ta"es
notice of it when %ove# y hi% an# when to a right of its
own it ta"es notice of it of its own %otion. )ut in either
case, the official of the (tate in this connection, that is, the
.u#ge, if he hi%self has no personal "nowle#ge of the
occurrence which he %ostly has not, has to #epen# upon
infor%ation or evi#ence. !his infor%ation %ay e supplie#
either y the state%ents of so%eone who perceive# the fact
or y perceptile signs or traces acco%panying or
i%%e#iately following the event or y oth. If the fact is of
an i%perceptile nature or all traces of it have een
re%ove# or #isappeare#, it is necessarily eyon# the "en of
a hu%an triunal. ,or this reason there can generally
spea"ing, e no evi#ence of a are negation or #enial
;1ahi%, o&. cit., pp. 374&375 citing Al&Ma$allah, p. 29:<.
?hen a perceptile fact originating or translating a certain
right has occurre#, it is a right as well as #uty of every
%e%er of the society who perceive# it to give infor%ation
of it to the (tate. )ut as the witness %ay choose not to give
a correct account of what happene# an# such account alone
can e sai# to e infor%ation, the #uty or oligation to give
evi#ence is regar#e# as of an i%perfect character so far as
its enforce%ent y the hu%an triunals is concerne#. ,alse
testi%ony is not regar#e# as evi#ence y Muha%%a#an
$urists, as the very o$ect of infor%ation is to #isclose what
occure#. In fact, accor#ing to the%, false testi%ony or false
evi#ence or false infor%ation woul# e a contra#iction of
ter%s ;1ahi%, I+id. citing ,athu'l Aadir, /ol. vi, p. 446<.
!he necessity for evi#ence %ostly arises when the fact in
Cuestion has originate# a right in so%e one against another
an# the latter #enies it. An# as it is in the very conception
of evi#ence that it gives infor%ation of that fact, its
practical effect is to originate liaility against the person of
inci#ence ta"ing the place of the fact itself so far as a
hu%an triunal is concerne#. !he Muha%%a#an $urists,
therefore, say that to give evi#ence is the right of a person
who has seen an occurrence to fasten liaility upon the
person against who% a right is clai%e#. (o far as the Court
is concerne#, its only function is to enforce such liaility on
a #e%an# to that effect eing %a#e y the clai%ant an# on
eing furnishe# with the infor%ation or proof. !he right of
the witness, however, is to give true evi#ence (#hahadat)
ut as %en #o not always give correct infor%ation either
fro% error of perception or so%e %oral aerration, it is
incu%ent on the law to ta"e precautions with a view to
prevent the Court as far as possile fro% eing %isle# y
falsehoo#s ;1ahi%, I+id., pp. 375&376<.
!rue infor%ation alone eing regar#e# as evi#ence, there
can e no conflict of evi#ence though there %ay e
conflicts of state%ents, one of which alone can e calle#
evi#ence, the other eing either a falsehoo# or an error. As
regar#s falsehoo#s or errors it cannot e the right or #uty of
any one to place the% efore the Court nor can the Court
a#%it the%. 8ence, on principle, evi#ence relating to a fact
%ust necessarily, accor#ing to Muha%%a#an $urists, e
one&si#e#. 8aving regar# to these principles, the law %a"es
provisions for e=clu#ing as far as possile %ista"es an#
falsehoo#s. (o%e of these are %ere %atters of proce#ure,
ut the others in#icate the nature an# e=tent of testi%ony as
a $uristic act ;1ahi%, I+id.<
D(($r$"! 0"ds o( !$s!mo"2.
!he highest "in# of oral testi%ony having regar# to its
value as a proof is "nown as tawat!r or universal
testi%ony. (uch proof consists of infor%ation given y
such large o#y of %en that our reason cannot conceive
that they woul# co%ine in a falsehoo# or agree in an error.
?hen testi%ony is not of this notorious an# universal
character it is calle# isolate# or single testi%ony. ?hen a
%an testifies against hi%self in support of a clai% %a#e
against hi%, it is calle# admi##ion ;1ahi%, I+id.<.
Co"d!o"s r$)a!", !o #a.a#!2
o( a w!"$ss.
1egar# eing ha# on the various reasons which in#uce %en
to tell falsehoo#s or the circu%stances which prevent the%
fro% giving correct an# reliale infor%ation, the law insists
upon certain con#itions as necessary for a $uristic act of this
class na%elyE
;a< Frdom from +ia# and &rj!dicD hence, testi%ony is
not a#%itte# of the father in favor of the son an# vice&
versa, of a slave in favour of his %aster, or parties in
support of their own case, of a person who ears a gru#ge
against the opposite party, of a non&Musli% against a
Musli% an# so on.
;< /nral rlia+ilit( of charactrD hence, persons
carrying on certain professions of a #egra#ing nature, such
as professional #ancers, persons "nown to e haitual liars,
#run"ar#s or ga%lers, persons who are not of virtuous
character eing in the hait of co%%itting such reaches of
religious in$unctions as woul# entail hadd, that is, %en who
are fa#iq, or oppose# to a'dil or as the co%pilers of the Al&
Ma$allah, those whose a# actions outweigh their goo#
ones an# unscrupulous officers e%ploye# for purposes of
oppression are not a#%itte# as witnesses. Au Gusuf is,
however, of the opinion that though a %an e not of
virtuous character, yet if he is of such a position in life that
he is unli"ely to #epose to falsehoo#, he ought to e
a#%itte# as a witness.
;c< Mat!rit( of th !ndr#tanding and &owr of &rc&tionD
thus, a s%all chil#, a lunatic, or a lin#%an in %atters
which have to e prove# y ocular testi%ony, are #eclare#
unfit for giving testi%ony ;1ahi%, I+id., pp. 376&377<.
As further precaution against the chances of %ista"e or
false testi%ony an# also ecause otherwise there woul# e
the wor# of one %an against another, testi%ony of a single
witness is generally regar#e# as insufficient to prove a
clai%. 8ence, clai%s elonging to the category of rights of
%en are not estalishe# e=cept y the testi%ony of two
%ale or one %ale an# two fe%ale witnesses. )ut certain
%atters which wo%en alone are li"ely to "now such as
whether a particular chil# was orn to a particular wo%an,
can e prove# even y the testi%ony of a single wo%an.
Matters which are of the category of a pulic right an#
reCuire asolute certainty of proof, such as offenses
entailing the punish%ent of hadd can only e prove# y the
testi%ony of two %ale witnesses an# in one case, na%ely,
that of whore#o% y four %ale witnesses. A wo%an is
regar#e# as of inferior co%petence in respect of giving
evi#ence ecause of her wea" character ;1ahi%, I+id.<.
In cri%inal law, hadd %eans an unalterale punish%ent
prescrie# y Go# for certain specific offenses ;An#erson,
o&. cit., p. 362<. It also signifies a cri%e for which
punish%ent is fi=e# y the 8oly >ur'an or S!nnah of the
8oly Prophet ;puh< ;0r. Anwarullah, p. 3<.
I"/&r2 "!o !h$ #om.$!$"#2
o( a w!"$ss.
It is one of the i%portant #uties of a .u#ge, if the witness
who is put forwar# y the party going into evi#ence as
eligile, has given relevant evi#ence against the opposite
party an# the latter challenges the evi#ence y alleging that
his evi#ence is false or #ue to his having forgotten the
occurrence, to %a"e inCuiries into the witness's co%petence
an# particularly as to the fact of his eing a %an of
rectitu#e. !he inCuiry is to e %a#e y hi% either privately
or in Court with the help of persons who% he "nows to e
reliale an# who are acCuainte# with the life an# character
of the witness cite#. !he other party is also at lierty to ta"e
e=ception or o$ection (jarh1 tan) to such evi#ence y
showing that the witness is #isCualifie# such as y reason
of ias or interest or otherwise. Pulic investigation into a
witness's character which prevaile# in the early #ays of
Isla% has, it is sai#, een #iscontinue# ecause of the
strifes an# #isturances which it le# to ;,athu'l Aadir, vol.
vi, pp. 453&:D 8e#aya, vol vi, pp. 459&:<.
If a witness is a stranger to the place the Aadi of the
locality where he resi#es shoul# e as"e# to %a"e the
inCuiry. !he Aadi# are also reCuire# to "eep a register of
persons who are prove# to e a'dil or %en of rectitu#e an#
to revise the register fro% ti%e to ti%e ;1ahi%, o&. cit., p.
Dr$#! a"d h$arsa2 !$s!mo"2.
Again #irect testi%ony alone, generally spea"ing, has any
proative value. 8ence, a fact %ust e prove# y an
eyewitness if it e one which coul# e seen, or if it
consiste# of spo"en wor#s, y the person who hear# the%.
)ut so%eti%es in#irect testi%ony is also a#%itte#. ,or
instance, the facts of paternity, #eath, %arriage,
appoint%ent of a Aadi, can e prove# y a person who
receive# infor%ation with regar# to the% fro% %en of
reliale character ;8e#aya, vol. vi., pp. 466&7D Al&Ma$allah,
pp. 297&299<. *ven in those %atters a %ere state%ent y a
witness that he hear# so an# so will not e accepte# ut he
%ust e ale to #epose to the fact itself, for instance, that
on a particular #ate so an# so was the Aadi of such a place
or so an# so #ie# on such #ate an# that he "new it although
his "nowle#ge %ight e ase# on hearsay. In other wor#s,
his infor%ation %ust have pro#uce# such elief in his %in#
as to e accepte# y hi%self as "nowle#ge. (i%ilarly, if he
says FI #i# not see this ut "now itF an# it is a notorious
fact the state%ent will e accepte#. (uch evi#ence is also
a#%issile to prove the fact or a property eing waqf ut
not to prove the con#itions of the grant ;8e#aya, vol. vi, p.
46:<. If a person sees another in possession of a property
other than a slave, he woul# e $ustifie# in #eposing that it
elongs to the %an in possession ecause possession
in#icates ownership ;1ahi%, I+id., pp. 379&: citing 8e#aya,
vol. vi, p. 46:<.
It %ay so%eti%es happen that the person who witnesse# a
transaction %ay not e availale owing to their eing #ea#
or eing at such a great #istance that it is not practicale to
pro#uce the%D then evi#ence %ay e receive# of a person
who hear# the% state that they witnesse# the transaction.
!his is calle# Fevi#ence of testi%onyF (#hahad!t ala
#hahad!t), an# is allowe# y $uristic eCuity ecause of
necessity ;1ahi%, I+id.<.
T$s!mo"2 m&s! a,r$$ w!h #)am.
Legal testi%ony %ust also agree with the clai%D otherwise
it has no effect. ,or instance, when the clai% is that a
certain property has elonge# to the plaintiff for two years
an# his witnesses say that it has een his for aove two
years, it will not e accepte#D though if they ha# sai# that
the property ha# een owne# y the plaintiff for less than
two years, the testi%ony woul# not e #iscar#e#, ecause
their "nowle#ge %ight have fallen short. (i%ilarly, if a
plaintiff clai%s a thousan# rupees an# the witnesses spea"
to five hun#re#, the evi#ence will e accepte# for five
hun#re#, ut not if they spea" to %ore than a thousan#.
(uppose a %an's clai% is for thousan# rupees for property
sol# an# the witnesses #epose that the #efen#ant owes
thousan# rupees to the plaintiff on account of a loan, it will
not e accepte#. ;Al&Ma$allah, p. 2:1<. (i%ilarly, if there is
conflict of testi%ony a%ong the witnesses of the clai%ant
such evi#ence will e re$ecte# ;1ahi%, op cit.<. If the
evi#ence e oppose# to a visile or notorious fact it will
have no operation ;I+id.<.
Pr$($r$"#$ o( .roo(.
(uppose oth the parties %a"e contra#ictory allegations of
a positive nature in relation to the sa%e %atter an# oth are
prepare# to a##uce proof, the Cuestion then arises whose
proof is to e preferre# or hear# (tarjih!'l-+a((inat). !he
general rule is that the evi#ence of the party whose
allegation is supporte# y certain general presu%ptions
(i#ti#ha+!l-hal) will e preferre#. !he Court, as we have
seen, cannot hear evi#ence in support of the allegations of
oth, ecause the allegation of one %ust e false an# the
testi%ony in support of it cannot e infor%ation or
evi#ence. !hus, if one person wishes to pro#uce evi#ence
that a person was in goo# health at a particular ti%e an# the
opposite party wants to prove that he was then seiHe# with
#eath&illness, there eing nothing else, the evi#ence of the
for%er will e accepte# in preference to that of the latter.
!he reason is that in the asence of proof to the contrary a
%an will e suppose# to continue in goo# health. (i%ilarly,
evi#ence of the party who wants to prove that a %an was
possesse# of un#erstan#ing will e hear# in preference to
that of the party who alleges that he was insane or i#iotic at
a particular ti%e. !he evi#ence that a certain property was
purchase# will e preferre# to the evi#ence that it was a gift
or a ple#ge or hire#, an# the evi#ence that it was hire#
woul# e preferre# to the evi#ence that it was a ple#ge
;1ahi%, I+id., pp. 37:&390<.
If oth the parties are in possession of a certain property
an# one of the% clai%s that it elongs e=clusively to hi%
an# the other alleges that it elongs to the% $ointly, the
evi#ence of the for%er will e hear#, the reason eing that
his right is partially a#%itte# y the latter. If, on the other
han#, oth clai%e# e=clusive rights, they will e #eclare#
to e $oint owners as there is no reason for preferring the
proof of one to that of the other ;1ahi%, I+id.<.
Wh$" !h$ word o( o"$ .ar!2
s !o 1$ a##$.!$d.
In certain cases where oth the parties are unale to a##uce
proof, ut there is a presu%ption in favour of the allegation
of one of the% arising fro% circu%stances (tahkim-!l-hal),
the state%ent of that party is to e accepte#. In such cases
the law will so%eti%es reCuire the party in whose favour
the presu%ption is raise# to ta"e the oath an# so%eti%es
not. ,or instance, when there is a #ispute etween the
husan# an# the wife regar#ing certain goo#s in the house,
if they are articles li"e swor#s an# lances an# the li"e, they
will e presu%e# to elong to the husan# an# his wor#
will e accepte# an# a #ecree will e %a#e in his favour if
the wife is to a##uce any proof an# the husan# is prepare#
to ta"e the oath. A si%ilar presu%ption will e %a#e in
favour of the wife in respect of things li"e househol#
utensils, carpets, an# so on. If a #onor applies for
revocation of his gift an# the #onee says that the thing has
perishe#, his wor# is to e accepte# without his eing as"e#
to ta"e the oath. If a ailee says that he has returne# the
goo#s entruste# to hi%, his wor# is to e accepte# if he
ta"es the oath. If a Christian #ies an# his wife alleges that
she eca%e Muha%%a#an after his #eath, ut his heirs say
that she eca%e a convert to Isla% efore his #eath, the
state%ent of the heirs is to e accepte#. !he reason is that,
at the ti%e the wo%an co%es to Court, she eing a
Muha%%a#an, this fact confir%s the allegation of the heirs
;1ahi%, I+id. citing 8e#aya, vol. vi, p. 425<. (o%eti%es
when the parties to a transaction cannot agree an# neither
of the% is ale to a##uce evi#ence, ut oth are prepare# to
ta"e the oath in support of their respective allegations, the
Court will set asi#e the transaction itself. ,or instance,
when the ven#or an# the uyer of an article cannot agree as
to the a%ount of consi#eration or as to thing sol# or oth,
an# none of the% can a##uce evi#ence, ut oth are
prepare# to ta"e the oath in support of their allegations, the
Court will set asi#e the sale. !he reason is that there is no
groun# for preferring the are state%ent of the one to that
of the other ;I+id.<.
Cr#&ms!a"!a) $-d$"#$.
)esi#es hu%an testi%ony, facts an# circu%stances
(qarinat) %ay also e relie# upon as proof. )ut
circu%stantial evi#ence will only e acte# upon if it is of a
conclusive nature (qatia't!n). ,or instance, if a person is
seen co%ing out fro% an unoccupie# house in fear an#
an=iety with a "nife covere# with loo# in his han# an# in
the house a #ea# o#y is foun# with its throat cut, these
facts will e regar#e# as a proof that the person who was
seen co%ing out %ur#ere# hi% ;1ahi%, I+id., pp. 391&392D
!he Me$elle, p. 306<. In other wor#s, circu%stantial
evi#ence is a#%issile in evi#ence if it parta"es of a
co%plete presu%ptive proof which is an inference which
attains the #egree of positive "nowle#ge ;Art. l74l, !he
R$!ra#!o" o( !$s!mo"2.
!he $uristic effect of testi%ony %ay e revo"e# y the
witness hi%self y retraction of what he testifie# to. (uch
retraction %ust e %a#e in Court, otherwise it will not e
ta"en into account at all. If the witnesses retract their
testi%ony efore the or#er is passe#, such testi%ony will e
re$ecte#, ut if afterwar#s, it will not affect the or#er. If in
the last case their evi#ence has cause# any loss, the
witnesses will e hel# liale ;1ahi%, loc. cit.<.
?hen a %an testifies against hi%self in support of a clai%
%a#e against hi%, it is calle# a#%ission. !he Court
generally accepts an a#%ission without reCuiring any
further proof fro% the clai%ant. An a#%ission %ust,
however, e uncon#itional, an# it %ust e voluntary, so that
if otaine# y coercion it is not in#ing nor if %a#e in $est.
(i%ilarly, if the fact a#%itte# is contra#icte# y apparent
an# ovious circu%stances of the person %a"ing the
a#%ission, it will not e accepte# ;1ahi%, I+id., pp. 376&
R$/&s!$s (or !h$ admss1)!2
o( a" admsso".
!he reCuire%ents for the a#%issiility of an a#%ission are
as followsE
;1< !he a#%itter %ust e saneD
;2< 8e %ust e of ageD
;3< 8is a#%ission %ust e voluntaryD
;4< 8e can lawfully transact usinessD an#
;5< 8e %ust not e "nown or popularly i#entifie# in telling
lies ;Alauya, pp. 44&45<.
Do#&m$"!ar2 $-d$"#$.
(o%eti%es #ocu%ents are accepte# as a sustitute for oral
testi%ony. )ut the Court is not to act on a seale# #ee# or
any other #ocu%ents unless it is free fro% the suspicion of
eing forge# an# is such as it custo%ary for people to enter
their transactions therein. ,or instance, official #ocu%ents
an# the recor#s of a Court of .ustice can e accepte#.
)oo"s of accounts "ept in the court of usiness an#
#ocu%ents e=ecute# in the presence of two witnesses are
also a#%itte# in evi#ence ;1ahi%, loc. cit., citing F,atawaF
FAla%giriF, vol. iii, p. 534D Al Ma$allalh, p. 2:7<.
?ith the present tren# in the %o#ern worl#, official recor#s
or pulic #ocu%ents are now a#%issile in evi#ence
provi#e# that it is co%pletely #evoi# of forgery an#
falsification an# is not faricate# to pre$u#ice the interest of
the other ;Alauya, o&. cit., p. 55 citing (aiC, vol. 3, p.
Private #ocu%ents are li"ewise a#%issile in evi#ence. !he
8oly >ur'an en$oins parties to re#uce their transactions in
writing when they #eal with each other in transactions
involving future oligations in a fi=e# perio# of ti%e ;8oly
>ur'an, 2E292<. (uch a written #ocu%ent is %ore suitale as
evi#ence an# %ore convenient to prevent #outs ;Ali,
Gusuf, Co%%entaries on the 8oly >urAan, p. 113<.
E-d$"#$ 12 a" ED.$r!.
+ne of the sources of proof of cri%e or a right in Isla%ic
law is evi#ence y e=pert i.. e=pert opinion. *=pert's
evi#ence %eans the testi%ony which is given in relation to
so%e scientific, technical or professional %atter y e=perts
i.. persons Cualifie# to spea" authoritatively y reason of
their special training, s"ill or fa%iliarity with the su$ect
;0r. Anwarullah, o&. cit. p. 70<.
Isla%ic law gives #ue i%portance to opinion of e=perts.
Allah ;saw< sai# 'we grante# inspirationE if ye realiHe this
not, as" of those who have "nowle#ge' ;8oly >ur'an,
16E43<. !he S!nnah of the Prophet has also recogniHe#
e=pert's evi#ence ;0r. Anwarullah, loc. cit<.
!hus, Musli% $urists are of the opinion that when a $u#ge
falls in any #ifficulty in so%e scientific, technical or
professional %atter, he shoul# see" the opinion of the
e=pert to #eter%ine the fact in issue ;I+id., p. 72<. !hus, one
$urist especially a#verte# to the point of e=pert opinion
saying that the opinion of %asons or architects in cases of
#isputes involving uil#ings, the opinions of tra#es%en in
cases of rice an# value of things an# the opinions of
%e#ical practitioners in %atters concerning %e#ical science
are a#%issile in evi#ence ;In ,arhun, !asirah, II, 74&
!he law so%eti%es #oes not allow evi#ence eing given of
a certain fact having regar# to the con#uct of the party
#esiring to a##uce such evi#ence. !his is calle# +a(an!'d
dar!rat which correspon#s to estoppel to the *nglish law.
,or instance, if the owner of a certain property sees another
person selling it an# "eeps Cuiet, he will not e allowe# to
prove that the %an who purporte# to sell was not
authoriHe# y hi% to #o so ;1ahi%, p. 392<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8E. Suppletor% /ule in Special *ffenses. 44
S&1+$#! !o !h$ "$D! .r$#$d", s$#!o"' a)) s.$#a) #as$s or
o(($"s$s #o,"Ga1)$ 12 !h$ #o&r! ma2 1$ ()$d " s&#h
(orm a"d h$ad " s&#h ma""$r as .r$s#r1$d 12 !h$
a..)#a1)$ )aws a"d !h$ R&)$s o( Co&r!. How$-$r' !h$
#o&r! ma2 a..)2' " a s&..)$!or2 ma""$r' !h$ .r"#.)$s
o( M&s)m Law.
Form a"d h$ad' ,o-$r"", )aw.
!he for% an# hea# of the cases an# offenses cogniHale y
the (hari'a courts shall e in accor#ance with applicale
laws an# the 1ules of Court. !he principles of Musli% Law
%ay e applie# in a suppletory %anner.
O(($"s$s #o,"Ga1)$ 12
!h$ Shar'a #o&r!s.
!he offenses un#er P0 l093 cogniHale y the (hari'a
Courts are Cuite few, na%elyE
;1< Illegal sole%niHation of %arriage ;Art. l9l, P0 l093<D
;2< Marriage efore e=piration of 'idda ;Art. l92, I+id.<D
;3< +ffenses relative to suseCuent %arriage, #ivorce, an#
revocation of #ivorce ;Art. l93, I+id.<D
;4< ,ailure to report for registration ;Art. l94, I+id<D an#
;5< -eglect of #uty y registrars ;Art. l95, I+id.<.
;)ac" to top<
S$#!o" 8F. Agama Ar$itration0 #ow conducted. 44 Th$
A,ama Ar1!ra!o" Co&"#)' a(!$r !s #o"s!!&!o"
.&rs&a"! !o !h$ .ro-so"s o( !h$ Cod$ o( M&s)m
P$rso"a) Laws' sha)) #o"d&#! !h$ ar1!ra!o"
.ro#$$d",s " a##orda"#$ w!h !h$ m$!hod ! d$$ms!$' !a0", "!o #o"sd$ra!o" !h$
#r#&ms!a"#$s o( !h$ ds.&!$' !h$ #o"#)a!o" o( !h$
.ar!$s' !h$ "!$r$s!s o( !h$ #h)dr$"' ( a"2' a"d o!h$r
!hrd .ar!$s "-o)-$d' a"d !h$ "$$d (or a s.$$d2
s$!!)$m$"! o( !h$ ds.&!$. How$-$r' "o ar1!ra!o"
.ro#$$d",s sha)) !a0$ .)a#$ ex parte.
Co"s!!&!o" o( !h$ Co&"#).
!he (hari'a 0istrict Court or the (haria Circuit Court %ay,
in appropriate cases, constitute an Aga%a Aritration
council in the %anner specifie# in !itle II of P0 L093.
;Art. l60, P0 l093<.
?ithin seven #ays fro% the receipt of the notice file# y
the Musli% husan# who pronounce# talaq to his wife, the
Cler" of the (hari'a Circuit Court shall reCuire each of the
parties ;the husan# an# the wife< to no%inate a
representative. !he representatives shall e appointe# y
the Court to constitute, together with the Cler" of Court as
Chair%an, an Aga%a Aritration Council. !he Aga%a
Aritration Council shall su%it to the Court a report on
the result of the aritration, on the asis of which an# such
other evi#ence as %ay e allowe#, the Court shall issue the
correspon#ing or#er. !his shoul# also e oserve# shoul#
the wife e=ercise the #elegate# right to repu#iate the
%arriage (tafwid) ;Art. l6l, I+id.<.
!he sa%e %anner of constitution shall e followe# shoul# a
Musli% husan# #esiring to contract a suseCuent %arriage
files a written notice thereof an# the wife or any of the
wives o$ects ;Art. l62, I+id.<.
S$#!o" :?. Effectivit%. 44 Th$s$ s.$#a) r&)$s o(
.ro#$d&r$s sha)) !a0$ $(($#! mm$da!$)2.
Approve# unani%ously, (epte%er 20, 1:93.
;)ac" to top<

Presi#ential 0ecree -o. 1093
A 0*C1** !+ +10AI- A-0 P1+M2LGA!* A
C+0* 1*C+G-INI-G !8* (G(!*M +, ,ILIPI-+
M2(LIM LA?(, C+0I,GI-G M2(LIM P*1(+-AL
LA?(, A-0 P1+/I0I-G ,+1 I!(
A0MI-I(!1A!I+- A-0 ,+1 +!8*1 P21P+(*(
?8*1*A(, pursuant to the spirit of the provision of the
Constitution of the Philippines that, in or#er to pro%ote the
a#vance%ent an# effective participation of the -ational
Cultural Co%%unities in the uil#ing of the -ew (ociety,
the (tate shall consi#er their custo%s, tra#itions, eliefs an#
interests in the for%ulation an# i%ple%entation of its
?8*1*A(, Isla%ic law an# its principles of eCuity an#
$ustice, to which the ,ilipino Musli% co%%unities a#here,
provi#e an essential asis for the fuller #evelop%ent of sai#
co%%unities in relation to the search for har%onious
relations of all seg%ents of the ,ilipino nation to enhance
national unityD
?8*1*A(, the enforce%ent, with the full sanction of the
(tate, of the legal syste% of the ,ilipino Musli%s shall
re#oun# to the attain%ent of a %ore or#ere# life a%ongst
?8*1*A(, it is the intense #esire of the -ew (ociety to
strengthen all the ethno&linguistic co%%unities in the
Philippines within the conte=t of their respective ways of
life in or#er to ring aout a cu%ulative result satisfying
the reCuire%ents of national soli#arity an# social $usticeD
-+?, !8*1*,+1*, I, ,*10I-A-0 *. MA1C+(,
Presi#ent of the 1epulic of the Philippines, y virtue of
the powers veste# in %e y the Constitution of the
Philippines, #o herey or#ain an# pro%ulgate the FCo#e of
Musli% Personal Laws of the PhilippinesF as part of the
law of the lan# herey #ecreeE
)++L +-*
G*-*1AL P1+/I(I+-(
!I!L* I
!I!L* A-0 P21P+(*( +, C+0*
Article 1. !itle. !his #ecree shall e "nown as the FCo#e of
Musli% Personal Laws of the Philippines.F
Article 2. Purpose of Co#e. Pursuant to (ection 11 of
Article O/ of the Constitution of the Philippines, which
provi#es that F!he (tate shall consi#er the custo%s,
tra#itions, eliefs an# interests of national cultural
co%%unities in the for%ulation an# i%ple%entation of
state policies,F this Co#eE
;a< 1ecogniHes the legal syste% of the Musli%s in the
Philippines as part of the law of the lan# an# see"s to %a"e
Isla%ic institutions %ore effectiveD
;< Co#ifies Musli% personal lawsD an#
;c< Provi#es for an effective a#%inistration an#
enforce%ent of Musli% personal laws a%ong Musli%s.
!I!L* II.
C+-(!12C!I+- +, C+0* A-0 0*,I-I!I+- +,
Article 3. Conflict of provisions.
;1< In case of conflict etween any provision of this Co#e
an# laws of general application, the for%er shall prevail.
;2< (houl# the conflict e etween any provision of this
Co#e an# special laws or laws of local application, the
latter shall e lierally construe# in or#er to carry out the
;3< !he provisions of this Co#e shall e applicale only to
Musli%s an# nothing herein shall e construe# to operate to
the pre$u#ice of a non&Musli%.
Article 4. Construction an# interpretation.
;1< In the construction an# interpretation of this Co#e an#
other Musli% laws, the court shall ta"e into consi#eration
the pri%ary sources of Musli% law.
;2< (tan#ar# treatises an# wor"s on Musli% law an#
$urispru#ence shall e given persuasive weight in the
interpretation of Musli% law.
Article 5. Proof of Musli% law an# 'a#a. Musli% law an#
'a#a not e%o#ie# in this Co#e shall e proven in evi#ence
as a fact. -o 'a#a which is contrary to the Constitution of
the Philippines, this Co#e, Musli% law, pulic or#er, pulic
policy or pulic interest shall e given any legal effect.
Article 6. Conflict in Isla%ic schools of law.
;1< (houl# there e any conflict a%ong the ortho#o=
;(unni< Musli% schools of law ;Ma#hahi<, that which is in
consonance with the Constitution of the Philippines, this
Co#e, pulic or#er, pulic policy an# pulic interest shall
e given effect.
;2< !he Musli% schools of law shall, for purposes of this
Co#e, e the 8anfi, the 8anali, the Mali"i an# the (hafi'i.
Article 7. 0efinition of ter%s. 2nless the conte=t otherwise
;a< FAga%a Aritration CouncilF %eans a o#y co%pose#
of the Chair%an an# a representative of each of the parties
to constitute a council to ta"e all necessary steps for
resolving conflicts etween the%.
;< FA#aF %eans custo%ary law.
;c< FGeneral 1egisterF %eans the General 1egister of
%arriages, #ivorces, revocation of #ivorces, conversion an#
such other #ee#s or instru%ents "ept y the 1egistrar un#er
this Co#e.
;#< FIhra%F signifies the state of ritual consecration of a
person while on pilgri%age to Mecca.
;e< FMa#hhaF ;plural, Ma#hahi< %eans any of the four
ortho#o= ;(unni< schools of Musli% law.
;f< FMonthF %eans a perio# of thirty #ays.
;g< FMusli%F is a person who testifies to the oneness of
Go# an# the Prophethoo# of Muha%%a# an# professes
;h< FMusli% LawF ;(hari'a< refers to all the or#inances an#
regulations governing Musli%s as foun# principally in the
>ur'an an# the Badith.
;i< FMusli% Personal LawF inclu#es all laws relating to
personal status, %arriage an# #ivorce, %atri%onial an#
fa%ily relations, succession an# inheritance, an# property
relations etween spouses as provi#e# for in this Co#e.
)++L !?+
P*1(+-( A-0 ,AMILG 1*LA!I+-(
!I!L* I
Article 9. Legal capacity. .uri#ical capacity, which is the
fitness to e the su$ect of legal relations, is inherent in
every natural person an# is lost only through #eath.
Capacity to act, which is the power to #o acts with legal
effect, is acCuire# an# %ay e lost.
Article :. 1estrictions on capacity. !he following
circu%stances, a%ong others, %o#ify or li%it capacity to
actE age, insanity, i%ecility, the state of eing #eaf&%ute,
the con#ition of #eath&illness ;%ara#&ul&%aut<, penalty,
pro#igality, asence, fa%ily relations, alienage, insolvency,
an# trusteeship. !he conseCuences of these circu%stances
are governe# y this Co#e an# other Isla%ic laws an#, in a
suppletory %anner, y other laws.
Article 10. Personality, how acCuire#. )irth #eter%ines
personalityD ut the conceive# chil# shall e consi#ere#
orn for all purposes that are favorale to it, provi#e# it e
orn alive, however, riefly, at the ti%e it is co%pletely
#elivere# fro% the %other's wo%.
Article 11. *=tinction of personality.
;1< Civil personality is e=tinguishe# y #eath. !he effect of
#eath upon the rights an# oligations of a #ecease# person
is #eter%ine# y this Co#e, y contract, an# y will.
;2< After an asence of seven years, it eing un"nown
whether or not the asentee still lives, he shall e presu%e#
Article 12. (i%ultaneous #eath. If, as etween two or %ore
persons who are calle# to succee# each other, there is a
#out as to which of the% #ie# first, whoever alleges the
#eath of one prior to the other shall prove the sa%eD in the
asence of such proof, it is presu%e# that they #ie# at the
sa%e ti%e an# there shall e no trans%ission of rights fro%
one to the other. 8owever, the successional rights of their
respective heirs shall not e affecte#.
!I!L* II
MA11IAG* A-0 0I/+1C*
Chapter +ne
Article 13. Application.
;1< !he provisions of this !itle shall apply to %arriage an#
#ivorce wherein oth parties are Musli%s, or wherein only
the %ale party is a Musli% an# the %arriage is sole%niHe#
in accor#ance with Musli% law or this Co#e in any part of
the Philippines.
;2< In case of %arriage etween a Musli% an# a non&
Musli%, sole%niHe# not in accor#ance with Musli% law or
this Co#e, the Civil Co#e of the Philippines shall apply.
;3< (u$ect to the provisions of the prece#ing paragraphs,
the essential reCuisites an# legal i%pe#i%ents to %arriage,
#ivorce, paternity an# filiation, guar#ianship an# custo#y of
%inors, support an# %aintenance, clai%s for custo%ary
#ower ;mahr<, etrothal, reach of contract to %arry,
sole%niHation an# registration of %arriage an# #ivorce,
rights an# oligations etween husan# an# wife parental
authority, an# the properly relations etween husan# an#
wife shall e governe# y this Co#e an# other applicale
Musli% laws.
Chapter !wo
MA11IAG* ;-ILA8<
(ection 1. 1eCuisites of Marriage
Article 14. -ature. Marriage is not only a civil contract ut
a social institution. Its nature, conseCuences an# inci#ents
are governe# y this Co#e an# the (hari'a an# not su$ect to
stipulation, e=cept that the %arriage settle%ents %ay to a
certain e=tent fi= the property relations of the spouses.
Article 15. *ssential reCuisites. -o %arriage contract shall
e perfecte# unless the following essential reCuisites are
co%pile# withE
;a< Legal capacity of the contracting partiesD
;< Mutual consent of the parties freely givenD
;c< +ffer ;i$a< an# acceptance ;Caul< #uly witnesse# y at
least two co%petent persons after the proper guar#ian in
%arriage ;wali< has given his consentD an#
;#< (tipulation of custo%ary #ower ;mahr< #uly witnesse#
y two co%petent persons.
Article 16. Capacity to contract %arriage.
;1< Any Musli% %ale at least fifteen years of age an# any
Musli% fe%ale of the age of puerty or upwar#s an# not
suffering fro% any i%pe#i%ent un#er the provisions of this
Co#e %ay contract %arriage. A fe%ale is presu%e# to have
attaine# puerty upon reaching the age of fifteen.
;2< 8owever, the (hari'a 0istrict Court %ay, upon petition
of a proper wali, or#er the sole%niHation of the %arriage of
a fe%ale who though less than fifteen ut not elow twelve
years of age, has attaine# puerty.
;3< Marriage through a wali y a %inor elow the
prescrie# ages shall e regar#e# as etrothal an# %ay e
annulle# upon the petition of either party within four years
after attaining the age of puerty, provi#e# no voluntary
cohaitation has ta"en place an# the wali who contracte#
the %arriage was other than the father or paternal
Article 17. Marriage cere%ony. -o particular for% of
%arriage cere%ony is reCuire# ut the i$a an# the gaul in
%arriage shall e #eclare# pulicly in the presence of the
person sole%niHing the %arriage an# two co%petent
witnesses. !his #eclaration shall e set forth in an
instru%ent in triplicate, signe# or %ar"e# y the
contracting parties an# sai# witnesses, an# atteste# y the
person sole%niHing the %arriage. +ne copy shall e given
to the contracting parties an# another sent to the Circuit
1egistrar y the sole%niHing officer who shall "eep the
Article 19. Authority to sole%niHe %arriage. Marriage %ay
e sole%niHe#E
;a< )y the proper wali of the wo%an to e we##e#D
;< 2pon authority of the proper wali, y any person who is
co%petent un#er Musli% law to sole%niHe %arriageD or
;c< )y the $u#ge of the (hari'a 0istrict Court of (hari'a
Circuit Court or any person #esignate# y the $u#ge, shoul#
the proper wali refuse without $ustifiale reason, to
authoriHe the sole%niHation.
Article 1:. Place of sole%niHation. Marriage shall e
sole%niHe# pulicly in any %osCue, office of the (hari'a
$u#ge, office of the 0istrict or Circuit 1egistrar, resi#ence
of the ri#e or her wali, or at any other suitale place
agree# upon y the parties.
Article 20. (pecification of #ower. !he a%ount or value of
#ower %ay e fi=e# y the contracting parties ;%arh&
%usa%%a< efore, #uring, or after the celeration of the
%arriage. If the a%ount or the value thereof has not een so
fi=e#, a proper #ower ;mahr&%ithl< shall, upon petition of
the wife, e #eter%ine# y the court accor#ing to the social
stan#ing of the parties.
Article 21. Pay%ent of #ower. (u$ect to the stipulation of
the parties, the #ower %ay e fully or partially pai# efore,
#uring, or after the %arriage. !he property or estate of the
husan# shall e liale for the unpai# #ower, or any part
Article 22. )reach of contract. Any person who has entere#
into a contract to %arry ut suseCuently refuses without
reasonale groun# to %arry the other party who is willing
to perfor% the sa%e shall pay the latter the e=penses
incurre# for the preparation of the %arriage an# such
#a%ages as %ay e grante# y the court.
(ection 2. Prohiite# Marriages
Article 23. )ases of prohiition. -o %arriage %ay e
contracte# y parties within the prohiite# #egreesE
;a< +f consanguinityD
;< +f affinityD an#
;c< +f fosterage.
Article 24. Prohiition y consanguinity ;tahri%$in&
nasa<. -o %arriage shall e contracte# etweenE
;a< Ascen#ants an# #escen#ants of any #egreeD
;< )rothers an# sisters, whether ger%ane, consanguine or
uterineD an#
;c< )rothers or sisters an# their #escen#ants within the thir#
civil #egree.
Article 25. Prohiition y affinity ;tahri%&ill&%usahara<.
;1< -o %arriage shall e contracte# etweenE
;a< Any of the spouses an# their respective affinal relatives
in the ascen#ing line an# in the collateral line within the
thir# #egreeD
;< (tepfather an# step#aughter when the %arriage etween
the for%er an# the %other of the latter has een
;c< (tep%other an# stepson when the %arriage etween the
for%er an# the father of the latter has een consu%%ate#D
;#< (tepson or step#aughter an# the wi#ow, wi#ower or
#ivorcee of their respective ascen#ants.
;2< !he prohiition un#er this article applies even after the
#issolution of the %arriage creating the affinal relationship.
Article 26. Prohiition #ue to fosterage ;tahri%&ir&ra#a'a<.
;1< -o person %ay vali#ly contract %arriage with any
wo%an who reastfe# hi% for at least five ti%es within two
years after his irth.
;2< !he prohiition on %arriage y reason of consanguinity
shall li"ewise apply to persons relate# y fosterage within
the sa%e #egrees, su$ect to e=ception recogniHe# y
Musli% law.
(ection 3. (useCuent Marriages
Article 27. )y a husan#. -otwithstan#ing the rule of
Isla%ic law per%itting a Musli% to have %ore than one
wife ut one wife unless he can #eal with the% with eCual
co%panionship an# $ust treat%ent as en$oine# y Isla%ic
law an# only in e=ceptional cases.
Article 29. )y wi#ow. -o wi#ow shall contract a
suseCuent %arriage unless she has oserve# an 'idda of
four %onths an# ten #ays counte# fro% the #ate of the
#eath of her husan#. If at that ti%e the wi#ow is pregnant,
she %ay re%arry within a reasonale ti%e after #elivery. In
such case, she shall pro#uce the correspon#ing #eath
Article 2:. )y #ivorcee.
;1< -o wo%an shall contract a suseCuent %arriage unless
she has oserve# an 'idda of three %onthly courses counte#
fro% the #ate of #ivorce. 8owever, if she is pregnant at the
ti%e of the #ivorce, she %ay re%arry only after #elivery.
;2< (houl# a repu#iate# wo%an an# her husan# reconcile
#uring her 'idda, he shall have a etter right to ta"e her
ac" without nee# of a new %arriage contract.
;3< ?here it is in#uitale that the %arriage has not een
consu%%ate# when the #ivorce was affecte#, no 'idda shall
e reCuire#.
Article 30. Marriage after three talaq.
;1< ?here a wife has een thrice repu#iate# ;talaq ain
lura< on three #ifferent occasions y her husan#, he
cannot re%arry her unless she shall have %arrie# another
person who #ivorces her after consu%%ation of the
intervening %arriage an# the e=piration of the 'idda.
;2< -o sole%niHing officer shall perfor% the suseCuent
%arriage %entione# in the prece#ing paragraph unless he
has ascertaine# that there was no collusion a%ong the
(ection 4. )atil an# ,asi Marriages
Article 31. )atil %arriages. !he following %arriages shall
e voi# ;atil< fro% the eginningE
;a< !hose contracte# contrary to Articles 23, 24, 25 an# 26D
;< !hose contracte# in contravention of the prohiition
against unlawful con$unctionD an#
;c< !hose contracte# y parties one or oth of who% have
een foun# guilty of having "ille# the spouse of either of
Article 32. ,asi# %arriages. !he following %arriages shall
e irregular ;fasi#< fro% their perfor%anceE
;a< !hose contracte# with a fe%ale oserving 'iddaD
;< !hose contracte# contrary to Article 30D
;c< !hose wherein the consent of either party is vitiate# y
violence, inti%i#ation, frau#, #eceit or %isrepresentationD
;#< !hose contracte# y a party in a con#ition of #eath&
illness ;%ara#&ul&%ault< without the sa%e eing
;e< !hose contracte# y a party in a state of ihra%D an#
;f< Mi=e# %arriages not allowe# un#er Isla%ic law.
Article 33. /ali#ation of irregular %arriages. ;1< Irregular
%arriages %ay e %a#e regular y a new %arriage contract
in the following casesE
;a< !hose referre# to in Article 32;a<, after the i%pe#i%ent
has een re%ove#D
;< !hose referre# to in Article 32;<, upon co%pliance
with the reCuire%ent of Article 30D
;c< !hose referre# to in Article 32;c<, after the causes
vitiating consent have cease#D
;#< !hose referre# to in Article 32;#<, in case the party
;e< !hose referre# to in Article 32;e<, when the party is no
longer in a state of ihra%D an#
;f< !hose referre# to in Article 32;f<, after conversion to a
faith that coul# have %a#e the %arriage vali#.
;2< !he effects of the new %arriage un#er the first
paragraph shall retroact to the #ate of the celeration of the
irregular %arriage.
(ection 5. 1ights an# +ligations )etween (pouses
Article 34. Mutual rights an# oligations.
;1< !he husan# an# the wife are olige# to live together,
oserve %utual respect an# fi#elity, an# ren#er %utual help
an# support in accor#ance with this Co#e.
;2< ?hen one of the spouses neglects his or her #uties to
the con$ugal union or rings #anger, #ishonor or %aterial
in$ury upon the other, the in$ure# party %ay petition the
court for relief. !he court %ay counsel the offen#er to
co%ply with his or her #uties, an# ta"e such %easures as
%ay e proper.
;3< !he husan# an# the wife shall inherit fro% each other
in accor#ance with this Co#e.
;4< !he husan# an# the wife shall have the right to #ivorce
in accor#ance with this Co#e.
Article 35. 1ights an# oligations of the husan#. !he
husan# shall fi= the resi#ence of the fa%ily. !he court
%ay e=e%pt the wife fro% living with her husan# on any
of the following groun#sE
;a< 8er #ower is not satisfie# in accor#ance with the
stipulationsD or
;< !he con$ugal #welling is not in "eeping with her social
stan#ing or is, for any reason, not safe for the %e%ers of
the fa%ily or her property.
Article 36. 1ights an# oligations of the wife.
;1< !he wife shall #utifully %anage the affairs of the
househol#. (he %ay purchase things necessary for the
%aintenance of the fa%ily, an# the husan# shall e oun#
to rei%urse the e=penses, if he has not #elivere# the
proper su%.
;2< !he wife cannot, without the husan#'s consent, acCuire
any property y gratuitous title, e=cept fro% her relatives
who are within the prohiite# #egrees in %arriage.
;3< !he wife %ay, with her husan#'s consent, e=ercise any
profession or occupation or engage in lawful usiness
which is in "eeping with Isla%ic %o#esty an# virtue.
8owever, if the husan# refuses to give his consent on the
groun# that his inco%e is sufficient for the fa%ily
accor#ing to its social stan#ing or his opposition is ase#
on serious an# vali# groun#s, the %atter shall e referre# to
the Aga%a Aritration Council.
;4< !he wife shall have the right to #e%an# the satisfaction
of her mahr.
;5< 2nless otherwise stipulate# in the %arriage settle%ents,
the wife retain ownership an# a#%inistration of her
e=clusive property.
;6< !he wife shall e entitle# to an eCual an# $ust treat%ent
y the husan#.
(ection 6. Property 1elations )etween (pouses
Article 37. 8ow governe#. !he property relations etween
husan# an# wife shall e governe# in the following or#erE
;a< )y contract efore or at the ti%e of the celeration of
;< )y the provisions of this Co#eD an#
;c< )y custo%.
Article 39. 1egi%e of property relations. !he property
relations etween the spouses, in the asence of any
stipulation to the contrary in the %arriage settle%ents or
any other contract, shall e governe# y the regi%e of
co%plete separation of property in accor#ance with this
Co#e an#, in a suppletory %anner, y the general principles
of Isla%ic law an# the Civil Co#e of the Philippines.
Article 3:. (tipulation in the %arriage settle%ents. *very
stipulation in the %arriage settle%ents or contract referre#
to in the prece#ing article shall e voi# an# without effect
whatsoever, shoul# the %arriage no ta"e place. 8owever,
stipulations that #o not #epen# upon the contract of
%arriage shall e vali#.
Article 40. Ante&nuptial property. !he wife shall not lose
ownership an# a#%inistration of all properties rought y
her to the %arriage in the asence of any written agree%ent
to the contrary, an# she %ay #ispose of the sa%e y #ee# or
otherwise even without the consent of her husan#.
Article 41. *=clusive property of each spouse. !he
following shall e the e=clusive property of either spouseE
;a< Properties rought to the %arriage y the husan# or the
;< All inco%e #erive# y either spouse fro% any
e%ploy%ent, occupation or tra#eD
;c< Any %oney or property acCuire# y either spouse
#uring %arriage y lucrative titleD
;#< !he #ower ;mahr< of the wife an# nuptial gifts to each
;e< Properties acCuire# y right of re#e%ption, purchase or
e=change of the e=clusive property of eitherD an#
;f< All fruits of properties in the foregoing paragraphs.
Article 42. +wnership an# a#%inistration. *ach spouse
shall own, possess, a#%inister, en$oy an# #ispose of his or
her own e=clusive estate even without the consent of the
other. 8owever, the court %ay, upon petition of either
spouse, grant to the other the a#%inistration of such
Article 43. 8ousehol# property. 8ousehol# property which
custo%arily pertains to or is use# y either spouse shall e
pri%a facie presu%e# to e the property of sai# spouse.
Article 44. 1ight to sue an# e sue#. !he wife %ay,
in#epen#ently of the husan#, sue or e sue# in the
following casesE
;a< ?hen the litigation is etween husan# an# wifeD
;< If the suit concerns her e=clusive propertyD
;c< If the litigation is inci#ental to her profession,
occupation or usinessD
;#< If the litigation concerns the e=clusive property of the
husan#, the a#%inistration of which has een transferre#
to herD or
;e< (uch other appropriate cases as %ay e followe# y the
general principles of Isla%ic law an# other laws.
Chapter !hree
0I/+1C* ;=ALAA<
(ection 1. -ature an# ,or%
Article 45. 0efinition an# for%s. 0ivorce is the for%al
#issolution of the %arriage on# in accor#ance with this
Co#e to e grante# only after the e=haustion of all possile
%eans of reconciliation etween the spouses. It %ay e
effecte# yE
;a< 1epu#iation of the wife y the husan# ;talaq<D
;< /ow of continence y the husan# ;ila<D
;c< In$urious assanilation of the wife y the husan#
;#< Acts of i%precation ;li'an<D
;e< 1e#e%ption y the wife ;"hul'<D
;f< *=ercise y the wife of the #elegate# right to repu#iate
;tafwl#<D or
;g< .u#icial #ecree ;fas"h<.
Article 46. 0ivorce y talaq.
;1< A #ivorce y talaq %ay e affecte# y the husan# in a
single repu#iation of his wife #uring her non&%enstrual
perio# ;tuhr< within which he has totally astaine# fro%
carnal relation with her. Any nu%er of repu#iations %a#e
#uring one tuhr shall constitute only one repu#iation an#
shall eco%e irrevocale after the e=piration of the
prescrie# 'idda.
;2< A husan# who repu#iates his wife, either for the first
or secon# ti%e, shall have the right to ta"e her ac" ;ru$u<
within the prescrie# 'idda y resu%ption of cohaitation
without nee# of a new contract of %arriage. (houl# he fail
to #o so, the repu#iation shall eco%e irrevocale ;=alaq
ain sugra<.
Article 47. 0ivorce y Ila. ?here a husan# %a"es a vow
to astain fro% any carnal relations ;ila< with his wife an#
"eeps such ila for a perio# of not less than four %onths, she
%ay e grante# a #ecree of #ivorce y the court after #ue
notice an# hearing.
Article 49. 0ivorce y Hihar. ?here the husan# has
in$uriously assi%ilate# ;Hihar< his wife to any of his
relatives within the prohiite# #egrees of %arriage, they
shall %utually refrain fro% having carnal relation until he
shall have perfor%e# the prescrie# e=piation. !he wife
%ay as" the court to reCuire her husan# to perfor% the
e=piationor to pronounce the a regular talaq shoul# he fail
or refuse to #o so, without pre$u#ice to her right of see"ing
other appropriate re%e#ies.
Article 4:. 0ivorce y li'an. ?here the husan# accuses his
wife in court of a#ultery, a #ecree of perpetual #ivorce %ay
e grante# y the court after #ue hearing an# after the
parties shall have perfor%e# the prescrie# acts of
i%precation ;li'an<.
Article 50. 0ivorce y "hul'. !he wife %ay, after having
offere# to return or renounce her #ower or to pay any other
lawful consi#eration for her release ;"hul'< fro% the
%arriage on#, petition the court for #ivorce. !he court
shall, in %eritorious cases an# after fi=ing the
consi#eration, issue the correspon#ing #ecree.
Article 51. 0ivorce y tafwi#. If the husan# has #elegate#
;tafwi#< to the wife the right to effect a talaq at the ti%e of
the celeration of the %arriage or thereafter, she %ay
repu#iate the %arriage an# the repu#iation woul# have the
sa%e effect as if it were pronounce# y the husan#
Article 52. 0ivorce y fas"h. !he court %ay, upon petition
of the wife, #ecree a #ivorce y fas"h on any of the
following groun#s E
;a< -eglect or failure of the husan# to provi#e support for
the fa%ily for at least si= consecutive %onthsD
;< Conviction of the husan# y final $u#g%ent sentencing
hi% to i%prison%ent for at least one yearD
;c< ,ailure of the husan# to perfor% for si= %onths
without reasonale cause his %arital oligation in
accor#ance with this co#eD
;#< I%potency of the husan#D
;e< Insanity or affliction of the husan# with an incurale
#isease which woul# %a"e the continuance of the %arriage
relationship in$urious to the fa%ilyD
;f< 2nusual cruelty of the husan# as #efine# un#er the
ne=t succee#ing articleD or
;g< Any other cause recogniHe# un#er Musli% law for the
#issolution of %arriage y fas"h either at the instance of the
wife or the proper wali.
Article 53. ,as"h on the groun# of unusual cruelty. A
#ecree of fas"h on the groun# of unusual cruelty %ay e
grante# y the court upon petition of the wife if the
;a<8aitually assaults her or %a"es her life %iserale y
cruel con#uct even if this #oes not result in physical in$uryD
;< Associates with persons of ill&repute or lea#s an
infa%ous life or atte%pts to force the wife to live an
i%%oral lifeD
;c< Co%pels her to #ispose of her e=clusive property or
prevents her fro% e=ercising her legal rights over itD
;#< +structs her in the oservance of her religious
practicesD or
;e< 0oes not treat her $ustly an# eCuitaly as en$oine# y
Isla%ic law.
Article 54. *ffects of irrevocale talaq or fas"h. A talaq or
fas"h, as soon as it eco%es irrevocale, shall have the
following effectsE
;a< !he %arriage on# shall e severe# an# the spouses
%ay contract another %arriage in accor#ance with this
;< !he spouses shall lose their %utual rights of
;c< !he custo#y of chil#ren shall e #eter%ine# in
accor#ance with Article 79 of this co#eD
;#< !he wife shall e entitle# to recover fro% the husan#
her whole #ower in case the talaq has een affecte# after
the consu%%ation of the %arriage, or one&half thereof if
effecte# efore its consu%%ationD
;e< !he husan# shall not e #ischarge# fro% his oligation
to give support in accor#ance with Article 67D an#
;f< !he con$ugal partnership, if stipulate# in the %arriage
settle%ents, shall e #issolve# an# liCui#ate#.
Article 55. *ffects of other "in#s of #ivorce. !he provisions
of the article i%%e#iately prece#ing shall apply to the
#issolution, of %arriage y ila, Hihar, li'an an# "hul',
su$ect to the effects of co%pliance with the reCuire%ents
of the Isla%ic law relative to such #ivorces.
(ection 2. 'idda
Article 56. 'idda #efine#. 'idda is the perio# of waiting
prescrie# for a wo%an whose %arriage has een #issolve#
y #eath or y #ivorce the co%pletion of which shall enale
her to contract a new %arriage.
Article 57. Perio#.
;1< *very wife shall e olige# to oserve 'idda as followsE
;a< In case of #issolution of %arriage y #eath, four %onths
an# ten #ays counte# fro% the #eath of her husan#D
;< In case of ter%ination of %arriage y #ivorce, for three
%onthly coursesD or
;c< In case of a pregnant wo%en, for a perio# e=ten#ing
until her #elivery.
;2< (houl# the husan# #ie while the wife is oserving
'idda for #ivorce, another 'idda for #eath shall e oserve#
in accor#ance with paragraph 1;a<.
PA!*1-I!G A-0 ,ILIA!I+-
Article 59. Legiti%acy, how estalishe#. Legiti%acy of
filiation is estalishe# y evi#ence of vali# %arriage
etween the father an# the %other at the ti%e of the
conception of the chil#.
Article 5:. Legiti%ate chil#ren.
;1< Chil#ren conceive# in lawful we#loc" shall e
presu%e# to e legiti%ate. ?hoever clai%s illegiti%acy of
or i%pugns such filiation %ust prove his allegation.
;2< Chil#ren orn after si= %onths following the
consu%%ation of %arriage or with two years after the
#issolution of the %arriage shall e presu%e# to e
legiti%ate. Against this presu%ption no evi#ence shall e
a#%itte# other than that of the physical i%possiility of
access etween the parents at or aout the ti%e of the
conception of the chil#.
Article 60. Chil#ren of suseCuent %arriage. (houl# the
%arriage e #issolve# an# the wife contracts another
%arriage after the e=piration of her 'idda, the chil# orn
within si= %onths fro% the #issolution of the prior
%arriage shall e presu%e# to have een conceive# #uring
the for%er %arriage, an# if orn thereafter, #uring the later.
Article 61. Pregnancy after #issolution. If, after the
#issolution of %arriage, the wife elieves that she is
pregnant y her for%er husan#, she shall, within thirty
#ays fro% the ti%e she eca%e aware of her pregnancy,
notify the for%er husan# or his heirs of that fact. !he
husan# or his heirs %ay as" the court to ta"e %easures to
prevent a si%ulation of irth.
Article 62. 1ights of legiti%ate chil#. A legiti%ate chil#
shall have the rightE
;a< !o ear the surna%es of the father an# of the %otherD
;< !o receive support fro% the father or, in his #efault,
fro% his heirs in accor#ance with Articles 65 an# 69D an#
;c< !o share in the legiti%ate ;furu#< an# other successional
rights which this Co#e recogniHes in his favor.
Article 63. Ac"nowle#g%ent y father. Ac"nowle#g%ent
;igra< of a chil# y the father shall estalish paternity an#
confer upon each the right inherit fro% the other
e=clusively in accor#ance with Article :4, provi#e# the
following con#itions are co%plie# withE
;a< !he ac"nowle#g%ent is %anifeste# y the father's
acceptance in pulic that he is the father of the chil# who
#oes not i%pugn itD an#
;< !he relations #oes not appear i%possile y reason of
#isparity in age.
Article 64. A#option. -o a#option in any for% shall confer
upon any person the status an# rights of a legiti%ate chil#
un#er Musli% law, e=cept that sai# person %ay receive a
gift ;hia<.
!I!L* I/
(2PP+1! ;-A,A>A<
Article 65. (upport #efine#. (upport ;nafaCa< inclu#es
everything that is in#ispensale for sustenance, #welling,
clothing an# %e#ical atten#ance accor#ing to the social
stan#ing of the person olige# to give it, an# the e#ucation
of the person entitle# to the support until he co%pletes his
e#ucation, training, or vocation even eyon# the age of
Article 66. A%ount. !he a%ount of support shall e in
proportion to the resources of the giver an# to the nee#s of
the recipient.
Article 67. (upport for wife an# infant.
;1< !he wife shall e entitle# to support #uring the
%arriage. In cases of #ivorce, ;talaq<, her right shall e
e=ten#e# up to the e=piration of the 'idda. 8owever, in case
the wife is pregnant at the ti%e of the separation, she shall
e entitle# to support until #elivery.
;2< Any #ivorce# nursing %other who continues to
reastfee# her chil# for two years shall e entitle# to
support until the ti%e of weaning.
Article 69. (upport etween ascen#ants an# #escen#ants.
!he ascen#ants an# #escen#ants shall e olige# to support
each other in the or#er in which they are calle# to succee#
y intestacy the person who has a right to clai% support.
Article 6:. Pay%ent.
;1< !he oligation to support shall e #e%an#ale fro% the
ti%e the recipient nee#s it for %aintenance, ut it shall not
e pai# e=cept fro% the #ate it is e=tra$u#icially #e%an#e#.
;2< Pay%ent shall e %a#e #aily, wee"ly or %onthly in
a#vance, an# when the recipient #ies, his heirs shall not e
olige# to return what he ha# receive# in a#vance.
;3< If the recipient is the wife, the rule estalishe# in the
foregoing paragraph shall apply even though the %arriage
is #issolve#.
Article 70. *=tinguish%ent of support. !he oligation to
support shall ceaseE
;a< 2pon the #eath of the recipientD
;< ?hen the resources of the oligor have een so re#uce#
that he cannot give the support without neglecting his own
nee# an# those of his fa%ily, e=cept that in the case of the
spouses, the husan#, though nee#y, is olige# to support
the wifeD or
;c< ?hen the recipient co%%its any act which woul# give
rise to #isCualification to inherit or #enial of support un#er
Musli% law.
!I!L* /
PA1*-!AL A2!8+1I!G
Chapter +ne
-A!21* A-0 *,,*C!(
Article 71. ?ho e=ercises.
;1< !he father an# the %other shall $ointly e=ercise $ust an#
reasonale parental authority an# fulfill their responsiility
over their legiti%ate an# ac"nowle#ge# chil#ren. In case of
#isagree%ent, the father's #ecision shall prevail unless there
is a $u#icial or#er to the contrary.
;2< !he %other shall e=ercise parental authority over her
chil#ren orn out of we#loc", ut the court %ay, when the
est interests of the chil#ren so reCuire, appoint a general
Article 72. 0uty to parents.
;1< Chil#ren shall respect, revere, an# oey their parents
always unless the latter cast the% into #iselief.
;2< Gran#parents are li"ewise entitle# to respect an#
reverence, an# shall e consulte# whenever practicale y
all %e%ers of the fa%ily on all i%portant Cuestions.
Article 73. 0uty to chil#ren. *very parent an# every person
e=ercising parental authority shall see to it that the rights of
the chil#ren are respecte#, an# their #uties co%plie# with,
an# shall particularly y precept an# e=a%ple, i%ue the%
with religious an# civic attach%ent to the i#eal of
per%anent worl# peace.
Article 74. *ffects upon person of chil#ren. !he parents
have, with respect to their une%ancipate# chil#renE
;a< !he #uty to support the%, have the% in their co%pany,
e#ucate an# instruct the% in "eeping with their %eans an#
represent the% in all actions which shall re#oun# to their
enefitsD an#
;< !he power to correct, #iscipline, an# punish the%
Article 75. *ffects upon property of chil#ren.
;1< !he father, or in his asence the %other, shall e the
legal a#%inistrator of the property of the chil# un#er
parental authority. If the property is worth %ore than five
thousan# pesos, the father or the %other shall give a on#
to e approve# y the court.
;2< !he court %ay appoint a guar#ian ;wasi< in the asence
of one who is natural or testa%entary.
Article 76. Parental authority non&transferale. Parental
authority can neither e renounce# nor transferre# e=cept as
otherwise provi#e# in this Co#e an# the general principles
of Isla%ic law.
Article 77. *=tinguish%ent of parental authority.
;1< Parental authority ter%inates upon the #eath of the
parents or the chil#, or upon e%ancipation.
;2< (u$ect to Article 79, the wi#owe# %other who
contracts a suseCuent %arriage shall lose parental
authority an# custo#y over all chil#ren y the #ecease#
husan#, unless the secon# husan# is relate# to the%
within the prohiite# #egrees of consanguinity.
;3< !he court %ay #eprive a person of parental authority or
suspen# the e=ercise thereof if he treats his chil#ren with
e=cessive harshness, gives then corrupting or i%%oral
or#ers an# counsel, or aan#ons the%.
Chapter !wo
C2(!+0G A-0 G2A10IA-(8IP
Article 79. Care an# custo#y.
;1< !he care an# custo#y of chil#ren elow seven years of
age whose parents are #ivorce# shall elong to the %other
or, in her asence, to the %aternal gran#%other, the
paternal gran#%other, the sister an# aunts. In their #efault,
it shall #evolve upon the father an# the nearest paternal
relatives. !he %inor aove seven years of age ut elow
the age of puerty %ay choose the parent with who% he
wants to stay.
;2< !he un%arrie# #aughter who has reache# the age of
puerty shall stay with the fatherD the son, un#er the sa%e
circu%stances, shall stay with the %other.
Article 7:. Guar#ian for %arriage ;wali<. !he following
persons shall have authority to act as guar#ian for %arriage
;wali< in the or#er of prece#enceE
;a< ,ather
;< Paternal gran#fatherD
;c< )rother an# other paternal relativesD
;#< Paternal gran#father's e=ecutor or no%ineeD or
;e< !he court.
Article 90. Guar#ian of %inor's property. !he following
persons shall e=ercise guar#ianship over the property of
%inors in the or#er of prece#enceE
;a< ,atherD
;< ,ather's e=ecutor or no%ineeD
;c< Paternal gran#fatherD
;#< Paternal gran#father's no%ineeD or
;e< !he court.
!I!L* /I
CI/IL 1*GI(!1G
Chapter +ne
1*GI(!1G +, MA11IAG*, 0I/+1C* A-0
Article 91. 0istrict 1egistrar. !he Cler" of Court of the
(hari' a 0istrict Court shall, in a##ition to his regular
functions, act as 0istrict 1egistrar of Musli% Marriages,
0ivorces, 1evocations of 0ivorces, an# Conversions within
the territorial $uris#iction of sai# court. !he Cler" of Court
of the (hari'a Circuit Court shall act as Circuit 1egistrar of
Musli% Marriages, 0ivorces, 1evocations of 0ivorces, an#
Conversions within his $uris#iction.
Article 92. 0uties of 0istrict 1egistrar. *very 0istrict
1egistrar shall e=ercise supervision over Circuit 1egistrars
in every (hari'a 0istrict. 8e shall, in a##ition to an entry
oo", "eep an# in# copies of certificates of Marriage,
0ivorce, 1evocation of 0ivorce, an# Conversion sent to
hi% y the Circuit 1egistrars in separate general registers.
8e shall sen# copies in accor#ance with Act. -o. 3753, as
a%en#e#, to the office of the Civil 1egistrar&General.
Article 93. 0uties of Circuit 1egistrar. *very Circuit
1egistrar shallE
;a< ,ile every certificate of %arriage ;which shall specify
the nature an# a%ount of the #ower agree# upon,< #ivorce
or revocation of #ivorce an# conversion an# such other
#ocu%ents presente# to hi% for registrationD
;< Co%pile sai# certificates %onthly, prepare an# sen# any
infor%ation reCuire# of hi% y the 0istrict 1egistrarD
;c< 1egister conversions involving Isla%D
;#< Issue certifie# transcripts or copies of any certificate or
#ocu%ent registere# upon pay%ent of the reCuire# feesD
;e< (en# to the 0istrict 1egistrar #uring the first ten #ays of
each %onth a copy of the entries %a#e #uring the previous
;f< In#e= the sa%e for easy reference an# i#entification in
case any infor%ation is reCuire#D an#
;g< A#%inister oaths, free of charge, for civil registry
Article 94. Cancellation or Correction of *ntry. Any entry
in the 0istrict or Circuit 1egister %ay, upon verifie#
petition of any intereste# party, e correcte# upon or#er of
the (hari'a 0istrict Court, su$ect to the provisions of the
1ules of Court. *very 1egistrar shall e civilly responsile
for any unauthoriHe# alteration %a#e in the registry to any
person suffering #a%age therey. 8owever, the 1egistrar
%ay e=e%pt hi%self fro% such liaility if he proves that he
has ta"en every reasonale precaution to prevent the
unlawful alteration.
Article 95. 1egistration of revocation of #ivorce. ?ithin
seven #ays after the revocation of a #ivorce y ru$u', the
husan# shall, with the wife's written consent, file a
state%ent thereof with the Circuit 1egistrar in whose
recor#s that #ivorce was previously entere#.
Article 96. Legal effects of registration. !he oo"s %a"ing
up the registry of %arriage, #ivorce, revocation of #ivorce,
conversion, an# all other #ocu%ents relating thereto shall
e consi#ere# pulic #ocu%ents an# shall e pri%a facie
evi#ence of the facts therein containe#. 8owever, nothing
herein provi#e# shall affect the intrinsic vali#ity or
invali#ity of the acts registere#.
Article 97. Applicaility of other civil registry law. !o the
e=tent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Co#e, the
provisions of other registry laws governing other civil
registrars shall e oserve# y #istrict or circuit registrars.
Chapter !wo
+!8*1 AC!( A,,*C!I-G CI/IL (!A!2(
Article 99. ?here registere#. All other acts, events, or
$u#icial #ecrees affecting civil status not %entione# in
Chapter +ne of this !itle shall e recor#e# in the e=isting
civil registry of the city or %unicipality in accor#ance with
special laws.
)++L !81**
!I!L* I
G*-*1AL P1+/I(I+-(
Article 9:. (uccession #efine#. (uccession is a %o#e of
acCuisition y virtue of which the estate of a person is
trans%itte# to his heirs or others in accor#ance with this
Article :0. (uccessional rights, when veste#. !he rights to
succession are trans%itte# fro% the %o%ent of the #eath of
the #ece#ent. !he right to succession of any heir who
pre#eceases the #ece#ent shall not e trans%itte# y right
of representation to his own heirs.
Article :1. 1eCuisites of succession. -o settle%ent of the
estate of a #ecease# person shall e effecte# unlessE
;a< !he #eath of the #ece#ent is ascertaine#D
;< !he successor is alive at the ti%e of the #eath of the
#ece#entD an#
;c< !he successor is not #isCualifie# to inherit.
Article :2. Inheritance ;Mirath<. !he inheritance of a
person inclu#es all properties of any "in#, %ovale or
i%%ovale, whether ancestral or acCuire# either y onerous
or gratuitous title, as well as all trans%issile rights an#
oligations at the ti%e of his #eath an# those that accrue
thereto efore partition.
Article :3. 0isCualifications to succession. !he following
shall e #isCualifie# to succee#E
;a< !hose who have intentionally cause# #irectly or
in#irectly the #eath of the #ece#entD
;< !hose who have co%%itte# any other act which
constitutes a groun# #isCualification to inherent un#er
Isla%ic lawD an#
;c< !hose who are so situate# that they cannot inherit un#er
Isla%ic law.
Article :4. (uccession fro% ac"nowle#ging person.
?ithout pre$u#ice to the or#er of succession of heirs,
%utual rights of inheritance shall otainE
;a< )etween the ac"nowle#ging father an# the
ac"nowle#ge# chil#D an#
;< )etween the "ins%an ac"nowle#ge# through another
person an# the ac"nowle#ger.
Article :5. (uccession y illegiti%ate chil#. A chil# who
was the cause of the %other's having een #ivorce# y li'an
shall have %utual rights of succession only with the %other
an# her relatives.
Article :6. (uccession etween #ivorce# persons.
;1< !he husan# who #ivorces his wife shall have %utual
rights of inheritance with her while she is oserving her
'idda. After the e=piration of the 'idda, there shall e no
%utual rights of succession etween the%.
;2< !he husan# who, while in a con#ition of #eath&illness,
#ivorces his wife shall not inherit fro% her, ut she shall
have the right to succee# hi% even after the e=piration of
her 'idda.
Article :7. (uccession y conceive# chil#. A chil#
conceive# at the ti%e of the #eath of the #ece#ent shall e
consi#ere# an heir provi#e# it e orn later in accor#ance
with Article 10D its correspon#ing share shall e reserve#
efore the estate is #istriute#.
Article :9. (uccession y asentee. !he share of an heir
who is %issing or otherwise asent at the ti%e of the #eath
of the #ece#ent shall e reserve#E
;a< 2ntil he reappears an# clai%s itD
;< 2ntil he is proven #ea#D or
;c< 2ntil the lapse of ten years after which he shall e
resu%e# #ea# y #ecree of the court.
Article ::. +r#er of succession. !he heirs of a #ece#ent
shall inherit in the following or#erE
;a< (harers ;asha&ul&furu#< shall e entitle# to fi=e#
;< 1esi#uaries ;asha&ul&%irath< shall e entitle# to the
;c< In the asence of the foregoing, the #istant "in#re#
;#haw&ul&arha%< who are loo# relatives ut are neither
sharers nor resi#uariesD an#
;#< In #efault of the aove, the ac"nowle#ge# "ins%an,
universal legatee, or the pulic treasury ;ait&ul&%al<, in
that or#er.
Article 100. Mo#es of (uccession. (uccession %y eE
;a< )y will ;wasiya<D
;< )y operation of this Co#eD or
;c< )y co%ination of oth.
!I!L* II
!*(!AM*-!A1G (2CC*((I+-
Chapter +ne
Article 101. ?ill #efine#. A will ;wasiya< is a #eclaration
wherey a person is per%itte#, with the for%alities
prescrie# y law, to control the #isposition after his #eath
of not %ore than one&thir# of his estate, if there are heirs, or
the whole of it, if there are no heirs or #istant "in#re#.
Article 102. ,or%alities.
;1< !he %a"ing of a will is strictly a personal actD it cannot
e left in whole or in part to the #iscretion of a thir# person
or acco%plishe# through the instru%entality of an agent.
;2< A will %ay e #eclare# orally or in writing in a %anner
that shows clearly the intention of the testator to e=ecute it
in the presence of a least two co%petent, cre#ile an#
#isintereste# witnesses.
Article 103. Proof of will.
;1< -o nuncupative will shall pass any property of the
#ece#ent unless it is prove# an# allowe# in accor#ance with
a sole%n oath or affir%ation of all the witnesses who
atteste# to its #eclaration.
;2< -o will of any other "in#, holographic or for%al, shall
pass any property unless it is prove# an# allowe# in
accor#ance with this Co#e.
Article 104. !esta%entary wagf. An en#ow%ent for Isla%ic
purposes to ta"e effect after the #eath of the #onor ;wagf&
ill&wasiya< parta"es of the nature of a testa%entary
Article 105. Capacity to %a"e a will. Any person of soun#
an# #isposing %in# an# who is not e=pressly prohiite# y
Isla%ic law %ay %a"e a will. Persons of either se= un#er
the age of puerty cannot %a"e a will.
Article 106. 0isposale thir#.
;1< !he testator, in his will, cannot #ispose of %ore than
one&thir# of his estate. Any eCuest in e=cess thereof shall
not e given effect unless ratifie# y the heirs. In any case,
the eCuest %ust e accepte# y the legatee.
;2< A eCuest to any sharer or resi#uary shall not e vali#
unless ratifie# y the testator's heirs e=isting at the ti%e of
his #eath.
Article 107. )eCuest y operation of law. (houl# the
testator #ie without having %a#e a eCuest in favor of any
chil# of his son who pre#ecease# hi%, or who
si%ultaneously #ies with hi%, such chil# shall e entitle# to
one&thir# of the share that woul# have pertaine# to the
father if he were alive. !he parent or spouse, who is
otherwise #isCualifie# to inherit in view of Article :3 ;c<,
shall e entitle# to one&thir# of what he or she woul# have
receive# without such Cualification.
Article 109. 1evocation of will. ?ill %ay e e=pressly or
i%plie#ly revo"e# y the testator at any ti%e efore his
#eath. Any waiver or restriction of this right shall e voi#.
Article 10:. Partial invali#ity of will. !he invali#ity of one
of several provisions of a will shall not result in the
invali#ity of the others, unless it is to e presu%e# that the
testator woul# not have %a#e such other provisions if the
first invali# provision ha# not een %a#e.
L*GAL (2CC*((I+-
Chapter +ne
Article 110. ?ho are sharers. !he following persons shall
e entitle# to the inheritance as sharers to the e=tent set
forth in the succee#ing articlesE
;a< !he husan#, the wifeD
;< !he father, the %other, the gran#father, the
;c< !he #aughter an# the son's #aughter in the #irect lineD
;#< !he full sister, the consanguine sister, the uterine sister
an# the uterine rother.
Article 111. (hare of surviving husan#. !he husan#
surviving together with a legiti%ate chil# or a chil# of the
#ece#ent's son shall e entitle# to one&fourth of the
here#itary estateD shoul# there e no such #escen#ants, he
shall inherit one&half of the estate.
Article 112. (hare of surviving wife. !he wife surviving
together with a legiti%ate chil# or a chil# of the #ece#ent's
son shall e entitle# to one&eight of the here#itary estateD in
the asence of such #escen#ants, she shall inherit one&
fourth of the estate.
Article 113. (hare of surviving father. !he father
succee#ing together with the legiti%ate son of the #ece#ent
or a son of the #ece#ent's son shall e entitle#, as sharer, to
one&si=th of the here#itary estate. !he father who succee#s
together with a legiti%ate #aughter of the #ece#ent or a
#aughter of the #ece#ent's son shall inherit, as sharer, one&
si=th of the inheritance without pre$u#ice to his share as
Article 114. (hare of surviving %other. !he %other
succee#ing as sharer together with a chil# or a chil# of the
#ece#ent's son, or with two or %ore rothers or sisters of
the #ece#ent, shall e entitle# to one&si=th of the here#itary
estate. (houl# she survive without any such #escen#ant or
with only one rother or sister, she shall inherit one&thir# of
the estate.
Article 115. (hare of paternal gran#father. !he paternal
gran#father succee#ing together with the chil# of the
#ece#ent or, in #efault thereof, with his #escen#ants in the
#irect %ale line however, #istant, shall e entitle# to one&
si=th of the here#itary estate. (houl# he survive with any
sharer other than the rothers or sisters of the #ece#ent, he
shall e entitle# to one&si=th without pre$u#ice to his right
as a resi#uary.
Article 116. (hare of paternal gran#%other. !he paternal
gran#%other succee#ing in #efault of the %other, father, or
inter%e#iate gran#father of the #ece#ent shall e entitle#,
as sharer, to one&si=th of the here#itary estate.
Article 117. (hare of surviving #aughter.
;1< If the #ece#ent leaves no son ut one #aughter, the latter
shall e entitle# to inherit, as sharer , one&half of the
here#itary estate. !wo or %ore #aughters shall share
eCually two&thir#s thereof. (houl# one or %ore #aughters
survive with one or %ore sons of the #ece#ent, the latter
shall e entitle# to #oule the share of the for%er.
;2< (houl# a lone #aughter of the #ece#ent survive together
with his son's #aughter, the two&thir#s share shall e
#ivi#e# etween the%, one&half thereof to pertain to the
for%er an# one&si=th of the latter.
Article 119. (hare of son's #aughter. !he son's #aughter
shall, in the asence of any chil# of the #ece#ent, e
entitle# to one&half of the here#itary estate. !wo or %ore
#aughters of the #ece#ent's son shall share the two&thir#s of
the estate per capita.
Article 11:. (hare of full sister. (houl# the #ece#ent leave
neither #escen#ant, father, nor full rother, the full sister,
shall e entitle# as sharer to the e=tent of one&half of the
here#itary estate. !wo or %ore full sisters shall inherit two&
thir#s of the estate per capita.
Article 120. (hare of consanguine sister. (houl# the
#ece#ent leave neither #escen#ent, full rother, nor full
sister, the consanguine sister shall e entitle# to one&half of
the here#itary estate. !wo or %ore consanguine sisters shall
inherit two&thir#s of the estate per capita.
Article 121. (hare of uterine rother or sister. !he share of
a uterine rother or sister shall e one&si=th of the
here#itary estate shoul# there e no surviving #escen#ant,
father, paternal gran#father, or full rother an# sister of the
#ece#ent. !wo or %ore uterine rothers or sisters shall
inherit one&thir# of the estate per capita.
Article 122. Participation of full rother.
;1< +ne or %ore full rothers an# sisters surviving together,
or one or %ore consanguine rothers or sisters surviving
together, shall participate in the here#itary estate, a rother
to inherit #oule the share of a sister.
;2< !he provision of the ne=t succee#ing article
notwithstan#ing, the full rother shall, if nothing is left for
hi% after the #istriution of shares an# he survives with
uterine rothers, participate with the latter in the one&thir#
of the here#itary estate per capita.
Article 123. *=clusion a%ong heirs. !he e=clusion of heirs
fro% the inheritance shall e governe# y the following
;a< In the sa%e line, the relative nearest in #egree e=clu#es
the %ore re%ote.
;< ,ull&loo# relatives e=clu#e the consanguine an# the
;c< ?hoever is relate# to the #ece#ent through any person
shall not inherit while the latter is living, e=cept in the case
of a %other concurring with her chil#ren.
;#< 8eirs who, in a particular case, #o not succee# y
reason of #isCualification on any groun# shall not e=clu#e
Chapter !wo
1*(I02A1G 8*I1(
Article 124. 1esi#uaries. Any resi#ue left after the
#istriution of the shares shall e partitione# a%ong the
resi#uaries in accor#ance with the following articles. An
heir %ay succee# as resi#uary in his own right ;asaa&in&
nafs<, in another's right ;asaa&il&ghair<, or together with
another ;asaa&%a'al&ghair<.
Article 125. 1esi#uaries in their own right. !he following
persons are resi#uaries in their own rightE
;a< Male #escen#ants of the #ece#ent in the #irect line,
however, #istant in #egreeD
;< Male ascen#ants of the #ece#ent in the #irect line,
however #istant in #egreeD
;c< ,ull&loo# or consanguine rothers of the #ece#ent an#
their %ale #escen#ants, however, #istant in #egreeD an#
;#< ,ull&loo# or consanguine paternal uncles of the
#ece#ent an# their %ale #escen#ants, however #istant in
Article 126. 1esi#uaries in another's right. !he following
persons shall succee# as resi#uaries in another's rightE
;a< 0aughters surviving with the son of the #ece#entD
;< (on's #aughters surviving with their own rothersD
;c< ,ull sisters surviving with their full rothersD an#
;#< Consanguine sisters surviving with their consanguine
Article 127. 1esi#uaries together with another. ,ull&loo#
or consanguine sisters, surviving with #aughters of the
#ece#ent or with the son's #aughters, however, #istant in
#egree fro% the #ece#ent, are resi#uaries together with
Article 129. Preference a%ong resi#uaries. Preference
a%ong resi#uaries shall e governe# y the following rulesE
;a< !he resi#uary nearer in #egree shall e preferre# to the
%ore re%ote of the sa%e class.
;< !he resi#uary with full&loo# relationship shall e
preferre# to those of the half&loo# of the sa%e #egree of
relationship in the sa%e class.
;c< !he resi#uaries of the sa%e class, #egree an# loo#
relationship shall share eCually, su$ect to the rule of the
%ale having a share #oule that of the fe%ale in proper
Article 12:. 1e#uction of shares. If the totality of all the
shares assigne# to each of the sharers e=cee#s the whole
inheritance, the shares shall e re#uce# proportionately.
Article 130. 1eversion of resi#ue. If, after #istriuting the
portions of the sharers, a resi#ue is left in the inheritance
an# there is no surviving resi#uary heir, the sa%e shall
revert in its entirety to the lone sharer or to all the sharers in
proportion to their respective shares. 8owever, the husan#
or the wife shall not e entitle# to any part of the reverte#
portion as long as there are other sharers or #istant "in#re#.
Chapter !hree
0I(!A-! LI-01*0 ;08A?&2L&A18AM<
Article 131. 1elatives inclu#e#. 0istant "in#re# inclu#es
the following E
;a< !he #aughter's chil#ren an# the chil#ren of the son's
#aughter an# their #escen#antsD
;< !he e=clu#e# gran#father an# the e=clu#e#
;c< !he sister's chil#ren, the rother's #aughters, the sons of
the uterine rother, an# their #escen#antsD an#
;#< !he paternal aunts, the uterine uncles an# the %aternal
aunts an# uncles.
Article 132. *=tent an# #istriution of shares. In #efault of
all sharers an# resi#uaries, the #istant "in#re# shall inherit
the entire here#itary estate, the sa%e to e #istriute#
a%ong the% in accor#ance with Articles 123 an# 129.
!I!L* I/
(*!!L*M*-! A-0 PA1!I!I+- +, *(!A!*
Article 133. A#%inistration. !he a#%inistration of the
estate of a #ece#ent shall, for purposes of settle%ent, vest at
the ti%e of his #eath in the e=ecutor appointe# in the will
or, in the asence thereof, in his heir or a#%inistrator to
who% the court has grante# letters of a#%inistration.
Article 134. Governing school of law.
;1< In every petition for proate of will or for the settle%ent
of the estate of a #escen#ent, all %atters relating to the
appoint%ent of a#%inistrator, powers an# #uties of
a#%inistrator or e=ecutor, the court shall ta"e into
consi#eration the school of law ;%a#hha< of the #ece#ent.
;2< If the #ece#ent's %a#hha is not "nown, the (hafi'i
school of law %ay e given preference together with the
special rules of proce#ure a#opte# pursuant to this Co#e.
Article 135. +r#er of preference of clai%s. !he estate of a
#ece#ent shall e applie# to clai%s an# charges in the
following or#erE
;a< unpai# ta=esD
;<reasonale funeral e=pensesD
;c< the e=penses for proate, a#%inistration an# other
$u#icial e=pensesD
;#< the #ets of the #ece#entD
;e< the legacies to the e=tent of the #isposale one&thir#D
;f< the #istriution of shares a%ong heirsD an#
;g< unpai# #ower.
Article 136. Liaility of heirs. !he liaility of the heirs of a
#ece#ent for the pay%ent of the %atter's #ets shall not
e=cee# the here#itary estate. *ach heir shall e liale only
for the pay%ent of the #ece#ent's #et in proportion to his
)++L ,+21
A0.20ICA!I+- A-0 (*!!L*M*-! +, 0I(P2!*(
A-0 1*-0I!I+- +, L*GAL +PI-I+-(
!I!L* I
!8* (A81I'A C+21!(
Article 137. Creation. !here are herey create# as part of
the $u#icial syste%, courts of li%ite# $uris#iction, to e
"nown respectively as (hari'a 0istrict Courts an# (hari'a
Circuit Courts, which shall e=ercise powers an# functions
in accor#ance with this !itle.
(hari'a courts an# the personnel thereof shall e su$ect to
the a#%inistrative supervision of the (upre%e Court.
Chapter +ne
(8A1I'A 0I(!1IC! C+21!(
Article 139. (hari'a $u#icial #istricts. ,ive special $u#icial
#istricts, each to have one (hari'a 0istrict Court presi#e#
over y one $u#ge, are constitute# as followsE
;a< !he ,irst (hari'a 0istrict shall co%prise the Province of
;< !he (econ# (hari'a 0istrict, the Province of !awi&!awiD
;c< !he !hir# (hari'a 0istrict, the Province of )asilan,
Na%oanga #el -orte an# Na%oanga #el (ur, an# the
Cities of 0ipolog, Paga#ian an# Na%oangaD
;#< !he ,ourth (hari'a 0istrict, the provinces of Lanao #el
-orte an# Lanao #el (ur, an# the Cities of Iligan an#
MarawiD an#
;e< !he ,ifth (hari'a 0istrict, the Provinces of
Maguin#anao, -orth Cotaato an# (ultan Lu#arat, an# the
City of CotaatoD
Article 13:. Appoint%ent of $u#ges. !he $u#icial function
in the (hari'a 0istrict Courts shall e veste# in (hari'a
0istrict $u#ges to e appointe# y the Presi#ent of the
Article 140. >ualifications. -o person shall e appointe#
(hari'a 0istrict $u#ge unless, in a##ition to the
Cualifications for $u#ges of Courts of ,irst Instance fi=e# in
the .u#iciary Law, he is learne# in Isla%ic law an#
Article 141. !enure. (hari'a 0istrict $u#ges shall e
appointe# to serve #uring goo# ehavior until they reach
the age of si=ty&five years, or eco%e incapacitate# to
#ischarge the #uties of their office, unless sooner re%ove#
for the sa%e causes an# in the sa%e %anner provi#e# y
law for $u#ges of Courts of ,irst Instance.
Article 142. Co%pensation. (hari'a 0istrict $u#ges shall
receive the sa%e co%pensation an# en$oy the sa%e
privileges as the $u#ges of Courts of ,irst Instance.
Article 143. +riginal $uris#iction.
;1< !he (hari'a 0istrict Court shall have e=clusive original
$uris#iction overE
;a< All cases involving custo#y, guar#ianship, legiti%acy,
paternity an# filiation arising un#er this Co#eD
;c< Petitions for the #eclaration of asence an# #eath an#
for the cancellation or correction of entries in the Musli%
1egistries %entione# in !itle /I of )oo" !wo of this Co#eD
;#< All actions arising fro% custo%ary contracts in which
the parties are Musli%s, if they have not specifie# which
law shall govern their relationsD an#
;e< All petitions for %an#a%us, prohiition, in$unction,
certiorari, ha+a# cor&!#, an# all other au=iliary writs an#
processes in ai# of its appellate $uris#iction.
;2< Concurrently with e=isting civil courts, the (hari'a
0istrict Court shall have original $uris#iction overE
;a< Petitions y Musli%s for the constitution of a fa%ily
ho%e, change of na%e an# co%%it%ent of an insane
person to an asylu%D
;< All other personal an# real actions not %entione# in
paragraph 1 ;#< wherein the parties involve# are Musli%s
e=cept those for forcile entry an# unlawful #etainer, which
shall fall un#er the e=clusive original $uris#iction of the
Municipal Circuit CourtD an#
;c< All special civil actions for interplea#er or #eclaratory
relief wherein the parties are Musli%s or the property
involve# elongs e=clusively to Musli%s.
Article 144. Appellate $uris#iction.
;1< (hari'a 0istrict Courts shall have appellate $uris#iction
over all cases trie# in the (hari'a Circuit Courts within their
territorial $uris#iction.
;2< !he (hari'a 0istrict Court shall #eci#e every case
appeale# to it on the asis of the evi#ence an# recor#s
trans%itte# as well as such %e%oran#a, riefs or oral
argu%ents as the parties %ay su%it.
Article 145. ,inality of #ecision. !he #ecisions of the
(hari'a 0istrict Courts whether on appeal fro% the (hari'a
Circuit Court or not shall e final. -othing herein containe#
shall affect the original an# appellate $uris#iction of the
(upre%e Court as provi#e# in the Constitution.
Article 146. Cler"s an# other suor#inate e%ployees.
(hari'a 0istrict Courts shall have the sa%e officers an#
other personnel as those provi#e# y law for Courts of ,irst
!he pertinent provisions of the .u#iciary Law regar#ing the
nu%er, Cualifications, appoint%ent, co%pensation,
functions, #uties an# other %atters relative to the personnel
of the Courts of ,irst Instance shall apply to those of the
(hari'a 0istrict Courts.
Article 147. Per%anent stationsD offices.
;1< !he (hari'a 0istrict Courts shall have their respective
per%anent stations in the following placesE
;a< ,irst (hari'a 0istrict, .olo, (uluD
;< (econ# (hari'a 0istrict, )ongao, !awi&!awiD
;c< !hir# (hari'a 0istrict, Na%oanga CityD
;#< ,ourth (hari'a 0istrict, Marawi CityD
;e< ,ifth (hari'a 0istrict, Cotaato CityD
;2< !he (hari'a 0istrict Courts %ay hol# sessions anywhere
within their respective #istricts.
;3< !he provinces, cities or %unicipalities concerne# shall
provi#e such courts with a#eCuate court office, supplies
an# eCuip%ent in accor#ance with the provisions of the
.u#iciary Law.
Article 149. (pecial proce#ure. !he (hari'a 0istrict Courts
shall e governe# y such special rules of proce#ure as the
(upre%e Court %ay pro%ulgate.
Article 14:. Applicaility of other laws. !he provisions of
all laws relative to the Courts of ,irst Instance shall, insofar
as they are not inconsistent with this Co#e, e applicale to
(hari'a 0istrict Courts.
Chapter !wo
(8A1I'A CI1C2I! C+21!(
Article 150. ?here estalishe#.
;1< (hari'a Circuit Courts shall e estalishe# as followsE
;a< (i= such courts in the Province of (uluD
;< *ight in the Province of !awi&!awiD
;c< !en in an# for the Provinces of )asilan, Na%oanga #el
-orte an# Na%oanga #el (ur, an# the Cities of 0ipolog,
Paga#ian, an# Na%oangaD
;#< !welve in an# for the Provinces of Lanao #el -orte an#
Lanao #el (ur an# the Cities of Iligan an# MarawiD
;e< ,ifteen in an# for the Province of Maguin#anao, -orth
Cotaato an# (ultan Lu#arat an# the City of Cotaato.
;2< !he territorial $uris#iction of each of the '(hari'a Circuit
Courts shall e fi=e# y the (upre%e Court on the asis of
geographical contiguity of the %unicipalities an# cities
concerne# an# their Musli% population.
Article 151. Appoint%ent of $u#ges. *ach (hari'a Circuit
Court shall e presi#e# over y a (hari'a Circuit .u#ge to
e appointe# y the Presi#ent of the Philippines.
Article 152. >ualifications. -o person shall e appointe#
$u#ge of the (hari'a Circuit Court unless he is a natural&
orn citiHen of the Philippines, at least twenty&five years of
age, an# has passe# an e=a%ination in the (hari'a an#
Isla%ic $urispru#ence ;fiqh< to e given y the (upre%e
Court for a#%ission to special %e%ership in the
Philippine )ar to practice in the (hari'a Courts.
Article 153. !enure. (hari'a Circuit $u#ges shall e
appointe# to serve #uring goo# ehavior until they reach
the age of si=ty&five years or eco%e incapacitate# to
#ischarge the #uties of their office, unless sooner re%ove#
for the sa%e causes an# in the sa%e %anner provi#e# y
law for $u#ges of Municipal Circuit Courts.
Article 154. Co%pensation. (hari'a Circuit $u#ges shall
receive the sa%e co%pensation an# en$oy the sa%e
privileges as $u#ges of Municipal Circuit Courts.
Article 155. .uris#iction. !he (hari'a Circuit Courts shall
have e=clusive original $uris#iction overD
;1< All cases involving offenses #efine# an# punishe#
un#er this Co#e.
;2< All civil actions an# procee#ings etween parties who
are Musli%s or have een %arrie# in accor#ance with
Article 13 involving #isputes relating toE
;a< MarriageD
;< 0ivorce recogniHe# un#er this Co#eD
;c< )etrothal or reach of contract to %arryD
;#< Custo%ary #ower ;mahr<D
;e< 0isposition an# #istriution of property upon #ivorceD
;f< Maintenance an# support, an# consolatory gifts, ;%ut'a<D
;g< 1estitution of %arital rights.
;3< All cases involving #isputes relative to co%%unal
Article 156. Cler"s an# other suor#inate e%ployees.
;1< (hari'a Circuit Courts shall have the sa%e officers an#
other personnel as those provi#e# y law for Municipal
Circuit Courts.
;2< !he pertinent provisions of the .u#iciary Law regar#ing
the nu%er, Cualifications, appoint%ent, co%pensation,
functions, #uties an# other %atters relative to the personnel
of the Municipal Circuit Courts shall apply to those of the
(hari'a Circuit Courts.
Article 157. Place of sessionsD stations. (hari'a Circuit
Court %ay hol# session anywhere within their respective
circuits, ut each shall have a principal station to e fi=e#
y the (upre%e Court.
Article 159. (pecial proce#ure. !he (hari'a Circuit Courts
shall e governe# y such special rules of proce#ure as the
(upre%e Court %ay pro%ulgate.
Article 15:. Applicaility of other laws. !he provisions of
all laws relative to Municipal Circuit Courts shall, to the
e=tent that they are not inconsistent with this Co#e, e
applicale to the (hari'a Circuit Courts.
!I!L* II
!8* AGAMA A1)I!1A!I+- C+2-CIL
Article 160. Constitution. !he (hari'a 0istrict Court or the
(hari'a Circuit Court %ay, in appropriate cases, constitute
an Aga%a Aritration Council in the %anner specifie# in
this !itle.
Article 161. 0ivorce y talag an# tafwi#.
;1< Any Musli% %ale who has pronounce# a talag shall,
without #elay, file with the Cler" of Court of the (hari'a
Circuit Court of the place where his fa%ily resi#es a written
notice of such fact an# the circu%stances atten#e# thereto,
after having serve# a copy thereof to the wife concerne#.
!he talag pronounce# shall not eco%e irrevocale until
after the e=piration of the prescrie# 'idda. !he notice file#
shall e conclusive evi#ence that talag has een
;2< ?ithin seven #ays fro% receipt of notice, the Cler" of
Court shall reCuire each of the parties to no%inate a
representative. !he representatives shall e appointe# y
the Court to constitute, together with the Cler" of Court as
Chair%an, an Aga%a Aritration Council. !he Aga%a
Aritration Council shall su%it to the Court a report on
the result of the aritration, on the asis of which an# such
other evi#ence as %ay e allowe#, the Court shall issue the
correspon#ing or#er.
;3< !he provisions of this article shall e oserve# shoul#
the wife e=ercise tafwi#.
Article 162. (useCuent %arriages. Any Musli% husan#
#esiring to contract a suseCuent %arriage shall, efore so
#oing, file a written notice thereof with the Cler" of Court
of the (hari'a Circuit Court of the place where his fa%ily
resi#es. 2pon receipt of sai# notice, the Cler" shall serve a
copy thereof to the wife or wives. (houl# any of the%
o$ect, an Aga%a Aritration Council shall e constitute#
in accor#ance with the provisions of paragraph ;2< of the
prece#ing article. If the Aga%a Aritration Council fails to
otain the wife's consent to the propose# %arriage, the
Court shall, su$ect to Article 27, #eci#e# whether or not to
sustain her o$ection.
Article 163. +ffenses against custo%ary law. !he (hari'a
Circuit Court, in cases involving offenses against
custo%ary law which can e settle# without for%al trial,
%ay, at its #iscretion, #irect the (hari'a Cler" of Court to
constitute a council of not less than two nor %ore than four
%e%ers, with hi% as chair%an, to settle the case
.21I(C+-(2L! I- I(LAMIC LA?
Article 164. Creation of office an# appoint%ent.
;a< !here shall e a .urisconsult in Isla%ic law, who shall
e appointe# y the Presi#ent of the Philippines an# hol#
office for a ter% of seven years, without pre$u#ice to re&
appoint%ent, unless sooner re%ove# for cause or
incapacitate# to #ischarge the #uties of his office.
;< !he +ffice of the .urisconsult shall e un#er the
a#%inistrative supervision of the (upre%e Court of the
Philippines which shall also fi= its per%anent station,
preferaly in the City of Na%oanga.
Article 165. >ualifications. -o person shall e appointe#
.urisconsult in Isla%ic Law unless he is a citiHen of the
Philippines, at least forty years of age, of goo# %oral
character an# proven integrity, an# an e%inent scholar in
the >ur'an an# Badith an# in Isla%ic $urispru#ence as well
as proficient in Araic.
Article 166. ,unctions.
;1< !he .urisconsult shall, on the written reCuest of any
intereste# party, have the authority to ren#er legal opinions,
ase# on recogniHe# authorities, regar#ing any Cuestion
relating to Musli% Law. ,or this purpose, he %ay, if he
#ee%s it necessary, consult or as" for a consensus of the
;2< !he .urisconsult shall consi#er an# act on every such
reCuest unless, in his opinion an# for goo# reason, the
Cuestion nee# not e answere#.
;3< !he +ffice of the .urisconsult shall "eep a co%pilation
an# cause the pulication of all his legal opinions.
Article 167. Co%pensation. 2ntil otherwise provi#e# y
law, the .urisconsult shall receive an annual co%pensation
of forty&eight thousan# pesos which shall not e #i%inishe#
#uring his ter% of office.
Article 169. +ffice personnel. !he .urisconsult %ay, in
accor#ance with the Civil (ervice Law an# su$ect to the
approval of the (upre%e Court, appoint an# fi= the
co%pensation of such personnel as %ay e necessary for
the perfor%ance of his functions.
)++L ,I/*
MI(C*LLA-*+2( A-0 !1A-(I!+1G P1+/I(I+-(
!I!L* I
Article 16:. +fficial Musli% holi#ays. !he following are
herey recogniHe# as legal Musli% holi#aysE
;a< 'A%un .a#i# ;-ew Gear<, which falls on the first #ay of
the first lunar %onth of Muharra%D
;< Mauli#&un&-ai ;)irth#ay of the Prophet Muha%%a#<,
which falls on the twelfth #ay of the thir# lunar %onth of
;c< Lailatul Isra ?al Mi'ra$ ;-octurnal .ourney an#
Ascension of the Prophet Muha%%a#<, which falls on the
twenty&seventh #ay of the seventh lunar %onth of 1a$aD
;#< 'I#&ul&,itr ;8ari 1aya Pausa<, which falls on the first
#ay of the tenth lunar %onth of (hawwal, co%%e%orating
the en# of the fasting seasonD an#
;e< 'I#&ul&A#ha ;8ari 1a$a 8a$i<, which falls on the tenth
#ay of the twelfth lunar %onth of 0hu 1&8i$$a.
Article 170. Provinces an# cities where officially oserve#.
;1< Musli% holi#ays shall e officially oserve# in the
Provinces of )asilan, Lanao #el -orte, Lanao #el (ur,
Maguin#anao, -orth Cotaato, (ultan Lu#arat, (ulu, !awi&
!awi, Na%oanga #el -orte an# Na%oanga #el (ur, an#
in the Cities of Cotaato, Iligan, Marawi, Paga#ian, an#
Na%oanga an# in such other Musli% provinces an# cities
as %ay hereafter e create#.
;2< 2pon procla%ation y the Presi#ent of the Philippines,
Musli% holi#ays %ay also e officially oserve# in other
provinces an# cities.
Article 171. 0ates of oservance. !he #ates of Musli%
holi#ays shall e #eter%ine# y the +ffice of the Presi#ent
of the Philippines in accor#ance with the Musli% Lunar
Calen#ar ;8i$ra<.
Article 172. +servance of Musli% e%ployees.
;1< All Musli% govern%ent officials an# e%ployees in
places other than those enu%erate# un#er Article 170 shall
also e e=cuse# fro% reporting to office in or#er that they
%ay e ale to oserve Musli% holi#ays.
;2< !he Presi#ent of the Philippines %ay, y procla%ation,
reCuire private offices, agencies or estalish%ents to e=cuse
their Musli% e%ployees fro% reporting for wor" #uring a
Musli% holi#ay without re#uction in their usual
!I!L* II
C+MM2-AL P1+P*1!G
Article 173. ?hat constitute. !he following are co%%unal
;a< Custo%ary heirloo%, which shall inclu#e artifacts an#
ancestral i%ple%ents or things of cultural value han#e#
#own fro% a co%%on ancestorD
;< Ancestral property, which shall co%prehen# hallowe#
ancestral plot, ancestral shrine, royal court, an# si%ilar
propertiesD an#
;c< charitale trust property.
Article 174. A#%inistration or #isposition.
;1< *=cept as otherwise provi#e# in this Co#e, co%%unal
property shall e a#%inistere# or #ispose# of in accor#ance
with Musli% law, 'a#a, an# special provisions of law.
;2< Any provision of e=isting law to the contrary
notwithstan#ing, the trustee of any co%%unal property
shall e the person who is in lawful possession thereof,
either personally or through an agent.
;3< !he (hari'a Circuit Court %ay appoint a trustee of a
co%%unal property when there is a #ispute as to its
custo#y, possession, or a#%inistration.
C2(!+MA1G C+-!1AC!(
Article 175. 8ow construe#. Any transaction wherey one
person #elivers to another any real estate, plantation,
orchar# or any fruit&earing property y virtue of san#a,
sanla, arin#ao, or si%ilar custo%ary contract, shall e
construe# as a %ortgage ;rihan< in accor#ance with Musli%
!I!L* I/
Article 176. *ffect of registration of conversion to Isla%.
;1< 1egistration of a person's conversion to Isla% shall
constitute a pri%a facie proof that he professes Isla%.
;2< ?hoever #isputes the profession or renunciation of
Isla% y any person shall have the ur#en of proving the
Article 177. 1egulation on conversion. -o conversion of a
%inor elow the age of eighteen years shall e registere#
y the 0istrict or Circuit 1egistrar without the written
consent or per%ission of the parents or guar#ian, e=cept
when such %inor has een e%ancipate# fro% paternal
authority in accor#ance with law.
Article 179. *ffect of conversion to Isla% on %arriage. !he
conversion of non&Musli% spouses to Isla% shall have the
legal effect of ratifying their %arriage as if the sa%e ha#
een perfor%e# in accor#ance with the provisions of this
Co#e or Musli% law, provi#e# that there is no legal
i%pe#i%ent to the %arriage un#er Musli% law.
Article 17:. *ffect of change of religion. !he change of
religion y a Musli% shall not have the effect of
e=tinguishing any oligation or liaility whatsoever
incurre# prior to sai# change.
!I!L* /
P*-AL P1+/I(I+-(
Chapter +ne
12L* +, )IGAMG
Article 190. Law applicale. !he provisions of the 1evise#
Penal Co#e relative to the cri%e of iga%y shall not apply
to a person %arrie# in accor#ance with the provisions of
this Co#e or, efore its effectivity, un#er Musli% law.
Chapter !wo
(P*CI,IC +,,*-(*(
Article 191. Illegal sole%niHation of %arriage. Any person
who shall, without authority, sole%niHe any %arriage
purporte#ly un#er this Co#e, or shall #o so in a %anner
contrary to the provisions thereof, shall e punishe# y
i%prison%ent of not less than two %onths ut not %ore
than two years, or a fine of not less than two hun#re# pesos
ut not %ore than two thousan# pesos, or oth, in the
#iscretion of the court.
Article 192. Marriage efore e=piration of 'idda. Any
wi#ow or #ivorce# wo%an who, having een %arrie# un#er
Musli% law or un#er this co#e, contracts another %arriage
efore the e=piration of the prescrie# 'idda shall suffer the
penalty of a fine not e=cee#ing five hun#re# pesos.
Article 193. +ffenses relative to suseCuent %arriage,
#ivorce, an# revocation of #ivorce. A person who falls to
co%ply with the reCuire%ents of Articles 95, 161, an# 162
of this Co#e shall e penaliHe# y arresto %ayor or a fine of
not less than two hun#re# pesos ut not %ore than two
thousan# pesos, or oth, in the #iscretion of the court.
Article 194. ,ailure to report for registration. *=cept as
provi#e# in the article i%%e#iately prece#ing, a person
who "nowingly fails to perfor% his #uty un#er this Co#e to
report for registration any fact concerning the civil status of
persons shall e punishe# y a fine of not less than one
hun#re# pesos ut not %ore than one thousan# pesos.
Article 195. -eglect of #uty y registrars. Any #istrict
registrar or circuit registrar who fails to perfor% properly
his #uties in accor#ance with this Co#e shall e penaliHe#
in accor#ance with (ection 19 of Act 3753.
!I!L* /I
!1A-(I!+1G A-0 ,I-AL P1+/I(I+-(
Article 196. *ffect of co#e on past acts. ;1< Acts e=ecute#
prior to the effectivity of this Co#e shall e governe# y the
laws in force at the ti%e of their e=ecution, an# nothing
herein e=cept as otherwise specifically provi#e#, shall
affect their vali#ity or legality or operate to e=tinguish any
right acCuire# or liaility incurre# therey.
;2< A %arriage contracte# y a Musli% %ale prior to the
effectivity of this Co#e in accor#ance with non&Musli% law
shall e consi#ere# as one contracte# un#er Musli% law
provi#e# the spouses register their %utual #esire to this
Article 197. Applicaility Clause. !he Civil Co#e of the
Philippines, the 1ules of Court an# other e=isting laws,
insofar as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of
this Co#e, shall e applie# suppletorily.
Article 199. (eparaility clause. If, for any reason, any
article or provision of this Co#e is hel# to e invali#, the
sa%e shall not affect the other articles or provisions hereof.
Article 19:. 1epealing clause. All laws, procla%ations,
e=ecutive or#ers, rules an# regulations, or any part thereof,
inconsistent with provisions of this Co#e are herey
correspon#ingly %o#ifie# or repeale#.
Article 1:0. *ffectivity. !his Co#e shall ta"e effect
0+-* in the City of Manila this 4th #ay of ,eruary in the
year of +ur Lor# nineteen hun#re# an# seventy&seven.
;)ac" to top<
1epulic Act -o. :054
A- AC! !+ (!1*-G!8*- A-0 *OPA-0 !8*
+1GA-IC AC! ,+1 !8* A2!+-+M+2( 1*GI+- I-
M2(LIM MI-0A-A+, AM*-0I-G ,+1 !8*
P21P+(* 1*P2)LIC AC! -+. 6734, *-!I!L*0 'A-
AC! P1+/I0I-G ,+1 !8* A2!+-+M+2( 1*GI+-
I- M2(LIM MI-0A-A+', A( AM*-0*0
!he people of the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli%
Min#anao, i%ploring the ai# of Al%ighty Go#, in or#er to
#evelop a $ust an# hu%ane society an# estalish a 1egional
Autono%ous Govern%ent that is truly reflective of their
i#eals an# aspirations within the fra%ewor" of the
Constitution an# national sovereignty, as well as the
territorial integrity of the 1epulic of the Philippines, an#
to secure to the%selves an# their posterity the lessings of
autono%y, #e%ocracy, peace, $ustice an# eCuality, #o
or#ain an# pro%ulgate this +rganic Act through the
Congress of the Philippines.
-a%e an# Purpose
(ection 1. !he na%e of the Autono%ous 1egion shall e
the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao unless
provi#e# otherwise y the 1egional Asse%ly.
!he Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao shall e
governe# y the 1egional Govern%ent.
!he Autono%ous 1egion Area an# (eat of Govern%ent
(ection 1. *=pan#e# Autono%ous 1egion. ;1< !he
Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao which, un#er the
provisions of 1epulic Act -o. 6734, the +rganic Act for
the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao, is co%pose#
of the four provinces of Lanao #el (ur, Maguin#anao, (ulu
an# !awi&!awi, is herey e=pan#e# to inclu#e the
provinces an# cities, enu%erate# hereun#er, which vote
favoraly to e inclu#e# in the e=pan#e# area of the
autono%ous region an# for other purposes, in a pleiscite
calle# for that purpose in accor#ance with (ec. 19, Article
O of the Constitution.
!he new area of autono%y shall then e #eter%ine# y the
provinces an# cities that will voteSchoose to $oin the sai#
autono%y. It is un#erstoo# that Congress %ay y law
which shall e consistent with the Constitution an# in
accor#ance with the provisions of 1epulic Act -o. 7160,
the Local Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1, provi#e that clusters
of contiguous&Musli%&#o%inate# %unicipalities voting in
favor of autono%y e %erge# an# constitute# into a new
province;s< which shall eco%e part of the new
Autono%ous 1egion.
;2< Pleiscite Coverage. !he pleiscite shall e con#ucte#
in the provinces of )asilan, Cotaato, 0avao #el (ur,
Lanao #el -orte, Lanao #el (ur, Maguin#anao, Palawan,
(arangani, (outh Cotaato, (ultan Lu#arat, (ulu, !awi&
!awi, Na%oanga #el -orte, Na%oanga #el (ur an# the
newly create# Province of Na%oanga (iugay, an# ;< in
the cities of Cotaato, 0apitan, 0ipolog, General (antos,
Iligan, Li#apawan, Marawi, Paga#ian, Puerto Princesa,
0igos, Lorona#al, !acurong an# Na%oanga.
;a< PL*)I(CI!* >2*(!I+- ,+1 /+!*1( +, !8*
,+21 +1IGI-AL P1+/I-C*( +, !8*
A2!+-+M+2( 1*GI+-. ,or the voters of the provinces
of Maguin#anao, Lanao #el (ur, (ulu an# !awi&!awi
which are alrea#y %e%ers of the autono%ous region
un#er the provisions of 1epulic Act -o. 6734, the +rganic
Act for the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao, the
Cuestion to e as"e# in the pleiscite of the voters therein
shall e as followsE 0o you vote in favor of the
a%en#%ents to 1epulic Act -o. 6734, the +rganic Act for
the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao, as propose#
un#er this +rganic Act, which inclu#es, a%ong other
things, the e=pansion of the area of the autono%ous regionT
;< PL*)I(CI!* >2*(!I+- ,+1 !8* /+!*1( +,
!8* P1+/I-C*( A-0 CI!I*( P1+P+(*0 ,+1
I-CL2(I+- I- !8* *OPA-0*0 A2!+-+M+2(
1*GI+-. ,or the voters of the provinces of )asilan,
Cotaato, 0avao #el (ur, Lanao #el -orte, Palawan,
(arangani, (outh Cotaato, (ultan Lu#arat, Na%oanga #el
-orte, Na%oanga #el (ur, an# the newly create# Province
of Na%oanga (iugay, an# the cities of Cotaato, 0apitan,
0ipolog, 0igos, Lorona#al, !acurong, General (antos,
Iligan, Li#apawan, Marawi, Paga#ian, Puerto Princesa, an#
Na%oanga, which co%pose the provinces an# cities that
are propose# for inclusion in the e=pan#e# area of the
autono%ous region, the Cuestion to e as"e# in the
pleiscite of the voters therein shall e as followsE 0o you
vote in favor of the inclusion of your province or city in the
Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anaoT
(ec. 2. 1esults of the Pleiscite. ;a< In the four provinces. If
the %a$ority of the voters of the four provinces of Lanao
#el (ur Maguin#anao, (ulu, an# !awi&!awi vote in favor
of the aove&%entione# propose# a%en#%ents, the
a%en#%ents are #ee%e# ratifie#. +therwise, the
a%en#%ents are #ee%e# re$ecte# e=cept as regar#s the
inclusion of the provinces an# cities that vote for their
inclusion in the autono%ous region as provi#e# in this
+rganic Act, in which case, the sai# provinces an# cities
shall eco%e %e%ers of the autono%ous region.
;< In the provinces or cities propose# for inclusion in the
e=pan#e# area of the autono%ous region. A %a$ority of the
votes cast in the pleiscite in every province or city in favor
of the inclusion of the province or city as %e%ers of the
e=pan#e# area of the autono%ous region as provi#e# in this
+rganic Act shall effect their %e%ership in the
autono%ous region.
(ec. 3. (eat of Autono%ous Govern%ent. !he regional
legislative asse%ly, hereinafter referre# to as the 1egional
Asse%ly, shall y law, fi= the per%anent seat of
govern%ent of the regional govern%ent in any province or
city that is a %e%er of the autono%ous region, ta"ing into
consi#eration accessiility an# efficiency in which its
%an#ate %ay e carrie# out un#er this +rganic Act.
2ntil the seat of the regional govern%ent is transferre# as
provi#e# aove, its provisional seat shall e in Cotaato
City. !he 1egional Asse%ly electe# after the pleiscite
%entione# in this +rganic Act, shall, within its ter%,
i#entify the site of the per%anent seat of the regional
govern%ent. !he central govern%ent which shall also %ean
the national govern%ent shall appropriate fun#s for the
transfer of the provisional seat to its per%anent site as
#eter%ine# y the 1egional Asse%ly.
Gui#ing Principles an# Policies
(ection 1. Integral Part of the 1epulic. !he Autono%ous
1egion in Musli% Min#anao shall re%ain an integral an#
inseparale part of the national territory of the 1epulic as
#efine# y the Constitution an# e=isting laws.
!he autono%ous region shall e governe# an# a#%inistere#
in accor#ance with the laws enacte# y the 1egional
Asse%ly an# y this +rganic Act.
(ec. 2. Peaceful (ettle%ent of Conflicts. !he 1egional
Autono%ous Govern%ent shall a#opt the policy of
settle%ent of conflicts y peaceful %eans, an# renounce
any for% of lawless violence as an instru%ent of re#ress.
(ec. 3. 0evolution of Powers. !he regional govern%ent
shall a#opt a policy on local autono%y wherey regional
powers shall e #evolve# to local govern%ent units
particularly in areas of e#ucation, health, hu%an resource,
science an# technology an# people e%power%ent. 2ntil a
law i%ple%enting this provision is enacte# y the 1egional
Asse%ly, 1epulic Act -o. 7160 the Local Govern%ent
Co#e of 1::1, shall continue to apply to all the provinces,
cities, %unicipalities, an# arangay within the autono%ous
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay not pass any law to #i%inish
lessen, or re#uce the powers, functions, an# shares in the
internal revenue ta=es of the sai# local govern%ent units as
provi#e# y 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent
Co#e of 1::1.
(ec. 4. Charters Govern Cities. All chartere# cities within
the autono%ous region shall continue to e governe# y
their charters. -othing in this +rganic Act shall e
construe# as to #i%inish the powers an# functions alrea#y
en$oye# y these cities.
(ec. 5. Custo%s, !ra#itions, 1eligious ,ree#o%
Guarantee#. !he eliefs, custo%s, an# tra#itions of the
people in the autono%ous region an# the free e=ercise of
their religions as Musli%s, Christians, .ews, )u##hists, or
any other religious #eno%ination in the sai# region are
herey recogniHe#, protecte# an# guarantee#.
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall a#opt %easures to ensure
%utual respect for an# protection of the #istinct eliefs,
custo%s, an# tra#itions an# the respective religions of the
inhaitants thereof, e they Musli%s, Christians, .ews,
)u##hists, or any other religious #eno%ination. !he
1egional Asse%ly, in consultation with the (upre%e
Court an# consistent with the Constitution %ay for%ulate a
(hari'ah legal syste% inclu#ing the cri%inal cases which
shall e applicale in the region, only to Musli%s or those
who profess the Isla%ic faith. !he representation of the
regional govern%ent in the various central govern%ent or
national govern%ent o#ies as provi#e# for y Article /,
(ec. 5 shall e effecte# upon approval of the %easures
herein provi#e#.
!he (hari'ah courts shall have $uris#iction over cases
involving personal, fa%ily an# property relations, an#
co%%ercial transactions, in a##ition to their $uris#iction
over cri%inal cases involving Musli%s.
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall, in consultation with the
(upre%e Court, #eter%ine the nu%er an# specify the
#etails of the $uris#iction of these courts.
-o person in the autono%ous region shall e su$ecte# to
any for% of #iscri%ination on account of cree#, religion,
ethnic origin, parentage or se=.
!he regional govern%ent shall ensure the #evelop%ent,
protection, an# well&eing of all in#igenous trial
co%%unities. Priority legislation in this regar# shall e
enacte# for the enefit of those tries that are in #anger of
e=tinction as #eter%ine# y the (outhern Philippines
Cultural Co%%ission.
(ec. 6. ,ilipino an# Isla%ic /alues In *#ucational Policies.
!he regional govern%ent shall a#opt e#ucational policies
that shall perpetuate ,ilipino an# Isla%ic values an# i#eals
an# the $ust aspirations of the )angsa Moro with #ue
respect to the eliefs, custo%s, tra#itions, an# religions of
the other non&Musli% inhaitants of the region e they
Christians, .ews, )u##hists, or of any other religious
(ec. 7. I%proving (tatus of the MarginaliHe#. !he regional
govern%ent shall #evote its resources to the i%prove%ent
of the well&eing of all its constituents, particularly the
%arginaliHe#, #eprive#, #isa#vantage#, un#erprivilege#,
#isale#, an# the el#erly.
(ec. 9. 1egional Govern%ent Authority +ver -atural
1esources. (u$ect to the provisions of the Constitution an#
this +rganic Act, the 1egional Govern%ent shall have the
authority, power an# right to e=plore, #evelop an# utiliHe
the natural resources inclu#ing surface an# su&surface
rights, in&lan# an# coastal waters, an# renewale an# non&
renewale resources in the autono%ous region. Musli%s
an# the other in#igenous cultural co%%unities shall,
however, have priority rights to e=plore, #evelop an# utiliHe
the sai# resources in the areas #esignate# as parts of their
respective ancestral #o%ains.
(ec. :. Preferential 1ights of Inhaitants an# !heir
(afeguar#s. !he autono%ous region shall provi#e
%anpower training progra%s, create livelihoo# an# $o
opportunities, allocate eCuitale preferential rights to its
inhaitants, an# a#opt laws that will safeguar# the rights of
(ec. 10. Protection +f ?o%en an# Chil#ren. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall uphol# an# protect the fun#a%ental
rights of wo%en an# chil#ren inclu#ing the right of wo%en
to engage in lawful e%ploy%ent. ?o%en an# chil#ren,
especially orphans of ten#er age, shall e protecte# fro%
e=ploitation, ause or #iscri%ination.
(ec. 11. *nhance%ent of >uality of Life. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall provi#e, %aintain, an# ensure the
#elivery of, a%ong other things, asic an# responsive
health progra%s, Cuality e#ucation, appropriate services,
livelihoo# opportunities, affor#ale an# progressive
housing pro$ects, an# water resource #evelop%ent.
It shall %aintain appropriate #isaster&prepare#ness units for
i%%e#iate an# effective relief services to victi%s of natural
an# %an&%a#e cala%ities. It shall also ensure the
rehailitation of cala%ity areas an# victi%s of cala%ities.
(ec. 12. Progressive !a= (yste%. !he 1egional Asse%ly
shall a#opt an efficient an# progressive syste% of ta=ation
which, a%ong other things, shall provi#e incentives for the
pro%pt pay%ent of ta=es an# penaliHe ta= evasion an#
(ec. 13. *Cuitale (hare In -ational )u#get an#
0evelop%ent Assistance. !he central govern%ent or
national govern%ent shall provi#e the autono%ous region a
proportionate an# eCuitale share in the annual national
u#get an# foreign assiste# pro$ects in a##ition to other
financial assistance, support, an# susi#ies to accelerate its
#evelop%ent. ?henever the Co%%ission on Au#it fin#s
that the internal controls set up in the region are ina#eCuate,
it %ay reCuire pre&au#it an# shall li"ewise con#uct
se%inars in the co%%unities concerne# e=plaining the
enefits an# proper use of internal revenue allot%ents.
(ec. 14. 1ights to Initiatives, Consultations, 1eferen#a an#
Pleiscites. ?ithout pre$u#ice to other rights guarantee# y
the Constitution, the rights of the people of the autono%ous
region to initiate %easures for the passage, a%en#%ent or
repeal of regional or local legislationD to e consulte# on
%atters that affect their environ%entD to call for a
referen#u% on i%portant issues affecting their lives, an#, to
recall regional or local officials as provi#e# y 1epulic
Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1, are
herey recogniHe#.
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall enact priority legislation to
#efine such rights. 2ntil such priority legislation is enacte#,
e=isting laws shall govern the e=ercise of the rights
%entione# aove.
(ec. 15. ,un#a%ental 1ights an# 0uties of People. !he
fun#a%ental rights an# #uties of the people in the
autono%ous region are those #efine# in the Constitution
an# this +rganic Act, the Geneva Convention, the 2nite#
-ations Charter, the 2nite# -ations 0eclaration on the
1ights of In#igenous Co%%unities, the International
0eclaration on 8u%an 1ights, as well as those prescrie#
in all the laws, practices, an# principles in#ing upon
%e%ers of the co%%unity of nations.
(ec. 16. 8u%an 1ights Co%%ission. !here is herey
create# a 1egional 8u%an 1ights Co%%ission. !he chair
an# two co%%issioners of the co%%ission shall e
appointe# y the Presi#ent upon reco%%en#ation of the
1egional Governor. !he co%position of the co%%ission
shall reflect the ethnic #istriution of the population of the
autono%ous region. !he chair shall e a lawyer an# shall
e a resi#ent of the autono%ous region. !he two
co%%issioners shall, preferaly, e lawyers or, at least,
hol#ers of achelor #egrees fro% colleges or universities
recogniHe# y the 0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an#
(ports of the central govern%ent or national govern%ent.
!he 1egional 8u%an 1ights Co%%ission shall perfor%
within the autono%ous region, the functions of the
co%%ission on hu%an rights of the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent. 0ecisions of the co%%ission %ay e
appeale# to the Court of Appeals on Cuestions of law.
Initially, the 1egional Asse%ly shall fi= the salaries,
perCuisites, an# privileges of the chair an# the
co%%issioners of the Co%%ission at a level not lower than
those fi=e# for the chair an# %e%ers of the -ational
Laor Co%%ission. !he Co%%ission %ay provi#e
a##itional functions to enhance an# protect the hu%an
rights of all the people in the autono%ous region.
!hereafter, su$ect to availaility of fun#s, the 1egional
Asse%ly %ay raise the salaries, perCuisites, an# privileges
of the chair an# co%%issioners.
(ec. 17. *nviron%ent Protection an# (ustainale
0evelop%ent. !he protection, rehailitation, an# the
sustainale #evelop%ent of forests, coastal, an# %arine
resources, inclu#ing the a#option of progra%s an# pro$ects
to ensure the %aintenance of ecological alance, shall e
given priority.
A1!ICL* I/
Powers of Govern%ent
(ection 1. Powers an# ,unctions. (u$ect to the provisions
of the Constitution, the 1egional Govern%ent shall e=ercise
those powers an# functions e=pressly grante# to it in this
+rganic Act, or necessary for or inci#ental to the proper
governance an# #evelop%ent of all the constituent units
within the autono%ous region consistent with the policy on
regional an# local autono%y an# #ecentraliHation.
!he 1egional Govern%ent %ay enact its own regional
a#%inistrative co#e an# regional local govern%ent co#e
consistent with the Constitution. !he powers an# functions
alrea#y veste# upon an# the shares of the national ta=es
provi#e# y 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent
Co#e of 1::1, to provinces, cities, %unicipalities, an#
arangay in the autono%ous region shall not e re#uce#.
(ec. 2. Corporate *ntity. !he autono%ous region is a
corporate entity with $uris#iction over all %atters #evolve#
to it y the Constitution an# this +rganic Act.
(ec. 3. (cope of 1egional Asse%ly Legislative Power
*=ceptions. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay e=ercise
legislative power in the autono%ous region for the enefit
of the people an# for the #evelop%ent of the region e=cept
on the following %attersE
;a< ,oreign affairsD
;< -ational #efense an# securityD
;c< Postal serviceD
;#< Coinage an# fiscal an# %onetary policiesD
;e< A#%inistration of $usticeD It %ay, however, legislate on
%atters covere# y the (hari'ah. !he (hari'ah shall apply
only to Musli%s. Its application shall e li%ite# y
pertinent constitutional provisions, particularly y the
prohiition against cruel an# unusual punish%ent an# y
pertinent national legislation that pro%otes hu%an rights
an# the universally accepte# legal principles an# preceptsD
;f< >uarantineD
;g< Custo%s an# tariffD
;h< CitiHenshipD
;i< -aturaliHation, i%%igration an# #eportationD
;$< General au#itingD
;"< -ational electionsD
;l< Mariti%e, lan# an# air transportation, an#
co%%unicationsD !he autono%ous govern%ent shall,
however, have the power to grant franchises, licenses an#
per%its to lan#, sea an# air transportation plying routes in
the provinces or cities within the region, an#
co%%unications facilities whose freCuencies are confine#
to an# whose %ain offices are locate# within the
autono%ous regionD
;%< Patents, tra#e%ar"s, tra#e na%es, an# copyrightsD an#
;n< ,oreign tra#e.
(ec. 4. General ?elfare Powers. -otwithstan#ing the
li%itations on the powers of the 1egional Asse%ly as
state# aove, it %ay enact laws that pro%ote the general
welfare of the people of the autono%ous region.
(ec. 5. 1epresentation In Central govern%ent or national
govern%ent 0epart%ents, +ffices. As far as practicale, the
autono%ous region shall e represente# in the #epart%ents,
offices, co%%issions, agencies, an# ureaus of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent that i%ple%ent an#
enforce policies, progra%s an# pro$ects of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent in the region.
(ec. 6. *%inent 0o%ain. !he 1egional Govern%ent %ay
e=ercise the power of e%inent #o%ain.
A1!ICL* /
Inter&Govern%ental 1elations
(ection 1. General (upervision of the Presi#ent +ver the
1egional Governor. Consistent with the Constitution an#
asic policy on local autono%y, the Presi#ent of the
1epulic shall e=ercise general supervision over the
1egional Governor to ensure that his or her acts are within
the scope of his or her powers an# functions.
!he power of supervision of the Presi#ent over the
provincial governors an# the %ayors of the highly
uraniHe# cities shall e e=ercise# through the 1egional
GovernorD over the %ayors of the co%ponent cities an#
%unicipalities, through the provincial governor an# over
the punong arangay, through the city or %unicipal %ayor.
In a##ition to other acts which he or she %ay i%pose un#er
the Constitution an# this +rganic Act, the Presi#ent %ay
suspen#, re#uce, or cancel the financial loc"s or grants&in&
ai#, fun#s for infrastructure, an# other for%s of assistance
inten#e# for the autono%ous region ;1< if the regional
govern%ent fails to account for the fun#s an# financial
assistance release# to it y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent, within one %onth fro% the en# of
every Cuarter in which the fun#s an# financial assistance
ha# een release# or ;2< when %easures for the protection
an# enhance%ent of the civil, hu%an, political or religious
rights of the lu%a#s, Christians an# other %inorities in the
autono%ous region or#aine# y the Constitution an# this
+rganic Act, are not respecte# or are violate# or are not
i%ple%ente# within one ;1< year fro% its enact%ent.
!he Presi#ent %ay suspen# the 1egional Governor for a
perio# not e=cee#ing si= ;6< %onths for willful violation of
the Constitution, this +rganic Act or any e=isting law that
applies to the autono%ous region.
(ec. 2. Cainet Me%ership. As far as practicale, it shall
e the policy of the national govern%ent that there shall e
at least one ;1< %e%er of the cainet with a ran" of a
#epart%ent secretary who is an inhaitant of the
autono%ous region to e reco%%en#e# y the 1egional
Governor in consultation with electe# officials an#
concerne# sectors of the autono%ous region.
(ec. 3. (hari'ah an# !rial CourtsD Coor#ination ?ith
Central Govern%ent or -ational Govern%ent. !he
1egional Govern%ent shall %aintain close coor#ination
with the central govern%ent or national govern%ent for an
effective a#%inistration of $ustice in the autono%ous
(ec. 4. 1epresentation of Autono%ous 1egion in General
in the Central Govern%ent or -ational Govern%ent.
1epresentation of the inhaitants of the autono%ous region
in the central govern%ent or national govern%ent %ay e
#one y appoint%ent or election.
Appoint%ent of inhaitants of the autono%ous region to
positions in the central govern%ent or national govern%ent
shall e su$ect to central govern%ent or national
govern%ent stan#ar#s an# gui#elines. (uch appoint%ent
shall e %a#e only upon reco%%en#ation y the 1egional
Governor after consultation with the 1egional Asse%ly
an# the concerne# sectors of the autono%ous region.
1ight of representation shall not e construe# in such a way
that applicants fro% the autono%ous region, especially
Musli%s an# cultural co%%unities, for lower positions in
the aove organs of the govern%ent cannot e appointe#
any%ore thereto.
*lection of legislators to represent the autono%ous region
in the Congress of the 1epulic shall e #one pursuant to
the rules of the Co%%ission on *lections.
(ec. 5. 1epresentatives In *=ecutive 0epart%ents an#
Constitutional )o#ies. At least, one ;1< Cualifie# inhaitant
of the autono%ous region reco%%en#e# y the 1egional
Governor in consultation with the 1egional Asse%ly an#
concerne# sectors of the autono%ous region shall e
appointe#, as far as practicale, in each of the #epart%ents,
offices or ureaus an# constitutional o#ies of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent that #eal with the
autono%ous region, in pri%arily confi#ential, highly
technical, or policy&#eter%ining positions.
(ec. 6. *= +fficio Me%er of the -ational (ecurity
Council. !he 1egional Governor shall e an e= officio
%e%er of the -ational (ecurity Council on %atters
concerning the autono%ous region an# such other %atters
as %ay e #eter%ine# y the Presi#ent.
(ec. 7. 1epresentatives In Govern%ent&+wne# +r&
Controlle# Corporations. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall
e represente# in the oar# of #irectors or in the policy&
%a"ing o#ies of govern%ent&owne#&an#&controlle#
corporations that operate usinesses #irectly or through
their susi#iaries in the autono%ous region.
A1!ICL* /I
!he Legislative 0epart%ent
(ection 1. 1egional Asse%ly. !he legislative power of the
autono%ous govern%ent shall e veste# in the 1egional
Asse%ly e=cept to the e=tent that it is reserve# to the
people y provisions on initiative an# referen#u% as
provi#e# y law.
(ec. 2. *lection of 1egional Asse%ly. !he 1egional
Asse%ly shall e co%pose# of Me%ers electe# y
popular vote, with three ;3< %e%ers electe# fro% each of
the legislative #istricts.
(ec. 3. (ectoral 1epresentatives. !here shall e sectoral
representatives in the 1egional Asse%ly whose nu%er
shall not e=cee# fifteen percent ;15V< of the total nu%er
of electe# %e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly co%ing fro%
the agricultural, laor, uran poor, #isale#, in#igenous
cultural co%%unities, youth, an# wo%en sectors. !he
1egional Asse%ly %ay enact legislation to provi#e for the
representation of other sectors. !he youth representative
shall not e less than eighteen ;19< years of age nor %ore
than twenty&one ;21< years of age at the ti%e of his or her
assu%ption to office.
!he sectoral representatives shall e entitle# to the sa%e
salary an# allowances an# rights an# privileges en$oye# y
the regularly electe# %e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly.
!hey shall e electe# on the sa%e #ate as that fi=e# for the
election of the %e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 4. !er% of +ffice. !he %e%ers of the 1egional
Asse%ly, inclu#ing the sectoral representatives, shall have
a ter% of three ;3< years which shall egin, at noon on the
30th #ay of (epte%er ne=t following the #ay of the
election an# shall en# at noon of the sa%e #ate three ;3<
years thereafter.
-o %e%er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall serve %ore
than three ;3< consecutive ter%s. /oluntary renunciation of
or re%oval fro% office for any length of ti%e shall not e
consi#ere# as an interruption in the continuity of his service
for the full ter% for which he was electe#.
(ec. 5. ,illing of /acancy. In case of vacancy in the
1egional Asse%ly occurring at least one ;1< year efore
the e=piration of the ter% of office, a special election shall
e calle# to fill the vacancy in the %anner prescrie# y
regional law. !he %e%er electe# shall serve only for the
une=pire# ter%.
(ec. 6. >ualifications of Me%ers of 1egional Asse%ly.
-o person shall e a %e%er of the 1egional Asse%ly
unless he or she isE
;1< A natural&orn citiHen of the PhilippinesD
;2< At least twenty&one ;21< years of age on the #ay of the
;3< Ale to rea# an# writeD
;4< A registere# voter of the #istrict in which he or she shall
e electe# on the #ay he or she files his or her certificate of
can#i#acyD an#
;5< A resi#ent thereof for a perio# of not less than five ;5<
years i%%e#iately prece#ing the #ay of the election.
(ec. 7. +ath of +ffice. *very %e%er of the 1egional
Asse%ly shall ta"e an oath or affir%ation of allegiance to
the 1epulic, renounce the use of violence, an# co%%it
hi%self or herself to #e%ocratic %eans in the pursuit of the
i#eals an# aspirations of the people of the autono%ous
region efore ta"ing his or her seat.
(ec. 9. (alaries. 2nless otherwise provi#e# y the 1egional
Asse%ly, a %e%er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall
receive an annual salary of +ne hun#re# eighty thousan#
pesos ;P190,000.00< e=cept the (pea"er of the 1egional
Asse%ly who shall receive an annual salary of !wo
hun#re# thousan# pesos ;P200,000.00<, su$ect to the
(alary (tan#ar#iHation Law.
!he annual co%pensation of the (pea"er an# Me%ers of
the 1egional Asse%ly %ay e increase# y the 1egional
Asse%ly in accor#ance with e=isting laws on position
classification an# co%pensation of the central govern%ent
or national govern%ent. !he increase shall, however, not
ta"e effect until after the e=piration of the ter%s of office of
the %e%ers of the asse%ly who ha# approve# the
increase. !he increase shall e fun#e# solely fro% revenue
raise# y the 1egional Govern%ent. -o fun#s or parts
thereof provi#e# y the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent for the 1egional Govern%ent shall e use# for
salaries, honoraria, per #ie%s or to increase the salaries,
honoraria or per #ie%s of the officials or e%ployees of the
1egional Govern%ent.
!hey shall not receive #uring their tenure other e%olu%ents
fro% the 1egional Govern%ent or fro% the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent.
(ec. :. ,orfeiture of (eat. Any %e%er of the 1egional
Asse%ly who accepts an appoint%ent an# Cualifies for
any position in the Govern%ent, inclu#ing govern%ent&
owne#&or&controlle# corporations or institutions an# their
susi#iaries, shall auto%atically forfeit his or her seat in the
1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 10. 0isclosure of ,inancial or )usiness Interests. All
%e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly shall, upon their
assu%ption of office, %a"e a full #isclosure of their
financial an# usiness interests, inclu#ing those of their
spouses an# un%arrie# chil#ren un#er eighteen ;19< years
of age living in their househol#s. !hey shall notify the
asse%ly of any potential conflict of interest that %ay arise
fro% the filing of %easures of which they are authors upon
the filing thereof.
Any %e%er foun# guilty of non&#isclosure as reCuire#
un#er this (ec. %ay e e=pelle# y a two&thir#s ;2S3< vote
of all the %e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly, without
pre$u#ice to his or her other liailities un#er pertinent
(ec. 11. Prohiite# Acts for Me%ers of the 1egional
Asse%ly. -o %e%er of the 1egional Asse%ly %ay
personally appear as counsel efore courts of $ustice or
Cuasi&$u#icial an# other a#%inistrative o#ies. -either shall
the %e%er #irectly or in#irectly e intereste# financially
in any contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege
grante# y the central govern%ent or national govern%ent
or y the regional govern%ent, or any su#ivision, agency
or instru%entality thereof, inclu#ing any govern%ent&
owne#&or&controlle# corporation or its susi#iary, #uring
his or her ter% of office. !he %e%er shall not intervene in
any %anner efore any office of the govern%ent for his or
her pecuniary enefit or where he or she %ay e calle#
upon to act on account of his or her office.
(ec. 12. Parlia%entary I%%unity. Any %e%er of the
1egional Asse%ly who co%%its offenses within the
$uris#iction of the autono%ous region punishale y not
%ore than si= ;6< years i%prison%ent, shall e privilege#
fro% arrest while the 1egional Asse%ly is in session.
-o %e%er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall e Cuestione#
or e hel# liale in any other place for any speech or #eate
in the asse%ly or in any of its co%%ittees.
(ec. 13. 1ules of Proce#ureD 0iscipline of Me%ers an#
Civil (ervice 1ules. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall a#opt its
own rules of proce#ure y a %a$ority vote of all its
%e%ers inclu#ing the selection of %e%ers of its stan#ing
co%%ittees an# for the suspension or e=pulsion of its
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall elect fro% a%ong its
%e%ers a spea"er an# such other officers as the rules %ay
provi#e. !he (pea"er shall appoint the personnel of the
1egional Asse%ly. All Cualifie# applicants shall have
eCual opportunity for e%ploy%ent with the regional
govern%ent. Inhaitants of the autono%ous region shall,
however, have preference for appoint%ent to any position
in the regional govern%ent without regar# to ethnic origin,
culture, se=, cree#, an# religion.
,or a perio# not e=cee#ing si= ;6< years fro% the #ate of
the approval of this +rganic Act, appoint%ents to the
various positions in the 1egional Govern%ent shall e
su$ect to the Civil (ervice law rules, an# regulations of the
central govern%ent or national govern%ent. !hereafter, the
Civil (ervice law, rules, an# regulations a#opte# y the
1egional Govern%ent shall apply to all such appoint%ents.
If no Civil (ervice law, rules, or regulations are a#opte# y
the 1egional Govern%ent, appoint%ents to positions in the
1egional Govern%ent shall continue to e governe# y the
Civil (ervice law, rules, an# regulations of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent.
A %a$ority of all the %e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly
shall constitute a Cuoru% to #o usiness, ut a s%aller
nu%er %ay a#$ourn fro% #ay to #ay an# %ay co%pel the
atten#ance of asent %e%ers in such a %anner an# un#er
such penalties as the asse%ly %ay provi#e.
!he 1egional Asse%ly or any of its co%%ittees %ay
con#uct inCuiries or pulic consultations in ai# of
legislation in accor#ance with its rules. In connection
therewith, it shall have the power to issue supoena or
supoena #uces tecu% to co%pel the atten#ance of an# the
pro#uction of papers, #ocu%ents, or things y witnesses or
persons un#er investigation y the asse%ly, itself, or y
any of its co%%ittees. It shall also have the right to cite
witnesses or persons un#er investigation for conte%pt for
refusal to testify efore it or efore any of its co%%ittees or
to pro#uce papers, #ocu%ents or things reCuire# y the
asse%ly or any of its co%%ittees. !he rights of persons
appearing in or affecte# y such inCuiries shall e
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall "eep a $ournal of its
procee#ings an# a recor# of its caucuses an# %eetings. !he
recor# an# oo"s of accounts of the asse%ly shall e
preserve# an# open to pulic scrutiny.
!he Co%%ission on Au#it of the 1egional Govern%ent
shall pulish an annual report of the ite%iHe# list of
e=pen#itures incurre# y the %e%ers of the 1egional
Asse%ly within si=ty ;60< #ays fro% the en# of every
regular session.
(ec. 14. >uestioning Cainet Me%ers an# +ther +fficials.
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay, in ai# of legislation an# with
the e=press consent of the 1egional Governor, reCuire the
presence of the regional cainet %e%ers or their #eputies
as its rules shall provi#e, for Cuestioning on %atters falling
within the scope of their powers an# functions.
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay reCuire any regional
co%%ission, office, or agency of the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent with offices in the autono%ous region
to e=plain %atters relating to the e=ercise of its powers an#
(ec. 15. 1egular an# (pecial (essions. *=cept as provi#e#
y its rules, the 1egional Asse%ly shall %eet in open
session. 1egular sessions shall co%%ence on the 4th
Mon#ay of +ctoer an# shall continue to e in session for
such nu%er of #ays as %ay e #eter%ine# y the asse%ly
until thirty ;30< #ays efore the opening of its ne=t regular
session e=clusive of (atur#ays, (un#ays, an# legal
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay %eet in special sessions at the
reCuest of one&thir# ;1S3< of all its Me%ers or y call of
the 1egional Governor. !he special session shall have a
specific agen#a.
(ec. 16. Passage of )ills. -o ill shall eco%e a law of
regional application unless it has passe# three ;3< rea#ings
on separate #ays an# printe# copies thereof in its final for%
have een #istriute# to its %e%ers three ;3< #ays efore
its passage, e=cept when the 1egional Governor certifies to
the necessity of its i%%e#iate enact%ent to %eet a pulic
cala%ity or e%ergency.
(ec. 17. Approval of )ills an# +verri#ing of /eto. *very
ill passe# y the 1egional Asse%ly, shall, efore it
eco%es a law, e presente# to the 1egional Governor. If
the 1egional Governor approves the ill, he or she shall
sign itD otherwise, he or she shall veto it on the groun# that
it is ultra&vires or it is against pulic policy an# return it
with his or her o$ections to the 1egional Asse%ly. !he
1egional Asse%ly shall, thereafter, enter the o$ections at
large in its $ournal an# %ay procee# to reconsi#er it. If,
after such reconsi#eration, two&thir#s ;2S3< of all the
Me%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly shall agree to pass the
ill, it shall eco%e a law. In such cases, the vote shall e
#eter%ine# y yeas an# nays, an# the na%es of the
%e%ers voting for or against shall e entere# in the
$ournal. !he 1egional Governor shall co%%unicate his veto
of any ill to the 1egional Asse%ly within thirty ;30< #ays
after the #ate of its receiptD otherwise, it shall eco%e a law
as if he ha# signe# it.
(ec. 19. (u%ittal of )ills to the Presi#ent an# Congress.
!he (pea"er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall within ten
;10< wor"ing #ays fro% their approval thereof, su%it to
the Presi#ent an# to oth 8ouses of Congress a certifie#
true copy of all laws an# resolutions approve# y the
1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 1:. Creation, 0ivision or Aolition of Provinces,
Cities, Municipalities or )arangay. !he 1egional Asse%ly
%ay createD #ivi#e, %erge, aolish, or sustantially alter
oun#aries of provinces, cities, %unicipalities, or arangay
in accor#ance with the criteria lai# #own y 1epulic Act
-o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1, su$ect to
the approval y a %a$ority of the votes cast in a pleiscite
in the political units #irectly affecte#. !he 1egional
Asse%ly %ay prescrie stan#ar#s lower than those
%an#ate# y 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local
Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1, in the creation, #ivision,
%erger, aolition, or alteration of the oun#aries of
provinces, cities, %unicipalities, or arangay. Provinces,
cities, %unicipalities, or arangay create#, #ivi#e#, %erge#,
or whose oun#aries are altere# without oserving the
stan#ar#s prescrie# y 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local
Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1, shall not e entitle# to any
share of the ta=es that are allotte# to the local govern%ents
units un#er the provisions of the Co#e.
!he financial reCuire%ents of the provinces, cities,
%unicipalities, or arangay so create#, #ivi#e#, or %erge#
shall e provi#e# y the 1egional Asse%ly out of the
general fun#s of the 1egional Govern%ent.
!he hol#ing of a pleiscite to #eter%ine the will of the
%a$ority of the voters of the areas affecte# y the creation,
#ivision, %erger, or whose oun#aries are eing altere# as
reCuire# y 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent
Co#e of 1::1, shall, however, e oserve#.
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay also change the na%es of
local govern%ent units, pulic places an# institutions, an#
#eclare regional holi#ays.
(ec. 20. Annual )u#get an# Infrastructure ,un#s. !he
annual u#get of the 1egional Govern%ent shall e enacte#
y 1egional Asse%ly. ,un#s for infrastructure in the
autono%ous region allocate# y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent shall e appropriate# through a
1egional Asse%ly Pulic ?or"s Act.
2nless approve# y the 1egional Asse%ly, no pulic
wor"s fun#s allocate# y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent for the 1egional Govern%ent or
allocate# y the 1egional Govern%ent fro% its own
revenues %ay e #isurse#, #istriute#, realigne#, or use#
in any %anner.
!he *=ecutive 0epart%ent
(ection 1. *=ecutive Power. !he e=ecutive power shall e
veste# in a 1egional Governor. 8e shall e electe# y the
Cualifie# voters of the autono%ous region.
(ec. 2. 1egional Governor an# Cainet Me%ers. !he
1egional Governor shall e the chief e=ecutive of the
1egional Govern%ent. 8e shall e assiste# y a cainet not
e=cee#ing ten ;10< %e%ers, at least si= ;6< of who% shall
co%e fro% in#igenous cultural co%%unities. !he
representatives of the in#igenous cultural co%%unities in
the cainet shall co%e fro% various provinces an# cities
within the autono%ous region.
!he %e%ers of the cainet %ust e registere# voters an#
resi#ents of the region for at least five ;5< years
i%%e#iately prece#ing their appoint%ents.
!he 1egional Governor shall appoint the %e%ers of the
cainet su$ect to confir%ation y the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 3. >ualifications of 1egional Governor an# 1egional
/ice Governor. -o person %ay e electe# 1egional
Governor or 1egional /ice Governor of the autono%ous
region unless he or she is a natural&orn citiHen of the
Philippines, a registere# voter of the autono%ous region,
ale to rea# an# write, at least, thirty&five ;35< years of age
on the #ay of the election, an# a resi#ent of the autono%ous
region for, at least, one ;1< year i%%e#iately prece#ing the
(ec. 4. *lection of 1egional Governor an# 1egional /ice
Governor. !he 1egional Governor an# the 1egional /ice
Governor shall e electe# as a tea% y the Cualifie# voters
of the autono%ous region. A vote for a can#i#ate for
1egional Governor shall e counte# as a vote for his
tea%%ate for 1egional /ice Governor. A vote for a
1egional /ice Governor shall e counte# as a vote for his
tea%%ate for 1egional Governor. ,or purposes of their
election, the can#i#ates for 1egional Governor an#
1egional /ice Governor shall elong to the sa%e political
party or coalition of parties. !he Co%%ission on *lections
shall pro%ulgate the necessary rule or rules to give effect to
this provision of law.
(ec. 5. 1egional /ice Governor Appoint%ent to or
1e%oval fro% the Cainet. !he 1egional /ice Governor
%ay e appointe# y the 1egional Governor as a %e%er
of the regional cainet without nee# of confir%ation y the
1egional Asse%ly. 8e %ay e re%ove# fro% office in the
sa%e %anner as the 1egional Governor.
(ec. 6. *=ecutive CouncilD 0eputy 1egional Governors.
!he 1egional Governor shall appoint three ;3< #eputies
each representing the Christians, in#igenous cultural
co%%unities, an# the Musli%s in the region. !he 1egional
Governor, the 1egional /ice Governor, an# the three ;3<
#eputies shall co%prise the e=ecutive council of the
autono%ous govern%ent. !he e=ecutive council shall
a#vise the 1egional Governor on %atters of governance of
the autono%ous region. !he three #eputies shall e e=
officio %e%ers of the regional cainet with or without
portfolio. !he 1egional Governor %ay assign powers an#
functions to the e=ecutive council to pro%ote the general
welfare of the people of the autono%ous region su$ect to
the laws enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly.
2nless sooner re%ove# y the 1egional Governor, the ter%
of office of a #eputy 1egional Governor shall e co&
ter%inus with the ter% of office of the 1egional Governor
who appointe# hi% or her.
(ec. 7. !er%s of +ffice of *lective 1egional +fficials. ;1<
!er%s of +ffice. !he ter%s of office of the 1egional
Governor, 1egional /ice Governor an# %e%ers of the
1egional Asse%ly shall e for a perio# of three ;3< years,
which shall egin at noon on the 30th #ay of (epte%er
ne=t following the #ay of the election an# shall en# at noon
of the sa%e #ate three ;3< years thereafter. !he incu%ent
elective officials of the autono%ous region shall continue in
effect until their successors are electe# an# Cualifie#.
;2< !er% li%its. -o 1egional Governor, 1egional /ice
Governor, or %e%er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall serve
for %ore than three ;3< consecutive ter%s. /oluntary
renunciation of or re%oval fro% office for any length of
ti%e shall not e consi#ere# an interruption in the
continuity of the service for the full ter% for which he or
she was electe#.
!he ter% li%its in 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local
Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1, shall apply to the governors of
provinces an# %ayors of cities, %unicipalities, an# punong
arangay in the autono%ous region.
(ec. 9. +aths or Affir%ation of +ffice of the 1egional
Governor an# 1egional /ice Governor. )efore they enter
on the e=ecution of their office, the 1egional Governor an#
the 1egional /ice Governor shall ta"e the following oath
or affir%ationE FI #o sole%nly swear ;or affir%< that I will
faithfully an# conscientiously fulfill %y #uties as the
1egional Governor ;or the 1egional /ice Governor< of the
1egional Govern%ent of the Autono%ous 1egion in
Musli% Min#anao, preserve an# #efen# the Constitution of
the 1epulic, this +rganic Act, the national an# regional
laws, #o $ustice to every %an, consecrate %yself to the
service of the autono%ous region an# the nation, renounce
the use of violence an# co%%it %yself to #e%ocratic
%eans in the pursuit of the i#eals an# aspirations of the
people of the autono%ous region. (o help %e Go#.F ;In
case of affir%ation, last sentence will e o%itte#.<
(ec. :. Co%pensation of 1egional Governor an# /ice
Governor. 2nless otherwise provi#e# y the 1egional
Asse%ly, the annual co%pensation of the 1egional
Governor an# 1egional /ice Governor shall e !wo
hun#re# fifty thousan# ;P250,000.00< pesos an# !wo
hun#re# thirty thousan# ;P230,000.00< pesos, respectively
su$ect to the (alary (tan#ar#iHation Law. !he
co%pensations %ay e increase# or #ecrease# y the
1egional Asse%ly su$ect to the e=isting laws on position
classification an# co%pensation. !he increase or #ecrease
of their salaries shall, however, not ta"e effect until after
their ter% of office #uring which the increase or #ecrease
was enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly shall have en#e#.
!hey shall not receive #uring their tenure any other
e%olu%ents fro% the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent or 1egional Govern%ent or fro% any central or
regional govern%ent&owne#&or&controlle# corporations or
-o fun#s or parts thereof provi#e# y the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent for the 1egional
Govern%ent shall e use# for salaries, honoraria, per
#ie%s, or to increase the salaries, honoraria, or per #ie%s of
the 1egional Governor, 1egional /ice Governor, %e%ers
of the 1egional Asse%ly, or e%ployees of the 1egional
(ec. 10. 1egional Governor 8ousing an# !ravel
Allowance. !he 1egional Governor shall e provi#e# with
a reasonale housing allowance y the 1egional Asse%ly.
?hen the 1egional Governor travels outsi#e the
autono%ous region, he shall e provi#e# with reasonale
travel an# acco%%o#ation allowances at rates not less than
what is grante# to the %e%ers of the cainet of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent.
(ec. 11. (uccession to 1egional Governorship in Cases of
Per%anent /acancy. In case of #eath, per%anent #isaility,
re%oval fro% office, or resignation of the 1egional
Governor, the 1egional /ice Governor shall eco%e the
1egional Governor who shall serve for the une=pire# ter%
of the for%er. In case of #eath, per%anent #isaility,
re%oval fro% office, or the resignation of oth the 1egional
Governor an# the 1egional /ice Governor, the (pea"er of
the 1egional Asse%ly shall act as 1egional Governor until
the 1egional Governor an# 1egional /ice Governor are
electe# an# Cualifie# in a special election calle# for the
2pon his assu%ption as acting 1egional Governor, the
(pea"er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall te%porarily vacate
his position as such an# an interi% spea"er shall e electe#.
2pon the election an# assu%ption of office of a new
1egional Governor, the (pea"er shall reassu%e his office.
-o special election shall e calle# to fill a vacancy
occurring within one ;1< year i%%e#iately prece#ing the
ne=t regular election.
(ec. 12. (uccession to 1egional Governorship in Cases of
!e%porary Incapacity. In case of te%porary incapacity of
the 1egional Governor to perfor% his #uties on account of
physical or legal causes, or when he is on official leave of
asence or on travel outsi#e the territorial $uris#iction of
the 1epulic of the Philippines, the 1egional /ice
Governor, or if there e none or in case of his per%anent or
te%porary incapacity or refusal to assu%e office, the
(pea"er of the 1egional Asse%ly shall e=ercise the
powers, #uties an# functions of the 1egional Governor as
prescrie# y law enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly or in
the asence, thereof, y the pertinent provisions of
1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent Co#e of
(ec. 13. 1e%oval of 1egional Governor or 1egional /ice
Governor. !he 1egional Governor or the 1egional /ice
Governor %ay e re%ove# fro% office for culpale
violation of the Constitution or this +rganic Act, treason,
riery, graft an# corruption, other high cri%es, or etrayal
of pulic trust y a three&fourths ;3S4< vote of all the
Me%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly.
!he procee#ings of the 1egional Asse%ly for the re%oval
of the 1egional Governor or 1egional /ice Governor shall
e presi#e# over y the Presi#ing .ustice of the Court of
Appeals. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay initiate %oves for
the re%oval of the 1egional Governor or the 1egional /ice
Governor un#er this (ec. y a %a$ority vote of all its
%e%ers. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall pro%ulgate the
necessary rules to carry out the purposes of this (ec..
!he 1egional Governor %ay also e suspen#e# or re%ove#
y the Presi#ent for culpale violation of the Constitution,
treason, riery, graft an# corruption, an# other high
-otwithstan#ing the provisions of the i%%e#iately
prece#ing paragraphs, the 1egional Governor or the
1egional /ice Governor %ay e charge# cri%inally for any
offense efore the proper regional trial court. !he sai# court
%ay or#er his or her preventive suspension fro% office for
not %ore than two ;2< %onths pen#ing the ter%ination of
the cri%inal case or cases. !he court %ay also or#er the
re%oval of the 1egional Governor or 1egional /ice
Governor fro% office as a part of its #ecision of conviction.
(ec. 14. 1ecall of 1egional Governor, 1egional /ice
Governor or Me%ers of 1egional Asse%ly. !he
1egional Governor, the 1egional /ice Governor or
%e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly %ay e recalle# only
once #uring their respective ter%s of office for loss of
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall provi#e the proce#ure an#
syste% wherey such recall can e %a#e.
-o recall shall ta"e place within one ;1< year fro% the #ate
of the assu%ption of office of the official concerne# or one
;1< year i%%e#iately prece#ing a regional election. In the
asence of the proce#ure an# syste% of recall enacte# y
the 1egional Asse%ly, the proce#ure an# syste% of such
recalls shall e governe# y the provisions of 1epulic Act
-o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1.
(ec. 15. Punish%ent for 0isor#erly )ehavior. 2pon the
reco%%en#ation of the proper co%%ittee, the 1egional
Asse%ly %ay punish its %e%ers for #isor#erly ehavior.
?ith the concurrence of the %a$ority of its %e%ers, the
1egional Asse%ly %ay a#%onish, repri%an#, or censure
an erring %e%er. ?ith the concurrence of two&thir#s ;2S3<
of all its %e%ers, it %ay suspen# or e=pel such erring
%e%er. !he penalty of suspension shall not e=cee# si=ty
;60< #ays.
(ec. 16. Prohiition Against 8ol#ing of +ther +ffices or
Conflict of Interests. !he 1egional Governor, the 1egional
/ice Governor, the %e%ers of the cainet or their
#eputies shall not hol# any other office or e%ploy%ent
#uring their tenure. !hey shall not, #uring sai# tenure,
#irectly or in#irectly, practice any other profession,
participate in any usiness, or e financially intereste# in
any contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege
grante# y the govern%ent or any su#ivision, agency, or
instru%entality thereof, inclu#ing govern%ent&owne#&or&
controlle# corporations or their susi#iaries. !hey shall
strictly avoi# conflicts of interest in the con#uct of their
!he spouses an# relatives y consanguinity or affinity
within the fourth civil #egree respectively of the 1egional
Governor, the 1egional /ice Governor, the %e%ers of the
cainet, or their #eputies shall not, #uring their tenure, e
appointe# %e%ers of the regional cainet or chair%en of
regional co%%issions or hea#s of ureaus or offices
inclu#ing govern%ent&owne#&or&controlle# corporations
an# their susi#iaries locate# in the autono%ous region.
(ec. 17. Appoint%ents y Acting 1egional Governor.
Appoint%ents e=ten#e# y the acting 1egional Governor
efore the assu%ption of office y the electe# 1egional
Governor shall re%ain effective, unless revo"e# y the
electe# 1egional Governor within ninety ;:0< #ays fro% his
or her assu%ption of office.
(ec. 19. !he 1egional Governor shall not issue
appoint%ents re%ove personnel, or, unless authoriHe# y
the Co%%ission on *lections, un#erta"e pulic wor"s
pro$ects within the prohiite# perio# efore an# after a
regional election as provi#e# y law.
(ec. 1:. Appoint%ents y 1egional Governor. !he
1egional Governor shall appoint, in a##ition to the
%e%ers of the cainet an# their #eputies, the chair%en
an# %e%ers of the co%%issions an# the hea#s of ureaus
of the 1egional Govern%ent, an# those who% he %ay e
authoriHe# y this +rganic Act, or y regional law to
appoint. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay, y law, vest the
appoint%ent of other officers or officials lower in ran" on
the hea#s of #epart%ents, agencies, co%%issions, or
!he powers, functions, responsiilities, an# structure of the
#epart%ents, agencies, ureaus, offices, an#
instru%entalities of the 1egional Govern%ent inclu#ing the
corporations owne#&or&controlle# y the 1egional
Govern%ent shall e prescrie# an# #efine# y the
1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 20. Power of 1egional Governor +ver Co%%issions,
Agencies, )oar#s, )ureaus an# +ffices. (u$ect to the
e=ceptions provi#e# for in this +rganic Act, the 1egional
Governor shall have control of all the regional e=ecutive
co%%issions, agencies, oar#s, ureaus, an# offices. 8e
shall ensure that laws are faithfully e=ecute#.
(ec. 21. ,iscal GearD (u%ission of )u#get. !he fiscal year
of the autono%ous region shall cover the perio# .anuary 1
to 0ece%er 31 of every year.
;a< 1egional )u#get. !he 1egional Governor shall su%it
to the 1egional Asse%ly not later than two ;2< %onths
efore the eginning of every regular sessions, as the asis
of the regional appropriations ill, a u#get of e=pen#itures
an# sources of financing, inclu#ing receipts fro% e=isting
an# propose# revenue %easures.
;< 1egional Asse%ly Power +ver )u#get. !he 1egional
Asse%ly %ay not increase the appropriations
reco%%en#e# y the 1egional Governor for the operation
of the autono%ous govern%ent as specifie# in the u#get.
!he for%, content, an# %anner of preparation of the u#get
shall e prescrie# y law enacte# y the 1egional
Asse%ly. Pen#ing the enact%ent of such law, the
u#geting process shall e governe# y e=isting laws an#
rules an# regulations prescrie# y the 0epart%ent of
)u#get an# Manage%ent.
;c< Prohiition Against 1i#ers. -o provision or enact%ent
shall e e%race# in the regional appropriations ill unless
it relates specifically to so%e particular appropriation
therein. Any such provision or enact%ent shall e li%ite# in
its operation to the appropriation to which it relates.
;#< Proce#ure for Approval. In approving appropriations for
its own operations, the 1egional Asse%ly shall strictly
follow the proce#ure for approving the appropriations for
the other #epart%ents an# agencies of the 1egional
;e< (pecific Purpose an# Availaility of ,un#s. A special
appropriations ill shall specify the purpose for which it is
inten#e# an# shall e supporte# y fun#s actually availale
or to e raise# y a correspon#ing revenue proposal as
certifie# to y the treasurer of the 1egional Govern%ent.
;f< !ransfer of ,un#s. -o regional law shall e passe#
authoriHing any transfer of appropriations. !he 1egional
Governor, the (pea"er of the asse%ly an# the Presi#ing
.ustice of the highest (hari'ah court %ay, however, e
authoriHe# y law enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly, to
aug%ent any ite% in the 1egional General Appropriations
Law for their respective offices fro% savings in other ite%s
of their respective appropriations.
;g< 0iscretionary ,un#s. 0iscretionary fun#s appropriate#
for particular officials shall e #isurse# only for pulic
purposes as evi#ence# y appropriate vouchers an# su$ect
to such gui#elines as prescrie# y law enacte# y the
1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 22. )u#get ApprovalD Auto%atic 1eenact%ent. !he
1egional Governor shall approve the u#get of the
autono%ous region within one ;1< %onth fro% its passage
y the 1egional Asse%ly. If, y the en# of a fiscal year,
the 1egional Asse%ly shall have faile# to pass the
regional appropriations ill for the ensuing fiscal year, the
1egional Appropriations Act for the prece#ing year shall e
#ee%e# auto%atically reenacte# an# shall re%ain in force
an# effect until the regional appropriations ill is passe# y
the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 23. /eto Power of the 1egional GovernorD /otes to
+verri#e. !he 1egional Governor shall have the power to
veto any particular ite% or ite%s in an appropriation or
revenue ill, ut the veto shall not affect the ite% or ite%s
to which he #oes not o$ect. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay
overri#e the veto y a two&thir#s ;2S3< vote of all its
(ec. 24. ;a< Law to AuthoriHe 2se of Money. -o %oney
shall e pai# out of the regional treasury e=cept in
pursuance of an appropriation %a#e y regional law.
;< Prohiitions Against (ectarian PurposesD *=ception. -o
pulic %oney or property shall e appropriate#, applie#,
pai#, or e%ploye#, #irectly or in#irectly, for the use,
enefit, or support of any sect, church, #eno%ination,
sectarian institution, or syste% of religion or of any priest,
Imam, preacher, %inister, or other religious teacher or
#ignitary as such, e=cept when such priest, Imam, preacher,
%inister, or #ignitary is assigne# to the regional police
force or to any penal institution, or govern%ent orphanage,
or leprosariu% within the region.
;c< (pecial ,un#. All %oney collecte# on any regional ta=
levie# for a special purpose shall e treate# as a special
fun# an# pai# out for such special purpose only. If the
purpose for which special fun# was create# has een
fulfille# or aan#one#, the alance, if any, shall accrue to
the general fun#s of the 1egional Govern%ent.
;#< !rust ,un#s. !rust fun#s shall only e pai# out of the
regional treasury for the specific purpose for which sai#
fun#s were create# or receive#.
;e< AuthoriHation y 1egional Governor or 1epresentative.
-o fun#s or resources shall e #isurse# unless #uly
approve# y the 1egional Governor or y his #uly
authoriHe# representative.
A#%inistration +f .ustice
(ection 1. *=ercise of .u#icial Power. !he $u#icial powers
shall e veste# in the (upre%e Court an# in such lower
courts as %ay e estalishe# y law inclu#ing the (hari'ah
Courts in accor#ance with (ec. 5 hereof.
(ec. 2. .ustices fro% Autono%ous 1egion. It shall e the
policy of the central govern%ent or national govern%ent
that, whenever feasile, at least one ;1< $ustice in the
(upre%e Court an# two ;2< $ustices in the Court of Appeals
shall co%e fro% Cualifie# $urists of the autono%ous region.
,or this purpose, the 1egional Governor %ay after
consultations with the 1egional Asse%ly an# concerne#
sectors in the autono%ous region, su%it the na%es of
Cualifie# persons to the .u#icial an# )ar Council for its
consi#eration. !he appoint%ents of those reco%%en#e# y
the 1egional Governor to the $u#icial positions %entione#
aove are without pre$u#ice to appoint%ents that %ay e
e=ten#e# to other Cualifie# inhaitants of the autono%ous
region to other positions in the .u#iciary.
(ec. 3. Consultant to the .u#icial an# )ar Council. !he
Presi#ent shall appoint a Cualifie# person as a consultant to
the .u#icial an# )ar Council reco%%en#e# y the 1egional
Governor in consultation with the concerne# sectors of the
autono%ous region. !he person reco%%en#e# y the
1egional Governor shall first e confir%e# y the 1egional
Asse%ly. +nce appointe# y the Presi#ent, the consultant
shall sit with the .u#icial an# )ar Council only to a#vise
an# e consulte# y the council on %atters of appoint%ents
to $u#icial positions in the autono%ous region.
(ec. 4. 0eputy Court A#%inistrator. !he +ffice of the
0eputy Court A#%inistrator for the autono%ous region is
herey create#. !he 0eputy Court A#%inistrator for the
autono%ous region shall e appointe# y the Chief .ustice
of the (upre%e Court fro% a%ong three reco%%en#ees
su%itte# y the 1egional Governor upon previous
confir%ation y the 1egional Asse%ly an# after
consultation with the concerne# sectors of the autono%ous
(ec. 5. (hari'ah Courts. !he 1egional Asse%ly of the
autono%ous region shall provi#e for the estalish%ent of
(hari'ah courts. (hari'ah courts e=isting as of the #ate of the
approval of this +rganic Act shall continue to #ischarge
their #uties. !he $u#ges thereof, %ay, however, e
reshuffle# upon reco%%en#ation of the 0eputy Court
A#%inistrator of the autono%ous region.
(ec. 6. (hari'ah Pulic Assistance +ffice. !here is herey
create# a (hari'ah Pulic Assistance +ffice. !he +ffice
shall e staffe# y a #irector an# two ;2< lawyers who are
%e%ers of the Philippine (hari'ah ar. !hey %ay e
assiste# y such personnel as %ay e #eter%ine# y the
1egional Asse%ly. 2nless otherwise provi#e# y regional
law, the co%pensation of the #irector an# the (hari'ah
lawyers shall e eCuivalent to the salary gra#e of a 0irector
III an# a trial lawyer of the Pulic Assistance +ffice,
!he (hari'ah Pulic Assistance +ffice is herey estalishe#
in each of the (hari'ah $u#icial #istricts to provi#e free legal
assistance to poor or in#igent party litigants.
(ec. 7. (hari'ah Appellate Court. !here is herey create# a
(hari'ah Appellate Court which shall have $uris#iction over
cases enu%erate# in (ec. : of this Article.
(ec. 9. (hari'ah Appellate Court Co%position. !he (hari'ah
Appellate Court shall e co%pose# of one ;1< presi#ing
$ustice an# two ;2< associate $ustices. Any vacancy shall e
fille# within ninety ;:0< #ays fro% the occurrence thereof.
(ec. :. .uris#iction of the (hari'ah Appellate Court. !he
(hari'ah Appellate Court shallE
;a< *=ercise original $uris#iction over petitions for
certiorari, prohiition, %an#a%us, ha+a# cor&!# an# other
au=iliary writs an# processes only in ai# of its appellate
$uris#ictionD an#
;< *=ercise e=clusive appellate $uris#iction over all cases
trie# in the (hari'ah #istrict courts as estalishe# y law.
(ec. 10. (hari'ah Appellate Court 0ecisions. !he #ecisions
of the (hari'ah Appellate Court shall e final an#
e=ecutory. -othing herein containe# shall, however, affect
the original an# appellate $uris#iction of the (upre%e
Court, as provi#e# in the Constitution.
(ec. 11. (hari'ah Appellate Court .ustices >ualifications
an# Appoint%ents. !he .ustices of the (hari'ah Appellate
Court shall possess the sa%e Cualifications as those of the
.ustices of the Court of Appeals an#, in a##ition, shall also
e learne# in Isla%ic law an# $urispru#ence.
!he %e%ers of the (hari'ah Appellate Court shall e
appointe# y the Presi#ent fro% a list of at least three ;3<
no%inees prepare# y the .u#icial an# )ar Council. !he
no%inees shall e chosen fro% a list of reco%%en#ees
su%itte# y the 1egional Asse%ly. (uch appoint%ents
nee# no confir%ation.
(ec. 12. (hari'ah Appellate Court .ustices !enure of +ffice.
!he Presi#ing .ustice an# Associate .ustices of the (hari'ah
Appellate Court shall serve until they reach the age of
seventy ;70< years, unless sooner re%ove# for cause in the
sa%e %anner as $ustices of the Court of Appeals or eco%e
incapacitate# to #ischarge the #uties of their office.
(ec. 13. (hari'ah Appellate Court .ustices Co%pensation.
!he Presi#ing .ustice an# Associate .ustices of the (hari'ah
Appellate Court shall receive the sa%e co%pensation an#
en$oy the sa%e privileges as the Presi#ing .ustice an#
Associate .ustices of the Court of Appeals, respectively.
(ec. 14. (hari'ah Appellate Court A#%inistrator an# Cler"
of Court. !he (upre%e Court shall, upon reco%%en#ation
of the Presi#ing .ustice of the (hari'ah Appellate Court,
appoint the court a#%inistrator an# cler" of court of the
Appellate Court. (uch other personnel as %ay e necessary
for the (hari'ah Appellate Court shall e appointe# y the
Presi#ing .ustice of sai# court.
!he pertinent provisions of e=isting law regar#ing the
Cualifications, appoint%ents, co%pensations, functions,
#uties, an# other %atters relative to the personnel of the
Court of Appeals shall apply to those of the (hari'ah
Appellate Court.
(ec. 15. Prohiition Against 8ol#ing of +ther +ffices. !he
.ustices of the (hari'ah Appellate Court an# the $u#ges of
other (hari'ah courts shall not e appointe# or #esignate# to
any office or agency perfor%ing Cuasi&$u#icial or
a#%inistrative functions.
(ec. 16. (hari'ah Appellate Court +fficial (eat. !he official
seat of the (hari'ah Appellate Court shall unless the
(upre%e Court #eci#es otherwise, e in the province or city
where the seat of the 1egional Govern%ent is locate#.
(ec. 17. (hari'ah Appellate Court Procee#ings. Procee#ings
in the (hari'ah Appellate Court an# in the (hari'ah lower
courts in the autono%ous region shall e governe# y such
special rules as the (upre%e Court %ay pro%ulgate.
(ec. 19. (hari'ah Courts. !he (hari'ah #istrict courts an#
the (hari'ah circuit courts create# un#er e=isting laws shall
continue to function as provi#e# therein. !he $u#ges of the
(hari'ah courts shall have the sa%e Cualifications as the
$u#ges of the regional trial courts, the %etropolitan trial
courts or the %unicipal trial courts, as the case %ay e. In
a##ition, they %ust e learne# in Isla%ic law an#
(ec. 1:. !rial Courts. !here is herey create# a syste% of
trial courts, which %ay inclu#e a !rial Appellate Court,
for the in#igenous cultural co%%unities in the autono%ous
region. !hese courts shall #eter%ine, settle, an# #eci#e
controversies an# enforce #ecisions involving personal an#
fa%ily an# property rights of %e%ers of the in#igenous
cultural co%%unity concerne# in accor#ance with the trial
co#es of these co%%unities. !hese courts %ay also
e=ercise e=clusive $uris#iction over cri%es co%%itte# y
%e%ers of in#igenous cultural co%%unities where the
i%posale penalty as prescrie# y the 1evise# Penal Co#e
or other pertinent law #oes not e=cee# i%prison%ent of si=
;6< years or a fine not e=cee#ing ,ifty thousan# pesos
;P50,000.00< or oth such i%prison%ent an# fine an#
where the offen#e# party or parties are also %e%ers of the
in#igenous cultural co%%unity concerne#.
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall #efine the co%position an#
$uris#iction of the sai# courts in accor#ance with the
Constitution, e=isting laws, an# this +rganic Act.
(ec. 20. .urisconsult in Isla%ic Law.!he 1egional
Asse%ly shall give priority consi#eration to the
organiHation of the office of $urisconsult in Isla%ic law as
estalishe# un#er e=isting law an# provision for its
facilities to enale the proper functioning of the office.
(ec. 21. Custo%ary Law. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall
provi#e for the co#ification of in#igenous laws an#
co%pilation of custo%ary laws of the Musli%s an# the
in#igenous cultural co%%unities in the autono%ous region.
(ec. 22. Application an# Interpretation of Laws. !he
provisions of the Musli% co#e an# the trial co#e shall e
applicale only to Musli%s an# other %e%ers of
in#igenous cultural co%%unities respectively an# nothing
herein shall e construe# to operate to the pre$u#ice of the
non&Musli%s an# non&%e%ers of in#igenous cultural
In case of conflict etween the Musli% co#e an# the trial
co#e the national law shall apply.
In case of conflict etween the Musli% co#e or the trial
co#e on the one han#, an# the national law on the other, the
latter shall prevail.
*=cept in cases of successional rights to property, the
regular courts shall acCuire $uris#iction over controversies
involving real property locate# outsi#e the area of
autono%y. Musli%s who sue other Musli%s or %e%ers of
in#igenous cultural co%%unities who sue other %e%ers of
in#igenous cultural co%%unities over %atters covere#
respectively y (hari'ah or y trial laws %ay agree to
litigate their grievances efore the proper (hari'ah or trial
court in the autono%ous region. !he proce#ure for this
recourse to the (hari'ah or trial court shall e prescrie#
y the (upre%e Court.
(ec. 23. )ases for Interpretation of Isla%ic Law. (u$ect to
the provisions of the Constitution, the (hari'ah courts shall
interpret Isla%ic law ase# on sources such asE
;a< Al&>ur'an ;!he Loran<D
;< Al&S!nnah ;Prophetic tra#itions<D
;c< Al&Ai(a# ;Analogy<D an#
;#< Al&I$i%a ;Consensus<.
(ec. 24. (hari'ah Powers an# ,unctions. !he powers an#
functions of the (hari'ah courts an# the (hari'ah Pulic
Assistance +ffice shall e #efine# y the 1egional
Asse%ly su$ect to the provisions of the Constitution.
,iscal Autono%y
(ection 1. 1evenue (ource. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall have the power to create its own sources of revenues
an# to levy ta=es, fees, an# charges, su$ect to the
provisions of the Constitution an# this +rganic Act.
(ec. 2. ,iscal Autono%y. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall
en$oy fiscal autono%y in generating an# u#geting its own
sources of revenue, its share of the internal revenue ta=es
an# loc" grants an# susi#ies re%itte# to it y the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent or any #onor.
!he utiliHation of its share of the internal revenue ta=es an#
loc" grants or susi#ies fro% the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent shall e su$ect to a se%i&annual an#
annual au#its y the Co%%ission on Au#it an# to the rules
an# regulations of the 0epart%ent of )u#get an#
Manage%ent. All accountale officials of the 1egional
Govern%ent shall, upon #e%an#, furnish the Co%%ission
on Au#it all #ocu%ents, papers, an# effects necessary for
the co%pletion of the au#it. ,ailure to #o so shall e%power
the Presi#ent or the (ecretary of ,inance to re#uce,
suspen#, or cancel the release of fun#s inten#e# for the
autono%ous region to the e=tent of the a%ounts that cannot
e au#ite# for reasons attriutale to the officials of the
autono%ous region or are unaccounte# for after au#it.
If %ore than half of the fun#s release# to the autono%ous
region y the central govern%ent or national govern%ent
re%ain unaccounte# for si= ;6< %onths after the au#it
%entione# aove, the (ecretary of ,inance %ay also
suspen# or cancel the release of any or all fun#s allocate#
y the central govern%ent or national govern%ent for the
autono%ous region. +fficials of the 1egional Govern%ent
who fail to su%it the #ocu%ents, papers an# effects
#e%an#e# y the Co%%ission on Au#it within the perio#
specifie# herein %ay e suspen#e# or re%ove# fro% office
y the Presi#ent upon reco%%en#ation of the (ecretary of
!he utiliHation of the revenue generate# y the 1egional
Govern%ent an# loc" grants or susi#ies re%itte# to it y
foreign or #o%estic #onors shall e su$ect to the rules an#
regulations of the 1egional Govern%ent 0epart%ent of the
)u#get an# Manage%ent if any, an# to au#it y regional
govern%ent au#itors. In the asence of such rules an#
regulations, the au#it of the sai# fun#s, loc" grants or
susi#ies shall e #one y the Co%%ission on Au#it an#
the use thereof shall e in accor#ance with the rules an#
regulations of the 0epart%ent of the )u#get an#
Manage%ent of the central govern%ent or national
!he results of the au#it %entione# in this (ec. shall e
pulishe# in national newspapers of general circulation an#
in newspapers of regional circulation. !he results shall also
e announce# over govern%ent&owne# ra#io an# television
(ec. 3. 1egional !a= Co#e. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay
enact a regional govern%ent ta= co#e. 2ntil the regional
govern%ent ta= co#e is enacte#, the pertinent provisions of
1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent Co#e of
1::1, shall apply to ta= or#inances of the provinces, cities,
%unicipalities, an# arangay within the autono%ous region.
(ec. 4. 1egional *cono%ic an# ,inancial Progra%s. !he
1egional Govern%ent %ay for%ulate its own econo%ic an#
financial progra%s, su$ect to the provisions of the
(ec. 5. 2nifor%, *Cuitale !a=ationD Prohiition Against
Confiscatory !a=es, ,ees. In enacting revenue&raising
%easures, the 1egional Asse%ly shall oserve the
principles of unifor%ity an# eCuity in ta=ation an# shall not
i%pose confiscatory ta=es or fees of any "in#. 2ntil a
regional ta= co#e shall have een enacte# y it, the
1egional Asse%ly %ay not revo"e or a%en#, #irectly or
in#irectly any city or %unicipal or#inances i%posing ta=es
or fees on purely local usinesses. Prior to the revocation or
a%en#%ent of such city or %unicipal or#inances, the
1egional Asse%ly shall consult with the city or %unicipal
govern%ent concerne#.
(ec. 6. Pay%ent of !a=es. Corporations, partnerships, or
fir%s #irectly engage# in usiness in the autono%ous
region shall pay their correspon#ing ta=es, fees, an#
charges in the province or city, where the corporation,
partnership, or fir% is #oing usiness.
Corporations, partnerships, or fir%s whose central, %ain, or
hea# offices are locate# outsi#e the autono%ous region ut
which are #oing usiness within its territorial $uris#iction,
y far%ing, #eveloping, or utiliHing the lan#, aCuatic, or
natural resources therein, shall pay the inco%e ta=es
correspon#ing to the inco%e realiHe# fro% their usiness
operations in the autono%ous region to the city, or
%unicipality where their ranch offices or usiness
operations or activities are locate#.
(ec. 7. *=tent of !a= PowersD *=ceptions. 2nless otherwise
provi#e# herein, the ta=ing power of the regional
govern%ent an# of the provinces, cities, %unicipalities, an#
arangay locate# therein shall not e=ten# to the followingE
;a< Inco%e ta=, e=cept when levie# on an"s an# other
financial institutionsD
;< 0ocu%entary sta%ps ta=D
;c< !a=es on estate, inheritance, gifts, legacies, an# other
acCuisitions %ortis causa e=cept as otherwise provi#e# y
;#< Custo%s #uties, registration fees of vessel an# wharfage
on wharves, tonnage #ues, an# all other "in#s of custo%
fees, charges, an# #ues e=cept vessels which are registere#
y their owners with the 1egional Govern%ent an#
wharfage on wharves constructe# an# %aintaine# y the
1egional Govern%ent or the local govern%ent unit
;e< !a=es, fees, or charges an# other i%positions upon
goo#s carrie# into or out of, or passing through the
territorial $uris#iction of the provinces, cities,
%unicipalities, or arangay of the autono%ous region in the
guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for ri#ges, or
otherwise, or other ta=es, fees or charges in any for%
whatsoever upon such goo#s or %erchan#ise e=cept tolls on
ri#ges or roa#s constructe# an# %aintaine# y the
provinces, cities, %unicipalities, or arangay concerne# or
y the 1egional Govern%entD
;f< !a=es, fees, or charges on agricultural an# aCuatic
pro#ucts when sol# y %arginal far%ers or fisherfol"D
;g< !a=es on usiness enterprises certifie# y the )oar# of
Invest%ents or y the 1egional Asse%ly as pioneer or
non&pioneer for a perio# of si= ;6< an# four ;4< years,
respectively fro% the #ate of registrationD
;h< *=cise ta=es on articles enu%erate# un#er the national
internal revenue co#e, an# ta=es, fees, or charges on
petroleu% pro#uctsD
;i< Percentage or value&a##e# ta= ;/A!< on sales, arters,
or e=changes or si%ilar transactions on goo#s or services
e=cept as otherwise provi#e# y lawD
;$< !a=es on the gross receipts of transportation contractors
an# persons engage# in the transportation of passengers or
freight y hire an# co%%on carriers y air, lan#, or water
e=cept as provi#e# in this +rganic ActD
;"< !a=es on pre%iu%s pai# y way of reinS!rance or
;l< !a=es, fees, or other charges on Philippine pro#ucts
actually e=porte#, e=cept as otherwise provi#e# y law
enacte# y the CongressD
;%< !a=es, fees, or charges on countrysi#e, arangay
usiness enterprises an# cooperatives #uly registere# un#er
1epulic Act -o. 6910, the FMagna Carta for Countrysi#e
an# )arangay )usiness *nterprisesF an# 1epulic Act -o.
6:39, the FCooperatives Co#e of the PhilippinesF,
respectivelyD an#
;n< !a=es, fees, or charges of any "in# on the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent, its agencies an#
instru%entalities an# local govern%ent units e=cept on
govern%ent&owne# or &controlle# corporations or entities
that are pri%arily organiHe# to #o usiness.
(ec. 9. (ources +f 1egional Govern%ent 1evenue. !he
sources of revenues of the 1egional Govern%ent shall
inclu#e, ut are not li%ite# to, the followingE
;a< !a=es, e=cept inco%e ta=es, i%pose# y the 1egional
;< ,ees an# charges i%pose# y the 1egional Govern%entD
;c< !a=es, fees, or charges for the registration of %otor
vehicles an# for the issuances of all "in#s of licenses or
per%its for the #riving thereof, e=cept tricycles which shall
e registere# with the city or %unicipality within whose
territorial oun#aries they are operate#D
;#< (hares an# revenue generate# fro% the operations of
pulic utilities within the autono%ous regionD
;e< Appropriations, shares in the internal revenue ta=es,
loc" grants, an# other u#getary allocations co%ing fro%
the central govern%ent or national govern%entD an#
;f< )loc" grants #erive# fro% econo%ic agree%ents or
conventions entere# into or authoriHe# y the 1egional
Asse%ly #onations, en#ow%ents, foreign assistance, an#
other for%s of ai# su$ect to the pertinent provisions of the
(ec. :. (haring of Internal 1evenue, -atural 1esources
!a=es, ,ees an# Charges. !he collections of a province or
city fro% national internal revenue ta=es, fees an# charges,
an# ta=es i%pose# on natural resources, shall e #istriute#
as followsE
;a< !hirty&five percent ;35V< to the province or cityD
;< !hirty&five percent ;35V< to the regional govern%entD
;c< !hirty percent ;30V< to the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent.
!he share of the province shall e apportione# as followsE
forty&five ;45V< percent to the province, thirty&five ;35V<
percent to the %unicipality an# twenty percent ;20V< to the
!he share of the city shall e #istriute# as followsE fifty
percent ;50V< to the city an# fifty ;50V< percent to the
arangay concerne#.
!he province or city concerne# shall auto%atically retain
its share an# re%it the shares of the 1egional Govern%ent
an# the central govern%ent or national govern%ent to their
respective treasurers who shall, after #e#ucting the share of
the 1egional Govern%ent as %entione# in paragraphs ;<
an# ;c< of this (ec., re%it the alance to the national
govern%ent within the first five ;5< #ays of every %onth
after the collections were %a#e.
!he re%ittance of the shares of the provinces, cities,
%unicipalities, an# arangay in the internal revenue ta=es,
fees, an# charges an# the ta=es, fees, an# charges on the
use, #evelop%ent, an# operation of natural resources within
the autono%ous region shall e governe# y law enacte# y
the 1egional Asse%ly.
!he re%ittances of the share of the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent of the internal revenue ta=es, fees an#
charges an# on the ta=es, fees, an# charges on the use,
#evelop%ent, an# operation of the natural resources within
the autono%ous region shall e governe# y the rules an#
regulations pro%ulgate# y the 0epart%ent of ,inance of
the central govern%ent or national govern%ent.
+fficials who fail to re%it the shares of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent, the 1egional
Govern%ent an# the local govern%ent units concerne# in
the ta=es, fees, an# charges %entione# aove %ay e
suspen#e# or re%ove# fro% office y or#er of the (ecretary
of ,inance in cases involving the share of the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent or y the 1egional
Governor in cases involving the share of the 1egional
Govern%ent an# y the proper local govern%ent e=ecutive
in cases involving the share of local govern%ent.
(ec. 10. !reasury )ills, -otes an# +ther 0et Papers. !he
1egional Govern%ent %ay issue treasury ills, on#s,
pro%issory notes, an# other #et papers or #ocu%ents
pursuant to law enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 11. *cono%ic Agree%ents. (u$ect to the provisions
of the Constitution, the 1egional Govern%ent shall evolve
a syste% of econo%ic agree%ents an# tra#e co%pacts to
generate loc" grants for regional invest%ents an#
i%prove%ents of regional econo%ic structures which shall
e authoriHe# y law enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly.
Pursuant to specific reco%%en#ations of the 1egional
*cono%ic an# 0evelop%ent Planning )oar#, the 1egional
Govern%ent %ay assist local govern%ent units in their
reCuire%ents for counterpart fun#s for foreign&assiste#
(ec. 12. 0onations or GrantsD !a= 0e#uctile. !he
1egional Govern%ent %ay accept #onations or grants for
the #evelop%ent an# welfare of the people in the
autono%ous region. (uch #onations or grants that are use#
e=clusively to finance pro$ects for e#ucation, health, youth
an# culture, an# econo%ic #evelop%ent, %ay e #e#ucte#
in full fro% the ta=ale inco%e of the #onor or grantor.
(ec. 13. 1egional !a= *=e%ptions. !he 1egional
Asse%ly, y a vote of asolute %a$ority of all its
%e%ers, %ay grant e=e%ptions fro% regional ta=es.
(ec. 14. ,oreign or 0o%estic Loans. !he 1egional
Governor %ay e authoriHe# y the 1egional Asse%ly to
contract foreign or #o%estic loans in accor#ance with the
provisions of the Constitution. !he loans so contracte# %ay
ta"e effect upon approval y a %a$ority of all the %e%ers
of the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 15. Collection an# (haring of Internal 1evenue !a=es.
!he share of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent of all current year collections of internal
revenue ta=es, within the area of autono%y shall, for a
perio# of five ;5< years e allotte# for the 1egional
Govern%ent in the Annual Appropriations Act.
!he )ureau +f Internal 1evenue ;)I1< or the #uly
authoriHe# treasurer of the city or %unicipality concerne#,
as the case %ay e, shall continue to collect such ta=es an#
re%it the share to the 1egional Autono%ous Govern%ent
an# the central govern%ent or national govern%ent through
#uly accre#ite# #epository an" within thirty ;30< #ays
fro% the en# of each Cuarter of the current yearD
,ifty percent ;50V< of the share of the central govern%ent
or national govern%ent of the yearly incre%ental revenue
fro% ta= collections un#er (ection 106 ;value&a##e# ta= on
sales of goo#s or properties<, 109 ;value&a##e# ta= on sale
of services an# use or lease of properties< an# 116 ;ta= on
persons e=e%pt fro% value&a##e# ta=< of the -ational
Internal 1evenue Co#e ;-I1C< shall e share# y the
1egional Govern%ent an# the local govern%ent units
within the area of autono%y as followsE
;a< twenty percent ;20V< shall accrue to the city or
%unicipality where such ta=es are collecte#D an#
;< eighty percent ;90V< shall accrue to the 1egional
In all cases, the 1egional Govern%ent shall re%it to the
local govern%ent units their respective shares within si=ty
;60< #ays fro% the en# of each Cuarter of the current
ta=ale year. !he provinces, cities, %unicipalities, an#
arangays within the area of autono%y shall continue to
receive their respective shares in the Internal 1evenue
Allot%ent ;I1A<, as provi#e# for in (ec. 294 of 1epulic
Act -o. 7160, the Local Govern%ent Co#e of 1::1. !he
five&year ;5< perio# herein aove%entione# %ay e
e=ten#e# upon %utual agree%ent of the central govern%ent
or national govern%ent an# the 1egional Govern%ent.
Ancestral 0o%ain, Ancestral Lan#s an# Agrarian 1efor%
(ection 1. Ancestral 0o%ainD Lan#s of In#igenous Cultural
Co%%unities. (u$ect to the Constitution an# e=isting
laws, the 1egional Govern%ent shall un#erta"e %easures to
protect the ancestral #o%ain an# ancestral lan#s of
in#igenous cultural co%%unities.
All lan#s an# natural resources in the autono%ous region
that have een possesse# or occupie# y in#igenous
cultural co%%unities since ti%e i%%e%orial, e=cept when
prevente# y war, force %a$eure or other for%s of forcile
usurpation, shall for% part of the ancestral #o%ain. (uch
ancestral #o%ain shall inclu#e pasture lan#s, worship areas,
urial groun#s, forests an# fiel#s, %ineral resources, e=cept
strategic %inerals such as uraniu%, coal, petroleu%D an#
other fossil fuels, %ineral oils, an# all sources of potential
energyD la"es, rivers, an# lagoonsD an# national reserves
an# %arine par"s, as well as forest an# watershe#
reservations. 2ntil laws are enacte# that provi#e otherwise,
fifty ;50V< percent of the revenues #erive# fro% the
utiliHation an# #evelop%ent of such strategic %aterials
shall accrue to the 1egional Govern%ent an# the provinces,
cities, %unicipalities, an# arangay in the autono%ous
region. !he sharing etween the 1egional Govern%ent an#
the local govern%ent units in the revenues #erive# fro% the
strategic %aterials %entione# aove shall e apportione#
accor#ing to the for%ula set out in (ec. 5, Article OIII of
this +rganic Act.
Lan#s in the actual, open, pulic, an# uninterrupte#
possession an# occupation y an in#igenous cultural
co%%unity for at least thirty ;30< years are ancestral lan#s.
(ec. 2. !he constructive or tra#itional possession of lan#s
an# resources y an in#igenous cultural co%%unity %ay
also e recogniHe# su$ect to $u#icial affir%ation, the
petition for which shall e institute# within a perio# of ten
;10< years fro% the effectivity of this +rganic Act. !he
proce#ure for $u#icial affir%ation of i%perfect titles un#er
e=isting laws shall, as far as practicale, apply to the
$u#icial affir%ation of titles to ancestral lan#s.
!he foregoing provisions notwithstan#ing, titles secure#
un#er the !orrens (yste%, an# rights alrea#y veste# un#er
the provisions of e=isting laws shall e respecte#.
(ec. 3. As use# in this +rganic Act, the phrase Fin#igenous
cultural co%%unityF refers to ,ilipino citiHens resi#ing in
the autono%ous region who areE
;a< !rial peoples. !hese are citiHens whose social, cultural
an# econo%ic con#itions #istinguish the% fro% other
sectors of the national co%%unityD an#
;< )angsa Moro people. !hese are citiHens who are
elievers in Isla% an# who have retaine# so%e or all of
their own social, econo%ic, cultural, an# political
(ec. 4. Cultural Co%%unities. !he custo%ary laws
tra#itions, an# practices of in#igenous cultural co%%unities
on lan# clai%s an# ownership an# settle%ent of lan#
#ispute shall e i%ple%ente# an# enforce# a%ong the
%e%ers of such co%%unities.
(ec. 5. *cological )alance. !he procla%ations issue# y
the central govern%ent or national govern%ent #eclaring
ol# growth or natural forests an# all watershe#s within the
autono%ous region as forest reserves are herey reiterate#.
!he forest reserves shall not e su$ecte# to logging
operations of any nature or "in#.
,orest concessions, ti%er licenses, contracts, or
agree%ents of any "in# or nature whatsoever grante# y the
central govern%ent or national govern%ent or y the
1egional Govern%ent as of the #ate of the approval of this
+rganic Act, are herey cancelle#, nullifie# an# voi#e#,
an# shall not e renewe# until thirty ;30< years after the
approval of this +rganic Act.
If the sai# forest reserves are logge# over or are %ine# y
authority or neglect of the 1egional Govern%ent, the fun#s
provi#e# y the central govern%ent or national govern%ent
inclu#ing the internal revenue shares of the 1egional
Govern%ent %ay e withhel#, re#uce#, cancelle#, or
forfeite# y or#er of the Presi#ent.
!en ;10V< percent of the shares of the internal revenue
ta=es of the 1egional Govern%ent an# of the provinces,
cities, %unicipalities, an# arangay of the autono%ous
region an# all allocations for the #evelop%ent of the
autono%ous region y the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent shall e #evote# to reforestation pro$ects an#
other environ%ental activities to enhance the protection an#
#evelop%ent of the environ%ent in the autono%ous region.
!he 1egional Govern%ent shall reCuire corporations,
co%panies an# other entities within the ancestral #o%ain of
the in#igenous cultural co%%unities whose operations
a#versely affect the ecological alance to ta"e the
necessary preventive %easures an# safeguar#s to restore,
enhance, an# %aintain such a alance.
(ec. 6. 2nless authoriHe# y the 1egional Asse%ly, lan#s
of the ancestral #o%ain title# to or owne# y an in#igenous
cultural co%%unity shall not e #ispose# of to non&
(ec. 7. -o portion of the ancestral #o%ain shall e open to
resettle%ent y non&%e%ers of the in#igenous cultural
(ec. 9. 1egional Lan# 1efor%. (u$ect to the provisions of
the Constitution, the 1egional Asse%ly %ay enact an
agrarian refor% law suitale to the special circu%stances
prevailing in the autono%ous region.
2ran an# 1ural Planning an# 0evelop%ent
(ection 1. 2ran an# 1ural 0evelop%ent. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall pro%ote an# for%ulate co%prehensive
an# integrate# regional uran an# rural #evelop%ent
policies, plans, progra%s, an# pro$ects responsive to the
nee#s, aspirations, an# values of the people in the
autono%ous region.
(ec. 2. In#igenous 0evelop%ent Plans. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall initiate, for%ulate, an# i%ple%ent
special #evelop%ent progra%s an# pro$ects, responsive to
the particular aspirations, nee#s, an# values of the
in#igenous cultural co%%unities.
(ec. 3. *Cuitale 0evelop%ent. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall provi#e eCuitale opportunities for the #evelop%ent
of every province, city, %unicipality, an# arangay within
its $uris#iction an# shall strengthen their e=isting planning
o#ies to ensure wi#er pulic participation.
(ec. 4. 2ran Lan#, Lan# an# ?ater 2se. Consistent with
the Constitution, this +rganic Act, an# su$ect to ecological
consi#erations, the 1egional Govern%ent shall within one
;1< year fro% the approval of this +rganic Act, a#opt an#
i%ple%ent a co%prehensive uran lan# refor% an# lan#
an# water use progra%, to ensure the $ust utiliHation of
lan#s an# waters within its $uris#iction.
*cono%y an# Patri%ony
(ection 1. 1egional *cono%y an# Conservation of
Patri%ony. Consistent with the Constitution an# e=isting
laws, the 1egional Asse%ly %ay enact laws pertaining to
the regional econo%y an# patri%ony that are responsive to
the nee#s of the region. !he 1egional Govern%ent %ay not
lower the stan#ar#s reCuire# y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent for the protection, conservation, an#
enhance%ent of the natural resources.
(ec. 2. *cono%ic Nones, Centers an# Ports. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall encourage, pro%ote, an# support the
estalish%ent of econo%ic Hones, in#ustrial centers, ports
in strategic areas, an# growth centers to attract local an#
foreign invest%ents an# usiness enterprises.
(ec. 3. Incentives for Investors. !he 1egional Asse%ly
%ay y law grant incentives to investors in the autono%ous
region. !he central govern%ent or national govern%ent
%ay li"ewise grant incentives to investors in the
autono%ous region in a##ition to those provi#e# y the
1egional Govern%ent.
(ec. 4. 1egional *cono%ic None AuthorityD ,reeports. !he
1egional Govern%ent %ay estalish a regional econo%ic
Hone authority in the autono%ous region. !he 1egional
*cono%ic None Authority shall have si%ilar powers as the
Philippine *cono%ic None Authority an# consistent with
the (pecial *cono%ic None Act of 1::5. !he 1egional
Asse%ly %ay provi#e such a##itional powers an#
functions to the 1egional *cono%ic None Authority as %ay
e necessary to %eet the special circu%stances of the
autono%ous region. +nce the 1egional *cono%ic None
Authority is create# y a 1egional Asse%ly legislation,
the Philippine *=port None Authority shall no longer
authoriHe any other econo%ic Hone within the autono%ous
region. Any corporation, fir%, or entity estalishe# within
the autono%ous region, y authority of the Philippine
*=port None Authority, shall e place# un#er the
$uris#iction of the 1egional *cono%ic None Authority an#
shall continue to en$oy the enefits grante# to it y the
Philippine *=port None Authority.
(ec. 5. 2se 0evelop%ent of Mines Minerals an# +ther
-atural 1esources 1evenue (haringD *=ceptions. ;a<
1egional (upervision an# Control. !he control an#
supervision over the e=ploration, utiliHation, #evelop%ent,
an# protection of the %ines an# %inerals an# other natural
resources within the autono%ous region are herey veste#
in the 1egional Govern%ent in accor#ance with the
Constitution an# the pertinent provisions of this +rganic
Act e=cept for the strategic %inerals such as uraniu%,
petroleu%, an# other fossil fuels, %ineral oils, all sources of
potential energy, as well as national reserves an# aCuatic
par"s, forest an# watershe# reservations alrea#y #eli%ite#
y authority of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent an# those that %ay e #efine# y an Act of
Congress within one ;1< year fro% the effectivity of this
+rganic Act.
;< (haring )etween Central Govern%ent or -ational
Govern%ent an# 1egional Govern%ent in (trategic
Minerals 1evenues, !a=es, or ,ees. ,ifty ;50V< percent of
the revenues, ta=es or fees #erive# fro% the use an#
#evelop%ent of the strategic %inerals shall accrue an# e
re%itte# to the 1egional Govern%ent within thirty;30< #ays
fro% the en# of every Cuarter of every year. !he other fifty
;50V<, shall accrue to the central govern%ent or national
;c< (haring )etween 1egional Govern%ent an# Local
Govern%ent 2nits in (trategic Minerals 1evenues, !a=es,
or ,ees. !he share of the 1egional Govern%ent %entione#
aove is herey apportione# as followsE thirty percent
;30V< to the 1egional Govern%entD twenty percent ;20V<
to all the %unicipalitiesD an# fifteen percent ;15V< to all the
arangays. If there are no cities in the autono%ous region
as of the #ate the sharing aove %entione# is #one, the
share of the cities shall e #ivi#e# eCually y all the
provinces, %unicipalities, an# arangay in the autono%ous
;#< 1egional Asse%ly Authority to Grant ,ranchises an#
Concessions an# *%power 1egional Governor to Grant
Leases, Per%its, an# Licenses. !he 1egional Asse%ly
shall y law have the authority to grant franchises an#
concessions an# %ay y law e%power the 1egional
Governor to grant leases, per%its, an# licenses over
agricultural, forest, or %ineral lan#s. !he sai# leases,
per%its, franchises, or concessions shall, however, cover
areas not e=cee#ing the li%its allowe# y the Constitution
an# shall susist for a perio# not e=cee#ing twenty&five
;25< years. *=cept as provi#e# in this +rganic Act, e=isting
leases, per%its, licenses, franchises, an# concessions shall
e respecte# until their e=piration unless legally ter%inate#
earlier as provi#e# y law enacte# either y Congress or y
the 1egional Asse%ly.
;e< Consultation with Cultural Co%%unities, -ee#e#. !he
per%its, licenses, franchises, or concessions over the
natural resources locate# within the oun#aries of an
ancestral #o%ain shall e issue# y the 1egional Asse%ly
only after consultations are con#ucte# with the cultural
co%%unity concerne#.
(ec. 6. 2se an# 0evelop%ent of -atural 1esources +pen to
CitiHens. !he e=ploration, #evelop%ent, an# utiliHation of
natural resources, e=cept those referre# to in the first
paragraph of (ec. 5 of this Article, shall e allowe# to all
citiHens an# to private enterprises, inclu#ing corporations,
associations, cooperatives, an# such other si%ilar collective
organiHations with at least si=ty percent ;60V< of their
capital invest%ent or capital stoc"s #irectly controlle# or
owne# y citiHens.
(ec. 7. Preferential 1ights of CitiHen&Inhaitants of
Autono%ous 1egion. (u$ect to the e=ceptions provi#e# in
this +rganic Act, citiHens who are inhaitants of the
autono%ous region shall have preferential rights over the
e=ploration, utiliHation, an# #evelop%ent of natural
resources of the autono%ous region. *=isting rights over
the e=ploration, utiliHation, an# #evelop%ent of natural
resources shall e respecte# su$ect to the e=ceptions
specifie# in this +rganic Act.
(ec. 9. 1ules, 1egulations an# ,ees. !he 1egional
Asse%ly shall y law regulate the e=ploration, utiliHation,
#evelop%ent, an# protection of the natural resources,
inclu#ing the %ines an# %inerals, e=cept the strategic
%inerals as provi#e# in this +rganic Act. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall, pursuant to the sai# law, shall prescrie
the rules an# regulations an# i%pose regulatory fees in
connection therewith. 2pon the enact%ent of the sai# law
an# the effectivity of such rules an# regulations, the fees
i%pose# y the 1egional Govern%ent shall replace those
that ha# een i%pose# y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent.
(ec. :. 1egulation of (%all&(cale Mining. (%all&scale
%ining shall e regulate# y the 1egional Govern%ent to
the en# that the ecological alance, safety an# health, an#
the interests of the in#igenous cultural co%%unities, the
%iners, an# the people of the place where such operations
are con#ucte# are #uly protecte# an# safeguar#e#.
(ec. 10. 1egional *cono%ic an# 0evelop%ent Planning
)oar#D Co%position an# ,unctions. !here is herey create#
a 1egional *cono%ic an# 0evelop%ent Planning )oar#.
!he )oar# shall e chaire# y the 1egional Governor. !he
%e%ers of the )oar# shall e co%pose# of all the
provincial governors an# the city %ayors of the provinces
an# cities within the autono%ous regionD the (pea"er, an#
two ;2< %e%ers of the 1egional Asse%ly appointe# y
the (pea"er, one ;1< of who% shall e no%inate# y the
oppositionD an#, five ;5< representatives electe# y the
private sector as prescrie# y the 1egional Asse%ly.
!he )oar# shall serve as the planning, %onitoring, an#
coor#inating agency for all #evelop%ent plans, pro$ects,
an# progra%s inten#e# for the autono%ous region. It shall
evaluate an# reco%%en# for approval y the 1egional
Asse%ly, the annual wor" progra%s an# co%prehensive
#evelop%ent plans of the autono%ous region. +nce
approve#, it shall e the #uty of the 1egional Governor to
ensure the proper i%ple%entation of the sai# annual wor"
progra%s an# co%prehensive #evelop%ent plans.
!he )oar# shall for%ulate a %aster plan for a syste%atic,
progressive, an# total #evelop%ent of the region. !he
%aster plan shall ta"e into account the #evelop%ent plans
of the province, city, %unicipality, an# arangay concerne#
as %an#ate# y 1epulic Act -o. 7160, the Local
Govern%ent Co#e 1::1.
After #ue notice in writing, the atten#ance at %eetings of
the )oar# y one&thir# ;1S3< of its %e%ers with the
1egional Governor or the 1egional /ice Governor an#
three ;3< of the representatives of the private sector eing
present, shall e a sufficient Cuoru% for the oar# to
transact usiness.
!he )oar# shall a#opt its own rules of proce#ure for the
con#uct of its %eetings.
(ec. 11. Pioneering Pulic 2tilities an# Cooperatives. !he
1egional Asse%ly %ay, in the interest of regional welfare
an# security, estalish an# operate pioneering pulic
utilities. 2pon pay%ent of $ust co%pensation, it %ay cause
the transfer of the ownership of such utilities to
cooperatives or other collective organiHations.
(ec. 12. Procla%ation of (tate of Cala%ity +peration of
Pulic 2tilities. ;a< !e%porary ta"e&over of operations. !he
1egional Govern%ent %ay, in ti%es of regional cala%ity
#eclare# y the 1egional Governor, when the pulic
interest so reCuires an# un#er such reasonale ter%s an#
safeguar#s as %ay e prescrie# y the 1egional
Asse%ly, te%porarily ta"e over or #irect operation of any
privately&owne# pulic utility or usiness affecte# with
pulic interest. !he pulic utility or usiness concerne#
%ay contest the ta"e over of its operations y the 1egional
Govern%ent y filing a proper case or petition with the
Court of Appeals.
;< Procla%ation of state of cala%ity. !he 1egional
Governor %ay proclai% a state of cala%ity over the region
or parts thereof whenever typhoons, flash floo#s,
earthCua"e, tsuna%is, or other natural cala%ities cause
wi#esprea# #a%age or #estruction to life or property in the
region. !he state of cala%ity proclai%e# y the 1egional
Governor shall only e for the purpose of %a=i%iHing the
efforts to rescue i%perile# persons an# property an# the
e=pe#itious rehailitation of the #a%age# area. !he state of
cala%ity proclai%e# shall in no way suspen# any provision
of the Constitution or this +rganic Act, as well as, the
pertinent laws pro%ulgate y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent or the 1egional Govern%ent.
(ec. 13. Legislating )enefits, Co%pensation for /icti%s of
Mining an# Mining +perationsD 1ehailitation of Affecte#
Areas. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall enact laws for the
enefit an# welfare of the inhaitants in$ure#, har%e# or
a#versely affecte# y the harnessing of natural an# %ineral
resources in the autono%ous region. (uch laws %ay inclu#e
pay%ent of $ust co%pensation to an# relocation of the
people an# rehailitation of the areas a#versely affecte# y
the harnessing of natural an# %ineral resources %entione#
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay y law reCuire the persons,
natural or $uri#ical, responsile for causing the har% or
in$ury %entione# aove to ear the costs of co%pensation,
relocation an# rehailitation %entione# aove wholly or
(ec. 14. 1eforestationD (upport for Lu%a#s or !rial
Peoples. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall actively an#
i%%e#iately pursue reforestation %easures to ensure that at
least fifty percent ;50V< of the lan# surface of the
autono%ous region shall e covere# with trees, giving
priority to watershe# areas, strips of lan# along the e#ges of
rivers an# strea%s an# shorelines of la"es an# the seas
within or autting the autono%ous region.
!he 1egional Govern%ent shall a#opt %easures for the
#evelop%ent of lan#s eighteen percent ;19V< in slope or
over y provi#ing infrastructure, financial an# technical
support to uplan# co%%unities specially the lu%a#s or
trial peoples.
!he 1egional Govern%ent shall also a#opt %easures to
e%ploy the people who %ay e #isplace# y the
cancellation or revocation of ti%er concessions, licenses,
contracts, or agree%ents %entione# in paragraph aove.
(ec. 15. Prohiition Against !o=ic or 8aHar#ous
(ustances. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall prohiit the
use, i%portation, #eposit, #isposal, an# #u%ping of to=ic or
haHar#ous sustances within the autono%ous region.
(ec. 16. )usiness +wnership. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall a#opt policies to pro%ote profit sharing an# roa#en
the ase of ownership of usiness enterprises.
(ec. 17. Incentives, !a= 1eates an# 8oli#ays. !he
1egional Asse%ly %ay y law, an# with the approval of
the asolute %a$ority of all its %e%ers, grant incentives,
inclu#ing ta= reates an# holi#ays, for investors in
usinesses that contriute to the #evelop%ent of the
autono%ous region. It %ay provi#e si%ilar incentives to
co%panies #oing usiness in the autono%ous region which
reinvest at least fifty percent ;50V< of their net profits
therein, an# to cooperatives which reinvest at least ten
percent ;10V< of their surplus into socially&oriente#
pro$ects in the autono%ous region.
(ec. 19. !ransport an# Co%%unication ,acilities, Priority
Pro$ects. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall give priority to
the estalish%ent of transportation an# co%%unication
facilities to e=pe#ite the econo%ic #evelop%ent of the
autono%ous region.
(ec. 1:. Power (ervices Priority. In the #elivery of power
services, priority shall e given to provinces an# cities in
the autono%ous region which nee# ut #o not have #irect
access to such services.
(ec. 20. Pioneering ,ir%s. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay
create pioneering fir%s an# other usiness entities to oost
econo%ic #evelop%ent in the autono%ous region.
Agriculture, ,isheries an# ACuatic 1esources
(ec. 21. ,ar%ing an# ,ishing Cooperatives. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall recogniHe, pro%ote, an# protect the
rights an# welfare of far%ers, far%&wor"ers, fisherfol", an#
fish&wor"ers, as well as cooperatives an# associations of
far%ers an# fish&wor"ers.
(ec. 22. Agricultural Pro#uctivityD +rganic ,ar%ing. !he
1egional Govern%ent shall encourage agricultural
pro#uctivity an# pro%ote #iversifie# an# organic far%ing.
(ec. 23. (oil an# ?ater Conservation. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall give top priority to the conservation,
protection, utiliHation, an# #evelop%ent of soil an# water
resources for agricultural purposes.
(ec. 24. ACuatic an# ,isheries Co#e. !he 1egional
Asse%ly %ay enact an aCuatic an# fisheries co#e which
shall enhance, #evelop, conserve, an# protect %arine an#
aCuatic resources, an# shall protect the rights of susistence
fisherfol" to the preferential use of co%%unal %arine an#
fishing resources, inclu#ing seawee#s. !his protection shall
e=ten# to offshore fishing groun#s, up to an# inclu#ing all
waters fifteen ;15< "ilo%eters fro% the coastline of the
autono%ous region ut within the territorial waters of the
1epulic, regar#less of #epth an# the seae# an# the
susoil that are inclu#e# etween two ;2< lines #rawn
perpen#icular to the general coastline fro% points where
the oun#ary lines of the autono%ous region touch the sea
at low ti#e an# a thir# line parallel to the general coastline.
!he provinces an# cities within the autono%ous region
shall have priority rights to the utiliHation, #evelop%ent,
conservation, an# protection of the afore%entione#
offshore fishing groun#s.
!he provinces an# cities concerne# shall provi#e support to
susistence fisherfol" through appropriate technology an#
research, a#eCuate financial, pro#uction, %ar"eting
assistance, an# other services.
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall enact priority legislation to
ensure that fish&wor"ers shall receive a $ust share fro% their
laor in the utiliHation, pro#uction, an# #evelop%ent of
%arine an# fishing resources.
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall enact priority legislation to
#evelop science, technology, an# other #isciplines for the
protection an# %aintenance of aCuatic an# %arine ecology.
(ec. 25. Agriculture an# ,isheries )ureau. !he 1egional
Asse%ly shall y law, create a )ureau on Agriculture an#
,isheries an# #efine its co%position, powers an# functions.
!ra#e an# In#ustry
(ec. 26. Private (ector. !he 1egional Govern%ent
recogniHes the private sector as the pri%e %over of tra#e,
co%%erce, an# in#ustry. It shall encourage an# support the
uil#ing up of entrepreneurial capaility in the autono%ous
region an# shall recogniHe, pro%ote, an# protect
(ec. 27. Cottage In#ustries. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall pro%ote an# protect cottage in#ustries y provi#ing
assistance such as %ar"eting opportunities, financial
support, ta= incentives, appropriate an# alternative
technology an# technical training to pro#uce se%i&finishe#
an# finishe# pro#ucts. 0eserving s%all an# %e#iu%&scale
cottage in#ustries %ay e provi#e# priority assistance.
(ec. 29. )an"s an# ,inancial Institutions. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall, su$ect to the supervision of the )ang"o
(entral ng Pilipinas, encourage the estalish%ent in the
autono%ous region ofE
;a< )an"s an# financial institutions an# their ranchesD an#
;< +ff&shore an"ing units of foreign an"s.
(ec. 2:. Isla%ic )an"s. !he )ang"o (entral ng Pilipinas
shall estalish an Isla%ic )an" an# authoriHe the
estalish%ent of its ranches in the autono%ous region.
!he %e%ers of the oar# of #irectors or trustees of the
Isla%ic )an" shall e appointe# y the Presi#ent upon
reco%%en#ation of the 1egional Governor. !he persons
reco%%en#e# y the 1egional Governor shall possess
e#ucational Cualifications an# sufficient e=perience in the
%anage%ent an# operation of Isla%ic an"ing an# shall e
su$ect to confir%ation y the 1egional Asse%ly efore
they are reco%%en#e# to the Presi#ent. !he oar# of
#irectors or trustees of the an" shall elect fro% a%ong
their %e%ers the chair, the vice chair an# the presi#ent of
the an". +ther an" officials an# e%ployees shall e
appointe# y the presi#ent of the an".
(ec. 30. )ang"o (entral 1egional )an". !he )ang"o
(entral ng Pilipinas shall estalish a )ang"o (entral
1egional )an" with full an"ing services in the capital city
or any suitale %unicipality in the autono%ous region
within one ;1< year fro% the approval of this +rganic Act.
!he 1egional Governor shall su%it a list of Cualifie#
persons to the appropriate )ang"o (entral authority fro%
which the staff of the regional office %ay e chosen. !he
rights of the )ang"o (entral personnel who are occupying
positions in the )ang"o (entral 1egional +ffice as of the
#ate of the approval of this +rganic Act to continue as such
shall e respecte#.
(ec. 31. )arter an# Counter&!ra#e. (u$ect to e=isting
laws, the 1egional Govern%ent shall regulate tra#itional
arter tra#e an# counter&tra#e with In#onesia, Malaysia, or
)runei. !he goo#s or ite%s that are artere# or counter&
tra#e# with the sai# countries shall not e sol# elsewhere in
the country without pay%ent of appropriate custo%s or
i%port #uties. !he 0epart%ent of ,inance shall, in
consultation with the 1egional Govern%ent, pro%ulgate
the rules to govern arter an# counter&tra#e within si= ;6<
%onths fro% the approval of this +rganic Act.
(ec. 32. Consu%er *#ucation an# ?elfare. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall pro%ote consu%er e#ucation an# protect
the rights, interests, an# general welfare of the consu%ers.
(ec. 33. Local Laor an# Goo#s. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall pro%ote the preferential use of local
laor an# locally pro#uce# goo#s an# %aterials y a#opting
%easures to increase their co%petitiveness.
(ec. 34. ,oreign Invest%ents. (u$ect to the provisions of
the Constitution, the 1egional Govern%ent shall regulate
an# e=ercise authority over foreign invest%ents within its
$uris#iction. !he central govern%ent or national
govern%ent %ay intervene in such %atters only if national
security is involve#.
!ouris% 0evelop%ent
(ec. 35. 1egional !ouris%. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall
have pri%ary $uris#iction in the pro%otion of touris%
within the autono%ous region. In pro%oting touris%, the
#iverse cultural heritage, an# the %oral an# spiritual values
of the people in the autono%ous region shall e uphel#,
respecte#, an# %aintaine#.
(ec. 36. !ouris% +ffice. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay, y
law, create a regional touris% office, an# #efine its
co%position, powers an# functions.
!he 0epart%ent of !ouris% of the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent shall, whenever feasile, e=ten#
financial an# technical support to the touris% progra% of
the 1egional Govern%ent.
Pulic +r#er an# (ecurity
(ection 1. Law an# +r#er. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall
give priority to the %aintenance an# preservation of law
an# or#er for the estalish%ent of peace an# the protection
of life, lierty, an# property of the people in the
autono%ous region, in consonance with the provisions of
the Constitution an# this +rganic Act.
(ec. 2. 1egional (ecurity ,orce. !here is herey create# a
Philippine -ational Police 1egional Co%%an# for the
autono%ous region, hereafter calle# the (pecial 1egional
(ecurity ,orce ;(1(,< or 1egional Police ,orce, in short.
(ec. 3. Law Governing 1egional Police ,orce. !he
1egional Asse%ly shall enact laws to govern the 1egional
Police ,orce consistent with the pertinent provisions of the
Constitution an# this +rganic Act.
!he %e%ers of the Moro -ational Lieration ,ront who
are integrate# into the 1egional Police ,orce %ay e
#eploye# in the autono%ous region or elsewhere in the
1epulic as %ay e #eter%ine# y the proper police
(ec. 4. 1egional Police ,orce Co%position. !he P-P
1egional Co%%an# for the autono%ous regionS(1(, shall
e co%pose# of the e=isting P-P units therein, the M-L,
ele%ents, an# other resi#ents of the area who %ay later on
e recruite# into the (1(,.
(ec. 5. Powers an# ,unctions of 1egional Police ,orce.
!he 1egional Police ,orce shall e=ercise within the
autono%ous region the following powers an# functionsE
;a< *nforce laws enacte# y the Congress an# y the
1egional Asse%ly relative to the protection of lives an#
properties of the peopleD
;< Maintain law an# or#er an# ensure pulic safetyD
;c< Investigate an# prevent cri%es, arrest cri%inal
offen#ers, ring cri%inal suspects to $ustice, an# assist in
their prosecutionD
;#< *ffect other arrests, searches, an# seiHures in
accor#ance with the Constitution an# pertinent lawsD
;e< 0etain persons for a perio# not e=cee#ing what is
prescrie# y law, infor% the person so #etaine# of all his
or her rights un#er the Constitution, an# oserve the hu%an
rights of all people in the autono%ous regionD
;f< Process applications for the licensing of firear%s for
approval y the proper official of the Philippine -ational
;g< Initiate #rives for the licensing or surren#er of
unlicense# firear%sD confiscate unlicense# firear%s after
such #rives are overD prosecute or reco%%en# to the
Presi#ent the grant of a%nesty or par#on to possessors of
unlicense# firear%s who surren#er the%D an#
;h< Perfor% such other #uties an# e=ercise all other
functions as %ay e provi#e# y law enacte# y Congress
or y the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 6. +servance of Constitution an# Laws. !he 1egional
Police ,orce shall e charge# with the preservation of
peace, the %aintenance of law an# or#er, an# the protection
of life, lierty, an# property in the autono%ous region in
consonance with the Constitution an# pertinent legislation.
!he 1egional Police ,orce shall e run professionally an#
free fro% partisan political control. !he #ischarge of its
functions shall e #one i%partially an# with professional
integrity. It shall e constraine# y an# accountale to the
(ec. 7. 1egional Police ,ra%ewor" an# +rganiHation. !he
philosophical fra%ewor" an# structural organiHation of the
1egional Police ,orce shall e as followsE
;a< It shall e civilian in nature an# characterD
;< !he scope of its operations shall e regional. !he
1egional Police ,orce, its units or personnel %ay e
#eploye# elsewhere in the 1epulic as #irecte# y the
-ational Police Co%%ission or when nee#e# to suppress
lawless violence, pursue, an# arrest cri%inal offen#ers or
%aintain law an# or#er. In such circu%stances, the or#er to
#eploy %ust e signe# y the chair%an of the -ational
Police Co%%ission an# approve# y the Presi#ent. !he
Presi#ent %ay also or#er the sai# #eploy%ent on his own
;c< It shall e hea#e# y a regional #irector who shall e
assiste# y two #eputies, one for a#%inistration an# one for
operations. !he regional #irector an# the two #eputies shall
co%e fro% the ran"s of the professional police force,
preferaly fro% any province, city, or %unicipality of the
autono%ous regionD
;#< It shall have regional, provincial, an# city or %unicipal
;e< At the provincial level, there shall e a provincial office
hea#e# y a provincial #irector who shall e a professional
police officer with the ran" of police superinten#ent, at
leastD an#
;f< At the city or %unicipal level, there shall e an office or
station, which shall e hea#e# y a Chief of Police who
shall e a professional police officer with the ran" of police
superinten#ent for the city, an# police inspector for the
(ec. 9. Power of 1egional Governor +ver 1egional Police
,orce. !he 1egional Governor shall have the following
powers over the 1egional Police ,orceE
;a< !o act as the #eputy of the -ational Police Co%%ission
in the region an# as the e=&officio chair of the 1egional
Police Co%%issionD
;< !o e=ercise operational control an# general supervision
an# #isciplinary powers over the 1egional Police ,orceD
;c< !o e%ploy or #eploy the ele%ents of an# assign or
reassign the 1egional Police ,orce through the regional
#irector. !he 1egional 0irector %ay not counter%an# the
or#er of the 1egional Governor unless it is in violation of
the Constitution an# the lawD
;#< !o reco%%en# to the Presi#ent the appoint%ent of the
regional #irector an# his two #eputiesD
;e< !o oversee the preparation an# i%ple%entation of the
Integrate# 1egional Pulic (afety PlanD
;f< !o i%pose, after #ue notice an# su%%ary hearings of
the citiHen's co%plaints, a#%inistrative penalties on
personnel of the 1egional Police ,orce e=cept those who
are appointe# y the Presi#entD an#
;g< 0o everything necessary to pro%ote wi#esprea# support
y the various co%%unities %a"ing up the autono%ous
region for the 1egional Police ,orce.
(ec. :. 1egional Police 0irectors. !he selection
assign%ent, an# appoint%ent of the Provincial an# City
0irectors of the 1egional Police ,orce an# the assign%ent
of Moro -ational Lieration ,ront integrees shall e #one
pursuant to 1epulic Act -o. 6:75, the Philippine -ational
Police Law an# 1epulic Act -o. 9551 the Philippine
-ational Police 1efor% an# 1eorganiHation Act of 1::9.
(ec. 10. 1egional Police Co%%ission. !here is herey
create# a regional police co%%ission, which shall perfor%
the functions of the -ational Police Co%%ission in the
autono%ous region. !he 1egional Police Co%%ission shall
e un#er the a#%inistration an# control of the -ational
Police Co%%ission. !he chair%an an# the %e%ers,
thereof, shall e appointe# y the 1egional Governor
su$ect to confir%ation y the 1egional Asse%ly. !he
chair%an shall e an e=&officio co%%issioner of the
-ational Police Co%%ission on %atters #ealing with the
1egional Police ,orce.
!he 1egional Police Co%%ission shall have the power to
investigate co%plaints against the 1egional Police ,orce.
Appeals fro% its #ecisions %ay e lo#ge# with the -ational
Police Co%%ission. Pen#ing resolution of the appeal, its
#ecisions %ay e e=ecute#. !he rules an# regulations
governing the investigation of %e%ers of the Philippine
-ational Police shall e followe# y the 1egional Police
Co%%ission in the asence of rules an# regulations enacte#
y the 1egional Asse%ly.
(ec. 11. 1egional 0efense an# (ecurity. !he #efense an#
security of the autono%ous region shall e the
responsiility of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent. !owar#s this en#, there is herey create# a
1egional Co%%an# of the Ar%e# ,orces of the Philippines
for the autono%ous region, which shall e organiHe#,
%aintaine#, an# utiliHe# in accor#ance with national laws.
!he central govern%ent or national govern%ent shall have
the authority to station an# #eploy in the autono%ous
region such ele%ents of the Ar%e# ,orces as %ay e
necessary to carry out that responsiility. >ualifie#
inhaitants of the autono%ous region shall e given
preference for assign%ents in the sai# regional co%%an#.
(ec. 12. Calling 2pon the Ar%e# ,orces. !he provisions of
the prece#ing (ections notwithstan#ing, the 1egional
Governor %ay reCuest the Presi#ent to call upon the Ar%e#
,orces of the PhilippinesE
;1< !o prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion, or
reellion, when the pulic safety so reCuires, in the
autono%ous region in accor#ance with the provisions of the
;2< !o suppress the #anger to or reach of peace in the
autono%ous region, when the 1egional Police ,orce is not
ale to #o soD or,
;3< !o avert any i%%inent #anger to pulic or#er an#
security in the area of autono%y.
!he Presi#ent %ay on his own accor# sen# the Ar%e#
,orces of the Philippines into the autono%ous region to
attain the aove o$ectives of the 1egional Governor #oes
not act within fifteen ;15< #ays after the occurrence of the
events %entione# aove that nee# to e suppresse#,
prevente#, or suppresse#.
(ec. 13. In#igenous (tructures. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall recogniHe in#igenous structures or syste%s which
pro%ote peace, law, an# or#er.
*#ucation, (cience an# !echnology, Arts, an# (ports
(ection 1. >uality *#ucation, A !op Priority. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall estalish, %aintain, an# support as a top
priority a co%plete an# integrate# syste% of Cuality
e#ucation an# a#opt an e#ucational fra%ewor" that is
%eaningful, relevant, an# responsive to the nee#s, i#eals,
an# aspirations of the people in the region.
!he schools, colleges, an# universities e=isting in the
autono%ous region as of the #ate of the approval of this
+rganic Act an# such other schools an# institutions that
%ay e estalishe# in the region shall e #ee%e# integral
co%ponents of the e#ucational syste% of the 1egional
!he e#ucational syste% of the 1egional Govern%ent shall
e #ee%e# a susyste% of the national e#ucational syste%.
!he regional e#ucational susyste% shall en$oy fiscal
autono%y an# aca#e%ic free#o%.
*#ucational Policies
(ec. 2. Policies an# Principles. Consistent with the asic
state policy on e#ucation, the 1egional Govern%ent shall
a#opt the following e#ucational policies an# principlesE
a< Perpetuation of ,ilipino an# Isla%ic values. !he regional
e#ucational susyste% shall perpetuate ,ilipino an# Isla%ic
values an# i#eals, aspirations, an# orientations. It shall
#evelop the total spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural,
scientific, an# physical aspects of the people of the
autono%ous region to %a"e the% go#&fearing, pro#uctive,
patriotic citiHens, an# conscious of their ,ilipino an#
Isla%ic values an# cultural heritage.
;< Inculcation of values of peaceful settle%ent of #isputes.
!he regional e#ucational susyste% shall prioritiHe the
inculcation a%ong the citiHenry an# stu#ents of their
co%%it%ent to the peaceful settle%ent of #isputes an#
grievances an# the avoi#ance of the use of lawless
!o this en#, e%phasis shall e place# on the #esiraility
an# practicality of relying upon #e%ocratic an# legal
process rather than on the use of guns or resort to violence
to settle personal, fa%ilial, or trial prole%s. !he 1egional
Asse%ly %ay, y law, estalish a progra% for the
surren#er of firear%s with pay%ent of co%pensation
provi#e# y the 1egional Govern%ent. !he progra% %ay
also e supporte# fro% the fun#s of the Philippine -ational
;c< +ptional religious instruction. 1eligious instruction in
pulic schools shall e optional, with the written consent of
the parent or guar#ian, an# taught y the authorities of the
religion to which the stu#ent elongs. !he teaching of
religion shall not involve a##itional costs to the
govern%ent in accor#ance with national policiesD
;#< Inculcation of patriotis% an# nationalis%. !o #evelop,
pro%ote, an# enhance unity in #iversity, all schools in the
autono%ous region shall inculcate into the %in#s of their
stu#ents the values of patriotis% an# nationalis%,
appreciation of the role of national an# regional heroes in
the historical #evelop%ent of the country an# region, foster
love of hu%anity, respect for hu%an rights, an# teach the
rights an# #uties of citiHenship, an# the cultures of the
Musli%s, Christians, an# trial peoples in the regionD
;e< /ocational an# special e#ucation. !he thrusts,
progra%s, an# a#%inistration of vocational, non&for%al,
an# special e#ucation shall e supporte# an# %a#e relevant
to the %anpower nee#s of the regionD
;f< (cholarships, stu#ent loans an# scholarships. A syste%
of scholarship progra%s, grants, stu#ent loans, susi#ies,
an# other incentives shall e %a#e availale to all poor ut
#eserving stu#entsD
;g< ,un#ing for local e#ucation progra%s. ,un#ing for local
e#ucational progra%s shall e the responsiility of the
1egional Govern%entD
;h< Co%%unity participation in e#ucation. !he active
participation of the ho%e, co%%unity, religious
organiHations, an# other sectors in the total e#ucative
process of the chil# shall e encourage# an# supporte#D
;i< 0evelop%ent of regional language. A regional language
%ay e evolve# an# #evelope# fro% the #ifferent #ialects
in the regionD
;$< Me#ia of instruction in schools. ,ilipino an# *nglish
shall e the %e#ia of instruction in all schools in the
autono%ous region. Araic shall e an au=iliary %e#iu% of
;"< !eaching of Araic as su$ect. Araic shall e taught as
a su$ect in all gra#e levels as reCuire# for Musli%s un#er
e=isting laws an# optional, for non&Musli%sD
;l< Au=iliary official languages. 1egional languages %ay e
use# as au=iliary official languages in the region as well as
au=iliary %e#ia of instruction an# co%%unicationD
;%< 0evelop ethnic i#entity. *#ucation in the autono%ous
region shall #evelop consciousness an# appreciation of
one's ethnic i#entity an# shall provi#e a etter
un#erstan#ing of another person's cultural heritage for the
attain%ent of national unity an# har%onyD
;n< !he 1egional Govern%ent shall recogniHe the
participation of private institutions of learning, inclu#ing
the Ma#aris ;Araic schools<, in provi#ing Cuality
e#ucation to the people of the regionD an#
;o< ;1< )asic e#ucation structure. !he ele%entary level
shall follow the asic national structure an# shall provi#e
asic e#ucation, the secon#ary level will correspon# to four
;4< years of high school, an# the tertiary level shall e one
year to three ;3< years for non&#egree courses an# four ;4<
to eight ;9< years for #egree courses, as the case %ay e, in
accor#ance with e=isting laws.
;2< (ocial stu#ies su$ects contents. ,ilipino an# Isla%ic
values shall e incorporate# in the social stu#ies su$ects or
their eCuivalent in appropriate gra#e levels an# su$ect to
agree# nor%s aca#e%ic free#o%, an# legal li%itations.
!hese values shall e taught also as a part of appropriate
su$ects in the secon#ary an# tertiary levels of e#ucation.
;3< !e=too" preparation, writing, revision an# printing.
!he preparation, writing, revision, an# printing of
te=too"s for the use of the schools in the autono%ous
region shall e the $oint responsiility of the 1egional
Govern%ent an# the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent. (u$ect to agree# nor%s, aca#e%ic free#o%,
an# relevant legal li%its, the preparation, writing, revision,
an# printing of the te=too"s shall e%phasiHe ,ilipino an#
Isla%ic values. !he sai# values shall inclu#e those of
Musli%s, Christians, an# in#igenous peoples, hu%an rights,
%o#ern sciences an# technology as well as the latest
a#vances in e#ucation that are relevant to the i#eals of the
autono%ous region an# to the 1epulic.
;4< Accre#itation for transfer to other schools. After they
shall have passe# the core curriculu% prescrie# y the
central govern%ent or national govern%ent, the stu#ents
an# gra#uates of the e#ucation syste% of the autono%ous
region shall e fully accre#ite# for transfer to the
correspon#ing gra#e levels in the schools outsi#e the
autono%ous region.
;5< Perio# for integration of Isla%ic values. !he integration
of Isla%ic values in the curriculu% of the regional
e#ucational susyste% shall e #one over a perio# of si= ;6<
years fro% the approval of this +rganic Act after
appropriate researches an# stu#ies shall have een
con#ucte#, evaluate#, an# approve# y the regional
e#ucation authorities.
;6< Pri%ary responsiility for learning ai#s an#
instructional %aterials. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall
have the pri%ary responsiility to provi#e learning ai#s an#
instructional %aterials to the schools in the autono%ous
region in a##ition to those alrea#y prescrie# y the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent.
;7< 1esponsiility for selection, recruit%ent, appoint%ent,
pro%otion, an# civil service protection of teachers an# non&
teaching personnel. ;a< !he selection, recruit%ent,
appoint%ent, an# pro%otion of teaching an# non&teaching
personnel of the regional e#ucational susyste% shall e
the responsiility of the 1egional Govern%ent. !he
teaching an# non&teaching personnel of the regional
e#ucational susyste% who have appropriate civil service
eligiility %ay not e replace#, re%ove#, or #is%isse#
without $ust cause.
;< !he 1egional Govern%ent %ay i%pose its regionally&
#efine# stan#ar#s for the e%ploy%ent of teaching an# non&
teaching personnel in its school syste% which, however,
shall not e lower than the stan#ar#s of the 0epart%ent of
*#ucation, Culture an# (ports.
;c< In the selection, recruit%ent, appoint%ent, an#
pro%otion of ele%entary, secon#ary, an# tertiary e#ucation
teaching an# non&teaching personnel, the %ini%u%
reCuire%ents an# stan#ar#s prescrie# y the 0epart%ent
of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports, the Co%%ission on
8igher *#ucation, an# the !echnical *#ucation an# ("ills
0evelop%ent Authority shall e oserve# y the regional
e#ucational susyste%.
;9< Preservation of culture, %ores, custo%s, an# tra#itions.
!he culture, %ores, custo%s, an# tra#itions of the Musli%s
people are those of the Christians an# in#igenous people,
shall e preserve#, respecte#, enhance#, an# #evelope#.
;:< (chools to preserve, enhance, an# #evelop cultures,
%ores, custo%s an# tra#itions. !he regular pulic an#
Ma#aris schools the autono%ous region shall e the
pri%ary vehicles for the preservation, enhance%ent, an#
#evelop%ent of the sai# cultures, %ores, custo%s, an#
(ec. 3. 1egional *#ucational Curricula. !he 1egional
0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports shall #evelop
curricula that are relevant to the econo%ic, social, political,
cultural, %oral, an# spiritual nee#s of the people in the
autono%ous region.
(ec. 4. *#ucation, Manage%ent, an# Control of *#ucation.
s !he %anage%ent, control, an# supervision of the
regional e#ucational susyste% shall e the pri%ary
concern of the 1egional Govern%ent.
!he 0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports, the
Co%%ission on 8igher *#ucation, an# the !echnical
*#ucation an# ("ills 0evelop%ent Authority, an# other
appropriate e#ucational o#ies of the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent shall %onitor co%pliance y the
regional e#ucational susyste% with national e#ucational
policies, stan#ar#s, an# regulations. !he 0epart%ent of
*#ucation, Culture an# (ports, the Co%%ission on 8igher
*#ucation, an# the !echnical *#ucation an# ("ills
0evelop%ent Authority of the 1egional Govern%ent shall
participate in policy an# #ecision&%a"ing activities of their
counterparts of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent in %atters that affect the regional e#ucational
*#ucational (tructure
(ec. 5. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay, y law, create,
support an# %aintain a regional 0epart%ent of *#ucation,
Culture an# (ports, an# shall #efine its powers, functions
an# co%position.
(ec. 6. Private (chools (upervision. s ;a< !he 1egional
0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports shall e
responsile for the supervision an# regulation of private
;< Private schools, inclu#ing sectarian an# non&sectarian
institutions of learning of whatever level, %ay organiHe
the%selves an# shall have the right to participate an# e
represente# y three ;3< representatives in the #elierations
of the 1egional 0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an#
(ports on %atters #ealing with private schools.
;c< !he representatives of the private schools to the
1egional 0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports
shall act for the sectarian Christian schools, non&sectarian
schools, an# the schools of the lu%a#s, if any.
;#< !he right of sectarian e#ucational institutions to
propagate their religious eliefs shall e not e curtaile#.
!he regional e#ucational susyste% shall not #iscri%inate
against the sectarian e#ucational institutions in any %anner
or for%.
(ec. 7. *#ucational (usyste% (tructure. !he
organiHational structure of the regional e#ucational
susyste% shall follow the asic structure of the
e#ucational syste% of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent. !he 1egional Asse%ly %ay, however, create
its own structures. It shall prescrie the sa%e curricular
years as those prescrie# nationally.
(ec. 9. Aca#e%ic ,ree#o% an# ,iscal Autono%y. (tate
colleges an# universities shall e part of the regional
e#ucational susyste% within the autono%ous region an#
shall en$oy aca#e%ic free#o% an# fiscal autono%y an#
shall continue to e governe# y their respective charters.
!he provisions of e=isting laws to the contrary
notwithstan#ing, the 1egional Govern%ent shall e
represente# in the oar# of state universities an# colleges in
the region y the Chair of the Co%%ittee on *#ucation,
Culture an# (ports of the 1egional Asse%ly either as co&
chair or co&vice chair.
(ec. :. *#ucation Centers. All state colleges an#
universities in the autono%ous region shall serve as
regional centers for tertiary an# post gra#uate e#ucation in
their respective areas of co%petence.
(ec. 10. !rial 2niversity (yste%. !he 1egional Asse%ly
create a trial university syste% within the autono%ous
region to a##ress the higher e#ucational nee#s of the
in#igenous cultural co%%unities in the region.
Ma#rasah *#ucation
(ec. 11. (upervision of Ma#aris (chools. Accre#ite#
%a#aris in the autono%ous region shall e supervise# y
the 0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports in
accor#ance with the principles of the Constitution an# this
+rganic Act. !he e#ucational policies shoul# also ta"e into
consi#eration the teaching of the Loran than an e#ucational
syste% shoul# inculcate respect y in#ivi#uals for #uly
constitute# authority. A perio#ic review an# supervision of
the 'Ma#aris' e#ucational syste% shall e con#ucte# y the
0epart%ent of *#ucation, Culture an# (ports an# a
%onthly report shall e su%itte# y the 0epart%ent to
Congress through the (enate Presi#ent, the (pea"er an# the
Chairs of respective e#ucation co%%ittees of oth 8ouses
of Congress or the correspon#ing co%%ittees of the
1egional Asse%ly of the autono%ous region in Musli%
Min#anao, if there are such co%%ittees in the sai#
(ec. 12. Ma#rasah *#ucational (yste%D Araic as Me#iu%
of Instruction. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall enact
legislation for the strengthening an# #evelop%ent of the
Ma#rasah *#ucational (yste% in the autono%ous region.
Araic is herey recogniHe# as a %e#iu% of instruction in
%a#aris ;schools< an# other Isla%ic institutions.
(ec. 13. Ma#aris. *=isting %a#aris an# %a#aris ulya are
#ee%e# parts of the regional e#ucational susyste%.
(ec. 14. Ma#aris !eachers >ualifying *=a%inationsD
Co%pensations. !he 1egional 0epart%ent of *#ucation,
Culture an# (ports shall, in coor#ination with the 1egional
Co%%ission on 8igher *#ucation, con#uct perio#ic
co%petitive Cualifying e=a%inations of %a#aris teachers
for per%anent appoint%ents to the regional e#ucational
!he co%pensation of %a#aris teachers e%ploye# in the
pulic schools of the autono%ous region shall e ta"en
fro% the fun#s of the 1egional Govern%ent.
(cience an# !echnology
(ec. 15. (cience an# !echnology. (cience an# !echnology
are recogniHe# as essential to national an# regional progress
an# #evelop%ent.
(ec. 16. Priority Legislation. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall
enact laws that shallE
;a< Give priority to science, research, inventions,
technology, e#ucation, an# their #evelop%ent an#
;< Provi#e incentives, inclu#ing ta= #e#uction an# fun#ing
assistance, an# encourage the participation of the private
sector in asic an# applie# scientific researchesD
;c< 1egulate the transfer an# pro%ote the a#option of
technology fro% all sources for regional enefitsD
;#< (ecure an# protect the e=clusive rights of scientists,
inventors, scholars, writers, artists, an# other gifte# citiHens
to their intellectual propertiesD an#
;e< *nsure the full an# effective participation of all sectors
in the planning, progra%%ing, coor#ination, an#
i%ple%entation of scientific an# technological researches
an# the acCuisition, a#option, innovation, an# application
of science an# technology for #evelop%ent.
(ec. 17. *nviron%ental Changes. !he regional e#ucational
susyste% shall en#eavor to respon# positively an#
effectively to the cli%atic changes affecting the
environ%ent. It shall %onitor an# evaluate ecological
#evelop%ents affecting the region an# #evelop appropriate
plans to %eet ecological situations. !o this en#, it %ay
estalish lin"ages with appropriate #o%estic an#
international institutions.
(ec. 19. -on&,or%al *#ucation. !he 1egional 0epart%ent
+f *#ucation, Culture An# (ports shall institutionaliHe
non&for%al e#ucation in scope an# %etho#ology, to inclu#e
literacy, nu%eracy, an# intensive s"ills training of the
youth an# a#ults.
(cholarship Grants an# Assistance
(ec. 1:. 0onations to 2niversities, Colleges an# (chools.
Pulic or private universities, colleges, an# schools in the
autono%ous region %ay see" an# receive local or foreign
#onations for e#ucational purposes. 0onors to pulic or
private universities, colleges, an# schools %ay #e#uct the
a%ount of the #onation fro% their ta=ale inco%e #ue to
the 1egional Govern%ent.
(ec. 20. (cholarship Progra%s. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall provi#e scholarships to Cualifie# poor ut #eserving
stu#ents in all levels of e#ucation. !o this en#, the 1egional
Govern%ent shall #evote, at least, fifteen percent ;15V< of
its regular u#get for e#ucation to support scholarships an#
shall en#eavor to aug%ent the fun#s for scholarships fro%
other sources of revenue, pulic or private.
!he 1egional Govern%ent shall a#%inister the scholarship
progra%s of the Co%%ission on 8igher *#ucation an# the
!echnical *#ucation an# ("ills 0evelop%ent Authority
scholarship progra%s, oth local an# foreign within the
region. !he a#%inistrative an# other #etails of this transfer
of authority to a#%inister the scholarship progra%s shall e
#one within si= ;6< %onths fro% the approval of this
+rganic Act.
(ec. 21. ,inancial Assistance for 0isa#vantage#, 0eserving
(tu#ents. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall provi#e financial
assistance to #isa#vantage# ut #eserving stu#ents fro%
any fun#s inclu#ing those provi#e# y the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent for that purpose.
,un#s for *#ucation
(ec. 22. 1elease of *#ucation ,un#s. *#ucational fun#s for
the 1egional Govern%ent allocate# y the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent in the General
Appropriations Act shall e release# #irectly to the
treasurer of the 1egional Govern%ent
Physical *#ucation an# (ports 0evelop%ent
(ec. 23. Physical *#ucation an# (ports 0evelop%ent. !he
regional e#ucational susyste% shall #evelop an# %aintain
an integrate# an# co%prehensive physical e#ucation
progra%. It shall #evelop healthy, #iscipline#, creative,
innovative, an# pro#uctive in#ivi#uals, an# pro%ote the
spirit of sports%anship, cooperation tea%wor", goo#will,
an# un#erstan#ing
(ec. 24. (ports Progra%s. !he regional e#ucational
susyste% shall encourage an# support sports progra%s,
league co%petitions, in#igenous ga%es, %artial arts, an#
a%ateur sports inclu#ing training for regional, national, an#
international co%petitions.
Cultural 8eritage
(ec. 25. Cultural 8eritage. !he cultural heritage of the
people of the autono%ous region shall e an integral
co%ponent of regional #evelop%ent.
(ec. 26. Protection an# Pro%otion of Culture. !he 1egional
Govern%ent shall recogniHe, respect, protect, preserve,
revive, #evelop, pro%ote, an# enhance the culture, custo%s,
tra#itions, eliefs an# practices of the people of the
autono%ous. region It shall encourage an# un#erta"e the
recovery, collection, collation, an# restoration of historical
an# cultural properties for posterity.
(ec. 27. )ureau of Cultural 8eritage. !he 1egional
Asse%ly %ay, y law, create a ureau on cultural heritage.
!he )ureau shall plan, initiate, i%ple%ent, an# %onitor
cultural progra%s, pro$ects, an# activities that preserve an#
enhance the positive ele%ents of the in#igenous culture of
the inhaitants of the autono%ous region. It shall
coor#inate with other concerne# agencies engage# in
si%ilar an# relate# activities.
A1!ICL* O/
(ocial .ustice, (ervices, Institutions,
an# +ther Concerns
(ection 1. Pro%otion of (ocial .ustice. !he pro%otion of
social $ustice shall inclu#e the co%%it%ent to create social,
political, an# econo%ic opportunities ase# on free#o% of
initiative, resourcefulness, an# self&reliance.
(ec. 2. ;a< (ocial (ervices. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall,
consistent with the provisions of the Constitutions an#
e=isting national laws, enact %easures to provi#e an#
pro%ote social services.
;< ,oo# an# 0rug 1egulation. !he 1egional Asse%ly
shall, y law, estalish an# %aintain an effective foo# an#
#rug regulatory syste%. !he rational use of #rugs through
an essential #rugs list an# the use of generic %e#icines or
#rugs, as well as the use of heral %e#icines an#
in#igenous health resources, whenever appropriate, shall e
encourage# an# pro%ote#.
;c< +ther Legislation. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall also
enact legislation on the followingE
;1< Chil# health an# #evelop%ent, inclu#ing the support of
the physically challenge# an# other #isa#vantage# persons
in nee# of welfare servicesD
;2< Protection an# #evelop%ent of the rights of wo%en an#
of in#igenous populationD
;3< 1egistration of irths, %arriages an# #eathsD an#
;4< ,i=ing of regional pulic holi#ays.
(ec. 3. 8ousing Progra%. !he 1egional Govern%ent, in
cooperation with the private sector, shall evolve its own
housing progra% that will provi#e a#eCuate, low&cost, an#
#ecent housing facilities, an# other asic services to the
resi#ents of the region, especially the un#erprivilege#.
(ec. 4. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall, within one year fro%
its organiHation, enact %easures e%o#ying re&integration
progra%s responsive to the nee#s of for%er reels who
return to the fol# of the law. A rehailitation progra% shall
e provi#e# for #isplace# persons or co%%unities that are
victi%s of %an&%a#e or natural cala%ities.
(ec. 5. ,a%ily as -ation's ,oun#ation. !he 1egional
Govern%ent recogniHes the ,ilipino fa%ily as the
foun#ation of the nation. It shall strengthen its soli#arity
an# actively pro%ote its total #evelop%ent.
(ec. 6. ?o%en's 1ights. !he 1egional Govern%ent
recogniHes the role of wo%en in nation uil#ing an#
regional #evelop%ent. It shall pro%ote their well&eing an#
ensure their fun#a%ental rights an# eCuality with %en.
!he 1egional Govern%ent shall ta"e appropriate %easures
against all for%s of e=ploitation of an# #iscri%ination
against wo%en.
It shall ensure the representation of wo%en in appropriate
#ecision an# policy&%a"ing o#ies.
(ec. 7. Gouth. !he 1egional Govern%ent recogniHes the
vital role of the youth in nation uil#ing.
!he 1egional Asse%ly %ay, y law, create the +ffice of
Gouth Affairs an# #efine its powers, functions, an#
(ec. 9. People's +rganiHation. !he 1egional Govern%ent
shall protect an# pro%ote the rights of people's
(ec. :. Protection +f Laor. !he 1egional Govern%ent
recogniHes laor as a pri%ary social econo%ic force for
#evelop%ent. It shall affor# full protection to laor,
pro%ote full e%ploy%ent, ensure eCual wor" opportunities
regar#less of se=, race, or cree#, an# regulate the relations
etween wor"ers an# e%ployers.
!he 1egional Govern%ent shall ensure the right of laor to
its $ust share in the fruits of pro#uction, an# the right of
enterprise to reasonale returns on invest%ents an# to
e=pansion an# growth.
General Provisions
(ection 1. !he 1egional Asse%ly is herey e%powere# to
pass a law a#opting an official regional e%le%, seal, an#
hy%n. !he regional e%le% an# seal shall e #isplaye#
along with the national e%le% an# seal. !he regional
hy%n shall e sung in after the national anthe% in official
procee#ings at the #iscretion of the govern%ent officials in
the autono%ous region.
(ec. 2. 0isciplinary Authority +ver +fficials an#
*%ployees. !he 1egional Govern%ent shall have pri%ary
#isciplinary authority over officials an# e%ployees of the
1egional Govern%ent. In the e=ercise of that authority, the
1egional Govern%ent shall apply the Civil (ervice Law,
rules an# regulations of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent until the 1egional Asse%ly shall have
enacte# a 1egional Civil (ervice Law.
!he 1egional Civil (ervice Law shall govern the con#uct
of the civil servants, the Cualifications for non&elective
positions, an# the protection of civil service eligiles in
various govern%ent positions in the autono%ous region
!he 1egional Civil (ervice Law shall e consistent with
the provisions of Article IO ;< of the Constitution.
(ec. 3. +ath of +ffice. All pulic officers an# e%ployees,
as well as %e%ers of the 1egional Police ,orce an# the
%ilitary estalish%ent, shall e reCuire# to ta"e an oath of
allegiance to the 1epulic of the Philippines, to support an#
#efen# the Constitution an# this +rganic Act, renounce the
use of violence, an# co%%it the%selves to #e%ocratic
%eans in the pursuit of their i#eals an# aspirations.
(ec. 4. Civil (ervice *ligiility. 2ntil the 1egional
Asse%ly shall have enacte# a civil service law, the civil
service eligiilities reCuire# y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent for appoint%ents to pulic positions
shall li"ewise e reCuire# for appoint%ents to govern%ent
positions in the 1egional Govern%ent. As %ay e
necessary, the Civil (ervice Co%%ission shall hol# special
civil service e=a%inations in the autono%ous region. ,or a
perio# not longer %ore than si= ;6< years fro% the approval
of this +rganic Act, the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent shall en#eavor to provi#e appropriate civil
service eligiility to applicants co%ing fro% the
autono%ous region for govern%ent positions therein. !he
%ini%u% Cualifications prescrie# y law shall, however,
e %et.
(ec. 5. Prohiition Against *%ploy%ent of Military
Personnel in Civil (ervice. -o %e%er of the Ar%e#
,orces of the Philippines in the active service shall, at any
ti%e e appointe# or #esignate# in any capacity to a
civilian position in the 1egional Govern%ent, inclu#ing
govern%ent&owne# or&controlle# corporations or in any of
their susi#iaries or instru%entalities within the
autono%ous region.
(ec. 6. Pro%ulgation an# !ranslation of +rganic Act. !his
+rganic Act shall e officially pro%ulgate# in ,ilipino,
*nglish, an# Araic an# translate# into the #ialects wi#ely
spo"en in the autono%ous region. In case of conflict, the
*nglish te=t shall prevail.
A%en#%ents or Provisions
(ection 1. Consistent with the provisions of the
Constitution, this +rganic Act %ay e re&a%en#e# or
revise# y the Congress of the Philippines upon a vote of
two&thir#s ;2S3< of the Me%ers of the 8ouse of
1epresentatives an# of the (enate voting separately.
(ec. 2. !he 1egional Asse%ly shall have the power to
initiate proposals for a%en#%ent to or revisions of this
+rganic Act y a vote of three&fourths ;3S4< of all its
Me%ers or it %ay call for a 1egional Consultative
Co%%ission to propose the a%en#%ent or revision. In any
case, the a%en#%ent or revision shall reCuire the approval
of the Congress of the Philippines y a vote of two&thir#s
;2S3< of the Me%ers of the 8ouse of 1epresentatives an#
of the (enate voting separately.
(ec. 3. Any a%en#%ent to or revision of this +rganic Act
shall eco%e effective only when approve# y a %a$ority
of the vote cast in a pleiscite calle# for the purpose, which
shall e hel# not earlier than si=ty ;60< #ays or later than
ninety ;:0< #ays after the approval of such a%en#%ent or
!ransitory Provisions
(ection 1. 0isposition of Certain 1eal Properties of the
Autono%ous 1egion. !he lan# an# per%anent uil#ings or
structures owne#, controlle#, a#%inistere#, or in the
possession of the 1egional Govern%ent of the Autono%ous
1egion in Musli% Min#anao, inclu#ing those for%erly
owne#, hel#, a#%inistere#, or controlle# y the #efunct
autono%ous govern%ents in 1egions IO an# OII locate# in
provinces an# cities which #o not vote favoraly for the
inclusion of their respective areas in the Autono%ous
1egion in Musli% Min#anao as provi#e# y this +rganic
Act shall e purchase# y the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent at a price to e #eter%ine# y the
+versight Co%%ittee as provi#e# for in (ec. 3 of this
Article, within three ;3< %onths fro% the hol#ing of the
sai# pleiscite. Any #ispute on the price as #eter%ine# y
the +versight Co%%ittee %ay e appeale# to the Presi#ent
of the Philippines, who shall #eci#e on sai# price with
finality within three ;3< %onths fro% the receipt of the
appeal. !he procee#s of the purchase shall e re%itte# to
the 1egional Govern%ent of the Autono%ous 1egion in
Musli% Min#anao.
!he national govern%ent or central govern%ent shall
within three ;3< %onths fro% its acCuisition of sai# lan#
an# per%anent uil#ings or structures sell, transfer, an#
convey the sai# properties in favor of the local govern%ent
unit having territorial $uris#iction thereover an# willing to
purchase the sai# lan# an# uil#ings or structures, or
portions thereof, at the price agree# upon y the central
govern%ent or national govern%ent with the local
govern%ent concerne#.
(ec. 2. Personnel Asore# y 1egional Govern%ent. All
personnel of the central govern%ent or national
govern%ent an# of govern%ent&owne# or&controlle#
corporations who are asore# y the 1egional
Govern%ent shall retain their seniority rights,
co%pensation levels, an# other enefits.
(ec. 3. +versight Co%%ittee. ?ithin one ;1< %onth fro%
the approval of this +rganic Act, an oversight co%%ittee
co%pose# ofE ;a< the *=ecutive (ecretary as Chair%an, ;<
the (ecretary of )u#get an# Manage%ent, ;c< the 1egional
Governor of the autono%ous region, ;#< the (pea"er of the
1egional Asse%ly, ;e< the Chair of the (enate Co%%ittee
on Local Govern%ent, ;f< one ;1< other (enator #esignate#
y the (enate Presi#ent, ;g< the Chair of the 8ouse
Co%%ittee on Local Govern%ent, an# ;h< one ;1< other
representative representing a congressional #istrict in the
Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao #esignate# y
the (pea"er of the 8ouse of 1epresentatives, as %e%ers,
shall e organiHe# for the purpose of supervising the
transfer to the autono%ous region of such powers an#
functions veste# in it y this +rganic Act, an# the
appropriations of the offices or agencies, inclu#ing the
transfer of properties, assets, an# liailities, an# such
personnel as %ay e necessaryD an#, of i#entifying the other
line agencies an# govern%ent&owne# or &controlle#
corporations that %ay e asore# y the 1egional
Govern%ent an#, with respect to the latter, also the ter%s
an# con#itions of their turnover.
?ithin si= ;6< %onths after its organiHation as or#aine# y
this +rganic Act, the oversight co%%ittee shall su%it its
report an# reco%%en#ations to the Presi#ent of the
Philippines who shall act on the report an#
reco%%en#ations within ninety ;:0< #ays after receiving it.
If the Presi#ent fails to act within sai# perio#, the
reco%%en#ation of the oversight co%%ittee shall e
#ee%e# approve#.
(ec. 4. Agencies an# +ffices !ransferre# to the
Autono%ous 1egion. 2pon the election of the officials of
the 1egional Govern%ent, as %an#ate# y this +rganic
Act, the line agencies an# offices of the central govern%ent
or national govern%ent #ealing with local govern%ent,
social services, science an# technology, laor, natural
resources, an# touris%, inclu#ing their personnel,
eCuip%ent, properties, an# u#gets, shall e i%%e#iately
place# un#er the control an# supervision of the 1egional
+ther central govern%ent or national govern%ent offices
an# agencies in the autono%ous region which are not
e=clu#e# un#er (ec. 3, Article I/ of this +rganic Act
together with their personnel, eCuip%ent, properties, an#
u#gets, shall e place# un#er the control an# supervision
of the 1egional Govern%ent pursuant to a sche#ule
prescrie# y the oversight co%%ittee %entione# in (ec. 3
of this Article. !he transfer of these offices an# agencies
an# their personnel, eCuip%ent, properties, an# u#gets
shall e acco%plishe# within si= ;6< years fro% the re&
organiHation of the 1egional Govern%ent.
!he central govern%ent or national govern%ent shall
continue to provi#e such levels of e=pen#itures as %ay e
necessary to enale the 1egional Govern%ent to carry out
the functions #evolve# un#er this +rganic Act. !he annual
u#getary support shall, as soon as practicale, ter%inate
for the line agencies or offices #evolve# to the 1egional
(ec. 5. -otwithstan#ing the provisions of the prece#ing
(ec., the Govern%ent (ervice InS!rance (yste% ;G(I(<,
the (ocial (ecurity (yste% ;(((<, the Pagtutulungan&I"aw,
)ang"o, In#ustriya't Goyerno ;PAG&I)IG<, an# other
fun#s of si%ilar trust or fi#uciary nature shall e e=e%pt
fro% the coverage of this +rganic Act.
(ec. 6. )u#getary Law, 1ules, an# 1egulations. Pen#ing
the enact%ent of a regional u#getary law, the u#geting
process of the 1egional Govern%ent shall e governe# y
pertinent rules an# regulations prescrie# y the
0epart%ent of )u#get an# Manage%ent.
(ec. 7. ,irst 1egular *lections. !he first regular elections
of the 1egional Governor, 1egional /ice Governor an#
%e%ers of the regional legislative asse%ly un#er this
+rganic Act shall e hel# on the secon# Mon#ay of
(epte%er 2001. !he Co%%ission on *lections shall
pro%ulgate rules an# regulations as %ay e necessary for
the con#uct of sai# election.
!he election of the 1egional Governor, 1egional /ice
Governor, an# %e%ers of the 1egional Legislative
Asse%ly of the Autono%ous 1egion In Musli% Min#anao
;A1MM< set forth in 1epulic Act -o. 9:53 is herey reset
!he fun#s for the hol#ing of the A1MM elections shall e
ta"en fro% the savings of the national govern%ent or shall
e provi#e# in the General Appropriations Act ;GAA<.
(ec. 9. !he incu%ent 1egional Governor, 1egional /ice
Governor, an# %e%ers of the 1egional Legislative
Asse%ly of the Autono%ous 1egion In Musli% Min#anao
shall continue in office pursuant to e=isting laws an# until
their successors shall have een #uly electe# an# Cualifie#.
(ec. :. ?ithin one ;1< year fro% its organiHation, the
1egional Asse%ly shall, y law, create a co#e co%%ission
on Musli% an# a co#e co%%ission on trial laws. *ach
co#e co%%ission shall have three ;3< %e%ers. !he co#e
co%%issions shall co#ify trial laws an# Isla%ic laws an#
$urispru#ence within three ;3< years fro% their creation an#
su%it the sa%e to the 1egional Asse%ly for enact%ent
into law.
!he Chairs an# Co%%issioners of the co#e co%%issions
shall e entitle# to reasonale per #ie%s for the wor".
(ec. 10. Initial ,un#s for the 1egional Govern%ent. !he
su% of ,ifteen %illion pesos ;P15,000,000.00<,which shall
e charge# against the Contingent ,un# of the Presi#ent, is
herey appropriate# for the initial organiHational
reCuire%ents of the 1egional Govern%ent. Any #eficiency
shall e ta"en fro% savings of the central govern%ent or
national govern%ent. An a%ount not e=cee#ing !en %illion
pesos ;P10,000,000.00< thereof shall e allotte# to the
Co%%ission on *lections to un#erta"e an infor%ation
ca%paign on this +rganic Act. !he Co%%ission on
*lections shall #eter%ine the %anner of ca%paigning an#
the #eputiHation of govern%ent agencies for the purpose.
!he Co%%ission on *lections shall a#opt %easures to
ensure the #isse%ination of the sai# i%partial infor%ation
(ec. 11. Annual Assistance. In a##ition to the regular
annual allot%ent to fun# the regular operations of the
1egional Govern%ent, such a%ounts as %ay e nee#e# to
fun# the infrastructure pro$ects #uly i#entifie#, en#orse#,
an# approve# y the 1egional *cono%ic an# 0evelop%ent
Planning )oar# as create# herein shall e provi#e# y the
central govern%ent or national govern%ent as annual
assistance for si= ;6< years after the approval of this
+rganic Act, an# shall e inclu#e# in the annual General
Appropriations Act ;GAA<. !he annual assistance herein
%entione# shall e appropriate# an# #isurse# through a
Pulic ?or"s Act #uly enacte# y the 1egional Asse%ly.
!he national progra%s an# pro$ects in the autono%ous
region shall continue to e finance# y central govern%ent
or national govern%ent fun#s.
(ec. 12. (ectoral 1epresentatives. !he sectoral
representatives %entione# in (ec. 3, Article /I of this
+rganic Act, shall e chosen y the sectoral groups
concerne# at sectoral conventions calle# for the purpose y
the Co%%ission on *lections. !he sectoral conventions
shall e hel# within three ;3< %onths after the #ate of the
hol#ing of the si%ultaneous pleiscites %an#ate# y this
+rganic Act.
!he Co%%ission on *lections ;C+M*L*C< shall
for%ulate the rules an# regulations to ensure eCuitale
sectoral representations in the 1egional Asse%ly. It shall
i#entify an# accre#it the sectoral organiHations, which shall
e entitle# to sectoral representation in the 1egional
!he 1egional Asse%ly shall enact a law for the election of
%arginaliHe# an# un#er&represente# sectors, following the
principle of proportional representation, within its first ter%
following the approval of this +rganic Act.
(ec. 13. Pleiscite an# *ffectivity of this +rganic Act. !his
+rganic Act shall ta"e effect when approve# y a %a$ority
of the votes cast in the four ;4< provinces constituting the
present Autono%ous 1egion In Musli% Min#anao pursuant
to 1epulic Act -o. 6734, the +rganic Act for the
Autono%ous 1egion in Musli% Min#anao.
A separate pleiscite shall e hel# si%ultaneously with the
pleiscite %entione# in the prece#ing paragraph in the
Provinces of )asilan, Cotaato, 0avao #el (ur, Lanao #el
-orte, Palawan, (arangani, (outh Cotaato, (ultan
Lu#arat, Na%oanga #el -orte, Na%oanga #el (ur an# the
newly create# Province of Na%oanga (iugay, an# the
cities of Cotaato, 0apitan, 0ipolog, General (antos,
Iligan, Marawi, Paga#ian, Puerto Princesa, Na%oanga,
0igos, Lorona#al, !acurong, an# Li#apawan to #eter%ine
y %a$ority vote cast in every province an# city whether or
not the voters approve the inclusion of their respective
provinces or cities in the autono%ous region. +nly
provinces an# cities voting favoraly in such pleiscite
shall e inclu#e# in the Autono%ous 1egion in Musli%
If the %a$ority of the votes cast in the sai# pleiscite in the
four ;4< provinces favor the a%en#%ents to 1epulic Act
6734, the a%en#%ents will e #ee%e# ratifie#.
(ec. 14. Pleiscite Infor%ation Ca%paign. s !he
Co%%ission on *lections shall con#uct an infor%ation
ca%paign on the pleiscite in every %unicipality, city, an#
province where the pleiscite is hel#. Pulic conferences,
asse%lies, or %eetings on #ates efore the pleiscite #ay,
itself, shall e hel# to infor% the resi#ents thereof regar#ing
the significance an# %eaning of the pleiscite an# to help
the% to cast their votes intelligently. ,ree, full, an#
constructive #iscussion an# e=change of views on the
issues shall e encourage#. ,or this purpose, the assistance
of persons of "nown proity an# "nowle#ge %ay e
enliste# y the Co%%ission on *lections, the 1egional
Govern%ent, the local govern%ent units or intereste#
parties to act as spea"ers or resource persons.
(ec. 15. Pro%ulgation of 1ulesD Appropriations for
(i%ultaneous Pleiscites. !he Co%%ission on *lections
shall within fifteen ;15< #ays fro% the approval of this
+rganic Act, pro%ulgate such rules an# regulations as %ay
e necessary to govern the con#uct of the pleiscites.
!he a%ount necessary for the con#uct of the pleiscites
shall e charge# against any savings of the appropriations
of the Co%%ission on *lections an# any #eficiency thereof,
shall e aug%ente# fro% the contingent fun#.
(ec. 16. None of Peace an# 0evelop%ent. !he (pecial
None of Peace an# 0evelop%ent in the (outhern
Philippines, the (outhern Philippines Council for Peace an#
0evelop%ent, an# the Consultative Asse%ly create#
un#er *=ecutive +r#er -o. 371 #ate# +ctoer 2, 1::6, are
#ee%e# aolishe# an# shall cease to e=ist as of the #ate of
the approval of this +rganic Act in the sai# pleiscites. If
this +rganic Act is re$ecte# in the sai# pleiscites, the
afore%entione# o#ies shall continue to e=ist only in the
four ;4< provinces constituting the present A1MM an# in
the provinces an# cities that opt to $oin the e=pan#e#
autono%ous region until aolishe# y law.
(ec. 17. (eparaility Clause. !he provisions of this +rganic
Act are herey #eclare# to e separate an# in the event one
or %ore of such provisions are hel# unconstitutional, the
vali#ity of other provisions shall not e affecte# therey.
(ec. 19. 1epealing Clause. All laws, #ecrees, or#ers, rules
an# regulations, an# other issuances or parts thereof, which
are inconsistent with this +rganic Act, are herey repeale#
or %o#ifie# accor#ingly.
(ec. 1:. *ffectivity Clause. !his +rganic Act shall ta"e
effect after fifteen ;15< #ays following its co%plete
pulication in at least two national newspapers of general
circulation an# one local newspaper of general circulation
in the autono%ous region.
Approve#E March 31, 2001
;)ac" to top<
(8A1I'A8 )A1 >2*(!I+-( I- P1+C*021* A-0
1:93 (8A1I'A8 *OAMI-A!I+- +-
I(LAMIC P1+C*021* A-0 */I0*-C*
1. *=plain the %eaning of Fthe ur#en of proof is on the
plaintiff an# oath is incu%ent on hi% who #eniesF.
2. 0efine trial an# e=plain its or#er. 0istinguish it fro% pre&
3. At the sche#ule# hearing, the plaintiff faile# to present
his witnesses an# to a##uce evi#ence in court. !he shari'a
court $u#ge a#%inistere# the oath ;(amin< to #efen#ant.
)efore the ren#ition of $u#g%ent, plaintiff petitione# the
court that he e allowe# to present his evi#ence to prove his
case. If you are the shari'a $u#ge, will you grant his %otionT
?hat is the effect of the oath ;(amin< a#%inistere# to
#efen#antT *=plain.
4. ?hen shall the state%ent of witnesses ;#h!h!d< an#
other evi#ence ;+a((ina< e su%itte#T Can the shari'a
court procee# with the trial proper prior to the su%ission
of the state%ent of witnessesT *=plain.
5. In one case, plaintiff file# his co%plaint an# #efen#ant
file# his answer with counterclai%s. In the course of the
procee#ings, the shari'a trial court or#ere# the #efen#ant to
ta"e an oath ;(amin<, ut he refuse# ;n!k!l<. !hereafter, the
shari'a trial court or#ere# the plaintiff to affir% his clai%
un#er oath, ut he also refuse# ;n!k!l<. 2n#er this setting,
can the shari'a court vali#ly #is%iss the case #espite the
#efen#ant's counterclai%sT ?ill the #efen#ant e arre#
fro% recovering his counterclai%s %erely ecause he
refuse# to ta"e an oath ;(amin<T *=plain.
6. ;A< ?hat are the three legal %etho#s of proof in isla%ic
;)< ?hat is the special proce#ure for %utual i%precation
7. 0ifferentiate e=clusive original $uris#iction fro%
concurrent original $uris#iction of the shari'a #istrict court.
Give e=a%ple of each.
9. *=plain ta'#il in relation to tar$ih as an inCuisitorial
process of $u#icial a#%inistration of the shari'a law.
:. 0efine m!dda'i an# m!dda'alaih. ?ho a%ong the two
has the ur#en of proofT In counter&clai%, has m!dda'alaih
the ur#en of proofT *=plain.
10. ?hat shoul# e state# or allege# in a co%plaintT
Prepare a co%plaint for support.
& o + o &
1:97 (8A1I'A8 *OAMI-A!I+- +-
P1+C*021* A-0 */I0*-C*
1. ;a< 0efine or e=plain the %eaning of *vi#ence.
;< *=plain riefly, #istinguishing one fro% the otherE
*vi#ence an# Proof.
2. ?hat #o you un#erstan# y Fur#en of proofF as
#istinguishe# fro% Fur#en of *vi#enceET
3. 0iscuss riefly the #istinction etween .uris#iction an#
4. *nu%erate the cases cogniHale y the (hari'ah 0istrict
Court in the e=ercise of itsE
a< e=clusive original $uris#ictionD
< concurrent $uris#iction with the Civil CourtsD an#
c< appellate $uris#iction.
5. *nu%erate the cases of falling within the e=clusive
original $uris#iction of the (hari'ah Circuit Court.
6. a< 8ow %ay an action ;da'wa< e co%%ence# in the
(hari'ah Court un#er the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ureT
< 0istinguish etween m!dda'i K %u##a'aalai as
un#erstoo# an# conte%plate# in Isla%ic 1ules on
Proce#ure an# evi#enceT
7. a< ?hen %ay the #efen#ant ;%u##a'&aalai< file his
answer to the co%plaintT
< ?hat is the effect of the #efen#ant's failure to file his
answer within the regle%entary perio# fi=e# y the (pecial
c< 2pon the failure of the #efen#ant to file his answer
within the regle%entary perio# fi=e# y the (pecial 1ules,
%ay the plaintiff ;Mu###a'i< un#er the sa%e rules file the
correspon#ing %otion to #eclare #efen#ant ;M!dda'alai< in
9. a< ?hen #oes a $u#ge%ent eco%e final an# e=ecutoryT
< 8ow is an appeal ta"enE
1. ,ro% the (hari'ah Circuit Court to the (hari'ah 0istrict
2. ,ro% the (hari'ah 0istrict Court to the (upre%e CourtT
:. a< ?hat are the specific offenses punishale un#er P.0.
1093 which are recogniHe# y the (hari'ah Circuit CourtsT
< 2n#er the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure in the (hari'ah
Courts, na%e the plea#ings, petitions %otions prohiite# or
#isallowe# to e file# in Court. 10. Practical *=ercisesE
!he parties are Musli%s. FAE file# in the (hari'ah 0istrict
Court of the City of Na%oanga an action against F)F for
the recovery of a su% of %oney. After #ue trial, $u#ge%ent
was ren#ere# in favor of FAF sentencing F)F to pay the
a%ount #e%an#e# in the co%plaint. I%%e#iately after
receiving notice of the $u#ge%ent, F)F file# a %otion for
reconsi#eration on the groun# that the $u#ge%ent was
contrary to law an# the evi#ence. )efore the %otion for
reconsi#eration coul# e hear#, the recor#s of the case were
totally #estroye# y a fire that gutte# the 8all of .ustice
where the (hari'ah 0istrict Court was locate#. +ne year
thereafter, the recor#s of the case were #uly reconstitute#.
I%%e#iately after the reconstitu&tion, F)F file# a petition
praying that his pen#ing %otion for reconsi#eration e
hear# an# resolve#. FAF in turn, file# a %otion praying for
e=ecution of $u#ge%ent, alleging that the $u#ge%ent ha#
alrea#y eco%e final on the groun# that F)F ha# faile# to
perfect the appeal on ti%e. !he court, without #eci#ing
F)'sF %otion for reconsi#eration, or#ere# the issuance of
the writ of e=ecution.
>. a< If you were the attorney for F)F, what procee#ings
woul# you institute to protect the rights an# interest of your
< Prepare the appropriate plea#ing ;legal for%< to e file#
efore the appellate Court on the asis of the facts aove
1::1 (8A1I'A8 )A1 >2*(!I+--AI1*
+- P1+C*021* I- (8A1I'A8 C+21!(
1. ;a< 0efine Proce#ure an# #istinguish it fro% *vi#ence.
;< 8ow shoul# 1ules of Proce#ure e construe# an# whyT
2. 8ow #o you co%%ence an action or procee#ing in the
(hari'ah CourtT *=plain.
3. ;a< 0efine co%plaintT
;< May a co%plaint lo#ge# efore the (hari'ah Court e
%a#e orallyT *=plain.
4. ;a< ?hat shoul# the co%plaint containT
;< 8ow %ay the (hari'ah Court acCuire $uris#iction over
the person of the #efen#antT
5. ;a< ?hen %ay a #efen#ant file his answer or appear
personally or y counsel fro% receipt of su%%onsT
;< If the #efen#ant fails to answer or appear personally or
y counsel within the regle%entary perio#, is it necessary
for the plaintiff or counsel to file a %otion to #eclare
#efen#ant in #efaultT *=plain.
6. ;a< Is the Pre&!rial 8earing or Conference un#er the
(pecial 1ules of the (hari'ah Court %an#atory or %erely
#irectoryT An#, when shoul# it e hel#T
;< ?hat are the su$ect %atters to e consi#ere# in the
Pre&!rial 8earingT
7. ;a< ?hat plea#ingsS#ocu%ents are to e su%itte# y the
parties or through counsels to the (hari'ah Court within ten
;10< #ays fro% receipt of Pre&!rial +r#erT
;< May the (hari'ah Court i%%e#iately #eci#e the case
an# ren#er $u#g%ent without a for%al hearing on the asis
of the plea#ings, evi#ence an# %e%oran#a su%itte# in the
Pre&!rialT *=plain.
9. ;a< ?hen the $u#ge sets the case for hearing, who %ay e
calle# to testify at such hearingT
;< *nu%erate the plea#ings, petitions or %otions
#isallowe# for filing in the (hari'ah CourtT
:. ;a< ?hat are the specific offenses cogniHale y the
(hari'ah CourtT
;< ?hat are the functions of the Aga%a. Aritration
10. ;a< As a (hari'ah law practitioner, prepare a co%plete
verifie# petition for correction of entry in the local (hari'ah
0istrict 1egistry to e file# efore the appropriate (hari'ah
Court accor#ing to the facts an# circu%stances of the case
herein state#.
Petitioners A#ullah Moha%%a# an# (ittie Moha%%a# are
spouses, ,ilipino&Musli%s, of legal age, resi#ing at .olo,
(uluD the local 0istrict 1egistrar is i%plea#e# as a for%al
party respon#entD the spouses are the legiti%ate parents of a
three&year&ol# %inor son A%in Moha%%a# orn on
,eruary 29, 1:99 at the (ulu Pulic 8ospital, .olo, (uluD
through ina#vertence, the local 1egistrar with who% the
irth of their chil# was registere#, erroneously %ispelle#
their son's na%e as FAMI-A M+8AMMA0F instea# of
the correct na%e an# speelling FAMI- M+8AMMA0F,
evi#ence# y =ero= copy of the certificate of Live )irth
attache# as Anne= FAFD the erroneous entry in the registry
oo" of live irth is sustantial an# not innocuous in
character as it affects the very i#entify of the petitioner's
son an# is even %islea#ing as to his se= which appears to
e fe%ale, an# woul# proaly su$ect hi% to constant
ri#icule an# harass%ent in the future.
;< As a (hari'ah 0istrict .u#ge, prepare an or#er granting
the afore%entione# petition #irecting the local (hari'ah
0istrict 1egistrar concerne# to %a"e the necessary
correction of the entry appearing in the Certificate of Live
)irth of the %inor A%in Moha%%a#. &ooo0ooo&
*/I0*-C* A-0 P1+C*021*
0ece%er 11, 1::3
2E00 P.M.
I. 1. 8ow is an action (da'wa) co%%ence# in the (hari'ah
courts un#er the (pecial 1ules on Proce#ureT
2. 0istinguish etween m!dda'i an# %u##a'aalai as
un#erstoo# in Isla%ic 1ules on Proce#ure an# *vi#ence.
II. 1. *=plain what is %eant y (amin, n!k!l an# tahaluf in
Isla%ic proce#ure.
2. a. ?ho is a party reCuire# to ta"e an oath un#er (hari'ah
. May a non&Musli% e reCuire# to ta"e an oath un#er the
(pecial 1ules on Proce#ure in the (hari'ah courtsT
III. A#ulwahaf, a ,ilipino Musli%, %arrie# Lathrina, a
Christian ,ilipino, pursuant to P.0. 1093. 8is wife wants to
a#opt a ay, who was aan#one# y their %ai#. As her
1. In what court shoul# you file the action for a#optionT
2. May the husan# o$ect to the a#optionT 1eason.
I/. 1. 2n#er what circu%stances %ay the fatwa of the
.urisconsult of Isla%ic Law e soughtT ?hat is its in#ing
force in the (hari'ah courtsS
2. 2n#er what con#ition or situation, if any, %ay the
.urisconsult refuse to ren#er a fatwa as reCuire# un#er
Isla%ic LawT
/. 1. In what cases %ay the Aga%a Aritration Council e
for%e# un#er P.0. 1093T
2. 8ow %ay the Aga%a Aritration Council e con#ucte#
un#er the (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure in the (hari'ah courtsT
/I. *nu%erate
1. !he cases falling un#er the e=clusive original
$uris#iction of the (hari'ah Circuit Courts.
2. !he cases falling un#er the concurrent $uris&#iction of
the (hari'ah 0istrict Courts an# the Civil Courts.
3. !he cases falling un#er the appellate $uris#ic&tion of the
(hari'ah 0istrict Courts an# e=plain the proce#ure an#
%anner of appeal.
/II. FAF has a clai% ;da'wa< against F)F in the a%ount of
PW1,000.00. F)F #enies the clai% an# interposes the
#efense that the #et has alrea#y een settle# an# that FAF
instea# owes hi% PW2,000.00. 0uring the trial, FAF offers
tow witnesses, FCF an# F0F. ?itness FCF atteste# the clai%
of FAF in the su% of P1,000.00D while witness F0F testifie#
that F)F owes FAF P1,500.00.
1. (tate the rule in Isla%ic *vi#ence as to the nu%er of
witnesses reCuire# to estalish a fact. In the aove case, is
the reCuisite nu%er of witnesses satisfie#T
2. ?hat is the rule in cases where there are counter&clai%s
etween the partiesT
In the aove case, who is the m!dda'i an# who is
3. (uppose FCF is a %ale witness an# F0F is a fe%ale
witness an# oth of the% are co%petent to offer evi#ence.
?hat woul# e the reCuire# nu%er of status of witnesses
to estalish the clai% of FAFT
4. If F)F #oes not have any evi#ence to sustantiate his
counter&clai% which FAF #enies, how woul# you procee#
to finally resolve the case in accor#ance with the (pecial
1ules on Proce#ure in the (hari'ah courtsT
/III. 1. (tate the reason why testi%onial evi#ence
(#hahada) is consi#ere# of higher character co%pare# to
#ocu%entary evi#ence in Isla%ic 1ules on *vi#ence.
2. ?hat is the wis#o% in the >ur'an of the reCuire%ent of
four ;4< witnesses to prove a charge of a#ulteryT )riefly
IO. 1. *nu%erate the specific offenses punishale un#er
P.0. 1093 which are cogniHale y the (hari'ah Circuit
2. 2n#er the Isla%ic 1ules on Proce#ure, %ay a wife ring
action in his ehalf without $oining her husan#T *=plain.
O. 1. ?hat woul# e the legal effect if the #efen#ant fails
to file an answer within ten ;l0< #ays fro% service of the
co%plaint on hi%T 1easons.
2. Co%pare the value of an oath of affir%ation with that of
an oral testi%onial evi#ence.
;)ac" to top<
Mr. Guat ;Marvin to his frien#s< is hol#er of the
#egrees of Ph.0. in *#ucational Manage%ent, Master in
Pulic A#%inistration, )achelor of Laws ;cu% lau#e<, an#
)()A Accounting. 8e passe# the Philippine ar
e=a%inations an# the Philippine CPA Licensure
*=a%inations in 1:9: an# 1:94, respectively.
8e taught law at the Min#anao (tate 2niversity for
%ore than 20 years an# wor"e# as govern%ent prosecutor
for %ore than 16 years up to the present ti%e.
8is other oo"s areE 1. !he 1evise# 1ules of Cri%inal
Proce#ure Annotate#D 2. !he (pecial 1ules of Proce#ure
Governing the (hari'a Courts Annotate#D an# 3. 1eviewer
in Isla%ic Proce#ure an# *vi#ence.
,or further infor%ation, e%ail the author at
;)ac" to top<
1. !he 1::7 1ules of Civil Proce#ure Annotate#"sSviewS159751
2. !he 1evise# Cri%inal Proce#ure Annotate#"sSviewS1634:4
3. 1eviewer in Proce#ure an# *vi#ence Governing
Philippine (hari'a Courts."sSviewS1653::
;)ac" to top<

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