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Logarithmic Units

In the field of broadcasting a vast range in the level of audio is handled. The
broadcast engineers have to handle very low level output from microphone to very
high level output from transmitter. To express these levels conveniently, we require a
scale or unit based on ratios rather than on the actual level in micro watts, milli watts,
kilowatts, etc.
The human ear responds not to the actual sound pressure but to the sound pressure
relative with the ambient sound pressure prevalent at that time. For example, the
movement of a leaf or a squeak of a mouse can be heard sharply in the night or in a
quiet room, but even a gun shot may be missed in a noisy situation.
Let us consider the following level changes in two different situations.
Case 1 Case 2
Initial level k! "##$ k!
Final level % k! "### k!
&hange in level $ k! $ k!
'ven though the level change in both the cases is same, the change in level in case
", from k! to % k! is more significant than that of "##$ k! to "### k! in case %.
In order to facilitate measurements, which take account of this phenomenon, a
system was introduced to allow power ratios to be expressed in a logarithmic
Bel and Decibel
(el is defined as the logarithm to the base "# of the ratio of the change in power level
for audio measurement.
(el )
!here *
and *
are the powers being compared.
In practice, the unit (el was found to be high. +ence the unit decibel was defined
which is equal to one tenth of a (el.
,TI-T. *ublication 65 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Induction Course (General)
2ecibel ) "#
The 2ecibel is called as d(. 3lthough d( was originally derived for audio, the d( unit
is commonly used for 4.F. ,ignal also. &hange in audio power of " d( is barely
noticeable. +owever some people can notice a change of % d(.
3 positive -5. sign indicates that *
is greater than *
and it may be stated as 6*
so many d( above *
7. 3 negative -8. sign indicates that *
is less than *
and it may
be stated as 6*
is so many d( below *
# d( indicates that *
is equal to *
The advantages of calculating power ratios by the d( method is clearly demonstrated
by the following example 9
The power output of a particular microphone is
of a milli watt.
This signal is then amplified to " kilowatt power. The system gain expressed as an
arithmetical ratio is "#### ### ### ### ) "#
. 'xpressed in the decibel notation this
becomes "$# d(. The microphone power output could be stated as :;# d( relative
to " mw and the audio power output as 51# d( relative to " <!.
d( is used only to indicate 0ain or Loss in a system like amplifier or attenuator
Reference levels
The d( may be used to indicate absolute power provided that the reference level is
known. !ithout a reference level power expressed in d( is meaningless.
3 reference level of " milliwatt is widely used and accepted internationally. =sing this
as reference level a power of " watt may be specified as 9
a. 5 $# d( -4eference level " milli watt.
b. 5 $# d( - # d( ) " <!.
c. 5 $# d(m
-d(m indicates a power expressed in d( with a reference level of " m!..
In (roadcasting, " !att is generally expressed as 5$# d(m.
Decibel Problems
Example 1. The input power to an audio amplifier is milliwatts. The amplifier
delivers an output of watts to its load. !hat is the amplifier gain >
The gain of the amplifier in d( is
d( ) "#
) "#
) "#
m! ###
"# ) "# log
,TI-T. *ublication 66 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Logarithmic Units
) "# x $.### ) $# d(
In this example there is a gain, hence it can be expressed as 5$# d(.
Example 2. 3 monitoring amplifier has a gain of # d(. Its power output is watts.
!hat is the input power >
d( ) #, *% ) watts
hence # ) 10


* or ,


= =
+ence, input power ) #.# m!.
Example 3 9 Input to the F'& is about : ;? d(m, the output is : d(m. The 0ain of
the system is : : -8;?. ) 8 5 ;? ) ;@ d(.
3 control room amplifier is delivering one watt to a monitoring speaker. The output
power is increased to two watts. In describing this increase, it could be stated that
the amplifier output power has been increased by one watt. This statement could
however be misleading if the original power output had not been stated. 3 more
satisfactory way of expressing the change would be to state that the power output of
the amplifier has been increased by $ d(. This value is calculated as shown in the
example below 98
d( ) "# log -%/". ) "# log %
) "# x #.$#"#
) $.#" d(
It can also be stated that the power has been increased by 5 $ d(.
If the power output had been decreased from two watts to one watt it would be a
change of :$.#" d(. -4efer to example @ for a decrease in power output..
In any case where the power is altered by a factor of %.# the change in level will
correspond to $ d(.
Example 4 9 The power supplied to a sound programme line is 1 mw. The power at
the receiving end of the line is @ mw. !hat is the line attenuation>
log "#
log "# d(
= =
) "# log -#.111. ) "#-".A%$. ) 8"#5A.%$
) 8".; d(
The negative value confirms that there is an overall loss in the circuit, the attenuation
being ".; d(. 3n alternative method of solving this type of problem in which a
negative d( quantity is involved is to make the larger power value the numerator or
,TI-T. *ublication 67 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Induction Course (General)
use an electronic calculator. This simplifies the mathematical working and there is
less chance of any error being made.
Metod !2"
log "#
log "# d(
= =
) "# log ".
) "# x #.";1" ) ".;1"
3s the larger power is the input power and the smaller power the output power the
result obtained obviously represents a loss. &orrectly expressed answer is
d( loss ) ".;1"
Example # 9 3 microphone delivers $ milli volt to a # ohm load at the input of an
amplifier. The amplifier produces an output power of 1 m! into a 1## ohm load.
!hat is the gain of the amplifier in d( >
Input power,
. ##$ . # -
= =
) #.######"A !atts
) #.###"A milli watts
###"A . #
log "#
log "# d(
= =
) "# x @.%%A ) @.%%A
Therefore the amplifier gain is approximately @ d(.
$olta%e or Current Ratios
It is often more practical to measure the voltage or current rather than the power
dissipated in a circuit. The decibel may also be used to express voltage or current
ratios although this method is still based on power ratios. The power dissipated in a
circuit is equal to 9
4 I
= =
Therefore, whenever the decibel ralation between two voltages -or currents. is
required, the following formula may be employed.
4 / '
4 / '
log "#
log "# d( = =
,TI-T. *ublication 68 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Logarithmic Units
log "#
log %# + =
4 / I
4 / I
log "#
log "# d( = =
log "#
log %# + =
!here * ) *ower, ' ) Boltage, I ) &urrent and 4 ) 4esistance in the circuit.
In cases where 4, in the above expressions, is not purely resistive then the true
power must be calculated by including information on the phase angle of the circuit.
'quation -%. would then becomes
. angles phase the are and !here
&os 4 I
&os 4 I
log "# d(
% "
" "
% %

If the values of 4
and 4
are equal then equations -". and -%. may be simplified in
the following manner 9
4 / '
4 / '
log "# d( =
% "
4 4 when C
log %# = =

log %# =
4 I
4 I
log "# d( =
% "
4 4 when
log %# = =
log %# =
'quation -$. and -@. may be used to solve many decibel problems if the two
impedances are equal.
The power that is dissipated by resistance is equal to
4 I
% %
= =
,TI-T. *ublication 69 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Induction Course (General)
If the voltage -'. or the current -I. is doubled the power -*. dissipated by the
resistance -4. will be increased by @ times.
3 power ratio as @9" corresponds to a 1 d( change and so it must also follow that a
%9" change of either voltage or current will also correspond to a 1 d( change in level.
That is if there is a change of voltage or current by % times the corresponding change
in d( is 1 d(.
Example & 9 The input impedance and output impedance of an amplifier is equal in
value. 3 tone signal of #." volt produces an output voltage of # volts. !hat is the
gain of the amplifier in d( >
?A# . $ 0ain
?A# . $ 1?? . % x %# ## log %#
" . #
log %#
log %# d(
+ =
= = =
= =
Example ' 9 3 current of " m3 flows in the input circuit of an amplifier and % m3
flows in the output circuit. The input and output resistances are equal in value.
&alculate the gain.
? . %; 0ain ? . %; $?; . " x %#
% log %#
log %# d(
+ = = =
= =
In case the input and output impedances are not equal, the actual values of 4
must be known and included in the formula as previously explained.
Example ( 9 The voltage across a monitor speaker is %. volts. The gain of the
monitor amplifier is increased and the voltage across the speaker now becomes @.
volts. &alculate the increase in amplifier gain.
" . 0ain " . %$ . # x %#
A . " log %#
. %
. @
log %#
log %# d(
"# "#
+ = = =
= = =
Example ) 9 The voltage measured across the input terminals of a sound programme
line is ". volt. The output voltage measured across the line at the receiving end is
".% volts. &alculate gain or loss.
The output is less than the input, hence there is a loss in the circuit. The line
attenuation in d( is calculated as follows E
,TI-T. *ublication 70 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Logarithmic Units
94 1 060 18 20 903 0 1 20
903 1 20 8 0 20
5 1
2 1
20 20
. . . . -
. x . log
log d(
= + = + =
= =
= =
3lternatively the loss may be calculated as detailed below 98
d( ) %# log "./".% ) %# log ".%
) %# x #.#?1? ) ".?$A% d(
+ence the loss ) ".?$A% d(
Example 1*. In TB4D, the signal received at the parabolic dish antenna is about
8"%# d(m. Let us find out the equivalent power.
m! "
m! "
log "#
log %# "%#
log %# d(

= =
+,-.D-RD RE/ERE.CE 0E$E0+ 1+ED I. BR2-DC-+,I.3
". dBm 9 *ower in d( up or down with respect to " milli8watt of power that is
#.;;@ volt across 1## ohms. It is used in broadcasting industries, and " milli
watt of power is taken as reference level.
# d(m means the power measured is " milli8watt across 1## ohms.
8@ d(m means the power measured is @ d( below the reference level of #
d(m that is $."1% x "#8 milliwatt across 1## ohms or @.$ millivolt across 1##
,TI-T. *ublication 71 ##%/I&-0./%##1
. !atts "#
m! "# x "
"# x "
m! "
"# x "
m! "
log, anti Taking

= =
Induction Course (General)
%. dBu 9 #.;;@1 volts is taken as the reference level and the voltage can be
measured across any impedance. It need not be measured always across
1## ohms. Fote the difference is only philosophical. The d(u unit has
exactly the same magnitude of voltage as in d(m if the measurement is made
across a 1## ohms circuits. Dtherwise it will have different values. In 3I4
and 22 this unit is used in <eltron/Geltron 3udio &onsoles.
5A d(u means the voltage is ".?@1 volts or A d( above the reference level of
#.;;@1 volt.
8@ d(u means the measured voltage is @ d( down with reference to #.;;@1
volt or the measured voltage is #.@AA; volt. The impedance in both the cases
may be any value or 1## ohms.
The output of a monitoring amplifier is A watts. It can be expressed as 5$?
d(u. ,imilarly a "# watt output can be stated as 5@# d(u.
$. dB4 9 " watt of power is taken as reference power. It is used when the
amount of power involved is high. The 'I4* of transmitter used in satellite
communication is usually expressed in d(w.
For example, a "# k! power of a transmitter is connected to a cable of loss $
d( and an antenna of 0ain "# d(. The power output from the antenna to the
space is calculated as below 9
Input power to the cable ) "# k!
Loss in the cable ) $ d(
Dutput from the cable ) k!
0ain of the 3ntenna ) "# d(
Dutput from antenna or 'I4*) # k!
@. dBv 9 !hen the reference level is taken as " micro volt the unit is called as
. DBv5m 9 when reference level is taken as " micro volt per meter, the unit is
called d( v/m. This unit is used in field strength measurements.
2(v/m ) %# log
i. &onvert "; v/m to d(v/m
d(v/m ) %# log
) %# x ".%$ ) %@.1
"; v/m ) %@.1 d(v/m
ii. &onvert "A d(v/m into v/m
,TI-T. *ublication 72 ##%/I&-0./%##1
Logarithmic Units
v/m ) 3nti log "A/%#
) 3nti log #.? ) ;.?@
"A d(v/m ) ;.?@ m
1. dB6 9 !hen the reference level is taken as " kilowatt -k!. the unit is called
d(k. This unit is used in high power calculation. 3ny level that is above " k!
is expressed as 5-x. d(k and any level that is below " k! is expressed as :
-x. d(k.
To convert power in watts to d(k, use the following formula.
d(k ) "# -log *8$. where * is in watts.
Example 7
&onvert ## ! to d(k
d(k ) "# -log *8$. ) "#-log ##8$.
) "#-%.;8$. ) %;8$#
) 8$ d(k
To convert from d(k to watts, use the formula
*-!atts. ) anti log - $
+ .
Example 9 &onvert : % d(k to watts.
* watts) antilog-8%/"# 5$.
) antilog -8#.% 5$.
) antilog -5%.A.
) 1$" watt.
In F< transmitter of 3I4 and TB Transmitters the impedance is # ohms.
+owever the measurements are being made in d(m. +ere also the reference
level is " milli watts of power measured across # ohms, hence the reference
level of voltage is #.%%$1 volts. This voltage being 4.<.,. the corresponding
*eak to *eak voltage is #.%%$1 x % x % ) #.1$%@ volts. +ence # d(m in 4F
corresponds to #.%%$1 volts r.m.s. or #.1$%@ volts *eak to peak across #
Example 9 The output level of F'& is : d(m across # ohms. +ence :
d(m corresponds to #.$"1 milli watts or #."%; volts r.m.s. across # ohms.
This is equal to #.$ volts *eak to *eak which can be measured using an
,TI-T. *ublication 73 ##%/I&-0./%##1

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