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C!$%&# '('$)#" "*& +,)-'%&)"'. .'/# 0+ "*& S"'"&
1. Arbitrary detention (Art. 124);
2. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities (Art. 125);
3. Delayin release (Art. 12!);
4. "#pulsion (Art. 12$);
5. %iolation of do&icile (Art. 12');
!. (earch )arrants &aliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those leally obtained (Art. 12*);
$. (earchin do&icile )ithout )itnesses (Art. 13+);
'. ,rohibition- interruption- and dissolution of peaceful &eetins (Art. 131);
*. .nterruption of reliious )orship (Art. 132); and
1+. /0endin the reliious feelins (Art. 133);
1ote2 3nder this title- the o0enders are public o4cers- e#cept o0endin the reliious feelins under Article
133- )hich &ay be co&&itted by any person. 5he public o4cers )ho &ay be held liable are only those
actin under supposed e#ercise of o4cial functions- albeit illeally. 6ut private persons &ay also be liable
under this title as )hen a private person conspires )ith a public o4cer. 7hat is re8uired is that the principal
o0ender &ust be a public o4cer. 5hus- if a private person conspires )ith a public o4cer- or beco&es an
accessory or acco&plice- the private person also beco&es liable for the sa&e cri&e. 6ut a private person
actin alone cannot co&&it the cri&es under Article 124 to 132 of this title.
12 W*'" '!& "*& 3.'##&# 0+ '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0)6
1. Detainin a person )ithout leal round (Art 124)
2. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper authorities (Art 125)
3. Delayin release (Art 12!)
1ote2 Articles 125 and 12! for their penalties &a9e reference to the penalties provided for in Article
(A!". 124)
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ "*& 3!$%& 0+ '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0)6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
2. :e detains a person
3. Detention is )ithout leal rounds (3( vs 6raan;a- 1+ ,hil $*)
12 W*&) $# ' 7&!#0) 30)#$-&!&- $) -&"&)"$0)6
A2 A person is detained )hen he is placed in con<ne&ent or there is restraint on his person.
12 W*'" '!& "*& 7&)'."$&# +0! '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0)6
1. =ess than 3 days> arresto mayor in its &a# to prision correccional in its &in
2. ?ore than 3 but less than 15 days> prision correccional in its &ed and &a#
3. ?ore than 15 days but less than ! &onths > prision mayor
4. ?ore than ! &onths> reclusion temporal
12 C') "*&!& 4& '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0) &8&) $+ "*& 8$3"$%# /&!& )0" 9&7" $) ') &)3.0#,!&6

A2 @es. 5he prevailin jurisprudence on 9idnappin and illeal detention is that the curtail&ent of the
victi&As liberty need not involve any physical restraint upon the victi&As person. .f the acts and
actuations of the accused can produce such fear in the &ind of the victi& su4cient to paraly;e the
latter- to the e#tent that the victi& is co&pelled to li&it his o)n actions and &ove&ents in accordance
)ith the )ishes of the accused- then the victi& is- for all intent and purposes- detained aainst his )ill.
(Benito Astorga v. People, G.R. No. 15413, !ct. 1, 23"
12 W*&) $# -&"&)"$0) #'$- "0 4& /$"*0," .&('. (!0,)-#6
A2 5he detention of a person is )ithout leal round2
1. 7hen he has not co&&itted any cri&e or- at least- there is no reasonable round for suspicion
that he has co&&itted a cri&e.
B,12 A valid )arrantless arrest (#ec.5, Rule 113, Revise$ Rules o% &ourt".
2. 7hen he is not su0erin fro& violent insanity or any other ail&ent re8uirin co&pulsory
con<ne&ent in a hospital.
12 I# $" )&3&##'!5 "*'" "*& 7,4.$3 0:3&! 4& ' 70.$3& 0:3&! +0! *$% "0 4& *&.- .$'4.& +0!
'!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0)6
A2 1o. .t is i&portant- ho)ever- that the public o4cer &ust be vested )ith the authority to detain or
order the detention of persons accused of a cri&e such as police&en and other aents of la)- judes
or &ayors.
N0"&2 .n arbitrary detention- the o0ender is a public o4cer )hose functions have so&ethin to do )ith the
protection of life andCor property and &aintenance of peace and order. 5hus- if the one- )ho arrests another
)ithout leal round- is )ithout authority to do so- li9e a cler9 in the /4ce of the Dentral 6an9 Eovernor-
arbitrary detention is not the proper chare but illeal detention.
12 C') ' barangay 3*'$!%') 4& (,$."5 0+ "*$# 3!$%&6
A2 @es. :e has authority- in order to &aintain peace and order- to cause the arrest and detention of a
person. (Boa$o, 2'"
12 C') 7!$8'"& $)-$8$-,'.# 4& *&.- .$'4.& +0! '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0)6
A2 @es- if they conspired )ith such public o4cers.
12 W*'" '!& "*& .&('. (!0,)-# +0! "*& -&"&)"$0) 0+ 7&!#0)# /$"*0," /*$3* ' 7,4.$3 0:3&!
%'5 4& *&.- .$'4.&6
1. Do&&ission of a cri&e
2. %iolent insanity or other ail&ent re8uirin co&pulsory con<ne&ent of the patient in a hospital
XPN2 7hen the peace o4cers acted in ood faith even if the rounds &entioned above are not
obtainin- there is no arbitrary detention.
2 6.F secret aents- straners in the &unicipality )ho )ere spyin the neihborhood of the &ar9et place
and actin enerally in a &anner calculated to arouse the suspicion of any one not advised as to their
duty- )ere arrested by police&en of the to)n. 5he (upre&e Dourt held that the police o4cers acted in
ood faith and cannot be held liable for arbitrary detention. (*.# v. Batalliones, 23 P+il. 4,"
12 M'5 '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0) 4& 30%%$""&- "*!0,(* #$%7.& )&(.$(&)3&6
A2 @es- as )hen a prisoner )as released by a jude but the police o4cer believin that the order is
illeal- reGarrested the prisoner and put hi& bac9 in jail.
N0"&2 .n arbitrary detention- the la) does not <# any &ini&u& period of detention.
5he penalty for arbitrary detention depends upon the period involved. A reater penalty is i&posed if the
period is loner.
12 C') '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0) 4& 30%%$""&- "*!, $%7!,-&)3&6
A2 5he cri&e of arbitrary detention can be co&&itted throuh i&prudence.
A police o4cer reGarrests a )o&an )ho had been released by &eans of verbal order of the jude. 5he
police o4cer acted )ithout &alice- but did not verify the order of release before proceedin to &a9e the
reGarrest. :e is liable for arbitrary detention throuh si&ple i&prudence.
12 W*'" '!& "*& +0!%# 0+ $..&('. -&"&)"$0)6
1. Detainin a person )ithout leal rounds
2. A leal round e#ists but the arrest )as &ade )ithout a )arrant- and the public o4cer does
not deliver the arrested person to the proper judicial authority )ithin the period of 12- 1'- or
3! hours- as the case &ay be
3. Delayin release by co&petent authority )ith the sa&e period &entioned in nu&ber 2.
12 W*'" '!& "*& -$#"$)3"$0)# 4&"/&&) '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0) ')- $..&('. -&"&)"$0)6
5he principal
o0ender &ust be a
public o4cer.
5he principal o0ender
is a private person.
5he o0ender )ho is a
public o4cer has a
duty )hich carries
)ith it the authority
to detain a person.
5he o0ender- even if
he is a public o4cer-
does not include as
his function the
po)er to arrest and
detain a person.
12 I+ "*& 7,4.$3 0:3&! /*0 &;&3"&- "*& '!!&#" *'# )0 #,3* ',"*0!$"5 "0 -&"'$) ' 7&!#0),
/*'" 3!$%& 3') *& 4& %'-& .$'4.& +0!6
A2 .f the o0ender does not have the authority to detain a person or to &a9e such arrest- the cri&e
co&&itted by hi& is illeal detention. A public o4cer )ho is actin outside the scope of his o4cial
duties is no better than a private citi;en.
12 W*'" '!& "*& -$#"$)3"$0)# 4&"/&&) '!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0) ')- ,).'/+,. '!!&#"6
5he o0ender is a public o4cer
possessed )ith authority to
&a9e arrests.
5he o0ender &ay be any person.
5he purpose for detainin the
o0ended party is to deny hi& of
his liberty.
5he purpose is to accuse the o0ended party of a cri&e he did not co&&it-
to deliver the person to the proper authority- and to <le the necessary
chares in a )ay tryin to incri&inate hi&.
N0"&2 5he cri&e of unla)ful arrest is- ho)ever- absorbed in the cri&e of arbitrary detention.
12 X, ' 70.$3& 0:3&!, +'.#&.5 $%7,"&# ' 3!$%& '('$)#" A "0 4& '4.& "0 '!!&#" *$% 4," *&
'77&'!# "0 4& )0" -&"&!%$)&- "0 <.& ' 3*'!(& '('$)#" *$%. W*'" 3!$%&, $+ ')5, -$- X
A2 5he cri&e is arbitrary detention throuh unla)ful arrest. (Boa$o, 2'"
12 S,770#& X 7.')"&- &8$-&)3& "0 &;&3" "*& '!!&#", /*'" 3!$%&, $+ ')5, $# 30%%$""&-6
A2 .t is arbitrary detention throuh incri&inatin innocent persons.
(A!". 12>)
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ "*$# 3!$%&6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
2. :e has detained a person for so&e leal round
3. :e fails to deliver such person to the proper judicial authorities )ithin2
a. 12 +ours for cri&esCo0enses punishable by liht penalties or their e8uivalent;
b. 1' +ours for cri&esCo0enses punishable by correctional penalties or their e8uivalent;
c. 3, +ours for cri&esCo0enses punishable by aHictive penalties or their e8uivalent.
12 W*'" '!& "*& 3$!3,%#"')3&# 30)#$-&!&- $) -&"&!%$)$)( .$'4$.$"5 0+ 0:3&! -&"'$)$)( '
7&!#0) 4&50)- .&('. 7&!$0-6
1. 5he &eans of co&&unication
2. 5he hour of arrest
3. /ther circu&stances such as the ti&e of surrender and &aterial possibility of the <scal to
&a9e the investiation and <le in ti&e the necessary infor&ation.
12 W*'" #$",'"$0)# '!& 30)"&%7.'"&- 45 A!". 12>6
A2 Art. 125 conte&plates a situation )here arrest )as &ade )ithout a )arrant but there e#ists a leal
round for the arrest. .t does not apply )hen the arrest is on the strenth of a )arrant of arrest-
because in the latter case- a person arrested can be detained inde<nitely until his case is decided by
the court or he posts bail for his te&porary release.
12 W*&) $# ' /'!!')".&## '!!&#" .'/+,..5 &;&3"&-6
1. (n -lagrante .elicto G 7hen- in his presence- the person to be arrested has co&&itted- is actually
co&&ittin- or is atte&ptin to co&&it an o0ense
2. /ot Pursuit G 7hen an o0ense has in fact been co&&itted- and he has probable cause to believe
based on personal 9no)lede of facts and circu&stances that the person to be arrested has
co&&itted it
N0"&2 Personal 0no1le$ge o% %acts>be based upon probable cause- )hich &eans an actual
belief or reasonable rounds of suspicion
N0"&2 Pro2a2le cause>such facts and circu&stances )hich could lead a reasonable
discreet and prudent &an to believe than an o0ense has been co&&itted and that the
object souht in connection )ith the o0ense are in the place souht to be searched
3. 3scaping Prisoner G 7hen the person to be arrested is a prisoner )ho has escaped fro& a penal
establish&ent or place )here he is servin <nal jud&ent or te&porarily con<ned )hile his case is
pendin- or has escaped )hile bein transferred fro& one con<ne&ent to another
12 W*'" $# %&')" 45 -&.$8&!56
A2 .elivery &eans the <lin of correct infor&ation or co&plaint )ith the proper judicial authorities. .t
does not &ean physical delivery or turnover of arrested person to the court.
12 W*'" $# %&')" 45 7!07&! ?,-$3$'. ',"*0!$"$&#6
A2 .t refers to the courts of justice or judes of said courts vested )ith judicial po)er to order the
te&porary detention or con<ne&ent of a person chared )ith havin co&&itted a public o0ense.
12 W*'" #*0,.- "*& 0:3&! -0 $+ "*& ?,-(& $# )0" '8'$.'4.&6
A2 7here a jude is not available- the arrestin o4cer is dutyGbound to release a detailed person- if the
&a#i&u& hours for detention had already e#pired. Iailure to cause the release &ay result in an o0ense
under Art. 125. (Albor vs Auuis- A? 1o. ,G+1G14$2- June 2!- 2++3)
12 I+ ' 7&!#0) $# '!!&#"&- 7,!#,')" "0 ' /'!!')" 0+ '!!&#", /$"*$) /*'" 7&!$0- #*0,.- '
70.$3& 0:3&! ",!) 08&! "*& '!!&#"&- 7&!#0) "0 "*& ?,-$3$'. ',"*0!$"56
A2 5here is no ti&e li&it speci<ed e#cept that the return &ust be &ade )ithin a reasonable ti&e. 5he
period <#ed by la) under Art. 125 does not apply because the arrest )as &ade by virtue of )arrant of
12 S*0,.- "*& 7&!#0) '!!&#"&- /$"*0," ' /'!!')" 07" "0 '8'$. *$# !$(*" "0 ' 7!&.$%$)'!5
$)8&#"$('"$0), /*'" %,#" *& &@&3,"&6
A2 3nder the Fevised Fules of Dourt- he should )aive in )ritin his rihts under Art. 125.
N0"&2 7aiver &ust be under oath and )ith the assistance of counsel
12 W*'" $# "*& .&)("* 0+ /'$8&!6
1. 4ig+t o5enseG 5 days
2. #erious an$ less serious o5enses G$ to 1+ days
12 W*'" $+ "*& 7&!#0) '!!&#"&- -0&# )0" /')" "0 /'$8& *$# !$(*"# ,)-&! A!". 12>6
A2 5he arrestin o4cer )ill have to co&ply )ith Art. 125 and <le the case i&&ediately in court )ithout
preli&inary investiation.
N0"&2 5he <lin of the infor&ation in court beyond the speci<ed period does not cure illeality of detention
hence detainin o4cer is still liable for under Art. 125. 1either does it a0ect the leality of the con<ne&ent
under process issued by the court.
12 W*'" $# "*& -$;&!&)3& 4&"/&&) -&.'5 $) "*& -&.$8&!5 0+ -&"'$)&- 7&!#0)# (A!". 12>) ')-
'!4$"!'!5 -&"&)"$0) (A!". 124)6
5he detention is leal at the outset but beco&es arbitrary )hen the
detention e#ceeds any of the periods of ti&e speci<ed in Art. 125-
)ithout the person detained havin been chared before the proper
judicial authority.
5he detention is illeal at the very
inception because of the absence of
la)ful cause for such arrest.
12 W*'" $# "*& !&'#0) +0! "*& 7!08$#$0)# 0+ A!"$3.& 12>6
A2 Article 125 of the F,D is intended to prevent any abuse resultin fro& con<nin a person )ithout
infor&in hi& of his o0ense and )ithout per&ittin hi& to o on bail. (=aurel vs ?isa- $! ,hil 3$2)
(A!". 12A)
12 W*'" '!& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"#6
1. Delayin the perfor&ance of judicial or e#ecutive order for the release of a prisoner
2. 3nduly delayin the service of the notice of such order to said prisoner
3. 3nduly delayin the proceedins upon any petition for the liberation of such person.
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ -&.'5$)( !&.&'#&6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
2. 5here is a judicial e#ecutive order for the release of the prisoner or detention prisoner- or that
there is a proceedin upon a petition for the liberation of such person
3. /0ender )ithout ood reason delays2
a. (ervice of notice of such order to the prisoner- or
b. ,erfor&ance of such judicial or e#ecutive order for the release of the prisoner- or
c. ,roceedins upon a petition for the release of such person.
N0"&2 5he prisoners could be prisoners by <nal jud&ent or detention prisoners.
7ardens and jailers are the o4cers &ost li9ely to violate this provision (Feyes 2++')
(A!". 12B)
12 W*'" '!& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"#6
1. "#pellin a person fro& the ,hilippines
2. Do&pellin a person to chane his residence.
XPN2 .n cases of eject&ent- e#propriation or )hen penalty i&posed is $estierro.
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ &@7,.#$0)6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
2. :e either2
a. "#pels any person fro& the ,hilippines
b. Do&pels a person to chane residence
3. /0ender is not authori;ed to do so by la)
12 W*'" $# "*& &##&)3& 0+ "*& 3!$%& 0+ &@7,.#$0)6
A2 5he essence of this cri&e is coercion but it is speci<cally ter&ed e#pulsion )hen co&&itted by a
public o4cer.
12 I+ ')5 0+ "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"# ,)-&! A!". 12B $# 30%%$""&- 45 ' 7!$8'"& 7&!#0), /*'"
3!$%& 3') *& 4& %'-& !&#70)#$4.& +0!6
A2 Erave coercion
12 X, "*& %'50! 0+ C$"5 0+ M')$.' /')"&- "0 %'9& "*& 3$"5 +!&& +!0% 7!0#"$","$0). H&
0!-&!&- 3&!"'$) 7!0#"$","&# "0 4& "!')#+&!!&- "0 D'8'0, /$"*0," 04#&!8$)( -,& 7!03&##.
W*'" $# "*& 3!$%& 30%%$""&- 45 X6
A2 "#pulsion. (6illaviciencio v. 4uc2an, G.R No. 4 14,37, 8ar. 25, 1717"
12 W*'" $# "*& 3!$%& 30%%$""&- $+ '.$&)# '!& -&70!"&- /$"*0," ') 0!-&! +!0% "*& P!&#$-&)"
0! "*& C0%%$##$0)&! 0+ I%%$(!'"$0) ')- D&70!"'"$0) '+"&! -,& 7!03&&-$)(#6
A2 "#pulsion.
N0"&2 /nly the courts by a <nal jud&ent can order a person to chane his residence.
,ursuant to (ec. !* of the Fevised Ad&inistrative Dode- only the ,resident of the ,hilippines is vested )ith
authority to deport aliens.
12 W*'" 3!$%& $# 30%%$""&- /*&) ' F$.$7$)0 /*0, '+"&! 80.,)"'!$.5 .&'8$)( "*& 30,)"!5, $#
$..&('..5 !&+,#&- !&-&)"!5 45 ' 7,4.$3 0:3&!6
A2 "#pulsion- because it is considered a victi& of bein forced to chane his address.
(A!". 12C)
12 W*'" '!& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"#6
1. "nterin any d)ellin aainst the )ill of the o)ner thereof
N0"&2 .n the <rst &ode- lac9 of consent )ould not su4ce as the la) re8uires that the o0enderAs
entry &ust be over the o)nerAs objection- e#press or i&plied.
2. (earchin papers or other e0ects found therein )ithout the previous consent of such o)ner
N0"&2 .n the second &ode- &ere lac9 of consent is su4cient.
3. Fefusin to leave the pre&ises after havin surreptitiously entered said d)ellin and after
havin been re8uired to leave the sa&e
N0"&2 .n the third &ode- )hat is punished is the refusal to leave- the entry havin been &ade
12 W*'" '!& "*& 30%%0) &.&%&)"#6
1. /0ender is public o4cer or e&ployee;
2. :e is not authori;ed by judicial order to enter the d)ellin andCor to &a9e a search for papers
and for other e0ects.
12 H0/ $# "*& 3!$%& 0+ 8$0.'"$0) 0+ -0%$3$.& 30%%$""&-6
A2 %iolation of do&icile is co&&itted by a public o4cer authori;ed to i&ple&ent a search )arrant or
)arrant of arrest but at the ti&e of incident- he is not ar&ed )ith )arrant.
12 S,770#& "*& 7,4.$3 0:3&! $# )0" ',"*0!$D&- "0 &@&3,"& #&'!3* /'!!')"# ')- /'!!')"# 0+
'!!&#"#, /*'" 3!$%& 3') *& 4& .$'4.& +0!6
A2 Kuali<ed trespass to d)ellin (Art. 2', RP&".
12 S,770#& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"# ,)-&! A!". 12C '!& 30%%$""&- 45 ' 7!$8'"& 7&!#0), /*'"
3!$%& -$- *& 30%%$"6
A2 5respass to d)ellin.
12 I+ ' 7,4.$3 0:3&! #&'!3*&# ' 7&!#0) 0,"#$-& *$# -/&..$)(, )0" '!%&- /$"* ' #&'!3*
/'!!')" 0! ' /'!!')" 0+ '!!&#", '!& "*& 7!08$#$0)# 0+ A!". 12C '77.$3'4.&6
A2 1o- because the papers and other e0ects &entioned in Art. 12' &ust be found in d)ellin. 5he
cri&e co&&itted is rave coercion- if violence and inti&idation are used (Art. 2'!)- or unjust ve#ation-
if there is no violence or inti&idation (Art. 2'9".
12 A!& "*& 7!08$#$0)# ,)-&! A!". 12C '77.$3'4.& $+ "*& 033,7')" 0+ "*& 7!&%$#&# $# )0" "*&
A2 @es- it )ould be su4cient if the inhabitant is la)ful occupant usin the pre&ises as his d)ellin-
althouh he is not the property o)ner.
12 W*'" '!& "*& E,'.$+5$)( 3$!3,%#"')3&# ,)-&! A!". 12C6
1. .f co&&itted at niht ti&e
2. .f any papers or e0ects not constitutin evidence of a cri&e are not returned i&&ediately after
the search is &ade by the o0ender.
12 W*'" $# "*& %&')$)( 0+ '('$)#" "*& /$.. 0+ "*& 0/)&!6
A2 .t presupposes opposition or prohibition by the o)ner- )hether e#press or i&plied- and not &erely
the absence of consent.
N0"&2 .f the surreptitious entry had been &ade throuh an openin not intended to that purpose- the
o0ender )ould be liable under the <rst &ode since it is entry over the i&plied objection of the inhabitant.
(A!". 12F)
12 W*'" '!& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"#6
1. ,rocurin a search )arrant )ithout just cause.
a. 5hat the o0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
b. 5hat he procures a search )arrant
c. 5hat there is no just cause
2. "#ceedin his authority or by usin unnecessary severity in e#ecutin a search )arrant leally
a. 5hat the o0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
b. 5hat he has leally procured a search )arrant
c. 5hat he e#ceeds his authority or uses unnecessary severity in e#ecutin the sa&e
12 W*'" $# ' #&'!3* /'!!')"6
A2 .t is an order in )ritin- issued in the na&e of the ,eople of the ,hilippines- sined by a jude and
directed to a peace o4cer- co&&andin hi& to search for personal property described therein and
brin it before the court.
N0"&2 A search )arrant shall be valid for ten days fro& its date.
12 W*'" $# "*& !&E,$#$"& +0! "*& $##,')3& 0+ #&'!3* /'!!')"6
A2 A search )arrant shall not issue e#cept upon probable cause in connection )ith one speci<c o0ense
to be deter&ined personally by the jude after e#a&ination under oath or a4r&ation of the
co&plainant and the )itnesses he &ay produce- and particularly describin the place to be searched
and the thins to be sei;ed )hich &ay be any)here in the ,hilippines. (#ec. 4, Rule 12,, Revise$ Rules
o% &riminal Proce$ure"
N0"&2 A search )arrant shall be valid for 1+ days fro& its date. 5hereafter- it shall be void.
12 W*'" $# "*& "&#" +0! .'39 0+ ?,#" 3',#&6
A2 7hether the a4davit <led in support of the application for search )arrant has been dra)n in such a
&anner that per:ury could be chared thereon and a4ant could be held liable for da&aes caused.
(Alvare; vs Dourt- et al !4 ,hil 33)
12 W*'" $# "*& &;&3" $+ "*& #&'!3* /'!!')" $# #&3,!&- "*!0,(* ' +'.#& ':-'8$"6
A2 5he cri&e punished by this article cannot be co&ple#ed but )ill be a separate cri&e fro& perjury-
since the penalty herein provided shall be Lin additionM to the penalty of perjury.
12 W*&) $# ' #&'!3* /'!!')" 30)#$-&!&- $..&('..5 04"'$)&-6
A2 7hen a search )arrant )as procured )ithout a probable cause.
(A!". 13G)
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ "*$# 3!$%&6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
2. :e is ar&ed )ith search )arrant leally procured
3. :e searches the do&icile- papers or other belonins of any person
4. /)ner or any &e&ber of his fa&ily- or t)o )itnesses residin in the sa&e locality are not
N0"&2 .n cri&es under Art. 12* and 13+- the search is &ade by virtue of a valid )arrant- but the )arrant
not)ithstandin- the liability for the cri&e is still incurred throuh the follo)in situations2
1. (earch )arrant )as irreularly obtained
2. 5he o4cer e#ceeded his authority under the )arrant
3. 7hen the public o4cer e&ploys unnecessary or e#cessive severity in the i&ple&entation of the
search )arrant
4. /)ner of d)ellin or any &e&ber of the fa&ily )as absent- or t)o )itnesses residin )ithin the
sa&e locality )ere not present durin the search
12 W*'" $# "*& 0!-&! 0+ "*0#& /*0 %,#" /$")&## "*& #&'!3*6
1. :o&eo)ner
2. ?e&bers of the fa&ily of su4cient ae and discretion
3. Fesponsible &e&bers of the co&&unity
12 S,770#&, X, ' #,#7&3"&- 7,#*&! .$8&# $) ' 30)-0%$)$,% ,)$". A(&)"# 0+ "*& PDEA
04"'$)&- ' #&'!3* /'!!')" 4," "*& )'%& 0+ 7&!#0) $) "*& #&'!3* /'!!')" -$- )0" "'..5 /$"*
"*& '--!&## $)-$3'"&- "*&!&$). E8&)",'..5, X /'# +0,)- 4," $) ' -$;&!&)" '--!&##. X
!&#$#"&- 4," "*& '(&)"# $)#$#"&- 0) "*& #&'!3*. D!,(# /&!& +0,)- ')- #&$D&- ')- X /'#
7!0#&3,"&- ')- 30)8$3"&- 45 "*& "!$'. 30,!". I# "*& #&'!3* 8'.$-6
A2 1o- because the public o4cers are re8uired to follo) the search )arrant by the latter. 5hey have no
discretion on the &atter.
12 C0%7'!& A!". 12C /$"* A!"#. 12F ')- 13G.
ART. 12C ARTS. 12F AND 13G
5he public o4cer is not
ar&ed )ith a )arrant.
5he public o4cer is ar&ed )ith a )arrant but it )as &aliciously obtained or
even if it )as issued reularly- there )as abuse in the i&ple&entation thereof.
N0"&2 5he papers or other belonins &ust be in the d)ellin of the o)ner at the ti&e the search is &ade.
Art. 13+ does not apply to searches of vehicles and other &eans of transportation (Feyes 2++')
(A!". 131)
12 W*'" '!& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"#6
1. ,rohibitin or interruptin- )ithout leal round- the holdin of a peaceful &eetin- or by
dissolvin the sa&e
2. :inderin any person fro& joinin any la)ful association or fro& attendin any of its &eetins
3. ,rohibitin or hinderin any person fro& addressin- either alone or toether )ith others- any
petition to the authorities for correction of abuses or redress of rievances.
12 W*'" '!& "*& 30%%0) &.&%&)"#6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer
2. :e perfor&s any of the acts &entioned above
12 T0 4& *&.- .$'4.& ,)-&! A!". 131, $# $" )&3&##'!5 "*'" "*& 0;&)-&! 4& ' #"!')(&!, )0" '
7'!"$3$7')" 0+ ' %&&"$)( "*'" *'# 4&&) $)"&!!,7"&- ')- -$##0.8&-6
A2 @es. .f the o0ender is a participant of the &eetin- he is liable for unjust ve#ation
N0"&2 .nterruptin and dissolvin the &eetin of &unicipal council by a public o4cer is a cri&e aainst a
leislative body not punished under Art. 131- but under Art . 143 (Acts ;en$ing to Prevent t+e 8eeting o% t+e
Assem2ly an$ #imilar 2o$ies" and Art. 144 (.istur2ance o% Procee$ings".
.f the o0ender is a private individual- the cri&e is disturbance of public order under Art. 153.
12 I# "*& !$(*" "0 7&'3&+,. '##&%4.5 '4#0.,"&6
A2 5he riht to peaceful asse&bly is not absolute. .t &ay be reulated in order that it &ay not be
injurious to the e8ual enjoy&ent of others havin e8ual rihts- nor injurious to the riht of the
co&&unity or society.
12 I) !&E,$!$)( ' 7&!%$" 4&+0!& ')5 %&&"$)( 0! '##&%4.5 $# *&.-, 3') $" 4& 30)#"!,&- '#
7!&8&)"$)( 7&'3&+,. '##&%4.$&#6
A2 1o- the per&it re8uire&ent shall be in e#ercise only of the overn&entAs reulatory po)ers and not
really to prevent peaceful asse&blies. 5his re8uire&ent is leal as lon as it is not bein e#ercised as a
prohibitory po)er.
12 I+ "*& '77.$3'"$0) +0! "*& 7&!%$" "0 7&'3&'4.5 '##&%4.& $# '!4$"!'!$.5 -&)$&-, /*'" 3!$%&
$# 30%%$""&-6
A2 5he cri&e co&&itted is prohibition to peaceably asse&ble in accordance )ith Art. 131.
12 S,770#&, "*& 0:3&! /0,.- )0" ($8& "*& 7&!%$" ,).&## "*& %&&"$)( $# *&.- $) 7'!"$3,.'!
7.'3& /*$3* *& -$3"'"&# ')- #,3* 7.'3& -&+&'"# "*& &@&!3$#& 0+ "*& !$(*"# "0 7&'3&'4.5
'##&%4.&, $# A!". 131 8$0.'"&-6
A2 @es.
N0"&2 ?eetin &ust be peaceful and there &ust be no round for prohibitin- dissolvin- or interruptin that
12 W*'" '!& "*& "&#"# +0! -&"&!%$)$)( /*&"*&! "*&!& $# ' 8$0.'"$0) 0+ A!". 1316
1. Danerous 5endency Fule
2. Dlear and ,resent Daner Fule
12 W*'" '!& "*& -$#"$)3"$0)# 4&"/&&) P!0*$4$"$0), I)"&!!,7"$0), 0! D$##0.,"$0) 0+ P&'3&+,.
M&&"$)(# ,)-&! A!". 131 ')- T,%,."# ')- 0"*&! D$#",!4')3&#, ,)-&! A!". 1>36
ART. 131 ART. 1>3
5he public o4cer is not
a participant. As far as
the atherin is
concerned- the public
o4cer is a third party.
5he public o4cer is a
participant of the
5he o0ender &ust be
public o4cer.
5he o0ender need not
be in public o4ce
(A!". 132)
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ "*$# 3!$%&6
1. /0ender is a public o4cer or e&ployee
2. Feliious cere&onies or &anifestations of any reliious are about to ta9e place or are oin on
3. /0ender prevents or disturbs the sa&e
.f the prohibition or disturbance is co&&itted only in a &eetin or rally of a sect- it )ould be punishable
under Art. 131. 3.g. readin of 6ible and then attac9in certain churches in public pla;a.
Feliious )orship includes people in the act of perfor&in reliious rites for reliious cere&ony or
&anifestation of reliion. 3.g. &ass- baptis& and &arriae cere&ony.
W*'" '!& "*& E,'.$+5$)( 3$!3,%#"')3&# 0+ "*& 3!$%&6
A2 .f the cri&e is co&&itted )ith violence or threats
12 X, ' 7!$8'"& 7&!#0), 40@&- ' 7!$&#" /*$.& "*& 7!$&#" /'# ($8$)( *0%$.5 ')- %'.$()$)( '
!&.'"$8& 0+ X. I# X .$'4.& ,)-&! A!" 1316
A2 1o- because B is a private person. :e &ay be liable under Art. 133

(A!". 133)
12 W*'" '!& "*& &.&%&)"# 0+ "*$# 3!$%&6
1. Acts co&plained of )ere perfor&ed2
a. .n a place devoted to reliious )orship (not necessary that there is reliious )orship)
b. Durin the celebration of any reliious cere&ony
2. Acts &ust be notoriously o0ensive to the feelins of the faithful.
N0"&2 Art. 133 is the only cri&e aainst the funda&ental la) of the (tate that &ay be co&&itted not only by
public o4cer but also by a private person.
12 W*'" '!& "*& !&.$($0,# 3&!&%0)$&# 308&!&- 45 A!"#. 132 ')- 1336
A2 Feliious cere&onies covered are those reliious acts perfor&ed outside of a church- such as
procession and special prayers for buryin person.
N0"&2 .f co&&itted in a place devoted to reliious purpose- there is no need for an onoin cere&ony.
12 W*&) $# ') '3" 30)#$-&!&- )0"0!$0,#.5 0;&)#$8&6
A2 7hen the act is directed aainst reliious practice or do&a or ritual for the purpose of ridicule- as
&oc9in or sco4n at or atte&ptin to da&ae an object of reliious veneration. (,eople vs 6aes- !'
,hil 2+3)
N0"&2 /0ense of feelin is juded fro& co&plainantAs point of vie).
5here &ust be deliberate intent to hurt the feelins of the faithful- &ere arroance or rudeness is not
12 M'5 "*& 3!$%& 4& 30%%$""&- 45 ' 7,4.$3 0:3&! 0! ' 7!$8'"& $)-$8$-,'.6
A2 @es. 5he o0ender can be any person.
A. H,%') S&3,!$"5 A3" 0+ 2GGB (R.A. F3B2)
12 W*'" $# "*& 7&!$0- 0+ -&"&)"$0) /$"*0," ?,-$3$'. /'!!')" 0+ '!!&#"6
GR2 1ot)ithstandin Art. 125 of F,D - any police of la) enforce&ent personnel )ho has ta9en
custody of a person chared or suspected of the cri&e of terroris& or conspiracy to co&&it
terroris& shall deliver said chared person to the proper judicial authority )ithin 3 days counted
fro& the &o&ent of the arrest.
N0"&2 AntiGterroris& la) a&ended Art. 125 of the F,D insofar as terroris& and conspiracy to co&&it
terroris& are concerned.
XPN2 .n the event of an actual or i&&inent terrorist attac9- suspects &ay be detained for &ore
than 3 days upon the )ritten approval of2
1. ?unicipal- city- provincial or reional o4cial of a :u&an Fihts Do&&ission or
2. Jude of the ?unicipal- F5D- the (andianbayan or
3. A justice of the DA nearest the place of the arrest. (#ec. 17"
N0"&2 .f the arrest is &ade durin (aturdays- (undays- holidays or after o4ce hours- the arrestin police or
la) enforce&ent personnel shall brin the person thus arrested to the residence of any of the o4cials
&entioned above. 5he )ritten approval of any of said o4cials shall be secured )ithin 5 days after the date of
detention. ,rovided that )ithin 3 days after the date of detention of the suspects- )hose connection )ith the
terror attac9 or threat is not established- shall be released i&&ediately.
B. A)"$-T0!",!& A3" (R.A. FB4>)
1. W*'" '!& "*& 7,)$#*'4.& '3"# ,)-&! A)"$-T0!",!& A3" 0! RA. FB4>6
A. P*5#$3'. "0!",!& is a for& of treat&ent or punish&ent inNicted by a person in authority or aent of
a person in authority upon another in hisCher custody that causes severe pain- e#haustion-
disability or dysfunction of one or &ore parts of the body- such as2
1. (yste&atic beatin- headbanin- punchin- 9ic9in- stri9in )ith truncheon or riNe butt or
other si&ilar objects- and ju&pin on the sto&ach
2. Iood deprivation or forcible feedin )ith spoiled food- ani&al or hu&an e#creta and other stu0
or substances not nor&ally eaten
3. "lectric shoc9
4. Diarette burnin; burnin by electrically heated rods- hot oil- acid; by the rubbin of pepper or
other che&ical substances on &ucous &e&branes- or acids or spices directly on the )ound(s)
5. 5he sub&ersion of the head in )ater or )ater polluted )ith e#cre&ent- urine- vo&it andCor
blood until the brin9 of su0ocation
!. 6ein tied or forced to assu&e <#ed and stressful bodily position
$. Fape and se#ual abuse- includin the insertion of forein bodies into the se# oran or rectu&-
or electrical torture of the enitals
'. ?utilation or a&putation of the essential parts of the body such as the enitalia- ear- tonue-
*. Dental torture or the forced e#traction of the teeth
1+. ,ullin out of <nernails
11. :ar&ful e#posure to the ele&ents such as sunliht and e#tre&e cold
12. 5he use of plastic ba and other &aterials placed over the head to the point of asphy#iation
13. 5he use of psychoactive drus to chane the perception- &e&ory- alertness or )ill of a person-
such as2 (i) the ad&inistration of drus to induce confession andCor reduce &ental
co&petency; or (ii) the use of drus to induce e#tre&e pain or certain sy&pto&s of a disease
14. /ther analoous acts of physical torture
B. M&)"'.HP#53*0.0($3'. "0!",!& refers to acts co&&itted by a person in authority or aent of a
person in authority )hich are calculated to a0ect or confuse the &ind andCor under&ine a
personAs dinity and &orale- such as2
1. 6lindfoldin
2. 5hreatenin a person(s) or hisCher relative(s) )ith bodily har&- e#ecution or other )ronful
3. Don<ne&ent in solitary cells or secret detention places
4. ,roloned interroation
5. ,reparin a prisoner for a Lsho) trialM- public display or public hu&iliation of a detainee or
!. Dausin unscheduled transfer of a person deprived of liberty fro& one place
to another- creatin the belief that heCshe shall be su&&arily e#ecuted
$. ?altreatin a &e&berCs of a personAs fa&ily
'. Dausin the torture sessions to be )itnessed by the personAs fa&ily- relatives or any third
*. Denial of sleepCrest
1+. (ha&e inNiction such as strippin the person na9ed- paradin hi&Cher in public places- shavin
the victi&As head or puttin &ar9s on hisCher body aainst hisCher )ill
11. Deliberately prohibitin the victi& to co&&unicate )ith any &e&ber of hisCher fa&ily; and
12. /ther analoous acts of &entalCpsycholoical torture (#ec.4"
1. W*0 '!& 7,)$#*&- ,)-&! A)"$-T0!",!& A3"6
1. Any person )ho actually participated or induced another in the co&&ission of torture or other
cruel- inhu&an and deradin treat&ent or punish&ent or )ho cooperated in the e#ecution of
the act of torture by previous or si&ultaneous acts shall be liable as principal.
2. Any superior &ilitary- police or la) enforce&ent o4cer or senior overn&ent o4cial )ho
issued an order to a lo)er ran9in personnel to subject a victi& to torture or other cruel-
inhu&an and deradin treat&ent or punish&ent for )hatever purpose shall be held e8ually
liable as principal. Any public o4cer or e&ployee shall be liable as an accessory if heCshe has
9no)lede that torture or other cruel- inhu&an and deradin treat&ent or punish&ent is
bein co&&itted and )ithout havin participated therein- either as principal or acco&plice
ta9es part subse8uent to its co&&ission in any of the follo)in &anner2
a. 6y the&selves pro<tin fro& or assistin the o0ender to pro<t fro& the e0ects of the
act of torture or other cruel- inhu&an and deradin treat&ent
b. 6y concealin the act of torture or other cruel- inhu&an and deradin treat&ent or
punish&ent andCor destroyin the e0ects of instru&ents thereof in order to prevent its
discovery; or
c. 6y harborin- concealin or assistin in the escape of the principalCs in the act of
torture or other cruel- inhu&an and deradin treat&ent or punish&ent2 ,rovided- that
the accessory acts are done )ith the abuse of the o4cialAs public function.

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