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Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi

Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1

Skill Oral
Band 1
Standard Statement Know basic skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing
Descriptor B1 DL1
Say aloud rhymes or sing songs with
Evidence B1 DL1 E1
Able to ollow any o the ollowing!
" #epeat rhymes ater the teacher
" Sing along with the teacher
" Sing in groups
Activities Steps :
a$ %isten to &'ead and shoulders(
b$ Sing along with the teacher
c$ Sing in groups
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B1 DL1 E1
Instruction : Sing a song.
Head and shoulders
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Band 1
Standard Statement Know basic skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing
Descriptor B1 DB2
)dentiy and distinguish the letters o the
Evidence B1 DB2 E1
" Able to recogni*e and identiy the
letters A to +
Activities Steps :
a$Say the given letters
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Reference : B1 DB2 E1
Instruction : Say the gi$en letters.
,menguasai - tidak menguasai$
Skill #eading
Band 1
b l h f d
x s t n m

! "
$ r %
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know basic skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing
Descriptor B1 DB3
#ecogni*e and articulate initial, medial
and the inal sounds in single syllable
Evidence B1 DB3 E1
Able to pronounce and articulate the
phonemes correctly
a. -s- -a- -t- -p-
b. -i- -n- -m- -d-
c. -g- -o- -c- -k-
d. -ck- -e- -u- -r-
e. -h- -b- -,- -l,ll- -ss-
. -/- -v- -w- -0-
g. -y- -*,**- -1u-
h. -ch- -sh- -th- -ng-

Activities Steps :
a$ 2ame the pictures
b$ 3atch the pictures with the
correct words.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B1 DB' E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Name the %ictures and match it correctly.
&. '. (.
"in bag net
!at %am i"
). *. +.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band 1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know basic skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing
Descriptor B1 DB4
Blend phonemes into recogni*able
words and read them aloud
Evidence B1 DB4 E1
Able to orm single syllable words by
blending phonemes
Activities Steps :
a$ Say the letters.
b$ 4olour the correct words
according to the initial letters.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B1 DB( E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Say the letters and colour the ,ords according to the
initial letters.
1) t ta"
2) " "ot
') n ten
() s bun sun
*) f fan
+) a hen ant
,) b big dig
-) d tag
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
(menguasai / tidak menguasai)
Skill #eading
Band 1
Standard Statement Know basic skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing
Descriptor B1 DB5
Segment words into phonemes to spell
Evidence B1 DB5 E1
Able to spell single syllable words

Activities Steps :
a$ Spell the given words.
b$ #ead the words.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B1 DB* E1
Instruction : S%ell the gi$en ,ords.
sun a""le
morning nose
mat hello
du!k father
sister ear
,menguasai - tidak menguasai$
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Skill 5riting
Band 1
Standard Statement Know basic skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing
Descriptor B1 DT6
Demonstrate ine motor control o hands
and ingers
Evidence B1 DT6 E1
Able to trace dotted lines to orm letters
and shapes correctly

Activities Steps :
a$ 6race the letters and words
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B1 DT+ E1
Instruction : -race the letters and ,ords.
good morning
good afternoon
good night
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill Oral
Band 7
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know and understand words, phrases
and sentences heard, spoken, read and
Descriptor B2 DL1
8articipate in daily conversation
Evidence B2 DL1 E1
Able to use the language unction below
a. e0change greetings
b. introduce onesel
c. make polite re1uests
d. thanks someone
e. e0press a simple apology

Activities Steps :
a$ Say the greetings.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B2 DL1 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Say the greetings correctly.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band 7
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know and understand words, phrases
and sentences heard, spoken, read and
Descriptor B2 DB2
#ead and recogni*e words and apply
word attack skills by matching words
with graphics
Evidence B2 DB2 E1
Able to read the words correctly

Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the given words.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Reference : B2 DB2 E1
Instruction : Read the ,ords correctly.
monke& e&es
mother lion
mu.n elbow
house snake
brother doughnu
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Band 7
Standard Statement Know and understand words, phrases
and sentences heard, spoken, read and
Descriptor B2 DB3
#ead and recogni*e words and apply
word attack skills by matching words
with spoken words
Evidence B2 DB3 E1
Able to match spoken words with word

Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the words.
b$ 3atch the words correctly.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Reference : B2 DB' E1
Instruction : Read and match the ,ords correctly.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill 5riting
Band 7
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know and understand words, phrases
and sentences heard, spoken, read and
Descriptor B2 DT4
4opy and write in neat legible print.
Evidence B2 DT4 E1
Able to copy and write !
a. small letters ,lower case$
b. capital letters ,upper case$
c. numerals
d. words
e. phrases
. simple sentences

Activities Steps :
a$ 4opy and write neatly.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B2 DT( E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Co%y and ,rite the sentences neatly.
1) Two ants are on the mat)
2) 0 ma" is on the mat)
') I see three !ats)
() I ha#e ten 1ngers)
*) 0nita likes to go to the oo)
Skill Oral
Band 9
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Descriptor B3 DL1
8articipate in ormal conversation
Evidence B2 DL1 E1
Able to answer 1uestions!
a. personal details
b. my school
c. my amily

Activities Steps :
a$ %isten to the 1uestions.
b$ Answer the 1uestions.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DL1 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : 3ns,er the 4uestions.

'. s!hool
). tea!her
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill Oral
Band 9
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Descriptor B3 DL2
%isten to and ollow simple instructions
and directions
Evidence B3 DL2 E1
Able to listen to and ollow instructions
and directions

Activities Steps :
a. Do actions according to the
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DL2 E1
Instruction : Do actions according to the instructions.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
1) Put u" &our hands)
2) Bend &our bod&)
') Stand with one leg)
() Do star %um")
*) Slow %og)
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band 9
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Descriptor B3 DB3
#ead and understand phrases in linear
and non"linear te0ts
Evidence B3 DB3 E1
Able to recogni*e, read and match
pictures with words and phrases
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the words.
b$ 3atch the pictures with the
correct words.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DB' E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Read and match the ,ords.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band 9
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Descriptor B3 DB4
#ead and understand sentences in linear
and non"linear te0ts with guidance
Evidence B3 DB4 E1
Able to rearrange words to orm correct
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the words.
b$ #earrange the words to orm
correct sentences.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DB( E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Rearrange the ,ords to form the correct sentences.
.ag red is the
'. house .ig the is
(. is girl 3nita %retty
). 3mri story.oo" reads
*. ele%hant the trun" long has

menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Band 9
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Descriptor B3 DB4
#ead and understand sentences in linear
and non"linear te0ts with guidance
Evidence B3 DB4 E2
Able to se1uence sentences correctly
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the story.
b$ 2umber the story in se1uence
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DB( E2
Instruction : Read the story. the %ictures according to the
&. 5ne day, an ant fell into the ri$er. He shouted for hel%.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
'. 3 .ird sa, the ant. 6I must sa$e the ant. 5ther,ise, he ,ill
dro,n,7 said the .ird. So, the .ird dro%%ed a leaf. -he ant
clim.ed u% the leaf.
(. -he ne8t day, a hunter sa, the .ird. He tried to shoot the
.ird ,ith his gun. -he ant sa, the hunter. 6I must hel% the
.ird,7 ,his%ered the ant.
). -he ant clim.ed on the hunter9s leg. He .it it. 65uch::7 -he
hunter screamed. -he .ird ;e, a,ay as he heard the
hunter9s scream.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band 9
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Descriptor B3 DB5
Apply basic skills using picture
Evidence B3 DB5 E1
Able to arrange words in alphabetical
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the words.
b$ Arrange words in alphabetical
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DB* E1
Instruction : Read the ,ords. 3rrange ,ords in al%ha.etical order.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
!ow orange mother
shoes table
3rrange ,ords in al%ha.etical order.
&. ________________________ /. ___________________________
'. ________________________ 0. ___________________________
(. ________________________ 1. ___________________________
). ________________________ &2. __________________________
*. ________________________ &&. __________________________
+. ________________________ &'.___________________________
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill 5riting
Band 9
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Know, understand and apply knowledge
obtained through listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Descriptor B3 DT6
Spell common sight words and seen
Evidence B3 DT6 E1
Able to write words with correct
Activities Steps :
a$ ;ill in the blanks.
b$ #ewrite the words.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B' DT+ E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : <ill in the .lan"s ,ith the correct letters. Re,rite the
g // o // e
! // f f // //
d // // s s
// u l // //
// // w l
! // o ! //
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill Oral
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Band <
Standard Statement Apply knowledge obtained through
listening, speaking, reading and writing
in various situations using good manners
Descriptor B4 DL1
%isten to and demontrate understanding
o oral te0ts
Evidence B4 DL1 E1
Able to answer &5h( 1uestions
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the pictures.
b$ Ask and answer 1uestions.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B( DL1 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : =oo" at the %icture. 3s" and ans,er the 4uestions
.ased on the %icture.
&. >hat is it?
'. >ho is cele.rating the .irthday?
(. Ho, many children are there?
). >hat are the food ser$ed at the %arty?
*. >hen is your .irthday?
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band <
Ha""& Birthda&
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Apply knowledge obtained through
listening, speaking, reading and writing
in various situations using good manners
Descriptor B4 DB2
3atch realia to simple sentences read
Evidence B4 DB2 E1
Able to match descriptions o realia to
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the sentences.
b$ 3atch the sentences with
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B( DB2 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Read the sentences. @atch the sentences ,ith the
correct %ictures.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band <
&. -he ele%hant is .ig.
'. -his is a coc".
(. @ira reads a .oo".
). -his is a s%oon.
*. -hese are my eyes.
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Apply knowledge obtained through
listening, speaking, reading and writing
in various situations using good manners
Descriptor B4 DB3
;ollow instructions rom simple linear
and non"linear te0ts
Evidence B4 DB3 E1
Able to carry out instructions
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the pictures.
b$ 2umber the sentences according
to the pictures.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B( DB' E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : =oo" at the %ictures. the sentences
Please arrange the !hairs and tables
Please kee" $uiet)
Please throw the rubbish into the
Please wi"e the windows)
Please swee" the 2oor)
Please water the "lants)
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill 5riting
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Band <
Standard Statement Apply knowledge obtained through
listening, speaking, reading and writing
in various situations using good manners
Descriptor B4 DT4
8unctuate correctly
Evidence B4 DT4 E1
Able to use correctly!
a. capital letters
b. ull stops
c. 1uestion marks

Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the passage.
b$ 8unctuate correctly using capital
letters, ull stops or 1uestion
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Reference : B( DT( E1
Instruction : Co%y the %assage and %unctuate correctly.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
little red hen wears a bell little red
hen goes for a walk bu3 the bear
%um"s out little red hen runs awa&
bess the dog hears a bell 4what
ha""en to little red hen5 ask bess
the dog bess the dog barks at the bear
the bear runs awa&
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Skill Oral
Band =
Standard Statement Demonstrate well the ability to apply
knowledge o listening, speaking,
reading and writing or various purposes
using admirable manners
Descriptor B5 DL1
6alk about a picture with guidance
Evidence B5 DL1 E1
Able to talk using simple sentence
structure correctly in a given stimulus
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the picture.
b$ Answer the 1uestions.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Class : _______________________
Reference : B* DL1 E1
Instruction : =oo" at the %icture. 3ns,er the 4uestions .ased on
the %icture.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band =
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Demonstrate well the ability to apply
knowledge o listening, speaking,
reading and writing or various purposes
using admirable manners
Descriptor B5 DB2
#ead simple iction and non"iction te0ts
or inormation
Evidence B5 DB2 E1
Able to read and comprehend simple
te0ts by answering &5h( 1uestions
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the passage.
b$ Answer the comprehension
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B* DB2 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Read the %assage. 3ns,er the com%rehension
&. >hen is the @ar"et day?
'. >hat is the name of the farmer?
(. >hat are the $egeta.les that he sell?
). Does he sell fruits?
*. Name the fruits that he sell.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill 5riting
Band =
Toda& is 1*
6une. It is 7arket Da&)
8armer 6oe has man& things to sell) There
are green beans) There are red tomatoes)
There are brin%als and !arrots)
8armer 6oe sells fruit too) There are
oranges and a""les) There are bananas and
melons) There are "a"a&as and durians)
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Demonstrate well the ability to apply
knowledge o listening, speaking,
reading and writing or various purposes
using admirable manners
Descriptor B5 DT3
5rite simple sentences with guidance
Evidence B5 DT3 E1
Able to write short sentences
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the pictures.
b$ 5rite the sentences using the
words given.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B* DT' E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : =oo" at the %ictures. >rite sentences using the ,ords
&. A ,a"es u% A morning
'. A ma"es A .ed
(. A.rushes A tooth.rush
). Asho,er A soa%
*. B%uts on A neatly
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
+. A.rea"fast A %arents
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill 5riting
Band =
Standard Statement Demonstrate well the ability to apply
knowledge o listening, speaking,
reading and writing or various purposes
using admirable manners
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Descriptor B5 DT4
4omplete orms with guidance
Evidence B5 DT4 E1
Able to complete orms with personal
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the passage.
b$ ;ill in the card.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B* DT( E1
Instruction : Read the %assage. <ill in the card .ased on the
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill 5riting
Band =
This is Rizwan bin Hisham. He is a boy. He
is seven years old. He lives at 3-4, Block C,
Timur !artments, "alan Bulan, Taman
#ermata, $ibu.
He is studyin% at $ekolah Rendah
&eban%saan Taman #ermata. He is in 'ear
(ne )elur. His hobby is !layin% com!uter
%ames. His ambition is to be an en%ineer.
NAME : _______________________________________________
AGE : _____________
BOY or GIRL : _________
ADDRESS :___________________________________________________
SCHOOL :___________________________________________________
CLASS :_______________________
HOBBY : _____________________________________________
AMBITION : _____________________________________________
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Demonstrate well the ability to apply
knowledge o listening, speaking,
reading and writing or various purposes
using admirable manners
Descriptor B5 DT5
3ake a list
Evidence B5 DT5 E1
Able to complete orms with personal
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the picture.
b$ %ist the things brought or a
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B* DT* E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : =oo" at the %icture. =ist the things .rought for a
&. _____________________ +. ____________________
'. _____________________ /. ____________________
(. _____________________ 0. ____________________
). _____________________ 1. ____________________
*. _____________________ &2.____________________
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill Oral
Band >
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Appreciating literary works by
perorming and presenting ideas using
e0emplary manners
Descriptor B6 DL1
6alk about a short story with guidance
Evidence B6 DL1 E1
Able to respond and demonstrate
understanding o short stories by talking
a. the characters
b. the events
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the pictures.
b$ 4reate dialogues based on the
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B+ DL1 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : =oo" at the %ictures. Create dialogues .ased on the
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill Oral
Band >
Hare 9
Hare 9
Tortoise 9
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Appreciating literary works by
perorming and presenting ideas using
e0emplary manners
Descriptor B6 DL2
#ecite rhymes with correct stress, rhytm
and intonation
Evidence B6 DL2 E1
Able to recite rhymes in groups and
individually with correct stress, rhythm
and intonation
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the lyric.
b$ Sing the song.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B+ DL2 E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Read the lyric. Sing the song in a small grou%.
menguasai ! tida" menguasai#
Skill #eading
Band >
The more we get together:
Together: together:
The more we get together:
The merrier we;ll be)
8or &our friends are m& friends:
0nd m& friends are &our friends:
The more we get together:
The merrier we;ll be)
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Appreciating literary works by
perorming and presenting ideas using
e0emplary manners
Descriptor B6 DB3
4hoose and read simple iction and non"
iction te0ts or personal en/oyment
Evidence B6 DB3 E1
Able to choose and record the number o
te0t read
Activities Steps :
a$ #ead the passage.
b$ %ist the beneits o &milk(.
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B+ DB' E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : Read the %assage. =ist the .eneCts of Dmil"9.
7ilk is a nutritious drink) It !ontains a lot of nutrition
that is good for our bod&) <suall&: we get milk from the
!ows and the goats)
=hildren and adults drink milk for health) 7ilk gi#es
us the entire #itamin that is needed b& our bod&)
8urthermore: milk will make our teeth and bones strong)
=ows; milk and goats; milk whi!h is freshl& s$ueee
!an be drink right awa& or will be sent to the fa!tor& to be
"ro!essed) The "ro!essed milk be!omes margarine:
!heese: milk "owder: !ondensed milk and other dair&
Bene1ts of the milk)
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
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menguasai ! tida" menguasai #
Skill 5riting
Band >
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Standard Statement Appreciating literary works by
perorming and presenting ideas using
e0emplary manners
Descriptor B6 DT4
4reate simple non"linear te0ts using a
variety o media with guidance
Evidence B6 DT4 E1
Able to create!
a. greeting cards
b. lists
Activities Steps :
a$ %ook at the picture.
b$ 4reate a greeting card.,theme !
;amily ? e0ample ! ;ather(s day,
3other(s day, 'ari #aya.$
Name : _______________________ Date :_______________
Class : _______________________
Reference : B+ DT( E1
Instrumen Pentaksiran Standard Prestasi
Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1
Instruction : =oo" at the %icture. Create a greeting card .ased on
the %icture.

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