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SEE Tunnel : Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region

ITAWTC 2015 Congress and 41

General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma alamar Congress Center, !"bro#n$%, Croat$a
A"t&or'ame (AMIL)'AM* +,-, Coa"t&or'ame LA.T'AM* +,,-/00 + ma1 2 coa"t&ors-
Abstract Title +ma1 20 c&aracters-
T&eme 3 +one o4 t&emes 4orm t&e 5eb s$te , 6"t $n n"mers 1-11-

To6$c3 + one o4 descr$t6t$ons ment$oned 4or eac& t&eme 4rom t&e 5eb s$te-
7ey5ords3 %ey5ords related to t&e art$cle content + ma10 2 -
1T&e *ocene 4lysc& $n t&e reg$on o4 .6l$t +!almat$a, Croat$a- $s c&aracter$8ed by t&e 6resence o4 layers
25$t& d$44erent c&aracter$st$cs0 It ma$nly $ncl"des t&$n-layered marls, clayey marls, calcareo"s marls,
9clast$c layered l$mestones, calcaren$tes and brecc$as0 T&ose 6arts t&at can be descr$bed as t&e so4t
4roc%s or &ard clays by t&e mec&an$cal means +ma$nly marls-, e16osed to 5eat&er$ng red"ce d"rab$l$ty
5and strengt& 5$t&$n :an eng$neer$ng t$me scale;0 T&e 5eat&er$ng 6rocess ma$nly de#elo6s 5&en a
2mater$al $s s"b<ected to t&e 5ett$ng-dry$ng 6rocess0
=W&en t"nnel $s e1ca#ated $s s"c& 4ormat$on $nterest$ng res"lts o4 d$s6lacement mon$tor$ng on
86r$mary l$n$ngs &a#e been obser#ed0 *1am6les o4 tree t"nnels e1ca#ated $n 4lysc& 4ormat$on $n reg$on
>aro"nd to5n .6l$t are 6resented $n t&e 6a6er0 ?n t&e 6r$mary l$n$ng long t$me d$s6lacements 5ere
10obser#ed0 al"es o4 d$s6lacements are relat$#ely small, b"t con#ergence to constant #al"e o4
11d$s6lacement ta%es 4e5 years0
12W&en 5eat&er$ng 6ro6ert$es o4 marls t&ro"g& 5$tc& t"nnel $s e1ca#ated, are com6ared 5$t& res"lts
19o4 d$s6lacement con#ergence, $t can be eas$ly concl"ded t&at attent$on abo"t 5eat&er$ng s&o"ld be
14ta%en $nto des$gn o4 t"nnel l$n$ng0 W&en marl $s not e16osed +co#ered 5$t& l$n$ng $n t"nnel-,
155eat&er$ng 6rocess $s slo5ed do5n, b"t beca"se o4 a dra$nage system bet5een roc% and l$n$ng,
125ett$ng dry$ng 6rocess $s $mmanent0
+)o"r abstract m"st "se 'ormal style and m"st 4$t $nto t&$s 6age, e0g 0 ma10 20 l$nes, )o" s&o"ld "se 6
@ere 6ro6osed 4ont 3 11 6t T$mes 'e5 Aoman, all te1t $n red to be re6laced and deleted-
+,- T$tle, Com6any, Com6any Address, Costal CodeDEIC, C$ty, .tate, A"t&or *ma$l3, Web3
+,,- C&!0C*, Fn$#ers$ty o4 .6l$t, (ac"lty o4 c$#$l eng$neer$ng and arc&$tect"re, @A-21000
.6l$t, Mat$ce &r#ats%e 15, Croat$a, *ma$l 3 ma$lGaddress0com, Web3 5550gradst0&r

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