Anda di halaman 1dari 65


Prepared by:
O"#$ber %&' ()&(
Tab*e $+ C$,#e,#-
C.ap#er De-"r/p#/$, Pa0e
& Key R 1 D I,-#/#2#/$,- I,3$*3ed /, #.e De3e*$p4e,# a,d
Tra,-+er $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Te".,$*$0/e-
Introduction 5
The Philippine Energy Plan for RE in 2012 to 2030 5
Renewable Energy Sector Accopli!hent! in 2010 to 2011 "
#eotheral Energy "
$ydroelectric Power %
&ioa!! Energy %
Solar Power %
'ind Energy (
)cean Theral Energy *on+er!ion (
The ,ational Renewable Energy Progra -,REP. of the
Renewable Energy /anageent &ureau under the 0epartent of
Energy -RE/&10)E.
The Indu!trial Technology 0e+elopent In!titute 2
The 3ore!t Product! Re!earch and 0e+elopent In!titute 10
The 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! Solar 5aboratory 11
The *ongre!!ional *oi!!ion on Science 6 Technology and
( A"ade4/" I,-#/#2#/$,- O++er/,0 Capa"/#y B2/*d/,0 Pr$0ra4- /,
#.e F/e*d $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
Affiliated Renewable Energy *enter! -ARE*!. funded by the
0epartent of Energy
*entral 5u7on State 4ni+er!ity 1%
8a+ier 4ni+er!ity 1(
*a+ite State 4ni+er!ity 1(
4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! Solar 5aboratory -4P1Solar 5ab. 1(
Energy Engineering #raduate Progra 1(
9ehicle Re!earch and Te!ting 5aboratory 12
Ateneo de 0a+ao 4ni+er!ity 12
/ariano /arco! State 4ni+er!ity 12
Technological 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! 12
*apitol 4ni+er!ity 20
0e 5a Salle 4ni+er!ity 20
Philippine Electronic! and *ounication In!titute of Technology 20
4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! : 5o! &ano! 20
Ada!on 4ni+er!ity 20
)ther Pre+iou!ly Affiliated ,on1*on+entional Energy *enter!
-A,E*!. in /ini1$ydro Technology for Rural Electrification
% N$,6G$3er,4e,# Or0a,/7a#/$,- /, #.e Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
*enter for *lean and Renewable Energy 0e+elopent 23
C.ap#er De-"r/p#/$, Pa0e
,ational #eotheral A!!ociation of the Philippine! 23
)ther ,on1#o+ernent )rgani7ation! in the RE Sector 2;
8 G$3er,4e,# A0e,"/e- I,3$*3ed /, #.e Pr$4$#/$, $+ Re,e5ab*e
E,er0y a# #.e Ape9 Le3e*
)ther #o+ernent Agencie! In+ol+ed in the Prootion of RE 2"
The Philippine *ouncil for Indu!try< Energy and Eerging
Technologie! Re!earch and 0e+elopent
4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! : ,ational Engineering *enter 2%
The Philippine ,ational )il *opany : Energy 0e+elopent
)ther #o+ernent Agencie! In+ol+ed in the Prootion of RE 2(
: C$,-2*#/,0 Or0a,/7a#/$,-;C$,-2*#a,#- 5/#. E9per#/-e /,
Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Te".,$*$0y Sy-#e4- De-/0,' App*/"a#/$,
a,d Tra,-+er
< Te".,$*$0y C$44er"/a*/7a#/$, A0e,"/e-;Te".,$*$0y B2-/,e--
I,"2ba#$r- /, #.e Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Se"#$r
)ther 3abricator! for /ini1$ydro Technology ;3
)ther Supplier! for /ini1$ydro Technology ;;
= F/,a,"/a* I,-#/#2#/$,- +$r S2pp$r#/,0 Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
Te".,$*$0y De3e*$p4e,#' C$44er"/a*/7a#/$,' Tra,-+er a,d
/ultilateral and &ilateral 3inancial In!titution! -)fficial 0e+elopent
A!ian 0e+elopent &an= ;5
International 3inance *orporation ;"
5oan Progra! of 4ni+er!al &an=! ;%
&an= of Philippine I!land! ;%
&anco de )ro 4niban= -&0). ;(
*hina &an=ing *orporation ;(
5and &an= of the Philippine! ;(
0e+elopent &an= of the Philippine! 50
#o+ernent In!titution! 53
&oard of In+e!tent! 53
0epartent of Energy 53
Technology Application and Prootion In!titute 53
Energy Ser+ice *opanie! 5;
*PI Energy *opanie! 5;
Phil*arbon Inc> 5;
Penwood *orporation 5;
/icro13inancing In!titution! 55
A!ian Social Enterpri!e Incubator 55
> P$*/"/e- +$r #.e Pr$4$#/$, $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y I,"*2d/,0
Renewable Energy Act of 200( 5"
C.ap#er De-"r/p#/$, Pa0e
#eotheral Energy Policy Incenti+e! 5(
/ini1$ydroelectric Power Policy Incenti+e! 5(
&iofuel! Act 52
)ther Policy Incenti+e! for the Prootion of RE "0
Pending &ill! in the $ou!e of Repre!entati+e!< *ongre!! of the
? Ma@$r C$,+ere,"e-' B2-/,e--6#$6B2-/,e-- Mee#/,0-'
Te".,$*$0y R$ad-.$5-' E9./b/#/$,-' B2yer6Se**er Mee#-'
P$*/"y D/a*$02e-' W$rA-.$p-' Tra/,/,0 Pr$0ra4- /, #.e Area $+
Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
&) L/-# $+ P2b*/" D$4a/, Te".,$*$0y Da#aba-e- $, RET- 5/#.
Free A""e-- #$ I,+$r4a#/$,
C.ap#er &B Key R1D I,-#/#2#/$,- /,3$*3ed /, #.e De3e*$p4e,# a,d Tra,-+er $+
Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Te".,$*$0/e-
T.e P./*/pp/,e E,er0y P*a, +$r RE /, ()&( #$ ()%)
Energy< which i! a +aluable coodity< ha! a direct ipact on the econoic growth of
the country li=e the Philippine!> The Philippine 0epartent of Energy -0)E.<
recogni7ing the long de+elopent duration of energy pro?ect! and in+e!tent< ha!
forulated the 2012 to 2030 Philippine Energy Plan -PEP. to be launched in 0eceber
2012 in tie for the annual celebration of the ,ational Energy *on!ciou!ne!! /onth
The Energy Plan highlight! the policy and +i!ion of an econoy which will becoe
largely decarboni7ed with the de+elopent and utili7ation of renewable energy :
bioa!!< geotheral< !olar< ocean and wind energy -or what i! called the &i#S$)' a!
an acrony. with the 0)E ta=ing the lead in the prootion of energy efficiency a! a
life!tyle and ad+ocating the u!e of alternati+e fuel! for the tran!port !ection apart fro
the utili7ation of RE technologie!>
The 0)E ha! al!o !iulated the energy need! of the country o+er the ne@t 20 year! by
con!idering factor! !uch a! a 10>0A target energy !a+ing! acro!! all econoic !ector!
and increa!e in the nuber of bu!e! fueled by *opre!!ed ,atural #a! -*,#. and
po!!ible introduction of *,# ta@i!< electric +ehicle! and higher application of biofuel
blend! -biodie!el and bioethanol.> To further curb the countryB! energy deand< the
PEP al!o !ee=! to !cale1up energy efficiency in+e!tent! in both the pri+ate and public
!ector! to generate ore energy !a+ing! a! well a! en+i!ioning the acceleration of the
de+elopent and production of indigenou! fo!!il fuel!>
The low1carbon progra! that ha+e been outlined will !upport the go+ernentB! cliate
change itigation !trategie! thu! helping the country achie+e it! targeted progre!! in
eeting it! greenhou!e ga! ei!!ion reduction goal! a! the country ai! to cliate1
proof the energy !y!te to help en!ure they continue to pro+ide energy !er+ice! under
the ipact! of cliate change>
Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Se"#$r A""$4p*/-.4e,#- /, ()&) #$ ()&&
The following are the highlight! of the accopli!hent! of the RE !ector on a per
re!ource ba!i!C
Ge$#.er4a* E,er0y
A ile!tone in geotheral energy wa! achie+ed in 3ebruary and /arch 2010 with the
!igning of new #eotheral Renewable Energy Ser+ice *ontract! -#RES*!. under the
)pen and *opetiti+e Selection Proce!! -)*SP.< four -;. #RES*! under direct
negotiation! for frontier area! and con+er!ion of two -2. #eotheral Ser+ice *ontract!
into #RES*! under RA 2513 were !igned> The !igned !er+ice contract!< located in the
area! of &enguet< /ountain Pro+ince< Palawan< 5aguna<)riental /indoro< &ataan<
*aarine!< Surigao del ,orte< and Sor!ogon< will contribute a total of an additional "0"
/' potential capacity to the countryB! electricity !upply>
A! of 2011< the country ha! 21 #RES*! and 2 #eotheral Ser+ice *ontract! -#S*!.
under P0 1;;2< !e+en -%. of which are producing field! with a total in!talled capacity of
1<(2"/' while the reaining are under pre1de+elopentDe@ploration !tage> Aong the
a?or i!land! of the country< the 9i!aya! ha! the highe!t in!talled capacity with 21;/'>
5u7on ha! (%2/' while /indanao ha! 103/'>
The country reain! a! a a?or producer of geotheral energy re!ource< ne@t only to
the 4nited State! of Aerica> In 2010< gro!! electricity generation fro geotheral
energy wa! recorded at 2<222#'h which pro+ided a1;>%A !hare to the countryB! total
electricity generation i@> In 2011< de!pite the coi!!ioning of the ;2>3%/' ,orthern
,egro! #eotheral Power Plant in Eune and the on1going rehabilitation of the &acan
#eotheral Power Plant!< gro!! electricity generated fro geotheral energy during
the third Fuarter already !tood at %<233#'h and i! e@pected to further increa!e to
12<25"#'h at the end of 2011>
The 0)E ha! al!o appro+ed the G*onfiration of *oercialityH in ,o+eber 2011 of
the 20/' /aibarara Integrated #eotheral Streafield and Power Plant Pro?ect in
Sto> Thoa!< &atanga! of Ser+ice *ontractor< /aibarara #eotheral< Inc> The
confiration declaring that the RE pro?ect i! coercially fea!ible and +iable !er+e! a!
the ba!i! for the pro?ect to con+ert fro pre1de+elopentDe@ploration !tage to
de+elopent and coercial !tage> The pro?ect i! e@pected to be coi!!ioned in
Hydr$e*e"#r/" P$5er
A! of Septeber 2011< the total in!talled and dependable capacity fro hydropower
!tood at 3<535/' and 3<25%/'< re!pecti+ely> 0uring the third Fuarter of 2011< the total
energy generation fro hydro wa! placed at "<"25#'h< eFui+alent to a 13>2A !hare to
the total preliinary generation i@> Such contribution e@clude! off1grid and ebedded
generation but include! uprating or rehabilitation wor=! on !oe hydropower plant!
!uch a! the San RoFue and &uhi1&arit $ydro Plant!> 4pon the turno+er of the!e plant!
to their #enerating *opany -#en*o. !ucce!!or!< contract rating of the 3;5/' San
RoFue and the 1>(/' &uhi1&arit $ydro Plant! were ad?u!ted to their naeplate rating!
of ;11/' and 2/'< re!pecti+ely> The !aid ad?u!tent! increa!ed the total capacity of
hydro by "">2/'> The rehabilitation wor=! on the Abu=lao< /agat and &inga $EPP!
with total increa!e in naeplate rating! of 215/' al!o contributed to the increa!e in
hydropower generation> $ydropower technology li=ewi!e contributed to the &arangay
Electrification Pro?ect -&EP. of the 0)E> The pro?ect which proote! the u!e of
!u!tainable and lea!t1co!t decentrali7ed electrification !olution! u!ing RE< in!talled and
rehabilitated the following icro1hydro pro?ect!C 35=' for Sitio 0iotol< /aria Aurora<
AuroraI %=' for &arangay &agong &arrio< /a=ato< A=lanI and 35=' for *aninihan<
Eaniuay< Iloilo>
4nder the EI*A1a!!i!ted pro?ect entitled G$ydropower Re!ource In+entory in the
Philippine!H< 50 new hydro potential !ite! ha+e been identified> A! of 2011< there are
125 $ydropower Ser+ice *ontract! -$S*!. i!!ued and awarded with a total e!tiated
capacity of 1<252>5/'> There are !till $S* application! at different !tage! of e+aluation
that will !till be i!!ued and awarded>
B/$4a-- E,er0y
The u!e of bioa!! for power generation re!ulted in a total in!talled capacity of 5;/'
and dependable capacity of 30/'> 5i=ewi!e< the total generation fro bioa!! a! of
the third Fuarter of 2011 wa! recorded at ;%>2#'h> &ioa!! regi!tration certificate!
were i!!ued and awarded by the 0)E for coercial at %5/' and own1u!e at 212/'
S$*ar P$5er
A! of the third Fuarter of 2011< !olar power contributed 0>2#'h to the gro!! generation
i@ with the grid1connected 1/' *EPA5*) Photo+oltaic Power Pro?ect a! a a?or
!ource of !olar power generation in the country> The countryB! pro!pect! on the u!e of
!olar energy reain high a! e+idenced by the !e+en -%. !olar power contract! recently
i!!ued by the 0)E> Potential !olar re!ource! in the country which could be de+eloped
within the ne@t 20 year!< are found to ha+e a total potential capacity of 2(;>1/'>
W/,d E,er0y
#ro!! generation fro wind energy a! of the third Fuarter of 2011 wa! regi!tered at
;;>3#'h> The countryB! wind power generation i! priarily !ourced fro the 33/'
'ind 3ar of ,orthwind Power 0e+elopent *orporation located in &angui< Iloco!
,orte> A! of 2011< a total of 52 'ind Ser+ice *ontract! ha+e been i!!ued by the 0)E
with a total indicati+e re!ource potential of 2<3;5/'>
O"ea, T.er4a* E,er0y C$,3er-/$,
The country ha! three -3. )cean Theral Energy *on+er!ion -)TE*. pre1de+elopent
contract! co+ering 3" potential area! with re!ource potential of about %0>5/'>
SourceC Energy Sector !ccomp"#shment $eport% &'E.
T.e Na#/$,a* Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Pr$0ra4 NREP! $+ #.e Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
Ma,a0e4e,# B2rea2 2,der #.e Depar#4e,# $+ E,er0y REMB6DOE!
The de+elopent and optial u!e of the countryJ! renewable energy re!ource! i!
central to the PhilippineJ! !u!tainable energy agenda> Renewable energy i! an e!!ential
part of the countryJ! low ei!!ion! de+elopent !trategy and i! +ital to addre!!ing the
challenge! of cliate change< energy !ecurity< and acce!! to energy>
The ,ational Renewable Energy Progra -,REP. outline! the policy fraewor=
en!hrined in Republic Act 2513> It !et! the !trategic building bloc=! that will help the
country achie+e the goal! !et forth in the Renewable Energy Act of 200(> The ,REP
!ignal! the countryJ! big leap fro fragented and halting RE initiati+e! into a focu!ed
and !u!tained dri+e toward! energy !ecurity and ipro+ed acce!! to clean energy>
The ,REP !et! out indicati+e interi target! for the deli+ery of renewable energy within
the tiefrae of 2011 to 2030> /eeting the a!!i+e target! up to 2020 will be
challenging a! detailed planning< financing< and building of renewable energy
infra!tructure will ha+e to be underta=en at a !cale< and within a tie frae< ne+er done
The ,REP lay! down the foundation for de+eloping the countryJ! renewable energy
re!ource!< !tiulating in+e!tent! in the RE !ector< de+eloping technologie!< and
pro+iding the ipetu! for national and local renewable energy planning that will help
identify the o!t fea!ible and lea!t1co!t renewable energy de+elopent option!>
The ,REP proceed! fro the a!!uption that certain acti+itie! can be ta=en right awayI
while other! will ta=e tie to ipleent> A! a national progra< it will reFuire periodic
re+iew to en!ure it confor! to the policy ob?ecti+e! !et out in RA 2513>
&eyond the !cale< howe+er< are fundaental i!!ue! of tran!i!!ion and grid integration
for interittent RE re!ource!> Social and econoic ipact! cannot be o+erloo=ed>
The!e are i!!ue! that will be =ept under clo!e re+iew> Action !hall be ta=en toward
eeting the challenge! of balancing the countryJ! energy !ecurity need! and the o+er1
riding goal of pro+iding clean< affordable< and !u!tainable energy for all>
The ,REP proi!e! a continuing and well1coordinated effort to dri+e de+elopent in
the RE indu!try< proote technology ad+anceent!< and achie+e econoie! of !cale> It
pro+ide! the ba!i! for national and local renewable energy planning that will identify
!pecific action! and tie! upon which outcoe! will be generated> Such plan! will
factor in cro!!1cutting i!!ue! and e!!ential inter+ention! in the area! of tran!i!!ion
de+elopent and integration< energy efficiency< off1grid electrification< cliate change<
technology tran!fer and de+elopent< local capacity building< and partner!hip!>
#i+en the dynaic nature of the countryJ! energy !ector< the ,REP i! a li+ing
docuent> 3oreca!t! and target! will be updated periodically a! =ey de+elopent! in
the energy !ector eerge> Progra! will be re+iewed> 0eployent of RE pro?ect! will
be onitored to en!ure that !ta=eholder! a=e good on their proi!e to deli+er> Abo+e
all< partner!hip! will be enhanced to en!ure a country1wide approach in de+eloping the
countryJ! renewable energy re!ource!>
Source: htttp://*ecut#ve%20Summ+ry-v2.pdf
T.e I,d2-#r/a* Te".,$*$0y De3e*$p4e,# I,-#/#2#e
The Indu!trial Technology 0e+elopent In!titute or IT0I i! one of the re!earch and
de+elopent in!titute! -R0I!. under the 0epartent of Science and Technology> &y
+irtue of E@ecuti+e )rder ,o> 12( dated Eanuary 30< 12(%< IT0I i! andated to render a
+ariety of !er+ice! to local indu!trie!> It i! the flag!hip agency of the 0epartent<
generating a large pool of technologie! while pro+iding technical !er+ice! to indu!try>
IT0I i! ultidi!ciplinary with a uniFue blend of !cientific di!cipline!< enabling the
In!titute to carry on it! role a! one of the acti+e leader! in the countryJ! indu!triali7ation
progra> It! R60 progra! are anchored on it! +i!ion of propelling de+elopent while
addre!!ing the national call for ?ob creation to help alle+iate the plight of the le!!1
pri+ileged !ector of !ociety> R60 acti+itie! are focu!ed on !e+en a?or area!< naelyC
food proce!!ing< aterial! !cience< cheical! and ineral!< electronic! and proce!!
control< fuel! and energy< icrobiology and genetic!< and en+ironent>
It! *heical! and Energy 0i+i!ion -*E0. conduct! R 6 0 !tudie! on the production of
organic< inorganic and pharaceutical cheical! and !ub!tance! and energy
technologie!D !y!te! fro indigenou! raw aterial! for indu!trial application!>
Through it! R 6 0 capabilitie!< the di+i!ion ai! to de+elop and ipro+e proce!!e!
andDor technologie! rele+ant to the iediate need! of the cheical1related indu!trie!
and energy need! of the indu!trial !ector> It further hope! to e!tabli!h and fo!ter
lin=age! with indu!trie! through technology tran!fer and ?oint R 6 0 pro?ect! !uch a!
contract re!earche!>
4nder the *E01IT0I i! the Energy Section which ha! the following function!C
0e+elop and ipro+e technologie! on the production and perforance te!ting of
fuel! fro alternati+e andDor renewable !ource! ta=ing into con!ideration reduction
of greenhou!e ga! ei!!ion!I
0e!ign< de+elop and ipro+e technologie! on energy !y!te! and their efficiency
and perforance te!tingI and
Pro+ide technical a!!i!tance on ipro+ing energy efficiency through energy audit>
Re!earch and 0e+elopent Pro?ect! in 2012 include the followingC
0e+elopent of a Solar1'ind $ybrid Sy!te for Power #eneration
0e+elopent of a $ybrid Portable &ioa!!1Solar Still for Rural Application!
Solar $ybrid 3or /ulti1$eating Application!
)ther RE technologie! which ha+e been de+eloped by the IT0I are the Rice1$ull
#a!ifier *obu!tor -R$#*. and the &ioa!! &oiler and the &ioa!! *arboni7er and
the 3liuidi7ed &ed #a!ification Sy!te -for coal1bioa!! blend!.
Aong it! RE1related training! being offered i! on charcoal briFuetting fro wa!te
bioa!! aterial!>
T.e F$re-# Pr$d2"#- Re-ear". a,d De3e*$p4e,# I,-#/#2#e
The 3ore!t Product! Re!earch and 0e+elopent In!titute under the 0epartent of
Science and Technology -3PR0I10)ST. i! andated to conduct re!earch and
de+elopent -R 6 0. on wood and non1wood fore!t product!I tran!fer technologie! and
pro+ide technical !er+ice! and training

Aong it! R 6 0 progra! i! that on &io1energy< Re!in! and )il! lead by /!> /ildred
/> 3idel which will continue to align it! underta=ing! with the 0)STB! Se+en Point
Agenda -SePA. together with the 3PR0IB! /ediu1Ter Plan -/TP. and In+e!tent
The progra will generate ipro+ed technologie! and inforation to proce!! and utili7e
natural product! a! alternati+e aterial! for the energy< health< cheical and paper
indu!trie!> Additional R60 output! under the progra will be on eFuipent
ipro+eent for the charcoal briFuetting> The progra will ipleent ( regular funded
pro?ect!> )f the!e< ; are continuing and the other ; are newly1ipleented>
Aong it! !pecific ob?ecti+e! on &io1Energy i! the de+elopent of a obile !crew1type
i@er for charcoal briFuette!I and ipro+e the e@i!ting 3PR0I carboni7er and the ulti1
!i7ed tube1type charcoal briFuettor! or briFuetting achine!>
Technologie! which ha+e been de+eloped by the in!titute include charcoal briFuetting
fro fore!t product!< !all1!cale bioa!! pyrol7yer for far irrigation and bioa!!1fired
=iln! and dryer!>
Training! conducted by the 3PR0I related to RE include charcoal production and
charcoal briFuetting fro &ioa!! aterial!>
U,/3er-/#y $+ #.e P./*/pp/,e- S$*ar Lab$ra#$ry
The 4P Solar 5aboratory trace! it! origin to the !econd pha!e of the Philippine1#eran
SEP in 12(( a! a te!ting facility for the e+aluation of a+ailable !olar photo+oltaic and
theral !y!te!>
Since it! inception< the 4P Solar 5aboratory ha! continually de+eloped it! e@perti!e in
any field! of renewable energy< ad+ocate! !u!tainable de+elopent and the ?udiciou!
u!e of energy re!ource! through the ipleentation of it! pro?ect! and progra!>
4nder the Electrical and Electronic! Engineering In!titute< the laboratory focu!e! on
Solar Photo+oltaic Sy!te application! in it! area for re!earch and de+elopent>
4nder it! acadeic progra i! a ulti1di!ciplinary< Energy Progra under the *ollege
of Engineering ipleent! acadeic cour!e! in renewable energy at the graduate
le+el> The Solar 5aboratory !upport! cour!e! in P9 technology< application!< and
4nder the uni+er!ity e@ten!ion progra for counity !er+ice< *'TS -*i+ic 'elfare
Training Ser+ice.< the laboratory ha! deon!tration unit! for !olar !treet lighting in the
hill! of Antipolo> Student! ta=ing the *'TS cour!e get to ha+e fir!t1hand e@perience
!etting up the deo unit!>
5i=ewi!e< collaborati+e effort! with ,#)! -non1go+ernental organi7ation!. ta=e the
for of ini ipleentation pro?ect!> The laboratory al!o participate! in 4,0P1*&RE0
0ataba!e pro?ect>
The Congressional Commission on Science & Technology and Engineering
)n top of it! ain ad+ocacie!< *)/STE reain! coitted to furthering other
initiati+e! in enhancing the copetiti+ene!! of the Philippine! through Science and
Technology -S6T.>
Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
In 200(< *)/STE *hair Senator Edgardo E> Angara !pon!ored the Renewable Energy
-RE. Act of 200( -RA 2513.< along!ide 13 other !enator!> The ea!ure wa! lauded a!
one of the o!t coprehen!i+e and forward1loo=ing piece! of RE legi!lation in the
world> A full1fledged RE indu!try wa! !aid to ha+e grown on the foundation! of the RE
act> $owe+er< long!tanding delay! in the full ipleentation of the act ha+e howe+er
dapened the pro?ected boo of the burgeoning indu!try>
*)/STE reain! a !taunch !upporter of the tran!ition to local< renewable energy
!ource! a! a !olution to the countryB! ince!!ant energy proble! and heightened
+ulnerability to price fluctuation! in iported fo!!il fuel!>
The coi!!ion under!tand! that the !witch to renewable! will entail !ignificant
in+e!tent! and e@ten!i+e technology tran!fer< which !oetie! coe at high co!t!>
Along the!e line!< *)/STE ha! pu!hed for the e!tabli!hent of a Renewable Energy
Re!earch and 0e+elopent In!titute -RER0I.>
A! another !olution< *)/STE al!o ad+ocate! for the country to becoe a prie
location for RE de+eloper! to te!t and fine1tune their technologie!> *)/STE !ee=!
partner!hip! with RE copanie! and foreign go+ernent! who wi!h to le+erage on the
countryB! abundant renewable energy re!ource! and conduct utually1beneficial R60>
S$*ar P.$#$3$*#a/" Te-#/,0
'ith ore !olar flu@ than any other European countrie!< the Philippine! i! al!o a good
location for R60 in better< ore efficient Solar Photo+oltaic -P9. Panel!> A! part of it!
initiati+e! in the RER0I< *)/STE ha! already e!tabli!hed tie! with indu!try partner!
!uch a! 3ir!t Philec in &atanga! and *EPA5*) in *agayan de )ro for Photo+oltaic
Re,e5ab*e E,er0y R1D I,-#/#2#e RERDI!
The Renewable Energy Re!earch and 0e+elopent In!titute -RER0I. i! en+i!ioned to
be the hub for ulti1!ta=eholder! pro?ect! in de+eloping and adapting renewable energy
!y!te! for the country> The in!titute would al!o act a! a clearinghou!e for RE
de+eloper! to !howca!e their technologie!>
'ith 13 other !enator!< *)/STE *hair Sen> Edgardo E> Angara !pon!ored the
Renewable Energy Act of 200( -RA 2513.Khailed a! one of the o!t forward1loo=ing
and coprehen!i+e policie! for the prootion and de+elopent of renewable energy
To boo!t the countryB! capacity to Fuic=ly adapt and locali7e cutting1edge renewable
energy technologie!< *)/STEB! Energy and En+ironent panel recoended the
e!tabli!hent of the Renewable Energy Re!earch and 0e+elopent In!titute or RER0I>
The RER0I wa! en+i!ioned to be the hub for con!ortiu1ba!ed R60 and technology
tran!fer pro?ect! in energy !y!te!> The In!titute wa! al!o !een a! a clearinghou!e for
RE de+eloper!< where deon!tration! can be ade on new approache! to power
etering< energy con!er+ation with greater !ituational awarene!!< and autoatic power
!witching for energy con!er+ation>
*)/STE identified priority area! under which pro?ect! in RER0I would be underta=en>
The!e includeC
Renewable Energy Solar Photo+oltaic -P9. !y!te!
'ind Power
$ybrid Renewable Energy Sy!te!
Alternati+e 3uel! fro !olid re!idue
&iodie!el Production 0e+elopent
#a!ohol1related Proce!! 0e+elopent
/aterial 0e+elopent for Energy Application!
In the 1;th *ongre!!< around PhP100 /illion wa! allocated in the 2010 #eneral
Appropriation! Act -#AA. for the e!tabli!hent of the in!titute>
Shown in Table 1 i! the !uary of RE technologie! and their application! while Table
2 !uari7e! the =ey in!titution! in+ol+ed in the de+elopent and tran!fer of RE
Tab*e &BS244ary $+ RE Te".,$*$0/e- a,d T.e/r App*/"a#/$,-B
,ote!C C L coercially a+ailableID L technical fea!ibility pro+en by deon!tration pro?ect!I
P L technical fea!ibility pro+en by pilot pro?ect!I V L pro+en copetiti+e with con+entional
!y!te! 6 ready for coerciali7ationI L L technical concept!< laboratory !tudie! on1going
Tab*e (B S244ary $+ Key I,-#/#2#/$,- I,3$*3ed #.e De3e*$p4e,# a,d Tra,-+er $+ RE
R 1 D I,-#/#2#/$,- F$"2- Area- C$,#a"# De#a/*-
1> Renewable Energy
/anageent &ureau1
0epartent of Energy
Renewable energy
policy< prootion 6
Mar/$ CB Mara-/0a,
0irector< RE/&10)E
Telefa@ ,o>C -"32. (;0122"(
E1ailC cara!iganMdoe>go+>ph
Mar/--a PB Cere7$
A!!i!tant 0irector< RE/&10)E
E1ailC cere7oMdoe>go+>ph
2> Indu!trial Technology
0e+elopent In!titute
: 0epartent of
Science and
Technology -0)ST.
Solar< &ioa!! 6
$ybrid Energy
Re!earch 6
DrB N2,a EB A*4a,7$r
-"32. (3%31"%
EailC tarayalaMyahoo>co
Ap$**$ V/"#$r Ba5a0a,
$ead< Energy Section
-"32. (3%20%1 local 2120
EailC apollo+ictorMyahoo>co
Addre!!C #en> Santo! A+e>< 0)ST
*opound< &icutan< Taguig *ity
1"3;< Philippine!
3> 3ore!t Product!
Re!earch and
0e+elopent In!titute1
&ioa!! Energy
3luidi7ed &ed
*obu!tor< Sall1
!cale pyroly7er<
bioa!! =iln! 6
Roulo T> Aggangan
Addre!!C ,arra St>
*ollege< 5aguna ;031
Tel> ,o>C -"3.-;2. 53"23"0
3a@ ,o>C -"3.-;2.53"3"30
EailC fprdiMdo!t>go+>ph
;> 4P Solar 5ab
Solar P9
EailC !olarMeee>upd>edu>ph
5> Renewable Energy Renewable Addre!!C
R 1 D I,-#/#2#/$,- F$"2- Area- C$,#a"# De#a/*-
Re!earch and
0e+elopent In!titute
: *ongre!!ional
*oi!!ion on
Energy Solar
Photo+oltaic -P9.
'ind Power
Energy Sy!te!
Alternati+e 3uel!
fro !olid
0e+elopent for
Telefa@ ,o>C -"32. (2210(%5
0irect 5ineC -"32. ;;"1(%;5
'eb!iteC www>co!te>go+>ph
Addre!!C 5A 15< 5ife!tyle Area<
$obbie! of A!ia< ( /acapagal
A+enue< Pa!ay *ity< Philippine!
C.ap#er (B A"ade4/" I,-#/#2#/$,- O++er/,0 Capa"/#y B2/*d/,0 Pr$0ra4- /, #.e
F/e*d $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
The 0epartent of Energy pre+iou!ly onitor! RE con!uption by the coercial and
indu!trial !ector! through a regular in+entory conducted by their 21 Affiliated ,on1
*on+entional Energy *enter! -or A,E*!.> The data collected are then u!ed a! ba!i! for
deterining future deand of the!e !ector!>
0)E ha! recently decided to re+i+e it! partner!hip with acadee -or acadeic
in!titution!. in onitoring renewable1energy pro?ect! in the country due to liited
re!ource! and per!onnel> They ha+e entered into agreeent! with acadee in !etting
up the!e center! now called affiliated renewable1energy center! -or ARE*!.>
The departent i! !till loo=ing for uni+er!itie! all o+er the Philippine! to help onitor
renewable1energy pro?ect!< for re!earch and de+elopent purpo!e!< and to identify
potential !ite! for renewable energy and a+ailable renewable1energy re!ource! in their
re!pecti+e ?uri!diction!>
The 0)E recently held a wor=!hop and in+ited the e@i!ting 21 ARE*! in the country>
The !election of an ARE* i! ba!ed on their willingne!! to participate and a!!i!t the
0)E< and to pro+ide funding> 'ith the feed1in tariff i!!ued by the Energy Regulatory
*oi!!ion< ore acadeic in!titution! ha+e becoe intere!ted to becoe an ARE*>
ARE*! can al!o be recipient! of the renewable1energy tru!t fund which they can u!e to
finance re!earch and de+elopent in thi! field>
4nder the contract!< ARE*! pro+ide the 0)E with a onthly report on where the fund!
are u!ed !ince the!e fund! are audited by the energy departent>
A++/*/a#ed Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Ce,#er- AREC-! +2,ded by #.e P./*/pp/,e
Depar#4e,# $+ E,er0y DOE!
/a!ter in Renewable Energy Sy!te!
0octor in Renewable Energy Sy!te!
*entral 5u7on State 4ni+er!ity -*5S4. )pen 4ni+er!ity
Science *ity of /uno7< ,ue+a Eci?a 3120< Philippine!
Telefa@ ,o>C -"3.-;;. ;5"152;2
EailC infoMopenuni1cl!u>edu>ph
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>openuni1cl!u>edu>phDopenfile!Dre!y!te!>htl
*ollege of Engineering with *P41ARE*
*entral Philippine 4ni+er!ity -*P4.< Earo< Iloilo *ity< Philippine!
Info *enterC
Tel> ,o>C -"3. -33. 322112%1to %2 local 2122
Tele3a@ ,o>C -"3. -33. 3201((22
/obileC -"3. 2211%"02";%
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>cpu>edu>phD
'e!tern Philippine! 4ni+er!ity
San Euan< Aborlan< Palawan< 5302 Philippine!
/obile ,o>C -"3. 21213(3"%21
3a@ ,o>C -"3.-;(. ;331;3"%
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>wpu>edu>ph
EailC ailMwpu>edu>ph
&enguet State 4ni+er!ity
5a Trinidad< &enguet 2"01 Philippine!
Trun=line ,o!>C -"3.-%;. ;221212%D;2212;02
Telefa@ ,o>C -"3.-%;. ;22122(1
ARE* on *a!!a+a Ethanol Re!earch
*ollege of Agriculture< 8a+ier 4ni+er!ity : Ateneo de *agayan
*orrale! A+enue< *agayan de )ro *ity 2000 Philippine!
ARE* for Region I9
*a+ite State 4ni+er!ity -*+S4.
0on Se+erino de la! Ala! *apu!< Indang *a+ite ;122 Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"3.-;". "("1152;
3a@ ,o>C -"3.-;". ;1510010
EailC bioga!>technology>c+!uMgail>co
4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! Solar 5aboratory -4P Solar 5ab.
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>eee>upd>edu>phD!olarD2""
EailC !olarMeee>upd>edu>ph
Energy Engineering #raduate Progra
*ollege of Engineering< 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine!< 0ilian< Nue7on *ity 1101<
#raduate )fficeC
Tel> ,o>C -"32. 22"10%03
EailC gradenggMup>edu>ph
9ehicle Re!earch and Te!ting 5aboratory -9RT5.
/ag!ay!ay corner Roce! A+enue< 1101 0ilian< Nue7on *ity< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. 22%10520
EailC up+rtlMgroup!>faceboo=>co
4P Student A!!ociation of 9aluer! of Energy Re!ource! -4P SA9ERS.
*enter for Renewable Energy and Alternati+e Technologie! -*REATE.
and *lean Air Oouth Alliance -*AOA.
Ateneo de 0a+ao 4ni+er!ity
4ni+er!ity Re!earch *enter< 5ower #round 3loor< 3in!ter $all< Eacinto *apu!
Tel> ,o>C -"3.-(2. 22112;11
3a@ ,o>C -"3.-(3. 22"1;11"
*REATE )fficer1in1*hargeC Engr> ,el!on Enano
&iofuel! -li=e Sweet Sorghu for 3uel and &ioethanol. and &ioa!! Re!earch
-&ioga!< *harcoal 6 &riFuetting.< $ydrou! &ioethanol Production< *haracteri7ation 6
Te!ting in R 6 0 0irectorate
Electrical Engineer! trained a! Solar Engineer! for the *ollege of Engineering
#ender1/ain!treaing and Sen!iti+ity $oli!tic Ad+ocacy for Renewable Energy
0e+elopent -#/A1S$ARE0.
*ollege of Agriculture< 3ood and Su!tainable 0e+elopent -*A3S0.
/ariano /arco! State 4ni+er!ity< *ity of &atac 220"< Iloco! ,orte< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"3.-%%. %2212""0
EailC caf!dM!u>edu>ph
0e+elopent of Alternati+e Energy Technologie! Progra
and Technology Prootion on the 4!e of Renewable Energy< *lean Technologie!
and Energy Efficient Sy!te!
The Integrated Re!earch and Training *enter -IRT*.
Technological 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! -T4P.
Engr> 3elipe Ronald /> Argao!a< E@ecuti+e 0irector< IRT*
3D3 IRT* &uilding< T4P1/anila< Ayala &oule+ard< Erita< /anila 1000< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. 3021%%50 to "1 local ;01
EailC filiproMyahoo>co
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>tup>edu>phDpageDre!earchDirtc
Technical Electi+e! in Solar Energy and 'ind Energy 4tili7ation -in /echanical
*ollege of Engineering< *apitol 4ni+er!ity< *orrale!D)!ena A+enue
*agayan de )ro *ity
*ontactC 0r> 3ranco *> 3lore!< 0ean< *ollege of Engineering
EailC francoPflore!2003Myahoo>co>h=
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>cu>edu>phDacadeic!Dcollege!Dcollege1of1engineeringD
*enter for Engineering and Su!tainable 0e+elopent
0e 5a Salle 4ni+er!ity< /anila< Philippine!
*ontactC 0r> Al+in &> *ulaba
-"32. 52;1;"11 local 2%5
EailC culabaaMdl!u>edu>ph
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>dl!u>edu>phDre!earchDcenter!Dce!drD
The Sinag Pro?ect and The Philippine Solar *ar Society
0e 5a Salle 4ni+er!ity< /anila< Philippine!
'eb!iteC httpCDD!inag>dl!u>edu>phDpro?ectD
RE a! part of curriculu
Philippine Electronic! and *ounication In!titute of Technology -PE*IT.<
/indanao -PE*IT.< Agu!an del ,orte
Tel> ,o>C -"3.-(5. 225155;3
3a@> ,o>C -"3.-(5. 3;115((2
Thru!t! in &iotechnology and Energy Sy!te! in Re!earch< 0e+elopent and
4ni+er!ity of the Philippine!< 5o! &ano!
)ffice of the 9ice1*hancellor for Re!earch and E@ten!ion
33 4P5& /ain 5ibrary &uilding
4P5&< *ollege< 5aguna< P$ ;031
Telefa@ ,o!C -Q"3. ;2 53" 235;< 532"
Eail!C o+creMuplb>edu>ph< o+creuplbMgail>co
Solar1Powered *ar Re!earch and 0e+elopent
Electrical Engineering 0epartent
Ada!on 4ni+er!ity
200 /arcelino Street< Erita< /anila 1000< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C 52;12011 local ;0(
'eb!iteC www>ada!on>edu>ph
)ther Pre+iou!ly Affiliated ,on1*on+entional Energy *enter! -A,E*!. in /ini1$ydro
Technology for Rural ElectrificationC
0r> Aado Iper
A,E* Pro?ect 5eader< Ralinga Apayao State *ollege< Tatu=< Ralinga Apayao 3(00
Tel ,o> -0%;. (%2120;5< -0%(. 5%2;20; cDo /r!> Iper
0anilo *> 3algui< /> Eng> *ell ,oC 02121(3012235
Re!idenceC ,o>( /abini St>< Tabu=< Ralinga
Engr> Edgar /olinta!< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
&enguet State 4ni+er!ity< 5a Trinidad< &enguet 2"01
Tel> ,oC -0%;.;2212;03< -0%;.3021131;
3a@ ,oC -0%;.;22122(1
Engr> Raon 9ela!co< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
*ollege of Engineering< I!abela State 4ni+er!ity< Echague< I!abela
Tel> ,oC -0%(."%212;%;< 3a@ ,o>C -0%(. "%212022
Arando E!pino Er>< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
*entral 5u7on State 4ni+er!ity< /uno7< ,ue+a Eci?a 3112
Tele3a@ ,oC -0;;.;5"10%10< -0;;.;5"10"((D5202
*elD3a@ ,oC 0212130(131(2< 0212131(1%122
0r> Ruperto S> Sangalang< Pre!ident and A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
*a+ite State 4ni+e!ity< Indang *a+ite ;122
Tel> ,oC -0;". ;1510021 3a@ ,oC -0;".;1510012
*ontact Per!onC Engr> Eaie #> 0ilidili
Engr> Eeriel #> /ilitar< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
*entral Philippine 4ni+er!ity -*P4.< Earo< Iloilo *ity 5000
Telefa@ ,oC -033.3201300;
0r> ,ichol R> Elan< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
4ni+er!ity E@ten!ion Progra< Silian 4ni+er!ity< 0uaguete *ity "200
Tel> ,oC -035.22512;1; loc> 23"< -035.2251;535
3a@ ,oC -035.2251;%"(< -035.;221%20%
Engr> RoFue de Pedro< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
0epartent of Agricultural Engineering and Applied /atheatic!
9i!aya! State *ollege of Agriculture< &aybay< 5eyte "521
Tel> ,oC -053.32%15%%0< Re!idenceC -053.32515;;(< A,E* off> -053.33512"2;
*ell ,oC 021(1"0112;;1 -Tue!> and Thur!>. 3a@ ,oC -053.133512"01
Prof> Reynaldo Euan< Pro?ect 5eader
*ollege of Engineering< *entral /indanao 4ni+er!ity
4ni+er!ity Town< /u!uan< &u=idnon (%10
Tel ,oC 5211"03" -*/4 /anila )ffice.
*ell ,oC -0212.1%131;2(2< -0212.1%111(2"0
3a@ ,oC -0((.35"11(12
Engr> Ale?andro S> 9illaor< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
*ollege of Agriculture< 8a+ier 4ni+er!ity< *agayan de )ro *ity 2000
Tel> ,o>C -0((. %2;102"
3a@ ,o>C -0((. %22122;< -0((. (5(1(2"2
0r> /ariano /endo7a< A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
0on /ariano /arco! /eorial State 4ni+er!ity< &acnotan 5a 4nion 2515
Tel> ,o>C -0%2. 2;215";1D;2
3a@ ,o>C -0%2. ;15135;
)ther !ta=eholder! in /ini1$ydroC
Tiburcio Tancinco /eorial In!titute of Science of Technology -TT/IST.
4bria St>< *albayog *ity< Saar
Tel> ,oC -055. 20211%(3 3a@ ,oC -055. 202112(0
*ontact Per!onC 0r> Eduardo S> *aillo< *ollege Pre!ident
4ni+er!ity of San *arlo!
/echanical and Indu!trial Engineering 0epartent
P> 0el Ro!ario St>< *ebu *ityC
Tel> ,o> -032.3;"1112( loc> ;0" 3a@ ,o>C -032. 3;"10351
*ontact Per!onC /!> /aria Phylli! /ay *> Sia
Saint 5oui! 4ni+er!ity
*ollege of Engineering
&onifacio St>< &aguio *ity
Tel> ,oC -0%;. ;;212123D2%23 3a@ ,o>C -0%;. ;;212(;2
C.ap#er %B N$,6G$3er,4e,#a* Or0a,/7a#/$,- /, #.e Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Se"#$r
Ce,#er +$r C*ea, a,d Re,e5ab*e E,er0y De3e*$p4e,#
The *enter for *lean and Renewable Energy 0e+elopent -*1*RE0. i! a non1profit
organi7ation that proote! the de+elopent and utili7ation of clean and renewable
energy re!ource! in the country> It !ee=! to pro+ide a platfor for interaction aong RE
!ta=eholder! with the +iew to addre!!ing i!!ue! that ipede the de+elopent of clean
and renewable energy re!ource! in the country> *1*RE0 cataly7e! cro!!1!ectoral
partner!hip! toward harne!!ing clean and renewable energy a! energy of choice in
un!er+edDarginali7ed area! of the country
It! ob?ecti+e! areC
To proote and uphold the !hared intere!t! of renewable energy !ector toward
ad+ancing RE de+elopent goalI
To pro+ide a =nowledge center dedicated to re!earch on renewable energy<
particularly on policie! and progra! in!titutedI
To !trengthen the networ= of renewable energy !ta=eholder! and to pro+ide the
with a !trong +oice for ad+ocacyI and
To pro+ide a foru that will help ad+ance the cau!e of corporate !ocial
re!pon!ibility in the RE !ector>
C6CRED al!o pro+ide! a platfor for renewable energy player! to engage with each
other< with the go+ernent< with international agencie!< and with other =ey
!ta=eholder!> The wor= for renewable energy player! doe! not !top with the pa!!age of
the Renewable Energy Act and it! accopanying IRR> Ad+ocacy and con!tant dialogue
are needed to en!ure that the target! en!hrined in the law are et and that !ub!eFuent
directi+e! are con!i!tent with the ob?ecti+e! and the intention! of the law>
T.e Na#/$,a* Ge$#.er4a* A--$"/a#/$, $+ #.e P./*/pp/,e-
The ,ational #eotheral A!!ociation of the Philippine!< Inc> -or ,#AP. i! a !cientific<
educational< and cultural organi7ation e!tabli!hed to operate in the Philippine!> They
are a non1political< non1go+ernental< non1profit organi7ation with the ai to
encourage< facilitate and< when appropriate< proote coordination of acti+itie! related to
worldwide and national re!earch< de+elopent and application of geotheral re!ource!>
Type! of eber who can ?oin are the followingC
Indi+idual /eber! are !cienti!t!< technologi!t!< and other per!on! engaged in
the re!earch< de+elopent< or utili7ation of geotheral energy<
Student /eber! are !tudent! with an intere!t in geotheral energy who are
regularly enrolled in a college or uni+er!ity>
*orporate /eber! are indu!trial< !cientific< or cultural organi7ation that
!upport! geotheral energy de+elopent>
Table 3 !how! the !uary of non1go+ernent organi7ation! in the RE !ector>
Tab*e %B S244ary $+ N$,6G$3er,4e,# Or0a,/7a#/$,- /, #.e RE Se"#$rB
F$"2- Area- C$,#a"# De#a/*-
1> *enter for *lean and
Renewable Energy
0e+elopent -*1
Renewable Energy,e PB Ma"eda
3loor Tower 2
The Enterpri!e *enter
"%"" Ayala A+enue< Pa!eo de
Ro@a!< /a=ati *ity< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C "32 "22(;;(
TelD3a@C "32 5530(30
EailC infoMc1cred>org
2> ,ational #eotheral
A!!ociation of the
#eotheral Energy
La2r$ FB Bayra,#e
'eb!iteC www>ngaphil>org
3> Philippine Solar Power
Alliance -PSPA.
Solar Energy Da,#e Br/$,e-
4nit A(< 3 Strata &uilding
0on 3ranci!co )rtiga! Er> Road
)rtiga! *enter< Pa!ig< /etro
Tel> ,o>C "32 "3115(1
3a@ ,o>C "32 "312201
4. Renewable Energy
A!!ociation of the
Philippine! -REAP.
Renewable Energy
O*e0ar/$ Sera+/"a
TelC "32 ";"%312
5> 'ind Energy
A!!ociation of the
Philippine! -'E0AP.
'ind Energy
R$-ar/$ BB Ve,#2r/,a
"> &ioa!! Renewable
Energy Alliance
&ioa!! Energy
Ed,a BB Ta#e*
Policy Ad+ocacy *on!ultant
E1ailC ednaMp!a>co>ph
%> )cean -)TE*. 5ead
L$2rde-/ree La#/4er
(> Philippine A!!ociation
of Sall Scale
$ydropower!< Inc>
S*y Na#/3/dad
E1ailC ?!nM!unwe!t>co>ph
C.ap#er 8B G$3er,4e,# A0e,"/e- I,3$*3ed /, #.e Pr$4$#/$, $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
a# #.e Ape9 Le3e* G$3er,4e,# A0e,"/e- I,3$*3ed /, RE Pr$4$#/$,
T.e P./*/pp/,e C$2,"/* +$r I,d2-#ry' E,er0y a,d E4er0/,0 Te".,$*$0y Re-ear".
a,d De3e*$p4e,#
The Philippine *ouncil for Indu!try< Energy and Eerging Technology Re!earch and
0e+elopent under the 0epartent of Science and Technology -P*IEER010)ST. i!
the con!olidation of the Philippine *ouncil for Indu!try and Energy Re!earch and
0e+elopent -P*IER0. and the Philippine *ouncil for Ad+anced Science and
Technology Re!earch and 0e+elopent -P*ASTR0. following the 0epartent of
&udget and /anageentJ! appro+al of it! Rationali7ation Plan la!t 22 Eune 2010< in
accordance with the pro+i!ion! of E@ecuti+e )rder ,o> 3"">
P*IEER0 i! ta!=ed to perfor the following function! for the de+elopent of national
copetence in re!earch and de+elopent !trategic area! of indu!try< energy and
eerging technology !ector! in the countryC
3orulate national policie!< plan!< progra! and !trategie!>
Progra and allocate go+ernent and other e@ternal fund! for re!earch and
de+elopent in indu!try< energy and eerging technologie!>
Pro+ide echani! of a!!e!!ent< e+aluation and onitoring of progra! and
updating of national R60 plan!>
0e+elop and ipleent re!ource generating !trategie! to !upport the progra!
for the !ector!>
Support the de+elopent of in!titution! and R60 huan re!ource pool>
E!tabli!h< de+elop and aintain local and international technical cooperation
0e+elop and ipleent progra! for the optial utili7ation< tran!fer and
coerciali7ation of technologie! and other re!earch output!>
E!tabli!h< de+elop and aintain an effecti+e !y!te for the acFui!ition and
di!!eination of re!earch inforation>
P*IEER0 underta=e! an aggre!!i+e application of !cience and technology -S6T. in
harne!!ing the countryJ! S6T capabilitie! by pro+iding continuing !upport to re!earch
and de+elopent -R60.< technology tran!fer and inforation di!!eination in the
following !ector!C
Sectoral *o+erageC Alternati+e Energy
R 6 0 Prioritie!C
&iofuel!DAlternati+e 3uel! and Renewable Energy
Eerging Technologie!C
,ew aterial! for !olar energy de+ice!
T.e U,/3er-/#y $+ #.e P./*/pp/,e- C Na#/$,a* E,0/,eer/,0 Ce,#er
The ,ational Engineering *enter -,E*. wa! e!tabli!hed on Eanuary 2%< 12%( a! a
di!tinct and !eparate unit of the 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! -4P. by +irtue of
Pre!idential 0ecree ,o> 1225> The creation wa! a re!pon!e to the countryB! continuing
effort! at national de+elopent< which reFuire progre!!i+e and adeFuate utili7ation and
diffu!ion of technology< a! well a! a !teady and e@panding !upply of technical
anpower with e@perti!e in the +ariou! field! of technology and engineering> The ,E*
wa! en+i!ioned to pro+ide a +enue for continuing interaction aong go+ernent<
indu!try< and the uni+er!ity which will be beneficial to all concerned and< at the !ae
tie< !er+e the intere!t! of national de+elopent>
The ,E*< e!tabli!hed in 12%( through P0 1225< i! a di!tinct and !eparate unit under
the 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! -4P. andated to pro+ide e@pert! to who public and
pri+ate entitie! ay turn for a!!i!tance in the !olution of engineering proble! and to
de+elop technologie! that utili7e local re!ource! that are adapted to the need! of a
de+eloping country>
T.e P./*/pp/,e Na#/$,a* O/* C$4pa,y C E,er0y De3e*$p4e,# C$rp$ra#/$,
Energy 0e+elopent *orporation i! a pioneer in the geotheral energy indu!try with
ore than three decade! of pro+en bu!ine!! +iability> It ha! helped di!co+er new way!
of de+eloping and coerciali7ing renewable energy right at the heart of the re!ource :
where+er the location and whate+er the condition>
3ro e@ploration and production of water1ba!ed !tea power to generation of electricity
for coercial u!e< we build !oe of the worldB! pioneering and o!t cople@ !tea
field! ban=ing on our highly !=illed anpower and hoegrown technology that are fa!t
becoing benchar=! in the indu!try> E0* ha! ore than 1<;00 egawatt! under it!
green power portfolio di+er!ified by the acFui!ition of a hydropower pro?ect and wind
power pro?ect! in the pipeline>
The E0* add! +alue at e+ery !tage of their operation : fro geo!cientific a!!e!!ent
to en+ironental copliance and fro power plant operation to !ocial acceptability>
Their ad+ocacy i! to help eet the growing deand for energy deli+ered by low carbon
power option!> Their geotheral pro?ect! are now Fualified in the clean de+elopent
echani! purcha!ed in Europe for it! low *)2 ei!!ion!> E0* ai! to !trengthen it!
po!ition a! the ar=et leader by de+eloping new greenfield and power generation
Their !er+ice! include! the followingC
E@ploration and a!!e!!ent of geotheral field!
3ield de+elopent
Re!ource anageent
Analytical !er+ice!
Technology de+elopent Training
They al!o ha+e well1eFuipped *hei!try 5aboratorie! located in 3ort &onifacio head
office and pro?ect !ite! in Albay< 5eyte< ,egro! )riental< ,egro! )ccidental and ,orth
The E0* *hei!try 5aboratorie! are P,S IS)DIE* 1%025 accredited with !cope of
accreditation co+ering cheical te!ting of water!< ga!e! and aero!ol!< and corro!ion
te!t!> The laboratorie! are run by e@perienced and copetent chei!t! and technician!
coitted to pro+ide Fuality laboratory !er+ice! to cu!toer!>
Shown in Table ; i! the !uary of the go+ernent agencie! in+ol+ed in the prootion
of RE in the Philippine!>
Tab*e 8B S244ary $+ G$3er,4e,# A0e,"/e- I,3$*3ed /, #.e Pr$4$#/$, $+ REB
F$"2- Area- C$,#a"# De#a/*-
1> Renewable Energy
/anageent &ureau1
0epartent of Energy
Renewable energy
policy< prootion 6
Mar/$ CB Mara-/0a,
0irector< RE/&10)E
Telefa@ ,o>C -"32. (;0122"(
E1ailC cara!iganMdoe>go+>ph
Mar/--a PB Cere7$
A!!i!tant 0irector< RE/&10)E
E1ailC cere7oMdoe>go+>ph
'eb!iteC www>doe>go+>ph
2> Philippine *ouncil for Alternati+e and )ffice of the E@ecuti+e 0irector
F$"2- Area- C$,#a"# De#a/*-
Indu!try< Energy and
Eerging Technology
Re!earch and
0e+elopent :
0epartent of Science
and Technology
Renewable Energy
Trun= 5ineC -"32. (3%120%1 to (2
local 2100
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (3%1222"
3a@ ,o>C -"32. (3%1"15;
EailC pcieerdMdo!t>go+>ph
'eb!iteC www>pcieerd>do!t>go+>ph
Addre!!C ;th and 5th 5e+el Science
$eritage &ldg><
Science *ounity *ople@<
#en> Santo! A+enue< &icutan<
Taguig *ity 1"31< Philippine!
3> Indu!trial Technology
0e+elopent In!titute
: 0epartent of
Science and
Technology -IT0I1
Solar< &ioa!! 6
$ybrid Energy
Re!earch 6
DrB N2,a EB A*4a,7$r
-"32. (3%31"%
EailC tarayalaMyahoo>co
Ap$**$ V/"#$r Ba5a0a,
$ead< Energy Section
-"32. (3%20%1 local 2120
EailC apollo+ictorMyahoo>co
'eb!iteC www>itdi>do!t>go+>ph
;> 3ore!t Product!
Re!earch and
0e+elopent In!titute1
&ioa!! Energy
3luidi7ed &ed
*obu!tor< Sall1
!cale pyroly7er<
bioa!! =iln! 6
Roulo T> Aggangan
Addre!!C ,arra St>
*ollege< 5aguna ;031
PhoneC-"3.-;2. 53"123"0
3a@C -"3.-;2. 53"13"30
EailC fprdiMdo!t>go+>ph
'eb!iteC www>fprdi>do!t>go+>ph
5> 4ni+er!ity of the
Philippine! : ,ational
Engineering *enter
Annual Seinar1
'or=!hop on 'ind
Energy Pro?ect
/!> Arlene $> de )capo
4>P> ,ational Engineering *enter
Euinio $all< 4ni+er!ity of the
Philippine! 0ilian< Nue7on *ity
F$"2- Area- C$,#a"# De#a/*-
PhoneC "3-2. 2(112500 local 300(
3a@C "3-2. 22%115(1D22211%10
EailC nec>trainingMup>edu>ph
'eb!iteC www>upnec>co
"> Renewable Energy
Re!earch and
0e+elopent In!titute
: *ongre!!ional
*oi!!ion on
Science 6 Technology
6 Engineering
,ational Renewable
Energy &oard -,RE&.
Energy Solar
-P9. !y!te!
'ind Power
Energy Sy!te!
3uel! fro !olid
0e+elopent for
Telefa@ ,o>C -"32. (2210(%5
0irect 5ineC -"32. ;;"1(%;5
Addre!!C 5A 15< 5ife!tyle Area<
$obbie! of A!ia< ( /acapagal
A+enue< Pa!ay *ity< Philippine!
%> Philippine ,ational )il
*opany : Energy
$ydro 6 'ind
Energy Pro?ect!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. ""%1%E0* or ""%1
EailC pubrel!Menergy>co>ph
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>energy>co>phD
-e+d 'ff#ce:
3(D3 )ne *orporate *entre< Eulia
9arga! corner /eralco A+enue<
)rtiga! *enter Pa!ig *ity 1"05
C.ap#er :B C$,-2*#/,0 Or0a,/7a#/$,-;C$,-2*#a,#- 5/#. E9per#/-e /, Re,e5ab*e
E,er0y Te".,$*$0y Sy-#e4- De-/0,' App*/"a#/$,' a,d Tra,-+er
Tab*e :B C$,-2*#/,0 Or0a,/7a#/$,- +$r RE Te".,$*$0/e-;Sy-#e4-B
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
1> &a!e *orporation Solar Abra.a4 LB C2
%00 5era St> /andaluyong *ity
TelC "32 532"%53
2> Rural Electric
Da3/d PB Ba**e7a
#eneral /anager
3D3 3E $eight! *ondo>< S35 9i!aya! A+enue< 0ilian
Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 22;%255
3a@C "32 22"%%%"
3> Solar Electric
*opany< Inc>
R$ber# LB P2"Ae##
#eneral /anager
#round 3loor< #old &ldg>< 15 Annapoli! St>< #reenhill!<
San Euan< /etro /anila
E1ailC !il+erMiloilo>net or !olarMcopa!!>co>ph
TelC "32 %2;%2;2I "32 %2112(0
3a@C "32 %22%2;%
;> &io1En+ironental
Sy!te! and
&ioa!! Mar/a,$ Ve,/da
#eneral /anager
S%% &oni Serrano A+enue< 'e!t *rae *ubao< Nue7on
TelC "32 %2312%((D 5%"5
3a@C "32 %211 505%
5> /a!chinen and
Techni= Inc>
O*e0ar/$ SB Sera+/"a
5/ &uilding< 10" E> Rodrigue7< Er> A+enue 5ibi!<
Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 "3311;01 to 02 -trun=line.
Tel>D3a@C "32 (1%1105" -direct line.
"> /aya 3ar! &io1
&ioa!!< E,r/"$ Ob/a-
9ice Pre!ident
/ahabang Parang< Angono< Ri7al
TelC "32 ("51011 to 22
%> A&& A!ia &rown $ydro R> 20< South Super $ighway< ParaTaFue< /etro
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
&o+eri< Inc> /anila
TelC "32 (";0;1
3a@C "32 (125%"2
(> Adelcon Inc> $ydro Ma,2e* MB Ver0e*' III
35 Antoinette St>< Par=way 9illage< San 3ranci!co 0el
/onte< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 3"20250
2> Adrian 'il!on
A!!ociate!< Inc>
$ydro A*e9a,der DR Ab*a7a
9ice Pre!ident
Abla7a &ldg>< 11% E> Rodrigue7 A+e>< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 %12"31%D"31(
3a@C "32 %;1;1%3
10> #1% *on!truction
and 0e+elopent
$ydro E,0rB Ar#2r$ DB Pa@$
R> 2031A #oodrich &ldg>< /> *uenco A+enue corner
5ega7pi St>< *ebu *ity
TelC 2533330I 25;520
3a@C 225220I220052
11> $ydro Electric
$ydro Re,e BB R$,E2/**$
Senior 9ice Pre!ident for )peration!
Aboiti7 6 *opany &ldg>< 110 5ega7pi St>< 5ega7pi
9illage< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (123(;;
3a@C "32 (1"2320
12> /eralco Indu!trial
Ar-e,/$ EB Mar#/,
9ice Pre!ident for Engineering *on!ultant
5D3 Rennai!ance Tower 1000 /eralco A+enue< )rtiga!
*enter< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 "355201I "32 "335123
3a@C "32 "355212
13> Philippine ,ational
)il *opany1
A,#$,/$ MB Ca/*a$
P,)* &uilding " Energy *enter Ri7al 0ri+e<
&#*< Taguig *ity 1"3;
/etro /anila< Philippine
TelC "32 %(2%""2 loc 5002
TelD3a@C "32 (;01;5(
1;> Percon!ult
$ydro H$4$b$,$ CB P/E2e
R> "03 The E@cei!or &ldg>
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
Ro@a! &l+d> E@t>
ParaTaFue< /etro /anila
Tel> ,o>C "32 (03(251D(2;"
3a@ ,o>C "32 (03(251
15> *al Energy
#eotheral D/4 S#a**4eyer
9ice Pre!ident
3loor< "%"0 &ldg>
Ayala A+enue< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (22102%"
3a@C "32 (2215(25
1"> )rat -Phil!.< Inc> #eotheral Ye.2d/d Br$,/"*e
(D3 Solid &an= &ldg>
%%% Pa!eo de Ro@a!< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (1215"13
3a@C "32 (1215"3(
C.ap#er <B Te".,$*$0y C$44er"/a*/7a#/$, A0e,"/e- ; Te".,$*$0y B2-/,e--
I,"2ba#$r- /, #.e Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Se"#$r
Tab*e <B Te".,$*$0y C$44er"/a*/7a#/$, A0e,"/e-;B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r- +$r RE
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
1> A3A Electro
Indu!trial !y!te!
Solar Ar#2r$ TB Uy
2( Scout &orroeo St>< South Triangle< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 22;1%35
TelD3a@C "32 22;1%22
2> &P Solar
Philippine! &P
Solar Southea!t
A!ia 5td>
Solar R2by E-4era*da De3e7a
)ffice /anager
Suite %" Ueta &ldg>< 121 Salcedo St>< 5ega7pi 9illage<
/a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (15203"D3%
3a@C "32 (1%1523 to 152(
3> *>*> 4n!on
*opany Inc>
Solar R$d$*+$ CB Barre#$
Sale! /anager
10D3 Triuph &ldg>< 1"10 Nue7on A+enue< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 220%0%0 to (3
3a@C "32 220%"31
;> *hroagen Sale!
Solar Energy
Solar A*e@a,dr$ Sy
R ;01< 0oTa 3eli7a Sy?uco &ldg>< Taft A+enue corner
Reedio! Street< Erita /anila
TelC "32 521(23"I 50(2"3
3a@C "32 52113"1
5> Econoic Energy
Sy!te! Inc>
Solar Re4/0/$ LB Wa,
"D3 /aripola &ldg>< Salcedo St>< 5ega7pi 9illage< /a=ati
TelC "32 (1522%%
3a@C "32 (1( 0%11
"> 3ir!t Philippine
Gre0 C$rp27
3D3 &enpre! &ldg>< E@change Road corner /eralco
A+enue< )rtiga! *enter< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 "31;021D2;12D;002D(02;
3a@C "32 "31 3103
%> 3loro Enterpri!e! Solar Fra,"/-"$ F*$r$
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
5001* Palanca Street< Nuiapo< /anila
TelC "32 %;22;;1
3a@C "32 %;2;;(5D;;25
(> /acondray 6
*opany Inc>
Solar Mar#/, PB L$re,7$
/acondray *enter 22"3 Pa!ong Tao E@ten!ion<
/a=ati *ity
Tel> ,o>C "321(1210"51<"321(121;3"1
3a@ ,o>C (1(1%332
2> /ilrod *opany Solar De,,/- O-$*/$
S13%< 20
A+enue< /urphy< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 21111%(
TelD3a@C "32 2110;0%
10> )ne Renewable
Energy Enterpri!e<
Solar D/4 MB Ve,e72e*a
Technical /anager
2311 )ne *orporate *entre< E> 9arga! St>< *or> /eralco
A+e>< )rtiga! *entre< Pa!ig city
E1ailC ?iP+ene7uelaMyahoo>co
TelD3a@C "325(;1220
/obileC "3212221(;%"
11> Philippine
Solar Or*a,d$ Abe**$,
&enpre! &ldg>< /eralco A+enue corner E@change Road<
)rtiga! *enter< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 "313133D31;0
12> Philip! 5ighting Solar L/,$ Ber,ard$
Senior /anager
10" 9alero St>< Salcedo 9illage< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (1(0;(2
3a@C "32 (1("3;;I "32 (1%3;%;
13> Sunlight and
Power Sy!te!<
Inc> -S5PS.
Solar Er/"-$, AE2/,$
Technical Super+i!or
Suite %< 4P Technology Par= &ldg>< *>P> #arcia A+enue<
4P *apu!< 0ilian Nue7on *ity
E1ailC !unlightMdo+e>co>ph
1;> Solahart
Solar Cr/- La,daya,
Sale! Engineer
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
S; Ritanlad St>< 0ona Eo!efa< Nue7on *ity
Tel> ,o>C "32 %311"(32< "32 %3115(32< "32 %311%323
3a@ ,o>C "32 %311"(3;
15> Spar=! Solar
Solar G$rd$, SparA-
#eneral /anager
$errera St>< 5ega!pi +illage
/a=ati *ity
Tel> ,o>C "32 (%21(0;< "32 (%21(22
1"> Sun!a+er
Technology and
Solar Car*$- CB Reb$*/da
#eneral /anager
"D3 0A) I &ldg>
Salcedo St>< 5ega!pi 9illage
/a=ati *ity
Tel> ,o>C "32 (231(((2
3a@ ,o>C "32 (231;;50
1%> Total Solution!
Solar Mar FB Car*2e,
Area Repre!entati+e
212 Sariento *ondoiniu< Oa=al St>< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (2222";
1(> Oupangco
Solar V/"#$r EB P/,eda
3D3 Oupangco &uilding< 332 #il Puyat A+enue< /a=ati
TelC "32 (12%551
3a@C "32 (1"1111I (12222(
12> *o!t Sa+er!
Solar D2a,/$ FN/#7G S2e0a,0
2520 Taft A+enue< Pa!ay *ity< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C "32 (33123"(
20> Alfa15a+al -phil!>.
&ioa!! D$-e R/"$ MB Ka#a*ba-
#eneral /anager
3D3 /ola+e &ldg>
2231 Pa!ong Tao< /a=ati *ity
Tel> ,o>C "32 (1013230
3a@ ,o>C "32 (1010";2
21> Ecotech Enterpri!e &ioa!! I0,a"/$ SB Fe*/7ard$
#eneral /anager
1( 0> Reynaldo St>< Tierra &ella Subdi+i!ion
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
Tandang Sora< )ld &alara< Nue7on *ity
Tel> ,o>C "32 23112123
22> 5>9> &ioga!
&ioa!! Le$,ard DB V/**a,2e3a
Proprietor D /anager
10; Ro@a! St>< /ag!ay!ay 9illage Tondo /anila
TelC "32 25;12"12
23> Pe=o &ioga! and
3ertili7er Sy!te!
&ioa!! S/, De* Da4$r$*
1230 &> 5ipunan St>< &aclaran< ParaTaFue
/etro /anila
TelC "32 (33112;2
2;> #> )> Engineering
&ioa!! R/7a* AB Ob*/0ar
11% /indanao A+enue
Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 22210"0"
3a@C "32 22;122%2
25> /iledel
&ioa!! Ede*4/r$ IB H2/b/*a,
1( Anahaw St>< #oria III Subdi+i!ion Tandang Sora<
Nue7on *ity
Tel>D3a@C "32 2311 "1;%
2"> Ebercoal Energy
&ioa!! Ra+ae* BB Pa-"2a*' DrB
R> 302< ,el!on &ldg>
"3( Ri7al A+enue< Sta *ru7< /anila
TelC "32 ";511%0; -Plant.
"32 %3312;23 -)ffice.
2%> P,)* *oal
&ioa!! P,P* *ople@< /erritt Road 3ort &onifacio< /a=ati
TelC "32 (1512%;;
"32 (231"001< "32 (2311320 3a@ C "32 (1512%;%
2(> Al+inB! &a=e!hop &ioa!! A*4a AB R$,E2/**$
&rgy> &uray< )ton< Iloilo
TelC -033. 35%1%215
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
22> A!!i!tco Energy
and Indu!trial
&ioa!! Fe*/"/-/4$ LB Na"/,$
9P1Technical Sale! Pro?ect
A+enue< &agong &ayan< &icutan Taguig *ity
TelC "32 (231(101< "32 (2210;%%< "32 (1"1%5"" to "(
TelD3a@C "32 (231(101 to 02
30> 5o! &aTo!
/anufacturing and
Trading 9enture!
&ioa!! Er,e-#$ PB L$7ada
Pre!ident and #eneral /anager
Ea!ine St>< 4>P> *ooperati+e $ou!ing 4>P> *ollege<
5o! &aTo!< 5aguna
TelC "32 53"12(%3< "32 53"123(5
3a@C "32 "3"12"%2
31> /a=ati Accuotion
&ioa!! D$-e MaB RB C$,"ep#/$,
30 /elantic Street San 5oren7o 9illage< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (1%1%;"(< "32 (1210122
3a@C "32 (1310%13
32> Pa!ig Agricultural
0e+elopent and
Indu!trial Supply
&ioa!! Ce*e-#/,$ EB Da4/a,
11; Pla7a Ri7al< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 ";111(0;< "32 ";111%2;
3a@C "32 ";111(0;
33> Scancon Trading<
&ioa!! Pre3e, T.e-#r2p
#eneral /anager
11( 3uentebella Trading St>< Rauning Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 22;11;2%< "32 22211212
TelD3a@C "32 2221513;
3;> A&& Power Inc> &ioa!! R$*+ He*#r$4
3loor< E/T &ldg>
)rtiga! *enter< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 "33152%% to (0
3a@C "32 "331(%5;
35> Alpha /achinery 6
&ioa!! Ce+er/,$ GB F$**$-"$
*hairan of the &oard
11"% *53 &ldg> I
0on *hino Roce!! A+enue< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (2"1555"
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
3a@C "32 (2513;2;
3"> Angelco
&ioa!! R2-#y MB E3a,0e*/$
#eneral /anager
1; &ueno! Arie! St>< &3 International Pha!e I9 5a!
PiTa!< ParaTaFue< /etro /anila
TelC "32 (2%125(;I "32 (2%12;50
3a@C "32 (2%12;50
3%> Atlantic #ulf and
Pacific *opany
of /anila Inc>
&ioa!! R$ber#$ I2,/0a
Sale! /anager
$oniran 0i+i!ion 2
< Tacoa St>< Port Area< /anila
TelC "32 52%1(1"1
3a@C "32 52%12%50
3(> *onnell &ro!> *o><
Philippine! Inc>
&ioa!! R$de* BB Pad/**$,
Sale! Engineer
;Df Agu!tin &ldg> I< Eerald A+e>< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 "331;%51
3a@C "32 "331;0((
32> 0ynabilt
&ioa!! R$,a*d$ D/7$,
%; P> *ru7 St>< /andaluyong *ity -)ffice.
/analac Indu!trial State< &icutan< Taguig -Plant.
TelC "32 53211";"
3a@C "32 5321%232
;0> Energy and
A+iation Support
&ioa!! Ar#.2r S$4era
2D3 $adelina &ldg>
%05 E>P> Ri7al A+enue< /a=ati *ity
Tel> ,o>C "32 (131;252
;1> Enertech Sy!te!
Indu!trie! Inc>
&ioa!! G2/**er4$ S/4e$,' SrB
Sale! Engineer
(1 Raingin Road< &alintawa=< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 3"2121"1 to ";
3a@C "32 3"111(05
;2> E!ta Trading *orp> &ioa!! Ed AB Br2"e
Super+i!or /achinery
11D3 Solidban= &ldg>< %%% Pa!eo de Ro@a!< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (1%11201
3a@C "32 (1%12(33
;3> $erbon
&ioa!! Te$+/-#$ SB MB Reye-
#eneral /anager
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
5 #en> /a!cardo St>< *aloocan *ity
TelC "32 3;51(0(
3a@C "32 3501(22
;;> Earden ,ell &ioa!! Fred Ge*3er/$
Earden 0a+ie! &ldg>< 222 Sen> #il E> Puyat A+enue<
/a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (;31"011 to ;1
3a@C "32 (1%12;"1< "32 (1"102(1
;5> Ranlaon
&ioa!! R$4e$ Pe,a+/e*
Pre!ident and #eneral /anager
511 Interior San Rafael E@ten!ion St>
/andaluyong *ity
TelC "32 5321(%20< "32 53215%33
3a@C "32 53210%;%
;"> 5e+er!on &rother!
&ioa!! Ed2ard$ AB Ver-$7a
Pre!ident and #eneral /anager
2;5 0r> Antonio A+enue< Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 ";11255"
3a@C "32 ";11255(
;%> /et! Phil!> < Inc> &ioa!! N$e* R/-$-
#eneral /anager
Suite 503 S/S &ldg>
213 #il E> Puyat A+enue< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (5;1;20
3a@C "32 (1512(11
;(> Par!on!
International 5T0>
&ioa!! L2/- O0de,' Sr>
9ice Pre!ident
10D3 Rufino Tower!< "%(; Ayala A+e>< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (1110115
3a@C "32 (11100"0
;2> Pert EFuipent
and Indu!trial
&ioa!! Rey,a*d$ RB E-p/r/#2
#eneral /anager
R> 302< /*R &ldg>
;25 &oni A+enue< /andaluyong *ity
TelC "32 5321%2%3
3a@C "32 532120%1
50> Pilipina! Engine
and Turbine
&ioa!! R$,a*d OB Ta*/$,
Sale! Engineer
R> 12 Santa Agueda *oercial &ldg>
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
*orporation 'e!t Ser+ice Road< South Superhighway< ParaTaFue
TelC "32 (2;12("3< "32 (2315202
3a@C "32 (2;1""5;
51> Procter and
#able Phil!>< Inc>
&ioa!! N$e* MB A,#/E2/,a
#eneral /anager
22%2 9ela7Fue7 St>< Tondo /anila
TelC "32 2511;0"" loc> 3%2"
52> R>S> Arrieta< Inc> &ioa!! M/02e* AB Aber/,' DrB
Sale! /anager
Arrieta &ldg>
Pioneer St> corner San Rafael St> /andaluyong *ity
TelC "32 "3111331 to 33
3a@C "32 "3113(10
53> Sae Product!
&ioa!! R$y R/-$-
#eneral /anager
#round 3loor< S/S &ldg>
213 #il Puyat A+enue< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (13112;3< ((;(03
3a@C "32 (1512(1
5;> Sith &ell 6 *o><
&ioa!! L2/- CB Reye-
#eneral /anager
222; Pa!ong Tao E@ten!ion< /a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (12133""
3a@C "32 (1510122
55> Supertech
&ioa!! Ra+ae* SB S2are7
1( $ernande7 A+enue
San Antonio 9alley III< ParaTaFue /etro /anila
TelC "32 (2313%";
3a@C "32 (2;1055%
5"> Eaandre
Indu!trie!< Inc>
&ioa!! T/r7$ Da4a,dre
(( Ri7al St>< 5a Pa7< Iloilo
TelC "32 320112%2
3a@C "32 320115"2
5%> Tran! Acce!!
&ioa!! L/#$ DB F/der
#eneral /anager
Penthou!e< #old 5oop Tower
Aber A+enue< )rtiga! *enter Pa!ig *ity
TelC "32 "331 (5"2
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
3a@C "32 "331512%
5(> &auer /achinerie!
and Indu!trial
&ioa!! Mar BB Ta"ba-
R> ;051;0" R6# Tirol &ldg>< E0SA *orner Scout<
Albano< Nue7on *ity
TelC "32 22;122%5
3a@C "32 22;12332
52> San *arlo!
&ioenergy Inc>
San *arlo! Eco7one< &rgy> Palapa! 6 Punao
San *arlo! *ity< ,egro! )ccidental
E1ailC infoMbron7eoa=ph>co
TelC "32 %520050 to 51
3a@C "32 (22223(
"0> Philippine
#eotheral Inc
#eotheral D$20 M/**er
15D3 /etroban= Pla7a
Senator #il Puyat A+enue<
/a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (;51(;00
3a@C "32 (1%1("21
"1> P,)* Energy
Na7ar/$ CB Va-E2e7
P,P* *ople@< /erritt Road< 3ort &onifacio
/a=ati *ity
TelC "32 (2311320
3a@C "32 (1512%;%
"2> A>*> *adullo
'ind A,#$,/$ CB Cad2**$
3%2 5ope7 Eaena St>< Earo< Iloilo
"3> *ondor $ydro
'ind Da,/e* PB D$r/**$
&loc= 2< Raantigue St>< Pha!e 2< #ran Plain! Subd>
Earo< Iloilo *ity
";> *yclone
'ind Wa*de, SB R/$
A,E* Pro?ect 5eader
*entral Philippine 4ni+er!ity
Earo< Iloilo *ity
"5> #E) 3ar! 'ind E*4er G2e3arra
B2-/,e-- I,"2ba#$r-
C$,#a"# De#a/*-
1023 E!coda St> Paco< /anila
Tel>D3a@ ,o>C "32 5("1(31
""> Eaandre
indu!trie! inc>
'ind A*e9/- Be*$,/$
(( Ri7al St>< 5a Pa7< Iloilo *ity
"%> Eo+er 5ight
'ind He"#$r SB D$3er
&arangay Tabucan *abatuan< Iloilo
"(> Reyill Steel
'ind Fe*/pe SB Reye-' DrB
#eneral /anager
Ri7al Street < Sta> Ro!a< ,ue+a Eci?a
Tel> ,o>C -0;;. 31111;2% Fabr/"a#$r- +$r M/,/6Hydr$ Te".,$*$0y
Tiger /achinery and Indu!trial *orporation
350 3 San 0iego St> 9icente Reale!< 9alen7uela *ity< 1;;0 Philippine!
Tel> ,o> -"32.22112222 -Trun=line. 0irect lineC -"32.22112225
3a@ ,o> -"32.2211222"I 2201("(5 EailC tigerMuplin=>co>ph
*ontact per!onC *harlie T> Ang
R/ 1(3 Engineering 'or=! and Engine Ser+ice!
R/ 1(3< ,ational $ighway< San 9icente< 4rdaneta Panga!inan
Tel> ,oC 0%515"(12(15
EailC cba32"Myahoo>co
*ontact per!onC *hri!topher Alfon!o S2pp*/er- +$r M/,/6Hydr$ Te".,$*$0y
PI5IPI,AS E,#I,E A,0 T4R&I,E *),TR)5< I,*>
Petco &ldg>< S1( /ichael Rua St><&etter 5i+ing Subdi+i!ion< ParanaFue< //
Tel> ,o> -"32.(2;12("3< (2;1%02%
3a@ ,o> -"32.(2;1%0;0< (21102(5 EailC petcoMcopa!!>co>ph
*ontact per!onC /anny 0> /acatula< Sale! /anager< ,orthern 5u7on
Art )larte< *E)DPre!ident
Product!C 5oad controller< generator< otor< relay!< turbine
a> ( 0ona Aurora St> Irene+ille 1 Subdi+i!ion< Sucat Road< ParanaFue //1%00
TelD3a@ ,o> -"32.(2013123
b> Ar! " 6 % /aryart &uilding< A> 9aleria St>< Iloilo *ity 5000
Tel> ,o>-"333.33%12("1< 33%10(05
3a@ ,o> -"333.33%12("1
EailC eapo!tolM!=yinet>net>net
'eb!iteC httpCDD!=ybu!ine!!>coDaptrade
*ontact per!onC Erne!to 5> Apo!tol< *on!ulting #eologi!t
C.ap#er =B F/,a,"/a* I,-#/#2#/$,- +$r S2pp$r#/,0 Re,e5ab*e E,er0y Te".,$*$0y
De3e*$p4e,#' C$44er"/a*/7a#/$,' Tra,-+er a,d Ad$p#/$,
Renewable Energy together with Energy Efficiency pro?ect! pro+ide financial and
operational benefit! for the in+e!tor and en+ironental benefit! for the !ociety> Typically<
the pro?ect! are characteri7ed by high in+e!tent co!t and low running co!t> Therefore<
the intere!t rate play! a !ignificant role for in+e!tent deci!ion!>
RE prootion gain! attention fro few well =nown !ybol! !uch a! hydro and
geotheral power !tation!< collector! for !olar heat and P9 electricity generation<
windill! that can be !een fro a di!tance< huge field! for biofuel production>
M2*#/6La#era* a,d B/*a#era* F/,a,"/a* I,-#/#2#/$,- O++/"/a* De3e*$p4e,# A--/-#a,"e!
/ultilateral and bilateral loan facilitie! are granted to #o+ernent! and adini!tered by
3inancial In!titution!> 3I! will offer the!e facilitie! to whole!ale and retail borrower! in
accordance with the !tipulation! in !pecial agreeent! with the lender -two !tep loan.>
The tenor! of the!e loan! to ban=! are regularly longer than tho!e of the indi+idual
!ubloan agreeent!> The recipient ban= could u!e the loan repayent! for re+ol+ing
the fund! to further applicant! for the !ae purpo!e -!econd generation loan!.> The 3I!
do not publi!h whether the facility i! already clo!ed or repayent! are a+ailable for
financing additional pro?ect! -revo"v#ng.> )nce the fund! were di!bur!ed and the loan
clo!ed< the pro+ider! of finance or donor! !ee to be not particularly intere!ted in
whether or not loan repayent! are re+ol+ed for the !ae purpo!e>
0etail! are !eldo publi!hed on whether and how fund! are directly acce!!ible for
S/E! and the financing condition!> S/E! ight benefit fro !ubcontract! but e+en
when they obtain ad+ance payent! or ea!ier acce!! to loan! ba!ed on a contract with
an 5#4 about an in+e!tent>
.+/or Source:0reen 1#n+nc#ng #n the Ph#"#pp#nes%.+y 2012. Pu,"#sher: Pr#v+te Sector
Promot#on Progr+m PSP S.E&SEP 2smedsep.ph3
*lean Energy Progra and *arbon /ar=et Progra
A!ian 0e+elopent &an=
A0& $eadFuarter! /anila
" A0& A+enue< /andaluyong *ity 1550< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. "321;;;;
3a@ ,o>C -"32. "3"12;;;
A0& ha! !etup a new fund which will pro+ide financing for green pro?ect! in the A!ia
Pacific region that can generate carbon credit! beyond 2012> The initial fund !i7e i!
100 illion 4S0 and could be increa!ed to 200 illion 4S0 if the deand call! for it>
A0& i! concerned that !ince the Ryoto ProtocolB! fir!t coitent period e@pire! on
31 0eceber 2012< thi! could haper the trading in po!t 2012 carbon credit!> In
turn thi! will affect the intere!t in de+eloping new clean energy pro?ect! and other
cliate change initiati+e! in de+eloping countrie!> 'ith the lac= of long ter price
incenti+e! for reducing #$# ei!!ion!< in+e!tent trend! in green pro?ect! could
return to noral le+el!> &ut with thi! fund in place< A0& hope! to !tiulate new
in+e!tent! in clean energy pro?ect! e+en before a new international agreeent i!
reached> The 3uture *arbon 3und al!o goe! with A0&B! *arbon /ar=et Initiati+e
-*/I.< which pro+ide! pro?ect cofinancing facility< carbon credit ar=eting progra<
and technical !upport for pro?ect preparation and ipleentation of *0/ eligible
pro?ect! and their de+eloper!>
Seed *apital A!!i!tance 3acility -S*A3.
'ith the 4nited ,ation! En+ironent Progra -4,EP. and A0&
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>!caf1energy>orgD
Eric 4!her -eric>u!herMunep>org.
Eane &rett -E&rettMadb>org.
S*A3 for +enture capital wa! funded fro the #lobal En+ironent 3acility with 2>(
illion 4S0 in 200(>5" The S*A3< a c"#m+te f#n+nce opt#on i! a grant ba!ed TA
?ointly ipleented by A0& and the 4nited ,ation! En+ironent Prograe
-4,EP.> A0& announced in Eune 2011 it! plan to pro+ide fro S*A3 one illion
4S0 each to two clean energy 1 focu!ed pri+ate eFuity fund anager!< one with the
Philippine! a! co doicile> 5% S/E! would ha+e to addre!! the!e 1 pre!ently not yet
=nown 1 fund anager! once they ha+e been !elected>
Su!tainable Energy 3inance -SE3. PrograV
International 3inance *orporation -'orld &an= #roup.
Art *ariaga -acariagaMifc>org.
-"32. (;(1%333
The I3*< the pri+ate ar of 'orld &an=< i! a direct in+e!tor and !upport! the
Su!tainable Energy 3inance -SE3. progra of &an= of Philippine! I!land! -&PI.
!ince 2002>"3 In 2010< I3* and &anco de )ro 4niban=< Inc -&0).< the countryB!
large!t ban=< coenced their SE3 cooperation> The pro?ect entail! a ri!= !haring
facility -Gthe 3acilityH. of up to ;; illion 4S0>
In 2011< /etroban= ?oined> 3urtherore< I3* in+e!ted in Planter!ban= and !upport!
the E**PB! Energy Sart Progra> I3* with !upport fro the #lobal En+ironent
3acility -#E3."; wor=! hand1in1hand with ban=! to enable bu!ine!!e! to finance
their EE and RE pro?ect!> I3*B! technical e@pert!< a TA coponent< deterine
po!!ible energy pro?ect! that can help le!!en electricity co!t!< ipro+e production
and operational efficiency< increa!e copany profitability and reduce #$#
'herea! the SE3 and !upport in E**PB! Sart progra addre!!e! al!o S/E!< I3*
engage! al!o in large RE financing with a ;>1 billion P$P loan -alo!t 100 illion
4S0. for the Energy 0e+elopent *orporation -the pri+ati7ed P,)* E0*. to fund
in+e!tent! in the geotheral !ector>
L$a, Pr$0ra4- $+ U,/3er-a* Ba,A-
Sustainable Energy Finance (SEF) Program with the IFC:
&an= of the Philippine I!land!
&PI i! a ban= with a dedicated #3 hallar= which i! the Su!tainable Energy 3inance
-SE3. Progra> &PI proote! SE3 with a !pecial brochure a!=ing cu!toer! to
Invest #n Energy Eff#c#ency< to Cut Power Costs< and to E*p"ore 4ew 5echno"og#es<
6e Env#ronment-1r#end"y>
The SE3 Progra pro+ide! financing to in+e!t in technologie! aied at ipro+ing
the efficiency of energy generation< energy di!tribution and energy u!e> Su!tainable
energy pro?ect! include EE odification! and RE technologie!>
&PI pro?ect! that !uch technologie! can reduce operating and energy e@pen!e! by
at lea!t 20 percent< Gs+v#ngs th+t go str+#ght to your comp+ny7s ,ottom "#ne>H G5h#s #s
+"so +n opportun#ty to "essen c+r,on em#ss#ons% wh#ch gre+t"y contr#,ute to the
wor"dw#de #ssue of g"o,+" w+rm#ng>H
&PI ha! !et up the SE3 progra with I3* !upport and ad+erti!e! in+e!ting in EE a!
coercially +iableC 5urn#ng your 6us#ness 0$EE4 to 0'8&> The ban= offer! it!
clientele technical e@perti!e< ad+ice< and data for the loan propo!al -the!e are co!t
!a+ing! for applicant! D entrepreneur!. and lin=ing with technology +endor!<
!upplier! and con!ultant!>
Product e!!ential! include
1 wor=ing capital financing for purcha!ing of raw aterial! and con!uable! !uch
a! light bulb!< cooling refrigerant! and other !hort ter financing need!>
1 capital e@penditure financing for financing fi@ed a!!et acFui!itionC new plant or
building con!truction< for e@pan!ion or oderni7ation< acFui!ition of achinery
and eFuipent !uch a! cooling !y!te!>
1 lea!ing a! a ethod of paying for the u!e of an a!!et o+er a !pecified period of
tie< an alternati+e ode of financing an a!!et copared to outright purcha!e or
borrowing> Any type of a!!et can be lea!ed a! long a! it i! durable< identifiable<
in!urable and ha! a good !econdary ar=et and reliable after !ale! !upport>
Indu!trial achinerie! !uch a! generator!< copre!!or! air conditioner! and
anufacturing eFuipent can al!o be lea!ed through the SE3 Progra>
I3* guarantee! 50 percent of the loan with a a@iu aount of 150 illion P$P>
The detail! of the guarantee ha+e not been e@plored> 3or RE and EE pro?ect!< the
a+erage loan aount e@ceed! 100 illion P$P> *lient! ha+e to !ubit +ariou!
contract!< perit!< and licen!e!< including E**!>
&anco de )ro 4niban= -&0).
In!titutional &an=ing #roup
*ontact Per!on!C
'alter *> 'a!!er< #roup $ead< In!titutional &an=ing
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (%(1;35;
EailC wa!!er>walterMbdo>co>ph
Edund S> Soriano< E@ecuti+e 9ice Pre!ident< *orporate &an=ing
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (%(1;(;(
EailC e!!Mbdo>co>ph
Eo!eph R>&> 5ledo< 9ice Pre!ident
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (%(1;210
EailC lledo>?o!ephMbdo>co>ph
In 2010< top lender &anco de )ro 4niban= Inc -&0). ha! !igned an agreeent with
I3* on local pri+ate !ector financing for Gsust+#n+,"e energy #nvestments th+t w#""
he"p the country m+n+ge c"#m+te ch+nge.9 &0) !ee! a lot of in+e!tent potential in
the EE and RE ar=et! a! well a! in *0/ finance> I3*B! !upport for the Su!tainable
Energy 3inance -SE3. progra build! on a 150 illion 4S0 eFuity in+e!tent in the
ban= earlier thi! year and a 20 illion 4S0 !ubordinated note in+e!tent in 200%>
*hina &an=ing *orporation
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>chinaban=>phDAbout*&*Dnew!detail>a!p@WidL*30(23;211"531
Addre!!C *hina &an= &uilding< (%;5 Pa!eo de Ro@a! corner 9illar Street
/a=ati *ity 122"< Philippine!
*arbon 3inance Support 3acility -*3S3.
En+ironental Progra and /anageent 0epartent
5and &an= of the Philippine! -5&P or 5andban=.
3loor< 5andban= Pla7a< 152( />$>0el Pilar corner 0r> Nuinto! Street!
/alate< /anila< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. ;051%%35 to 3"
3a@ ,o>C -"32. 52(1(;(;
Eail!C ?rao!Mail>landban=>coI pcaladoMail>landban=>co
'eb!iteC http!CDDwww>landban=>coDproduct!PcarbonPfinance>a!p
Eatropha 3inancing Progra -with Anchor 3ir.
Progra /anageent 0epartent I
5andban= of the Philippine!
3loor< 5andban= Pla7a< 152( />$>0el Pilar corner 0r> Nuinto! Street!
/alate< /anila< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. ;051%001< 52210000 6 52212200 local! 230%< 23%"
'eb!iteC http!CDDwww>landban=>coDproduct!P?atrophaPfinancing>a!p
S/E!< farer organi7ation!< and large agriba!ed corporation! are potential
participant! in the Eatropha 3inancing Progra which !upport! biofuel pro?ect!
!ourced fro ?atropha curca! or tu,+-tu,+>
5oan *eilingC ;3 205 P$P per hectare
*o!t !haring ratioC 5&P %" percentI P,)*1A3* 2 percentI #rower! 15 percent
5oan tenorC !e+en year!
#race periodC three year! on principal
0eferred intere!t for the fir!t three year! to be !pread o+er the reaining ter
Eligibility *riteriaC
u!t pa!! the technical +alidation of the Anchor 3irV.
u!t pa!! 5&PB! lending criteria
u!t !ign Production< Technical< /ar=eting Agreeent -PT/A. with Anchor 3irV
VAnchor 3ir i! a duly regi!tered bu!ine!! entity engaged in biofuel! de+elopent
that i! capable of a!!uring the ar=et for ?atropha !eed!DoilDbiodie!el in coercial
Fuantitie!< and pro+iding technical a!!i!tance to the grower!>
*ountry1!ide 5oan 3und
5and &an= of the Philippine!
'eb!iteC http!CDDwww>landban=>coDproduct!Pclf>a!p
The 'orld &an= finance! 5&PB! *ountry!ide 5oan 3und -*53.< a whole!ale credit
facility> It i! ade a+ailable through 5&P to participating -accredited. financial
in!titution! -open to all ban=!. for relending to eligible !ubborrower!< li=e !ole
proprietor!hip!< partner!hip!< corporation! -at lea!t %0 percent 3ilipino owned.<
cooperati+e! D a!!ociation!>
5&P ention! e@plicitly en+ironental protection pro?ect! -li=e wa!tewater treatent
facility< bioga!< etc. a! eligible under the *redit Support for the En+ironent<
Agribu!ine!!< Sall and /ediu Enterpri!e! Progra -*REA/.> Al!o< touri!
related pro?ect! can obtain finance under thi! !chee>
*apacity &uilding to Reo+e &arrier! to Renewable Energy 0e+elopent : Pro?ect
Preparation 3und -*&RE01PP3.
5and &an= of the Philippine!
Renewable Energy for 'i!er and Accelerated Re!ource! 0e+elopent -RE'AR0.
Progra< 5and &an= of the Philippine!
To help in further prooting the de+elopent of alternati+e fuel and energy !ource!<
5&P ha! opened a loan facility called Renewable Energy for 'i!er and Accelerated
Re!ource! 0e+elopent or RE'AR0> It ay be a+ailed of by entrepreneur!
-whether !ole proprietor<partner!hip or corporation.< cooperati+e!< 5#4! and ,#)!
to help the underta=e pro?ect fea!ibility !tudie! or pro+ide wor=ing capital and fi@ed
a!!et in+e!tent for RE pro?ect!>
Eligible pro?ect! for financing include biofuel< bioa!!< hydropower< wind pro?ect!<
geotheral< !olar photo+oltaic< !olar water heater! and cogeneration pro?ect!>
)f the total appro+ed loan!< RE !ource! !uch a! geotheral< hydro power and
bioa!! recei+ed 3>% billion P$P -about 20 illion 4S0. while uch !aller biofuel!
pro?ect! accounted for 22">2 illion P$P -5>; illion 4S0.> /ea!ured by it! total
portfolio< about 2 percent i! in+e!ted in green en+ironental finance>
The 5and &an= ha! 5#4 e@clu!i+e green financing facilitie!> $owe+er until 2010 no
!pecific financing window for S/E! wa! e!tabli!hed although e@i!ting financing
progra! for S/E! !uch a! the Retail *ountry!ide 3und -R*3. and the *ountry!ide
5oan 3und -*53. can !upport in+e!tent! in en+ironental initiati+e!> 5&P a=e! it
andatory for borrower! D pro?ect proponent! to prepare and !ubit IEE D E** for
pro?ect! !ubitted for R*3 and *53 financing>
0e+elopent &an= of the Philippine! -0&P.
0&P +igorou!ly pur!ue! it! coitent to en+ironental protection and !u!tainable
de+elopent> 0&P i! one of the fir!t Philippine ban=! to integrate en+ironental
con!ideration! in all a!pect! of it! operation!> The ban= ha! e!tabli!hed an
En+ironental /anageent Sy!te -E/S. and obtained IS) 1;001 E/S
certification> 0&P pro+ide! financing a! well a! technical a!!i!tance to pro?ect! that
pa!! en+ironental criteria -sound.> The ban= wor=! hand1in1hand with =ey player!
fro both the pri+ate and public !ector! !uch a! 5#4!< national agencie!< pri+ate
corporation!< ultilateral and bilateral lending in!titution!< pri+ate ban=!< rural ban=!<
cooperati+e!< aong other!> 0&P play! al!o an acti+e role in encouraging client!
and their participating financial in!titution! under it! whole!ale lending progra< to
include en+ironental con!ideration! in their bu!ine!!e! and thru!t!>
0&PB! coitent to en+ironent i! irrored in the e!tabli!hent of the
En+ironent and *liate *hange 4nit Progra 0e+elopent> The ban= eploy!
!peciali!t! who are freFuently -at lea!t once annually. trained to handle
en+ironental i!!ue!>
0&P acti+ely proote! in+e!tent! in
1clean technology
1!olid wa!te anageent
1new and renewable energy
1carbon in+e!tent ban=ing
1rural electrification D rural power
1natural re!ource! con!er+ation
1pollution abateent and control
1water !upply and water!hed anageent>
Production of &iofuel! Pro?ect!
Ru!tico ,oli 0> *ru7< Senior /anager
Tel> ,o!>C -"32. (2312%;5D(1(12511 local 23;0
EailC rndcru7Mdbp>ph
Eericho ,> /artine7< A!!i!tant /anager
EailC ?nartine7Mdbp>ph
,ew and Renewable Energy Pro?ect!
Ru!tico ,oli 0> *ru7< Senior /anager
Tel> ,o!>C -"32. (2312%;5D(1(12511 local 23;0
EailC rndcru7Mdbp>ph
/aria I!olde #> Sal+ador
Tel> ,o!>C -"32. (;013;35D(1(12511 local 23;0
The progra for new and renewable energie! i! eant for larger enterpri!e! but !till
within the reach of !all and ediu incorporated enterpri!e! -appro@iately
a@iu loan for a ediu enterpri!e i! 4S0 1 illion 4S0.> The facility finance!
EE pro?ect! without any indication of a iniu loan aount> 'hile it i! intended
al!o for pri+ate enterpri!e!< there ay be few ta=er! aong S/E! for thi! type of
Priority pro?ect! include power generation -renewable and con+entional energy.<
alternati+e fuel!>
Eligible borrower! include pri+ate corporation! -at lea!t %0A 3ilipino1owned.< local
go+ernent unit!< electric cooperati+e!< pri+ate financial in!titution! and go+ernent1
owned and controlled corporation!>
En+ironent Protection and /anageent 3acility
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>dbp>phDde+ban=ing>phpWcatL101
Anita *> Salayon< A!!i!tant 9ice1Pre!ident
Tel> ,o!>C -"32.(121;02D(1(12511 local 23;2
EailC ac!alayonMdbp>ph
RacFuel *er+ante!1A7ure!< /anager
EailC rca7ure!Mdbp>ph
/arichelle 3> *orachea< A!!i!tant /anager
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (1(12511 local 2352
EailC fcoracheaMdbp>ph
,oel A> Arriola< A!!i!tant /anager
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (1(12511 local 2353
EailC naarriolaMdbp>ph
Rural Power Pro?ect of the 0epartent of Energy -Philippine!.
'ith the 0&P
The Pro?ect /anageent )ffice< 4nit 2&05< Nuadrant &< &onifacio $igh Street
&onifacio #lobal *ity< Taguig *ity< /etro /anila< Philippine!
Tel> ,o!>C -"32. (5"15("1 to "2
3a@ ,o>C -"32. (5"15("1 to "2 local 110
*ontact Per!on!C
/!> /ylene *> *apongcol< Pro?ect 0irector
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (;012120
EailC ycap!Mdoe>go+>ph
/!> Alicia 0e #u7an< /ini1grid /anager
EailC degu7anMdoe>go+ph
The Rural Power Pro?ect -RPP. wa! appro+ed by the 'orld &an= in 2003 through
the #lobal En+ironent 3acility -#E3< 12 illion 4S0 grant fund.> The pro?ect al!o
ai! to contribute toward! the global ob?ecti+e of itigating cliate change cau!ed
by #$# ei!!ion! through wider u!e of clean and RE technologie! in power
The RPP target! wereC financing acce!! to electricity for 10 000 hou!e! with ;0
illion 4S0 or about ;000 4S0 -1%5 000 P$P. per hou!e> The RPP prooted !olar
hoe !y!te! -S$S. of about 20 : 50 watt pea= capacity for indi+idual hou!ehold!
and 100 watt pea= capacity or ore for !all bu!ine!! or counal u!e> The
!y!te! are di!tributed and !er+iced on coercial ba!i! by G!ccred#ted
P+rt#c#p+t#ng P: Comp+n#es9 and pro+ided appropriate incenti+e! by the pro?ect>
0&P differentiate! between four pro?ect type!> Tho!e rele+ant for S/E! and
cooperati+e! are
Type AC 3or de+elopent and con!truction of !all !cale energy generation and
ini1grid rural electrification pro?ect! thru con+entional and RE re!ource!>
Type 0C Any pro?ect which ipro+e! the reliability and efficiency of rural power
!upply and increa!e acce!! to electricity !er+ice! by un!er+ed cu!toer!>
The intere!t rate! fi@ed for up to 15 year! are 2 percent per year for the initial fi+e
year! and 10 percent per year afterward!>
The pro?ect wa! !ucce!!fulC 'orld &an= appro+ed additional finance -alo!t 50
illion 4S0. in 2002> Today 0&P offer! financing for ,ew and Renewable Energy
G$3er,4e,# I,-#/#2#/$,-:
5ocal financing in!titution! with an en+ironentali!t agenda are /unicipal 0e+elopent
3und )ffice! -/03). and 5#4 #uarantee *orporation -5#4#*.> /03) only pro+ide!
loan! to 5#4! 1 not for pri+ate enterpri!e!> 5#4#* pro+ide! guarantee! for 5#4 loan!>
&oard of In+e!tent!
Indu!try and In+e!tent! &uilding< 3(5 Sen> #il Puyat A+e>< /a=ati *ity< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (2%1""(2D(201230(
'eb!iteC www>boi>go+>ph
0epartent of Energy -0)E.
In+e!tent! Prootion )ffice -IP).
Tel> ,o>C (;012255
Renewable Energy /anageent &ureau
Tel> ,o>C (;011(1% /erritt Road< 3ort &onifacio< /a=ati *ity
'eb!iteC www>doe>go+>ph
9enture 3inancing
Technology Application and Prootion In!titute -TAPI.
0epartent of Science and Technology< #en> Santo! A+e>< &icutan< Taguig *ity
1"3;< Philippine!
*ontactC /!> /ylene Alano
Tel> ,o>C -"32. (3%120%1 to (2 5ocal 215(
EailC ylenePalanoMyahoo>co
E,er0y Ser3/"e C$4pa,/e- ESCO-!
ES*)! play a role in financing green in+e!tent!> Soe of the offer client! an entire
EE or RE pac=age including financing< building and operating> Energy !a+ing! are
!hared aong the facility owner and the ES*) for a nuber of year!>
*PI Energy *opanie!
3loor< )//1*ITRA &uilding< 32 San /iguel A+enue< )rtiga! *enter< Pa!ig *ity
1"05 /etro /anila< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. "3512"22
3a@> ,o>C -"32. "3512"23
'eb!iteC httpCDDwww>cpi1energy>co
*PI Energy Phil! Inc wa! e!tabli!hed in 122" when the country wa! barely out of
the energy cri!i! that engulfed the Philippine! in the 1220!> It! initiation in pro?ect
de+elopent in the IPP bu!ine!!< it! principal andate< brought the copany into
di+er!e area! of con!ulting and engineering intertwined with inno+ation! and
technologie! in energy< en+ironent< tran!portation and counication>
Phil*arbon Inc>
4nit 31(& 5RI &u!ine!! Pla7a< 210 ,> #arcia St> &el1Air
/a=ati *ity 1202 Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. ;031"3(2D;031"320
Telefa@ ,o>C -"32. ;031"320
'eb!iteC www>philcarbon>co
Phil*arbon pro+ide! a full cycle and integrati+e !er+ice fro pro?ect
conceptuali7ation< forulation of pro?ect fea!ibility !tudy< pro?ect finance pac=aging
-G;+ss#st #n f#n+nc#ng +rr+ngements w#th f#n+nc#+" #nst#tut#ons.9.< !trategie!
forulation in the de+elopent of RE !ource! for power generation a! well a! the
related tran!action docuentation for pro?ect! eligible under the *0/ and trading of
carbon credit! following the rule! and practice! under the Ryoto Protocol>
Penwood *orporation
3loor< 9#P *enter< "%%2 Ayala A+enue< /a=ati *ity 122"< Philippine!
Tel> ,o>C -"32. 3101((%2
EailC infoMpenwood>co>ph
'en!iteC www>penwood>co>ph
Penwood !tarted in 200( in the Philippine! a! a profe!!ional pro?ect de+elopent
and anageent group copo!ed of pro?ect de+eloper! and technical e@pert! with
actual e@perience in RE and &iofuel! Pro?ect 0e+elopent> Penwood !peciali7e! in
bioa!! ba!ed power generation and bio1ethanol di!tillery de+elopent and
ipleentation< agriculture and agribu!ine!! de+elopent< plant de!ign< financial
planning< coercial contract! de!ign and negotiation!< ri!= analy!i! and itigation<
and operation! anageent> Penwood i! al!o in+ol+ed in wind and !olar energy
generation pro?ect! in the country> Penwood cooperated with 0&P on a 2;00 illion
P$P biofuel pro?ect in *a+ite< and with 5&P on a ;00 illion P$P rice hu!= burning
pro?ect> ,o report referred to !aller pro?ect! that would be ipleented by S/E!>
M/"r$6F/,a,"/,0 I,-#/#2#/$,-
A!ian Social Enterpri!e Incubator -ASEI.
3% ,> Reye! St> 9ar!ity $ill! Subdi+i!ion
5oyola $eight!< Nue7on *ity
Supported byC
Stiftung Solarenergue or Solar Energy 3oundation Philippine!
2D3 State *ondoiniu I &uilding< 1(" Salcedo Street< 5ega!pi 9illage< /a=ati *ity<
Philippine! 1222
-"32. 22"1%;0((5%D22"1%;0;2;%
C.ap#er >B P$*/"/e- +$r #.e Pr$4$#/$, $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y' I,"*2d/,0 I,"e,#/3e-
E,ab*/,0 *a5
Renewable Energy Act of 200( -R>A> 2513.
e!tabli!he! the nece!!ary infra!tructure and echani!! to carry out the
go+ernentB! thru!t to proote the de+elopent< utili7ation and coerciali7ation
of renewable energy !ource!
proote! the purcha!e< grid connection and tran!i!!ion of electricity generated
fro renewable energy !ource! to en!ure it! ar=et
pro+ide! incenti+e! !uch a! e@eption fro +ariou! ta@e! and dutie! to a=e
in+e!tent! ore attracti+e
/ar=et !upport
X 0i+er!ification of energy !upply to contribute to the growth of the renewable energy
X Renewable Portfolio Standard! -RPS. policy which reFuire! electricity !upplier! to
!ource a certain portion of their energy !upply fro eligible RE de+eloper!
X 3eed1in Tariff -3IT. for electricity produced fro eligible RE re!ource!
F/-"a* /,"e,#/3e- +$r RE de3e*$per-
1> Income 5+* -o"#d+y 2I5-3 for the fir!t !e+en -%. year! of coercial operation!
2> &uty-free Import+t#on of $E m+ch#nery% e<u#pment +nd m+ter#+"s including control
and counication eFuipent within the fir!t ten -10. year! upon i!!uance of a
certification of entitleent to incenti+e!
3> Spec#+" t+* r+tes on realty and other ta@e! on ci+il wor=!< eFuipent< achinery< and
other ipro+eent! actually and e@clu!i+ely u!ed for RE facilitie! not to e@ceed one
and a half percent -1>5A. of their original co!t le!! accuulated noral depreciation or
net boo= +alue
;> 4et 'per+t#ng 8oss C+rry-'ver 24'8C'3 during the fir!t three -3. year! fro the
!tart of coercial operation which had not been pre+iou!ly off!et a! deduction fro
gro!! incoe !hall be carried o+er a! a deduction fro gro!! incoe for the ne@t !e+en
-%. con!ecuti+e ta@able year! iediately following the year of that lo!!
5> Corpor+te 5+* $+te of ten percent -10A. on net ta@able incoe after IT$
"> !cce"er+ted &eprec#+t#on of plant< achinery< and eFuipent that are rea!onably
needed and actually u!ed for the e@ploration< de+elopent and utili7ation of RE
re!ource! -0epreciation rate not to e@ceed twice the noral rate.
%> =ero Percent :+"ue > !dded 5+* $+te on !ale! of fuel or power generated fro
renewable !ource!
(> 5+* E*empt#on on all proceed! fro the !ale of carbon ei!!ion credit!
2> 5+* Cred#t on RE achinery< eFuipent< aterial!< and part! purcha!ed fro a
doe!tic anufacturer< eFui+alent to one hundred percent -100A. of the +alue of the
9AT and cu!to dutie! that would ha+e been paid had the!e ite! been iported>
N$,6F/-"a* I,"e,#/3e-
1> $enew+,"e Portfo"#o St+nd+rd 2$PS3 1 refer! to a ar=et1ba!ed policy that reFuire!
electricity !upplier! to !ource an agreed portion of their energy !upply -in on1grid
!y!te!. fro eligible RE !ource!
2. 1eed-#n 5+r#ff 21I53- refer! to a renewable energy policy that offer! guaranteed
payent! on a fi@ed rate per =ilowatt1hour for eerging renewable energy !ource!<
e@cluding any generation for own u!e> Thi! policy include! but i! not liited to the
following rule!C
a> Priority connection to the grid
b> Priority purcha!e and tran!i!!ion of and payent for by grid !y!te operator!
c> #uaranteed payent of fi@ed tariff for at lea!t 12 year! Pr/3/*e0e-
1> E*empt#on from the ?n#vers+" Ch+rge under the following circu!tance!C
a> If the power or electricity generated through the RE Sy!te i! con!ued by the
generator! the!el+e!I andDor
b> If the power or electricity through the RE Sy!te i! di!tributed free of charge in the
off1grid area! 2> C+sh #ncent#ve of $E &eve"opers for .#ss#on+ry E"ectr#f#c+t#on : ca!h
generation1ba!ed incenti+e per =ilowatt1hour rate generated< eFui+alent to 50A of the
uni+er!al charge for the power needed to !er+ice i!!ionary area! where the RE
0e+eloper operate!< to be chargeable again!t the uni+er!al charge for i!!ionary
3> P+yment of tr+nsm#ss#on Ch+rges : option to pay the tran!i!!ion and wheeling
charge! of TRA,S*)< it! conce!!ionaire or it! !ucce!!or1in1intere!t! on a per =ilowatt1
hour ba!i! at a co!t eFui+alent to the a+erage per =ilowatt1hour rate of all other
electricity tran!itted through the grid of a regi!tered RE 0e+eloper producing power
and electricity fro an interittent RE Re!ource!
@.Pr#or#ty +nd .ust &#sp+tch for Interm#ttent $E $esource > Nualified and regi!tered RE
generating unit! with interittent RE Re!ource! !hall be con!idered Gu!t di!patchH
ba!ed on a+ailable energy and !hall en?oy the benefit of priority di!patch
An Ipleenting Rule! and Regulation! will be forulated to integrated RA 2513 into
the pre+iou! law!>
Geothermal Energy Policy Incenties
*urrent incenti+e! for geotheral !er+ice contractor! under Pre!idential 0ecree ,o>
1;;2< otherwi!e =nown a! GAn Act to Proote the E@ploration and 0e+elopent of
#eotheral Re!ource!H are the followingC
Reco+ery of operating e@pen!e! not e@ceeding 20A of the gro!! +alue in any year
with carry1forward of unreco+ered co!t
Ser+ice fee of up to ;0A of the net proceed!
E@eption fro all ta@e! e@cept incoe ta@
E@eption of payent of tariff dutie! and copen!ating ta@ on the iportation of
achinery< eFuipent< !pare part! and all aterial! fro geotheral operation!
0epreciation of capital eFuipent o+er a ten -10. year period
Ea!y repatriation of capital in+e!tent! and reittance of earning!
Entry of alien technical and !peciali7ed per!onnel -including eber! of iediate
!ini"#ydroelectric Power Policy Incenties
The Republic Act ,o> %15" or the /ini1$ydro 5aw pro+ide! the following right! and
pri+ilege! for ini1hydro de+eloper! a! follow!C
Special pri+ilege ta@ rate! : Ta@ payable by de+eloper!Dgrantee! to de+elop potential
!ite! for hydroelectric power and to generate< tran!it and !ell electric power !hall
be 2A of their gro!! receipt!
Incoe ta@ holiday for !e+en -%. year! fro the !tart of coercial operation!
Ta@ and duty1free iportation of achinery< eFuipent and aterial! : E@eption
fro payent of +alue1added ta@ -9AT. on iportation of achinery and eFuipent
-within % year! fro the date of awarding of contract.
Ta@ credit on doe!tic capital in+e!tent : 3or de+eloper! who buy achinery<
eFuipent< aterial! and part! fro local anufacturer-!.< ta@ credit i! gi+en
eFui+alent to 100A of +alue of 9AT and cu!to dutie! that would ha+e been paid to
iport !aid achinery< eFuipent< etc>
Specialty realty ta@ rate! on eFuipent and achinery : Realty and other ta@e! on
ci+il wor=!< eFuipent< achinery and other ipro+eent! of a regi!tered ini1
hydroelectric power de+eloper !hall not e@ceed 2>5A of their original co!t
9AT E@eption : E@eption fro payent of 10A 9AT on gro!! receipt! deri+ed
fro the !ale of electric power whether wheeled +ia ,P* grid or electric utility line!
B/$+2e*- A"#
/ar=et )pportunity
Increa!ing deand> The act created a ar=et for biofuel! through the reFuired blend
of biodie!el and bioethanol with the !tandard die!el and ga!oline fuel< re!pecti+ely>
E@ce!! !upply : opportunity in the iportation of e@ce!! !upply of biodie!el in the
0e+elopent Plan! and Progra!
Pro+ided for by the ,ational &iofuel! Progra following a fraewor= that
encopa!!e! the area! of feed!toc=< indu!try and technology de+elopent<
guideline! and !tandard! enforceent and e+aluation and indu!try prootion>
Shown in Table % i! the !uary of the policie! and incenti+e! for the prootion of RE>
Tab*e =B S244ary $+ P$*/"/e- a,d I,"e,#/3e- +$r #.e Pr$4$#/$, $+ REB
P$*/"/e- De-"r/p#/$,
Rep2b*/" A"#
RA! ?:&%
Renewable Energy Act of 200(C An act prooting the de+elopent<
utili7ation and coerciali7ation of renewable energy re!ource!
and for other purpo!e! -fi!cal and non1fi!cal incenti+e!< go+ernent
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>doe>go+>phD5aw!A20and
RA ?%<= &iofuel! Act of 200"C an act to direct the u!e of biofuel!< e!tabli!hing
for thi! purpo!e the biofuel progra< appropriating fund! thereof<
and for other purpo!e!>
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>doe>go+>phD5aw!A20and
C/r"2*ar DC!
N$B ())=6):6
Rule! and Regulation! Ipleenting RA 2"3%>
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>doe>go+>phD5aw!A20and
RA =&:< GAn Act #ranting Incenti+e! to /ini1$ydroelectric Power 0e+eloper!
and for other Purpo!e!H
0ownload lin=C
R2*e- a,d
RA =&:<
Rule! and Regulation! Ipleenting RA %15"
0ownload lin=C
E9e"2#/3e Order
EO! N$B 8<(
GEnabling Pri+ate Sector Participation in the E@ploration<
0e+elopent and 4tili7ation of )cean< Solar and 'ind Re!ource!
for Power #eneration and other Energy 4!e!H>
0ownload lin=C
DC N$B ?>6)%6
Rule! and Regulation! Ipleenting E) ;"2
0ownload lin=C
EO N$B (%( Aending E@ecuti+e )rder ,o> ;"2< Serie! of 122%>
0ownload lin=C
RA N$B ?&%< Electric Indu!try Refor Act of 2001 -EPIRA 5aw.
0ownload lin=C
IRR +$r RA ?&%< Rule! and Regulation Ipleenting RA 213"
0ownload lin=C
Pe,d/,0 B/**- /, #.e H$2-e $+ Repre-e,#a#/3e-' C$,0re-- $+ #.e P./*/pp/,e-
$iomass%&cean%'ae%'ind Energy: ,one
Geothermal%#ydroelectric Energy:
$ou!e &ill ,o> %(1
A, A*T #RA,TI,# T) RESI0E,TS )3 T$E RE#I), '$ERE A #E)T$ER/A5
E,ER#O P5A,T IS 5)*ATE0 A T$IRTO PER*E,T -30A. 0IS*)4,T ), T$EIR
P)'ER RATE *),S4/PTI),
Principal AuthorC
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Referred to Sta=eholder! on 201010210%
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&00%(1>pdf
$ou!e &ill ,o> 2250
A, A*T #RA,TI,# T) RESI0E,TS )3 T$E PR)9I,*E '$ERE A #E)T$ER/A5<
$O0R)E5E*TRI* A,0D)R *)A5134E5E0 P5A,T IS 5)*ATE0 A TE, PER*E,T
-10A. 0IS*)4,T ), T$EIR P)'ER RATE *),S4/PTI),
Principal AuthorC PRI/I*IAS1A#A&AS< /AR5O, 5E#ASPI
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Referred to Sta=eholder! on 201011010;
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&02250>pdf
Solar Energy:
$ou!e &ill ,o> 1%
Principal AuthorC #)5EU< R)I5) S)5IS
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Referred to Sta=eholder! on 2010102101
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&0001%>pdf
$ou!e &ill ,o> 2%(2
A, A*T ESTA&5IS$I,# T$E S)5AR E,ER#O 0E9E5)P/E,T A4T$)RITO A,0
Principal AuthorC #ARI,< EA,ETTE 5)RET)
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Referred to Sta=eholder! on 201010211;
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&02%(2>pdf
$ou!e &ill ,o> ;55"
0E3I,I,# ITS P)'ER A,0 04TIES A,0 3)R )T$ER P4RP)SES
Principal AuthorC 5)PEU< *AR5) 9I55),#*)
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Pending with the *oittee on E,ER#O !ince 2011105102
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&0;55">pdf
$ou!e &ill ,o> 5;05
A, A*T PR)9I0I,# 3)R I,*E,TI9ES A,0 *RE0IT 3A*I5ITIES 3)R
Principal AuthorC *ASIY)< TE00O A>
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Pending with the *oittee on E,ER#O !ince 2011110112
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&05;05>pdf
(enewable Energy:
$ou!e &ill ,o> 2(2"
A, A*T ESTA&5IS$I,# A #REE, E,ER#O 3)R $)/ES A,0 &4I50I,#S
PR)#RA/ I, T$E 0EPART/E,T )3 E,ER#O T) PR)9I0E 3I,A,*IA5
S*A5E E,ER#O E33I*IE,*O A,0 ),1SITE RE,E'A&5E TE*$,)5)#IES
Principal AuthorC OAP< S4SA, A>
/ain ReferralC E,ER#O
Statu!C Referred to Sta=eholder! on 201011010;
0ownload lin=C httpCDDwww>congre!!>go+>phDdownloadDba!icP15D$&02(2">pdf
C.ap#er ?B Ma@$r C$,+ere,"e-' B2-/,e--6#$6B2-/,e-- Mee#/,0-' Te".,$*$0y
R$ad-.$5-' E9./b/#/$,-' B2yer6Se**er Mee#-' P$*/"y D/a*$02e-'
W$rA-.$p-' Tra/,/,0 Pr$0ra4- /, #.e Area $+ Re,e5ab*e E,er0y
Solar Philippine! E@hibition and *onference
,o+eber 1; : 15< 2013< /anila /arriot $otel< /anila< Philippine!
5in=C httpCDDwww>bi7trade!how!>coD!olar1philippine!D
$9A* R Philippine!
-Solar Refrigeration Technologie! and Air *onditioning EFuipent.
,o+eber %< 2012< S/ /all of A!ia< S/8 *on+ention *enter
/anila< Philippine!
En+iro Tech /anila< Trade fair for En+ironental
Indu!try Sector!C En+ironent< Recycling< Renewable Energy< 'a!te /anageent<
'ater /anageent
)ctober 10< 2012< S/8 *on+ention *enter< Sea!hell 0ri+e
(;0;" /anila< Philippine!
TelC Q"3 -2. 55"((((
3a@C Q"3 -2. 55"22%0
S/ /all of A!ia< S/8 *on+ention *enter
/anila< Philippine!
3ood Pac=aging and Refrigeration Philippine!
)ct> 10< 2012< S/ /all of A!ia< S/8 *on+ention *enter
/anila< Philippine!
)ther po!!ible e+ent! related to RE in 2013 to 201;C IT0I to update a! !chedule of
e+ent! are finali7ed>
The Third Philippine Renewable Energy Suit -3PRES.
-to be !cheduled. in 2013 or 201;
Sofitel Philippine Pla7a< /anila< Philippine!
,oteC The fir!t two PRES were held in thi! +enue>
The Second International &ioEnergy *onference -PI&E*.
5in=C httpCDDwww>philippinebioenergy>coD
Seinar1'or=!hop on 'ind Energy Pro?ect 0e+elopent
*ontact Per!onC /!> Arlene $> de )capo
4>P> ,ational Engineering *enter
Euinio $all< 4ni+er!ity of the Philippine! 0ilian< Nue7on *ity
EailC arlene>dePocapoMup>edu>ph
PhoneC "3-2. 2(112500 local 300(
3a@C "3-2. 22%115(1 D 22211%10
'eb!iteC www>upnec>co
Annual E+ent!C
*hina /achinery and Electronic Product! E@po
S/8 *on+ention *enter< Pa!ay *ity< Philippine!
5in=C httpCDDwww>bi7trade!how!>coDtrade1e+ent!Dchina1achinery1
#reen Philippine!
S/ /all of A!ia S/8 *on+ention *enter
/anila< Philippine!
C.ap#er &)B L/-# $+ P2b*/" D$4a/, Te".,$*$0y Da#aba-e- $, RET- 5/#. Free
A""e-- #$ I,+$r4a#/$,
1> www>doe>go+>ph : The Philippine 0epartent of Energy web!ite -new!< download!<
e+ent!< feature!< progra!< pro?ect!< potential !ite!< partner!< !ta=eholder! on RET!.
2> www>renewableenergy>ph : Renewable Energy Philippine! web!ite -new!< blog!<
e+ent! on RET!.
3> www>ngaphil>org : ,ational #eotheral A!!ociation of the Philippine! web!ite
-new!< feature!< area!< blog! on geotheral energy technologie!.
;> httpCDDphilenergydige!t>wordpre!!>co : Philippine Energy 0ige!t web!ite -po!t! on
5> www>pnoc1rc>co>ph : Philippine ,ational )il *opany : Renewable! *orporation
web!ite -new!< e+ent!< progra!< pro?ect! on RET!.
"> www>dl!u>edu>phDre!earchDcenter!DcetreD 1 *enter for /icro1$ydro Technology for
Rural Electrification or *e/TRE web!ite -fabricator!< potential !ite!< pro?ect!<
partner!< !ta=eholder! on icro1hydro energy technologie!
%> 202>20>1;1>12% : teporary !ite for the Philippine ,ational Energy 0ataba!e for
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency de+eloped by the Indu!trial Technology
0e+elopent In!titute< a 4,ES*AP and 4,ES*) Pro?ect : databa!e on
go+ernent !upport< incenti+e! and policie! for the prootion of RE and energy
efficiency and !ucce!! !torie!>
,oteC for updatingDupgrading and reFue!t to the 0)ST for peranent !ite : to date<
acce!!ible only during office hour!< Philippine tie.

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