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I've recenty read a short intervju with Kreimir Miak. He is a Croatian science
journalist, rock musician and SF writer. He is known as host of The Edge of science. He was
talking about trails int he sky and it's impact on man. The article was interesting so I decided
to seek for more information .

There is something in the skies above us that cannot be easily explained. We see it
almost every day, yet we take it for granted. Vast patterns of cloud like contrails cover every
major metropolitan area in the world on a daily basis. They are referred to as chemtrails and
they stretch from horizon to horizon in either direction. Sometimes the patterns resemble a tic-
tac-toe like grid and at other times form huge X shaped patterns. After being sprayed, the
chemtrails slowly merge together to form a huge blanket of cloud cover. The particles that
make up these artificial clouds can take as long as a day to fall to the ground. When they fall
they resemble soap bubbles or an ashy snow like substance and when they settle they leave a
sticky residue on everything they touch. We dont know for certain what these chemtrails are
comprised of or why they are being sprayed above us on a routine basis. Theories range from
an attempt to stop global warming to government attempts to poison us for population control,
but one thing we know for sure is that they do exist.

CONTRAILS VS. CHEM TRAILS (nacrtaj primjer)
People don't know how to differentiate them.

Definition of a contrail: A contrail occurs when a plane travels at a high altitude (about
30,000 ft. or more) and compresses the air into a water vapor or ice crystals through jet
engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail disappears after a minute or so due
to evaporation, because it's water.

Definition of a chemtrail: The term "chemtrail" is a relatively new word, which appeared in
the last few years along with the appearance of chemtrails.

A chemtrail is very different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit like a
contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail does, a chemtrail just keeps
spreading out and forming a hazy cloud bank. These trails traverse the whole sky and stay for
up to around five or even eight hours. They have been known to turn what was originally a
clear blue sky into a grey haze.

In the remains on the ground there were the highest amounts of lithium, barium and
aluminum, as well as fungi and bacteria. All together, thay can cause blood and respiratory
infections, pneumonia, inflammation of the brain, inflammation of the heart muscle,
Alzheimer, infertility, cancer, etc..

Event though the trails are visible all over the world, and we could see them earlier,
since we entered the European Union, we can see them im massive amounts almost every day.
The deny it's impact on man and claim that they are creating a net that would prevent the sun
of warming us too much. It's all about global warming, they say. Germans have admitted that
unmarked planes emit sulfur dioxide, which supposedly creates a cool wrapper around the
earth. The also assert that these particles of toxic sulfur dioxide can not fall to the ground,
which is nonsense.

We live in ignorance. Most people discover the reality of chemtrails by initially
reading about it on the Internet and then going outside and looking up into the sky. They are
shocked to realize that what they had been reading about and seeing in countless photographs
is also taking place right over their heads.
Although a lot of people heard about it, many refuse to believe. Why we are afraid of reality?
It is our life and we have every right to fight against what is destroying us. But if the great
scientists were ridiculed, I wonder what chance do we have, a small, ordinary people.

Lea Mili 3.b

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