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Pascua, Melanie Christine S.

I. Nature
Smoking is the term used to explain the process of inhalation and exhalation of
fumes from burning tobacco in cigars, cigarettes and pipes. Historicall, smo!ing as
a practice, "as follo"ed b nati#es of the $estern Hemisphere, in religious rituals
and for medicinal purposes. It has a histor starting from the late %&''s.
( smo!
Herbs usuall produce fragrance "hile the are burnt. *gptians and +ree!s
"ere found to inhale fumes of burnt herbs for medicinal purpose. It had been learnt
that ancient doctors sometimes prescribed tobacco smo!ing to soothe ner#es. ,he
addicti#e e-ect of tobacco made people use tobacco persistentl. .riginall, the
smo!ed ra", folded tobacco leaf, follo"ed b other ad#ancement, paper rolled,
/ltered, 0a#oured and man more.( 1r. S. Chidambaranathan, Homeopathic
Consultant, 2''3)
II. 4ssessment
4. Biological 5actor
Smo!ers reason that cigarettes (or pipes and cigars e#en) bring do"n the le#el
of irritabilit, anxiet and stress. ,he belie#e smo!ing helps to relie#e tension and
impro#e the mood. Studies indicate that the stress le#els of adult smo!ers are
slightl ele#ated than those of nonsmo!ers. 4dolescent smo!ers also report
increasing le#els of stress as the de#elop regular patterns of smo!ing, and smo!ing
termination leads to reduce stress. ( smo!
B. Pschological
,here are other reasons for smo!ing, ho"e#er, those reasons for smo!ing are
mostl pschological. People are seduced to tr tobacco b the glamori6ation of
smo!ing in the mo#ies and in ad#ertisements. 4ddiction to nicotine ma!es it hard to
7uit smo!ing once ou ha#e started, but this addiction can be o#ercome in t"o
"ee!s once the pschological reasons for smo!ing are eliminated. .ther reasons
"hich usuall trigger smo!ing are the follo"ing8 changing our self9image and
appear more attracti#e, more manl, more feminine, or more intelligent. Sometimes
ou start smo!ing in a misguided attempt to calm our ner#es, cope "ith stress, or
lose "eight, but smo!ing does not help to sol#e the source of our problems or to
compensate for poor eating habits. .thers use smo!ing .n a dare to sho" that ou
are not timid or afraid to /t "ith the cro"d (all m friends do it), to appear
sophisticated or cool, to be gro"n9up, to assert our independence, as a sign of
protest, rebellion, or to def authorit, free samples from friends or ad#ertisers,
in0uences from people ou respect and admire. (4ntonio :amora, 2''&)
C. Social
III. Inter#ention
4. Biological
B. Pschological
C. Social

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