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Why You Need to do Energy Work

Earth is the main school of opposites, where galactic races

can undergo soul regenesis, transform timelines and
alter reversed settings of the light body.
The reversed Hierarchy
of dark Brothers; masters,
adepts, disciples and their The Interplanetary Councils,
Schools. Using the dark leylines, or Higher Cosmic Cooperating
network to create nodal points in 2-5D. Organizations and their minor
The dark Brothers from Maldak and other Galactic Councils, Interplanetary
places, work together with negative galactic races in the Schools and the Council of Inner Earth with
search for the ultimate bio-regenesis program. Always their different levels of consciousness. Earth
working on how to create fear and break-downs in will become galactic Terra, when Earth re-enters
humans to make Earth a chaotic place to live, keeping the higher light worlds. Planetary Schools are
humans in the loop of lower energies. preparing for this, but in a very slow mode to
avoid catastrophes and major break-downs. Those
schools use the leylines of light to create nodal
points where the higher mental light worlds can
connect and interact with humanity.

Integrated ego and soul
When the body only functions Opens up to the 5
connected to the lower mind and Cleansed astral field
uncleansed astral field, the soul merge with the soul/buddhi
and body work under the dark
network. Those two chakras need reverse use of Emptied no connection to
to be cleansed and lifted up to lifeforce the dark network
the heart chakra to connect to
the network of light. This is Lifeforce used correctly to
soul regenesis; to be able to work connect body with soul
with the light worlds and
connected to the network of
light. Randi Green 2013

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