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M Tech Mini-Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of
Master of Technoo!" in Eectrica En!ineerin!
#Co$p%ter Controe& In&%stria Po'er(
A)CD #Roll No*Y+*,-.(
E/01 #Roll No*Y+*,23(
A)ED #Roll No*Y+*,-,(
Under the guidance of
Dr I45L
Department of Electrical Engineering
NIT Ca$p%s P*O*6 Caic%t - 7-,7.36 In&ia
Li$t all $tudent$ % &oll no
one by one
Emblem $hall be clear
'()* ! + '(,,* -
This is to certify that the thesis entitled SYSTEM STUDY FOR
IMPROVEMENT UNDER NON LINER !ONDITIONS" is a #ona fide record of the
$ini%&ro'ect done #y ABCD (Roll No)Y*)+,-./ EFGH (Roll No) Y01+1. and KLN
(Roll No) Y1201+1. 3nder $y s3&er4ision and 53idance/ in &artial f3lfill$ent of the
re63ire$ents for the a7ard of De5ree of Master of Technolo5y in Electrical En5ineerin5
(!o$&3ter !ontrolled Ind3strial Po7er. fro$ National Instit3te of Technolo5y !alic3t
for the year *--,

Dr I./L
sst) Professor
De&t) of Electrical En5ineerin5
Dr /MM/
Professor 8 9ead
De&t) of Electrical En5ineerin5
Date3 Department $eal
Emblem $hall be clear
'()* ! + '(,,*-
If there i$ more than one guide%
4rite $ide by $ide and pro5ide
$pace for !OD*$ $ignature at the
2ro5ide orrect Name 6
If there i$ more
than one guide% put
7our8 in$tead of
Thi$ i$ only a format( It can be changed a$ per your re9uirement
Li$t all
$tudent$ % &oll
Separated by
coma$ and
;efore the la$t

2ro5ide orrect Name 6
to pro<ect guide Dr I45L
to !ead of the Department of Electrical Engineering
to all other$ 0if any1 e$pecially the name of the firm0$1 0if any1if you ha5e collected any
data or $ome thing for the pro<ect
2ro5ide correct name 6 de$ignation
Li$t name of all $tudent$
2ro5ide orrect name
Many commercial and indu$trial po4er $y$tem$ are being burdened by the
proliferation of $en$iti5ity computing e9uipment$ li=e per$onal computer% uninterruptible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>current 4a5eform$% cau$ed by the non linear% on the po4er
di$tribution e9uipment in the $y$tem(
In thi$ pro<ect% >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an attempt ha$ been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and indu$trial load from $teel$((

To $tudy the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> di$tortion$ in all the three pha$e current$(
One page% $elf contained( !ighlighting $ignificance% ob<ecti5e$% method$
adopted% contribution$% achie5ement$% application$ etc
Chapter No TITLE Pa!e no*
Li$t of Abbre5iation$ ii
Li$t of Symbol$ iii
Li$t of Figure$ i5
Li$t of Table$ 5
'(' Introduction '
'(? 2roblem Definition ?
'(, Outline ,
?(' Significance of Model$ B
?('(' Art of Modelling )
B(' &e$ult$ )'
B(? Analy$i$ )B
)(' onclu$ion )D
)(? Future Scope of 4or= )E
Only thi$ frame4or= to be follo4ed
2age no to be gi5en from thi$ page in the form i
;I;LIO"&A2!# F,

Li$t of Abbre5iation$
AppendiG only% If re9uired( omputer code$ 0de5eloped for the pro<ect if any% lengthy deri5ation$%
eGplanation$Hdetail$ of $ome already eGi$ting algorithm$% formulation$ u$ed in the the$i$ $hall be
gi5en in the appendice$(
M2O2 I MaGimum 2o4er Operating 2oint
M22T I MaGimum 2o4er 2oint Trac=ing
2AO I 2erturbation And Ob$er5ation
Inc(ond( I Incremental onductance
2@ I 2hoto5oltaic
Li$t of Symbol$
@pp I @oltage corre$ponding to pea= po4er
Io J Output current in A
@o J Output 5oltage in @
Iph J 2hoton current in A
I$at J Dar= $aturation current J 'C
to 'C
9 J charge of an electron J '() + 'C

A J Diode ideality factor J ' to B
/ J ;oltKmann con$tant J'(,D + 'C
T J ab$olute temperature in /
&$e J Serie$ re$i$tance in ohm$
&$h J Shunt re$i$tance in o=m$

Li$t of Figure$
/i!%re No Tite Pa!e No*
'(? 2ea= lipping '?
A(E !orlic=$ 2roce$$ Flo4 B,
Li$t of Table$
Ta8e No* Tite Pa!e No*
?(' Malt "rinding ?)
A(' Ma$hing AB
B(A ompari$on of &e$ult$ )F
ontinue$ teGt of the$i$ $tart$ from here
In the la$t decade both electrical utilitie$ and cu$tomer$ ha5e eGperienced
increa$ing co$t$ for electric po4er and energy due to e$calating co$t$ of burning fuel$ and
capital co$t$ for building ne4 generation capacity( Load management 4hich change$ the
$hape of the load cur5e $o that the generation by co$tly pea=ing unit$ or capacity
addition$ are a5oided% i$ an effecti5e $olution to the abo5e problem(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an important option for utilitie$ to manage their
pea= deficit(
3*3 Intro&%ction
Electrical energy today con$titute$ about ,CL of the total annual energy
con$umption on a 4orld4ide ba$i$ M'N( Thi$ figure i$ eGpected to ri$e a$ oil $upply for
indu$trial u$e$>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2age no to be gi5en from thi$ page in the form ' upto the end of the the$i$
All reference$ are to be $erially gi5en in thi$ form M'N only
0enera Notes for Thesis
#/or $ini projects an& se$inar reports for
M Tech( 9
Facin5 &a5e3 The title of the the$i$% author% department% month and year of
$ubmi$$ion along 4ith the emblem of the In$titute 4ill be included on the fir$t
co5er( Thi$ may be made in $pecial 9uality paper li=e pla$tic coated paper( 0See
Inner co4er: content$ can be $ame a$ that of the front co5er% but on ordinary AA
$iKe paper(
Single column format and print only on one $ide(
Full <u$tification of all teGt$
En$ure that each ne4 paragraph i$ clearly indicated 4ith an additional $pacing
En$ure that each ne4 $ection heading i$ $eparated by a double $pace(
U$e MS -ord or e9ui5alent LATE+ ( hapterH$ection heading$ $hall be a$ per the font$
$iKe $ho4n belo4( All chapter$ to be $tarted on a fre$h page(
S%!!este& /ont si:es
Detais /ont T"pe /ont si:e Spacin!
Fa"ing page #"o$er and fir%t
page& ' %ee %ample page for
Time$ Ne4
'Apt bold
0Ad<u$table $pacing1
Chapter heading% with "hapter
number on top
Time$ Ne4
'Apt bold
Se"tion heading% Time$ Ne4
'?pt bold
Left ad<u$ted
S3#section headin5s Time$ Ne4
$entence ca$e
Left ad<u$ted
Para5ra&h headin5s Time$ Ne4
$entence ca$e
Left ad<u$ted
;ody of thesis Time$ Ne4
'? pt Ad<u$ted on both left and right
and 4ith '(B $pacing for teGt
and double $pacing for
Mar5ins Left Margin '(B inch To accommodate binding area
&ight Margin '(?B
Top ?(Cinch On page$ on 4hich chapter begin$
Other page$
;ottom '(?B inch
The preliminary part$ are numbered in ro$an n3$erals 0i% ii% etc1( The fir$t page of the
chapter>' on4ard$ 4ill be numbered in ra#ic numeral$ ' ? , etc(
Follo4 internationally accepted $ymbol$% rule$ and con5ention$3 u$e the international
$y$tem of unit$ 0SI1( If other 9uantitie$ are mentioned% gi5e their e9ui5alent in SI(
Li$t the "ree= $ymbol$ fir$t Engli$h letter$ neGt% lo4er ca$e letter$ and upper ca$e letter$
in thi$ order( Each group $hould be arranged in alphabetic order(
Number con$ecuti5ely any e9uation$ that ha5e to be di$played $eparately from the teGt(
EGample fir$t e9uation in chapter , $hall be
?G O , J A 0,('1
It $hall be referred in the teGt a$ E9n(0,('1
Indicate reference$ by number0$1 in $9uare brac=et$ in line 4ith the teGt
All publication$ cited in the teGt $hould be pre$ented in a li$t of reference$(
Number the reference$ 0number$ in $9uare brac=et$1 in the li$t in the order in 4hich they
appear in the teGt(
More than ? author$% the fir$t $hould be li$ted follo4ed by Pet al(P
&eference to a <ournal publication3
M'N .( F( Fuller and /( .( &oe$ler% QInfluence of harmonic$ on po4er di$tribution $y$tem
protection%Q IEEE Tran$( on 2o4er Deli5ery% @ol( ,% No ?% Apr( 'EDD% pp( BAE>BBF(
&eference to a conference publication3
MBN .( F( Fuller and /( .( &oe$ler% QInfluence of harmonic$ on po4er di$tribution $y$tem
protection%Q IEEE>2ES onference on 2o4er Ruality% held at IIT ;ombay% ?C>?, Dec(
?CC,% pp( BAE>BBF(
&eference to a boo=3
M?'N E( lar=e% ircuit Analy$i$ of A 2o4er Sy$tem$% @ol( I( ?nd ed % Ne4 #or=3 -iley
2ublication$% 'EBC% p( D'(
&eference to 4eb $ite$
M??N 444( doe(ho5(orgHfundamental Serie$ Item 2o4er Ruality and !armonic$(htm 0a$
on ?,>,>CF1
;ibliography contain$ material that 4ere u$eful for the preparation of the the$i$ in a
general 4ay and i$ not directly referred to in the the$i$( It i$ not e$$ential% but 4ill be of
u$eful for a per$on 4ho trie$ to read and the the$i$(
Table$ $hould be numbered 0 EGample3 Table ?(? ompari$on of o$t$ 1 con$ecuti5ely
and gi5en $uitable caption$ abo5e the table( &eferred in the teGt a$ Table ?(?
Table$ $hould not duplicate re$ult$ pre$ented el$e4here in the manu$cript 0for eGample% in
graph$1( Footnote$ to table$ $hould be typed belo4 the table and $hould be referred to by
$uper$cript lo4erca$e letter$(
"raph$Hplot$ $hall be clear 4ith aGe$ information and number 0 EGample3 Fig( ?(?
@ariation of Temperature in a typical day1 con$ecuti5ely and gi5en $uitable caption$
belo4 the plotHgraph( &eferred in the teGt a$ Fig( ?(?
Figure aGi$ label$ are often a $ource of confu$ion( Try to u$e 4ord$ rather than $ymbol$(
A$ an eGample% 4rite the 9uantity QMagnetiKation%Q or QMagnetiKation% M%Q not <u$t QM(Q
2ut unit$ in parenthe$e$( Do not label aGe$ only 4ith unit$(
opy pa$te or import from the $imulated $heet$ of $oft4are pac=age$ 4ill not produce
clear$ graph$Hplot$ and $hall not be produced in the the$i$(
olour illu$tration$ and photo$ are allo4ed if clear and nece$$ary( Same $hall al$o be
numbered and titled at the bottom( 2hoto$ $hall be pa$ted on a $eparate page co5ered by a
protection film(
All figure$ and table$ mu$t be in place in the teGt near% but not before% 4here they are fir$t
If there are $ome appendice$% the$e can be numbered a$ A'% A?% A, etc( The e9uation$ in
the$e appendice$ can be numbered a$ 0A'('1% 0A?(,1 etc(
All report$ $hall be $oft bound only 4ith pla$tic laminated co5er(
olour For co5er3 ;Tech HMTech a$ per Dept( indication
Soft copy of the complete the$i$ 0minorHma<orH$eminar1 $hall be uploaded to Digital
library after complete appro5al( Only after thi$ % $tudent$ 4ill get no due$
from library( To a5oid ru$h at the end% $tudent$ are ad5i$ed to upload the
report$ to digital library immedicable after appro5al from the guide$(
-hile $ubmitting the report$ to Digital library% One page ab$tract $hall be $eparately
!ard copie$3 Dept( office >'% "uide0$1> ' each% $tudent0$1 I' each

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