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26 April 2014
Heading home, after the deadliest disaster ever, on the worlds highest peak. 16 Sherpa guides
died in an avalanche on Mt Everest last week. The bodies of three of them have yet to be
recovered. Sherpas are central to the perilous and lucrative Everest climbing industry. They set
roots, secure ropes and carry kit for tourists who often pay tens of thousands of pounds to try to
reach the summit. But theyre demanding greater protection, following the last weeks tragedy.
They want better insurance, more generous compensations for those killed and injured and the
establishment of a Welfare Fund. The Nepaleese government has held talks with the sherpas to try
to persuade them not to boicot this years Everest climbing season. Most climbers are scheduled
to make the summer attempts in just a few weeks time. And the dispute means work to prepare
their high-altitude roots is on hold. A number of big trekking firms have now called off their trips
and it is looking increasingly unlikely that any summer attempts will be made this season.
Ed Marzec, American climber:
The Sherpas know its not safe, the government knows its not safe. Anyone that crosses those
icefalls at this time or this season are doing so at great risk to themselves as climbers and to the
More than seven hundred people have been issued with permits to climb Everest this year. Some
Sherpas say they theyll struggle financially if this season is officially scraped.

Stuart Hughes, BBC News

- En la montaa ms alta del mundo tuvo lugar la peor tragedia de la historia.
- La semana pasada, murieron 16 sherpas en una avalancha en el monte Everest.
- Hay tres cuerpos que an no se han recuperado.
- Los Sherpas juegan un papel central en la industria (peligrosa y lucrativa) del Everest.
- Se encargan de todas las normas de seguridad por las que los turistas pagan enormes
sumas de dinero.
- Ahora demandan ms proteccin, mayores compensaciones por los muertos y heridos y
un programa/fondo de asistencia.
- El gobierno de Nepal ha intentado persuadirlos de no boicotear la temporada de este ao.
- Se espera que los alpinistas comiencen su actividad en unas pocas semanas.
- Y la disputa ha suspendido los preparativos de las medidas de seguridad.
- Agencias de trekking muy importantes han cancelado las excursiones y es probable que en
esta temporada de verano no haya intentos de escalar.
- Los sherpas saben que no es seguro, el gobierno sabe que no es seguro. Cualquiera que
pasa por estas cascadas de hielo en esta poca sabe que se pone en riesgo a s mismo y a
los sherpas.
- Ms de 700 personas tienen permiso para subir al Everest este ao. Algunos sherpas
afirman que habr problemas econmicos cuando la temporada sea oficialmente

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