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August as a eh' d reminds me of swimm'ng all day, sweet com, watermelon.

full of carro potatoes, tOfl'l toes. cucumbefs nd everything bountiful. It's
summ r fliendsh nd activit' s ncl ud ng boatln ski n , h nging out at Ar nolds Park,
sleeping under the sta rs and bUI ding treehouses a nd forts. My childhood memories at
o oboji are wonderful. We don't want you to waste a moment at the Lakes. Get up. get out
and go for it. The quality of time spent with famity nd friends outweighs eYefything else.
Ware in the F\Jn At OIcoboJi" bus ness witn 00 full i of boa pontoon S, person I
watercraft. slO and surf boats. yachts, skis and paddle boards, the Barefoot Bar. eight cruise
boats, etc. We can help you have the most fun while you are here. August is best boating
month, because you are almost guaranteed a hot. sunny day.
This mon h is pac d full of fun, music and politics! On August 4th, Con r sman
Steve KIng wi II visit the Barefoot along with special guest. Rand Paul. The annual
Republican Picnic on August 20th will feature Iowa GovernorTerT)' Branstad There will be
national s te and local office holdefS attending. Organizers are hoping foJ of
presid ntial ho fuls to attend as II, so st y tuned. Oemooat or Repu lie II it Is Iways
important to be informed.
The Full Moon Party on Sunday, August 10th welcomes back the incred'ble Johnny
Holm Band. Nobody od we nobody packs like Johnny Holm. It is
un bly the Ilon st live music show 11'1 tile t. OONT Miss This One! Alii
early! Another notable is Ma'den Dixie on Friday, August 1Sth. it's Shady 8ladv night so
break out your Cowboy hat and boo s and enjoy the best Country Rock ba nd we've heard
in 101)9 time. Labor Day Mood y we will ag 'n host the Amolds Park and Okoboji
Fir man's Auction, Not only Is i fun" but It raises money fOI our local d rtm ts.1 sugg t
you come and bid or donate an auction item. We follow-it up with our Labor Day Dock
Party. We toast the end of tourist season y.;th half pI-ked drinks and music by the
Trademarks. It's the party of the year,' hope you can stay for it!
w mod I boats a' a"l\/ng d ily nd we Ilav a \'ely large Inventory of 1'1 w nd
used boats as well. We've been trading for late model Cobalts and Cro'Mllines and many
nearly new pontoons. We're eager and ready to deal. It is also time to think about ordering
a new boat for spring delivery. Save on storage and insurance and let us help you ge
Il d start on n t year 1'1(;#1.
We have severa I plans in place to INOW you this winter and next spring, We seem to
plan bigger and more exciting things every year. It looks rke really good times are ahead
and not wasti og any more time. 20 More Years of Prosperity: that's my prediction.
Buy that hou ,condo nd boat now and start living U Okoboji 0, m!
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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